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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 39.pdf

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Feby 5th. Took the Radial Car this a m. at 1040 to San Bernardino about 11 miles from here the Fare was 47 cents each return. we passed through colton on the way. near Colton there were quite a lot of Olives grown, but mostly all the way from here to San Bernardino was oranges. we had our dinner in the Park. took a snap of the Soldiers monument. they have a big Auditorium here erected as a memorian to the soldiers killed in the big war. we saw inside. I guess it would hold 3000 people we walked around some of the main streets and down to the Santa Fe station & Harvey house. it is quite a nice place. population about 25,000 we left at 420 and arrived at Riverside just before 5 oclock.

{Side note} San. Bernardino Elevation 1031 feet

Feby 6th. Had a walk over to Post Office. posted some Cards we sent a couple of small boxs Tangerines one to Grandpa Mac & one to Grandpa. B. sat around the Park. with the Knockers club all say Riverside is a holdup place and orange business no good. hear of failures every day. Met an old man from Minn. who had been in the Civil war. and has belonged to the Odd Fellows for 62 years next June. he had a 55 year badge

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