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James Cameron Diary, 1886

James Cameron Diary 1886 (4).pdf

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Mr James Cameron Island

March 4th 1886 West Wind cold some cut a Beech in the pasture

5th Eclipse cold Windy cutting stove Wood

6th Fine W Wind Crofsed to Summerstown Bought Nicholsons 3 spools of Thread 12 cents Bought from Ward pipe 1 got the Glengarrian but did not Get the Globe I suppose my time Done John Hamilton to Lancaster Drawing stones to the Lighthouse a Good many teams

7th Shrove Sunday West Wind Fine and cold and Warm

8th East Wind cold Drifting snowing some cutting stove Wood cutting hay in the Barn

9th E Wind Drifting Fine Cold cutting alders in the swamp Last churning to Day circle around sun Fine in the Evening Sun sets at 6 o night

10th Ash Wednesday crofsed to Hamiltons put a Letter in the PO for Narcifse Charante care of William Dupois Postage 3 cents got the Witnefs went with J Hamilton to Fort Covington Windy Drifting Fine Bought of Mr K 6 lbs of Tea 2 Dollars to 24 1/2 yds of Plaid 2..45 got a Pair of Lace Bootsto be exchanged for the ones I took home the next time I go the on take them Back Heard one of the McKenzie {torn away} Gore Departed Buried on the Front {illegible} Trunk Track crofsed from the head of our Island to the south catching Fish in the ice at Frashers on the south side cook Eaton told me

11th Wind West Blew hard Drifting Drew some Wood

12th on this Day of the Month Dell McMaster Senior First came to the Island Drifting

13th Fine Leander went to Summerstown got the Mail Bought of Nicholsons 2 spools of Thread 8 Losenges 3 pipe 1

14th Stanley's Birth Day 1880 West Wind snowing

15th E Wind Drifting snowing Teams with Loads to the Lighthouse cutting Brush in the oak field

16th Stormy snowing Turned very fine and Warm J Hamilton and {illegible} took my Logs to Mr Purcell

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Mr James Cameron Island

17th of March 1886 St Patricks Day the Festival of the Irish Went to Cornwall got a Ride from Thomas Jack seen Mr DB McLennan got the Ballance from him gave him a Receipt Met Mr George S McDonald and took him for Mr Douquett then we asked hime to come and have something or take us where we could get something good we travelled for a Long time where did he take us but his own house we never thought of going there But we got what we got Good A Very fine Fellow used us well Bought of Mr Pitt Shovel 1 Dollar Axe 75 Bought of Mr D McRae Pork 2..43 Bought of Mc McDonald Furniture 6 chairs 3..60 childs chair 1..25 Big chair 1..75 took Dunn 50 took dinner at Mrs Fultons and sent a Parcel of Things to the children which was well Received Bought of John Summers 6 yds Cotton 30 cents Gave 5 Dollars to my account got a Receipt Bought a Pipe at Derushie 1 got almanack seen Mr Butter and G Grant a very fine Day seen a shelland Pony Gave Livin{cut off} 5 cents came to Hamiltons and John Drove me Down with the cutter James McDougall here to Day

18th Went for the chairs to {torn off} Leander and I got a Basket of apples {torn off}ome their Bag to Day chopping stove Wood E Wind very Fine Day

19th Drifting E Wind Blowing and stormy change in the Moon J Hamilton and Tom Jack came spring or Last Day of Winter

20th First Day of Spring High E hailing Raining Snowing

21st EW high Drifting snowing stove smoking

22nd Livinias Birth Day 1840 Drifting

23rd Randolph came from McDougalls Windy Fine Leander crofsed for the paper

24th Went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers soap 10 RRR 25 {can't read} this Bought of Nicholsons Shot 15 2 spools 8 paid Bought of Mr Ward handle 15 Fine W W crust on the ice

25 Lady Day Randolph went to Ducquetts H Wind 4 cents {bottom line illegible}

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