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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 60.pdf

Revision as of Dec 9, 2024, 7:32:16 PM, edited by

says they grow a lot of cherries at Beaumont. Had a real Estate agent in trying to sell a orange grove or Walnut grove. Charlotte & Doris both got a real dose of measles. Had Dr Robbie in about 11 oclock tonight

March 9th Sunday. Charlotte looks a little better. but Doris out good now. weather same as usual fine & warm

March 10th Received letter from John have no hot bed manure in yet when he wrote on March 4th. will be late this year. also letter from Ida answering our inquiry asking her to ask Mr Heldman about our trunk says use can send in Bond direct to Burlington. was over in the Park met an old gentleman from St Louis who had been often in Toronto and knew Rev Mr Wilson in Hamilton very well also his brother in St Louis. also saw a party who knew Salt Lake City, said it was a lovely city and that the Seven Day Adventists had an convention there on April 6th said the Utah hotel was high priced but the Windsor was a good hotel.

March 11th. nothing doing Charlotte & Doris in bed yet but seem to be improving went down town bot a couple of pipes one for Grandpa other for Smith

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