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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 5..pdf
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medicine. He went and saw Huby and then came home and had his tea and went to bed soon afterwards. This moerning Daddy, Dick and I went down town in the wagon to get some potatoes and things fior the ghorse. As we were going out the gate we met Bill Donald who was coming to plow for buck wheat. He had rthe horse with rth sore shoulder with him for Dad. to look at again. We went on and got as far as Vyse's and I stayed there to help him fill up his spray barrel and when Dad came back he was going to help him spray Dick could not rise his wheel to aschool on account of the mud so he rode down wqith daddy in the wagonWhen Daddy came back he and I went over home and he came back woith old harry to pull the pump around the orchard. When I ot home I started to cut potatoes and kept