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James Cameron Diary, 1891
James Cameron 1891 Diary 29.pdf
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Mr James Cameron Island
26 Oct 1891 {illegible} calm and West Wind Went to Lancaster {illegible} and I with 2 Bags of Butternuts for Dan {illegible} them with Mr William Dunlop he will {illegible} them Directed and sent off would not take no pay for his Trouble took Dinner there on the Likenefses of all old Friends Mrs {illegible} Dunlop in Montreal attending to Angus Cameron who is very Low and not expected to Live The River is all covered with Blinds for Ducks not many Ducks Thunder and Lightning to night the Fishermen Fish stole out of their Box put some nuts in the storehouse
27th W Wind Windy chopping and piling wood Randolph here for his overcoat {illegible} the Conovers here to hunt her for Milk {illegible} a Quart a North squall of snow Lots of snow on the Mountains the Turkey Laid 5 Eggs Stanley Plastering the calves place put in calves in to night Ducks came to night in the channel Froze some
28th St Simon & St Jude {illegible}king some cutting and piling at the Door Great Deal of shooting Narcifse & Phillip {illegible} to Montreal sold a Bag of nuts 50 sold 2 Young Rams to take them next week {illegible} cool W Wind got a Mess of Fish
29th Fine W and E Wind Leander and Hugh Ann to Dundee Banking the south side of house went to Head of the Island Stanley {illegible}ing a Lot of shooting to Day Bought {illegible} of coal oil 25 cents 6 lbs of nails 18 {illegible} worth of stuff stove Pung Fixed 25 {illegible} norht side of the house
30th Fine {illegible} came one of them went Back
{illegible} and Mr Nantell stopt {illegible} Leander and Hugh Ann came {illegible} here to night
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Mr James Cameron Island