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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919
Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 20.pdf
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Motored to the city in the after tea and spent a very pleasant evening.
Feby 7th Had Orme. Bush over wanting me to take over a mortgage for a party who wanted to buy a car but did not think I could handle it.
Feby 8th was down town afternoon and evening, nothing doing weather fair and cool.
Feby 9 Motored to Hamilton for tea went to church. weather cold. radiator of car froze up coming home. but no damage done.
Feby 10th Have a Sore thumb, tried to stop motor fan with it. but not on purpose. John and I motored to the city. got some Seeds at S.B. also bought 500 Empty Bags at 10¢ each. and tried to buy some Orange boxs but they seem hard to get this year. was down to Lodge at night a pretty good crowd out had a few games Pedro after.
Feby 11th was down town had a few games cards with the boys started to snow a little.
Feby 12th. mild and cloudy. snow all gone already.
Feby 13th Motored to Hamilton for the evening. was a peach coming home. raining and an east gale blowing
Feby 14th. Mild and rainy. nothing doing walked down town at night.
Feby 15th nothing doing was down town at night every thing quiet
Feby 16th. Fine & cool. had John & family Dean B. & family & Lillie out for tea.
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