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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924
Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 50.pdf
Revision as of Dec 7, 2024, 4:37:50 PM, edited by
when a couple of men from the Coy's office came along and asked us to go for a ride. This company has 18000 acres of Groves & Vineyards etc. and are selling off part of them. they have 5000 acres of grapes in one block. are selling some. one & two year old. at 10 acre lots at 550 per acre. they also have 5000 acres orangs. selling some at $12 00 per acre, and one acre lots. for chicken raising at $650 per acre. they have 48000 hogs in the place for their manure. which they sell at $5 00 per ton delivered. also in the chicken business have thousands of white Leghorns also hatch chickens and sell to you for 20 and 25 cents each. one day old, have incubators cabale of hatching 48000 eggs at one time, saw through it & saw some chickens just hatching, they tirn the eggs 5 times each 24 hours. and can turn the 48000 in nfibv eminutes (turned with a crank) called at the office, they would like very much to get your oney, but off curse you had to buy quick as they are nearly sold out, one benefit they claim they have loads of weater always they irrigate grapes from 3 to 5 times a year. cost