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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 46..pdf
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the agriculturists in the district of the coming Sunday school picnic. Daddy and Enah picked quite a few raspberries over in the old garden. When I ran out of fuel for my worm's nest I came in the house and ate oat cakes that Enah had made this morning.
Daddy and I drove the little team down after some oats and got back a little after six.
Huby could not come over to-day as he was bearer at old manning's funeral they took him way up above Simcoe to some Catholic cemetary. He could not have done any thing any way as the wheat was to went to shock up no more was cut to-day but Young Lambkins came to see about getting the price of weedy hay over next the back.
It was fine all the after noon and borke asif the rain was over.