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James Cameron Diary, 1886

James Cameron Diary 1886 (7).pdf

Revision as of Feb 2, 2025, 1:22:36 PM, edited by

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Mr James Cameron Island

21st of May 1886 The Drudge came to Summerstown working at the Frame

22nd the Surveyors at the head of the Island putting up their marks sheared the 2 Ewes Drew some Logs Randolph Went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 24lb of salt at Nicholsons 1 lb of Crackers 8 Let out the sheep

23rd Gordon and T Rose here gave Tommy Rose a puppy Dog

24th Queens Birth Day a Meeting at Summerstown Dan to Be there I crofsed to Hamiltons Fine W Wind changed to East Wind Trowling Caught a pike some of the First potatoes planted is peeping up

25 Raining Windy 3 chiefs here Wanting pay from Fishermen John Isacc Thompson and George Mosquitoes Bad

26 Cleaning out upper shed John Hamilton came Down with Randolph got the Loan of the Pic-axe Rained some Windy

27th Ploughing the Back Bean Place and up in the Brush at the cherry tree

28th Fine Went to F Covington Bought of Mr Minkler 2 Bushels of Potatoes 80 Bought J Y Tobacco 8 candy 2 Bought of McCartney 5 yds of Calico 40 of Tyo Bottle of 20 in a Billy Bones Mr Long is closed Keep in the 2 Bulls got Papers from Mr Ba{cut off}

29th Royal oak Day or oak apple Day High West Wind Planted 10 Rows at apple Planted up at the cherry Tree 8 Rows and some at Back Garden Altered the spring calves the 2 Bulls Thunder Narcisse took a Bag of Potatoes from Montreal 25 Freight 5

30th Rogation Sunday Fine J Summers Geordie Annan and Mr Ritchie here going down to Rosse's Island to see the hole that was dug there Livinia and I to head of the Island

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Mr James Cameron Island


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