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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 55..pdf
Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 8:52:09 AM, edited by
the building and I kept them supplied with water and had the rest of the time to myself. I spent most of it lying around in their way.
The cows were up early to-night so we got through early. I started to make a milk stool whether I will get it done or not remains to be seen. Dick and Bill went down town to-night to hear the band. Bill took Enah's wheel down to be fixed. There was an excursion from Norwich in town to-day.
Miss Phipps came over to-night I suppose for some cream.
It has been very sunny to-day but quite cool. At noon it was very dark and rained a few drops but soon cleared off.
The pigs are having a fine time in the orchard now plagueing the life out of poor Davie who is to polite to say any thing