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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 33.pdf

Revision as of Dec 4, 2024, 5:30:29 PM, edited by

there was quite a lot of Autos' there. had our lunch under the trees. on tables they even have a house with a row of Gas plates around it for the people to cook on. Then we took Charlotte & Doris around for slides. swings etc. they also have a building with a lot of pigeons in and some peacocks & owls etc. took some snaps. the weather was ideal and we had a good time The papers say it is cold at home. am afraid we will never be satisfied at home in the winter any more.

Jan 23rd Went up to the Library and exchanged a couple more books in the morning. after dinner we took a ride on the street car out the end of Victoria Ave to the street car line to look up Mrs Bickle. after a walk of about half a mile we arrived at the place Mr & Mrs Bickle were very nice. showed up his chickens has 300 mostly Leghorns but not getting very many eggs at present. he also told us that orange groves around there sold for $2000 per acre the people across from them sold a thoudand boxs ornages before Xmas. got $800.00 only 80 cts a box, another neighbour only got $350 for the dam equantity last week. do not think there is much money in thsat this party who got the $800

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