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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 50.pdf

Revision as of Dec 7, 2024, 4:32:16 PM, created by

when a couple of men from the Coy's office came along and asked me to to go for a ride. This company has 18000 acres of Groves & Vineyards etc. and are selling off part of them. they have 5000 acres of grapes in one block. are selling some. one & two years old. at 10 acre lots at 550 per acre. they also have 5000 acres oranges. selling some at $1200 per acre, and one acre ots tots. for chicken raising at $650 per acre.they have 48000 hogs in the place for their manure. which they sell at $5 00 peer ton delivered. also in the chicken business have thousands of white

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