Henry McMahon Diary, 1917-1919


Henry McMahon Diary, 1917-1919

Date Created

May 6, 1917

Is Part Of

Henry McMahon Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript




May 6:X: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep. chore: Put our cow out to Pasture first day. go for cows to Scott form see Flying Machine go over at 6. Children to Church at 7 Mr Bainborough Preach: home to bed at 930:

7: fine mild: home chore: Mary wash: got letter from Red Cross England J.H.C. getting Better on 12th april. Bring up how for scale. write letter to W.A. Stone & Co Buffalo telling him to ship 4. cars coal in may month

8: fine warm: home chore: help Mary clean up yard & cut hole in Back of closet: got letter from J.H.C. from Canadian Convalescent Hospital in Middlesex England: Mabel & Pearl to S. Kellys with J.H.Campbells {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} in ants {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

9: fine cool: home chore: weigh stock: Jas Gilmore ship 2. cars today: made $400 today. our Pearl 9 years old

10: fine cool: home chore: dig hole and clean out the closet fix it up. Put coal ashes in it: chore cool.

11: fine cool: home chore: chore around house:

12: fine cool: home chore: Miss Hutchinson here: got Shave at Floyds 18 Pd: Split some wood. chore to Bed at 9.

13:X: fine cool: home chore: read sleep: Children to Church Rev Bainborough Preach Charlie Crowe Menn sermon to sacrament given at 7. oclock: to Bed at 9.

14: fine cool windy: home chore: got mail. read sleep chore

15: fine cool windy: home chore: mind Roy. Mary wash Start Put summer wood in woodshed. chore. to Bed at {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} in 9 {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

16: fine warm: rain: home chore: weigh load bags for J. Fry finish put our wood in: very tired chore.

17: fine warm: home chore: help Wm Lyons at Stones Bring 2. Bags Bran & 1. Bag Shorts from Elevator me & 1. Bag Potatoes from Bank cellar. chore.

18: fine warm: home chore: Pay Wm Hamilton for 1. Brl flour: 10 Bags Bran. 5 Bags Shorts $4225. churn in herandale afternoon: had cold.

19: fine warm: home in Bed all day sick with cold Big thunder storm & rain: Miss Hutchinson here

20:X: fine cool: home in Bed sick with cold all day. Wm Duffy in chat: Children to Church to 7 Steele Preach

21: fine warm. cloudy rain: home sick: weigh stock Jas Gilmore loud 1. car: make about 240 today.

22: cloudy rain thunderstorm at night. home in Bed sick with cold: Wm Lyons took Jersey cow from Bibles to Wm Boyces then home. rain: W.J. Faulkner in chat




23: cloudy Blustry hail: fine: home got up at 10. mind Roy for Mary: washing: for mail to office: Children at School. Mrs Wm Lyons in chat. to bed at 9. had cold.

24: cloudy sleet cool: home: sick with cold. Olive came home from Toronto at 9. G.T. and went Back to Toronto at 5. C.P.: had Rooster for Dinner: got letter from J.H.C. from Hospital at Middlesex England getting Better

25: fine cool: home: help Mary in garden clean out Berry Bushes: sick with cold {diarist writes in between in own writing} Willie Sloan Died in Toronto this am at 4 oclock {diarist resumes writing on lines}

26: cloudy cool: home: hoe some in garden after noon: Miss Hutchinson & her sister Tina {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 13 years old {diarist resumes writing on line} here (1)

27:X: fine warm: home: had cold: up afternoon chore Children to Church at 7. McCauley. Preach the Dominion Alliance man:

28: cloudy cool: home chore: Put Fred Horse in Floyd Hendersons Pasture first day: Bring him in at night: to Elevator help Wm Hamilton clean out wheat Bin last of wheat.

29: fine warm: home: Put Horse out in Pasture: chore leave horse out all night: to Bed a 930

30: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock. Jas Gilmore ship 1. car: make about 180 today. 2. Hogs Died heat{?} home at 6. to Bed at 9. (1). warm night.

31: fine warm rain at night: home chore. got letter from J.H.C. from Hillington Hospital Uxbridge. Middlesex England. I answer it this is his 21.rst Birthday 21 years old today got letter from Olive from Toronto. write a letter to R.L. McFadden 596. Brock ave city got cow in rain from Wm Bibles. to Bed at 830

June 1: fine warm: home chore: hoe in garden at home S.S. Connection at Methodist Church today.

2: fine mild: home chore: got wash change Shirts got Shave at Floyds 10. Pd: Miss Hutchinson & Bolton here: to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton Mrs Dr Reynar in chat for 1. Day Egss 40 cts Pd.

3:X: fine: home chore: read Sleep no Church at night: Churchill had anniversary today: for walk

4: fine warm: home chore: sell coal: Earl Williams got Killed 20th of may got word today: water chore: Mary wash: I got Canvass shoes $225 to Elevator at night Jas Lavery Put Stove ride in J.B. car home. to Bed at 10




5: fine rain warm: home chore: read Papers: write letter to 3. coal men: got letter from J.H.C. in Hospital in England dated 17th of May: chore: to Bed at 9. John sick

6: cloudy warm: rain at night: home chore: John sick in bed with hives & cold: thunderstorm rain: got cow

7: cloudy warm: rain: home chore: read papers to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton rain: home at 630 go for cow to Wm Bibles: chore to bed at 9. (1)

8: fine mild: home chore: to Elevator to sell 1. Bag Shorts: read Papers: hoe in garden: get cow at Bibles. to Bed {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} at 9 {diarist resumes writing on lines}

9: fine war, home chore: give 3 sax cement to Willie Hamilton: got hair cut & Shave at Floyds: Miss Hutchinson come on train G.T. at 930 here for Dinner & tea: went on G.T. home at 6>u>40: W.J. Faulkners here for tea. chat

10:X: fine warm: home chore: wash dress: to Church at 3. Memoria Service for Earl Williams by Canon Morley of Toronto: Big crowd home at 5 to WM Bibles with Mary Milk cow out first time. W.J. Faulkner here for tea. & Muriel Campbell. Church in Methodist Church at 7. rev Bainforough {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Preach {diarist resumes writing on lines}

11: fine warm: home chore: went with R. Watson in car for ride. to Higgison. Baquley. Capelaud, Allan Donaly, Judge. Chadwick. to Bolton. to Dave Wilsons was car, up at 7th line home at 6. with. T. Hanfield and Isaac Watson: I had no Dinner: to bed at 830

12: fine warm. home chore. Jas Scott Put new Door on our Back Cellar outside. Wm Faulkner wheel 1. Bag Shorts from Elevator for me: chore: to Bed at 9. oclock.

13: fine hot: rain at night: home chore: weigh stock Jas Gilmore ship 2. Box cars. 1 car with 4 calves & 2 fat Steers. and 1 car with 63. hogs: make 260 today weighing & sell 280 lbs Nut coal to Baxter {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 180 Pd {diarist resumes writing on lines} got letter today from J.H.C. Dated 25th may at Hospital in England: to Bed at 920 rain

14: fine cool: home chore: hoe in garden: rain Wm Lyons got 80 lbs hay: to Bed at 840 cool telephone to Olive 1310 College St Toronto

15: fine rain: home chore: help Mary fill 3. ticks with Hay & Put them on Beds. Mary Stretch curtains: to Bed at 830 (1) Mary. Showing

16: fine warm: home chore: Miss Henderson come on train I got Shave at Floyds 10 c Pd: to Elevator help Wm Hamilton Empty Barley Bin: to Blain Meeting at night {diarists squeezes in last words at bottom of page} home wash {?}& I



June 17 X: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep: Church at 7 Rev Bainborough Preach: to Bed at 915 fine night

18: fine warm: the Big rainstorm Hail thunder & lightening home chore: write letter to J.H.C. to Canadian Convalescent Hospital Hillingdon House Uxbridge Middlesex England. chore: to Bed at 8. oclock

19: fine warm: home chore: to Elevator give 2 Bags Shorts to Tom Roe $450 Paid: home dinner: read Mary Varnish floor. upstairs I up (1) on Bed. hot

20: fine mild: home chore: weigh 30 hogs & 3 cattle for Jas Gilmore ship Part car: make $150 today to Bed {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} at 8 {diarist resumes writing on line}

21: fine warm: home chore: Mary oil floors: I Pay Robert Watson $356 Insurance Premium on house & Buildings & contents: chore: to Bed at 815 rain

22: fine warm: home chore: read Papers: cut old cellar Door for wood: Put grass at front: to Bed at 9

23: fine: rain: home chore: to Elevator. R.J. Hillock got 42 sax cement for H.H. Watson. Pay coal & scale {?} rent $500 to J.B. Campbell: home for Dinner Miss Hutchinson come on train: read Sleep. to Bed at 930

24:X: fine cool: home chore: Memorial Service in English Church at 3. oclock today by her Westney for "Albert Stronge" who was killed in France in may 21rst in action: Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach turn cold: to bed at 9. oclock. Sleep with John.

25: fine warm: rain at night: home chore: to Elevator Put away 1. sax cement: give John Haggard 5 sax $300 Pd: home read: to bed at 915 (1) me: rainstorm

26: cloudy rain: fine hot: home chore: read Sleep upstairs got letter from J.H.C. from England Dated June 10th Rev Bainborough got hurt: to bed at 930

27: fine warm: home chore: Mary wash I went out to Carter Place for walk across by arch up track home at. 530 write letter to J.H.C. this am

28: fine: rain cool: home chore: help mary fix Box for table: read Sleep: rain at night order car soft coal from Shoal creck coal co. Chicago: 30 or 35 ton cat at 400 at {?} in flat Bottom car: to bed at 830 cool

29: cloudy rain misley: fine cool: home chore Mable: Pearl & John to L. Marshalls Bush Picnick afternoon: S.S. & P.S. Picnick: home at 6. cool Mary churn & Bake Bread: to Bed at 930 (1)



June 30: fine warm: home chore: pay Wm Hamilton $300. cement got Shave at Floyds 20 cts Pd: Miss Hutchinson here came G.T.R. went home at 7: to Bed at 9.30: Olive & Russell & Myra Duffy came home from Toronto C.P.R. at 1130

July 1:X: rain rain heavy: then fine cool: home chore: Olive & Russell here: Mrs Wm Duffy: Myra Elenor. Joy. and W.J. Faulkner here for tea: none of us to church Bainborough Preach at 7: Mrs Wm Lyons. Mrs Clifford Bible & Macel in chat. to bed at 10. oclock.

2: fine cool: home chore: Mabel & Pearl. went with Mrs Wm Duffy in Buggy. to Picnick up at Jims in Bush John went with J.B. Campbell in car: I got L. Bible to take Olive to Cedar Mills for 5. oclock C.P.R. Mary & Roy & I go for ride: our Russell with him I gave Leonard a Dollar for his trouble. girls. got home at 7. John at 1030 Bed at 11. I (1) cool.

3: fine cool: home chore: our Russell go to Cedar Mills at 7. C.P.R. to Toronto: weigh cow for R. Cr{?} got Cheque $3185 from Dr Keynar for coal to Date Deposit $10185 in Bank for ourselves: and $2000 for J.H.C. his June cheque: sell coal to L. Sloan for S.S. No. 2. Adjala chat to Jas Scott. chore. chat to Wm Lyons. to Bed at 930 cool clear

4: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock 52 hogs 1. car cattle in 1.car. Box cars: Make about $300: got 1. Bag corn from K.J. Lavery for Her feed: T. Faulkner and 2 Boys here for tea: Bring 2.Bags Shorts 1. Bag Bean from Elevator: 1 sax cement: fine night to Bed at 930 warm

5: fine hot: home chore: got letter from J.H.C. from England. dated June 17th: sleep: go with Robert Watson in car with Isaac & Oliver: down to 7th to see Dave Wilson then to Bolton across to maeville up 4th to Couplauds across to 3rd line up to Higginsons down & across Donaghy swamp to. Allans. then to G. Judges down 2nd line: to see Wm little Jarvis Elliott working on road then to Sandhill. up to Moms Road had drink at wartime Stonehouse. up 6th line to 2.5 side line across to J.H. Moffitts up 2nd. line to lot 33. Back down to 25 then across to Jerry Taylors. home to Palgrave at 6. supper Macel Bible in chat. cool: to Bed at 10. oclock

6: fine warm: home chore: send letter to J.H.C. to England: macel Bible go to Toronto G.T.R. at 9. to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton. home at 530 chore: sid sull{?} here for Eggs: to Bed at 10. cool.




7: fine warm: home chore: Miss Hutchinson came G.T.R at 9: here for Dinner & tea: I go to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton: got Shave at Floyds 10 cts: rain at night: W.J. Faulkner Bring Pail Strawberries in chat {diarists above text in smaller writing} rain {diarist resumes writing on lines}

8:X: rain: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep. dress Put on new Blue Shirt: no. Church: to bed at 930

9: fine warm: rainstorm Hail: to home chore. Pat Horan Barn Burned & 2 cows killed with lightening heavy rain: got Invoice for B. coal.

10: fine warm: rain: home chore: Pearl & Mary & Robert Earnest here for dinner: John & I fix scale floor Put some Board on it: rain Russell 17. years old today. he in city. George Lyons help me cement stable floor

11: cloudy mild: home chore: read: Jack Lavery unload car Stone: send $200 Postal note to the Conservator Brampton for Paper to 31.st Dec 1917: chore: to Bed at 830 cool

12: cloudy misty fine cool: home chore: W.J. Faulkner up at 8. lure with Pail of Strawberries 125 Paid: he went to Tottenham with orange lodge on G.T.Ry at 9. home again at 7. P.M. I got him lunch of cokes{?} Wm Lyons cow calve today: to Bed at 830 cool

13: fine. rain: cool: home chore: read. to scale take down stove Pipes: got new lock 25 Pd rain I Stop in Elevator till rain over. to bed at 9. (1)

14: cloudy misley fine: home chore: Miss Hutchinson came G.T. at 9. I got Shave at Floyds 15 cts Pd: lawn mow grass: Big Hail Storm at Tottenham: cool night Miss Hutchinson go home G.T. at 7. to Bed at 945

15:X: fine warm: home chore read Sleep: Dinner dress. to Duffys got Minn in Buggy: Drive up to see Mother at Jims with Mary John & Roy in Buggy: had tea at Jims: home at 645 Mary milk cow I mind Roy: Mabel & Pearl to Kellys with Campbells in car: home at 8: to bed at 9. (1)

16: fine warm: home chore: help Mary clean out feed room: send June coal report to ottawa: clean out coal house: write letter to J.H.C. to Canadian convelescent Hospital Hillingdan House Uxbridge M. Eng

17: fine cloudy misley: home chore: Pay for 3. cars coal $68909 in Bank. and get $31500 cash out of Bank chore read: W.J. Faulkner here for tea L. Taylor in chat. to Bed at 10.




18: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock at scale 225 Jas Gilmore ship 1. car: 37 hogs: to Bed at 9.

19: fine warm: rain: fine: home chore: read sleep got repairs for Spray 215 sell some: to bed at 9. oclock

20: fine very warm: home chore: read sleep: water Fred Horse: car soft coal came today. to Bed at 10.

21: fine warm: home chore: Pay freight & Duty on car Panama coal 35 tons. $12983 got car Placed at coal shed: Pay Wm Hamilton to Date $1510: Pay Miss Hutchinson to Date $550 chore: got Shave at Floyds 10 Paid: nate there

22:X: fine very hot: home all day sleep at front read write: Tom & Vida up at Mrs Coulters carriage no church at 7: to Bed at 9 hot.

23: fine very hot: home chore: Jas Lavery and Wm Lyons unload car 13896. C & G.T. Soft coal Pay Jas $300 and Will $300 very hot. to Bed at 10.

24: fine very hot: home chore: read Sleep. got 2 letter from J.H.C. from England: I write to him 1. letter: water horse: to Bed at 10. very hot

25: fine very hot: home chore: Sam Charters here: chat to him & R. Watson: Mrs Jefferson here for tea. chat: to bed at 10. very hot.

26: fine very hot: home chore: read: help Mary to wire around chicken Pen: Pay R.J. Lavery 70 cts for wire & nails for it: very hot: to bed at 10.

27: fine warm: home chore: to 6th line alone Pick Berries home at 12: Dinner. sleep: water horse: Jas Scott here chat. tea chore: then Mary. & Mabel & Pearl & John & Roy: went with J.B. Campbell in car for Joy ride to Black Horse & Back at 8. Mary milk cow: I mind Roy: to bed at 10. fine

28: fine warm: home chore: Mary & I to 6th line Pick Berries home at 1. oclock: water horse: got 2 shoe on Horse: got Shave 5 cts Pd: 3. cars Herd coal came tonight. 1. Egg. 1. Stone: 1. Nut. open cars. to Bed at 11

29:X: fine very hot: home chore: read sleep: hot hot Church at 7. Mr Graham of Inglewood Preach.

30: fine very hot: home chore: get Horse shod. Place a coal car: very hot: did not go to Bed all night

31: fine very hot: home chore: Start unload car vent coal. Wm Lyons help Jas Lavery haul in Bags with Fred horse: Proff Yeign talk at R. Stjohns hot Bob Rhodes Died: Cable $2000 to J.H.C. to England


August 1917

1: fine: thunderstorm rain: home chore: unloading car Nut coal: T. Stanfield haul 1/2 day Irwin {?} Jas Lavery & Wm Lyons all day: warm lie on floor

2: fine cool: home chore: finish unload car Nut coal: Start unload Egg coal: T. Stanfield haul Wm Lyons & Jas Lavery all day. cool

3: fine cool: home chore: unload at Egg coal start at car Stove coal. Jas Lavery Wm Lyons T. Stanfield all day: sell first B. coal Olive come home tonight C.P.R. Floyd met her at Cedar mills train late after 12. cool night

4: fine warm: home chore: finish unload car Stove coal & car Egg coal: Pay J.B. Campbell $24387 freight today: Wm Bible help us 1/2 day and T. Stanfield 1/2 day: Jas Lavery & Wm Lyons all day: Md Mrs Faulkner came here today & stay all night: got Shave at Floyds 10 Pd I. Pay Jas Lavery up to Date. gave T. Stanfield $1000

5:X: fine cool: home chore: attend to Minn Duffy mare: old Mrs Faulkner went with Tom Faulkner up to Mothers in Buggy: rain Shower thunder storm Church at 7. Mr Bainborough Preach: to Bed at 10.

6: fine cool: home chore: attend to Duffys minn mare Mary. Olive & John Pick berries at Burns: J.B. Campbell took them out & Back with car: I Cable $5000 to J.H.C. to England: chore: to Bed at 10. olcock {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} cool {diarist resumes writing on line}

7: fine cool: home chore: Mary & Olive Pick Berries at Burns: J.B. Campbell take them out at 615 Bring the Back at 12: they got Big Paid of Berries: Olive go to Toronto C.P.R. at 5. Floyd Henderson take her to Cedar Mills in car Pay Wm Lyons $1350 for work: to Bed at 10. Mrs Wm Duffy Elener & Joy came home from {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} city {diarist resumes writing on line}

8: fine: thunder storm rain: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore stuf 1. car: make over $200 Pay T. Stanfield up to Date: sell Shorts & Bran

9: fine mild: rain: home chore: help Mary to Put new hinges on woodshed Door: to Burns Berry Patch afternoon with Mary & John & Mrs Dolan Berries gone: home at 6. chore: to Bed at 9. (1)

10: fine: home chore: Mary & Mrs Dolan to Gibsons lake Pick Berries: I go to Dohortys Bush Pick Berries: home at 4 tired: sell coal. to Bed at 9. got letter from J.H.C. England

== 9

August 1917

11: fine warm: home chore: to 6th line Pick Berries up 6th and across through Wm Bibles home got 2 little cow full: tired to Floyds at night: Hair cut & Shave 35 cts Pd home at 1130

12:X: fine warm: home chore: sleep nearly all day: to Bed at 9.

13: fine warm: home chore: to Dohertys Pick Berries. with Mary: Mrs Dolan: Mrs Wm Lyons & George Lyons Berries scarce home at 5: chore: to bed at 9. cool

14: fine warm: home chore: sell coal: got 1. Bag of sugar from R.J. Lavery $925: I go Pick Berries at 6th line: home at 5. Big rainstorm thunder & Hail

15: fine hot: home chore: sell coal: Lena Barry came G.T.R. W. J. Faulkner take her home with him out to oat field see Alf Gibson cut oats for J.B.C. to Jas Scotts chat: home tea: to Bed at 930

16: fine hot: home chore: to Burns Berry Patch Pick Berries with Mary: home at 3. to Bed at 9. cool

17: fine cool: home chore: sell coal: walk out to see Wm Lyons cradle oats I Biad{?} few Sheaves ride home with Miller Hamilton in Buggy. cool {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} (1) {diarist resumes writing on lines}

18: fine warm: home chore: sell coal: Mary to Burns Pick Berries afternoon: with Mrs Lyons & Dolan got Shave at Floyds 10 Pd: R.L. McFadden & his Mother came to Mrs Coulters G.T. tonight.

19:X: fine hot: home chore: read. R.L. McFadden & his Mother here for Dinner: to Wm Bibles with Mary Milk cow: home. to Bed at 9. cool

20: fine warm: home chore: unload car nut coal Jas Lavery. Wm Lyons & Wallace Duffy help finish at 12. oclock noon: Wm & Dave Rowleys raise Barn today: Pay Jas Lavery $200: Pay J.B.C. 9110 freight on car nut coal. to Bed at 10. cool

21: fine warm: home chore: send Bank Draft $15080 to shoal creek coal co. for car soft coal. help Wm Hamilton set Big Pole for stove Pipes he fix scale rack for me: Pay him $1490 full to date sell coal: Jenny in chat Bring Mabel & Pearl up from. T. Faulkners: to Bed at 9. cool.

22: fine warm: home chore: Pick up coal at shed Mail Invoices & receipts for 3. cars of coal. to show what I Paid for them: Mary & Mrs Dolan Pick Berries at Burns: Jas Lavery Bring Paid of New Potatoes from Bank Cellar 1. Bag I took allonays; to bed at 9. cool.


August 1917

23: cloudy rain nearly all day: home chore: read Sleep Mary have sore leg: to Bed at 9. oclock.

24: fine cool: rain cool: home chore: sell coal Wm Hamilton got word that Mercer was wounded in France. read Sleep. to Bed at 9

25: cloudy misley cool: home chore: Mary help me Put Manger & floor in cow stall: got Shave 15 c Pd home at 930 cool. to bed at 10 (1).

26:X: cloudy cool: home chore: read Sleep: Jas Scott here chat: Rev Bainborough Preach at 7. cool. John & I for walk. out through fields: to Bed at 9.

27: fine windy rain at night: home chore: help Wm Hamilton at Elevator move Pot: read sleep Put Horse out in Hendersons lot: Mrs Burns here chat. to Bed at 9. cool. Phone {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 165 {diarist resumes writing on the lines} & write letter to A.A. McKinnon this am re Potatoes

28: cloudy cool: home chore: sell coal: Pull onions Mary 43 years old today: She went to Burns with Mrs Dolan Pick berries: Buy Bag potatoes from Jas Lavery $200 Paid: to Bed at 9. cool

29: cloudy cool: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore ship 1. car: make about 125 sell coal: home at 7 tea: to Bed at 830 cool

30: fine mild: home chore: sell coal: water horse at Floyds: C.B. Duke here chat at Elevator: No 36 Maitland St Toronto phone North 4662: cool home.

31: fine warm: home chore: sell coal: to Bed at 9.

Sept 1: fine: home chore: sell coal: home: to Bed at .9.

2X rain last night: fine today: home chore: Sleep in scale office: home at 1. dinner: Macel Bible came home from Toronto last night: our Mable & Pearl go to Toronto saturday morning at 9. G.T.R. with Mrs Duffy: Bainborough Preach at 7. home read: to Bed at 9. cool.

3: fine cool: home chore: sell coal: Mabel & Pearl come home at 6. G.T.R. from Toronto

4: fine cool: home chore: got 1. Bag Shorts 225 Paid sell coal: got letter from J.H.C: answer it and send him P.. Money order for $2000 cool.

5: fine cool: home chore: send August report of coal to W.F. Oconnor Ottawa: J.B. Campbell thrash. cool

6: fine cool: home chore: sell. Hay: Pay W.E Lyons for Rundells liniment got 12 Boxes Pills: to Bed at 9. (1) upstairs on Bed today: cool after Dinner


september 1917

7: fine cool: home chore: send Cheque $14556 to The Robert Simpson Co. Toronto for goods: sell coal. at Elevator for shavings in Bag: home: to Bed at 9. cool

8: fine warm: home chore: to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton: got Shave at Floyds 15 cts Pd: to Bed at 830

9:X: fine cool: home chore: read sleep: around home all day: Wm Lindsay & Bob Wiley here today Rev: Bainborough Preach at 7: to Bed at 830 cold

10: cloudy cool: home chore: got 1. shoe on horse 45 cts sell coal: got Bags at Station from A McKinnon got Goods from Simpsons with sweater: to Bed at 9. cool

11: fine cool: home chore: around home kill hen for Mary: to bed at 9. cold.

12: fine warm: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore ship 2. cars: make about $300 to bed at 9. fine

13: fine warm: home chore: sell coal: got letter from J.H.C. from England: home: to Bed at 9. cool.

14: fine mild: home chore: sell coal: home: to Bed at 9.

15: cloudy mild: home chore: around home Churn got Bag sweepings at Elevator: got Shave at Floyds 1 cts Pd

16:X: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep. G Munroe Memorial Service in Methodist Church at 230 Rev Leaife Preach Big Crowd: to bed at 9.

17: fine warm: home chore: sell coal: got letter from J.H.C. from England answer it: Mary & I. sell coal to Miss Kenny Lockton: home: to Bed at 9. fine night

18: fine warm cloudy; home chore: Sell Coal weigh 10 hogs for G. White home: to Bed at 9.

19: fine warm: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore load 1. car today make about $150: to Bed at 830

20: fine warm: home chore: to Elevator Wm Hamilton clean out pen & Put up Stove Pipes up at Post. home Dinner: sell coal: Meet Bill Little at Station about car coal: home at 6. tea. to bed at 830

21: fine cool: home chore: attend to Elevator for Wm Hamilton he went to Jas Newlones to see about his eyes: sell coal: home: to Bed at 9. (1)

22: fine cool: home chore: got in 40. Bags Potatoes a 100 Put 18. Bags in Station & 22. Bags in Bank Cellar weigh 2 loads hay & cattle: got Shave at Floyds 10. Pd {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} to Bed at 10. {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

23:X: fine mild: home chore: read Sleep cool: to Bed {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} at 9 {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

24: fine dry: home chore: got into Bank Cellar 16. Bags Potatoes at 80 cts Per Bag: from R. Lyons at Elevator for Bag sweepings for hens: W. Bible there


september 1917

25 .fine day: home chore: send 2 Bags Potatoes 150 lbs to Wm Gowan Milton $200: sell coal: home to Bed at 9.

26: fine mild: home chore: weigh Stock: Jas Gilmore load 2. cars: make about 200 today: sell coal: home at {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} .6 {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

27: fine warm. rain at night: home chore: sell coal got letter from J.H.C. from Brighton: got letter from Jas MacDonald 5 Watson ave Toronto re Price of Potatoes: rain: to bed at 930

28: fine mild: home chore: sell coal: to Bed at 930 Roy had croup at 12 oclock tonight:

29: fine cool: home chore: order car for Potatoes: sell coal: F. Potter Pay $5000 on coal account: got Shave at Floyds 15 cts Pd: home at 9. to Bed at 930 cool

30:X: fine: misley cool: home: read & Sleep: (1) stuad John water Fred at Hendersons: to Bed at 9. misley Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach.

Oct 1: fine cool: home chore: sell coal: Wm Lyons clean out chimneys. Mary clean stove Pipes: Bring Fred Horse in to Stable: Make out Bills: to Bed at 9.

2: fine: home chore: collect $15140 from John McClelland. sell coal: to Bed at 9

3: cloudy rain: home chore: weigh 74. hogs today Jas Gilmore had 1 car: Sell coal: had card from J.H.C. for Brighton England: to Bed at 840

4: cloudy mild: home chore: got 73. Bags Potatoes on Platform at 90 cts: sell coal: write letter to John {?} On Meadowville about Jas Stjohn Mr Dowson in chat; Wm Matthew & T. Evans in look for coal: to Bed at 9. (1) in night

5: cloudy misley cold: home chore: Buy Potatoes start load car (1) 4720. B.R. & P. had in 180 Bags at 90. cts Per Bag: Wm Lyons help me 1/2 day

6: cloudy cool; home chore: finish load car (1) Put in 442 Bags at 90 cts to 115: Shipped car to a. a. McKinnon Toronto: Start load car (2) 19410. G.T. got in 26 at 110 G. Dowson gave me $40000 cash today: Wm Lyons help all day to Floyds at night got Hair cut & Shave 35 cts Pd Olive came Home tonight from Toronto G.T.

7:X: cloudy cool: home chore; Russell and two Simpson Boys here for Dinner on Motorigels Olive home: had Meat Pie for Dinner. Church at 7. Wm Steele: Preach: cool: Boyce girls in


october 1917

8: fine cool: home chore: finish load car 2.19410 G.T. Put in 405 Bags ship to a McKinnon Toronto G.W. Dowson Pay me for it 50825

9: cold fine: home chore: load car. 63058. B.M Put in 496 Bags at 120: Start load car (4) 83529.N.y.N.H & H. got in 340 Bags into it G.W. Dowson Pay me for car (3) $60020 Mary help me Book up loads.

10: clear cold: home chore: finish load car 4.83529. N y N H & H. Put in 490 Bags at 120 Ship to a a McKinnon Toronto: Start load car 5:310092. G.T.P. got in 350. Bags at 110 Russell help Jas Lavery in car:

11: fine cool: home chore: finish load car 5. 310092 G.T.P. Put in 609. Bags: Shipped it to a. a. McKinnon Toronto: start load car (6) had 538. Bags in tonight. Put 1. load in car N.W. 61037; G.W. Dowson gave me $9000

12 cloudy rain: home chore: got in 2 loads Potatoes into car 7:61037 N & W: at 100: Ship car 6:39176: D L & W: to A. A. McKinnon Toronto had in 528. Bags: by Cash today from G W. Dowson $100000 at Elevator raining.

13: cloudy rain: cool: home chore: finish load car 7: 61037. N & W: Load in 544 Bags at $100 Per Bag: Pay Jas Lavery $1500 for 4 1/2 days work: Ship this car to a.a. McKinnon Toronto.

14:X: cloudy misley fine: home chore: read Sleep Pearl & John to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach

15: fine cool: home chore: ship 2100lbs stone coal to Mr Cowan Caledon East $1050: got 228 Bags of Potatoes on Platform at $100: home chore:

16: fine cool: home chore: get car for Potatoes: start to load. Put some in {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} at night {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

17: fine cool: home chore: sell coal. weigh hogs Jas Gilmore load 1. car: work at Potatoes G. Dowson car in for Bags. our cow sick Dr tighe{?} here: Wm Lyons {?}

18: warm misley: home chore: our cow sick. G.W. Dowson Pay me for car 7.61037. N&W $56950 also for car 8.98649. C B & 2.299. Bags 75 lbs $32475: and $1000 for one weeks rent for use of scale to weigh Potatoes: from 18th of oct. 1917. Wm Lyons {?} {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} cow {diarist resumes writing on lines}


oct 1917

19: cloudy rain: cool: home chore: cow sick

20: cloudy cool: home chore: Deliver coal Jas Lavery all day. {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 300 {diarist resumes writing on the lines} Pd: got Shave at Floyds to Dr Reynars at night telephone for Dr Bowes {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} cow sick {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

21:X: cloudy cold: home chore: cow sick. Bowes {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} here {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

22: cloudy cool: home chore: Deliver coal around village Joe Lavery: Dowson loading Bag car:

23: cloudy rain: home chore. our cow sick Dr Bowes here

24: cloudy misley cool rain snow: cow very sick had Mason to cow: very sick I up to 3 oclock cold: to Bed cold.

25: cloudy. clearing milder: home chore cow very sick. cow Died about 4. oclock today: Down at scale: lots of {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Potatoes {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

26: cloudy cold: home sick with cold rested {?} to Bed

27: cool: home in Bed sick with cold.

28:X: cold: home in bed sick with cold.

29: cold: home in bed sick with cold

30: cold: home in bed sick with cold.

31: cold: home in bed sick with cold

Nov 1: cold: home in bed Sick with cold

2: cold: home in bed Sick with cold

3: cold: home in bed sick with cold

4:X: cold: home in bed Sick with cold

5: clear cold: home in bed Sick with cold

6: clear cold: home: got up this forenoon {?} for & 7: Dinner: Geo. W. Dowson Pay me $50000 Cash

7: for coal Shed & Big scale: Mrs Jas Burns & Mrs F Dolan in chat: to Bed at 9. oclock

8: clear fine: home: sick: up at 1. oclock downstairs custard for Dinner: tea to bed at 8 oclock

9: clear fine: home sick: up at 12 for soap: chat tea: to Bed at 8. oclock fine night Dance in {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Hall {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

10: fine warm: home up at 12 for Dinner: Mrs Pearl McMahon in chat: I out for walk: fine day Olive came home from Toronto tonight G.T

11:X: fine warm: home sick: up at 12. Mother here for Dinner & tea: She went to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach. W.J. Faulkner in chat: to bed at 9. foggy.

12: fine warm: home sick: up at 12. Dinner Mother here for tea: Mrs Wm McKinnon buried at Bolton Cemetry today: Olive went with W.J. Faulkner.

13: fine warm: home sick: up ta 12 for Dinner. to Jas Scotts for walk: Dr Reynars in see about coal for kidds: to Bed at 10. fine night.


Nov 1917

14: fine warm: home up for dinner: got letter from W.G. Steens about 1400 he owes me: our John 8 years old today: I subscribe to Robert Watson $100000 in victory Bonds.

15: cloudy misley cool: home up at 11. better. I Cable $5000 to pte C. McMahon 775536 E. Co. 4th reserve Batt Hauts England today

16: cloudy cool: home: up at 10. Morris Shulman here chat: G.W. Dowson Start line a car Olive help Mary Pack Box with Stuff and Box Christmas Cake for Campbell Send them to him today: Olive went to Toronto G.T.R. at 6. oclock tonight

17: fine warm: home up at 11. for dinner for walk to angle crossing today tired old Wm Clarke got Stroke on left side last night: got Shoes removed on horse: 2

18:X: fine cold squaly snow cold: home up at 2 oclock Mother here for tea to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach. to Bed at 9. oclock.

19: cloudy cold: home up for Dinner G.W. Dowson fix scale at North end 20 old Wm Clarke Died at 4. oclock this morning

20. cloudy cool: home up at 10. down town: to Bank after dinner Deposit $10800 then to coal & scale: Russell to Toronto in car with Bibles Russell home at 11. oclock from city

21 {diarist writes below date} Pearl Baby cow: foggy misty cool: home up for dinner misty rain afternoon & night sleet snow

22: sleet snow rain cold: home up at 10 oclock old Wm Clarke's funeral. today: service in Church then Bury him at Bolton. snow & Blow about 6. or 8. inches cold night.

23: clear cold: home up at 10. Dinner Mary Bake Bread and mend granite dishes. I rock Roy asleep in craddle: cold

24: clear cold: home up at dinner. I walk up to Floyd Henderson he cut my hair & Shave me: {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 35 cts {diarist resumes writing on lines} I pay him for Shaving horse 65 cts Paid

25:X: clear cold: home up at 11. Mary wash me up Stairs: L. Bible in with Russell: No Church at 7. Shilah had Anniversary Peter Campbell there: fine moonlight cold




26: clear cold: home. up at noon: L. Bible help Russell haul some coal home from coal shed Russell. go to Toronto with car Potatoes for R. W. Dowson in lined car (1): cold night

27: clear cold: home up at noon: to Bank Deposit $2000 for J.H.C. month November Pay: Pay $10000 first on victory loan Bond. in store: K.J. Lavery Bring us. Bag of sugar $975 Paid: fine night

28: fine mild: home up at noon: Mary clean store windows & Put them on: Russell came home from Toronto. G T at 9. this evening

29: fine mild: home: up at 10. Mary wash: let horse & cow out for while: Lilly cow 1st time

30: cloudy rain: home: up at noon: read Book Mary write letter to Mewburn Ottawa to try & get Campbell home for while to Bed at 11. oclock (1) Both. Olive 19. years today. she Telephone to us.

Dec 1: cloudy mild: home up at noon: Dinner Ella Webbs sale today: Leonard Bible help Russel haul coal scales & fuel from Elevator. Macel Bible came home from city

2:X: fine cold: home up at noon Dinner: read. Mabel & Pearl to English Church at 7. (11)

3: cloudy cool: home up for Dinner: read. Mr Jeremiah Taylor in. get Paper signed. got letter from J.H.C. tonight from England. dated 6th of November.

4: fine mild: home up for Breakfast at 10. oclock: Mary wash clothes: Russell got letter from J.H.C. dated 16th of November. with letter in for mother and his Photo for us: I mind Roy Mary to Bank Deposit $6000 Russell go to Toronto car 2. Potatoes for G. Dowson

5: fine cold: home up at 930 to F. Hendersons got Shave 10 cts Pd: Let cow & horse out Roy 2 years old today: Russell come home at 7. G.T.R. from Toronto tonight. Send card to Ohio & Michigan coal Co for 1. car Nut coal: Mary write letter to J.H.C. tonight.


December 1917

6: clear & cold: home. up for Dinner: read Russell in bed all day sleep. snow.

7: clear cold: home for Dinner: read Paper Big Explosion at Halifax many killed. clear cold got letter J.H.C. from England.

8: cloudy snow East Station. snow all day home. up at 11. for dinner: L. Bible in Mary got letter from Olive from Toronto with Birthday card for me: Mary fix at Coat for Mabel. Bake Bread chore

9:X: stormy very cold: home. up at 2. oclock. Olive call on Telephone from Toronto My 58th Birthday today. had 2 chickens for Dinner at 4. oclock. Leonard Bible here all day. to Bed at 10. (1). cold night

10: clear cold: home: up for Breakfast at 930: Mary to Bank. Deposit $5235 J.H. Lavery Cheque Pay Taxes $24u>80 and $1210 Telephone to Dec 1. write letter to W. G. Steans & to coal men.

12: clear cold: up at 930 for Breakfast. read the Paper. Mary Bake. Edna Rowley in Telephone Isaac Watson in chat. Mrs Wm Lyons in Mary fill out report coal all sold at Dec 1rst. Mary & Mabel & Pearl went to Sam Charters meeting in Hall at 8. I stay home with John & Roy. to 12. oclock to Bed at 1. cold night

13: cloudy snow all day: home up at 12. read Paper: read Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm

14: clear cold: home: up at Dinner. Mary & I write letter to J.H.C. to England. Russell start to Stony Point at 1. oclock with car of Potatoes for G.W. Dowson: I finish read Rebecca. Mabel & Pearl to Ben Petch meeting in Hall. cold

15: clear cold: home: up at 1. oclock. no Dinner: they were house cleaning today: Dinner at 4. colock to Bed at 12. oclock at night very cold night.

16:X: clear cold: home up at noon: Rev Lunan Preach at 230 to s.s. scholars: at at 7. oclock to old People: Mabel & Pearl go. to Both services Edna Rowley & Macel Bible in. telephone cold clear. to Bed at 10. oclock.


Dec 1917

17: clear fine: home up at 11. oclock: water cow and horse: out to Vote at Wm Lyons for Sam Charters. against Ben Petch. home for dinner at 12: Mrs Lyons & Macil Bible here for dinner: George Lyons here for tea: up to 10. oclock: Charters got 119 votes here Peter 28. Charters had 1675 majority in Peel. Big majorities the Boys had Big Bonfire: Mary Vote for Charters

18: fine milder: home: up for Breakfast water cow & Horse: let them out for while to Floyd Hendersons got Shave 15 cts Paid. in store awhile: chat home at 3. read Paper

19: cloudy mild misley: home: up at 10. olock. read Paper: got letter from J.H.C. from France Dated Dec 1rst Just got to France. Russell got home tonight from Stony Point G.T. Ry at 7. oclock: {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Mary {diarist resumes writing on the lines} write to Olive. to Bed at 10. mild night:

20: cloudy mild: home up at 930 for Breakfast G. Chapman here Pay coal Bill $1355 for s.s. No. 2 Adjala R.J. Watson Bring 1. load wood first load to Bed at 10. oclock mild thawing snow {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} off {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

21{diarist writes under the date} got goose from mrs Duffy 14 1/2 lbs $290: fine mild: home up at 10 for Breakfast. Pearl Mrs Jas McMahon here for Dinner. School Concert S.S. No. 9. Mabel. Pearl & John take Part Russell go to: they had good concert and scholars. Presented. Mr Hartwitch wrist watch

22: fine mild: home up at 10. oclock for Breakfast. Mary Bake Bread & Cakes: to bed at 11.

23:X: cloudy snow mild: home up at 11. Mary sick I do chores. Russell milk cow: Mrs Wm Lyons & Macel Bible in at 10. tonight to see Mary: to Bed at 11.

24: cloudy mild: home at up 10. Breakfast Tom Faulkner here Pay $423 for coal in full to Date. he stay for Dinner: Olive come home from Toronto at 11. C.P.R. Russell meet her at Cedar Mills cold night

25: clear cold: home up at 10. Olive Here: Dinner at 2. had 14 1/2 lbs Goose: My Mother here for tea: stay all night: Olive go C.P.R. to Toronto at 5. oclock. Russell leave her to Cedar Mills s.s. Play in Hall tonight. Mabel Pearl & John go & Russell. to Bed at 12. cold night.


Dec 1917

26: clear cold: home up at 10. for Breakfast other here stay all day: W. A. Irwin in see me.

27: clear cold. home up for Breakfast at 10. Mother here: read am Book. very cold & icy

28: cold below Zero: home up for Breakfast at 10. Russell split some wood: very cold day & night Mother here: very cold night:

29: clear very cold. home up for Breakfast at 10. Mother here: I dress go to Store & R. Watsons to Wm Irwins get Village Book: home Dinner at {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 4 {diarist resumes writing on lines}

30X clear cold: home up for Breakfast at 11. read had Chicken Dinner at 4. oclock: Mary take Mother to R.J. Laverys at 5. clear cold Mabel & Pearl to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach: Mary home at 730 cold night.

31: clear cold: home up for Breakfast at 10. then to Hall take Nominations for Village from 12 to 1. oclock Russell do the writing: home for Dinner: Russell to Hall at 730 no meeting


Jan 1: clear & cold: home up at 10 for Brekafast in House all day: Candidate resign: Wm Wray{?} in tonight chat to 830 cold night.

2: clear cold: home up at 10 for Breakfast Russell got Horse Shod. haul coal to Floyd & some home Leonard Bible help him. all the candidates for Trustee resign leaving J.B. Campbell. W.A. Irwin & R.J. Lavery Elected for the year 1918. cold clear.

3: clear cold: home. up at 10. for Breakfast Leonard Bible help Russell haul coal & get 1. Bag Flour: 1. Bag wheat: 1. Bag Barley 2 Bags oats: 2. Bags Bran at Elevator. then to Wm Bibles for Straw: got 2. letter from J.H.C. from France. Dated the 8th and 13th of December 1917: cold night:

4: clear cold: home up for Breakfast at 10. clock Leonard Bible in make Russell out for Bed Mary Pay Leonard 100 for work. I to R.J. Laverys see Mother about letter re Mortgage: Post letters: home at 4. oclock. Dr A.F. Reynar in chat about Norton {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Burns {diarist resumes writing on lines} re Floyd Henderson here at night Shave me Pd 25 cts: Floyd Paid me $875 for coal. fine night not so cold: to bed at 10. clock (1)


Jan 1918

5: clear fine: home. up at 10. for Breakfast: to Bank at 11. Deposit $2500 gave Bank a Cheque for the Balance of Victory Bond $89100 got Receipt for $100000 Paid up: to Elevator see Wm Hamilton. Pay him up to Date for Feed. chat: Paid Floyd Henderson for shoeing horse $135: home: Wm McMinn here today get papers signed. Re Earl goods. I in R.J. Lavery's see Mother. to bed at 11.

6:X: cloudy cold: home up at 10. for Breakfast Leonard Bible in for Russell at 12. oclock children to Church at 7. Rev. Bainborough Preach.

7: cloudy Snow: home up at 10 for Breakfast Albion Election: Dohorty: Taylor: Roe: and Wm Hutchinson run: Hutchinson got beat by 3 votes. our Jim in chat: W.J. Faulkner here for tea; snow

8: squaly. clear cold: home: up at 10. for Breakfast read: Jim here for Dinner. got Note for $100<u.00 he Pay off Mortgage $50000 re Hillard to Imperial Bank: Russell go to Toronto with car f Potatoes for Dowson at 5. oclock Orangemen meet in Hall today: to bed at 10.

9: clear fine: home: up at 1030 for Breakfast read at Anne: to bed at 10. cold (1): Russell got home from Toronto C.P.R. train late stop at Humber station:

10: cold Bustry: home: up at 10. for Breakfast read: Wm Lyons in chat: Telephone G. Taylor about Hay. Russell Sleep all day: fine.

11: fine: home: up at 10. Breakfast: Shovel snow: to R.J. Laverys see Mother: home at 430 Russell drive El youngs team haul up Potatoes to Car for Dowson: He fire car all night cold & Stormy: in Home at 4. oclock. cold.

12: stormy very cold: home: up at 10 Breakfast in House finished read Anne of the Island. Russell fire car for Dowson: very cold. no trains Railroad Blocked with snow.

13:X: cold Stormy: home: up at 11. Breakfast: Russell fire car Potatoes all day & all night for Dowson; Jas Burns call on Telephone about 8.

14: clear cold: {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} home {diarist resumes writing on lines} up at 930 for Breakfast: read a little milder tonight: no trains But snow Plow. went up. Russell fire car


Jan 1918

15: calm fine milder: home: up at 10. Breakfast help Mary to Churn: Rock Roy in cradle. fill in coal Papers for Ottawa no coal in. Russell fire car Potatoes for Dowson all night.

16: clear Blustry cold: home. up at 10. Breakfast Mary Wash: I rock Roy asleep. Russell go to Toronto with Refrigerator car of Potatoes. for Dowson at 5. oclock this evening. read

17: fine cold: home. up at 10. Breakfast: Shovel snow for woodpile: chore. let Horse out for while. Mary Bake Bread: Pretty cold.

18: cold: home: up at. 10. for Breakfast. chore. to R.J. Laverys: see Mother: home at 4. very cold.

19: clear cold: home: up at 1030 Breakfast. chore George Burns Baby Die. Buried in Methodist Grave {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} {?} {diarist resumes writing on lines} Wm Lyons dig grave: Rev Bainborough Bury it

20:X: clear cold: home: up at 11. for Breakfast. Pearl to S.S. at 11. am: Mabel. Pearl. John. to Church at 7 Rev Bainborough Preach: Mary & Roy to Wm Lyons I at home alone: Russell come home from Toronto tonight C.P.Ry at 11. cold night: clear

21: clear cold: home. up at 10. Breakfast: Mary Wash: Russell in Bed till 12 noon: Bring the new axe from Wm Bibles split some Blocks.

22: clear cold: home. up at 10. Breakfast. Mary to Bank Deposit J.H.C. Jan Cheque $2000: home at 330 churn: H.H. Watson in Pay 3602 in full to Date:

23: clear cold: home. up at 10. Breakfast. clean out closet: crosscent{?} hard Blocks. Mary and John help me: Russell went on weightfreight at 12. with car Potatoes to Toronto for Dowson

24: snow: cold: home: up at 10. Breakfast: in all day: write to C.A. Magrath Ottawa about coal Velda Boyce Died this morning at 10. Russell came home C.P.R. at 12. oclock tonight

25: clear cold: home. up at 10. Breakfast. Russell. up at 1. oclock for Dinner: read.

26: clear cold: home: up at 10. Breakfast: Russel go to Velda Boyce funeral at 1. oclock: service in church: Mabel & Pearl go: Rev Bainborough Preach Borden Watson Dinner here: very cold night

27:X: clear cold; home: up at 11. Breakfast: read: I went to R.J. Laverys see Mother: home at 5. Dinner Mabel. Pearl. John. to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach

January 1918 =






Feb 1:











Suove{?} & Blow: house: up at 10. Breakfast: read and write letter to J. H. C. {his son James Henry Campbell} to France put it in Mothers letter: write to J.S. Hamilton about car coal.

Clear cold: House up at 10: Breakfast: read. write Russell, split some wood: John cut wood in after 3. I help him: put down Hay & Straw.

Clear cold: house: up at 10. Breakfast: I walked to Clevatos afternoon chat to Wall Hamilton: got little Bar in seals office: house at 5: Tea at 6.

Clear cold. house. up at 10. Breakfast: Mother up from A. J. Lavrerys{?} at 11. here for dinner I tea got letter from J. H. C. from France. Dated Jan 8th: Russell go sirth cae potatoes at 5 pm for Toronto: Mother to R. J. Lauey at 6.

Clear cold. house up at 10. Breakfast drove Russlel Come home from Toronto C.P.K. 11.30 pm.

Clear cold: house up at 10. chore: split some wood: Russell help: John haul into woodshed wife Faullhuer here for tea at 6.

Cloudy Blustry: house up at 11. Breakfast, read Rev Luoige had memorial service for Clucer Moss at 3 oclock in Methodist Church. Mabel, Pearl, John there: Oraugencoss Figure: Reere for tea at 6.

Clear very cold: house up at 10. very cold: in house all day: sorite to John McBouald about coal: unit out 9. Bills & Post the: Floyd in look for coal bags. very cold night.

Clear cold: house: up at 10 in house all day

Cloudy snow cold: house up at 10: had girls for dinner. house all day. write out 6. Bills post them in office.

Blustry cold: house: up at 10: Russell split wood. I help John Mabel and Pearl haul it into shed.

Fine milder: House up at 10: Chore left Horse and cow out for sahile: Russell go ore H06 units. Car of potatoes for Boerson fire car: cold.

Hail: fine cold: house up at 10: store closed at noon: to save fuel: in house all day: cold

Clear cold: house up at 10: chore: Mathew Mabel Pearl John to Church at 7: Rev Rainburugs{?} preach: Mary write letter to Helie Allan to Leney: coal store go out.

February 1918

11: fine mild thawing off roof : home: up at 10. chore: Mary Churu: School close today. {illegible name of person} has to {illegible} quit school. Russell came home from Toronto C.P.R at 12 pm.

12: rain all day mild: home up at 10. in home all day

13: cloudy: fine mild: home. up at 12. for dinner Russell go to Toronto with can of potatoes for {illegoble}: Old Ms. {illegible name of person} came here at 2 and the stay all night: I meet Proily

14: fine mild: home. up for dinner at 10clock Russell came home from Toronto C.P.R at 7.oclock pm: {illegible} see {illegible} mother.

15: cloudy cold: clear: home. up at 10. read. Old Ms. {illegible} here: the {illegible} to RF. Harveys at 11. to see Mother: Russell get 1 bag that 1. bag wheat. 1. bag barley: 2. bags oats & 2. Bags Bran at Elevator. feed horse in {illegible} sleigh: road very icy:

16: clear cold: home: up at 10, in house all day old Ms. {illegible} here the went to {illegible} to chat to mother {illegible} bring her up at 5. She stay here all night. cold. To bed at 10^30

17.X: clear cold: up at 1..oclock for dinner: {Mr. or Mrs.} {illegible} here: church at 7. {illegible} John go. Ren {illegible} Preach: cold.

18: clear cold: home. up at 11. Mary to C.J. Station at 9. with old Mrs {illegible} she went on train to Alliston. Mary to Lyons chat to after 6^30 cold.

19: shower: rain mild: home. up at 10. in home all day: turn windy cold at night: R.J. {illegible} sale

20: clear windy cold: home. up at 11^30 for dinner. Mary wash & {illegible} today: very cold night

21: clear very cold: home up at 10: Mary Bake Bread and cakes: read {illegible}: write a letter to Campbell to France: cold:

22: clear cold: home: up at 10: in home all day Russell hello from Lyons saw wood 1/2 day in L. Marshalls Bush: very icy.

23: clear fine: home up at 11. {illegible name} here with 1100 lbs hay : {illegible name of person} pay his bill $4^45: Mercer Mason here collect 3^00 {illegible} Rowly 8^th line got hurt in Bush today and died tonight from hunt.

February 1918

24:X: fine warm: home up at 10: chore let {illegible} horse out play: thawing: Mary to R.J. Lavery 's {illegible} Mother Mabel Pearl John to Church at 7. {illegible church leader's name} Preach

25: cloudy mild rain: house. up at 10. in house all day: rain heavy thunder & lightning very {illegible} at night- turn very cold. {illegible- possibly 'hazing'} night.

26: windy cold {illegible}: home up at 11. in home all day. {illegible title of a person} Rowley 8th line funeral this afternoon to Laurel Hill: {illegible} set off in chat: Mrs {illegible} Lyons in chat. cold.

27: fine mild: home. up at 10. in home all day

28: snow mild: home. up at 10. in house allday

March 1: fine mild: home. up at 10. in house allday.

2: fine mild: home. up at 10: in house all day. G. Taylor bring balance of hay L. {illegible}. G. Casgrove in Lay coal Bill. W.F. Bingham in: sign his car license: {illegible} melting today

3:X: fine mild: house up at 10. in house all day: read sleep: got letter from J.H.G. from France dated 3rd of February: Mother & Lizzie come up last night see {illegible- possibly 'it'} Mary with letter to J.H.G tonight. Mabel, Pearl & John to Church at 7. With Mother. {illegible name of church leader} preached.

4: cloudy cold: house up at 12 for dinner Mary wash clothes today: {illegible title of a person} Lyons in cellar fried Potatoes:

5: fine mild cold: home up at 10. in house all day. Kidney smell in for bag Eggs. Mary to Bank Deposit J.H.G cheque $20.00 and pay $3.00 to bank for {illegible} 1917 & 1918. And {illegible} for Enterprise {illegible- possibly 'depot'}.

6: fine cold snow: house up at 10. in house all day {illegible} cut bring load wood to us from R.J. {illegible}: from Bible in tonight chat.

7: fine cold: home up at 10. in house all day.

8: fine cold: home: up at 12 for dinner. in all day: Mary wash: Russell with {illegible}

9: cloudy cold: snow & Blow: home up for dinner. Russell gow with can potatoes at 3^30 for Dawson to Toronto: C.H. Rutherford in pay his coal Bill 1^79 Floyd Henderson in at 3. Shane in: Mary send 1 bag Eggs and some cakes to {illegible name of person}

March 1918

10:X: snow & blown cold: home up at 12. Mary sick Fred pull Hatter off {illegible} in {illegible} clean stable.

11: clean cold: home: up at 7. Let on fine: Back to bed up at 11. I write letter to J.H.G. to France: John & Borden Madison shovel snow at gate Mrs J.Little buried today. Russell come home from Toronto C.P.R. at 11^30.

12: fine very {possibly 'warm'}: blessing: up at 10. Let horse and George {name of person} buried today. I come out awhile, fall Bot for J.H.G. Russell wize it: send. Bot to J.H.G. to France {illegible}

13: fine mild: home up at 10. 10^30 Bible. Linbard & Russell haul 3 logs {illegible} here: rain at night send Ted coal rupert to the F.{name of person} home.

14: cloudy rain all day: home up at 11. John Paterson in about wood. 12 cord 15th wood at 4^00 Per cord $48^00. snow Blout: Russell wood {illegible}

15: clear cold: home up at 10. Russell split-wood then go to Jims: J-Huly's Mary chore: Russell stay at Jims help Jill 2. load Potatoes.

16: fine mild: home up at 10. Jas Gilmore in pay coal Bill: Russell go with car Potatoes for {appears to have ran out of space on line} to {name of place} at 10.oclock tonight. colder windy:

17.X: fine mild: home up at 10. in house all day. Mother & Little Mary come up here from R.J. Lavery's & Elmer Buffy here for tea: Church at 7. {illegible name of church leader} Preach: Mother & girls to Church.

18: fine: house up at 9^30: Mable & John to mill for Bran before school line: first airplane go with This air at 8^30 I chore clean out stable water & feed: wind Rey: Mary wash clothes. I write a letter to Olive last night to 559 Keele St.{illegible}

19: fine warm: home up at 7. chore: help Mary clean ice of yard: gave R.J. Madison cheque $25^00 for wood: jaw feast in Chat. Chore

20: fine very warm: home up at 730 chore. clean ice got letter from J.H.G from France dated February 19th in good Place.

21: fine very warm {illegible} wind. home up at 9. chore: Mary fix couch over again.

22: fine cool north wind: home up at 10. chore help Mary to Churn in the fill Pearl lick. hay.

23: fine cool North wind: home up at 10. chore out for walk to Jas Scotts. to store see mother. To Floyd Henderson's at night-got there. home at 8: to bed at 10. fine cool night.

MARCH 1918

24:X: fine warm: home up at 9. Chorse: Pearl & John to S.S. at 11. Mary {illegible person's name} go up {illegible} for walk: Back at 3. Chat to Jas Scott: home at 5. {text very light; illegible} at 7. Ren {illegible church leader's name} Preach: Mary & Roy to Puffy's

25: fine cool: home up at 10. chore: to R.J. Larry's chat to Mother see {illegible} washer work: to Elevator chat to {illegible} Hamilton: home at 6 got letter from J.H.G. from France dated February 24th: heard Crown Prince was taken

26: fine cool: home up at 10. chore: Deposit- J.H.G. March cheque $20^00 in Bank for him today. Mother here all afternoon & tea: then she went to R.J. Lavery's at 6. cool night.

27: fine cool: home up at 8. chore: Mary wash. Russell chore: for walk: W.J. Bingham and Mr Sleighthorne here chat.

28: fine cool: home up at 10. chore: got letter from J.H.G. from France dated March 7th. last night: walk out to R. Maloons Office. {illegible} about North West loan Co. Russell got 1. bag Potatoes from him: Mine and Irene Carr here from Toronto C.P.R. at 12 oclock tonight: Russell & L.Bible meet them with car at Cedar Mills: to bed at 1.oclock.

29: fine mild: home chore: Olive & Irene Carr here all day Mother here for tea: over to gas {illegible} for chat. Good Friday.

30: fine mild: home chore: Olive & Irene Carr up at 5. walk to Cedar Mills at 6^30 go to Toronto. Russell walk with then carry {illegible- possibly 'radishes'}. he come back and work with Gren Lanery on {illegible} all day: I got sheared at Floyds. To Elevator see {illegible name of perssn}; home at 6.tea:

31:X: fine: Easter: home chore: Eat 2. Poached Eggs for Breakfast: Mother here for tea Church at 7. Ren Rainborough Preach

April:1: cloudy rain: home chore: take {illegible} for walk. rain: Russell work on seeline G.J.Y Maril bible go to Toronto C.P.R. at 5.P.M.

2: fine mild: home chore: John Patterson start hard wood: Grandma Mc{illegible}: here all night- Russell on seelion: Mary & I do some gardening Plant Radishes & Lettuce.

April 1918

3: fine cool: home chore: to Elevator get: 1. Bag of Wheat. 1. Bag of Barley: 1. Bag shorts and 2. Bags Bran: {illegible} Bible Bring them up for me. Steve Kelly's sole today: Mother here.

4: fine cool: home chore: John Patterson finish haul 11. cord short- wood: gave him cheque $44^00. Russell on section: Mother here. cool windy

5: fine mild: home chore: Russell on section: chore for walk to Blacks with shop. chat: fine

6: fine mild: home chore: split some wood: Mother here: Russell on section: got leter from J.H.G. from France dated 10th of March: got letter from Rev {illegible name of person} from France dated 11th of March saying he saw Campbell.

7:X: fine mild: home chore: read sleep: Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach: Mother: {illegible name of person} Pearl go to Juglish Church at 7. Rev Kennedy Preach: Mrs Jas Burns Lillie & Mother in chat.

8: fine cool: home chore split some wood. Russell on section. Mother here. cold windy

9: fine cool: home chore: Mrs Jas {illegible name of person} here. I to Bank with her: got our Bank Book {illegible} Dawson go to Toronto with car for awhile:

10: fine cool. home chore: Mary wash: split-wood walk to Elevator see {title of person} Hamilton: see Hogs and cattle: to shop with Mr. {possibly Wray}: Mrs Floyd Henderson home from Braiuplon today: home chore

11: fine cool: home chore: wheel Hardwood into woodshed: Mabel & John Bring 1.Bag Flour from Elevator in cart: Mother here: {squished writing}

12: fine warm: home chore: to Jas Scotts chat. to stove for loaf bread: home chore.

13: fine warm: home chore: clean out Berry bushes old wood Prune trees: clean Fred horse outside: to Elevator Lay {title of person} Hamilton to Date he lay me for Bag truck $2^00: home: settle up with Eddy Younge to Date. Mother here:

14:X: fine warm: home chore: to Floyd Henedersons get hair cut & shave: home read: Mother Mabel. Pearl & John to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach: Mary Roay & I walk around Pond write letter to J.H.G. to France: Put clock on 1.hour today. Mrs Duffy & Baby & Joy & Elmer here chat: Mother here: to Bed at 10.

April 1918

15: fine warm: home chore: split-wood & pile it- in. Russell on section Mother here: Post letter to J.H.G. to France

16: fine warm: home chore: split-wood and pile it in: Mother go to Duffy's today: Russell on section: to bed at 10. oclock. Bathe {symbol of U with line in middle.}

17: fine warm: home chore: Mary wash: split some wood: Jas Lavery split afternoon wheel some in: rain at night. to bed at 9.

18: cloudy {illegible} cold: home chore: to Bed at 10.

19: clear cold: snow on ground thawing: home chore help Mary to churn slow: Jack Jones Bring 1. load wood slabs: John help me Pile them.

20: clear cool: home chore: Jack Jones bring 1. load slab wood. I pay him for 4 {possibly 'yards'} $8^50. Win Johnson buried today 11 1/2 years old. John help me Pile Them and wheel coal ashes To sheet: chore: to Bed at 10. oclock. cool.

21:X: cloudy {'misley' or 'misty'}: home chore: Len. Bible here for. Russell Dinner at 2. oclock. Mother here Mother to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach {illegible title of person} Beatty died today: to bed at 9^30

22: cloudy cool: fine: home chore: for wack to Elevator chat to {illegible title of person} Hamilton: F. Dolan there: for walk at eve: chat to J.G.Wolfe. W.F. {illegible name of person} in with my coat: Lorne Bary stay here all night: to Bed at 10^30.

23: fine warm: home chore: see {illegible}. Lorne Barry go with {illegible title of person} Pulford. John E. Daley here chat: Pile wood in coohkouse

24: fine cool: home chore: Mary help me Pile wood: walk to Stockrew see Hogs & cattle in store got 2. lbs figs: home chore: to Bed at 10. W.F. Faulkner set hen 2. in stable tonight. Mr McCauley & E. Watson here look at Fred.

25: fine cool: home chore: got 2. shoes Memored on Fred horse H5- ets Rd: clean horse: cool.

26: fine cool: home chore: Mary wash. Mother here afternoon: Mrs Joan Chapman Buried today: circle on sun

27: fine warm: home chore: walk to Elevator: clean sheet:

28:X: fine warm: home chore: to Floyds get shovel walk down to 6th line with Jas Lavery. Mother here. to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach. fine day

April 1918

29: fine warm: home chore: home all day windy: to Elevator: see {illegible title of person} Hamilton. walk around Block: dig in garden: rain

30: cloudy cool: home chore: dig in garden to Bank Deposit- J.H.G. April cheque $20^00 got Interest- to Bate marked on mine & his. Russell to Glenwilliams work on track:

May 1: cold windy fine: home chore: Jas McJohn hot Horse: to Jas Scotts chat. home Tea Garner Brown more into webb House today got letter from France dated 8th april from J.H.G. McMahon: milder tonight.

2: windy mild dry: home chore: Poorly Russell at Glenwilliams on track: Jas {illegible last name} have Fred Hrse all day:

3: cool fine: {illegible}: fine: home chore: Poorly to Elevator: W. {illegible name} Put in oad oats. Russel at Glen- on track:

4: fine mild: home chore: dig some in garden: Joh & I go to fish got none.

5:X: fine warm: home chore: all of no walk to {illegible title of person} Bibles & {illegible title of person} Boyce Bush got flowers. Mother here in evening: Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach: English Church to.

6: fine cool: home chore: Mary write a letter to J.H.G. to France: put in $1^00

7: fine warm: home chore: Mary split wood {illegible title of person} Lyons help her & Russell. we got all into woodshed: sell Fred Horse today to Harry Sawmiton & a Bryce for $25^00: Deposit cheque in Bank. to see Mother at Daffy's. home to bed at 10.

8: fine cool: home chore: Mary & I finish Pil Maple wood in woodshed: cool

9: cloudy cool: home chore: our Pearl 10. years old died today: Mary take off storm windows: Put them up in driving house.

{side note: 'Pearl 10. years'}

10: fine cool: home chore: finish dig garden cold night frost: Russell to Jottendam

11: cool: home chore: Mary help me to clean out closet: John & I to arch fish.

12:X: fine cool: home chore: in bed sleep: Mother here for tea at 4^30: Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach:

May 1918

13: cloudy cool: home chore: send april report of coal to Ottawa: write letter to J.H.G. to France: chore cool.

14: fine mild: home chore: Mary wash: got a letter from J.H.G. from France Dated the 19 of April: Dr Reymar here about Mrs Chung

15: fine warm: home chore: {illegible title of person} Bible haul Manure from here: I help Mary clean out hen house: {illegible} up yard:

16: fine warm: home chore: {illegible title} Bible finish the Manure: Jas Scott here chat: Dr Reymar and Kearn Goffer here chat: to Bed at 10. fine.

17: fine warm: home chore: Russell go to Toronto with Leonard & Ruby Bible in car. Bring our Olive & Miss Beth-Burnley Home at 11^30: Mother here for Tea: she went to Duffy's at night: to Bed at.1

18: {side note: 'Mabel 12 years'}fine warm windy: home chore: read chore Olive & Miss Durnley here: Mother here for tea: our Mable 12 years old today.

19:X: fine warm: home chore read. had Big Rooster for Dinner: Mother & Miss Durnley & Olive here: W.J. Faulkner in chat tonight {happy face drawing}

20: fine warm: home chore: Jas Gragan haul wood g. cord $12^00 Paid: Olive & Miss Durnley go to Toronto at 9. relock G.J. Ry; Bill in wood

21: fine warm: home chore: Pile in wood Mary & I finish Plant garden last night

22: Thunder & Lightning rain fine: home chore: got letter from J.H.G. from France ated 30th of April: Mary wash today to Elevator get 1. bag flour $6^00 Pd 1.Bag bean 2^00 Pd Mabel & John Bring up in R.F. Lavey cart, herd cow on sheep- cut grass.

23: fine warm: home chore: herd cow on Sheep Olive & Miss {illegible name} come tonight: C.P.R at 12.oclock. Herdley Reyvar Bring them up from Cedar Mills in Buggy.

24: fine mild: home chore: herd cow on Sheep cow ran to angle crossing: Mary run after her: Mothere here for Tea: I walk to the Elevator gine F.G. Howard. 2 bags Buckwheat {'1' inside a circle}

25: cloudy rain: home: sleep upstairs: Olive & Betta here: Mary trim my whiskers and cut Roys hair at night: rain tonight

May 1918

26:X: rain fine hot: house: Olive & Beth here John & {three letter word illegible} back for walk. {illegible title of person} Lyons with us: Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach. Mother in after Church chat.

27: cloudy warm: home chore: Floyd. take Olive & Beth Dearnley to Bolton at 7^10 am they go to Toronto. I keep Mary split-wood. very warm: Mary Pay Jas Lanary $1^00 Put cow to {illegible title of person} Bibles tonight warm.

{side not: 'Cow'}

28: fine cool: home chore: up at 6. Mary to milk Mary deposit J.H.G. Cheque in Bank Mary pay $20^00 & Draw $24^00 out of our money: Mary sick.

29: fine warm: home up at 6: read: sleep.

30: warm: home up at 6: read sleep upstairs: to Elevator: W.Wilson had in load of wheat send card to {illegibe title} Hamilton about wheat

31: fine warm: home up at 6. Pil in wood to Duffys {three letter illegible word} Sarah Roberts she came from Grenfull: home for dinner {side not: '22'} our Campbell 22 years old today

June: fine very hot: home up at 6. chore: Pile wood in finish all in: Mother & Sarah here for tea chat: Doctor Reynar here chat about coal,

2:X: fine warm: home chore: read sleep

3 : fine cool: home chore up at 6. Sarah & Mother here for tea: Roy spill cream out of churn: Lorne Lipsett Burwed Mabel & Pearl go in Buggy to Jennie Fullers with W.F, Faulkner: to Bed at 10^30 Mary {'1' inside circle}. I write etter to J.H.G. to France.

4: misty cool: hoe up at 6. chore: J.Faulkner Bring us 2. Bags Potatoes $2^20 Pd: stay for tea Mary to Bank Pay {illegible person's name} Bill $6^75. She got {illegible} loan bond: first Interest $27^50 got it on Book: got white shoes for Roy $1^25 Pd

5: fine cool: home up at 6. chore: Poorly all day: {title of person illegible} Lyons clean up our cellar. Mary wash and clean stovepipes. cool.

6: fine cool: home up at 6: chore read: sleep, thunder & lightning at night: to Bed at 10. {faded writing- illegible}.

7: fine cool: home up at 6: chore sllep read. Mother, Sarah & Margery Barry here for tea. windy cool.

June 1918

8: cool. home up at 6. {'1' inside a circle} chore: Olive came on G.Y. Ry from Toronto at 9^30 am: Mother & Sarah here for Dinner: Olive went on C.P.R. at 5 oclock to Toronto. Sarah & Mary walk to Cedar Mills with her Mother & Sarah here for tea: Mother help me watch Bread cook.

9:X: cloudy rain: home up at 9^30: cool. read sleep: Russell go to Niagara with Floyd Henderson: Chapman & L.Hogg: rain all day Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach.

10: fine warm: house up at 7^30: read chore Mary dress me: to R.J Laverys at 3. Mrs Roy. McDonald there: Lizzie take Picture of Mother & Sarah & I. chat Jim came Russell got home from Niagara at 4. Floyds car broke down at Oakville.

11: fine cool. home up at 6. chore: Mother and Sarah & Maggie here for dinner: we had tea at R.J. Laverys at 5. oclock Sarah went ome {appears to be missing the 'h' in 'home'} G.Y. at 6^30 Hart to Winnipeg: home at 7^30 Big storm at 9^30

12: cloudy cool: home up at 6. chore: got letter from J.H.G. from France dated May 11th and card Dated May 22nd: Mother here for tea.

13: fine cool: home up at 6. chore: all out to G. Wilsons field see the 2. airplanes: I went over in R.Watsons car walk home to Elevator sell 12.Bushels Buckwheat $24^00 to J.G. Hall Paid: home sleep read.

14: fine cool: home up at 6. chore hoe in garden: read sleep. very shaky today Mary write letter to J.H.G. to France

15: fine warm: home up at 6. chore. leg very shaky: sleep forenoon. dinner. to Elevator sell 12.Bushels Buckwheat call at Duffys see Mother: home at 7. tea.

16:X: fine warm: home up at 9. {'1' in circle} read sleep. Rev Beinborough Preach last time at 7.

17: fine warm: home up at 6. chore: to Elevator get 2 bags Bran.1.Bag shorts.1.Bag Barley Paid $9^40 for lot: gave {title of person illegible} Hamilton $44^00 cash for Buckwheat sold: sell E.Huster 2^42 Buckwheat $5^75 Paid: cool night

June 1918

18: fine warm: home up at 6. chore read sleep

19: fine warm: homeup at 6. chore read. to Elevator with {title of person} Lyons get Rice Plank and 1.Bag Barley 2.Bags Bran 1. Bag shorts: Put it in feed room: Allan McLean Register for Mary & I at home. chore:

20: fine cool day: home up at 6. chore read: to Duffys see Mother: to Elevator give {title of person} Hamilton $5^75: Mr Wray there: house at 6.oclock tea. chore: Mary house clean.

21: cloudy rain cool: house up at 6. chore read: Beth Dearnley come from Toronto. at 11 C.P.R. Floyd bring her up from Cedar Mills. to Duffys see Mother; home at 5^30 W.J. Faulkner here for tea: Beth here.

22: cloudy cool windy: home: up at 6. chore. read sleep: Mary cook for Mrs Dolan. Beth here.

23:X: fine cool: home {symbol of '1' in a circle above the last word}: up at 7. chore: sleep: read. Mother here for tea: Both: Russel: Mabel John: walk down back to Jones for tea. got Back at 7. Church at 7. Douglas Davis Preach

24: fine. mild: cloudy: home up at 6. chore: Beth go with W.J. Faulkner at 11. got letter from J.H.G. from France Dated May 30th: rain Bob Matson move {illegible word} shed today.

25: fine warm: home up at 6. chore: to R.J. Laverys see Mother she is 87 years today. had Pain in her Breast: home at 5: Douglas Davis & Macil Boyce married in Church at 3 oclock today: Beth up,

26: fine warm: home up at 6. chore. thin our carrots in garden. Old Mrs Faulkner come here from Alliston here all night: Pearl go to Torono.

27: fine: home up at 6. chore: Baby Boy Born at Jas McMahon: I need sleep very poorly all day: to Duffys at 5. see Mother: Pay R. Matson $3^30 {illegible word}

28: fine hot: home up at 6. chore read sleep. Poorly all day.

29: mild: home up at 6. chore: Poorly all day.

30:X: fine: home up at 7^30 chore. sleep outside on couch rain afternoon: Church at 7. Rev Mr Williams Preach first timer

{the number 34 printed at the top left corner of the page}

July 1918

1: cloudy cool: home up at 6. chore Sleep on couch Myra Duffy in to see too: Dick Bolton call

2: fine: home up at 6. chore Breakfast at 7 {symbol of '1' inside circle}: got letter from J.H.G. from France Dated June 8th. Write letter to J.H.G. to France Put $1^00 in it. write letter to Robert Hay. Toronto Dr Reyman in chat about children.

3: rain: fine warm: home up at 6. chore to Duffys see Mother . house dinner: send $1^50 to C.V. Chanters for paper to Jan.1.1919. to Elevator gave {title of person} Hamilton $12^00 $12^00 for Jas Kelly Bag flour & oven bun. Bag. flour John Irwin there, see cattle, home at 6.

4: fine warm: home, up at 6. chore: Doctors Reyman & Bateman at J.B. Campbells this forenoon. Operate on Hilde {last name of person. possibly 'Clearble'} & Jack & audry Campbell & our Pearl & John for tonsilitis: J.B. Bring Pearl & John home in car at 7.P.M. Mary & {name of person- illegible} turn Faulkner call chat. up all night.

5: fine warm: home. up at 6. chore. read Pearl & John in Bed all day: Reymar call in. Mary & Roy to Jims & Kellys at night- in J.B. Campebells car: Home up at 8^30: Both up.

6: fine warm: house up at 6.chore: John & Pearl in Bed. John up for while: Beth in chat.

7:X: fine cool. home up at 8. chore: read sleep: Pearl & John up for while: Mary to see Mother at Duffys: W.J. Faulkner and Beth in chat: Church at 7. Rev Williams Preacj: cool night.

8: fine mild: home up at 6. chore,

9: fine cool: home up at 6. chore.

10: cloudy cool home up at 6. chore. got letter from J.H. G. from France dated 18th June to see Mother at at Duffys not well.

11: fine cool: home up at 6. chore: to see Mother at Duffys not well.

12: fine mild: home up at 7. orangeman go to Barrie Russell & Beth & W.J. Faulkner go on train Mrs M. Boulter died at 8.oclock at Weston Mrs Tom Coulter Phone us at 11. tonight Beth here all night

July 1918

13: fine warm: home up at 7. chore. Russell and Beth go to Toronto. G.J. this am at 9. oclock Mrs McFadden & Bobby come here G.J. this am: clean up Mrs Coulter house & ride. the corpse of Mrs Coulter come G.J. at 6^30, took her to her house: will. Tom & Lawrence come: Rudy McJaggert & Joan Coulter and Bobby McFadden here all night: to Bed at 1^30.

14:X: fine very hot: home up at 7. chore: take Mrs Coulter: Funeral at 2. oclock Rev {title of person} Laidlow Preach at House. {name of person- illegible} Bruce & Charlie & Wife & Will & {illegible word} Black came from Belfountain in car to Funeral. Rev Mr Williams Preach at 7. in Church: Bobby & His Mother here all night. Russell came home from toronto C.P.R. at 11. oclock.

15: fine very hot: home up at 6: chore: Bobby McFadden & his Mother go G.J. to Toronto at 9. Bobs last leave. Coulter Boys & Women at Home divide up. to Duffys see Mother. Myra House. I weak

16: cloudy: rain at night: home up at 6. chore: at home all day: read sleep: W.J. Faulkner in chat

17: cloudy: fine warm: home up at 6. chore: {symbol: '1' in circle} to Elevator with. {illegible word} Bible: Mabel: Pearl John & Roy: got 2.Bags {illegible word} for hen feed send Cheque $10^05 to J.Eaton Go & Cheque $4^39 to Robert-Simpson Go. for goods: read sleep. took dose. castor oil in Liquor this am: to Duffy see Mother

18: fine warm. home up at 6. chore. read sleep to Duffys see Mother. to Bed at 10.

19: fine warm: home up at 6. chore: to Elevator sell 2. Bags flour to Joan Chapman $12^00 Paid: home greens for Dinner: Mary & Mabel & John go to Pick Berries at 2^30 got nice lot. to Duffys at 7^30 see Mother: Russell get 1. Bag sugar 100 lbs $9^75 Paid.

20: fine hot: home up at 6. chore: Mary Pearl & John go Picking Berries at 9^30 got nice lot. home at 2. oclock. Larcek come from Simpsons with my cap & Johns and Mabel & Pearl white shoes. Miss Car come G.J. at 6^30 from Toronto


July 1918

21:X: fine very hot day: home up at 9^30. chore Miss Carr here: Study downstairs tonight- hot

22: fine very hot up at 6. chore: Miss Carr go with. Mary Mabel John & Mrs Duffy & Elmer Pick Berries got nice lot: home at 1. dinner: Mary cut my hair in stable children go to River wash: to Duffys see Mother. very hot.

23: fine very hot dry: up at 6. chore: go to Gambles with Isaac and Robert Matson J.Stanfield & Hanse Lyons in car they set up new seering {appears to have forgotten the 't' in 'steering'} {illegible word} and insure Horse & Barn. Home at 12 noon Myra Duffy & Ruby Bible got tonsils out today. To Duffys see Mother.

24: fine very hot: up at 6. chore: Mary & Mabel & John & Miss Carr Pick Berries forenoon got nice lot: I walk to Elevator got Bar for Jas Gilmore call see Myra: chat to Lizzie home chore to C.P.R. Palgrane Station in car with R. Watson & Isaac & Lone Wilson. home at 8^30 very hot & dry.

25: fine very hot: home up at 6. chore. read & sleep cooler.

26: fine hot dry: home up at 6. chore. read Mary: Mabel John & Miss Car {appears to have missed an 'r' in 'Carr'} go Pick Berries got nice lot. home for Dinner: Miss Carr go to Toronto C.P.R. at 6^30 P.M: To Duffys see Mother.

27: fine warm raini shower fine. House up at 6 chore: Mary to Pick Berries with Mrs Duffygot nice lot home at noon: read sleep to Duffys see Mother with Mary. {symbol of '1' inside a circle in right margin}

28:X: fine very hot. home up at 9^30 chore John Pattersons Baby Buried today. to {title of person- illegible} Bibles with Mary see cow, to River

29: hot: rain cool: house up at 6. chore Mary: Mabel & John to Pick Berries at 8: got good lot: home at 1. had Beans for Dinner & Supper: cool. new wheelbarrow come for Roy. to Bed at 9^30 cool night.

July 1918

30: cloudy cool: home up at 6.chore: Mabel to Bank Deposit $20^00 or J.H.G. July cheque draw $20^00 oval- for us cash: to Duffys see Mother: cool. Write letter to J.H.G. France

31: fine:home up at 6.chore: Mary Mabel John Pick Berries: I help Pearl get Dinner at 12. for Russell: John & for walk to 6th line look for Berries home at 6, to Bed at 9. Mary {symbol of '1' inside circle}.

August 1: fine: home up at 6. chore: Henry Beatty Dead. read to Duffys see Mother: Mary & Mabel Pick Berries got nice lot: chat to Jas Scott: & Mrs Brown.

2: fine: cloudy rain: fine cool: home up at 6. chore read Book facing the world. Rev {title of person} Williamson in chat. Pray: Henry Beatty buried.

3: fine hot: home up at 6. chore. read to {title of person} Bibles to Scott farm look for cow Mary & John help me Bring cow to Barnyard

4:X: fine hot: home up at 8^30 to {title of person} Bibles see cow calve at 9. Mary got {title of person} Lyons to take calf home: I took Bad turn: in Bed Bad all night. Rev Wittinnson Preach at 7. hot.

5: fine very hot: in Bed to 8. up then. Mary go Pick Berries with Mrs Duffy got 3 lbs Mother and Myra up here chat. very hot

6: cloudy rain: fine warm: up at 6. chore: W.F. Faulkner Buy our calf $8^00 Paid took it away in wagon: Russell sick got letter from J.H.G. dated July 10th France

7: fine: home up at 6. chore Mary and Mable & John go. Pick Berries at 8. Mary Lost letter to J.H.G. to France Myra Duffy in chat. rain tonight

8: fine very hot: home up at 6. chore {note in left margin: 'shown at Jims'} Mary, Mable & John go, Pick Berries at 11. got nice lot: Big rainstorm at night thunder and lightning rain very heavy

9: cloudy warm: home up at 6.chore: Mary wash: read to Bed at 10. Mother in chat

10: fine warm: home up at 6. chore: Robert Matson out oats for {title of person} Lyons. {illegible blurred word} his team in our stable noon & tea I visit- Jas Scott. Mother up chat. to Bed at 11. fine cool night,

August 1918

Insert - 500 words 11:X: fine warm: home up at 7^30: chore {title of person} Bible & Leonard take Mary and Roy & I Rusell in car up to Jims see trees down and roof of old Barn: home at 11. read sleep: my leg Bad: Steele Preach at 8.

12: fine hot: home chore: up at 6: Mary go Pick Berries got few: read sleep: Mary & I to see Jas Scott cistern chat for while Thomas Jackson Dead: to Bed at 11.

13: fine very hot: home up at 6. chore read: Mother up chat. to Bed at 11.

14: fine cool: home up at 6. chore. read I for walk to angle crossing: home tea Mrs McFadden came here C.P.R. at 6^30 fine cool: T.Jackson Buried today.

15: fine cool: home up at 6. chore. Mother here for dinner & tea. Mrs McFadden here

16: fine cool: home up at 6. chore: Mrs McFadden and Mary go Pick Berries at 8^30: got few got letter from J.H.G.dated July 26th from France: cool to bed at 10^30.

17: fine cool: home up at 6. chore: read sleep

18:X: fine cool: home up at 7. chore: read sleep Memorial service at 8. for {title of person} Thompson and all the Boys: Rev Williamson Preach Mother here for tea & after Church.

19: fine cool: home up at 6^30 chore got message that J.H.G. was wounded on the 9th of August in right leg. Mother went up Home with Miller Hamilton in car: Olive came home at 6^30 G.J. from Toronto: Margery Berry hereher 2 girls. Leaa & Edna stop all night

20: fine cool: home up at 6^30 chore: read

21: fine Hot rain: home up at 6^30 chore read sleep: rain at night: albert loalker Killed

22: fine warm: home up at 6^30 chore: chat to {title of person} Lyons walking gate.

23: fine warm: home: up at 6^30 chore mary & Roy & Mrs McFadden on train to Caledon East to Joan {last name of person- illegible}. Jas Scott: Sam Jefferson. & R.Matson in chat: Beth Dusuley come tonight- C.P.R. at 11 L. Bible Bring her up car

August 1918

24: fine warm: home up at 6^30 chore: Beth here Jass Scott. Bring Dish of Potatoes: warm.

25:X: fine warm: up at 7^30 chore. Beth & Olive walk to Faulkners & Back Church at 8. Rev williamson Preach.

26: fine cool. home Mary up at 5^30 Beth {illegible last name} walk to Cedar Mills at 6^45 C.P.R. to Toronto. I out for walk, Mrs Joan Coalley & {illegible name of person} & Clauds here for Dinner, at Lyons for tea.

27: fine warm: up at 6^30 chore: {symbol of '1' within a circle}. sleep. Dinner Mable deposit $20^00 in Bank J.H.G. Cheque for August, and get &20^00 out for us. warm

28: cloudy rain: home up at 6^30 chore read & sleep: Mary 44 years old today

29: fine cool: home up at 6^30 chore. read sleep: Mrs McFadden go. G.J. at 6^30 to Toronto tonight, cool.

30: cloudy fine: home up at 6^30 chore read sleep: olive go G.J. at 6^30 to Toronto tonight: Willie in chat.

31: cloudy rain: home up at 6^30 chore read sleep: chore.

Sep 1:X: fine cool: home up at &630 chore read sleep: Memorial Service in Euglish Church at 7^30 for Albert WalkerRev Kennedey Preach. Big crowd. Rev Williamson Preach at 7^30 in Methodist Church. Russell to Belewart in car with {title of person- illegible} Bibles.today. cool

2: fine cool, home up at 6^30 chore Mary wash: I walk to angle crossing chat to Jas Scott on sidewalk.

3: cloudy rain fine warm: home chore up at 7. chore: Mable Pearl John Start to School: Miss Owens teacher. got letter from J.H.G. from France dated the 4th of August. well then:

4: cloudy mild: home up at 6^30 chore Russell in Bed all day {symbol- '1' inside circle} at table cool, rain wear all night

5: cloudy misty cool: home up at 6^30, chore: got letter from Chaplain Boyer dated France aug 11th: about J.H.G. wounded in left arm & right leg.

September 1918

6: fine cool: house up at 6^30 chore: in car with Robert Matson & Joane to Caledon East: see Donaldson & Sam White. to Sand Hill: to Bolton: then Calgrane at 5^30 got letter from J.H.G. Dated august 16th England Hospital, wounded in left arm & right leg: cool night.

7: fine cool: home up at 6^30 chore.read.to Mill with John get 82 lbs oats $2^00 Pd rain shower: R. Matson move into new offices

8:X: fine warm: house up at 7^30 chore. read sleep: write letter to J.H.G. to Birmingham Hospital England. Russell to Brampton with {title of person- illegible} Bibles

9: fine cool. home up at 6^30 chore Mary lost letter to J.H.G. with $5^00 in it registered letter to the Birn=mingham Hospital. to Jas Scotts chat at 6^30: he has sold to S.Jones,

10: fine cool. home up at 6^30 chore. Mary do up cucumbers & wash.

11: cloudy rain: home up at 6^30 chore Mary churn: read. chore:

12: rain nearly all day: home up at 6^30 chore: read sleep. chore.

13: rain cloudy: home up at 6^30 chore Florence hundy here send Box to Bob to England witley camp:

14: cool clean: home up at 6^30 chore got letter from J.H.G. England Hospital Birmingham Budley read and letter from Red cross.

15:X: rain hard: fine: home up at 7^30 chore: : read sleep: Leonard bible in chat: Rev Williamson Preach at 7^30

16: cloudy cool. home up at 6^30 chore Mary & I write letter to J.H.G. to Hospital England Pick Pictures in Mary to to see Mts Thompson, rain

17: fine warm: home: up at 6^30 chore lie around all day: Mary clean Pipes on Kitchen stove, Mabel help her school fair in Bolton Today, I walk around point

Sept 1918

18: cloudy cool: ome up at 6^30 chore got crabapples from J.B. Campbell. Mary & I Pull our Pears. rain at night. cool.

19: cloudy cool. clear: home up at 6^30 chore got letter from J.H.G. Dated 31st august from Birmingham Hospital England: Mary Bake Bread & Wash {illegible word}.

20: clear cool: home up at 6^30 chore.

21: cloudy cool: home up at 6^30 chore. Mary wash: Bake some: read sleep.

22:X: cool cloudy: home up at 8. chore Mary go to Clarence Fullers in Buggy with Roy. with W.F. Faulkner {illegible word} in Buggy: I stay home: they got home at 9.oclock. Rev Williamson Preach at 8. Mrs {title of person- illegible} Duffy with Joy & Doris in Mary Taylor in chat for while.

23: cloudy cool: home up at 6^30 chore {symbol- '1' inside a circle} after Dinner: Olive came from Toronto on 6^30 C.P.R. tonight.

24: fine: home chore up at 6^30: Dr Raynor & Bateman here take tonsils from Olive & Larine story she left here at 4^30 got $20^00 out of Bank today: Myrtle Clarke Married today: Doctor call,

25: fine: up at 6^30 chore: Mary wash Olive in Bed throat sore.

26: fine: snow: cool: home up at 6^30 chore Olive throat sore: Fred Potter here Pay his Bill to Date $15^05: Mary clean dock Bake Bread & Iron clothes: snow some

27: cool: home up at 6^30 chore: read

28: clear mild: home up at 6^30 chore walk to angle crossing: see H.Gibson cut corn into Silo. down track home

29:X: cool: home up at 8 chore: {title of person- illegible} Bible in chat: Rev Williamson preach at 8 for walk sideiroad with Mary.

30: fine cool: home up at 6^30 chore read sleep {symbol- '1' inside a circle}: gave Olive Bank Cheque for $10^50 for Isabel {illegible word} cool.

Oct 1: fine home up at 6^30 chore read sleep for walk around Point: Russell to Bolton again with {title of person- illegible} Bibles in car

Oct 1918

2: raini fine: home up at 6^30 chore: sleep send Cheque $21^76 to J. Eaton Co. fine

3: fine cool: home up at 6^30 chore read

4: cloudy. home up at 6^30 chore, rain

5: fine: home: up at 6^30 Chore. Mother varnish Kitchen floor: fine mild: rain

6:X: cloudy mild: home up at 8. chore read report of war over. Bells rang false Rev Williamson Preach at 8. rain

7: fine mild: home up at 6^30 chore. Roy & I walk up track to 61. mile Post

8: fine forst: home up at 6^30 chore: Mary mail letter to J.H.G. to English Hospital with $15^00 cash. Olive got letter from J.H.G. from a Hospital in England Dated 11th the Sept: transferred to Hosp- gave Dr A.F. Raynar cheque for $30^00 today

9: fine: home up at 6^30 chore: sign some Papers for Robert Matson at Offiec. Joan Coulter here today: out for walk

10: fine warm: home up at 6^40 chore: for walk to angle crossing: rest on track we got letter from J.H.G. England

11: fine: home up at 6^30 chore: Bette {illegible word} tonight C.P.R. at 10.oclock: Mary and Olive & John walk to Cedar Mills tto meet her: Rachel {illegible last name} on C.P.R

12: fine: home up at 6^30 chore: Beth here: I in Bed all day nearly. shaky

13:X: fine: home up at 8^30 chore: read: Beth Dearnley here. Rev Williamson S.

14: flurry rain: home. up at 8. chore read Thanksgiving. help Mary Kill a rooster had 6.oclock Dinner. Russell Hunt.

15: fine cool: home up at 7^30 chore: Olive and Beth walk to Cedar Mills at 6^30 Beth go CPR to Toronto: {illegible title of person} Bible Bring 1. load corn Put it in stable

16: fine: home up at 6^30 chore: {illegible title of person} Bible bring 2. Bags Potatoes at 1^60 Paid him for corn & Potatoes $4^20 for walk up back. saw Jas Lavery: very shaky:

17: fine: home up at 6^30 chore: read sleep Jas McCoaley Died tonight. {illegible word}

Oct 1918

18: fine: home up at 6^30 chore: walk to Elevator. Pay {illegible title of person} Hamilton $4^80 for Bran and shorts: W.F. Faulkner & Jas Lavery in.

19: fine cool: home up at 6^30 chore: walk up track over 8th line: chilly wind:

20:X: fine cool: home up at 8^30 chore: church at 8. thanksgiving: Rev Williamson Preach. Mrs {illegible title of person} Duffy in chat Baby Doris with her.

21: fine mild: home up at 6^30 chore: Mary to Joan Faulkners thrashing with Lillie in the Buggy she got home at 9. Them milk cow at Bibles: I Pull & trip over carrots in garden: to Bed at 10^30

22: frosty: fine: home up at 6^30 chore. to office get letter from J.H.G. England Dated 29th the Sept. doing fine in hospital Send Bank money order $6^20 taxes on lot at Wainwright to Mr Rawling see Theo

23: fine: home up at 6^30 chore: walk to Elevator with Roy see stock: {illegible text} Hamilton {illegible text}: give him $4^00 for Jas Gilmore for Buckwheat home at 5. fine: chat to {title of person} Lyons.

24: loudy mistey: home up at 6^30 chore lend {title of person} Hamilton our Potato shovel Roy & I walk up to Jimmys Hill.

25: misty mild: home up at 6^30 chore Roy & I over to {title of person} Bibles Thrashing

26: foggy mild: home up at 6^30 chore I walk to Elevator chat to {title of person} Hamilton: walk down track 7 Back Roy Stele died this morning

27:X: foggy mild: home up at 8. old time Margey Mrs Jas Barry Died today at Cheltenham. Rev Williamson Preach at 7.

28: rain: clear: home up at 6^30 chore: read Mrs Pettinger Dead: John & Berry: Jennie Fuller in chat: Lorne Barry here all night: Bring cow in first night

29: fine warm: home up at 6^30 chore, Mary to Bolton with Joan Faulkner to Margery Mrs Jas Barnys Funeral Maggie Duffy & Lizzie: Old Mrs Pettinger Buried today here: draw $20^00 cash.

Oct 1918

30: fine mild: home up at 6^30 chore: walk.

31: fine cool: home up at 6^30 chore: Buy Victory Bond $1000^00 from David Wilson for 5. years: Olive: Pearl John to Joan Faulkners to Pick at Potatoes with Will in Buggy: got 1. Bag flour & 20 lbs oatmeal today from {title of person} Hamilton $7^50 Paid.

Nov 1: cloudy cool: home up at 6^30 chore Bring cow in at 6. cool: got letter

2: from J.H.G. from Dated 16th Oct England cloudy cold: home up at 6^30 chorePut cow out:

3:X: cloudy cool: home: up at 8^30 chore: L.Bible in children to Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach

4: misty cloudy: cool: home up at 6^30 chore, Mary & Olive set up Big Stove & Pipes

5: frosty fine: home up at 6^30 chore: send Cheque @20^00 to Eaton Co: for goods sell 36. Bags to {title of person} Dohurty for $5^00: Put fine in Heater: clean out Henhouse Put ashes in henhouse John help me, Mrs Arden Wilson Died today.

6: fine cool: home up at 6^30 chore, got 2. Brls apples from W.Horan $4^40 Paid got 21 1/2 bags Potatoes from Jass Lavery at {illegible text} Per Bag $30^00 Paid.

7: cloudy mild: house up at 6^30 chore Phone to Sell & Buy car of Potatoes

8: cloudy rain: home up at 6^30 chore in house Poorly all day.

9: rain cloudy mild: home up at 6^30 chore Mary fell on cellar Door. hurt hip

10:X: cloudy mild: home up at 9. chore: Olive go with W.J. Faulkner in Buggy to Jennies Lorne Barry come back with them stay here all night.

11: fine: home up at 6^30 chore: Jack Lavey start load car 1/2570 C.P. Potatoes for {missing lettres in text} at 1^25 per Bag: to Elevator chat to {title of person} Hamilton. War Ended at 11.oclock today

Nov 12: fine. home up at 6^30 chore: Draw $1000^00 out of Bank Cheque to R.F. Lavery ship car Potatoes 112570 C.P. 583 Bags to L.Shalman Toronto at 1^40 {illegible text} Palgrane $819^00 total

13: fine mild: home up at 6^30 chore. settle up with R.F. Lavery $272^00: to {title of person} Bible sale

14: cloudy mild: home up at 6^30 chore

15: mild, home up at 6^30 chore.

16: cloudy mild: home up at 6^30 chore. Olive go to Toronto C.P.R. at 5^10 Jack Lavery ook her to Cedar Mills Train late at 7^10:

17:X: cloudy mild home up at 9. chore Mary & Mable Pearl John & Roy. walk to {illegible text} Faulkners at 12. Ribs for Dinner they walk home at 6. Willie with them Russell home with us all day. Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach.

18: cloudy mild: home up at 6^30 take dove salts: Poorly all day:

19: cloudy cool, home up at 6^30 chore.

20: cool. home up at 6^30 chore.

21: {illegible text} cool, home up at 7. chore.

22: cool cloudy. home up at 7. chore.

23: cloudy cold. home up at 6^30 chore our folk to station at night to see Mary {illegible last name} go to Guelph, cool night

24:X: fine cold windy: home up at 8^30 chore Mary wash me. got letter last night from J.H.G. Dated 4th England Roy Stecle Married {illegible name} at 7. Rev Preach: Mabel Pearl & John there.

25: fine {illegible text} cold, home up at 6^30 chore Mary wash & clean out closet.

26: fine cold: home up at 6^30 chore Mary to Bank Pay $10^00 on Victory loan got letter from Marjorie Gower from Lintlaw: wash feet Mary & I.

27: clear fine: home up at 6^30 chore Mary wash some.

28: cloudy cool, home up at 6^30 chore.

29: snowing Blustry, home up at 6^30 misley all day cold.

Nov 1918

30: cloudy snow cold. home up at 6^30 chore: Sam Mason & Fitz Logan clean out our well. J.G. Wolfe help them $6^00 Paid: Olive 20 years old today snow & blow Tonight. Lorne Barry here all night. cold stormy.

Dec 1:X: clear fine cold: home up at 8^30 chore Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach

2: snow cold: home up at 7. chore. send Cheque 8^71 to W.M.Sanderson Premium on life insurance for 1919.

3: coldsnow: home up at 7. chore: Mary to Bank Deposit J.H.G. cheque $20^00 cold

4: cloudy cold snow. home up at 6^40 chore Mary sick, headache: Russell in Bed all day send $1^00 to Canadian Countryman for J.H.G.

5: snow cold: home up at 7. chore: Rusell go to Toronto G.J. at 9. Phone to W.F. Warwick for {title of person} Bible: to Gable $60^00 to England for A.G. Bible. snow & Blow tonight. Roy 3. years today

6: fine. home up at 7^30 chore: {faded illegible text} about 8 inches sleep on lorel. Russell come home at 11. Per C.P.R. tonight

7: cloudy mild: home up at 7. chore.

8:X: fine mild: home up at 9. chore. Mary & Roy visit at Duffys at 3. L.Bible in chat: Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach. fine mild got letter from J.H.G. Dated 20th of Nov from England {faded illegible text}

9: fine mild. home up at 6^40 chore Pile wood in little woodshed I {underlined note in left margin: '59'} 59 years old today: Kill Rooster had Rooster roasted for supper

10: cloudy cold: house up at 8. got load of coke from R.Matson: Mary to Bank Pay Victory loan $995^00 got 64^78 cash: Pay {title of person} Hamilton- to Date $7^95: coke not good:

11: cloudy mild home up at 8. shaky

12: fine: home up at 7^30 chore: {illegible text}

13: cloudy mild rain: home up at 7^50 got Cheque $795^20 from L.Schulman & {illegible text}

December 1918

14: cloudy cool: home up at. chore shaky

15:X: fine mild: home up at 9. chore: Mary & Roy & John & I to {title of person} Duffys for Dinner at 2^30 Joy Duffy 5.years old today home at 5. chore: Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach John & girls there.

16: fine mild: home up at 8. Russell Roy takes $16^00 today to W. Kewlove. Ivory shaky: Tom Faulkner in chat. Mary wash:

17: fine: home up at 8. chore: Mary to Bank Deposit {illegible faded text} Cheque $795^20: Tom Faulkner in chat. albion {illegible last name} had me meeting yesterday or today got letter from J.H.G. Dated Nov 26 England Hospital

18: fine: home up at 8. shaky read Book. ship H geese to L. Sheelman tonight 61. lbs at 25 cts Per lb = $15^25

19: fine: Home chore: Phone Bank to transfer $300^00 to Lloyds Bank London England for {illegible word} J.H.G. McMaohon: Lorne Berry here all night.

20: foggy clear: fine: home. up at 9. chore help Mary to Churn: {illegible word} at school. Mary & Russell. Mabel Pearl John & Roy. all went: I alone left,

21: fine: hoe up at 8. chore

22:X: cloudy: home up at 9. chore.

23: cloudy home up at 8. chore

24: snow: home up at 8. chore: help Mary kill Rooster: {illegible name of person} home

25: Snow: home up at 8. chore: Jim Bring Mother here in sleigh at 10 Ive had 1. lb Rooster for Dinner. Lizzie & Maggie here for tea at 7. Mother here all night.

26: cloudy: home up at 9. Mother to R.J. Laverys for Dinner & tea: home at 8. all night: Maoel Bible in she went Back to Toronto tonight.

27: fine: home up at 8^30 Mother to Duffys for Dinner: Back here at night

Dec 1918

28: cold clear: home up at 8. shaky Mother here

29:X: fine: home up at 9. shaky: Mother here all day: Church at 7. Rev Mr Williamson Preach:

30: clear cold: home up at 8^30 shaky Mother here all day & night.

31: foggy mild: home: up at 8^30 shaky Revel Erie train Boy: Mother here. Mary Deposit $100^00 in Bank and Pay R.Matson $21^96 for coke.


Jan:1: foggy mild rain: home up at 8. shaky: Mother here all day: Lliya Matson in chat: Mary to {title of person} Lyons. rain at night

2: fine: home up at 8^30 chore: Mother here.

3: clear cold: home up at 8^30 Mother here

4: fine: home. up at 8^30 Mother here.

5:X: cold: home up at 9. Mother here Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach

6: fine: home up at 7^40 Mother here to {title of person} Boyces note: A. McBarbe Reeve: I.Evans. Deputy: R.Doherty G.Taylor & J.Steele. {illegible name of person} Elected today for 1919. albion

7: fine: home: up at 7^30 Mother here Mary to Bank draw $20^00 cash: got $15^25 Cheque from L.Shulman for 4 geese.

8: cold: home. up at 8. Mother here.

9: cold stormy: home up at 8. Mother here. Russell on track. {title of person} Lavery sick.

10: cold west wind: home up at 8. Mother here: Russell on track. cold day.

11: clear cold: home up at 7^30 Mother here Russell on track.

12:X: clear cold: home up at 9. Mary chore. children to Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach

13: fine: home up at 8^30 Mary wash. Mother here: fine day:

14: fine mild: home up at 8. Mother here Mrs McFadden come here from Toronto C.P.R. at 6^30 here all night:

Jan 1919

15: fine: home up at 7^30: Mother and Mrs McFadden here: Mother to Lizzies for chat afternoon:

16: fine: home: up at 7^30: Mother and Mrs McFadden here:

17: fine: home up at 7^30 Mother and Mrs McFadden here: Jim Bring 2 load wood.

18: fine: home up at 7^30: Mother and Mrs {illegible name} here: Jim Bring 2. loads wood.

19:X: fine: home up at 9. Mother and Mrs McFadden here: Lizzie in chat. Children to Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach. W.J. Faulkner in after Church chat. to Bed at 11.

20: fine. home up at 7^40 Mother and Mrs McFadden here Mary wash: got letter from J.H.G. from England Dated 7th Jan. here

21: fine: home up at 7^30: Mother and Mrs McFadden here

22: fine home up at 7. Mother and Mrs McFadden here

23: rain: home up at 8: Mother & Mrs McFadden here.

24: cold: home up at 8. Mother & Mrs McFadden here.

25: clear fine: home up at 7. Mother and Mrs McFadden here: Mary churn: shaky today

26:X: fine: home up at 8. Mother & Mrs McFadden here: Church at 7. A.Ruthorford Preach.

27: fine: home up at 7^30 Mother & Mrs McFadden here

28: fine: home up at 7^30 Mother and Mrs McFadden here: Mary to Bank got L.Shulman Cheque cashed $15^25

29: fine: home up at 7^30 Mother and Mrs McFadden here: Russell split wood. I help John Pearl. Mabel {illegible text} Bible Put wood in woodshed shaky

30: fine mild: home up at 7^30 Mother and Mrs McFadden here: to {title of person} Bayses vote for John Moffatt for Deputy {illegible word}. John Anderson elected by one vote: got in 2.loads of nut coal from Jack Lavery

31: cool fine: home up at 7^30 Mother and Mrs McFadden here. Mary churn.

Feb.1 fine. home up at 8. Mother & Mrs McFadden here

2:X: fine home up at 9. Mother & Mrs McFadden here Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach.

3: fine. home. Mother & Mrs McFadden here.

4: fine home: Mother & Mrs McFadden here

Feb 1919

5: fine home. Mother Mrs McFadden here

6: fine home: Mother & Mrs McFadden here

7: fine home: Mother & Mrs McFadden here

8: fine home: Mother & Mrs McFadden here.

9:X: fine home: Mother & Mrs McFadden here, Church at 7. Rev Williamson Preach.

10: fine home: Mother & Mrs McFadden here.

11: fine home: Mother & Mrs McFadden here Albert Godbehore in chat. at 11.

12: fine home: Mother & Mrs McFadden here,

13: fine home: Mother here: Mrs McFadden {illegible} to Toronto G.J. at 10^20 this morning.

Transcription Progress





“Henry McMahon Diary, 1917-1919,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/189.
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