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Olive Philp Diary, 1920
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LIQUID MEASURE.4 gills...................... = 1 pint 2 pints...................... = 1 quart 4 quarts..................... = 1 gallon A cubic foot of water weighs almsot 1,000 oz., and contains almost 6 1/4 gallons. SURFACE, SQUARE OR LAND MEASURE144 square inches.............. = 1 square foot 9 square feet.................. = 1 square yard 30 1/4 square yards............ = 1 square rod 10 square chains............... = 1 acre 160 square rods or 4,840 sq. yards.......................... = 1 acre 640 acres...................... = 1 square mile CUBIC OR SOLID MEASURE.1,728 cubic inches.................. = 1 cubic foot 27 cubic feet....................... = 1 cubic yard 128 cubic feet...................... = 1 cord MEASURES OF TIME..60 seconds.......................... = 1 minute 60 minutes.......................... = 1 hour 24 hours............................ = 1 day 7 days.............................. = 1 week 52 weeks............................ = 1 year 12 months........................... = 1 year 365 days............................ = 1 year 366 days............................ = 1 leap-year 100 years........................... = 1 century The mean solar year is equal to 365 days, 5 hrs. 48 min. 46 sec., or nearly 365 1/4 days. Every year whose number is divisble by 4 is a leap year, unless the number of the year ends in two ciphers, in which case the number must be divisible by 400. Thus, 2000 and 2400 will be leap years, but 1900 was not a leap year. ANGULAR MEASURE.60 seconds (")....................... = 1 minute, or 1' 60 minutes(')........................ = 1 degree, or 1° 90 degrees(°)........................ = 1 right angle MISCELLANEOUS.12 articles.......................... = 1 dozen 12 dozen............................. = 1 gross 12 gross............................. = 1 great gross 20 single things..................... = 1 score 24 sheets of paper................... = 1 quire 20 quires............................ = 1 ream |
APOTHECARIES MEASUREFOR FLUIDS.60 minims....................... = 1 fluid drachm 8 fluid drachms................. = 1 fluid ounce 20 fluid ounces................. = 1 pint TROY WEIGHT.For Gold, Silver and Jewels. 24 grains.............. = 1 pennyweight (dwt.) 20 dwts................ = 1 ounce 480 grains............. = 1 ounce 12 ounces.............. = 1 pound 5.760 grains........... = 1 pound MEASURES OF LENGTH.Mile Geographical, Admiralty Knot, or National Mile, 6,080 Feet = 1.15 Mile Statute League.......... = 3 Miles Degree.......... = 60 Geographical, or 69.121 Statute Miles Inch, in........ = 72 Points or 12 Lines Nail, 1/16 yd... = 2 1/4 inches Palm............ = 3 Inches Hand............ = 4 Inches Quarter (or a Spain) = 9 Inches Foot............ = 12 Inches Cubit........... = 18 Inches Yard............ = 36 Inches Pace, Military.. = 2 Feet 6 Inches Fathom.......... = 6 Feet Rod, Pole, or Perch = 5 1/2 Yards Chain (100 Links) = 22 Yards (4 Poles) Link............ = 7.92 Inches Cable's Lenght.. = 100 Fathoms, 600 Feet Furlong......... = 40 Rods, 220 Yards Mile............ = 8 Furlongs, 80 Chains, 320 Rods, 1,760 Yards, 5,280 Feet, 63,360 Inches CIRCLES, SPHERES AND CYLINDERS.Diameter of a Circle x 3.1416 gives Circumference Diameter Squared x .7854 gives Area of Circle Diameter Squared x 3.1416 gives Surface of Sphere Diameter Cubed x .5236 gvies Volume of Sphere One Degree of Circumference x 57.3 gives Radius Diameter of Cylinder x 3.1416, and product of its length gives the Surface Diameter of Cylinder Squared x .7854, and product by the length, gives Volume A Circular Acre is 235,504 feet, a Circular Rood 117.752 feeets in diameter. The Circumference of the Earth is about 24,855 miles, and the Diameter about 7,900 miles |
The following Table gives the equivalents of the principal units of measurements in the British and Metric Systems.
MEASUREMENTS OF LENGTH.1 inch............... = 2.54 centimetres 1 foot............... = 30.48 centimetres 1 yard............... = 91.44 centimetres 1 mile............... = 1.609 kilometres 1 centimetre......... = 0.3937 inches 1 metre.............. = 39.37 inches 1 metre.............. = 1.094 yards 1 kilometre.......... = 0.6214 miles 1 kilometre.......... = 1000 metres 1 metre.............. = 100 centimetres 1 centimetres........ = 10 millimetres MEASUREMENTS OF SURFACE.1 sq. inch.......... = 6.4514 sq. centimetres 1 sq. foot.......... = 929.01 sq.centimetres 1 sq. yard.......... = 8361.3 sq. centimetres 1 sq. yard.......... = 0.83613 sq. metres 1 sq. centimetre.... = 0.1550 sq. inches 1 sq. metre......... = 10.764 sq. feet 1 sq. metre......... = 1.196 sq. yards |
MEASUREMENTS OF VOLUME.1 cu. inch........ = 16.387 cu. centimetres 1 cu. foot........ = 28317 cu. centimetres 1 cu. yard........ = 0.7645 cu. metres 1 cu. centimetre.. = 0.061 cu. inches 1 litre........... = 1000 cu. centimetres 1 litre........... = 61.024 cu. inches 1 cu. metre....... = 1.308 cu. inches 1 imperial gallon. = 10 lbs. water at 62°F. 1 imperial gallon. = 277.274 cu. inches 1 imperial gallon. = 4.546 litres 1 imperial quart.. = 1.136 litres 1 U.S. gallon..... = 231 cu. inches 1 U.S. gallon..... = 3.784 litres 1 litre........... = 1.75598 imperial pints MEASUREMENTS OF WEIGHT (MASS).1 lb. (7000 grains) = 453.59 grams 1 oz............... = 28.3495 grams 1 grain............ = 0.0648 grams 1 kilogram......... = 2.205 lbs. 1 gram............. = 15.432 grains |