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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1918

Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 82.pdf

Revision as of Mar 12, 2025, 10:09:31 PM, created by

Frank and I cleared up the brush and Frank burned it. I spent most of the after noon painting lables to distinguish our different plots of J.F.I.A. potatoes. Winnie, Des & {Frasa?} Dyer were over here to tea to-night. I promised Tige McBride that I would go over and help him culti vate the potatoes at Lorne Myer's to-night but it was so late before we got through with chores that I sent Frank over. He got all the clay patch loam patch gone through but Tige didn't show up so the clay didn't get done. I went over when I got through to see Henry Misner to see if he would spray them for us. He wasn't home but Mrs. Misner & Hazel entertained me till he got back, he said he would spray them for us if Endmond England would agree to have a new wheel put on the waggon but as he was a half interest in the out fit he would have to be consulted. Fine. and warm all day.

Friday June 28th

There was a thunder storm during this night and it rained a little this morning so we didn't do much except make a cement post. This after noon Dad and Frank cut the thistles in the plum orchard.

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