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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1918

Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 36.pdf

Revision as of Feb 10, 2025, 9:27:15 PM, created by

Thursday March 14th

This has been a very disagreeable day. It rained hard most of the morning and drizzled all the after noon and was cloudy, mud dy, and cold. Dad. and Frank went out to the sheep barn about six o'clock this morning and found three more lambs, Dad's ewe had one and No 10 had two. the ram lamb of no 10's was just about dead when they found him, for although he had not been born long there was a scum over his nostrils and he couldn't breathe. Dad. brought him in the house and revived him a little but he soon died. none of them seem to get enough milk for some reason or other so Frank got a nipple for the feed bottle this morning and Dad. has been feeding them cow's mild all day. To-night he brought Lop ears ewe lamb in tothe house for all night. It is in bad shape, and doesn't seem to know enoug to suck except the bottle. It seems queer as they were all strong when they were born. Frank has been down town most of the day again, helping Charlie Ivey part of the time. We haven't done much but chores and watch the sheep. I got a letter from Miss Wade to-day saying that the records of sires & dams of any sheep recorded in the American

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