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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 08.pdf

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1843 January

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Saturday14Had Alex's oxen yesterday afternoon & this forenoon - Boys brought out 2 Loads Bark forenoon afternoon afsisted Alex to raise a Shed - afterwards to Sharmans to get Mares shod Snow show's22
Sunday15all except myself to Jacksons ot hear Mr Hickey - Martha & Emily walked the rest with Mr Allan in our Sleigh - Annie & mifs Junk ret'd with them - took to P. Office Letter to C Relphfine14 @ 10 oc 18
Monday16Wilfred to Sergmiller with Load Bark I Cord 21 foot inches = $ 4.1.9 had Alexs oxen got our 2 Loads Bark ev'g to Lea Geo to Mrs Gournlock Mrs Lawston Mifs Junk Annie Jane Daly Tom Mr Nickle & Boygloomy & cold
Tuesday17Chas to Sergmillers with Bark 1 Cord 5 ft 8 in = #4.5.8 had Alexs oxen - got out only 2 Loads Bark & pottering evening Martha & Emily Christ'n & Wilf'd to Mr Daly's - the Tighs &c beautiful26
Wednesday18W. to Sigmiller with Bark 1 Cord. 6 Ft. 4 in = sold to Bower from Berlin 66 1/2 Bush'ls Oats @ 8 - rec'd J Daly 2 Tighs Annie & Misfs Junk & Alex to Tea - Mr & Mrs Daly & Mr & Mrs Gournlock calld2 4 4fordo
Thursday19Had Alex' Oxen - got out the last of the Bark - loaded Sleigh to Lake down tomorrow - 4 PM : Is Christ'n Chas & Emily on oxsleigh with mares to GournlocksLight rain all day3840
Friday20Chas to Seigmillers Load Bark 1.4.9 = paid for Sugar of Mrs John Stewart Is Christ'n to West Barn morning - fixing fence & making Drain T of Barn aft'n to Pine Swamp - 1beautiful & warm3838
Saturday21brought Bl - Befs & 4 pigs from Wm bot - took G Scotts Ram home - Lambs may arrive Y/Z @ 7P/A Christ'n to Stratford Mr Fishers Funeral - Potteringdo do4632
Sunday22none to Stratford to day - Sleighing very bad - Ground bare round stumps fine - cold3226
1843 January
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Monday23rec'd of T Sargint $2 1/4 on acco't of his Note leaving a Bal of L 1.8.9 = $5 3/4

Paid John Monteiths acco't to 31 Dec Goods 8/43 Rags for Mrs T 1/65 .9 10 - G & J Gournlock on acco't 1 17 6 rec'd of Mr JE Linton for Bush'l Peas 2 3 Boys Killd 2 Hogs today - even'g took one to Sharman 245 lbs @ $2 1/2 100 lbs 1.10.7 pd 2 1/2 Bush'ls Peas @ 3/9 yk -.5.10 L {illegible} Cr 1.16.5 1/2

11 3
Tuesday24Butcherd & Barreld Hog N 2 about 200 lbsmorning - aft'n fanning Oatsblust day snow show'ing2826
Wednesday25Fanning Oats - even'g all to Alexs Tea Party ex Is & self - ret'd @ 2 1/2 Mr Tye calld on his way up - Everett do on his way downbleak & cold272
Thursday26Fanning Oats forenoon - afternoon Isaac on Nance to Stratford - got a Shoe fixd, not to be chargd - the rest loading Bark - chopp'g firewood &c bro't from Daly 1/2 lb Tea 1/4 Tobacco, 2 Reals Cottontoerable2 below Z18 above
Friday27Wilfred to Seigmiller with Load Bark .1.2.3

the rest Killd 4 Hogs about 7 Nance very ill precisely as on 6 feb 42 only not so bad evening Alex rode Is. Chas & Christ'n at Alex's - W'd on Nell went for them - Ales also came Alex rode on Louis for Jackson or Sharman - soon after Chas was dispatched on Nell to say they need not come - he brot a drench from Sharman which was given to her

Nell & Nance
Saturday28Chas to Stratford - sold Hog to Mr Daly 243 bls @ $2 1/2 - 21.16.4

10 lbs Lard 3'd 2.6 to acco't 1.12.10 Mr Daly gives C. an order to bring Vall from Chapmans at Galt on Mondays brot from Mr Daly a Crock Killd 4 more Hogs Mr Tye calld @ 8 PM Nance better - made about 20 lbs Sausages Pd. Mrs Cowmans spinning 4 lbs Wool 4/ knitting 5 pr Stockings for Boys 3/1'pr Knitting Stockings 4 pd 81. 15/1pr

1 1/2 lbs up the wool suppled her @ 2/6 3.9
11 4 1/2snow in n 2 in or snow show'r2624

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