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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1922

Franklin McMillan Diary 1922 32.pdf

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Asparagus 164 bskts {baskets}
Tomatoes 3040 bskts {baskets}
Tomatoes Burlington Cannery 1194 bus. {bushels}
Cucumbers 386 bskts {baskets}
Cauliflowers 88 crates
Peppers 1068 bskts {baskets}
Corn 100 bags cont. 1000 dozen
Turnips 263 bags
Carrots 102 bags
Pumpkins loose 8. doz
Pumpkins Canning Co. {Company} 10 tons 1250 lbs
besides 9 truck loads of Turnips Carrots Cabbages Cauliflowers & peppers taken to Hamilton Market.
Packages used 27 quart crates. 17 5
quart boxs 475 00
11 qt baskets with covers 12.5 00
apple barrels 5 27
orange crates 2 63
cabbage sacks 1 15
Sugar bags for corn & vegetables 4 65
Total Gross Sales for year
Sales Muskoka Sales 8.749.57
Sales Commission House 3212.01
Sales Local Dealers 1466.21
Sales Canning Factories 894.94
{Sales} Hamilton Market 175.00
Total $14,497.73
Net Sales 6900.00
Total Expenses 7597.73
some of the heavy expenses
Total Daily wages were 1540.85
Total Estimate Berry pickers SB {strawberries} 742.42
Total Estimate berry pickers Rasps 250.00
Total Estimate Plum pickers 133.25
Total Estimate Pear pickers 48.00
Total $1173.67
Total Estimate cherry pickers 320.00
Total $1493.67
Packages acct. as follows.
1759 crates 25¢ $450.00
47.500 berry Boxs $7.00 $336.00
12.500 11 qt crates bskts {baskets} 1080.00

Transcription Tips

  • Follow the example of transcribing provided in the first few PDF files of this diary.
  • Click Edit when you’re ready to start transcribing.
  • Click Detach to move the transcription box to a convenient location.
  • Copy the text as it is, including misspellings and abbreviations.
  • Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
  • Use toolbar heading options for any headings in the text, i.e. diary titles.
  • Use toolbar table generator for any tables in the text, i.e. finance records.
  • Use toolbar comment option to add your own comments, i.e. illegible text or uncertain names or description of drawings.
  • Use toolbar stroke through text option to transcribe crossed-out text.
  • When done press "Save Transcription" to save your work.
  • Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
  • View more transcription tips.(Opens in new tab)

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