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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1918

Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 3.pdf

Revision as of Jan 23, 2025, 11:40:22 PM, edited by

foaming at the mouth, however after Art {name?} went out and demanded (from poor Dr. Cook who had locked himself in the council chamber and was taking Art's denunciations through the wicket) proper music for square dances or their money back, they managed to skirmish up a fiddle and some fiddlers and callers-off and everybody got their fill of old fasioned dances. We quit about half past two. It is still very cold.

Wednesday January 2nd

Frank and I haven't done anything else but chores today and cut enough wood for tonight. I pasted some snapshots in an album to send to Dick for his birthday. Tonight I went downtown and met Marj. who came back from Haliburton tonight. She left there at six o'clock this morning and it was nearly ten when she got in tonight so she was just about all in. She says it has been down to 5 below zero up there since she went home. I got a pair of rubbers at {name} tonight for Frank and me to give Aunty for her birthday. I also went over to the James and got some wallnuts to put in the box Dad and Enah are getting ready to send to Dick on his birthday. Aunty Alice sent over some doughnuts to put in it. It has been very cold all day with quite a wind from the north.

Thursday January 3rd

This being Aunty's birthday Dad Enah & the baby went down there to dinner and to spend the afternoon. Frank went down in the morning and took down some pigeons to the {place?} He has spent the last few evenings catching them. He also got an axe handle to replace the one I broke yesterday. We did chores and he worked quite awhile trying to put in the new axe handle but didn't suceed very well I sat around and read quite a bit of the time. We started rather late to cut off a big block from the butt of the old oak but chore time overtook us before we finished so will have to finish it tomorrow. It is still down around zero but not so windy.

Friday January 4th

I have done nothing else but chores today except sit around and write to Douglas and send him a checque to pay off my note. Frank went down to the Luw's to thrash this afternoon and didn't get back till about nine o'clock tonight. His delay was caused more from visiting than working though. Dad did his chores up and it didn't seem to hurt his finger so it must be healed better. He went downtown for awhile tonight to see Aunty & Aunty Alice. It has been very much milder today and it looked like snow. There was no wind and I had to pump for the cattle

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