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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 51.pdf

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1845 January

Wednesday 22 Christ'n repairing Stalls in Stable &c & pottering - evening with Martha to Stratford for Money letter from Henry - p'd post'ge Ann Crerar in the morning brot one from Emily not pd 9d & a Canadian 9 beautiful 27 19
Thursday 23 Paid my Note to Peter Crerar or Balance due 13th inst (for Pig bot at vending

Christ'n trapd Fox no 6 (Dog) - cleaning Pig stye & pottering

Martha to P. Office @ 11 1/2, in H Puddicombs Cutter, with letter

Mrs T to Mrs Jas - Mickle says in time for 3@ prox'y - Isay no
morn'g rain 23 33
Friday 24 Christ'n trapd Fox No7 - Dog- (Isaacs trap) Is. & W'd arr'd from Hamilton @ 4 pm with 2 Loads sundries for G. Watson & a Box for Shirks.. misty rain & sleet nearly all day 34 34
Saturday 25 Is & W'd to Stratford with Watsons 2 Loads Goods ( & Shirks Box)

Debit him for teaming down & up $24.~ L6..- C'y

paid expences of journey -----------
1 7 fine 22 17
WP McLaren for 2 lb young Hyoon @ 3/9 - 7.6

2 lb ground Coffee 1/3 - 2.6

7 lb Soap -- 6d/yk - 2.2 1/2
12 2 1/2
pd for Mrs T - 2/10 - 2/6 - 7 1/2 -1/3 - =7/2 1/2 rec'd 29th for thread 1 8 1/2
rec'd of - Whaley for 1/2 Bush Onions Red @ 7/yk - - Chris'n repairing Stalls in Stable & pottering 2 2
Sunday 26 Isaac to Stratford after dinner - took letters Mrs T. to John Henry & Charles . Mifs. M Wilcox Thompson &Co Churchville Township Toronto fine 7 26
Monday 27 Christ'n & W'd at Donald Stewarts - Thrashing Mill Isaac to Stratford to see Arch Shields - not there & pottering fine 25 38
Tuesday 28 rain morn'g aft'n snow 38 29
Wednesday 29 Killd 2 Hogs Black & Chunk - pd for Mrs John T Roy Stewart -- 3 ~ 24 18
pd for Ann Stewart milking 3 mo's ------- 6 ~
" M. & E. so much borrowd 12 June last 1 ~ ~
" for Factory to line Trousers 10
Thursday 30 Butchering & packing Barrels the Hogs killd yesterday

weight of Black 283 lb Chunk 281 lbs = 564 lbs - Lard inclusive

Lard in . 21 to . Lard 22 3/4
morn Snow 15 18
1845 January
Thursday 30 cont'd Wilf'd hauling firewood - Mrs Tom walkd to Stratford on businefsto a travelling Dentist Smith from Chatham

after their return W'd took Martha to Dalys for some Laudanum

when they ret'd the Boys & 5 Crerar & Ann Stewart to Izards & had a Glafs - ret'd @ 10.10 --

rec'd of Mrs Jackson for 2 1/2 doz Eggs @ 6d ---

Monteith brot letter from John to Mrs T.
1 3
Friday 31 Winnowing Wheat for Market & pottering Mr & Mrs Kirk took tea with us - fine a little Snow 8 5 below Z
Saturday 1 I. & C. winnowing & bagging Wheat. W'd Cattle & chop'g firewood fine 7 below 4 above
Sunday 2 Isaac trapd Fox No 8 -'Dog' -- Mrs T after d'r to Mrs McKays -- fine 7 above 14
Monday 3 Got by Poison Fox 9 Dog -- @ 11 Is to Stratford with Sleigh to inquire price of Wheat at Dalys &c ret'd about 3 --

Christ'n & W'd making Bed for White Sow in East Shed & pottering I & W. ret'd @ 11 1/4 having been at Watsons treating for a load to Hamilton & back next week W'd poorly --

ret'd Sold L16 Sacks . 28 Bush'ls 38 lb. to Mr Daly

@ 31/2 = L.4.9.6 Cr to my Credit in acc't pd for sm
7 1/2 snow show'rs & high wind 14 17
Tuesday 4 White Sow had a litter of 4 in night, 2 dead hunting up & setting traps & pottering - W'd on sick list from last nights spree at Watsons - Snow all day 20 10
Wednesday 5 Isaac & Christ'n winnowing Wheat - W'd pottering a young German from near Kingston accom'd for the night on his way down a little snow & high wind Snow 15 or 18 in deep 11 10
Thursday 6 Winnowing Wheat - &c put Befsy into Stable expecting her to farrow Snow show'rs high wind 6 17
Friday 7 Alex pafsed down for Toronto - took letters Martha to Emily & for Mrs Tye

Isaac to Stratford to fix with Watson about trip to Hamilton - brot down a Load 4 Barrels Pearls Ash

cleaning Harnefs & pottering

Watson {illegible} calld at 4 pm stopd till 9
beautiful 14 14
Saturday 8 Isaac again to Stratford - bro. another Load 4 B'ls P. Ash pottering fine 2
Sunday 9 all at home - Mrs Charmack calld with Ia's Ass -- - Sn Show'r 14 19
Monday 10 Is. Ch'r W'd & Martha in Sleigh (Dick & Bell) left @ 10 40 for Mr Tyes rec'd of Alex'r Crerar for Hector 44 ~ 2 6 mild & pleasant 20 26
Tuesday 11 The Wilmot party got home about 2 pm paid Wood Butchers {illegible} 1 9 1/2 Do 18 36

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