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William Beatty Diary, 1874-1877

William Beatty 1874-1877 (61).pdf

Revision as of Dec 20, 2024, 10:26:48 PM, edited by


Oct 1 Revd Mr Russel preached in the morning & Mr Trumbel t night {rest of line illegible}
2 finished diging the potats at the Barn poor crop
rain 3 began to dig the potatos in the midle field I fixed the bin in the seller heavy rain the afternoon I put a gate at the pit next the cooper shop
4 went to our fiar it was a fine afair there was a very great crowd there was in at the gate
5 drew a load stones of the Barn field put them at the corner of the stable Wm drew coke for JD Bradley & Frank Dean from the station rain in the night
6 went to dig potatos dug a basket full then it began to rain we thrashed the peas finished them & cleaned them
7 Wm split some wood finished diging the potatos in the garden
8 Revd Mr Mansell preached in the morning Mr Russel at night
9 killed a hog hear & 1 for Ad 1 for Bruce McNiel & dug some potatos I took Bessie to Gananoque
10 finished diging the potatos in the midle field Ad paid Wm Millard he went home to Ogdensburg
11 Sowed 2 1/2 bushel of Rye where we summer fallowed last summer in the North field sowed timothy & clover seed in the spring it did not take
12 sowed 3 bushel of Rye in the North Field south east half the grass seed did not take there nearly
13 I went to Fairfax to JP McCormick to meet Sam Moorhead he did not come till near noon we walked to A Cochrains got dinner went to all the members of the church to see what we could raise for a minister got home after dark had midling sucsess
rain 14 heavy rain last night & this morning I went to Young to see Betsey She is some better
15 Revd Mr Stewart preached at night no Presbyterian minister
16 Ad began to plow in the North field south East half
17 Ad plowed in the same field I ridled some peas for seed
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