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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1918

Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 59.pdf

Revision as of Feb 23, 2025, 7:53:45 PM, edited by

had a letter from Dick to-day from Toronto saying he would be home in a day or two. he couldn't get into the Navy. But is going to try the Aviation or Artillery. Tonight Frank and I drove Queen over to Lorne Myers for a drive around the block. Fine growing day.

Friday May 10

I spent most of the morning tying up the wool. Frank and Dad. went out to finish plowing the old garden but it began to rain so they had to come in and Frank helped me with the wool. Art. Quanbury came over at noon to borrow the clippers as he wanted to shear his sheep and Frank went over with him and sheared the first one. It was very windy and rather cold this afternoon noon so we didn't haul any hay as we intended but when Frank came home we put the wool in the big sack they sent us from the Association I had to get in and tramp it and we had a hard job putting the thirty fleeces in but we did but couldn't get the bundle of tags in so will have to send them separately. To-night Dad. went down town with Aunty Alice's milk and Frank and I spent the evening over at the gas well. Dad. wasn't home when we went to bed, and we were very surprised to be wakened soon after we were asleep by no less a personage than old Dick. he had come in on the seven o'clock car and had come home with Dad.. He. Dad. and Enah sat up till after mid night. Dick telling them of his life since he left. He evidently had some good times in the West and is very much in love with th Prairies. He hasn't enlisted yet nor been drafted. He hoped to see Joe Dyer here as he is to be in command of three batteries of artillery in Toronto, but he has just left for Chicago for a week.

Saturday May 11th

We moved a pretty good load of hay over the horse stable this morning and took a small jag to the cows stable. We were delayed while putting it on by the cattle breaking down a post of the barnyard fence and getting into the wheat. There was one piece about 2 yards square of fairly good wheat and they trimmed it right to the ground. Aunty came over to dinner and this afternoon Dad. Dick. Aunty & Tim all went down town and Dad. fixed up the walks and the bay-

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