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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 47.pdf

Revision as of Dec 5, 2024, 6:20:15 PM, created by

Sylva Park. some very nice flowers etc. then we went to Smiley heights had a walk up part of the way very pretty views of redland from there. arrived home at 620 p.m.

Feby 20th. Dean & Garth arrived down here to visit us at noon today. had a walk around the Park. and drove down to Fairmont Park. the lake was spoilt as they are letting the water into the part.went to the Mission Theatre & saw the picture name The man. had to take his car around to the Garage. Mr B. would not let us put it in the back yard. on account of Renting his Garage

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