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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1918

Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 83.pdf

Revision as of Mar 12, 2025, 10:30:07 PM, created by

Then Tid and I went to Sunday school. Dad. walked down to church and drove Enah & Tid home. I walked over as far as Mrs. {Woodion's?} with Ray as he and Rebecca came up last night and stayed there for dinner to-day. I slept for the best part of the after noon and then wrote to old Billy Beattie to see what I could get a good yearling ram for. Dad. and Tid. were all ready to go down town to see Joe Dyer and ask him what chance there was of getting Dick off on harvest leave but it got so dark they didn't go It rained hard for about an hour but cleared up about five and I drove down and got Marj. & Dorrie and brought them over her for tea and drove them back about half past ten.

Monday July 1st

I disked in the orchard all morning and Frank sprayed potatoes in the old garden. Dad. went down town to see Col. Dyer about getting Dick off and he told Dad. to get a certificate from Neff to say Dick was needed at home and it would strengthen his application. Aunty and Rebecca walked over before noon and Ray came over at noon with Dad. This after noon we all

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