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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1918
Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 27.pdf
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John Wess just the same. feels fine as long as he doesn't try to do any thing. Dad. went down to Charlie Munroe's from John Wesses and found his horse had developed distemper with its throat all swelled up, but it is getting on well. I read most of the afternoon and went down to tea to Aunty Alice's. She and I went to church to-night but as the church was very cold and the lights very poor, we only had the war-time litany which lasted only 8 or 10 minutes. I went home with Marj. and stayed all night at Aunty Alices.
Thursday February 21st
I got home about nine o'clock and found the family all huddled around the stove and I was glad to join them. It was down below zero again with a biting north west wind. It has been pretty cold all day but the winds went down towards evening and it has been sunny We didn't do much but chores. Frank and I cleared up a little in the drive house this after noon to make room for any horses that members of the J.F.I.A. Might drive to our meeting to-night. Then Frank rode his wheel down town to get some coffee. Although the roads were. very hard and icy there were ten came to our meeting It was a nice night and the wind had died down. We had a very good meeting and they all seemed enthusiastic about growing a patch of potatoes this summer after we talked over our business they played cards and checkers. Enah dished up some coffee and war bread and Corby & Fred Rolson sang for us. The meeting broke up about twelve. We went out to look at my heifer after the boys left and found her very near calving, so I went to bed with my clothes on. to get up and look at her later.
Friday February 22nd
I got up at four o'clock and went out to look at the heifer but she seemed easy so I went to bed again. Dad. got up at six and went out and she had just dropped her calf then. The calf is a red roan & a bull. She has a very big bag and is alright. We did chores most of the morning and Dad. and Frank went back to the gully and brought up a dozen boards off the cross fence back there to make sheep troughs of. This after noon Frank got three troughs pretty well made. I went down town to telephone Neff to see what night he could come down next week to our social meeting but he was out of town so I went.