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James Cameron Diary, 1892
James Cameron 1892 Diary 16.pdf
Revision as of Feb 23, 2025, 12:34:49 PM, edited by
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Mr James Cameron Island
21st of June 1892 Fine Day W Wind Mr Genie went home Gave him his Jack-Lamp got the small Fish Box Leander Went For Shingles to Lancaster Got 4 Bunches Bought Putty and soap Water high Looking for sticks to Make a Jumper took some caterpillars of the apple trees and Beetles of the Potatoes caught a young Duck in the Bush put 56 pails out of the cellar of Water nailed some spikes in the Barn
22nd Fine Windy Stanley and I up in the Bay 2 Indians came Wanting Ash would not Give them any Stanley and I went up to the head to see what they were Doing they went off mad Fishermen caught 2 Tame Geese to Day Fixing the 2 Logs at the shore Leander and Hugh Ann went to Dundee took 2 Tennets of Butter and 14 Doz and /2 of Eggs weeking the Garden Uncle Dan's Birth Day Bought 1 Dollar for Tea 3 lbs Flour 100 2.50 Tubs 3 60 cents Nails round shingle nails 20 lb 1 Dollar Crackers 25 4 cash Wistard Calico hairpins John Morris and Mary came Water High in Dundee
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Mr James Cameron Island