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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 23..pdf

Revision as of Jan 15, 2025, 5:03:17 PM, edited by

They got back about three o'clock this after noon.

I sawed some wood and hoed the potatoes and corn out in the garden by the barn while they were gone.

When they came back we went down town to get our three wire gates and a hay rake that was down in the car. We got back about five and hung one of the gates ant the head of the lane before tea.

After tea we milked and separated the cream which we do all right now and Miss Phipp and Mrs. Martin came and have just gone now (9.15) It has been hot to-day but a stiff breeze.

Bob Law brought 3 or 4 more loads today

Wednesday June 21st

This morning I was aroused from a very peaceful slumber by the sound of many voices mostly dog's. I grew more consious and distinguished Bill's voice informing Daddy that Frank Vyse was here. Then that gentle man declared that Fleming's cow was nearly dead. Daddy gave orders for Belle to be hitched and in a short time he went away with Vyse after first telling me to get up. I said I would and then went back to sleep. In about half an hour Enah came and bothered me till I had to get up. I milked Bobby and Bill milked Spotty. We separated the milk, fed the calves and had breakfast. Then Daddy came and told us he had treated the cow for milk fever but did not know (and aparantly did not care) whether the cow would die or not. He brough home a hoe from Vyse's and Bill and I went back to the corn field to hoe while

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