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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 8..pdf
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the orchard. After dinner Bill started to fix a solid place in the wood shed to put the Cream separator on, and Daddy and I put the wardrobe to-gether in Dick's room. I lay down on Dick's bed and finding it very comfortable fell asleep. I was soon aroused from my slumbers by Enah who informed me Daddy was trying to catch Davie in the orchard as he was in Bill's road who had old Harry hooked on to the stone-boat hauling brush up to the other end of the orchard. We got Davie stowed away in one of the boxstalls and then prepared for another journey to town.Herb Lawrie was here after the hay he bought from William's. We got back here with another load and Dick about six o'clock. While unloading I noticed one of the young pigeons had got down with the chickens and they were chasing it and picking at it. I went over and found it dying from a wound in its neck where they had picked it. It died in a few minutes and Ihung ut up down cellar for Bill to eat as it had been well bled. The chickens had another old fellow who can't fly up in the corner too but he escaped with his life. Dick and Bill went down town to-night after tea, andf I think I hear them back now (9.30). I wemnt out and milked Bobby to-night and then mowed the lawn. George Slocomb came over to-night to see if he could put is pony colt in the pasture and dad decided to let him for $1.50 a week month. He will let Davie back with him and he won;t be so lonesome.It has been pretty hot to-day threatening rain several times.