== July 1918 == 30: cloudy cool: home up at 6.chore: Mabel to Bank Deposit $20^00 or J.H.G. July cheque draw $20^00 oval- for us cash: to Duffys see Mother: cool. Write letter to J.H.G. France 31: fine:home up at 6.chore: Mary Mabel John Pick Berries: I help Pearl get Dinner at 12. for Russell: John & for walk to 6th line look for Berries home at 6, to Bed at 9. Mary {symbol of '1' inside circle}. August 1: fine: home up at 6. chore: Henry Beatty Dead. read to Duffys see Mother: Mary & Mabel Pick Berries got nice lot: chat to Jas Scott: & Mrs Brown. 2: fine: cloudy rain: fine cool: home up at 6. chore read Book facing the world. Rev {title of person} Williamson in chat. Pray: Henry Beatty buried. 3: fine hot: home up at 6. chore. read to {title of person} Bibles to Scott farm look for cow Mary & John help me Bring cow to Barnyard 4:X: fine hot: home up at 8^30 to {title of person} Bibles see cow calve at 9. Mary got {title of person} Lyons to take calf home: I took Bad turn: in Bed Bad all night. Rev Wittinnson Preach at 7. hot. 5: fine very hot: in Bed to 8. up then. Mary go Pick Berries with Mrs Duffy got 3 lbs Mother and Myra up here chat. very hot 6: cloudy rain: fine warm: up at 6. chore: W.F. Faulkner Buy our calf $8^00 Paid took it away in wagon: Russell sick got letter from J.H.G. dated July 10th France 7: fine: home up at 6. chore Mary and Mable & John go. Pick Berries at 8. Mary Lost letter to J.H.G. to France Myra Duffy in chat. rain tonight 8: fine very hot: home up at 6. chore {note in left margin: 'shown at Jims'} Mary, Mable & John go, Pick Berries at 11. got nice lot: Big rainstorm at night thunder and lightning rain very heavy 9: cloudy warm: home up at 6.chore: Mary wash: read to Bed at 10. Mother in chat 10: fine warm: home up at 6. chore: Robert Matson out oats for {title of person} Lyons. {illegible blurred word} his team in our stable noon & tea I visit- Jas Scott. Mother up chat. to Bed at 11. fine cool night,
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