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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1918
Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 17.pdf
Revision as of Feb 6, 2025, 5:03:45 AM, edited by
Tuesday February 5th
It was 26° below zero by our thermometer when we went out this morning and has been below zero all day with a cold wind. I have scarcely done any thing all day. Dad. and Frank did most of the chores, this after noon Frank and I took Tupper's scales and hog crate home, he wasn't home but we put the things away where Dad said he got them I nearly perished coming home and only kept from freezing by getting behind Frank who had Dad's fur coat on. I just sat around the house when I got home. Frank went down to the mill and took Enah down town, but she stayed down to tea as she had to play at the show to-night. for Kelly who the church has got here. I was to have gone down and go to the concert with Aunty Alice but I hated the idea of going out after tea so gave my ticket to Frank. He went down but Aunty Alice didn't go as Harry Ainsley was worse again. he had five attacks yester day. Dad. and Frank did all the chores to-night an I got tea ready. I read and slept all evening.
Wednesday February 6th
Dad. Frank and I put the ice in the ice house this morning, which took us all the fore noon. This after noon we did up the chores and then hooked old Dave up. We put him on the bob sleigh with Harry and took him around the block. He went fine and was very good while we were hooking him up and un hooking him. Sam Law was in for quite awhile this after noon and settled up with Dad. for thrashing. To-night Frank and I went down to a meeting of our club but didn't do much. Mr. Groff was down from Simcoe to explain the advantages of the Co-operative society but there weren't many there. however a few more gave their notes. We drove down and it was pretty dark but we got along alright till just as we turned in the lane, when when runner got up on the snow bank and the side of the track and up set the cutter dumped both of us out and then Joe ran up the lane with the cutter on its side past the dive house and wound up in a drift by the wind mill, she couldn't go any farther for the farmyard fence. I expected to find the cutter and harness all smashed to pieces but except for the back-hand being broken every thing was sound. It has been thawing all day. First for a month