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Mary McCullough Diary, 1898

Mary McCulloch 1898 Diary 139.pdf

Revision as of Feb 10, 2025, 1:11:45 AM, created by

Ther. TUES. OCT. 4, 1898 Wea.

This is a wet morning it had rained in the night the boys are off to school I was busy ironing today I had the mens white shirts to starch and iron, and the boys white shirts also so I was quite busy, I then went at the knitting again the men could not work very well today on account of the rain

Ther. WEDNESDAY 5 Wea.

The rain has cleared off and it is warm and pleasant I attended to the housework in the forenoon after dinner in the forenoon after dinner I gathered some flowers for Mrs Henderson, as there is, prayer meeting there tonight it has turned very cool and windy toward evening,

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