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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 70..pdf
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Saturday August 19th
This is the great Boughner picnic day to-day and rigs of all kinds have been flocking in along the side road all day. Dick went down early this morning and stayed till late to-night only coming back with the mail about 10 o'clock. I don't know what he did with him-self all day. He was checking parcels to-night and made fifty cents. Emery and I worked around the stable all day Emery was finishing up and flooring the stalls and I was painting window shashes and doing odd jobs for Emery.
Daddy was disking the wheat ground all day and found my old knife which I thought was gone for sure this time. Mrs. McPherson Enah's sister came over with Emery this morning and stayed awhile talking to Mrs. James whom she was very surprised to see and came back this afternoon and took the whole ging-lang except Enah and Jean who walked down to the picnic Enah, Jean and Cecil came back here to tea and the rest stayed at James'. Dad teased Cecil till he had him as mad as a wet hen aand as saucy as as asparrow. After tea Daddy and I did the chores and Enah took Enah cecil and Jean down town and daddy and I drove down about 9 o'clock. We intended going over the park to watch them dance but seeing a fire in the glue room in the woide sprewad the sam eplace it was before we went up and informed Mr. Denly who by the look of things was about to retire but had to jump on his wheel and go down We meet Emery and Doc. Jolley's corner and made plans for gimngf home and executed them in short order. emery and I {Margin te}