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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1918
Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 2.pdf
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Tuesday January1918
About the first thing I did to Celebrate the New Year was to go to bed, all the rest of th family had retired at different times during the last evening of the old year first {Cook?} had Printed three dozen pictures newest of which we intend to send to {Dile?} for her birthday {aud?} I was till nearly midnight getting the last of their washed. Today Frank and I have just done chores and sat around the tower. {Japper?} was in for an hour or more this morning and I gave him my note far the {heifer} use bought {fern} him. {Ilegible} Alice came over {today?} and stayed all night. {Ilegible name }Frank and I all went down to the dance in the hall {illegible} by the L. O. D.C I task W in, Frank get {Destop?} with him. We found and enourmous crowd at the hall gathering in the faud corners of the country waiting impatiently for the music to start for {ilegible} time dance it was {adventure?}At least about an hour later a young duck form {Chincoe} came in and sat down at the piano. When it was discovered that he {represented?} the {eutice?} {ilegible} and that there were no fiddlers these were marked {siques of saquisn?} in the crowd, and by that time one on to one steps had been danced by {ilegible}felt a dozen couples the {ilegible} the sial well {fuel} ahead.