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James Cameron Diary, 1871
James Cameron 1871 Diary 6.pdf
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Mr James Cameron Island
March 14th 1871 nomination Day for Members George went for Peters Pot in th Morning Gordon in the Bush all Day ice opened at Francis Island Made Sugar in the Bush Broke the Big Black canoe Keeping the catle in so they will not go to the Bush Heard Peter Baker went off yesterday Heard that Walter Baker Bought the House on Suples Place for 300 Dollars Heard that Willim McLeods wife would not come Back to live with him
15th chopping stove wood Took some Boards to the Bush Frosty cold some East Wind ice opening slow Fixing the Fence at the West shed as the sheep jumps over sugared of to Day some Ducks Wild Geese and Grey Birds and Black Birds crows came
16th in the Bush sugared of
17th St Patrick Fishing EEls got 2 sugared off Hughann came
18th in the Bush with George HughAnn and Gordon in the Bush a Great sap Day Runs well George and I Boiling at night The Fox Left on the Island Heard him tonight Keeping in the sheep and Heifer for fear of them Going to the sap
{second page}
Mr James Cameron Island
March 19th 1871 19 Sunday Made sugar to Day Took home 34 lbs of sugar to Day and 11 1/2 lb the First time which makes 45 1/2 lb he got George and Peggy crofsed in a canoe ice going Down very slow seen Fan Tailed Blackbirds this is the Last Day of Winter Spring commences tomorrow and a Fine Winter Day it is Seen no Muskrats yet as the ice is not clear from the shore A Lamb
20 First Day of Spring a Fine Day E Wind Gordon and I Gathered 12 Pails of sap George could not crofs
21st Election in Williamstown I crofsed for the first time this spring in a canoe to Summerstown Left my Canoe at Hamilton Island George Bosell Brought me 2 Letters this Morning and a Paper Got another Letter to Day with 3 Dollars inclosed sent a Letter to John Bought of AI Baker postage stamps paper and envelopes starch Raining and Blowing the ice Good Between Renshaws and Summerstown Mr Craig elected for Member
22nd Levinia Birth Day sugaring off in the Bush
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