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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1925
Theobald Toby Barrett 1925 Diary 3.pdf
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Friday January 2nd
We contemplated going to town to-day which would have necessitated my walking over home and getting Queen or the team, but the weather altered our plans. It was snowing hard when we got up this morning and had snowed hard during the night keeping it up till this after noon. It has been getting steadily milder all day and I think is almost thawing to-night. As we now have a nice lot of skim milk on hand I began feeding the cockeels out in the colony house their fattening mash and had to make a trough for them. They have just been getting grain and I {illegible} lost flesh during the very cold weather of the last couple of weeks. I did some more fixing to my cow stable this afternoon battoned up more of the cracks and put a window in. It was quite comfortable working bare handed which was a great relief. Mrs. Tupper and Clara were in to-night for a few minutes to return the little house scales which Mrs. Tupper borrowed a couple of weeks ago to weigh her geese. Must wash up the tea dishes now and get after Rob Roy. We are reading it aloud.
Saturday January 3rd
This has been a busy day for me. I did the morning chores as quickly as possible and started to walk over home but got a ride on a load of lumber from the Winding Hill. Dad helped me harness & hook up the team (Queen and Joe) and we then loaded up my potatoes and buckwheat. Dad & I both got potatoes from Jim Dixon and he left mine over there. It was noon when I got home and as Marj was hoping to leave for town by one o'clock I fed the team and gobbled my dinner without much ceremony. Marj fed the chickens while I unloaded the potatoes and emptied them into {bushe?} hampers down cellar. I unloaded the buckwheat before dinner. I then put the cows in and looked up. It was nearly two by the time we started. We unloaded the kids at Aunty's by way of a birthday party for her and I drove Marj up town, left Jim Dixon's bags at Walker Evans according to instructions and drove right back to {illegible name} Walker's where I loaded up five bags of wheat and took home. Neither {illegible name} nor the man were home but the boys were there and superindended the business. I unloaded the wheat and then {illegible} across to the woods where I found a little wood. Our nice little maple