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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1918
Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 38.pdf
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Monday March 18th
I went over to Jack's first thing this morning and found him just milking his Jerseys. He said that instead of covering strawberrys this morning he would have me help Billy load some hogs to ship. I helped Billy do his chores and we had a lot of little things to do to get ready for the hogs which were in Charlie Martin's barn. We had to catch the two smallest ones and one of the biggest ones and weight them. There were five and the smallest weighed 158 lbs & the big one went just over 200 but we took them all down as the price is way up 19 cts here I think. I came home as soon as we got them loaded and have spent most of the day getting manure out of the hog stall for the hot bed Frank murdered old Nellie this morning and worked with her most of the day and this afternoon noon took her over to Jack. Dad has had a busy day with the lambs. He let the two biggest ones out to-day with the big sheep and left the two that were in the house out in the barn. he goes out every now and then and holds his ewe so that the two can suck as she won't own them. Two of the two year olds lambed to-day one had a single and one twins. The one with twins seems to have no milk. but they are fine strong lambs. Frank went to a dance to-night. Lovely day.
Tuesday March 19th
Frank got home from the dance about four o'clock this morning and I got up soon after he went to bed. Dad. lay on the sofa all night with his clothes on so that he could go out and feed the lambs in the night. I spent nearly all the morning making a frame for the hot bed and got it just about finished I got the boards from the old fence along the road. On one of my trips out after boards Frank went with me and we measured the corner field to see how much wire it would take to fence it and figured it at 120 rds. to go around three sides of it and we have enough wire for the front. This after noon Frank and I drove down town and took poor old Nellie's hide down which Frank shipped to {Hallam?} While I was waiting for Frank at the station an engine came along and before I had time to turn around old Belle got frightened and broke the old tonge on the waggon. Then Harry fell down as she knocked him down and Belle jumped with her front feet over him. It was quite a tangle but I don't think either of them were hurt and nothing but the tongue and Harry's bit was broken. Frank got a new bit and we borrowed a sleigh tongue from Joe Howell which Waters roped to the old one so that the draw bolt went partly through both of them and it made it.