FEB. 24– Grand concert at Greenbank by D.P. Wajat. 100
voices. Stormy day. Road shoveled in the a.m.
25 – Took 58 bushels oats to Manchester. Sold for 51 cents
26 – Fanned barley and oats. Stormy day.
27 – Stormy day. Snow drifting all day. Wm. gone to fence the
school ground.
28 – Roads all drifted full. Not at church.
MAR. 1 – Wm. at home in forenoon. At Mr. Phairs afternoon.
Wind SW. John and George shoveling the road forenoon.
Taking in peas in the afternoon. Self doing chores. Margaret and
Robert at home.
2 – Wind North in the morning, South rest of the day. Wm. &
John at T. Phairs timber. Mr. Colby taking the mens names.
George and self threshing peas in the forenoon. Drew 3 loads
of turnips in the afternoon.
3 – John & Wm. at Phairs timber. Geo. at home. Singing night.
Self at Manchester with 63 bushels of oats. Price 50 cents.
4 – Wind southwest, very cold. Geo. & John threshing peas. Wm.
and self nothing. Margaret at school. Barbara and Jane Michie
at Mr. Phairs in the evening. Fire northeast at 10 o’clock. General
Grant proclaimed President of the United States.
5 – Wind southwest, rather cold. Nomination day of Deputy
Reeve at the room of I.B. Campbell. Resigned. Fanning peas in
the forenoon. Margaret and Robert at school.
6 – Wind west, cold day, snow drifting. John and Geo. threshing
peas. Wm. in the afternoon gone to Greenbank to see where he
can get lumber for school fence. Reading the papers, self.
Singing at night at Greenbank. The last night of the quarter.
Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark. 1862.
7 – Wind southwest, fine day. Self, Wm. and Margaret at church.
Monthly collection $1.80. Mr. McArthur preaching from the first 2
verses of the Prophet Hosea.
8 – Wind southwest. Geo. and Wm. threshing peas in the
forenoon. John gone to George Michies. George, Wm.,
Margaret and Mr. McPhail at the concert at Wick in the
afternoon. Reading at the Son’s Hall, Greenbank admission 10
cents. 14 of an audience.
9 – Wind northwest, fine day. Election of Deputy Reeve. Wm.
Lee, Mr. McGregor, N. Bates running. W. Lee not running.
Voted in forenoon for Mr. McGregor. Geo. and me fanning peas
in the afternoon. Wm. and John at Greenbank. Luke offered his
farm for rent for $140 but would take less. Voting on the
Nipissing bylaw for $50,000 in Brock today.
10 – Wind northeast, snowing and drifting. Fanning peas. Day of
convention at Brooklin to hear Dr. McGill’s defense. Prince of
Wales married.
11 – Wind SW, fair day, above freezing but frosty. Nothing doing,
the snow is so deep. John and George fanning oats in the
afternoon at Anderson’s barn. First daily paper in England
published 1702.
12 – Wind south but clear and cold. John and George fanning
oats in the forenoon at Andersons barn. Self shoveling snow
from the turnip pit in forenoon. Wm. making gate for school
ground. Drew 6 loads of turnips in the afternoon. Began to snow
from the south about 4 o’clock.
13 – Wind west, snow very deep. Nothing doing. John and
George fanning oats at Mr. Andersons barn.
14 – Wind south southwest, snowing and drifting some. Wind
change to NW in afternoon and snow drifting greatly. Nobody at
church. Toronto a market town 1814.
15 – Wind N and frosty. Nothing doing. John and George fanning
oats in Mr. Andersons barn. Settled with A. Michie. Wm. at
Greenbank in the afternoon to see if any letter had come from
James Leask lot.
16 – Wind NW, clear day but frosty. John and George fanning
oats at Mr. Andersons barn. 230 bushels in whole. Wm. and self
took grist to mill – 4 bushels 54 lb. fall wheat. From mill to Prince
Albert to see Walsh. Found him at Manchester. Wm. bought
100 lbs. nails from Mr. A. Gordon at $3.25. Saw Mr. Wm. Mercer
at Manchester. Boston evacuated by the British 1776
17 – Wind N, clear day. Nonquon Fair this day. Mr. Wilkinson’s
sale this day. George went for grist in the afternoon. Rest
fanning oats at home. 66 bushels in whole.
18 – Wind S, clear day. Saintfield Fair this day. John and self at
it. Some 60 cattle and 3 sheep and lots of horse racing. Wm.
and George at home making dominoes.
19 – Wind SW, rather dull looking day, appearance of a storm.
John and George at the wood in the afternoon. Wm. at Isaac
Craigs to get lumber for school fence. Goose laid this day.
Barbara at Greenbank to get boots mended and did not get
them. Fair at Port Perry this day.
20 – Wind W, clear day. George threshing timothy. Wm and
John in the woods in the forenoon. Fanning spring wheat in the
afternoon. George at Greenbank to get his foot measured.
Barbara visiting at Mr. Burton’s. Vernal Equinox – spring began.
21 – Wind ESE, cold bleak day. Self and Mrs. Michie, Barbara,
Wm, Geo and Anne at church. Mr. McArthur lecturing on the first
chapter of Hosea. Sir Isaac Newton died 1727. George Michie
died 1868.
22 – Wind N, clear cold day. Mrs. Michie and George Michie
from Brock here today. Amos Stone bought the red steer at
$6.50 per hundred. Wm and Geo at T. Phairs cordwood. Self
and John fanning fall wheat. Loaned Mr. George Michie $25.00.
23 – Wind all around, warm day. Self and George at fall wheat –
56 ½ bushels. Wm and John at T. Phairs cordwood. A. Michie
down in the afternoon. George Michie buried.
24 – Wind NW, bright cold day. Wm, John and George at T.
Phairs cordwood in the forenoon. John and George took red
steer to A. Stone in the afternoon. Received five dollars for Wm.
Michie from W. Walker.
25 – Wind S, cloudy day. John and Geo drawing out wood. Wm
mending Jas. Walkers harrow. A. Michie’s quilting bee in the
afternoon. Mother at it. Spree at A. Michie’s in the evening.
John Tipps sale this day.
26 – Wind SE, drizzling rain in the forenoon. George drawing
wood in the afternoon. John at Greenbank. Wm. making
dominoes to Mr. Phair. Good Friday. Mary McPhail visiting here
in the afternoon. Received payment from George Bodie for 40
bus. of oats and some hay. Received letter from James Tough,
Auchmull, Aberdeen. John hires to Mr. James Johnston, Brock.
27 – Wind SW, soft dull day. John and George drawing wood in
the forenoon. Wm. chopping wood to Mr. Robt. Phair. Byers
borrowed sleigh today. Barbara at A. Michie’s. Drew 3 loads of
turnips in the afternoon. News: A. Michie at Port Perry getting
his lease made. Florida discovered 1512.
28 – Wind SE, dull day. Easter Sunday collection for Knox
College. Wm. and George at Presbyterian meeting. Mother,
Barbara and Margaret at Methodist meeting. Snow melting fast.
British declare war against Russia 1854.
29 – Wind SW, dull warm day, threatening rain. John at
Manchester. A. Michie borrows bobsleigh to take a load to
Brock. Wm. at Robert Phair’s wood. George at Mr. Baileys with
black mare (1 new shoe). Mother at Mr. Lukes in the afternoon.
Snow melting fast.
30 – Wind N, dull soft foggy day, snow melting fast. George and
John drawing out wood. Wm. at Robert Phairs wood. Mother at
Mr. Lukes. John at W. Craggs in the afternoon. George drawing
wood. Self at T. Duffs in the afternoon. News: Mr. Luke got a
daughter last night. Janet Jerusha Jane is her name.
31 – Wind N, cold day. George’s birthday. George and John
drawing wood. Wm. at Robert Phairs wood. Mr. A. Michie and
Mrs. Michie here in the forenoon. Singing in the evening. A.
Michie, A. Bell, F. Smith, T. Phair, Isabella Gordon and Jane
Michie here tonight. Duck laid this day. Mr. Jason Stone here a
few minutes in the evening.
APR. 1 – Wind NE, clear day. All Fools Day. George helping A.
Michie to flit. John helping too. Self and Wm. at Greenbank at
Mrs. Andersons sale which is only a farce. Went to see I. Craig’s
sawmill. Came home with Mr. Luke. News: Pascoe Luke hired
to Jason Stone for 7 months at $70.00.
2 – Wind N, dull cloudy morning, some fresh snow. Wm. and
George drawing wood in the forenoon. Self at A. Michies
weighing hay for Mr. McPhail. George drawing it in the
afternoon. John chopping wood for A. Gordon. Wm. too in the
afternoon. News: A. Michie reproves R. Stillwell for drawing a
stick of timber through his new grass. Wm. Stillwell threatens to
kick A. Michie.
3 – Wind NW, cold day. Red mulley calved since last night. Bull
calf. George drawing wood. John at Greenbank getting his boot
mended. 2 Indians here in the forenoon. Bought 4 baskets.
Wm. and self doing nothing. In the afternoon Wm. cutting the
school wood that is too long. Self picking potatoes. Mother at
Mr. McPhails. Elizabeth and Pamella Burton here on a visit.
News: Mr. Robert Walker, Greenbank, got 2 fingers sawed off at
I. Craggs sawmill this afternoon.
4 – Wind NW, some fresh snow. Wm., Margaret and self at
church. Monthly collection $1.30. Went and came by A. Leask.
Ewe lambed this afternoon.
5 – Wind SW, rather cold in the morning. Self, John, and Barbara
at Manchester. Roads very bad. Lost a horseshoe going to
Manchester. Got 1 new shoe and 7 shoes set for 70 cents. Wm.
at Mr. Griffins Hardscrabble. News: Mr. McArthur put 4 young
men out of the church on Sabbath during service at Brock.
6 – Wind W, rather cold. George and self drew 3 loads of turnips
in the forenoon and 2 loads of hemlock cordwood. Wm. and
George drawing wood. John at Mr. Byers to see Dr. Byers to get
something for his wrist. Dr. not at home. Self picking potatoes.
News: Mr. Dusty trading his mare to Mr. Luke for buckboard, 4
bunches of shingles and 3 bags wheat. Battle of Shiloh 1862.
7 – Wind SW, rather dull looking day. Ewe Nellie got 2 lambs
since last night, a ewe and ram. George and William chopping in
the swamp in the forenoon. Self picking potatoes. George
drawing wood in the afternoon. Wm. chopping sugar wood.
Some trees tapped in the afternoon. A. Michie here at his dinner
and bought 2 mulley steers. John at Greenbank. Wm. at
Greenbank in the evening singing at the Wesleyans.
8 – Wind NW, cold day, a little snow since last night. George and
Wm. drawing chips. John went away to Mr. Jas. Johnston,
Brock. Self at Greenbank. Bought 2 pails in the forenoon.
George drawing chips in the afternoon. Wm. at Greenbank.
John returns in the evening again. Singing at Mr. Duffs this
evening. Mother at Mr. Phairs in the afternoon. John offers his
services to Mr. Johnston and is not accepted.
9 – Wind NW, dull cloudy day. In the forenoon George and Wm.
chopping in the swamp. John at P. Martineau’s. Self and Robert
fixing the sugar kettle. Afternoon Wm. and Geo. chopping in the
swamp. John at Mr. McPhails. Self put up fences in the road.
Mrs. A. Gordon and Mrs. J. Walker here on a visit. News: A.
Watson, Blacksmith, Saintfield, got his ears split and his eye
damaged horse racing with C. Aslin on the 8th
.Lee surrendered
to General Grant 1865.
10 – Wind N, clear day. Forenoon Mr. Burton looking at white
cow. Was offered one in Whitby for 23 dollars, I asking $30.00.
George splitting rails. Wm. chopping in the swamp. John and
self nothing. Afternoon George splitting rails. Wm. & John
shoveling snow on the road. Self boiling sap. Black ewe lambed
1 ram lamb. Self at Geo. Bodies in the evening asking him to
bring a spade to me from Whitby and 4 patent pails.
11 – Wind NW, rather warm day. Nobody from here at the
Presbyterian meeting on account of the roads. Barbara at the
Sunday School. Ewe lambed this day – ewe lamb. Wm. visiting
Alexander McMillan who is sick, not expected to live.
12 – Wind NW, clear day. Afternoon Mrs. Martineau, Mrs.
Burton, Mrs. Belford and Mrs. Gordon here quilting. Wm.
chopping, John at Prince Albert. Self and George drawing
turnips 8 loads. Wind W afternoon. Mrs. J. Leask, Mrs. A.
Leask, Mrs. McPhail, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Duff, Isabella Michie,
Jane Michie, A. Aslin, and M.J. Luke quilting. Wm. and George
drawing rails. Self at kettle. John lost his purse at Port Perry.
Ewe lambed ewe lamb. Evening spree. Ladies present: I.
Michie, Jane Michie, A. Aslin, MJ Luke, M. Walker, Ann Gordon,
L. Chalmers, M. Gordon, G. Luke. Gentlemen present: I.
McPhail, G. Watts, Wm. Gordon, F. Smith, A. Byers, A. Bell, A.
Michie, T. Phair, W. Luke. Andrew Gordon, musician.
13 – Wind W, clear day. Cattle and pigs in the barn this morning.
One lamb eaten. Forenoon Thos. Duff borrowed $10.00.
George chopping. Wm. nothing. John at Port Perry to find his
purse. Self mending Roberts boots. Court sits at Whitby today.
Afternoon Wm. at Isaac Craggs. Geo. chopping. John finds his
purse. Self at Mr. Byers and Mr. McPhails. News: Chancey
Aslin ploughing. Received 1 spade and 4 pails from George
Bodie. Barbara received a letter from C. A. Campbell, Brooklin.
14 – Wind NW, clear day. Ewe lambed this morning ram lamb.
Forenoon Wm. gone to Isaac Craggs to work in his mill. George
chopping. John sore feet. Self writing letter to C.A. Campbell,
Brooklin to say that Barbara will hire with him for 1 month.
Burton down wanting potatoes to buy and cow. Would give
$28.00 cash or $29.00 in a year. Afternoon George chopping.
John and self at sugar bush. Barbara at Mrs. J. Walkers quilting
bee. News: Alex McMillan died yesterday morning. Barbara at
singing in Wesleyan Church. Isabella Michie here all night.
President Lincoln assassinated 1865.
15 – Wind S, white frost this morning, clear day. George
chopping. John gone to Mr. Jas. Johnstones. Self at kettle. Port
Perry whistle blown for the first time this year. Barbara and
Isabella Michie sewing. Self at kettle. Rev. Mr. Douglas from
Uxbridge buys the red Mulley cow at $28.00.
16 – Wind S, clear warm day, snow thawing fast. Forenoon
George chopping. Self fixing Barbara’s box. Mr. A. Gordon here
to tell Wm. to go to A. Michies, Brock, to meet Mr. Tipp about the
fixing of the house A. Michie lives in. Afternoon George
chopping. Self fencing. Robert at Greenbank. Isabella Michie
left for Mr. Phairs. News: Isaac Craggs mill broke this afternoon.
17 – Wind W, soft day, rain through the night. Forenoon George
chopping. Self fixing the lock of Barbara’s chest. James Belford
here for a hen. Afternoon George chopping. Amos Stone pays
the balance on red steer bought 22 Mar. for 6 ½ dollars per
hundred and buys the white cow for $29. Robert at Greenbank
for letter from C.A. Campbell, Brooklin, accepting Barbaras offer
to hire with him for one month. Self doing very little.
18 – Wind E, dull day, threatening rain. Barbara and Margaret at
Sabbath School. Self at the English Meeting in the afternoon.
Margaret at it too. Black ewe 2 lambs, one white the other black,
both ewes. Barbara at Presbyterian Meeting. 35 of an audience.
Mr. McArthur will leave if the people say so. News: Mary Rennie
lost from Udora, Township of Scott.
19 – Wind SE, thunder and rain through the night. Ewe lambed
one ewe lamb. Forenoon Archibald Miller here for drag teeth.
Geo. chopping. Wm. took Thomas Phairs house to build at
$121.00 and board himself. Wm. gone to A. Michie’s, Brock to
meet Mr. Tipp. Self making gate. Mrs. Martineau here fixing
Barbaras dress. George at Amos Stones with white cow. Wm.
did not see Mr. Tipp. News: Mr. Jas. Cockrane says there is war
declared between England and the United States.
Fredericksburg Virginia captured 1862.
20 – Wind SE, foggy morning, very warm. George at Uxbridge
with red Mulley to Mr. Douglas. A. Michie here wanting oats.
Wm. at schoolhouse. Thunder and rain through the forenoon.
Self mending churn dasher. Afternoon more rain. Isabella
Michie here and Isabella Walker. A. Michie here in the evening
and Wesley Luke playing dominos. Byron died 1824.
21 – Wind SW, rather cold cloudy morning, ground very wet.
Snow showers through the day. Self at Manchester with Barbara
on her way to Brooklin. Roads very muddy. Mr. Archibald
Johnston came from Manchester with me. News: J.S. Sproule,
jailer, Whitby, died of apoplexy yesterday. Mr. Luke sewing
wheat today.
22 – Wind NW, cold morning, some snow through the night,
cloudy forenoon. Ewe lambed ewe lamb. George fencing. Self
making doubletree. Afternoon George plowing for the first this
season. Self at Mr. Jas. Scotts to buy potatoes but got none.
Mr. McGuire refuses payment of my store bill.
23 – Wind W, some frost in the night, clear day. George plowing.
Self fixing drain. Afternoon SE threatening rain. George
plowing. Mr. Samuel Byers alters 5 pigs and 1 calf. Robert at
Isaac Craggs and at Greenbank for the papers. George and
Robert at A. Michies in evening. Mr. Luke over wanting to trade
wheat for peas. St. George’s Day.
24 – Wind W, bright warm morning. White faced ewe lambed a
ewe and a ram. Geo. plowing. Mr. Luke gets 8 ½ bushels of
peas in exchange for spring wheat. $6.50 received this day. Mr.
Joseph Williams here to dinner. Annie bought brooch. Margaret
bought earrings. Afternoon George at grist mill with 5 bushels
wheat. Mother at A. Gordons, and Annie. Self weighed 10
bushels of oats to A. Michie, Senior. George gets the grist
25 – Wind N, cold morning. Ewe lambed since last night ram
lamb. Self, Mother, Margaret and Wm. at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching to the young from Ecclesiastic. Some
talk of his leaving.
26 – Wind W, clear bright day. George plowing. Wm. gone to
Craggs. 2 pigs very sick with being altered. Self cleaning out
the shop. John Belford here asking for Geo. and horses to plow
for him ½ day tomorrow. Afternoon Geo. plowing. Self fixing
drain. One pig dead. Wm’s boat gone from the creek.
27 – Wind SW, calm dull morning, appearance of rain. Geo.
plowing. Reach and Scugog Agricultural Fair at Prince Albert
this day. Self taking home the dishes from the wood event.
Went down the new road to the creek looking for the boat.
Afternoon Geo. plowing at Mr. Belfords. Wm. came home from I.
Craggs, the water being now low. Wm. at school fence. Self at
drain. Spree at Belfords. Wm., Geo., and Margaret at it.
28 – Wind W, rather cold cloudy morning, appearance of rain.
Geo. plowing in the orchard. Wm. at school fence. Self making
gate. Another pig dead. Afternoon George plowing in the
orchard. Wm. and Margaret at singing at Wesleyan Church.
29 – Wind ENE, cold high wind. Wm. at school fence. Geo.
harrowing. Self sowing peas. Stove pipes came apart.
Afternoon Geo. harrowing. Self spreading dung. Wm’s compass
broke today by somebody.
30 – No wind, hard frost. Geo. and self gathering stones. Wm. at
school fence. George plowing the rest of the forenoon.
Afternoon sun very hot, what little wind there is W. Geo. plowing.
Self choring around. Mother at Mr. Lukes. Robert at Greenbank
for the newspapers. Ewe lambed ewe lamb. Altogether 14
lambs, 2 dead, 12 alive. Mother’s birthday. General Grant born
MAY 1 – Wind E, very cold bleak day. Geo. plowing. Wm. at the
school fence. Self spreading dung. Mr. James McPhail here for
1 1/2 bushels of barley. Mr. Alex Gordon here for sheep, and
goose eggs to Mr. James Cochrane. Afternoon raining from the
SE. No work going on here. Self has a sore throat. Wesley
Luke here in the evening playing dominoes.
2 – Wind NE, some snow through the night, raw cold day.
Margaret for the Sabbath School this morning but Mother would
not let her. Margaret rather sulky about it. Throat rather worse
than yesterday. Wm., Geo., and Margaret at the Presbyterian
meeting. Gone half an hour sooner to practice singing. Showers
from the north. Annie at Mr. E. Lukes in the afternoon. Mary
Jane Luke here in the afternoon as she found no one at home at
Mr. R. Phairs.
3 – Wind N, rather cold bleak morning. Wm. at school fence.
Geo. plowing. Throat getting better, broke yesterday. Geo.
plowing in the afternoon. Self sifting spring wheat. Spotted
heifer bulling today. Geo., Robert and Wm. at A. Michie’s
playing ball. Alex Gordon & Alex Michie here tonight.
4 – Wind N, hard frost, cold morning. Geo. plowing. Wm. at
school fence. Self spreading dung. Throat better. Afternoon
Geo. plowing. Wm. at school fence. Self spreading dung and
gardening. Robert with Wm. holding fence posts at the school
ground. Mr. Phair here visiting. Agnes Aslin here borrowing
small notebook. Alex Michie gets 10 ½ bus. of oats.
5 – Wind N, some frost through the night, bright morning. Geo.
plowing. Wm. at school fence. Self spreading dung. Gathered
finger today and very sore. Afternoon wind E, looking like rain.
Robert holding fence posts at school. Geo. plowing. Self
trimming current bushes. Margaret at Jas. Cochrans to attend
the singing at the Wesleyan Church at night. Wm. & Robert at
singing. Napoleon died 1821. Battle of the Wilderness Virginia
6 – Wind SE, fine morning. Geo. plowing. Wm. at school fence.
Self choring, finger rather better. Little sow 3 pigs since last
night. Mr. Alex Gordon took away one ewe and one ewe lamb,
either pay 4 dollars or return them in the fall. Afternoon Geo.
plowing. Self and Mother taking cockle out of spring wheat.
Robert at school fence. Mr. Wm. Minto (peddler) here, sold him
a sheepskin for 30 cents. Bought ½ doz. knives and forks for
one dollar. P. Davis Pain Killer, Henry’s Worm Lozenges,
Essence of Peppermint & room shovel. Altogether 80 cents.
Received a letter from Barbara.
7 – Wind E, rather cloudy morning. Wm. at school fence. Geo.
plowing. Self and Mother cleaning wheat. Afternoon George
went to Thos. Duffs for seed oats. Rest of the time harrowing.
Self sowing wheat. Mother went with Geo. to visit Mrs. Duff who
is sick. Robert at Mr. Phairs for onions and Greenbank for the
papers. A. Michie here for to play ball and dominoes. Phairs
boy here for goose eggs.
8 – Wind SW, calm pleasant morning. Geo. harrowing. Wm. at
school fence. Self sowing spring wheat in the potato land. Mary
Gordon here for strawberry plants to A. Michie. Afternoon Geo.
plowing, self fixing timothy seed. Jas. McPhail 5 ½ bus. of
barley. Alex Michie Senior 10 bushels oats. Wesley here in the
evening playing dominoes. Prince Albert died yesterday.
9 – Wind S, cloudy morning, appearance of rain. Margaret at
Bethel Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., Robert, and Anne at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Acts
2:42&43. Monthly collection $2.00.
10 – Wind S, cloudy morning. Geo. at Manchester for plaster.
Mother, Robert and Anne & Mr. McPhail at Manchester in the
afternoon. Forenoon Geo. drawing some lumber for the school
fence and gets the horses all shod by John Bailey. Looking like
rain in the evening.
11 – Wind SW, calm bright morning. Geo. plowing. Wm. and
Robert at school fence. Self sowing plaster. 1
Afternoon Geo.
plowing, self gardening. R. Phair sets fire to the swamp. Mother
making dress for Annie. Very droughty afternoon with high wind
from SW. Robert & Wm. late coming to supper.
12 – Wind SE, calm morning. Smoky. Heavy dew at night. Geo.
plowing. Wm. splitting rails for Mr. Colin Miller on Mr. Robert
Murtons farm Lot 18, north half of conc. 10 Reach. Afternoon
George plowing. Self gardening. Mother and Annie visiting at
Mrs. Geo. Bodies. Singing at the Wesleyan Church. Margaret at
it. Wm. & Robert at the creek fishing. New Zealand discovered
1642. Isaac Cragg’s bull died…worth $40.
13 – Wind E, rather hazy morning. George plowing. William
digging about the apple trees. Self spreading dung. Margaret
puts out the young calf this morning. Afternoon Geo. plowing.
Self and Wm. fixing dam for sheep washing. Wm. fixing in the
old garden. Appearance of rain. Self sowed some barley. Rain
from the southeast about 4 o’clock. Wms. colt lost out of Bodies
field. Cattle to grass for first time this year.
14 – Wind changeable, mostly from the SW, cloudy warm
forenoon. Geo. harrowing. Wm. mending dam. Self fixing bars
behind the barn. Robert at Greenbank for the Globes. Heavy
rain about half past four with thunder. A social at the
Temperance Hall, Greenbank. Barley all sowed.
15 – Wind what there is SW, rather gloomy morning. George
plowing. Wm. at dam. Self pruning apple trees. Appearance of
rain, afternoon wind NW. Drizzly rain. Geo. plowing sometimes
and sometimes in the house. Self at Isaac Craggs to speak for
lumber to make a cistern. Wm. Englis here for oats. Mr. Cragg
Sr. and Mr. Cragg Jr. here with 34 yards of flannel which they
wove. Wm. & Robert planting cucumbers and melons in the old
16 – Wind if any NW, dull cloudy morning, appearance of rain.
John came home in the morning. Self, Wm., Geo., Margaret and
Robert at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Johns gospel 12:31-32 verses.
17 – Wind NW, very cold. Geo. plowing. Wm. at Colin Millers
with his colt. Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon still cold. George
plowing. Wm. painting Margaret’s chest. Self cutting potatoes.
Plaster is another name for lime, which was used for
Joseph Williams, peddler, here. Night Wm. planted 2 large apple
trees – one from the old garden and one from the fence at the
18 – Wind NW, rather cold. Geo. & Wm. drawing lumber from
Isaac Cragg’s mill for school fence and cistern. Robert and
Annie at school. George brought home from the mill 410 ft. of
clear plank at $12 per 1000 = $4.92. 80 ft. of common plank and
80 ft. of scantling. Afternoon Geo. plowing. Wm. working at
plank. Self cutting potatoes. Andrew Gordon here. Luke puts
his colts out on the road. Margaret and Wm. at C. Collins
singing. Geo, Robert & A. Michie playing ball. John leaves I.
Johnstons service.
19 – Wind W, drizzly forenoon. Geo. plowing. Wm. mending
plane. Self cleaning turnip cellar. Afternoon rather rainy. Geo.
plowing. Wm. grooving plank. Self weighed 23 ½ bus. to A.
Michie and 4 bus. to Mr. G. Bodie. Ball playing at night in Bodies
field. J. Anderson put 4 steers in Mr. Bodies field. Washing day.
Robert at school.
20 – Wind NW, cloudy morning. Geo. at Manchester with 55 bus.
oats. Margaret at Manchester. Wm. & John at school fence.
Self at A. Michies, his mare foaling. Robert and Annie at school.
Mrs. Walker here to dinner on her way to Mrs. Phairs picking
bee. Self cutting potatoes. Columbus died 1506.
21 – Wind NE, clear day. Geo. harrowing. Self sowing oats.
Wm. & John mending Jas. Walker’s fence. Robert and Annie at
school. Mary Gordon here for yeast. Afternoon Geo. harrowing.
Wm. & John at school fence. Self choring. Mother at R. Phairs
picking wool. John, Geo. and Robert at A. Michies playing ball.
Dominion Plowing Match 1868.
22 – Wind NW, slight frost in the morning. Geo. harrowing and
drilling in the orchard. Self sowing oats. Wm. & John at school
fence. After Geo. & self washing sheep. Wm. at fence. John
drawing 20 boards from I. Craggs for school fence and going to
Jas. Johnstones, Brock, for his chest. Mother and Annie at Mrs.
Belfords to double some yarn. Isabella Michie here all night.
Sewed carrots.
23 – Wind NW, sun drawing water. Isabella Michie and Margaret
at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Geo., Margaret and
Annie at church. Mr. McArthur preaching from Luke 4:31, they
that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick. Saw
Mr. George Gilson at church. Mr. A. Michies mare died. Red
heifer bulling.
24 – Wind NW, looking very draughty. Geo. plowing. Self and
Robert planting corn. Wm. grooving plank. John digging cistern.
George plowing potato land. Self cutting potatoes. Wm. at
plank. John fishing and digging cistern. Margaret at Mr. Phairs
for early potatoes. Miss Gordon here. Queen’s birthday. Wrote
to Barbara.
25 – Wind S, some cloudy in the forenoon and looks like rain.
Geo. at Jas. Walkers bee. Wm. making plane. John digging
cistern. Self planting potatoes and hanging gates. Afternoon
clouds were all gone, looking like drought. John digging. Wm. at
Greenbank. Self sowing oats to A. Michie. Mother twisting
cotton yarn. Robert & Annie at school. A. Leask here hunting
steer, found him. Singing at John McMillans, Wm. at it.
26 – Wind W, thunder and rain through the night, cloudy morning
with slight showers. Geo. plowing. Wm. making plane. John
digging cistern. Self taking away the dirt. Mother twisting cotton
yarn. Luke 2 sick sheep. Robert and Annie at home. Afternoon
rather rainy. Geo. at grist mill with 3 bags of wheat. Wm. at
John Leasks for money for school fence. John doing nothing.
Self making sieve for windows. Jas. Smith giving a temperance
lecture in Sons Hall.
27 – Wind S, frost through the night. Geo. plowing in potatoes.
Wm. at cistern all day. Margaret at Belfords spooling cotton
yarn. Receive 3 Peoples Journals from A. Michie.
28 – Wind SE, clear morning. John & Geo. drawing rails in the
swamp. Wm. at cistern. Self shearing sheep. Afternoon rain
from the SE. William making plane. Geo & John doing nothing.
Self at sheep. Robert and Annie at school. Mother making
shimmy to Annie. Mr. Thos. Phair here tonight. Cows out all
night (first). Division court sat today.
29 – Wind NE, cloudy, drizzly morning. Geo. plowing in the
swamp. Wm. making plane. Self and John fencing in the
swamp. Margaret baking and scrubbing. Mother washing.
Afternoon bright and clear. Geo. harrowing in the swamp. Wm.
and John framing cistern. Self sowing oats and timothy in the
swamp. Margaret at Greenbank. Annie takes Mrs. Gordons
goslings home. Finished sewing grain today, 3 days later than
last year. Court of Revision sat at Manchester.
30 – Wind E, looking like rain. Margaret wanting to go to Sabbath
School but Mother would not let her. Afternoon self, Mother,
Wm., John, Geo., Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Church.
Margaret at Wesleyan Sunday School. Mr. McArthur preaching
from 1 Corinthians verse 28 on self-examination. Ontario Bank
suspends payment. Pope died 1764.
31 – Wind W, warm foggy morning. Geo. harrowing. Wm. &
John at cistern. Afternoon Geo. harrowing. Wm., John and self
putting in cistern. Mrs. Gordon here for potatoes. Robert at
school. Mother making dress for Annie. Mr. Luke at
Manchester. Margaret planted beets. Battle of Pines 1862.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, fine bright morning. Self at Manchester
quarterly Fair. Mother takes her yarn for coverlet to Mr. Cragg to
be woven. Mother and Wm. at Manchester. Brought home the
grist from the mill. John fishing and Geo. too at noon. Afternoon
digging stumps in the turnip land. Evening Collin Miller here for
11 bushels of oats.
2 – Wind S, warm morning. George and John drawing stones
and chunks off the turnip ground. Wm. over the creek to see Mr.
Tipp and did not see him. Self turning potatoes. Afternoon Geo.
plowing. Wm. making spout for cistern. John and self digging
trench to cistern. Mother making Wm. pants. Robert at school.
Mrs. Bodie and Mrs. Walker here this afternoon. Donatis Comet
discovered 1858.
3 – Wind S, warm morning. Geo. plowing. Wm. over the creek to
see Mr. Tipp. Self and John at cistern. John Belford here at half
past five for 2 bags of potatoes to plant at Mr. Duffs. Wm. takes
Mr. Tipps job at $17. Mrs. Martineau here fixing bonnets.
Afternoon Geo. plowing. Self and John at cistern. Wm. putting
handles in chisels. Button peddler here to supper. Received the
Aberdeen Herald of May 8th
from G. Tough.
4 – Wind SW, dull morning, looking like rain. Geo. plowing. Wm.
making dashboard for Mr. McPhails wagon. Self and John at
cistern. Mother fixing Margaret and Annies jackets. Afternoon
self, Mother, Wm., John, George and Annie at Presbyterian
church. Mr. Douglas preaching from Hebrews 13-20, last clause,
through the blood of the everlasting covenant. Battle of Magenta
in Austria 1859.
5 – Wind NW, rainy morning and much rain through the night.
Nothing doing. Robert Phair here warning of road work on
Tuesday. Wm. at Mr. Lukes with Mr. Phair. Self turning
potatoes. Afternoon Geo. plowing. Self and John cleaning
sheep house. Mr. Bodie here for 6 bushels of potatoes. England
takes possession of Nova Scotia 1755.
6 – Wind NE, rather cold, near frost. Self, Mother, Wm., John,
Geo., and Robert and Annie at Brock, it being the sacrament in
the Presbyterian Church. 82 communicants and six dollars of a
collection. Mr. McArthur spoke of his situation that he was willing
to leave or stay as the majority would decide. Heard of only 4
being against him. Battle of Memphis 1862.
7 – N wind, hard frost this morning. George harrowing. Wm. and
John gone to Alex Michies, Brock to fix his house. Robert at
school. Annie at home. Afternoon wind S looking like rain. Geo.
harrowing, self hoeing corn. Mother at Mrs. Belfords picking bee.
Luke offering his farm to George to rent for one hundred and
forty dollars when he gets off his crops. Rather much.
8 – Wind NW, cold cloudy morning. Self and Geo. working on the
road. Alex Michie Junior and Andrew Gordon at dinner.
Afternoon self and Geo. at the road. Cassidy cow calved since
last night, heifer calf. James Cochran here for oats. Alex Michie,
Jr. and Andrew Gordon here to supper. Robert at school.
9 – Wind SW, slight frost and foggy morning. Alex Michie here all
night and at breakfast. Self and Geo. at the road work.
Afternoon self and Geo. at the road. 4 days in. Crows taking up
the corn. Set up a scarecrow this evening. Wm. Real here in the
evening asking the loan of the turnip drill. Talked till after 10
o’clock. Robert at school today. Spotted heifer bulling.
10 – Wind S, rainy morning. Self and Geo. went to work on the
road at 9 o’clock. Time done at noon. Mr. Love and David
Cragg here for 2 bushels of potatoes. Afternoon self digging
cabbage ground. Geo. chopping in the swamp. Heavy thunder
shower at 5 o’clock with hail. Mr. Phair here from the shower.
Robert and Annie at home. Old duck found at Mr. Lukes.
Temperance demonstration at Greenbank, June 1868.
11 – Wind W, cold cloudy morning. Self planting cabbage plants
– 200 planted. Geo. choring. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon Geo. cutting thistles. Self at school house. Mrs. Luke
here visiting. Pascoe here in the evening playing dominoes.
Received a letter from Barbara.
12 – Wind W, cold morning, got warmer through the morning.
Geo. harrowing. Self at Mr. Bodies blacksmith shop for latch to
gate and at I. Craggs. Mr. Murts very sick last night, rather
easier this morning. Some jobs letting on the centre road. E.
Major, M. Bates and Jas. Graham, Commissioners. Afternoon
Geo. spudding thistles. Self at I. Craggs for maple scantling.
Tried red mare to young Revenger. She did not take him. Found
ewe dead in swamp. Mrs. Bodie sick in the evening. Mother
sent over. New York incorporated 1665.
13 – Wind SW, hazy morning, rather rainy all forenoon. Margaret
did not get to school. Afternoon rain till 3 o’clock. Nobody at any
church. No service at Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur at the
Synod which met in Hamilton on Tuesday 8th
of June at 7:30 a.m.
Margaret at Mr. Phairs.
14 – Wind SW, clear morning, nearly frost. Geo. drilling. Wm.
and John gone to Brock. Self putting latch on gate. Afternoon
high wind and light showers. Geo. drilling. Self cutting thistles.
Robert and Annie at school. Singing at Brick Church, Margaret at
15 – Wind W, cloudy morning. George drilling. Self grubbing
stumps in the pasture. Afternoon Geo. drilling, self thistle
cutting. Robert and Annie at school. Richard Real here asking
the turnip drill. Got it in the evening after Mr. Luke had done.
Wm. Ferguson, peddler, here today.
16 – Wind W, showery morning. George drilling out the turnip
land. Self spudding thistles. Mr. Broad, tin peddler, here in the
forenoon. Punk calved since last night, calf dead. Afternoon self
and Geo. spudding thistles. Mothers picking bee this afternoon.
Present: Mrs. A. Gordon, Mrs. McPhail, M.J. Luke, Georgina
Luke, E. Burton, P. Burton, S. Byers, I. Aslin, E. Walker, A.
Bodie, Mary Gordon, Jane Gordon, and M. Leask. Wool all
picked. Jas. Cochran here for to get the turnip drill on Thursday
night or Friday morning. Ball playing here tonight.
17 – Wind W, bright clear morning. Wm. Real sends home the
turnip drill early this morning. Geo. and self spudding thistles.
Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Geo. sowing turnips.
Self spudding thistles. Mrs. Alex Gordon and Mrs. Bodie here
picking wool. Mr. J. Williams, peddler, here this afternoon. Self
bad with dizzy head. Ball playing in the evening. James
Cochran, Jas. Walker, Jas. Gordon, Mary Gordon, Jane Gordon
here for turnip drill. Three heifers put into Mr. Bodies field for a
months pasture. This paid for six bushels of potatoes. Battle of
Bunker Hill 1775. Received letter from Barbara.
19 – Wind N, drying day. George spudding thistles, self fixing
grindstone. Robert and Annie at home. Mrs. Luke gone to
Manchester. Afternoon Geo. spudding thistles and took the red
mare to the horse at Greenbank. Mare took the horse. Self
fixing grindstone. Mother picking her geese. Wm. and John
arrive from Brock, job not finished. Margaret at Mrs. Martineaus
to get her to come and make her a new dress. Alabama sunk,
20 – Wind S, thunder and rain through the night. Drizzly morning.
Margaret got ready to go to Sunday School but did not go
because of the wet morning. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Margaret
and Annie at Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Mr. McDonald from
Beaverton preaching. Rev. 3-20, last clause: If any man hear
my voice I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with
me. He spoke first of the character of the person who they
address is that he is the Lord Jesus Christ. Second, those who
are addressed they are all who hear the Gospel, the careless,
the drunkard, the prayerless be. William, John and Geo. at
evening meeting at Greenbank, this being Days Meeting at the
Primitive Methodist Church. King William, the fourth, died 1837.
Accession of Queen Victoria 1837. Mr. Robert Walker,
Greenbank, very sick.
21 – Wind SW, rather cloudy morning. Geo. spudding thistles. In
afternoon Geo. gone to A. Michies. John gone to Brock. Self
mending gate at the road. James Walker brings the turnip drill
home in the morning. Geo. sowing turnips. Adam Bell here
waiting for the turnip drill. Mr. Beare’s son here in the morning
asking for the turnip drill when Byers done with it. Mr. McPhail
gets the loan of the wooden harrows. Mr. Robert Phair here
playing ball. Washing and churning day. Mr. Wm. Minto,
peddler, here today.
22 – Wind SW, rather gloomy this morning. Geo. spudding
thistles. Self hoeing corn. Mrs. Martineau and Mrs. Belford here
today. Afternoon tried to hoe potatoes but they are too small.
Geo. burning brush. Self hoeing garden. Robert and Annie at
school. Robert Belford here tonight. Margaret dress making
today. Summer solstice.
23 – Wind SW, clear morning. Geo. & self drawing oat straw
from Andersons barn. James Belford here for 3 bushels of
potatoes. Mrs. Martineau here all night. Afternoon Geo.
spudding thistles. Self washing apple trees. Mr. & Mrs. Michie,
Mrs. Alex Gordon here this afternoon. A. Michie buys the drake.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret singing at Brick Church.
24 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Geo., John and self logging in
the swamp. Wm. at Mr. John Tipps. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon Geo., John, Wm. and self logging in the swamp. Black
mare got so lame we had to quit. Geo. went to Samuel Byers to
get his oxen. Same at Mr. Iansons piling lumber. Do not know
whether we get them or not. Robert Phair sows his turnips today
and had to go to John Beares farm for the drill and take it back
again. Ball playing.
25 – Wind SW, fine morning. Mother gone to Mrs. Walkers, she
being sick. Geo. goes to Mr. S. Byers to see about oxen.
Cannot get them till Monday. Wm. sharpens saw. John at Wm.
Loves for broad axe. Self washing apple trees. Dr. I.N. Byers
here to borrow paint and brush to paint his buckboard. Afternoon
Colin Miller here, paid 11 bushels of oats. Wm. & John splitting
rails on Mr. Murtas farm. George spudding thistles. Self
washing trees. Robert and Annie at school. Mr. Luke here in the
evening talking. Geo., Robert and Wesley and Wagner at Byers
playing ball. Repeal of Corn Law 1846. Book man here this
afternoon. Subscribed for Bible History and Bible Dictionary to
be delivered the end of harvest.
26 – Wind SW, some appearance of rain. Geo. and self hoeing.
Wm. and John at rail splitting on Mr. Murtas farm. Mother not
home yet, been at Jas. Walkers all night. Came home this
forenoon. Self and Geo. hoeing potatoes. Wm. & John framing
Thos. Phairs house. Ball playing tonight. Elizabeth Walker
came after Mother this evening for Mrs. Walker. Epsom School
27 – Wind NE, much rain through the night, dull rainy morning.
Mother not home. Therefore Margaret cannot get to Sunday
School. Rain through the day. Mrs. Walker gets a dead child
(daughter) and Mrs. Bodie a living daughter, both at the same
time. Nobody at church today. Wm. makes the coffin for James
Walkers baby after dinner and Geo., self, A. Gordon and Jas.
Walker take corpse to the Presbyterian Church burial ground, dig
the grave and buried it. Mrs. Walker very weak. Mother comes
home with the wagon.
28 – Wind S, much rain through the night. Geo. and self at Mr.
Lukes with the spotted heifer to the bull. Took the 2 yearling
heifers to the swamp. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs house.
Robert and Annie at home. Sow pigged in the forenoon, 5 pigs,
4 of them wrong with the hind legs, 2 dead. Afternoon Geo.
spudding thistles. Self mending umbrella. Wm. & John at Thos.
Phairs house. R. Phair sick today. Ball playing.
29 – Wind SW, fine morning. George at home. Wm. and John at
T. Phairs house. Self at Bodies with wool to the carding machine
and brought Margaret home. Very warm afternoon. Got home
about 6 o’clock. Took black mare to farrier at Brooklin, Mr.
Sweetapple, who says that spavin2
is the cause of the lameness
and that blistering might cure it, but the sure way is by a seton3
on it. I got the blister but at present not settled whether to apply
it or not. The Bishop of Toronto at Greenbank today to
administer the Sacrament of Confirmation and had a large
audience. Crops looking good between here and Brooklin with
the exception of corn. Ball playing tonight, Wm. Byers & Jas.
Belford. Greenwich Hospital founded in London, England 1696.
30 – Rain through the night. Wind NW, raining first part of
forenoon. Nothing doing. Mrs. Martineau here making Barbaras
dress. Adam Bell here asking hands to logging bee. Afternoon
Geo. and John at Mr. Duffs logging bee. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self at Greenbank getting horses shod. Robert at
school, Annie at home. Got 2 shoes set on black mare. Bought
lining for Barbaras dress from A. McGuire. Very draughty
afternoon with the wind from N.
JULY 1 – Wind W, cool day, bright all day. The Dominion
celebration at Prince Albert. Self, Geo. & Margaret at it. Great
crowd at it. Horse racing, velocipede racing and foot racing.
Margaret gets a new pair of boots at night. Dark when we got
home. Wm. and John at T. Phairs house. Robert and Annie at
school. Self very tired of celebration, thinks will not go to any
such thing anymore. Mother at home baking bread for the
2 – Wind W, warm day. Wm., John & Geo. at T. Phairs house.
Self hoeing in the orchard. Afternoon Wm., John and Geo. at T.
Phairs house which was raised this afternoon. Wm., John and
Geo. at Byers playing ball. Barbara at singing in Brick Church
and stopped at Mr. Aslins all night.
3 – Wind SW, rain about 4 o’clock in the morning, warm forenoon.
Wm. & Geo. at T. Phairs house. John at Mr. Geo. Haddens to
hire. Self mending black mare’s halter. Georgina Luke here
wanting Barbara to sew with the machine. Mother not willing.
Barbara comes home about 9 o’clock and goes to Lukes to sew
at half past eleven. Mr. Luke over wanting the horses and
wagon to go to Columbus to the anniversary, but the red mare
has to go to Greenbank at 4 o’clock to the stud horse. John hires
to Mr. Hadden for 3 months. Ball playing. Lizzy Chalmers here
all night to see Barbara. Isabella and George Michie here all
night. Quebec founded 1608. Mare did not take horse.
4 – Wind W, high wind and very smoky. Meeting at Presbyterian
Church at half past ten. Self, Wm. and John at Presbyterian
Church. Mr. McArthur preaches from John 14:23. Barbara,
Margaret and Isabella Michie at Methodist Church. In afternoon
Spavin – a swelling of the hock joint of a horse,
resulting in lameness.
Seton – a thread of gauze or other suture material,
threaded through tissue and used to keep a wound
all at Methodist but self. Meeting in woods. Isabella and George
Michie here all night. Independence Day of the United States
5 – Wind about NW, cold morning, nearly frost if not altogether.
Self, Mother, Barbara, Margaret, Annie and Robert at
anniversary all day. Geo. hoeing potatoes in the forenoon. Wm.
and John at T. Phairs house. Afternoon all at anniversary. Wm.,
John, George, Margaret and Barbara at concert in the evening.
Isabella Michie here all night. Barbara at A. Leasks all night.
Anniversary of the Bethel Church [remainder not legible]
6 – Wind N, hazy morning and forenoon. Self and Geo. hoeing
potatoes. Wm. and John at T. Phair’s house. Isabella Michie
leaves for home. Tinsmith from the other side of the creek here
to dinner and mended eave pipe and soldered some holes in the
teapot and dishes. Sold Mother a tin pail. Altogether 1 dollar &
25 cents. Afternoon self and Geo. hoeing potatoes in the
orchard. Wm. and John at T. Phairs house. Mary Jane Luke
here this afternoon on a visit. Bodie boy here asking for the
scuffler. Barbara comes home at 8 o’clock. John Real here
wanting cattle to buy. Washing day.
7 – Wind S, rather hazy morning. Wm. & John at T. Phairs
house. Self and Geo. hoeing potatoes. George Bodie here in
the morning for the scuffler. Luke gone to Manchester.
Afternoon Wm. and Geo. at T. Phairs house. Self at Greenbank
with wagon to get one shoe set on red mare. Mr. Dockham at
Greenbank with his buggy to take Barbara to Brooklin, she
having hired with him for 2 months at 4 dollars per month. John
leaves at same time for Geo. Haddens for 5 months. Mother at
Mrs. Loves visiting and I bring her to Jas. Walkers as I come
from Greenbank. She visits Mrs. Bodie and Mrs. A. Gordon
coming home. Robert at school, Annie at home. Mr. Duff gains
the suit on Mr. Burton. Division Court sits at Manchester today.
8 – Wind SW, thunder and rain all morning and soft and rainy
looking through the forenoon. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Geo.
gone to Brooklin for the Rolls and Mr. Aislin with him to the
weavers. Self hoeing turnips in the orchard among the carrots.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self hoeing turnips. Robert
at school, Annie at home. Margaret some sick. Geo. gets home
from Brooklin at 6 o’clock. Baking and washing day.
9 – Wind NW, cloudy morning, looking like rain, but clears up and
comes out a fine day. George scuffling turnips. Self hoeing in
the orchard. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Robert and Annie at
school. Margaret sick. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Geo.
scuffling turnips. Mrs. Alex Gordon and baby, Mrs. John Gordon
Jr. and baby, and Mrs. Martineau here on a visit this afternoon.
Old ram killed this evening. Mr. Geo. Bodie here to see Wm.
about his hay cutting. McPhail red heifer taken to Mr. Lukes bull
this morning.
10 – Wind S, signs of rain. Wm. at T. Phairs house and Robert
carrying shingles to him. Self and Geo. hoeing turnips. Margaret
sick. Mother doing the work. Afternoon very high wind from the
south, then calm with a few drops of rain. Then a high wind from
the SE, calm at night. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house. Self
and Geo. hoeing turnips. Geo. takes the red mare to R. Dobsons
at 5 o’clock. Ball playing at night.
11 – Wind NW, storm of rain, wind and thunder about half past 2
this morning. High wind all day drying up the water fast.
Margaret still sick. Self, Mother, Wm., Geo., Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur preaching from Hosea 5:3
on the work of the spirit. Canada invaded by the Americans
12 – Wind NW, draughty day. Forenoon self and Geo. hoeing
turnips. McPhails white heifer at Lukes bull this morning. Wm.
and Robert at T. Phairs house. Margaret rather better. Annie
sick. Mother fixing pants. Afternoon self and Geo. hoeing
turnips. Robert & Wm. at T. Phairs house. L.O. Celebration of
the Battle of the Boyne. Ball playing tonight. Orange Day.
13 – Very calm and cloudy, wind from the E, appearance of rain,
cleared up, a fine day. Forenoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Geo.
banking up the potatoes. Self hoeing turnips. Afternoon Wm. at
house. Geo. hoeing turnips. Self hoeing potatoes. Margaret
better. Robert and Annie at school. Mr. Bodie here on a visit. R.
Cromwell died 1712.
14 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Wm. at Greenbank for a new
scythe. Self, Geo., and Mrs. A. Gordon hoeing turnips. Mr. Wm.
Ferguson here peddling, but principally to tell of meeting to be
held this evening at the Brick Church concerning the name the
Sunday School should take and how the anniversary money
should be expended. Self at this meeting and it was agreed that
the following be the basis of the School of the future. That the
school be known as the Greenbank Union Sunday School and it
is composed of Primitive Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of
England and probably Wesleyan Methodists. Each
denomination when it sees fit to leave this union school shall be
entitled to its share of the then existing library according to the
number of pupils attending school belonging to the said
denomination. This resolution was moved by Colin Miller, sec.
by T.C. Bush. Heaviest rain for this season this evening.
15 – Wind NW, warm soft day. Wm. & Geo. at Mr. Bodies hay.
Self at mill with 7 bush., 35 lb of fall wheat. Saw Mr. Beare, he
talking about the meeting last evening. Saw Mr. W. Luke and
Mr. J. Real talking about the same thing and Mrs. Ferguson and
Mrs. R. Walker about the same. Afternoon Mother at Mrs. Byers
quilting bee. Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Self and Geo. at hay and
quit at 5 o’clock for heat, this afternoon being very hot and
suffocating. We went to hoe turnips in the orchard. Looking like
a storm.
16 – Wind NW, some rain through the night, warm morning
looking like more rain. Forenoon Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Geo.
mowing. Self at mill for grist and got 38 pounds of flour. John
Beare being sick and not able to grind. Saw Mr. J. Luke in a bad
way about the S.S.
17 – Wind NW, some rain through the night, fine day. Wm. at
Bodies hay. Self and Geo. mowing. Afternoon Wm. at Bodies
hay. Self and Geo. raking and cocking hay. Some appearance
of rain in the evening.
18 – Wind NW, some thunder through the night but no rain. Wm.
and Margaret at Sunday School but no school kept as no
arrangements had been made for the new order the school.
Afternoon self home. Mother, Wm., Geo., and Margaret at the
Presbyterian meeting. Self not well today.
19 – Wind SE, fine hay day. Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Self and
Geo. mowing. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at
Bodies hay. Self and Geo. raking and drawing hay. 3 loads
before tea. Mowing after. Mr. McArthur, 14th
Reach, killed by sunstroke between 11 and 12 o’clock.
20 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Self and
Geo. mowing. Annie and Robert at school. Shower of rain
before dinner. Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Self and Geo.
at A. Michies hay. 2 showers this afternoon. Wm’s colt been at
C. Millers 65 days.
21 – Wind NW, cool morning, some drizzly rain in the forenoon.
Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Geo. at A. Michies hay. Self at mill for
grist. Afternoon Wm. at Bodies hay. Self and Geo. mowing at A.
Michies. Washing day. Mr. Miller brings Wms. colt home in the
22 – Wind NW, clear morning. Self and Geo. mowing at A.
Michies. Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay and puts his colt in Bodies field.
Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon self and Geo. drawing
hay, six loads. Wm. at Bodies hay. Wms. colt breaks out in the
evening. Self at Greenbank to meet the trustees of the Primitive
Methodist Church about the terms by which the Greenbank
Union S.S. may be admitted into the Brick Church. Our offer
$18.00 of rent, 2 cords of wood and pay half of cleaning the
church. Drew 6 loads of hay into the barn. Began the wheat
harvest 1868.
23 – No wind, looking like rain every minute, very dull. Wm. at
Bodies hay. Self and Geo. turning hay and raking hay. Robert
and Annie not at school. Wm. finishes Mr. Bodies hay. Self and
Geo. drawing hay. Mother visiting at James Walkers in the
afternoon. Some rain late in the evening. No Globe tonight as
there was no children at school. Drew in 4 loads of hay. William
9 days at Mr. Bodies hay. Canada’s Union 1860.
24 – Wind S, very dull rainy looking morning. Wm. and Geo. at
James Walkers hay. Self hoeing in the orchard. Robert at
Greenbank for the Globe. Afternoon Wm. and Geo. at Mr.
Walkers hay. Self hoeing orchard. Mother picking currants.
Picnic in A. Michies woods. Robert and Annie at it. Cassidy
heifer at Mr. Lukes bull this evening. Gibraltar taken 1768.
25 – Wind SE, clear morning in comparison of yesterday.
Presbyterian meeting at half past 10 o’clock. Self, Mother, Wm.,
George and Annie at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur
preaching from Joshua 24:23. Margaret at Wesleyan Sabbath
School in the afternoon and the English Meeting. Pig lame on
hind quarters. St. James Day.
26 – Wind S and very high all the forenoon. Self, George, William
and Robert drew 4 loads of hay. 2 into the barn and 2 into the
stables. Afternoon drew one load of A. Michies hay and then
there came a shower of rain. Red mare broke through the bridge
at A. Michies barn. Self and Wm. went to Mr. Duffs to help him
off the wagon with his reaper.
27 – Wind W, dull foggy morning. Wm. at Mr. Clemens. George
scuffling turnips. Self mending bridge at Alex Michies barn. Mr.
Bodie here for wheat. Shower of rain at noon. Afternoon
George and Robert hoeing turnips. Self cutting thistles in the
swamp. Mother at Mr. Phairs on a visit. Meeting at the Brick
Church, Greenbank of the Sabbath School committee and Rev.
Mr. Bee, Mr. Wm. Lee, and Joseph Lee to settle details of the
agreement between the board of trustees and the school
committee. Washing day. Reign of Terror ended [1794?]
28 – Wind S, hazy morning, some rain at 7 o’clock. Wm. boil
under his arm. Self and George at turnips a little while. Rain
most all afternoon. Margaret and Annie picking berries in the
swamp. Afternoon Wm., George, Robert and self hoeing turnips.
Margaret picking berries at the gully. Wm. Gordon and A.
Gordon here in the evening. Wm. Gordon wanting me to back
his note for a threshing machine. Much rain in the evening.
Margaret picked 4 lbs of rose berries. Backed Wm. Gordons
note. Lord Durham died 1840.
29 – Wind N, cloudy morning. Wm. at Mr. Clemens mowing. Self
and George at turnips. Afternoon self and George at Alex
Michies hay. Margaret picking berries. Robert and Annie at
school. All A. Michies hay shaken out and a beautiful sunset.
James McPhail here for augur. Mr. William Love here for his
broad axe. Margaret picks 4 lbs rose berries. Spanish Armada
destroyed [date illegible]
30 – Wind W, fine morning. Wm. and George cuts out A. Michies
hay in the morning. All hands raking after it got windrowed
before dinner. White heifer at bull the second time. Afternoon
drew 10 loads in to the barn which was all the first cut. Signed
Wm. Gordons note for machine. Received letter from Barbara.
31 – Wind S, fine morning. Wm. at Mr. G. Bodies pitching hay.
George mowing at home. Self and Mother at Greenbank for
sugar and some horseshoeing. Afternoon self, George and
Robert raked and drew in the remainder of A. Michies hay. 3
loads making altogether 14 loads, drew one load in for Mr. Bodie
as we came home. Posted letter to Barbara. Wm. Penn died
AUG. 1 – Wind S, fine morning. No-one at Sabbath School from
here. Self, Mother, Wm., George and Annie at Presbyterian
meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Genesis 14:10. Monthly
collection $1.92. Margaret at English meeting in evening.
2 – Wind SW, some cloudy morning. George drawing James
Walkers hay. Self and Wm. mowed out the hay and raked what
was cut on Saturday. Afternoon drew 3 loads of hay and hoed
some turnips. Rest of the afternoon rainy. Margaret picked 4 ½
lbs berries in the forenoon, Annie 2 lbs. Margaret picks 4 lbs in
the afternoon. Pilgrim Fathers sailed from England 1620.
3 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm. at Mr. Clements hay. Self and
George at turnips. Robert at turnips. Afternoon raking hay, drew
in 2 loads. Meeting in the evening about the Sabbath School,
where it is agreed to make it a Primitive Methodist School
conducted on Union principals. Baking day.
4 – Wind SW, dull rainy morning and all the forenoon. Afternoon
still rainy, nothing doing. Margaret washing. Mother making
shirts. Wm. gone somewhere.
5 – Wind E, fine morning but everything very wet. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. George and Robert at Port Perry for lumber. Self
at turnips. Margaret at the berries. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self at turnips. George brings 500 feet lumber from Port
Perry and draws in one load of hay. Margaret at the berries.
6 – Wind N, some appearance of rain. George at Duffs wheat.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Margaret picking berries. Annie picking berries. Afternoon Wm.
at T. Phairs house. Self at turnips. Sold A. Stone 9 lambs to be
taken to Greenbank on Monday 11th
at 7 o’clock. Charles
McClue here selling apple trees. Ordered 2 crabtrees, 1
Washington plum, 1 Yellow Gage plum, and 1 Dwarf 20 ounce
apple tree. Crabs 60 cents each, plums 60 cents, dwarf 50
cents. A. Michie here in the evening. 23 loads of hay. 21 in
barn, 2 in stable.
7 – Wind W, fine morning. George at Duffs. Wm. at A. Michies
barley. Self hoeing turnips. Mrs. Alex Michie here this afternoon.
Wm. at Alex Michies barley. Self and Robert hoed the turnips
out for the second time. Eclipse of the sun (total) between 5 and
6 o’clock p.m. Margaret gone to A. Michies, Brock.
8 – Wind W, fine day. No meeting at Presbyterian Church. Self
at English Church in the afternoon. Mr. Fornere (?) preaching
from 2nd
Kings 5, 9,10,11,12 on Neman being cured of his
leprosy. Very full meeting as there was no service at the
Primitive Methodist Church. Union School began this day in the
Temperance Hall.
9 – Wind SW, some appearance of rain. George at T. Duffs.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self choring round. Took the heifers
out of Mr. Bodies field this morning having been in since the 17th
of June, being 53 days. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
at home fixing fence between hay field and wheat and potato
field. Robert and Annie picked 5 ½ lbs berries. Washing day.
10 – Wind W, warm day. George at T. Duffs wheat. Wm. and
Robert at T. Phairs house. Self at Whitby for tiles, brought 500
home and Barbaras box. Much dust on the road. Mr. R. Murta
wanting oats for Muggridge. Mother visiting at John Gordons.
11 – Wind W, very dull cloudy morning. Geo. at T. Duffs wheat.
Wm. at Phairs house. Self taking tiles out of the wagon.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self at mill with a grist of 7 ½
bushels fall wheat. Went to sawmill, to John Wells for some
tools to William. Margaret picks 8 ¼ lbs berries. John Bunyan
died 1688.
12 – Wind W, fine morning. Wm. and George gone to T. Phairs
house till 10 o’clock when they are going to A. Michies to see the
new machine start. Geo. going to be a hand at it. Self at mill for
grist. Afternoon George and Wm. at A. Michies threshing.
Mother, Annie, and Robert at A. Gordons. Self hoeing turnips.
A. Michie gets his barley all threshed in the afternoon. Margaret
picks 5 lbs berries.
13 – Wind W, dull cloudy morning, a heavy thunder shower at 5
o’clock a.m. Self, George and horses at Mr. Bodies threshing.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs
house. Self and George hoeing turnips. Mr. Luke 6 bushels
spring wheat by measure. Margaret at Greenbank for paper.
First printed book published 1457.
14 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
and George mowing barley. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at T.
Phairs house. George drawing Burtons barley. Self mowing
barley. Looking like rain. Geese picked this afternoon.
15 – Wind SW, some rain through the night, very soft morning.
Margaret at Sabbath School. Self, Wm, Robert and Margaret at
Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Mark 12:34.
Napoleon born 1769. Sir Walter Scott born 1771.
16 – Wind S, dull morning. Wm. gone to Mr. Phairs to lath.
George mowing barley. Self at Greenbank with 8 lambs for A.
Stone. Afternoon self and George mowing barley and finished it.
Margaret picking 5 lbs berries.
17 – Wind NW, cloudy forenoon. George cradling James
Walkers barley. Self hoeing turnips. Wm. Minto, peddler, here
this forenoon. Afternoon self and George turning barley. Robert
watching yellow turkey. Margaret and Annie picking berries for
Annie Gordon. Meeting in the Temperance Hall to organize a
Union School. Mr. R. Miller, supt., Mr. A. Leask, asst. supt., Mr.
M. [?], Mssrs. Wm. McMillan and Joseph Watson, Secretaries.
J. Miller, Wm. Blake, John Annan, J. Scott, Misses
Basingthwaite, Watson, Real, Mrs. Millar, Teachers. Duchess of
Kent born 1786.
18 – Wind NW, rather dull morning. Upstairs beds took and
cleaned. Self, George and Robert raking barley. Afternoon
raking and cocking barley. Drew in 4 loads not very fit indeed.
Washing day.
19 – Wind SW, rather dull morning. George gone to T. Phairs.
Self turning barley. Margaret and Robert gone to see [?]
Ambrose menagerie at Prince Albert. Heavy thunder to the
north, afternoon some rain. Self fixing chaff house. Barbara
arrives from Brooklin.
20 – Wind NW, threatening rain. Self, George and Robert raking
barley and drew 3 loads. Barbara and Annie picking berries.
Afternoon drew 6 loads of barley being all the barley. Mother
and Annie at George Bodies trading a heifer for a cow. Barbara
visiting at Mr. R. Phairs.
21 – Wind SE, rainy forenoon rather. Self turned A. Michies
barley. George at Mr. Bodies for 2 young pigs. Barbara at Mr.
Lukes because Mrs. Luke is sick. Afternoon very dull but no rain.
Geo. and self hoeing turnips. Isabella Michie here and Elizabeth
Burton. George got no pigs. Wm. comes home from Mr. Phairs
having got his job done.
22 – Wind W, clear bright morning. Wm., Robert, Barbara and
Annie at Union Sabbath School. Afternoon self, William, George
and Barbara at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching
from Job 1:8, last clause. 104 pupils registered at the Union
School this day. Sir William Wallace executed 1305.
23 – Wind SE, bright day. George at Robert Phairs threshing.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs
house. Self hoeing turnips. Mother and Barbara learning to spin
on the new wheel. Isabella Michie here last night and trying to
spin on the new wheel. American War began 1775.
24 – Wind SE, bright fine morning. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs
house. Self and George hoeing turnips. Barbara spinning.
Mother churning. Margaret picking berries. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert at T. Phairs house. Self and George at turnips. Barbara
spinning and Mother spinning. Barbara spins 4 strands of yarn.
Margaret picks 2 lbs of berries.
25 – Wind W, heavy clouds passing, signs of rain. Some rain in
the forenoon. Wm. & Geo. at T. Phairs house. Self hoeing
turnips. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs
house. George gone to T. Duffs threshing but the machine was
not come. Self at turnips. Barbara spinning. Barbara and
Isabelle Michie visits McMillans at night. Washing day. Barbara
spins 4 strands and 1 knot.
26 – Wind NW, clear morning. George gone to T. Duffs
threshing. Wm. at Mr. Bodies pease. Self hoeing turnips.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Bodies pease. Self finished turnip hoeing.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret picking berries in A.
Michies field. Barbara at Mr. McPhails visiting. Isabella Michie
here in the evening after spinning 4 skeins of yarn.
27 – Wind W, fine morning. George gone to Mr. Duffs threshing.
Wm. at pease. Self at Greenbank getting horses shod. Barbara
at Mr. Lees to get her skirt cut. Robert and Annie at school.
Mother spinning. Afternoon slight rain. Wm. at Mr. Bodies
pease. Self at own pease. Isabella Michie here this evening,
spun 17 skeins since Monday. Caesar landed in Britain 55 years
before Christ.
28 – Wind SW, heavy rain in the morning about daybreak, damp
foggy forenoon. Wm. gone to Greenbank to make plaster for Dr.
Olivers house. George at T. Phairs house. Self doing very little.
Mother at the churn, Barbara spinning. Afternoon George at T.
Phairs house. Self making road at end of barn. Isabella Michie
here all day helping Barbara to make her dress. Mrs. A. Gordon
here in the forenoon setting up some stories in which Mrs.
McPhail is concerned. Bought two pigs from Mr. Bodie. Algiers
bombarded 1816.
29 - Wind N, fine clear morning. Barbara, Margaret, Isabella
Michie, Annie and Robert at Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm.,
George, Barbara and Robert at Presbyterian meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Mark 15:32 to the end of chapter on
watching and working and working and watching. Margaret at
English meeting in the evening. Royal George sunk 1782.
30 – Wind NNW, cool cloudy day. Wm. at Mr. Bodies pease.
George at Mr. Duffs. Self pulling pease. Robert at school.
Barbara pickling cucumbers. Mother spinning. Afternoon Wm.
at Mr. Bodies pease. Self at pease. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Self at Greenbank as one of the committee for dividing
the Bethel School property. Mr. Luke, Miller and Michie for the
school. Rev. Mr. Bee, Beare and Ward for P. School. Mother
spins 4 skeins and Barbara 1. Queen Cleopatra died 30 years
before Christ.
31 – Wind N, very cold if not frost. George gone to Mr. Duffs.
Self at pease. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Afternoon Wm. gone to
John Gordons to harvest. Self at pease. Mother spinning.
Robert and Annie at school. Barbara visiting at Duffs. A. Michie
Sr. and A. Michie Jr., I. Michie, M.J.Luke and G. Luke here in the
SEPT. 1 – Wind N, very cold and frost in the morning. George at
Mr. Duffs. Robert and Annie at school. Wm. at John Gordons.
Barbara came home in the morning from C. Aslins where she
had been all night. Mr. Wm. Reale here this morning looking at
heifers. Self rheumatic back and headache, doing nought.
Afternoon Mother and Barbara spinning. Margaret gone to
Greenbank. Washing day.
2 – Wind E, clear day. Self and George pulling pease. Robert ill
with bowel complaint. Annie at home. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Afternoon self and George pulled out the pease. Mrs.
Luke over for steam loom to make block for Mrs. Fergusons quilt.
Barbara gone over to help to make it. Mother spinning. A. Bell,
L. Chalmers, I. Michie, I. Gordon, I. Michie, M.J. Luke, W. Luke
here singing. London burned 1666.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to John Gordons. George
cradling wheat and breaks a finger out of his cradle. Self killed
sheep 45 lbs and raking wheat. Robert and Annie at school.
Mother and Barbara spinning. Afternoon self and George at
wheat. Mother and Barbara spinning. Isabella Michie here all
night. Oliver Cromwell died 1658. Finished harvest 1868.
4 – Wind S, fine morning. George at wheat. Self choring a little in
the morning and raking wheat. Isabella Michie here learning to
spin on the new wheel. Afternoon self went and voted against
the bylaw to give 10,000 dollars to the Port Perry and Port
Whitby R.W. [railway]. Barbara and Isabella Michie goes to Mrs.
Bunkers. Raking wheat after George at wheat. George Leasks
barn burnt.
5 – Wind S, fine morning. Margaret and Robert at Sabbath
School. Self, Mother, Barbara, Wm., Margaret. Annie, and
Isabella Michie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching
from Deuteronomy 34:-5-6. Monthly collection $1.54. Very
droughty day. First American congress held 1774.
6 – Wind SW, rather dull looking morning. Wm. gone to A.
Michies pease. George cradling wheat, self raking wheat.
George Bodie here wanting William to cut his oats and bought a
sheep at 3 dollars. Barbara spinning, Robert and Annie at
school, Margaret raking wheat. Afternoon Wm. at A. Michies
pease. George cradling wheat. Self at Greenbank dividing the
Bethel [Sabbath School] library.
7 – Wind S, very dull cloudy morning. George cradling wheat.
Wm. making cradle finger. Self mending own boots. Mother to
see Mrs. McPhail. Rain came on at 8 o’clock. Barbara spinning,
Margaret washing. Afternoon still raining. Wesley Luke here.
Nothing doing. Still rainy. Barbara spins 3 ½ skeins.
8 – Wind NE, rainy morning. Isabella Michie here all night. Wm.
and George at T. Phairs house. Self mending Margarets boots.
Barbara spinning, Mother churning. Margaret choring. Robert
making a machine. Still raining at noon. Afternoon Wm. gone to
Port Perry with Thomas Phair to see about window sash.
George at T. Phairs house. Self braiding straw. Mother and
Margaret braiding. Barbara preserving crab apples. Rain all
afternoon. Canada under British government 1760. Battle of
Poolesville, Maryland 1862.
9 – Wind NE, cloudy cold morning. Isabella Michie here all night.
Wm. and George at T. Phairs house. Robert and Annie at home.
Self and Barbara at Brooklin and Manchester. Afternoon Wm. at
Mr. Bodies oats. George cradling oats at home. Isabella Michie
and Annie at Mrs. Duffs. Singing and dancing at Duffs in the
evening. Ordered pump for cistern. Battle of Cedar Mountain
10 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. at G. Bodies. George cradling
oats. Self turning pease. Robert and Annie at school. Barbara
making dress. Isabella Michie sewing patches. Afternoon
George cradling oats. Self turning pease and binding wheat.
Mother patching for Isabella Michie.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. George cradling oats, has sore throat
and headache. Self mowing oats. Mother spinning. Isabella
Michie patching. Barbara making Mothers dress. Afternoon self
and George binding wheat. Wm. at Mr. Bodies. Mother
spinning. Isabella Michie turning A. Michies pease. But she
went home without turning any pease. America discovered 1492.
12 – Wind SW, fine morning. Margaret and Robert gone to
Sunday School. Self, Mother, and Wm. at Presbyterian Church.
Mr. McArthur preaching from Psalms 8:3&4.. Very hot day and
some like rain. Barbara at English Meeting in the evening but
Mr. Fornier did not come. Lord Metcalf died 1846.
13 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at A. Michies wheat. Self, George
and Robert drawing pease. Mr. [Shillborn ?] of Brooklin brings
the cistern pump. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. and
Margaret at Alex Michies wheat. Self, George and Robert at
pease. Mary Gordon here all night. Battle on the Plains of
Abraham Quebec 1759.
14 – Wind about SE, fine day. Wm. at A. Michies wheat. Self
and George and Robert drawing pease and wheat. Minty
peddler here this forenoon and Andrew Gordon. Afternoon Wm.
and Margaret at A. Michies wheat till 8 o’clock at night. Self,
George and Robert drawing wheat. Barbara pitching in the mow.
A. Michie, Mrs. Michie, and George Michie here all night. Duke of
Wellington died 1852.
15 – Wind SE, fine day, some appearance of rain. Wm. at A.
Michies oats. Self, George and Robert drawing wheat. Margaret
pitching in the mow. Afternoon Wm. at A. Michies oats. Self and
George drew one load of wheat which is it all. Then George
cradling oats, Self binding oats. Self at Mr. Henry Buels about
the Sabbath School money in the evening. Wm. Gordon will not
thresh for Burton.
16 – Wind SW, rather cloudy morning, some like rain. George
cradling oats. Wm. cradling A. Michies oats. Barbara at Mr.
Lukes since last noon. Afternoon Wm. at T. Duffs. Self, George
and Robert drawing oats. Margaret in the mow, Barbara
spinning, Mother washing.
17 – Wind S, quite a rain in the night and very rainy looking
morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. George at oats. Self doing
very little. Mrs. A. Gordon here paying her debts. Fanning, sieve
peddler, here. Barbara sore breast. Afternoon Wm. at A.
Michies oats. George cuts our oats. Self, Mother and Annie at
Mr. George Michies, Brock, trying to buy a cow but he had not
one to sell. Mrs. Samuel Byers and Mrs. John Byers here on a
visit. Mr. Burton takes Byers horse to C. Millers.
18 – Wind SW, very heavy dew and foggy morning. George at
Duffs working for A. Gordon which is gone with the threshing
machine. Afternoon Wm. at A. Michies oats. Self raking oats.
Mother spinning. Barbara making squares for her quilt. Mrs.
Walker here on a visit. James Walker had a cradling bee this
night and got his wheat cut and bound.
19 – Wind SW, fine morning. Robert and Margaret at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., Geo., Robert and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Romans
15:3-4. Collection for aged and infirm Ministers and Widows and
Orphans fund. Three dollars. Mary Nicol here all afternoon.
Mary Jane Luke here in the afternoon. Lord Syndenham died
20 – Wind N, very hot forenoon. Wm. at A. Michies oats. Self
and George mending peastack in the morning, and binding oats
in the forenoon. Thunder at noon and a heavy shower passes
south. Afternoon very warm and much thunder, but no rain.
Wm. at A. Michies oats. Self, George, Robert and Margaret
drawing oats. 6 loads. Mother and Barbara spinning. H. Buels
binding bee. Battle of Alma 1854.
21 – Wind NW, rather cloudy morning. Wm. and Mrs. A. Gordon
at A. Michies oats. Self and George bound the oats in the
swamp and drew them in. Afternoon Barbara and Mary Jane
Luke gone to Mrs. Fergusons quilting. Wm., George and Mrs. A.
Gordon at A. Michies oats. Self wheeling sand out of the door
yard. At Henry Buels in the evening for school money. Sir Walter
Scott died 1832.
22 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., George and Margaret and Mrs.
Gordon at A. Michies oats. Self wheeling sand and binding oats.
Isabella Michie here all day. Afternoon Wm. at A. Michies oats.
Self, George, Margaret and Robert drawing oats and finished
harvest. Mrs. John Byers, M.D. and Christiana Byers here this
afternoon for plums. Drew 7 loads of oats which finished
harvest. Autumnal equinox.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Self and George and horses at George
Bodies threshing. William making wheel for Roberts machine.
Isabella Michie goes home. Mother at Mrs. John Gordons
quilting. Afternoon Wm. helping A. Michie to draw oats.
Washing day. Belgian Revolution 1836.
24 – Wind S, fine morning. George and horses gone to James
McPhails threshing. Wm. at A. Michies pitching oats. Mother
and Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. at A. Leasks. George
and horses at James Walkers threshing. Mother at Mrs. Belfords
quilting. Self drawing in [trees?] with the wheelbarrow. Barbara
spinning. Self at J. Walkers threshing in the evening. Done at 9.
Viscount Harding died 1856. Battle of Monterey 1846.
25 – Wind S, fine morning. Wm. and George gone to A. Leasks
to harvest. Self sore belly. Afternoon thunder and rain, no
harvest work done. Mother picking geese, Barbara baking and
26 – Wind N, and rain all night, very wet morning. Self & Robert
at Sunday School. Self appointed treasurer for the time. Wm.,
George and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Barbara sick.
Mary J. Luke here and Georgina Luke.
27 – Wind N and cold, the ground white with frost. Mother gone
to Mrs. Belfords. Self and George drawing dung. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Robert at Robt. Millars. Afternoon George at Mr.
Lukes dung bee. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Mother comes home.
Mrs. Belford got a boy. Self threshing oats. Spree at McPhails.
28 – Wind W, frost in the morning and a cold day. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self and George at dung. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Waggon wheel broke down with a load of dung.
Afternoon self and George at dung with Lukes waggon. Wm. at
T. Phairs house. Mother and Barbara spinning. Robert and
Annie at Georgina Lukes picnic. Binding bee at A. Leasks,
afternoon. Township Phair at Prince Albert.
29 – Wind NW, black cloudy morning but turns out a fine day.
Wm. goes to A. Leasks but he does not need him. Self filling
dung, George and Wesley Luke drawing. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George &
Wesley at dung. Mother spinning. James McPhail got the third
prize for his colt. A. Michie and Jas. Walker gone to Whitby it is
said. South Ontario Phair. Michaelmass Day. Battle of [Pears?]
30 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at T. Phairs house. George drawing
dung. Self at Greenbank about waggon wheel. Margaret
washing. Barbara spinning. F. Davis here this forenoon – cough
syrup, ointment, salve and pills bought. Afternoon self and
George at dung. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Barbara and Mary
Jane Luke at Byers visiting and at Wesleyan Meeting in the
evening. Washing day. Steam ship Arctic lost 1854.
OCT. 1 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. and Barbara and
Christina McPhail at excursion from Port Perry to Lindsay. Self
and George at dung with George Bodies waggon. Afternoon self
and George at dung. Got waggon wheel at night. Margaret at
Wesleyan Meeting. Excursionists arrived at 1 o’clock morning.
Left Lindsay at 5 o’clock. First steamer in the United States
sailed 1807.
2 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Self and George finished the
dung. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Mother and Barbara spinning.
Afternoon self and George drawing rails to fence straw stack.
George begins to plow. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house.
Mother spinning. Barbara and Margaret cleaning the house.
Commenced to rain at 5 o’clock.
3 – Wind W, some rain through the night, fine morning. A. Leask
comes after Mother at 4 o’clock. Mrs. Leask sick. Mother and
Robert at Sunday School. Self, Wm, George, Robert and
Barbara at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
John 16:12. Monthly collection $1.70. Treaty of Limerick 1691.
Battle of Greenbrier, Virginia, 1861.
4 – Wind NE, cold but fine morning. George plowing. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self leveling the barn yard. Mother came home
from A. Leasks and spinning. Barbara spinning. Afternoon
George plowing. Self leveling barn yard. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Mother and Barbara spinning. Margaret filling straw
beds. Mr. Gantons house burned. First English bible printed
5 – Wind N, some wind through the night, cold bleak morning.
Geo. plowing, Wm. at T. Phairs house, self threshing oats,
Mother spinning. Barbara sewing. Afternoon George plowing,
self threshing, Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house. Barbara at
Manchester. Mother spinning. New moon. First American
Congress 1774. First day of North Ontario Fair, Uxbridge.
6 – Wind SE, frost in the morning, fine day. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self, George, Robert and Margaret at Uxbridge at North
Ontario Fair. Mrs. Wm. Real here visiting.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house.
George plowing, self fencing straw stack. Mother washing.
Barbara making block for Mrs. Halls quilt. Margaret choring.
Afternoon Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house. George plowing,
self choring, Mother washing, Margaret choring, Barbara making
block for Mrs. Hall. Mother at A. Gordons to see Mrs. John
Ewen. Florida captured 1864. Jenny Lind born 1821.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George,
Robert, John McPhail, James Walker taking up potatoes.
Barbara spinning. Mother baking. Margaret choring. Annie sick
with sore throat. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self,
George, Robert, J. McPhail and James Walker at potatoes.
Barbara spinning. North West Passage discovered 1851, John
Hancock died 1793.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Self, George, Robert and John McPhail at
potatoes. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Barbara spinning and
patching. Mother colouring yarn. Margaret choring. Annie
better. Afternoon Self, George, Robert and John McPhail at
potatoes and taking wheat out of the granary. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Mother at yarn, Barbara patching, Margaret choring.
John comes home from Mr. Kaddens. Columbus discovers Cuba
1492. Battle of Santa Rosa Island, Florida 1861.
10 – Wind SW, dull cloudy morning. Wm., Robert and Margaret
at Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm. and George at
Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur preaching from Hebrews
1:14. Collection $3.40 for the French Mission at Aux Trembles.
Wm., John and Margaret at the English Meeting in the evening.
[?] raid into Pennsylvania 1862.
11 – Wind SW, looking like rain, some showers through the
forenoon. Wind changes to NW. George and team at Mr. Lukes
threshing. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house. Self fixing the
granary. Mother and Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. and
John at T. Phairs house. Self at granary. Mother, Barbara and
Margaret preparing for the threshing machine. E. Luke
12 – Wind NW, dull morning. George and team at Mr. Lukes
threshing. Wm. and John at T. Phairs house. Self fixing for
threshing machine which came at noon and threshed all the
wheat and half the barley by night. Mr. Byers, Mr. Phair, Mr.
Walker, Mr. Bodie and team, Wesley Luke and team. Columbus
discovers America 1492.
13 – Wind NW, fine morning. Threshing til 11 o’clock when the
wooden shaft broke. Afternoon threshing til 4 o’clock. Mr. Phair,
Mr. Byers, Mr. McPhail, George Bodie and team, Wesley Luke
and team. John hires with John Kirten for one month at 16
dollars. Barbara visiting at John Gordons. General Brock killed
14 – Wind NW, rather dull morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house.
Self and John at Mr. Byers threshing. George at mill with grist.
Mother and Annie at James McMillans quilting. Barbara visiting
at Mrs. Bunkers, Greenbank. Afternoon rather rainy. George
plowing. Self at home. Wm. at T. Phairs house. John at home.
Battle of Bristoe Station 1863.
15 – Wind W, rough showery day. Self and John at Byers
threshing. Fanning mill broke at noon. Started at 4 o’clock
again. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Christina McPhail here in
evening. Ides of October.
16 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. and George at Byers threshing.
Self and John at Prince Albert for boots. Isabella Michie with the
ministers buggy comes for Barbara to go back and cook for her
quilting bee. Afternoon Byers threshing done at 3 o’clock. Wm.
and George carry in the corn. Self brings a grist from Beares.
John Browns raid into Virginia 1859. Parliament houses burnt
17 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. Wm., Robert, Margaret and
Annie at Sunday School. Afternoon showery. Wm., George and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Now 56 years [birthday].
18 – Wind N, frosty morning. George plowing. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self and Robert cleaning up the barn floor. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house. George plowing. Self and Robert fixing
sheep house. Margaret washing. Dean [Jonathan] Swift died
19 – Wind NW, cold morning, some frost. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. George at Manchester with Mr. McPhails barley. Got 60
cents for it. Margaret at A. Michies quilting bee. Self at log
heaps in the swamp. Mrs. A. Gordon here for salt. Mrs. Carr
here wanting to sell a calf. Afternoon some snow. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self at the log heaps and husking corn. Accident
at Surrey Music Hall 1856.
20 – Wind NW, ground white, cold cloudy morning. George
plowing. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Afternoon George plowing.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self carrying in apples – 24 bushels.
Robert, Annie, Andrew and Hugh McPhail picking. Mother
spinning. Margaret choring. Barbara at A. Michies. Grace
Darling died 1862. Turkish fleet destroyed at Navarino 1827.
21 – Wind SW, fine morning. George plowing up potatoes. Wm.
at T. Phairs house. Self, Robert, John McPhail and Jane Gordon
picking potatoes. Mother spinning. Mr. Williams, Pedlar, here.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house, all the rest at potatoes. Very
cold afternoon. Mother spinning. Battle of Trafalgar 1805.
22 – Wind NW some, dull morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house.
George harrowing potatoes. Self, Robert and John McPhail
picking. Mother spinning. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house.
George plowing potato land. Robert and J. McPhail picking after
him. Mother spinning. Moscow retaken by the Russians 1812.
23 – Wind easterly, rain all the forenoon. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self, George and Robert fanning barley. Afternoon Wm.
at T. Phairs house. Self, George, and Robert at barley. Clears
off with wind north. Irish Massacre 1661. Wm. Penn born 1644.
24 – Wind NW, frosty morning. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie
at Sunday School. Self, Wm., George, Robert, Mother and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Psalms 106:8. Margaret at A. Leasks to see Lizzie Chalmers.
Fall of snow at night. Daniel Webster died 1852. Edict of Nantes
revoked by Louis XIV 1685.
25 – Wind NW, frosty clear morning. George plowing potato
ground. Robert picking. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self spreading
dung. Mother spinning. Afternoon George plowing pea land.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self at Greenbank to hear the price of
barley. Mother spinning. Macedonia captured 1812. St. Crispin.
26 – Wind SW, frosty morning, looking like snow. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Snowed all forenoon. James McPhail here with 2
dollars for the minister. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
fixing cellar for potatoes. George at T. Phairs house. Barbara
comes home from A. Michies. Mother spinning, Margaret
washing. Snowed all day 6 inches deep. Cholera first appeared
in England 1831.
27 – Wind NW, snow 6 inches deep, clear morning. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. George at Manchester with 52.5 bushels barley.
Mother churning. Barbara at her quilt. Self choring. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self choring, Mother spinning. Barbara
at quilt. Snow still deep. Marshal South died 1851.
28 – Wind SW, cloudy morning. George gone to plowing match
at C. Aslins. Wm. gone to R. Murtas to buy north half of lot 18,
conc. Self to see plowing match. Messrs. Whitefield, Lee,
Henry, Buel and John Leask, Judges. First prize Frank Smith.
Second prize Adam Bell. Third George Real. Fourth George
Bodie. 1st
Prize-$4, 2nd
$3, 3rd
- $2, 4th
- $1. Snow melts some.
Great Fire at Luxembourg Paris 1857.
29 – Wind N, snowy morning. Wm. gone to Port Perry for sash to
T. Phairs house and to learn the price of cordwood. Barbara
comes home from Mrs. Phairs, been there all night. George at
Manchester with barley. Self cleaning turnip cellar. Afternoon
self at Robert Murtas sale and buy a clothesline for 50 cents.
Wm. buys the north half of lot 18, concession 10 for $1799. A.
Gordon had a [?] bee tonight.
30 – Wind N, hard frost and cold bleak morning. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. George at James Walkers chopping wood. Self
choring. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house.
George at T. Phairs house. Self choring, Margaret scrubbing,
Barbara spinning. Wesley Luke and Philip Stone here in the
31 – Wind SW, dull morning and very cold. Wm., Margaret and
Robert at Sabbath School. Self, Wm., George, Mother and Annie
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Mark
NOV. 1 – Wind SW, fine morning, but hard frost. Wm. at Phairs
house. George at Greenbank getting horses shod. Self cutting
wood. Bailey here with his bill which is $7.72. Afternoon Mrs.
McPhail here visiting. Wm. at T. Phairs house. George took
home Tom’s plough and drew 20 bushels of potatoes from
Robert Phairs. Self burning stones. 4
All Saint’s Day. Russians
declare war with Turkey 1853.
2 – Wind S, white frost, rather dull day. Wm. at T. Phairs house.
George, Robert and self taking in potatoes all day. 4 loads
altogether and these not very big. Mrs. John Leask here visiting.
Mother baking. Margaret at play. Barbara spinning. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Mother at McPhails visiting. Barbara
spinning. Mrs. R. Phair here visiting. Mary J. Luke here twisting
yarn. Received wall map.
3 – Wind S, fine morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at turnips. Barbara spinning.
Mother cooking. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self,
George, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the turnips. Mother
cooking. Barbara finishing spinning and went to Greenbank
asking hands for quilting bee. Drew 10 loads turnips into pit.
4 – Wind S, some frost, fine bright morning. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self, George, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George, Robert and Margaret at
turnips. Barbara washing. Wm. at Mr. Byers pairing apples.
George at A. Gordons and gets Mothers boots. Washing day.
Drew 10 loads turnips. Gunpowder plot 1605.
5 – Wind SW, fine morning with high wind, some rain since last
night. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George, Robert, James
Gordon, Douglas McPhail, Margaret and Mary Gordon at turnips.
Rough day. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. The rest at
turnips. Mother cooking. Barbara cleaning the house before the
quilting bee. Showers in the afternoon. Drew 11 loads of
turnips. Rev. Ralph Erskine died 1752, aged 68.
6 – Wind N, ground covered with snow, not very cold. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self and George drawing 3 loads of pease.
Andrew Gordon here. Barbara making ready for the bee.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. George drawing turnips for
James Walker. Self threshing pease and mending bridge on the
In order to move very large rocks, farmers would light
a fire around the rock and get it quite hot. Throwing
either cold water or snow on the rock would cause it to
split into pieces which they were then able to draw
away with their horses.
road. Andrew Gordon and Barbara gone to Brock for Isabella
Michie. Snowed some all day, colder towards night. Battle of
Port Royal 1861. Russians defeated at Negara 1855.
7 – Wind N, cold and stormy. Self, William, and Margaret at
Methodist Meeting. Mr. Bee preaching from 1 Corinthians 11:28.
Wm. and Margaret at Presbyterian Church. Snowed some all
day. Battle of Tipacanoe 1811.
8 – Wind NW, still snowing, not so cold as yesterday. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. George gone to help James McPhail to [flit] to
Uxbridge. Barbara and Isabella Michie very busy cooking for
tomorrow which is the bee. Self choring. Mr. McPhail not to [flit]
today because of the cold. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George and self threshing pease. Princess
Charlotte died 1817. Mason and Slidell taken from an English
ship by Cap. Wilkes.
9 – Wind NW, not so cold as yesterday. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George gone to move James McPhail. Self
making quilting frames. All astir making ready for the bee.
Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self splitting
wood. Barbaras quilt down and Mothers upstairs. At Barbaras
quilt – Mrs. Luke, M. J. Luke, Mrs. Phair, Mary McPhail, Mrs.
Byers, Maria Real, Annie Real, Perlina Lee, Libby Lee, Lizzie
Bunker, Margaret Miller, Isabella Michie. At Mothers quilt – Mrs.
A. Gordon, Agnes Bodie, Pamela Burton, Christiana Byers,
Annie Gordon, Libby Walker. Pairing bee in the evening. 61 at
it. About 9 bushels paired. Dancing after til 2 o’clock in the
morning. Prince of Wales born 184l.
10 – Wind NW, snowing heavy, not very cold. Wm. and Mr.
Byers at T. Phairs house. George threshing pease. Self at
Greenbank and paid all the money belonging to the Sabbath
School to Mr. Andrew [McGier?] Librarian. Ch. McPhail, Mary
McPhail and John McPhail here all night. Afternoon Wm. and
Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. George threshing pease. Self
hanging up apples. Mother, Barbara, M.J. Luke, and Isabella
Michie working on Barbaras quilt.
11 – Wind SW, still snowing. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs
house. George drawing wood. Isabella Michie and Barbara at
quilt. Self sawing wood. Margaret washing, Mother churning.
Mrs. A. Gordon and Mrs. J. Walker here quilting. Afternoon Wm.
and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. George drawing wood.
Barbara and Isabella Michie at nice quilt. Mrs. A. Gordon, Mrs.
Jas. Walker at course quilt. Self splitting wood. Margaret
washing, Mother baking. Barbara and Isabella Michie goes to A.
Leasks to see Lizzie Chalmers who is sick. Sarah [?] burnt
12 – Wind N, snowing a little, snow is 10 inches deep. Wm. and
Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self and George threshing pease.
Barbara and Isabella Michie at fine quilt. Mrs. Bodie at fine quilt.
George, Margaret, Wm., Isabella Michie at Greenbank in the
evening. Peter Martyr died 1562. Sherman leaves Atlanta 1864.
13 – Wind NE, cold morning. Wm. and George at T. Phairs
house. Self, Mother, Barbara, Robert and Annie at Manchester.
Very bad sleighing. Got home about 6 o’clock in the evening.
Bought $26.73 worth, paid $23.70. Ides of November.
14 – Wind N, cold and frosty, some snow through the night.
Margaret and Wm. at Sunday School. Self, Wm., George and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Ezekiel 36:23,24. All singing. Source of the Nile discovered
15 – Wind N, cold morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self and
George drawing pease. 3 loads. Barbara and Isabella Michie
come home having been at Robert Phairs all night. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self
and George and Robert at turnips. Got up 2 loads. The snow 6
inches deep, no frost in the ground. Barbara and Isabella Michie
visiting at T. Duffs. Mary Gordon here all night. Corpus Christi
Texas captured 1863.
16 – Wind E, some like a thaw. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs
house. George at A. Michies threshing. Self killing a sheep.
Mother baking. Isabella Michie gone to A. Michies threshing.
Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self choring.
Barbara and Wm. at A. Michies in the evening. Three arms
broke off the horse power5
. Ferguson, astronomer, died 1867.
17 – Wind S, rain and hail all night, the same in the morning..
Wm. and Byers at T. Phairs house. George at A. Michies
threshing. Self threshing pease. Margaret washing. Afternoon
Wm. and Byers at T. Phairs house. Self at pease. George at A.
Michies threshing. Mrs. Michie here a little while. Isabella
Michie gone home. Singing class at Greenbank. Wm., George,
Robert, Barbara and Margaret at it. Washing day. Professor
Forbes died 1854.
18 – Wind W, rather stormy, snow deep and freezing. Wm. and
Mr. Byers and George at T. Phairs house. Self sawing wood.
Afternoon Wm., George and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self
at Wm. Lees sale. Bought nothing. Went and came with George
Bodie. Luther born 1483. Funeral of the Duke of Wellington
19 – Wind SW, snowing some. Wm. and George and Mr. Byers
at T. Phairs house. Self took 9 ewes to Mr. Bodies ram.
Snowing heavy. Wm. Byam here selling painkiller. Afternoon
Wm., George, and Mr. Byers and Robert at Phairs house. Man
here from Port Perry to tell that the apples ordered 6th
of August
is at Sinclairs Hotel in Port Perry. Self at Greenbank for the
papers. Mrs. Luke here making Margarets dress. Battle of
Navarino 1827. Napoleon crowned 1804.
20 – Wind N, and heavy fall of snow through the night and still
snowing. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. George
threshing pease. Self at Port Perry for trees. Robert at Port
Perry. Afternoon Wm., Mr. Byers and George at T. Phairs
house. Self got 5 trees – 1 yellow crab, 1 red crab, 1 Washington
plum, 1 yellow plum, 1 dwarf. Bought 2 plaids from the weavers
Craigs at 80 cents each. Lord Elgin died 1863.
A ‘power’ was a large circular piece of equipment that
had a platform in the middle where the farmer would
stand. Around that there would be up to 4 teams (8
horses) tied to ‘spokes’. The horses would walk in a
circle which would, in turn, power the apparatus.
21 – Wind W, cloudy morning. Wm., Barbara, Margaret, Annie
and Robert at Union School. Self, Wm., George, Mother and
Barbara and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur
preaching from John 3:5. Father died at 9 o’clock night. Fight at
Liberty 1864.
22 – Wind E, hoar frost, fine morning. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George drawing wood. Self threshing pease.
Barbara twisting yarn. Wm., George, Robert, Barbara and
Margaret at singing class, Greenbank. All joined it. One dollar
for men. Half a dollar for girls and boys. 60 of a class. Battle of
Breslau 1757.
23 – Wind NE, heavy fall of snow since last night, cloudy
morning. George chopping wood for A. Gordon. Wm. and Mr.
Byers at T. Phairs house. Self sawing wood. Barbara doubling
yarn. Mother making pants. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George at Manchester with wood. Self sawing
wood, Mother making pants, Margaret baking, Barbara doubling
yarn. Pensacola bombarded 1863. Archbishop Tillotson died
24 – Wind W, fine clear day. Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Wm.
at Manchester to get his deed made. George gone with wood to
Prince Albert. Self making box to pump. Minty, pedlar, here.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Ewens to see John. Mr. Byers at T. Phairs
house. Self at pump. Washing day.
25 – Wind S, clear morning. Wm. at Greenbank giving Murta
some money. George drew 2 elm logs to mill. Self threshing
pease. Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Afternoon dull and cloudy.
Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. George goes for Lizzie
Chalmers and draws 2 elm logs to mill. Self threshing pease.
Singing tonight. Wm., George, Robert, Barbara, Margaret and
Lizzie at it. George trying to buy the half of Mr. Gordons
machine. John Knox died 1572. British evacuate New York
1783. Attempt to burn New York City 1864.
26 – Wind S, rather soft. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house.
George drawing 2 elm logs to mill. Sold A. Stone heifer for $30 to
be taken away on the 28th
of December. Afternoon Wm. and Mr.
Byers at T. Phairs house. George draws 2 elm logs to mill. Self
kills a small lamb. Marshal Soult died 1851.
27 – Wind NW, and snowing. George draws 2 elm logs to the
mill. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Barbara and Lizzie
at Port Perry with Mr. Lukes horse and Mr. Phairs cutter. Self
threshing pease. Mother baking. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers
at T. Phairs house. Robert at T. Phairs house. George draws 1
elm, 1 hemlock logs to mill. Self threshing pease. George
chopping wood for A. Gordon and buys the half of Wm. Gordons
machine for 170 dollars. 70 dollars to be paid the first of January
1870 and 100 the first of January 1871. Florida sunk 1864.
28 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm., Robert, Barbara, Margaret,
Annie and Lizzie Chalmers at Sabbath School. Self, Wm.,
George, Barbara, Margaret, Lizzie Chalmers and Jane Michie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
We rather late. Fort Kelly captured 1864.
29 – Wind SW, rather soft morning. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George gone to Mr. George Haddons to thresh.
Self threshing pease. Barbara making Margarets dress and it is
too small. Mother churning. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. Self and Robert fanning pease. Andre Gordon
borrows sleigh. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at singing.
30 – Wind W, some rain through the night and still thawing. Wm.
and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self sawing wood. Rev.
McArthur here to dinner. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. Self choring. Mother and Annie visiting at Mrs.
Lukes. Mr. Luke taking up turnips. Soft evening.
DEC. 1 – Wind NW, snowing and drifting. Wm. and Mr. Byers at
T. Phairs house. Self fixing stable window. Barbara making
Annies coat with the pockets outside. Mother mending old
clothes. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house.
Barbara at A. Leasks all night. John brought home – sick of sore
throat. Self choring. Battle of Blackwater 1861.
2 – Wind E, dull morning. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house.
Self at Mrs. George Michies sale. Dr. [Knowley?] here at John.
Says he has the scarlet fever. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Isabella Michie comes here to supper and goes to the
singing. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Barbara from A. Leasks at
singing. Boy named Graham killed at Germains Mill, of Brock.
Battle of Austerlitz 1805.
3 – Wind N, cold clear morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
sawing wood. Mother mending the rags. Margaret washing.
Barbara cooking. John about the same. Afternoon Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self and Robert drawing pease. Mother some
sick. Margaret washing. Received Aberdeen paper.
4 – Wind SW, cold day and cloudy, snow drifting some. Wm.
lathing at T. Phairs house. Self threshing pease. John rather
better. Mother some better. Afternoon self and Robert fanning
pease. Margaret scrubbing.
5 – Wind N, cold bright day. Wm, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Union Sabbath School. Self, Wm., George, Barbara,
Margaret, Annie and Isabella Michie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Rev. McArthur preaching from Philippians 4:6,7. Monthly
collection $1.85. Isabella Michie goes home with the minister.
John gets out of bed today for awhile. Columbus dis. [America]
6 – Wind NE, sharp cold morning. George gone to Whitefield
Lees to thresh. Wm. at T. Phairs house lathing. Self threshing
pease. Afternoon self at Mr. Beares mill with 7 ½ bushels wheat
to grind. Singing tonight. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at
it. St. Nicholas rebellion 1837.
7 – Wind NE, hard frost through the night, cloudy morning. Pump
in stoop frozen. Wm. at T. Phairs house lathing. Self choring.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house at carpenter work. Self and
Robert drew 2 loads of pease. Margaret washing. Barbara
choring. Battle of Prairie Grove 1862. Peter Martyr born 1500.
8 – Wind N, not so very cold. Wm. at T. Phairs house. John
getting better. Self and Robert drawing turnips. Afternoon Wm.
at T. Phairs house. Mr. Butson and Mr. Wagner here to buy
cordwood. Bought 2 cords for 2 dollar a cord. Self and Robert
drawing turnips – 7 loads. Benjamin Bryan, Tinsmith, killed at
Utica by his horse running away.
9 – Wind W, rather cloudy morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
drawing wood to Mr. Butson. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house.
Self drawing wood and getting horses shod and barn pump fixed.
Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara, Margaret at it. Barbara at a mat
bee at Duffs. Brought grist from mill.
10 – Wind S, rather soft morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house at
carpenter work. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Wm. plastering T.
Phairs house. Self at Greenbank with wood to Mr. Butson. Lost
Barbaras netting coming home. Wm. and Margaret at Epsom
Singing School at night. Meeting at Greenbank about township
reeves. Gordon and Graham to run.
11 – Wind SW, dull cloudy morning and thawing. Wm. plastering
at T. Phairs house. Self drawing wood for Mrs. A. Gordon. Drew
½ cord. Mother and Annie at A. Gordons visiting. Afternoon self
fixing for killing pig.
12 – Wind SW, rainy foggy morning. Margaret at Sunday School.
Nobody at church today. Raining at noon and snowing at night.
New Zealand discovered 1642.
13 – Wind NE, cold morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house plastering.
George gone to Wm. Reals to fix the machine. Self, John and
Robert drawing turnips – 2 small loads. Timothy Cragg here
collecting for Isaac. $7.55 our bill. Afternoon self making ready
for killing pigs. Took home the sheep from Mr. Bodies. Singing –
Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at it. Fort McAllister,
Georgia, taken 1864. Ides of December.
14 – Wind NE, fine bright day. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self,
John, Robert and Mr. George Bodie killing pigs. Killed 3 in the
forenoon and 1 in the afternoon. Wm. at T. Phairs house.
Washington died 1799. Prince Consort died 1861.
15 – Wind NE, cloudy morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self at
Manchester with 1 pig which weighed 290 lbs. at $8.75.
Margaret at Manchester to get teeth drawn but did not. Rainy
afternoon. Home about 5 o’clock. Pilgrims landed on Plymouth
16 – Wind SE, sleety morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
cutting pigs. Robert at Greenbank with A. Beecrofts plaines.
Afternoon self salting pork. John splitting wood. Singing at
Greenbank. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at it. Margaret
walks, the rest rides. Robert tells when he comes home that
Margaret was singing coming home which is a great fault.
17 – Wind W, cloudy morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
choring. Barbara hooking mats. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self and John and Robert at turnips – got two small loads
in. John goes to Greenbank for the papers. Received a letter
from Wm. Michie that Father died 21st
of November 1869.
Received a letter from Alexr. Michie, Grayshill.
18 – Wind NE, with an appearance of snow. Mother and Barbara
had a quarrel this morning about hand towels. Both crying. Wm.
making axe handle. Self sawing wood. John splitting. Margaret
ironing. Barbara hooking mats. Mr. R. Murta here wanting a
mortgage from William on Lot 18. Afternoon Wm. and John at
Manchester to get Murtas mortgage drawn. Self splitting wood.
Received potatoes from Mr. Luke for potatoes he got in summer.
Miss Agnes Asling here. Wm. and John return without getting
mortgage made as John Christie was with the Council. Barbara,
Agnes Asling, and Mary Jane Luke goes to Greenbank and is
initiated in the Mysteries of Temperance. George arrives with
the machine from Arch. McMillans. Sir Humphry Davy born
1779. Lord Lynedoch died 1843.
19 – Wind W, some snow falling. Wm., Robert, Barbara,
Margaret and Annie at Sabbath School. Self, Wm., John,
George, Mother, Barbara and Annie at Presbyterian Church. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Rom. 1-4. Wm., John, Margaret and
Barbara at English Meeting in the evening. British take Fort
Niagara 1813.
20 – Wind W, frosty morning. Wm., John gone to Manchester to
get the mortgage drawn. Mr. Gordon gets some spring wheat
and one pailful of salt. Barbara hooking mats. Mary Nichol here
for Barbara to go to Mr. Phairs to sew with the machine. A.
Gordon here for 3 bags of wheat to take to mill. Afternoon John
draws one log to mill. William gets his mortgage drawn by A. [?],
Port Perry. Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara and Margaret at it.
21 – Wind SW. Wm. gone to John Wells house. George drew 1
log to mill. Mother brought home from John Gordons, he having
got a daughter. Self sawing wood. Afternoon George took some
wood to Mrs. Bunker. John to A. Stones with cow. Self splitting
wood. Mother and Annie at R. Phairs.
22 – Wind SE, sleety morning. George and John greasing
harness. Self fixing clock. Barbara whitewashing the kitchen
and quarrelling with John. Rain all forenoon. Clears off about 3
o’clock with wind SW. School Exhibition at Greenbank in the
evening. Admission 10 cents for adults, 5 cents for children.
John, George, Robert, Margaret, Barbara and Annie at it.
23 – Wind W, and very high through the night, cold morning.
John and George fixing harness and grinding their axes. A.
Michie here to dinner. Self fixing horse collars. Afternoon
George drawing sand for Mr. John Wells. John chopping
cordwood. Self fixing clock. Singing at night. George, Margaret
and Robert at it. Barbara not home from the Exhibition at
24 – Wind SW, fine morning with hard frost. George drawing
sand for Mr. Wells. John chopping cordwood. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon George drawing sand. John at cordwood, self
splitting wood. Fort Fisher attacked 1864.
25 – Wind SW, fine morning. George and John at cordwood.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at James McPhails, Uxbridge for
a Christmas visit. Meeting at Greenbank to elect councilors or
rather hear them tell what they will do if elected. Christmas Day.
26 – Wind S, fine morning. Margaret at Sunday School. Self,
Wm., John, George at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur
preaching from Psalms 33:1. Mrs. George Michie Senior here all
night. Saint Stephens Day.
27 – Wind S, fresh morning. Wm. gone to John Wells house.
George and John at cordwood. Mrs. Michie pays her note.
Barbara, Isabella Michie and Jane Michie arrive from Brock. A.
Michie Sr. and A. Michie Jr. here to dinner. Mrs. George Michie
and Jane Michie leave with A. Michie. Singing tonight. George,
Barbara, Margaret, Robert and Isabella Michie at it. Raining
evening. Soiree at Uxbridge in behalf of the new Presbyterian
28 – Wind W, rather soft morning. George gone with some
plaster to Mr. John Wells. John at cordwood. Self taking up
drain of turnip cellar. A. Michie Jr., Alex Rennie, Lizzie
Chalmers, and Isabella Michie here to dinner. George draws
one log to mill. John at cordwood, self at drain. A. Rennie, L.
Chalmers, I. Michie and A. Michie leave immediately after dinner
to meet the married folks. Hector McLaughlin and Helen Gordon
married. St. Simon and St. Jude, Buffalo, burnt 1873.
29 – Wind NW, some snow through the night. George and John
at cordwood. Self sawing wood. Margaret washing. T. Phair
gone out with ribbons on his horses supposed to get married.
Afternoon George and John at cordwood. Self at turnip cellar.
Mrs. Aisling here visiting. Wm. comes from Mr. Wells house.
Mary J. Luke and Georgina here evening. Thomas Phair and
Annie Real married. The Carolina destroyed 1839.
30 – Wind NW, some snow through the night. Wm. gone to see
Burton building and go to Prince Albert as a witness for Duff at
the Division Court. George gone to pay Wm. Gordon for
machine. John at cordwood. Self making saw horses.
Afternoon D. Towns here electioneering and paid Wm. for
plastering. John and George at cordwood. Missionary meeting
at the Brick Church, Greenbank. John, George, Wm., Robert,
Barbara and Margaret at it and the singing. Five dollars and 80
cents collection. Duff gains his suit on Burton – 15 dollars
31 – Wind NW, cloudy morning. George and John at cordwood.
Self drawing wood. Afternoon George at Robert Phairs. Wm.
and John training Wms colt. Wm., George, Barbara, Margaret,
gone to A. Michies to a spree. And so closes the year 1869.
JAN. 1 – Wind E, cold morning. James McPhail here all night.
Wm. Gordon, Jas. McPhail, Helen Michie, Isabella Michie,
Isabella Gordon and George Michie here to dinner. Andrew
Gordon, A. Michie, A. Bell here in the afternoon. Helen Michie
here all night.
2 – Wind E, snowing heavily with some rain intermixed in the
morning. Nobody from here at Sunday School. Afternoon
raining. Wm., George, Margaret and Helen Michie at
Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur preaching from the 9th
Psalm. Wolfe born 1727. Battle of Princeton 1777.
3 – Wind SW, stormy morning, snow drifting. No work. Afternoon
still stormy. George at A. Gordons. Self, Wm., and John at
Greenbank voting for councilor. Was come after by Mr.
Ferguson. Singing tonight. Wm., Margaret and Robert at it and
Mr. Wyatt did not come. George goes in the evening to A.
Gordons with money to pay part of machine. [ Reeve – [?] 342,
Gordon 325. Deputy Reeve - St. John 272, Major 344, Ewers
409. Councilors – Town 204, Bates 237, ? 267, Graham 375].
[Note: names and numbers here were very difficult to read,
uncertain as to their accuracy].
4 – Wind W, dull morning. Wm. gone to Mr. Tipps after money.
John at cordwood. George at T. Duffs loading horse power. Self
fixing bars. Mother churning. Barbara finishing mat. Afternoon
John at cordwood. George gone with machine to A. Michies,
Brock. Self splitting wood. Wesley Luke here at night playing
dominoes. Silk brought to Europe 536. Innocents Day.
Earthquake in Canada 1663.
5 – Wind NW, cold day. John at cordwood. Wm. gone for his
cutter. Self putting some plank in stable floor. Mother dying
brown. Barbara making stripes for mat. Margaret netting.
Afternoon John at cordwood. Wm. mending his cutter. Self
splitting wood. Women at the same work. Duke of York dies
1827. Benjamin Franklin born 1706.
6 – Wind W, cold day. Wm. mending cutter. John at cordwood.
Self mending boots. Margaret washing. Afternoon John at
cordwood. Wm. at Greenbank with his cutter. Self mending
boots. John Cook here all night. Vienna Conference 1861.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John & Wm. at cordwood. Afternoon Wm.
at cordwood. John chopping wood for A. Gordon.
8 – Wind W, cold day. John and Wm. at cordwood. Self making
swifts. Afternoon Wm. and John at cordwood. George comes
home from Edward Boes. Snow drifting in the evening. Battle of
New Orleans 1815. Galileo died 1642.
9 – Wind SW, hard frost through the night. Nobody from here at
Sunday School. Mr. William Anderson and Mrs. Anderson and
Isabella Michie here. Self, Wm., John at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
Corinthians XIII:13. The Crimea
ceded to Russia 1784.
10 – Wind SW, snowy day. John at cordwood. Wm. making a
. Self fixing turnip cellar. George gone to Ed Boes.
Afternoon John at cordwood. Wm. painting his cutter. Self
sawing wood. Wm. and Barbara goes to singing in cutter.
Margaret walks. George home all night. Machine at Duffs.
Bishop Laud beheaded 1645. Paul the Hermit died. London
Exchange burnt 1838.
11 – Wind S, bright day. George gone to set machine at Burtons
barn. John and self and Robert draws 3 loads of turnips. Wm.
Minty, Pedlar, here today. Afternoon John takes the horses to
Duffs threshing and then goes to cordwood. Self splitting wood.
Barbara at Port Perry. John at English Meeting. Wm. and
Robert at A. Gordons in the evening. First lottery in England
1569. Penny Post began in Britain 1840.
12 – Wind SE, rain all forenoon. Self and Wm. at school meeting.
Henry Buel elected trustee. Wm. takes 10 cord of wood for
$1.21 per cord. Afternoon wind NE, snowing a little. Singing
practicing at McMillans tonight. Wm. and Barbara at it. St.
Arcadias Day. First steamer up the Clyde 1812.
13 – Wind NE, very snowy morning. Nothing doing. Afternoon
George goes to thresh at Duffs but Duff is going out and can’t
thresh. John at woods. Margaret washing. Self writing. Wm.,
Barbara, Margaret at singing Greenbank. Battle of Chillianwala
1849. St. Hilary Day. Charles James Fox born 1749. Ides of
14 – Wind E, cold frosty morning. George gone to Duffs
threshing. Very cold day. Wm. and John at wood. Self doing
nothing. Great [?] England 1202. Halley died 1742.
15 – Wind S, rainy morning. Self at Brock to the session. Wm.
and self at Presbyterian Meeting in the afternoon. General Wolfe
born 1727.
A beatle is a block of wood with a handle, used in a
similar manner to a sledgehammer.
16 – Wind S, fine morning. Communion at our church. Mr.
Jamison preached from 1 Corinthians V. Collection of 7 dollars.
Margaret Johnston comes home with us from meeting and stays
all night. Battle of Ucles 1809.
17 – Wind S, rainy morning. George goes to R. Phairs to thresh
but doesn’t do much. Nothing doing at home. Mother, Margaret
Johnston and Annie goes to A. Gordons. Wm. Gordon and John
playing dominoes. Afternoon still raining. Wm. takes Margaret
Johnston to Colin Millers and brings home Mother. Missionary
Meeting at Presbyterian Church in the evening. 9 ½ dollars of
collection. Only Mr. McArthur and Mr. Jamieson speakers. Rain
ceases about 5 o’clock. B. Franklin born 1706. St. Antonio Day.
18 – Wind W, cold day. George at R. Phairs threshing. John
chopping wood for A. Gordon. Barbara at Duffs making mats.
Afternoon Wm. and John at cordwood. Self sawing wood.
Robert gone to Greenbank to Wyatts juvenile singing class which
was a failure. Singing in the evening. Wm., Robert, Barbara,
Margaret, Annie at it. Bhurtpore captured 1826. James Watts
born 1736.
19 – Wind SW, hoar frost, looking like a thaw. George to T.
Phairs to thresh. John at cordwood. Wm. at Saintfield at D.
McKays. Self threshing pease. Barbara at Duffs mats.
Afternoon John at wood. Self threshing pease. George gone to
thresh for George Tocher, Brock. Singing at Temperance Hall to
practice for Primitive Methodist soiree. Wm., Margaret and
Barbara at it. Copernicus born 1472.
20 – Wind SW, dull day. John at cordwood. Wm. getting Mr.
George Bodie to draw some wood for Mr. Wagner. Self closing
the mouse holes in buttery. Barbara and Isabella Gordon
quilting. Mother baking. Afternoon John and Wm. at cordwood.
Mrs. A. Gordon here quilting. Temperance lecture at Greenbank
by Rev. Mr. Cantlon, Bible Christian. Self, Wm., John, Barbara,
Margaret and Robert at it. Howard the Philanthropist died 1790.
First English parliament 1264. American independence
acknowledged 1783.
21 – Wind NW, snowing some. Wm. and John at cordwood.
Barbara and Isabella Gordon quilting. Self making strap to bind
Wms. colt. Afternoon John at cordwood. Robert and Annie at
Juvenile Singing class, Greenbank. Singing in the evening.
Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at it. St. Agnes Day. Louis
XVI beheaded 1793.
22 – Wind SE, cold clear morning. John at cordwood. Wm.
making axe handle. Self splitting wood. Barbara and Isabella
Gordon at mats. Afternoon Wm. at Greenbank getting his colt
shoed. John at cordwood. Margaret scrubbing. Barbara and
Isabella Gordon at mats. Singing at Temperance at night.
Barbara at it. Some of the Uxbridge Brothers and Sisters
present. The Grand W. Patriarch present. St. Vincent’s Day.
Council of war at Paris 1856. Wm. Pitt died 1806.
23 – Wind NW, some rain through the night. Wm., Barbara,
Margaret and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., and John at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1 Peter:11-
21. Barbara at Primitive Methodist Church and English Church.
St. Emerentia.
24 – Wind E, cold and frosty. Wm. and John at wood. George
gone with Wm. Gordon to Port Perry. Afternoon John and
William at cordwood. Self drawing wood. Barbara at Mr. Thos.
Phairs visiting. Robert at school. Lecture in the Wesleyan
Church on temperance by Mr. Ross, G.W.P. Self, Wm., John,
George, Robert, Annie, Barbara and Marg. at it. St. Timothy
Day. Frederick the Great born 1712.
25 – Wind NE, snowing some. Robert at school. Grist fanned.
Afternoon Wm. and John gone to A. Michies, Brock. George at
mill and weavers with Barbara. Self sawing wood. Singing
tonight. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Robert at it. James
Rundle died at 2 o’clock morning. Princess Royal married 1858.
26 – Wind SW, moderate with appearance of a thaw. George
and John at James Walkers chopping bee. Wm. and self drew
three loads of turnips. Afternoon Wm. at cordwood. Self turning
potatoes. Spree at James Walkers in the evening. John,
George, Barb. & Marg. at it.
27 – Wind W, fine morning. John and George at cordwood.
William grinding old axe. Self sawing wood. Mrs. A. Gordon
here for yeast. Afternoon Wm. gone with A. Michie, Sr. to John
Tipps to see about the board of him and John when working at A.
Michies house. Barbara at Mrs. Halls quilting bee. Mother and
Annie at Duffs visiting. John and George at cordwood. Robert at
school. Self splitting wood. Wm. returns without seeing Mr.
Tipp. St. Chrysortina died. Independence of Greece claimed
1821. Mozart born 1756.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John and George at cordwood.
Self at Manchester Mills with 9 bushels 13 pounds of oats to get
oatmeal, but got none. At Prince Albert to see Mr. Welsh. He
not at home. Brought home grist from mill. Wm., Robert,
Margaret, Barbara at singing.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John and George at cordwood.
Self threshing pease. Margaret gone to doctors – her tooth sore
to get it out. Afternoon Wm. making axe handle. John and
George at wood. Self sawing wood. Robert at Juvenile singing
class. Wm. and John at Greenbank and Barbara at the
Temperance meeting. Restoration of Charles II 1660.
30 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., John, Robert, Barbara and
Margaret at Primitive Methodist Church. Rev. Mr. Edgar
preaching. Afternoon Wm., Barbara, Margaret, John, George,
Robert at P.M.C. [Primitive Methodist Church]. Mr. Edgar
preaching. Evening Wm., John, George, Barbara, Margaret at
P.M.C. Mr. Edgar preaching. Charles I beheaded 1649.
31 – Wind NE, dull morning. Wm., John and George at
cordwood. Self closing mouse holes in the buttery. Mrs. Walker
here. Afternoon Wm., John, & Margaret at anniversary of the
Primitive Methodist Church, consisting of speeches at 2 o’clock,
tea at 4 o’clock, lecture at 7 o’clock by Mr. Edgar on the Human
Body. Tea and lecture 40 cents, tea alone 25 cents, Lecture 20
cents. Barbara goes from the lecture to a dancing class at
Centre Hotel, Saintfield. Gets home sometime in the morning.
Massacre of Glencoe 1692. Ben Johnson born 1572.
FEB. 1 – Wind N, bright cold day. Mr. Tates sale Lot no. 10, 9th
concession. Manchester Quarterly Fair. John at Greenbank with
letter for Margaret Mitchell [?]. Wm. at cordwood. George and
Wm. Gordon fixing machine. Self sawing wood. Robert at
school. Afternoon Wm. & John at wood til 4 o’clock then went to
tea at Primitive Methodist Church. Tea 10 cents. Lecture on the
new Heavens and the new Earth by Mr. Edgar, price 15 cents.
George goes to Whitefield Lees to thresh. Self sawing wood.
Earthquake in Mexico 1855. York Cathedral burnt 1829.
2 – Wind SE and snowing heavily. Robert at school. George
came home, nothing doing. Isabella Gordon here quilting. Mr.
C. Asling and Mr. Luke here wanting Barbara & Isabella Gordon
to go to Scott to found a new division of Sons of Temperance.
Afternoon Wm. at wood. George getting Mr. Bodies horses to
thresh. Black mare sore leg. Self at Greenbank and at school
hunting money for the ministers salary. John gone to Brock
collecting money. Barbara and I. Gordon gone to Scott.
3 – Wind NE, fine day. George goes to thresh at W. Lees. Wm.
at cordwood. Self sawing wood. John comes home from Brock.
Barbara and I. Gordon quilting. Robert at school. Afternoon
John gone to Manchester with A. Michie. Wm. at wood. Self
splitting wood. Barbara and I. Gordon still quilting and singing
Temperance songs. Wm. takes Andrew Gordon to the Scotch
settlement to Hectors spree. Andrew Miller pays John 77 dollars.
Spanish Inquisition abolished 1815.
4 – Wind NE, fine morning. Robert at school. John & Wm. at
wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. at wood. John at
Greenbank with money to Henry Hall but he was not at home.
Singing class tonight. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Robert at it.
Dancing class at Butsons after singing.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at cordwood. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon Wm. at wood. John at Greenbank with 100
dollars for Henry Hall. Isabella Gordon gone home. George
comes home from Mr. Geo. Wallaces. Victoria Cross founded
6 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Robert and Margaret at Sabbath
School. Unpleasantness between Mother and me about Annie
going to Sunday School. Wm. and John at Presbyterian
Meeting. Barbara gone with Jas. MacPhail to Uxbridge. Late in
getting home at night. Insurrection in Milan 1853.
7 – Wind SW, clear cold day. Wm. and John at wood. Self
making rakes. George gone to Mr. George Wallaces to thresh.
Isabella Michie here. Afternoon Isabella Michie and Barbara
gone to James Walkers. Wm. and John at wood. John goes to
Greenbank to get his note from Henry Hall. George comes
home from having left the machine at Haddons. Mary Queen of
Scots beheaded 1587. Moses born 1457 B.C.
8 – Wind NW. John and George at cordwood. Wm. over the
creek at Tipps and Griffins to see to get money but gets none.
Robert at school. Self making horse rake. Afternoon Wm., John
and George at cordwood. Self at rake. Mr. Rundle from Brock
here to sell reaper but sold none. Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara
and Margaret at it. Battle of Rossbach 1857.
9 – Wind W, threatening snow. Robert at school. Wm., John &
George at wood. Self making horse rake. Isabella Gordon at
mat. Minty, Pedlar, here. A. Michie here with Johns money from
the Haddows. Afternoon Wm. and John at cordwood. George
and self drawing turnips with red mare and Wms. colt. 5 loads.
Mother and Annie visiting at Mr. Bodies. Union of Upper and
Lower Canada 1841.
10 – Wind NW, cold day, snow drifting. Wm, John & George at
wood. Self at horse rake. Mother, Barbara and Isabella Gordon
quilting. Mr. R. Stillwell and some other man here wanting cows
to buy. Afternoon Wm., John & George at wood. Robert at
school. Barbara at A. Gordons in the evening making flags for
Red, White and Blue. Queen Victoria married 1840.
11 – Wind E, cold day, threatening a storm of something. Wm.,
John and George at woods. Self at nothing. Margaret washing.
Robert at school. Afternoon Wm., John and George at wood.
Barbara gone to A. Gordons. Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara,
Margaret at it and Robert at it. Isabella Gordon here all night. A.
Lincoln born 1809. Washington born 1732.
12 – Wind W, snow drifting and cold. Andrew comes after
Isabella Gordon with Wms. team. Wm., John and George at
cordwood. Margaret baking. Afternoon Wm., John and George
at cordwood awhile. Stormy towards night. R. Phair, T. Phair,
Wesley Luke here tonight. Wm. elected Pathmaster, John
Chairman. Lady Jane Grey beheaded 1554.
13 – Wind NW, hard frost, not so stormy as yesterday. Wm.,
Margaret and Robert at Sunday School. Wm. & George at
Presbyterian Meeting. Margaret at English Church in the
evening. Sir William Blackstone died 1780. Ides of February.
14 – Wind SE, and snowing. Barbara sick with sore throat and
sore back. Wm., John and George at wood. Self at Port Perry to
get the black mare doctored. Got a bottle from Thorn and some
flax seed. Went to Manchester mill and got 120 lbs of oatmeal
and have all the cloth from the weavers. Heard first of H. Hall
running away. Robert at home. Captn. Cook murdered in South
Seas 1779.
15 – Wind NW, cold morning. Wm. gone to Port Perry to see
Griffin about money. John at Greenbank. George at T. Duffs.
Self cutting wood. Robert at school. Barbara up and around.
Annie at Juvenile Singing class. Afternoon John and George at
cordwood. Wm. Carter brings home our bobsleighs. Singing
tonight. Wm., Margaret and Robert at it. Shrove Tuesday. John
Martin died 1854.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at wood. George
drawing wood. Mr. McKay here for his money from Wm. and Mr.
John Matthews with him. Mr. James Cochrane here and bought
an acre of wood for 18 dollars from Wm. Afternoon Wm. and
John at wood. George gone to Haddens to thresh. Self drew ½
cord wood to Mrs. Bunkers. Lizzie Bunker here and her and
Barbara goes away to Brock. Margaret washing. Ash
Wednesday. Emperor of Austria assassination attempt 1853.
17 – Wind easterly and cold, looking like a thaw. Wm. and John
at cordwood. Robert at school. Self sawing wood. Margaret
baking. Afternoon Wm. at cordwood. Self and John drawing
pease. 1 load, then a snow storm came on which continued all
afternoon. Wind SW. John and Wm. at Greenbank in the
evening to hear of Henry Hall. No news of any importance.
George Bodie here in the evening talking about building a house.
Earthquake in California 1856.
18 – Wind nearly NW, very stormy morning, nothing doing. Wm.
making out a bill of lumber for Mr. Bodies house. Afternoon still
stormy and very cold, nothing doing. George comes home
having left the threshing machine at Mr. Butsons, Greenbank.
French enter Naples 1806. Martin Luther died 1546.
19 – Wind easterly, cold but clear day. George gone to take the
machine to John McLarens. Wm. fixing cutter. John splitting
wood. Self sawing wood. Mother churning. Robert at singing
class. Afternoon Wm. and John at cordwood. Self threshing
pease. Margaret scrubbing the floor. George comes home from
20 – Wind W, cold and looking like a storm. William, Margaret
and Robert at Sabbath School. Self and Wm. at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Hebrews I:3. Very cold.
Barbara comes home from A. Michies, Brock. Widow Michie in
trouble with her landlord Mr. McClean about taxes and road
work. Joseph Hume died 1855.
21 – Wind NW, bright day, but the coldest that has been this
winter yet. George gone to Mr. McLarens to thresh. Wm. and
John at cordwood. A. Gordon here grinding his axe. George
returns it being too cold for threshing. Afternoon Wm. and John
at wood. George at home. Wm. and Margaret goes to Port
Perry to singing. C. R. Todd, compiler of peerage, died 1855.
Voltaire born 1694. St. Burchard.
22 – Wind NW, bright day, not so cold as yesterday. John at
wood. Wm. at Mr. Bodies. George at A. Gordons. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon John and George at cordwood.
Wm. making axe handle. Self threshing pease. Robert and
Barbara go the length of A. Gordons and turn again. Ann
Gordon here. Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and
Robert at it. Sir J. Reynolds died 1792. Washington born 1732.
23 – Wind W, cloudy morning and cold. George gone to
McLarens to thresh. Wm. and John at cordwood. Self sawing
wood. Mother and Barbara piecing a quilt. Afternoon Wm. and
John at wood. Mr. [ink blot covers name] here wanting to buy
elm trees from William. Mary J. Luke and Hannah Rundle here
in the evening. George comes home late from McLarens having
broke a pinion of the horse power and been at Port Perry and did
not get one.
24 – Wind N, looking like a fall of snow. Wm. and John at
cordwood. George at nothing. Self sawing wood. Margaret
washing. Barbara cooking. Afternoon George making box. Wm.
and John at wood. Self splitting wood. Mr. A. Gordon and Mrs.
Gordon here for some flour. John at Mr. Bodies. Barbara and
Margaret at A. Gordons till 11 o’clock. St. Matthia. Revolution in
Paris 1848.
25 – Wind W, cloudy morning, scarcely so cold. John gone to
draw wood for Mr. Bailey. William at wood. George gone to
McLarens to thresh. Afternoon Wm. at woods, sells T. Duff one
acre for 14 dollars. John drawing wood for Bailey. Robert and
Annie at Juvenile Singing class. Barbara at Greenbank. Mother
at Jas. Walkers visiting. Self writing a letter. Miss Elizabeth
Burton and Mary Jane Luke here this evening. St. Felix. Great
fire in Pembroke dockyard 1853.
26 – Wind W, fine clear morning. Wm. at woods. John and self
drawing pease. Margaret sick. Barbara scrubbing. Afternoon
Wm. at woods. John draws 1 load of pease and half a cord of
wood for Mrs. Bunker. Self threshing pease. Looking like a
storm. Barbara at Sons in the evening. Napoleon left Elba 1815.
27 – Wind SE, snowing some. Wm., Barbara and Robert at
Sunday School. Afternoon very stormy. Wm. gone to
Presbyterian Church. No meeting.
28 – Wind E. snowing some. Mother gone to John Leasks. Mrs.
Leask sick. John at Mr. Bodies helping to load hay. George at
A. Gordons. Wm. and Robert at Greenbank. Self writing letter.
Afternoon Wm. at woods. John and George at A. Gordons. Self
threshing pease. Mother comes home from John Leasks. Mr.
Leask got a daughter. Greenbank Sons of Temperance visiting
the Uxbridge brethren. Greenbank singing class going to Port
Perry to sing. Wm., George, Robert, and Barbara at A. Gordons.
St. Macarius. Broussa destroyed by earthquake 1855.
MAR. 1 – Wind NW, cloudy but not very cold. Wm. and George
at wood. John and Robert and Margaret sick. Barbara doing
chores. Manchester Fair today. Wm. at wood. Self drawing
wood. Afternoon Wm. and George at woods. Singing tonight.
Wm., Barbara and Margaret at it. Annie at Juvenile class
forenoon. St. David. Self sore throat.
2 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. at woods. George gone to thresh
at Duffs. Self, John and Robert sick. Afternoon Wm. gone to
McKays, Saintfield. John at Mr. Bodies. Barbara at Burtons
visiting. Self and Robert sick. Annie at Juvenile singing class,
Greenbank. Wesley founder of Wesleyan died 1791. Self sore
3 – Wind NW, bright morning, very frosty. George gone to take
off the machine. William at woods. John at woods. Self and
Robert sick. Afternoon John and George drawing turnips. Wm.
at Mr. George Bodies for Johns watch which cost 3 dollars for
fixing by Mr. [Hepinstall?] Brooklin. Wm. sick. Robert and self
sick. Luke arrives after a 6 day visit to someplace. Spanish
Inquisition abolished 1813.
4 – Wind NW. Wm. and self sick. George drawing wood. John
threshing pease. Annie at Juvenile singing class. Barbara
washing. Mother fixing Roberts coat. Wm. receives 20 dollars of
his money from Luke and borrows 26 dollars from James
Gordon. Juvenile concert at Greenbank tonight. John, George,
Robert, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at it. Stoppage of the
United States Bank 1840. General Grant President US.
5 – Wind NW, fine day. George and John at wood. Wm. at
Saintfield with McKays money. Self still sick. Afternoon George
and John at woods. Wm. sickly. Mother some sick too. Barbara
6 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert and Margaret at Sabbath School.
John and Barbara at Presbyterian meeting. Wm. and George
some sick and Mother some sick. Self rather better but not
broken yet. Mother sits up all night, still no break. Alamo fight
7 – Wind NW, fine day. George sawing wood. John drawing
wood. Wm. at cordwood. Self rather better. Afternoon John
drawing wood. Wm. and George at cordwood. Mr. George
Boddie here in the evening.
8 – Wind NW, fine bright day. John drawing wood. Wm. at Byers
asking his oxen. George at woods. Self better. Throat broke
this morning. Mr. Wm. Minty, Pedlar, here. Afternoon John
drawing wood. George and William at woods. Barbara at Mrs.
Lukes at a matting bee. Isabella Michie comes here. Her and
Margaret at Mr. Lukes in the evening. Artemas Ward died 1867.
9 – Wind W, fine day. George and John at woods. Wm. running
round. Robert at school. Self getting better. Barbara, Isabella
Michie and Isabella Gordon quilting. Afternoon John, George
and Wm. at woods. Isabella Gordon, Mrs. A. Gordon, Mrs.
Thomas Phair and Isabella Michie quilting. Looking like a thaw.
Annie at A. Gordons. Barbara and Isabella Gordon at Lukes in
the evening. Margaret and Isabella Michie goes home with Mrs.
Thomas Phair.
10 – Wind easterly, snowing most all day. Wm., George, Wm.
Byers and oxen in the woods. John, Barbara and Isabella
Gordon at Manchester. Afternoon Wm., George, A. Gordon,
Wm. Byers and his oxen at woods. Robert sore back. Self
binding Sunday magazines. I. Michie gone to T. Duffs.
Benjamin West, the painter, died 1820.
11 – Wind NW, cloudy day. Wm. and Wm. Gordon and his
horses, Wm. Byers and his oxen all in the woods. John choring.
George gone to Greenbank to get horses shod and took sow to
boar. Barbara gone to Wm. Reals to send word to Mr. Bickell
about hiring. Robert at school. Annie at A. Gordons. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Wm., John, Wm. Gordon and his horses,
George and our horses. Allan Byers and oxen, A. Gordon, all in
the woods. Annie at Juvenile singing class. Wm., John, George,
Barbara, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the last night of singing.
12 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Wm., George and horses, Wm.
Gordon and his horses, Allan Byers and his oxen, John and A.
Gordon in the woods. Isabella Michie here. Afternoon all the
above in the woods except John. Alex Gordon cuts his toe this
afternoon. Treaty between France, Britain and Turkey 1854.
13 – Wind Easterly, snowing and drifting. No one at Sabbath
School. Afternoon still stormy. Not anybody at meeting of any
kind. All at home. Mr. Ross, G.W.P. was to preach at
Presbyterian meeting this day. Mr. Luke goes as far as
Greenbank on the way to hear him. Road blocked up and could
not get further. Gustavus IV dethroned 1809.
14 – Wind NW and not so very cold, snow very deep, nothing
doing. George and John drawing turnips. Self mending boots.
Wm. fixing his harness. Afternoon John gone to Henry Craggs.
George threshing pease. Self sawing wood. Mother, Barbara
and Isabella Michie at A. Gordons quilting. Hector McLaughlin
here for Wms. fiddle.
15 – Wind easterly, fine day. Wm. at wood. George drawing
wood for schoolhouse. Self sawing wood. John gone to Brock.
Barbara gone to Mr. Bickells, Whitby for one month at 4 ½
dollars. Isabella Michie leaves for home. Mrs. Bunker here to
dinner, needing wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. at
woods. George gone with wood for Mrs. Bunker. Robert at
school. Annie at A. Gordons. Self sawing wood. Very high
winds from SE. Salvatore Rosa died 1865. Battle of Guilford
1781. Ides of March.
16 – Wind E, snowing heavy. Nothing doing of any consequence.
Wm. making axe handle. John, George and self fanning pease.
Afternoon still snowing and very deep. George, John and self
fanning wheat. Wm. from home at A. Gordons. Imperial Prince
of France born 1856.
17 – Wind NE, snowing some, snow very deep. George and Wm.
threshing pease. John sick with rheumatism. Self doing nothing.
Afternoon fine and sun shining. George, Wm. and horses
making road. Self doing nothing. John sick. Mother making bed
tick. Margaret netting. Annie at A. Gordons. Jean Gordon here
all night. Caesar assassinated BC 44.
18 – Wind N, fine bright morning. John still bad with rheumatism.
Self doing nothing. Wm. and George at woods. James Walker
here paying George and wanting 24 bu. wheat. Margaret curling
Annies hair and Jeany Gordons hair afternoon.
19 – Wind NE, fine day. George and Wm. at woods. John still
sick of rheumatism. Jeany Gordon still here. Self fixing buttery
to keep out mice. Mother baking cakes. Afternoon Wm. and
George at woods. Self sawing wood. James Cochrane here to
dinner. Annie at A. Gordons. Johns bed moved down stairs.
Robert at Greenbank for the papers. French Army left Versailles
for the east 1854.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Robert and Margaret at Sunday
School. Self, William and George at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching temperance from John II, first paragraph.
Supposes all and proves nothing. Robert at English Church.
John very bad with his knee. Wm. and George at English
Church in evening. Sir Isaac Newton died 1727. Mr. Rundle and
wife comes to Mr. Lukes at 3 o’clock in the morning.
21 – Wind SW, raining some. John still bad with his knees. Wm.
and George at woods. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Wm. and
George drawing out cordwood. Self sawing wood. Mrs. A.
Gordon here. Annie at A. Gordons. Archbishop Cranmer burned
1556. George Michie died 1868.
22 – Wind NW, cold and cloudy. George gone to Manchester
with 16 bags of wheat. Wm. gone to Mr. James McPhails,
Uxbridge. Robert at school. Self doing nothing. John still bad
with rheumatism. Margaret gone to Mr. Dustys to get foot
measured and boot mended. Mr. Belford here to dinner.
Afternoon nothing doing. Self and George fanned some wheat.
John Brand and Fleetwood Knowles here wanting wood but got
none. Hobart Town Australia inundated 1854. Newton born
23 – Wind N, cold morning. Wm. at the woods. George at
Manchester with load of wheat. Robert at school. John still bad
with rheumatism. Alex Gordon flitting today. Afternoon Wm.
making sap troughs for Mr. Boddie. Self sawing wood. Wm. at
Mr. Duffs in the evening. Duke of Parma assassinated 1854.
24 – Wind N, fine bright morning. Robert at school. John still in
bed with rheumatism. Wm. at woods. George drawing school
wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon George drawing school
wood. Wm. at cordwood. Self sawing wood. Adam Bell here in
the evening. John Gordon moving in today. Queen Elizabeth
died 1603.
25 – Wind easterly, fine morning. John still bad with rheumatism.
Robert at school. Self splitting wood. George drawing school
wood. Wm. at cordwood. Afternoon George drawing school
wood. Wm. making sap trough. Self splitting wood. 3500
Chinese rebels beheaded Canton 1855.
26 – Wind easterly, cold morning. John still bad with rheumatism.
Wm. at woods. George drawing school wood. Self splitting
wood. Wm. Byers here for Wms. jumper7
. Afternoon George
drawing school wood. Wm. at cordwood. Self splitting wood.
John Wagner here to borrow an axe having hired with R. Phair.
Mohammerah captured 1857.
A jumper was a long sleigh, generally drawn by one or
two horses. It was bigger than a cutter, so would hold
more people. It usually had at least three seats.
27 – Wind SE, snowing and drifting but not very cold. Nobody
from here at the Sunday School. Very stormy and snowing
heavy. John still bad with rheumatism. No one from here at
Presbyterian Meeting. Wesley over for the Globe in the
28 – Wind NE, snowing some and the snow very deep, not much
frost. John still bad with rheumatism. Nothing doing. Self and
George fanning wheat. Thawing a little. Margaret backing.
Afternoon Wm. breaking the road. Self and George fanning
wheat and barley. Over 70 bushels wheat and about 24 of
barley. Raphael the painter died 1482.
29 – Wind W, fresh morning. John some better of rheumatism.
Wm. fixing the clock. George, Robert and self fanning oats. 72
bushels fanned. Afternoon Wm. at woods. Self, George and
Robert fanning oats and pease. 56 bushels oats and 16 bushels
pease. Swedenborg died 1772.
30 – Wind SW, fresh cloudy morning. John still bad with
rheumatism. Wm. gone to Port Perry to try to get money from
Mr. Griffin. George and self drawing turnips. Robert at Port
Perry. Annie at Mr. Lukes with stuff to Mrs. Luke to bake for Mr.
and Mrs. Fergusons farewell supper. Afternoon George drawing
cordwood. Self making axe handle. Wm., Margaret and Annie
at the farewell supper. $7.35 of collection. Allied sovereigns
enter Paris 1814. General Grant born 1822.
31 – Wind SE, still thawing. John still ill with rheumatism. Self at
Manchester and Prince Albert for boots and took 12 bushels of
barley and sold it for 40 cents per bushel to Brown & Christian.
Examination of school today.
APR. 1 – Wind easterly, looks like a storm. John still bad of
rheumatism. Wm. and George drawing cordwood. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon Wm. and George drawing wood. Self sawing
wood. Robert gone to Greenbank for the Globe. Mr. Thos. Duff
here borrowing money from George to make up his rent payable
today. Expedition to North Pole sailed 1817. Meeting in India
2 – Wind W, fine morning. John still bad with rheumatism. Wm.
and George drawing cordwood. Self sawing wood. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank Juvenile singing class. Afternoon George
and Wm. at cordwood. Self sawing wood. Very warm. Jefferson
born 1743. Battle of Copenhagen 1800.
3 – Wind NE, cold morning. Wm., Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. John still bad with rheumatism. Dr. Knowley
here to see him. Wm. and George at Presbyterian meeting.
Collection today, being the first Sabbath of the month.
Washington Irvine born 1783. Professor Wilson died 1854.
4 – Wind NE, cold morning. Wm. and George at cordwood. Self
splitting wood. John still bad with rheumatism. Mrs. James
Walker and Mrs. Duff here visiting. Afternoon Wm. and George
drawing cordwood. Self splitting wood. Canada discovered
1499. Wm. H. Harrison died 1841.
5 – Wind NE, threatening snow. Wm. and George drawing wood.
Mr. Byers and oxen in the woods. Robert at school. John still
bad with rheumatism. Manchester Fair today. Cochran’s man
and team drawing logs for Wm. Self at Greenbank for medicine
to John. Afternoon Wm., George and horses, Cochran’s man
and horses, Byers and his oxen all at logs. Self doing nothing.
Dribbling rain all through afternoon. Alexander the Great died
BC 323.
6 – Wind NE, no frost last night, fine day. John still bad with
rheumatism. Wm., George and teams and Mr. Boddie and his
team drawing cordwood. Self splitting wood. Afternoon Wm.
and George and team at cordwood. Annie sick. Robert at
school. Mrs. Robert Phair here on a visit. Badajoz stormed
1812. Old Lady Day. Battle of Shiloh 1862.
7 – Wind NW, mild warm day. George and Wm. at the woods.
Self trying to get the water out of turnip cellar. Mr. Duff brings
home the sheep he had on shares8
. Mr. Belford here for wheat.
Wm. McMillan drawing wood for Hector McLaughlan. Robert at
school. John still bad with rheumatism. Afternoon Wm. and
George at wood. Self bailing turnip cellar. Don Pedro abdicated
1831. Prince Leopold born 1850. Wordsworth born 1770.
8 – Wind W, fine morning. 2 of Duffs ewes lambed, one 2 lambs
and the other 3 lambs – 2 ewes and 3 ram lambs. John still bad
of rheumatism. Robert at school. Wm. and George at woods.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon Wm. and George at woods
drawing cordwood. Self sawing wood. Very warm day and snow
melting fast. George Bodies son here for the short log chain.
Mr. Boddie here for a pair of horse hames. Hudson Bay Cor.
Chartered 1694. Earl of Chatham died 1778.
9 – Wind westerly, fine morning. John some better of
rheumatism. Wm. and George at woods. Robert putting in a
saw mill. Self turning potatoes in the cellar. George Bodie takes
3 sheep for 3 years to double. Afternoon Wm. and George
drawing wood. Self splitting wood. Boy named Jacobs here for
plastering trowel. Wm. at Greenbank in the evening. Lord Bacon
died 1626. General Lee surrendered 1865.
10 – Wind SE, fine morning. Margaret and Robert at school.
Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting as the roads is bad. Miss Mary
J. Luke, Mary Nichols, Isabella Gordon and Jane Gordon here on
a short visit. Mr. William Reale, William McMillan and Andrew
Gordon here visiting in the afternoon.
11 – Wind SW, dull morning, looking like a storm. John still bad
with rheumatism. Wm. and George at woods. Self trying to
drain turnip cellar. Afternoon George and Wm. at woods. Self at
turnip cellar. Robert at school. John Wagner here wanting a
gobbler to Mrs. Phair. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phair and Agnes
Aisling here on a visit in the evening. Napoleon signed his first
abdication 1814. Fort Sumter bombarded 1861.
12 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. and George at woods. Self sawing
wood. John still ill with rheumatism. Robert at home with sore
breast. Afternoon Wm. and George at woods. Self splitting
wood. John Wagner here for the cross cut saw. Montgomery,
Alabama, surrendered 1865. Ides of April.
13 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Wm. at woods. George and self
drawing turnips – 6 loads. John still in bed with rheumatism.
Robert at home, some sick. Margaret washing. Mrs. Miller here
on a visit. Afternoon Wm. at woods. George and self at turnips –
Farmers would loan several animals to another farmer
in order that he could start his own flock with the
understanding that the original number would be
returned at a later date.
drew 4 loads. Mr. Thos. Phair gets two sheep to double. Wm.
goes to Allan Hays to get him to come and saw wood but he will
not come. Catholic Emancipation 1829. James Buchanan born
1791. Vaccination introduced 1796.
14 – Wind SW, fine droughty day. Wm. and George at woods.
John still in bed. Self choring round. Ewe lambed ewe lamb.
George Boddie here for the tramp pick. Afternoon George and
Wm. in the woods. Self choring. Boy Jacobs here in the evening
for Wm. to go and plaster. President Lincoln assassinated 1865.
15 – Wind NE, dull morning. Wm. gone to plaster at Jacobs.
John still in bed. George at woods. Self choring. Robert at
home. Good Friday. Self and Robert puts on Bentleys Tick
Exterminator on the sheep. Margaret baking. Planted seed
beets and carrots. Afternoon George at Mr. Boddies raising.
Self at Greenbank. John Lee here collecting H. Halls accounts.
Andrew Johnson inaugurated president 1865.
16 – Wind NE, dull morning. Wm. and George at woods. Self
choring. John still in bed but getting better. Robert at home.
Afternoon Wm. and George at the woods. Self choring.
Margaret scrubbing. Mrs. C. Asling here on a short visit. Battle
of Culloden 1745.
17 – Wind SE, very dull cloudy morning. Wm. and Margaret at
Sabbath School. John rather worse this morning. Rainy
afternoon from the southeast. McPhails red heifer calves a bull.
Franklin died 1790.
18 – Wind E, still raining. John some better. Nothing of any
consequence doing. George making straw carriers. Wm.
making axe handle. Wm. Gordon here. Afternoon Wm. at
woods. George making straw carriers. Ewe lambed ram. Self
herding cattle. Wesley Luke plowing the first in Egypt. 1st
newspaper printed in America 1704.[The Boston News-letter].
Byron born 1824.
19 – Wind E, with drizzling showers. Wm. at woods. George at
Greenbank with red mare to shoe. Self at James Walkers buying
hay. John still in bed. Robert at home. Afternoon Wm. and
George at woods. Self planting apple trees. Isabella Gordon
here a little while. Received a letter from Barbara of April 15.
Lord Byron died 1824. Battle of Lexington 1795.
20 – Wind NE, rainy morning. Wm. and George pumping cistern.
Self writing to Barbara. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. at
woods. George drawing posts. John in bed but rather mending.
21 – Wind NE, some rain in the morning. Wm. and George at
woods. Self fixing gate. Robert at home. John in bed.
Afternoon Wm. at woods. George at woods. Self choring.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at woods. George takes a grist to
the mill and Barbaras chest to Manchester. Self cleaning out the
barn. John still in bed. Annie at Greenbank for boots to herself
and Robert. Afternoon Wm. in woods. Self choring. Robert
takes his boots back to Greenbank and gets another pair. Hume
born 1711.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and George at woods. Self
pruning apple trees. John in bed. John Gordon and his stud
horse Emulator here today. Afternoon Wm. and George at
woods. Self head-ache. Mother sows the cabbage seeds.
Barbara Walker here for blackberry slips. Shakespeare born
1564. Died 1616.
24 – Wind NE, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., Robert, Margaret
and Annie at Sunday School. Afternoon Wm. and George at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. & Mrs. Boddie, Mr. & Mrs. Phair, Mary
Nichol and Georgina Luke here visiting. John in bed. Heard of
Elizabeth Walkers case.
25 – Wind N, fine morning, much rain through the night. John
bad with an arm. Wm. at woods. George plowing. Self choring.
Mother making a smock for George. Robert at home. Afternoon
Wm. at woods. George plowing. Self down at the creek.
Margaret at Robert Phairs with Georgina Luke. Wm. at
Greenbank in the evening for medicine to John.
26 – Wind NE, frost through the night. Wm. at woods. George
gone for grist. Self at fair, Prince Albert. Wm. at fair. Isabella
Michie here today on a short visit. John out of bed awhile.
Cromwell born 1599.
27 – Wind SW. George plowing. Wm. at woods. Self choring.
John in bed. Robert at home. Margaret washing. Afternoon
George plowing. Self digging garden. Wm. at woods. Mr. and
Mrs. Ferguson here on a visit. Ewe lambed ewe lamb. Battle of
Camden 1781. General Grant born 1822.
28 – Wind NW, cold rough day. Wm. at Thomas Phairs. Self and
George and horses at sawmill putting logs on. Robert at home.
John in bed. Afternoon George plowing. Self gardening. Wm.
at Thos. Phairs. Mother at T. Duffs visiting. New Orleans taken
29 – Wind NW, looking like rain. George plowing. Wm. at
woods. Self choring. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at Thos.
Phairs. Self at garden. Margaret and Annie at Greenbank. John
some better but one hand. Peace with Russia 1856.
30 – Wind SW, appearance of rain. George plowing. Self and
Wm. at sawmill piling lumber. Black ewe lambed today – ram.
Afternoon George plowing. Self in garden. Wm. making axe
handle. Mother planting beets. Mrs. James Walker here visiting.
Margaret scrubbing. Duff here for brace and bit. Cassidy heifer
cow calved.
MAY 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie
at Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm., George and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb.
IV..15:16. Collection for Synod Church $2.50. John getting
better. Sabbath School to begin at 9 o’clock after this day.
Prince Arthur born 1850.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. George and self drawing rails. Wm. at
woods. Robert and Annie at school. John getting better.
Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at woods. Self fencing. Mother
at John Gordons. Mr. Asling here for half a bushel of spring
3 – Wind SW. George plowing. Self spreading dung. Wm. at
woods. Robert and Annie at school. John some better.
Afternoon Wm. burning brush. George plowing. Mr. and Mrs.
MacArthur here on a visit. Margaret at T. Phairs with some
4 – Wind NW, droughty day. Wm. at woods. George plowing.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing. Self in garden.
Afternoon Wm. in the woods. George plowing. Self at dam
fixing it for washing sheep. Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. McLaughlin
here for a visit. Pope died 1744.
5 – Wind E, looking like rain. George plowing. Wm. at woods.
Robert and Annie at school. Self spreading dung. John some
better. Margaret coloring with hemlock bark. Wm. at school
committee. Manchester Exhibition opened 1857.
6 – Wind SW, rather dull day. George plowing. Self spreading
dung. Wm. at woods. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret
raking door yard. Mother baking. John some better. Afternoon
Wm. at woods. George plowing. Self leveling turnip pits. Mr.
Robert Phair here for 2 inch auger. Sheep dam burst.
7 – Wind NE, very dull and rainy looking. Wm. sowing pease and
oats. George harrowing. Self making bars. Button, pedlar, here
today. Afternoon Wm. at woods. George harrowing. Self
digging post holes. Margaret scrubbing. John some better.
Annie sick. Port Perry big whistle blew for first time today.
Humboldt died 1859.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sabbath School. Self, Wm., George at Presbyterian meeting.
Mr. McArthur lecturing on the sin unto death from Heb. VI 1.8.
Margaret at Temperance Hall to practice for singing for the
Anniversary. Hamburg burnt 1842. Steamer Pennsylvania lost
9 – Wind NW, fine day. George harrowing. Wm. at woods. Self
digging post holes. Robert at school. Annie sore throat. Mother
baking. Afternoon George harrowing. Wm. sows 4 bushels
barley. Self digging post holes. John getting better. Mr. Wm.
Blake here visiting. Japanese embassy arrives at NY 1860.
Bank suspension 1837.
10 – Wind SE, sprinkling rain. George plowing. Self putting in
posts. Wm. gone to John Gordons well. Rainy forenoon.
Robert at home with sore jaws. Annie sore throat. John
mending a little. Mother making smock out of old coats.
Afternoon George plowing. Self and Robert putting in posts.
11 – Wind SE, some rain through the night, fine day. George
plowing. Wm. and horse at John Gordons. Self sowing plaster9
Robert picking chunks10
. John some better. Afternoon George
plowing. Self filling post holes. Some showers. Singing at
Greenbank practicing for Anniversary. Wm. at it.
12 – Wind NE, rainy morning. George plowing. Wm. at woods.
Margaret washing. John some better. Robert and Annie at
school. Self draining in the old garden. Wm. at woods. Mother
baking. Mr. Ratenburger here selling plows. Afternoon Wm. at
woods. George plowing. Self washing apple trees. Margaret at
Greenbank. Heavy shower of rain at 4 o’clock. Earl of Stafford
beheaded 1641. Battle of Pharsalus BC46.
13 – Wind NW, fine day. George plowing. Self draining. Wm. at
woods. Robert and Annie at school. John some better.
Afternoon George plowing. Self draining. Wm. at woods. Battle
of Glasgow 1568.
‘Plaster’ is a type of lime which was spread on fields in
order to ‘sweeten’ the soil to make it more arable.
‘Chunks’ were pieces of leftover wood.
14 – Wind SW, fine morning. George plowing. Self draining.
Wm. at woods. Wm. Stillwell gets away Duffs rig. Mother
baking. Afternoon Wm. at woods. George harrowing to Belford.
Self draining. Margaret scrubbing. James Walker here for
wheat. Vaccination first tried 1796.
15 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie
at Sabbath School. Self, Wm., George, Mother and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Hebrews VI:
9 to the end. Wm. and Margaret at Greenbank practicing
singing. Magna Carta signed 1215.
16 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Wm. sowing barley and oats.
Self at Port Perry for cockle sieve. George harrowing. Afternoon
George harrowing. Wm. at woods. Robert and Annie at school.
Mother at John Gordons.
17 – Wind SE, rather dull morning. George plowing. Wm. at
woods. Self choring. Robert and Annie at school. Barbara
Walker here for sheep shears. Minty, pedlar, here today.
Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at woods. Self digging round
apple trees. McPhail white heifer calved today cow calf.
Margaret at Mr. Phairs in the evening.
18 – Wind SE, fine morning. George plowing. William at woods.
Self choring. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing.
John getting some better. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at
woods. Self choring. Wm. and Margaret at Greenbank singing.
Mrs. John Gordon here on a visit. Trial by jury instituted 1270.
19 – Wind NW, fine morning. George plowing. Wm. at woods.
Self shearing sheep. Robert and Annie at school. John
mending. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at woods. Self
shearing sheep. Mrs. Luke here visiting. Wm. at Mr. Phairs in
the evening asking him to log. Boswell died 1795. Paley died
20 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm. at Wm. Reals asking his oxen
to log. George plowing. Self, Mother and Margaret washing
wool. John planting corn. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon George harrowing. Self sowing wheat. Wm. at Mr.
Bysons. Mrs. A. Leask here visiting.
21 – Wind NE, looking like rain. George harrowing. Self sowing
grass seeds. Wm., Thomas Phair and John Wagner logging with
Wm. Reals oxen. Mother churning. Afternoon rain til 3 o’clock.
Wm. and his pair logging. George at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Self shoveling water furrows. Margaret scrubbing.
22 – Wind NE, fine morning. Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm. & George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur lecturing from Heb. VII:1-10 on Christ being a priest
after the order of Melchizedek. Margaret at English meeting in
the evening.
23 – Wind NE, raining some in the morning. Wm. George and
self logging. Robert at school. Annie at home. Afternoon Wm.,
George and self logging. Rain at 5 o’clock. Wm. takes Mr.
Reals oxen home.
24 – Wind SW, appearance of rain. Wm. in his fallow. George
harrowing. Self at Presbytery, Prince Albert. Afternoon George
plowing potato land. Wm. at fallow. John at T. Duffs. Mr. Burton
broke his arm.
25 – Wind NW, cloudy and cold. George plowing potato land.
Wm. at his fallow. Robert and Annie at school. Self cutting
potatoes. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. and George
branding with black mare. Self cutting potatoes. Margaret
visiting at John Gordons. Agnes Duff here for eggs. Wm. and
Margaret at Greenbank singing.
26 – Wind E, fine day. George plowing in potatoes. Wm., John,
Robert and self planting potatoes. Afternoon George plowing in
potatoes. John, Robert, Mother and self planting. Wm. in his
fallow. Self at Mr. Burtons in the evening to ask how his arm was
getting along.
27 – Wind E, fine morning. George plowing in Wms. fallow. Wm.
raking leaves. Self draining. Isabella Gordon here for yeast.
Afternoon George plowing and Wm. raking leaves. Self draining.
Robert and Annie at school. Mrs. Luke here making bed tick.
Habeas Corpus Act passed 1679.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. in fallow. Self & George drew ½
ton hay from Jas. Walkers. George at mill for lumber after.
Afternoon George harrowing Wms. fallow. Wm. sowing barley in
it. Self draining. John and Robert at the creek fishing. Isabella
Michie comes at night. Noah Webster died 1843.
29 – Wind NE, fine morning. Wm., Robert and Margaret at
Sunday School. Mother, Wm., John, George and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Isabella Michie leaves with them. Helen
Michie here with Margaret from Sunday School. Wesley and
Jerusha Jane Luke here in evening. Patrick Henry born 1736.
30 – Wind SW, very warm day. George harrowing. Wm. in
fallow. Self filling drains. Robert & Annie at school. Mother
picking wool. James Gordon here for cabbage plants. Afternoon
George at sawmill for lumber. Wm. hunting sawing machine.
Self draining. [Alexander] Pope died 1764.
31 – Wind SE, warm morning. George at board fence. Wm.
gone with horses to Grattenville for sawing machine. Self
digging garden. Robert & Annie at school. Margaret washing.
Mother choring. Afternoon George and John at creek after
dinner and then putting up fence. Self choring. Wm. and James
Cochrane arrive with the machine. Miss Linda Mary Louisa and
Mrs. Michael Martineau here in the evening for cabbage plants.
JUNE 1 – Wind SE, fine morning. Wm., George, self, James
Walker, Robert Phair and horses, Thomas Phair and horses, Mr.
Luke and horses, and James Cochrane at sawing machine.
Afternoon all the same parties at the machine. Robert & Annie at
home. Saw breaks at 4 o’clock. Wm. gone to Greenbank with it.
Sabbath School committee meets at Greenbank. Singing at
Greenbank for the anniversary. Skirmish at Ridgeway 1866.
Inundation in France 1856.
2 – Wind SE, very warm morning. Wm. gone to Port Perry with
the saw. George and self at fence. Robert and Annie at school.
Mother churning. Afternoon Wm., George, self, Jas. Walker,
Jas. Cochrane, John, Robert Phair & horses, Thos. Phair &
horses, George Bodie & horses, Mr. Luke and horses sawing
wood for William. Gordon riots 1780.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm., George, John, self, James Walker,
James Cochrane, Robert Phair & horses, Thos. Phair & horses,
George Boddie & horses and Mr. Luke & horses, all sawing
wood. Afternoon all the above parties sawing wood.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., George, John, self, James Walker,
George Boddie & horses, Mr. Luke & horses, Mr. Robert Phair &
horses, Mr. Thos. Phair & horses, sawing wood for Wm.
Afternoon Mr. Luke leaves with one of his horses and James
Cochrane takes his place. All sawing wood.
5 – Wind S, looking like rain. Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm. and George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from the three last verses of the VII of
Hebrews. Some rain in the afternoon.
6 – Wind W, fine day. George at mill with grist. Wm. mending
sawing machine. Self & John hoeing. Robert & Annie at school.
Afternoon George harrowing. Self and John planting potatoes.
Mr. Phair here in the evening. Margaret at Mr. Phairs for
cauliflower. Patrick Henry died 1799.
7 – Wind SE, fine day. George plowing. Wm. at R. Phairs
logging. Robert and Annie at school. Self choring. Mother
making soap. Afternoon George at mill for grist. Mother at
Greenbank. John fishing. Self cutting thistles. Fire at Port Perry
today. Adam Bell & William Carter here in the evening.
8 – Wind NW, fine day. George plowing. Wm. at Robert Phairs
logging. Robert & Annie at school. Self & John spudding
thistles. Margaret washing. Mother baking. Afternoon George
plowing. Self & John spudding thistles. Wm. and Margaret at
Greenbank singing. Isabella Gordon here for salt. Thos. Paine
died 1809. Andrew Jackson died 1845.
9 – Wind SW, much lightning through the night and looking like
rain. Red mare foaled at 2 o’clock morning. George plowing.
John spudding thistles. Self in shop and watching colt. Robert
and Annie at school. Margaret black leading stove. Mother
sewing. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at Mr. R. Phairs
logging. John and self spudding thistles. Rain at 6 o’clock. Wm.
at Greenbank in the evening at meeting of anniversary
committee. Battle of Montebello 1859.
10 – Wind NW, rainy morning. Wm. gone to Manchester for road
list. George at R. Phairs logging. Rain all the forenoon. Robert
at school. Annie at home. Margaret scalding bedstead. Mother
baking cakes. Afternoon still raining. John & Wm. sawing logs.
George fixing stable loft.
11 – Wind SE, raining some. Wm., George and self on the road.
Afternoon self, Wm., George on road. Wm. at Jas. Rennies.
John, Robert & George at Greenbank races.
12 – Wind S, looking like rain. Margaret, Robert & Wm. at
Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, George, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
Corinthians III:4 and 1st
John III:21 and insisted on trying
ourselves by our conscience.
13 – Wind SE, some showers in the morning. Self, Wm., John
and George and team on the roads. Afternoon self, Wm., John,
George and team on the roads. Robert at school. Mother and
Annie at John Gordons visiting. John Leask round to hire John.
General Scott born 1786. Battle of Marengo 1800. Russia
defeated at Sevastopoll 1854.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. fencing his fallow. George
plowing. John and self at Manchester monthly fair. Sold
Cassidy cow to Mr. Knox, she being 15 years old, for 37 dollars.
Mr. A. Bell & Isabella Gordon here tonight. Barbara arrives
home from Whitby. Minty, pedlar, here today. Insurrection of
Tyler 1381. Grant crosses the James 1864.
15 – Wind SW, slight showers. Wm. and George at fallow. John
harrowing. Self mending fence. Mother & Barbara sewing.
Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. and George at
fallow. John harrowing. Self hoeing corn. Barbara gone to Mrs.
Bunkers to get her dress cut. Wm. gone to Brock to plaster.
James Polk died 1849.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. George, John and self fencing Wms
fallow. Robert and Annie at school. Mother baking. Barbara
sewing. John McGee here for turnip sewer. Afternoon self and
John fencing. George harrowing. Duke of Marlborough died
1722. Battle of Ligny 1815.
17 – Wind NW, fine cool day. George drilling. Self and John
hoeing in orchard. Barbara washing. Mr. Love here wanting the
turnip drill. Afternoon self, George and Mother at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. H. Currie preaching from Romans V 1:2. John
hoeing tatoes. Mrs. F. Phair and Mary Nicol here this evening.
John McGee brings the turnip drill. Battle of Bunker Hill 1775.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Mr. Love here for turnip drill. George
drilling. Self and John hoeing potatoes. Afternoon George
drilling. Self hoeing potatoes. John gone with Mr. Luke to beg
for the anniversary. John Gordon here with his horse Emulator
and put to red mare. Margaret gone to Greenbank about her
dress. Robert at Alex. Gordons for duck eggs. Battle of
Waterloo 1815.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Communion at Brock. Self, Mother,
George, Barbara, Robert, Wm., and Annie at Brock. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Isaiah III:12. Seventy four
communicants. Near 7 dollars collection. Some rain.
20 – Wind N, looking like rain. George drilling. Self and John
spudding thistles in the wheat. Robert at school. Wm. Reals
man and son here for turnip drill. Afternoon George drilling. Self
and John hoeing potatoes. George Real bring the drill home at 7
o’clock. Accession of Queen Victoria 1837.
21 – Wind N, cold morning, nearly frost. George finishing turnip
sowing. Self and John hoeing potatoes. Margaret washing.
Robert at school. Red Cassidy heifer at Mr. Lukes bull. Barbara
gone with A. Bell. George gone to Greenbank to blacksmiths.
Margaret gone to Greenbank to practice singing for anniversary.
Queen Victoria proclaimed 1837. Summer begins.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. George and John
spudding thistles. Self drilling corn. Mother baking. Phair brings
home the turnip drill and Wm. Carter takes it away. Wm. comes
home from Brock. Afternoon Wm. gone to Port Perry for spring
board. George and John spudding thistles. Self hoeing in
orchard. Trial of Queen Caroline commenced 1820.
23 – Wind NW, fine day. George and John spudding thistles.
Self at Greenbank for slate to Annie. Robert and Annie at
school. Wm. takes Mrs. R. Phair and Mrs. F. Phair to A. Leasks.
Wm. Real gone through the creek with the boat. Mr. Williams,
pedlar, here to dinner. Afternoon George & John spudding
thistles. Wm. burning brush. Self mending harness. Mr. Real
returns at 5 o’clock without completing his journey and very sick.
Wm., George, Robert, Margaret and Barbara at Greenbank.
Barbara goes to A. Leasks all night. Union of England and
Scotland 1706.
24 – Wind W, fine day. George and John spudding thistles. Self
making horse rake. Mother baking. Robert and Annie at school.
William burning brush. Luke gone with Wms. colt to A. Leasks.
Afternoon George and John at thistles. Wm. at brush. Self at
rake. Evening Wm. and John at lecture at Greenbank.
25 – Wind W, warm day. Wm. gone to prepare the grounds for
the anniversary. Self, George and John and Wm. Byers logging
in the swamp. Mother baking. Afternoon self, George, John,
Wm., Wm. Byers and oxen logging. John Gordon here with his
horse Emulator and put to black mare. Margaret scrubbing.
Repeal of Corn Law 1846. Black mare took horse.
26 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm., George, Barbara, Margaret,
Annie and Robert at Greenbank this being the anniversary of the
Union Sabbath School. Alex. Rennie here to dinner. Thunder
and rain storm from noon till 2 o’clock. Wm., George, Robert,
Barbara, and Margaret at evening meeting. Self and John
putting up fences. Mr. Jamison preaching forenoon from
Eph.VI:4. Mr. McArthur afternoon from the same text. Dr. Dodd
executed 1777.
27 – Wind NW, fine morning, very warm day, thunder but no rain.
Union School anniversary. Good gathering made. Speakers Mr.
Brown, Mr. McArthur, Mr. Ried, Mr. Pomeroy, Mr. Douglas. All at
it, nobody at home. Uxbridge W.M. Choir in attendance. A. Bell,
G. Real, Wm. Real Jr. pitches them. Wm. Carter & H. Buel
carries them. Queen Victoria crowned 1838. Cholera in New
York 1832.
28 – Wind NW, warm morning. Wm., George, John & Allan Byers
logging with oxen. Afternoon Wm., George, John, Allan Byers
and oxen logging. Self hoeing potatoes. Mr. George Bodie here
in the evening.
29 – Wind SE, dull morning. Wm. gone to Uxbridge with organ.
Self, John and George hoeing potatoes. Mother and Annie gone
to Alex. Gordons to visit. Barbara washing. Afternoon self, John
and George hoeing potatoes. Robert at home. Tea, supper and
Temperance lecture in the hall, Greenbank. Admission 10 cents.
Self, Wm., John, George, Barbara, Margaret and Robert at it.
Henry Clay died 1852.
30 – Wind SW, warm, looking like rain. Wm. in his fallow. Self
and John hoeing potatoes. Robert at school. Mother and Annie
stopped at A. Gordons all night. Afternoon George banking
potatoes. Wm. at fallow. John & self hoeing potatoes. Thunder
and rain at 4 o’clock. Mother and Annie arrives home at night.
Rome captured by the French 1849. Greenwich Hospital
founded 1696.
JULY 1 – Wind NE, rather dull day. George, John, Wm. &
Barbara at Port Perry. Robert at school. Self making handle for
scuffler. Afternoon self at Greenbank with red mare to horse.
Mrs. John Gordon here making pants. Wm. and Barbara
inspected by Dr. Rose at Greenbank and both pronounced sick
and gets each a bottle of medicine. Price one dollar. Dominion
Day 1867.
2 – Wind E, cool day. Self and John hoeing potatoes. George at
the mill with oats and pease to chop for the sow which pigged
last night – 13 pigs. Wm. in his fallow. Barbara at Greenbank to
see the Doctor as she does not know her medicine from Wms.
Robert at mill. Afternoon George, John and self hoeing potatoes.
Wm. burning brush. Robert at Mr. Phairs for hat straw. Margaret
scrubbing. .
3 – Wind NE, warm day. Self, Wm., John, Barbara, Margaret &
Annie at Primitive Methodist Church. Mr. Tarrant preaching.
Afternoon Wm., John, George, Margaret & Barbara at P.W.
Church. Mr. Bee preaching. Evening Mother, Barbara, Annie,
Robert and John at English Meeting. Quebec founded 1608.
Battle of Gettysburg 1863.
4 – Wind SW. George fixing hay mow. Self and John hoeing
potatoes. Wm. doctoring clock. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon self at P. M. Anniversary. Wm. in his fallow. John &
George cutting thistles. Robert at Doctor Rose. Margaret &
Barbara at concert in the eve. Virginia discovered 1584.
5 – Wind W, warm day. Self at Manchester with oats and at mill
with some 7 bushels. Wm., John, George, George Byers and
oxen logging in Wms. fallow. 11
Mrs. Millar and Mrs. Wildman
here, the latter wanting a girl to hire. General Ransom occupied
Natchez 1863.
6 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. at his fallow. John & George
mowing. Self fixing scythes. Barbara, Margaret, Robert & Annie
picking berries. Afternoon Wm. at fallow. George and John
mowing. Mother and Margaret picking geese. Barbara, Annie
and Robert picking berries. Self scuffling turnips in the orchard.
Miss Jane Gordon here sewing breeks12
. Philadelphia Theatre
burnt 1857.
7 – Wind S, rain through the night and thunder. Rain in the
forenoon. George gone to mill with grist. Wm. doctoring the
clock. Self and John doing nothing. Barbara spinning. Mother
making straw hat. Robert and Annie at home. Afternoon still
raining, nothing doing. Great row upstairs with Barbara, Robert,
Annie and John. Great fire in Auckland New Zealand 1858.
Alexander Hamilton shot 1804.
8 – Wind N, drying day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. George & John
cleaning out the barn. Self cutting thistles in the swamp.
Afternoon George and John mowing. Self at mill for grist and
brought Lizzie Bunker here, she being sick. President Taylor
died 1850. Siege of Gibraltar 1779.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies hay. Self, George,
John & Robert hoeing turnips in the orchard. Barbara at
Greenbank for new dress. Afternoon self, John, George and
Robert cocking13
hay. Lizzie Bunker leaves for home. Prince of
Wales embarked for Canada 1860. Braddocks defeat 1755.
10 – Wind SW, slight showers. No one at Sabbath School.
Afternoon self, Mother, Barbara, Annie, Wm., John, George &
Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Hebrews VIII:6 to the end. Margaret at English meeting. London
Bridge burnt – 3000 lives lost, 1212. Canada invaded 1822.
‘Fallow’ is an area the farmer is converting into arable
land. He would need to remove stones, trees, brush
and stumps so that he could then plant crops.
‘Breeks’ is another work for pants.
‘Cocking’ hay – making a row of piles of hay
11 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. Self, John
and George draws 5 loads of hay. Robert sore ear. Afternoon
rainy, nothing doing. Jack Cade slain 1450. Columbus born
12 – Wind SW, threatening rain. John gone to John Leasks to
hoe turnips. George at John Gordons with black mare to horse.
She took him. Self and Wm. hoeing turnips. Punk at bull this
morning. Mother churning. Afternoon self, George and Wm.
hoeing turnips. Margaret & Barbara picking berries. Mother
baking. Minty, pedlar, here at 6 o’clock. Cassidy heifer at bull
time this evening. Orange celebrations.
13 – Wind SW, dull day, looking like rain. George scuffling
turnips. Self and Wm. hoeing turnips. Annie at Greenbank.
Mrs. Bunker and daughter here to dinner. Afternoon self,
George and Wm. drew 2 loads of hay then Wm. went to Mr.
Boddies and we to turnips. Isabella Michie here. All hands
picking black currants. George took the black mare to John
Gordons horse. She took him. Battle of Gravelines 1558.
14 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. Self and George
hoeing turnips. Mother gone visiting at Mr. Chancey Aislings.
Afternoon self & George hoeing turnips. Mr. Valentine Matthews
here wanting someone to cut his hay. Mr. Bickle here for
Barbara. Isabella Gordon here this evening. The Bastille
stormed 1880. Battle of Vltava 1420.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Boddies. Self &
George mowing. Mrs. Walker here wanting pigs, promised her
two. Afternoon self & George hoeing turnips. Meeting of the
Union Sabbath School to appoint officers.
16 – Wind S, dull day with some rain. George at James Walkers
hay. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. Self mowing. Afternoon self mowing.
Isabella Gordon here for 2 quarts black currants.
17 – Wind NW, cool day. Wm., Robert, Margaret & Annie at
Sabbath School. Afternoon Wm. at Presbyterian Meeting. Alex.
Michie Jr. here this afternoon. Wife Mary Nichol here.
Bombardment of Toulon 1707.
18 – Wind N, fine day. George at James Walkers hay. Wm.
gone to Mr. Matthews. Self turning hay. Afternoon George and
self and Robert drew 7 loads of hay into the barn. Amos Stone
here and offering 2 dollars apiece for all the lambs to be took to
his place next Monday. French invasion of England repelled
1545. Battle of Lundy’s Lane 1813.
19 – Wind W, fine morning. George mowing his grass on Wms.
place. Self mowing fence corners. Margaret picking berries.
Afternoon self, George and Robert drew 3 loads of hay into the
barn. Self went to bathe and George to mow grass. Spanish
Armada off England 1508. Battle of Churubusco 1847.
20 – Wind SW, thunder and rain before 6 o’clock. Wm. at Mr.
Boddies. George mowing. Self and Robert at Manchester.
Margaret washing. Took 9 bushels of spring wheat to
Manchester. Sold for $1.20 per bushel. Battle of Hallidown Hill
1533. French Revolution began 1789.
21 – Wind NW, cool morning. Wm. & George mowing. Self took
A. Michie heifer to bull. Margaret picking berries. Afternoon
Wm., George, Robert & self raking hay to George. Battle of Bull
Run 1861.
22 – Wind SE, appearance of rain. George, Wm., Robert & self
stacking hay. Afternoon George, Wm., Robert, & self at hay.
Insurance agent from Saintfield here after dinner. Agent from
Hamilton here in the evening. Battle of Salamanca 1812.
Garibaldi born 1807.
23 – Wind SW, thunder and rain all night. George cutting hay.
Wm. at Mr. Boddies well. McPhail white cow at bull. Afternoon
George mowing. Self cutting thistles. Margaret scrubbing. John
McPhail here all night. George Boddie here this evening. Upper
and Lower Canada united 1840.
24 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Wm., Robert, Margaret and
John McPhail at Sunday School. Wm., Robert, Margaret and
John at Presbyterian Meeting. Alex. Michie and Mrs. Michie here
to dinner with John and Mary Michie. Bolivar born 1783.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well. George at his
hay. Self at Amos Stones with 7 lambs at 2 dollars each.
Afternoon George, self, and Robert drew 7 loads of hay to
George. Margaret visiting at Alexander Gordons and Mr. T.
26 – Wind SW, rather dull morning. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well.
George gone to McDuffs to get his horses. Self hoeing turnips in
the orchard. Mrs. Michael Martineau here for reel. Shower of
rain at noon. Afternoon self hoeing turnips. George hoeing
turnips. Andrew Gordon here for waggon. Thunder & rain in the
evening. Robert Sutton born 1765. London cab strike 1853.
27 – Wind NW, foggy morning and some rain. Wm. gone to Mr.
Boddies well. George at John Gordons. Self cutting thistles.
Margaret washing. Afternoon self hoeing turnips. Mr. Wm.
Byers, pedlar, here in the evening. Atlantic cable rail 1866.
French reign of terror ended and revolution begins 1830.
28 – Wind SW, rather dull day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well. George
gone to Oshawa. Self hoeing turnips. Mr. James McMillan here
begging for Colin Miller. Afternoon self hoeing turnips. Mother
visiting at Mr. Aislings and Annie with her. Some rain in the
afternoon. Lord Durham died 1840.
29 – Wind NW, cold and slight showers. George at John
Gordons fixing threshing machine. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well.
Self hoeing turnips. Mother washing. Afternoon self & George
mowing barley. John Gordon here for ashes. Mary Queen of
Scots marries Dauphin 1588. Spanish Armada destroyed 1588.
30 – Wind N, cool drying day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies barley. Self
and George mowing barley. Afternoon George gone to Port
Perry & Prince Albert and Manchester for horse collars. Self
mending James Walkers gate. Cooks first voyage 1768.
31 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Margaret & Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., George & Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Rom. VIII:12. Miss Byers
here this afternoon. Columbus discovered Trinidad 1498.
AUG. 1 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies barley.
George scuffling turnips. Self turning barley. Mrs. Gordon here
for 2 pigs. Mrs. Walker here for 2 pigs. Afternoon George and
self mowing barley. Mother, Robert & Annie hoeing turnips at
2 – Wind SW, fine morning. George Boddie here for 2 pigs. Wm.
at George Boddies. George and self mowing barley. Mother,
Robert & Annie hoeing turnips. Afternoon all hands raking and
drawing barley. Threshing machine loaded this evening.
3 – Wind S, drizzly rainy morning. George gone to thresh at T.
Duffs. Wm. gone somewhere. Self doing nothing. Afternoon
still rainy. Self mending at harness. Clears off at 5 o’clock, fine
4 – Wind NW, fine morning. George gone to thresh at T. Duffs.
Wm. gone to somewhere. Self hoeing turnips. Mother hoeing
turnips. Pedlar from Epsom here. Horse power broken. George
and Wm. Gordon gone to Port Perry. Afternoon self hoeing
turnips. Battle of Mackinaw 1814.
5 – Wind W, fine morning. Wm. gone to Mr. Boddies. George,
self, Margaret, and Robert raking barley, looking like rain.
Afternoon self, George, Robert, Wm. and Margaret drawing
barley, 10 loads. Andrew Gordon here this afternoon. White
heifer to bull. Lord Howe died 1799. Atlantic cable landed 1858.
6 – Wind SW, very like rain but clears off fine. Wm. at Mr.
Boddies. George gone for to Burtons barn for threshing
machine. Self, Robert and Annie cleaning up the barn.
Afternoon threshing hands besides the threshers Mr. Luke,
Wesley Luke and horses, Mr. R. Phair, T. Wagner and horses,
Mr. John Belford and William Michie. Threshed all the barley
out. Prince Alfred born 1844. Ben. Johnson died 1637.
7 – Wind SW, warm morning. Margaret and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. IX:14
to end of chapter. Collection $1.50. Cromwell died 1658.
8 – Wind SW, some rain and thunder through the night, very
warm day. George gone to John Leasks to thresh. Wm. at
George Boddies. Self clearing the barn door of straw. Afternoon
self hoeing turnips. Mother hoeing. Margaret at the hoe after
supper. Jean Gordon here all night. George Canning died
9 – Wind about SW, showery and warm. Wm. at Mr. Boddies.
Self hoeing turnips and sometimes in the barn. Margaret
washing. Jean Gordon still here. Afternoon self and Mother
hoeing turnips. Mrs. John Gordon and Hector Gordon here
visiting. Wm. Minty and Andrew Gordon here to tea. Jean
Gordon leaves for home. John Dryden born 1631.
10 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. gone to George Boddies. Self
pulling pease. Charles Gordon here playing. Afternoon self
pulling pease. Mother and Margaret hoeing turnips. George &
John comes home at night. Daguerre died 1851. St. Lawrence
discovered 1535.
11 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. gone to George Boddies.
George gone to T. Duffs. Self & John pulling pease. Mother
churning and baking. Afternoon self and John at pease. Binding
bee at T. Duffs in the evening. Mrs. T. Phair and Mrs. R. Phair
called this evening.
12 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. George at T.
Duffs. Self and John cut out the pease. Mother & Robert hoeing
turnips. Margaret cooking. Afternoon John gone to T. Duffs.
Self cradling oats. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Hector
McLaughlan borrows scythe. Wm. receives 2 letters from Port
Perry about buckboard. King George IV born 1762. King Philip
killed 1676. Bunyan died 1688.
13 – Wind SW, dull gloomy day threatening rain. George & John
at T. Duffs. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry for buckboard. Self
hoeing turnips. Afternoon self cradling oats. Red McPhail heifer
at bull the second time. Mother gone to Mrs. Burtons, she being
sick. Bishop Jeremy Taylor died 1667.
14 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm., Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. George gone to A. Michies, Brock. Self, Wm., Margaret
and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Dr. [Tweedie?] preaching
from 1st
Cor. III:14. Other foundations can no man lay. Some
pray the foundation of their salvation on the mercy of God, some
on repentance, some on their good works, some on their works
and Christ’s sacrifice together – all of which is false foundations.
Wm. at English Meeting. George Combe died 1858. Lord Clyde
died 1863.
15 – Wind SW, fine warm day. John gone to T. Duffs. Wm.,
George, Robert and self drawing pease. 3 loads in barn and 3 in
stack. Afternoon drawing pease. 7 loads in stack and 4 in barn.
J. Williams, pedlar, here.
16 – Wind S, warm day. John at T. Duffs. Wm. at George
Boddies. Self and George cradling oats. Margaret washing.
Robert cutting pigweed among the potatoes. Afternoon George
gone to the Bassingthwaites to thresh. Self cradling oats.
Isabella Gordon here for yeast.
17 – Wind S, and very high. Wm. mowing his barley. Self
cradling oats. Margaret choring. Annie at Mr. Lukes. Afternoon
Wm. at his barley. Self raking oats. Drew 2 loads. Duchess of
Kent born 1786.
18- Wind SW, fine morning, very warm day. Wm. at his barley.
George gone to I. Gordons. Self cradling oats. Afternoon Wm.
at his barley. Self and George binding oats. Walter Scott born
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., George, self and horses at
George Boddies threshing and threshed til noon when James
Gordon got hurt. Afternoon self and George binding oats. Wm.
at his barley. Margaret at Mrs. Martineaus with her dress and
stays all night at John Leasks. Some rain in the evening. Indian
massacre in Minnesota 1864.
20 – Wind N, cold day. Wm., George, self and horses at George
Boddies threshing. Margaret arrives home. Mrs. M. Martineau
here for plums. Afternoon Wm. at George Boddies. Self and
George raking and drawing in oats. Mrs. McGuire, Mrs.
Anderson and Mrs. Ianson and Margaret at the creek for shells.
Battle of Miami 1794.
21 – Wind NW, smoky day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Luke
XVI:15. James Walker worse today. West India docks opened
22 – Wind NW, fine morning. George gone to thresh at T. Duffs.
John gone to T. Duffs. Wm. cradling oats. Self fencing pea
stack. Afternoon self, Wm., Margaret, and Robert at Wms.
barley. Drew 4 loads in the barn. John here all night.
23 – Wind easterly, sprinkling rain. Wm. and self cradling oats.
John gone to T. Duffs. Afternoon still raining. Self bad with
toothache. Nothing doing at harvest. John and George home all
night. Peace congress at Frankfurt 1850. Wm. Wallace
beheaded 1305.
24 – Wind S, foggy wet morning. Wm. at home. George and
John gone to Brock to hire A. Michie to go with the threshing
machine. Self, Margaret and Annie at Port Perry. Ohio Trust
Company suspends payment 1857.
25 – Wind SW, soft morning. John gone to T. Duffs. Wm. at
George Boddies. Self binding wheat. George cradling. Heavy
shower at noon. Margaret washing. Afternoon George cradling
wheat. Self binding. Indian Mutiny commenced 1457.
26 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. at Boddies. George cradling
wheat. Self raking. John at Duffs. Afternoon George threshing
at Lukes. Self and horses there. John at John Gordons working
for A. Gordon who is at machine. Prince Albert born 1819.
27 – Wind SE, heavy frost this morning, fine day. Wm. and
Robert raking barley. Self and horses at Lukes. Threshing done
before noon. Afternoon self, Wm. & Robert drawing Wms.
barley. 4 loads. Mother at Burtons, Mrs. Burton being sick.
Byam, pedlar, here today.
28 – Wind S, dull morning looking like rain. Wm. and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, George, Margaret, Robert & Annie
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching on Heb. X to
the 19th
verse. Rain in the afternoon. Wife Mary Nicol here
visiting. Leigh Hunt died 1859.
29 – Wind SW, rain through the night and looking like more. John
gone to John Gordons. George & Wm. to Byers to thresh.
Margaret rather sick this morning. Self cradling wheat.
Afternoon self cradling wheat. Heavy shower at 4 o’clock. John
the Baptist beheaded.
30 – Wind NW, cool day. George threshing at James Cochranes.
Wm. at Mr. Boddies. Self cradled all the wheat which finished
the cutting for this harvest. Ann Michie died 1846.
31 – Wind SW, looking like rain, not much dew. Wm. gone to Mr.
Boddies. Self and Robert shocking oats. Killed a sheep before
dinner. Self, Wm., and Robert drawing oats – 7 loads. T. Duff
here in the evening wanting hands. Act abolishing slavery
passed 1833. Bayou Sara burned 1862.
SEPT. 1 – Wind SW, some thunder and showers going round.
Self and Wm. at wheat binding. Afternoon self, Wm. and Robert
drawing wheat. Margaret at Mr. Burtons visiting. Mrs. Michael
Martineau here for the reel. General Outram arrived at Lucknow
2 – Wind SW, some rain through the night and looking like more.
Self and Wm. binding wheat. Afternoon self, Wm,., and Robert
drew 1 load of wheat. Thunder and rain. Wm. and Robert gone
to Greenbank for the papers. George arrives from Brock.
London burnt 1666.
3 – Wind NE, dull forenoon, sprinkling rain. Wm. gone to T.
Duffs. George gone to Isaac Craggs to thresh. Self cleaning out
the cow house. Mother & Margaret picking the geese. Pedlar
from Epsom here. Afternoon self at Greenbank with the black
mare to shoe. George comes home from Isaac Craggs. Rain
most all the afternoon. Jas. Gordon here for Wm. to dig a well.
Moscow burned 1812. Oliver Cromwell died 1658.
4 – Wind NW, rain most all night and looking like more rain. Wm.,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm.,
Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur
discoursing from Heb. X 19 to 25. Riots at Manchester England
1830. Fahrenheit died 1736.
5 – Wind NW, cold morning. George gone to Isaac Craggs to
thresh. Wm. gone to John Gordons to dig a well. Self at Mr.
Robert Millers to see when he would go to Toronto for school
books. Afternoon self raking wheat. Breeze on going to bed with
Mother and me.
6 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. at John Gordons well. Self at T.
Phairs threshing. Tooth broke out of gearing wheel. Self comes
home and Margaret, Robert and me draws in the last of the
wheat which finishes harvest 16 days earlier than 1869.
Afternoon Margaret washing. Self at T. Phairs threshing. 2 teeth
broke out of gearing wheel. George leaves for Oshawa at 11
o’clock at night. Austrians enter Bucharest 1856. Dog days end.
7 – Wind E, dull rainy morning. Wm. gone to John Gordons well.
Self scouring ditch in swamp. Minty, pedlar, here today.
Afternoon self drawing in James Walkers wheat. Battle of
Plattsburg 1814.
8 – Wind S, fine day. George at Thomas Phairs threshing. Wm.
at Port Perry for boots. Self at T. Phairs threshing. Afternoon
Wm. at John Gordons well. Robert home with James Scotts
planes. Mother and Annie at John Gordons visiting.
9 – Wind SW, rather dull morning. Wm. gone to John Gordons
well. Self helped George Boddie to top out his stack. Shower at
10 o’clock with thunder. Afternoon much thunder to the south.
Self drawing stones off pease ground. Robert at Greenbank for
Globe. Storming of San Sebastian 1813.
10 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at John Gordons well. George and
self at John Gordons threshing.
11 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert, Annie and self at
the Sunday School. Mother at John Gordons, Mrs. McLaughlin
having got a son. Wm., Mother, George, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Thomson the poet born 1700. Battle of
Brandywine 1777.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at John Gordons well. George at
David Craggs threshing. Self at Toronto with Mr. Robert Millar
for books for Union Sabbath School. Left at 1 o’clock and
returned at half past twelve in the night.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to John Gordons well. Self and
Margaret picking corn. Afternoon self and Margaret husking
corn. Georgina Edmund & Lewis Luke here. Siege of Vienna
1680. Rioting in New York 1863.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Wm. fencing hay stacks.
Margaret washing. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon self
plowing. Wm. burning brush. Mrs. Martineau here. Duke of
Wellington died 1852.
15 – Wind S, warm morning, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Duffs.
Self plowing. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon at George
Boddies for 18 bushels oats.. Shower with thunder. New York
taken 1777.
16 – Wind E, rain all night and all forenoon. Self fixing the
waggon box. Afternoon self plowing. Wm. and Margaret at
Greenbank for the papers. Received a letter from Barbara.
Finnemore Cooper died 1851.
17 – Wind NE, fine day. Self plowing. Wm. at R. Phairs.
Afternoon self plowing. Wm. at R. Phairs. Michael Martineau
here to see Wm. about the site for a house on the north end of
Lot 18. Mother gone with some rolls to Mrs. Martineau to spin.
George arrives from Brock. Threshing at Nicholas Reals. Peace
congress at Brussels 1808.
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, George, Wm., Margaret at English Church.
Self and Wm. at Primitive Methodist Church. Lawrence Sterne
died 1768.
19 – Wind NE, fine day. George gone to Brock. Wm. gone to T.
Duffs. Self plowing. Annie at school. Robert at home with
headache. Afternoon self plowing. Mother visiting at Mr. Lukes.
Battle of Poitiers 1356.
20 – Wind S. Wm. at R. Phairs. Self at Manchester with 44.32
bushels barley, got 60 cents. Margaret washing. Afternoon self,
Mother, Margaret, Robert cleaned another load of barley.
Barbara arrives from Centre Mills. Battle of the Alma 1854.
21 – Wind W, fine morning. William at R. Phairs. Self at
Manchester with 45 bushels of barley. Mr. Wyatt here wanting
22. Wind S, fine day. Wm. at R. Phairs. Self plowing. Barbara
visiting at Mr. Lukes forenoon and at Mr. Burtons afternoon.
Autumn begins.
23 – Wind S, dull hazy morning. Wm. sick. Self at Manchester
with 21 bushels barley at 66 cents. Afternoon steady rain.
24 – Wind SW, dull with some rain. Wm. still sick. Self plowing.
Afternoon raining. Self draining the cellar. Mary Jane Luke here
and Barbara at Mr. Lukes after. George home from Mr. Woods.
25 – Wind NE, rainy morning. Nobody at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Margaret, Robert & Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Heb. X:38. Pacific Ocean discovered
26 – Wind N, fine morning. George gone to Mr. Woods for the
threshing machine to thresh at George Boddies. Wm. some sick.
Self at George Boddies threshing. Annie at school. Mother and
Barbara spinning. George and Alex. Michie here all night.
Marquis Wellesley died 1842.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at James Walkers threshing. Self
plowing. Annie at school. Afternoon Mother & Barbara at John
Gordons quilting. Self plowing. Battle of Buzacott 1810.
28 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. at T. Duffs threshing. Self
harrowing. Margaret washing. Barbara spinning. Annie at
school. Afternoon self harrowing. Mother washing. Barbara
spinning. Margaret at a quilting at Wm. Bassingthwaites. Gen.
Neill killed 1857.
29 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at John Leasks. Self plowing.
Barbara spinning. Annie at school. Afternoon self plowing.
Elizabeth Leask here asking hands to paring bee. Marshal. St.
Arnaud dies 1854.
30 – Wind S, rainy morning. Wm. gone to John Leasks. Self
draining the cellar. Mother & Barbara spinning. Afternoon still
raining. Self at cellar. Mother & Barbara spinning. Very rainy
evening. Singing class at our church. George Whitefield died
OCT. 1 – Wind NE, fine day. Self plowing. Barbara scrubbing
and Margaret helping. Mother baking. Afternoon self plowing.
Wm. gone to John Leasks. Barbara and Annie gone to A.
Michies, Brock. George arrives from Mr. Joseph Lees threshing.
2 – Wind N, foggy morning. Robert at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, George, Wm., and Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XI. Monthly
collection one dollar thirty six cents. London University opened
1848. Major Andre executed 1780.
3 – Wind SE, rainy day. Wm. gone to John Leasks. George at
home. Self at cellar. Margaret sore back. Mother choring.
Afternoon self at cellar. George at John Gordons. Still raining.
Georgina Luke here in the evening. Clears off about 9 o’clock.
First English Bible 1535.
[At this point in the diary, the type of paper changes and there is
a great deal of deterioration. Some areas, particularly along the
outer margins, are illegible. This transcript will be as complete
as the original allows.]
4 – Wind N, showery morning. John Belford here wanting to draw
a load of cedar to his new house. Self at cellar. Mother
churning. Afternoon self at cellar. George drawing wood.
Barbara & Annie comes home from Brock. John angry about his
place. Mrs. Gordon here for ashes. John Wagner here to
supper. Belgian Independence secured 1831
5 – Wind N. Wm. and John gone to Provincial Exhibition,
Toronto. George plowing. Self draining. Margaret sore back.
Afternoon George carrying in apples. Self draining. Barbara
washing. Mother spinning. Cornwallis died 1805.
6 – Wind E, dull cloudy day, looking like rain. George gone to
Joseph Lees to thresh. Self harrowing. Robert and Annie at
school. Barbara painting. Mother scouring yarn. Margaret
choring. Afternoon self taking in apples. George, Barbara,
Margaret at pairing bee at Mr. Byers. Wm. & John arrive at
home. Jenny Lind born 1821. Peace declared with America
7 – Wind NE, fine cool morning. George gone with Mr. Gordon to
inspect the road to Mr. Clemens place. Self digging potatoes.
Barbara blacking boots. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon
Wm. whitewashing the kitchen. Self pain in hip. John resting.
Dug some potatoes. Early [?].
8 – Wind N, fine day. George & John at potatoes. Wm. & self
killed a sheep. Barbara, Margaret and Mother [?] up. Robert
headache. Afternoon self, George, John, Wm. at potatoes.
9 – Wind N. William, Barbara, Margaret, Robert & Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret and Robert
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Matt. [?].
Barbara visiting at Alex Gordons.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and George gone to thresh at [?].
John and Mother at potatoes. Self at mill with grist. Mrs. [?] here
spinning. Afternoon self, John, Mother, Barbara and Robert at
potatoes. Mrs. Luke spinning. Wm. Byam, pedlar, here. Thos.
Crawford the American sculptor died 1857. West, painter, born
11 – Wind S, some rain through the night and a dull day. Self,
Mother, Margaret, John & Robert at potatoes. Mr. Minty, pedlar,
here. Afternoon self, Mother, John, Margaret at potatoes. Annie
at school. George & Wm. comes home.
12 – Wind SW, fine morning. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret,
Robert, George Boddie and Mrs. Walker at potatoes. Barbara
washing. Mother cooking. Afternoon shower at 2 o’clock. Self,
Wm., George, Margaret, Robert, George Boddie and Mrs.
Walker at potatoes.
13 – Wind SW, fine morning. Self, John, Robert and Margaret at
potatoes. Wm. at Greenbank getting his buckboard fixed.
George at the mill for grist. Andrew Gordon here to dinner.
Mother spinning. Afternoon some rain after dinner. Self, John,
and Margaret at potatoes. George & William drawing dung.
Lecture on Temperance at Greenbank but no lecturer came.
Burgoyne surrendered 1777.
14 – Wind W, fine morning. John & Barbara gone to Brooklin with
coverlets to weave. Self, George, Margaret, Robert & Annie at
the Fair, Prince Albert. Self at Port Perry for tin boiler. William
Penn born 1644.
15 – Wind S, some rain in the morning. Mother gone to Jas.
Walkers. Self, John & George at potatoes. Wm. at potatoes.
Afternoon Wm. & John at R. Phairs. Self and George drawing
dung. Margaret scrubbing. James Walker horses plowing to
himself. Lizzie Chalmers comes here in the evening.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Afternoon self, Wm., John, George, Robert,
Barbara and Annie at Primitive Methodist Church. Mr. Bee
preaching from Rev. XXII:17. Mr. Fornier preaching from Psalms
XIII. Mrs. Jane Michie and Helen Michie here to dinner.
17 – Wind SW, commences to rain. George gone to Mr. I .
Bassingthwaites to thresh. Wm. and John gone to Mr. Watsons
to lath. Self mending harness. Barbara & Lizzie washing.
Mother baking. Wm. Stillwell here and hires Lizzie. Afternoon
self harrowing potato land. Barbara & Lizzie at John Gordons for
Lizzies clothes. Wm. and John comes home. Mr. Pearson
having sent another man to lath Mr. Watsons house. My
birthday – aged 57 years.
18 – Wind NW, rainy stormy morning. Wm. and John gone to Mr.
Watsons house again. Robert brings home the buckboard.
George comes home from Mr. Bassingthwaites threshing. Self
doing nothing. Mother, Lizzie and Barbara cooking for the bee
tomorrow. Afternoon George drawing wood for Mr. Butson,
Greenbank. Self draining turnip cellar. Isabella Michie comes
from Brock. Lizzie leaves for Wm. Stillwells.
19 – Wind W, hard frost. Barbara blacking the stove. George
plowing. Self draining. Afternoon George gone to Mr. Belfords
house. Self drawing dung. Quilting this afternoon. Mrs. R.
Phair, Mrs. T. Phair, Mrs. I. Gordon, Mrs. A. Gordon, Isabella
Gordon, Mary J. Luke, Isabella Michie and Mrs. McMillan at it.
20 – Wind N, dull cloudy day. Wm. gone to Mr. Watsons house.
John to John Leasks to try to hire. George plowing. Self
spreading dung. Barbara and Isabella Michie quilting. Afternoon
George, John & self draining turnip cellar. Margaret gone home
with Isabella Michie. Barbara quilting. Mother choring.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. George drawing dung. Self and Robert
digging potatoes in the orchard. Fleetwood Knowles here
wanting wood. Barbara quilting. Mother choring. Afternoon
George gone with wood to Mr. Knowles. Self digging potatoes.
22 – Wind SW, high wind, thunder last evening. George drawing
dung. Self filling dung. Barbara whitewashing the buttery.
Mother making cheese. Margaret choring. Afternoon self and
George at dung. Margaret scrubbing. Payson died 1827.
23 – Wind NW, cold cloudy day. Wm., Robert, Barbara and
Annie at the Sunday School. Mother, Wm., George, Robert,
Margaret, and Annie at Presbyterian Church. Dr. Thornton
preaching. Barbara at Primitive Methodist Church. Mrs. Watts
[funeral?] sermon being preached. First encounter between
Russians and Turks 1853. Wm. Penn born 1644.
24 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. gone to lath at Saintfield.
John gone to Wm. Ledinghams for one [?]. Self and George
taking in potatoes and Annie, Mother, Robert at potatoes.
Afternoon Self, Mother, George, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
Barbara gone to Lizzie Chalmers. George, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at Mr. Lukes pairing14
25 – Wind SW, dull morning. George, Robert and Wm. topping
turnips. Commences to drizzle rain. George goes to the [?].
Self spreading dung. Afternoon heavy rain till 4 o’clock. George
plowing. Self at turnip cellar draining it. Margaret washing.
George, Margaret, Barbara and Robert at paring bee at Gordons.
26 – Wind NW, frosty morning. George plowing. Self spreading
dung. Barbara and Robert gone to Manchester for boots to buy.
Mother churning. Margaret choring. Afternoon self, George,
Wm., and Margaret at turnips and drew 4 loads. Lizzie Chalmers
here on a visit. Cholera first appears in England 1831.
27 – Wind SE, drizzly rainy day. George plowing. Self
spreading. Barbara spinning. Wm. Gordon wanting to sell his
part of threshing machine to Allan Byers. George not willing for
it. Afternoon George plowing, self spreading dung. Barbara
spinning. George at John Gordons in the evening. Marshal
Soult died 1851.
Pairing (or paring…author uses both spellings) – they
would have a bee paring and slicing apples, which were
then hung to dry for winter use.
28 – Wind NW, showery morning. George and Robert topping
turnips. Self digging turnip pit. Mr. Duff here wanting hands,
none for him. Margaret sewing. Barbara spinning. Mother
choring. Afternoon self, George, Mother, Margaret and Robert
drew 19 loads of turnips. Barbara receives a letter from Mr.
Bickle. King Alfred died 900.
29 – Wind W, fine morning. George gone with wood for Sunday
School. Self digging turnip pit. Robert, Annie and Margaret
topping turnips. Barbara spinning. Afternoon self, George,
Mother, Margaret, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 16 loads.
Barbara scrubbing.
30 – Wind easterly, hard frost. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie
at Sunday School. Wm. and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting.
Began to rain at 5 o’clock with high wind from the south. John
Adams born 1735.
31 – Wind NW, showery, threatening snow. Wm. gone to
Saintfield. George at John Gordons. Self unstringing apples.
Richard King here to dinner. Barbara knitting. Mother churning.
Afternoon still showery. Self doing nought. George cutting some
sticks for Mr. King. Mother spinning. Barbara knitting. Margaret
baking cakes.
NOV. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. George at Greenbank with Mr.
Kings timber. Self digging turnip pit. Margaret washing. Mother
baking. Barbara knitting. Afternoon self at Isaac Clemens sale.
George, Robert, and Mother at turnips, drew 13 loads. Barbara
at A. Gordons visiting. Margaret at Mr. T. Phairs and R. Phairs in
the evening.
2- Wind SW, fine morning. Self, George, Mother, Robert at the
turnips. Annie at Greenbank with letter to Mr. Bickle and 2
papers, one to G. Tough and one to A. Mitchell. Afternoon self,
Mother and Robert at turnips. Margaret at Greenbank to get her
foot measured. Drew 15 loads of turnips. All Souls. Rebellion in
L. Canada 1833.
3 – Wind SW, fine morning, looking like thunder, turned out
showery. George, Margaret, and Robert at turnips. Self fencing
turnip pits. Mother spinning. Barbara knitting. Afternoon
George, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew 13 loads.
American Army disbanded 1783.
4 – Wind W, fine morning. George, self, Margaret, Robert at
turnips. Barbara knitting. James Walker here for cradle.
Afternoon George, self, Margaret and Robert at turnips, 17 loads.
Annie gone for papers. Lizzie Chalmers brings her baby here for
a few days. King William landed 1688.
5 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. George drawing dung. Self
covering turnips and potatoes pits. Afternoon George and self at
dung. Margaret scrubbing. Mother ironing. Barbara at
6 – Wind W, cold morning and hard frost. Wm., Barbara,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday School. Afternoon
Margaret at Primitive Methodist Church. Self, Wm., George,
Barbara and Robert at Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur
lecturing from Heb. XI on Abrahams faith. Monthly collection
1.90. Lizzie Chalmers here visiting. Wm. at English evening
meeting. Battle of Port Royal 1861.
7 – Wind N, cold morning. George and self at dung. Wm. and
Robert gone to Saintfield. Afternoon self dunging [?] the shade.
George drawing dung. Barbara gone to singing but gets no
farther than Mr. Belfords. Margaret at Greenbank singing.
Richard Real here asking hands and horses for plowing bee.
First official Gazette issued at Oxford 1665.
8 – Wind SE, sprinkling rain. Rainbow in the north west. George
drawing dung to old garden. Heavy rain and thunder. Self doing
nothing. Afternoon George plowing. Spreading dung. Lizzie
Chalmers and Mary Ann Belford here.
9 - Wind SW, rainy morning. George plowing. Self spreading
dung. Afternoon George gone to John Reals plowing bee. Self
digging in the garden. Heavy showers through the afternoon.
Singing at Greenbank tonight, none from here at it. Prince of
Wales born 1841.
10 – Wind N, hard frost and a cold day. George plowing. Self at
garden. Jas. Walker here paying his wheat. Fleetwood Knowles
and [?] Brand here wanting wood. Afternoon self in garden.
George plowing. Ann Gordon here visiting. John Milton died
11 – Wind S, hard frost, fine day. George gone to Greenbank
with wood for Mr. Knowles. Self in garden. I. Williams here to
dinner. Afternoon George plowing. Self at Greenbank for
papers. 5 o’clock when the Post came. Barbara at Temperance
Lecture in evening. Mr. Cantlon lecturing. Margaret at A.
12 – Wind SW, hard frost in the morning and fine day. George
gone to help George Boddie to stone his well. Self digging
round. Afternoon self plowing in orchard. Wm. Byam, pedlar,
here tonight. Mary Gordon, Margaret Walker and Lizzie
Chalmers here. Lizzie takes her baby away.
13 – Wind NW, frosty morning, fine day. Margaret, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. Wm., Mother and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Georgina Luke here to dinner.
14 – Wind NE, cloudy morning and threatening rain. Wm. gone
to Mr. Druhans to plaster. George gone to John Gordons to
thresh. Robert and Annie at school. Self at Greenbank getting
horses shoed. Snowing heavy. Mozart born 1719.
15 – Wind NW, cold day with some showers of snow. George
and self at Robert Phairs threshing. Lizzie Chalmers comes here
sick. Wm. Minty, pedlar, here today. Robert and Annie at
16 – Wind W, fine day but frosty. Self and George at R. Phairs
threshing. Done at 9 o’clock. Machine set here before dinner.
Wm. Reals son here after tames. Afternoon self and George
drawing 2 loads of hay from Wms. place. Mrs. A. Gordon here
asking Wms. buckboard. Ferguson died 1776.
17 – Wind W, cold bleak morning. Robert and Annie at school.
Self killing sheep. Barbara spinning. Mother and Margaret at the
chores. Lizzie better. James Walker here with his fanning mill
sieves. Afternoon George and self fixing the granary.
18 – Wind N, cold with some snow. Threshing. John Wagner
and horses, George Boddie Sr. and George Boddie Jr. and
horses, John Belford, James Walker Sr. and James Walker Jr.,
Thos. Phair, John Gordon at threshing. Afternoon still threshing
with same hands. Finished at night with Wms. barley. 16 teeth
broke out.
19 – Wind N, hard frost and cold day. George gone to T. Byers to
set threshing machine. Self fixing sheep house. Wm. Byers
here for Wms. buckboard. Mrs. Walker here with a pair of
stockings for Mrs. Bickle. Afternoon self clearing barn door. F.
Smith here wanting hands to thresh pease for A. Leask. Wm.
arrives from Mr. Druhans.
20 – Wind SW, cloudy day. Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. Margaret at
Primitive Methodist Meeting. Mary Jane Luke and Georgina
here this evening.
21 – Wind NW, very cold. George and self and horses at Mr.
Byers threshing. Wm. at Greenbank. Lizzie Chalmers at I.
Gordons and Jas. McMillans for her box. Mother at Mr. Duffs
visiting. Mr. Luke and Wesley here this evening. Fort Niagara
bombarded 1872.
22 – Wind SE, heavy frost. Wm. gone to Mr. Druhans. George at
Greenbank getting horses shoed. Bought off R. Boyd Niagara
Nursery 1 Egg Plum tree at $6.50, 1 Lombard plum at 65 cents, 1
Greengage 65 cents, 1 dwarf apple 40 cents, 1 grape vine 75
cents. Afternoon George gone to John Gordons to thresh. Lizzie
gone to I. Stones. Self covering turnip pits. Self had a quarrel
with Barbara about a window blind. Hailing from south east.
23 – Wind NE, snow 8 inches deep. Self drawing firewood.
Stormy day. Jas. Walker brings 2 yearling heifers to winter.
Afternoon self and Robert fixing bindings for calves. George
comes home from John Gordons threshing having broke a pinion
of horse power.
24 – Wind W, fine day, snow thawing. Self hauling poles for
scaffold to hold pea straw. Robert at school. Wm. Spring here
selling washing compound. Bought the right to make it for one
25 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and George drawing pease.
Margaret mowing them. Robert at school. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Afternoon George at Greenbank with wood for Mr.
Butson. Self threshing pease. Barbara at Greenbank to pay Mr.
McGirrs account which is $10.56. Mrs. Burton here visiting.
Wm. comes home having finished at Mr. Druhans. Havelock
died 1857.
26 – Wind W, dull morning, looking like snow. George gone to
Greenbank with wood for Sunday School. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon George cuts his foot. Self and Robert puts up the
27- Wind W, fine morning. Wm., Barbara, Margaret, Robert &
Annie at S. School. Wm. Gordon here to see George. Self,
Wm., Robert, Margaret & Barbara at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Heb. XII:1&2.
28 – Wind SW, soft day. Wm. at Greenbank. Barbara & Robert
gone to Centre Mills. Self and George making a new stable.
Afternoon self and George at stable. Margaret at singing in the
29 – Wind NE, dull day. Self threshing pease. Wm. gone to T.
Phairs. George fixing stable. Margaret washing. Afternoon
George fixing shade. Self threshing pease. Agnes Asling here
visiting. Robert and Barbara arrives from Whitby. John comes
home from Mr. Ledinghams. Barbara & Margaret at T. Duffs.
30 – Wind NW, dull morning. Wm. and John working on
. Self and George building a cowhouse. Afternoon self,
George & Robert at cowhouse. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Cochrane
here visiting.
DEC. 1 – Wind NW, hard frost. Wm. at sideline. George at
cowhouse. Self threshing pease. John and Margaret at Port
Perry. Afternoon self and George at cowhouse. Mother at Mr.
Lukes all night, Mrs. Luke being sick. Robert at school. Siege of
Quebec 1775.
2 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. and John at sideline. Self and
George at cowhouse. A. Michie here wanting threshing [?]. Mr.
Jacobs here wanting Wm. to plaster part of his house. Afternoon
self and George at cowhouse. Robert at school. Wm. and John
finishes the sideline. Looking like a storm.
3 – Wind S, fine morning. George threshing pease. John gone to
Henry Craggs. Self and Wm. at Manchester, Prince Albert and
Port Perry. Afternoon John and George drawing hay.
4 – Wind SW, dull day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., Mother, Barbara and Annie
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb XII:5.
Margaret at English Meeting. King of Sardinia visits London
5 – Wind SE, snowing some. George gone with grist to mill.
John gone to find axe handle timber. Wm. gone to Mr. Jacobs to
plaster. Self making pig pen. Barbara gone to James McMillans.
Robert at school. Afternoon John at woods. George at
Greenbank. Self at pig pen. Heavy rain towards night. Mr. Van
Buren born 1782.
6 – Wind N, snowing some. Robert at school. John at rails.
George banking turnip house. Self mending Margaret Walkers
boots. Afternoon self threshing pease. John at rails. George
putting dung on turnip cellar and hen house.
7 – Wind SE. John at rails. Self at Prince Albert & Port Perry.
George at home. Robert at school.
8 – Wind NE. Self threshing pease. Wm. & John gone to
Harringtons house, Greenbank. Robert at school. George gone
for grist. Mother spinning. Afternoon George threshing pease.
Self sore back. Mother at A. Gordons visiting. Air pump
invented 1650.
9 – Wind N, fine morning. Robert at school. George at
Greenbank with wood. Self at Mr. Boddies for sheep. Afternoon
George at Greenbank with wood. Self mending rocking chair.
Milton born 1608.
10 – Wind N, foggy day. George gone somewhere. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon George at Greenbank with wood.
Self threshing pease. Margaret scrubbing. John and Wm.
comes home from Greenbank.
‘Sideline’ is a roadway.
11 – Wind easterly. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Wm. and John at Presbyterian Meeting. Margaret at
P.M. [Primitive Methodist].
12 – Wind easterly and snowing heavy. Wm. fixing clock.
George gone to A. Michies, Brock to thresh. John gone to T.
Duffs. Self doing nothing. Mother spinning. Afternoon self
threshing pease. Wm. and John working on sideline. Mr. G.
Baird lecturing on education at the schoolhouse. Wm. and
Margaret at Greenbank at singing. Saintfield Fair. Isaac Watton
died 1683. Brunel died 1849.
13 – Wind SW, soft day. Wm. gone to Harringtons to plaster.
John at sideline. Robert at school. Self drawing wood.
Manchester Fair. Afternoon self choring. Mother spinning.
Council Meeting at Greenbank. John and Robert at it.
14 – Wind NW, cold morning. John at sideline. Self threshing
pease. Robert at school. Afternoon self threshing pease. John
at sideline. Mr. James Walker here wanting William.
15 – Wind NW, very cold. John at sideline. Self mending horse
halter. Mother spinning. Margaret baking. Robert at school.
Afternoon self fixing cracks in the byre. Mother spinning. Wm.
Byers and James Belford here in the evening.
16 – Wind NW. Robert at school. Self choring. John at sideline.
Mother spinning. Afternoon self threshing pease. Wm. Byers
here wanting John to measure some land. Wm. comes home
from Greenbank. No papers come. George comes home from
Charles Rennies having broke the horsepower. George
Whitefield born 1714. Great fire in New York 1835.
17 – Wind SW, and snowing. Wm. and John at sideline. Self
threshing pease. George gone to Port Perry for some castings
to horse power. Afternoon self threshing pease. Margaret
18 – Wind NW, fine day. No one from here at Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Margaret, Wm., George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XIII:15-17 inclusive.
19 – Wind SW, mild day. George gone to Charles Rennies to
thresh. Wm. gone to George Wallaces to take the plastering of
his house. John at sideline. Self fixing the door of turnip house.
Mother making pants. Robert at school. Christina McPhail, Mary
McPhail and James McPhail Sen. here tonight. Afternoon Wm.
and John at sideline. Self choring round. Mrs. Joseph Lee died
20 – Wind NW, some storm. Robert at school. Self threshing
pease. Wm. measuring off some wood land for Jas. Walker and
others. John at Greenbank with wood for A. McGirr. George
Wallace here letting his plastering to Wm. Gray born 1716.
21 – Wind W, cold day. Wm. at sideline. John taking half a cord
of wood to John Bailey. Self threshing pease. Afternoon John
and self at Mrs. Lees funeral. George arrives having left the
machine at Thomas Duffs.
22 – Wind W, cold morning. Wm. at sideline. George fixing his
horse collars. John drawing wood to A. McGirr. Robert at
school. Self threshing pease. Afternoon self threshing pease.
John drawing wood to A. McGirr. George threshing at T. Duffs.
23 – Wind W, fine morning. Wm. at sideline. John some
bothered with rheumatism. Robert at school. Self threshing
pease. Afternoon self threshing pease. John rather better.
George at T. Duffs. Andrew Gordon here for Wms. fiddle bow.
24 – Wind N, frosty day. Wm. at sideline. George at Greenbank
with wood. Self drawing wood. John some better. Margaret and
Robert had a fight. Robert wounded on the cheek with a chair.
Afternoon Wm. gone along with Mr. Duff to Port Perry. George
gone to John Leasks to set threshing machine. Self splitting
wood. Fort Fisher attacked 1864.
25 – Wind SW, not so cold as yesterday. Wm., Margaret, Robert
and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., George and Margaret
at Presbyterian Church. Mr. Argo, Episcopal Methodist from
Uxbridge, preaching funeral sermon of Mrs. Greig from Hebrews
XII:14. John Ewen, Miss Ewen, Lizzie Chalmers and Barbara
here in the afternoon. Lizzie stops all night. Christmas Day.
26 – Wind W, some snow through the night. Margaret gone with
Andrew Gordon to Prince Albert. George gone to Prince Albert.
Lizzie gone to T. Duffs. Annie gone to T. Duffs. Wm. and Robert
gone to Port Perry. Wm. McMillan here getting subscription for
Globe. Wm. Ledingham here in the evening to pay John.
Mother at Mr. Lukes in the evening.
27 – Wind SW, cold day. George at home. Wm. breaking the
sideline. Self at Brooklin for coverlets. Afternoon George gone
to Mr. John Leasks to thresh.
28 – Wind NW, snowing some. Margaret and Lizzie washing.
Mother gone to James Walkers. Wm. at Greenbank. John doing
nothing. Self doing nothing. Afternoon self cleaning out the
shop. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with cordwood. George
Boddie and Mr. Luke here in the evening.
29 – Wind N, very hard frost. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
chopping cordwood for Mr. Boddie. Self choring. Afternoon self
threshing pease. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John chopping
wood for Mr. Boddie. Lizzie gone to T. Duffs and A. Gordons for
a short time. Andrew Gordon here with his cutter asking hands
to dinner and New Years day. Mr. Henry Love here wanting
Lizzie for a month but could not get her. Wesley Luke here in the
30 – Wind S and snowing some. Self threshing pease. Wm.
fixing Andrews fiddle bow. John doing nought. Mother baking.
Afternoon self writing a letter. Andrew Gordon takes Lizzie
Chalmers to Walter Aslings. John goes to John Gordons for the
31 – Wind NW, snow drifting a little. Self threshing pease. Wm.
and Robert at Port Perry with wood. John chopping for Mr.
Boddie. Mother churning. Afternoon self splitting wood. Wm. at
Port Perry. John at wood. George comes home with machine,
the threshing being all done. Machine laid up in the shop.
Meeting of candidates for councilor at Greenbank. Mr. Major
having promising to account for the money he expended on the
east sideline, but said nothing about it though reminded of it.
Wm. and George at the meeting.
And so ends the year 1870.
JAN. 1 – Wind S. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret, Barbara, Robert
and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching
from 2nd
Timothy [?]. Collection $1.80. Lizzie Chalmers here in
the afternoon.
2 – Wind SW, rather soft day. Self, Wm., John and Robert at
Greenbank at election. Voted for Gordon for reeve, Holman and
Ewers deputy town councilors. Afternoon very stormy, snow
drifting badly. John and George at John Gordons.
3 – Wind SW, snow drifting. Self writing. George at Mr. Phairs.
Rest doing nothing. Afternoon self in the shop. Breeze with
Mother and [?] about the carpet. Wm. and George threshing
pease. John at F. Duffs. Some word that A. Gordon is elected
reeve by 80 majority.
[From this point onward there are very few margin notes in the
original manuscript.]
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self splitting wood. George at James
Walkers wood bee. Wm. and John clearing the road of snow.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John and George at
James Walkers bee. Self bought a sewing machine from I. C.
Pilkey for 18 dollars payable in 9 months. Hannah S. Rundle,
Helena Kevil and Pascoe Luke here in the evening.
5 – Wind S, looking like a thaw. Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
George gone to Brock collecting money. John chopping wood
for George Boddie. Self threshing pease. Afternoon Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. John chopping wood for George Boddie. Self
choring. Wm. at James McMillans singing. George arrives from
Brock and got no money. Great fight between Newton Asling
and John Matthews. N. Asling used up entirely.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Nothing doing of consequence. Set horse
power into the shop. Afternoon self, Wm., John, George and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Douglas preaching from
John V:16,17 on the grace of assurance. Lizzie takes her
baby to T. Duffs.
7 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and George gone to Port Perry with
wood. John chopping wood for Mr. Boddie. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon self auditing school accounts. Wm. at Port Perry with
wood. George at Greenbank to get [?] but did not. John in
house having bruised his foot with a stick of wood.
8 – Wind E, cold day. Communion at Presbyterian Church. Self,
Mother, Wm., John, George and Robert at it. Mr. McArthur
preaching from John XII:32. Collection five dollars. Church not
very full. Anniversary of the Primitive Methodist, Greenbank.
Wm. at A. Leasks in the afternoon practicing singing for
missionary meeting on Tuesday. Wm. and John at Port Perry in
the evening to hear Mr. Smith of Bowmanville.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Wm., and John taking in turnips.
Robert at school. Afternoon self, George and John at turnips.
Allen Byers here wanting money from George. James Gordon
here for well rope. Wm. Gordon here about the machine paying.
George [?] in the evening. Wm. and John at Greenbank to hear
Rev. Mr. Boyle lecture on the history of the [?]. Admission 15
cents. Lecture in Primitive Methodist Church.
10 – Wind S, snowing some. Self, Wm., George and John [?]
pigs. Robert at school. Afternoon nothing doing. Evening self,
Mother, Wm., John, George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
missionary meeting at Presbyterian Church. Mr. Cameron of
Beaverton and Mr. Currie of Manilla present. Collection seven
dollars and fifty cents. Collectors appointed to go round and take
subscriptions for Home Missions and Knox College. Barbara
Michie and Miss Peat for all north of the 11th
Isabella Gordon and Margaret Leask for the rest.
11 – Wind S, soft day. George at Greenbank. Self at school
meeting. Self appointed auditor for section. George the finding
of 8 cords of wood for $1.40 per cord. Wm. and Robert at Port
Perry with wood. Afternoon self headache. George gone to the
wood. John at Prince Albert at Division Court. Wm. clearing our
road. A. Leask beats I. Lee in court and receives $25 and [?].
12 – Wind SW, fresh day. Wm. gone with wood. George
chopping wood. John sore toe. Self at Greenbank with a pig
and sold it to Edward Phoenix at $6.25 per hundred [?]. Receive
a letter from Auchmull dated Dec. 14, 1870. Afternoon Wm.
gone with wood. George chopping wood. Self splitting wood.
[?]. Self, Wm., Margaret and [?] missionary meeting.
13 – Wind S, fresh day. George gone to Oshawa to pay note on
threshing machine. John sore toe. Self cutting meat. Afternoon
self cutting pork. Wm. at woods. John writing letter.
14 – Wind NE, raining some. George at woods. Wm. and Robert
gone to Port Perry for boots. John in house. Self splitting wood.
Mother some sick. Afternoon George at woods. Wm. mending
Mr. Lukes sleigh. John writing. Self reading newspapers.
Margaret scrubbing the floor. Still raining.
15 – Wind SE with sleet. Wm. and Robert at Sunday School.
Wm., George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian
Church. Still raining some. Barbara here all night. Some
dispute between Wm. and her about behaving at singing.
16 – Wind N, fine day. George gone to woods. Wm. gone to Mr.
McMillans with Barbara. Self splitting wood. John writing. Self
at Greenbank with sleigh to get shoes on. Mother at John
Gordons and Annie with her. Wm. and John at Port Perry at the
Church of England Missionary meeting. Robert at school.
Missionary collectors here today – Margaret Leask and Isabella
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. Self at Mr. Boddies,
Mr. Walkers and Mr. A. Gordons and Mr. John Gordons for the
ministers salary but got nothing. Wm. drawing wood. George
and John in the woods. Afternoon Wm. drawing wood through
the swamp. George & John at woods. Self doing nought.
Mother churning. Byam, pedlar, here tonight.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. George
and John at A. Gordons wood bee. Robert at school. Self some
sick. Annie sick. Margaret washing. Mother baking. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John & George at A. Gordons bee.
Self fencing straw stack. Mary Nicol and Georgina Luke here.
19 – Wind E, dull cloudy day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
at Boddies wood. George chopping school wood. Robert at
school. Annie some better. Mr. McArthur here to dinner.
Afternoon George at school wood. John at Mr. Boddies wood.
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Mrs. Luke and Mrs. John Leask, 3
daughters and one son here visiting.
20 – Wind S, rather soft day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
at Mr. Boddies wood. George at school wood. Robert at school.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John at Boddies.
George at Greenbank for sleigh. Self making axe. Miss Ann
Gordon and Miss Jane Gordon here visiting.
21 – Wind S, snowing some. Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
George at Prince Albert with wood for James [?]. John cutting
cedar. Self in the woods. Afternoon John in cedars. Wm. at
Port Perry. Self splitting wood. Still snowing.
22 – Wind N, cold day. Noone at Sunday School. Wm. and John
at Presbyterian Meeting. Margaret at Primitive Methodist
Meeting. Mr. Tarrant preaching.
23- Wind E, very cold day. Wm. in house. John in the woods.
George at Greenbank with wood. Self doing nothing. Mother
fixing pig heads. Afternoon still cold. George at mill with a grist.
John at rails. Self doing nothing. Henry Love here wanting
wood. Ink frozen all day.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. George drawing school wood. Wm.
drawing wood across the creek. John at cedar. Self making
road for rails. Afternoon George at the sawmill loading up
lumber. John at cedar rails. Wm. at wood drawing. Self at road.
Mrs. A. Gordon and Mrs. J. Walker here visiting. Wesley Luke
here in the evening talking horses.
25 – Wind N, cold clear day. George gone to Oshawa for elm
lumber. Afternoon John and Wm. at cedar. Self at mill for grist.
Margaret at James Walkers and Gordons visiting. George
arrives home at 8 o’clock.
26 – Wind E, very cold day. Wm. mending road. John, George
and self at cedar. Afternoon Wm. drawing cordwood. Self and
George drawing out cedar. John splitting rails. Still cold.
27 – Wind NW with showers of snow. George drawing school
wood. Wm. and John at rails. Self drawing wood. Afternoon
John at rails. George drawing school wood. Self drawing wood.
Wm. gone to Mr. Jacobs hunting money. Mrs. John Gordon and
Mrs. McLauchlan here visiting.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Self drawing rails. George at school
wood drawing. John at rails. Wm. at Mr. [?], Mr. J. Leasks and J.
Gordon Jrs. hunting money. Mr. A. Stone here to buy cattle.
Bought none. Afternoon Wm. drawing wood to Port Perry.
George drawing wood to the school house. John at rails. Self
making road to rails. Barbara here all night.
29 – Wind SW, snowing some. Wm., Robert, Margaret, Barbara
and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, Barbara,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Heb. VIII:3. Wm. and John at Primitive
Meeting in the evening.
30 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. gone to Port Perry with wood.
George, John and self drawing hay. Robert at school. James
Cochrane brings a ram for 7 dollars. Afternoon Wm. at wood.
George, John and self at hay. Self at trustee meeting at
Presbyterian Church. Wm. at J. Cochranes. Heard of
capitulation of Paris.
31 – Wind SW, mild day. Robert and Annie at school. Self
writing letter to A. Mitchell. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
in the woods. George making bunk for sleigh. Afternoon raining
some. George at mill with 2 elm logs. John in the woods awhile
but comes home for rain. Wm. at T. Phairs in the evening. John
and George at Panorama, Greenbank.
FEB. 1 – Wind SW, cloudy day. Wm. at Greenbank to see Mr.
Robert Murta. John in woods. Self and George drawing rails.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing. Afternoon all at
rails. Wm. and Annie at Greenbank at Panorama. Mother
visiting at Robert Phairs.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Greenbank to see Mr. R.
Murta. Self, John, and George at rails. Robert and Annie at
school. Afternoon self, Wm., John, George at rails. Mr. Robt.
Murta here to see Wm. about the land.
3 – Wind NW. Robert at school. Wm., John and George at rails.
Self fencing straw stack. Afternoon self at Greenbank with
horses to shoe. George at rails. John and Wm. chopping wood.
Mother and Annie visiting at Jas. Walkers and George Boddies.
Very high wind and the snow [?].
4 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. drawing wood. John and George
chopping wood. Self making post to barn door. Afternoon still
cold. Wm. drawing wood to Port Perry. John and George
chopping wood. Self doing nought. Mother baking. Margaret
5 – Wind N, very cold morning. No one from here at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Barbara at Presbyterian
Church. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XIII:4 on marriage.
John Wagner and Barbara here to dinner. Mary Jane Luke here
in the afternoon. Still very cold.
6 – Wind W, very cold. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. George
and John in the woods. Self doing nought. Robert at home for
cold. James Gordon here for Garibaldi to Barbara. Afternoon
Wm. and George at Port Perry with wood. John chopping wood.
Self making shaft to jumper. Wm. at singing in the evening. Self
at meeting at Presbyterian Church on financial matters. 20
dollars not paid yet on ministers salary and 6 dollars lacking after
that is paid. John and George at A. Gordons.
7 – Wind W, dull morning. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
chopping wood. George drawing cordwood out of the bush.
Robert at school. Self at cutter shaft. Afternoon Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. John and George chopping wood. Self making
reach to bobsleighs. James Walker here for milk. Chester
Asling and Joseph Real here begging for Wesleyan Missions.
Wm. at Mr. Geo. Boddies in the evening.
8 – Wind S, snowing some. Robert at school. Wm. at Port Perry
with wood. George drawing wood out of the bush. John
chopping wood. Self making jumper shaft. Harry [Gouto ?] and
another man here and bought 2 heifers at 36 dollars each.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. George drawing wood
out of the bush. John at Greenbank to see what H. Hall is to do
with his note of $100. Self doing nothing. Mrs. Walker here with
2 dollars for ministers salary. Self, Mother, George and Margaret
at social at A. Leasks. 31 dollars collected.
9 – Wind SE, snowing some. Robert and Annie at school Wm. at
Port Perry with wood. George and John chopping wood. Self in
the woods. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John and
George chopping wood. Self making whiffletrees. Stormy
evening, wind NW.
10 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Robert at school. John and
George chopping wood. Wm. drawing out wood from his fallow.
Self doing nought. Wesley Luke here wanting seed pease and
barley to buy. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. George
drawing wood out of the bush. John chopping wood. Self doing
nought. Mr. Ledingham here paying John.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with
wood. John and George chopping wood. Self doing nought.
Afternoon Wm. at John Leasks. John and George chopping
wood. Margaret scrubbing. Self doing nought. John Walker
here in the evening.
12 – Wind E, and snowing. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School, nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. Georgina Luke
and Miss Miller here in the afternoon. Still snowing from the
13 – Wind SW, beautiful day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
chopping wood. George at the sawmill with 2 elm logs. Robert
at school. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and George at
Brock. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self at Greenbank with 2
heifers to Henry Gout. John Gordon here in the evening for stud
horse money.
14 – Wind NE, bleak day. George at sawmill with elm logs. John
chopping wood. Wm. hauling wood out of his fallow. Self at
Manchester Fair. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
George drawing wood out of the bush. John chopping wood.
Robert & Annie at school. Wesley Luke here in the evening
playing dominoes.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at school. Wm. at Port Perry with
wood. John and George chopping wood. Self making wood
rack. Wm. Real Jr. here to buy wood. Afternoon Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. John and George chopping wood. Self doing
nought. Pickle [?] the tinker, here in afternoon.
16 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Wm. and Pascoe Luke fanning
barley. George drawing wood out of the bush. Self, Mother and
Annie at Brock. Afternoon John and George chopping wood.
Wm. and Robert at concert at Greenbank. 14 of an audience.
17 – Wind SW, mild day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John and
George chopping wood. Self threshing pease. Mrs. Peter
Martineau here. Afternoon Wm. and John chopping wood.
George drawing out wood. Self at Greenbank for papers. Wm.
gets a letter from R. Murta to pay McKay.
18 – Wind NW, stormy day. Fanning oats. Afternoon Wm., John,
& George fanning oats. Self doing nought. Robert making
picture frames. Mother mending Annies boots. High wind and
snow drifts.
19 – Wind SW, snowing some. Nobody at S. School. Roads
closed by snow. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., John, George and self taking in
turnips. Button pedlar here. Mrs. Hadden and her son here
visiting. Afternoon drawing turnips. George takes home Mr.
Boddies oats that was borrowed in the fall. Self, Wm., John &
Margaret at social in the Presbyterian Church, Port Perry. 26
dollars collection.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & George chopping
cordwood. Robert at school. Self at Byers to pay him for logging
in summer. Henry Love here wanting the boys. Afternoon Wm.,
John and George chopping cordwood. Self threshing pease.
22 – Wind NE, cold clear day. Wm. sore back. John chopping
cordwood. George gone to Uxbridge for lumber. Self threshing
pease. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing. Henry
Love had a bee drawing wood today. Afternoon Wm. sore back.
John chopping cordwood. Self mending sleigh. Barbara and
Isabella Michie here all night.
23 – Wind N, looking like a storm. Wm. gone with Barbara to J.
McMillans. John and George chopping wood. Self putting
lumber in barn. Robert at school. Afternoon George drawing out
cordwood. Wm. and John chopping wood. Self doing nought.
Isabella Michie leaves for home. Henry Buel and D. Till here
begging for Ed Cragg.
24 – Wind SE, soft day. Robert and Annie at school. Wm., John
and George in the woods. Self doing nought. Mrs. Jas. Walker
here. Mother churning. Afternoon Wm., John and George
chopping wood. Self splitting wood. Received a letter from
[Barthle Chaples?] Old Meldrum.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John chopping wood. George
drawing wood. Self threshing pease. Afternoon Wm. and
George at Mr. Orsers sale. John chopping wood. Annie at A.
Gordons. Self taking snow off the turnip pit. Margaret scrubbing.
Mother baking.
26 – Wind NW, dull day, threatening snow. Wm., Margaret,
Robert and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Heb. XIII:9-15. Hector McLauchlans
son baptized, named John.
27 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Wm. and John at the woods.
George a boil on his hand. Robt. and Annie at school. Self
writing letter to I. Arthur. Afternoon Wm. and John at woods.
Self writing. Received a letter from Wm. Michie, Grays Hill,
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. George at
Greenbank. Annie at school. Robert head ache. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon John drawing out wood. Wm. chopping wood.
George gone to Brock with Andrew Gordon. Self threshing
pease. Mrs. Jas. Walker and Mrs. A. Gordon here in the
afternoon. George not home all night.
MAR. 1 – Wind W, rather stormy, not very cold. John chopping
wood. Annie at school. Wm. gone to Port Perry with Barbara.
Self threshing pease. Allan Byers here wanting Wms. cutter but
did not get it. George arrives from Brock. Afternoon John at
woods. Self threshing pease. Margaret washing. Mother
choring. Juvenile singing class at Greenbank tonight. Annie at
it. Robert wanting to go to it. George Boddie here in the evening
with 2 dollars for the minister.
2 – Wind SE, rather cold. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Annie at school. Self at mill with 6 ½ bushels wheat to grind.
Afternoon raining some. Wm., John & George at woods. Self
writing. A. Gordon here for Mr. Duffs sleigh. Mother gone to
John Gordons visiting. Wm. and Margaret at Greenbank to
singing class. Thunder through the afternoon.
3 – Wind N, raining some. Self, George, Wm. fanning wheat. 35
bushels. John doing nought. Weather clearing off. Afternoon
John, Wm., and George at the woods chopping wood. Self at
the mill for grist. Mother and Annie at T. Duffs visiting. Wesley
Luke here in the evening playing dominoes.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. John drawing wood out. Wm. and
George chopping wood. Self splitting wood. Mrs. Martineau
here. Mr. Arksey here too. Afternoon George drawing wood.
John & Wm. chopping wood. Self threshing pease. Mrs.
Martineau buys the old sewing machine for 7 dollars and takes it
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret and Annie at S. School.
A. Michie and Mrs. Michie and [?] here. John, George, Margaret
at Greenbank to Primitive Methodist Church.
6 – Wind SW, dull cloudy day. Wm., John and George in the
woods. Self doing nought. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm.
chopping wood. John & George sawing hemlock logs. Self
drawing wood. Wm., Margaret and George at concert,
7 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. chopping wood. John and George
sawing hemlock. Self drawing wood. Afternoon John and
George chopping wood. Wm. felling trees. Self drawing wood.
Wesley Luke here in the evening playing dominoes.
8 – Wind S, fresh day. Wm., John and George taking out timber
for Edward Phoenix. Self drawing wood. Margaret washing.
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm., John and George taking out
timber. Self drawing wood. Meeting at Greenbank on politics.
9 – Wind S, very fresh, snow going fast. Wm., John and George
taking out timber. Self splitting wood. Annie at school. Old Mr.
Jacobs here to see Wm. Afternoon Wm., John and George at
timber. Self choring round. No papers came tonight.
10 – Wind W, fine day, still thawing. Wm., John & George taking
out timber. Self laying up fence gaps. Afternoon some boy on
horseback here for a goose. Wm., John & George at timber.
Self at Robert Phairs asking for seed wheat but got none.
Robert at Greenbank for the papers. Mother making pants.
Margaret choring.
11 – Wind N. Wm. making axe handle for John. John in the
woods. George at Greenbank. Self doing nought. Afternoon [?]
nothing doing. Pascoe Luke over.
12 – Wind N and snowing. Wm. and Robert at Sunday School.
A. Gordon here doctoring Georges horse. Barbara comes here
from school. Mary Nicols here. Nobody at meeting.
13 – Wind S, warm day. George at Thomas Phairs chopping
wood. Wm. at Jas. McMillans with Barbara. John at Saintfield
Fair. Self at Wm. Reals to get seed wheat. Afternoon Wm.
chopping wood. Self doing nought. Georges horse some better.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. George at Thos. Phairs chopping wood.
Wm. and John in the woods. Self drawing wood. Jas. Gordon
here for his broadaxe. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm. in the
woods. Self doing nought. Mr. R. Phair borrows the saw set.
Wesley Luke brings home the sleigh.
15 – Wind E, cold morning. Wm. at Mr. Lukes well. John in the
woods. George at Thos. Phairs cordwood. Self at Wm. Reals
about seed wheat. Wm. Lee here with a waggon for wood.
Afternoon heavy rain with some snow from the east. Nought
16 – Wind E, threatening rain. Nothing doing. Afternoon Wm. at
Mr. Lukes well. John at woods. George at Thos. Phairs wood.
Self doing nought.
17 – Wind W, rather rainy. Wm. at Mr. Lukes well. John in the
woods. George at Thos. Phairs wood. Self in own wood.
Afternoon Wm. and George in the woods. John gone to
Greenbank to get boots mended and papers. Mr. Perkins brings
a load of hay and sticks in John Gordons [?].
18 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and George at wood. John tapping
trees. Self letting off water. Mrs. Walker here and borrows 2
dollars. Afternoon Wm. and George in the woods. John boiling
sap. Self piling wood. Mary Gordon here in the afternoon
visiting. Pascoe Luke here playing dominoes.
19 – Wind NW, hard frost, cold morning. Wm. and Margaret at
Sunday School. Jane Gordon here to dinner. Wm. and George
at Presbyterian Church. Margaret at A. Gordons.
20 – Wind E and cold. Wm., John and George in the woods. Self
fixing cistern pump. Mother spinning. Annie sick. Afternoon
Wm. and George in the woods. John and Robert boiling sap.
Self putting the waggon together.
21 – Wind W, cold day. Wm., John and George at the woods.
Self at Greenbank and voted for Paxton. Margaret at Greenbank
with eggs. Afternoon Wm. and John at Greenbank. George at
the woods. Self doing nought. George Michie died 1869.
22 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm., John and George at the woods.
Self down at the creek. Margaret washing. Mother baking.
Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John and George drawing out
wood. Self doing nought. Mother and Mrs. Asling visiting at Mr.
Lukes. Miss Nicol and Miss Mary Real here.
23 – Wind N and some snow. Wm., John, George and self
drawing out wood. Mother spinning. Afternoon Wm., John,
George and self drawing out wood. Mary Jane and Georgina
Luke here in the evening.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at Greenbank. George and John
drawing out wood. Self at Greenbank with some wood to Mrs.
Bunker. Mother at Mrs. Lukes quilting. Afternoon Wm. and
George in the woods. Self cutting wood. Mr. Arksay here about
Wms. land. Mrs. John Gordon here for milk. John drawing rails
for Jas. Walker.
25 – Wind N, very clear day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self
and George taking away the line fence. Afternoon Wm. mending
George Boddies harrow. John in the woods. Self and George
drawing rails for line fence. Margaret visiting at Mr. Phairs.
26 – Wind NW, dull day. Wm., Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., George and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XIII:18.19.
Speaking of leaving off preaching for 3 months.
27 – Wind NE, 6 inches of snow. George and John in the woods
drawing out sawlogs. Wm. doing nought. Self writing letter to
James Tough. Afternoon George and John gone to the sawmill
with 2 basswood logs. Wm. in the woods. Self digging snow.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John, George and self drawing turnips.
Wm. fixing buckboard. Afternoon John boiling sap. George in
the woods. Wm. painting buckboard. Self doing nought. Miss
Jean Gordon here visiting. John, George and Margaret at John
Gordons in the evening.
29 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John, George, Robert and self
drawing turnips. Mrs. Walker here. John Gordon flitting.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. and John in the woods.
George at Mr. Boddies raising. Self doing nought. Pickle, the
tinker, here fixing eave troughs. Georgina Luke here all night.
John Gordon moved this day.
30 – Wind S, dull and looking like rain. Wm. and John in the
woods. George gone with a load to Mr. Luke. Self doing nought.
Pickle leaves for Mr. Moons. Afternoon Wm. at woods. John
boiling sap. Self taking dung off the turnip cellar. Margaret
visiting at Mr. Duffs. Mr. E. Luke moves this day.
31 – Wind NE, cold day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self and
Robert dipping sheep with Bentleys Tick Exterminator. James
Gordon, Jun. here for the square to Wm. Gordon. Afternoon
Wm. and George at the woods. John boiling sap. Self at
Greenbank for the papers and to get a shoe put on the black
APR 1 – Wind SE, drizzling snow. John in the woods. Wm. and
George at sawmill piling lumber. Self at Port Perry with Mrs.
Walker to the lawyer. Paxtons sale of horses today. Got home
at 7 o’clock.
2 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. and Margaret at Sunday School.
Wm., George and Margaret at Meeting. Collection for French
3 – Wind NE, dull day, threatening rain. Wm., John and George in
the woods. Self boiling sap. Afternoon Wm. at George Boddies
house. John and George in the woods. Self boiling sap.
4 – Wind SE, fine drying day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies house. John
and George in the woods. Self fencing. Mrs. Belford here to
dinner. Afternoon Wm. at Boddies house. John and George in
the woods. Self at fence. Mrs. R. Phair here visiting. Margaret,
George and Robert at Exhibition, Greenbank.
5 – Wind NW, cold with hard frost. Wm., John and George at the
woods. Self fencing. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. at
George Boddies house. John and George in the woods. Self at
fence. Mother and Annie visiting at James Walkers, George
Boddies and A. Gordons.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at George Boddies house. John and
George in the woods. Self at fence. Mr. Clemens here wanting
the road scraper. Afternoon Wm. at Boddies house. John and
George in the woods. Self boiling sap.
7 – Wind W, very warm day. Wm. at Boddies house. George
and John drawing wood. Self at fence. A. Michie here. Mother
gone to James Walkers. Elizabeth Walkers baby being dead.
Afternoon Wm. at Boddies house. John and George drawing
wood. Self at funeral. Lizzie Chalmers comes here on a visit.
8 – Wind SE, fine warm day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies house. John
and George in the woods. Self boiling sap. Afternoon Wm. at
Mr. Boddies house. George and John in the woods. Self
fencing. Miss Ann Gordon here for tar and Lizzie Chalmers
leaves with her for Mr. Duffs. Wm. at Saintfield to Mr. McKays.
John at Greenbank in the evening.
9 – Wind SW, rather dull. Wm., Margaret and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., George, Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XII:22. Collection
10 – Wind N, dull day, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Manchester
to meet Mr. Arksey about land. John at Peter Martineaus for a
calf. George drawing logs out of field. Self mending boots.
Afternoon John and George gone to Mr. Clemens barn raising.
Self clearing out the shade to get in the sleighs. Robert at
Greenbank for [?].
11 – Wind SW, rainy morning. Wm. at Mr. Boddies house but
comes home again. George splitting rails. Self and John at
Manchester Fair. Afternoon Wm. at G. Boddies house. George
draws a load of turnips to Alex. Gordon.
12 – Wind W, cold and stormy. Wm. at George Boddies house.
John at woods. George gone with grist to mill and brings home
seed wheat from Wm. Reals. Self spreading dung in the
orchard. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Boddies house. John and George fencing.
Self making sheep pens. Margaret, Wm., and George at
Greenbank singing class.
13 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at Boddies house. John making
butter. George plowing. Self fencing. Annie at school.
Somebody’s dog here. Afternoon Wm. at George Boddies house.
George plowing. John splitting rails. Self at fence. Mother
making smock to John. Wm. at Robert Phairs in the evening.
14 – Wind NW, frosty morning. Wm. at the woods. John at
woods for sap dishes. George plowing. Self at fence. Annie at
school. Ewe lambed since last night, 2 rams and 1 ewe. Black
ewe lambs 2 lambs, 1 alive ewe. Afternoon Wm. at woods. John
at fence. George plowing. Self at mill for grist. Robert at
15 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. at woods. George plowing. John
and self drawing rails. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Wm. at
Greenbank. George plowing. Self and John drawing rails.
Margaret gone to A. Michies, Brock. Miss Jane Gordon here.
Ewe lambed 2 lambs.
16 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. and Annie at Sunday School.
Margaret not home from Brock. Barbara here to dinner. Self,
Wm., John, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from the 3 last verses of Hebrews. Mary
Nichol here in the evening.
17 – Wind NW, rather cold for growth. Wm. in the woods.
George plowing. Self and John drawing rails. Annie at school.
Margaret comes home from Brock and George Michie with her
for Dan horse. Afternoon Wm. and George at Duncan McMillans
raising. John plowing. Self fencing. Ewe lambed 2 lambs, ewe
and ram. Margaret at quilting at McMillans.
18 – Wind E, fine day. Wm. at Harringtons, Greenbank, to
plaster. John gone to the Nipissing Railway. George plowing.
Self picking potatoes. Robert gone to James McMillans for
Barbara and her box. Annie at school. Afternoon George
plowing. Self fencing. Barbara and Mother quilting. Mrs.
Perkins here on a visit.
19 – Wind SE, some rain through the night, fine morning. George
plowing. John gone to the railway. Self fencing. Mother and
Barbara piecing quilt. Margaret washing. Robert gone with
John. Annie at Peter Martineaus. Afternoon raining. George
plowing some. Self fixing upstair beds.
20 – Wind S, dull morning and some rain. George plowing and
breaks the plow clevis. Self fixing fences. 2 of Mr. Perkins
daughters here playing. Button pedlar here today. Barbara
dressmaking. Mother making shirts. Afternoon George plowing.
Self fencing. Ewe lambs ram lamb.
21 – Wind S, very dull day and threatening rain. George plowing.
Self fencing. Barbara sewing. Annie at school. George Boddie
Jun. here wanting the stone boat. Afternoon George gone to
Wm. Loves barn raising. Self fencing. Barbara and Margaret at
Mrs. Alex. Leasks quilting bee. 3 quilts going to be up at once.
Black ewe 2 lambs, ram and ewe.
22 – Wind NW, dull day. Wm. and Barbara gone to Greenbank.
George plowing. Self fencing. Ewe lambed 2 rams. Afternoon
George plowing. Self making bars. Barbara gone to visit at
Thos. Phairs and stays all night. Miss Jane Gordon here visiting.
Very cold afternoon.
23 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Wm. and George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Margaret and Barbara at Primitive Methodist Meeting.
24 – Wind S, fine day. George plowing. Wm. gone to Druchans
after money but gets none. Self hauling rails. Annie at school.
Barbara and Mother and Mrs. Martineau sewing. Mr. Park
sowing wheat. Afternoon George plowing. Self at T. Duffs to
buy seed pease. Wm. in the woods. Jean Gordon here wanting
an order from Wm. on J. Wrights for boots.
25 – Wind SW, dull rainy morning. George, Robert & Barbara
gone to Prince Albert Fair. Wm. gone to Greenbank to plaster.
Self doing nought. Afternoon self fencing some. Punk calves a
bull. Ewe lambed 2 lambs, ram and ewe.
26 –Wind S, fine day. George plowing. Self drawing rails.
Margaret washing. Barbara sewing. Annie at school. Afternoon
George plowing. Self at Mr. Thomas Duffs for 10 bushels of
pease. Barbara cleaning up her room. Mother sewing.
Margaret quilting.
27 – Wind SE, rainy morning, not much doing. George making
arms for horse power. Self doing nought. Mr. Clemens here
with a petition to sign to present to the township council for the
sum of 100 dollars for the 12th
concession between lots 19 & 20.
Afternoon George at his arms. A. Gordon here and alters one
yearling and one calf. Still raining. Thunder in evening. Annie
28 – Wind SE, some rain in the morning. George and self fencing
in the swamp. Barbara washing. Annie some better. Afternoon
George plowing. Self at Greenbank for papers. Margaret at
29 – Wind W, showery day. George plowing. Self splitting wood.
Barbara cooking for quilting bee. Afternoon George plowing.
Self fixing sewing machine. Apple trees arrive. Annie Gordon
here visiting. Margaret scrubbing. John arrives from Brock.
30 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., George, Mother, Barbara and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Luke II:8.15. Annie at Primitive Methodist Church. John gone to
MAY 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at woods. George harrowing.
Self and Robert planting trees. Afternoon Wm. at woods.
George plowing. Self and Robert planting trees. Bickles man
here for Barbara. Quilting bee on Margarets quilt. Mrs. Gordon,
Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Akhurst, Mrs. Perkins, Alma Perkins and Mrs.
Burton and Mary Nichol at it.
2 – Wind SW, rather dull. Wm. gone to Greenbank to plaster for
R. Harrington. George plowing. Self choring. Annie at school.
Mrs. Jas. Walker here quilting. Afternoon George plowing, self
fencing. Mrs. Boddie here quilting. Quilt finished.
3 – Wind E, rather cold day. Wm. gone to Lindsay with money for
R. Murta. George harrowing. Self sowing wheat. Margaret
washing. Annie at school. Afternoon George plowing. Self
planting potatoes. Lizzie Bunker here. Wm. and Robert gone to
4 – Wind E, rainy day. Nought doing of any consequence.
George fixing at threshing machine. Self writing letter to Helen
Tough. The women all sewing. Afternoon still raining. George at
machine. Self fixing sewing machine.
5 – Wind SE, dull day. George and self drawing straw and hay
from George Boddies. Pascoe and Wesley Luke here to dinner.
Afternoon George plowing. Self at drain. Margaret gone with
Mrs. Bunker to Greenbank for the papers. Received the Peoples
Journal from Scotland and mailed a letter to Helen Tough,
6 – Wind N, fine day. George plowing. Self in the garden.
Afternoon George plowing. Self in garden. Margaret scrubbing.
Mother planting onions. R. Eddy, assessor, here. Wm. and
Robert come home from Lindsay. John arrives from the railway.
7 – Wind NW, blustering cold day. Margaret & Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., John and George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from 2 Corinthians XIII:9. My strength is
made perfect in weakness. John leaves for the Nipissing
8 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. gone to plaster at R. Harringtons,
Greenbank. George harrowing. Self sowing wheat and oats.
Afternoon George plowing. Self draining.
9 – Wind N, fine day, though rather cold. George plowing. Self
and Robert at Manchester Fair with mulley steer. Annie at
school. Afternoon George plowing. Mother at Mr. Akhursts
10 – Wind N, droughty cold day, hard frost in the morning.
George harrowing. Self sowing grass seeds. Annie at school.
Afternoon George harrowing. Self sowing pease. McPhails
white cow calved a bull.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. George harrowing. Self sowing oats.
Margaret washing. Annie at school. Afternoon George plowing
on Wms. farm. Self harrowing.
12 – Wind N, fine warm day. George plowing. Self harrowing.
Annie at school. Mother baking. Afternoon George plowing.
Self sowing barley and harrowing. Wm. comes home.
13 – Wind NE, cold day. George plowing. Wm. gone to repair
the west schoolhouse and Robert with him. Self choring. Mother
churning. Afternoon George plowing. Self digging in the
orchard. Margaret scrubbing. Planted some early rose potatoes
in orchard.
14 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm., Margaret & Annie at Union
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., George and Margaret at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Isaiah
15 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and Robert measuring 40 acres of
land for Mr. Arksey. George plowing. Self sowing grass seeds.
Annie at school. Afternoon self and Wm. drawing rails. George
plowing. Robert burning brush. Mother baking.
16 – Wind SW, rather dull day. Wm. sowing oats. George
harrowing. Self harrowing for potatoes and turnips. Annie at
school. Afternoon George harrowing. Wm. sowing. Self
harrowing. Mother at Akhursts. Rain at 4 o’clock, clear by six.
Wm. and Robert at Greenbank.
17 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. and George in fallow. Got 400 lbs of
hay from George Boddie. Self and Margaret at Manchester for
plaster. Mrs. Akhurst here for 10 bushels of potatoes.
18 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. in his fallow. George harrowing.
Self sowing plaster. Annie at school. Afternoon George
harrowing. Wm. burning off. Self sowing plaster.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. in his fallow. Self and George
drawing rails. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self
and George fencing.
20 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. in his fallow. George plowing for
potatoes. Self making bars to Wms. farm. Afternoon Wm.
cleaning buckboard and he and Robert gone to Brock for John.
Margaret at Mr. Peter Martineaus. Self helping to fix the sheep
21 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Margaret, Annie, Wm., George
and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching
from Acts XXIV:25. James Millers son baptized, named James
Andrew. John leaves for the railway.
22 – Wind N, very droughty day. George plowing. Annie at
school. Self, Mother, Wm. and Robert cutting potatoes.
Afternoon George plowing in potatoes. Self, Wm., Margaret and
Robert planting potatoes.
23 – Wind N, cold droughty day. George plowing in potatoes.
Self, Wm., Margaret and Robert planting. Finished at noon.
Afternoon self at James Walkers. George gone to the railway at
Wick to see to get work and Robert with him. Wm. burning his
brush and burns some cordwood and part of the fence. Pascoe
Luke and Wesley Luke here all night. Received a letter from
24 – Wind S, warm day, frost in the morning. Wm. gone to his
fallow. George gone to Greenbank with the waggon to repair.
Self draining. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. in his fallow.
Self doing nought. Mrs. Elizabeth Akhurst here visiting.
25 – Wind SE, fine warm day. Wm. in fallow. George plowing.
Self and Robert shearing sheep. Annie at school. Mrs.
Martineau here making a dress to Margaret. Afternoon Wm. at
his fallow. George plowing. Self and Robert shearing sheep.
Thunder and rain at six o’clock.
26 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. fencing. George plowing. Self and
Robert planting corn. Annie at school. Mr. Chancy Asling here
for sheep shears. Afternoon Wm. in his fallow. George cutting
thistles in his wheat and oats. Self at Greenbank for the papers.
Mare foaled.
27 – Wind eastward, fine day. Wm., George, Thos. Phair and
Wm. Love logging in Wms. fallow. Self choring. Robert gone to
Centre Mills for Barbara. Afternoon Wm. and party logging. Self
and Mother at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Jamieson preaching
from 2nd
Peter III. Barbara arrives from Brooklin and John from
the railway.
28 – Wind W, warm day. Communion at Brock. Self, Mother,
Wm., John and Barbara at it. Mr. Jamieson preaching from [?].
Margaret and Annie at Brock.
29 – Wind S, very warm. Wm. in his fallow. George and John
gone to the railway. Robert gone to Brock to bring back the
black mare. Self mending old harness. Afternoon Wm. at his
fallow. Self mending old harness. Some rain in the afternoon.
30 – Wind about SW, warm day. Wm. gone with Barbara to
Centre Mills and to Ashburn. Self, Mother and Margaret washing
wool. Annie at school. Mr. Alex. Horne here selling Dominion
churns and potato diggers and insurance agent for the Ontario
Mutual. Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self at Greenbank getting
the black mare shoed. Mrs. Akhurst here making the flounce of
a dress.
31 – Wind E, very warm day. Wm. at his fallow. Self plowing.
Mother gone to see John Gordons child. Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self plowing.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at his fallow. Self plowing.
Annie at school. Margaret washing. Hadley, pedlar, here today.
Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self plowing. Wm. and Robert at
Greenbank practicing singing.
2 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. at his fallow. Self, Mother,
Margaret and Robert picking potatoes. Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self and the rest picking potatoes.
3 – Wind S, very warm. Wm. at his fallow. Self at grist mill with
7.10 bushels wheat and 5 bushels potatoes for Henry Cragg.
Mother at John Gordons all night. Afternoon thunder and rain.
Self, Robert and Annie picking potatoes. Margaret scrubbing.
John, George and Wesley Luke arrive from the railway.
4 – Wind S, very warm. Wm. and Margaret at Wesleyan Meeting
as there was not any Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Calder preaching from 1st
Timothy I:15. Monthly collection today. Margaret at Wesleyan
Church in the evening. Shower of hail in the afternoon.
5 – Wind SW, warm day. John, George and Wesley Luke gone
to the Nipissing Railway. Wm. gone to Mr. Wagners for plaster.
Annie at school. Self plowing. A. Michie here with the stud
horse Emulator and put to the red mare. Afternoon self hoeing
potatoes in the orchard. Robert at the Wesleyan tea party,
Greenbank. Margaret at the concert in the evening.
6 – Wind S, warm day. Self at Port Perry with 15 bushels of
potatoes and left 3 bushels with Walter Aslin and 1½ bushels
with Isaac Cragg. Robert hoeing potatoes. Annie at school.
Afternoon Mr. Joseph Bagshaw here for 6 bushels potatoes.
Margaret at Greenbank in the evening practicing singing for the
anniversary. Rain in the evening.
7 – Wind NW, rather warm. Wm. gone to Manchester. Self took
in the cattle off the road and hoeing. Annie at school. Margaret
washing. Mother churning. Afternoon self hoeing. Wm. and
Robert planting some potatoes on Wms. farm.
8 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at road work on Stillwells division.
Self plowing. Annie at school. Robert hoeing. Afternoon self
and Robert hoeing. Very cold. Christopher Scott, pedlar, here.
9 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at road work. Self harrowing.
Afternoon self hoeing. Robert at Greenbank for the papers and
to get Wms. horse shoed. Wm., Robert and Margaret at
Greenbank practicing singing.
10 – Wind S and rather high. Wm. at Lukes well. Self and Robert
gathering stones. Afternoon heavy rain. Wm. at Mr. Lukes well.
John and George arrive from the railway. Margaret scrubbing.
Annie and Perkins girls playing.
11- Wind W, some showers in the forenoon. Wm., Margaret and
Robert at Presbyterian Church. Mr. Currie preaching. Annie at
Sunday School. Miss Miller here to dinner. Wm. and Margaret
at English Meeting.
12 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at Mr. Lukes well. Self and
Robert hoeing potatoes. Pascoe Luke comes to help at well.
Afternoon Wm. and Pascoe at well. Self and Robert at potatoes.
John McGee here asking turnip drill.
13 – Wind NW and cold. Wm. and Pascoe at well. Self at
Manchester and Prince Albert. Miss Edith Bunker here. Annie at
school. Afternoon Wm. and Pascoe at well. Annie at home
playing with Miss E. Bunker.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and Pascoe at Mr. Lukes well. Self
drilling for turnips. Thos. Phair gets the turnip drill. Mr. Burton
here wanting it. Annie at school. Mr. and Mrs. Luke here.
Afternoon Wm. at Thos. Phairs well. Self drilling and sowing
turnips. Mr. Wm. Lee here wanting turnip drill.
15 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Wm. and Robert at Thos. Phairs
well. Self drilling. Mr. Burton gets the turnip drill. John McGee
here after it and Chancy Asling here wanting it. Annie at school.
Afternoon self drilling. Mother washing. Shower after dinner.
Mr. Whitefield Lee and Mr. John Real here wanting turnip drill.
Wm., Margaret and Robert at Greenbank practicing singing for
the S. S. Anniversary.
16 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at Thos. Phairs well. Self drilling and
finished. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at Duffs and Byers.
Self hoeing potatoes. Mr. Burton here wanting turnip drill having
missowed his turnips on Thursday. Mrs. Perkins here sewing.
Robert at Peter Martineaus asking for a girl for Mrs. Phair, Mary
Nichol having left.
17 – Wind S, frosty morning, fine day. Wm. hoeing potatoes.
Self sowing turnips, finished at 9 o’clock and Mr. R. Phair gets
the drill. Mr. Whitefield Lee here after it. Mr. George Gibson
here to dinner. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Duff begging for
anniversary. Self hoeing potatoes. Alex. Michie here with stud
horse Emulator. John, George and Wesley Luke arrives from the
18 – Wind W, dull cloudy day, looking like rain. Wm., Robert,
Margaret and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm. John, George,
Margaret, and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Douglas
preaching from Ezekiel XXXVII. [?]Phair got a daughter.
19 – Wind SW, looking like rain. John, George & Wesley Luke
gone to the Nipissing Railway. Wm. and Robert gone to the
West Sabbath School Anniversary. Self hoeing corn. Annie at
school. Mother and Margaret baking and churning. Afternoon
self hoeing potatoes. Mother visiting at Thos. Phairs.
20 –Wind N, some rain in the forenoon. Wm., Thos. Phair, Wm.
Byers and self logging at Wms. fallow. Annie at school. Mrs.
Walker here a short time at noon. Afternoon very fine. All
logging. Wm. and Margaret at Greenbank in the evening
practicing singing.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Wm. and Mr. Byers logging in Wms.
fallow. Annie at school. Afternoon self, Wm., Wm. Byers and
Thomas Phair logging.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. goes to Isaac Clemens for the road
scraper in the morning and then in his fallow. Self and horses on
the road. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in the
fallow. Self and horses on the road. Put in 3 ½ days.
23 – Wind N, hazy day, looking like rain. Wm. in his fallow. Self
and horses at road work. All done at noon. Annie at school.
Mother baking for anniversary. Afternoon Wm. at Mr. McGregors
asking Wife McGregor to play the organ at the anniversary. Self
helping to fix the [?].
24 – Wind SE and raining, nothing doing. Mother baking. John,
George and Wesley Luke arrive from the railway. Afternoon
Wm. in his fallow. John at Andrew Gordons getting his hair cut.
George at mill with barley to chop and trades waggon with
Gilbraith. Self hoeing potatoes in the orchard. Wm. and John at
Greenbank in the evening. Cassidy cow, a bull.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret and Robert at [?] in
McC[?] Grove. Annie sick. Pascoe Luke and Louis here to
dinner. Self, George, John, Robert and Margaret at meeting in
the Grove. Mr. Jamieson preaching from Proverbs, training a
child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not
depart from it. Georgina Luke here tonight. Sow littered 7 pigs.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to the railway. Wm.,
Margaret and Robert at Anniversary. George fixing machine.
Annie some better. Afternoon Mother, Annie, and George at
Anniversary. Magic Lantern performance in the evening in the
Wesleyan driving shade [shed?]. 130 dollars took in Sunday and
27 – Wind S, fine morning. George and Wesley gone to railway.
Mary Jane Luke and Georgina here all night. Wm. and Robert
branding in the fallow with the black mare. Self scuffling
potatoes. Mary J. Luke and Georgina lets the horse run away
and breaks buggy and the gate. Margaret goes to Greenbank for
papers. Afternoon rain after dinner. Georginas arm hurt.
Pascoe, Mary J. and Georgina start for home at 4 o’clock.
28 – Wind NW, looking like thunder and rain. Wm. sowing turnips
in his fallow. Self hoeing the garden. Mr. Byers here wanting a 2
inch chisel. Mother churning. Afternoon Wm. harrowing his
turnips. Self hoeing potatoes. Mother at Mr. Perkins visiting.
Mr. Asher, pedlar from Port Perry, here. Mr. Scott, pedlar, here.
29 – Wind N, cold showery day. Wm. harrowing his turnips.
Margaret washing. Self hoeing potatoes. Afternoon Wm.
harrowing his turnips. Self and Robert weeding carrots. Mother
30 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. George Wallaces
house. Self scuffling potatoes. Robert hilling corn. Mr. George
Carruthers from Epsom here peddling fanning mills and selling
Auburn Harvestors. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes. Robert
gone to Greenbank for papers. Miss Akhurst and Mary Gordon
here at night. Margaret visiting at Mr. Akhursts.
JULY 1 – Wind S, fine day, looking like rain. Self hoeing
potatoes. Robert gone to Brock. Robert Phair here for sticks to
make a turnip drill. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes. Mr. Pilkie
here with a stand to sewing machine. A. Michie here with the
stud horse Emulator for the last time.
2 – Wind SW, warm day. Self, Wm. and Margaret at Primitive
Methodist Church. A stranger preaching. John, George and
Annie and Wm. at do in afternoon.
3 – Wind SW, very warm day. Wm. in his fallow. Self hoeing
potatoes. Mother churning. Jas. Walker here for a square to
Wm. Johnston. Afternoon self, Wm., Margaret and Annie at
Primitive Methodist S. School Anniversary. Speakers Messrs.
Pilkey, Tarrant, Flint, Baird and Antliff. Lecture in the evening on
wedlock by Rev. Mr. Antliff. Proceeds 98 dollars.
4 – Wind SE, very dull morning and soon rains. Nothing doing.
Wm. gone home with Thomas Phairs buckboard. Self fixing fork
handle. Mother picking wool. Robert making paper kite.
Afternoon Wm. gone to George Wallaces house. Self and
Robert cutting thistles. Mother and Margaret picking wool.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Self took 2 cows to R. Stillwells bull.
Margaret washing. Mother choring and bad with the rheumatism
in her hip. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes. Mrs. Asling, Mrs. A.
Byers and Mrs. John Byers here visiting. Shower of rain.
6 – Wind S, rather dull. Wm. gone to George Wallaces house.
Self banking up potatoes. Mother in bed all day with
rheumatism. Robert headache. Afternoon self banking
potatoes. Some rain. Mrs. A. Gordon here visiting.
7 – Wind NW, and very high. Wm. gone to S. Byers house. Self
scuffling turnips. Mother still bad with rheumatism. John and
George arrive from the railway, not going to work at it any more
this week. Afternoon self and George cutting thistles. John gone
to Greenbank. Mrs. Boddie and Mrs. Akhurst here. Mrs. Walker
here in the evening.
8 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Wm. gone to S. Byers house.
Self and George hoeing turnips. John gone to Uxbridge. Wesley
Luke brings home Wms buckboard. Afternoon self and George
hoeing turnips. Wesley leaves after supper. George takes Punk
cow to R. Stillwells bull.
9 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Wm., Margaret and Annie at the
S. School. Self, Wm., John, George and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. A stranger preaching from Matthew VI. Blessed are
they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be
filled. Margaret at evening meeting at Greenbank.
10 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. gone to Byers house. John and
George gone to the railway. Annie at school. Self hoeing
turnips. Mother picking wool. Afternoon looking like rain. Self
hoeing turnips. Miss Bunker here for black currants.
11 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to S. Byers house. Self
hoeing turnips. Annie at school. Mother picking wool. Afternoon
self hoeing turnips. Mother receives a letter from Mrs. Flint
wanting some currants.
12 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. at S. Byers house. Self scuffling
turnips. Mrs. Gordon hoeing. Robert and Annie at Port Perry
with Mr. Perkins. Afternoon self and Mrs. Gordon hoeing turnips.
Mr. Perkins cattle in Georges oats. Circus at Port Perry.
13 – Wind S and very warm. Wm. at S. Byers house. Self and
Mrs. Gordon hoeing turnips. Annie at school. Margaret washing.
Mother choring. Skunk eats all the eggs since last night.
Afternoon self and Mrs. Gordon hoeing.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self hoeing
turnips. Annie at school. Wrote a letter to Barbara. Afternoon
self, Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Walker hoeing turnips. Margaret at
Jas. McMillans with currants.
15 – Wind S, fine day, but warm. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
Self, Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Walker hoeing turnips. Afternoon the
same. John and George arrive from the railway. George having
sold his horses.
16 – Wind SW, rather dull day. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie
at Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, George, Robert
and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McCulloch preaching
from Proverbs XIV:32. Miss Alma Perkins here. Wm. &
Margaret at English Meeting. Samuel Manning here in the
17 – Wind N, with showers of rain. John gone to the railway.
Wm. at S. Byers house. George hoeing turnips. Self at R.
Stillwells with Cassidy cow to bull. Robert and Annie in the
woods. Afternoon self and George hoeing out the turnips. Annie
at the other side asking children to picnic.
18 – Wind SW, and very high. Much thunder to the north. Wm.
at S. Byers house. George at Robert Phairs mowing. Self
mowing at home. Mother sewing. Robert and Annie fixing Mr.
Boddies woods for picnic. Afternoon self mowing hay.
19 – Wind NW, some like rain. Wm. gone to S. Byers house.
George mowing. Self and Mother at Port Perry with 2 tubs
butter. Got 21 cents for 4 lbs amounting to $20.79.
20 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Wm. hoeing his turnips. George
fixing the rack. Self and Robert turn hay. James Gordon here to
dinner. Afternoon self, Wm. and George drew 4 loads of hay into
the barn. Juvenile Picnic in Mr. Boddies wood. 26 at it. Lecture
on the Bible Societys operations by Rev. Mr. Manley. Self and
Wm. at it.
21 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Wm. and George mowing. Self
and Robert turning hay. Mother churning. Afternoon Wm.
mowing on his own place. Self, George and Robert drawing hay.
Drew 7 loads in the barn. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
Margaret picking berries.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and George mowing. Self and
Robert turning hay. Annie at A. Gordons with black currants.
Afternoon Wm. at Joseph Bagshaws raising. Self, George and
Robert drew 6 loads of hay. John arrives from the railway.
Margaret scrubbing.
23 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
English Church. No service at the Presbyterian Church today.
Mrs. R. Phair and Mrs. G. Phair here.
24 – Wind S, clear day. John gone to the railway. Wm. gone to
George Wallace’s to build chimneys. Self and George mowing.
Margaret picking berries. Afternoon self, George and Robert
cocking hay. Mr. Akhurst, 4 young pigs. Mr. Perkins, 3 young
25 – Wind S, fine day. Self, George and Robert raking hay.
Margaret picking berries. Afternoon self, George and Robert
drawing hay on Wms. farm. 8 loads altogether.
26 – Wind S, very warm day. George gone to Allan Byers to
arrange about the threshing machine. Self picking weeds among
the potatoes. Margaret washing. Mother baking cakes.
Afternoon George gone to Greenbank with the black mare to
shoe. Self weeding potatoes. Mr. Perkins fetches a bundle of
rolls from Port Perry. Wm. arrives from Mr. G. Wallaces.
27 – Wind W, showers of rain. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
Self, George and Robert cleaning out the sheep house. Mother
making pants. Afternoon self fixing upstair beds. George fixing
threshing machine.
28 – Wind N, rather dull. George and Robert gone to Oshawa.
Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self at the cradle makers and Port
29 – Wind SE and very gloomy. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
George cutting barley. Self weeding potatoes. Mother churning.
Afternoon George cradling barley. Wm. Gordon and Allan Byers
here fixing the horse power. Self raking and binding barley.
John arrives from the railway.
30 –Wind W, warm day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Presents of books given to the scholars. Self,
Mother, Wm., George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott preaching from 14:28.
31 – Wind NE, rather dull. John gone to the railway. Wm. gone
to Mr. Byers new house. George cutting barley. Self and Robert
at Mr. Duffs with the Polly heifer to bull. Margaret and Robert
picking berries. Afternoon George scuffling turnips. Self,
Mother, and Annie at Mrs. Williams funeral. Robert picking
AUG 1 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. gone to S. Byers house.
George gone asking threshing. Self hoeing turnips. Margaret,
Robert and Annie picking berries at Robert Phairs. Afternoon
self hoeing turnips. George Anderson here for lambs.
2 – Wind SE, warm day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. George
hoeing turnips. Self and Robert at Greenbank with 12 lambs to
Mr. Anderson. Margaret and Annie picking berries. Afternoon
self and George hoeing turnips. Robert and Annie picking
berries. Mr. Duff here wanting oil.
3 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. gone to Samuel Byers house. Self
and George hoeing turnips. Margaret washing. Afternoon self,
George and Robert picking cockle among the wheat. A good
deal of thunder and some rain. Self headache.
4 – Wind SW, very warm. Wm. gone to Byers house. George
scuffling turnips. Self hoeing turnips. Margaret home with sore
foot. Afternoon thunder and rain and much need for it.
5 – Wind NW, droughty day. Wm. hoeing his turnips. George &
Allen Byers working at machine. Self sore back. Afternoon Wm.
at his turnips. George and self hoeing turnips. John arrives from
the railway. Mother gone to Mrs. Boddies confinement.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Mother arrives from Mrs. Boddies, she having got a
daughter. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret, Robert and Annie
at Presbyterian meeting. Stranger preaching from Ephesians
III:19. Monthly collection $2.41.
7 – Wind S, very warm day and smoky. Wm. hoeing his turnips.
John gone to the railway. Self and George mowing barley.
Margaret and Robert picking berries. Afternoon Wm. at his
turnips. Self and George drawing barley out of orchard. Mother
and Mrs. Perkins visiting at Mr. Boddies.
8 – Wind W, droughty day. Wm. at his turnips. Self and George
hoeing turnips. Robert belly ache. Manchester Fair. Afternoon
Wm. at his turnips and finishes. Self and George finish turnip
hoeing at home. Very smoky afternoon.
9 – Wind N, droughty day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
George and Robert at the blacksmiths, Greenbank. Self
mending boot. Margaret washing. Annie at Mr. Perkins.
Afternoon fire in Wms. woods. Wm. at it. Self, George and
Robert raking barley. Miss Jane Gordon here.
10 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self and
George mowing barley. Robert cutting timothy [?] the fences.
Afternoon self, George, Margaret and Robert drew 8 loads
11 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. George
gone to mow barley at James Walkers. Self cutting thistles.
Afternoon self pulling weeds among the potatoes. Looking like
rain. Robert at Greenbank for the papers.
12 – Wind E, fine day. Self, George and Robert raking barley.
John Leasks boys here wanting George to thresh on Tuesday.
Afternoon self, George, Margaret and Robert drew in 2 loads of
barley. George goes to Isaac Craggs to set threshing machine.
Margaret scrubbing. John arrives from the railway.
13 – Wind E, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
Mother very sick. Wm. and George at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Currie, old Church minister, preaching. Margaret at evening
meeting, Greenbank.
14 – Wind SE, very warm day. Wm. at T. Duffs. George gone to
Isaac Craggs to thresh. Self and Robert at Port Perry with grist.
15 – Wind W, heavy shower after breakfast. Wm. gone to T.
Duffs. George gone to John Leaks to thresh. Self churning.
Afternoon Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self mending rakes.
Miss Jane Gordon here and Miss Lizzie Akhurst here with yarn
from Mrs. Martineau.
16 – Wind W, very warm, with thunder. Wm. and Robert gone to
Port Perry. Self cutting thistles. Margaret washing. Annie at Mr.
Perkins. Afternoon self cutting thistles in the swamp Howes
Circus at Prince Albert.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Mother gone to A. Leasks. Wm. gone
to Mr. Byers house. Self cutting thistles. Margaret washing.
Afternoon self cutting thistles. George brings Mother home in the
18 – Wind NW and very high. Wm. at Mr. Duffs. George at Alex.
Leasks threshing. Self at Mr. Perkins barley. Robert at A.
Leasks with order for George. Afternoon self at Perkins barley.
Annie at Greenbank for the papers. Drew in one load of barley
for ourselves.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. gone to Chancy Aslings. George
cradling oats. Self, George, Robert, and Margaret drew 2 loads
of barley which concludes it. Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Aslings oats.
George gone to Brock. Mother at A. Gordons. Margaret
scrubbing. Self doing nought. Robert Phair here in the evening.
John arrives from the railway.
20 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Wm., Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Rain in the afternoon and no one from here at
church. Mother at Mr. Akhursts all night. Mrs. Akhurst being
21 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. gone to [?]. John gone to the
railway. George gone to Mr. Duffs to thresh. Self cutting pease.
Afternoon self cutting pease and at T. Duffs threshing a while.
Robert at Greenbank with a letter. Mother and Margaret picking
the geese.
22 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and George gone to Thomas Duffs
threshing. Self cutting pease. Margaret washing. Mother
choring. Afternoon self, George and Wm. at Robert Phairs
threshing. Mrs. Thos. Phair here visiting.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., George and self at George
Boddies threshing. Margaret at Mr. Akhursts.
24 – Wind SW, warm day. Self, Wm., George and Margaret at
Mr. Akhursts threshing. Mother washing. Afternoon Wm. at
Chancy Aslings oats. George cradling wheat and oats.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at Chancy Aslings oats. George
cradling wheat. Self cutting pease. Robert gathering timothy.
Mother colouring yarn. Afternoon George binding wheat. Self
cutting pease. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
26 – Wind SE, very dull and looking like rain. Wm. gone to Mr. C.
Aslings. George raking wheat. Self cutting pease. Allen Byers
here consulting with George about threshing. Afternoon raining
a little. Self cut out the pease. George sells the threshing
machine to Allen Byers for 70 dollars and our threshing done. 35
dollars paid 1st
January 1872 and 35 dollars paid 1st
1873. Receiving a steer for $15.
27 – Wind NE, rainy morning. Wm., Margaret and Robert at
Sunday School. Wm., George, and Margaret at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Scott preaching. Samuel Manning here in the
evening and Mr. Perkins.
28 – Wind NE, rather dull day. Wm. gone to R. Phairs. George
gone to T. Duffs harvesting. Self binding oats. Mother churning.
Afternoon Wm. at Chancy Aslings oats. Self binding oats. Allen
Byers wants George to take the machine back.
29 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to James Walkers to
cradle wheat. George gone to T. Duffs. Self cradling round
wheat. Comes on rain. Afternoon self at Port Perry for rolls.
Mother at Chancy Aslings visiting. George cuts some oats.
Some rain in the afternoon.
30 –Wind W, fine day. Wm. and George cradling oats. Self
raking wheat. Afternoon T. Duff and his reaper here reaping
wheat. Mr. Perkins, Mr. Robert Phair, Wm., George and self
binding. Slight shower afternoon.
31 – Wind NW, slight showers. Wm. at George Boddies binding
wheat. George cradling oats. Self binding wheat. Afternoon
George cradling wheat. Self binding wheat. Mother at James
Walkers. Robert and Annie turning pease.
SEPT. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to George Boddies.
George cradling oats. Self choring round. Afternoon self,
George, Margaret and Robert drawing and stacking pease. 14
loads. Annie at Greenbank for papers. Mother cooking.
Received Aberdeen Free Press of August 14, 1871.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. George cradling his oats and Wm. with
him. Self raking oats. Afternoon Wm., George and Robert
drawing oats and wheat in. Self raking oats. Wm. goes to meet
John coming from the railway.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. No service at Presbyterian Church. Wm., John,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at English Church.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to the railway. Wm. at Port
Perry. George at T. Duffs. Self binding oats. Afternoon self,
Wm., Margaret and Robert drawing 7 loads of wheat and 2 loads
of oats. Annie watching the gap. Miss Byers and Miss
something here asking Margaret to a quilting at Wm. Stillwells.
5 –Wind SW. Wm. goes to Greenbank for hammer and then to
Mr. George Wallaces to lath. Self, George, Margaret and Robert
draws 7 loads of wheat. Afternoon self and George drawing in
for James Walker. Margaret at quilting at Wm. Stillwells and
quilts till 10 o’clock.
6 – Wind SW, looking like rain. George raking wheat stubble.
Self binding oats. Margaret and Annie gone to Michael
Martineaus with some rolls to spin. Self, George, Margaret and
Robert drew 4 loads of wheat. Rain at noon. Afternoon self
doing nought. George cradling his wheat. Weather clears off
with little rain.
7 – Wind N, fine cool day. George at his wheat. Self binding
oats. Margaret washing. Mother choring. Afternoon George
binding oats. Self binding oats.
8 – Wind W, frost in the night. George, self, Margaret and Robert
drew in flax seed, 1 load of wheat rakings and 3 loads of oats.
Mrs. Boddie here visiting. Afternoon drew 4 loads of oats, 2 for
self and 2 for George. Mother visiting at R. Phairs. Robert at
Greenbank for papers.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self and George binding oats. James
Walker here in the morning for Globe and wool cards to R. Phair.
Afternoon self, George, Margaret and Robert and Annie drew in
3 loads of oats and one of wheat for George. Robert at
Greenbank for hammer. John arrives from the railway and Wm.
from George Wallaces. Looking like rain.
10 – Wind SE, dull morning. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., George, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McGregor preaching from 1st
Timothy:11 on the glorious gospel of God.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and John gone to George Wallaces
to lath. George gone to cut James Walkers wheat. Self fixing
the gate. Annie at school. Afternoon self, Margaret, Robert and
Mother drew 2 loads of wheat from Georges farm which
concludes the harvest for 1871. George at Mr. Robert Millers
12 – Wind S, fine day. George at James Walkers wheat. Self
and Margaret at Manchester Fair. Annie at school. Afternoon
Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins.
13 – Wind N, cool day. George at Mr. Loves threshing. Self and
Mother at Uxbridge with yarn to George Gibson to weave. Annie
at school. Margaret and Robert at home. Afternoon George at
Mr. Duffs threshing.
14 – Wind S, frost in the morning and cold. George at Mr. Duffs
threshing. Self splitting rails for the hay stack. Annie at school.
Afternoon George began to plow. Self fixing logheaps in the
15 – Wind E, raining some. George gone to thresh at Mr. Bushs.
Self rolling up log heaps. Rain in the afternoon. George gone to
Wick to the railway. John arrives from George Wallaces, the
lathing being all done. Robert gone with George.
16 – Wind W, rather dull morning. John gone to lath at Belfords
house, Greenbank. George gone to Mr. Bushs threshing. Self
fixing the old clock. Afternoon self plowing. Wm. arrives from G.
17 – Wind NW, rain through the night. Margaret and Robert at
Sunday School. Wm., John, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Currie from Manilla preaching.
18 – Wind S, heavy frost. George and self at Thomas Phairs
threshing. Wm. gone to Greenbank to build a chimney for Mr.
Flint. John and Robert gone to the railway, Wick. Afternoon
John lathing at Belfords house. Annie at school.
19 – Wind W, thunder and rain through the night. Wm. gone to
Mr. Geo. Wallaces to plaster. John gone to Belfords house.
George gone to the railway at Wick. Self plowing. Mother
washing. Annie at home. Afternoon self plowing.
20 – Wind NW, cold day. Self at Mr. Byers threshing. John at
Belfords house. George still at the railway. Afternoon George at
Mr. Byers threshing.
21 – Wind NE, great frost, fine day. Self and George and horses
at Mr. Byers threshing. A. beggar woman here to dinner. Annie
at school. Wm. Love hurt badly moving David Craggs house.
22 – Wind W, fine day. George, John and self drawing dung.
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. comes home from Mr. Wallaces
with lime in his eye. John plowing. Self and George at Akhursts
23 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self and George at Mr.
Perkins threshing. John plowing. Afternoon self and George at
Perkins threshing. John plowing. Mrs. Akhurst here visiting.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sabbath
School. Self, Mother, John, George, Annie and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching from Ephesians
II:18. Wm. at Wm. Loves to see him.
25 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm. gone to George Wallaces.
John gone to Saintfield to lath. Self and George drawing out
dung. Annie at school. Afternoon self and George and horses at
James Walkers threshing. Margaret at Greenbank.
26 – Wind NW, much rain through the night. George plowing.
Self ditching. Margaret washing. Annie at home. Afternoon
George plowing. Self in the woods. Miss Isabella Gordon and
Miss Margaret Walker here. Miss Akhurst and Miss Mary
Gordon here in the evening.
27 – Wind SW, dull day. George gone to thresh at Mr. Henry
Craggs. Self and Robert plowing. Annie at school. Mrs.
Martineau here making mothers dress. Afternoon self and
Robert plowing. Showery afternoon.
28 – Wind NW, cold day. George plowing. Self and Robert fixing
granary. McPhail white cow dies from eating too many turnips.
Annie at school. Afternoon George harrowing. Self and Robert
at Prince Albert with cowhide. The springboard breaks at the
bridges near Bowls Hill. Margaret at the Bethesda Sabbath
School anniversary with L. Manning.
29 – Wind NW, cold day. George gone with horses and waggon
to bring the buckboard to Greenbank to be mended. Annie at
school. Self asking hands to thresh. Afternoon self and Robert
fixing the granary.
30 – Wind W, fine day. George gone to T. Druchans to thresh.
Wm. Byers here for George. Self and he drawing dung. Robert
at Michael Martineaus for yarn. Afternoon self and Wm. Byers
drawing dung. John and Wm. come home from work.
OCT. 1 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Margaret, Annie and
Robert gone to Sunday School. Self, Wm., George, Robert and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Luke XV:7 and 10.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to George Wallaces. John gone
to Belfords house. George gone to Druchans to thresh. Annie at
school. Self harrowing. Afternoon expecting the threshing
machine. George arrives and the [?] is broken. Robert gone to
tell Allen Byers that we do not want to thresh till Thursday.
George and self and Robert drawing dung.
3 – Wind SW, threatening rain. George, self and Robert drawing
dung. Annie at school. Margaret washing. Afternoon cleared off
fine. George, self and Robert drawing dung.
4 – Wind W, fine day. George, Margaret, John, Robert and Annie
at county fair, Uxbridge. Self at home. Mother at Mr. Michael
Martineaus, his Mrs. being confined. Afternoon self ditching.
Mother twisting yarn. Mrs. Walker here with wheel. Barbara
arrives from Brooklin. Wesley Luke here all night.
5 – Wind W, fine day. George gone to thresh at David Craggs.
John at Belfords house. Self fixing barn door. Wesley leaves for
home. Mother making ready for the threshers. Afternoon self
and Robert dug some potatoes. Threshing machine comes at 4
6 – Wind W, dull day, looking like rain. Threshing T. Phair, Wm.
Akhurst, Samuel Byers, Wm. Byers, 2 George Boddies and
horses here. Mr. Perkins and horses, John and self. Robert
Phair in the afternoon. Mr. George Johnston Everton of
Auchnagatt here on a short visit.
7 – Wind NW, fine day. The same hands threshing til noon.
Afternoon self, John, George and Robert cleaning up after
machine. Barbara gone to Brock with John Belford.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
school. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Tim. II:3.
Collection for French Mission $3.75.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at Belfords house. Self,
George, Robert, Margaret and Annie at potatoes. Afternoon self,
George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at potatoes. Chicago burnt.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Belfords house.
George gone to Manchester with wheat and barley. Self and
Robert at potatoes. Annie at school. Margaret washing. Mother
spinning. Barbara arrives from Brock. Afternoon self and Robert
at potatoes. George at potatoes after coming home from
Manchester. Got 50 cents for barley and $1.10 for wheat. Rain
in the evening.
11 – Wind SW, very dull day. Wm. and John gone to Belfords
house. George gone to John Leasks to thresh. Robert and self
at potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes. Mrs. Perkins
and Mrs. Walker here quilting. Barbara and Margaret at Mr.
Akhursts in the evening.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at Mr. Belfords house.
George at John Leasks. Self and Robert taking in apples.
Barbara scrubbing the floor. Afternoon self and Robert at
apples. Mrs. Perkins here quilting.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Belfords house. John,
George, Robert and self at potatoes. Annie at school. Margaret
gone with Barbara to Manchester. Margaret at A. Leasks paring
bee in the evening.
14 – Wind SW, very dull day, sprinkling rain. Wm. at Belfords
house. Self at Greenbank to get measured for coat and paid
Jas. Lee blacksmith bill. John, George, Robert and George
Boddie Jun. at potatoes. Afternoon self, John, George, Robert
and George Boddie at potatoes. Rain at night.
15 – Wind W, and very high blowing away everything. Wm. and
Margaret at Sunday School. Wm., John, George, and Margaret
at Presbyterian Meeting.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. William gone to Belfords house. John
gone to Saintfield. Self, George, Robert and George Boddie at
potatoes. Afternoon self, Mother, George, Robert, Annie,
Margaret and George Boddie at potatoes. Margaret at singing in
the evening.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Self, George, Robert and George Boddie
at potatoes. Wm. at Belfords house. Afternoon self, George,
Robert and George Boddie at potatoes awhile, then rain.
18 – Wind N, very cold day. Self and George drawing dung.
Annie at school. Margaret washing. Afternoon self, George and
Robert cleaned a load of barley and drawing dung. Pascoe Luke
here in the evening wanting William to dig well.
19 – Wind W, fine day. George at Manchester with 51 bushels of
barley and got 50 cents per bushel. John at Pascoe Lukes well.
Self killing sheep. Annie at school. Afternoon very high wind.
John and Pascoe at well. Self choring. Andrew Gordon here all
20 – Wind N, very cold. John and Pascoe at well. George and
self drawing dung. Annie at school. Afternoon self and George
finish the dung. John and Pascoe finish the well. Paring bee.
34 at it.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John at home. Pascoe leaves for home.
George plowing. Self spreading dung. Afternoon George
plowing. Mother and Robert at Michael Martineaus. Self digging
stumps. James Walker here wanting old harness. John at Wm.
Stillwells raising.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Isaiah IX,
arise shine.
23 – Wind SW. Wm. and John gone to Saintfield. George gone
to Chancey Aslings to thresh. Self plowing. Annie at school.
Afternoon self plowing. Mother visiting at Mr. Akhursts.
24 – Wind NE, fine day. George plowing. Self spreading dung.
Annie at school. Mother scouring yarn. Afternoon George
plowing. Self and Robert spreading dung. Pamela Burton here
25 – Wind SE, dull morning. George plowing. Self spreading
dung. Margaret washing. Annie at school. Afternoon George
plowing. Self and Robert spreading dung and finished.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. George gone to Mr. Burtons to thresh.
Self plowing. Annie at school. Mother scouring yarn. Afternoon
self plowing. Mr. Perkins brings a grist from the mill which he
borrowed on the 24th
of July. Thunder and rain at 5 o’clock.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. George gone to James Walkers plowing
bee. Annie at school. Self and Robert taking in potatoes.
Afternoon self and Robert at the potatoes.
28 – Wind W, rather cold. George, self, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at potatoes. Took in Harrisons 4 loads, 100 bushels.
Afternoon George, self, Margaret, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
5 loads, 125 bushels. Rain at 4 o’clock.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Wm. at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., John, Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
Thes. V:21. Prove all
30 – Wind S, dull day. Wm. and John gone to Saintfield. Self,
George, Margaret and Mother at potatoes. 5 loads. Afternoon
self, George and Robert topping turnips. Annie gone to Mr. E.
31 – Wind S, dull day and raining some. Self, George, Mother
and Robert at turnips. Drew 8 loads. Margaret washing.
Afternoon self, Mother, George and Robert at turnips. Drew 14
loads into the pit. Rain in the evening.
NOV. 1 – Wind NW, cold rough day. George gone to the Port,
Whitby and Port Perry railway to see Mr. Fisher. Self digging
turnip pit. Margaret gone to Mr. James McMillans. Robert
topping turnips. Wm. arrives from Saintfield. Singing at
Greenbank tonight. Margaret at it.
2 – Wind SW, cloudy day. Wm. and John gone to [?] to plaster.
George, self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew 8 loads into
pit. Afternoon self, George, Margaret and Robert at turnips.
Drew 6 loads into pit and 1 into root house. Ashes pedlar here to
3 – Wind N, frosty morning. Self, George and Robert topping
turnips. George, Mother, Margaret and Robert drew 7 loads into
pit. Afternoon George, Mother, Margaret and Robert drew 7
loads into pit and one into the turnip house. Mr. J.B. Campbell
and Mr. Shier and two others down at the creek.
4 – Wind Easterly, and cold. Self, George, Mother and Robert at
turnips. Drew 11 loads. Afternoon self, George, Mother and
Robert at turnips. Drew 9 loads.
5 – Wind N, cold day. Robert and Margaret at Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur
preaching from Rev. I:6. Isabella Michie here visiting.
6 – Wind N and hard frost. George digging stumps. Self at
Greenbank getting horses shoed. Afternoon self, George,
Mother and Robert at turnips. Drew 4 loads. Margaret at singing
in the evening.
7 – Wind W, frosty morning. George gone to Greenbank to Dr.
Olver with his jaw which is sore. Self choring. Afternoon George
harrowed up all the turnips. Self fencing turnip pit. Small pairing
bee in the evening. Lizzie, Jean, John and Robert Akhurst at it
and George Boddie and John Lynd at it.
8 – Wind NW, cold day. Self, George, Mother and Robert at
turnips. Drew 8 loads into cellar. Afternoon self, George, Mother
and Robert and Mr. Perkins at turnips. Drew 6 loads into cellar.
After that took up carrots.
9 –Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother and George pulling Wms.
turnips. Robert fixing henhouse. Afternoon self, Mother,
Margaret, George and Robert at Wms. turnips. Drew 7 loads.
The first train on the [?] railway reaches Port Perry.
10 – Wind SE, and snowing. George covering Wms. turnip pit.
Self, Robert and George pulling hay into stable and putting the
straw in the barn. Afternoon Mother at Mrs. Boddies quilting.
Self going round for money to pay Mr. McArthurs salary. George
choring. Robert at Greenbank for the papers.
11 – Wind N, cold day. George choring. Self at Port Perry with
15 bushels of potatoes. Robert along. Wm. and John arrive
from Scott.
12 – Wind N, fine day. Margaret and Robert at Sunday School.
Not any service at Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur sick.
Margaret at P. Methodist Church.
13 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, George and Robert drawing in
pease. Mrs. McMillan here visiting. Afternoon self, George and
Robert at pease. Drew altogether 8 loads. Robert Burton here
after Mr. Boddies windlass.
14 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Mr. Bray, collector, here.
$13.90 my taxes this year. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
Alex Gordon here for Wms. well rope and altered 2 calves.
15 – Wind N and snowing, having rained all night. Nothing doing.
Afternoon self, George and Robert fixing cattle house. Tied up
all the cattle. Very cold wintry night. Snow drifting.
16 – Wind N, not so cold as yesterday. Nothing doing. George
sawing wood. Self choring. Robert making box. Put ram among
sheep. Afternoon self dunging out the pig house. George fixing
the colts house.
17 – Wind N, cloudy day. Self and George drawing stone.
Afternoon self, George and Robert drawing stone. Mother at Mr.
Perkins. Margaret at Greenbank for the papers.
18 – Wind S, rather soft, not thawing much. George gone to
Prince Albert and Port Perry with Mr. Perkins. Self skinning a
sheep that died last night. Afternoon self dunging the garden.
19- Wind SE, soft day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. No one from here at the Presbyterian Meeting. Agnes
Boddie here to dinner. Margaret gone somewhere.
20 – Wind SW, fine fresh day. George, Robert, Mr. Akhurst,
James Walker, George Boddie at Wms. turnips. Self shingling
turnip house. Afternoon Mother, George, Robert, Mr. Akhurst,
Mr. Perkins, James Walker and George Boddie at Wms. turnips
and drew 10 loads into pit. Self shingling.
21 – Wind W, frosty day. George, Mother, Robert, Mr. Akhurst,
Mr. Perkins, James Walker Sen., and James Walker Jun. at
Wms. turnips. Self fixing my own turnip pit. Afternoon self,
Mother, George, Mr. Akhurst, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Walker and James
Walker finished Wms. turnips. 11 loads. George and Robert at
Greenbank and brought home a new coat for me.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Self, George and Robert fencing Wms.
turnips pits and drawing chunks. Afternoon self, George and
Robert drawing stones. A gentleman from White here to buy
Williams land. Miss Sarah Martineau married to Mr. Farewell
today. Stormy at night, wind north.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, George and Robert drawing
stones. Andrew Gordon here with books. Sold George the
history and origin of the Franco Prussian War. Afternoon self,
George and Robert drawing stones.
24 – Wind SE, snowing all the forenoon but not cold. Self,
George and Robert cleaning up the barn. Miss Lizzie Akhurst
here and brought a rooster. Afternoon self and George threshing
pease. George, Robert and Margaret at Greenbank to singing
but Mr. Wyatt did not come.
25 – Wind S, fine day. George and Robert drawing stones. Self
fixing a pig trough. Mother gone to Mrs. Akhursts. Afternoon
self, George and Robert drawing stones. Wm. and John arrive
from Scott.
26 – Wind SW, soft day with some rain. Robert at Sunday
School. Wm. and Mother at Brock to see Mr. George Michie
Sen. Self, George and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Revelation II:4. Collection for widows
and orphans $3.40.
27 – Wind N, cold frosty day. Wm. gone to Scott. John gone to
J. Lees. Mr. John Belford here. Afternoon self threshing pease.
George at a sale of wood on Mr. Lawrences place. Andrew
Gordon brings Annie home from Mr. Lukes.
28 – Wind NE, cold day. George and self putting dung on the
turnip cellar. Afternoon John, George and Robert at the creek.
Self fixing the sheep pen. Margaret at singing, Greenbank.
29 – Wind N, cold day. John gone to Greenbank to get horses
shoed. George at Mr. Byers’s. Self mending sieve of fanning
mill. Afternoon John at Greenbank taking wood for Mr. Walker.
George threshing pease. Self choring.
30 – Wind N, very cold day. John and George drawing home
wood. Self and Robert threshing pease. Afternoon George and
John drawing home wood. Self and Robert splitting wood. Mary
Nicol here twisting yarn. Annie at Mr. Perkins.
DEC. 1 – Wind NW, rather dull day. George gone to Jack
Gordons to thresh. John gone to Greenbank with wood for Mr.
Walker. Self making fence on line between Mr. Akhurst and
ours. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self at fence. Mother at
Jas. Walkers visiting. Annie at Akhursts.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing wood. Self threshing
pease. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John at Port Perry. Self
and Robert choring. Margaret at Jas. McWilliams for her dress
and did not come home same night.
3 – Wind SW, fine day, snow thawing. Wm., Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., Mother, John, George, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
Kings XVIII:29. Monthly collection.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Scugog Island to plaster
Arch. Millars house. John and George at Robert Phairs
threshing. Self making axe handle. Afternoon very stormy, wind
north. Self and Robert banking henhouse.
5 – Wind N, cold day. John at Greenbank with wood. Self doing
nought but writing letter to Barbara. George making hand
sleigh. Afternoon John drawing wood to Greenbank. George at
sleigh. Self doing nought. Margaret and Robert at singing.
6 – Wind SW, dull day. John drawing wood to Greenbank.
George at sleigh. Self writing letter to G. Tough. Mrs. Martineau
here making Annies dress. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self
and George in the swamp. Very stormy night from SW.
7 – Wind SW, soft day. John, George and horses at George
Boddies threshing. Self making post for barn door. Mrs.
Martineau making Annies dress. Afternoon self choring. Rather
stormy towards night.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Aslings killing pigs. George
drawing wood for Mr. Walker. Self doing nought. Afternoon
George drawing wood. Self choring.
9 – Wind W, fine day. George drawing logs to mill. John at T.
Duffs. Self at James Walkers fixing his pump. Afternoon George
drawing logs. John in woods. Self choring. Margaret scrubbing.
Wm. arrives from Scugog.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother,
Margaret, Annie, Wm., John and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from Mark II:27. The Sabbath was made
for man and not man for the Sabbath.
11 – Wind SW, soft snowy day. Wm. gone to James Scotts to
plaster. George at mill with logs. John in the woods. Self and
Robert at Uxbridge with yarn to weave. Afternoon George and
John at James Carrs chopping bee.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to R. Holdershaws to lath.
George gone to mill with logs. Self and Robert clearing the shop
to get in the waggon. Afternoon George at saw mill. Self and
Robert at shop. Mrs. Walker here visiting. Margaret at singing
and George too. Annie at school..
13 – Wind SW, fine day. George loading his hay. Self standing
by. Annie at school. Afternoon George at Wm. Loves chopping
bee. Self choring. John arrives from R. Holdershaws.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. George gone to mill with grist. Self
threshing pease. John and Margaret at Port Perry. Annie at
school. Afternoon George gone to mill with logs. Self at school
examination. Wm. arrives from Holdershaws.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. George gone to Sunderland. Annie at
school. Wm. fixing the clock. John fixing [?] and self choring.
Afternoon John at the mill. Wm. in the woods. Self writing.
16 – Wind W, with some snow. Wm. making axe handle. John in
the woods. Self threshing pease. George gone somewhere.
Ann Gordon and James Gordon here visiting. Afternoon still
snowing. Self threshing pease. John at Mr. Akhursts.
17- Wind SW, some snow. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret and Robert
at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. Argo preaching from Heb. II:16.
He took not upon him the nature of angels, but the seed of
18 – Wind W, snowing some. Wm. and John gone to Scott.
George and self drawing hay. Robert falls down into horse stall.
Annie at school. Afternoon George gone to Brock to chop wood.
Self choring.
19 – Wind W, fine day, some snow. Self fixing [?]. Annie at
school. Afternoon self splitting wood. Nobody at the singing.
20 – Wind E, snowing some. Self threshing pease. Annie at
school. Afternoon very stormy, wind north. Self threshing
pease. Wm., John and George arrive home.
21 – Wind SW, cold day, nothing doing. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon George gone to A. Leasks. Wm. and Robert at the
creek. John threshing pease. Self doing nought. Mr. Adam [?]
and Mr. Holman here electioneering.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Saintfield. George gone to
Thos. Phairs to split rails. Self making axe handle for James
Walker. Afternoon self at Greenbank with wood for Mrs. Bunkee.
John choring. John some rheumatism in his legs.
23 – Wind S, soft day. George and John gone to Thos. Phairs to
split rails. Wm. and Robert gone to break the road through
creek. Self talking to John Real. Afternoon some thunder and
rain. Wm. gone to the creek. Very high wind at night.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Margaret and Robert gone to Sunday
School. Mother, Wm., John, George and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. G. Jamieson preaching.
25 – Wind S, dull day. John and George in the woods. Wm.
gone to Port Perry. Annie gone to Mr. Perkins. Self keeping
Christmas. Afternoon George Boddie, Robert Akhurst and Albert
[?] here. Margaret at Mr. Perkins. John and George at [?]
26 – Wind N, hard frost. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. John &
George at Thos. Phairs rails. Self writing. Afternoon self writing.
Annie at Akhursts. Samuel Belford here for wood.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. in the woods. George & John at
Thos. Phairs rails. Self choring. Afternoon rather stormy. Wm.
in woods. Self doing chores.
28 – Wind SW, rather cold. John & George gone to Thos. Phairs
rails. Wm. at T. Duffs. Self splitting wood. Afternoon Wm. at
Manchester. Self at George Boddies. John and George finish T.
Phairs rails.
[Entries for Dec. 29, 30, and 31st
are not in the diary]
JAN. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Wm. at Greenbank. Self
voted for Gordon, Weir, Bates, Purday, & Mead. John and
George at home. Afternoon Wm. and John at Port Perry.
George at Greenbank voting. Great spree 16
here this night.
Barbara goes to Brock.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and George in the woods. John
gone with Andrew Gordon. Self cutting meat. Afternoon Wm.,
John and George in the woods. Self doing nought. Lizzie
Akhurst here making her dress. Wm. and Margaret at singing,
3 – Wind SE, dull day. Self, John, Wm. & George drawing
turnips. Afternoon snowing, nothing doing. Self and Mother
salting pork. Thawing towards night. George goes to Mr. John
Leasks to thresh. Margaret washing.
4 – Wind N, soft day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self mending
Margarets boots. Afternoon John & Wm. in the woods. Self
choring. Annie gone to Mr. Akhursts.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and George in the woods. Self
mending chair. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry. John & George in
the woods. Self at Greenbank for papers. Barbara arrives from
Brock and Annie from Mr. Akhursts.
6 – Wind N, cold day. John & George in the woods. Wm. making
axe handle. Afternoon Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
doing nought. Very cold.
7 – Wind NE, very cold. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, George & Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Matthew
XVI:19, on this rock will I build my church.
8 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
at Prince Albert for shoe[?].
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
and Robert at Prince Albert at Presbyterian [?]. Wm., George,
Margaret and Robert at singing.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
at school meeting, appointed trustees. Afternoon Wm. and
George at Mr. Byers threshing. Self, Mother, John, Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cameron preaching from Luke
11 – Wind S, rather soft. John & George in the woods. Wm.
gone to Joseph Lees. Self at Prince Albert and Port Perry.
Afternoon John, George & Robert in the woods. Self choring.
12 – Wind N, rather cold. John & George in the woods. Self at A.
Leasks. Afternoon John & George in the woods. Self choring
mending Barbaras boots. Lizzie Akhurst here. Robert at
Greenbank for papers. Wm. arrives from Mr. Lees.
13 – Wind N, cold day. John & Wm. at Mr. Lees. George
drawing school wood. Self choring. Afternoon George drawing
school wood. Self choring. Miss Jane Gordon here for some
A ‘spree’ is a house party – quite often a dance.
14 – Wind N, cold day. Self, Mother, Wm., John, George,
Barbara & Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting, being the
Sacrament. Mr. McArthur officiating. Preaching from Galatians
II. Collection six dollars 95 cents. Robert & Wm. at Port Perry in
the evening.
15 – Wind S, threatening snow. John & George in the woods.
Wm. making axe handle. Self splitting wood. Mr. James Scott
here. Afternoon John in the woods. George gone with Barbara
to Manchester. Self, Mother, Wm. and Annie at Presbyterian
meeting. Mr. Currie preaching from 1st
Corinthians XVI:8.
16 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. and John in the woods. George
drawing wood for school. Annie at school. Self choring.
Afternoon Wm. & John in the woods. George drawing school
wood. Self choring. George, Margaret & Robert at singing in
17 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Annie at school. Self and Robert drawing chips. Mrs. Akhurst
here to dinner. Afternoon Wm., John & George in the woods.
Self and Robert drawing chips.
18 – Wind W, snowing some. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Self at Greenbank to get horses shoed. Annie at school.
Afternoon John & George in the swamp. Wm. drawing out
cordwood. Self choring. Paid Mr. Stillwell for cows at bull. Mr.
John Belford here all night.
19 – Wind NE, dull warm day. John & George in the swamp.
Wm. drawing out cordwood. Mr. Belford leaves with 2 bags of
wheat. Annie at school. Afternoon snowing from the east. John,
George & Robert in the swamp. Wm. drawing out wood. Self
doing nought. Mother at Mr. Boddies. James Walker here
settling with William. John, George and Margaret at Alexander
Gordons at a spree.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. drawing wood. John & George in
the woods. Self in the granary. Afternoon Wm. fixing his cutter.
John & George in the woods. Margaret scrubbing. Self doing
21 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert & Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Psalms XCVI:3. Lizzie
Akhurst here.
22 – Wind SW., snowing some. Nothing doing. Afternoon self,
Wm., John, George and Robert drawing turnips. Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry in the evening.
23 – Wind NW, cold day. George & John in the woods. Wm. in
the woods. Self doing nought. Annie at school. Afternoon John
& George in the woods. Wm. drawing wood. Robert in the
woods. Self in own woods. Robert, Margaret, Wm. and George
at singing.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John, George and Robert in the woods.
Wm. drawing wood. Annie at school. Self doing nought.
Margaret washing. Afternoon John, George and Robert in the
woods. Wm. drawing wood. Self choring. Margaret spinning.
Annie at school meeting. Self, Wm. and Margaret at Missionary
Meeting in the Presbyterian Church. 4 dollars and 26 cents of
25 – Wind W, snowing and drifting some. John and George in
the woods. Wm. drawing out wood. Annie at school. Self doing
nought. Mother churning. Margaret baking. Afternoon John and
George in the woods. Wm. at Prince Albert with wood for Mrs.
Drury. Self doing nought. Wm. at Mr. Pete Martineaus in the
26 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and George in the woods.
Self, Mother, and Robert oiling harness. Annie sick. Margaret
spinning. Afternoon John and George in the woods. Wm. taking
dirt from his turnip pit, turnips rotting. Self at harness. Robert at
Greenbank for papers.
27 – Wind W, fine day. John and George in the woods. Wm.
drawing out wood. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John and
George in the woods. Wm. and Robert gone to Port Perry with
wood. Margaret scrubbing. Self doing nought.
28 – Wind W, cold day. Margaret & Robert at Sunday School.
Self, Wm., George and Margaret at the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. McArthur preaching from John XVII:15.
29 – Wind NW, snow drifting. John and George in the woods.
Wm. at Greenbank. Robert at school. Self sharpening saw.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Wm. gone to Port
Perry with wood. Self doing nought. Margaret spinning. Annie
getting better.
30 – Wind S, snow blowing. John and George in the woods.
Wm. drawing wood. Self splitting wood. Margaret washing.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Self doing nought.
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Robert at school.
31 – Wind W, fine day. John & George in the woods. Self fixing
sleigh box. Robert at school. Wm. drawing wood. Afternoon
John & George gone to the Exhibition at Brock. Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. Self doing nought.
FEB. 1 – Wind SW, fine mild day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
John and George gone to Port Perry races. Self doing nought.
Afternoon self making road. Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John and George in the woods. Wm.
drawing out wood. Self splitting wood. Margaret gone with Jane
Michie to collect for the Home and Foreign Missions. Afternoon
John and George in the woods. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry
with wood. Self making axe handle.
3 – Wind NE, cold day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John doing
nought. Self and George fanning wheat. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry with wood. John and George in the woods.
Self making sleigh box. Margaret scrubbing.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday
School George and Margaret at the Primitive Methodist meeting.
Mr. Walker preaching. Wm. and John there in the evening.
5 – Wind W. Wm. mending his cutter. John in the woods.
George gone to Manchester with wheat. Self doing nought.
Afternoon Wm. mending his cutter. John, Margaret and Annie at
Primitive Methodist social.
6 – Wind N, fine day, some snow through the night. Wm.
mending his cutter. Self, John, George & Robert fanning wheat.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Wm. at Greenbank
with his cutter to fix. Self fixing sleigh box.
7 – Wind W, cold day. John gone to Joseph Lees to lath. George
gone to Manchester with wheat. Wm. in the woods. Self
threshing pease. Annie at school. Margaret washing. Afternoon
Wm. making axe handle. Self threshing pease. Mother visiting
at Mr. Akhursts. Received the Aberdeen paper of Jan. 13, 1872.
8 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. drawing wood. John and George
grinding axes. Self doing nought. Annie at school. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John and George in the woods.
Self doing nought. John at Joseph Lees for his money. Mother
at Jas. Walkers.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John &
George in the woods. Self making axe handle. Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. & Robert at Port Perry with wood. John &
George in the woods. Self at Greenbank for the papers. John at
John Lees in the evening.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. & Robert at Port Perry with wood.
John & George in the woods. Self threshing pease. Afternoon
Wm. & Robert at Port Perry with wood. John & George in the
woods. Self choring. Margaret scrubbing. Annie at Mr.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert & Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, & Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Isaiah II:18.
Monthly collection 1.46.
12 – Wind SW, soft day. John & George at Thos. Phairs
chopping wood. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self fixing straw
stack. Mr. Blair from Whitby here and hires Margaret. Robert &
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Mr.
and Mrs. McPhail here visiting.
13 – Wind SE, and raining. Robert & Annie at school. Nothing
doing. Margaret washing. Afternoon still raining, nought doing.
14 – Wind NW, snowing some. John & George at Thos. Phairs
chopping wood. Robert & Annie at school. Self at Uxbridge for
some cloth. Afternoon Wm. at the mill with a grist. John Watson
buried today.
15 – Wind NW, cold day, snow drifting. John & George at Thos.
Phairs chopping wood. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. going
round with a petition to sign for money to improve the sideline
between Lots 18 & 19 on the 9th
, 10th
, 11th
and 12th
of Reach. Mr. Akhurst here in the evening.
16 – Wind NW, dull day. John & George at Thos. Phairs wood.
Wm. and Margaret gone to Whitby. She to her place for one
month and Wm. to the Register Office. Robert & Annie at school.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon self doing nought. Wm. & Robert
at Greenbank to hear J.B. Campbell lecture.
17 – Wind SE, cold day. John & George at Thos Phairs wood.
Wm. drawing out wood. Self threshing pease. Afternoon Wm.
gone to mill for grist. James Gordon here for horse money. Self
doing nought. Mother scrubbing.
18 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm., Annie and Robert at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and George at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Galatians V:13 on Love
and Liberty.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Wick building chimney. John &
Robert at Woodville. George at [Borclia?] with some basswood
lumber, 210 feet. Annie at school. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon nothing doing. Mr. Perkins here visiting. Robert
Akhurst, Jean Akhurst and 2 of Mr. Perkins girls here sleigh
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John & George in the woods. Wm.
gone to Manchester with petition. Robert and Annie at school.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John & George in the woods. Self
drawing wood home.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
doing nought. Robert at school. Mother washing. Afternoon
very stormy. John, George & Wm. in the woods. Self drawing
wood home. Exhibition at Greenbank in the evening. Self, John,
George, Robert & Annie at it.
22 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Self drawing wood home. Afternoon self drawing home wood.
John, Wm., George in the woods. Allen Byers and Andrew
Gordon here in the evening.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & Annie in the woods. Self
threshing pease. Robert & Annie at school. Afternoon Wm.,
John & George in the woods. Self drawing home wood. George
at Mr. Duffs in the evening. Andrew Gordon here all night.
Received Aberdeen paper of Feb. 3, 1872.
24 – Wind SW, fine day and thawing. Wm. gone to Port Perry.
John & George in the woods. Self drawing home wood.
Afternoon self, Wm., John, George & Robert drawing in turnips.
25 – Wind NW and cold. Wm., Robert & Annie at [Sunday]
School. Nobody at church this afternoon. Very cold.
26 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm., John, & George in the woods.
Self drawing home wood. Afternoon self threshing pease. Wm.
drawing out cordwood. John & George in the woods. Robert &
Annie in the woods gathering chips.
27 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. drawing out wood. John & George
in the woods. Self making axe handle. Robert & Annie at
school. Afternoon Wm. drawing out wood. John & George in the
woods. Self splitting wood. Mother baking. Wm., John and
George at Greenbank to hear Professor Kent lecture. Received
the Aberdeen Herald of January 27, 1872.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. drawing out wood. John & George
in the woods. Annie at school. Self at Prince Albert and Port
Perry. Afternoon John & George & Robert in the woods. Wm.
drawing out wood. Wm., John, George, Robert & Annie at
Greenbank to hear Professor Kent lecture.
29 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. drawing out wood. John & George
in the woods. Robert & Annie at school. Self choring. Afternoon
self making milking stool. Wm. drawing out wood. John &
George in the woods.
MAR. 1 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. Wm. drawing out
wood. John & George in the woods. Self threshing pease.
Robert & Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. drawing out wood.
John & George in the woods. Self doing nought.
2 – Wind N, fine day, but cold. Wm. drawing out wood. John &
George in the woods. Self mending Annies boots. Afternoon
Wm. drawing out wood. John & George in the woods. Self
splitting wood.
3 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at Union Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm. & George at Presbyterian Meeting. A
stranger preaching from Philippians II:1.
4 – Wind W, stormy day. Nothing much doing. Fanning barley.
Snow drifting. Mother washing. Afternoon Wm. and John at Port
Perry. Self, George & Robert fanning Georges oats.
5 – Wind NW, very cold and the dust flying. John and George in
the woods. William sharpening bucksaw. Self writing letter.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Self writing. Wm.
doing nought.
6 – Wind NW, very high and excessive cold. Nothing doing. Self
writing letters. Afternoon the boys threshing pease. Self writing
7 – Wind NW, not so cold nor near so much wind as yesterday.
John & George in the woods. Wm. drawing out wood. Self
writing. Mrs. Walker here a short time. Afternoon John and
George in the woods. Wm. and Robert gone to Port Perry with
chips. Self writing.
8 – Wind E, rather dull, looking like a storm. John and George in
the woods. Wm. drawing out wood. Self doing nought. Robert
gathering chips. Afternoon John & George in the woods. Wm.
drawing out wood. Self at Greenbank for the papers.
9 – Wind SE, dull day with some snow. John & George in the
woods. Wm. & Robert drawing out wood. Self and Annie at
Prince Albert for my boots. Afternoon John & George in the
woods. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with chips.
10 – Wind W, rather dull. Wm., Robert & Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., John, George & Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Cameron of Beaverton preaching from Luke
XVIII:10 on the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican.
11 – Wind W. Wm. & John in the woods. George at the sawmill
with 2 butternut logs and brought home a roller from waggoner.
Self writing to Barbara. James Walker here wanting man and
team to draw rails from Mr. Clemens. Robert and Annie at
school. Afternoon Wm. drawing out wood. John & George in the
woods. Self choring. Mother baking.
12 – Wind SW, fine day, snow melting fast. John, George & Wm.
in the woods. Self at Wm. Stillwells with sow to boar. Robert &
Annie at school. Sent away a letter to Barbara. Afternoon Wm.
drawing out wood. John & George in the woods. Self fixing
water for the cattle. Mr. John Belford here paying for wheat.
13 – Wind SE, snowing. George at Port Perry. Wm. and John in
the woods. Self at Wm. Stillwells with sow to boar. Robert and
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. and John in the woods. Self at
A. Leasks and at the annual meeting of the Church on the [?]
concession. Present James McMillan, John Leask, Wm.
Ledingham, and myself. Jane McNeil died.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self and
George in the woods drawing out wood. Robert and Annie at
school. Afternoon John at cedar. Wm. in the woods. Self and
George drawing out wood.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and George in the woods. John at
Port Perry. Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing rails for
James Walker. Mrs. Isaac Truax, Mrs. Joseph Lee, Mrs. A.
Michie and Mrs. Perkins here visiting.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Annie at Port Perry. William
sharpening saw. George in the wood. Self churning. Afternoon
Wm. and George in the woods. John at Greenbank. Self
choring. Mrs. Walker and Widow Michie here visiting.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. George at
Greenbank in the afternoon. Rest all at home.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Robert & Annie at school. Self threshing flax seed. Afternoon
Wm, John and George in the woods. Self at flax seed. Wm. and
George at Greenbank to some performance in Sons Hall.
19 – Wind NW, snowing and drifting. Nothing doing. Afternoon
Wm. and John making a harrow. Self and Robert fanning flax
seed. Mother washing. Annie ironing. High wind but the sun
20 – Wind NW, very cold bright day. John & Wm. making harrow.
Mother baking. The rest doing nought. Annie at school.
Afternoon still stormy. Wm. and George in the woods. John at
Greenbank with his harrow. Self doing nought. Sally Akhurst
here. Received the Aberdeen paper of Feb. 28, 1872.
21 – Wind W, rather cold. John and George in the woods. Wm.
and self grinding axe. Samuel Belford here for some oats from
George. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm., John &
George in the woods. Self choring. Mother baking cakes.
George Michie died 1869.
22 – Wind W, snowing some. John and George drawing out
wood. Wm. in the woods. Self splitting wood. Robert and Annie
at school. Afternoon Wm., John and George in the woods. Self
at Greenbank for the papers.
23 – Wind W, snowing some. John & George drawing wood.
Wm. in the woods. Self mending Sally Akhursts boots.
Afternoon Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. Self, John & George
drawing in turnips.
24 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm., Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John & George at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Romans XV:4.
25 – Wind S, rather dull. John & George in the woods. Wm.
drawing logs. Self mending boots. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. [?] with elm logs. George at Greenbank.
John in the woods. Self at the school examination. Mr. and Mrs.
Luke and Fred here all night.
26 – Wind N, fine day. George at James Walkers boring caps17
Wm. at Mr. [Laziers?] with elm logs. John doing nought. Self
doing nought. Mr. Robt. Walker Jun. here to sell a horse to Mr.
Luke. Afternoon Wm. at [Laziers?] with elm logs. John in the
woods. Self doing nought. Mr. Luke leaves for home.
27 – Wind S, fine day, snow going fast. John & George drawing
out the last of their wood. Wm. in the woods. Mother washing.
Self splitting wood. James Belford here for turnips from Wm.
Afternoon Mother washing. John & Wm. in the woods. Self
putting up gaps in the fences. George leaves for A. Leasks.
George goes to A. Leasks for 8 months.
28 – No wind scarcely, dull day. Wm. in the woods. John doing
nought. Self putting handle on the spider. Afternoon Wm. in the
woods. John doing nought. Self writing to Margaret Mitchell.
Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. gone with elm logs. John doing
nought. Self writing. Mother baking. Afternoon Wm. and Robert
and horses drawing timber for a bridge on the creek. John at
Greenbank for the papers. Self making bolt for the stable door.
Mr. John Belford here wanting potatoes and pork.
30 – Wind S, fine day, snow melting fast. Wm. & Robert drawing
timber for a bridge on the creek. John doing nought. Self
choring. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the creek. John at
Greenbank with black mare to shoe. Self doing nought. Mother
scrubbing. George arrives from A. Leasks.
31 – Wind E with hail and rain. Wm. and Robert at Sunday
School. Afternoon sleet still falling. Nobody at any meeting.
Self seeing Mr. C. Asling in the forenoon, he being very sick.
APR. 1 – Wind NW, snow drifting and very cold. Wm. over the
creek with elm logs. Self doing nought. John writing letter to
Wm. Foster. Afternoon Wm. draws elm logs. Self at Greenbank
with letters. Mother at Chancy Aslings visiting.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. drawing elm logs. Self doing nought.
John doing nought. Mother washing. Afternoon Wm. making a
table to George Boddie. John going round. Self writing. Mother
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. making table for George Boddie.
John & self fanning grist. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon
Wm. making table. Self at mill with a grist. Mother at James
Walkers visiting. Isaac Clemens here asking hands for chopping
bee. Rec. letter from Barbara.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at table. Self and John doing
nought. Robert and Annie at school. Henry Love here for wood.
George here for his box. Afternoon Wm. at table. Self at the mill
for grist. Mother at George Boddies visiting. John doing nought.
5 – Wind SW, fine warm day. Wm. finishing table. Robert and
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. in his fallow. John doing
nought. Self doing nought.
6 – Wind S, warm day, snow melting fast. Wm. gone to Port
Perry. John doing nought. Self reading the papers. Mrs. Phair
here a little while. John Belford here for potatoes and pork.
Afternoon self and John doing nought.
‘Boring caps’ likely meant drilling holes into large
rocks in order to insert dynamite.
7 – Wind S, rather dull. Robert at Sunday School. No one from
here at any meeting. Rainy afternoon.
8 – Wind S, very dull soft day. Wm. gone to Scott to plaster.
John at Greenbank at the doctor. Self picking potatoes.
Afternoon self fixing the pump. Nothing doing.
9 – Wind S, very dull day. Mother washing. Self splitting wood.
John and Robert putting up fence. Afternoon self splitting wood.
John & Robert around the fences. Mr. John Leask here wanting
10 – Wind SW, rather rough day. John and Robert round the
fences. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John & Robert doing
nought. Self choring. Mr. Robert Phair brings home the turnip
11 – Wind NW, fine day. John and self taking in the sleigh.
Robert at school. Afternoon John doing nought. Self splitting
wood. Mother visiting at Mr. Akhursts and Mr. Boddies. McPhail
cow calves heifer.
12 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at school. Self and John drew 1
load of turnips when it began to rain. Afternoon still rainy.
Nothing doing.
13 – Wind W, blustering day. Self, Robert and John drawing
turnips. 7 loads. Wm. on his fallow. Mr. Eddie, the assessor,
here. Afternoon self, John & Robert drawing turnips. 5 loads.
Wm. in his fallow.
14 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. and Robert at Sunday School.
Black ewe lambed this morning, ewe lamb. Wm. at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching.
15 – Wind W, rather dull day. Wm. at Greenbank getting his
springboard mended. Self splitting wood. John doing nought.
Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon self splitting wood. Mrs.
Perkins here visiting. Ewe lambed ewe lamb.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. in the woods. John at Greenbank to
see the Dr. but did not. Self at Manchester and Port Perry for
Barbara. Robert at school. Ewe lambed ram lamb.
17 –Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Greenbank to see the Dr.
Wm. gone somewhere. Self choring. Barbara washing. Self
fixing a drain. John does not see the doctor. A letter comes from
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Wm. drawing rails. Afternoon
John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self fencing. Robert at
Greenbank with a letter to Mr. Fisher.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John plowing. Wm. fixing his
springboard. Self fencing. Barbara whitewashing. Afternoon
John plowing. Self fencing. Barbara whitewashing. Robert at
Greenbank for the papers. Wm. fixing his buckboard. 2 ewes
lambed 2 ewe and 2 rams.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John some sick. Wm. and Robert piling
wood. Self choring. Barbara cleaning up. Afternoon John
plowing. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. Self piling wood.
Barbara scrubbing. Mother sewing for Miss Ann Gordon who is
here visiting.
21 – Wind S, fine day, looking some like rain. Wm., Barbara,
Robert and Annie at Sunday School. John some bad with
rheumatism. Self, Wm., Mother, Barbara and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 2
Corinthians XII:9. My grace is sufficient for you and my strength
perfected in weakness.
22 – Wind N, cold day. Self took home 5 bags of oats to Mr.
Perkins which was borrowed in the fall. Wm. and John doing
nought. Afternoon Wm. at Samuel Byers lathing. John plowing.
Self making gate. Alexander Gordon here for a load of turnips.
Mrs. A. Gordon here visiting.
23 – Wind SW, fine day, hard frost through the night. Wm. at Mr.
Byers house. Self, John and Robert drawing turnips. Wm.
McMillan and A. Gordon here for turnips from Wm. Afternoon fall
of snow. Self, John & Robert fanning oats and pease.
24 – Wind SW, warm day, snow melting fast. John plowing. Wm.
at Mr. Byers house. Self making gate. Afternoon John plowing.
Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. Mother at Mr. Burtons visiting.
Self making axe. Ewe lambed ewe and ram.
25 – Wind SW, fine drying day. Wm. gone to Whitefield Lees to
lath. John plowing. Self mending barley fork. Mrs. Martineau
here visiting. Afternoon self and John striking off the lands in the
turnip field.
26 – Wind W, fine drying day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. John
plowing. Self choring. Afternoon John plowing. Self digging the
garden. Margaret Johnstone and Isabella Michie here visiting.
Robert at Greenbank for the papers.
27 – Wind W, rather cold, some frost through the night. John
plowing. Self digging garden. Afternoon John plowing. Self
digging garden. Barbara scrubbing. Robert and Barbara at
Greenbank in the evening.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Annie and Robert at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, Mother, and Barbara at
Presbyterian church. Mr. McArthur preaching from John VI:9.
George here from A. Leasks.
29 – Wind S, some frost through the night. Wm. at Mr. Byers
house. John plowing. Annie at school. Robert at Greenbank
getting Wms. horse shoed. Self sowing some grass seeds.
Afternoon John harrowing. Self writing a letter to Margaret.
John goes to A. Leasks to work for George who is going to the
jury. Mother goes to John Leasks all night.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self rolling
new grass. Annie at school. Barbara washing. Afternoon self
MAY 1 – Wind SW, fine day, some rain. Self plowing. Wm.
whitewashing the kitchen. Afternoon some rain. Self plowing.
Wm. doing nought. Mother comes home from visiting.
2 – Wind W, cold rough day. Wm. and Robert sowing pease and
oats. Self harrowing. Polly heifer calves a bull. Afternoon self
harrowing. Wm. in the woods. Barbara visiting at Chancy
Aslings. Very cold night.
3 – Wind W, hoar frost. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self harrowing
and rolling. Rain at 11 o’clock. Afternoon some snow. Self
plowing. Annie gone to A. Gordons for Mothers spectacles.
4 – Wind N, some snow through the night. Wm. doing nought.
Self plowing. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the creek. Self
plowing. Misses Margaret and Eliza Mathews here visiting and
for potatoes. Barbara scrubbing. John arrives from A. Leasks.
5 – Wind W, some frost, looking like rain. Wm., Annie, Barbara
and Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm. and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Psalms
VII:3,4. Monthly collection today.
6 – Wind Easterly, not much of it, warm day. Wm. gone to
Whitefield Lees to plaster. John harrowing. Self and Robert
sowing wheat, oats and barley. Barbara washing. Mother
churning. Afternoon John harrowing. Self sowing grass seeds.
Wm. arrives from Whitefields. Williams, pedlar, here and some
coverlet pedlar.
7 –Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Barbara gone to Manchester.
John harrowing. Self sowing grass seeds. Annie at school.
Afternoon John rolling. Self and Robert planting Early Rose
potatoes and Garnet [?].
8 – Wind NE, fine day. John plowing. Self trimming currant
bushes. Wm. in his fallow. Robert at Greenbank with potatoes
to Mr. King and Mr. Miller. Annie at school. Mother baking.
Barbara ironing. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert
planting apple trees. Barbara at John Leasks for a quilting bee.
Wm. away asking Wm. Love to come and log for him. Some rain
through the night. Self at Presbyterian Church Meeting about
Mr. McArthurs resignation.
9 – Wind SW, very dull and looking like rain. John plowing. Wm.
fixing round. Self fixing gate. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in
his fallow. Self writing. James Carr for Wms. horse to go to mill.
Very high wind this afternoon from the southwest.
10 – Wind NE, fine day. John plowing. Self writing. Mrs.
Martineau here making Annies dress. Afternoon John plowing.
Wm. in his fallow. Self at Greenbank for the papers. Mr. Akhurst
here for pease.
11 – Wind SW, warm day. Self plowing. John, Wm., James Carr,
Wm. Love and his oxen logging for Wm. Afternoon self plowing.
The same party logging. Barbara scrubbing.
12 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Genesis I:1.
Ewe lambed ewe lamb.
13 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. at his fallow. John harrowing. Self
and Robert sowing wheat. Annie at school. Barbara washing.
Afternoon Wm. in his fallow. John harrowing. Self planting
potatoes. Robert at Greenbank with plow cutter to be sharped.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. in his fallow. John harrowing. Self
pruning apple trees. Mother sowing carrots and beets.
Afternoon Wm. and John branding in their fallow. Self and
Mother at Brock. Annie at school. Sent a letter to Salt Lake City.
15 – Wind E, fine day. Wm. and John drawing rails. Annie at
school. Self and Robert at the Presbretry Prince Albert. Mr.
Thorn here and altered the colt. Afternoon Wm. in his fallow.
John plowing.
16 – Wind E, fine day. Wm. and Robert sowing Johns wheat.
Annie at school. Self filling up potatoes. Mare foaled last night.
John harrowing his wheat. Self filling potatoes.
17 – Wind S, fine day. John harrowing. Wm. and Robert
drowning fire in the fallow. Annie at school. Mother home from
Mr. Akhursts. Self filling potatoes. Mrs. Martineau here sewing.
Afternoon John and Barbara at Port Perry with potatoes. Wm.
and Robert fencing. Self filling potatoes for Mr. Hill and Mr.
18 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Wm. fixing Mrs. Martineaus
clock. Self choring. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert in
fallow. Annie at the creek fishing. Self mending harness.
19 –Wind SE and raining. Robert at Sunday School. Wm. and
John at Presbyterian Meeting. Still raining some. George here
from Mr. Leasks. Mr. Alex. Leask of Brock the preacher for this
20 – Wind W, some showers. John plowing. Wm. and Robert
planting potatoes in new fallow. Self sowing plaster and planting
potatoes in the orchard. Afternoon Wm. and Robert planting
potatoes in fallow. John harrowing. Self sowing Johns oats.
Wm. at the fishing in the night at Sonya and caught 2 mudcats.
Mr. Iansons horse Mosstrooper here in the afternoon.
21 – Wind W, dull cloudy day. Wm. gone to Mr. James Scotts to
plaster. John harrowing his oats. Self mending stone boat.
Afternoon John plowing in the orchard. Wm. planting potatoes
and Robert too. Self at Greenbank for coal oil.
22 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Wm. planting potatoes. Self
plowing in the orchard. John gone to Atherly. Afternoon raining.
Self and Annie at Manchester. George Michie and his wife here
for some potatoes.
23 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and Robert planting potatoes. Self
plowing. Mrs. Belford and a son of Mrs. Mills here for potatoes.
Afternoon self harrowing and plowing.
24 – Wind S, dull day with some rain. Wm. and Robert playing
the harp. Self harrowing. Afternoon self and Wm. at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Currie of Manilla preaching, not many
of attendance.
25 – Wind W, rather cool day. Self, Mother & Robert cutting
potatoes. Wm. at Mr. Matthews. Afternoon self, Robert and
Annie at potatoes. Wm. doing nought. Mother sewing. Barbara
scrubbing. Mr. Acksey here in the evening. John arrives from
Atherlys, got no money.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother,
Wm., Barbara and Annie at Brock, it being the sacrament. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Jeremiah VXIII:6 The Lord our
righteousness. Collection nearly 8 dollars.
27 – Wind W, cloudy, thunder and rain through the night. Wm.
making a dulcimer. John taking down the upstair bedsteads.
Self turning potatoes. Afternoon Wm., Robert, John, Mother and
self planting potatoes. Great thunderstorm at night.
28 – Wind NW, rather cold. Skunk caught in the henhouse. Wm.
at Mr. Matthews to see Herman Bunker. Self, John and Robert
cutting potatoes and finished planting before dinner. Alex.
[Wilters?] here for some potatoes. Afternoon Wm. at Robert
Phairs cistern. John and Robert filling up Georges oats. Self at
Presbyterian Meeting to settle whether an annuity is to be given
to Mr. McArthur on retiring from the ministry. Nothing to be
given. Edward Boe here to supper. Barbara at A. Gordons.
Wm. at meeting of U.S. School to settle about anniversary.
29 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cool. Wm. at Robert Phairs
cistern. John out with Georges oats. Self digging garden.
Barbara washing. Afternoon self mending fences. John sowing
his plaster.
30 – Wind W, showery. John gone to Alex Witters to plant
potatoes. Self harrowing. Wm. & Robert at Greenbank, Robert
Phairs cistern. Mrs. Walker here visiting. Afternoon self plowing.
Mother and Mrs. Walker at Mr. Perkins visiting. Wm. and Robert
at Greenbank at concert.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at Robert Phairs cistern.
Self plowing. Afternoon self, Robert, Wm. and Annie washing the
sheep after dinner. Then plowing. George here in the evening.
John arrives from A. Witters. Robert at Greenbank for the
June 1 – Wind SW, rather dull, looking like rain. John plowing.
Wm. and Robert gone to Port Perry. Mother churning and
making soap. Self fixing fence. Afternoon John plowing. Self
making road in the swamp.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara & Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Acts II:4.
Collection today.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert in the
swamp. Wm. in his fallow. Barbara washing. Afternoon John
rolling. Wm. on the sideline. Self and Robert splitting rails.
Annie at Barbara Walkers birthday party.
4 – Wind E, rather dull, rain at 9 o’clock. John plowing. Self
fencing. Barbara churning. Afternoon still raining. Self, John &
Robert fanning wheat and oats and filling up potatoes. Wm. and
Barbara at committee meeting of the Union S. School.
5 – Wind N, cold fine day. John plowing. Self fencing. Wm. in
the woods. Robert pulling hemlock bark. Afternoon John in the
woods. Wm. gone to get a choir for the anniversary. Robert at
Greenbank to get measured for a coat. Mother at Mrs. Akhursts.
Self splitting rails.
6 – Wind SW, fine day, looking like rain. John pulling bark. Wm.
in the woods. Annie at school. Barbara cleaning up. Self and
Robert shearing sheep. Afternoon John at bark. Wm. in the
woods. Self and Robert shearing sheep. Barbara still cleaning
7 – Wind SE, very dull, commenced to rain about 9 o’clock. John
pulling bark. Self and Barbara at Manchester with some
potatoes, oats, and one tub of butter. Rain all the afternoon.
8 – Wind SW, rather dull. Wm. painting Mr. Boddies house. John
and Robert pulling bark. Self fixing gates. Afternoon some
showers. John and Robert at bark. Self at gates. Barbara
scrubbing. Annie scrubbing.
9 – Wind S, looking like rain. Self, Wm., Barbara, Robert and
Annie at the Sunday School. Samuel Manning and Maggie
Leask here to dinner. Not any meeting at the Presbyterian
Church. Mr. McArthur at the assembly. John at Primitive
10 – Wind S, showers through the day with thunder. Wm. at
George Boddies painting. John and Robert spudding thistles.
Self at the Iansons with red mare to horse. Annie at school.
Afternoon still raining, nothing doing. Self at mill with grist. John
and Robert filling barley.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert spudding thistles.
Wm. gone to Prince Albert and Port Perry. Self splitting rails.
Annie at school. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting his
likeness took. Self fixing the cellar window. Mother at Mr.
Perkins for salt. Some rain at night.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies house painting. Self
at Manchester with barley. Annie at school. Bought a bureau for
Barbara from Mr. Davis of Port Perry. Wm. and Barbara at
Greenbank practicing for the anniversary.
13 – Wind NW, dull day, looking like rain. John harrowing. Self
at Mr. Iansons with red mare. Annie at school. Mrs. Martineau
here making dress for Barbara. Wm. at Mr. Boddies painting.
Afternoon rainy. John harrowing a little while self and Robert
filling potatoes. Took 34 bushels of Harrisons into the granary.
14 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm., John and self at road work.
Annie at school. Afternoon John and Pete Martineau begging for
anniversary. Self and Wm. at the road. Robert at the road.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Wm. at road work. Mother
and Barbara pulling down the carpet. Afternoon self, John and
Robert at the road. Wm. gone over the creek to let some jobs on
the sideline but did not do it.
16 – Wind S, warm day, looking like rain. Wm., Barbara and
Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Deuteronomy XXXVIII:5.6 on Moses death.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to take some groceries to John
Leasks. Barbara at Greenbank. John cutting thistles. Self at
road work in the swamp. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at his
road work. John harrowing. Self hoeing potatoes. Barbara
papering the upstairs room. Mother baking.
18 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. at his road work. John rolling
turnip land. Self hoeing. Barbara washing. Mother choring.
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in the swamp
burning brush. John drilling. Self hoeing potatoes. Wm. and
Barbara at Greenbank practicing singing for the anniversary.
19 – Wind SW, very warm day. Wm. in the woods. John drilling.
Self hoeing potatoes. Annie at school. Mother gone to Mr. John
Leasks to bake for the anniversary. Afternoon John drilling.
Wm. burning brush. Self hoeing and sowing turnips.
20 – Wind W, warm day. Wm. singing. John drilling. Self hilling
potatoes. Annie at school. Self took red mare to horse.
Afternoon John drilling. Self hilling potatoes. Wm. and Robert
burning brush. Wm. at Greenbank practicing singing for the
21 – Wind W, fine day. John drilling. Self at the anniversary
grounds. Annie at school. John drilling. Wm. burning brush.
Afternoon very high wind. Wm. at Uxbridge in the evening.
22 – Wind NW, fine cool day. Wm. gone to Port Perry. John
gone to anniversary grounds. Self hilling potatoes. Robert at
Greenbank with Wms. horse to shoe. Afternoon Margaret
arrives from Whitby. Self drilling in the orchard. Mr. Bagshaw
here for 3 bushels of potatoes. Wm., Barbara and Margaret at A.
Leasks practicing singing.
23 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Robert at
anniversary. Afternoon Self, Wm., John, Margaret, Barbara,
Robert and Annie at the anniversary. Mr. Argo preaching from
Zachariah IV:7.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Greenbank Union Sabbath
School anniversary. Speakers Mr. J. Miller, R. Miller, F. Tavis, ,
Mr. Flint Sr., Rev. Mr. Smith from Glasgow and Mr. [Cummer?].
Singers Misses Gordon, A. Gibson, N. Gibson, [???], T. Scott,
and Knowles. Concert in the evening in the Methodist Church.
25 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Whitby with
Margaret, Elizabeth Akhurst, Elizabeth Burton and Barbara.
John doing nought. Self talking to Mr. Stillwell. Afternoon self,
John and Robert fencing Wms. woods. Alex Leask died.
26 – Wind NE, very warm. Self, John and Robert fencing Wms.
woods. Mother churning. Annie at school. Afternoon self, John
and Robert hoeing potatoes. Wm. and Barbara arrives from
Whitby. Self and John at Bible Society meeting in Wesleyan
Church. Revd. Mr. Manley addressing the meeting. Some 15 of
an audience. Nothing done during the year. Mr. Manley not
pleased at the little interest taken in it.
27 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. and Robert burning brush. Self
and John dunging out the sheep house. Annie at school.
Barbara washing. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at brush burning.
Self taking dung off the barn floor. John at the mill for a grist.
Mother sewing.
28 – Wind S, very warm. Wm. in his fallow. John hoeing
potatoes. Self doing nought. Mother gone to Mr. Stillwells.
Barbara baking. Afternoon raining with thunder. Wm. and John
in the fallow. Self and Robert planting cabbage.
29 – Wind W, very warm. Wm., John, Wm. Love and his oxen
logging for Wm. Barbara ironing. Self finishes sowing turnips in
the orchard. Afternoon Wm., John, James Carr and Wm. Love
logging. Self hoeing potatoes. Barbara ironing and scrubbing.
Wm. at Saintfield at night.
30 – Wind SW, very warm. Barbara and Annie at Primitive
Methodist Meeting. Mrs. Scott here in the afternoon.
JULY 1 – Wind W, very warm day. Wm. and Robert in the fallow.
Self and John hoeing potatoes. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in
the fallow. Self and John hoeing potatoes. Mother at Mr. Robert
Phairs visiting. Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Wm. Beare here visiting.
Barbara at Mr. Mathews.
2 – Wind W, warm day. Wm., John, James Carr and Wm. Love
and his oxen logging. Self scuffling potatoes. Afternoon Wm.,
John and Wm. Love logging. Shower at dinner. Self, Barbara
and Annie at Primitive Methodist school anniversary. Wm., John
and Barbara at concert in the evening.
3 – Wind SW, very warm, some thunder and rain through the
night. Wm. and Robert burning off their fallow. John hilling
potatoes. Self hoeing in the garden. A. Cragg here for the turnip
drill. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in Wms. fallow. Self and Robert
cutting thistles. Annie at school. Black sow pigged 10 pigs.
4 – Wind SW, rather cloudy. John cutting thistles. Wm. planting
turnip seed. Annie at school. Self at Manchester, Prince Albert
and Port Perry for Paris Green. Shower of rain at noon.
5 – Wind W, cool day. Self turning potatoes. John & Robert
cutting thistles. Mr. Stillwell here buying Wms. ram. Wm. sowing
his turnips. Mrs. Love Sen. And Mrs. David Cragg here for
potatoes. Afternoon Wm. harrowing his turnips. John and
Robert cutting thistles. Annie gone to Wm. Beares to a party.
Wm. Love here for Georges steer.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his turnips. John cutting thistles.
Self talking to Mr. Stillwell. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in the
fallow. John fixing up potatoes. Self hoeing potatoes and at Mr.
Iansons with red mare in the evening.
7 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., Barbara, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. John at English Meeting. Wm. takes
Mary Jane Luke and Barbara to Greenbank.
8 – Wind S, warm day. Wm., Barbara, and Robert gone to Utica
to a church opening. Annie at school. John hoeing turnips. Self
scuffling turnips. Afternoon self and John hoeing turnips. Mother
picking wool.
9 – Wind S, very warm day. John, Wm. and Robert hoeing
turnips. Annie at school. Self at Prince Albert at the meeting of
the presbetry.
10 – Wind S, some rain in the morning, very warm day. Wm.
splitting rails. Annie at school. Self and John mowing a little.
Barbara washing. Afternoon heavy shower after dinner. Wm.
splitting rails. Self and John choring. Mrs. A. Chalmers and Miss
Lizzie Chalmers here. Lizzie remains.
11 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. in his fallow. Self and John
mowing. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. splitting rails. Self
and John mowing oats. George here in the evening. Heard that
A. Leask was dead.
12 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. splitting rails. John and Robert
hoeing turnips. Self scuffling turnips. Annie at school.
Afternoon self turning hay. John and Robert hoeing turnips.
Wm. on the sideline working. Elizabeth Chalmers and Mother
leaves for Mr. Duffs. Self took red mare to Greenbank to horse.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. on the sideline working. Self, John
and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drew in 4 loads of hay into the barn. Wm. on the sideline.
Barbara goes to Brock with Lizzie Chalmers.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
George here from A. Leasks. Miss Barbara Walker here in the
afternoon. Mr. McArthur said to be preaching A. Leasks funeral
sermon at Presbyterian Meeting.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Port Perry for boots. Self,
John and Robert hoeing turnips. Barbara arrives from Brock.
Afternoon self, John and Robert hoeing turnips.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self and John
mowing. Robert hoeing turnips. Barbara and Annie picking
berries. Afternoon self and John mowing. Robert hoeing.
Some showers through the afternoon with thunder.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Robert
hoeing turnips. Self and John mowing hay. Barbara washing.
Afternoon self and John cuts out the hay and hoes turnips.
Robert hoeing turnips.
18 – Wind N, some rain in the morning. Wm. at Mr. Byers house.
Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie and Barbara picking
berries. Afternoon self, John and Robert drew 12 loads of hay
into the stable loft and hoed some turnips. Mother at Mr. Perkins
visiting. Annies birthday. Miss B. Walker, Agnes Duff, Sally
Akhurst and Hannah and Eva Perkins all swinging in the barn.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self and John
mowing Johns hay. Robert hoeing. Barbara and Annie picking
berries. Afternoon Wm. and John at David Craggs barn raising.
Self and Robert raking hay. Raising lasted til 12 o’clock at night.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John
and Robert drew in 6 loads of hay. Annie at Greenbank for the
papers. Afternoon looking like rain. Self, John and Robert drew
5 loads of hay which finishes the haying at home. Barbara
scrubbing. Mother picking currants.
21 – Wind W, raining all morning with some thunder. No one at
the Sunday School. Self, John, Mother, Barbara, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. Taylor preaching from 1st
Peter I:4,5. Good attendance.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Wm. and John mowing. Barbara,
Robert, Annie, Margaret Leask and Jane Michie picking berries.
Afternoon self, Wm., and John mowing. Robert turning hay. The
rest picking berries.
23 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self,
John and Robert raking hay. Barbara at Manchester for sugar.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. John Reals barn raising. Self, John and
Robert raking hay. Mrs. Perkins here visiting. Great show at
Port Perry today.
24 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm. gone to John Lees house.
Self, John and Robert stacking Johns hay. Barbara and Annie
picking berries. Afternoon self, John and Robert stacking hay.
10 little loads.
25 – Wind S, and looking like rain. Self, John and Robert
stacking Johns hay. Barbara washing. Afternoon self, John and
Robert finishes Johns hay. John and self mowing barley.
Barbara at Mr. Thos. Phairs visiting.
26 – Wind SW, shower in the forenoon. Self and John mowing
barley. Barbara and Annie picking berries. Afternoon self and
John mowing barley. Mr. C. Scott, pedlar, here all night. Apple
tree agent visiting.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips in
the orchard. Mother baking and churning. Afternoon self, John
and Robert hoeing. Barbara scrubbing. Isabella Michie and
Mary Michie here all night.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Robert, Annie, Isabella
Michie and Mary Michie at the Sunday School. Self, Wm., John
and Barbara at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Galloway preaching
from Heb. I: 1, 2. Collection for the expenses of the assembly
29 – Wind S, much thunder and looking like rain. Wm. at Mr.
Byers house. Self, John and Robert raking barley. Rain at 10
o’clock. Afternoon John taking 8 lambs to A. Stones place. Self
hoeing the garden.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. John
mowing barley. Self killing calf. Afternoon John and Robert
hoeing turnips. Self scuffling turnips. Looking like rain. Mrs.
Thos. Phair here for black currants.
AUG. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at his turnips. Self, John,
Robert and Annie drew 4 loads of barley. Afternoon self, John
and Robert and Annie drew 1 load of barley. Mrs. A. Gordon,
Mrs. Burton, Mrs. McArthur, Miss Isabella Gordon here visiting.
Agnes Boddie here all night.
2 – Wind SE, thunder and rain through the night. Wm. gone to
Mr. Byers house. Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
gone to Brock. Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers. Mother
at Mr. Akhursts. John and Robert hoeing turnips. Some rain in
the afternoon. Wm., John and Robert at Mr. Gibbs meeting at
3 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. at his turnips. Self, John and Robert
hoeing turnips. Mrs. Walker here visiting. Afternoon Wm. at his
turnips. Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips. Drew 3 loads of
barley which finishes.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Barbara and Robert at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Macintosh preaching from Heb.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John and
Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon self, John and Robert finishes
turnip hoeing.
6 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. John gone to Mr.
John Leasks to seek work. Self and Robert at Port Perry for
lumber. Mr. Duff and Mr. Akhurst here in the evening for pigs.
7 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self and
Robert fixing bedsteads and cleaning out the cellar. Afternoon
self fixing pumps. Self, Wm. and Robert at a meeting at A.
Gordons at Greenbank on the political questions of the day.
Mother at James Walkers visiting. John arrives from J. Leasks.
8 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self
pulling pease. John gone to cut James Walkers barley.
Afternoon self cutting pease. Robert at Greenbank with Wms.
horse to be shoed. Election at South Ontario. Mr. T. Gibbs
9 –Wind S, very warm day. Wm. gone to Mr. Markhams to
plaster. Mother gone to Brock. John at Jas. Walkers barley.
Self cutting pease. Afternoon self cutting pease.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert cut out the pease. John
cradling oats. Mother arrives from Brock with Annie sick of sore
throat. Afternoon self, John and Robert binding oats.
11 – Wind SW, very dull day. Wm., Barbara and Robert at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., and Barbara at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Taylor preaching.
12 – Wind SE, very dull day and some rain. Wm. gone to Mr.
Markhams. Barbara at Greenbank. Self, John and Robert
cutting and binding wheat. Afternoon self, John and Robert
cutting and binding oats.
13 – Wind E, dull day. Self, John and Robert cutting and binding
oats. Barbara washing. Afternoon self, John & Robert drawing
pease. Rev. Mr. Taylor and Mrs. John Leask here and Mrs.
Martineau and Mrs. Boddie visiting.
14 – Wind SW, dull day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John and
Robert cutting oats. Afternoon Barbara at Greenbank for the
doctor to Annie. Self, John and Robert at oats. Slight shower in
the evening.
15 – Wind N, rather cloudy. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John
and Robert cutting wheat and oats. Afternoon John going round
trying to get some work. Self fixing water for the cattle. Pamela
Burton here visiting.
16 – Wind easterly, fine day. Wm. gone to John Leasks to
harvest. John at Mr. Akhursts harvesting. Self at Port Perry with
a grist. Margaret Walker here visiting. Annie still sickly with sore
17 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Mr. Duffs. Self fixing
washtub. Robert pulling flax. Barbara scrubbing. Mother gone
to Alex Leasks, the baby being very sick. Meeting of Grits at
Greenbank, none from here at it.
18 –Wind SW, looking like rain. Mother arrives from A. Leasks.
Nobody at Sunday School. Self and John at Presbyterian
Church and there was not any preacher. Wm. and Barbara at
Greenbank in the evening. No meeting there.
19 – Wind SW, very warm day. Wm. at A. Leasks. John at T.
Duffs. Self and Robert pulling flax. Barbara washing. Afternoon
Robert cutting timothy. Self choring.
20 – Wind S, very warm. Self, Wm. and John at Greenbank and
voted for Thompson. Afternoon Wm. gone to A. Leasks. Self,
John and Robert at Johns oats. Slight showers in the afternoon.
Mother visiting at Mr. Akhursts, his baby being sick. John &
Robert at Greenbank in the evening. Mr. W. Gibbs, majority 216.
W. Akhursts child dies.
21 – Wind S, thunder and rain through the night. John cutting his
oats and goes to George Boddies to rake and bind wheat. Self
and Robert binding oats. Afternoon self and Robert cutting a
swath round the wheat field. Mr. Akhurst at Brooklin with the
black mare for his daughter. Mr. R. Phairs binding bee.
22 – Wind N and very high. Wm. gone to A. Leasks. John at R.
Phairs. T. Duff here reaping wheat. Self and George Boddie
binding. Robert gone with Lizzie Akhurst to Prince Albert.
Afternoon T. Duff reaping. John, self and George Boddie
binding. Mother, Robert and Annie at Mr. Akhursts childs
23 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to A. Leasks. Self and John
binding wheat. Robert shocking. Barbara gone to Port Perry
with the Misses Akhurst. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing in wheat and oats.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to A. Leasks. John gone to Mr.
Akhursts. Self and Robert binding oats. Afternoon self and
Robert shocking wheat. Mother at A. Leasks, their baby being
25 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara, Robert and
Annie at funeral of J. Leask son of the late A. Leask. Mr. Cairns
preaching from Matthew XII:40.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to A. Leasks. John gone to T.
Duffs. Annie at school. Self and Robert fencing pease stack and
cutting Johns wheat. Afternoon self, John, and Robert cutting
Johns wheat. Rev. Mr. Cairns here. Mr. James Walker has a
binding bee. Annie at school.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at A. Leasks. John, self and Robert
at Johns wheat. Afternoon John, self and Robert at Johns
wheat. Mother to Greenbank with the Minister. Annie at school.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at A. Leasks. Self, John and Robert
finishes the cutting and binding of Johns wheat. Annie at school.
Afternoon self, John & Robert drawing wheat.
29 – Wind SW, and very like rain. Self, John and Robert finishes
cutting and binding Johns oats and drew some wheat. Wm. at A.
Leasks. Annie at school. Afternoon finished drawing of Johns
oats. Some showers with thunder.
30 –Wind N and cold. Nothing doing much. Wm. gone over the
creek. John & Barbara at Uxbridge. Self doing nought.
Afternoon high wind and rain. Nought doing. Annie at school.
Ann Michie died 1846.
31 – Wind N and high, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house
but does not work any. John fixing his shocks. Self doing
nought. Afternoon Wm., John and Robert working on the
sideline. Self raking wheat stubble with horse rake.
SEPT. 1 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday school. Self, Wm., Mother, Barbara and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cairns preaching from Hebrews IV:8.
Mother gone to John Gordons to see a sick child. Wesley Luke
here to dinner.
2 – Wind N, looking like rain. Wm. at A. Leasks. Self, John and
Robert drawing Johns wheat. Afternoon drew the last of Johns
wheat and [?] Roberts potatoes. Annie at home.
3 – Wind W, very cold. John working on the sideline. Annie at
school. Self and Robert at Prince Albert and Port Perry.
Presbetry meeting in Prince Albert Church.
4 – Wind S, looking like rain. John and Robert gone to the
sideline to work. Self digging stones. Annie at school.
Afternoon John and Robert at sideline. Self digging stones.
Wm. comes home from A. Leasks.
5 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., John & Robert at
sideline. Self plowing. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm., John
and Robert at sideline. Self plowing. Mr. James Carr [took]
Wms. horse to mill.
6 – Wind W, fine day, though some dull. John and Robert
plowing. Self and Barbara at Brock. Annie at school. Wm. at
Mr. Byers house. John and Robert plowing.
7 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
John and Robert plowing. Self burning stones.18
Afternoon John
and Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank. Mother at James
Walkers visiting.
8 – Wind W, very warm. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, Barbara and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Gillies preaching from Luke XV:4.
9 – Wind easterly, raining some through the forenoon. John
mending horse troughs. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Annie at
school. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert plowing.
Self digging stones.
10 – Wind S, threatening rain. Wm. gone to Byers house. John
and Robert plowing. Self cutting burrs on Wms. farm. Annie at
school. Afternoon John plowing and pulling stumps. Self
burning stumps.
11 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert pulling stumps. Self
burning stumps. Annie at school. Afternoon Robert harrowing.
John at Wm. Reals raising. Self burning stumps. Mrs. S. Byers
and Mrs. John Byers here visiting. Wm. at Byers house.
12 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
Self, John and Robert drawing dung. Rain at 10 o’clock.
Barbara spinning. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing
dung. Rain at 5 o’clock. Mrs. R. Phair here visiting.
13 – Wind N, rough with showers. Nothing doing. Self digging
stumps. Afternoon John and Robert drawing dung. Self digging
stumps. Mrs. Walker brings parcel from the old country from
Margaret Mitchell.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self, John
and Robert drawing dung. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing dung. Barbara scrubbing.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Barbara at
‘Burning stones’ – farmers would need to remove very
large rocks from their fields, so they would pile brush
around them and set them on fire. Once the rocks were
sufficiently heated, adding cold water would cause them
to crack, thus making them easier to split into smaller
pieces which they could then move with less difficulty.
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Gillies preaching from Luke XV:4.
Isabella Gordon here all night.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Loves. John gone to
Port Perry. Annie at school. Self digging stones. Afternoon self
at Greenbank getting black mare shoed. Barbara and Isabella
Gordon at Mr. Burtons visiting.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Mathews to dig a well.
John and Robert drawing dung. Self at Thos. Phairs threshing.
Annie at school. Barbara and Isabella Gordon at Port Perry to
Mr. Martins.
18 – Wind S, looking like rain. Self at Thos. Phairs threshing.
John and Robert drawing dung. Annie at school. Barbara
washing. Afternoon some rain. Self, John and Robert drawing
dung. Wm. at Mr. Byers house.
19 – Wind N, showery. Self, John and Robert digging stones.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at dung. Wm. at Mr. Byers
house. Mother visiting at Mr. Burtons.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self,
John and Robert and horses at Mr. Perkins threshing. Annie at
school. Isabella Gordon leaves for Mr. Akhursts.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert and horses at Mr.
Perkins threshing. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Afternoon self, John
and Robert at dung. Barbara at James Walkers threshing.
22 – Wind SW, thunder in the morning and some rain. Wm.,
Robert and Barbara at U.S. School. Self, Mother, Wm., John
and Barbara at Presbyterian Church. A young man preaching
from Heb. II:3.
23 – Wind SE, dull day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John and
Barbara at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Afternoon Wm. over the
creek to see some jobs of road work. Some thunder through the
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John and
Barbara and Robert at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert spreading dung. Self at school in the
evening. Annie at school. John gets 4 bags of oats from Mr.
25 – Wind SW, rather showery. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. John
plowing. Self spreading dung. Robert digging his potatoes.
Afternoon John plowing. Self at Greenbank getting Wms. horse
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Self spreading dung. John plowing.
Annie at school. Some gentleman puts lightning rods on the
barn. Afternoon self burning stones. John plowing. Mother
visiting at Mrs. Leasks.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at school. John plowing. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self spreading dung.
Wm. and Robert digging potatoes.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert digging potatoes. John
plowing. Self spreading dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self
spreading dung. Wm. and Robert at potatoes.
29 – Wind SE, rain in the morning. Wm., Barbara, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Currie of Manilla preaching from Luke
III:17. Church declared vacant.
30 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. and John gone to John Gordons
to dig a well. Annie at school. Barbara washing. Self plowing.
Afternoon self ditching in the swamp.
OCT. 1 – Wind N, rough showery day. Annie at school. Self
digging stones. Robert has toothache. Afternoon self digging
stones. Wm. and John gone to Chancy Aslings well. First day of
Fair at Prince Albert.
2 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. and John gone to Mr. Aslings well.
Self, Barbara, Robert and Annie at county fair, Prince Albert.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Mr. Aslings well.
Self and Robert burning stumps in the swamp. Afternoon Mrs.
James Carr here visiting. Self and Robert burning stumps.
4 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Mr. Aslings well.
Annie at school. Self and Robert fixing the stable. Afternoon self
and horses at George Boddies threshing. Barbara at Mr.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and John at Mr. Aslings well. Self
and horses at George Boddies threshing. Barbara at George
6 – Wind W, with thunder and showers. Wm., Barbara, Robert
and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., John and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. No service.
7 – Wind N, rather dull. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well. Annie at
school. Self, John and Robert fixing for the threshing machine.
Barbara washing. Mother churning.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to Thomas Phairs well. Annie
at school. Self, John and Robert digging potatoes. Afternoon
self, John and Robert digging potatoes in the orchard. Threshing
machine came tonight.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Threshing. Mr. Perkins and horses, Mr.
Boddie and horses, R. Phair, Thos. Phair, Thos. Duff, Wm.
Akhurst, Jas. Walker, Wm., John and self at it. Threshed all day.
10 – Wind NW, rough day. Threshing. Mr. Perkins and horses,
Mr. Boddie and horses, Jas. Walker Jun., Thos Phair, James
Walker Sen., Thos. Duff, Wm. Akhurst, Wm., John and self
threshed til noon. All finished. Afternoon self, John and Robert
clearing the barn door. Wm. at Thos. Phairs well.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Mr. Duffs threshing. Wm. at
Thos. Phairs well. Self and Robert doing nought. Annie at
school. Afternoon self doing nought. Barbara and Robert at
12 – Wm. at Thos. Phairs well. Self, John, Robert and Annie
digging potatoes. Mr. James Carr here wanted nought.
Afternoon John at Thos. Phairs well. Self, Robert and Annie at
13 – Wind SW, dull day. Wm., Robert and Barbara at Sunday
School. No Presbyterian meeting.
14 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm. and Robert gone to Mr. Gilroys
to plaster. He not ready, they go to Mr. Belfords. Self, John,
Robert, Annie and Mother at potatoes. Afternoon self, John,
Mother , Annie and Robert at potatoes.
15 – Wind SW, cold day. Self, John, Mother, Annie and Robert at
potatoes. Barbara washing. Afternoon snowing. Self, John and
Robert fanning barley.
16 – Wind NW, rough day. John at Greenbank paying the
blacksmith bill. Barbara spinning. Mother churning. Robert and
Annie pairing apples. Self doing nought. Afternoon self, John &
Robert at potatoes. Barbara at Mr. Wm. Reals quilting. Mother
& Annie at potatoes.
17 – Wind SE, frosty morning. Self, John and Robert at potatoes.
Barbara spinning. Mother draining milk. Annie at potatoes.
Rain at noon. Afternoon self and John and Robert fanning
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John, Robert and Annie and
Mother at potatoes. Afternoon self, Mother, John and Robert
finishes digging potatoes. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
Barbara scrubbing. Wesley and Louis Luke here all night.
19 – Wind N, rather cold. Wesley Luke leaves for home. John
and Robert taking in the apples. Self and Barbara at Port Perry
with 39 bushels of barley. Barbara gone to Brock with the train.
Margaret comes home with me.
20 – Wind W, hard frost. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., Margaret, John and Annie at
Presbyterian Church. Some stranger preaching.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John and Robert gone to Wick
Station. Self takes mare from colt. Annie at school. Afternoon
self and Robert taking in apples.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at school. Self and Robert at
potatoes but they will not work. Self harrowing. Afternoon self
and Robert burning bushes in the orchard.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Margaret and
Robert fanning barley. Afternoon self, Margaret and Robert at
barley. George here in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. Self & Robert at Port
Perry with barley. Mother visiting at Mr. Wm. Reals.
25 – Wind SE and raining some. Mother at Mr. Aslings, his wife
being sick. Self and Robert fixing the cellar for potatoes.
Afternoon self and Robert threshing timothy seed. Margaret at
Greenbank and brings home Mother.
26 – Wind Easterly and raining. Self and Robert threshing
timothy seed. Afternoon still raining. Margaret gone to Brock.
John arrives from Mr. Gilroys.
27 – Wind Easterly, raining some. Wm., Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. A
stranger preaching.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert taking in potatoes with
the wheelbarrow. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes and
cabbage. Margaret and Miss M. Johnston arrives from Brock.
Barbara arrives from Brooklin.
29 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert, Mother and Margaret taking
in potatoes. Annie at school. Afternoon self, Mother, Margaret
and Robert at potatoes. Miss Johnston leaves for A. Gordons.
30 –Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother and Robert
taking in potatoes. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at
potatoes. Miss Emily and Miss Lizzie Akhurst and Miss Margaret
Walker here visiting. Barbara washing. Mrs. Knowley died.
31 – Wind SE, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother and
Robert at turnips. Barbara and Margaret Walker at Port Perry at
the Doctor. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at turnips.
NOV. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother and
Robert at turnips. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at turnips.
Drew 8 loads. Received Aberdeen Journal and Free Press of
Oct. 9, 1872.
2 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at turnips. Annie at R. Phairs.
3 – Wind W, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., Margaret, Robert
and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm.,, John, Barbara
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. No preacher.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John at Port Perry. Wm. fixing his
potatoes. Self, Mother and Robert and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon Wm. and John gone to Mr. Gilroys. Self, Mother,
Robert & Annie at turnips.
5 – Wind S, threatening rain. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
turnips. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips.
6 – Wind W, dull day. Self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips drawing into
cellar. Mr. Scott, pedlar, here all night. Margaret at Greenbank
for oil.
7 – Wind SW. Self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips. Afternoon
self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips. Rain before night.
8 – Wind W and raining some. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
turnips. Afternoon self, Mother, & Robert at turnips. Annie at
Greenbank for papers.
9 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert fencing the turnip pits.
Mother & Annie topping turnips in the orchard. Afternoon self,
Mother, Robert and Annie drawing turnips in the orchard and
finished. Margaret & Barbara cleaning up. Wm. and John
10 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Robert at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., Barbara, Annie, Margaret and
Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Reed preaching from 1st
John:I:9. Monthly collection $1.52.
11 – Wind W, rather dull day. Wm. gone to Brock. Self sawing
wood. John, Robert and Mother topping Wms. turnips. Annie at
school. Afternoon self, Mother, John and Robert drawings Wms.
turnips. Christina Byers and Miss James Truax here visiting.
James Walker, Barbara Walker, Jane and Sally Akhurst, George
Boddie, [?] Boddie, Lizzie Dimund, Robt. & Albert Akhurst, [?]
12 – Wind N, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother, John &
Robert topping turnips. Afternoon self, John, Mother and Robert
drawing turnips. Barbara & Margaret at Mr. Phairs in the
13 – Wind S, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother, John &
Robert topping turnips. Afternoon self, Mother, John & Robert
drawing turnips.
14 – Wind SE, rather cold. General fast day. Self covering turnip
pit. John mending his boots. Women making ready for quilting
tomorrow. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self choring some.
Margaret scrubbing. Barbara baking. Mother carding wool.
15 – Wind N, hard frost. Self, John & Robert fencing Wms. turnip
pits. Afternoon self, John & Robert drawing in pease. Margt.
Matthews, Margt. Leask, Jane Michie, Miss Nicols, Ann Gordon,
Mary Gordon, Pamela Burton, Agnes Asling, Mrs. Akhurst, Lizzie
Akhurst, Margt. Walker, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. R. Phair and Mrs.
Thos. Phair at quilting bee. General fast day by order of the
Governor General.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John & Robert fixing the goose house.
Self dunging out the pig house. Mother, Barbara, Margt. and
Margt. Walker quilting. Afternoon John and Robert fixing the
henhouse. Self fixing the turnip cellar.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert & Annie at
Sunday School. Lizzie Akhurst here. Wm. and John at
Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching.
18 – Wind SW, rather cold. Wm. gone to Mr. David Leasks. John
fixing the roof of stable. Annie at school. Self banking the turnip
cellar. Barbara & Margaret quilting. Afternoon John at
blacksmiths getting black mare shoed. Self threshing pease and
put in the pigs to fat. Mother, Barbara and Margaret quilting.
19 – Wind SW, rather dull. Annie at school. John and Robert in
the woods for axe handles. Self fixing cow house. Mother,
Barbara & Margaret quilting. Afternoon self, John & Robert
drawing out cedar. Barbara & Margaret at Mr. Akhursts quilting.
20 – Wind NW, cold and frosty. Annie at school. Margaret
washing. Self, John & Robert drawing out cedar. Afternoon self,
John & Robert at cedar.
21 – Wind SW, rather dull. Annie at school. John & Robert in the
swamp. Self threshing pease. Mrs. A. Leask here visiting.
Afternoon John making axe handle. Self and Robert threshing
pease. Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Barbara at Mr. Byers.
22 – Wind S, snowing some. Wm. at Thos. Phairs. John in the
swamp. Annie at school. Self and Robert taking in potatoes.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert fixing sheep rack.
23 – Wind SW, some snow. Wm. at Thos. Phairs house. John at
Robt. Phairs threshing. Self and Robert fanning a grist. Barbara
at Mr. Phairs. Afternoon self at Beares Mill with grist.
24 – Wind S, rather dull. Wm., Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., Margaret and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Gage preaching from 1st
John V:9.
25 – Wind W and very high. Annie at school. Wm. at Thos.
Phairs. John at Robert Phairs threshing. Self and Robert
threshing pease. Afternoon John at rails. Self and Robert
threshing pease. Meeting at Presbyterian Church on financial
matters. Self and John at it.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Thos. Phairs. John splitting rails.
Annie at school. Self round for money to Mr. McArthur.
Afternoon John at rails. Self at meeting in Brock Church to talk
of calling a minister. Nothing done.
27 – Wind SW, rather dull looking. Annie at school. Wm. gone to
Port Perry to get his boots mended. John in the swamp. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John in the swamp. Self choring.
28 – Wind W, fine day, rather cold. Wm. at Thos. Phairs well.
John in the swamp. Self at mill for grist. Annie at school.
Barbara at Greenbank. Afternoon John in swamp. Self choring.
Barbara making mat.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs well.
Annie at school. Self and Robert drawing out cedar. Afternoon
self and Robert drawing pease. Barbara and Margaret at Mrs.
Leasks quilting. Isabella Michie here.
30 – Wind N, very stormy. Wm. at Mr. Byers. John threshing
pease. Self at Mr. Akhursts, he being sick with sore throat.
Afternoon self and John threshing pease.
DEC. 1 – Wind S, snowing some. Wm., Margaret and Robert at
the Sunday School. Self and Wm. at Presbyterian Meeting.
Some stranger preaching.
2 – Wind S, rather soft. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs well.
Annie at school. Robert at Port Perry. Barbara at Mr. Akhursts.
Isabella Michie at Jas. Walkers. Self drawing wood. Afternoon
self drawing wood. George arrives from Mrs. Leasks. Wm.,
John, Margaret, Barbara, Isabella Michie and Pascoe Luke at
Miss Akhursts wedding in the evening at 7 o’clock. All the above
here all night with the addition of Jane and Robert Akhurst.
3 – Wind SW, snowing some. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs
well. George at Port Perry. Self and Robert threshing pease.
Barbara & Isabella Michie quilting. Mother and Annie at Mr.
Akhursts. Afternoon self and Robert threshing pease. The
women all quilting.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Thos. Phairs well. John and
George gone to Mara. Self choring. Annie at school. The
women quilting. Afternoon self fixing turnip basket. Mrs. Akhurst
here quilting. Isabella Michie and Barbara leave for Brock.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the creek. Self
choring. Annie at school. Margaret washing. Mr. Markham here
to dinner, he wanting cord wood. Afternoon Wm. at Thos. Phairs
well. Self and Robert choring.
6 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at Mr. Byers taking a well to dig.
Annie at school. Self and Robert threshing pease. Afternoon
Mother making vest. Self and Robert threshing pease. John and
George arrive from Mara.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Burtons well. John and
George at Port Perry. Self and Robert threshing pease.
Afternoon self mending Annies boots. Margaret scrubbing.
Robert and Annie sleigh riding.
8 – Wind NW, find day and warm, snow thawing. Wm., Margaret,
Robert and Annie at Sunday School. Wm., John, George
Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
9 – Wind NW, very stormy. Wm. and John at Port Perry. Self
doing nought. Afternoon still stormy. Doing nought.
10 – Wind N, rather frosty. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John at
Toronto to see about his land. Self choring. Mother and
Margaret sewing. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with
wood. Self choring.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
writing. Self threshing pease. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm.
and Robert at Port Perry with wood. John and self threshing
12 – Wind about S, some like a thaw. Annie at school. Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry with wood. John at Byers well. Margaret at
Greenbank to get boots. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
Mr. George Boddie and Mr. R. Phair takes a load for him. Self
choring. Barbara arrives from Brock.
13 – Wind SW. Wm. at Mr. Burtons. John and Robert drawing
out bark. Self doing nought. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing in the pease stack.
14 – Wind SW, rather soft. John at Mr. Burtons well. Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. Self and Robert threshing pease. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self choring.
15 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Barbara, John, Margaret and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Isaiah
16 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Burtons well. Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry with wood. Self doing nought. The women
quilting. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self and
Robert making a floor above the cows house.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with
wood. John at Burtons well. Self helping George Boddie to kill
pigs. Mr. Andrew Gordon here. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at
Port Perry with wood. Self doing chores.
18 – Wind W, fine day, some snow falling. Wm. making sleigh
tongue. Self, John, Robert and George Boddie killing pigs.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self gutting pigs. John
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Mara. Wm. at Burtons
well. Self doing nought. Margaret & Barbara cleaning up.
Afternoon Margaret and Barbara cleaning up.
20 – Wind W, rather stormy. Wm. drawing wood to Port Perry.
Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self at
Greenbank for the papers. John arrives from Mara.
21 – Wind about S, fine day. Wm. and John at home. Self,
Barbara and Annie at Port Perry with 2 pigs. Afternoon Wm.
training the colt. John choring. Self doing nought.
22 – Wind W, very frosty day. Robert at Sunday School. Very
cold. Nobody at any meeting. Barbara and Margaret at Mr.
23 – Wind W and snow drifting. Wm. out with wood. Self
choring. John fixing the cellar. Margaret washing. Barbara
sewing. Afternoon Wm. out with wood. Self doing nought.
Mother baking.
24 – Wind N, keen frost and bright day. Wm. shoveling the road.
John and Robert at Prince Albert with bark. Barbara baking.
Self doing nought. Afternoon Margaret scrubbing.
25 – Wind Easterly, very cold. Christmas Day. Nothing doing.
The women busy cooking. Afternoon nothing doing. Annie at
Mr. Perkins. Barbara, Margaret and John at A. Michies, Brock, in
the evening. Still very cold.
26 – Wind E, very cold, nothing doing. Afternoon Wm. drawing
wood. John gone to Greenbank but gets only to James Walkers.
27 – Wind S, not so cold. Wm. drawing wood. John threshing
pease. Barbara baking. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry with wood. John threshing pease. Self at
Greenbank for the papers. John Leask comes for Mother in the
evening, his wife being sick.
28 – Wind SW, rather dull. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
threshing pease. Self splitting wood. Margaret churning.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John threshing pease.
Self doing nought. Mr. Stewart and Charles Hogan here all
night. Mother not home yet.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Wm.,
John, Mr. Hogan, Barbara and Annie at the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. A. Leask from Brock preaching from Kings.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Port Perry with wood. Mr.
Stewart leaves for the east road. John and Mr. Hogan gone to
Port Perry to get the writing made out for that land in Mara. Self
doing nought. Barbara Walker here. Afternoon Wm. and Robert
at Port Perry with wood. Barbara making ready for New Years
day. Threatening snow.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Mr.
Hogan leaves for home. John threshing pease. Self doing
nought. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with Robert along. Self
and John fanning pease.
And thus ends the Year 1872.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
and self doing nought. George Boddie here to dinner. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self and John doing nought.
Spree in the evening. 64 at it.
2 – Wind SE, hailing. Wm. and R. Phair at Port Perry with wood.
John gone to Cannington. Self at Port Perry with Lizzie
Chalmers and Emma [Wackhup?] to the train. Afternoon Wm.
and R. Phair at the Port with wood. Self choring.
3 – Wind SW, snow thawing fast. William at the Port with wood.
Self at Brock to see Mr. Alex Arthur. No papers come tonight.
George comes home with a boil on his leg.
4 – Wind SW, snowing some. Wm., self and Robert drawing
wood. Afternoon Wm., self and Robert draw in 6 loads of
turnips. Margaret scrubbing. John arrives home.
5 – Wind easterly, snowing some. Margaret & Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Barbara and Margaret and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Moodie preaching from 1st
Peter I:8. Collection $2.05.
6 – Wind NW, fine day, snow drifting. Wm. and John gone to Port
Perry. George gone to Mrs. Leasks. Self at Greenbank voting at
municipal election. Voted for Graham, Reeve; Holman & St.
John, Dep.; Leonard Burnett & Wm. Real, councilors. Afternoon
Wm. and John at Port Perry. Self doing nought.
7 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
grinding his axe. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. & Robert at
Port Perry with wood. Self doing nought. John in the woods.
8 – Wind S and snowing, rather soft. Wm. at Port Perry with
wood. Self and John at school meeting. John takes the wood
(10 cords) at $2 per cord. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm
gone to Port Perry with wood. Self doing nought. Barbara at
Jas. Walkers.
9 – Wind W, very cold. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at the Port. John in the
woods. Self choring. Mr. Phair here. Rev. Mr. McArthur died at 2
o’clock morning.
10 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. gone to Robert Phairs barn
timber. John in the woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon John in
the woods. Self at Greenbank for the papers.
11 – Wind SW, rather cold. Wm. at Mr. Phairs timber. John in the
woods. Self, Barbara and Annie at Mr. McArthurs funeral.
12 – Wind southerly. Margaret and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Wm., John, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Moodie preaching from Matthew V:8. Samuel
Manning here in the evening.
13 – Wind S and thawing. Wm. gone to Mr. Phairs timber. John
& Robert gone to Prince Albert with bark. Self doing nought.
Afternoon nothing doing.
14 – Wind SW. Wm. at R. Phairs timber. John at the woods.
Robert at school. Self at Port Perry with a grist. Afternoon John
in the woods. Self drawing wood.
15 – Wind SE, snowing some. John in the woods. Wm. at Mr.
Phairs timber. Self fixing grindstone. Robert at school. Walter
Asling here for Margaret to hire for 2 weeks. Afternoon John in
the woods. Barbara washing. Self took Margaret to Greenbank.
Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins.
16 – Wind SE, rain through the night. Nothing doing. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry for grist. John at James Walkers wood bee.
Self doing nought. Mother and Barbara quilting.
17 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm. gone to Mr. Phairs timber. Self
and John drawing turnips. Robert at school. Afternoon self and
John drawing turnips. 4 loads.
18 – Wind NE, very cold. John in the woods. Self splitting wood.
Barbara scrubbing. Afternoon John in the woods. Self doing
nought. Wm. doing nought.
19 – Wind SW, snowing some. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Nobody at Presbyterian Church. Barbara at Greenbank
with Mr. Perkins.
20 –Wind SW, rather stormy. John in the woods. Wm. gone to
Port Perry with wood. Robert and Annie at school. Barbara and
Mother quilting. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm.
at Port Perry with wood. Self choring.
21 – Wind SE, snowing. John in the woods. Wm. at Port Perry
with wood. Robert and Annie at school. Self choring. Afternoon
John in the woods. Wm. at the Port. Self choring.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Robert at
school. Annie at home. Self and John fanning wheat. Afternoon
Wm. at Burtons. John and Barbara at Port Perry with wheat.
Self choring.
23 – Wind NE, very cold. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Robert
and Annie at the school. Self and John fanning wheat.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self and John fanning
wheat. Elizabeth Burton here all night.
24 – Wind NE and snowing some. John drawing wood to the
school. Wm. at Mr. Burtons. Self choring. Afternoon John
drawing school wood. Wm. doing nought. Self choring a little.
Elizabeth Burton gone home.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to Thos. Phairs. John drawing
school wood. Self choring. Afternoon John drawing school
wood. Self looking at the road at the 9th
concession and
shoveling some.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching from John X:9.
27 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Thos. Phairs
timber. Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing school wood.
Afternoon self drawing school wood.
28 – Wind NW, and very cold. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs
timber. Robert and Annie at school. Self choring. Afternoon self
at Port Perry with wheat.
29 – Wind SW and very cold. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs
timber. Robert and Annie at school. Self and Mother filling
wheat. Afternoon self at Port Perry with wheat. Margaret comes
home from W. Aslings.
30 – Wind W, rather cold. John and Wm. at Thos. Phairs timber.
Robert and Annie at school. Self choring. Mr. Minty here selling
cloth. Afternoon self drawing wood to the school. Mother,
Barbara and Margaret quilting.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John at Mr. Thos. Phairs timber.
Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing wood. Mr. C. Asling
here looking at the colt. Afternoon self drawing wood to the
school. John receives letter from Toronto.
FEB. 1 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at Thos. Phairs timber. John,
Margaret and Robert at Port Perry. Self doing nought.
Afternoon nought doing.
2 – Wind SW, fine bright day, but very cold. Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Nehemiah XI:3.
Collection $1.52.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs timber and
finishes at noon. Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing
wood. Afternoon Wm. collecting money. Self and John drawing
4 – Wm. at Port Perry. Robert and Annie at school. Self and
John drawing turnips. Afternoon self and John drawing turnips.
Barbara gone to gather money for the U.C. Bible Society.
5 – Wind S, rather dull day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
in the woods. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at
Port Perry with wood. Self making pick handle. Barbara arrives
home having got about 15 dollars for the Bible Society.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John in the
woods. Self doing nought. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John in the woods. Self
choring. Mr. Wm. Akhurst buys the colt for 120 dollars and one
year to pay.
7 – Wind S, rather soft day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
at the Port selling his hay. Robert and Annie at school. Self
making axe handle. Christina McPhail here. Afternoon Wm. at
the Port with wood. John making roads to draw his hay. Self
making track to haystack.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Port Perry with hay. Robert
at Port Perry. Wm. at home. Self doing chores. Afternoon Wm.
and John at the Port with hay. Self at Greenbank. Margaret
9 – Wind N, very cold. Only Margaret at the Sunday School.
Nobody at meeting. Very cold and stormy.
10 – Wind S, very cold. Wm. & John at Port Perry with hay.
Robert & Annie at school. Self choring. Women quilting.
Afternoon Wm. and John at the Port with hay. Self choring. Mrs.
Walker here quilting.
11 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Wm. at Port Perry with hay. Self
and John at Manchester with a steer and heifer. Robert and
Annie at school. Mrs. Perkins here visiting.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at the Port with hay.
Robert and Annie at school. Self at Mr. Akhursts with sow.
Afternoon self doing nought. Barbara washing.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Brock. Self doing
nought. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon nothing doing.
The school exhibition came off in the Sons Hall in the evening.
Self, Wm., John, Robert, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at it.
$22.61 made.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and self drawing home hay
from Johns stacks. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm.
at Port Perry. Self and John drawing wood.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self
making axe handle. Margaret gone with Mr. Akhurst to Whitby.
Afternoon Wm. and John in the woods. Self choring.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, John, Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott
from Cambray preaching from Romans X:14,15. Collection for
the Foreign Mission $7.18. Barbara at Uxbridge.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Robt. and
Annie at school. Self making road in the swamp. Afternoon
John & Wm. in the woods. Self cutting up pork.
18 – Wind S, rather soft day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self
making roads. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon John &
Wm. in the woods. Self drawing rails. Wm. gone to Wick.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. John in the
woods. Self drawing rails. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
drawing rails. Mrs. James Scott died.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert and Annie at
school. Self splitting rails. Margaret arrives from Whitby. Wm.
arrives from Brock. Afternoon John and Wm. in the woods. Self
splitting rails. Mr. Akhurst takes away the colt and gives his note.
21 – Wind SE, snowing. Robert and Annie at school. Wm. and
John at Mrs. Scotts funeral. Self doing nought. Afternoon
stormy, nothing doing.
22 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. in the woods. Self, John and
Robert at Port Perry. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Wm. in the
woods. Rest doing nought.
23 – Wind W, very cold and frosty. John, Margaret and Barbara
at Greenbank. Mrs. Scotts funeral sermon preached at 10
o’clock. Wm., Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Church,
Port Perry. Barbara at James Walkers in the afternoon.
24 – Wind W, very cold. John & Wm. in the woods. Self doing
nought. Mother, Barbara and Margaret quilting. Afternoon John
and Wm. in the woods. Self doing nought.
25 – Wind NW, very cold. John and Wm. in the woods. Self
drawing rails. Robert at school. The women quilting. Afternoon
Wm. and John in the woods. Self drawing rails. Mrs. Perkins
here quilting. Barbara at George Boddies.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Robert and
Annie at school. Self drawing rails. Barbara washing. Afternoon
Wm. and John in the woods. Self splitting rails. Mrs. Michie at
Mr. Burtons visiting. Mr. Harrison and Thos. Ianson here for
horse money.
27 – Wind SE, snowing heavy. Nothing doing. Afternoon Wm.
and John in the woods. Self doing nought.
28 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. and John in the woods. Robert
and Annie at school. Self drawing rails. Afternoon Wm. and
John in the woods. Self drawing rails.
MAR. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Uxbridge. John in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon self at Greenbank. John in the
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret, Annie and
Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Margaret
and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Monteath preaching
from John IXVI:24, 25. Collection $1.98.
3 – Wind NW, very cold. Wm. at Port Perry. John in the woods.
Robert and Annie at school. Self writing. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self writing. Wm. gone with Andrew Gordon to Burtons.
4 – Wind N, very cold. Wm. at John Gordons well. John in the
woods. Self threshing pease. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self threshing pease. Mother at George Boddies visiting.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Burtons well. John at John Gordons
well. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing. Barbara
at Mr. Phairs visiting. Self doing nought. Afternoon self doing
6 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. at the Burtons well. John at John
Gordons well. Self some sick. Robert at school. Afternoon
nothing doing. Mrs. Boddie here.
7 – Wind SW, fine day, snow melting. Wm. at Mr. Byers well.
Self drawing turnips. Robert at school. Afternoon drawing
turnips. [?] cow needs lifting. Miss Pamela Burton here.
Barbara and Margaret at protracted meeting.
8 – Wind SW. Wm. at Mr. Byers well. Self and Robert drawing
turnips. Annie some sick. Afternoon stormy. Wm. at Port Perry.
Self doing nought. John arrives from John Gordons.
9 – Wind NW, rather cold. Barbara, Margaret and Robert at
Sunday School. John and Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Wm. and Lizzie Akhurst at Port Perry meeting. John, Barbara
and Margaret at the protracted meeting, Greenbank.
10 - Wind SW, fine day. John at Byers well. Wm. at John
Gordons well. Robert at school. Self chopping wood. Afternoon
Barbara visiting at C. Aslings. Self cobbling. Self at meeting in
the Presbyterian Church about calling a minister.
11 – Wind W, rather rough, heavy fall of snow through the night.
Wm. at John Gordons well. John gone to Whitby to the jury. Self
at Port Perry. Robert at school.
12 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. Robert
at school. Self at Mrs. Leasks sale. Mr. and Mrs. McPhail here.
Barbara leaves for the Centre Mills.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers well. Robert and
Annie at school. Self drawing wood. Afternoon self chopping
wood. Self at A. Horns at meeting of school trustees.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at John Gordons well. Self
chopping. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon self chopping.
15 – Wind S, rainy day. Nothing doing. Self threshing pease.
Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. John arrives from Whitby.
16 – Wind NW, very stormy, snow drifting. No one at Sunday
School. Self, John, Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McCutcheon preaching.
17 – Wind NW, rather cold. John at Mr. Byers well. Wm. and
Margaret at Ann Gordons wedding. Self chopping. Afternoon
self chopping. Robt. and Annie at school.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Robert Phairs stone bee.
John and self chopping. Afternoon self and John chopping.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret at Mr. Phairs.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. John in
the woods. Self and Margaret at Port Perry. Robert at school.
Afternoon John in the woods.
20 – Wind SE, snowing some all day but soft. Wm. at Port Perry
with turnips. Robert and Annie at school. Self and John in the
woods. Afternoon Wm. at the Port with turnips. Self and John in
the woods.
21 – Wind W, snow deep, having snowed all night. Wm. at the
Port with turnips. John in the woods. Self doing nought. George
Michie died 1868.
22 – Wind W, rather cold, snow drifting. Wm. at Mr. Byers well.
John in the woods. Self drawing wood. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self drawing wood. Margaret scrubbing.
23 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Annie at Sunday School.
Margaret and Annie at English Church. Self, Mother & Wm. at
Presbyterian Meeting and no service.
24 – Wind E, rather cold. Wm. at Mr. Byers well. John in the
woods. Self drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
drawing wood. Mother at Mr. Boddies.
25 – Wind E, snowing. Wm. at Byers well. John at Greenbank.
Annie at school. Self doing nought. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self drawing wood.
26 – Wind NE, snowing. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. Annie at
school. Self and John doing nought. Margaret washing. J.
Leask & Ed Boe here to dinner and taking subscriptions for Mr.
McKutcheon. Afternoon self doing nought. John at the woods.
27 – Wind N, heavy snow storm through the night. Self, Wm. and
John drawing in turnips. Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Byers well. Self
and John in the woods.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
29 – Wind SE, and raining. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. Self and
John in the woods for awhile. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. Margaret at the Sunday School.
31 – Wind NE, snowing through the forenoon, nothing doing.
Afternoon Wm. and Margaret at Port Perry. John in the woods.
Self at Greenbank for the papers.
APR. 1 – Wind S, rainy sort of day. Wm. at Mr. Byers well. John
and self in the woods. Robert at school. Afternoon self and
John in the woods.
2 – Wind SW. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. John in the woods.
Self drawing wood. Robert at school. Annie sick. Afternoon
snow falling. John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Robert at
school. Self doing nought. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm.
drawing logs to mill. Self doing nought.
4 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Wm. drawing logs.
Self hunting rack crooks19
. Robert at school. Afternoon Wm.
drawing logs. John in the woods. Self doing nought. Mrs. R.
Phair and Mrs. T. Phair here visiting.
5 – Wind S, much thunder through the night, rain in the morning.
John and Wm. at the mill putting on logs. Self doing nought.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon thunder and rain, nothing doing.
Wm. & John in the woods.
6 – Wind SW, thunder through the night and rainy. Foggy day.
None at School or Church.
7 – Wind Easterly, very foggy. Wm. and John in the woods. Self
doing nought, bad back. Robert at school. George Boddie
brings home Margarets sheep. Afternoon Wm. & John in the
woods. Self doing nought.
8 – Wind N, rainy day. Nought doing. Robert at school.
Margaret washing. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
9 – Wind E, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon still raining,
nothing doing.
10 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. at the mill piling lumber. John,
Robert & self drawing turnips. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self drawing wood out. Robert picking chips. Margaret at Thos.
11 – Wind S, rather dull. Wm. and John in the woods. Robert
drawing chips. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Wm. in
the woods. Self doing nought.
12 – Wind NE, fine day. John and Wm. in the woods. Self
making rack crook. Robert taps some trees. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert in the woods drawing out shingle bolts. John in the
woods. Self making rack crooks.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. John at Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching.
14 – Wind N, rather cold, but a fine day. John and Wm. in the
woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Wm. in the
woods. Robert and Annie boiling sap. Self choring. Mother &
Margt. quilting. Mrs. John Watson died.
15 – Wind S, fine day. John and Wm. in the woods. Self trying to
plow a little in the orchard. Margaret gone a begging for the
Home Mission of the Presbyterian Church. Robert choring.
16 – Wind SE, looking like a storm. Wm. in the woods. Self,
John and Robert drawing in turnips. Afternoon Mother at Mr.
Byers. Self at Mrs. Watsons funeral. John plowing. Wm. in the
17 – Wind SE, snowing some, nothing doing. Margaret washing.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. at Port Perry. Self doing nought.
McPhail cow calved 2 bulls.
18 – Wind SE, snowing. Wm. and John drawing out cordwood.
Self letting off water. Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John
plowing. Self at Greenbank for the papers. Letter from Barbara.
‘Rack crooks’ – the farmer was hunting through the
bush to find a bow-shaped piece of wood which was
used on their hay racks.
19 – Wind W, rather dull. Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Self
mending harness. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in the woods.
Self mending harness. Margaret scrubbing.
20 – Wind N, hard frost. Margaret, Robert & Annie at Sunday
School. Wm. at Wesleyan Meeting. Self and John at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Matthew VII:13.
Margaret at English Church Meeting.
21 – Wind N, hard frost, but a fine day. Wm. in the woods. John
drawing out wood. Robert at sap boiling. Annie at school. Self
at Greenbank with Coulter. David Byers here for potatoes.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self threshing flax.
Lizzie Akhurst here quilting. Mother and Margaret quilting.
22 – Wind N, frosty morning. John plowing. Wm. in the woods.
Robt. boiling sap. Annie at school. Mother and Margaret
quilting. Self fencing. Cassidy cow, calved a heifer. Self
choring. Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Self
choring. Robert boiling sap. Mrs. Akhurst here quilting.
23 – Wind N, hard frost. John and Wm. drawing out cordwood.
Annie at school. Mother and Margaret quilting. Self doing
nought. Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Robert
boiling sap. Self choring.
24 – Wind N, hard frost. John & Wm. drawing out cordwood.
Annie at school. Self fencing. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in
the woods. Robert and self cutting up old water troughs at the
25 – Wind N, rather dull day. Wm. in the woods. John plowing.
Annie at school. Robert boiling sap. Self fencing. Afternoon
John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self setting poles to John.
26 – Wind N, very cold. Wm. at sawmill. John plowing. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self
fencing. Margaret scrubbing.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Annie and Robert & Wm. at Presbyterian
Meeting. Stranger preaching from Revelation VI:17. Wm. and
Margaret at the Primitive Meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Annie
at school. Margaret at the Akhursts quilting. Self and Robert
fencing. Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Self and
Robert in the garden. Mrs. Boddie here sewing.
29 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Annie
at school. Self fencing. Mother at Mr. Akhursts quilting.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. Self
30 – Wind N, fine day. John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self
and Mother at Brock. Annie at school.
MAY 1 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and Robt. In the woods. John
harrowing. Annie at school. Self sowing pease. Mother &
Margaret quilting. Afternoon John harrowing. Wm. and Robt. in
the woods. Self mending Annies boots. Mother, Margaret, Mrs.
Perkins and Mrs. Burton quilting.
2 – Wind Easterly and raining. Wm. and Robert making shingles.
John harrowing awhile. Self fixing timothy seeds. Perkins bull
altered. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert making
shingles. Self at Greenbank for the papers. Lizzie Akhurst here
3 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Wm. and Robert at shingles. John
plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at shingles.
John rolling. Self ditching. Miss Josephine Asling here in the
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Marbles preaching from II Corinthians
V:1. Monthly collection $1.8l.
5 – Wind Easterly. Wm. sowing wheat. John harrowing. Robert
carrying seed. Self sowing grass seeds. Mrs. Walker and Mrs.
A. Gordon here visiting. Afternoon John rolling. Wm. and Robert
making shingles. Self ditching. Cassidy heifer calved a heifer.
6 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Wm. and Robert at shingles.
Annie at school. Margaret washing. Self fixing potatoes.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert at shingles. Self in
the garden.
7 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Wm. and Robert at shingles.
Annie at school. Self in the garden. Mother at Mr. Akhursts
quilting. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert at shingles.
Self leveling in the field.
8 – Wind SE and raining. Nothing doing. Wm. gone to the Port
for some apple trees. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing
dung on the orchard. Still raining some.
9- Wind SE, raining some. Wm. gone to the sawmill. John
plowing. Self and Robert planting apple trees. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert spreading dung. Mr. Christopher Scott,
pedlar, here to dinner.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. going round. John plowing the
orchard. Self and Robert planting trees. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon Wm. fencing. John and self drawing rails. Walter
Asling takes away the McPhail cow.
11 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Margaret, John and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. No service.
12 – Wind W, fine day, some rain through the night. Wm. and
Robt. fencing. John plowing on Wms. place. Self leveling.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. sowing wheat. Robt. carrying
seed. Self leveling.
13 – Wind NW, very cold day. John plowing. Wm. drawing
timber with Wm. Loves oxen. Self and Robert at Manchester
with Pete steer. Margaret at Port Perry.
14 – Wind S, hard frost. John plowing. Wm. and Robert drawing
timber. Self leveling. Margaret washing. Afternoon John
plowing. Wm. and Robert digging cellar. Self leveling.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Wm. and Robert digging
cellar. Self leveling. Mother and Annie at Mr. Akhursts.
Afternoon John harrowing. Self sowing oats. Wm. and Robert
drawing timber. Wm. takes William Loves oxen home at night.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. John harrowing. Wm. and Robt. at
house. Self killing calf. Afternoon John harrowing. Self sowing
wheat for John. Wm. & Robert fencing. Mother at Mr. Phairs
visiting. Annie at Greenbank for the papers.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John harrowing. Wm. at the sawmill. Self
and Robert cutting potatoes. Afternoon John at Mrs. Leasks
raising. Margaret gone to Brock. Self and Robert at the grist
mill. Mother at Mr. James Walkers.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Wm. and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Lowry preaching from Ephesians III:19. Mr. Lowry
here all night.
19 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Johnstons house.
John harrowing. Self sowing oats which ends the seeding.
Annie at school. Robert gone to the Port with Mr. Lowry. Punk
heifer calfs a bull.
20 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Johnsons house. John at
Mr. Johnsons house. Self plowing. Margaret washing. Mrs.
Akhurst here and Mother baking. Annie at school. Afternoon
self plowing. Robert cutting potatoes. Mother and Mrs. Akhurst
baking. Margaret washing.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. A. Johnsons house. Annie at
school. Self and Robert planting corn. Afternoon self and
Robert fixing the potato land. Elizabeth Akhurst here visiting.
22 – Wind S, fine day. Annie at school. Wm. at Mr. Johnsons
house. John, Robert, George Boddie, Robt. Akhurst and self
planting potatoes. Afternoon planted out the potatoes. Margaret
at Greenbank in the evening with Elizabeth Akhurst.
23 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. doing nought. Self and John
fencing. Robert at George Boddies planting potatoes. Annie at
school. Margaret scrubbing. Mother baking. Afternoon John
gone to Uxbridge. Self choring. Mr. Akhurst here in the evening.
24 – Wind W, rather dull. Wm. gone to Port Perry to be married.
John, Margaret, Alex. Michie, Isabella Michie and Pat [?] gone
with him. Afternoon nothing doing. Marriage people comes
home at 6 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Akhurst and family here and
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. R. Phair, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Phair at tea. William married to Elizabeth Akhurst.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Margaret & Barbara at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Wm., Lizzie, Margaret, Barbara and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Monteith preaching from [?]. John
at Uxbridge with Margaret Walker.
26 – Wind W, warm day. Wm. and Lizzie at Uxbridge. John and
Robert fanning oats. Self taking Barbara to the train at Port
27 – Wind W, fine day. John and Wm. at Mr. Johnsons house.
Self, Robert, Margaret and Annie washing the sheep. Afternoon
Margaret washing. Self and Robert drawing rails.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. John at Mr. Johnsons
house. Wm. and Robert burning brush. Self digging garden.
Afternoon self harrowing turnip land. John home all night.
29 – Wind SW, warm day. John gone to Greenbank. Self sowing
plaster. Annie at school. Robert watching fire in Wms. fallow.
Afternoon self plowing. Rain at night.
30- Wind N, some frost in the morning. Annie at school. Self
and Robert in the swamp making fence. Afternoon self at the
mill with a grist. Robert doing nought.
31 – Wind N, frost in the morning. Self sowing plaster. Annie at
Port Perry with Mrs. Ackhurst. Afternoon self plowing. Mr.
Andrew Horne here about the anniversary. George and John
Michie here in the evening.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Robert at the
Presbyterian Church. No preaching.
2 – Wind S, warm day. Annie at school Self, Margaret and
Robert shearing sheep. Afternoon self plowing.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Annie at school. Self and Robert at Port
4 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at home. Self plowing. Mother,
Margaret and Lizzie making Annies dress. Mare foaled in the
night, 349 days. Afternoon self plowing. Wm. and John comes
home from Greenbank.
5 – Wind N, fine day. John plowing. Wm. digging his cellar20
Annie at school. Robert fishing. Afternoon John plowing. Self in
the swamp. Wm. at cellar.
6 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to Uxbridge for lumber. John
cutting thistles. Self and Robert fencing in the swamp. Annie at
school. Afternoon John at thistles. Self and Robert in swamp.
Wm. comes home without lumber having broken a waggon
7 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and Robert gone to Uxbridge. John
cutting thistles. Self painting house. Afternoon John at thistles.
Self painting.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Robert, Margaret & Annie at the
Sunday School. John, Margaret and Robert at the English
9 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert digging cellar. John
plowing. Annie at school. Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Self painting.
Afternoon Wm., John & Robert at cellar. Self plowing.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & Robert digging cellar.
Annie at school. Self at Greenbank for the waggon. Afternoon
Wm., John & Robert at the cellar. Self harrowing. Some rain at
11 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at cellar. John at Port Perry with
his oats. Self and Robert fencing. Annie at school. Afternoon
Wm. at his cellar. Robert at Greenbank with Punk. Self fencing.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Wm. and John at
road work. Robert harrowing. Afternoon self, Wm., & John on
the roads. Took the mare to horse.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Wm., John and horses on the road.
Annie at school. Afternoon self, Wm., John, Robert and horses
William was building his house on the north half, Lot #
18, Concession 10, Reach Township. His father John had
his house on Lot # 17, Concession 10.
on the road. John [McGee?] and Dan Whelan here for the turnip
14 – Wind SE, fine day, looking like rain. Wm. and John digging
cellar. Self rolling. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Wm. and
John digging cellar. Self making rack crooks and at the school
pump in the evening. Rain in evening.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Lowry preaching from John XVII. John at Brock.
16 – Wind W, thunder and showers through the day. Wm. gone
to Mr. Burtons to dig a well. John digging cellar. Annie at school.
Self and Robert making rack. Afternoon John at cellar. Margaret
gone to Robert Phairs for some time. Self and Robert at
17 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Phairs. Wm. at his cellar.
Robert drilling corn. Self painting. Afternoon John drilling. Wm.
and Robert at cellar. Self painting.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his cellar. John drilling. Self
painting. Afternoon John drilling. Self painting. Wm. at his cellar.
19 – Wind NW, very rough. Wm. at his cellar. John drilling. Self
painting. Afternoon John drilling. Wm. at his cellar. Self sowing
20 – Wind NW, very rough day. Wm., Mr. Akhurst, Wm. Love
logging. John drilling. Self dunging out the sheep place.
Afternoon John is finished drilling. Wm. burning his log heaps.
Self sowing turnips.
21 – Wind W, fine day, though some rough. Wm. and John at
Thos. Phairs raising. Self and Annie at Greenbank. Afternoon
self at Thos. Phairs raising.
22 – Wind S, dull looking day. Wm. and Annie at the Sunday
School service of the P. Methodists. Self and Mother at the
Presbyterian Church. John at the Primitive Church.
23 – Wind S, rather dull day. Wm. and John at cellar. Self and
Robert making waggon rack. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the
anniversary grounds. John cutting thistles. Mother at Thomas
Phairs quilting. Self at rack. Rain at night.
24 – Wind easterly, rather dull day. Wm. at Mr. Burtons well.
John cutting thistles. Self digging cabbage ground. Margaret at
the Port.
25 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and John sowing Wms. turnips. Self
hoeing potatoes. Lizzie washing. Afternoon John and Wm.
finishes turnips. Self at potatoes. Mrs. Leask died 1872.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert drawing lumber from
Isaac Craggs mill. Self and John mowing June grass. Afternoon
Wm. drawing lumber. Self and John at mowing. Red mare took
to Iansons horse.
27 – Wind S, fine warm day. Wm. at Uxbridge for lumber. John
and Robert picking bugs off the potatoes. Self at Brock.
Meeting, Mr. Thomas preaching. Great shower of rain at night.
28 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. and Robert at Uxbridge for lumber.
John splitting rails. Self choring. Afternoon John splitting rails.
Self doing nought. Margaret scrubbing.
29 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Mother at Brock to the
Sacrament. The rest at the anniversary service in John Beares
30 – Wind S, frequent showers. John and Wm. drawing lumber
to Wms. new house. Afternoon nothing doing.
JULY 1 – Wind W, shower in the morning. All at the Union
Anniversary. Dominion Day.
2 – Wind SW, some showers. Wm. at Uxbridge. Self, John and
Robert hoeing potatoes. Afternoon John somewhere. Self
digging for cabbages. Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins. Wm. Real
here in the evening.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at his house. John drilling up the
potatoes. Self digging cabbage ground. Afternoon Wm., John &
Robert at Wms. house. Self picking bugs off the potatoes.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Wm. and Robert at the house. Self
picking bugs on the potatoes. Afternoon Wm., John and Robert
at house. Self at Greenbank with red mare. Mrs. Burton, Mrs.
Akhurst, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Wm. Michie and Margaret Walker
here picking wool.
5 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. gone to Uxbridge for lumber. Self,
John and Robert at Wms. house. Afternoon self, John and
Robert at Wms. house.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Margaret and Robert at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert, Margaret, and Annie at the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hodnitt preaching from Acts XXVIII:15.
Collection $2.60.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Uxbridge for lumber. Self, John
and Robert at Wms. house. Afternoon self, John and Robert at
Wms. house.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John, Robert and self laying the
foundation of Wms. house. Afternoon self, Wm., John and
Robert at Robt. Phairs barn raising.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Uxbridge for lumber. John and
Robert at Wms. house. Self mowing the fence corners.
Afternoon John, Robert and self at Wms. house.
10 – Wind SW, frequent showers. Nothing doing. Self at Mr.
Iansons bull with the Cassidy cow. Afternoon John, Wm., and
Robert at Wms. house. Self choring.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at his house. John scuffling
turnips. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon self, John
and Robert hoeing turnips. Wm. at his house.
12 – Wind SW. Wm. at his house. John scuffling turnips. Robert
hoeing. Wm. at his house. Self fixing round. Afternoon Wm. at
his house. Self, John & Robert drew 7 loads of hay into barn.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. John at Wesleyan Meeting. Self, Wm., John
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Monteith preaching.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John & Robert at turnips. Wm. at
his house. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Wm. at
his house. Mother at James Walkers, Mrs. Walker being sick.
Wm. Byers cut out the hay.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Uxbridge for lumber. Self, John
and Robert at turnips. Lizzie washing. Mrs. Walkers baby dead.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Sold 7 old sheep and
9 lambs to Mr. Money from Epsom.
16 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at his house. Self, John and
Robert at hay. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self, John and
Robert finishes haying. 2 days and one half at it.
17 – Wind S, some rain in the morning at 5 o’clock. John
scuffling turnips. Self and Robert hoeing. Wm. at his house.
Afternoon self and John and Robert hoeing. Wm. at his house.
Lizzie picking wool. Thunder storm at 4 o’clock.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Wm. and John mowing grass for
John. Robert hoeing. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Self, Wm., and John mowing. Annies birthday.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert hoeing. Wm., self and John
mowing. Afternoon Wm., self and John finishes mowing. Robert
finishes hoeing for the first time.
20 – Wind NW, cool day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Robert and
Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. No service.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at his house. John and Robert at
hay. Self at John Reals bull with red heifer. Afternoon Wm. at
his house. John, Robert and self raking hay. Some men here for
22 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his house. John, self and Robert
drawing Johns hay into stack. Barbara, Maggie Smith and young
Bickle here visiting. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self, John and
Robert at hay.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his house. Self, John and Robert
finishes Johns hay. Margaret washing. Annie picking berries.
Afternoon Wm. & John at house. Self picking bugs. Robert bad
with headache. Annie at berries.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and John and Robert at house.
Self doing nought. Mr. and Mrs. A. Michie and Mary Michie here
visiting. Afternoon Wm. and John at house. Self and Robert
fanning wheat. Mother at George Boddies visiting.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and Robert raise Wms.
house. Self and Margaret at Port Perry with a grist.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at house. Self at
bugs. Annie picking berries. Afternoon Margaret scrubbing.
Wm., John, Robert and self at Wms. house.
27 – Wind N, very warm day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie
at the Sunday School. Self, Mother and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching from the 23rd
Collection to defray the expenses of the General Assembly
28 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at Wms. house.
Self at Raglan with Mr. Beare and Mr. Bassingthwaite to see the
school inspector. Afternoon Wm., John and Robert at house.
Margaret and Annie picking berries.
29 – Wind W, warm day. Wm., John and Robert at house. Self
cutting thistles. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self cutting thistles.
30 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm., John and Robert at house. Self
cutting thistles. Annie at Port Perry to [Dan Rice?] show.
Afternoon Wm., John and Robert at house. Self scuffling turnips.
Mother visiting at Mr. Akhursts.
31 – Wind S, rather dull day and looking like rain. Wm. and John
at house. Self hoeing turnips. Margaret and Robert gone to Mr.
Lukes. Afternoon Wm. at his house. John at Mr. Iansons
raising. Self scuffling turnips.
AUG. 1 – Wind S, fine day, very warm. Wm., John and Robert at
house. Self cleaning out the cellar. Afternoon John and Robert
at house. Wm. at James Woods raising. Self hoeing turnips.
Annie at Greenbank for the papers.
2 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., John and Robert at
house. Self at Byers bull with Punk cow. Afternoon Wm. and
John at house. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie at Mrs.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Lizzie and Annie at Brock.
Margaret and Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother & John
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching from 1st
XIV:2,3. Monthly collection $1.83.
4 – Wind N, fine cool day. Wm. and John at house. Self and
Robert hoeing turnips. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. and
John at house. Self and Robert at turnips. Margaret at Mr.
Stillwells to hire but too late, Pamela Burton there.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at the picnic of the
Presbyterian S. School to Washburn Island. Wm. at Mr. Burtons
well. Self hoeing turnips. Afternoon self picking bugs from the
6 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry. John at Mr. Burtons
well. Self in the marsh salting the cattle. Robert sick. Afternoon
Robert still sick. Self fixing the chaff hole. Margaret at
7 – Wind NW, some rain through the night. John at Mr. Burtons
well. Wm. at his house. Self at Uxbridge for lumber.
8 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Burtons well. Wm. at his
house. Robert at house. Self picking bugs. Afternoon Wm. at
his house. Robert and Annie at picnic in George Boddies woods.
Self began harvest by cutting a few oats. Mother making pants.
9 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Burtons well. Wm. at his
house. Self and Robert taking home a heifer from the swamp.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self and
Robert raking oats. Margaret visiting at Thos. Phairs.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Mother at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Manly, Bible Society agent, preaching from the hundred and
nineteenth Psalm, 97 verse. Collection $3.09. John and
Margaret at the Primitive Meeting in the evening.
11 – Wind SE, fine day, but some slight showers. Wm. at his
house. John at Mr. Akhursts cradling oats. Self and Robert
cutting pease. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self and Robert at
12 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Wm. gone to Uxbridge for lumber.
John, Robert and self at pease. Margaret washing. Afternoon
self, John and Robert pulling pease. Some rain.
13 – Wind SE, some rain. Wm., John, Robert and self at Wms.
house. Afternoon John cradling oats in the orchard. Self picking
bugs. Wm. and Robert at the house.
14 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Wm. and Robert gone to Uxbridge
for lime. Self and John binding oats. Annie picking berries.
Afternoon John cradling oats. Self choring.
15 –Wind SE, looking like rain. John, Wm., and Robert at the
house. Self turning pease. Luther Brown hires Margaret for 2
months. Afternoon Wm. and John at house. Robert at Saintfield
with Margaret. Self binding oats in the orchard.
16 – Wind W, some rain through the forenoon. Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. and John at
house. Self and Robert binding oats. Mother scrubbing. High
winds from the NW.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Currie preaching from Habakkuk
18 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Duffs. Self, John and Robert
stacking pease. Afternoons self, John, and Robert at pease.
George Byers here reaping wheat. Some rain at night.
19 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Byers harvesting. Wm. at Mr.
Duffs harvest. Self and Robert pulling pease. Lizzie washing.
Afternoon self and Robert binding wheat.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Rainbow in the morning. Wm. not here.
John gone to Mr. Akhursts to cradle. Self and Robert binding
wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drawing in oats.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John gone to Akhursts to cradle oats. Self
and Robert at Sunderland for lath to William.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Akhursts. Robert cutting timothy
seed. Self mending harness. Afternoon Robert at timothy. Self
and Annie at Greenbank getting horses shoed.
23 – Wind NE, looking like rain, but turned fine day. John at
James Walkers. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in oats.
Afternoon George Byers here reaping. Self, John, Robert and
James Walker binding.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret
here to dinner. Self, John and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Panton preaching from Galatians VI:7,8.
25 – Wind SE, some rain in the morning. John cradling oats.
Self doing nought. Afternoon self and Robert and Annie drawing
in wheat. John at James Walkers cradling oats.
26 – Wind N, fine day. John cradling oats for himself. Self and
Robert drawing wheat. Lizzie washing. Afternoon John at his
oats. Self and Robert drawing pease.
27 – Wind SE, fine day. John at his oats. Self binding oats.
Robert gone to Chalk Lake to pick berries. Afternoon John and
self binding oats.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at Thomas Phairs. John cradling
oats. Self, Robert and Annie drawing wheat. Afternoon self,
Robert and Annie drawing wheat. John cradling oats.
29 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at Chalk Lake picking
berries. John binding oats. Self at Port Perry for wool.
30 – Wind W, very warm day. John cradling oats. Self and
Robert binding oats. Afternoon John cutting oats. Self binding
oats. Robert gone with wool to Mrs. Martineaus to spin. Ann
Michie died 1846.21
31 – Wind W, some rain through the night. Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Beattie preaching from John IV:14.
SEPT. 1 – Wind NW and very high. Wm. at his house. John
cradling his oats. Self and Robert binding. Afternoon Wm. at his
house. John and Robert at wheat. Self and Annie at Brock
meeting about minister. Nothing done.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Akhursts. John, Robert and
self at Johns wheat. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing in
3 – Wind S, rather dull. Wm. at his house. Self, John and Robert
binding Johns oats. Afternoon Wm. at his house. John, Robert
and self drawing oats. Rain at 5 o’clock. Alex. Michie, Jun.,
here wanting threshing.
4 – Wind S, very foggy forenoon. Wm., John and Robert at the
house. Self raking wheat. Rain at noon. Afternoon Wm., John
and Robert at the house. Self mending fences. Much thunder at
5 – Wind W, rough showery day. Wm., John and Robert at the
house. Self fixing cattle in the marsh. Afternoon Wm. and John
at house. Self and Robert fixing the pease stack.
6 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at house. Self going
about the fences. Afternoon Wm. at the Port. Self choring. John
and Robert at the house. George here in the evening.
7 – Wind W, dull day. John and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Hodnough
preaching from Luke XIX:9. Monthly collection $1.70.
The Michies lost a daughter named Ann (or Annie) b.
24 Jul, 1844, d. 30 Aug., 1846. The Annie referred to
through this diary is their daughter they named Agnes
ANNIE (b. 18 Jul, 1862).
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at the house. Self
plowing. Lizzie here piecing a quilt. Afternoon Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self plowing. Thos. Ganton died.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at the house. Self
plowing. Mother washing. Afternoon Wm. at his house. John,
Robert and self drawing in Johns wheat, finishing harvest.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Wm., and Robert at house. Self
plowing. Afternoon self plowing. Wm., John and Robert at
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Wm., John & Robert at Mr. Perkins
threshing all day.
12 – Wind SW, very warm day. Self and Wm. at Mr. Perkins
threshing. John & Robert gone to Toronto to see Barnums show.
Afternoon self and Wm. at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Thunder and
some rain at night.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. & Robert at the house. Self and
John at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Afternoon self and John at Mr.
Akhursts threshing till 5 o’clock. Wm. and Robert at house.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the Sunday School.
Margaret and Miss Watson here for dinner. John at the English
15 – Wind W, frost in the morning. Wm. and Robert drawing
sand. Self and John at Mr. Boddies threshing. Afternoon rain
and no threshing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Burtons well. Self and John
at Mr. Boddies threshing. Afternoon John plowing. Self at
James Walkers threshing.
17 – Wind S, fine day. John rather sick. Wm. at Burtons well.
Self and Annie at Uxbridge with some yarn to weave.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Burtons well. John some
sick. Self plowing. Lizzie washing. Afternoon self plowing.
19 – Wind NW, showery morning and much thunder through the
night. Self digging Early Rose potatoes. John and Robert
pairing apples. Afternoon self plowing. John at Greenbank for
the papers. Mother and Robert picking the geese.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. John plowing. Self digging out stumps.
Afternoon John plowing. Self digging stumps. George here in
the evening.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Annie, John, Robert and Wm. at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching from Romans
22 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the house. John
plowing. Self digging stumps. Afternoon John plowing. Self
logging in the woods. Wm. and Robert at the house.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John at the house. Robert at
the Port with Lizzie. Self logging in the woods. Afternoon Wm.
and John at house. Self logging in the woods. Mrs. Thos. Phair
here visiting. Mr. Tipp here selling F. Davis Medicines.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. John plowing.
Self logging in the woods. Afternoon self in the woods. John
harrowing. Wm. and Robert at house.
25 – Wind S and raining through the forenoon. Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self doing nought. Afternoon John, Wm. and
Robert at the house. Self at Greenbank getting subscriptions for
ministers salary. Trustees meeting in the evening to hire the
school teacher.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Jas. Millers
house. Robert taking rolls to Mrs. Martineau to spin. Self taking
in the corn. Afternoon self and Robert cutting the corn stalks and
digging some potatoes.
27 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. and John at Greenbank. Robert
harrowing. Self ditching. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self
ditching. Mrs. and Mr. Luke here.
28 – Wind SW, very warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Fisher preaching from 2nd
Corinthians VII:2.
Margaret here to dinner.
29 – Wind SW, raining some. John some sick. Wm. and Robert
at house. Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at Jas. Millers house.
Self, John and Robert drawing out dung.
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm. and John at Mr. Jas. Millers
house. Self and Robert drawing out dung. Afternoon self and
Robert drawing dung. Dr. Knowles died.
OCT. 1 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the
County Fair, Uxbridge. Self ditching. Afternoon self ditching.
George Paterson shot himself.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John stoning Burtons well. Self and
Robert drawing out dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing out
dung. Dr. Knowles buried this afternoon.
3 – Wind Easterly, chilly, cloudy day. John, Robert and self at
dung. Afternoon John, self and Robert at dung. Iansons pairing
bee in the evening.
4 – Wind S, rainy day. John in the house. Wm. and Robert at
Wms. house. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self hunting cattle in the beaver meadow.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self and John at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott
6 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. John plowing.
Self spreading dung. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at house. Self
at Brock meeting to call a minister. John gone to A. Beecrofts.
7 – Wind W, hard frost, but fine day. Wm. gone to Saintfield. Self
at the Port Perry with a grist.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert plowing and spreading
dung. Mother at Mr. Akhursts quilting. Afternoon self at Mr.
Burtons sale with old mare and colt.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert plowing and spreading
dung. Afternoon Robert spreading dung. Self at Mr. Burtons
sale with the red mare and colt. Sold them to Mr. Perkins for
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at his house. Self, John, Robert and
Annie at potatoes. Afternoon John, Robert, self and Annie taking
up potatoes. Wm. at his house.
11 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at his house. John, self,
Robert and Annie at potatoes. [?], pedlar, here. Afternoon Wm.
at his house. Self, John, Robert and Annie at potatoes. Some
rain in the afternoon.
12 – Wind NW, showery forenoon. Nobody at the Sunday
School. Nobody at meeting. Self at Mr. Byers to see him.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his house. Self, John, Robert and
Annie at potatoes. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self, John,
Robert and Annie finishes the potatoes.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Mara. Wm. gone to
Saintfield. Self doing nought. Lizzie washing. Afternoon self
burning potato tops. Self and Annie and Robert digs the carrots.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie taking in apples.
Afternoon Mr. Akhurst here visiting. Self, Robert and Annie
taking in apples.
16 – Wind S, looking like rain. Self, Robert and Annie taking in
apples. Afternoon Robert and Annie taking in the last of the
apples. Self at James Walkers bee getting out cedar to build
17 – Wind W, cloudy day. Self and Robert fixing the garden.
Afternoon self and Robert spreading dung. Wm. at Joseph
Stillwells well. John arrives from Mara. My birthday 1813.
18 – Wind SW, cloudy day. John plowing. Robert at house. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon rainy. Wm., John, Robert and self at
the house. Self at Mr. Byers at night.
19 – Wind SW, rather cloudy. Wm., John, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Wm. at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Hodnought preaching from 2nd
20 – Wind NE, rather cold. Wm. at his house. John plowing.
Self spreading dung. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at house. John
plowing. Self out with paper to sign for the Rev. Mr. Panton.
Snow towards night.
21 – Wind S, rather rainy. John plowing. Self spreading dung in
the orchard. Wm. and Robert at house. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert at house. John plowing. Self at meeting of school
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at his house. John and Robert
plowing in the orchard. Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at his
house. John and Robert drawing stones. Self at Mr. John
Leasks with the call to get names for Mr. Panton.
23 – Wind SW, rather rainy. Wm., John and Robert at house.
Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm., John and Robert at house.
Self threshing pease.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. John at
James Walkers root house. Self at the Port for Barbara and
brick for Wms. house.
25 – Wind NW, dull day. John at Jas. Walkers root house. Wm.
at Wm. Loves house. Robert harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert harrowing in the orchard. Self choring.
Margaret arrives from Saintfield.
26 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and
Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Wm., Margaret, Barbara and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Bryant preaching from
John III:9.
27 – Wind W, rather showery. Wm. at Wm. Loves house. John,
Robert and self at Wms. house. Afternoon Wm. at house. Self,
John, Robert and Annie at turnips.
28 – Wind S, some snow on the ground in the morning. John
gone to Whitby to pay his back taxes. Wm. at his house. Robert
at the house. Self mending boots. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at
house. Self at boots. School meeting in the evening. Isabella
Michie here.
29 – Wind N, ground covered with snow and very cold. Wm. and
Robert at house. John at James Walkers root house. Barbara
spinning. Self choring. Isabella Michie patching. Luther Brown
here selling books. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the house.
Self digging turnip pit. Lizzie here in the afternoon.
30 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. Self choring.
John gone to James Scotts. Mother spinning. Afternoon Wm. at
house. Self, Robert, Mother and Annie drew 8 loads of turnips
into cellar. Margaret visiting at A. Gordons.
31 – Wind SW, dull day. Wm. at house. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie drew 5 loads of turnips in pit and one in cellar. Afternoon
Wm. at house. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew
2 loads into pit.
NOV. 1 – Wind SW, snow through the night. Wm. and Robert at
house. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. and Margaret at Port
Perry and gets the waggon wheel broken by Charles Bates. Self
digging turnip pit. John arrives from Mr. Nicols.
2 – Wind SW, snowing sometimes. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching from the IXXXIV Psalm, 9th
verse. Collection
3 – Wind NW, rough day. John digging turnip pit. Wm. at the
Port for the waggon. Self at the Port to the Presbytry but it did
not meet.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his house. John, Robert and Annie
at turnips. Self at the Presbytry and at trustees meeting in the
5 – Wind W, frosty morning. Wm. at his house. John, Robert,
Mother, self and Annie at turnips. Afternoon Wm. at his house.
Self, John, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Took up 13
loads. Mrs. C. Asling here visiting.
6 – Wind SW, fine day, but hard frost. Wm. at his house. Self,
John, Robert, Mother and Annie at turnips. Afternoon Wm. at his
house. Self and John, Robert & Annie at turnips. Drew 9 loads
in pit. Mrs. Isaac Truax here visiting.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at A. Johnsons cistern. Self, John,
Robert and Mother at turnips. Drew 5 loads in cellar which
finishes the turnips. Afternoon Wm. at his house. John at
Greenbank. Self fencing pit.
8 – Wind NW, rough showery day. Wm. & John at house. Robert
and Annie sickly. Self at Manchester and Port Perry. Margaret
along with me. Barbara gone to A. Michies, Brock.
9 –Wind N, cold day. Wm. and Margaret at the Sunday School.
Wm. and John at Presbyterian Meeting.
10 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. at his house. John at Mr. Burtons
well. Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Robert has
toothache. Self taking in cabbage.
11 – Wind S, dull day. Wm. and Robert at house. Self and John
threshing pease. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Wm. at house. Self and Robert at Port Perry at dentists.
Barbara arrives from Brock.
12 – Wind NE, cold day, snow 3 inches deep. Wm. and Robert at
house. Self and John fanning pease. Afternoon Wm., self and
John at school meeting. Site chosen on Mr. Lees grounds.
13 – Wind N, cold day. Wm., John, Robert and Annie at the
house. Self choring. Afternoon Wm., John, Robert and Annie at
house. Self choring.
14 – Wind SW, bright cold day. Wm., Robert & Annie at house.
John at Robert Phairs threshing with horses. Self killing sheep.
Afternoon Wm. and Robert at house. Barbara at Robt. Phairs.
Self fencing straw stack.
15 – Wind S, dull day. John at Thos. Phairs threshing. Wm. and
Robert at house. Self choring. Afternoon Annie at Greenbank
for papers. Wm., Robert and self at house. A. Michie here all
16 – Wind NE, dull day and snowing some. Wm., Robt., and
Margaret at the Sunday School. Self and Wm. at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Richardson preaching from
Colossians III:3.
17 – Wind NE, rather cold. John at Thos. Phairs threshing. Wm.
and Robert at house. Self choring. Threshing machine came.
Afternoon threshing. Pat. and R. Phairs horses, Mr. Perkins and
horses here, and Mr. Bolton, Mr. Akhurst, Mr. Thos. Phair, Mr.
James Walker and Jas. Walker, Jun. here. Threshed all the
18 – Wind N, cold day. Threshing, the same hands and Wm.,
finished by noon. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self, John and
Robert clearing the barn door. Barbara visiting at Mr. Akhursts.
19 – Wind N, cold day. John gone to Widow Leasks. Wm. at his
house. Robert at house. Barbara spinning. Margaret washing.
Mother baking. Self banking house.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. Self
threshing pease. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. at house.
Self and Robert drawing in some pease. Wesley Luke here all
21 – Wind NE, snowing some. Wm. drawing sand. Robt. with
him. Self threshing pease. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm.
and Robert at house. Self and Margaret at Greenbank.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Jas. Scotts. Self at
Greenbank getting the black mare shoed. Afternoon self and
Robert plastering henhouse. Mother at Robt. Phairs visiting.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Robert, Barbara, Margaret and
Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, Robert, Margaret,
Mother and Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Anderson
24 – Wind NE, rather cold. Wm. gone to plaster a schoolhouse
on the townline. Robert with him. Self and John threshing
pease. Afternoon, self, John and Robert fanning wheat.
25 – Wind NW, rather cold. Self and Barbara at the Port with
wheat. John gone to Mr. Burtons. Afternoon John at bee on the
sideline. Margaret washing.
26 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Burtons well. Self and Robert
putting dung on the turnip house. Barbara at Mrs. A. Leasks.
Afternoon self and Robert choring. Annie and Margaret at
Greenbank Division, Sons of Temperance.
27 – Wind NE and snowing. Ewe dead in the morning. John, self
and Robert choring. Lizzie here. Afternoon John and Robert
threshing pease. Self making sheep rack. Luther Brown brings
my book, The Hand of God in All Things.
28 - Wind W, fine day, another sheep dead. Wm. at his house.
Self, John and Robert drawing in pease. Afternoon Wm., John
and Robert at house. Self choring.
29 – Wind W, fine day, rather cold. Wm. and Robert at house.
Self and John fanning wheat. Afternoon Wm. and Robt. at
house. John making axe handle. Self choring. Annie at
30 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John, Robt., Barbara, Margaret and
Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Barbara, Margaret, Robert
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Stewart preaching
from Heb. VI:12.
DEC. 1 – Wind E, and very cold. Wm. and Robert at house. Self
and John doing little but skinning a ewe that died. Afternoon
Wm. at his house. Self, John, Mother, Margaret, Annie and
Robert at the Presbyterian Missionary Meeting. Mr. Smith, Dr.
Thornton and Mr. Balantyne there. $10.19 of collection.
2 – Wind E, hailing through the night. John gone to John Leasks
house to lath. Wm. at house. Self threshing pease. Afternoon
thawing some. Wm. at house. Self choring.
3 – Wind SE and raining. Wm. at house. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon Wm. at house. Still raining and very warm.
Wm. at the creek. Robert painting. Self choring.
4 – Wind SW and a hurricane. All the fences down and straw
stack top blowed off. Wm. at house. Self and Robert looking
round. Barbara whitewashing. Afternoon still blowing hard.
Wm. at house. Self at the measuring of school ground.
5 – Wind NW. Wm. gone to school house on the townline. Self
and Robert fencing. Barbara whitewashing. Afternoon self and
Robert fencing. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert threshing pease.
Afternoon self at mill. Barbara at Greenbank. Margaret
7 – Wind NE, fine day. Robt., Margaret, Annie and Wm. at the
Sunday School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Stewart preaching from John I:29. Monthly collection $2.12.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. John at
Greenbank. Self threshing pease. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at
home. Self and John threshing pease. Mrs. Walker here
9 – Wind W, soft day. Wm. and John gone to J. Leasks house.
Robert gone with them a piece. Self doing the chores.
Afternoon self chopping. Robert painting.
10 – Wind N, some snow. Robert painting. George comes home.
Self fixing stoves. Barbara & Margaret cleaning up. Afternoon
Robert painting. George at Greenbank. Self chopping wood.
11 – Wind S, rainy day with some snow. Robert painting.
George in the woods. Self writing. Afternoon Robert painting.
Self choring.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. George at Mr. Boddies well. Self
choring. Robert painting. Afternoon self choring.
13 – Wind NE, snowing very heavy, nothing doing. Afternoon
George at Mr. Boddies well. Self choring. Wm. and John
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Anderson preaching.
15 – Wind W, fine day. George at Mr. Boddies well. Self, Wm.,
John & Robert drawing in turnips. Annie at school. Afternoon
John and Robert at turnips. Wm. at Jas. Scotts. Self and
Barbara at Brock. Meeting to call a minister.
16 - Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Boddies well. George gone
to Mrs. Leasks. Wm. and Robert at house. Self splitting wood.
Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Mrs. Akhurst sick. Afternoon Robert
painting. Wm. in the woods. Self preparing for killing pigs.
17 – Wind W, fine day, snow thawing. Self, Wm., John, & Robert
killing pigs. Afternoon Robert painting. Wm. and John in the
woods. Self choring. John and Helen Ewen and Elizabeth
Chalmers and Stewart Graham here begging in the evening.
18 – Wind SW, rather dull. John at Boddies well. Wm. & Robt. at
house. Self choring.
19 – Wind NE, snowing some. Wm. at house. Self and Robert
cutting pork. Afternoon Wm. at house. John at Mr. Boddies well.
Annie at school. Self choring. Margaret leaves with Mr. Foster,
being hired.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. John at Boddies well. Self and Annie
at Port Perry with 2 pigs. Wm. at house.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Annie and Robt. at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Wm., Barbara and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from 1st
VI:12. Collection for Home Mission Fund $6.81.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to plaster school house. John
at Mr. Boddies well. Self choring. Afternoon self at mill with
grist. Mother at James Walkers visiting. George comes home.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Boddies well. George in the
woods. Barbara washing. Self choring. Afternoon self, Annie
and Sally Akhurst for Georges chest and at mill for grist. A.
Michie here for Barbara.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. George and John in the woods. Self
and Robert drawing wood. Afternoon self mending horse collar.
Robert painting.
25 – Wind W, fine day. (Christmas). George in the woods. John
doing nought. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and George
gone to Brock. Some children here in afternoon.
26 – Wind S, snowing some. George in the woods. John in the
woods. Self at Port Perry with some wheat.
27 – Wind Easterly. John and George in the woods. Wm. gone
to Brougham. Self reading the papers. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self choring.
28 -- Wind NW, cold day. Barbara, Annie & Robert at the
Sunday School. Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith
29 – Wind SW, stormy day. George in the woods. John at Mr.
Boddies. Self writing. Barbara baking. Afternoon self choring.
At Greenbank in the evening.
30 – Wind N, rather cold. George in the woods. John, self, Robt.
and William killing a steer. Barbara washing. Afternoon John at
Mr. Boddies well. Barbara still washing. Self choring.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. George in the woods. John in the
woods. Barbara baking. Self choring. Robt. dunging out the
colts stable. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at Greenbank
about the school. Wm. arrives from Brougham.
And thus ends the year 1873.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the creek. John
and George at home. Self doing nought. Afternoon George
gone to Manchester. Self at Thos. Phairs and at council meeting
at Greenbank. Spree in the evening. 60 at it.
2 – Wind S, and heavy fog. Nothing doing. Afternoon George in
the woods. Self choring. Wm. at Port Perry.
3 – Wind S and thawing. George at woods. John in the woods.
Wm. at his house. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm. at his
house. Self choring. Barbara leaves with Jas. Johnson.
Insurance agent here.
4 – Wind S, very fresh, snow most all gone. Wm., John, George,
Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Nobody at meeting.
5 – Wind N, fine day. George gone to Mr. Ross’s. John in the
woods. Self and Wm. at Greenbank at election. Afternoon John
in the woods. Wm. at his house. Mrs. Akhurst and Mrs. Perkins
here visiting.
6 – Wind easterly and snowing some. Wm., Robert and Annie at
house. John gone to Prince Albert to pay a note. George at A.
Ross’s. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the
house. Self doing nought but choring.
7 – Wind NE, hailing some. Wm. at mill with grist. George still at
A. Ross’s. John fixing stable. Annie ironing clothes. Self doing
nought. Miriam Truax and sister here. Afternoon Wm. at house.
Self, John and Robert drawing turnips. Mr. A. Stone here and
bought 2 steers and a heifer at $5 per 100 lbs.
8 – Wind NE, rather soft. Wm. and Robert gone to Port Perry.
John gone to put some logs on at sawmill. Self choring.
Afternoon John in the woods. Wm. moves into his own house.
This picture was taken in the summer of 1958 of the house that
William built on Lot 18, Concession 10 of Reach Township in
Ontario County. At the time this photo was taken the property
was owned by Robert Gordon Michie and his wife Evelyn
(Webster) Michie.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. George in the woods.
Self and Robert drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self and Robert at the sawmill for some lumber.
10 – Wind SW, snowing sometimes. George in the woods. John
in the woods. Robert helping Wm. Self at the sawmill for
lumber. Afternoon John in the woods. Annie gone to Brock.
Self choring. Boy here with some money for George.
11 – Wind NW, rather rough. Robert gone to the Sunday School.
Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching
from Psalms XLVI.
12 – Wind N, fine day. George in the woods. John in the woods.
Robert at Wms. house. Self choring.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. John in the woods. George in the
woods. Self at Port Perry at Presbytry.
14 – Wind NW, snowing some. John and George gone to Amos
Stones with 3 cattle. Self at the annual school meeting.
Afternoon George at Saintfield. John in the woods. Self choring.
Wm. and Robert across the creek.
15 – Wind N, very cold. George and John in the woods. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and George in the woods. Wm.
and his wife gone to Port Perry to get their teeth fixed. Self
16 – Wind N, very cold, nothing doing. John and George grinding
axes. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for the papers. Self, John
and George drawing in the pease.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. George and John in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon George and John in the woods. Wm.
and Robert over the creek. Self choring.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, George and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Caswell preaching from 1st
Corinthians 4:3.
19 – Wind NW and thawing. John and George in the woods. Self
and Robert drawing wood. Annie at Wms. Afternoon snow
falling, nothing doing.
20 –Wind SE, rather cold. John and George fanning wheat. Self
choring. Robert at school. Afternoon John and George at Port
Perry with wheat. Self writing.
21 – Wind S, rather soft. John and George in the woods. Robert
at school. Mother washing. Annie baking. Self drawing wood.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Self drawing wood.
Robert, George & John at political meeting at Greenbank in the
evening. Gordon and Gibbs, candidates.
22 – Wind SW, rainy day, nothing doing. Self at Greenbank
about the school. The new school let to [?] to James Scott. At
the Wesleyan Missionary Meeting in the evening. Very soft
night. Nomination day.
23 – Wind W, rather soft. John and George in the woods. Robert
at the school. Self choring. Afternoon John and George in the
woods. Self choring.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Self, George and John in the woods.
Robert at Greenbank with black mare to shoe. Afternoon very
stormy. Self, George, John and Robert drew in 3 loads of
turnips. Annie scrubbing.
25 – Wind N, rather cold. Nobody at school or church.
26 – Wind SE, snowing some. Robert at school. Wm. and Annie
at the Port. John & George in the woods. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Self choring.
27 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at school. John, George and self
in the woods. Afternoon snowing heavily. Nothing doing.
Mother baking. Wesley Luke here all night.
28 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John and George fanning grist.
Self choring. Robert at school. Mother washing. Afternoon
John gone to the mill with grist. George choring.
29 – Wind W, snowing heavy. Self, John at Greenbank at the
election. Voted for Mr. Gordon. Afternoon George gone to
Greenbank to vote. Voted on the roll for 1874. General election
in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick.
30 – Wind N, rather cold. George in the woods. John gone to the
Port. Self choring. Robert at school. Afternoon George in the
woods. Self choring. John at Greenbank with money to Mr.
Edward Phoenix. Mr. A. Gordon majority – 96.
31 – Wind N, rather cold. Self, John, George and Robert taking
in turnips. Afternoon John & George in the woods. Robert at
Greenbank for papers.
FEB. 1 – Wind N, fine day. George and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, George, Wm. and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Hodnought preaching from Matthew V:9.
Collection $3.51.
2 – Wind SE, very cold day. John gone to the Port with hay.
George ciphering. Robert at school. Afternoon George
ciphering. Nothing doing.
3 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John at the Port with hay. George
in the woods. Robert at school. Self mending Mothers boots.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Barbara arrives.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at school. John gone to the Port
with hay. Self and George in the woods. Afternoon George in
the woods. John in the woods. Barbara leaves for James
5 – Wind NW, rather cold. John weighing hay for Mr. Ross.
George in the woods. Self splitting wood. Robert at school.
Mother washing. Afternoon John weighing hay. George in the
woods. Self doing nought. Mr. Akhurst pays for the mare $120.
6 – Wind Easterly. Robert at the school. George gone to Mr.
Ross’s to thresh pease. Self and John drawing hay into the
barn. Afternoon Mother visiting at Wms. John and self doing
7 – Wind NE, rather cold. John and Wm. gone to Brock. Self
splitting wood. Annie scrubbing. Mother churning. Afternoon
Annie, Robert and Sally at Wms. house. Self doing nought.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John and George at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Hodnought preaching from John XVII:19.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. drawing wood. John gone to Port
Perry. George gone to Mr. Ross’s. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Mrs. Martineau here to dinner. Afternoon self chopping
some. John goes to John Gordons spree.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. drawing wood. John threshing
pease. Robert at the school. Self splitting wood. George at Mr.
Ross’s for a month. Afternoon self and John threshing pease.
John at Greenbank in the evening.
11 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. drawing wood. Robert at school.
Self and John threshing pease. Mother and Annie washing.
Afternoon self and John threshing pease. Mother visiting at Mr.
Boddies, Mr. Akhursts, Mr. Walkers and Mr. Burtons.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. drawing wood. Self and John
threshing pease. Robert at the school. Afternoon self and John
at pease. Barbara comes home from Macmillans. Lightning at
13 – Wind S and raining heavy. Nothing doing. Self writing.
Afternoon nothing doing. Margaret comes home from Mr.
Fosters. Snow melting fast.
14 – Wind NW, fine day, not much frost. Wm. and Barbara and
Lizzie at Port Perry. John in the woods. Self splitting wood.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John in the woods. Mother
baking. Self doing nought. Isaac Cragg died.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Hodnought preaching from Zachariah
16 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Wm. drawing wood. John in the
woods. Self fixing the clock. Robert at school. Afternoon John
in the woods. Self choring. Mr. and Mrs. Duff here for apples.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring. Robert
at the school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
18 – Wind NW, fine day, nothing doing. John after Robert Phairs
spree. Robert at school. Afternoon John and Margaret at Port
Perry. Races there. Self choring. Mother at Mr. Perkins visiting.
Annie at Mr. James Walkers.
19 – Wind S, threatening snow. John and Annie gone to
Uxbridge. Self splitting wood. Robert at school. Afternoon self
choring. Mr. and Mrs. Michie here all night.
20 – Wind S, rather soft. John in the woods. Self doing nought.
Robert at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Michie leave for home.
Barbara leaves for Henry Bickles. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self drawing wood. Margaret and Annie at Greenbank at sale.
21 – Wind Easterly, snowing some. Wm. gone to Manchester.
Self writing. John doing nought. Afternoon self and John
threshing pease.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Mother and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Macbrine preaching.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at school and
Annie too. Self drawing stones to Thos. Phair. Afternoon John
in the woods. Self drawing wood.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to the woods to work for Mr.
Ledingham. Self drawing wood. Robert and Annie at the school.
Afternoon self drawing wood. Margaret gone to Alex. Gordons to
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the school. John
working for Mr. Ledingham. Wm. drawing wood and hurt his eye.
Mr. and Mrs. Macphail here visiting. Afternoon self drawing in
some turnips.
26 – Wind W, rather cold. Robert and Annie at school. Self and
John drawing wood. Afternoon John gone to the creek to take a
job. Self and Mother visiting at John Gordons. Margaret gone to
visit at Saintfield.
27 – Wind W and snow drifting. John gone to the swamp culling
logs for bridge. Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing wood.
Afternoon self at John Gordons for 10.4 bushels seed wheat at
$1.12 per bushel.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at the creek. Self
choring. Annie scrubbing. Mother baking. Afternoon self and
Robert drawing in turnips. Margaret arrives from Brock.
MAR. 1 – Wind SE, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie
at the Sunday School. Self, John, Wm., Margaret and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Gilchrist preaching from John
15:19, Collection $3.30.
2 – Wind S and very warm, snow thawing fast. John at bridge.
Robert and Annie at school. Self at the Port with Margaret who
goes with the train. Afternoon John and horses at bridge. Self
sawing wood.
3 – Wind S, very warm. John and horses at the bridge. Self
splitting wood. Mother washing. Robert at school. Annie at
home. Afternoon John at bridge. Self choring. Mrs. Whitford Lee
4 – Wind W, nothing doing, still very soft. Self choring. John
doing nought. Robert at school. Afternoon John at Greenbank
with his boots to mend. Self doing nought.
5 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. Self and
John drawing out wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
drawing out wood.
6 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. Robert and Annie at the school.
John in the woods. Self drawing out wood. Afternoon John in
the woods. Self drawing out wood. Mr. Wm. Minty here today
selling pictures.
7 –Wind SE, rainy kind of day. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and
Robert drawing out timber for Wm. George comes home.
8 – Wind W, snowing some. Robert at the Sunday School.
Nobody at meeting.
9 – Wind N, very stormy and cold. Nothing doing. Robert at the
school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
10 – Wind NW, very stormy and cold. John in the woods. Robert
at school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at Greenbank.
Annie at Wms.
11 – Wind NW, stormy and cold. Robert at school. John in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon self and John in the woods.
Annie at Wms.
12 – Wind NE, rather cold. Robert at school. John in the woods.
Assessor here. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm. and Annie at
Port Perry. Self choring. James Miller here with petitions for the
legislature to stop the manufacture and sale of intoxicating
13 – Wind N, very stormy day. Robert at school. John ciphering.
Self doing nought. John Akhurst here about doing some work in
the swamp. Afternoon Barbara arrives. John in the woods. Self
doing nought. Mr. Wm. Akhurst and John Akhurst here in the
14 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing logs out of the woods. Afternoon self at Greenbank.
Barbara scrubbing. Annie at Mrs. Boddies visiting.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. Barbara, John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. No one at meeting.
16 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. John
at bridge. Self at Manchester with a load to Burton.
17 – Wind S, fine day, thawing. Robert and Annie at school.
John at bridge. Self drawing logs out of the woods. Afternoon
self and John at bridge. Barbara at Thos. Phairs visiting.
18 – Wind SW, very warm. Robert and Annie at school. John at
bridge. Self drawing in turnips. Afternoon self and John at the
19 – Wind W and raining. John and Robert at the bridge. Self
mending harness. Barbara washing. Afternoon John and Robert
at the bridge. Self splitting wood.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the school.
Barbara at Greenbank. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John
chopping wood. Self splitting wood. Mr. Thos. Phair brings
home Barbaras 2 sheep.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Self splitting wood.
Pascoe Luke here to dinner. Afternoon self chopping. George
comes home. George Michie died 1868.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Barbara, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger
preaching from St. John VIII:34.
23 – Wind NW, very rough cold day. Robert at the school. John
and George in the woods. Self at Byers, he being very sick.
Afternoon John in the woods. George ciphering. Self doing
24 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Manchester. Robert at
school. Self choring. Afternoon self splitting wood. Isabella
Michie here from Brock. Mother visiting at Thos. Phairs.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. Annie sick. John in
the woods. Self choring. Afternoon self at the school
examination. John in the woods.
26 – Wind W, rather rainy. John in the woods. Isabella Michie
and Barbara and Mrs. Walker quilting. Robert and Annie sick.
Afternoon self drawing in turnips.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert sick of toothache. Annie sick.
John in the woods. Self choring. Barbara, Isabella Michie and
Mrs. Phair quilting. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara and Isabella at Greenbank.
28 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara, Isabella Michie and Mrs. Perkins quilting.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self at John Leasks. Barbara and
Isabella Michie visiting at Robert Phairs in the evening.
29 – Wind W, fine day. John gone with Isabella Michie to Brock.
George and Barbara at the Sunday School. Nobody at the
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara and Robert at Port Perry. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self splitting wood.
31 – Wind NW, rather cold. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara at A. Gordons.
APR. 1 – Wind S, rather cold. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara washing. Robert tapping trees. Annie and Mary
Michie gone to Mrs. Leasks.
2 – Wind S, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and Robert
taking in turnips. Afternoon John in woods. Self making axe
handle. Robert in the sugar bush. Barbara making mat.
3 – Wind NW, rather cold. John and horses in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self making axe
handle. Barbara, John and Robert at Greenbank at Temperance
4 – Wind NW, cold day. John and horses in the woods. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John at Port Perry. Self and Robert
drawing wood.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John, George, Robert and Barbara at the
Sunday School. Self, Wm., Barbara and George at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Kay preaching from Matthew XI:28.
Collection $2.24.
6 – Wind W, fine day, fall of snow in the night. John drawing
sawlogs to mill. Self choring. Mother at Mr. Akhursts, he being
hurt by sleigh tipping over with logs. Margaret Walker here.
Afternoon self and John fanning oats. Robert at Wms. Wm.
Akhurst hurt with logs rolling on him.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Port Perry with oats.
Barbara washing. Self and Robert fanning oats. Afternoon self
and Robert at Greenbank Fair. John taking Barbara to Brock.
8 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John gone to Manchester with oats.
Robert boiling sap. Self choring. Afternoon self fencing. Robert
at Wms.
9 – Wind NE, cold day. John at the Port with oats. Robt. at Wms.
Annie at Akhursts. Self choring.
10 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self putting a tongue
on Akhursts sleigh. Robert in the woods. Afternoon John
fencing. Self measuring land. Robert boiling sap.
11 – Wind NW, rather rough. Mother at Wms., Lizzie sick. Self,
John and Robert drawing turnips. Afternoon self, John and
Robert threshing. George arrives from Mr. Ross’s.
12 – Wind N, fine day. Mother at Wms., Lizzie having born a
daughter. John and Robert at the Sunday School. Nobody at
the Presbyterian Meeting.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert measuring land.
Afternoon self, John and Robert moving fence. Mother still at
14 – Wind S, some rain, nothing doing. Afternoon John drawing
rails to Wm. Robert boiling sap. Self at Greenbank for papers.
15 – Wind N, cold day, nothing doing. Afternoon self and John
fencing. Robert boiling sap.
16 – Wind NE, rather cold. Self, John and Robert fencing.
Barbara washing. Afternoon self, John and Robert fencing.
17 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. Wm. gone to mill with logs.
Robert at Greenbank. John making waggon. Self at George
Boddies with black sow. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing rails from turnip pit. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing turnips.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing
stones. Annie scrubbing at Wms. George comes home from Mr.
19 – Wind N, fine day. John, George, Robert and Barbara at the
Sunday School. Self, John, George and Robert at the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. McClellan preaching. Miss Christina
Byers here to dinner.
20 –Wind Easterly. George gone to his work. John gone to the
Port with a grist. Raining, nothing doing. Afternoon same.
Thunder and rain. John leaves grist at Mr. Bears mill.
21 – Wind NW, very cold. John plowing. Robert boiling sap. Self
fencing. Afternoon John plowing. Robert in the woods. Self
fencing. Barbara spinning.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self fencing. Barbara
washing. Mother choring. Robert at Wms. Annie at Wms.
Afternoon John plowing with young horse. Self fencing. Barbara
spinning. George Boddie Jun. here in the evening.
23 – Wind NW, rather cold. John plowing. Self choring. Barbara
spinning. Afternoon John plowing. Self mending the reel.
Robert in the woods. Barbara visiting at Thos. Phairs.
24 – Wind N, hard frost in the morning. John goes to the plow at
9 o’clock. Self and Robert in the woods. Barbara spinning.
Mother choring. Afternoon John plowing. Barbara and Robert at
Greenbank. Self fencing. Mother sewing.
25 – Wind SE, dull day. John plowing. Self mending horse
collar. Robert boiling sap. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Mother
at Wms. John plowing. Self setting poles to John. Barbara
choring. George arrives home. Robert boiling.
26 – Wind NW, a fall of snow through the night. No one at the
Sunday School. Mother, John and Annie at the Presbyterian
27 – Wind NW, cold and hard frost. George gone to the
carpenter work. Self, John and Robert oiling the harness.
Barbara spinning. Mother patching.
28 – Wind N and frosty. No plowing til 10 o’clock. John and
Robert at Wms. Self making axe handle. Afternoon John
plowing. Robert boiling sap to Wm. Barbara at John Watsons
visiting. Self choring.
29 – Wind still N and hard frost. John, self and Robert fixing the
pump. Mr. Akhurst here. Barbara spinning. Afternoon John
plowing. Self chopping. Robert at Wms. Mother visiting at Mr.
30 – Wind NW, hard frost through the night and cold day. John
plowing some towards noon. Self making axe handle. Robert at
Wms. Barbara spinning. Mother baking.
MAY 1 – Wind NW, cold day. John at Wms. Robert boiling sap.
Self chopping. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Barbara visiting at
Mr. Aslings. John plowing. Self chopping.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Self chopping. Afternoon
John plowing and goes to mill but gets no grist. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank. Self chopping. Mother at Wms. Isabella
Michie arrives here.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John, George, Robert, Barbara, Annie
and Isabella Michie at the Sunday School. Self, John, George,
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Hugh Thomson
preaching from Matthew VII:11. Collection $2.41.
4 – Wind NE, rather dull day. John sowing wheat. Robert
carrying wheat to him. Annie at school. Self harrowing. Barbara
and Isabella Michie making mat. Afternoon John plowing. Self
fixing the roller. Robert at Wms.
5 – Wind NW, rather cold. John harrowing. Self sowing grass
seeds. Robert at Greenbank. Annie at school. Barbara and
Isabella Michie at mat. Afternoon John rolling. Self and Robert
at fence. Lizzie here visiting. Barbara and Isabella at Mr. T.
Duffs in the evening.
6 – Wind NW, rather cold. John sowing oats. Robert carrying
seed. Self harrowing. Annie at the school. Afternoon John
plowing. Self digging in the garden. Robert gone home with
Isabella Michie. Mother at Jas. Walkers visiting.
7 – Wind W, rather cold. John harrowing. Self sowing grass
seeds. Annie at school. Robert in the woods. Barbara washing.
Mother choring. Afternoon John rolling. Self and Robert planting
potatoes in the orchard.
8 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Self fencing. Robert
putting straw in beds. Annie at school. Afternoon John plowing.
Self and Robert fencing. Barbara and Wm. at the Port.
9 – Wind SW and very high and the dust flying. John plowing.
Self and Robert fencing. Mother baking. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon very warm. John plowing. Self and Robert fencing.
George arrives from Saintfield.
10 – Wind SW. John, Robert, Barbara and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Mother, and Barb. at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. H. Thompson preaching from Matthew XII:28.
Come unto me all you that labour.
11 – Wind NE, rather cool. John plowing. Self at Greenbank
getting the black mare shoed and brings grist from the mill.
Annie at the school. Robert in the garden. Barbara washing.
Afternoon John sowing wheat and pease. Self harrowing.
Robert carrying seed. Barbara goes to Mr. Halls. Lizzie and
babe here.
12 – Wind S. John harrowing. Annie at school. Robert at Wms.
Self choring. Afternoon John rolling. Self turning sods. Mr.
Perkins borrows 5 bags of oats and [?].
13 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing in the orchard. Self and
Robert gathering stones. Annie gone to fishing. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert drawing firewood.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robert planting
apple trees. Annie at school. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and
Robert planting trees. Mrs. John Watson here.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Wms. Self sowing plaster.
Annie at the school. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and Robert
planting trees. Mother at Wms.
16 – Wind S, dull day and raining some. John goes to Wms. but
comes home again for rain. Annie scrubbing. Self and Robert
washing the buckboard. Afternoon John plowing at Wms.
Robert takes Punk cow to Wms. Self cleaning the dooryard.
Mother at Mr. Akhursts all night, their baby sick. George arrives.
John at Greenbank in evening.
17 – Wind W, rather dull day. John, George, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Afternoon some rain. Nobody at any
18 – Wind NE and raining. George gone to McMillans. Robert
gone to Wms. Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon John plowing at
Wms. Self fencing.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. plowing. Self fencing.
Annie at school. Robert choring. Afternoon John plowing at
Wms. Self cutting potatoes.
20 – Wind Easterly, threatening rain. John at Wms. plowing. Self
at the creek. Robert choring. Annie at school. Afternoon John
at Wms. harrowing. Self cutting potatoes. Robert planting corn.
21 – Wind N, rather cold. John harrowing at Wms. and finishes.
Self and Robt. cutting potatoes. Annie at school. Mother
washing. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert cutting
potatoes. Mother washing. Jas. McPhail died.
22 – Wind N, rather cold. John plowing. Self and Mother at
Uxbridge to see James McPhail; he died on Thursday evening.
Got home at 9 o’clock.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John, Robert and Annie planting
potatoes. Afternoon finished planting potatoes.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
John and George gone to Uxbridge to Mr. James McPhails
funeral sermon. Mother at Wms. and brings Lizzie and child
25 – Wind SW, rather rainy forenoon. John writing. Self making
umbrella handle. Mother baking. Afternoon John at Greenbank.
Self mending boots. Robert and Annie playing ball.
26 – Wind NW, rough cold day. John gone collecting for Bible
Society. Self mending harness. Annie at school. Afternoon self
sawing wood. Barbara arrives from Greenbank.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the sawmill. Annie at
the school. Self sawing wood. Barbara washing. John doing
nought. Afternoon self in the swamp. John hanging a gate.
Mother at John Watsons. Barbara and John at Greenbank.
28 – Wind S, fine day and very warm. John plowing. Annie at the
school. Self and Robert patching the roof of the barn. Afternoon
self, John and Robert washing the sheep. Rev. Mr. McClung
here on a visit. Self and John at Mrs. Leasks at a prayer
29 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Self looking at the sideline.
Robert painting at Wms. Afternoon John harrowing. Self at
30 – Wind S, very warm day. John choring. Robert at Wms.
painting. Self mending harness. Afternoon self at Greenbank
with Wms. horse to shoe. Mother at Mr. Akhursts.
31 – Wind W, rather dull. John, George, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from John X:11,14. I am the good shepherd.
JUNE 1 – Wind N, rather cool. John pulling hemlock. Self
making watering place. Annie at school. Robert at Wms.
painting. Afternoon John at bark. Self leveling in the woods.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John at bark. Annie at school. Self and
Robert shearing sheep. Afternoon John at bark. Self and Robert
mowing the old garden.
3 – Wind SW, rather dull day. Wm. and Robert gone to Port
Perry for shingles. John choring. Self cleaning out the
cowhouse. Afternoon John cutting thistles. Self taking the
sheep dung out of the barn. John gone to Greenbank to
committee meeting about the anniversary. Annie and Robert
playing ball.
4 – Wind SW, some rain through the night, fine day. Wm. at the
Port for shingles. John at the raising of the school house. Annie
at the school. Self and Robert fanning wheat and oats in the
barn. Afternoon John cutting thistles. Robert at Wms. Self
picking bugs off the potato tops. Prayer meeting at Mr. Ross’s.
Self and John at it.
5 – Wind S, warm day. John and Robert at thistles. Annie at
school. Self in the garden. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
Self picking bugs. Lecture at Greenbank in behalf of the Bible
Society. John and Robert at it.
6 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at thistles. Self hoeing
potatoes. Annie scrubbing. Mother baking. Afternoon John at
Greenbank getting the young horse shoed. Mother and Robt.
picking geese. Self fixing eave trough.
7 – Wind S, dull and raining some. No one at the Sunday School.
Mother, George, Wm. and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from Luke X:42. Collection $4.13.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. John plowing. Self
choring round. Afternoon John plowing. Self at Brock at a
meeting of the congregation about calling a minister.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Self plowing. Robert at
Port Perry with Lizzie. Annie nursing the baby. Afternoon self
plowing. John at Wms. Robert at Wms. painting.
10 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Wms. Robert at Wms.
Annie at the school. Mother washing. Self plowing. Afternoon
John and Robert at Wms. Self plowing. George [Tocher?] here
in the evening.
11 – Wind SE, raining some. John and Robert at Wms. Annie at
school. Self plowing. Rain at 11 o’clock. Afternoon still raining,
nothing doing. Self turning potatoes.
12 – Wind W, rather cold. John and Robert at Wms. Self
plowing. Annie at the school. Afternoon John and Robert at
Wms. Self mending horse collars. Annie gone to Mrs. Leasks.
Barbara arrives.
13 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self shaking
sods on turnip land. Mother at Mr. Akhursts – his baby dead.
Afternoon John digging grave for Mr. Akhursts child. Self and
Robert drawing sods off the turnip land. George arrives.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John, George, Barbara, Robert and Annie
at the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert, John and Annie at
the funeral of Akhursts child.
15 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John harrowing. Robert cutting
thistles. Self digging cabbage ground. Annie at the school.
Barbara washing. George Gibson here. Afternoon self digging
cabbage ground. John rolling. Robert cutting thistles. Rain
towards night. Barbara at Thos. Phairs.
16 – Wind S and raining, nothing doing. Self turning potatoes.
Barbara washing blankets. Afternoon still raining. John at
Greenbank. Barbara at Mr. Watsons about baking for the
17 – Wind NW, some rain in the forenoon. John at the grist mill.
Self at Greenbank for turnip seed. Afternoon John drilling. Self
collecting money for Ministers. Robert cutting thistles. Barbara
gone to Thos. Phairs.
18 – Wind NW, fine day. John drilling. Self digging. Robert
cutting thistles. Afternoon John gone to Greenbank. Self
19 – [diary has a notation…”Friday lost”].
20 – Wind S, fine day. John and self at Port Perry.
21 – Wind SE, fine day. John, George, Barbara, Robert & Annie
at the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, George and Barbara
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching from John.
22 – Wind S, fine day, very warm. John drilling. Annie at the
school. Self and Robert hoeing potatoes. Afternoon John
finishes turnip sowing. Self at Brock meeting to moderate in a
call for Mr. John McClung. Shower in the afternoon
23 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John & Wm. doing statute labour.
Annie at the school. Afternoon John on the road. Self letting
jobs on the sideline. Robert there too. John & Barbara at
Greenbank in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the school. Self, John & Wm. on
the road all day. Mother at Mrs. Martineaus, Greenbank, she
being confined.
25 – Wind SW, warm day. Self, John & Wm. at road work.
Thunder shower at 10 o’clock. Afternoon self, John & Wm. at the
road and finishes the road work at 3 o’clock. Mother at Wms.
26 – Wind SE, heavy rain about 6 o’clock and some through the
forenoon. Nothing doing. Barbara gone to Mr. Watsons to bake
for the anniversary. Afternoon John goes to the Port on foot.
Robert and Annie at Wms. Self at Greenbank for the papers and
begging for the anniversary at Thos. Loves and Wm. Loves.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Self choring. Mother and
Barbara baking for the anniversary. Afternoon John and Robert
at Wms. Self mending James Walkers door. Margaret arrives
from Whitby. John at Saintfield. Barbara at Greenbank in the
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John, George, Robert, Barbara,
Margaret and Annie at Greenbank. Alex Michie, Jun. and
Isabella Michie here to dinner. John, Barbara, Margaret and
Annie at Greenbank Primitive Meeting.
29 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Self hoeing corn.
Margaret washing. Afternoon John, Robert and Annie at Wms.
Self at Greenbank getting black mare shoed. Margaret gone to
the Primitive S. School Anniversary.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self making
whiffletree. Barbara baking. Afternoon John and Robert at
Wms. Self mending harness. Barbara at Mrs. Watsons. Mother
at Wms. Annie at Mr. Akhursts. Margaret at George Boddies.
JULY 1 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, John, George,
Margaret, Barbara, Robert and Annie at Sabbath School
Anniversary all day.
2 – Wind NW, fine cool day. John at Wms. Self hoeing potatoes.
Barbara at Thos. Phairs. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes. Robert
gone to Port Perry with Margaret to the train. Mrs. Walker and
Mrs. A. Gordon here visiting.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self hoeing
potatoes. Mother washing. Annie choring. Afternoon John and
Robert at Wms. Self setting up potatoes. Mother washing.
4 – Wind Easterly. John and Robert at Wms. Self at Mr. Byers
with cow. Afternoon John at Saintfield. Robert at Wms. Self
setting up potatoes. Annie at Wms.
5 – Wind N, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Roger preaching from Mark IX:23.
Collection $2.78.
6 – Wind S, warm day. John and Robert at Wms. Self mowing
fence corners. Annie at school. Afternoon John and Robert at
Wms. Self mowing.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self at Prince
Albert at Presbytery. Afternoon grand storm. John at Mrs.
Leasks raising. New school frame blown down.
8- Wind NW, fine day. John gone to the raising again. Self
choring. Robert at Wms. Mother washing. Afternoon John and
Robert at Wms. Self scuffling turnips and at meeting of school
trustees in the evening.
9 – Wind S, warm day. John and Robert at Wms. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self hoeing
10 –Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self at turnips.
Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self scuffling turnips.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Self and Robert hoeing
turnips. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and
Robert picking bugs on the potatoes. Jas. Walkers cow calves.
12 – Wind SE, rather cold. John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, George, Wm., Lizzie and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Roger preaching from Hebrews II:3.
13 – Wind easterly, rain till 11 o’clock. John churning. Self and
Robert picking potatoes. Afternoon John, Robert and self hoeing
14 – Wind S, very warm day. Wm. gone to Mr. Ruddys for
lumber. Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon John,
self and Robert at turnips.
15 – Wind SW, fine day and high wind. John at Wms. Robert
scuffling turnips. Self hoeing turnips. Afternoon self and Robert
at turnips. Annie at Wms.
16 – Wind NW, rather cold. John at Wms. Robert and self
hoeing turnips. Annie at Wms. Afternoon all at Wms. raising his
17- Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Annie at
Greenbank for papers. Self hoeing turnips.
18 - Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self cutting
fence corners. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self
sprinkling the potato tops with Paris Green. Annies birthday.
Some youngsters here in the evening.
19 – Wind S. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Mother at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Sanders preaching.
20 – Wind N, looking like rain. Self, John and Robert at hay.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at hay. Annie at the gap. Drew
in 8 loads.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. barn. Self at
Uxbridge for Paris Green to kill potato bugs.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. barn. Self
mowing fence corners. Wm. Byers here with his mower cutting
grass. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. barn. Self sprinkling
the potato tops. Akhursts calf sick.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert gone to Wms. Self
cutting thistles. Afternoon self, John and Robert at hay. Annie at
Lizzies quilting bee. Drew in 5 loads.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert at hay. Afternoon
self, John and Robert drew in the last of the hay. Drew 4 loads,
making 17 altogether. Picnic in Mr. Watsons woods. Robert and
Annie at it. Self at Greenbank for papers.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. hay. Robert at Mr.
Perkins barn. Self cutting thistles. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon
John and Robert at Wms. hay. Self at the sideline to see how
the jobs get along.
26 – Wind S, cloudy day, looking like rain. Robert at the Sunday
School. Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Monteith preaching from Zachariah VIII:7. Rain in the evening.
27 – Wind N, fine cool day. John at Wms. Annie picking berries.
Robert scuffling turnips. Afternoon John at Wms. Annie picking
berries. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing turnips. Barbara
and Agnes Asling here in the evening.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Self and John at turnips. Robert and Wm.
at Ruddys for lumber. Afternoon John and self at turnips.
29 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. hay. Self at
turnips. Afternoon John and Robert drawing in Wms. hay. Self
at turnips. Annie picking berries.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert at Wms. hay.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at Wms. hay and finishes it.
31 – Wind W, thunder and rain through the night, fine day. Self
and John cutting thistles. Robert at turnips. Afternoon all at
turnips. Annie picking berries.
AUG. 1 – Wind Westerly, thunder and rain through the night, fine
day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon Robert and Annie picking berries. Self and John
finishes hoeing turnips for the second time.
2 – Wind NW, cool day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Mother and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Monteith preaching from Hebrews XII:17, 18, 19. Collection
3 – Wind Westerly, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. drawing
in hay. Self choring. Annie picking berries. Afternoon John
gone to Mr. Matthews well. Self and Robert at A. Stones with
lambs and cow. Annie at Wms.
4 – Wind N, fine cool day. John at Mr. Matthews well. Robert
doing nought. Self and Barbara at Brock at the ordination of Mr.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Matthews well. Robert at home.
John and Mary Michie from Brock here. Self at Port Perry with
grist and wool.
6 – Wind S, fine day. John at Perkins. Robert gone to Brock.
Annie picking berries. Afternoon John at Perkins. Self cutting
thistles. Annie at berries.
7 – Wind S, fine day. John at Perkins stable. Annie at berries.
Self cutting thistles. Afternoon John at Wms. Self mending
rakes. Robert arrives from Brock.
8 – Wind N, fine day. John at Wms. well. Robert picking
cherries. Annie scrubbing. Self picking bugs. Afternoon John at
Wms. Robert and Annie picking berries. Self at bugs.
9 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Wm., Lizzie and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from 1st
Corinthians XVII:16.
Funeral of Mr. Somervilles child.
10 – Wind S, shower in the morning. John at Wms. well. Self
and Annie and Robert at Port Perry, a show there. Robert and
Annie at it. Shower in the afternoon.
11 – Wind SW, warm day. John at Wms. well. Self mending
Roberts boots. Afternoon John at Perkins barley. Robert at
Wms. Self fixing cradle.
12 – Wind W, warm day. John and Robert at Wms. well. Mother
washing. Self doing most nothing. Afternoon John and Robert
at Wms. Self hoeing turnips. Annie at berries.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert at Wms. well. Self
at Mr. Byers asking reaper and cutting swath round oats.
Barbara and Annie at berries. Afternoon John and Robert at
Wms. Self choring round. Barbara gone to Mrs. Leasks. Wm.
Byers here reaping oats. Mrs. Boddie and Mrs. Martineau Sen.
here visiting. Wm. gets much water in his well.
14 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. well. Self
choring round. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self at Mr.
Akhursts threshing. Scott, pedlar, and A. Michie here all night.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert binding oats. Self at
Mr. Boddies threshing. Afternoon self, John and Robert at oats.
Annie gone to Brock. Mother at Mr. Watsons on a visit.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Barbara gone to Mr. Lukes. Robert and
Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching Luke VII:18.
Collection for Aged and Infirm Ministers fund $5.73.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Mr. Watsons. Barbara
gone to the Port with Mrs. Boddie. Self and Robert binding oats.
Afternoon self and Robert shocking oats.
18 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert
cradling wheat. Barbara at berries. Afternoon self at Greenbank
with horses to shoe. Mrs. John Byers and Miss C. Byers here
19 – Wind S, dull day. Wm. Byers here reaping wheat. Self,
John, Wm., and Robert binding. Barbara washing. Afternoon all
at wheat. Finishes at 5 o’clock. Lizzie here.
20 – Wind W and raining. Mother gone to Alex. Witters, his wife
being sick. John gone to James Walkers. Self making rake.
Afternoon self and Robert pulling pease. Barbara at the Port
with Mr. Akhurst.
21 – Wind W, rather rainy. Self making rake. John at James
Walkers. Afternoon self and Robert at pease.
22 – Wind NW. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert at pease.
Afternoon self and Robert cutting wheat in the orchard. Annie
arrives from Brock. Mother comes home from Mr. Witters.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert, Barbara and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Mother at Brock to see Mrs. Hadden.
24 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self, Robert and
Barbara drawing in oats. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in
oats, altogether 14 loads.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert
at wheat. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat. Barbara and
Lizzie at Thos. Phairs.
26 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert at
wheat. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
27 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert
drawing in wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Mother drawing in
wheat. Took in 13 loads. Barbara at Alex. Gordons visiting. All
at prayer meeting at Watsons.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self, Robert and
Mother stacking pease. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert
finishes pease, 9 loads, and takes in 1 load wheat and 2 loads
oats out of the orchard. Agnes Asling here visiting.
29 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert at
wheat. Barbara scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
30 – Wind S, fine day. John, Barbara, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Barbara and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Colossians
III:17. Bible class organized.
31 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert
finishes cutting. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drew in 4
loads of wheat.
SEPT. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and
Robert mending waggon wheel. Afternoon self and Robert
drawing in to James Walkers.
2 – Wind NW, dull foggy day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and
Robert drawing in to James Walker. Afternoon finished at James
Walkers and drew in 4 loads of wheat at home, which finishes
the harvest. Mr. Kitchen comes for Barbara at 9 o’clock at night.
3 – Wind N, some rain. John at Mr. Ross’s. Self mending
harness. Robert at Wms. Annie at Wms. Afternoon Robert at
Mr. Watsons threshing. Self doing nought.
4 – Wind S, frost in the morning but warm fine day. Robert at
Wms. Self at Manchester at court to revise voters list. John
arrives from Mr. Ross’s.
5 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. John and Robert at Wms.
Self raking the wheat stubble. Afternoon not much doing.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from John XIII:17. Monthly collection $2.64.
7 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. drawing in. Self
choring. Took James Walkers cow to Mr. Loves bull the second
time. And at the Port with plow point. Afternoon John and Robert
at Wms. Self at meeting of school trustees.
8 – Wind easterly. John plowing. Robert at Wms. Self at John
Watsons stacking.
9 – Wind S, fine day and very warm. John plowing. Robert and
Annie at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon John plowing. Self
10 – Wind N, very warm day. John plowing. Self in the garden
weeding. Robert at Wms. Afternoon John plowing. Self at T.
Duffs threshing and at the prayer meeting at Mr. Ross’s.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. John plowing. Robert and self at Duffs
threshing. Afternoon John plowing. Robt. at Wms. Self at
James Walkers threshing.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. John, Robert and self at Mr. Perkins
threshing all day from 10 o’clock.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John, Robert and horses at Perkins
threshing till 4 o’clock. Self at school trustee meeting in the
15 – Wind W, dull day. John plowing. Self burning stones.
Afternoon some rain. John plowing. Self at stone. Mother at Mr.
Boddies visiting.
16 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert
moving fence. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert taking
out stones.
17 – Wind Easterly and looking like rain. John plowing. Self and
Robert at stones. Mr. Duff and Mr. Clemens here for 2 pigs
each. Afternoon raining.
18 – Wind S, dull day. John plowing. Self and Robert taking out
stones. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers. John
harrowing. Self digging.
19 – Wind S, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robt. at stones.
Afternoon John harrowing. Self and Robert digging Early Rose
potatoes, about 8 bushels.
20 – Wind W, rather cold. Rain through the night. John, Robert
and Annie at the Sunday School.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing out dung. Self
digging stumps. Afternoon John and Robert at dung. Self at
stumps. Annie at Lizzies.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert gone to the exhibition at
Toronto by Port Perry. Self goes through the swamp to the Port
for the horse. Afternoon self at McMillans raising. Some rain.
23 – Wind W, fine day. James Walker gone with horses to draw
lumber from Mr. Beares but got none. Self mending Annies
boots. Afternoon self at the Port with springboard for John and
Robert and comes home the near way.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to lath at the school house.
Self at Wm. Reals. Afternoon self and Robert take in the corn to
the barn floor. Self at John Leasks in the evening.
25 – Wind W, fine day. John at school house. Robert at Wms.
Self at stones. James Walker at the Port with horses. Afternoon
self digging stumps.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. John at home. Self
choring. Afternoon John to the school house. Self at Mr. John
Beares to go to Uxbridge but he was gone in the forenoon.
George here in the evening.
27 – Wind S, looking like rain. Robert at the Sunday School.
Rain in the afternoon. Self at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Luke IVX:18.
28 – Wind SW, rainy day. John at James Walkers. Self at John
Leasks. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung. Self at Wm.
Loves in the evening.
29 – Wind W, fine day. All at the Fair in Port Perry.
30 – Wind N, very cold. John at Jas. Walkers. Self and Robert
drawing dung. Afternoon self at Uxbridge with Mr. Wm. Real to
order seats for school.
OCT. 1 – Wind W, rather dull day. John, Robert and self drawing
dung. Mother washing. Afternoon John, Robert and self drawing
2 – Wind W, rough cold day. Self, John and Robert at dung.
Mother baking for pairing bee in the evening. Afternoon John,
Robert and self finishes the dung.
3 – Wind NW, rather cold. John plowing. Self at Brock at
Church. Afternoon John plowing. Robert spreading dung. Self
at meeting in the Presbyterian Church on the 12th
conc. Mr.
Thoms preaching at both places.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self and Mother at Brock Sacrament. Mr. McClung preaching
from Exodus XXVIII:12.
5 – Wind W, rather dull day. John plowing. Self and Robert
spreading dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self, Robert and
Annie gathering potatoes. Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins.
6 – Wind S, and raining. Mother washing. Robert pairing apples.
Self, John and Annie coring. Afternoon John plowing. Self and
Robert at potatoes.
7 – Wind Easterly and very like rain. John plowing. Self and
Robert husking corn. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert
at potatoes.
8 – Wind SE, dull day. John, Robert and self at potatoes.
Afternoon self, John, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert and Annie at potatoes.
John at the school house. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes.
10 –Wind W, rather showery. Self, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
John at the school house. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at
potatoes. Thunder and rain before night.
11 – Wind NW, rather showery. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., Lizzie and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Genesis VI:9. Collection
12 – Wind N and very cold. John at the school house. Self at
Greenbank getting horses shoed. Robert at Wms. Afternoon
nothing doing.
13 – Wind N and cold. John at school house. Self plowing.
Robert choring. Lizzie here making dress. Afternoon self
plowing. Still very cold.
14 – Wind S, fine day. John at the school house. Self, Robert
and Annie taking in potatoes. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie
finishes potatoes. 6 loads altogether.
15 – Wind SW, hoar frost. John at the school house. Self
plowing. Robert cutting cornstalks. Afternoon John at the Port
for boots. Self, Robert and Annie harrowing the potatoes.
Mother at L. Byers, he being sick.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone with horses for lumber. John
and Robert in the woods. Self to see Mr. Byers (he dead).
Afternoon nothing doing. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
Annie at Wms.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert patching
the barn roof. Afternoon John plowing. Self at John Leasks
about the road. John, Robert and Annie taking in apples. My
birthday 1813.
18 – Wind N, cold day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at Mr. Byers
funeral. Mr. Dennis preaching from Isaiah VI:19.
19 – Wind N, fine day. John gone to Bethesda Church to work.
Self plowing. Robert and Annie taking in apples. Self at John
Watsons in the evening.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert taking in apples. Self plowing.
Afternoon self plowing. Robert at apples.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at Port Perry
getting collars faced.
22 – Wind SW, warm day. Self plowing. Robert at Wms.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at the plow. Mother, self and
Annie at the prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons.
23 – Wind SW, warm day. Self plowing. Robert at Wms.
Afternoon self plowing. Robert at Wms.
24 – Wind SW, warm day. Self plowing. Robert at Greenbank
with Wm. lathing Mr. Mannings house. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon self plowing and at the school in the evening. John
Beare did not come.
25 – Wind W, very warm and looking like rain. John, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at turnips. John
gone to Bethesda. Afternoon self, Robert, Annie and Lizzie at
turnips. Drew 10 loads in pit.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon self, Lizzie, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 10
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Lizzie, Robert and Annie at
turnips. Drew 13 loads.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert killing sheep. Afternoon
Robert fixing the turnip cellar. Self and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting, this being a day of Thanksgiving. Mr. McClung
preaching. Managers elected after service, J. Leask, Jas. Allan,
Charles Rennie, Jas. McMillan and Jas. Miller.
30 –Wind W, looking like rain. Self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie at
turnips. Afternoon self, Lizzie, Annie and Robert at turnips.
Drew 4 loads in cellar and 1 in pit. Rain before night.
31 – Wind NW, rather cold with some slight showers of snow.
Self, Lizzie, Annie and Robert at turnips. Afternoon at turnips.
Drew 11 loads in cellar.
NOV. 1 – Wind NW, very cold. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. A. Leask preaching
from Psalms CXLVII:11. Mr. McClung being sick.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Lizzie, Robert and Annie at turnips.
Drew 8 loads in cellar. John gone to Bethesda.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie at turnips.
Drew 4 loads in turnip cellar, 1 in house cellar and 3 to Wms. 8
loads altogether. Self at Wm. Reals at school trustee meeting in
the evening.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie finishes the
turnips. Drew 2 loads to Wms. and 6 in pit, making [72?].
5 – Wind SW, gloomy day and some rain. Nothing doing. Mother
and Lizzie washing. Afternoon self looking at jobs on the
sideline. John home all night.
6 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to James Scotts. Self and
Robert fixing the roof of the turnip cellar. Afternoon self and
Robert at cellar.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Wm. at Brock. Robt. at
Greenbank to get clothes. Afternoon Robert burning brush in the
8 – Wind W, smoky day. Robert, John and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching. Collection $1.11.
9 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Whitefield Lees. Robert
harrowing. Self logging in the swamp. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self in swamp. School meeting in the evening.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self at Manchester
plowing match.
11 – Wind N, rough day. Robert harrowing. Self in swamp.
Afternoon self and Robert in the swamp logging. George here in
the evening with 280 dollars to loan to school trustees.
12 – Wind W, fine day, rather frosty. Robert in the swamp. Self
at Mr. Whitefield Lees with 280 dollars to school. Afternoon self
choring. Robert plowing.
13 – Wind N, rather cold. Robert at pines in the swamp. Self
cutting out a log in the sideline. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank
for papers.
14 – Wind SE, very cold. Self and Robert choring. Afternoon
Robert banking up the turnip cellar. Self at Greenbank with
Annie. Very cold.
15 – Wind NW. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Self
and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching
from Proverbs to the young.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert fencing for straw stack.
Afternoon Robert banking the henhouse. Self at the sale of the
old school house. John Lee buys it for $53 and one years credit.
Daniel Till buys the desks and seats for 3 dollars cash.
17 – Wind W, rather cold, nothing doing. Afternoon self choring.
18 – Wind W, rather soft. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self making scaffold for putting straw
in barn.
19 – Wind NW, fine day, but frosty. Self and Robert fixing the
granary. Afternoon threshing machine comes. Threshed all
afternoon. Mr. Perkins and horses, Mr. R. Phair and horses, T.
Phair, G. Boddie, Wm. Akhurst, Jas Walker, P. Harman for T.
20 – Wind NW, fine day, some snowy. Threshed till 4 o’clock with
same hands, with Geo. Boddie Jun.
21 – Wind W, fine day, rather rough. Robert choring. Self and
horses at R. Phairs threshing.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. John and
Mother at the Presbyterian Meeting.
23 – Wind W, cold day. Robert choring. Self at Robert Phairs
threshing till noon and at home in the afternoon. Wm. Real here
in the evening for the taxes $14.43.
24 – Wind W, cold stormy day. Robert choring. Self at Thos.
Phairs threshing all day.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert choring. Self at Thos. Phairs
threshing till noon and at George Boddies threshing in the
afternoon. Robert at the Port for Barbara.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert choring. Self at George Boddies
threshing all day. John at threshing. A. Michie and George
Michie here all night.
27 – Wind NW, rather soft day. Self, Robert, John and horses at
Wms. threshing till noon. Mother and Annie at Wms. Afternoon
John at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Robert at Greenbank getting
mare shoed. Self choring. Barbara cleaning up the buttery.
28 – Wind NE, not cold, but snowing all day. John at Mr.
Akhursts threshing. Self banking the cistern. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Self and Robert put [?] ram among the sheep.
29 – Wind N, snow deep. Self, John, Barbara and Annie goes
the length of Wm. Loves and turns again.
30 – Wind SE, fine day. Self at the Port with grist. Annie at
DEC. 1 – Wind SW, snowing. Annie at school. Self choring.
John at Wms. and Robt. sick. Afternoon self and John drawing
in pease.
2 – Wind S, thawing some. John at Wms. Robert choring. Self
at the school helping to move backhouses.
3 – Wind W and thawing. John at Wms. Self fixing the
backhouses at the school. Afternoon self and Robert fixing
sheep houses.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Self threshing pease.
Annie at school. Robert at Wms. Afternoon self threshing
pease. Robert at Greenbank getting Wms. horse shoed. Mrs.
Hadden hangs herself.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Annie at Wms. to let Lizzie
to the Port. Robert at Wms. Self threshing pease. Afternoon
self and Robert fanning pease and putting in the pigs.
6 – Wind SW. Robert and Annie at Sunday School. John and
Barbara at Brock. Self at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Luke XVIII:9.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Annie at school. Self and
Robert taking out the cistern pump. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank. Self choring.
8 – Wind S, rather soft. John at R. Phairs digging well. Annie at
school. Robert drawing wood. Self fixing sewing machine.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self making stick to draw water.
9 – Wind W, rather rough. John at Wms. Robert at Wms.
drawing cedar. Annie at the school. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self threshing pease.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Robert Phairs well. Annie at
school. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self threshing pease.
11 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at Wms. Annie at school.
Self at Manchester, Prince Albert and Port Perry. Margaret
comes home.
12 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at Robert Phairs well. Self
choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
13 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John, Robert, Barbara
and Margaret and Annie at the Sunday School. Mother, John,
Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
14 – Wind N, stormy day. John at Robert Phairs. George
threshing pease. Self choring. Afternoon still stormy. George
threshing pease.
15 – Wind W, fine day. George chopping wood. Self and
Margaret at Brock.
16 – Wind SW, rather soft day. George chopping wood. Self
choring. Annie at school. Afternoon self and Robert drawing
17 – Wind NW. George and Barbara at the Port. Self mending
Wms. jumper. Afternoon nothing doing. Margaret at Wms.
18 – Wind SW, rather soft day. Nothing doing. Self mending
Wms. jumper. Afternoon self at Greenbank for the papers.
19 – Wind SW, soft day. Self and Robert choring. House
cleaning going on. Afternoon nothing doing. Self at Wm. Reals
in the evening. John at John Leasks well.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Barbara, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the Sunday School. A. Michie Jun. and Isabella Michie
here in the afternoon. Barbara goes with them to Brock.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. R. Phairs well. Self and
Robert drawing wood. Afternoon self and Annie at Greenbank.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Phairs well. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Afternoon Robert and self fixing for pig killing.
Margaret and Annie at school. Exhibition at Brock. Self and
Robert at council meeting at Greenbank. Wright, Baird, Holman
running for reeve.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert, John, Wm., and self killing the
pigs. Afternoon John gone to Wms. Self and Robert choring.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Self at Port Perry with
pigs. Robert choring.
25 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Self putting stove
upstairs. Afternoon John at Greenbank for the papers. John
Walker, Sally and Jane Akhurst, George [Maryam?], Fanny
Boddie and Robert and John Minty here. Margaret gone to
26 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Self cutting pork.
Afternoon John on the roads. Robert and Annie gone to take
Mary Michie home. Barbara scrubbing. Self choring.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Barbara, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Mother at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching. Annie at the English Church. John,
Barbara and Robert and Annie at Brick Church to hear Wm. [?]
28 – Wind S and thawing. Self, John and Robert drawing in
turnips. Afternoon John going round asking money to make a
purse for Jas. Miller. Self and Robert choring. Jas. Johnson
comes for Barbara to bake. Margaret arrives from Whitby.
29 – Wind N, rough day. John gone to John Leasks well. Self
and Robert choring. Afternoon self and Mother at Mr. Thos.
Phairs to supper.
30 – Wind NW, rough day. Robert choring. Self sawing wood.
Margaret washing. Afternoon nothing doing. Barbara arrives
from Jas. Johnsons.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Self threshing oats. Robert choring.
Afternoon nothing doing.
And so ends the year 1874.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, nothing doing. Mr. and Mrs. Boddie, Mr. and
Mrs. Duff, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. {?], and Mrs.
Akhurst here to dinner. Robert and Annie at [?].
2 – Wind W, rather stormy. John at J. Leasks well. Self choring.
Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers. Very stormy.
3 – Wind N, rather cold. Nobody at school nor meeting.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert choring. Self
at Uxbridge. John at Greenbank to vote.
5 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
threshing oats. Afternoon self and John sawing wood. Robert
threshing oats. Robert at Mr. Boddies in the evening.
6 – Wind SW, cold day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
threshing pease. Annie sick. Barbara washing. Afternoon John
in the woods. Mother and Annie at Wms. quilting. Self choring
and at Wm. Reals in the evening. John and Barbara at a spree
at John Watsons.
7 – Wind SE, snowing some. John at Mr. Duffs well. Robert
choring. Self writing school accounts. Afternoon self and Robert
splitting wood.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Nothing doing. John at Wms. Self and
Robert choring. Jane Michie and Wesley Luke here to dinner.
Barbara and them at Jas. Walkers for dinner. Annie quilting.
Self at A. Hornes in the evening.
9 – Wind W, very stormy. Nothing doing.
10 – Wind SW, very frosty. Nobody from here at church.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Duffs well. Barbara washing.
Self and Robert choring. Afternoon nothing doing. Self at
Greenbank in the evening.
12 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and
Robert choring. Afternoon self and John in the woods. Robert
drawing wood. Political meeting at Greenbank in the evening.
Some fighting after.
13 – Wind S, rather soft. John in the woods. Robert choring.
Self and Mother at Mr. Wm. Reals and at the annual school
14 – Wind N, rather cold. Self and John fanning some oats.
Afternoon self and John in the woods. Robert choring.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Duffs. Self and Robert
fanning pease. Afternoon Mother at Mr. Aslings visiting. Self at
the mill with grist. Annie at Greenbank.
16 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. Nothing doing. Barbara
scrubbing. Afternoon John at Brock. Mother at A. Gordons
quilting. Robert sick. Self choring.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Wm., Barbara and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching. John Leask ordained elder.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Wm., John & George at Purdys
schoolhouse voting for Paxton. Afternoon nothing doing. John
at Greenbank. Smith from Whitby here in the evening.
19 – Wind W, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Self at Brock.
Mother visiting at Mr. Markhams and at Bible Society Meeting in
the evening.
20 – Wind SW, frosty day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Self at
Beares mill for grist. It not ground. Afternoon self and Robert at
the Port with grist and got it home with us. Barbara goes to Jas.
Johnsons for one week.
21 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Nothing doing. Robert and
Annie at the school. John painting cutter shafts. Afternoon John
at Greenbank. Self mending bags.
22 – Wind W, rather stormy. Robert and Annie at the school.
John at Jas. Walkers well. Self sharping saw. Afternoon self
splitting wood.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Self and
Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
24 – Wind E and snowing. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Song of Solomon IV.
25 – Wind W, snow drifting. Robert at school. John sawing
wood. Self choring. Annie washing. Afternoon John making
sleigh [?].
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. John at well. Self
choring. Afternoon Annie at Wms. Self making track to sideline.
27 – Wind S, cloudy day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Robert and
Annie at the school. Self choring. Afternoon self choring. A.
Michie Sen. here.
28 – Wind easterly, rather stormy. John at Jas. Walkers well.
Annie at the school. Self choring. Afternoon self to the Port with
29 – Wind W, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Robert and
Annie at the school. Afternoon self drawing wood. Mother at
Wms. visiting.
30 – Wind SW, some snow. John at Jas. Walkers well. Self and
Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon Robert and self to Port Perry
with wheat.
31 – Wind W, rather stormy. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Barbara and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching. Collection for Home Mission $11.00.
FEB. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. Barbara
washing. John at home. Self choring. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Mother at Mr. Thos. Loves visiting. Self at annual
meeting of congregation.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert and Annie at the school. Self,
John and Wm. taking stones out of well. Afternoon Wm., John
and self at well. Mother at Wms.
3 – Wind SE, and raining some. Robert and Annie at the school.
Nothing doing. Afternoon Wm., John and self at well. Isabella
Michie arrives here. Very high wind.
4 – Wind S, and very high and very cold. Nothing doing. Meeting
of the [remainder of this entry is too faded to read].
5 – Wind N, cold day. Self, Wm., and John at well all day.
6 – Wind NW, rather cold. Self, John and Wm. at well all day.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers. No mail. Railway
stopped with snow.
7 – Wind S, middling day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Wm., and wife, Barbara, and Isabella Michie at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
8 – Wind W, snow drifting. John and Wm. at Port Perry for brick.
Robert at home. Annie rather sick. Self choring. Afternoon self
at Greenbank for the papers. Barbara and Isabella Michie at Mr.
Duffs visiting.
9 – Wind N and very cold, snow drifting. Robert at the school.
Nothing doing. Afternoon self, Wm., and John at well. Took
water out.
10 – Wind SE, not so cold. Annie in measles. Robert at school.
Self., Wm., and John at well. Afternoon self., Wm., and John at
well and finishes digging and put 4 feet and a ½ of brick in it.
Made it 8 feet deeper.
11 – Wind W, a heavy fall of snow through the night. Robert at
the school. Nothing doing. John takes Isabella Michie home in
the afternoon. Very stormy.
12 – Wind W, fine day and cold. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Afternoon self digging snow. John arrives from Brock.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Brooklin for brick. Mr. Jas.
Miller here collecting for the ministers salary. Annie sick of
measles. Afternoon self cutting turnips. Mother making pants.
Robert splitting wood.
14 – Wind NW, very cold. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John and Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from 1st
Cor. XI:28.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. John at Brooklin for
brick. Self choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. John drawing wood.
Self pumping water. Afternoon John at the Port for lumber. Self
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. Self, Wm., and
John putting bricks in the well. Afternoon John and Wm. making
curb. Self choring. Papers arrives.
18 – Wind NW, rough day. Robert at school. Barbara washing.
Wm. and John making curb. Self choring. Afternoon self, Wm.,
and John fixing well.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John
fixing well. Afternoon self, Mother, Barbara, John and Wm. at
the Presbyterian Meeting.
20 – Wind S, not so cold. Margaret scrubbing. Self, John and
Robert drew 4 loads turnips in cellar. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Robert choring. Self and Barbara at the Port.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara,
Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting, being
22 – Wind S, rather soft. Robert at the school. John drawing
wood. Self choring. Margaret washing. Barbara spinning.
Afternoon John drawing wood. Self fixing round. Mother at
23 – Wind W, rather dull day. John drawing wood. Robert at the
school. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self choring. Row in the
evening about brick lines.
24 – Wind SE, snow thawing. John drawing wood. Self choring.
Robert at the school. Afternoon John at Port Perry to see the
races. Self and Annie at Greenbank getting the horses shoed.
A. Gordon here to dinner.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. John at Greenbank
with tender for school fence. Self in the woods. Barbara gone
begging money for the Bible Society. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon John drawing wood. Self choring. Charlotte Wells
here all night.
26 – Wind NW, rather cold. Robert at the school. John drawing
wood and taking Barbara and Charlotte Wells to [?] to collect
money for the Bible Society. Margaret piecing quilt. Afternoon
John drawing wood. Self cutting frozen turnips. John, Robert,
Margaret and Annie at Open Division, Greenbank.
27 – Wind W, rather cold, nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon John at Greenbank for the papers. Self splitting wood.
Margaret baking cakes. Mother at Mrs. Byers all night, John
Byers child being very bad.
28 – Wind NW, cold day. Barbara, Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Nobody at the Presbyterian Meeting.
MAR. 1 – Wind Easterly, snowing and drifting. Robert at the
school. Nothing doing. Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing.
Port Perry taverns all shut.
2 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John
digging snow. Afternoon John at the Port. Self at Wms. helping
to kill a pig. Annie at Wms.
3 – Wind Easterly. Robert and Annie at the school. Margaret
gone to A. Gordons. Wm. and John fanning grist to Wm. Self
doing nought. Afternoon Wm. at the Port with grist. John at Mr.
Duffs. Mr. Thos. Phair, Mrs. Phair and Mary Real here. Very
stormy and snowing heavily from the East.
4 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at school. Barbara washing. Self
mending boots. John shoveling snow. Afternoon John mending
chair. Self cutting turnips. Barbara blacking stove. John,
Barbara, Robert, Annie and Margaret at Greenbank to hear
Professor Kent lecture.
5 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Robert at the school. Nothing
doing. Afternoon still snowing, nothing doing. John, Barbara,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at Greenbank to see Professor Kent
6 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing in 6 loads
of turnips. Afternoon rather stormy, nothing doing. Some man
Taylor here all night.
7 – Wind Easterly. John, Robert and Barbara at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Mother, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching. The man Taylor
here all night.
8 – Wind NW, fine day. John splitting wood. Robert and Annie at
school. Self doing very little. Barbara gone to the Port with Wm.
9 – Wind E, fine day. John writing. Annie and Robert at the
school. Margaret washing. Self choring. Afternoon self and
John at Greenbank at the fair, nothing doing. Spree at Jas.
Walkers in the evening. John, Barbara and Margaret at it.
10 – Wind S, snowing some. Robert and Annie at the school.
John at Mr. Robt. Phairs. Self choring. Barbara at Jas. Walkers
quilting. Afternoon John gone to the Port with advertisement of
the sale of the timber on the sideline. Self choring. Mother at
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the school. John
drawing out bark. Barbara, Lizzie and Margaret quilting. Self
choring. Afternoon the same parties quilting.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. John doing
nought. Self choring. Margaret and Barbara quilting. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Jas. Walkers splitting wood. Self
13 – Wind SE, fine day, the snow melting some. Self, John and
Robert drawing in turnips. Afternoon drawing turnips and wood.
14 – Wind SE, rather fresh. John, Barbara, Margaret, Annie and
Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, Lizzie, Barbara,
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching
from Luke XIX:41.
15 – Wind SE, and thunder and rain through the night. Robert at
the school. John making butter. Self choring. Afternoon John at
sale of timber on the sideline. Self doing nought.
16 – Wind SW and very high and stormy. Robert at the school.
John in the woods. Self doing nought. Margaret washing.
Afternoon John in the woods. Annie at Wms. Self doing nought.
Margaret gone to Thos. Phairs visiting.
17 – Wind NW, very cold. Robert at the school. John in the
woods. Self at Greenbank with Barbara, she going to A. Michies.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring. Mother at Wms., his
daughter being sick.
18 – Wind NW, very cold, nothing doing. Robert at the school.
John in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods.
Mother at Wms. all night. Nothing doing.
19 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John in
the woods. Mother and Annie at Wms. Afternoon John in the
woods. Wm. and Lizzie at Port Perry with their daughter to the
doctor. Self choring. J. Ianson here at night.
20 – Wind E and snowing. Nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon John in the woods. Margaret at Wms. Self and
Robert choring.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Mother at Wms. all night. Margaret and
Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Numbers XXXII:8. Collection for Foreign Missions. George
Michie died 1868.
22 – Wind N, fine day, but cold. Robert and Annie at school. Self
and John in the woods. Margaret at Wms. all night. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self doing nought. School examinations.
23 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self at Uxbridge at Presbytery. Margaret at Mrs. McPhails.
24 – Wind W, rather stormy. John in the woods. Self doing
nought. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at
Joseph Prins sale. Robert choring. Margaret leaves for Mr. W.
Ledinghams. Mother at Wms. all night.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
choring. Mother at Wms. Afternoon John and Robert drawing
wood. Self choring.
26 – Wind S, rather soft. John drawing wood and Robert too.
Self and Mother at Wms., his daughter died this morning. Wm.
and Lizzie at the Port. Afternoon John digging grave. Barbara
arrives from Brock. Self and Robert choring. George comes
home. Margaret comes from Ledinghams. Wms. daughter died,
born 12th
April 1874, aged 11 months 14 days.
27 – Wind W, fine day. George and Robert gone to Mr. Ross’s
for Georges clothes. Nothing doing. Afternoon Wms. daughter
buried at the Presbyterian grave yard.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John, George, Barbara and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Wm. and wife, Margaret,
and Barbara and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Ecclesiastic XII:1, to the young.
29 – Wind S, fine warm day, snow melting fast. John and Robert
drawing wood. Self hunting seed pease. Afternoon John gone
to Brock. Barbara at Greenbank. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. Annie at Mr. Akhursts.
30 – Wind SE, fine warm day, snow melting. John in the woods.
Robert splitting wood. Self at the Port for seed pease. Afternoon
Annie at Thos. Phairs quilting.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. John in the woods.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting wood. Snow
APR. 1 – Wind S and raining. Nothing doing. Robert at school.
Afternoon self and John fanning some wheat for grist.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. John and self in the
woods. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting wood.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robt.
drawing in turnips. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
Self killing sheep.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Afternoon
John at the Primitive Methodist Church.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self putting up fences. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
shoveling snow on the road.
6 –Wind Easterly, looking like rain. Robert at the school. John in
the woods. Self at John Watsons helping to lift a horse.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self on the road shoveling snow.
Mother at Wms.
7 – Wind Easterly. Robert at the school. John at the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self in the woods.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at wood.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self at Wms., killing calf. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Margaret comes home from Ledinghams.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert boiling sap.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara and Lizzie at Greenbank.
11 – Wind S, fine day. John, Barbara, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the
woods. Self fixing potatoes. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
choring. Pascoe Luke and Wesley here to supper and bed.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing turnips. Pascoe and Wesley here to their meals. Annie
at the school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert at
14 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
moving fence. Annie at the school. Pascoe and Margaret leaves
for Brock. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing rails. Wesley here all night.
15 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John choring. Annie at the
school. Self and Robert at the mill for grist. Wesley leaves for
home. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert fencing. Rain
in the evening.
16 – Wind SW, rather hard frost. John, Robert and self dunging
the orchard. Afternoon John plowing. Self setting gate posts.
Robert at Greenbank for papers. Snow in the evening.
17 – Wind NW, cold day and the ground white with snow. John
and Robert drawing out cordwood. Self doing nought. Afternoon
John and Robert drawing wood. Self sawing wood. Barbara
18 – Wind NW, cold day. John, Robert and Barbara at the
Sunday School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Ezekiel XXIII:23.
19 – Wind NW, cold day. John and Robert drawing out wood.
Self doing nought. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert
20 – Wind N, very cold. John and Robert at woods. Self fencing.
Afternoon Barbara at Wms. papering. John plowing. Self and
Robert fixing drains.
21 – Wind N, very cold and frosty, nothing doing. Barbara
washing. Afternoon John plowing. Self sawing wood. Very cold.
22 – Wind N, cold day, nothing doing. Barbara scrubbing. Self
mending harness. Afternoon John plowing. Self sawing wood.
23 – Wind N, rather cold. John and Robert at Wms. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon Robert at Wms. John plowing. Self at wood.
Annie at Greenbank for papers.
24 – Wind NE, some snow. Robert at Wms. John plowing. Self
doing nought. Afternoon Robert boiling sap. John plowing. Self
choring. Barbara scrubbing.
25 – Wind N, rather cold. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching from Philippians
III:12. “Work out your salvation”.
26 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. John plowing. Self
doing chores. Afternoon John plowing. Self choring.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the school. Robert at Wms.
John plowing. Self doing chores. Afternoon John plowing. Self
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Robt. Phairs. Robert
plowing. Self choring. Afternoon Annie at Mr. Stillwells at a bee.
Robert plowing. Self choring. Margaret at Wms. Barbara at Mr.
Akhursts washing.
29 – Wind Easterly. Annie at school. Self plowing. Robert
choring. Rev. Mr. McClung here. Afternoon raining from SE,
nothing doing.
30 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Robt. Phairs. Robert plowing.
Self ditching. Afternoon Barbara and Lizzie at Greenbank.
Robert plowing. Self choring.
MAY 1 – Wind SE, rather cold with hard frost. Robert plowing.
Self ditching. John at Robt. Phairs. Afternoon snowing from the
SE. Self and Robert fanning wheat. John home from Phairs.
Annie at Wms. boiling sap.
2 – Wind W, snowing some. Nobody at the Sunday School. Self
and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching
from 1st
Samuel I:26. Collection $2.67.
3 – Wind NW, frosty morning. John gone to Robert Phairs. Wm.
at Manchester. Barbara gone to Brooklin. Robert choring. Self
plowing. Afternoon Robert at sap. Margaret at Wms. Annie at
4 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. John at Phairs. Robert at
sap. Self plowing. Margaret at Wms. Afternoon John sowing.
Robert harrowing. Self carrying seed. Mrs. Thos. Phair here
visiting. Jean Leask and Mary Byers here all night.
5 - Wind S, looking like rain. John gone to Robt. Phairs. Annie
at the school. Robert harrowing. Self choring. Mother at Wms.
Afternoon raining some. Robert harrowing. Self at Port Perry for
clover seed. Heavy rain at night.
6 – Wind NW, rather raw. Self plowing. Robert choring. Annie
sick. Afternoon John sowing wheat. Self carrying seed. Robert
harrowing. Some rain and hail through the afternoon.
7 – Wind SE, much rain through the night. John gone to Mr.
Robt. Phairs. Self plowing. Robert at Wms. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self for Dr. Byers to Annie and at Greenbank for
8 – Wind SE. Thunder and rain through the night. John at Robt.
Phairs. Self sowing grass seeds. Robert harrowing. Afternoon
Robert rolling. Self choring. Thunder and rain at night.
9 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Dr. Byers
here at Annie. No service at the Presbyterian Church. John at
the Primitive Methodist Church. Dr. Byers here in the evening.
Great rain through the night. Annie very sick.
10 – Wind NW, fine day, the ground very wet. John plowing. Self
letting off water. Robert grafting trees. Dr. Byers here in the
morning. He going to move to Nobletown. Afternoon John
plowing. Robert grafting. Self at Saintfield for Dr. McClinton to
Annie. Isabella Michie and Jean Atkins here all night.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. John plowing. Robert grafting. Self
draining. Afternoon John plowing. Self draining. Robt. grafting.
Wm. at Saintfield for trees. Jean Atkins leaves with Wm. for
12 – Wind W, cold rough day, nothing doing. Ground too wet to
plow. Self and Robert in the garden. Afternoon John gone to
Brock with Isabella. Self and Robert doing nought. Showery
afternoon. Pamela Burton here all night.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to R. Phairs to split rails. Self
and Robert in the garden. Dr. McClinton here to see Annie.
Pamela leaves on her travels. Afternoon somewhat rainy,
nothing doing.
14 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. John sowing wheat. Robert
harrowing. Self carrying seed. Afternoon John harrowing. Self
in the garden. Robert some sick and at Greenbank for papers.
15 – Wind N, rather cold. John plowing. Self and Robert digging
down a bank. Afternoon John plowing. Robert planting
potatoes. Planted some potatoes in orchard.
16 – Wind N, fine day, but rather cold. John, Margaret and
Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John, Margaret, Wm. and
Lizzie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Hosea XIII:9 – thou hast destroyed thyself.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Self piling wood. Robert
choring. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at Wms. John at
Greenbank at meeting for S. S. Anniversary.
18 – Wind S, fine day. John sowing and Mother carrying seed.
Robert harrowing. Self at Port Perry at Presbetry. Afternoon
John at Mr. Perkins training his colt. Robert harrowing.
19 – Wind W, looking like rain. John at Mr. Perkins. Robert
harrowing. Self choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. planting
apple trees. Self rolling.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John at Perkins. Robert at Wms. Self
plowing potato ground. Afternoon self plowing.
21 – Wind W, warm day. John at Perkins. Robert at Wms. Self
and Mother cutting potatoes. Barbara here from Brooklin but
leaves again.
22 – Wind W, very warm day. Self, Mother and Robert planting
potatoes. John plowing. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert planting potatoes and finishes.
23 – Wind S, warm day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew
XI:28 – come unto me ye that labour and are heavy laden and I
will give you rest.
24 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Perkins. Robert fishing. Self
fixing at well. Afternoon self at well. Queens birthday.
25 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Boddies. Self and Robert
washing sheep. Afternoon self at well. Robert at Greenbank
with Lizzie. John at Greenbank in the evening about the
26 – Wind NW, fine cool day. John at Mr. Boddies. Robert at
Wms. Self at Brock at meeting of session about Mr. Charles
Rennie. No settlement.
27 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Annie gone to Whitby. Self and
Robert hauling stones. Margaret papering. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self ditching.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert ditching.
Afternoon John plowing. Robert ditching. Self at Greenbank
getting harness mended.
29 – Wind W, thunder and rain in the morning. John at Wms.
Self and Robert shearing sheep. Afternoon John plowing. Self
and Margaret at the Port.
30 – Wind N, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching.
31 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert filling
drain. Annie at Greenbank. Margaret washing. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert at drain.
JUNE 1 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert
picking potatoes. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Self and Robert fanning wheat. Margaret goes to Thos.
2 – Wind SE, looking like rain. John and Robert at the Port with
wheat. Self making doubletree. Afternoon self, John and Robert
fanning oats.
3 – Wind W, some rain in the morning, turns fine day. John and
Annie at Port Perry with oats. Self and Robert fixing fences.
4 – Wind S, looking like rain. John harrowing. Self and Robert
fanning wheat. Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Self at
Greenbank with black mare to horse.
5 – Wind Easterly and looking like rain. John gone to the Port
with wheat. Self and Robert fixing bars. Afternoon self and
Robert fixing gate.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Robert and Margaret and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from John
7 – Wind NW, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon self and John drawing sods off turnip ground.
Robert cutting cockles. John at Greenbank about the
anniversary. A. Michie here in the morning wanting John.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to A. Michies. Robert and
Wm. gone to A. Beecrofts. Self harrowing. Afternoon self
harrowing. George here in the evening. Robert comes home.
9 – Wind SE, fine day. Self plowing. Robert spudding thistles
and cockle. Afternoon self plowing. Robert spudding. Annie at
Greenbank singing.
10 – Wind SE, fine day. Self plowing. Robert cutting thistles.
Afternoon self plowing. Robert hoeing and picking bugs.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Self plowing. Robert at bugs. Afternoon
self and Margaret at Presbyterian Church. Mr. McClung
preaching. Black mare to horse.
12 – Wind NW, thunder through the night and cold day. Self
plowing. Robert at bugs. Afternoon self digging cabbage
ground. Robert dunging out the hen house.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Margaret and Annie at Brock at the Sacrament. 101
communicants. $9.91 collection.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self at R. Phairs
hunting for young pigs. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for
witness. Self harrowing. Planted cabbages in the evening.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert picking potato bugs.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self picking bugs.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at bugs. Self at Uxbridge.
Afternoon Robert at bugs.
17 – Wind SW, rain at forenoon, nothing doing. Self mending
harness. Afternoon Mother picking geese. Self mending
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Self drilling for turnips. Robert at bugs.
Afternoon self drilling. Robert at Greenbank with Lizzie.
19 – Wind NW, fine day, high wind. Self and Robert at potatoes
hoeing them. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert, Annie and Margaret at the
Sunday School. Self and Mother at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from Romans VIII:1. Annie and Margaret
at Primitive Methodist Church.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at bugs. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. logging. Self picking bugs. Mother at Mr.
Watsons visiting.
22 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Robert at Wms. Self drilling.
Afternoon Annie and Mary Michie at Brock. Self drilling.
23 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert spudding thistles. Self
cleaning door yard. Afternoon self and Robert at potato bugs.
24 – Wind SW, fine day, shower in the morning. Robert at Wms.
Self at bugs. Afternoon Mr. Boddie, Mr. Akhurst, Mr. Walker, G.
Boddie and R. Akhurst here with Mr. Duffs stove to bake for the
anniversary. Heavy showery afternoon.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert going round for the anniversary.
Self at roadwork. Afternoon self at road. Mrs. Watson and Mrs.
Akhurst here baking.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at road work. Mrs.
Phair, Mrs. Walker and Christina Byers here baking. Afternoon
self at road. Robert at Wms. John comes home from A. Michies.
27 – Wind W, fine warm day. Margaret, Annie and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from John XVI:8.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self and John at road
work. Margaret and Annie at the Port for Barbara. Afternoon
self and John at road. Mrs. Watson here baking for anniversary.
Mrs. Michie here visiting.
29 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert at bugs. Self at
Saintfield to pay doctor and bring Isabella Michie here to bake.
Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Boddie here.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert picking bugs. John at the fixing of
anniversary ground. Self at the Port for tissue paper. Afternoon
John cutting thistles. Robt. at Wms. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Akhurst,
Mrs. T. Phair and Mrs. Watson here baking.
JULY 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, John, Margaret, Annie and
Robert and Barbara at anniversary. Mother at home. Mary
Michie taken sick.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John helping to move Mr. Duffs stove.
Self choring. Robert at bugs. Afternoon John at Geo. O’ Learys
raising. Self at Greenbank with black mare to horse. Robert at
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Greenbank with horses to shoe.
Self and Robert hoeing potatoes. Afternoon John at Turners
raising. Self and Robert at potatoes. Mother, Margaret and
Annie at Greenbank at social for behalf of Sunday School.
4 – Wind W, warm day. John and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Wm. and Annie & Mary Michie at the Presbyterian
5 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. John in the swamp. Self
and Robert dunging out the sheep pen. Afternoon raining. Self,
John, Margaret and Annie at the Primitive Methodist Sabbath
School anniversary.
6 – Wind SW, rain in the forenoon. John hilling up potatoes in the
field. Robert hilling potatoes in orchard. Self at Byers to get
them to mow grass. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
7 – Wind NW, fine day. John hilling up the potatoes. Robert
picking bugs. Self putting on Paris Green. Afternoon John at Mr.
Beares raising. Self at potatoes. Robert hoeing. Punk heifer to
Mr. Loves bull.
8 – Wind NW, rather dull, looking like rain. Self, John and Robert
mowing in the orchard. Afternoon self, John and Robert mowing.
Lizzie and Mary here picking wool. Looking like rain.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert hoeing turnips. John scuffling
turnips. George Byers here mowing. Self mowing fence
corners. Afternoon John and Robert hoeing. Self mowing.
George Byers mowing.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert hoeing. Self helping
Wm. to fan his oats. Afternoon John and Robert hoeing. Self
putting Paris Green on the potatoes.
11 – Wind N, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Psalms
12 – Wind SW, fine day. John hoeing. Robert at the Port.
Margaret at the Port to see the Orangemen. Self turning hay.
Afternoon self and John raking & cocking hay.
13 – Wind NW, some thunder and rain in the night. Self, John
and Robert hoeing. Mother gone to Brock with Mary Michie.
Afternoon self, John and Robert hoeing.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert hoeing. George
Byers here mowing. Afternoon self, John and Robert hoeing.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing hay. 6
loads out of orchard, 1 out of field. Afternoon 9 loads out of field.
Mother at Mrs. Boddies visiting.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert hoeing. Afternoon
self, John and Robert raking and cocking hay. George over from
Mr. Ross’s. John goes with him to work on Saturday.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing. Afternoon Annie
leaves for Brock. Self and Robert finishes hoeing the first time.
Margaret comes home from Thos. Phairs.
18 – Wind N, raining some. Robert at the Sunday School. John
and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Cassidy cow to bull.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing hay.
Afternoon self, John and Robert finishes hay, drawing 6 loads,
making 22 loads altogether. John goes to Mr. Ross’s. John
gone to Mr. Ross’s for 4 months.
20 – Wind S, fine day. My cow to Mr. Loves bull. Self and Robert
sprinkling potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes.
21 – Wind NW, high wind. Robert at Wms. Self at James
Walkers hay. Scott, pedlar, here.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self cutting thistles.
Isabella Michie here having brought Annie home last night.
Margaret sick last night. Afternoon Isabella Michie leaves for
home. Self at Wms. hay. Mother churning and at Lizzies quilting
23 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert fanning wheat. Annie
picking berries. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self
cutting thistles. Annie at berries.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Self at Mr. Iansons mill with grist.
Margaret goes to Whitby. Robert picking berries. Annie at
berries. Afternoon Robert at thistles. Annie at berries.
25 – Wind S, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Isaiah IIV:4.
26 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Robert at berries. Self at Mr.
Loves with grey heifer and went after to Mr. Akhursts hay.
Afternoon shower after dinner. Self writing letter to George
27 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert picking cherries. Mother and
Annie washing. Self sprinkling potato tops. Afternoon Robert
and Annie at berries. Self at Mr. Akhursts hay till nearly 8
o’clock. Mother making preserves.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at berries. Self at
Port Perry and at mill for grist.
29 – Wind S, warm day. Robert hoeing turnips. Self scuffling
turnips. Mother churning. Some man here wanting lambs to
buy, sold him 3. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing turnips.
30 – Wind N and very high. Robert hoeing turnips. Self scuffling.
Afternoon self and Robert at turnips.
31 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
Robert at turnips. Self at A. Ross’s with Johns box. Robert
finished the turnips for the second time.
AUG. 1 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. Self, Robert and Annie
at the Sunday School. Nobody at any meeting. No meeting at
Presbyterian Church.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert at Greenbank with three
lambs for Mr. Fay. Annie at the berries. Afternoon self sprinkling
Paris Green on potatoes. Robert and Annie at berries.
3 – Wind E and raining some. Annie and Mother washing.
Robert at Wms. Self mending waggon wheels. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self at wheels. Annie at berries.
4 – Wind SW, fine day, rain through the night. Robert picking
cherries. Self at Mr. Loves with heifer to bull. Afternoon self and
Robt. setting waggon tires. Annie at berries. Margaret arrives
from Whitby.
5 – Wind SW, dull morning, looking like rain. Robert cutting
thistles. Self at Greenbank. Afternoon Robert painting waggon
wheels. Self mending harness.
6 – Wind S, thunder and rain. Robert washing harness. Self
oiling harness. Afternoon showery. Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Self at harness.
7 – Wind W, dull day. Self and Robert taking straw out of the
barn. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at berries. Self
surveying the sideline. Annie at Wms. John here at night.
8 – Wind N, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from John III:7. Mrs. Larkin and Lizzie here.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at berries. Self fixing
harness. Mother at Wms. Afternoon self at harness. Robert and
Annie at berries. Mrs. Larkin and Mrs. Gasgon here visiting.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank for paint. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert painting. Self choring. Margaret
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert pulling pease. Self cradling oats.
Margaret baking. Annie at Wms. Afternoon self cradling oats.
Robt. at pease. Margaret at J. Watsons visiting.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Thos. Phairs well. Self cradling
oats. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank with Wms. horse to shoe.
Margaret at Greenbank with eggs. Self splitting wood. Mother
and Annie picking geese.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Thomas Phairs well. Self
raking oats. Mother at Wms. Annie at berries. Afternoon self at
oats. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert pulling pease. Self cradling oats.
Annie at berries. Afternoon Robert at the Port to see Professor
Pratts show. Self at John Watsons threshing.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., & Margaret at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung sick, not able to come, held
prayer meeting. Margaret at Methodist Church in the evening.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert pulling pease. Self at J.
Watsons threshing in the morning till 9 o’clock and binding oats
after. Mother gone with Margaret to Manchester Station.
Afternoon showery. Pulled some pease.
17 – Wind SW, fine day, some showers through the night. Self
pulling pease. Afternoon self mowing pease and oats. Robert
reaping timothy round the fences. Mother at J. Watsons.
18 – Wind W, some rain through the night, nothing doing.
Afternoon Robert binding oats. Self at T. Duffs threshing.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at oats. Self at T. Duffs
threshing. Afternoon self at Duffs threshing till 3 o’clock. Rain at
5 o’clock.
20 – Wind W, rather sultry. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self
cradling oats. Annie at Wms. Afternoon Robert at pease. Self
at oats. Rain at 5 o’clock. Mother at Wms. all night, Lizzie sick.
Wms. son Jas. Andrew born.
21 – Wind S, rather warm day, everything very wet. Self cradling
oats. Afternoon rain several times. Robert at Greenbank for
witness. Self at oats.
22 – Wind N, rather cool. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching
from John I:13. Mother at Wms.
23 – Wind E, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Mother at
Wms. Afternoon self and Robert at oats. Robert at Greenbank
at show in the evening.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert binding wheat. Robert
Phair reaping. Afternoon Robert Phair reaps all the field behind
the barn. Self and Robert binding.
25 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert and Mr. Akhurst binding
wheat. Afternoon self and Robert shocking wheat.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Robert Phair reaping wheat behind the
orchard. Self, Robert and Jas. Walker binding wheat. Afternoon
self, Mother and Robert binding wheat.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert shocking wheat.
Afternoon self and Robert cradling and binding wheat on the
28 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in pease into
stack. Afternoon stacked all the pease and drew one load of
oats in barn. Took red heifer to bull, second try. John here in the
evening. Ordered 6 apple trees, 3 Duchess, 3 Red {Ast….?]; 2
Munroe Plums, Price for trees 25 cents for plums, and $5.00 for
29 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting.
30 –Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in
oats. Afternoon finishes drawing oats and drew some wheat.
31 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert cutting and
binding wheat. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at wheat.
SEPT. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert cutting and
binding wheat. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert finishes wheat
and drew in some loads.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in wheat.
Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drawing in wheat.
3 – Wind S, looking like rain. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in
wheat. Afternoon self at Greenbank with horses to shoe. Robert
cutting timothy in the woods. Rain at night.
4 – Wind NW, cold day. Self and Robert moving the calfs fence.
Afternoon self and Robert at Wms. fencing.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Ezekiel XXXVI:26. Lizzie here in the afternoon.
6 – Wind NW and very high. Self, Robert and Annie drawing
wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie finishes drawing in.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Self fixing waggon. Robert at Port Perry
with Johns watch. Annie at Wms. Afternoon self choring.
Mother peeling plums.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Mother and
Annie washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self at Port Perry. Robert plowing.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. wheat.
10 – Wind N, cool day. Robert at Wms. wheat. Self plowing.
Afternoon self plowing.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother sick and in bed. Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
George here in the evening.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Mother
better. Self and Robert at Wms. drawing in his grain. Isabella
Michie here all night.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self draining some but
the ground too dry and hard to dig. Annie gone home with
Isabella Michie. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing the
gangway to barn. Mother at Mr. Perkins visiting.
15 – Wind Westerly, some sprinkling of rain through the day.
Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon Robert and self drawing
dung. John here at night.
16 – Wind E, looking like rain. Robert drawing dung. Rain at 10
o’clock. Afternoon still raining. Nothing doing. Whitby Fair day.
17 – Wind N, cold day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for papers.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Afternoon
Robert and self drawing dung. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
19 – Wind S, cold day, looking like rain. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Mother at Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching from Romans I:16.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung.
Afternoon self and Robert at dung.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self plowing. Both at
Mr. Perkins threshing at 10 o’clock. Afternoon self and Robert at
threshing till 4 o’clock when the machine broke down.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Perkins
threshing till between 4 and 5 o’clock.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Akhursts
threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Jas. Walkers
threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank. John
here at night.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Ephesians II:14. Collection to pay the debts of the late Canada
Presbyterian Church.
27 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung. Mr. Jas. Ianson
here wanting bark.
28 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Mother washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank
for plow point and spreading dung. Wm. [Botton or Bolton?]
29 – Wind Easterly, frost through the night and looking like rain.
Self plowing. Some rain through the forenoon. Robert and
Annie at the Fair at Uxbridge. Afternoon self plowing. Some
more rain with thunder at night.
30 – Wind W, cloudy day. Robert plowing. Self digging down hill.
Afternoon self digging hill. Robert plowing.
OCT. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self taking in
fallen apples. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self burning stumps.
2 – Wind NW, some snow through the night, fine day. Self
burning stumps. Robert at Port Perry to get boots. Self at mill
with grist.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Annie, Wm., Lizzie and baby at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Haggai 5. Wms. child
baptized; name Jas. Andrew.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon raining. Robert making a sleigh. Self fixing the
5 – Wind NE, raining some. Robert making sleigh. Self digging
out a stump. Afternoon self at mill for grist. Robert choring. Got
horse shoed.
6 – Wind NE and raining. Robert making sleigh. Self churning.
Mother mending bags. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert, Annie and Lizzie at potato
digging. Afternoon all at potatoes. Some showers.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert, Annie and Lizzie at potatoes.
Afternoon big shower at dinner time. All at potatoes after it.
9 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert, Annie and Lizzie at potatoes.
Afternoon all at potatoes. John here in the evening.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Nobody at the Presbyterian Meeting.
11 – Wind W, some snow through the night. Self and Robert
fencing straw stack. Afternoon self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie
finishes taking up potatoes in the field.
12 – Wind N, cold day. Robert digging potatoes in the orchard.
Self at George Boddies threshing. Machine comes here at night.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Robert Watson, G. Belford, A. Byers
threshing here. Mr. Perkins and horses, R. Phairs man, Thos.
Phair, Jas. Walker, J. Watson, Thos. Duff, Wm. Akhurst, Albert
Akhurst, Geo. Boddie and one horse, and Wms. horse, self and
Robert. Threshing done at 4 o’clock. Paid $8.00. Threshing
done by Robt. Watson.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert cleaning up the barn
door. Mother and Annie washing. Afternoon self and Robert
taking in apples.
15 – Wind S, dull day and raining some. Robert harrowing.
Mother churning. Self making ready to go to Port Perry but rain
came on. Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Lizzie here. Pairing
bee in the evening.
16 – Wind N, cold day. Self at Port Perry. Robert harrowing.
Afternoon Robert taking in apples.
17 – Wind S, cloudy day, commenced to snow at 10 and
continued till night. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. My birthday 1813.
18 – Wind NE, snowing some and raining some. Nothing doing.
Annie washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in pease.
Mother at George Boddies, Mrs. Boddie sick. Afternoon self,
Robert, Annie and Mother taking in apples. John here at night.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung in orchard.
Afternoon self and Robert finishes drawing dung. Robert at
political meeting at Greenbank.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Port for Barbara. Self at
Sonya to vote for Mr. Paxton, polling at Purdys school house.
Barbara arrives. Election day. Majority for Paxton.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Mr. Akhursts well. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon self threshing pease. Put in pigs.
Annie at Greenbank for papers.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Mr. Akhursts well. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon self cleaning out the turnip cellar.
McDuff here for apples. John here in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Barbara, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Barbara and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Luke VIII:42.
25 – Wind NE, dull day. Self and Robert at turnips. Mother and
Barbara washing. Afternoon self, Robert, Barbara and Annie at
turnips. Drew 10 loads in pit and 3 in cellar.
26 – Wind Easterly and raining some. Self digging turnips.
Robert at Wms. Afternoon Robert painting sleigh. Self choring.
27 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Self, Robert, Mother and Barbara at
turnips. Afternoon all at turnips. 3 loads in cellar, 9 in pit.
28 – Wind SE and raining. Nothing doing. Afternoon drew 1 load
in cellar. Thanksgiving for good harvest. Self and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting.
29 – Wind SE, dull cloudy day. Self, Robert, Mother and Barbara
at turnips. Afternoon all at turnips. 13 loads in pit, 1 in cellar.
30 – Wind S, raining. Nothing doing. Afternoon nothing doing.
Wm. Real round for taxes.
31 – Wind W and snowing, very stormy. Nobody at Sunday
School, neither at any meeting.
NOV. 1 – Wind N and snowing heavy, nothing doing. Afternoon
snowing some. Nothing doing. Robert at Wms.
2 – Wind N, cold day. Self at Robert Phairs threshing. Robt.
choring. Afternoon still cold, snow deep.
3 – Wind rather easterly. Self at Thos. Phairs threshing. Robert
choring at home. Afternoon rather cold.
4 – Wind N, fine day, rather cold. Robert at Wms. Self choring.
Annie at Wms. Afternoon self and Robert at Wms. threshing and
taking home turnips for cattle.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert topping and harrowing turnips. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon Barbara at Jas. Walkers quilting.
Self, Mother and Robert at turnips. Drew 6 loads in the cellar.
Annie at Wms.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Barbara at Port Perry. Self and Robert
topping turnips. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie and Mother at
turnips. Drew 10 loads in pit. John here in the evening.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
John VI:68.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
self, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 9 loads in cellar
and 3 in pit.
9 – Wind Easterly, hard frost. Self and Robert tops all the turnips.
Afternoon nothing doing. Self at Greenbank with horses to shoe.
Spree at Jas. Walkers in the evening.
10 – Wind Easterly. Self fixing spinning wheel. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips, harrows them all up. Robert at Greenbank
in the evening at T. Spences lecture on prohibition.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at turnips. Mrs.
Walker and Margaret Walker here quilting. Afternoon Mr. R.
Phair here. Self, Robert and Annie finishes turnips. Drew 10
loads in cellar and 5 in pit.
12 – Wind W, fine day. John leaves Mr. Ross’s. Robert drawing
turnips to Wm. Self threshing pease. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Self spreading dung. Robert at Wms. Self, Barbara
and Annie at Mr. Ross’s at prayer meeting.
13 – Wind N, fine day. John plowing. Robert choring. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self at dung. Barbara
14 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Nobody at Sunday School and
none at meeting. Barbara at Wms. all night.
15 – Wind SW and looking like snow. Self and John threshing
pease. Barbara and Annie washing. Afternoon Jas. Miller here
collecting ministers salary. John gone to Brock. Snowy
afternoon, nothing doing. John and Isabella Michie arrive at 10
16 – Wind SW, snowing some, but rather soft. John at the
sideline working. Robert at the Port. Barbara and Isabella
Michie quilting. Mother baking. Afternoon nothing doing.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John at sideline. Self and Robert choring.
Barbara and Isabella Michie quilting. Afternoon nothing doing.
Jas. Smith here from Whitby in the evening.
18 – Wind S, rather cold. John at sideline. Self and Robert
cleaning the dooryard. Barbara and Isabella Michie quilting.
Afternoon snowing. Self and Robert draws some wood. Lizzie,
Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Akhurst here quilting.
19 – Wind SW, soft day. Self and Robert choring some. Mother
making soap. Barbara and Isabella quilting. Afternoon Barbara
and Isabella quilting. Mother quilting. Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Self choring. John at sideline.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John at sideline. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon nothing doing. Barbara & Isabella at Wms.
21 – Wind NW, rough day. Robert, John and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Mother, Annie, Barbara and Isabella
Michie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Campbell preaching from
Matthew XXVIII:32.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John at sideline. Robert choring. Self at
Greenbank with horses to shoe. Barbara and Isabella Michie at
Lizzies quilting. Afternoon self and Robert choring. Spree at
Wms. in the evening. George here.
23 – Wind SW, dull day. John at sideline. Self threshing pease.
Robert doing nought. Barbara and Isabella making dress for
24 – Wind NW, rough day with showers of snow. John at
sideline. Self doing nought. Robert the same. A. Michie Sen.
and A. Michie Jun. here for dinner. Afternoon John, Robert, self
and A. Michies at Byers sale. Barbara gone to Brock with A.
25 – Wind S, rather dull day. John at sideline. Self choring.
Robert doing nought. Mother baking. Afternoon self and Robert
threshing timothy seed. Mother at Wms. quilting. Annie at
Robert Phairs quilting.
26 – Wind S, rainy day, nothing doing. Self and Robert fanning
timothy seed. John gone to Port Perry. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank for papers. Self choring.
27 – Wind S, fine day. John at sideline. Robert at Port Perry.
Self fixing for pig killing. Barbara arrives from Brock with John
and Mary Michie. Afternoon self choring. Annie at Jas. Walkers.
28 – Wind Easterly. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. John at the Presbyterian Meeting.
29 – Wind W and snowing and drifting. Nothing doing. Afternoon
still stormy. Nothing doing.
30 – Wind NE, rather cold. Self, John, Robert and Wm. killing
pigs. Afternoon killing pigs.
DEC. 1 – Wind Easterly and cold. John at the sideline. Self and
Barbara at the Port with pigs. Robert choring. Margaret arrives
from Whitby.
2 – Wind S, fine day. John at sideline. Robert at Perkins pig
killing. Self choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon John in the woods.
4 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Barbara and Wm. at Port Perry. Afternoon
Robert and John in the woods. Self choring.
5 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Mother, Margaret, John and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
6 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood.
7 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at Wms. John in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at
Wms. Self sawing wood. John, Robert and Margaret at
Greenbank in the evening at Wesleyan Missionary meeting.
Barbara at Wms.
8 – Wind NE, snowing some. John and Robert in woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret cleaning upstairs. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self choring.
9 – Wind Easterly, snowing some. John and Robert in the
woods. Self piling wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the
woods. Self choring.
10 – Wind N, fine day. John and Robert in woods. Self choring.
Afternoon self, Mother, John, Wm., Lizzie, Margaret and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cockburn preaching from 1st
11 – Wind SW, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods.
Self at the Port for wine to Sacrament. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods.
12 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother,
Wm., Lizzie, John, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew XXVI:26.
Collection $7.72. Communion.
13 – Wind NW, stormy day. Nothing doing. Moving stoves.
Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at Wms. Self choring.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
15 – Wind SE, snowing some. John in the woods. Self and
Robert threshing pease. Barbara spinning. Margaret washing.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self threshing pease.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Afternoon self and Robert drawing wood. John
in the woods. Annie arrives with Mr. McClung. Self, Mother,
Barbara, Margaret and Annie at prayer meeting at Mr. Jas.
Watsons. Robert at Temperance lecture, Greenbank.
17 – Wind NW, stormy day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
fanning pease. Barbara at Wms. Margaret spinning. Afternoon
still stormy. John in the woods. Self and Robert doing nought.
18 – Wind W, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self and Robert drawing wood. Lizzie and Miss Arksay here.
19 – Wind N, very bright, frosty day. Nobody at the Sunday
School, neither at Meeting. George Boddie Jun. here.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert sick. Self
drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Barbara
at Greenbank.
21 – Wind SW and thawing. Robert sick. Self and John drawing
in turnips into cellar. 11 loads. Annie at the school.
22 – Wind SW and thawing. John in the woods and breaks his
axe. Self sharping buck saw. Afternoon John at Greenbank for
new axe. Self sawing wood. Robert sick. Margaret at
Greenbank at Primitive Missionary Meeting.
23 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Wm. at the
Port as jurors in the Division Court.
24 – Wind SE, dull day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert splitting wood. Margaret washing blankets. Afternoon
John in the woods. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self
sawing wood. Stormy at night with sleet.
25 – Wind SW, thunder in the morning, but fine day. Christmas.
Nothing doing. George here from Mr. Ross’s. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. George and Annie at Wms.
26 – Wind SE, snowing and raining. George, Robert, Margaret,
and Annie at the Sunday School. John at the Presbyterian
27 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
making roads. Afternoon John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert making a sleigh. Wm. gone to nomination of councilors.
Jas. Smith here at night.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Robert and Barbara
gone to the Port. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Mr. Gilbraith here.
29 – Wind S and thawing some. John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robert making sleigh. Afternoon John in the woods.
Robert at sleigh. Self sawing wood. Mrs. Thos. Phair here
visiting. Agnes Asling here in the afternoon. Wm. and John at
Greenbank at meeting for councilors.
30 – Wind SW and thawing. John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robert making sleigh box. Margaret spinning. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self sawing wood. Barbara gone to C.
Aslings to visit.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert choring. Barbara and Lizzie gone to Brock. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon John in the woods. Self sawing wood. Robert
at Greenbank for papers.
And so ends the year 1875.
JAN. 1 – Wind W and raining some. Not a speck of snow to be
seen. John in the woods. Margaret spinning. Afternoon Robert
at Greenbank for witness. Spree of young folks in the evening.
2 – Wind SW, cloudy day. John, Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting.
3 – Wind W, fine day and some frost. Election day. John in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Robert choring. Afternoon John in
the woods. Self sawing wood. John at Greenbank. Spree at Mr.
Akhursts. Robert, Margaret and Annie at it.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert choring. Afternoon self sawing wood. John in the woods.
Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
fanning grist. Afternoon self and Mother at Thos. Phairs. John in
the woods. Robert at mill with grist. [Pate?] and Hannah calf.
Mary Gordon, Agnes Asling and Margaret Walker here in the
6 – Wind N, cold day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert piling. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at mill for
grist. Self sawing wood. Barbara and Mary Gordon at Jas.
Walkers. Self, Barbara and Margaret at Mrs. Leasks at prayer
7 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert down at the creek. Barbara baking. Afternoon self
sawing wood. Robert piling. John in the woods. Mother at Mr.
8 – Wind S, rather soft day. Self sawing wood. John in the
woods. Robert piling wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Robert at Greenbank for papers. George comes
9 – Wind S, foggy day. George, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Zephaniah III:2. John and Margaret at
the English Church.
10 - Wind W, fine day. Self choring. John in the woods.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self doing nought.
11 – Wind W, snowing some. John in the woods. Self and
Robert choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and George
at Missionary meeting at Presbyterian Church.
12 – Wind N, cold day. All preparing for Barbaras wedding.
George at the school meeting. Afternoon nothing doing.
Barbara married to Jas. Smith at 4 o’clock. 40 present at it. Left
at 4 o’clock Thursday morning.
13 – Wind N, cold day. Nothing doing. George gone to Mrs.
Leaks. Jas. Smith here. Afternoon John gone to Greenbank.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith at Roberts and Thomas’s visiting. Self and
Robert doing nought.
14 – Wind SW, snowing some. John in the woods. Self and
Robert doing nought. Mr. and Mrs. Smith gone to Brock.
Afternoon John and Robert drawing wood. Self fixing stable.
John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at A. Michies at a spree.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert making
picture frames. Self threshing pease. Afternoon John in the
woods. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self threshing. Mr.
and Mrs. Smith arrive from Brock.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
John, Margaret, Annie and Mr. and Mrs. Smith at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
17 – Wind SW, fine day and thawing. John in the woods. Self
threshing pease. Mary Jane Luke here. Afternoon Mr. & Mrs.
Smith leaves for home. John in the woods. Robert at the creek.
Self writing.
18 – Wind S, fine day, rather soft. John in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert making windmill.
19 – Wind SW, still raining. Nothing doing. John in the woods.
Self threshing. Robert at windmill. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self and Robert choring.
20 – Wind W, rather stormy. John in the woods. Self mending
harness. Afternoon Mary Jane Luke and Margaret gone to Jas.
Walkers. John in the woods. Robert at Greenbank getting the
handle of fanning mill mended. Self mending harness.
21 – Wind NW, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and Robert
fanning wheat. Afternoon John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert at Greenbank for papers. Mrs. Akhurst, Mrs. [?], and A.
Michie here visiting.
22 – Wind Easterly, snowing some all day. John in the woods.
Self mending Margarets boots. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self splitting wood.
23 – Wind NW, rather soft. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Wm., and Margaret at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Isaiah XIX:18.
24 – Wind N, some snow. John in the woods. George, Robert
and self drew 8 loads of turnips. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self sawing wood. George and Robert drawing wood.
25 – Wind SW, snowing some. George gone to Mrs. Leasks.
John in the woods. Self and Robert drawing wood. Margaret
washing. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert drawing
wood. Mother at George Boddies visiting.
26 – Wind N, fine day. John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
Margaret spinning. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and
Robert drawing wood. George Boddie here in the evening with
subscription for Witness.
27 – Wind S and thawing. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Margaret spinning. Annie at Wms. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self and Robert draws one load of wood and
quits, the sleighing being done.
28 – Wind S, dull day and raining sometimes. John in the woods.
Self and Robert drawing and piling wood. Margaret at Wms.
Mother spinning. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at
Greenbank for papers. Self drawing wood.
29 – Wind W, rain through the night. John in the woods. Self
doing nought. Mother spinning. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon
John in the woods. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Very
30 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Mother at Wms. Margaret at Greenbank. John
and George at the Presbyterian Meeting.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
FEB. 1 – Wind S and snowing. Nothing doing. Afternoon John
and Robert at Port Perry at races. Self sharping saw.
2 – Wind N, very stormy. Nothing doing. Afternoon still stormy.
3 – Wind SW and snowing some. John in the woods. Self
digging snow on the concession. Margaret making mat.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank getting horses shoed. George
here all night. Self shoveling snow. Robert mending windmill.
4 – Wind W, snow drifting some. John and Annie gone to
Brooklin with Barbaras things. George gone to Kirkfield. Self
sawing wood. Robert at windmill. Margaret making mat.
Afternoon self sawing wood. Robert at windmill.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Port Perry with wheat. Self and
Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon self and Robert filling up
6 – Wind SW and thawing some. Robert and Margaret at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Margaret at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Hebrews
7 – Wind W and thawing. John at Port Perry with wheat. Self
and Robert choring. Afternoon Robert collecting for John. John
gone to mill with grist. Self choring.
8 – Wind W, fine day, rather soft. John at Wms. drawing out
wood. Self sawing wood. Robert splitting wood. Afternoon John
at wood. Self and Robert at Greenbank Fair with cattle.
9 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John at wood. Self at
Manchester with heifer to Barbara. Afternoon John at wood.
Robert at Greenbank to get boots mended.
10 – Wind Easterly. John gone to the Port with wheat. Self and
Robert at Wms. looking at the sawing machine. Margaret
spinning. George doing nought. Margaret gone to Thos. Phairs.
11 – Wind SW and raining. Nothing doing. Afternoon John and
George gone to Greenbank to a combination sale. Self sawing
wood. Robert and Margaret gone to Greenbank in the evening
to a social in the Temperance Hall.
12 – Wind N, fine day. John at Robt. Phairs at sawing machine.
George doing nought. Self sawing wood. Robert reading the
papers. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon George splitting wood.
Self sawing wood. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Mother at
Wms. visiting.
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day and thawing. John, George, Robert
and Margaret at the Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian
Church, not good sleighing.
14 – Wind N, rain through the night, everything covered with ice.
John and George fixing the stable. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. George reading.
Self sawing wood. Robert splitting. Mother at Wms. all night.
15 – Wind N and snowing. John in the woods. Self doing
nought. Robert splitting wood. Afternoon George sawing wood
for Mrs. Love. John in the woods. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. George and Robert at Wms. in the evening.
16 – Wind W and snowing. John drawing out wood. Robert
splitting wood. Self doing nought. Margaret washing. Mother
choring. Afternoon Robert splitting wood. Self, John and
George doing nought. Mother spinning. Pascoe Luke here.
Snowing some.
17 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing out wood. George and
Robert at Greenbank with cattle. Self sawing wood. Mother
spinning. Afternoon Margaret gone with Pascoe Luke. Self,
John and Robert drawing turnips. Drew 4 loads. Mother
18 – Wind NW, fine day. John drawing out wood. George gone
to Brooklin. Self sawing wood. Robert splitting wood. Mother
spinning. Afternoon self sawing wood. Robert splitting. Annie
arrives from Brooklin.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at the Port.
Self sawing wood. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John drawing
wood. Self sawing wood. George arrives from Brooklin.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Psalms
CXIII:5, 6, 7, 8. Collection for H. Mission.
21 – Wind SE, fine day. John sawing wood. Robert splitting
wood. Annie washing. Self and George doing nought.
Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. Robert and Annie at Wms. in the evening
organizing a singing class.
22 – Wind W, fine forenoon. John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robert piling and splitting. Annie at Jas. Walkers at a mat
bee. Afternoon snowing, nothing doing. John in the woods.
23 – Wind N, cold day. John, George and Robert at Wms.
drawing cedar. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert at
Greenbank at English Church. [Champetre ?]. Self sawing
24 – Wind N, cold day. John and George at Wms. drawing cedar.
Self sawing wood. Robert splitting wood. Afternoon John
drawing logs for Walter Asling. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. Self and Annie at prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons
in the evening. Mr. McClung here in the afternoon.
25 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John drawing wood to Harry Hall.
Self sawing wood. Robert splitting wood. Afternoon John
drawing logs to Beares mill. George in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robt. splitting wood. George, Robert and Annie at Wms.
singing. Margaret arrives from Mr. Lukes.
26 - Wind Easterly, rather cold. George in the woods. John
drawing logs. Margaret gone to collect for Home Mission. Self
and Robert doing nought. Afternoon John drawing logs. George
and Robert in the woods. Self fixing sleigh box.
27 – Wind Easterly, very cold. George, Robert and Margaret at
the Sunday School. Self, John, George, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Genesis VIII:1.
28 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John gone to mill with
logs. Nothing doing. Afternoon John drawing logs to the mill.
Nothing doing. Still snowing, but not so cold.
29 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing logs. George in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon George in the woods. John
drawing logs. Margaret washing. Self sawing. Minty here with
books. Margaret, Robert and Annie at Wms. singing.
MAR. 1 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing logs. George gone to
Loves. Barbara, self and Robert doing nought. Margaret
cleaning the upstairs. Afternoon John drawing logs. Self sawing
wood. Robert making box. George goes to Mr. Ross’s.
2 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing logs. Robert making box.
Self doing nought. John Leask here. Afternoon John at logs.
Robert at box. George at Oshawa. Self sawing wood.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. George at Oshawa.
Robert making his box. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
Mother at Mr. Boddies.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self, George and
Robert drawing turnips. Afternoon John in the woods. George
drawing out wood. Robert at his box. Self sawing wood. Mr.
Boddie here visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Smith comes from Whitby.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Robert, George, Annie and Mrs. Smith at
Sunday School. Mr. Smith leaves for home. Self, Mother,
Barbara, John, George and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from Psalms XIX, 7,8,9.
6 – Wind SW, warm day, snow thawing fast. John in the woods.
Robert at his box. Self doing nought. Annie washing. Margaret
sick. Afternoon John in the woods. Self fixing pump. George
making flower box. Lizzie here.
7 – Wind SW, warm day. John in the woods. Robert at the Port.
Self doing nought. Mrs. Love here to dinner. Afternoon George
sawing wood for Mrs. Love. John at Greenbank. Self doing
nought. Raining some.
8 – Wind N and stormy. John tries to go to the Port but turned
again for water. George leaves for Louis Beatons being hired for
8 months. Robert takes him there. Self doing nought. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self sawing wood. Barbara making mat.
9 – Wind Easterly, fine day, thawing some. John at the Port. Self
sawing wood. Robert doing nought. Annie making mat.
Barbara at Mrs. Leasks baking. Self sawing wood. Mrs. Asling
here visiting. Robert and Annie at Wms. at singing in the
10 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self asking men to
shovel the snow in the road. Afternoon self and John at the road.
James Smith and Barbara leaves for home. Robert and Annie at
social at Mrs. Leasks. Put in 6 hours road work.
11 – Wind SE, looking like rain. John and Robert in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Annie scrubbing.
12 – Wind Easterly and raining some. Nobody at the Sunday
School. John at Primitive Methodist Meeting. Nobody at
Presbyterian Meeting.
13 – Wind NW, very stormy, snow drifting. Nothing doing. Annie
making mat. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Nothing doing, still
14 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert at the
Port. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self
sawing wood. Lizzie here visiting.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert piling
wood. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at mill for grist. Self
sawing wood.
16 – Wind Easterly, snowing some. John at Robt. Phairs. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing.
17 – Wind W and snowing some. John and Annie at Port Perry
for plaster. Self and Robert doing nought. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank. Self doing nought.
18 – Wind N and stormy, nothing doing. Self writing. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon John at Greenbank with wood. Self and
Robert doing nought.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Zechariah IV:2.
20 – Wind Easterly, looks like a thaw. John at Greenbank with
wood. Self making axe handles. Afternoon John at sawmill with
logs for Alex. Witters. Self doing nought. Mother at Mr. Duffs.
21 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon John at mill
with logs for A. Witters. Self and Robert doing nought. Mother
22 – Wind NW, snow drifting. John at the Port with wood. Self
doing nought. Robert at the same. Mother quilting. Margaret
washing. Afternoon nothing doing. John mending his boots.
John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at Mrs. A. Leasks practicing
23 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Self and
Robert fanning wheat. Mother and Annie baking. Afternoon
John at the Port with wheat. Robert at Mrs. Loves sawing wood.
Self doing nought. Mother and Annie baking.
24 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Self
making rake. Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers. Mother,
John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at Greenbank at social for
Jas. Miller. Made $13.00.
25 – Wind Easterly and raining some, nothing doing. Margaret
scrubbing. Afternoon raining and snowing, nothing doing. Mr.
Pickle going round.
26 – Wind Easterly, foggy day. John, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Ephesians
I:7. Wms. daughter died 1875.
27 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. John at Prince Albert with
wood. Self viewing the bridge on sideline. Robert sore cheek.
Afternoon nothing doing. Mother twisting yarn. Annie at Wms.
making mat.
28 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Prince Albert with wood.
Self making rake handles. Afternoon John somewhere. Self
making rake handle. George Boddie Jun. here. Snowing very
heavy from the east. Singing at Wms. tonight.
29 – Wind W, snow drifting and very deep. Nothing doing.
Mother quilting. Afternoon Mother and Margaret quilting. John
fixing [?]. Archibald Miller here in the forenoon.
30 – Wind W, dull day. Nothing doing. Robert and John fixing
clock. Mother quilting. Afternoon John and Margaret at
Greenbank. Self writing to Margaret Mitchell.
31 – Wind NW, fine day. Nothing doing. Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Afternoon John in the woods. Self shoveling snow at
the turnip pit.
APR. 1 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
doing nought. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self and Robert drawing in turnips.
2 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, George, Margaret and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Hebrews II:3.
3 – Wind SE, some rain. John in the woods. Self making rake.
Afternoon John drawing out wood. Mother at Wms. Self doing
4 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert gone with
Margaret to the Port to get her teeth fixed. Self doing nought.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self making rake.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the wood. Self at rakes.
Margaret washing. Afternoon John drawing out wood. Self and
Robert doing nought. Snow melting.
6 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self cleaning out turnip
cellar. Robert and Annie at sap. Afternoon John drawing wood.
Robert at sap. Self doing nought.
7 – Wind W and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon John in the
woods. Robert in the woods. Self at Greenbank with horses to
get shoed.
8 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. John at Greenbank. Self and
Robert doing nought. A. Michie here from Brock. Afternoon
John drawing wood. Self doing nought. Robert boiling sap.
9 – Wind NW, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Nobody at any church, bad roads.
10 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at sap.
Mother at Wms. Self sawing wood. Annie washing. Afternoon
John drawing wood. Robert boiling sap. Margaret at Mr.
Perkins. Self sawing wood. Annie at Wms.
11 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at sap. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at sap. Self
doing nought. Robert and Annie at Wms. singing last night.
12 – Wind Easterly and raining some. Self, John and Robert
drawing in turnips. Afternoon raining some, nothing doing.
13 – Wind, if any, Easterly, thick fog. Self, John and Robert
drawing in the last of the turnips. Afternoon raining some. John
making a bickle. Self and Robert doing nought.
14 – Wind Easterly, thick fog, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank for the papers. Nothing doing.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at the creek. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John shoveling snow on the road. Self
doing nothing. Margaret scrubbing.
16 - Wind NW, fine day. Margaret, Annie and Robert at the
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. John at
17 - Wind W, some showers. John at Greenbank for buggy.
Self and Robert doing nought. Mrs. Akhurst here visiting.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self doing nought.
Lizzie here.
18 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. John and Robert in the
woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert in the
woods. Margaret at Robt. Phairs. Annie at the Port with Mr.
Akhurst. Self doing nothing. Mother making a smock.
19 – Wind W, looking like rain. John in the woods. Robert boiling
sap. Self splitting wood. Mother making smock. Afternoon John
drawing posts. Robert boiling sap. Self splitting wood. Mother
making smock.
20 – Wind Easterly looking like rain. John in the woods. Robert
at sap boiling. Self picking potatoes. Margaret at Wms.
Afternoon John in the woods. Robert boiling sap. Self at
potatoes. Mr. Akhurst and Thos. Gascon here.
21 – Wind N, rather cold. John in the woods. Robert at sap. Self
at Mr. Akhursts helping to move his cookhouse. Afternoon John
drawing posts. Robert boiling sap. Self picking potatoes.
Margaret at Greenbank for papers. Annie making mat.
22 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Greenbank. Robert at sap.
Self picking potatoes. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John
began plowing. Self and Robert doing nought. Shower at 4
23 – Wind W, fine day. Only Robert at the Sunday School Self,
John, Margaret, George and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from Luke XII:24.
24 – Wind SW, warm day. John plowing. Robert in the woods.
Self piling wood. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at Port Perry
with Georges watch. Self choring. Mother at Mr. Perkins
25 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Robert at sap. Self letting
off water. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John plowing. Self letting
off water. Robert fixing gate. Margaret at Greenbank with her
26 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Robert fixing clock. Self
pruning apple trees. Afternoon John plowing. Self pruning trees.
Robert at sap boiling.
27 – Wind SW, looking like rain. John plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert setting poles.
Margaret at Wms. in the evening.
28 – Wind W and raining, nothing doing. Afternoon John plowing.
Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self pruning trees.
29 – Wind N, cold day. John plowing. Self pruning apple trees.
Robert at the Port for Georges watch. Afternoon John plowing.
Self clearing door yard. Annie at Greenbank.
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. Margaret, Annie and Robert at the
Sunday School. Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting.
MAY 1 – Wind N, cold day, hard frost through the night. John at
Greenbank with buggy to fix. Self fixing at drain. Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John plowing. Self draining. Robert boiling
sap. Mother at Wms.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert digging
out apple trees. Afternoon John plowing. Self draining. Robert
at sap. Margaret washing. Mother at Mr. Perkins with Mrs.
Boddie. Annie at Mr. Duffs.
3 – Wind W, fine day, looking like rain. John plowing. Self and
Robert setting poles. Afternoon John plowing. Self draining.
Robert at sap. Margaret at Greenbank. Mother making breeks.
4 – Wind S and raining some, nothing doing. Afternoon John
plowing. Robert letting off water. Self draining. Self at prayer
meeting at Mr. Ross’s in the evening.
5 – Wind SE and raining some. John gone to Robt. Phairs.
Robert plowing. Self draining. Mother and Annie gone to A.
Michies. Afternoon Robert plowing, self draining.
6 – Wind W, fine day. John at R. Phairs. Self at Saintfield for
apple trees. Robert plowing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
planting apple trees. Margaret scrubbing.
7 – Wind Easterly, some rain. Only Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Numbers XXI and John
8 – Wind SW, dull day with showers. John at R. Phairs. Robert
plowing. Self planting trees. Mrs. Walker here. Afternoon
Robert harrowing. Self planting trees. Margaret leaves for
9 – Wind N, dull day. John sowing oats. Self carrying seed.
Robert harrowing. Afternoon John at R. Phairs. Self draining.
Robert harrowing.
10 – Wind SW, rather rainy, nothing doing. Self and Robert
fanning wheat. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self digging
garden. Robert harrowing.
11 – Wind Easterly, some rain. John plowing to Wms. Robert
planting potatoes in orchard. Self in the garden. Afternoon
Robert in the orchard. Self in garden.
12 – Wind N, bleak watery day. John plowing to Wms. Self
letting off water. Robert fixing the ground about the kitchen.
Afternoon self at water. Robert in garden.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. John sowing wheat. Self carrying
seed. Robert harrowing. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at R.
Phairs. Robert harrowing. Self doing nothing. John at
Greenbank in the evening.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from John XIV:8,9,10.
15 – Wind Easterly, rainy day, nothing doing. Self cutting
potatoes. John at Wms. Robert in the shop. Afternoon John
plowing for potatoes. Self and Robert cutting potatoes.
16 – Wind SE and thundering. Robert plowing. John at R. Phairs.
Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self cutting
potatoes. Annie at Greenbank.
17 – Wind E and raining, nothing doing. Afternoon John sowing
wheat. Self carrying seed. Robert harrowing. John leaves for
Mr. Turners for a few days.
18 – Wind NW, thunder through the night, fine day. Self sowing
grass seed and letting off water. Robert harrowing. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. with horses. Self in garden. Annie at Wms.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self in garden. Margaret
arrives from Whitby. Afternoon self fencing. Annie at Greenbank
for the papers.
20 – Wind S. Robert at Wms. Some rain through the forenoon.
Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon self planting trees. John arrives
from Mr. Turners.
21 – Wind W, much thunder and rain through the night. Robert,
Margaret and Annie at the Sunday School. Mother, John,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
22 – Wind N, fine day, but cold. Self, John, Robert and Annie at
potatoe planting. Margaret washing. Afternoon John at Robert
Phairs. Self fencing. Robert at Wms. plowing. John gone to Mr.
23 – Wind N, fine day. Self at the mill. Margaret whitewashing.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self mending boots. Margaret at
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie fishing on the 12th
Self at mill for grist. Afternoon self mending harness. Marg
Boddie & Mary Bow here a little while.
25 – Wind N, fine day. John at Robert Phairs. Robert rolling.
Self sowing plaster. Margaret leaves for Mr. McTaggarts,
Whitby. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self fencing. Annie at Wms.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Mr. Phairs. John plowing.
Self sowing plaster. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self and John
fixing pump at barn and helping Akhurst and Perkins with colts.
27 – Wind W, very droughty day. John at Mr. Leasks. Robert
gone to Brooklin. Self making pump handle. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon self underbrushing in the swamp. Annie at
28 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Hebrews X:22.
29 – Wind SW, fine day with some rain. Self and John making
buggie house. Afternoon John making door. Self at Greenbank
for door hanging.
30 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon John leaves for
Mrs. Leasks. Self underbrushing in the swamp.
31 – Wind S, fine day. Self at Port Perry for harness black.
Robert arrives from Whitby. James Smith and Barbara here
visiting. Afternoon Robert cleaning the buggie.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert oiling harness.
Lizzie Chalmers and her son James here. Afternoon self and
Robert shearing sheep. Jane Atkin here visiting. Prayer meeting
at John Watsons.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Self fixing harness. Robert at Wms.
Afternoon self and Mother at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Douglas
from Port Perry preaching.
3 – Wind SE, very warm, some rain at 11 o’clock. Robert at
Wms. Mother churning. Self choring. Afternoon self choring.
Some rain.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Mother and Annie at communion.
Mr. McClung preaching from Ezekiel XVIII:38. Robert at
Primitive Methodist Meeting.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self making whipletree. Robert picking
potatoes. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at potatoes.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking potatoes.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at potatoes.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking potatoes.
Annie and Mother washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at
potatoes. Annie at Mrs. Leasks practicing for Sunday School
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking potatoes.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self plowing. Mother and Annie
washing wool. Self at Mr. Ross’s at prayer meeting.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self burning rubbish.
Mary Michie arrives from Brock. Afternoon shower of hail.
Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank.
10 – Wind W, warm day. Robert plowing. Self at Wms. logging.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self logging. Potatoe bugs flying.
11 – Wind S, warm day. Self, Robert, Mary Michie and Annie at
Sunday School. Robert, George and Annie gone with Mary
Michie with the buggy. Mother gone to see Mrs. Wm. Love.
12 – Wind W, warm day. Robert plowing. Self hoeing potatoes.
Annie washing. Mother churning. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self hoeing potatoes. Mr. Duff gets the black mare.
13 – Wind SE, warm day. Self and Robert fanning wheat.
Afternoon thundering to the north. All picking bugs.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert picking bugs.
Afternoon heavy shower after dinner. Robert clearing out the
hen house. Self digging cabbage ground.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Robert picking bugs. Self at Port Perry
with wheat. Annie at Greenbank.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self picking
potatoes. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self and Mother picking
17 – Wind S, dull day. Robert at bugs. Self at Port Perry with
potatoes. Rain at noon and at night.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from 1st
Samuel 14:28.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring. Annie
washing. Mother churning. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self hilling
potatoes. Robert and Annie at Greenbank practicing for concert.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert drilling. Self hilling potatoes.
Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing. Began to sow turnips.
21 – Wind SW, slight showers. Robert drilling. Self hoeing
potatoes. Anne at Wms. Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing
potatoes and sowing turnips.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drilling. Self hoeing. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing. Lizzie here.
23 – Wind S, warm day. Robert finishes drilling. Self hoeing
potatoes. Afternoon self sowing turnips and finishes the turnip
24 – Wind NW, great drought. Self and Robert hoeing potatoes.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank. Self cutting
thistles. Robert gone to the Port to political meeting. John here
at night.
25 – Wind NW, thunder and rain through the night. Robert and
Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Romans
26 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Robert doing road work.
27 – Wind SW. Self and Robert at road work. Afternoon self at
road. Robert at Wms.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self cutting
thistles. Afternoon Robert doing nought. Self cutting thistles.
Lizzie here baking for the Sunday School picnic. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank practicing for the concert.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at thistle cutting.
Afternoon self at thistle cutting. Robert at Beares woods
preparing for picnic. Mrs. Jas. Walker, Mrs. Alex. Michie and
Widow Michie here visiting.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert, Annie, Barbara and
Blanche Bickle at Sunday School picnic. Robert, Annie, Barbara
and Blanche at concert in the evening.
JULY 1 – Wind SE and sprinkling rain. Robert at Port Perry at
excursion. Self choring. Afternoon Barbara and Blanche Bickle
leave for home. Self doing nought.
2 – Wind Easterly and raining. None at Sunday School.
Afternoon still raining. Nobody at Meeting.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing potatoes.
Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes. Mother and Annie at
Wms. Robert at Greenbank in the evening at Mr. Curries
4 – Wind W, dull day. Robert choring. Self banking potatoes.
Mother churning. Afternoon Robert and self dunging out the
sheeps place in barn. Robert at ball in the evening.
5 – Wind S, fine day, looking like rain. Robert choring. Self at
Sonya voting for Mr. Currie. Afternoon raining. Nothing doing.
6 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert putting Paris Green on
potatoes. Afternoon Robert at potatoes. Self mowing in orchard.
Alex. Michie from Brock here for potatoes.
7 – Wind W, much rain through the forenoon. Self at Thomas
Phairs for 2 pigs. Robert doing nought. Afternoon Robert hoeing
some turnips. Self at Greenbank for papers. Mr. Phair here
mowing. Great rain at night.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at turnips. Self at Greenbank with
scuffler. Robert Phair mowing. Afternoon self mowing in
orchard. Robert at turnips. Very warm.
9 – Wind W, very warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Matthew XXVII.
10 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert raking hay. Afternoon
self, Mother, Robert and Annie drawing in hay. 7 loads in barn.
11 – Wind S, dull day. Self, Mother and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon Robert scuffling turnips. Self and Mother hoeing.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and self hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert at turnips.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self and John
hoeing. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips and drew in 4
loads of hay.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon John goes to Mrs. Leasks for 4 months. Self and
Mother hoeing turnips. Robert scuffling turnips.
15 – Wind all round, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon self and Mother hoeing turnips. Robert scuffling.
Annie at Wms.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Luke XIII:3,5.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Self hoeing turnips. Robert scuffling.
Afternoon self and Robert hoeing turnips. Robt. Phair here
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Self mowing. Robert hoeing. Afternoon
some rain after dinner. Self and Robert finishes hoeing turnips
for first time.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert raking hay. Afternoon
self, Robert and Mother and Annie drawing in hay. Drew 8
20 – Wind W, some rain through the night. Robert turning hay.
Self mowing in the orchard. Afternoon very high wind. Robert at
Wms. Self mowing. Drew in one load of hay.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Port Perry at the show. Self
cutting thistles. Afternoon self at Greenbank for the papers and
getting horses shoed.
22 – Wind S, looking like rain. Robert at Wms. taking in hay. Self
and Mother cocking hay in orchard. Drew in 2 loads which
finishes haying. Afternoon Robert at Alex. Witters barn raising.
Self cutting thistles. Rain through the afternoon.
23 – Wind NW, very cold. Annie and Robert at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew XXIII:27.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie picking berries. Self in
the swamp. Afternoon self and Mother goes to Whitby visiting.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Mother visiting at Mr. Smiths.
Afternoon return home.
26 – Wind N, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self cutting
thistles. Afternoon Robert at turnips. Self over to see the
railroad. Robert and Annie at Greenbank at a Temperance
lecture in the evening.
27 – Wind S, dull day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Annie at berries.
Rain at 6 o’clock.
28 – Wind NW, dull day. Robert cutting thistles. Self making
whiffletree. Mrs. Somerville and Miss McLaren here to dinner.
29 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Annie picking
30 – Wind Easterly, warm day. Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching from Matthew XIX:37.
31 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert at mill with grist and at
Uxbridge with wool and yarn.
AUG. 1 – Wind NE, fine day. Self hoeing turnips. Robert
scuffling. Annie at berries. Afternoon self hoeing. Robert
scuffling. Annie picking berries.
2 – Wind N, warm day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
picking berries. Afternoon self and Robert finishes hoeing.
Mother spinning.
3 – Wind W, warm day. Robert picking berries. Self at mill for
grist. Afternoon self doing nought. Robert painting the floor.
Annie picking berries. Scott, pedlar, here all night.
4 – Wind S, warm day. Self making fork handles. Annie at
berries. Robert doing nought. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank
for papers. Self doing nought.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Nothing doing. Annie at berries. Afternoon
Annie cleaning up. Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Self and Robert
mending fences.
6 – Wind S, very warm day. Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Psalms LXXXV:6.
7 – Wind NW, fine day. Self fixing trap. Robert doing nought.
Afternoon self and Robert underbrushing in the swamp. Mother
at Mr. Perkins visiting.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert underbrushing in the
swamp. Afternoon self and Robert brushing. Mother at Mr.
9 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert brushing. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert cutting timothy. Self brushing.
Annie at berry picking.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert binding wheat at Mr.
Akhursts. Afternoon Robert reaping timothy. Self cutting round
11 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Robert at Robert Phairs
drawing in pease. Afternoon self and Robert raking oats. Robert
Phair reaping.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert Phair finishes reaping. Self,
Robert, Wm., Mr. Akhurst and Robert Akhurst binding oats.
Afternoon bound and shocked all the oats.
13 – Wind S, warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Matthew XII:29.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert cutting pease. Afternoon
self and Robert at pease.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Self at Duffs to get him to reap. Robert
choring. Afternoon self and Robert cutting round wheat.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in oats.
Afternoon self and Robert drew all the oats. 14 loads. Annie
17 – Wind S, fine day. Thomas Duff here reaping wheat. Self
and Robert binding. Afternoon Mr. Duff finishes reaping. Self
and Robert binding and shocking.
18 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Mother, Annie and Robert drawing in
pease. Afternoon drew in all the pease. Robert and Annie at
Greenbank to get mare shoed.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Mr. Thos. Duff here reaping. Self,
William and Robert binding. Afternoon Mr. Duff finishes reaping.
Self and Robert and Wm. finishes binding and shocking.
20 – Wind N, cool day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Romans XXVIII:28.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in wheat.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing wheat.
22 – Wind W, fine day, rather dull. Self, Robert and Annie
drawing wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Mother drawing
wheat and finishes for 1876. Hannah Perkins sick. Annie at
Saintfield with Lizzie.
23 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert raking. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert and self drew in raking.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self underbrushing in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self weeding the potatoes in
the orchard. All at Wms. fires.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert at Wms. drawing in his
grain. Afternoon very high wind. Wms. fires active and Thos.
Phairs too. Fires all round.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert mending Mrs. Loves waggon.
Self weeding potatoes. Afternoon Robert at Thos. Phairs fire.
Self mending pump. Hannah Perkins here visiting.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self and Robert at Robert Phairs fighting fire. Mother and Annie
at Wms. fire. John here in the evening.
28 – Wind NW. Robert at Greenbank getting horses shoed. Self
at Robert Phairs putting up fence. Afternoon self at fires. Robert
going round. Mother and Annie washing.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Mother picking [?]. Self
making doubletree. Afternoon self at fires. Robert at Wms.
30 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing cabbages.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self over to see the railroad.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing waggon
wheel. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at waggon wheel.
SEPT. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert choring. Self at Greenbank for papers and
getting the waggon tiers set.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self repairing horse rake.
Afternoon self and Robert at Thomas Phairs fires.
3 – Wind W. Robert and Annie at Sunday School. George here.
Self and Robert at fires in the afternoon.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self killing sheep.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at John Watsons threshing.
5 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at John Watsons
6 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert harrowing. Afternoon Robert at
Wms. Self at John Watsons threshing and finished at 4 o’clock.
7 – Wind SE, rather dull. Self and Robert drawing dung. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
8 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung. Annie at Greenbank for
9 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
10 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from John XI:44.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung.
Afternoon Robert drawing dung. Self at the sideline running the
12 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self spreading dung. Robert
plowing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at T. Duffs threshing.
13 – Wind E, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at T. Duffs threshing.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Mr. Akhursts threshing.
14 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert plowing. Self at Akhursts
threshing. Mother spinning. Afternoon Robert and horses at Mr.
Perkins threshing. Self and Annie digging potatoes.
15 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and horses at Mr. Perkins
threshing. Self making road for cows to beaver meadow.
Afternoon Robert at railway. Self at mill with grist. Annie at
16 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading
dung. Annie washing floor. Mother spinning. Afternoon Robert
plowing. Self at Wm. Reals fires.
17 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Margaret, Annie and Mr. McTaggart at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. A. Dobson preaching. Rain coming
18 – Wind Easterly and raining, nothing doing. Mr. McTaggart
and Margaret leaves for home. Mother spinning. Afternoon self
and Robert helping Wm. to fix his gate.
19 – Wind Northerly. Self spreading dung. Robert plowing.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
20 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Robert, Annie and Mother at
potatoes. Afternoon self at potatoes. 2 loads put in cellar.
21 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
potatoes. John Michie here from Brock. Afternoon self, Mother,
Annie and Robert at potatoes. 3 loads took in.
22 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Self, Mother, Annie and Robert at
potatoes. 2 loads took in. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Self at railway.
23 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self cleaning stove
pipes. Afternoon self fixing watering place in swamp.
24 – Wind Easterly. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Isaiah XXVIII:16.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Annie at Mr. Akhursts. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self mending
Wms. harness. Rain at night.
26 – Wind N, rather cool. Self and Robert in the swamp. Mrs.
McPhail and Christina here to dinner. Afternoon self and Robert
burning stumps. Mrs. Akhurst here visiting.
27 – Wind N, cold and rainy, nothing doing. Afternoon raining,
some nothing doing. Mother spinning. Fair at Port Perry.
28 – Wind W, dull day. Self, Robert and Annie at county Fair at
Port Perry. Some rain in the afternoon.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon
self, Mother and Annie at Mr. Aslings funeral.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Annie scrubbing. Self and Robert sawing
in the swamp. Afternoon self and Robert in the swamp.
OCT. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching from Hebrews VI:12.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing cedar out of the
swamp. Afternoon self and Robert at cedars.
3 – Wind W, looking like rain. Robert plowing. Self underbrushing.
Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self underbrushing in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self in the swamp.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self burning brush. Jas.
Smith and Barbara here. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self doing
nought. Mr. Markham and Mr. Isaac Truax here. Mrs. and Mr.
Smith leave for home.
6 – Wind NW, showery day. Robert at Wms. fencing. Self letting
water out of barnyard. Afternoon self took Annie to Saintfield on
the road to A. Michies.
7 – Wind W, rather showery. Robert at Wms. Self making fence
for straw stack. Afternoon self fencing.
8 – Wind W, some showers of snow. Robert at Sunday School.
Self and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Malachi I:2. John here.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self in swamp. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self in swamp. Very high wind.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the scaffold for
taking in straw. Afternoon Robert choring. Self at George
Boddies threshing.
11 – Wind NW, some snow through the night, fine day. Self at
George Boddies threshing. Robert choring. Machine comes here
at night.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert, Mr. Boddie, Mr. Akhurst, Mr.
Watson, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Walker, Mr. Thos. Phair, [?], Wm.
Watson, Wm. Boddie at threshing machine. Afternoon threshes
til 4 o’clock, which finishes it all.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert cleaning up after the
machine. Afternoon Robert at Port Perry. Self at Timothy Craggs
and at Greenbank.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Annie scrubbing. Robert at Greenbank.
Self choring. Afternoon self in the swamp. Annie at Wms.
15 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Jeremiah VIII:20.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Robert Phairs threshing. Self in
the swamp. Afternoon self in the swamp.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at Thos. Phairs threshing. Self
choring. Afternoon self in the swamp.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Wms.
threshing. Afternoon self and Robert fanning wheat.
19 – Wind SE, warm day. Robert at Greenbank lathing. Self and
Annie at Port Perry with wheat.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank. Self piling potatoes.
Afternoon self at potatoes. Scott, pedlar, here.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at Port Perry with 22
½ bushels of potatoes to James Thompson at 50 cents per
22 – Wind S, some rain. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Matthew XVI:20.
23 – Wind SE, rainy day. Self and Robert fanning oats. Afternoon
pairing apples.
24 – Wind W, some rain through the day. Self at Port Perry with
oats. Robert at Mr. Stones with sheep.
25 – Wind W, rather cold. Self at Uxbridge for cloth. Robert
topping turnips.
26 – Wind NW, showery day. Self and Robert digging turnip pits.
Afternoon Robert topping turnips. Self at mill with pease and oats
for chopping.
27 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Robert, Mother and Annie at
turnips. Afternoon self, Robert, Mother and Annie at turnips.
Drew 13 loads in pit.
28 – Wind easterly, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Mother at turnips. Drew 6 loads into
pit and 1 into cellar.
29 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Mark X:13.
30 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self at mill. Robert digging pit.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 12
loads in pit and 1 in cellar.
31 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 9
loads in cellar.
NOV. 1 – Wind Easterly, foggy day. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at turnips. Afternoon self, Robert, Mother and Annie at
turnips. Drew 7 loads in cellar.
2 – Wind SW, dull day. Self, Robert, Mother and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon all at turnips. Drew 2 loads in cellar and 11 in pit. Rain
at 4 o’clock.
3 – Wind W, rather rough. Self, Mother and Robert drew 2 loads
of turnips in pit and 1 in cellar which finishes the turnips.
Afternoon Robert at Port Perry. Self at Samuel Belfords sale.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self plastering the pigs house. Robert
reading the papers. Annie scrubbing. Mother churning. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self fixing the turnip cellar.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Mark X:13.
6 – Wind SE, rainy day. Self at Greenbank. Robert doing nought.
Annie at Wms. Mother at Wms. all night, Lizzie being sick.
Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
7 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self fixing clock. Mrs.
Love here to dinner. Afternoon self choring. Robert at Wms.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self begging for Mrs. Love.
9 – Wind S. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon Robert at
Wms. Self working at sideline.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at sideline. Afternoon
self at sideline. Robert at Wms.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self making turnip trough.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at trough. George and Margaret
comes home.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Margaret, Robert and Annie at Greenbank at the
English and Primitive Methodist Churches. George leaves for
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. and horses plowing. Self
choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self fixing
door to turnip cellar. Afternoon self choring. John comes home.
15 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self killing
calf. John gone somewhere. Afternoon self mending umbrella.
John at Greenbank.
16 – Wind Easterly. Robert and horses at Wms. Self and
Margaret at Manchester and Port Perry. Afternoon John at Wm.
Lees oats.
17 – Wind Easterly. Robert and horses at Wms. John at Wms.
Self fixing turnips in the cellar. Afternoon self at turnips.
18 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert and horses at Wms. John at
Wms. Self at R. Phairs to pay for reaping. Afternoon self fixing
turnip pit. John at the Port. Robert at Wms. Mr. Clemens here in
the evening.
19 – Wind SE and raining some. Robert at the Sunday School.
John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
20 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John plowing. Self and Robert
cutting logs. Afternoon John plowing. Self digging stumps.
Robert at Wms. Margaret at Mr. Walkers.
21 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. John plowing. Self ditching.
Robert at Wms. Afternoon John plowing. Self choring.
22 – Wind W , rough day. John plowing. Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon John plowing. Self choring.
23 – Wind SW, rather cold. John plowing. Self in garden. Robert
at Wms. Afternoon John plowing. Self in garden. Margaret at
Thos. Phairs.
24 – Wind W, some snow. John plowing. Robert fixing goose
house. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at Port. Margaret at
Greenbank. Self mending boots.
25 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John plowing. Self and
Robert threshing timothy seeds. Afternoon John plowing. Self
and Robert at timothy seeds. Still snowing.
26 – Wind NE, snowing some. Robert at the Sunday School.
Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Self on the sick list with bowels.
27 – Wind NE, snowing some, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
mill with grist. Self rather sickly. Robert choring.
28 – Wind W, snowing some. Wm., John and Robert killing pigs.
Self sick with bowel complaint. Afternoon John at mill for grist.
Robert at John Lees sale.
29 - Wind NW, fine day. John at Greenbank. Robert at Wms.
Self sick of bowel complaint. Afternoon John gone to Mr. Ross’s
to threshing. Robert choring.
30 – Wind N, cold day. John did not come home. Robert choring.
Self still sick. Afternoon Robert choring. Self in house.
DEC. 1 – Wind N, cold day. Robert choring. Self sickly. Afternoon
Robert choring. Margaret at Greenbank. Self in bed.
2 – Wind N, rather cold. John and Robert choring. Self sick.
Afternoon John at Mr. Clemens. Robert at chores. Thos. Phairs
girl here in the evening.
3 – Wind N, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. John at a sale of bricks at Clemens.
Robert choring. Self doing nought. Mother baking. Margaret
washing. Afternoon John at Port. Robert at chores. Margaret at
5 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank to get horses shoed. Lizzie here.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Self doing nought. John and Robert
grinding axe. Afternoon John and Robert cutting wood.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John and Annie gone to Whitby. Robert
and self doing nought. Afternoon self and Robert cutting up pig.
John comes home from Whitby. Annie remains.
8 – Wind W, fine day, some snow through the night. John and
Robert cutting wood. Self doing nought. Afternoon self, John and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cockburn preaching.
9 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon still stormy.
10 – Wind Easterly, fine day but frosty. Self, John, & Margaret at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew
XVII:4. This was communion day.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at bridge on sideline. Self and
Robert doing nought. Afternoon John at bridge. Robert at the
Port. Self choring.
12 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John at bridge. Robert gone to creek. Self
fixing sewing machine.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. John at bridge. Self over at railway.
Robert doing nought. Afternoon self, Mother, John and Margaret
at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. Campbell preaching.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John at bridge. Self and Robert drawing
in turnips. George comes home from L. Beatons. Afternoon John
at bridge. George at Mr. R. Phairs. Self and Robert doing nought.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John at bridge. George at the Port. Robert at
Greenbank for papers. Self doing nought. Mrs. Akhurst here
visiting. Very stormy.
16 – Wind NW, stormy day. Nothing doing. Afternoon still stormy,
nothing doing.
17 – Wind N, fine day. John, Margaret and Robert at the Sunday
School. John, George, Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Psalms CXIX:19.
18 – Wind NE, fine day. George gone for his box. Rest doing
nought. Afternoon John at bridge. George chopping some wood
for Mr. Perkins.
19 – Wind Easterly and snowing some, nothing doing. Afternoon
George goes to John Watsons. John at bridge. Self and Robert
doing nought.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John at bridge. Robert drawing wood.
21 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at bridge. Robert drawing
wood. Self doing nought. Mother and Margaret picking geese.
Mrs. Love here. Afternoon John at bridge. Robert drawing wood.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Robert drawing wood. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert drawing brick.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Robert drawing wood. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert drawing brick. Wm.
Leask, Darlington, died.
24 – Wind N, very frosty. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Mother, John, George at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McFadden preaching. Margaret at English Church.
25 – Wind rather easterly, fine day, nothing doing. Christmas.
Wm. and Lizzie here. Afternoon John and Margaret at Brock.
Mary Michie and Elizabeth Michie here. Isabella Michie comes
with John and Margaret.
26 – Wind SW. John in the woods. George at Mr. Watsons. Robt.
making whippletree. M. Michie & L. Michie leaves for home.
Afternoon John and Robert at Port. Mary and I. Michie at Wms.
27 - Wind SW, fine day. John at Port. Self sawing wood.
Afternoon John at Port. Self and Robert in the woods.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John at Port. Robert at bridge. Self
mending road. Afternoon John at Port. Robert at bridge.
Margaret Walker, B. Walker and Mary Duff here visiting.
29 – Wind Easterly, rather rough. John at Port. Robert at bridge.
Margaret at Wms. Afternoon John at mill. Robert making
sawhorse. Margaret at Wms.
30 – Wind NW, stormy day, nothing doing. John and Robert
sawing paving blocks. Afternoon John and Robert sawing blocks.
31 – Wind N, stormy. Nobody at the Sunday School. Mother,
John and Margaret at Primitive Methodist Church.
And thus ends the year 1876.
JAN. 1 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Mr. and Mrs. A. Michie
here to dinner. Wm. had a spree in the evening.
2 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at the Port with wood. Robert
at bridge. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at Port. Robert at
bridge. Self doing nought.
3 – Wind N, rather cold. John gone to Sunderland for shingles.
Robert in the swamp cutting cedar. Afternoon Robert in the
swamp. Self sawing wood.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Sunderland for lumber.
Robert in swamp. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Robert in the
swamp. Self at wood.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing in turnips.
Afternoon self and Robert in swamp. John drawing cedar.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing cedar. Self and Robert in
swamp. Afternoon John drawing cedar. Self and Robert in the
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, John and George at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Proverbs III:1,2,3,4 to the
8 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at Port with wood. Self and
Robert sawing paving blocks. Afternoon John at the Port. Self
and Robert at blocks. Margaret comes from Barbaras.
9 – Wind W, fine day. John at Sunderland for lumber. Self and
Robert sawing blocks. Afternoon self and Robert at blocks.
10 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Port with wood. Self and Robert
at blocks. Afternoon John at Port with wood. Self and Robert
sawing blocks.
11 – Wind W, snowing some. John at the Port with wood. Self
and Robert sawing blocks. Afternoon nothing doing. Mr. and Mrs.
McClung here. George comes home from Leasks.
12 – Wind Easterly and very frosty. John at Mr. Lawrences bee.
Self and Robert sawing blocks. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank
for papers. Self writing a letter. George in the swamp.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John at Sunderland for lumber. Robert
and George in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon George and
Robert in the woods. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Annie come from
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. John,
George, Jas. Smith, Barbara, Margaret and Annie and Maggie
Love at Presbyterian Meeting. Wm. and Lizzie here.
15 – Wind Easterly. George and Robert in the woods. John
drawing stone from Wms. Self splitting wood. Jas. Smith leaves
for home. Barbara remains. Afternoon John drawing stones.
George and Robert in the woods. Margaret washing.
16 – Wind N, much snow through the night. George and Robert in
the woods. John at Robt. Phairs. Margaret spinning. Afternoon
John drawing stones from R. Phairs. Robert and George in the
woods. Barbara at Wms. all night.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and George in the woods. Self
and John drawing stones from Mr. Phairs. Afternoon Margaret
and Barbara at R. Phairs. Self, John and Robert drawing in
turnips. George at Greenbank.
18 – Wind SW, looking like a thaw. George at Perkins chopping
wood. John drawing wood to schoolhouse. Self and Robert
sawing paving blocks. Margaret spinning. Meeting at
Presbyterian Church. Self, John and Margaret at it.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing stones.
George gone with Barbara to Whitby. Afternoon John drawing
wood to school. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
20 –Wind SW, thawing some. John at Port with wood. Robert at
Port with 2 steers. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at Sunday
School. Mother, John George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing stones. Self
choring. George arrives from Whitby. Afternoon George in the
woods. John and Robert drawing stones. Margaret & George at
Mrs. Leasks in the evening.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing stones.
Margaret spinning. Self sawing wood. Annie and Eva Perkins
collecting for Bible Society. Afternoon John and Robert at
stones. Self writing a letter.
24 – Wind N, stormy day. Margaret spinning. John and Robert
cutting paving blocks. Afternoon John and Robert at paving
25 – Wind W, fine day. John & Robert drawing timber. Afternoon
John & Robert at Port Perry races. Annie at Wms.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and John drawing timber. Robert
cuts his foot. Afternoon John and self at timber.
27 – Wind W, fine day. John at Greenbank getting harness
mended. Self and Robert sawing paving blocks. Afternoon John
at Greenbank with wood. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Hebrews
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and John drawing out timber. George
at Mrs. Leasks. Afternoon self, John and Robert taking in turnips.
30 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon John at Port
with wood. Self and Robert sawing blocks. John, George,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at Greenbank to hear the priest
lecture on temperance.
31 – Wind Southerly and some soft. John and George at R.
Phairs digging sand. Self and Robert sawing blocks. Afternoon
John and George drawing sand. Self and Robert at blocks. John,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at Mrs. Gantons social.
FEB. 1 – Wind S and thawing some. John and George drawing
sand. Self and Robert at blocks. Afternoon John and George at
sand. Self and Robert at blocks.
2 – Wind S and some soft. John, George and Robert in the
woods taking out sawlogs. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John,
George and Robert at logs. Self splitting wood. Margaret
3 – Wind NW, fine day. John at mill with grist. Annie at
Greenbank with Bible Society money. George in the swamp.
Afternoon John and George drawing cedar. Self and Robert
sawing blocks.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George, Robert, Margaret and Annie
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Mark
5 – Wind W, fine day. John and George drawing cedar. Self and
Robert sawing at blocks.; Afternoon John at the Port. George at
mill for grist. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
6 – Wind W, rather dull. John and Robert gone to [Archibald?]
Millers. Self sawing wood. Afternoon self, Mother, George and
Annie at Presbyterian Missionary Meeting. Mr. McClung, Mr.
Currie and Mr. Gibson at it.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. George fixing clock. Self at sideline. John
and Robert not come home. Afternoon self and George sawing
blocks. John and Robert arrives. Mrs. Duff and Mrs. Chalmers
here visiting.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John gone again to A. Millers. George and
Robert sawing blocks. Self asking hands to work on the road.
Afternoon Mother at Wms. Self and George at sideline. Robert
fixing clock.
9 – Wind W, fine day. George at Joseph Williams sale. Self, John
and Robert working on sideline. Afternoon self, John and Robert
at sideline.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John, George, Robert and horses
doing statute labour on sideline. Afternoon self, George, John
and Robert on sideline. George, Margaret and Robert at
Greenbank at Temperance Meeting.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, George, Margaret and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Isaiah II:3 on Foreign Missions.
12 – Wind NW, rough cold day. George and Robert hewing
. Self and John cutting paving blocks. Afternoon
George and Robert at sleepers. John at Greenbank getting
horses shoed.
13 – Wind NW, rather cold, nothing doing. John gone to the other
side of the creek after money. Afternoon nothing doing. Margaret
at Greenbank. Annie at Mr. Akhursts matting.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John, George, Margaret and Annie at
Hannah [Calls?] wedding. Nothing doing here. Self sawing wood.
15 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Mother spinning. Afternoon
George and Robert sawing blocks. John at sawmill with logs.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing logs to mill. Robert and
George sawing blocks. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at
logs. Robert at Greenbank for papers. George and Mother at
Mrs. Leasks.
‘Sleepers’ are floor joists.
17 – Wind NW, cold day, nothing doing. Robert and George at
blocks. Self doing nought. Afternoon John at sawmill. Robert and
George at blocks.
18 – Wind SE, snowing some. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, George, Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Isaiah
19 – Wind NW, rather cold, nothing doing. John at mill with log.
George gone to Mrs. Leasks. Self fixing clock. Afternoon John at
mill with log. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
20 – Wind NW, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and Robert
sawing blocks. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Alex. Leask here all night.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert mending A.
Leasks sleigh. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Robert and John in
the woods. Self sawing wood. Margaret at Mrs. Leasks.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret comes home from Mrs. Leasks.
23 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
24 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
at Greenbank for papers. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing in turnips.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. John, Margaret and Annie at Greenbank. Mother
at Wms. Self and Robert at home.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to John Gilbraiths and
brought Jane Atkin here. Self and Robert at wood. Afternoon
John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing wood. Jas. Miller
here for ministers salary. Margaret quilting.
27 –Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret, Annie and Jean Atkins at Wms.
MAR. 1 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret quilting. Afternoon John at Greenbank.
Robert fixing stable. Self sawing wood.
2 – Wind SE and raining. John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
doing nought. Margaret, Jean Atkins at quilt. Annie ironing.
Afternoon John and Robert sawing blocks. Annie and Jean
Atkins at mat.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Annie and Jean Atkins at mat. Afternoon John and Robert
in the woods. Self splitting wood. Annie and Jane Atkins at mat.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Margaret at Primitive Methodist Meeting.
Robert at English Meeting. John, Annie and Jane Atkins at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Pattison preaching on Temperance
from Isaiah LVIII:14.
5 – Wind NW, fine day, some snow falling. John and Robert in the
woods. Self and Wm. at Manchester voting for Dunkin Act23
Dunkin Act carried.
6 – Wind W, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert drawing out wood.
John and Robert at Port in the evening.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
nought up at Mr. John Watsons.
8 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John at mill with grist. Self
at Brock at meeting about the minister. John at Brock. Robert at
9 – Wind N and stormy. John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
doing nought.
10 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert at Greenbank
for papers.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Margaret , John, Robert and Annie
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Acts
12 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert gone to Scott for
screw jacks. Margaret and Barbara Walker gone to collect for
missions of the Presbyterian Church.
13 – Wind Easterly. John and Robert at the Port. Self splitting
wood. James Smith here. Afternoon Jas. Smith and Robert in the
swamp cutting poles. John at the mill for grist. Annie at
Greenbank. Self splitting wood.
14 – Wind SW, snowing some. Jas. Smith starts for home. John
and Robert drawing wood. Self splitting wood. Annie gone to Jas.
Hornes to matting bee.
Afternoon very stormy. John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
doing nought. A fire at 7 o’clock in the direction of Epsom.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Annie comes home, was at Mr. Akhursts all night.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing wood.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
nought. Afternoon John and Robert drawing wood. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert doing nought. Self
sawing wood. George comes home. Mrs. Akhurst here visiting.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Robert and Margaret at Sunday
School. Self, John, George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Titus II:14.
The ‘Dunkin Act’ was introduced to the legislature by
Christopher Dunkin (1812-1881) in 1864. The Act
provided a local municipal option to prohibit the sale of
liquor according to majority vote.
19 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. George at the Port. Afternoon John and Robert
drawing logs. Self sawing wood. George gone to L. Beatons.
Annie gone to A. Michies, Brock.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Robert piling wood. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert and self at wood.
Annie and Isabella Michie arrive from Brock.
21 – Wind NE and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing
doing. Isabella Michie making dress for Annie.
22 – Wind SW, fine day, snow very deep, nothing doing.
Afternoon John at Greenbank. Annie at the Port. Self, Mother,
Margaret, Annie, Isabella Michie and John at prayer meeting at
John Watsons in the evening.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Self doing
nought. Afternoon John at Port. Robert at Greenbank for the
papers. Mrs. Somerville and sister here visiting.
24 – Wind N, fine day. John at Port with wood. Robert making
window frame. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self and Robert
reading the papers. Margaret scrubbing.
25 – Wind Easterly and raining some. John, Robert, Margaret,
Annie and Isabella Michie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother,
John, Margaret, Isabella Michie, Annie and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Genesis
26 – Wind Easterly and raining. John gone to John Gilbraiths.
Nothing doing. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
27 – Wind N, stormy day, nothing doing. Afternoon John at the
creek. Self and Robert doing nought.
28 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon very stormy,
nothing doing.
29 – Wind N, cold day. John at Wms. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon self and John at Brock at Presbytry. Mr.
McClungs resignation accepted. Isabella Michie goes home with
30 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert making posts. Self
sleighing firewood. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers.
Self sleighing wood. Annie gone to Mr. Duffs.
31 – Wind S, snow melting. John drawing out wood. Self drawing
wood. Robert making spiles. Afternoon John drawing out wood.
Self and Robert topping trees. Wesley Luke here to dinner.
APR. 1 – Wind S, fine day, snow melting fast. Robert at the
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. Roads not
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John looking for stones. Robert in the
woods. Self drawing wood. Afternoons elf and John drawing
stones off Mr. Perkins place. Robert boiling sap.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert and John drawing stones.
Afternoon Robert boiling sap. John at Greenbank. Self splitting
4 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing in turnips.
Afternoon Robert boiling sap. Self and John drawing in turnips.
John McPhail here all night.
5 – Wind S and snowing. Robert in the woods. John making
ladder. Self doing nought. George comes from Lewis Beatons.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert making ladder. Self
doing nought. Afternoon Robert in the woods. John digging
snow. Self splitting wood.
7 – Wind Easterly. John, George, Robert and self working at the
barn. Afternoon Robert boiling sap. John on the road shoveling
snow. George working at barn. Self mending Annies boots.
8 – Wind E, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, George and Margaret at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew
9 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in the woods. John drawing stones.
Self choring. Afternoon choring.
10 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at sap. George and John making
ready to raise the barn. Self choring. Afternoon self, John and
George raised barn 1 foot.
11 – Wind N, fine day. Robert sick. Self, John and Wm. at barn.
Afternoon self, Wm., John and George at barn.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert sick. Self, John, George and Wm.
raising barn and finishes at noon. Afternoon John, George and
self choring.
13 – Wind SE, fine day. John and George framing barn sleepers.
Self choring. Robert sick. Afternoon John and George at barn
sleeper. Self fixing round.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. drawing rails. Self and
George at barn sleepers. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and
George at barn rafters.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John, George and Annie at the Sunday
School. Mother, John, George and Annie at the Presbyterian
16 – Wind SW, fine day. George and Robert sowing wheat. John
harrowing. Self choring. Afternoon John harrowing. George and
Robert making rafters. Self burning some stones. George leaves
for Lewis Beatons.
17 – Wind SE, fine day. John harrowing. Robert at sap. Afternoon
John plowing. Robert at sap. Self at R. Phairs filling the hole that
the [?] for the barn was took out of.
18 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert
sawing posts. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert taking
dirt from below the barn.
19 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. John plowing. Self and
Robert taking dirt from below the barn. Afternoon raining. All at
the dirt.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. John plowing. Self at the Port for clover
seed. Robert at dirt. Afternoon John at plow. Robert at
Greenbank for papers.
21 – Wind N, cold day. John plowing. Self and Robert fanning
oats. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at Beares sawmill. Self
and Robert at dirt.
22 – Wind NW, fine day and very warm. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Luke XIV:22.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John sowing. Self carrying seed. Robert
harrowing. Afternoon Robert rolling. John at sap. Self fixing
grass seeds. Annie at Greenbank. Mother at Wms. Margaret
arrives from Whitby.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John at the sawmill piling lumber. Self
sowing grass seeds. Robert harrowing. Margaret washing.
Afternoon Robert rolling. John taking dirt from below the barn.
Self planting potatoes in the orchard.
25 – Wind N, fine day. John sowing. Self carrying seed. Robert
harrowing. Afternoon Robert harrowing. John gathering chips.
Self planting potatoes in the orchard.
26 – Wind NE, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robert taking
dirt from below the barn. Afternoon John rolling. Self and Robert
at dirt. Margaret leaves for Mr. Andersons near Myrtle. Self and
John at prayer meeting at Mrs. Watsons.
27 - Wind SE, fine day. John rolling. Self and Robert at dirt.
Afternoon John at Wms. harrowing. Self and Robert fanning
28 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. John at Wms. harrowing.
Robert in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon raining some. Self,
John and Robert picking potatoes. George comes from Mr. Lewis
29 – Wind SW, rather dull. Robert, George and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, George, Robert and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Revelation XX:11,12,13,14,15. Mr. McClung preached his
farewell sermon.
30 - Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with oats. Self fixing
clock. Robert cutting potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert cutting
potatoes. Mother visiting at Mr. Aslings. Self and Annie at Jas.
McMillans at meeting. Mr. McClung baptizes J. McMillans
daughter and leaves forever.
MAY 1 – Wind W, fine day, rather cold. John at the Port with
potatoes and oats. Self and Robert cutting potatoes. Annie
washing. John loses his money, 18 dollars.
2- Wind NW, very high wind. John gone to Port on foot but
cannot find his money. Robert at Wms. harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self in the garden. Miss Jane
Akhurst and Miss Duff here.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. plowing. Robert taking
siding off stable. Self moving fence from straw stack. Mrs.
Gordon and Mrs. Walker here. Afternoon Robert at stable. Self
wheeling dung. Mother and Mrs. G. and Mrs. W. at Wms. visiting.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. Self cleaning barn yard.
Robert fitting window sashes. Afternoon John plowing potatoe
land. Robert cleaning barn yard. Self at Greenbank.
5 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Sunderland for lime. Self and
Robert making place for lime and washing buggie. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Port. Self choring.
6 – Wind easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Cockburn preaching from 2nd
Peter I:17. Church
declared vacant.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John, Robert and Annie planting
potatoes. Afternoon finishes planting potatoes.
8 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Sunderland for lime. Self and
Robert leveling the barn. Afternoon self and Robert digging
foundation. Robert at Mrs. Leasks in the evening.
9 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Sunderland for lime. Self
sowing plaster. Robert digging foundation. Annie at Wms.
10 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John greasing the harness. Self and
Robert mixing mortar. Afternoon Annie whitewashing. Mother
cleaning the woodwork. Robert at Wms. Self and John at lime.
11 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John gone to Leaskdale with the
screw jacks. Self at Port. Robert at lime. Afternoon Mother
sewing. Annie gone to Greenbank. Self and Robert mixing lime.
12 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing logs. Self mixing
lime. Annie whitewashing. Afternoon John and Robert drawing
stones. Self mixing lime. George comes from L. Beatons.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother, John, George, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Rodgers preaching.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John, George and Robert taking
down the stable. Afternoon all at stable.
15 – Wind W, fine day. George and Robert framing. Self and
John drawing stones. Afternoon John at Port for Mr. Minty and
Mr. Clarke. Annie at the Port. George and Robert framing. Self
cleaning up. Masons come to barn.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John, George, Robert, Mr. Minty and
Mr. Clarke at barn. Afternoon self, John, George, Robert, Mr.
Minty and John Clarke at barn.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Self making mortar for Minty and Clarke.
John drawing stones. George and Robert framing. Afternoon
some rain. Self at mortar. John, George and Robert framing.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Self making mortar for Minty and Clarke.
John drawing stones. Robert and George framing. Afternoon self
at mortar. John and Robert mixing mortar. George framing.
19 – Wind N, fine day. John and Robert drawing stones. Self
making mortar. George framing. Minty and Clarke building.
Afternoon raising the leanto of barn.
20 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, George and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McFadden preaching.
21 – Wind W, showery day. All working at leanto getting up the
rafters. Afternoon very warm and heavy showers. Mr. Minty and
Clarke gets all the shower in the swamp. John at mill. Self at
mortar. George and Robert at leanto.
22 – Wind Easterly, rather rainy in the forenoon, nothing doing
much. Afternoon George and Robert siding up the leanto. John
drawing stones. Self at mortar. Minty and Clarke building. J.
Smith and Barbara here all night.
23 – Wind N, rather cold. George and Robert shingling. John
drawing stones. Self at mortar. Afternoon some showers of hail.
John mixing mortar. Robert and George shingling. Self at mortar.
J. Smith and Barbara leaves for home.
24 – Wind N, cold day. George and Robert shingling. Self and
John at stones. Afternoon John at stones. Robert and George
shingling. Self at mortar. Mr. Minty and Clarke doing building.
25 – Wind N, rather cool. Mr. Minty and Clarke building. John
drawing stones. Robert and George shingling. Self making
mortar. Afternoon at the letting of jobs on the sideline. Self at
mortar. George and Robert shingling. John goes for grist after
26 – Wind NW, fine day. John drawing stones. Self at mortar.
Minty and Clarke building. George and Robert shingling.
Afternoon John mixing mortar. Self at mortar. George and Robert
shingling. Messrs. Minty and Clarke leaves for home at 5 o’clock.
Richard [Moon?] died today.
27 – Wind S, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, George and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McFadden preaching from John I:47.
28 – Wind S, fine day. George and Robert shingling. John
drawing stones. Self mixing mortar. Minty and Clarke building.
Afternoon self and John at mortar. George and Robert shingling.
George leaves for Duncan McMillans.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing stones. Self at mortar.
Robert fixing round. Minty and Clarke building. Afternoon John
and Robert mixing mortar. Self at mortar.
30 – Wind S, warm day. John drawing stones. Robert at
carpenter work. Self at mortar. Minty and Clarke building.
Afternoon self at mortar. John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Robert choring.
31 – Wind S, fine day. John drawing stones. Self at mortar.
Robert choring. Afternoon John plowing. Self at mortar. Robert
away fishing. Minty and Clarke building. Mother and Annie
picking potatoe bugs. Minty and Clarke finishes building and
goes to pointing.
JUNE 1 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Self at mortar. Robert
at bugs. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at bugs. Self at mortar.
Minty and Clarke pointing. Richard Brock, Insurance agent, here
all night.
2 – Wind SW, very warm. John plowing. Self and Robert fixing
stable. Heavy shower before dinner. Annie scrubbing. Minty and
Clarke finishes and leaves for home with Mr. Perkins. Afternoon
another heavy shower. John plowing. Self and Robert at bugs.
3 – Wind S, looking like rain. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Stevenson preaching.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert boarding up
the stable. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert at potatoe
bugs. Annie washing.
5 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert at the stable.
Afternoon John harrowing. Robert and self paving the stable.
6 – Wind NE, fine day. Self and John drawing blocks from barn.
Robert paving. Afternoon self, John and Robert putting up horse
7 – Wind SW, fine day. John at sawmill. Self and Robert at stable.
Afternoon all at stable and picking bugs.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John hoeing corn. Self and Robert putting
up partition between turnip house and cowhouse. Afternoon
John gone with Mr. David Perkins hunting a strayed horse. Self
and Robert at partition wall.
9 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John and Robert laying barn floor.
Self clearing the chips away. Afternoon John plowing. Self
cleaning up a little. Robert making door.
10 – Wind SW, rather cold. John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Stevenson preaching from the first General Epistle
of John IV:7.
11 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert hoeing
potatoes. Mrs. Michie and Isabella here from Brock. Afternoon
John at road work. Self and Robert at potatoes. Mrs. Michie
leaves for home. Annie and Isabella Michie at Greenbank in the
evening for some trimmings.
12 – Wind W, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robert laying
floor on the top of stable. Afternoon John and Robert scraping
dirt behind barn. Self at Port Perry for turnip seed.
13 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert scraping. Self wheeling in
dirt under barn. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John and Robert
scraping. Self shoveling dirt. Mr. Watson here in the evening.
14 – Wind S, warm day. John and Robert scraping. Self
shoveling. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John and Robert scraping.
Self hilling potatoes. Mother at Wms. visiting.
15 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert scraping. Self shoveling.
Afternoon John and Robert scraping and cutting thistles. Self
hilling potatoes. John, Robert and Annie at Greenbank in the
evening about the Sunday School Anniversary.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. John rolling turnip land. Robert cutting
thistles. Self hilling potatoes. Afternoon Robert cutting thistles.
John drilling. Self hilling potatoes.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Niven preaching from 2nd
18 – Wind SW, fine day. John drilling. Self and Robert making
cattle stalls. Afternoon John drilling. Self and Robert at stalls.
Annie washing. John, Robert and Annie at Greenbank in the
evening about anniversary.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. John cutting thistles. Self and Robert at
cow stalls. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John at bugs. Self and
Robert at cow stalls. Robert and John away in the evening.
20 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John drilling. Self and Robert
paving. Afternoon John drilling. Self and Robert paving. Finishes
sowing turnips. Robert and Annie at Greenbank practicing for the
anniversary. Anthony Wells here for turnip drill.
21 – Wind SW, showery warm day. John and horses at Wms.
Self and Robert at paving. Afternoon self and Robert paving.
Mother at Mr. Akhursts visiting. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons in the evening.
22 – Wind NW, cool day. John and horses at Wms. Self and
Robert paving. Afternoon self and Robert making stairway. Annie
and Lizzie at Greenbank.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John whitewashing the kitchen. Self and
Robert making cattle stalls. Afternoon self and Robert at stalls.
Annie and Mother scrubbing. John gone to Barbaras.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Atchison preaching from Zechariah XIII:1.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert making cattle stalls.
John arrives from Whitby. Afternoon John and horses at Wms.
Self and Robert at stalls. John at Greenbank at committee
meeting in the evening.
26 – Wind Easterly, dull day, some rain in the forenoon. John and
horses at Wms. Self and Robert hoeing potatoes and laying floor
in the barn. Afternoon self and Robert at barn. Some rain through
the afternoon.
27 – Wind S, very warm. John gone to Mr. Turners well. Self and
Robert hoeing potatoes. Annie baking for the anniversary. Calf
died last night. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing potatoes. Annie
and Robert at Greenbank in the evening singing.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Turners. Robert at the Port.
Self cleaning the yard. Afternoon John burning rubbish at the
barn. Self picking bugs.
29 – Wind S, fine day. John hilling the potatoes. Self and Robert
at barn floor. Mother and Annie baking for the anniversary.
Afternoon self, John and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Atchison preaching from 1st
30 – Wind SW, some showery. John and Robert working at barn.
Self choring. Afternoon John fixing anniversary ground. Self and
Robt. at barn.
JULY 1 – Wind W, rough day. Self, Mother and Margaret to Brock
to the Sacrament. Mr. Atchison preaching from 1st
2 – Wind N, fine day. Self at Brock at the session. John, George,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at the anniversary. Afternoon Mother
and self at the anniversary. Robert Minty here all night.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at barn. Self hoeing
corn. Afternoon John gone with Margaret and Robert Minty to the
Port. Self hoeing corn. Robert at barn.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert making the henhouse.
Self hoeing corn. Afternoon John at Jas. McMillans. Self putting
Paris Green on potatoes. Robert at henhouse. John, Robert and
Annie at Greenbank at social of the Union S. School.
5 – Wind S, some showers in the forenoon. John gone to Brock.
Self and Robert putting on doors. Afternoon Annie at the Port
with Lizzie. Self at Greenbank getting horses shoed. Robert at
barn. Mrs. P. Leask Sen. died.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Brock. Robert gone with
him. Self putting Paris Green on potatoes. Afternoon self and
Robert hilling corn.
7 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert gone to Barbaras. Self at
Greenbank getting pump rod fixed. Afternoon self and Wm. fixing
pump. Annie scrubbing. Mother at Wms.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott preaching from
John I:29.
9 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Self at Brock at meeting
about minister. Railway meeting at Greenbank in the evening.
10 –Wind W, fine day. Self mowing in orchard. Robert comes
home from Whitby. Afternoon self at Primitive Anniversary.
Robert & Annie at concert in the evening.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self mowing.
Annie and Lizzie gone to Whitby. Afternoon Robert at turnips.
Self mowing.
12 – Wind NW and very strong. Self mowing in orchard. Robert
raking hay. Afternoon self and Robert drew loads out of orchard.
Mr. Duff and Geo. Boddie mowing in the field.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self mowing fence corners. Robert raking.
Afternoon self and Robert drew one load of hay from orchard and
raked some in the field. Self at Greenbank and voting for bonus
for Toronto and Ottawa railroad. Carried by a majority of 273.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drew 4 loads hay.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. drawing hay. Self mowing fence
corners. Annie scrubbing.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching
from Psalms LXIX:4.
16 – Wind S, warm day. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in hay.
Afternoon self, Robert, Wm. and Annie finished haying. 16 loads
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Lizzie here picking
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert scuffling turnips. Self plastering some
cracks in the barn. Got Bible from man, payable 4 months after
19 – Wind SW, some rain through the night. Self and Robert
fixing byre door. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing turnips.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Annie at Greenbank for the
papers. Robert at cricket in the evening.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
Robert drawing in hay for Wm. Self hoeing turnips. Annie
scrubbing. Rain at 6 o’clock.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. A.
Dobson preaching from Isaiah XXXVIII:1. “Set thine house in
order for those shalt die and not live”.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert at turnips.
24 – Wind W, very drying day. Self & Robert at turnips and
finishes hoeing the first time. Afternoon self and Robert fixing
barn. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Toronto for books. Self cutting
thistles. Afternoon self fixing latch of the barn. John arrives.
26 – Wind SW, very warm day. Self and Robert working at
granary. John at the Port. Afternoon self and Robert at barn. Self
at meeting in the Presbyterian Church.
27 – Wind S, very warm, rain in the morning. John at Wms.
Robert gone to the Port to get labels printed. Self putting glass in
windows. Annie picking berries. Afternoon self at windows.
Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
28 – Wind SW, very warm. Robert painting. Self pulling weeds
among the potatoes. Afternoon Annie scrubbing. Robert fixing
doors on the horse chutes. Self doing nought. John at
29 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. A. Dobson preaching from Hebrews XII:1,2.
30 – Wind N, fine day. John gone to John Watsons for a month.
Robert at Mr. Duffs binding. Self fixing stable windows. Afternoon
Robert fixing horse chutes. Mr. Duff having broke his reaper. Self
at windows. Mother and Annie at Wms.
31 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at Mr. Duffs but did not work
any. Self weeding potatoes. Afternoon Robert cradling oats. Self
at potatoes. Annie and Lizzie at Port Perry.
AUG. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self binding
oats. Annie picking berries. Afternoon Robert scuffling turnips.
Self binding oats. Annie picking berries.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Mr. Duffs. Self scuffling turnips.
Annie washing. Afternoon rain, nothing doing. Prayer meeting at
John Watsons.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert cutting and binding
wheat. Annie at berries. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Mr. Duffs. Self cutting pease and
oats. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon Annie at berries. Self at pease.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Mother,
John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
6 – Wind W, dull day. Robert at Mr. Duffs. Self cutting oats. Annie
at berries. Afternoon self cutting oats. Mother at Wms. Rain in
the afternoon.
7 – Wind W, very warm. Self and Robert cutting wheat. Annie
washing, looking like rain. Afternoon self and Robert binding
oats. Mr. Duff reaping them.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert cutting and binding wheat.
Annie at berries. Afternoon self and Robert binding oats. Annie at
9 – Wind W, dull day. Self and Robert at wheat. Annie picking
berries. Afternoon Robert at Mr. Akhursts binding. Self binding
oats. Great shower of hail in the afternoon.
10 –Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Mr. Akhursts binding wheat.
Self cutting swath round wheat. Afternoon Wm. cradling. Self and
Robert binding. Annie at Greenbank.
11 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Wm., Robert and Annie at wheat.
Afternoon self, Wm., Robert and Annie at wheat.
12 – Wind S and raining some. None at Sunday School. Still rain.
Nobody at any meeting.
13 – Wind SE, dull day. Wm. here cradling wheat. Self and
Robert binding. Afternoon Wm., self and Robert at wheat. Annie
at berries. Finishes cutting.
14 – Wind Easterly, rain in the morning. Robert at Wms. Self at
Port Perry. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring. Annie at
15 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. Self and Robert at Wms.
binding. Heavy rain at noon. Afternoon self and Robert at Wms.
16 –Wind Easterly if anywhere. Self and Robert fixing shocks, the
wheat growing. Afternoon very dull and threatening rain. Self and
Robert at shocks and hoeing turnips. Mother at Wms. visiting.
Much thunder through the afternoon.
17 – Wind N, dull day. Self and Robert working at barn. Afternoon
Robert at turnips. Self at Greenbank getting horses shoed. Annie
at Greenbank. Some rain at night.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert turning over shocks and
unloosing some sheaves. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in
wheat, 6 loads. Pease and oats 3 loads. Mother and Annie out
binding and gathering pease and oats.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
George here. Self, Mother, John, George and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Marple preaching from Philippians
20 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in wheat.
Mother and Annie loosing out oats. Afternoon self, Robert and
Wm. drawing wheat. Annie at the doctors with Lizzie.
21 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert and Wm. drawing in oats.
Afternoon self, Robert drawing in for Wm. Mother at Wms. and
Mrs. Akhurst there too, visiting.
22 – Wind S, rather dull. Self and Robert at Wms. drawing wheat.
Afternoon self, Robert and Wm. drawing in oats and finishes
harvest for 1877.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Robert raking the wheat stubble. Self and
Annie at Port Perry. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in
rakings. Scott, pedlar, here all night.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
Robert hoeing turnips. Self hunting for the white heifer.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. fencing. Self hunting for
heifer. Afternoon Robert at turnips. Self hunting for heifer and
found her in the beaver meadow.
26 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. A. Dobson preaching from Ecclesiastes XII:1.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert finishes hoeing turnips.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port seeing the
circus. Self choring. Afternoon some rain. Self choring. Barbara
here on a visit. John comes home.
29 – Wind W, warm day. John gone to the Port. Barbara and
Annie gone to James Hornes. Self and Robert clearing up the
barnyard. Afternoon self and Robert at barnyard. Barbara leaves
for home.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. John [?] from
home. Afternoon John at first concession of Brock. Robert
plowing. Self burning brush.
31 – Wind SW, fine day, some rain through the forenoon. John
plowing. Robert bad with sore gums. Self choring. Afternoon
John at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Robert plowing. Self in the
SEPT. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Akhursts threshing.
Robert plowing. Self in the swamp. Afternoon John, Robert and
horses at Mr. Perkins threshing. Self in the swamp.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. A
stranger preaching from 2nd
Corinthians V:14,15.
3 – Wind NW, rough day. John, Robert and horses at Perkins
threshing. Self in swamp. Afternoon John at James Walkers
threshing. Robert harrowing.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and John drawing out dung.
Afternoon John and Annie at Port Perry. Self and Robert in the
5 – Wind N, fine day. Self, John and Robert at dung. Afternoon
self, John and Robert at dung.
6 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, John and Robert at dung. Afternoon
self, John and Robert at dung.
7 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, John and Robert finishes the
dung. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting Mr. Boddies waggon
mended. Self at fires. Robert making box.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert spreading
dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert making road into
the shop. Mrs. Burton here and Joseph and Wm.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert & Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert & Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Currie preaching from Acts IV:12.
10 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Robert spreading dung.
Self chopping a tree out of the road. Afternoon John plowing.
Robert at dung. Self taking in fallen apples. Mother at C. Aslings.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert scraping dirt at
barn. Self digging stump. Afternoon John goes to Little Britain.
Self and Robert scraping.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert scraping. Afternoon self
and Robert scraping. Mother at Wms. all night, his child sick.
13 – Wind NE, fine day. Self and Robert scraping. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
14 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Annie at Wms. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Wood of Mr. John [McReat?] being lost.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring.
16 – Wind W, rain in the morning. Nobody at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Fraser preaching from Isaiah IV:7.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self paving. Annie
washing. Afternoon some rain, not much doing. Mr. Asling here
18 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self taking in apples. Annie at
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self, fencing. Afternoon
self and Mother goes to Mr. Jas. Smiths, Whitby.
20 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Mother, Jas. Smith and Barbara at
Whitby Phair.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Mother comes home from Whitby.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Thos. Phairs
threshing. Afternoon self at threshing. Robert plowing.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott
preaching from Matthew XXVIII:12. Mrs. Craig buried at Presby.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and horses at Robert Phairs
threshing. Annie washing. Self fixing for machine and at Robert
Phairs part of the time.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Robert Phairs
threshing. Afternoon all at threshing.
26 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Robert Phairs
threshing for a little while, then Robert plowing. Self away after
the machine. Mother at Wms.
27 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Threshing machine here. Self,
Robert, Wm., Mr. Perkins and horses, Pat Calt and horses, Mr.
Jas. Walker, Mr. John Watson, Mr. W. Akhurst, George Boddie
Jun., Mr. Thos. Phair and Jas. Walker Jun., Messrs Horne, A
Leary and M. Neil threshers.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert taking in some straw.
Afternoon Robert at G. Boddies threshing. Self and Annie at
Greenbank. Mrs. Akhurst and Mrs. Rice here visiting.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Boddies
threshing. Afternoon self, Robert and horses at Wms. threshing.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother, Annie, George and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
OCT. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie taking up
potatoes. Afternoon Robert and horses drawing stones for Mr.
Somervilles house. Self and Annie at potatoes. Took in 1 load.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
Afternoon self, Robert and Mother at potatoes. Took in 3 loads.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Lindsay Phair. Self fixing pump.
Annie washing. Afternoon self at pump. Mrs. Robert Phair and
Mrs. Thos. Phair here visiting.
4 – Wind N and raining, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self digging potatoes in the orchard. Rev. Achison inducted.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at potatoes. Took in 3
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sick. Self choring. Afternoons self,
Mother and Annie finishes potatoe digging in the field. 1 load.
7 – Wind Easterly, very thick smoke. Robert sick. Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Annie, Emma Perkins at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from John IV:23.
8 – Wind S, rainy day, nothing doing. John away from home. Self
choring. Robert sick. John arrives.
9 – Wind S, fine day. John at Greenbank. Self fixing round.
Robert sick.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John away from home. Self choring.
Afternoon John goes to J. Smiths. Robert takes him to Port
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Self at Greenbank with harrows.
Afternoon self choring. Robert still sick.
12 – Wind N, cold day. Self fixing the turnip house. Afternoon
fixing round. Robert still sick.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self choring. Robert on sick list.
Afternoons elf, Robert and Mother fanning wheat..
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 2nd
Peter III:12.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Self at Port Perry with wheat.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the cattle
bindings. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Mr. Duffs sale. Annie
at Mr. Duffs.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self fixing. Mr. Akhurst here visiting.
18 – Wind SE, damp day. Robert plowing. Mother gone to James
Hornes. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing the cows house.
19 – Wind SE, rather wet, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank. Self choring.
20 – Wind Easterly. Robert plowing. Self at Wms. logging.
Afternoon Robert plowing. John arrives from Whitby. Margaret
here on a visit.
21 – Wind Easterly. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Matthew I:21.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. John and self at Wms.
logging. Afternoon Robert plowing. Mother visiting at Robt.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Self making door. Robert plowing. John
taking in apples. Afternoon John plowing to Wm. Robert at the
Port to hear the trial between Mr. D. Perkins and Mr. Wm.
Ledingham. Mother at Mr. Perkins. Self fixing door.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing at Wms. Robert sawing
wood. Self making a chute for turnips. Afternoon Annie at the
Port. Self and Robert cleaning out the cowhouse.
25 – Wind Easterly and raining some. John at Wms. plowing. Self
going round paying debts. Robert pairing apples. Afternoon
raining, nothing doing.
[There is no entry recorded in the original diary for Oct. 26.]
27 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips.
Drew 12 loads.
28 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon self, John, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 16 loads.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Drew 13
loads. Annie asking hands to pairing bee.
31 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. Self, John and Robert at
turnips. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Drew 14
NOV. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Drew 15 loads.
Prayer meeting at John Watsons. Self, Robert and Annie at it.
2 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon John at the
Port. Robert at Greenbank. Self choring. Pairing bee in the
evening and some dancing after. Henry Buel here all night.
3 – Wind W and snowing. Nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Robert doing nought. Self choring. Cattle all in
4 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Cockburn preaching from Jeremiah VIII:20.
5 – Wind N and snowing some, nothing doing. Annie washing.
Robert at Wms. Afternoon still snowing, nothing doing. Mother
and Annie quilting.
6 – Wind N, fine day, but frosty, more snow through the night.
Mother and Annie quilting. Rest doing nought. Afternoon John at
the mill with grist. Robert at Wms. Self choring.
7 –Wind S, fine day, hard frost through the night. Nothing doing.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips drawing 4 loads which
finishes the turnips. 74 loads.
8 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. John and Robert at Wms.
turnips. Self choring. Afternoon heavy rain, nothing doing.
9 – Wind N, rather stormy. John and Robert at Wms. turnips. Self
doing nought. Annie making dress. Afternoon self at Greenbank
for the papers. Wm. finishes his turnips.
10 – Wind NE, fine day. John at the mill for grist. Self churning.
Robert choring. Afternoon John choring. Robert at the Port. Self
doing nought. Annie scrubbing.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Hebrews XIII:8.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert fixing pump. Annie
washing. Afternoon John and Robert making a pigs house. Mr.
Walker here visiting.
13 – Wind S, hard frost, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing doing.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert draining. Afternoon
self, John and Robert at drain.
15 – Wind S and looking like rain. John plowing at Wms. Self and
Robert choring. Afternoon self and Robert choring. John plowing.
Robert at prayer meeting.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing at Wms. Self and Robert
digging the garden. Afternoon self at garden. Robert at
Greenbank for papers. George comes home.
17 – Wind S, some slight showers. John plowing at Wms. Self
and George at Port Perry. Robert fixing bars.
18 – Wind N, cold rough day. Robert at the Sunday School. John,
George, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
19 – Wind N, rather cold. Self choring. Robert fixing clock. John
and George at the Port. Afternoon George at Greenbank to get
his boots mended. Robert making sleigh. Self and John doing
nought. John, Robert and Annie at a spree at Mr. Akhursts in the
evening. Self and George at Bible Society meeting at
20 – Wind N, fine day. George gone to Mr. Beatons. John gone to
Mara. Robert gone to take them back apiece. Afternoon Robert
making sleigh. Self doing nought.
21 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Annie gone to Brock.
Afternoon Robert at sleigh. Self choring. Mr. Akhurst, John
Acksay and Thomas Scott here in the evening.
22 – Wind S, rainy sort of day. General fast through the
Dominion. Self, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Psalms LXVIII:19.
23 – Wind S, rather dull, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert making
sleigh. Self choring. John arrives from Mara. Spree at Wms.
24 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing but reading papers.
Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
25 – Wind S, dull day. Robert at Sunday School. John at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Annie at the English Meeting. Robert at
Primitive Meeting.
26 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John plowing to Wm. Self and
Robert ditching. Afternoon very heavy rain, nothing doing. Annie
27 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing to Wm. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. ditching. Self choring.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Robert plastering chimney.
Self cleaning barnyard. Afternoon John plowing. Self choring.
Robert at the Port. Spree at Mr. Akhursts.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Brock. Self and Robt.
doing nought. Annie gone collecting for Bible Society.
30 – Wind NW, fine day, but cold. John at Jas. Walkers. Self and
Robert doing nought. Rev. Mr. Achison here. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank for the papers. Annie at Messrs. Phair collecting for
Bible Society.
DEC. 1 – Wind NE, fine day, nothing doing. Mr. I. Clemens here.
Afternoon John at Jas. Walkers. Annie scrubbing. James Smith
and Barbara comes from Whitby.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Barbara, Annie and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Jas. Smith, Barbara and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Psalms
3- Wind W, fine day. John At Jas. Walkers. Self and Robert
doing nought. Afternoon Jas. Smith and Barbara leave for home.
Nothing doing.
4 – Wind S and thawing, nothing doing. Robert making sleigh.
John gone to Lateen. Afternoon nothing doing.
5 – Wind SE and raining some. Robert making sleigh, nothing
doing. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Mary Michie comes from
Brock. Mother at Wms.
6 – Wind NW, rough day, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. Annie and Mary Michie
at Wms.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self piling
wood. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Mr. Ledingham here.
8 – Wind NW, fine day, nothing doing. Annie and Mary scrubbing.
Afternoon John at Port Perry. Self and Robert doing nought.
9 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert, Annie and Mary at the Sunday
School. Mother, John, Robert, Annie and Mary at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
10 – Wind SW, snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon John at Brock
with Mary Michie.
11 – Wind S and thawing. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert sawing wood. Self
piling wood.
12 – Wind S, soft day. Self, John and Robert killing pigs.
Afternoon John and Robert sawing wood. Self splitting wood.
13 – Wind W with some showers. Self and John cutting up pigs.
Afternoon John and Robert sawing wood. Self fixing [?].
14 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert sawing wood. Self
choring. Afternoon Annie at Greenbank for papers. Self splitting
wood. John and Robert sawing wood.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert splitting rails. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert at rails. Self splitting
16 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Matthew XI:28.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the swamp splitting
rails. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert at rails. Self
splitting wood. Meeting at Presbyterian Church in the evening.
Nobody from here at it.
18 – Wind SE, cold day. John and Annie gone to the Port.
Afternoon Robert in the swamp. George here for a little while.
Self cleaning the door yard.
19 – Wind S, rainy day. Robert whitewashing. John helping. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John from home. Robert over at the
railroad. Annie cleaning up.
20 – Wind W, dull day. Annie cleaning up. John and Robert
splitting rails. Annie at Wms. in the afternoon. John and Robert at
21 – Wind SE, dull day. John and Robert at rails. Self choring.
Afternoon John at Greenbank. Robert making box for Annie.
22 – Wind S, fine day, but soft and foggy. John gone to the Port
for Margaret. Robert making box. Afternoon Robert at box. Self
choring. Annie at Wms.
23 – Wind SE, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. John and Robert at English
24 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at Annies box. John doing
nought. Afternoon nothing doing. John, Robert, Annie and
Margaret at Greenbank at exhibition in the evening.
25 – Wind Easterly, nothing doing. Christmas day. Self and
Mother at Wms. to dinner. Afternoon nothing doing. Mr. and Mrs.
Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Akhurst and Mr. Edwards here to supper.
John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at Wms. at a spree. Mr.
Edwards and son here all night.
26 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Nothing doing. Annie at Wms.
Afternoon John at Greenbank. Mother at James Walkers. Self
and Robert doing nothing.
27 – Wind NE, fine day. John helping Mr. Akhurst to take in
turnips. Robert hunting with Edwards. Self doing nought.
Afternoon nothing doing. Margaret at Wms.
28 – Wind E, fine day. John and Margaret at the Port. Self and
Robert choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank for papers. Self
and Robert at Wms. helping him to kill a pig.
29 – Wind NE, rather cold. John at Greenbank. Self and Robert
doing nought. Margaret scrubbing. Annie baking. Mother at
Wms. Afternoon Margaret at Robert Phairs.
30 – Wind N, cold day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Colossians
31 – Wind N, cold day. John gone to Kirkfield. Robert gone to
Port Perry. Self doing nought. Margaret and Annie baking.
Afternoon nothing doing. Isabella Michie comes here at 9
And thus ends the year 1877. Not one particle of snow.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon self and
Mother at Mr. Akhursts to dinner. Barbara, Marg Smith and
Ebenezer arrives from Whitby. Spree in the evening. Some thirty
at it. Broke up at 2 o’clock.
2 – Wind N, snowing some, fine day. Nothing doing. Barbara,
Margaret and Isabella Michie at Wms. Afternoon Ebenezer Smith
and sister leaves for home. Nothing doing.
3 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon Annie at the Port
on foot. Self and Mother at Mr. Perkins at dinner. Barbara,
Margaret, Isabella Michie, John, Robert and Annie there in the
4 – Wind S and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank for papers. Isabella Michie making dress.
5 – Wind W, stormy day. John gone with Barbara and Isabella
Michie to Brock. Self and Robert doing nought. Afternoon Annie
scrubbing. Margaret ironing. Self and Robert doing nought.
Mother pairing apples.
6 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. John,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mother
some sick. Lizzie here in the afternoon.
7 – Wind all round, fine day. John gone to Whitby with Barbara
and Annie. Self at Greenbank voting for councilors. Robert
choring. Afternoon Margaret at Wms. Self and Robert doing
8 – Wind SE, snowing some, nothing doing. Robert gone to
school. Self choring. Afternoon John arrives home.
9 –Wind S, fine day. John at Greenbank with wood. Self at school
meeting. Afternoon John at wood. Nothing doing. Margaret
washing. John gets horses shoed.
10 – Wind SE and raining. Robert at school. Nothing doing.
Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
11 – Wind N and raining, nothing doing. Robert at school. John in
the woods. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
choring. Margaret spinning.
12 – Wind N, soft day. John in the woods. Robert at Greenbank
getting his boot mended. Self choring. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon Robert at the Port. Margaret spinning. George
Wadingham here in the evening.
13 – Wind NE, dull day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John and Margaret at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Philippians II:16.
14 – Wind Easterly fine day. John in the wood. Robert at school.
Self at Mr. Blairs visiting. Margaret washing. Afternoon Margaret
spinning. Self choring.
15 – Wind N, snowing some. John in the woods. Robert at the
school. Self writing to Miss Mitchell. Margaret spinning.
Afternoon nothing doing. Self choring.
16 – Wind N, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Margaret spinning. Self doing some chores and writing to
George Tough. Afternoon Mother at Wms. Margaret spinning.
Self writing.
17 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Margaret spinning. Self choring. Afternoon John at Thos. Phairs
threshing. Margaret spinning. Self choring. Self, Margaret and
Robert at the prayer meeting at Mr. John Watsons in the
18 – Wind Easterly, dull foggy day. Robert at school. John at
Thos. Phairs threshing. Margaret spinning. Self choring. Mother
going round. Afternoon Margaret at Greenbank. John in the
woods. Self choring.
19 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Self mending boots.
Margaret scrubbing. Robert doing nought. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self mending boots. Robert choring. No sleighing this
winter yet.
20 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John, Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Acts XXI:17.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Margaret washing. Self sawing wood. Afternoon self sawing
22 – Wind W, and snowing some. John in the woods. Robert at
school. Self sawing wood. Margaret gone to Whitby. Afternoon
self at mill with grist. Investigation into the P.O. affairs at
23 – Wind NW, cold stormy day. John and horses at Greenbank
digging the foundation of Presbyterian Church. Robert at school.
Self doing nought. Afternoon Mother spinning. Self doing nought.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at school. Self and John fanning
wheat. Afternoon self and John at wheat. Margaret and Annie
arrive from Whitby. Self, John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Mrs. Leasks at the prayer meeting.
25 – Wind Easterly, rather dull day, nothing doing. Margaret
spinning. Self, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cockburn preaching from 1st
26 – Wind Easterly. John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
nought. Annie scrubbing. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Self and Robert doing nought.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Corinthians V:7,8. Communion today and one hundred and
twelve at the table. Collection between 7 and 8 dollars.
28 – Wind N, fine day but cold. Robert at the school. John doing
nought. Self doing nought. Margaret spinning. Annie washing.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self doing nought. Margaret
spinning. Mother baking.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. Self and John sawing
wood. Margaret spinning. Wm. and wife gone to Whitby. James
here. Afternoon self choring. Mother spinning. Mary Duff here
and Emma Perkins & Annie Perkins, Margaret, Annie and Robert
at Mr. Duffs in the evening.
30 – Wind Easterly, fine day but frosty. John in the woods. Self
choring. Robert at school. Margaret spinning. Annie at Wms.
doing chores. Afternoon Margaret spinning. Self choring.
31 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at the school. Self and John
in the woods. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John, Margaret,
Annie, Annie Perkins and Emma Perkins at Port Perry. Self
choring. And so ends January without any sleighing.
FEB. 1 – Wind NE, some stormy. John in the woods. Robert at
the school. Self mending the spinning wheel. Afternoon John in
the woods. Self choring. Margaret spinning. Mother sewing.
David Byers and Mary Byers and James Leask here in the
evening. Jean Leask and Susie Real here all night.
2 – Wind NE, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert doing
nought. Margaret spinning. Annie scrubbing. Mother choring.
Jean Leask and Susan Real leaves for Mr. Perkins. Afternoon
John away somewhere. Self choring.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from John XII:26.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Annie washing. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John
drawing wood to the schoolhouse. Mother visiting at Mrs. Byers.
Margaret at Wms. Self doing nought.
5 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John drawing
wood to school. Margaret spinning. Self choring. John, Margaret,
Robert and Annie at [?] meeting in the evening at Greenbank.
Lizzie and family here in the afternoon.
6- Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Margaret spinning. Annie ironing. Mother baking. Self choring.
Afternoon John drawing wood to school. Self choring. Mr. Wm.
Jacques, cattle dealer, here.
7 – Wind S, fine day. John drawing wood to the school. Robert at
school. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self choring. Margaret
spinning. Annie at Wms. Robert at Mr. Somervilles at the prayer
meeting in the evening. Heard of Pope Pius IX, his death.
8 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at the school.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John drawing wood. Margaret and
Annie visiting at Mr. John Watsons. Self choring.
9 – Wind NE, rather stormy. John and Robert grinding axe. Self
choring. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at Mr. Davidsons wood
bee. Robert at the Port. Annie at Wms. Self fixing turnips.
10 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Nobody at the Sunday School.
John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
11 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at school.
Margaret at Port Perry on foot. Annie washing. Self choring.
Afternoon John drawing wood. Self choring. Annie scrubbing.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at the
school. Self at Greenbank with cattle. Afternoon John at Walter
Aslings wood bee. Annie at Mr. Akers. Mr. Davidson from
Pickering here wanting Margaret.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John
drawing rails. Margaret washing. Afternoon John drawing out
wood. Self choring. Margaret and Annie at Protracted Meeting at
Greenbank. Robert at Mr. Akhursts. John at Wms., all in the
14 – Wind NE, fine day. John gone to the Port with wheat. Robert
at the school. Mother, Margaret and Annie dressmaking. Self
choring. Afternoon self and John fanning wheat. Mother,
Margaret and Annie at dressmaking. Self, Mother, John,
Margaret, Annie and Robert at John Watsons in the evening at
prayer meeting.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the school. John at the Port
with wheat. Margaret at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon self
choring. Margaret dressmaking. Mrs. Walker here visiting.
16 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
splitting wood. Miss Annie Perkins here dressmaking. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon John and Robert at wood. Self doing
nought. Margaret and Annie Perkins dressmaking.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Isaiah IV:67.
18 – Wind N, fine day. John at James Walkers at sawing
machine. Robert at the school. Self choring. Annie at the Port.
Afternoon Margaret and Annie Perkins dressmaking. Self
choring. Georgina Luke here.
19 –Wind S, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert at school.
Self choring. Afternoon self, John and Annie at the Missionary
Meeting at Presbyterian Church. Georgina and Margaret
20 – Wind S, dull day, some snow through night. John drawing
wood. Robert at the school. Annie washing. Self choring.
Afternoon John drawing wood. Margaret at Wms. Annie and
Georgina at Thos. Phairs. Self choring.
21 – Wind NE and raining some. John gone to Port with wood.
Robert at the school. Self choring. Afternoon Annie at Wms. Self
choring. Margaret sewing.
22 – Wind Easterly, rain all night, nothing doing. Robert at the
school. Annie at Wms. Self and John doing nought. Afternoon
still raining, nothing doing.
23 – Wind W and snowing some. John at the Port with wood.
Robert at the Port with Margaret, she going to Whitby. Self
choring. Afternoon self at James Walkers. Annie scrubbing.
24 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Campbell preaching from Romans VIII:1.
25 – Wind N, rather cold. John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Robert at school. Annie washing. Self choring. Afternoon
John in the woods. Annie at Mrs. Aslings. Self choring. Alex.
Michie and Mrs. Michie here all night. Robert and Annie at Mr.
Duffs at a spree in the evening.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. John tries to go to
Port but turns. Self choring. Mother baking. Afternoon John in the
woods. Mother at Mr. Perkins. Alex. Michie and Mrs. Michie gone
to Wms. Annie ironing. Self choring. George Boddie here in the
evening. Mary Real married.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Robert at the
school. Annie at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon self choring.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at the school.
Self splitting wood. Annie at Wms. Afternoon Alex. Gordon and
Mrs. Gordon here visiting. Self doing nought. Annie at Wms.
MAR. 1 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. John at Port Perry with
wood. Robert at the school. Self making potatoe chopper. Annie
comes home from Wms. Afternoon Robert at John Watsons
wood bee. Annie at Mrs. Watsons quilting bee. John at Mr.
Watsons in the evening, there being a great spree.
2 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Robert doing nought. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon raining,
nothing doing.
3 – Wind Easterly, very dull foggy day. Robert at the Sunday
School. Self, John and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. No
preacher. Robert at the Methodist Meeting. Very muddy road.
4 – Wind N, cold rough day. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Annie washing. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
doing nought. Annie scrubbing. Still very cold. Robert at Mrs.
Leasks in the evening at Missionary meeting.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self at Pat [Calts?] for the pick. Afternoon John at the Port with
wood. Self choring. Annie at Wms.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John at well digging for the new church.
Robert at the school. Annie at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon self
turning turnips. Annie at Wms.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John at church well. Robert at the school.
Self doing chores. Afternoon self choring. Mrs. Robert Phair here
for some yarn.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John at well. Robert at the school. Self
making stand table. Afternoon Mother at Mrs. Byers, she being
sick. Self choring.
9 – Wind SE, fine day. John at well. Robert boiling sap. Self and
Annie at Port Perry. John at the Division meeting.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
John, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
11 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John at well. Robert at the school.
Annie washing. Self choring. Afternoon Annie at Wms. Mother
baking. Self wheeling firewood. John at John Leasks in the
evening at managers meeting.
12 – Wind Easterly, foggy damp day. John at well. Robert at the
school. Annie at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon self choring.
Lizzie, Barbara Walker and Mrs. Newman here visiting. Still very
foggy and dull. Mr. Earchman, the assessor, here.
13 – Wind NE, rainy day. John gone to Greenbank. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
14 – Wind N and snowing. John at well. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Afternoon John at the Port on horseback. Self choring.
15 – Wind N, fine day. John at the well. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Afternoon Mother spinning. Self choring.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the well. Robert boiling sap. Self
at Manchester Station with Margarets box. Bad roads.
17 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from 2nd Peter III and last verse.
18 - Wind N, fine day. John at well. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Annie washing. Afternoon Annie at sap boiling. Mother
19 – Wind N, fine day. John at well. Robert at the school. Self at
the mill for grist. Afternoon Mother at Wms. Annie at Mr. Thos.
Phairs visiting.
20 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Perkins. Robert at the school.
Self splitting wood. Annie at Wms. Mother sewing. Self splitting
wood. Mother at Wms. all night, George being sick.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. John at Mrs. Leasks.
Self at Saintfield at Doctor for Wms. George. Mother at Wms.
Afternoon self drawing wood. John at Mr. Perkins.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John, Annie and Isabella Michie at the
Port. Robert at the school. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John at
Mr. Perkins. Self splitting wood. Annie and Isabella Michie at
Wms. John gathering sap.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at sap. Self drawing
wood. Afternoon self and Annie at Mrs. Markhams funeral. John
gone with Isabella Michie to Saintfield.
24 – Wind N, very stormy day. Robert at the Sunday School.
Afternoon very stormy. Nobody at any church. Annie at Mrs.
25 – Wind N and very stormy. John at Wms. Robert at the school.
Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing. John at Greenbank.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mrs. Leasks. Robert at the
school. Self drawing wood. Annie at Wms. Afternoon self boiling
sap. Wms. daughter died 1875. [That would be Alice Maude
Michie b. 12 Apr. 1874].
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the school. John not come
home. Self at Perkins. Afternoon self, John and Robert at Mr.
Perkins sale. Annie at Mr. Perkins. Mrs. John Leask here visiting.
28 – Wind NE and snowing. Robert at the school. Nothing doing.
Annie washing. Afternoon John at Port Perry. Self mending
boots. Self, Robert and Annie at Mr. Watsons prayer meeting.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at the school. Nothing doing.
Afternoon John gone to Brock. Self mending boots.
30 – Wind NE, fine day. John arrives from Brock. George comes
from Saintfield. Robert boiling sap. Afternoon John and Mother
packing. George gone to Barbaras, nothing doing. Robert at the
Division in the evening.
31 – Wind Easterly. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Titus III:5.
APR. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Robert taking John to the Port, he
going to Iowa. Annie at sap. Self turning turnips. Afternoon
Robert brings George from Port Perry. Mother twisting yarn. Self
splitting wood. Robert at sap.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the school. Self at Greenbank
for clavis to gangplow. Afternoon self mending harness. Robert
and Annie at Greenbank in the evening at Mr. Brandons lecture
on the Crimean War.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at sap. Self mending harness.
Afternoon Robert at sap. Self at the Port for asafetida24
horses. Lizzie and children here.
4 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self mending harness. Self, Robert
and Annie at Mr. Ross’s at prayer meeting. Annie goes to Brock.
Asafetida is used to aid digestion and in cases of
asthma and bronchitis.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. Self mending harness. Robert at the Port
for blacking. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self oiling harness.
6 – Wind N, rather showery. Robert plowing. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self carrying seed to Wms. sowing.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Matthew XVIII:18,19,20. Annie comes home from Brock.
8 - Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self sowing grass
seed. Annie at sap. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self piling
wood. Annie at Greenbank. Mother gets 2 pigs from Mrs. Phair.
9 – Wind E, looking like rain. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing bars.
10 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing apple
trees. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing apple trees. Some
rain at night.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert moving Mr. Perkins. Self and
Annie helping Mr. Perkins. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
choring. Mrs. Horne died after being in bed 25 years.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self mending Wms.
harness. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Wm. sowing wheat. Self
carrying seeds.
13 – Wind N, cold day. Robert choring. Self and Annie at Mrs.
Hornes funeral, the corpse brought from Uxbridge to the
Presbyterian gravery at 12th
concession Reach.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Mark XI:22.
15 – Wind N, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert rolling. Self choring in the garden.
16 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert rolling. Self fixing the
garden. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self carrying seed to Wm.
sowing oats. Annie at Mr. George Buels visiting. Robert at
Greenbank at Mr. Brandons lecture on the Crimean War.
17 – Wind Easterly, fine day, very warm. Robert harrowing. Self
sowing grass seeds. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self choring. Mrs.
Akhurst, Mrs. Davidson and Lizzie here visiting.
18 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Mother in the
garden. Afternoon self repairing fences.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self fencing. Afternoon
Annie at Greenbank for the papers. Self fixing braces in the barn.
James [Rennies?] barn burned.
20 – Wind S and raining some. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Rain
before dinner. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self and Annie at Port
Perry. Robert at the Sons of Temperance Division in the evening.
George here in the evening.
21 – Wind NW, cold bleak day. Robert at the Sunday School.
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
22 – Wind E, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self planting apple trees.
Annie washing. Afternoon raining. Self turning turnips. Robert
doing nought.
23 – Wind E, dull foggy day. Robert at Wms. Self digging in the
orchard. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self fencing. Robert at Mr. J.
Watsons in the evening.
24 – Wind S, dull day. Self and Robert drawing dung into the
orchard. Afternoon heavy shower at 3 o’clock. Self cutting
potatoes. Robert choring.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Port on foot, horses sick.
Self at James Walkers. Afternoon self cutting potatoes. Robert
brings a new suit from the Port. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie
at John Watsons at prayer meeting. Mr. Achison did not come.
Mrs. Real died.
26 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. Self and Robert working in
the orchard. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Mrs.
Reals funeral.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Horses sick, nothing doing. Self cutting
potatoes. Robert in the shop. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self
and Robert cutting potatoes. Robert at Greenbank in the evening
at Temperance meeting.
28 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Joshua XXIV:15. Showers
in the afternoon.
29 – Wind Easterly and raining some. Robert making watering
trough. Self doing nought. Annie washing. Afternoon still raining,
nothing doing. Some people come to Lukes place.
30 – Wind S, fine day, nothing to do, horse sick. Put out the
young cattle to the swamp. Afternoon Annie at Greenbank.
MAY 1 – Wind SE, fine day. Self at Greenbank with Lizzie. Annie
at Wms. Robert at the Port. Afternoon self at Wms. fixing stoves.
Mrs. Davidson here. James Smith and Barbara come.
2 – Wind SE and raining. Nothing doing. Afternoon Jas. Smith
and Barbara goes to Brock to see A. Michie. Self repairing
fences. Robert fixing Wms. gate. Annie at Wms. Mr. Scott,
pedlar, here. Thunder storm in the evening.
3 – Wind N, frequent showers, nothing doing. Afternoon James
Smith and Barbara leaves for home. Robert at Greenbank for the
papers. Much rain through the afternoon.
4 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing, ground very wet. Afternoon
Robert dunging out the henhouse. Self fencing. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Acts IV:12.
6 – Wind SE, fine day but some rain. Horse still sick, nought
doing. Annie washing. Mother at Mr. George Buels in the
7 – Wind Easterly, sometimes looking like rain. Self and Robert
oiling harness. Afternoon self and Robert planting trees. Annie
visiting at Mr. Phairs.
8 – Wind N, some foggy and very hot. Self and Robert choring.
Mother boiling soap. Afternoon Mother at John Watsons visiting.
Self and Robert filling up potatoes. Annie and Jean Akhurst at
Mr. Williams visiting for the first time.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert bagging potatoes and
taking them to the barn. Mother boiling soap. Afternoon self and
Robert at potatoes.
10 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing out dung for
potatoes. Afternoon Robert plowing in the orchard. Self
spreading dung. Miss Mellison Williams here visiting.
11 – Wind NW, rough cold day. Self, Robert and Annie planting
potatoes. Mr. Dan Rose here to dinner. Afternoon self, Robert
and Annie planting potatoes. Robert at the Temperance Meeting
at Greenbank in the evening.
12 – Wind NW, some snow through the night. Robert at the
Sunday School. Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Annie at the English Meeting.
13 – Wind NW, cold day, nothing doing. Annie washing.
Afternoon Robert painting. Self choring.
14 – Wind W, rather cold. Robert harrowing. Self digging in the
orchard. Afternoon self and Robert planting corn. Annie at Mrs.
Davidsons visiting. Mother at Wms.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert drawing bricks to new church.
Self putting up bills for road work. Afternoon self and Robert
planting corn. Mother at Robert Phairs. Mrs. [Coleraine?] sick.
Annie goes there to stop a few days.
16 – Wind S, frost through the night, fine day. Robert drawing
brick, went twice. Self clearing out the pigpen. Afternoon self
fixing pigpen. Annie over from Robt. Phairs.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Bob at the mill with grist and once at
Uxbridge for brick. Self doing nought. Mother churning.
Afternoon self asking Thos. Phair, C. Asling, D. Byers and Mr.
Akhurst to draw bricks. John arrives at 9 o’clock.
18 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. harrowing.
John at Wms. Self cutting thistles. Mother scrubbing. Afternoon
John at Greenbank. Self at thistles. Robert at division meeting in
the evening.
19 – Wind SE, threatening rain. Robert at the Sunday School.
Nobody at meeting. Annie over from Mr. Phairs.
20 – Wind S, fine day. John and Annie at the Port. Self and
Robert doing nought. Afternoon John at the new Church. Robert
doing nought. Self cutting thistles. Rain through the afternoon.
21 – Wind SW, dull looking day. John at church. Robert fixing
box. Annie washing. Afternoon self at Greenbank getting mare
shoed. Robert at Greenbank about church. Mother at Mr. Phairs
22 – Wind N, fine day. John at church. Robert gone for bricks.
Self at Manchester making declaration. Afternoon nothing doing.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Uxbridge for brick. John at the
new church. Self cutting thistles. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
at James Walkers. Robert at Mrs. Leasks at prayer meeting.
Mother at Robert Phairs all night.
24 – Wind W, dull day, some rain through the night. Nothing
doing. Queen’s birthday. John plowing. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at Mr. Akhursts playing
cricket. Annie at Mr. Akhursts. Self at Greenbank for papers.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self on the 11 concession
finding the line. John doing nought. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self and John at 11th
concession at job letting.
Robert at division meeting in Greenbank.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew V:6.
27 – Wind W, fine day. John working at the 11th
Robert plowing. Self cutting thistles. Annie washing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank. Mother at Mrs. Akhursts
picking bee.
28 – Wind S, fine day. John at the 11th
concession. Robert
plowing. Self cutting thistles. Annie sick. Afternoon Robert at the
Port attending Grand Division Sons of Temperance.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Annie still sick. Self cutting thistles. John going round.
Afternoon John at the job on concession. Robert harrowing. Self
cutting thistles. Annie getting better.
30 –Wind Easterly, fine day. John at the concession. Robert
harrowing. Self turning potatoes. Afternoon Robert gone for
brick. Self at the thistles. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at
the prayer meeting at Mrs. Watsons in the evening.
31 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at the concession. Robert
harrowing. Self cutting thistles. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self
cutting thistles. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
JUNE 1 – Wind S, fine day. John at the concession. Self and
Robert fanning oats. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self at Port
Perry with oats. Robert choring. Robert at the Temperance
Division meeting at Greenbank in the evening.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Acheson preaching from Psalms LXIII:8.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Annie washing. Self and Robert filling up
potatoes. Afternoon self at Port Perry with potatoes. Robert
cutting thistles. John sick.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Annie at Port Perry with
potatoes. John and Robert spudding thistles. Afternoon John at
thistles. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self at the concession looking
at the jobs.
5 – Wind N, very cold day. John plowing for Wm. Robert doing
nought. Self and John Watson at concession passing the jobs.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self cutting thistles. Robert at Mr.
McWilliams at prayer meeting.
6 – Wind NE, rather cold. Robert at Wms. plowing. John cutting
thistles. Self at thistles. Afternoon John at thistles. Self digging
cabbage ground.
7 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self and
John cutting thistles. Afternoon self, Mother, John, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Brown preaching from
Philippians I:21. Tokens given for the sacrament on Sabbath.
8 – Wind SE, dull day. Self planting cabbages. Annie scrubbing.
John cutting thistles. Robert doing nought. Afternoon John and
Robert at the sideline, some jobs being let there. Self hoeing
corn. Mother at Wms. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Brock at
the Communion. Mr. Achison preaching from Revelation I:5,6.
10 – Wind S, fine day. John drilling. Self hoeing corn. Robert
cutting thistles. Afternoon John drilling. Self hoeing. Robert at
thistles. Miss Mellison Williams here visiting. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Manchester. Robert at
Wms. drawing out dung. Self hoeing. Miss Eva Perkins here
visiting. Annie gone to Greenbank with her.
12 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, John and Robert at statute labour.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at road work.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert and horses at the
road work. Afternoon self, John, Robert and horses at the road
work which finishes the statute 25
labour. Man and horses and
waggon reckon 3 ½ days.
14 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Wms. with horses. Self writing.
Robert doing nought. George Michie and his wife here visiting.
Afternoon John at Wms. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self
going round with George Michie.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John and horses at Wms. Annie fixing at
window blinds. Self writing. Robert reading the papers. Afternoon
John at Wms. Self and Robert picking bugs. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Genesis XLIX:18.
17 – Wind NW, rather cold. John drilling. Robert choring. Self at
the Port with turnip boxes. Afternoon John drilling. Self and
Robert picking bugs. John, Robert and Annie at Greenbank in
the evening.
18 – Wind W, fine day. John drilling. Self and Robert hoeing corn.
Annie washing. Afternoon John drilling. Self sowing turnips.
Robert hoeing. Alex. Michie Jun. and his mother here visiting.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Annie at the Port. Self
mending harness. Robert choring. Afternoon John and horses at
Wms. Self and Robert picking bugs. Annie at Mrs. Aslings.
Robert and Annie at Greenbank in the evening practicing for the
Statute labour was done in lieu of paying as much in
[There is no entry in the diary for June 20th
21 – Wind S, fine day. John and horses working on the sideline.
Robert at Wms. Self writing to George Tough. Afternoon Robert
at Wms. Self at Greenbank for the papers.
22 – Wind SE. rather rainy. John and horses at Wms. Self and
Robert reading the papers. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at
the Port with hay. Self and Robert doing nought. Annie papering
the cupboard.
23 – Wind N, rather dull day. Robert and Annie at Greenbank
practicing singing for the anniversary. Much rain through the
forenoon. Nobody at Presbyterian Church.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert at the road. Self at the
Port to hear the case between Luke and Perkins. Annie washing.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert at the road. Self
mowing in the wood. Afternoon self mowing. Annie at
26 – Wind S, fine day. John at the sideline. Robert gone to
Temperance procession to Saintfield. Self mowing some.
Afternoon John gone with hay to Prince Albert for Wm. Self
picking bugs. Mother, Mrs. Walker and Annie baking for
anniversary. Mrs. Davidson helping. Annie at Mr. Watsons in the
27- Wind W, fine day. John gone to Greenbank with horses to
shoe. Robert, John and Annie gone to the Port to see the boat
races and [?]. Self hoeing potatoes. Mother baking bread for the
anniversary. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at the sideline. Self
hoeing potatoes. Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers.
29 – Wind S, fine day, very warm. Robert away fixing the grounds
for the anniversary. John doing nought. Self at Port Perry for
Margaret and Miss McTaggart. Afternoon John and Robert at the
sideline. Self making hay. Robert at Division in the evening.
30 – Wind SE, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret, Annie and Miss
McTaggart at the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Annie
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Isaiah
JULY 1 – Wind SW, fine day. All at the Anniversary all day. Mr.
Joseph Real, Mr. Achison, Mr. Patison and others speakers.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Self at the Port with Margaret and Miss
McTaggart to go home with the train. John going round hunting
work. Robert hoeing potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing
3 – Wind W, fine rainy day, nothing doing. John churning. Annie
washing. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
4 – Wind Easterly, raining heavy. Nothing doing. Afternoon John
and Annie gone to Whitby. Self hoeing corn. Robert at turnips.
5 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing
corn. Mrs. A. Michie and Mrs. Foster here visiting. Afternoon self
and Robert hoeing turnips.
6 – Wind S, very warm day. Self putting Paris Green on the
potatoes. Robert hoeing turnips. John and Annie arrive from
Whitby. Afternoon John at the Port with hay. Self at potatoes.
Robert at turnips. Robert at Division Meeting in the evening.
7 – Wind S, very warm. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 2nd
Timothy III:15.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon John at Port with hay. Self and Robert at
turnips. Annie at School anniversary at Shaws. Robert at
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
Robert gone with John to Raglan. Annie at the Port. Self at
10 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips. Mother visiting at Mr. Walkers.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips.
12 – Wind S, rather dull day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
Robert at turnips. Self at Greenbank for papers.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie scrubbing. Self hoeing the
potatoes. Robert and George Boddie gone to Toronto for books
to Sunday School. Afternoon self at potatoes and at the Port at
night for Robert and G. Boddie.
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Eva Perkins here to dinner. Self, Mother, Robert, Annie and Eva
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Jeremiah
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self potatoe
hoeing. Annie washing. Afternoon Robert at turnips. Self cutting
hay in the orchard.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at turnips. Self mowing the fence
corners. Robert Phair mowing. Afternoon Robert hilling up the
potatoes. Self mowing. Mr. Phair finishes at 5 o’clock.
17 – Wind W, very warm day. Self and Robert raking and cocking
hay. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert drew in 5 loads of hay.
18 – Wind W, rather gloomy. Self and Robert, Wm., Mother and
Annie at hay raking and cocking and drew in one load. Afternoon
rain. Robert at the Port.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self, Wm., and Robert drew in 9 loads of hay. Annie at
Greenbank for papers.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drew 2 loads of hay
out of orchard. Afternoon self, Robert and horses drawing in hay
for Wm.
21 – Wind NW and very high. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Brown preaching.
22 – Wind strong from the NW. Robert at mill with grist. Self
mowing. Afternoon self mowing. Robert hoeing.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at mill for grist. Self mowing. Annie
picking berries. Afternoon Robert hoeing. Self mowing.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
picking berries. Mother putting Paris Green on potatoes.
Afternoon self, Robert and horses at Wms. drawing hay.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips and rowing
hay. Afternoon self, Robert, Mother and Annie stacking hay. 5
loads which finishes haying. Commences to rain at 5 o’clock.
26 – Wind SW, rainy day. Self and Robert fixing in the barn.
Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at turnips. Self at the Port for a
cradle. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Exodus IV:2.
29 – Wind SE, dull day. Self cradling oats. Robert at turnips.
Annie washing. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert mowing wheat
and binding it. Annie picking berries. Rain at night.
30 – Wind SE, dull day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self, Mother and Robert mowing wheat.
31 – Wind W, rather dull. Self and Robert hoeing turnips and
finishes them. Afternoon Wm., Mother and Robert at wheat. Self
cradling pease.
AUG. 1 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm., Mother and Robert at
wheat. Self cutting round the other wheat field. Afternoon George
Boddie Jun. here reaping. Self, Wm. and Robert binding. Rain at
2 o’clock. Annie at berries picking. Mr. Markham here paying his
note to John of $18. Self, Robert and Annie at the prayer
meeting at John Watsons. Jas. Moons barn burnt by lightning.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Robert and Mother cutting and
binding wheat. Self cutting pease. George Boddie at Port for
repairs to reaper. Afternoon George Boddie reaping. Wm., self
and Robert at wheat. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at George Boddies. Self binding
oats. Annie scrubbing. Mother churning. Afternoon self cutting
pease. Mother at Wms. Annie washing buggie.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Afternoon thunder showers. Nobody at any meeting.
5 – Wind SW, dull day. Self, Mother and Robert at wheat.
Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at wheat. Annie picking
6 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert at wheat, and
finishes cutting wheat. Afternoon self and Robert cut some oats
and turn the pease.
7 – Wind N. Self, Mother and Robert at oats. Afternoon drew 3
little loads of loose wheat but had to leave it for wind and go to
cutting oats.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother and Annie at wheat drawing.
Afternoon all drawing in wheat.
9 – Wind W, some rain in the morning and thunder all night. Self
and Robert cutting oats. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and
Annie drawing in wheat.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in wheat.
Mother cutting timothy. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie finishes
wheat drawing. Mother at timothy.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Severe
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert mowing oats. Mother
binding. Annie churning. Afternoon self and Robert finishes
cutting. Mother raking. Annie cutting timothy. Finished cutting.
13 – Wind S. Self, Robert and Mother binding oats. Afternoon
self, Robert and Annie drew in one load of pease, then thunder
and rain.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at Port Perry. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert begins to plow. Self doing nought.
Some showers in the afternoon.
15 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
showery. Robert plowing. Self doing nought. Mother goes to
Wms. at 11 o’clock night.
16 – Wind SW, fine morning. Robert and Albert Akhurst gone to
Greenbank with 3 cattle. Mother at Wms. all night. Lizzie got a
son about 2 o’clock. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drew in all
the pease. Heavy rain at night and much thunder. Wms. son
John born.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Mother at Wms. Self at Saintfield to the
doctor with my sore knee. Robert choring. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing shocks. Robert at
18 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Church. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew VI:12.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing shocks.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self raking oats, drew in 3 loads
before night. Some rain at night. Mother died 1873. [Agnes
Malcolm Michie m. John Michie, b. 29 Apr 1793, d. 19 Aug
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Thos. Phairs threshing. Self
turning shocks. Afternoon Robert at John Watsons threshing.
Self doing nought.
21 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Robert and Wm. drawing in oats.
Afternoon self, Robert and Wm. finishes drawing in.
22 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and horses at Mr. Atkins
threshing. Self fencing oat stack. Mother churning. Afternoon self
choring by pulling foxtail among potatoes.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert and horses at Wms.
drawing in his crops. Annie at Wms. Afternoon finishes Wms.
drawing in.
24 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert plowing. Self at Mr. Boddies
threshing. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Isaiah LVIII:13,14.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Annie at Wms. Self
digging logs. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for
gang plow points.
27 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
28 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert plowing. Self hoeing turnips.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at the Port for
landside to plow. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons
in the evening.
30 – Wind Easterly, very hot day. Robert plowing. Self doing
nought. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Self and Annie
at Greenbank in the evening for papers.
31 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self painting the kitchen.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in oats for
Wm. Rain at 4 o’clock.
SEPT. 1 – Wind Easterly, dull day, rained all night. Robert at the
Sunday School. Rain after dinner. Nobody at any meeting.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self cutting logs in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self cutting some trees. Rain
at 4 o’clock. Mr. Robert Phair here with petition for the Grange
3 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the pump.
Afternoon Robert at John Watsons threshing. Self and Mother at
Greenbank visiting Mr. Perkins.
4 – Wind Easterly, thunder and rain in the morning. Robert
plowing. Self choring. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing at
5 – Wind NE, warm day. Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for
leather to pump. Afternoon Robert at plow. Self fixing the floor of
the stoup. Robert at plow. Self fixing.
6 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at John Watsons threshing.
Self and Annie at the Port. Afternoon self painting.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at John Watsons threshing 2 hours.
Self painting. Afternoon Robert drawing in Wms. oats. Self
painting. Robert at Greenbank in the evening at Sons meeting.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Matthew VI:33.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank getting horses shoed.
Self painting. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self painting. Self and
Robert at congregational meeting at the Presbyterian Church.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self leveling some
knolls. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung. Rain at 4
11 – Wind Easterly, dull day and sprinkling rain. Self and Robert
drawing dung. Annie washing. Mother churning. Afternoon self
and Robert drawing out dung.
12 – Wind Easterly, rain all day. Nothing doing.
13 – Wind Easterly, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon wind to
SW, not much rain. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
14 – Wind W, rough day. Self and Robert threshing timothy seed.
Afternoon self and Robert at political meeting at Greenbank.
Addresses by Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Gibbs. John arrives from
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Brown preaching from Matthew XVI:26.
16 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert gone for a load of gravel.
Self doing nought. Afternoon John gone to George Buels. Self
cutting corn. Robert fixing for threshing machine.
17 – Wind S, fine day, some thunder through the night. Robert
sick. John at George Bowels threshing. Self at Greenbank voting
for Mr. Wheeler. Afternoon Robert sick. Self doing nought.
18 – Wind S, fine day. John at George Buels threshing. Self and
Robert cutting and binding corn. Annie washing. Afternoon John
at Greenbank. Self and Robert at corn.
19 – Wind N, fine day. John and Robert drawing sand. Self
making door frame. Afternoon self, John and Robert at cellar
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Port Perry for lime. Self and
Robert at wall. Afternoon self, John and Robert at wall.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert at cellar wall.
Afternoon John at sideline. Self and Robert at wall and finishes
it. Annie scrubbing.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Galatians XI:15.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the swamp with horses
pulling roots. Self fixing table in the cellar. Afternoon John and
Robert in the swamp. Self fixing shelves in the cellar.
24 – Wind SE and raining. Self and Robert fixing potatoe bins in
the cellar. Afternoon self cleaning up the dooryard. Mr. Achison
here for dinner. Robert at Greenbank for [bolt?] to apple tree.
John plowing to Wm. Annie sick.
25 – Wind S, fine day. John gone with Robert and Wm. to the
Port to meet the train to Toronto, they going to see the
Exhibition. Self making door for cellar. Afternoon John plowing
for Wm. Self fixing cellar.
26 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing for Wm. Self mending
Roberts boots. Afternoon John plowing for Wm. Self taking in
27 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing for Wm. Self cutting corn in
the garden. Afternoon John plowing. Self at Greenbank with
horse collar to fix. Robert arrives from the Exhibition in Toronto.
28 – Wind N, fine day. John plowing to Wm. Self and Robert
fixing dooryard. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John plowing. Self
and Robert taking up potatoes. Robert at Division meeting in the
29 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Church. Mr.
Dobson preaching from Hebrews XI:24,25,26.
30 – Wind S, dull day. John at sideline putting dirt on the
crossway. Self and Robert at potatoes. Afternoon John at the
sideline. Self and Robert at potatoes. Robert at Greenbank in the
OCT. 1 – Wind S, fine day. John at sideline. Self and Robert at
the potatoes. Annie washing. Afternoon self and Robert at
potatoes. Mrs. Akhurst here on a visit.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John sick. Robert at sideline. Self at
potatoes. Afternoon Robert at the sideline. Self at potatoes.
3 – Wind W. Self, John and Robert taking in the potatoes.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at potatoes. Takes them all in, 2
waggon loads.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing out dung.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at dung and finishes. Miss Jane
Akhurst and Marie Akhurst here visiting.
5 – Wind W, dull day. John in the woods. Self spreading dung.
Robert plowing. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert plowing.
Self spreading dung. Annie scrubbing. Some rain at night.
6 – Wind N, some showers. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Hebrews XV:16.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. John in the woods. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self taking in apples.
John in the woods.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. John in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring. Robert
plowing. [?] and Mary Gordon here in the evening.
9 – Wind W, fine day, slight showers and very high wind. Robert
plowing. Self taking in apples. Afternoon wind blowing a
hurricane. Robert plowing. John in the woods. Self taking in
apples. Miss Mary Ross and Miss Jane Atkins here visiting.
10 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert plowing. Self
fixing cellar windows. Afternoon Annie at Mrs. Leasks. John in
the woods. Robert at the mill with grist. Self at cellar.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert plowing. John in the woods. Self
in the garden. Afternoon Robert at the mill for grist. Self in the
garden. John in the woods. Annie scrubbing.
12 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert plowing. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John, Robert and Annie at the county
Phair, Port Perry. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Acts V:31.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert plowing. Self in
the garden. Annie washing. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert
plowing. Self choring.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert plowing. Self
in the garden. Afternoon Robert plowing. John at Moons raising.
Self at Greenbank for boots. Pairing bee at Mr. Williams.
16 – Wind S, dull day. John in the woods. Robert harrowing in the
garden. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert harrowing. Self
spreading dung. George here at night.
17 – Wind W, dull day. John at the Port. Robert plowing. Self
chopping. Mother spinning. Annie dressmaking. Afternoon John
at bee for taking out timber for shade. Robert plowing. Self taking
in apples. Rain in the afternoon.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. John at timber. Self choring. Robert
plowing. Afternoon Robert and Annie at Greenbank. Self taking
in apples.
19 – Wind N, very cold day and high winds. John gone from
home. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self digging. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Church. Mr. Smith preaching from Galatians V:24.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self digging. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self digging. Annie at Wms.
John gone to John Leasks for 1 month. Robert and Annie at
Greenbank in the evening to David Hills.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self digging. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self fixing turnip house.
23 – Wind N, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon still raining,
nothing doing.
24 – Wind N, fine day. Robert drawing wood. Self at Robert Fairs
threshing. Afternoon Robert choring.
25 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at Mr. R. Fairs threshing. Self
round asking hands to thresh. Afternoon self taking in apples.
Machine comes at night.
26 – Wind N and raining. Threshed all the forenoon. Mr. Boddie
and horses, Pat [Galt?] and horses, Wm. Watson, Robert
Akhurst, James Walker, Thos. Phair, Wm. Michie. Afternoon
raining, nothing doing.
27 – Wind NE, rain all night. Robert at the Sunday School. John
here from Mr. Leasks. Mother, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
28 – Wind N, some snow through the night. Threshing all the
forenoon. Afternoon finishes threshing at 4 o’clock. Self, Robert
and horses at Wms. threshing.
29 – Wind S, raw day. Self, Robert and horses at Wms.
threshing, Finishes by 10 o’clock. Robert and horses at Mr.
Akhursts threshing. Self cleaning up about the barn. Afternoon
Robert, Annie and Lizzie at the Port. Self topping turnips.
30 – Wind SW and raining. Self and Robert at Wms. fanning his
wheat. Afternoon Robert harrowing up turnips. Self topping
31 – Wind W and raining. Self and Robert taking in apples.
Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew in 12 loads.
Robert and Annie at the Bible Society meeting at Greenbank in
the evening.
NOV. 1 – Wind W, hard frost through the night. Self and Robert at
turnips. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drew in 9 loads.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie topping turnips.
Afternoon rain. Drew 2 loads of turnips. Robert at Greenbank for
carpet. Robert at Temperance Meeting in the evening.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew XIII:4,5,6,7,8.
4 – Wind N and very cold. Self, Robert and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew in 16 loads.
5 – Wind N, hard frost. Robert gone to the Port for shingles to
shade at new Church. Self topping turnips. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank at laying the foundation of shade26
. Self choring.
George here in the evening.
6 – Wind N, fall of snow through the night, nothing doing. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon Robert at raising of shade. Self sawing
wood. Mother fixing geese for Church opening.
7 – Wind N, cold day. John at the shade fixing. Robert drawing
wood. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Robert at shade. Self
splitting wood. Very cold and frosty.
8 – Wind N, cold day. John at the shade. Self and Robert doing
nought. Mother and Annie making ready for the Church opening.
Afternoon Robert at shade. Self doing nought.
9 – Wind W, not so cold. John at the shade. Robert at the Port for
Margaret. Self choring. Mother and Annie cooking. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith Sen. and Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jun. arrive from Whitby.
10 – Wind W, soft day. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the new Church and all the Smiths. Service at half past
10. Afternoon John, Robert, Margaret and Annie and Mrs. and
Mrs. Smith Sen. and Mr. Smith Jun. at the Church service at half
past 2. Church opening.
11 – Wind W, dull day and raining some. Self, John, Robert,
Margaret, Mother, Annie, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Sen., Mr. and Mrs.
Smith Jun. at dinner at the new church. Mr. Smith Sen. and Mr.
Smith Jun. leave for home. Lecture in the evening by Mr. Smith
from Toronto. Drew in 3 loads of turnips.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Mrs.
Smith Sen. and Mrs. Smith Jun. leaves for home. Afternoon self
and Mother in the turnip cellar. John, Robert, Robert Fair and Pat
Galt drawing in turnips. Drew 29 loads. Annie at Greenbank
washing dishes.
‘Shade’ is in reference to a sort of covered area where
horses could be sheltered.
13 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Self and Robert choring. Afternoon John at Port Perry.
Self, Robert and Mother and Annie at turnips. Draw in 10 loads.
Mrs. Thos. Phair here visiting.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon self, John, Robert and Wm. at turnips. Drew in 6 loads.
Pat Galt taking 3 loads to Robert Fairs, in all 9 loads. Evening
Mother at Wms. Self, John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at social
in the new Church. Received on Sunday, Monday and Thursday
270 dollars for Church.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at shade shingling. John at mill.
Margaret at the Church washing dishes. Annie washing.
Afternoon John plowing in the swamp. Self digging in the
16 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John at mill for chop. Robert doing
nought. Self splitting wood. Annie scrubbing. Margaret churning.
Mother baking. Afternoon John and Robert plowing the swamp.
Self choring. Robert at Division Meeting in the evening.
17 – Wind SW and raining some. Nobody at the Sunday School.
Afternoon John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
18 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John and Robert plowing in the
swamp. Self plastering pigs house. Afternoon John and Robert
plowing in the swamp. Self choring.
19 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John and Robert plowing in the
swamp. Self letting off water. Afternoon John and Robert plowing
in the swamp. Self letting off water. Mother visiting at Mr.
20 – Wind Easterly, foggy day. John and horses working at the
new Church. Robert doing nought. Self letting off water in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert working at new Church. Self choring.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert plowing in the swamp.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert plowing in the
swamp. Self working at new Church. All at John Watsons at
prayer meeting in the evening. John Michie of Tillery died
1869.[John Michie, b 12 Nov. 1791, d. 21 Nov, 1869].
22 – Wind NE and raining, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Still raining, nothing doing.
23 – Wind N and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self choring. Robert at Greenbank in the
evening at Division meeting.
24 – Wind SW and thawing. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Numbers XIV:28. Margaret
goes to Brock with the minister.
25 – Wind Easterly and snowing. John and Robert in the woods.
Self letting off water in the swamp. Annie at Wms. Afternoon
John and Robert at the woods. Self in the swamp.
26 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self in
the swamp. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Annie at John Watsons in the evening.
27 – Wind SE, dull day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
28 – Wind NW, rather cold, everything crusted with ice. John and
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. Annie at Robert Fairs
29- Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
30 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self letting
off water. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Annie
scrubbing. Self letting off water. Robert at Greenbank.
DEC. 1 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Annie and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Romans VIII:13.
2- Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self choring. Robert doing nought. Robert and Annie at
singing class in the schoolhouse in the evening.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self at Mr.
John Watsons to see Mrs. Henery. Afternoon John and Robert in
the woods. Self choring.
4 – Wind NE. General Fast Day. Afternoon self, John, Robert and
Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Psalms XIV:13.
5 – Wind N, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self,
Margaret and Annie going to the Port and got some distance on
the sideline and had to turn back for water. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self choring.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank to get horses shoed and for papers.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self,
Margaret and Annie at Port Perry going by the centre roads.
Robert at the Division meeting in the evening.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. John Leask preaching. Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Primitive Methodist Meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind Easterly, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods.
Self drawing wood. Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Margaret at
Wms. Robert and Annie at the singing.
10 – Wind Easterly. John sick. Robert doing nought. Self choring.
Afternoon John at Mr. Clemens. Robert doing nought. Self
choring, heavy rain at night.
11 – Wind N, stormy day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Mother spinning.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self cutting up the pigs. John and
Robert in the woods. Afternoon John and Robert at Greenbank
working at shade. Self choring.
14 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Port Perry for shingles to
shade. Robert in the woods. Afternoon Robert at Thos. Fairs
threshing. John in the woods.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Matthew VII:21,22,23.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at T. Fairs
threshing. Self at the mill for grist. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self drawing wood.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at T. Fairs threshing. Self sawing
wood. John drawing out wood. Afternoon Robert at George
Boddies threshing. John at Port Perry with wood. A. Michie here
asking us to Isabella’s wedding. Robert and Annie at singing
18 – Wind W, fine day. Self splitting wood. John and Robert at the
Port. Mother spinning. Afternoon Robert in the woods. John at
Greenbank with lumber from Port Perry. Margaret, Robert and
Annie at Saintfield in the evening at singing class.
19 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Robert in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert at
shade at Greenbank. Self sawing wood.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at Port. Mother at Wms. Self
sawing wood.
21 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert in the woods. John at the Port
with wood. Self sawing wood. Afternoon snowing from the east,
nothing doing.
22 – Wind NW, fine day, some stormy. Robert at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 2 Corinthians
V:17. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Primitive Meeting
in the evening. Mr. Joseph Lee preaching.
23 – Wind SW, stormy cold day. John at the Port. Robert in the
woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon Margaret washing. Self
sawing wood. Robert in the woods. John at the Port. Robert and
Annie at singing class in the evening.
24 – Wind SW, very cold. Robert drawing wood for Wm. John
rather sick. Nothing doing. Afternoon stormy. John and Robert
drawing turnips for Wm.
25 – Wind W, some stormy. Christmas day, nothing doing.
Afternoon John, Margaret, Robert, Annie and Wm. and Lizzie
goes to Isabella Michies wedding at Brock.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert, Annie and Wm.
and Lizzie arrive at noon. Afternoon nothing doing. Self sawing
wood. Robert at concert at Greenbank in the evening.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Clemens. Robert fixing wood
rack. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Margaret at Port
Perry. Annie at Wms. Self reading the papers.
28 – Wind S, fine day. John, Margaret and Annie at Uxbridge.
Self sawing wood. Robert doing nought. Afternoon nothing
doing. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
29 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians III:11.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Robert
choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert in the woods. Self
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at R. Fairs. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing in hay and
corn. Self, John and Robert at Church meeting in the evening.
JAN. 1 – Wind S, fine day. John drawing out wood. Self sawing
wood. Robert choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self
splitting wood. Robert choring. Annie gone with R. Monroe. A
great spree in the evening. Jas. Smith and Barbara here. All
leave at 4 o’clock.
2 – Wind SW, rather stormy. John at the Port. Robert at school.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self doing nought.
Barbara here and James gone home. Maggie Love here. Snow
3 – Wind NW, very stormy, nothing doing. Mr. [?] buys Wms. cow
and ours. Afternoon cows leave for Port Perry.
4 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert at Greenbank. Self splitting wood.
5 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Robert,
Barbara and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
6 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at school. Self
at Greenbank voting for councilors. Afternoon John drawing
wood. Self splitting wood.
7 – Wind W, rather stormy. John gone to Whitby with Barbara and
Annie and to get oatmeal. Robert at school. Self choring.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at the Port. Self at school
meeting. Afternoon John at Port with wood. Robert in the woods.
Self choring.
9 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at school. John at the Port. Self
mending Maggie Loves boots. Afternoon John at Port. Self
choring. Self, John & Robert at prayer meeting.
10 – Wind N, fine day. John at the Port. Self choring. Robert at
the school. Afternoon John at the Port. Self splitting wood.
Robert at singing in the evening.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert in the woods. John at the
Port. Self fixing turnip slicer. Afternoon John at Port. Robert
doing nought. Self splitting wood. Robert at the Temperance
Meeting in the evening.
12 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
reading a pastoral address from the Assembly.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John at Port. Robert at school. Self
choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Self doing nought. Spree at
Mr. Akhursts. Robert and John at it.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at the school.
Self talking to Isaac Truax. Afternoon John at the Port. Mr. and
Mrs. Joyce, Wm. and Lizzie here visiting. Robert at Saintfield at
singing in the evening.
15 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert at
the school. Self at John Watsons. Margaret at the Port.
Afternoon John at the Port. Self choring.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at the school.
Self at George Boddies. Afternoon John drawing out wood. Self
choring. Self, John, Robert and Margaret at Mrs. Leasks at
prayer meeting.
17 – Wind SE, chilly damp day. John at the Port. Robert at
school. Self making whippletree. Afternoon John and Margaret
gone to the Port. Self choring. Maggie Love arrives. Robert at
Saintfield at singing.
18 – Wind N, fine day. John at the Port. Robert doing nought. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at the Port. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening at the Temperance Meeting.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Romans XIV:17,18.
20 – Wind N, fine day but very frosty. John gone to the Port with
wood. Robert at the school. Afternoon John at the Port. Self
doing nought. Robert at singing in the evening.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Self choring.
Robert at Saintfield at concert.
22 – Wind S, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at school. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Port. Self in the woods.
23 – Wind N, rather cold. John in the woods. Self in the woods.
Robert at school. Afternoon James Smith brings Annie home.
John drawing out wood. Self choring. All at prayer meeting at
Mrs. Leasks.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Afternoon John and Annie at the Port. Maggie Love
leaves for home. Self choring. Johns wood all drawed.
25 – Wind S and some like a thaw. Annie scrubbing. John doing
nought. Robert at driving shade with Wm. Self reading the
papers. Afternoon very high wind from the NW and very cold.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew XVI:26. What shall it profit a
man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall
a man give in exchange for his soul.
27 – Wind S and thawing. Robert at the school. John drawing
wood home. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John helping Wm. with
the shade. Self sawing wood. Robert & Annie at the singing in
the evening.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John at shade. Robert at the school. Self
making doubletree. Afternoon self choring.
29 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at the school.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at the shade. Self sawing
wood. Miss Jane Akhurst here visiting.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the shade. Robert at the school.
Self at Greenbank with Annie to scrub the Church. Afternoon self
fixing sleigh box. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the
prayer meeting in the evening at the Church.
31 – Wind N, rather stormy. John at the shade. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Afternoon self, Mother, John, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Jonah
FEB. 1 – Wind N, fine day. Self and John at the Port. Robert
choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self choring. Towards
night very cold.
2 – Wind N, very cold. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting, this being Communion Sabbath. Mr.
Achison preaching from John I:29.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port with his boots. Robt. at the
school. Self mending Wms. harness. Afternoon John drawing
wood. Self at harness. Self, John, Robert and Annie at
Temperance meeting in the evening.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John fanning
wheat. Afternoon John at the Port. Self splitting wood. Annie at
Mr. Purdys in the evening.
5 – Wind NE, snowing some. Robert at the school. Self and John
fanning wheat. Afternoon John at the Port. Mother at Wms. Self
6 – Wind NE, fine day. John in the woods. Self at Akhursts with
some bags. Afternoon snowing some. John in the woods. Self
choring. Miss Eva Perkins here. Self, John, Robt., Annie and Eva
Perkins at prayer meeting in the evening.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self splitting wood.
Robert at the school. Afternoon John in woods. Self drawing
wood. Annie at party at Mr. Ruddys.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Miss Boe and Miss Rennie here visiting. Mrs. Akhurst here
9 – Wind NW, very stormy. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from the first Psalm.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring. Robert
and Annie at singing in the evening.
11 – Wind S and thawing some. John in the woods. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Mrs. Walker
here visiting.
12 – Wind N, stormy day, nothing doing. Robert at the school.
Afternoon John drawing wood to Wm. Annie at Wms.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at the school. John doing
nought. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John and Annie at the Port.
Self mending Annies boots.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. John at the mill. A.
Michie and Mrs., Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Walker here. Afternoon
John gone with Annie to Mr. Bois. Mr. A. Gordon and James
Walker here.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self gone to
Saintfield with Annie on the way to Brock..
16 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother,
John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Mark XVI:15.
17 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the school. John at home.
Self and Mother at Alex. Michies, Brock, for seed wheat. Spree
here in the evening.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. John at the mill for
grist. Annie washing. Self doing nought. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self choring.
19 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the school. John at Ashburn
with a load of turnips for George Boddie. Annie and Mary Byers
collecting for the Bible Society. Self choring.
20 – Wind N, cold day. John drawing wood. Robert at the school.
Annie collecting. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Afternoon John at the Port with wood.
22 – Wind N, cold day, nothing doing. Afternoon John and Robert
in the woods. Self splitting wood. Robert at Division meeting in
the evening.
23 – Wind NW, stormy day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Isaiah XXIV:15.
24 – Wind N, some stormy. Robert at the school. John in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Mrs.
Boddie here visiting.
25 – Wind E and stormy. Robert at the school. John at Ashburn
with goods for George Boddie. Self choring. Afternoon very
stormy, nothing doing.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods, nothing doing.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Miss Mary Boe here visiting. Afternoon John
in the woods. Self splitting wood. Self, Mother, John, Robert and
Annie at the prayer meeting at the church.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring. Annie
gone to the Port with Mr. Akhurst. Afternoon John at blacksmiths
with sleigh to get shoes on.
MAR. 1 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John in the woods.
Robert doing nought. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
2 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Titus III:11,12.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the school. Annie washing. Self
doing nought. John at Wms. Afternoon nothing doing.
4 – Wind SW, some snow and thawing. Robert at the school. Self
and John doing nought. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at
Greenbank for sleigh.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Wms. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self splitting
wood. Annie at Mr. Lees visiting.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John at the Port with wood. Annie and
Robert at a spree at Mr. Leasks, Bouls Hill.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert drawing wood.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Thunder in the
afternoon, nothing doing. Robert at the Division meeting.
9 – Wind S, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. [Down?] preaching from St. John IV:3.
10 – Wind S, fine day, thunder through the night. John in the
woods. Robert at school. Afternoon nothing doing.
11 – Wind NW, fine day but cold, thunder at night. John gone to
Mr. Achisons wood bee. Robert at the school..
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John at John Leasks. Self doing nought.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John drawing
turnips to Wm. Self moving turnips in roothouse. Afternoon self
and John at the annual meeting at the Church.
14 – Wind NW. Robert at school. John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon self splitting wood.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert doing nought. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Robert at the Division meeting.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Luke XIII:6,7,8,9.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at the school. John and Annie at
Port Perry. Self doing nought. Afternoon self and John at Pat
Galts raising.
18 – Wind NW, showery day. Self and John at Pats raising.
Robert at the school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robert and Annie at Mr. Byers in the evening.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
20 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring. Robert
at the school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
21 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the school. John drawing
out wood. Self splitting wood. Afternoon self and John at meeting
in the Church to organize a Presbyterian Sunday School. 15 for it
and 9 against it.
22 – Wind S, fine day. John drawing out wood. Self splitting
wood. Robert at the school. Afternoon John drawing out wood.
Self splitting wood. Quilting bee here in the afternoon and a
small spree in the evening.
23 – Wind E, commenced to snow at 10 o’clock. John drawing
wood for Wm. Self splitting wood. Afternoon nothing doing, still
24 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Colossians II:4.
25 – Wind S and snowing. John drawing straw to Wm. Robert at
the school. Annie washing. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self
26 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the school. John drawing
wood for Wm. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John drawing
turnips to Wm. Self splitting wood. Annie at Wms. at a rag bee.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John
drawing out wood. Afternoon John at Robert Fairs for seed
barley. Self writing letter to Elizabeth Fowlie. Mother and Annie
28 – Wind S, dull day. Robert at the school. Nothing doing.
Afternoon self, John and Annie at the prayer meeting in the
church. After prayer meeting some wrangling about the Sunday
29 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port on foot. Robert at
school. Self sawing wood. Afternoon nothing doing.
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Romans VIII:22.
31 – Wind N, cold day. John gone to Whitby. Robert at the
school. Annie washing. Self at Greenbank getting buckle
mended. Afternoon nothing doing.
APR. 1 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at school. Self at Wms.
Afternoon self strolling round.
2 – Wind N, cold day. Robert at the school. Mother at Wms. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John arrives from Whitby. Annie gone to
visit at Mr. John Watsons. Self sawing wood. Self at Robert Fairs
in the evening appointing a P. Master.
3 – Wind N, stormy day. John at Wms. Robert at the school. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon nothing doing. Mrs. Lee and Mrs.
Akhurst here visiting.
4 – Wind N, rather stormy. John at Wms. Self sawing wood.
Robert at the school. Afternoon self sawing wood.
5 – Wind N, rather cold. John at Wms. Self sawing wood. Robert
doing nought. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank. Self sawing
wood. John doing nought.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Hebrews IV:1.
7 – Wind N, fine day, rather cold. John gone to Mr. Matthesons,
Whitby, for the summer. Robert gone with him to the Port. Self
sawing wood. Annie washing. Afternoon self and Robert killing a
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. Self sawing wood.
Afternoon self in the sugar bush. Afternoon self sawing wood.
Annie at Mr. Lees visiting. Robert at Lees in the evening.
9 – Wind S. Robert at the school. Self in the sugar bush.
Afternoon self splitting wood.
10 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Self splitting wood. Afternoon self at
wood. Robert leaves the school.
11 – Wind N, rather cold. Robert in the sugar bush. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon Robert in the bush. Self at wood.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Annie scrubbing. Robert at sugar bush.
Self making pump valve. Afternoon Robert in the bush. Self at
pump. Robert at Greenbank in the evening at the Division
13 – Wind S, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from 1st
John III:10.
14 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert in the sugar bush. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon Robert in the sugar bush. Self digging
snow in the road. Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Wm. Boddie here all
15 – Wind E, fine day. Robert in the sugar bush. Self at the mill
with a grist. Afternoon Robert in the sugar bush. Self sawing
wood. Mother at Thomas Fairs visiting.
16 – Wind N. fine day. Robert in the sugar bush. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon Robert in the sugar bush. Self splitting wood.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert in the sugar bush. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon self and Robert at the Church at the prayer
18 – Wind N, rather cold. Robert in the woods. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self at wood piling.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon Robert playing the fiddle. Annie scrubbing.
Mother at Wms., he having cut his leg. Self choring. Robert at
Division meeting at Greenbank in the evening.
20 – Wind NE, rather cold. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians VI:19,20.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung into
orchard. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung. Annie at Wms.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert laying up fences.
Afternoon Robert plowing in furrows. Self choring. Lizzie here.
23 – Wind W. Robert plowing. Self washing buggy. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self spreading dung in the orchard. Annie at
Greenbank sweeping out the Church.
24 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert plowing. Self letting off water.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self down at the creek. Mother visiting
at Mr. Robert Fairs.
25 – Wind W, dull day. Self sowing wheat. Annie carrying seed.
Robert harrowing. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self taking out
the roller. Rain at 5 o’clock.
26 - Wind N, dull damp day. Self and Robert fanning oats. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self gone for the papers.
Robert at the Division meeting in the evening.
27 – Wind S, rather dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Thessalonians V:19.
28 – Wind NW, rain in the morning. Self and Robert pruning apple
trees. Afternoon Robert in the sugar bush. Self pruning apple
trees. Mother visiting at James Walkers. George here in the
29 – Wind W, dull day. Robert planting apple trees. Self choring.
Annie washing. Afternoon Robert at the woods for the sugar
things. Self cleaning the door yard.
30 – Wind N, dull day. Nothing doing. Afternoon Robert harrowing
in the swamp. Self sowing oats in the swamp. Annie carrying
MAY 1 – Wind N, cold day. Robert harrowing in the swamp. Self
some sick, doing nought. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self
letting off water. Mother at Mr. R. Fairs visiting.
2 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert sawing rails in the swamp.
Afternoon self and Robert sawing logs in the swamp.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at Greenbank with eggs.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self in the garden. Annie scrubbing.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Isaiah XXVI:3.
5 – Wind W, showery day, nothing doing. Annie washing.
Afternoon self mending boots. Robert doing nought. Lizzie and
Mrs. Davidson here visiting. Frequent showers through the
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing in the orchard. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert digging in the orchard. Self at the Port with
7 – Wind N, cool day. Robert harrowing. Self and Annie sowing
oats and wheat. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self mixing grass
seeds. Annie at Thomas Fairs in the evening.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self letting off water.
Afternoon Robert sowing barley. Self choring. Mrs. Love here
from the Port. Self, Robert and Annie at the prayer meeting at
Mr. Watsons.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert sowing barley. Self fixing cellar
drain. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self sowing grass seeds.
Finishes sowing.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self making hoe handle.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Townsend from Sunderland preaching from 1st
Corinthians IX:16.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sick. Annie washing. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert sick. Self choring, Put out the cattle for
the first time.
13 – Wind SW, very drying day. Robert sick. Self in the swamp.
Afternoon self cutting potatoes. Mothers cow calfs. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank at Division meeting.
14 – Wind SW, thunder in the morning at 3 o’clock. Robert sick.
Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon self cutting potatoes. Great
shower to the north.
15 – Wind W, dull day and raining some. Robert still sick. Self at
the Port for turnip seed. Afternoon nothing doing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sick. Self pruning apple trees.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self pruning trees.
17 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Robert drawing out dung. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at dung. Miss Lena Boe
here visiting. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
18 – Wind S, warm day. Robert, Annie and Miss Boe at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Hosea
VIII:12. Robert and Annie at evening meeting at Methodist
Church. Mr. Young preaching.
19 – Wind W, warm day. Self, Robert and Annie and Albert
Akhurst planting potatoes. Afternoon self, Robert, Annie, & Albert
at potatoes and finished. Robert and Albert fishing. James Smith
and Barbara comes from Whitby.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Self doing nought. Robert gone to
Seagrave with Jas. Smith on his way to Eagle Lake. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self planting corn. Robert at
cricket in the evening.
21 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert rolling. Self planting corn.
Afternoon self and Robert planting trees. Mother and Barbara at
Mr. James Hornes visiting. Annie at Mr. Lees in the evening.
22 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert sore back. Self planting corn.
Afternoon Robert, Annie and Barbara gone to Uxbridge. Self in
the swamp.
23 – Wind SE, fine day. Self choring. Robert playing the fiddle.
Afternoon Robert at Mr. Lees raising. Self at Greenbank for
papers. Mother and Barbara at Mr. Robert Fairs visiting.
24 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Queen’s birthday. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert gone with Barbara to the Port.
Nothing doing.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Acts V:31.
26 – Wind N, cool day. Annie washing. Self and Robert drawing
dung. Afternoon self and Robert at dung.
27 – Wind S, looking like rain, frost through the night. Self and
Robert at dung. Afternoon raining some. Self and Robert at
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self fencing. Annie gone to Mrs. Davidsons.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Annie arrives from Mrs. Davidsons. Afternoon Robert and Annie
at the Port. Self burning stones. Self, Robert and Annie at prayer
meeting at Greenbank.
30 – Wind W, fine day but very high wind and very dusty. Robert
plowing. Self spreading dung. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert gone to Greenbank to move the hall back.
Annie scrubbing. Self choring.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Luke XXII:19.
2 – Wind N, rather cloudy day. Robert plowing. Self spreading
dung. Annie washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
Annie at Greenbank in the evening for dress.
3 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Annie
gone to Dan Boes wedding. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
4 – Wind SW, rather dull. Robert at Wms. dung drawing. Self
making hoe handle. Afternoon Robert at James Moons raising.
Self mending chair. Annie at Mr. Moons in the evening at spree.
5 – Wind N, fine day, nothing doing. Much rain through the night.
Self at Greenbank voting for Paxton. Annie washing. Afternoon
Robert and horses at Wms. drawing dung. Self cutting thistles.
Paxton, majority 198.
6 – Wind W, heavy rain, nothing doing. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Townsend preaching from
Matthew XXII:11,12,13.
7 – Wind N, cold day. Robert at Wms. drawing dung. Self choring.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at Thos. Phairs
raising. Annie at Thos. Phairs. Robert at Division meeting.
8 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert, Mother and Annie at Brock at
the Sacrament. Robert and Annie at meeting at Greenbank in the
9 – Wind S, dull day and thundering. Robert at Wms. dung. Self
making beetle. Afternoon Robert plowing for Wm. Self cutting
10 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing for Wm. Self cutting
thistles. Annie washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self picking
bugs. Mrs. Walker here visiting.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing at Wms. Self hoeing
corn. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self picking bugs.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Port for some shingles to the
shade at Church. Self picking bugs. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank getting horses shoed. Self at bugs.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at road work.
Afternoon self, Robert and horses at road. 4 days work.
14 – Wind W, rather dull. Robert and Annie at the Port. Self at
bugs. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Annie scrubbing. Self at
bugs. Rain at night.
15 – Wind Easterly, rain through the forenoon. Self, Mother,
Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Townsend
preaching from Psalms XXIX:15.
16 – Wind N, rather cool. Robert plowing. Self picking bugs.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self picking bugs. Annie at Anniversary
at Salem Church.
17 – Wind N, cool day. Robert drilling. Self splitting rails. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert drilling. Self at bugs. Began to sow
18 – Wind N, fine day. Robert drilling. Self in swamp. Afternoon
Robert drilling. Self in swamp.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drilling. Self in the swamp.
Afternoon Robert drilling. Self at bugs.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sowing turnips. Self at bull with
cow. Afternoon Robert and horses at Wms. Self at Greenbank
for papers.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert hoeing corn. Self and Mother at
Jas. Smiths, Whitby, and brings home Margaret. George Boddie
Jun. here all night.
22 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert, Annie and George Boddie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Dobson preaching from Psalms I:3.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self hoeing
potatoes. Annie at Greenbank. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self hoeing potatoes.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self hoeing potatoes.
25 – Wind W, warm day. Self hoeing potatoes. Robert at Wms.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self mowing.
26 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert at Wms. Self at Port Perry. Mrs.
White and Emma Perkins here visiting. Afternoon Robert at mill
with grist. Self mowing. Self, Robert and Annie at prayer meeting
at Mr. Watsons.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at a bee at the Church.
28 – Wind N, some showers. Robert at mill. Annie at Greenbank.
Self and Robert at bee at Church.
29 – Wind N, fine day. Self at Primitive Meeting. Mr. Reuben
Stillwell preaching from Matthew XIII:3. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Isaiah LV:6,7.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Mother at Whitby. Robert picking
bugs. Robert at Greenbank in the evening to see the
Presbyterian S. School organized.
JULY 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Port. Self hoeing corn.
Afternoon Robert and Annie at the Anniversary. Self hoeing corn.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Port with hay. Self mowing in
the orchard. Afternoon self mowing. Annie at induction of Rev.
Mr. Crozier at Port Perry in the evening.
3 – Wind W, dull day. Robert scuffling potatoes. Self mowing.
Afternoon Robert at R. Fairs. Self mowing. Self, Mother and
Annie at the prayer meeting at Church.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Self mowing. Robert at Mr. Phairs.
Afternoon self furring27
up potatoes. Robert comes home from R.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert furring potatoes. Self mowing fence
corners. Robert Phair here mowing. Afternoon self and Robert
cocking hay in the orchard. Robert at Greenbank in the evening
at Lodge meeting.
6 – Wind W, shower in the forenoon. Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Stewart Achison preaching from Luke XIX:42.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips.
8 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon self,
Mother and Robert and Annie at hay. Robert and Annie at
Greenbank in the evening at annual meeting of the Union
9 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and Mother drawing in hay.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at hay. Drew in 6
loads. Rain at 4 o’clock.
10 – Wind W, fine forenoon. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Robert at Mrs. Leasks at prayer
11 – Wind W. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Rain in the
12 –Wind SW, warm day. Self and Robert at turnips. Annie at
Sunderland with the Orangemen. Afternoon self and Robert at
13 – Wind W, warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Carmen preaching from John III:16.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Mother at
potatoe bugs. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at hay.
Drew 5 loads in barn and 2 in stack.
‘Furring’ is another term for ‘hilling’ up potatoes.
15 – Wind W, warm day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at hay.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at hay. Drew 4 loads in
stack and 2 in barn. Rain in the afternoon. Mother visiting at Mr.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. Self making ladder. Robert painting.
Afternoon self in barn. Robert painting.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Self fixing fences in the swamp. Robert
choring. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at [Grange?] picnic at
Port Perry.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Robert painting. Self fixing in barn.
Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers. Robert gone to Port
Perry with Margaret.
19 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at Wms. drawing in hay. Self
cutting thistles. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self at thistles.
Margaret arrives from Whitby. Robert at Greenbank in the
20 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Stewart Achison preaching from 2nd
Corinthians IV:10.
21- Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips, second
time. Afternoon self hoeing. Robert scuffling.
22 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert scuffling. Self hoeing. Afternoon
Robert scuffling. Self hoeing. Rain at 5 o’clock.
23 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert at turnips and finishes the second time. Mother
at potatoe bugs.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert choring. Self in the swamp.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. drawing hay. Self at Greenbank.
Mother at bugs.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Port Perry for pickets to fence
the Church ground. Self choring. Afternoon self and Robert
logging in the swamp.
26 – Wind SE, dull day. Robert at Wms. drawing hay. Self fixing
barley fork. Afternoon self and Robert logging. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Stewart Achison preaching from Matthew XIII:18. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank in the evening.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert mowing barley.
Margaret washing. Annie picking berries. Afternoon self and
Robert at barley. Rain at night.
29 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert fixing barn. Afternoon self
and Robert logging in the swamp. George here in the evening.
30 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert cutting barley. Annie at
the Port. Afternoon self and Robert at barley. Drew in 3 loads.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at barley. Afternoon self,
Robert and Wm. at barley. Robert and Annie at the prayer
AUG. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Wm. at barley.
Afternoon self, Robert and Wm. drew in 6 loads.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at barley, finishes cutting.
Afternoon self and Robert choring round. Robert at Greenbank in
the evening.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at Meeting. John Leask preaching.
4 – Wind S, rather dull. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie drawing in
barley. Afternoon all at barley and finishes.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert for load of sand to Church. Self
choring. Afternoon self picking bugs. Robert cradling oats.
6 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at Port Perry. Self in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert cutting oats and pease. Self pulling
weeds among the potatoes.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Robert and self at wheat. Afternoon
Wm., self and Robert at wheat.
8 – Wind N, rather cool. Robert cradling oats. Self mowing.
Afternoon Robert mowing pease and oats. Self at the P.O. for
9 - Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Afternoon
self and Robert at wheat. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Dunn preaching from John XV:14.
11 – Wind W, fine day, some rain through the night. Self & Robert
at wheat. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert at wheat. Afternoon self
and Robert at wheat.
13 – Wind SW, dull day. Self and Robert at wheat. Afternoon self
and Robert at wheat. Rain at 4 o’clock. Robert and Annie goes to
14 – Wind NW, dull day. Self [?] shocks and choring. Robert and
Annie arrives from Whitby. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
15 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert cutting pease and
oats. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drawing in wheat. Annie
at Greenbank after supper for papers.
16 – Wind E, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert
whitewashing. Self at mill with grist. Robert at Greenbank in the
17 – Wind N, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Hebrews XII:14.
18- Wind NE, fine day. Annie washing. Self and Robert cutting
oats. Afternoon self and Robert at oats.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert cutting oats. Afternoon
self, Robert, Mother and Annie drawing in wheat.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother and Annie drawing in pease
and oats. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert raking. Self at wheat. Afternoon
self and Robert at wheat. Annie at G. Buels.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at mill for grist. Self at wheat.
Afternoon self and Robert cutting oats and pease and finishes
cutting for 1879.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Port for boots. Self choring.
Afternoon self and Robert binding oats. Robert at Greenbank at
Division meeting in the evening.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Luke XVIII:9,10,11,12,13.14.
25 – Wind NE, fine day. Self and Robert at oats raking. Afternoon
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie drawing in oats.
26 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Afternoon
self, Mother, Robert and Annie drawing in oats. Robert & Annie
at the camp meeting at Uxbridge.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and horses at Mr. [?] threshing.
Self choring. Afternoon Robert at threshing till 5 o’clock. Drew in
3 loads of wheat. George here in the evening.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drew in one load
of rakings which finishes harvest. Afternoon self fencing. Robert
plowing. Thunder and rain in the afternoon.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring. Annie at Miss Williamsons quilting
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at blacksmiths.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert at the Division
meeting. Annie at the Port on foot.
31 – Wind S, very warm day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Leviticus XXV:10 on the jubilee.
SEPT. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
2 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the granary.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Mrs. Thos. Phair here.
Annie at Mr. Lees.
3 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Robert plowing. Self fixing cellar.
Rain at noon. Afternoon nothing doing.
4 – Wind high from the NW. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
5 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Mr. Akhursts
threshing all day.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the cistern
pump. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Nehemiah IX:17.
8 – Wind N, showery day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self at James Walkers threshing.
9 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at Mr. Lees threshing. Self choring.
Afternoon self choring.
10 – Wind N. Robert at Mr. Lees threshing. Self fixing for
threshing. Afternoon threshing. Luther Williams and horses, Mr.
Lee and horses.
11 – Wind S, fine day, threshing finished at noon. Afternoon self
fixing round barn. Robert plowing. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at the prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at sideline. Self mending boots.
Afternoon self choring. Robert at the sideline.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the sideline. Self choring.
Afternoon self choring. Rain at night.
14 – Wind NE, rainy day. None at Sunday School. None at
15 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self making waggon
. Afternoon self at blacksmiths. Robert plowing. Wm.
working at waggon.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert gone to Port with George and
Annie to the Industrial Exhibition at Toronto. Self fixing waggon.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self burning log heaps in the swamp.
Rain through the night.
17 – Wind NW, showery day. Robert gone to the Exhibition. Self
at fires. Afternoon self drawing sand for cellar. Miss Lizzie Michie
and Miss Agnes Hadden here visiting.
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Self at fires in the swamp. Afternoon self
fixing cellar. Mother at Wms. quilting.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Self at fires. Afternoon self at fires.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Self at fires. Robert gets horses at noon.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at fires. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
21 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Genesis XVII:1. “I am the Almighty God”.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert & horses at the sideline. Self at
fires in the swamp. Afternoon self at fires.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Robert Phairs
threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at threshing.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at R. Phairs
threshing till 10 o’clock. Afternoon self, Robert and horses at
Wms. threshing.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Wms. helping to fix
his straw stack. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self at fires.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self at fires.
‘Hound’ is the end of an axle that the wheel fits onto,
usually made of metal.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Port. Self at Mr. McTaggarts,
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
& Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott from Cambray
preaching from Jeremiah XI:16.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert moving fence. Afternoon
self and Robert at fences. George here in the evening.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Greenbank with buggy tongue
to mend. Self choring. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self choring.
OCT. 1 - Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing out dung.
Afternoon self and Robert at dung.
2– Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing door. Margarets son
Stewart born. [out of wedlock].
3 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking potatoes.
Afternoon self at potatoes. Robert plowing. Margaret confined.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Wm. at
potatoes. Afternoon self and Wm. at potatoes. Robert plowing.
Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
5 – Wind W, warm day. Robert at Sunday School. Self and
Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Romans III:21,22,23.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self taking in apples.
Afternoon self and Robert fanning barley.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon self
and Robert at the Port with 30 bushels barley. Got 52 cents per
8 – Wind S, fine day. Self at Greenbank in the morning for Doctor
to Margaret. Robert gone to Whitby for Annie. Afternoon self
taking in apples.
9 – Wind S, dull foggy day. Robert plowing. Self threshing barley.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at barley. Self & Robert at prayer
meeting at Mr. Watsons.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert fanning barley.
Afternoon self at Mr. Williams threshing. Robert at the Port with
38 bushels barley to Mr. Curie at 52 cents.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at A. Williams threshing. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert comes home at half past four. Self
choring. Robert at Division in the evening.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Malachi III:8.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at potatoes.
Afternoon self, Robert and Wm. at potatoes. Drew in 3 little
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert drawing in potatoes. Self at the
Port. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert moving fence in the
swamp. Afternoon self and Robert logging in the swamp.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon
Robert at Port with wheat. Self spreading dung.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert plowing in the swamp.
Afternoon self and Robert in the swamp.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert plowing in the swamp.
Afternoon self and Robert at Mr. Andersons sale of wood. Robert
at Greenbank at Division meeting.
19 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew VIII:12.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Wm. pumping
the well. Afternoon self at Greenbank. Robert plowing.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at well.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at well. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self fixing pump.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing potatoe ground. Self and
Annie picking potatoes. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie topping
24 – Wind N, cold day. Robert harrowing turnips. Self rowing
them. Afternoon Robert, Wm. and Annie drawing in turnips. Drew
18 loads. Self rowing.
25 – Wind W, fine day, hard frost through the night. Self and
Robert taking in apples. Afternoon self, Wm., Robert and Annie
at turnips, drew in 13 loads.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Matthew
27 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
self, Robert, Annie, and Wm. at turnips, drew in 13 loads.
28 – Wind N, rough day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips. Robert and Annie at Utica at Open
Division in the evening.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert, Annie at turnips. Drew in 23 loads.
30 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips.
Afternoon self rowing turnips. Robert harrowing them up.
31 – Wind NW, snow through the night, nothing doing. Afternoon
nothing doing. Self and Robert at John Watsons sale. Mr.
McTaggart and Robert Burton here in the evening.
NOV. 1 – Wind W, more snow through the night. Nothing doing.
Afternoon nought doing. Got 2 pigs from Mr. Robert Phair.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
2 – Wind SW and snowing some. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Luke XIII:24.
3 – Wind N, snowing and very stormy. Robert paring apples. Self
doing nought. Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing.
4 – Wind W, fine day, snow deep, nothing doing. Margaret
washing. Afternoon nothing doing.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Robert pairing apples. Afternoon nothing
6 – Wind Easterly, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Psalms LXVIII:19. Fast day.
7 – Wind S, fine day, snow melting, nothing doing. Self at Thos.
Phairs. Afternoon nothing doing. Mother at Thos. Phairs all night.
Mrs. Phair sick.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert rowing turnips. Afternoon
self, Robert, Mr. Lee and Alex. Lee at turnips, drew 24 loads.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self at Thos. Phairs and Chancey Aslings,
he being sick. Self, Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Wms. turnips.
Afternoon Robert at the Port. Self, Mother and horses at Wms.
11 – Wind S, much rain through night. Self and Robert rowing
turnips. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
12 – Wind SE, dull day. Self, Robert and Mother at turnips, drew
in 14 loads in pit and 1 in cellar. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
Robert at Emma Perkins wedding.
13 – Wind SE, dull day. Self and Robert at turnip, drew 6 loads in
pit and one to Mellison Ross, which finishes turnips. In all 112
14 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self visiting the sick – that
is George Byers, Chancey Asling, Mrs. Thos. Fair. Afternoon self
raking mud. Robert plowing. Rain mostly all afternoon and some
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self raking mud.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self working among turnips in the
cellar. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Robert
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Romans X:1.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self ditching. Self at Thos.
Fairs in the evening.
18 – Wind NE, cold day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
self ditching. Robert plowing.
19 – Wind SW, fine day, ground frozen, nothing doing. Self at
Chancey Aslings. Afternoon snowing some, nothing doing, looks
like winter.
20 – Wind NW, very stormy day, nothing doing. Self at Thos.
Phairs. Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing.
21- Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon snowing some.
Nothing doing. Mrs. Thos. Phair died. Mrs. Thos. Phair died,
aged 37 years, 10 mos., 7 days.
22 – Wind SW, snowing some. Robert choring. Self at
Manchester getting Margarets boy registered. Afternoon nothing
doing. John Michie, Burnside, Tillery, died 21st
Nov. 1869.
23 – Wind NW, stormy day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at Mrs. Phairs funeral. Mr. Achison
preaching from 2 Corinthians V:1.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
26 – Wind Easterly, dull day, nothing doing. Self and Robert
fanning grist and chop for the mill. Afternoon nothing doing,
looking like a thaw.
27 – Wind S, dull day and thawing. Self and Robert fanning grist
for Wm. Afternoon Robert at mill with grist. Self choring.
28 – Wind S and raining some, nothing doing. Afternoon self
ditching some. Robert doing nought.
29 – Wind NW, stormy day. Self fixing turnip pit. Robert doing
nought. Afternoon stormy, nothing doing. Margaret comes home.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Deuteronomy XXXII:4.
DEC. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the mill for grist. Self
choring. Afternoon nought doing.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Nothing but choring. Afternoon nothing
doing, snowing some.
3 – Wind NE and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon still snowing,
nothing doing.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self choring. Robert doing nought.
Afternoon Robert at bee on the 10th
concession. Self and Robert
at prayer meeting in the evening.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert choring. Self and Annie at Port
Perry. Afternoon commences to thaw.
6 – Wind S and raining, nought doing. Afternoon still raining,
nought doing.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Dr. Bingham
at Annie. Self and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 2nd
Corinthians XIII:14, the love of God.
Chancey Asling died.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Mother at Wms. Robert at Thos. Phairs
for Margaret. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Robert at Greenbank in the evening at Lodge meeting
about Mr. Aslings funeral. Wms. son born. [Thomas Victor
9 – Wind SE, rather cold. Robert in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon self and Robert at Chancey Aslings funeral. Mr. Young
preaching from Psalms XXXIX:13.
10 – Wind S, rainy day, nothing doing. Margaret at Wms.
Afternoon nothing doing.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self choring. John comes home.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in the woods. John at the Port for
his box. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Mr.
Achison here.
13 – Wind W, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John going round. Robert in the woods.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
14 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John
and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. John Leask and myself
15 – Wind SW and snowing some. John and Robert in the woods.
Margaret washing. Afternoon nothing doing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self choring.
17 – Wind W, rather cold. John in the woods. Robert at Mr.
Williams clover threshing. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
18 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John and Robert killing pigs. George
Boddie and Mr. Achison here. Self, John and Robert at the
prayer meeting.
19 – Wind N, rather cold. John at James Walkers sawing
machine. Robert in the woods. Self cutting up the pigs. Afternoon
Robert in the woods. Self choring.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
salting meat. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening. Mary Boe here.
21 – Wind NE, very cold. Robert at the Sunday School. John,
Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Isaiah IX:6.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self choring.
23 – Wind SW, looking like a thaw. John and Robert in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Misses Mary Lee, Mary Byers and
Helen Byers and David Byers here at night.
24 – Wind S, dull day and raining some. John at the Port. Self
and Robert choring. Mother, Margaret and Annie busy baking for
entertainment. Afternoon John and Robert at a bee at the Church
making ready for the entertainment tomorrow.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Christmas, nothing doing. Afternoon self,
Mother, John, Robert, James Smith and Barbara at
entertainment at Church. Professor McLaren lectured in the
evening on man and his dwelling place. Proceeds 130 dollars.
26 – Wind W, rather cold, nothing doing. Self and Annie at
Greenbank. Afternoon James Smith and Barbara goes home.
John and Robert in the woods.
27 – Wind SW and stormy. John at Thos. Phairs threshing.
George Boddie here, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Ecclesiastes III:15.
29 – Wind SW, fine day and thawing some. John at Thos. Phairs
threshing. Robert in the woods. Margaret washing. Self choring.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self choring.
30 – Wind NW, cold day. John at Robert Phairs. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at social in the Presbyterian
Church in the evening.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Robert Phairs. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Robert and
Annie at a spree at Mr. Lees in the evening.
And so ends the year 1879.
JAN. 1 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert at the entertainment of the Methodists of Greenbank.
2 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at sawing machine. Self
choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
3 – Wind SE, dull day. John at sawing machine for Mr. Warren.
Robert in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the
woods. Robert at Division meeting. Rain at night.
4 – Wind W and thawing fast. Robert at the Sunday School. John
at Presbyterian Meeting.
5 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank voting for councilors. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank
voting. John in the woods. Self choring.
6 – Wind S, damp day. John at John Hornes sawing. Robert in
the woods. Self at Greenbank getting horses shoed. Afternoon
Robert in the woods.
7 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John & Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John & Robert in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon John & Robert in the woods. Self, John, Robert and
Annie at the prayer meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind Easterly, soft day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert and Margaret at
the Port. Self at Greenbank for the papers. Robert and Annie at
Mr. Watsons at spree.
10 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening at Division meeting.
11 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from John XXI:17.
12 – Wind N, cold day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self choring.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Margaret washing. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
fixing cradle. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert and Annie at
the Port at races. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the
prayer meeting in the evening. Mother stops all night at Mr.
16 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank for the papers.
17 – Wind SW and raining some. John and Robert in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
18 – Wind W, dull day. Self, John, Margaret and Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Luke
XXII:19, last clause.
19 – Wind NE, dull day. Robert in the woods. John on sick list.
Self choring. Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert in the woods.
20 –Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Annie at Thos.
Phairs visiting.
21 – Wind SW, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert and Annie
gone to Whitby.
22 – Wind S and raining some. John in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon John at Wms. Self making axe handles.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon
John at Wms. Robert arrives from Whitby.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert drawing wood. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Robert at Wms. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
25 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother,
John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from John XV:17.
26 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self sawing
wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon self sawing wood.
27 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Margaret at Wms.
28 – Wind NW, rather cold. John and Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Mother at Mr. Lees.
Mssrs. John and Levi Stone here looking for cattle.
29 –Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
30 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self choring.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Cockburn preaching from Psalms CXXXIX.
31 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self and
Margaret at Port Perry. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
FEB. 1 – Wind NW, cold day and very high wind. Self, John,
Robert and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Sacrament
Sunday. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians VI:19,20.
2 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. John & Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John & Robert in the woods. Mrs. Walker &
Miss Mary Gordon here visiting.
3 – Wind E, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
5 – Wind SW, cold day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
drawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
drawing wood. Mother at Wms.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
drawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
7 – Wind NW, stormy day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
cleaning grist. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Robert
at the Division meeting in the evening.
8 – Wind SW, cold day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother,
John, Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Exodus II:2.
9 –Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self at the
mill with grist. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
10 – Wind N, cold day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
turning turnips. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
turnips. Self, John, Robert and Margaret at Greenbank in the
11 – Wind S, fine day. John at Wms. Robert drawing wood. Self
at turnips. Afternoon Robert at the mill for grist. Self at turnips.
Robert at George Buels in the evening.
12 – Wind SW, rain through the night. John at Wms. Robert
drawing wood. Self choring. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert at
Greenbank getting horses shoed.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self choring.
Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self at Greenbank for
14 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert at Wms. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
15 – Wind SW, snowing some. Robert at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Crozier preaching from Luke X:4. Mr. and Mrs. Watson here in
the evening.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Mara. Self and Robert
fanning barley. Afternoon self and Robert at barley.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert choring. Afternoon self,
Robert and Margaret at the Missionary meeting at Church. Mr.
Crozier, Mr. Smyth and Mr. Achison present.
18 – Wind W, rainy morning, nothing doing. Afternoon self,
Robert and Margaret at Port Perry. Wind N, very stormy. Horse
races at the Port.
19 – Wind NW, very stormy day, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing
doing. Still stormy.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert at the Port to get his likeness took. Self at
Greenbank for papers. John arrives from Mara.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert at wood. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from John XXI:15. Robert at evening meeting
at Greenbank.
23 – Wind NW, rough day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Greenbank with steers to
Mr. Marquis’s. Self choring.
24 – Wind S, cold damp day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
at John Watsons and James Walkers. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self at Robert Phairs. John and Robert at a
coffee social at Greenbank. Margaret at John Watsons.
25 - Wind S, some rainy. John at Wms. Robert doing nought.
Self choring. Mother at Wm. Ross’s, his wife sick. Margaret at
Mr. Watsons. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Jas. Millers house. Robert at
Port Perry moving John Watson. Self choring. Annie comes
27 – Wind SW, very fine day. John and Robert drawing some old
stuff from John Watsons. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert doing
nought. Self choring.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
29 – Wind W, cold day. Robert at Sunday School. Robert at
English Church. John and Margaret at the Presbyterian Church.
John Leask preaching. Mr. Achison sick.
MAR. 1 – Wind N, cold day. John at the Port. Robert in the
woods. Margaret at Greenbank. Self choring. Afternoon Robert
in the woods.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing in turnips. John
McLaren died.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing in turnips.
Annie collecting for Bible Society. Afternoon John and Robert in
the woods.
4 – Wind S, dull day. John at Wms. Robert doing nought. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert dunging out the
henhouse. John, Robert and Annie at the prayer meeting.
5 – Wind SW, rather soft. John at Wms. Self and Robert at home.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. Robert and self at home.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self splitting
wood. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John,
Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Matthew XIII:33. Robert at Greenbank at the
evening meeting of the Methodist Church.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Sandford. Robert at Wms.
Self choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self sawing wood.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert sawing wood. Afternoon
Robert and Annie at the Port. Self choring. Robert and Annie at
spree at Mr. Lees.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Self sawing wood. Robert choring.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert drawing posts for graveyard. Jane Atkins here
visiting. Annie gone to Edward Bois.
12 – Wind N, very cold, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing doing.
Margaret at Mr. Wm. Ross’s. Annie arrives from Mr. Bois. Mrs.
McLaren died.
13 – Wind SE, fine day. John doing nought. Robert drawing straw
to Wm. Self choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Robert at
Wms. Self choring. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
14 – Wind W, snowing some. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Matthew
15 – Wind S, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie gone to
Mrs. McLarens funeral to Uxbridge. Self choring.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert drawing wood.
17 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert drawing dung.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing dung. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon self, John, Robert and Annie at the
annual Church meeting and prayer meeting.
19 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Annie
sweeping the Church. Small spree in the evening.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Mother at
Wms. Afternoon stormy, nothing doing. Robert not at Division.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Church. Mr.
Achison preaching from Galatians III:24.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing in turnips to
Wm. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
23 – Wind S. Robert in the woods. John away from home. Annie
at the Port. Margaret at Greenbank. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood. Robert at Division
24 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert gone to young Brandons funeral, nothing doing.
25 – Wind NE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self threshing
timothy seed. Annie on the sick list.
26 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
cleaning timothy seed. Mother spinning. Afternoon John in the
woods. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
27 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John sick. Robert at the Port. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon rather stormy, nothing doing. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind NE, rather cold. Nobody at the Sunday School. Self,
Robert, Margaret & Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Acts IX:10,11.
29 – Wind N, fine day. John in the woods. Robert in the woods.
Self at the Port.
30 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port. Self and Robert drawing
dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John doing nought. Self and Robert
drawing dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
APR. 1 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to George Buels. Self and
Robert drawing dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing rails. Afternoons
self and Robert drawing in a hay stack. Rain at 4 o’clock.
3 – Wind S, rain through the night. Robert at a bee to fence the
graveyard. Self choring.
4 - Wind W, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Annie at Mr.
Williams. Self at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Philippians II:12,13.
5 – Wind NW, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon self splitting wood. Margaret washing. Annie at Mr.
Lees quilting.
6 – Wind N, cold day. Self splitting wood. Robert doing nought.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood. Mrs. Lee here
7 – Wind N, cold day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon self splitting wood.
8 – Wind NW, rather cold. Robert at Wms. drawing turnips. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon self at wood. Self, Robert and Annie at
prayer meeting in the evening at Mr. Ross’s.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at graveyard boring posts. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon self cleaning the door yard.
10 –Wind E, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Port. Self choring.
Afternoon nothing doing, very stormy and snowing.
11 – Wind N, stormy day. Noone at School. Snow drifting. Robert,
Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
12 – Wind W, fine day, snow melting. Self mending boots. Robert
at Wms. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at Greenbank.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self turning turnips. Robert choring.
Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at James Walkers raising.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert gathering stones.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing a pail. Jane Williams here
all night. Organ put in Church.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing cistern pump.
Annie gone to Mrs. Davidsons visiting. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self fixing pump. David Urquhart here selling reapers. Bought
No. 3B Kirby.
16 – Wind E, looking like rain. Robert plowing. Self fixing pump.
Afternoon raining, nothing doing. John here in the evening.
17 – Wind N, rough cold day. Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
Annie arrives from Mrs. Davidsons. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self letting off water. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
18 – Wind W, looking like rain. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from John I:42.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self and Annie fanning grist. Margaret washing.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port with grist.
Self choring. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fencing. Margaret at
Greenbank with her dress.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at John Reals after
seed wheat. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fencing. Mother
visiting at Mr. Ackhursts.
23 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self turning
potatoes. Miss Pamela Burton and Miss Agnes Asling here
visiting. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fencing. Margaret gone
to Mr. McTaggarts, Whitby.
24 – Wind E, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing cistern pump.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
25 – Wind SE, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Rain after
dinner. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing at Wms. Self digging
garden. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at garden. Thunder
shower in the afternoon. Planted some potatoes in garden.
27 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Self digging garden.
Afternoon self and Robert at Manchester for reaper.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring. Margaret
and Annie cleaning up. Afternoon Robert drawing turnips for
Wm. Self pruning apple trees. Luther Williams here sowing
wheat. Robert at the prayer meeting at Wm. McWilliams.
29 –Wind S, very dull day. Robert harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon rain, nought doing. Miss Margaret Matthews here
30 – Wind N, very cold. Robert rolling. Self choring. Afternoon
nothing doing. Wm. Ledingham here insuring property – 1000
dollars insurance for 9 dollars.
MAY 1 – Wind W, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self at Greenbank for
papers. Afternoon Robert sowing oats. Self sowing pease and
oats. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
2 – Wind S, fine day, rain through the night. Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Luke XIII:3.
Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self digging garden.
Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self in garden. Mother at Mr.
Burtons visiting.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert rolling. Self digging garden. Mother
planting onions. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self pruning apple
trees. Mrs. Burton here visiting.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port with barley.
Self fencing. Afternoon self fencing. Robert sowing barley. Self,
Robert and Annie at prayer meeting at the Church.
6 – Wind N, cold day. Robert sowing barley. Self in garden.
Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self pruning apple trees.
7 – Wind S, rain through the night. Self and Robert at the woods
for maple trees. Afternoon more rain. Robert planting maple
trees. Self at Greenbank for papers.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert choring. Self pruning trees.
Afternoon Robert sowing wheat in the swamp. Self pruning trees.
Robert at Division meeting in evening.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew 19:21.
10 – Wind SW, heavy rain at 6 o’clock, nothing doing. Rain
through the forenoon. Afternoon showery, not much doing.
Robert & Annie at Sunday School meeting in the evening.
Posted letter to R. Michie, Utah.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert oiling harness. Afternoon
self and Robert at harness. Mother at Wms.
12 – Wind NW, very high wind. Robert harrowing. Self sowing
oats. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self shoveling dung. Mrs. Daniel
Boe here visiting. Self, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the prayer
meeting. Finished seeding.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self repairing
fences. Afternoon self at fences.
14 – Wind N, cold day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self at fences.
Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert fanning oats. Afternoon
Robert cutting potatoes. Self and Margaret at the Port with oats.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
16 – Wind NW, very droughty day. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert and Margaret at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Luke XVI:19
to end.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Margaret
washing. Afternoon self and Robert cutting potatoes. Robert and
Annie at meeting of Union School in the evening.
18 – Wind W, fine day, some rain in the morning. Self, Robert,
Margaret and Annie planting potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert
planting corn.
19 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Robert planting corn. Margaret
and Annie washing blankets. Afternoon showery. Self, Robert,
Margaret and Annie at Mrs. Rooks funeral.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at Port Perry. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert and Annie gone to Brock. Self fixing
gate. Thunder and rain through the afternoon. Annie gone to
21 – Wind N, dull damp day. Robert and horses at Wms. plowing.
Self fixing water trough in the swamp. Afternoon self at
Greenbank for papers. Margaret at Mr. Lees. Mother at Wms.
Rain in the evening.
22 – Wind SE, rainy morning, nothing doing. Self cleaning stove
pipes. Afternoon wind W, nothing doing. Robert at the Division
meeting in the evening.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Annie
Perkins here to dinner. Self, Mother and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Proverbs
XII:17 for the young.
24 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Queen’s birthday. Afternoon
self and Robert at Presbyterian Sunday School anniversary.
Annie arrives from Kirkfield. Margaret at concert in the evening.
25 – Wind SW, warm day. Anne gone to Mr. [Gullies?].
Greenbank. Self and Robert drawing out dung. Afternoons self
and Robert drawing dung. Margaret washing.
26 – Wind SW, hot day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Afternoon
self and Robert drawing dung. Robert at the social in the
Presbyterian Church in the evening.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Mother at James Smiths,
Whitby. Robert choring. Barbara and her 2 children comes home
with us. Arrives at 9 o’clock pm.
[There is no entry in the diary for May 28].
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing out dung.
Afternoon self and Robert at dung. Robert at Division meeting in
the evening.
30 – Wind SE, rainy morning. Self, Robert and Barbara at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians XVI:22.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing stones.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung. Mother and
Barbara visiting at Mr. Akhursts and Mr. Walkers.
JUNE 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading
dung. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Port with grist. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon self hoeing corn. Self, Robert &
Margaret at prayer meeting in the Church.
3- Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at blacksmiths.
Afternoon Robert at the Port for grist. Self hoeing corn. James
Smith and Barbara leaves for home.
4 – Wind S, rather dull day. Robert plowing. Self hoeing corn.
Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McKay preaching from Romans II:28 and James II:14.
5 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self cutting thistles.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon raining some, nothing doing.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Brock
at Sacrament. Mr. McKay preaching from Romans VIII:38,39.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon self
and Robert fencing.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Mother at the Michies, Scott.
9 – Wind E, fine day. Self and Mother at Mr. Fosters, Scott.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self at Port Perry.
Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self fencing.
11 – Wind W, warm day. Self and Robert fencing. Afternoon self
picking bugs. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Rain at 10
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert killing calf. Afternoon self
and Robert picking bugs.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from 1st
Peter I:15.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at anniversary at Mrs. Shaws. Self
fencing. Afternoon self at sideline to see jobs let.
15 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert scuffling potatoes. Self
hoeing. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing potatoes. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening at school meeting.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing to Wm. Self at Mr. Leasks.
Mr. Wm. McMillans, Mr. Ross and Mr. Geo. Buels asking for the
Church to hold the Union S.S. Anniversary in. Afternoon self
hoeing potatoes.
17 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self
picking bugs. Afternoon self picking bugs. Annie comes home.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at Port Perry.
Self hoeing corn. Afternoon self hoeing corn. Robert gone round
by Manchester, Utica and Epsom to stick up bills of the Union
School anniversary.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert drilling. Self hoeing corn.
Afternoon self hoeing. Robert drilling. Began to sow turnips.
Robert at the Division meeting in the evening.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Stewart Achison preaching from 2nd
Peter I:10.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self hoeing corn. Robert drilling.
Afternoon self and Robert at Robert Phairs raising.
22 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert drilling. Self at Leonard Burnetts
to get Roberts name on the assessment roll. Margaret and Annie
23 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert at Wms. Self hoeing. Afternoon
self hoeing.
24 – Wind W, warm day. Self, Robert and horses at road work.
Afternoon all at road work. 4 days and one half in.
25 – Wind S, some rain in the morning. Self and Robert at road
work. Afternoon self at road work for self, Robert for Wm.,
altogether 6 days.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self hoeing.
Afternoon self and Mother picking bugs.
27- Wind S, warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Galatians V:22,23. Funeral of Wm.
McGee’s daughter.
28 – Wind W, warm showery day. Robert at Wms. Self cutting
thistles. Annie and Margaret baking for anniversary. Afternoon
showery, nothing doing.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Lizzie here,
all baking for anniversary. Afternoon Robert hilling potatoes. Self
choring. Rec’d letter from R. Michie, Utah.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and horses fixing the ground for
the anniversary. Self at the Port for Paris Green. Miss Mary Boe
and Miss Mary Gordon here in the afternoon.
JULY 1 – Wind W, fine day, rather dull. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at the Union anniversary. Afternoon Margaret at
anniversary. Made by anniversary $200.13.
2 – Wind N, fine day, everybody dull, nothing doing. Afternoon
nothing doing. Mother and Robert at Greenbank at the Union
social in the evening. Annie gone to Thomas Phairs. Some hail in
the afternoon.
3 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at Greenbank to bring James Walker
lumber from the anniversary ground. Self putting Paris Green on
the potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert at the Port.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self at the
Canada Methodist Church. Mr. Bishop preaching. Self and
Margaret at Primitive Methodist Church in the afternoon. Mr. Lee
preaching for a revival. Robert at Presbyterian Meeting in the
evening. Mr. Kay preaching.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at James Walkers with horses.
Self putting Paris Green on the potatoes. Afternoon self mending
fence in the swamp.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert drawing lumber from the Port to
Wm. Self at bugs. Afternoons self mowing in the orchard. Robert
at Greenbank in the evening at the U.S.S. meeting.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Robert Phairs. Self mowing in
orchard. Afternoon self mowing. Blistered horse leg.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self turning hay.
Afternoon self, Mother and Robert drawing in hay from orchard.
Began to hoe turnips.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self at turnips.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Robert Phairs. Self at the Port
with grist. Afternoon self hoeing turnips. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Matthew I:21.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon Robert at Port Perry to Orange Meeting. Self
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing. Afternoon
self and Robert hoeing. Robert at Greenbank at school meeting.
14 – Wind NE, fine day. Self hoeing. Robert scuffling. Afternoon
self and Robert hoeing.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips and
finishes for the first time at noon. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self
at Greenbank at blacksmiths. Some rain at night.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon
showery. Robert at Wms. Self making a spoon. Wms. kitchen
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self writing to
Robert Michie, Utah. Afternoon self and Robert at hay. Drew in 5
loads. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
18 - Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Mother,
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
19 – Wind SE, dull day. Robert hoeing turnips. Self choring. Mr.
Alex. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. McCorquadale here for visit.
Margaret picking berries. Robert Phair here mowing. Afternoon
self and Robert drew in 3 loads of hay. Some rain at night.
20 – Wind W, very high, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self
hoeing. Margaret picking berries. Afternoon self and Robert
cocking hay.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert stacking hay. Afternoon
self and Robert finishes hay. 5 loads in stack and 1 in the barn,
16 loads altogether. Robert and Margaret at the Port after 4
o’clock. Robert at the prayer meeting in the evening at the
22 – Wind W, fine day. Self putting Paris Green on the potatoes.
Robert scuffling turnips. Afternoons self and Robert hoeing
turnips. Margaret picking berries.
23 – Wind SW, rather dull. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Showers through the
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoes out the turnips the
second time. David Urquharts man here fixing reaper.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Margaret at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Dobson preaching from 2nd
Corinthians XII:9.
26 – Wind N, fine day. Robert reaping barley. Self mowing
barley. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self mending rake.
Margaret picking berries.
27 – Wind NE, fine day. Self and Robert at barley. Afternoon self
and Robert at barley. Drew in 7 loads.
28 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self turning barley.
Afternoon self and Robert at barley, drew in 6 loads. Margaret at
29 – Wind N, fine day. Robert raking barley. Self choring.
Afternoon self and Robert drew in the barley rakings, 1 load,
which finishes barley harvest.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and self choring. Afternoon Robert
at Wms. Self choring. Margaret picking berries.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drawing Wms. hay. Self fixing
gates. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self hoeing turnips. Margaret
scrubbing. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
AUG. 1 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Acts XI:23.
2 – Wind SW, some showers through the day. Robert reaping
oats. Self fixing cradle. Afternoon Robert at Mr. Williams
threshing. Self at cradle. Mrs. Coleran died.
3 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at Mr. Williams threshing and
reaped some oats in the evening. Self cradling oats. Afternoon
self cradling oats. Mother at Robert Phairs in the evening.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Margaret washing. Self and Robert at Mrs.
Colerans funeral to St. James cemetery, 4th
concession of Brock.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Margaret
picking berries. Afternoon self and Robert binding oats.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self cradling oats.
Afternoon self at Greenbank for the papers. John here in the
Drawing of a cradle.
‘Lodged’ meant fallen, perhaps after a storm.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Port Perry with Annie to get her
teeth drawn. Self cradling oats. Afternoon Robert reaping oats.
Self fixing fence. Drew in 4 loads of oats. Robert at the Division
Meeting in the evening.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McKay preaching
from 1st
Corinthians XV:54.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Marg’t
washing. Afternoon much thunder, no rain. Self, Robert and Wm.
at wheat.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at wheat. Afternoons self
and Robert at wheat.
11 – Wind Easterly, rain in the morning. Robert plowing. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self mowing oats.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self mowing oats. Robert reaping oats.
Afternoon Robert reaping oats. Self binding wheat.
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self binding oats.
Afternoon Robert, Margaret and self drawing in oats, 4 loads.
Self and Robert at Mr. Aslings after 5 o’clock to see the steam
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Afternoon
self and Robert at oats. Robert at the Division meeting in the
15 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Robert
and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from John X:10. Robert at evening meeting at
16 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret drawing in
wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at wheat.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self binding oats.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret drawing in oats.
18 – Wind S, rain in the morning. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self draining.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Port with grist. Self draining.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self draining. Mrs. Akhurst here.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert cutting oats in swamp.
Afternoon Robert reaping for Wm. Self binding.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert cutting wheat in the
swamp. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat. Robert at political
meeting in the evening at Greenbank.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Margaret at the Presbyterian meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Luke XVIII:35 to the end. Robert at the evening meeting at
Methodist Church.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert binding wheat. Self at Port Perry
for Mr. Bateman to the horse who is bad of scours. Afternoons
self and Robert binding oats and finishes binding for 1880.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret drawing in
oats and finishes oats. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing the
barn door. Robert at the Port in the evening to hear Mr. Blake.
25 – Wind NE, some rain through the night. Robert plowing. Self
fixing barn door. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self draining. Robert
at George Buels to see the steam thresher.
26 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at George Buels threshing. Self at
Thomas Phairs threshing. Afternoon self ditching, the threshing
machine broken. Great ‘Tory’ meeting at the Port. Mr. Tilley and
Tom White to address the meeting on the N.P. and the Pacific
R.R. [railroad] and the Land Policy.
27 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
self, Margaret and Robert drawing in wheat and finishes the
harvest for 1880.
28 – Wind NW, much thunder and rain through the night. Robert
at Thos. Phairs threshing. Self at Greenbank voting for Wheeler.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank voting. Self doing nought.
Election between Gibbs and Wheeler. Wheeler majority 158.
29 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School.
Raining in the afternoon, none at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Annie and Florence here in the afternoon. Robert at evening
30 – Wind S, some rain through the night. Robert plowing. Self
ditching. Afternoon self ditching. Robert plowing.
31 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at Toronto for books to the
Sunday School. Self and Margaret at the Port. Afternoon self
drawing in to Wm.
SEPT. 1 – Wind S, dull day. Self and Robert drawing in to Wm.
Afternoon rain at noon, nothing doing. Robert at Temperance
lecture at Greenbank in the evening. Mr. McMurray lecturing.
2 – Wind SW, dull day. Self and Robert drawing in to Wm.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self ditching. Miss B. Walker and Miss
P. Burton here visiting. George here in the evening.
3 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for papers.
4 – Wind W, very warm. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Margaret
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self ditching. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Acts XVI:30,31.
6 - Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the Port with barley. Self
ditching. Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
ditching. Annie and [Finote?] here in the evening.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Mr. Akhursts
threshing all day. Margaret at the Port.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing granary.
Afternoon Robert gone to Whitby Fair. Self fixing granary.
9 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at Fair. Self at Mr. Williams
warning him to threshing. Afternoon self fixing round. Margaret at
Mr. Andrew Ross’s.
10 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Mr. Lees
threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Mr. Lee’s threshing. Self
choring. Afternoon threshing. Mr. Thos. Scott - Boss, Mr. R.
Phair, Egbert Horne, Jas. Walker, Mr. Akhurst and Bob and
horses here. Alex. Lee, Mr. Williams and horses here. Wm. here,
with ourselves making 10 hands, besides the threshers.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Galloway preaching
from Matthew VIII:3,4.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Threshing. Mr. Thos. Scott - boss, Mr.
Robt. Phair, Egbert Horne, Jas. Walker, Mr. Akhurst and Bob
and horses here. Mr. Lee and Alex.Lee, Mr. Williams and horses.
Wm. here with ourselves makes 11 hands. Finished at noon.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing straw.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert away asking subscriptions for
Temperance Hall. Self ditching. Afternoon self ditching. Robert
and Margaret at blind boys concert in the school house in the
15 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self ditching. Robert at husking bee at Mr. Wells
in the evening. Spree after it.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self ditching. Robert at Thos. Phairs in the
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self filling drain.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self filling drain.
18 – Wind E, dull day. Robert harrowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
self ditching. Robert harrowing. Robert at Division meeting in the
19 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Ephesians IV:30.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self and Margaret
fanning barley. Afternoon Robert at the Port with barley. Self
21 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self and Margaret
fanning barley. Afternoon Robert at the Port with barley. Self
choring. Margaret at Greenbank.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert fanning barley. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert at the Port with barley. Self choring.
Mr. Thos. Phair married to Agnes Asling.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing to Wm. Self at Robert
Phairs threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at threshing.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Robt. Phairs
threshing 2 hours and at Wms. threshing till 3 o’clock which
finishes threshing. Robert plowing after the threshing.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing to Wm. Self at the Port.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Galatians III:9.
27 – Wind SW, some rain through the night. Robert at Wms.
plowing. Self taking in apples. Afternoon self at apples. Annie
comes from Mr. Thos. Phairs.
28 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port. Self choring.
Afternoon self choring and mending harness. Robert plowing to
29 – Wind NW, fine day, but cold. Robert plowing at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at James Hornes sale.
Self at prayer meeting in the evening. Robert and Annie at a
spree at Jas. Hornes.
30 - Wind NW, showery and cold. Robert plowing at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self writing letter to James
OCT. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert harrowing at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at Neil McCurchers.
Annie leaves for Port.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank with harrows to fix.
Self choring. Afternoon Robert at the Port for boiler and plow
buckle. Self choring. Robert at the Division meeting in the
3 – Wind SW, thunder and rain. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Zechariah VIII:21. Robert at evening
meeting in Primitive Methodist Church.
4 – Wind NE, rainy day, nothing doing. Margaret at Wms. Self
writing letter to Robert Marshall. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
5 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self ditching. Rain at night.
6 – Wind NW, rather rough day. Robert plowing. Self shoveling
mud. Afternoon high wind and showers. Robert plowing. Self
choring. Mother spinning.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Margaret picking
potatoes. Mother at Wms. all night. Afternoon self and Margaret
at potatoes. Robert plowing.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Margaret at
potatoes. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self and Margaret at
9 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in potatoes.
Afternoon self, Margaret and Robert at potatoes. Altogether 3
loads. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Ephesians II:8,9,10.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Margaret at
Wms. washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self taking in apples.
12 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self sore hand.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at James Walkers. Margaret
13 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at the County
Fair at Port Perry.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking apples and
potatoes. Mr. Lee having traded 10 bushels of potatoes for 10
bushels of apples. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self taking in
15 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Mother choring.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self doing nought. Mother at Wms.
16 – Wind SW, rather dull and some rain. Robert at Port Perry
with grist. Self doing nought. Afternoon self fixing gates.
Margaret scrubbing. Robert at Division meeting in evening.
17 – Wind W, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Robert
and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching from
Thessalonians V:17.
18 – Wind SW, rather cold. Robert plowing. Self taking in apples.
Margaret at Wms. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self and Mother at
19 – Wind SW, cold fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert sick. Wm. drawing sand with horses. Self and
Mother and Margaret taking in apples.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sick. Self at Port Perry with chop.
Afternoon self and Mother taking in apples.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Robert sick. Self plowing. Afternoon self at
Port Perry for chop to pigs.
22 – Wind NE, rather dull. Self plowing. Robert sick. Afternoon
self, Mother and Margaret taking in apples.
23 – Wind NE and snowing heavily, nothing doing. Afternoon
wind N, still snowing.
24 – Wind NW, cold day and snow drifting. Nobody at School or
25 – Wind N and stormy. Nothing doing. Self at Wms. helping to
kill a pig. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for the papers. Self
fixing turnip house.
26 – Wind S, raining all day, nothing doing. Self making door for
cows house. Afternoon nothing doing.
27 – Wind N, frost through the night, nothing doing. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert topping turnips. Self choring.
28 – Wind E, frost through the night, nothing doing. Afternoon
self, Robert and Margaret at turnips, drew 4 loads.
29 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at
turnips. Afternoon at turnips. Drew 18 loads.
30 – Wind E, thick fog all day. Self and Robert rowing turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew 12 loads.
31 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Romans XIII:11.
NOV. 1 – Wind N, dull day. Self and Margaret drew 3 loads
turnips. Afternoon Robert harrowing turnips. Self rowing them.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at turnips.
Afternoon self, Margaret and Robert drew in 21 loads.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Margaret and Robert at turnips, drew
in 8 loads. Afternoon self, Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Bishop preaching from Deuteronomy VIII:10,11.
Annie comes home from Mr. Smiths. Robert and Annie at
Greenbank at meeting in the evening. General Fast Day.
4 – Wind S, dull day. Self, Margaret and Robert at turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon all at turnips, drew in 15 loads.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert at turnips. Afternoon self,
Margaret and Robert at turnips, drew in 8 loads.
6 – Wind NE, raining most all day. Drew 1 load of turnips.
Afternoon raining heavy, nothing doing.
7 – Wind W, snowing some. Nobody at School. Self, Robert,
Annie and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Galatians IV:6.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at turnips.
Annie washing. Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips.
Drew 16 loads in pit and 4 in barn.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Margaret and Robert at turnips.
Drew 4 loads in pit and 2 in barn, which finishes the turnips.
Afternoon Robert plowing, self covering pit.
10 – Wind E, fine day. Robert plowing. Self bad with cold.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Rain at 4 o’clock. Mrs.
Byers and Lena Boe here all night.
11 – Wind W, dull day. Robert plowing. Self on sick list. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert and Annie at revival
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Port.
Self choring. Afternoon nothing doing. Port Perry pedlar here all
13 – Wind S, fine day, frost through the night, nothing doing.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from 2nd
Kings II:11.
15 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self digging water furrows. Annie and Margaret washing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Uxbridge for brick to Wm. Self
choring. Margaret at Greenbank.
17 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Annie gone to Mr. Andrew
Ross’s visiting. Afternoon nothing doing.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert whitewashing. Self drawing
wood. Afternoon Robert gone to Whitby with Alex. Lee. Self
19 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Margaret scrubbing. Self sawing wood.
Afternoon nothing doing. Robert and Annie at Division meeting.
21 – Wind W, cold day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Nobody at the Presbyterian Meeting. Robert, Margaret and
Annie at evening meeting in the P. M. Church.
22 – Wind W, cold day. Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
Margaret washing. Annie at Wms. Afternoon Robert and horses
at Mr. [?] threshing.
23 – Wind NE, cold day. Self, Wm., and Robert killing pigs. Annie
at Wms. Afternoon Robert drawing wood. Self cutting pork.
Robert and Annie at Greenbank in evening.
24 – Wind S and snowing some. Robert at Greenbank getting
horses shoed. Self cutting pork. Afternoon Robert gone to Myrtle
with Ed Buel. Self choring. Margaret and Annie at Wms.
25 – Wind N, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at Wms. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon self sawing wood.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert choring. Afternoon Robert
at Greenbank for papers.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. Self sawing wood. Robert choring.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Robert drawing wood to Wm. Self
sawing wood. Robert and Annie at Division meeting in the
28 – Wind S, looking like a thaw. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Annie and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Judges I:6,7. Robert, Margaret and
Annie at evening meeting in the P. M. Church.
29 – Wind NW, rather cold. Margaret at Wms. Self sawing wood.
Afternoons self sawing wood. Robert at Wms. Annie at Thos.
Phairs in the evening.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self choring.
John comes home from George Buels.
DEC. 1 – Wind E and snowing, nothing doing, all in the house.
Afternoon John gone from home. Robert bad with cold. Self
choring. Mrs. Ross and Lena Boe here. Self, Mother, John and
Annie at the prayer meeting at the Church.
2 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Mother
spinning. Annie at Wms.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
reading the papers. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
Self choring. Robert and Annie at the Division meeting in the
5 – Wind SE and raining some. John, Robert and Margaret at the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. Achison preaching from Isaiah XIV:22.
Robert and John at evening meeting in the C. M. Church.
6 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Sonya. Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert gone to Oshawa to Grand
Division. John doing nought. Self choring. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Self choring.
8 - Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon
self and John fanning grist. Very stormy.
9 – Wind NW, cold and stormy day. John at the Port with grist.
Annie at the Port. Afternoon self and John fanning oats. Robert
arrives from Oshawa.
10 – Wind NW, very cold and frosty. John gone to Port with oats.
Robert churning. Self choring. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John
and Robert in the woods. Self choring. Mr. Boe here. Mrs. Boe,
Annie, Margaret, John and Robert at Wms. in the evening at a
11 – Wind SW, rather stormy. John at James Walkers. Robert in
the woods. Self choring. Margaret at Wms. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self choring. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
12 – Wind SW, rather soft. Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
Susan Horne here to dinner. Self, Mother, Margaret, John and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Ephesians VI:18,19.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Self at meeting of session at Mr. Gilroys. Mother at John
Leasks. Miss Jean Akhurst and Mr. Martin here.
14 – Wind SE, rather stormy. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Margaret washing. Self choring.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert and Annie at Greenbank
decorating the Temperance hall. Very cold.
17 – Wind N, cold day. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. John,
Robert, Annie and Margaret at concert in the Temperance hall.
18 – Wind N, cold day. John at James Walkers. Robert doing
nought. Self choring. Afternoon nothing doing. Robert at Sons
19 – Wind N, cold day. Annie and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Annie and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Ephesians I:7,8.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Whitby. Robert in the
woods. Annie collecting for the Bible Society. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert at the Port with oats for Wm. Spree at James
Bushes in the evening. Robert at it.
21 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port with oats for
Wm. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert
fanning oats.
22 – Wind NW, foggy day. John in the woods. Robert at the Port
with oats. Mother spinning. Self choring. Afternoon John in the
woods. Robert in the woods. Self at Andrew Peets. Self, John,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at prayer meeting at Church.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Women baking for banquet in Presbyterian Church.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
24 – Wind S Easterly, dull day. John in the woods. Self and
Robert fixing at the Church. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert,
Margaret and Annie at the entertainment in the Church. John in
woods till 4 o’clock. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at
lecture by Mr. Smith from Toronto on prejudice and progress.
The proceeds amounted to $95.
25 – John in the woods. Robert doing nought. Self and Margaret
at Church cleaning up. Afternoon Robert at Port. John in the
woods. Self choring. George here. Robert, George and Annie at
the Division meeting in the evening.
26 - Wind NE and snowing some. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Margaret at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Psalms XC:12.
27 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Annie,
Margaret and Robert at Mr. Lees in the evening.
28 – Wind SW, very cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
29 – Wind SW, very cold, 4 degrees below zero. John and Robert
in the woods. Self at school meeting. Afternoon John and Robert
in the woods.
30 – Wind SW, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
31 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. John, Margaret,
Robert and Annie at Canada Methodist tea party in the evening.
And so ends the year 1880.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert doing
nought. Self sawing wood. Lena Boe here all night. Afternoon
Wm., Lizzie and children here to dinner. John in the woods.
Robert, Annie, Lena, Alex and James Lee and Bob Akhurst at
the Port. Annie and Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. A. Dobson preaching from John XIII:7.
Robert and Annie at evening meeting C. M. Church.
3 – Wind N, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Self, Robert and Wm. at Greenbank voting for
4 – Wind SE, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon John and Robert in
the woods. Self splitting wood. Annie at Canada Methodist social
in the evening.
5 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self taking in
apples. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Annie at Burtons.
6 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Robert at party at W. Williams, Prince Albert.
7 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
8 – Wind NE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
nought. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
9 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Nobody at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison reading an address from the Presbyterian Convention of
Philadelphia. Robert and Annie at P. M. Church in the evening.
10 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at Wms.
drawing in turnips. Margaret washing. Self doing nought.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John helping Wm. to kill a pig. Robert
in the woods. Self cleaning cattle. Annie gone to Whitby.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert gone to Manchester
with cattle. Afternoon nothing doing. Mr. Achison here in the
13 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Port with wood. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert in the
woods. Self choring.
15 – Wind NE, rather cold. John at the Port. Robert in the woods.
Self doing nought. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John at the
Port. Robert in the woods. Robert at Division meeting.
16 – Wind SE, rather dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Hosea IV:17.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port. Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert in the woods. Self
doing nought. Margaret washing. Robert at Uxbridge in the
evening at Temperance lecture by Vice Chancellor Blake.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert doing nought. Self and John at
the English Church to hear Chancellor Blake and Mr. Howland
address the school children. Afternoon John and Robert in the
woods. Self choring.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
choring. Afternoon John drawing wood. Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Mrs. Lee here visiting.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Mother at Wm.
Ross’s visiting. Self choring.
21 – Wind NE, rather stormy. Robert at Wms. John drawing
wood. Self choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
22 – Wind NE, snowing some. Robert at Wms. John drawing
wood. Self choring. Afternoon snowing, nothing doing.
23 – Wind NE, rather cold. Self, Mother, John and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians XI:23,24,25,26.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
mending Bob Akhursts harness. Margaret washing. Afternoon
John and Robert drawing wood. Alex. Lee here in the evening.
25 – Wind SW, rather cold. John and Robert at Wms. drawing in
turnips. Margaret at Wm. Ross’s quilting. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self choring.
26 – Wind W, rather cold. John in the woods. Robert at the Port
with a grist. Self at Mr. Akhursts. Afternoon John and Robert in
the woods. Margaret at Wms. Self doing nought. Self, John,
Robert and Margaret at prayer meeting in the evening.
27 – Wind NW, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Mr. Alex. Gordon, James Gordon and Mrs. Beecroft
here for dinner. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at the Port
for grist. Engine broke, no grist.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Robert in the
woods. Margaret at Wms.
29 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon John and Robert at the Port for grist but did not get it.
James Smith and Barbara comes up. Robert at Division meeting.
30 – Wind E, snowing some. Nobody at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Margaret, Annie, Robert, Barbara and Jas. Smith at the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. Achison preaching from Acts
XXVI:17,18. John, Robert, George, Jas. Smith, Annie and
Margaret at evening meeting, C. M. Church.
31 – Wind NE, fine day. Nothing doing. Wesley Luke here all
night. Robert taking him to Greenbank. Jas. Smith at Wms.
Afternoon Jas. Smith gone home. Margaret washing. Annie and
Barbara at Wms. John and Robert drawing wood.
FEB. 1 – Wind NE, cold day. John at Wms. Self doing nought.
Robert doing nought. Afternoon Robert at the Port for grist. Self
doing nought. Got no grist.
2 – Wind NE, very cold, 10 degrees below zero. Nothing doing.
Afternoon John at Wms. Annie at Mrs. Akhursts quilting. Still very
3 – Wind NW, very cold, nothing doing. Afternoon John at Wms.
Nothing doing. Luther Williams dies suddenly at 5 o’clock. John
at Mr. Williams all night.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Port Perry for coffin to L.
Williams. Robert at Brock. Self choring. Afternoon self, Robert
and Margaret at Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Revelations XXII:14. Mrs. McMillan here visiting. Annie gone to
Mr. Williams at the lake.
5 – Wind N, fine day, nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at the Port. Robert and Annie at
Division meeting.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Margaret, Annie and Robert at Meeting, being
Sacrament. Mr. Greig preaching from 2nd
Corinthians VIII;9.
7 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon George, Barbara
and Annie leave for Whitby. Robert gone to Kirkfield.
8 – Wind SE and thawing. Self sawing wood. Margaret washing.
Afternoon nothing doing. George arrives from Whitby.
9 – Wind SE, still thawing. Self sawing wood. George gone to
Louis Beatons. Afternoon self sawing wood. John at the mill.
10 – Wind W, fine day, still thawing. Self choring. Afternoon John
at mill. Margaret at Mrs. Byers. Self sawing wood.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Self and John reading the papers.
Afternoon Mother at Wms. Self sawing wood. John doing nought.
12 – Wind SE heavy rain through the night and morning, nothing
doing. Afternoon John gone somewhere. Self doing nought.
Robert arrives from Kirkfield.
13 – Wind NW, stormy day. Nobody at the Sunday School.
Nobody at Meeting, very stormy. Margaret and Robert at evening
meeting in C. Methodist Church.
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Margaret washing. Self, John and
Robert sawing wood. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank to get
horses shoed. John at the Port.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John at Port. Robert drawing turnips for
Wm. Self doing nought. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self
mending harness.
16 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
mending harness. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Mrs.
Akhurst here visiting. John, Robert and Margaret at the prayer
17 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to help George Buel to move.
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon Robert in the
18 – Wind S and snowing some. John at the Port. Robert in the
woods. Self reading the papers. Margaret matting. Afternoon
John in the woods. Robert drawing wood. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert drawing wood for Mr. Perkins. John
in the woods. Self in the woods. Afternoon John in the woods.
Robert drawing wood.
20 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 1st
John I:9.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stone and Dougald Gordon
and James Gordon here to dinner. Afternoon John in the woods.
Robert at the Port with D. Gordon.
22 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood.
23 – Wind NW, cold day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert drawing
wood. Margaret at Mrs. Burtons visiting.
24 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John and Margaret at Port for grist.
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. 10 degrees below zero
this morning.
25 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. drawing
turnips. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert gone to Whitby.
Self at Greenbank.
26 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon John in the woods. Mrs. Walker here visiting. Robert
and Annie arrive from Whitby. Robert, John and Annie at
Greenbank in the evening.
27 – Wind SE, fine day and thawing. Robert & Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Margaret, Annie & Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Mark XVI:15.
George Boddie here to tea.
28 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing in turnips.
Robert at Mr. Akhursts in the evening practicing singing.
MAR. 1 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
making axe handle. Annie at the moving of Wm. Ross. Afternoon
John and Robert in the woods.
2 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert drawing wood. Mr.
Luke and Mrs. Sunley here to dinner and leaves for Mrs. Burtons
in the evening. John and Robert at prayer meeting at Mrs.
Leasks. Annie at Greenbank.
3 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Mother at Mr. Lees in the evening, Mrs. Lee sick. Very
4 – Wind NE, snowed all day, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing
doing, still snowing.
5 – Wind NE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self writing
letters. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at the Port with
Annie to the train. Self writing letter to Utah. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
6 – Wind N, fine day. Nobody at School. Self, Mother, John and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Philippians II:16. Holding forth the word of life.
7 – Wind N, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the Port with
wood. Self writing letter. Margaret washing. Afternoon John in
the woods. Robert at the Port.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert drawing wood.
Self making sleigh bench. Afternoon Robert drawing wood. John
in the woods.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Robert in the woods. Self
putting bench in sleigh. Margaret at Greenbank. Afternoon John
at Greenbank. Robert at Wms. John at prayer meeting at Wm.
10 – Wind N, rather cold. John, Robert and horses at Wms. Self
writing. Afternoon John, Robert and Margaret at Port Perry. Wm.
Ledingham here assessing.
11 – Wind NW, fine day. John, Robert and horses at Wms. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon Robert drawing wood. Self doing
12 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self doing
nought. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
Self at Greenbank for papers. Robert at Division meeting in the
13 – Wind E, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John,
Robert and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Luke VIII:39. Robert at evening meeting in the C.
M. Church.
14 – Wind N, fine day. John at Wms. Robert at the Port getting
bobsleigh shed. Margaret washing. Self choring. Afternoon John
at Wms. Self doing nought.
15 – Wind S, fine day. John at Wms. Self and Robert drawing in
turnips. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in turnips. John at
16 – Wind S, fine day, still thawing. John, Robert and horses at
Wms. Self writing letter to [?] Tough. Afternoon John and Robert
and horses at Wms.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Wm., John and Robert sawing wood.
Mother at Wms., Lizzie sick. [Birth of Albert Ernest Michie]. Philip
Andrew Stone and Georgina Luke here to dinner. Afternoon self,
Wm., John and Robert sawing wood.
18 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert sawing wood.
Mother still at Wms. Afternoon self and John and Robert sawing
wood. Margaret, John and Robert at a honey social in the hall,
Greenbank, in the evening. Made 18 dollars.
19 – Wind E, raining most all day. John at the Port. Self and
Robert doing nought. Margaret scrubbing. Violet Cragg here.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self digging snow on the road. Still
20 – Wind SW, snowing some. Nobody at Sunday School. John
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Violet Cragg leaves for
21 – Wind NW, fine day, nothing doing. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon John at Wms. Self splitting wood. Mr. Bradley here
from Whitby. Margaret washing.
22 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon John at Wms. Self splitting wood. Mr. Bradley leaves
for Whitby.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Margaret at Wms. Robert
splitting wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Self sawing wood.
Robert splitting.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert splitting wood. Self
making axe handle. Afternoon Robert splitting wood. Self at
25 – Wind NW, cold day. John at Wms. Self and Robert splitting
wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and Robert at wood.
26 – Wind NW, cold day. John at Wms. Self and Robert at wood.
Afternoon John at Wms. Self, Margaret and Robert at the Port.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
27 – Wind N, cold high wind. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 1st
Thessalonians V:21. George here
from Church.
28 – Wind NW, cold windy day. John at Wms. George at Prince
Albert. Self making axe handles. Robert splitting wood. Margaret
at Wms. Afternoon John at Wms. George gone to Mr. Beatons.
Self and Robert splitting wood.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. Self and Robert splitting
wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and Robert at wood.
Margaret at Mr. Lees quilting.
30 – Wind NE, fine day. John doing nought. Self and Robert
splitting wood. Afternoon self, John, Robert and Margaret at
Greenbank at the annual meeting of the Church.
31 – Wind NE, some snow through the night. John at the Port.
Robert at Wms. drawing turnips. Self doing nought. Afternoon
John doing nought. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
APR. 1 – Wind N, cold day. Robert gone with John and his box to
Mrs. Leasks and to Mr. Buels for clover seed. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. drawing wood. Self splitting wood.
2 – Wind N, very cold. Nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon nothing doing. Robert at the Division meeting in the
3 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Robert and
Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
4 – Wind NW, cold day and the dust flying. Robert at Wms.
drawing wood. Margaret washing to Lizzie. Self doing nought.
Afternoon wind higher and dust thicker.
5 – Wind W, high wind and clouds of dust. Robert at Wms. Self
doing nought. Afternoon very cold and commenced to snow. Mr.
Robert Allens funeral. Nobody from here at it, the day so cold.
6 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at Wms. Self doing nought.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at Robert Phairs. Mother at Mr.
Lees. Robert at the prayer meeting at Mr. Ross’s in the evening.
7 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Mother at Wms. quilting.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at wood.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert and Margaret at the Port getting horses shoed.
Self doing nought. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Michie here from Sandford.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self doing nought. A.
Michie and wife leave for home. Afternoon Robert at Wm. Loves
barn raising. Self turning turnips. Robert at Division meeting in
the evening.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Luke X:25 – 37. Robert and Margaret at the evening
meeting at C. M. Church.
11 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self turning turnips.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self sharping saw.
Mother at Mr. Akhursts, Mr. Akhurst sick.
12 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert threshing timothy seed. Self
piling wood. Annie and Eva Perkins and Susie Real here visiting.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self piling wood. Self, Robert and
Margaret at Temperance lecture in the evening by Mr. Cockburn
and Mr. Weeks. Mr. Munro here taking census and here all night.
Eva Perkins here all night.
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert gone to get subscribers to
petition against James Thompson getting a license. Self
choring. Margaret at Wms. washing. Afternoon self and Robert
drawing in hay stack.
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing hay and rails.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing rails. Robert at Greenbank in
the evening.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert fanning grist. Afternoon
Robert at Tom Beares mill with grist and got it home with him.
Self at Thomas Phairs raising wood house. George Boddie here
in the evening.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at the Port. Self choring.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring.
Margaret gone to Mr. McTaggarts, Whitby. Robert at the Division
meeting in the evening.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Matthew XXV:30.
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self piling
wood. Margaret at Wms. washing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self piling wood. Robert at Mrs. Leasks in the evening to
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self piling wood.
20 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self filling furrow.
Margaret at Mr. Lees. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self piling
21 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. sowing wheat for us. Robert
harrowing. Self fencing. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Afternoon
Robert harrowing. Self sowing wheat and oats. Margaret at Mr.
Lees cleaning up.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for
papers. Afternoon Robert and Margaret at the Port. Self doing
nought. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from John XIV:6. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
25 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self sowing pease.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self digging
stones. Margaret at Mr. Lees.
26 – Wind W, some thunder and rain through the forenoon.
Robert plowing. Self cleaning door yard. Afternoon self and
Robert at the Manchester Fair.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self digging garden.
Afternoon Margaret and Robert at Mary Lees wedding. Self
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self in garden. Afternoon
self in garden. Robert plowing.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing to Wm. Self in garden.
Afternoon self in garden. Robert at Wms. Mrs. Akhurst very sick.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sowing oats. Self fixing timothy
seed. Afternoon Robert sowing oats. Self choring. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening. Mary Lee and Maggie Masson
MAY 1 – Wind S, dull day. Robert gone to Mr. Edwards, Whitby,
to tell them that Mrs. Akhurst is near dying. Self and Margaret at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Peter
2 – Wind W, fine day. Robert arrives from Whitby. Self pruning
apple trees. Margaret at Mr. Akhursts washing. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self pruning trees.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing at Wms. Self pruning trees.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. here sowing barley. Robert
plowing. Self at trees. Mother planting onions.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self sowing grass seed.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self fixing orchard. Robert and
Margaret at the prayer meeting.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at apple trees.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self fencing. Mrs. Aslings house
6 – Wind Easterly, dull and foggy, some rain through the night.
Robert at Wms. Self setting up the [?] and pruning. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self for papers.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert gone with heifer to Thos. Bryants on
concession. Self rolling. Afternoon self rolling. Robert at the
Division meeting in the evening.
8 – Wind S, warm day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Luke XVI:20 to 31.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert rolling. Self fencing the swamp.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self choring. Thunder and rain in the
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self cutting potatoes.
Margaret at Mr. Akhursts washing. Afternoon Robert drawing out
dung. Self cutting potatoes.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drawing dung. Self cutting
potatoes. Afternoon Robert choring. Self at the Port. Margaret
washing. Self, Robert and Margaret at prayer meeting in the
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Margaret and Robert planting
potatoes. Afternoon finished potatoes and plowed orchard.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Greenbank getting coulter laid30
Self digging in orchard. Afternoon Robert drawing stones to Mrs.
Aslings house. Self digging. George comes home at night.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and George at the Port. Self
planting corn. Afternoon Robert choring. Self planting corn.
Robert and George at Division meeting.
15 – Wind NW, some showery. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, George, Robert and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Luke XIX:11-27.
16 – Wind NE, showery, nothing doing. Margaret washing.
Afternoon George leaves for Wm. Inness’s to work for Duncan
McMillan. Robert plowing for Wm. Self fixing barley fork. Mother
at Mr. Lees.
17 – Wind NE, cold day. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self choring.
Margaret at Wms. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at James
Walkers. Robert rather sick. Margaret packing up.
18 – Wind E, dull day. Robert sick. Self at Whitby with Margaret
to Mr. McTaggarts and brought home Annie from Empires Mills.
19 – Wind Easterly, fine dull day. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self
fixing bars. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring.
20 – Wind W, dull day with some rain. Self and Robert drawing
out dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing out dung. Some
rain through the afternoon.
21 – Wind W, raining most of the time, nothing doing. Afternoon
self and Robert drawing dung. Robert and Annie at Division
meeting in the evening.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, George and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew X:32.
23 – Wind S, hot day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Annie sick.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Annie
washing. Afternoon self and Robert at the entertainment at
Presbyterian Church. Annie at Shaws anniversary. Self and
Robert at Greenbank.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at dung. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Self spreading dung. Robert plowing. Mr.
and Mrs. Smith arrives from Whitby. Afternoon Robert at the Port
with Wms. oats. James Smith goes home.
‘Coulter laid’ – a coulter is a sharp bar on the front of
a plow. ‘Laid’ meant he was getting it sharpened.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert takes self, Mother and Barbara to
Wick Station. We arrive at A. Gordons, Kirkfield, at 2 o’clock.
28 – Wind E, rainy day. Stopped at A. Gordons. Afternoon at
John Gordons; all night.
29 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Mother at Mr. Toughs in the
morning and at Kirkfield Church at 11 o’clock. Mr. Cuthbertson
preaching on election. At Mr. McCorkadales to dinner. Afternoon
at James McPhails and at A. Gordons all night.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. All at A. Gordons. Afternoon left the
Portage Road at half past 2, arrived home at 6.
31 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self planting corn.
JUNE 1 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert and Annie gone to Port with Barbara to the
train. Self planting corn.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self planting corn.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self planting corn.
3 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Self, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Bickell preaching from 1st
VI:12. Lay hold on eternal life.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Much rain through the night, ground very
wet. Self and Robert at Greenbank voting for Bigelow. Madill
running on the Tory side. Annie scrubbing. Madill majority 25.
5 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie and George
at Brock at communion. Mr. Achison preaching from John
XIX:31. Robert, George and Annie at the meeting in the evening
at Greenbank.
6 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at the road work.
Mrs. James Horne and Mrs. Walker here visiting. Afternoon self,
Robert and horses at road, put in 4 days and ½.
7 – Wind E, dull day. Self, Robert and horses at road work and
finished at noon. 6 days for self and the rest for Wm. Afternoon
Robert and horses at Wms. Self at Greenbank.
8 – Wind E, dull day. Robert harrowing. Self hoeing corn. Mother
making soap. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self hoeing.
9 – Wind E, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self picking bugs.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self picking bugs.
10 – Wind E, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at bugs. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self at bugs.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert scuffling potatoes. Self hoeing.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self hoeing potatoes. Mrs. Akhurst
and Lizzie here visiting. Robert and Annie at the Division
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, George and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. John
Leask preaching one of Rowland Hills sermons. George Boddie
here. Robert at Salem Church in the evening.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self at bugs.
Annie washing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at bugs. Wind
storm in the evening.
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self putting
up fence. Afternoon Robert whitewashing. Annie scrubbing. Self
at sideline to see jobs let. Mother churning.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert harrowing and rolling. Self and
Wm. cutting trees out of the road. Afternoon Robert and Annie at
the Port. Self cutting trees out of barley.
16 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert drilling. Self hoeing corn.
Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing and sowing turnips.
17 – Wind W, some rain through the night, fine day. Robert
painting. Self hoeing. Afternoon Robert at the Port with grist. Self
at Greenbank for papers.
18 – Wind NW, rain through the night. Robert drilling. Self hoeing.
Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing and sowing turnips. Robert
at Division meeting. Mother sick of ague.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
George and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Ephesians II:22.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self painting
and churning. Annie washing. Afternoon Robert drilling. Self
choring. Robert and Annie at Greenbank in the evening at school
21 – Wind N, fine day. Robert drilling. Self choring. Mother sick.
Afternoon Robert painting. Self sowing turnips and finished the
turnip seed. Mother shaking with ague.
22 – Wind N, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert and horses at Wms. Self ditching. Scott, pedlar, here all
23 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self at the Port
for medicine to Mother. Afternoon Robert and horses at Wms.
Self filling ditch.
24 – Wind W. Robert sowing Wms. turnips. Self churning.
Afternoon Robert at Port for brick to Mrs. Asling. Self hoeing
potatoes. Mother shaking with ague. George Leask died.
25 – Wind S, looking like rain. Robert at Port for brick to James
Walker and broke waggon wheel coming home. Self hoeing.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank with waggon wheel. Self doing
nought. Mr. McTaggart brings home Margaret sick.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Annie and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, George, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from II Psalm.
27 – Wind S, dull day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self cutting
thistles. Annie washing. Afternoon raining. Annie baking. Self
picking potatoes. Robert painting.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert furring up the potatoes. Self
churning. Annie and Mrs. Williams baking. Afternoon self and
Robert fanning oats. Neil McDougald killed at Mr. Wm. Innes’s
barn raising.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at the Port with oats and
brought James Walkers brick. Afternoon self mowing some.
Robert choring. Self, Robert and Annie at prayer meeting at Mr.
Lees. Wms. boy baptized.
30 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and horses at the anniversary
grounds all day. Self mowing. Annie and Mrs. Williams baking.
Afternoon self mowing. Annie and Mrs. Williams baking.
JULY 1 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at the Union
Sunday School anniversary. Amount took in $163.00.
2 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at the anniversary
ground, drawing lumber. Afternoon Robert and Annie at the Port
with Margaret to the Doctor. Self cocking hay in the orchard.
Robert at the Division meeting in the evening. President Garfield
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Nobody at Sunday School. Self, George,
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Dobson
preaching from Matthew XXVIII:22. Dr. Anderson at Margaret.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert raking in the orchard. Self at
Greenbank with scuffler. Self cutting thistles. Mrs. Warren and
Eva Perkins here. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in hay out
of the orchard. Dr. Anderson at Margaret.
5 - Wind W, warm day. Self going round hunting for a 1/23 inch
auger and did not find it. Afternoon Robert at the Port for an
auger. Self hoeing corn.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Whitby for Margarets box. Self
making rake. Afternoon self at rake. Mr. Achison here. Self,
Robert and Annie at James Walkers at prayer meeting. Dr.
Anderson at Margaret.
7 – Wind S, dull day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing turnips.
Rain at noon. Afternoon nothing doing. Dr. Anderson at
8 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
Robert hoeing turnips. Self at the Port and Annie there too.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self putting Paris
Green on potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Robert and Annie at Division meeting in the evening.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother,
George and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Matthew XIII:45,46. Robert and Annie at evening
11 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert at turnips. Mrs. Walker and Miss Jane Akhurst
here in the evening.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing. Annie at Mrs.
13 – Wind NW, droughty day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Robert at prayer meeting in
the evening at Mr. Ross’s.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Robert Phair
here mowing. Afternoon self and Robert finish hoeing turnips for
first time.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self turning hay. Afternoon
self and Robert at hay, drew into barn 4 loads. Annie and Robert
at Greenbank in the evening. Mother has a shaky ague.
16 – Wind NW, shower in the morning. Self and Robert choring.
Robert Phair here mowing. Afternoon very high wind, nothing
doing. Mr. Phair finishes mowing. Self at Greenbank with the red
cow to Mr. Bryant.
17 – Wind N, fine day, very high wind. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, George and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Bickel preaching from Jonah I:6.
18 – Wind N, and very high. Self, Robert and Wm. drew 4 loads
of hay into stack and 2 loads into Wm. Afternoon Robert raking
hay. Self doing nought. Wind still high.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Robert and Wm. drew 2 loads of
hay into stack and 5 into barn which finishes. Afternoon drew in
hay to Wm.
20 – Wind W, fine day, thunder and rain all night. Robert at the
road with horses. Self churning. Afternoon self fixing in barn.
Annie picking berries.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Robert putting reaper together. Self and
Annie at the Port. Afternoon self and Robert taking up some hay
rakings. Annie picking berries.
22 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert painting kitchen floor. Self
putting Paris Green on potatoes. Afternoon Robert and horses at
Wms. drawing hay. Self cutting thistles. Mrs. Thos. Phairs son
23 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self mowing
barley. Afternoon Robert reaping barley. Self choring. Robert
and Annie at the Division meeting in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Annie and Margaret at the Sunday
School. George, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching.
25 – Wind S, some rain in the morning. Robert and horses at
road job. Self hoeing turnips. Annie washing. Afternoon self
hoeing turnips. Much thunder to the south in the afternoon.
26 – Wind NW, dull cloudy day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips
and drew in 1 load of barley. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips
and drew in 2 loads of barley after supper.
27 – Wind NW, dull day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing.
Annie picking berries. Mother at Wms. Afternoon Robert scuffling
turnips. Self hoeing. Annie at the prayer meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind N, rather showery. Self, Robert and Wm. took in 2
loads of barley before dinner. Afternoon self, Robert and William
drew in 1 load of barley. Showery through the afternoon. Annie
picking berries.
29 – Wind E, fine day. Robert and horses at road job. Self at
James Walkers. Afternoon self turning barley.
30 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Wm., and Robert drawing in
barley. Afternoon all at barley, took in 7 loads. Robert and Annie
at Greenbank at Division meeting.
31 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Margaret, George and Robert at
the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Achison preaching from Exodus
AUG. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and horses at road job. Self at
the Port for trace chains and did not get any. Afternoon self
hoeing turnips. Robert at road.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and horses at road job. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon Robert raking barley. Self at turnips. Finished
barley, 1 load rakings. Robert takes George’s box to Saintfield
after supper.
3 – Wind W, warm day. Robert at the road job with horses. Self
hoeing turnips. Afternoon Annie picking berries. Margaret at Mrs.
Burtons. Self hoeing. Mr. Williams gets 3 cattle killed.
4 – Wind W, fine day, very warm. Robert and horses at the road
job. Self hoeing turnips. Annie at berries. Afternoon Mother at Mr.
Lees. Self mending harness, hoeing done.
5 – Wind W, fine warm day. Robert and horses at the road job.
Self cutting timothy around the fences. Afternoon self mending
harness. Annie Perkins here all night. Thunder all night and
some rain.
6 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert gone with Miss Annie Perkins
and Annie to the train. Self cradling oats. Afternoon rain, nothing
doing. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Robert
and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Psalms I:3.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert reaping oats. Self cutting pease.
Afternoon Robert reaping wheat. Self binding. Robert at Port in
the evening for Annie and Miss Perkins.
9 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert cutting swath round wheat
field. Afternoon Robert reaping wheat. Self binding.
10 – Wind N, fine day. Robert reaping wheat. Self and Wm.
binding. Afternoon Robert reaping for Wm. Self binding at home.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert reaping wheat. Self binding.
Afternoon self binding. Robert shocking.
12 – Wind S, shower through the night. Self and Margaret at the
Port for medicine to Robert. Afternoon self binding oats.
13 – Wind NW, fine day. Self cutting pease. Robert in bed sick.
Afternoon self binding oats and at the Port in the evening for Dr.
Anderson to Robert. He came at 10 o’clock. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
and Miss Smith here.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert sick in bed. Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Miss Smith and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Bickle preaching from Galatians I:4.
15 – Wind N, fine day. Robert sick. Self pulling pease. Afternoon
self reaping.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Self reaping. Robert sick. Afternoon self
and Annie drew in 4 loads of wheat, 1 of oats.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Self pulling pease. Robert sick. Afternoon
self, Wm., and Annie drew in 7 loads of wheat.
5 days had not time to keep any diary. Robert sick and harvest
24 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Wm. and Annie drawing in oats into
stack. Afternoon self, Wm. and Annie drawing in oats and
finishes harvest.
25 – Wind S, fine day. Self and horses at Wms. drawing pease.
Afternoon self drawing rails and fencing stacks.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Self at the Port with grist. Afternoon self
choring and oiling harness.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self mending harness and putting in
reaper. Afternoon self fixing stacks.
28 – Wind N, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. George and
John here. Self at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Exodus XX:3.
29 – Wind S, fine day. Robert sick in bed. Self at the Port for
brandy to him. Afternoon self and horses at Mr. Akhursts
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in bed. Self and horses at Mr.
Akhursts threshing. Afternoon machine at Mr. Lees and broke
down. Nothing doing.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in bed. Self at Mr. Lees threshing.
SEPT. 1 – Wind N, fine day. Self at Mr. Lees threshing, done at
10 o’clock. Afternoon self and Jas. Walker at Brock to see
George Michie, he being sick and his wife too.
2 – Wind N, fine day. Robert in bed sick. Self plowing. Afternoon
self plowing. Rev. Mr. Achison and Dr. Anderson here in the
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in bed sick. Self plowing. Afternoon
self plowing.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Margaret at
the Presbyterian Meeting.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self plowing. Annie washing. Afternoon self
plowing. Took Annies cow to bull – 4th
time. Strange looking
6 – Wind SW, very smokey. Self harrowing. Afternoon self and
Annie at the Port at Dr.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon plowing.
8 – Wind E, smokey day. Self plowing. Afternoon plowing. Annie
gone to Mr. Boes. George here all night.
9 – Wind N, fine day. Self plowing. Mother at Mr. Lees and Mr.
Akhursts. Afternoon self plowing. Robert has his clothes on for
the first time since the 13th
of August.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Self plowing. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon
self plowing. Annie at Greenbank in the evening. George Boddie
11 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Dobson preaching
from Matthew XI:17.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Annie washing. Self plowing. Afternoon
self plowing. Mother at Robert Phairs.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon plowing.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self plowing. Robert not able to work.
Afternoon self and Annie at the Port. Self and Margaret at prayer
meeting at James Walkers.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon still plowing.
16 – Wind SE, very high. Annie papering. Self plowing. Afternoon
self plowing.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Self plowing. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon
some rain. Self choring.
18 – Wind N, raining some. Margaret at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Psalms XXXIV:1,2.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Self making ready for threshing, the
machine at Thomas Phairs. Afternoon choring. Machine broke.
President Garfield died 10:15 p.m.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Self choring. Afternoon choring. Machine
starts again at Toms at 4 o’clock.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Self at Robert Phairs threshing. Afternoon
at threshing.
22 – Wind S, fine day. Shower in the forenoon. Self at threshing.
Afternoon self fixing round. Started to thresh at 4 o’clock. 2
hands from R. Phair; 1 hand and horses from T. Phair; 2 hands
from J. Lee; 2 hands and horses from Mr. Akhurst; and Wm.
23 – Wind NW, heavy shower at 9 o’clock. Threshing with same
hands and James Walker more. Afternoon threshing till night and
24 – Wind W, rain through the night. Self fixing round the barn.
Afternoon self fencing straw stack.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother and Annie at the P. Methodist
Church. Mr. Hodson preaching from Luke XVI:31.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Annie fanning barley. James
Smith and Barbara here. Afternoon self at the Port with barley.
James Smith, Barbara and Robert leave for home.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Annie fanning barley. Afternoon
self at the Port with barley.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Annie fanning barley. Afternoon
self at the Port with barley. Mother at Wms. Margaret at
29 – Wind S, fine day. Self harrowing. Mother at Wms. Afternoon
self at the Port with Annie to go to the Empire Mills.
30 – Wind W and very high. Self harrowing. Afternoon self at
George Allens sale. Bought nothing.
OCT. 1 – Wind N, rain through the night and forenoon. Self
choring. Afternoon self harrowing. Margaret gone to Whitby.
2 – Wind S, dull day. Self at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from James V:20.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon self plowing.
Robert comes from Whitby.
4 – Wind NW, cold day. Self plowing. Afternoon self at Mr. Marks
sale. Bought nothing.
5 – Wind N, fine day. Self takes Robert, Alex. and James Lee to
the Port to go to Lindsay Fair. Afternoon self at Andrew Peats
sale. Bought a waggon $30.79.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Self at Andrew Peats for waggon.
Afternoon self plowing. Margaret comes home from Whitby.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon plowing.
8 – Wind SW, rain through the forenoon, nothing doing. Afternoon
self and Robert at the Port at the Reach & Scugog fair. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Margaret at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from James V:7.
10 - Wind W, fine day. Margaret washing. Self plowing. Robert at
the plow 2 hours. Afternoon self plowing.
11 – Wind S, frost through the night. Self, Margaret, Robert and
Wm. taking up potatoes. Afternoon all at potatoes. Took in two
12 – Wind S and raining. Self mending harness. Afternoon self
plowing. County fair at Uxbridge.
13 – Wind N, fine day, rather cold. Self, Margaret and Robert at
potatoes. Afternoon at potatoes. Took in 2 loads.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at potatoes.
Afternoon Robert and Margaret at the Port. Self taking in apples.
15 – Wind SW, rain through the forenoon, nothing doing.
Afternoon self plowing.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching.
17 – Wind S, rather rainy, nothing doing. Afternoon self, Wm.,
Margaret and Robert taking in apples.
18 – Wind W, cold day. Self and Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon
self at the Port with grist.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert taking up apples.
Afternoon self at the Port with wheat. Walter Fowlie arrives from
Chatham [Utah].
20 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Fast day. Self, Margaret,
Robert and Walter Fowlie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching. Walter Fowlie hires to G. Buel.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and Walter Fowlie drawing in
the pease stack. Afternoon Robert at the Port with Walter Fowlie,
going to Whitby. Self choring.
22 – Wind W, dull day. Robert fixing cattle stalls. Self draining.
Afternoon self draining. Robert topping turnips.
23 – Wind SE, wet day. Nobody at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Ephesians II:4.
24 – Wind Easterly, wet day. Self and Robert husking corn.
Margaret washing. Afternoon self at Greenbank. Robert paring
25 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips. Afternoon
self rowing turnips. Robert harrowing turnips. Drew in 2 loads.
26 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert rowing turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew in 13 loads.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips. Afternoon
Robert harrowing turnips. Self rowing turnips.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew in 15 loads.
29 – Wind Easterly and raining, nothing doing. Self and
Robt.rowing back turnips. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips. Drew in 4 loads. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Robert and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Galatians I:15.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert rowing turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew in 15 loads.
NOV. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert harrowing turnips. Self
2 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Margaret and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon all at turnips, drew in 17 loads.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert rowing turnips. Afternoon
self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew in 12 loads which
finishes turnips.
4 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring. Some snow in the afternoon.
5 – Wind SE, snowing some. Robert plowing. Margaret
scrubbing. Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Robert at the
Division in the evening.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Luke I:6.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
8 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Annie Perkins
here. Afternoon self choring. Robert plowing.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Self, Robert
and Margaret at prayer meeting in Church.
10 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
self logging in the swamp. Robert plowing.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self logging. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self logging.
12 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing doing.
Robert at Division meeting in evening.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Leviticus XXV:9.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert at
singing class in the evening.
15 – Wind W, fine day, rather cold. Robert plowing. Self threshing
pease. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing pig house.
16 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self in the swamp.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing spout to evetroughs. Self,
Margaret and Robert at the [?] meeting in the Church in the
17 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self threshing pease.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Robert doing nought. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert at the Port and Margaret. Self choring.
19 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon self and Robert
choring. Robert at the Division meeting in the evening.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Acts XVII:25.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert choring. Margaret
washing. Afternoon self and Robert threshing pease.
22 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at Wms. drawing wood. Self
doing nought. Afternoon Robert at the creek. Self choring.
23 – Wind SE, cold day, nothing doing. Afternoon self and Robert
choring. Robert and Margaret at prayer meeting.
24 – Wind NW. Self, Robert and horses at Wms. threshing.
Afternoon self and Robert choring.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert reading the papers.
Afternoon self and Robert threshing pease.
26 – Wind SW, cold day. Self writing to Helen Tough. Robert
doing nought. Afternoon Robert at the Port. Self writing. Robert
at Division meeting in the evening.
27 – Wind NW, some snow through the forenoon. Margaret at the
Sunday School. Self, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Timothy I:8.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Self making sleigh tongue. Robert doing
nought. Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert reading. Self at
29 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Port getting horses shoed.
Self choring. Afternoon self in the swamp. Robert doing nought.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank with sleigh tongue.
Self in the swamp. Afternoon self in the swamp. Robert doing
nought. Self, Mother and Robert at prayer meeting in the Church.
DEC. 1 – Wind NW, rough day. Nothing doing. Afternoon self and
Robert threshing pease.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self choring. Robert reading the papers.
Afternoon nothing doing.
3 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. Robert at Greenbank for
the papers and sleigh tongue. Self choring. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon nothing doing. Robert at Division meeting in the
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Achison
preaching from Numbers XXIII:10.
5 – Wind W, dull day, nothing doing. Margaret washing. Self
writing. Afternoon self writing. Robert goes to J. Watsons to be
ready to go to Toronto on Tuesday morning to Temperance
6 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Self choring. Afternoon self
at Seagrave with Walter Fowlie.
FEB. 24– Grand concert at Greenbank by D.P. Wajat. 100
voices. Stormy day. Road shoveled in the a.m.
25 – Took 58 bushels oats to Manchester. Sold for 51 cents
26 – Fanned barley and oats. Stormy day.
27 – Stormy day. Snow drifting all day. Wm. gone to fence the
school ground.
28 – Roads all drifted full. Not at church.
MAR. 1 – Wm. at home in forenoon. At Mr. Phairs afternoon.
Wind SW. John and George shoveling the road forenoon.
Taking in peas in the afternoon. Self doing chores. Margaret and
Robert at home.
2 – Wind North in the morning, South rest of the day. Wm. &
John at T. Phairs timber. Mr. Colby taking the mens names.
George and self threshing peas in the forenoon. Drew 3 loads
of turnips in the afternoon.
3 – John & Wm. at Phairs timber. Geo. at home. Singing night.
Self at Manchester with 63 bushels of oats. Price 50 cents.
4 – Wind southwest, very cold. Geo. & John threshing peas. Wm.
and self nothing. Margaret at school. Barbara and Jane Michie
at Mr. Phairs in the evening. Fire northeast at 10 o’clock. General
Grant proclaimed President of the United States.
5 – Wind southwest, rather cold. Nomination day of Deputy
Reeve at the room of I.B. Campbell. Resigned. Fanning peas in
the forenoon. Margaret and Robert at school.
6 – Wind west, cold day, snow drifting. John and Geo. threshing
peas. Wm. in the afternoon gone to Greenbank to see where he
can get lumber for school fence. Reading the papers, self.
Singing at night at Greenbank. The last night of the quarter.
Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark. 1862.
7 – Wind southwest, fine day. Self, Wm. and Margaret at church.
Monthly collection $1.80. Mr. McArthur preaching from the first 2
verses of the Prophet Hosea.
8 – Wind southwest. Geo. and Wm. threshing peas in the
forenoon. John gone to George Michies. George, Wm.,
Margaret and Mr. McPhail at the concert at Wick in the
afternoon. Reading at the Son’s Hall, Greenbank admission 10
cents. 14 of an audience.
9 – Wind northwest, fine day. Election of Deputy Reeve. Wm.
Lee, Mr. McGregor, N. Bates running. W. Lee not running.
Voted in forenoon for Mr. McGregor. Geo. and me fanning peas
in the afternoon. Wm. and John at Greenbank. Luke offered his
farm for rent for $140 but would take less. Voting on the
Nipissing bylaw for $50,000 in Brock today.
10 – Wind northeast, snowing and drifting. Fanning peas. Day of
convention at Brooklin to hear Dr. McGill’s defense. Prince of
Wales married.
11 – Wind SW, fair day, above freezing but frosty. Nothing doing,
the snow is so deep. John and George fanning oats in the
afternoon at Anderson’s barn. First daily paper in England
published 1702.
12 – Wind south but clear and cold. John and George fanning
oats in the forenoon at Andersons barn. Self shoveling snow
from the turnip pit in forenoon. Wm. making gate for school
ground. Drew 6 loads of turnips in the afternoon. Began to snow
from the south about 4 o’clock.
13 – Wind west, snow very deep. Nothing doing. John and
George fanning oats at Mr. Andersons barn.
14 – Wind south southwest, snowing and drifting some. Wind
change to NW in afternoon and snow drifting greatly. Nobody at
church. Toronto a market town 1814.
15 – Wind N and frosty. Nothing doing. John and George fanning
oats in Mr. Andersons barn. Settled with A. Michie. Wm. at
Greenbank in the afternoon to see if any letter had come from
James Leask lot.
16 – Wind NW, clear day but frosty. John and George fanning
oats at Mr. Andersons barn. 230 bushels in whole. Wm. and self
took grist to mill – 4 bushels 54 lb. fall wheat. From mill to Prince
Albert to see Walsh. Found him at Manchester. Wm. bought
100 lbs. nails from Mr. A. Gordon at $3.25. Saw Mr. Wm. Mercer
at Manchester. Boston evacuated by the British 1776
17 – Wind N, clear day. Nonquon Fair this day. Mr. Wilkinson’s
sale this day. George went for grist in the afternoon. Rest
fanning oats at home. 66 bushels in whole.
18 – Wind S, clear day. Saintfield Fair this day. John and self at
it. Some 60 cattle and 3 sheep and lots of horse racing. Wm.
and George at home making dominoes.
19 – Wind SW, rather dull looking day, appearance of a storm.
John and George at the wood in the afternoon. Wm. at Isaac
Craigs to get lumber for school fence. Goose laid this day.
Barbara at Greenbank to get boots mended and did not get
them. Fair at Port Perry this day.
20 – Wind W, clear day. George threshing timothy. Wm and
John in the woods in the forenoon. Fanning spring wheat in the
afternoon. George at Greenbank to get his foot measured.
Barbara visiting at Mr. Burton’s. Vernal Equinox – spring began.
21 – Wind ESE, cold bleak day. Self and Mrs. Michie, Barbara,
Wm, Geo and Anne at church. Mr. McArthur lecturing on the first
chapter of Hosea. Sir Isaac Newton died 1727. George Michie
died 1868.
22 – Wind N, clear cold day. Mrs. Michie and George Michie
from Brock here today. Amos Stone bought the red steer at
$6.50 per hundred. Wm and Geo at T. Phairs cordwood. Self
and John fanning fall wheat. Loaned Mr. George Michie $25.00.
23 – Wind all around, warm day. Self and George at fall wheat –
56 ½ bushels. Wm and John at T. Phairs cordwood. A. Michie
down in the afternoon. George Michie buried.
24 – Wind NW, bright cold day. Wm, John and George at T.
Phairs cordwood in the forenoon. John and George took red
steer to A. Stone in the afternoon. Received five dollars for Wm.
Michie from W. Walker.
25 – Wind S, cloudy day. John and Geo drawing out wood. Wm
mending Jas. Walkers harrow. A. Michie’s quilting bee in the
afternoon. Mother at it. Spree at A. Michie’s in the evening.
John Tipps sale this day.
26 – Wind SE, drizzling rain in the forenoon. George drawing
wood in the afternoon. John at Greenbank. Wm. making
dominoes to Mr. Phair. Good Friday. Mary McPhail visiting here
in the afternoon. Received payment from George Bodie for 40
bus. of oats and some hay. Received letter from James Tough,
Auchmull, Aberdeen. John hires to Mr. James Johnston, Brock.
27 – Wind SW, soft dull day. John and George drawing wood in
the forenoon. Wm. chopping wood to Mr. Robt. Phair. Byers
borrowed sleigh today. Barbara at A. Michie’s. Drew 3 loads of
turnips in the afternoon. News: A. Michie at Port Perry getting
his lease made. Florida discovered 1512.
28 – Wind SE, dull day. Easter Sunday collection for Knox
College. Wm. and George at Presbyterian meeting. Mother,
Barbara and Margaret at Methodist meeting. Snow melting fast.
British declare war against Russia 1854.
29 – Wind SW, dull warm day, threatening rain. John at
Manchester. A. Michie borrows bobsleigh to take a load to
Brock. Wm. at Robert Phair’s wood. George at Mr. Baileys with
black mare (1 new shoe). Mother at Mr. Lukes in the afternoon.
Snow melting fast.
30 – Wind N, dull soft foggy day, snow melting fast. George and
John drawing out wood. Wm. at Robert Phairs wood. Mother at
Mr. Lukes. John at W. Craggs in the afternoon. George drawing
wood. Self at T. Duffs in the afternoon. News: Mr. Luke got a
daughter last night. Janet Jerusha Jane is her name.
31 – Wind N, cold day. George’s birthday. George and John
drawing wood. Wm. at Robert Phairs wood. Mr. A. Michie and
Mrs. Michie here in the forenoon. Singing in the evening. A.
Michie, A. Bell, F. Smith, T. Phair, Isabella Gordon and Jane
Michie here tonight. Duck laid this day. Mr. Jason Stone here a
few minutes in the evening.
APR. 1 – Wind NE, clear day. All Fools Day. George helping A.
Michie to flit. John helping too. Self and Wm. at Greenbank at
Mrs. Andersons sale which is only a farce. Went to see I. Craig’s
sawmill. Came home with Mr. Luke. News: Pascoe Luke hired
to Jason Stone for 7 months at $70.00.
2 – Wind N, dull cloudy morning, some fresh snow. Wm. and
George drawing wood in the forenoon. Self at A. Michies
weighing hay for Mr. McPhail. George drawing it in the
afternoon. John chopping wood for A. Gordon. Wm. too in the
afternoon. News: A. Michie reproves R. Stillwell for drawing a
stick of timber through his new grass. Wm. Stillwell threatens to
kick A. Michie.
3 – Wind NW, cold day. Red mulley calved since last night. Bull
calf. George drawing wood. John at Greenbank getting his boot
mended. 2 Indians here in the forenoon. Bought 4 baskets.
Wm. and self doing nothing. In the afternoon Wm. cutting the
school wood that is too long. Self picking potatoes. Mother at
Mr. McPhails. Elizabeth and Pamella Burton here on a visit.
News: Mr. Robert Walker, Greenbank, got 2 fingers sawed off at
I. Craggs sawmill this afternoon.
4 – Wind NW, some fresh snow. Wm., Margaret and self at
church. Monthly collection $1.30. Went and came by A. Leask.
Ewe lambed this afternoon.
5 – Wind SW, rather cold in the morning. Self, John, and Barbara
at Manchester. Roads very bad. Lost a horseshoe going to
Manchester. Got 1 new shoe and 7 shoes set for 70 cents. Wm.
at Mr. Griffins Hardscrabble. News: Mr. McArthur put 4 young
men out of the church on Sabbath during service at Brock.
6 – Wind W, rather cold. George and self drew 3 loads of turnips
in the forenoon and 2 loads of hemlock cordwood. Wm. and
George drawing wood. John at Mr. Byers to see Dr. Byers to get
something for his wrist. Dr. not at home. Self picking potatoes.
News: Mr. Dusty trading his mare to Mr. Luke for buckboard, 4
bunches of shingles and 3 bags wheat. Battle of Shiloh 1862.
7 – Wind SW, rather dull looking day. Ewe Nellie got 2 lambs
since last night, a ewe and ram. George and William chopping in
the swamp in the forenoon. Self picking potatoes. George
drawing wood in the afternoon. Wm. chopping sugar wood.
Some trees tapped in the afternoon. A. Michie here at his dinner
and bought 2 mulley steers. John at Greenbank. Wm. at
Greenbank in the evening singing at the Wesleyans.
8 – Wind NW, cold day, a little snow since last night. George and
Wm. drawing chips. John went away to Mr. Jas. Johnston,
Brock. Self at Greenbank. Bought 2 pails in the forenoon.
George drawing chips in the afternoon. Wm. at Greenbank.
John returns in the evening again. Singing at Mr. Duffs this
evening. Mother at Mr. Phairs in the afternoon. John offers his
services to Mr. Johnston and is not accepted.
9 – Wind NW, dull cloudy day. In the forenoon George and Wm.
chopping in the swamp. John at P. Martineau’s. Self and Robert
fixing the sugar kettle. Afternoon Wm. and Geo. chopping in the
swamp. John at Mr. McPhails. Self put up fences in the road.
Mrs. A. Gordon and Mrs. J. Walker here on a visit. News: A.
Watson, Blacksmith, Saintfield, got his ears split and his eye
damaged horse racing with C. Aslin on the 8th
.Lee surrendered
to General Grant 1865.
10 – Wind N, clear day. Forenoon Mr. Burton looking at white
cow. Was offered one in Whitby for 23 dollars, I asking $30.00.
George splitting rails. Wm. chopping in the swamp. John and
self nothing. Afternoon George splitting rails. Wm. & John
shoveling snow on the road. Self boiling sap. Black ewe lambed
1 ram lamb. Self at Geo. Bodies in the evening asking him to
bring a spade to me from Whitby and 4 patent pails.
11 – Wind NW, rather warm day. Nobody from here at the
Presbyterian meeting on account of the roads. Barbara at the
Sunday School. Ewe lambed this day – ewe lamb. Wm. visiting
Alexander McMillan who is sick, not expected to live.
12 – Wind NW, clear day. Afternoon Mrs. Martineau, Mrs.
Burton, Mrs. Belford and Mrs. Gordon here quilting. Wm.
chopping, John at Prince Albert. Self and George drawing
turnips 8 loads. Wind W afternoon. Mrs. J. Leask, Mrs. A.
Leask, Mrs. McPhail, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Duff, Isabella Michie,
Jane Michie, A. Aslin, and M.J. Luke quilting. Wm. and George
drawing rails. Self at kettle. John lost his purse at Port Perry.
Ewe lambed ewe lamb. Evening spree. Ladies present: I.
Michie, Jane Michie, A. Aslin, MJ Luke, M. Walker, Ann Gordon,
L. Chalmers, M. Gordon, G. Luke. Gentlemen present: I.
McPhail, G. Watts, Wm. Gordon, F. Smith, A. Byers, A. Bell, A.
Michie, T. Phair, W. Luke. Andrew Gordon, musician.
13 – Wind W, clear day. Cattle and pigs in the barn this morning.
One lamb eaten. Forenoon Thos. Duff borrowed $10.00.
George chopping. Wm. nothing. John at Port Perry to find his
purse. Self mending Roberts boots. Court sits at Whitby today.
Afternoon Wm. at Isaac Craggs. Geo. chopping. John finds his
purse. Self at Mr. Byers and Mr. McPhails. News: Chancey
Aslin ploughing. Received 1 spade and 4 pails from George
Bodie. Barbara received a letter from C. A. Campbell, Brooklin.
14 – Wind NW, clear day. Ewe lambed this morning ram lamb.
Forenoon Wm. gone to Isaac Craggs to work in his mill. George
chopping. John sore feet. Self writing letter to C.A. Campbell,
Brooklin to say that Barbara will hire with him for 1 month.
Burton down wanting potatoes to buy and cow. Would give
$28.00 cash or $29.00 in a year. Afternoon George chopping.
John and self at sugar bush. Barbara at Mrs. J. Walkers quilting
bee. News: Alex McMillan died yesterday morning. Barbara at
singing in Wesleyan Church. Isabella Michie here all night.
President Lincoln assassinated 1865.
15 – Wind S, white frost this morning, clear day. George
chopping. John gone to Mr. Jas. Johnstones. Self at kettle. Port
Perry whistle blown for the first time this year. Barbara and
Isabella Michie sewing. Self at kettle. Rev. Mr. Douglas from
Uxbridge buys the red Mulley cow at $28.00.
16 – Wind S, clear warm day, snow thawing fast. Forenoon
George chopping. Self fixing Barbara’s box. Mr. A. Gordon here
to tell Wm. to go to A. Michies, Brock, to meet Mr. Tipp about the
fixing of the house A. Michie lives in. Afternoon George
chopping. Self fencing. Robert at Greenbank. Isabella Michie
left for Mr. Phairs. News: Isaac Craggs mill broke this afternoon.
17 – Wind W, soft day, rain through the night. Forenoon George
chopping. Self fixing the lock of Barbara’s chest. James Belford
here for a hen. Afternoon George chopping. Amos Stone pays
the balance on red steer bought 22 Mar. for 6 ½ dollars per
hundred and buys the white cow for $29. Robert at Greenbank
for letter from C.A. Campbell, Brooklin, accepting Barbaras offer
to hire with him for one month. Self doing very little.
18 – Wind E, dull day, threatening rain. Barbara and Margaret at
Sabbath School. Self at the English Meeting in the afternoon.
Margaret at it too. Black ewe 2 lambs, one white the other black,
both ewes. Barbara at Presbyterian Meeting. 35 of an audience.
Mr. McArthur will leave if the people say so. News: Mary Rennie
lost from Udora, Township of Scott.
19 – Wind SE, thunder and rain through the night. Ewe lambed
one ewe lamb. Forenoon Archibald Miller here for drag teeth.
Geo. chopping. Wm. took Thomas Phairs house to build at
$121.00 and board himself. Wm. gone to A. Michie’s, Brock to
meet Mr. Tipp. Self making gate. Mrs. Martineau here fixing
Barbaras dress. George at Amos Stones with white cow. Wm.
did not see Mr. Tipp. News: Mr. Jas. Cockrane says there is war
declared between England and the United States.
Fredericksburg Virginia captured 1862.
20 – Wind SE, foggy morning, very warm. George at Uxbridge
with red Mulley to Mr. Douglas. A. Michie here wanting oats.
Wm. at schoolhouse. Thunder and rain through the forenoon.
Self mending churn dasher. Afternoon more rain. Isabella
Michie here and Isabella Walker. A. Michie here in the evening
and Wesley Luke playing dominos. Byron died 1824.
21 – Wind SW, rather cold cloudy morning, ground very wet.
Snow showers through the day. Self at Manchester with Barbara
on her way to Brooklin. Roads very muddy. Mr. Archibald
Johnston came from Manchester with me. News: J.S. Sproule,
jailer, Whitby, died of apoplexy yesterday. Mr. Luke sewing
wheat today.
22 – Wind NW, cold morning, some snow through the night,
cloudy forenoon. Ewe lambed ewe lamb. George fencing. Self
making doubletree. Afternoon George plowing for the first this
season. Self at Mr. Jas. Scotts to buy potatoes but got none.
Mr. McGuire refuses payment of my store bill.
23 – Wind W, some frost in the night, clear day. George plowing.
Self fixing drain. Afternoon SE threatening rain. George
plowing. Mr. Samuel Byers alters 5 pigs and 1 calf. Robert at
Isaac Craggs and at Greenbank for the papers. George and
Robert at A. Michies in evening. Mr. Luke over wanting to trade
wheat for peas. St. George’s Day.
24 – Wind W, bright warm morning. White faced ewe lambed a
ewe and a ram. Geo. plowing. Mr. Luke gets 8 ½ bushels of
peas in exchange for spring wheat. $6.50 received this day. Mr.
Joseph Williams here to dinner. Annie bought brooch. Margaret
bought earrings. Afternoon George at grist mill with 5 bushels
wheat. Mother at A. Gordons, and Annie. Self weighed 10
bushels of oats to A. Michie, Senior. George gets the grist
25 – Wind N, cold morning. Ewe lambed since last night ram
lamb. Self, Mother, Margaret and Wm. at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching to the young from Ecclesiastic. Some
talk of his leaving.
26 – Wind W, clear bright day. George plowing. Wm. gone to
Craggs. 2 pigs very sick with being altered. Self cleaning out
the shop. John Belford here asking for Geo. and horses to plow
for him ½ day tomorrow. Afternoon Geo. plowing. Self fixing
drain. One pig dead. Wm’s boat gone from the creek.
27 – Wind SW, calm dull morning, appearance of rain. Geo.
plowing. Reach and Scugog Agricultural Fair at Prince Albert
this day. Self taking home the dishes from the wood event.
Went down the new road to the creek looking for the boat.
Afternoon Geo. plowing at Mr. Belfords. Wm. came home from I.
Craggs, the water being now low. Wm. at school fence. Self at
drain. Spree at Belfords. Wm., Geo., and Margaret at it.
28 – Wind W, rather cold cloudy morning, appearance of rain.
Geo. plowing in the orchard. Wm. at school fence. Self making
gate. Another pig dead. Afternoon George plowing in the
orchard. Wm. and Margaret at singing at Wesleyan Church.
29 – Wind ENE, cold high wind. Wm. at school fence. Geo.
harrowing. Self sowing peas. Stove pipes came apart.
Afternoon Geo. harrowing. Self spreading dung. Wm’s compass
broke today by somebody.
30 – No wind, hard frost. Geo. and self gathering stones. Wm. at
school fence. George plowing the rest of the forenoon.
Afternoon sun very hot, what little wind there is W. Geo. plowing.
Self choring around. Mother at Mr. Lukes. Robert at Greenbank
for the newspapers. Ewe lambed ewe lamb. Altogether 14
lambs, 2 dead, 12 alive. Mother’s birthday. General Grant born
MAY 1 – Wind E, very cold bleak day. Geo. plowing. Wm. at the
school fence. Self spreading dung. Mr. James McPhail here for
1 1/2 bushels of barley. Mr. Alex Gordon here for sheep, and
goose eggs to Mr. James Cochrane. Afternoon raining from the
SE. No work going on here. Self has a sore throat. Wesley
Luke here in the evening playing dominoes.
2 – Wind NE, some snow through the night, raw cold day.
Margaret for the Sabbath School this morning but Mother would
not let her. Margaret rather sulky about it. Throat rather worse
than yesterday. Wm., Geo., and Margaret at the Presbyterian
meeting. Gone half an hour sooner to practice singing. Showers
from the north. Annie at Mr. E. Lukes in the afternoon. Mary
Jane Luke here in the afternoon as she found no one at home at
Mr. R. Phairs.
3 – Wind N, rather cold bleak morning. Wm. at school fence.
Geo. plowing. Throat getting better, broke yesterday. Geo.
plowing in the afternoon. Self sifting spring wheat. Spotted
heifer bulling today. Geo., Robert and Wm. at A. Michie’s
playing ball. Alex Gordon & Alex Michie here tonight.
4 – Wind N, hard frost, cold morning. Geo. plowing. Wm. at
school fence. Self spreading dung. Throat better. Afternoon
Geo. plowing. Wm. at school fence. Self spreading dung and
gardening. Robert with Wm. holding fence posts at the school
ground. Mr. Phair here visiting. Agnes Aslin here borrowing
small notebook. Alex Michie gets 10 ½ bus. of oats.
5 – Wind N, some frost through the night, bright morning. Geo.
plowing. Wm. at school fence. Self spreading dung. Gathered
finger today and very sore. Afternoon wind E, looking like rain.
Robert holding fence posts at school. Geo. plowing. Self
trimming current bushes. Margaret at Jas. Cochrans to attend
the singing at the Wesleyan Church at night. Wm. & Robert at
singing. Napoleon died 1821. Battle of the Wilderness Virginia
6 – Wind SE, fine morning. Geo. plowing. Wm. at school fence.
Self choring, finger rather better. Little sow 3 pigs since last
night. Mr. Alex Gordon took away one ewe and one ewe lamb,
either pay 4 dollars or return them in the fall. Afternoon Geo.
plowing. Self and Mother taking cockle out of spring wheat.
Robert at school fence. Mr. Wm. Minto (peddler) here, sold him
a sheepskin for 30 cents. Bought ½ doz. knives and forks for
one dollar. P. Davis Pain Killer, Henry’s Worm Lozenges,
Essence of Peppermint & room shovel. Altogether 80 cents.
Received a letter from Barbara.
7 – Wind E, rather cloudy morning. Wm. at school fence. Geo.
plowing. Self and Mother cleaning wheat. Afternoon George
went to Thos. Duffs for seed oats. Rest of the time harrowing.
Self sowing wheat. Mother went with Geo. to visit Mrs. Duff who
is sick. Robert at Mr. Phairs for onions and Greenbank for the
papers. A. Michie here for to play ball and dominoes. Phairs
boy here for goose eggs.
8 – Wind SW, calm pleasant morning. Geo. harrowing. Wm. at
school fence. Self sowing spring wheat in the potato land. Mary
Gordon here for strawberry plants to A. Michie. Afternoon Geo.
plowing, self fixing timothy seed. Jas. McPhail 5 ½ bus. of
barley. Alex Michie Senior 10 bushels oats. Wesley here in the
evening playing dominoes. Prince Albert died yesterday.
9 – Wind S, cloudy morning, appearance of rain. Margaret at
Bethel Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., Robert, and Anne at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Acts
2:42&43. Monthly collection $2.00.
10 – Wind S, cloudy morning. Geo. at Manchester for plaster.
Mother, Robert and Anne & Mr. McPhail at Manchester in the
afternoon. Forenoon Geo. drawing some lumber for the school
fence and gets the horses all shod by John Bailey. Looking like
rain in the evening.
11 – Wind SW, calm bright morning. Geo. plowing. Wm. and
Robert at school fence. Self sowing plaster. 1
Afternoon Geo.
plowing, self gardening. R. Phair sets fire to the swamp. Mother
making dress for Annie. Very droughty afternoon with high wind
from SW. Robert & Wm. late coming to supper.
12 – Wind SE, calm morning. Smoky. Heavy dew at night. Geo.
plowing. Wm. splitting rails for Mr. Colin Miller on Mr. Robert
Murtons farm Lot 18, north half of conc. 10 Reach. Afternoon
George plowing. Self gardening. Mother and Annie visiting at
Mrs. Geo. Bodies. Singing at the Wesleyan Church. Margaret at
it. Wm. & Robert at the creek fishing. New Zealand discovered
1642. Isaac Cragg’s bull died…worth $40.
13 – Wind E, rather hazy morning. George plowing. William
digging about the apple trees. Self spreading dung. Margaret
puts out the young calf this morning. Afternoon Geo. plowing.
Self and Wm. fixing dam for sheep washing. Wm. fixing in the
old garden. Appearance of rain. Self sowed some barley. Rain
from the southeast about 4 o’clock. Wms. colt lost out of Bodies
field. Cattle to grass for first time this year.
14 – Wind changeable, mostly from the SW, cloudy warm
forenoon. Geo. harrowing. Wm. mending dam. Self fixing bars
behind the barn. Robert at Greenbank for the Globes. Heavy
rain about half past four with thunder. A social at the
Temperance Hall, Greenbank. Barley all sowed.
15 – Wind what there is SW, rather gloomy morning. George
plowing. Wm. at dam. Self pruning apple trees. Appearance of
rain, afternoon wind NW. Drizzly rain. Geo. plowing sometimes
and sometimes in the house. Self at Isaac Craggs to speak for
lumber to make a cistern. Wm. Englis here for oats. Mr. Cragg
Sr. and Mr. Cragg Jr. here with 34 yards of flannel which they
wove. Wm. & Robert planting cucumbers and melons in the old
16 – Wind if any NW, dull cloudy morning, appearance of rain.
John came home in the morning. Self, Wm., Geo., Margaret and
Robert at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Johns gospel 12:31-32 verses.
17 – Wind NW, very cold. Geo. plowing. Wm. at Colin Millers
with his colt. Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon still cold. George
plowing. Wm. painting Margaret’s chest. Self cutting potatoes.
Plaster is another name for lime, which was used for
Joseph Williams, peddler, here. Night Wm. planted 2 large apple
trees – one from the old garden and one from the fence at the
18 – Wind NW, rather cold. Geo. & Wm. drawing lumber from
Isaac Cragg’s mill for school fence and cistern. Robert and
Annie at school. George brought home from the mill 410 ft. of
clear plank at $12 per 1000 = $4.92. 80 ft. of common plank and
80 ft. of scantling. Afternoon Geo. plowing. Wm. working at
plank. Self cutting potatoes. Andrew Gordon here. Luke puts
his colts out on the road. Margaret and Wm. at C. Collins
singing. Geo, Robert & A. Michie playing ball. John leaves I.
Johnstons service.
19 – Wind W, drizzly forenoon. Geo. plowing. Wm. mending
plane. Self cleaning turnip cellar. Afternoon rather rainy. Geo.
plowing. Wm. grooving plank. Self weighed 23 ½ bus. to A.
Michie and 4 bus. to Mr. G. Bodie. Ball playing at night in Bodies
field. J. Anderson put 4 steers in Mr. Bodies field. Washing day.
Robert at school.
20 – Wind NW, cloudy morning. Geo. at Manchester with 55 bus.
oats. Margaret at Manchester. Wm. & John at school fence.
Self at A. Michies, his mare foaling. Robert and Annie at school.
Mrs. Walker here to dinner on her way to Mrs. Phairs picking
bee. Self cutting potatoes. Columbus died 1506.
21 – Wind NE, clear day. Geo. harrowing. Self sowing oats.
Wm. & John mending Jas. Walker’s fence. Robert and Annie at
school. Mary Gordon here for yeast. Afternoon Geo. harrowing.
Wm. & John at school fence. Self choring. Mother at R. Phairs
picking wool. John, Geo. and Robert at A. Michies playing ball.
Dominion Plowing Match 1868.
22 – Wind NW, slight frost in the morning. Geo. harrowing and
drilling in the orchard. Self sowing oats. Wm. & John at school
fence. After Geo. & self washing sheep. Wm. at fence. John
drawing 20 boards from I. Craggs for school fence and going to
Jas. Johnstones, Brock, for his chest. Mother and Annie at Mrs.
Belfords to double some yarn. Isabella Michie here all night.
Sewed carrots.
23 – Wind NW, sun drawing water. Isabella Michie and Margaret
at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Geo., Margaret and
Annie at church. Mr. McArthur preaching from Luke 4:31, they
that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick. Saw
Mr. George Gilson at church. Mr. A. Michies mare died. Red
heifer bulling.
24 – Wind NW, looking very draughty. Geo. plowing. Self and
Robert planting corn. Wm. grooving plank. John digging cistern.
George plowing potato land. Self cutting potatoes. Wm. at
plank. John fishing and digging cistern. Margaret at Mr. Phairs
for early potatoes. Miss Gordon here. Queen’s birthday. Wrote
to Barbara.
25 – Wind S, some cloudy in the forenoon and looks like rain.
Geo. at Jas. Walkers bee. Wm. making plane. John digging
cistern. Self planting potatoes and hanging gates. Afternoon
clouds were all gone, looking like drought. John digging. Wm. at
Greenbank. Self sowing oats to A. Michie. Mother twisting
cotton yarn. Robert & Annie at school. A. Leask here hunting
steer, found him. Singing at John McMillans, Wm. at it.
26 – Wind W, thunder and rain through the night, cloudy morning
with slight showers. Geo. plowing. Wm. making plane. John
digging cistern. Self taking away the dirt. Mother twisting cotton
yarn. Luke 2 sick sheep. Robert and Annie at home. Afternoon
rather rainy. Geo. at grist mill with 3 bags of wheat. Wm. at
John Leasks for money for school fence. John doing nothing.
Self making sieve for windows. Jas. Smith giving a temperance
lecture in Sons Hall.
27 – Wind S, frost through the night. Geo. plowing in potatoes.
Wm. at cistern all day. Margaret at Belfords spooling cotton
yarn. Receive 3 Peoples Journals from A. Michie.
28 – Wind SE, clear morning. John & Geo. drawing rails in the
swamp. Wm. at cistern. Self shearing sheep. Afternoon rain
from the SE. William making plane. Geo & John doing nothing.
Self at sheep. Robert and Annie at school. Mother making
shimmy to Annie. Mr. Thos. Phair here tonight. Cows out all
night (first). Division court sat today.
29 – Wind NE, cloudy, drizzly morning. Geo. plowing in the
swamp. Wm. making plane. Self and John fencing in the
swamp. Margaret baking and scrubbing. Mother washing.
Afternoon bright and clear. Geo. harrowing in the swamp. Wm.
and John framing cistern. Self sowing oats and timothy in the
swamp. Margaret at Greenbank. Annie takes Mrs. Gordons
goslings home. Finished sewing grain today, 3 days later than
last year. Court of Revision sat at Manchester.
30 – Wind E, looking like rain. Margaret wanting to go to Sabbath
School but Mother would not let her. Afternoon self, Mother,
Wm., John, Geo., Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Church.
Margaret at Wesleyan Sunday School. Mr. McArthur preaching
from 1 Corinthians verse 28 on self-examination. Ontario Bank
suspends payment. Pope died 1764.
31 – Wind W, warm foggy morning. Geo. harrowing. Wm. &
John at cistern. Afternoon Geo. harrowing. Wm., John and self
putting in cistern. Mrs. Gordon here for potatoes. Robert at
school. Mother making dress for Annie. Mr. Luke at
Manchester. Margaret planted beets. Battle of Pines 1862.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, fine bright morning. Self at Manchester
quarterly Fair. Mother takes her yarn for coverlet to Mr. Cragg to
be woven. Mother and Wm. at Manchester. Brought home the
grist from the mill. John fishing and Geo. too at noon. Afternoon
digging stumps in the turnip land. Evening Collin Miller here for
11 bushels of oats.
2 – Wind S, warm morning. George and John drawing stones
and chunks off the turnip ground. Wm. over the creek to see Mr.
Tipp and did not see him. Self turning potatoes. Afternoon Geo.
plowing. Wm. making spout for cistern. John and self digging
trench to cistern. Mother making Wm. pants. Robert at school.
Mrs. Bodie and Mrs. Walker here this afternoon. Donatis Comet
discovered 1858.
3 – Wind S, warm morning. Geo. plowing. Wm. over the creek to
see Mr. Tipp. Self and John at cistern. John Belford here at half
past five for 2 bags of potatoes to plant at Mr. Duffs. Wm. takes
Mr. Tipps job at $17. Mrs. Martineau here fixing bonnets.
Afternoon Geo. plowing. Self and John at cistern. Wm. putting
handles in chisels. Button peddler here to supper. Received the
Aberdeen Herald of May 8th
from G. Tough.
4 – Wind SW, dull morning, looking like rain. Geo. plowing. Wm.
making dashboard for Mr. McPhails wagon. Self and John at
cistern. Mother fixing Margaret and Annies jackets. Afternoon
self, Mother, Wm., John, George and Annie at Presbyterian
church. Mr. Douglas preaching from Hebrews 13-20, last clause,
through the blood of the everlasting covenant. Battle of Magenta
in Austria 1859.
5 – Wind NW, rainy morning and much rain through the night.
Nothing doing. Robert Phair here warning of road work on
Tuesday. Wm. at Mr. Lukes with Mr. Phair. Self turning
potatoes. Afternoon Geo. plowing. Self and John cleaning
sheep house. Mr. Bodie here for 6 bushels of potatoes. England
takes possession of Nova Scotia 1755.
6 – Wind NE, rather cold, near frost. Self, Mother, Wm., John,
Geo., and Robert and Annie at Brock, it being the sacrament in
the Presbyterian Church. 82 communicants and six dollars of a
collection. Mr. McArthur spoke of his situation that he was willing
to leave or stay as the majority would decide. Heard of only 4
being against him. Battle of Memphis 1862.
7 – N wind, hard frost this morning. George harrowing. Wm. and
John gone to Alex Michies, Brock to fix his house. Robert at
school. Annie at home. Afternoon wind S looking like rain. Geo.
harrowing, self hoeing corn. Mother at Mrs. Belfords picking bee.
Luke offering his farm to George to rent for one hundred and
forty dollars when he gets off his crops. Rather much.
8 – Wind NW, cold cloudy morning. Self and Geo. working on the
road. Alex Michie Junior and Andrew Gordon at dinner.
Afternoon self and Geo. at the road. Cassidy cow calved since
last night, heifer calf. James Cochran here for oats. Alex Michie,
Jr. and Andrew Gordon here to supper. Robert at school.
9 – Wind SW, slight frost and foggy morning. Alex Michie here all
night and at breakfast. Self and Geo. at the road work.
Afternoon self and Geo. at the road. 4 days in. Crows taking up
the corn. Set up a scarecrow this evening. Wm. Real here in the
evening asking the loan of the turnip drill. Talked till after 10
o’clock. Robert at school today. Spotted heifer bulling.
10 – Wind S, rainy morning. Self and Geo. went to work on the
road at 9 o’clock. Time done at noon. Mr. Love and David
Cragg here for 2 bushels of potatoes. Afternoon self digging
cabbage ground. Geo. chopping in the swamp. Heavy thunder
shower at 5 o’clock with hail. Mr. Phair here from the shower.
Robert and Annie at home. Old duck found at Mr. Lukes.
Temperance demonstration at Greenbank, June 1868.
11 – Wind W, cold cloudy morning. Self planting cabbage plants
– 200 planted. Geo. choring. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon Geo. cutting thistles. Self at school house. Mrs. Luke
here visiting. Pascoe here in the evening playing dominoes.
Received a letter from Barbara.
12 – Wind W, cold morning, got warmer through the morning.
Geo. harrowing. Self at Mr. Bodies blacksmith shop for latch to
gate and at I. Craggs. Mr. Murts very sick last night, rather
easier this morning. Some jobs letting on the centre road. E.
Major, M. Bates and Jas. Graham, Commissioners. Afternoon
Geo. spudding thistles. Self at I. Craggs for maple scantling.
Tried red mare to young Revenger. She did not take him. Found
ewe dead in swamp. Mrs. Bodie sick in the evening. Mother
sent over. New York incorporated 1665.
13 – Wind SW, hazy morning, rather rainy all forenoon. Margaret
did not get to school. Afternoon rain till 3 o’clock. Nobody at any
church. No service at Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur at the
Synod which met in Hamilton on Tuesday 8th
of June at 7:30 a.m.
Margaret at Mr. Phairs.
14 – Wind SW, clear morning, nearly frost. Geo. drilling. Wm.
and John gone to Brock. Self putting latch on gate. Afternoon
high wind and light showers. Geo. drilling. Self cutting thistles.
Robert and Annie at school. Singing at Brick Church, Margaret at
15 – Wind W, cloudy morning. George drilling. Self grubbing
stumps in the pasture. Afternoon Geo. drilling, self thistle
cutting. Robert and Annie at school. Richard Real here asking
the turnip drill. Got it in the evening after Mr. Luke had done.
Wm. Ferguson, peddler, here today.
16 – Wind W, showery morning. George drilling out the turnip
land. Self spudding thistles. Mr. Broad, tin peddler, here in the
forenoon. Punk calved since last night, calf dead. Afternoon self
and Geo. spudding thistles. Mothers picking bee this afternoon.
Present: Mrs. A. Gordon, Mrs. McPhail, M.J. Luke, Georgina
Luke, E. Burton, P. Burton, S. Byers, I. Aslin, E. Walker, A.
Bodie, Mary Gordon, Jane Gordon, and M. Leask. Wool all
picked. Jas. Cochran here for to get the turnip drill on Thursday
night or Friday morning. Ball playing here tonight.
17 – Wind W, bright clear morning. Wm. Real sends home the
turnip drill early this morning. Geo. and self spudding thistles.
Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Geo. sowing turnips.
Self spudding thistles. Mrs. Alex Gordon and Mrs. Bodie here
picking wool. Mr. J. Williams, peddler, here this afternoon. Self
bad with dizzy head. Ball playing in the evening. James
Cochran, Jas. Walker, Jas. Gordon, Mary Gordon, Jane Gordon
here for turnip drill. Three heifers put into Mr. Bodies field for a
months pasture. This paid for six bushels of potatoes. Battle of
Bunker Hill 1775. Received letter from Barbara.
19 – Wind N, drying day. George spudding thistles, self fixing
grindstone. Robert and Annie at home. Mrs. Luke gone to
Manchester. Afternoon Geo. spudding thistles and took the red
mare to the horse at Greenbank. Mare took the horse. Self
fixing grindstone. Mother picking her geese. Wm. and John
arrive from Brock, job not finished. Margaret at Mrs. Martineaus
to get her to come and make her a new dress. Alabama sunk,
20 – Wind S, thunder and rain through the night. Drizzly morning.
Margaret got ready to go to Sunday School but did not go
because of the wet morning. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Margaret
and Annie at Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Mr. McDonald from
Beaverton preaching. Rev. 3-20, last clause: If any man hear
my voice I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with
me. He spoke first of the character of the person who they
address is that he is the Lord Jesus Christ. Second, those who
are addressed they are all who hear the Gospel, the careless,
the drunkard, the prayerless be. William, John and Geo. at
evening meeting at Greenbank, this being Days Meeting at the
Primitive Methodist Church. King William, the fourth, died 1837.
Accession of Queen Victoria 1837. Mr. Robert Walker,
Greenbank, very sick.
21 – Wind SW, rather cloudy morning. Geo. spudding thistles. In
afternoon Geo. gone to A. Michies. John gone to Brock. Self
mending gate at the road. James Walker brings the turnip drill
home in the morning. Geo. sowing turnips. Adam Bell here
waiting for the turnip drill. Mr. Beare’s son here in the morning
asking for the turnip drill when Byers done with it. Mr. McPhail
gets the loan of the wooden harrows. Mr. Robert Phair here
playing ball. Washing and churning day. Mr. Wm. Minto,
peddler, here today.
22 – Wind SW, rather gloomy this morning. Geo. spudding
thistles. Self hoeing corn. Mrs. Martineau and Mrs. Belford here
today. Afternoon tried to hoe potatoes but they are too small.
Geo. burning brush. Self hoeing garden. Robert and Annie at
school. Robert Belford here tonight. Margaret dress making
today. Summer solstice.
23 – Wind SW, clear morning. Geo. & self drawing oat straw
from Andersons barn. James Belford here for 3 bushels of
potatoes. Mrs. Martineau here all night. Afternoon Geo.
spudding thistles. Self washing apple trees. Mr. & Mrs. Michie,
Mrs. Alex Gordon here this afternoon. A. Michie buys the drake.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret singing at Brick Church.
24 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Geo., John and self logging in
the swamp. Wm. at Mr. John Tipps. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon Geo., John, Wm. and self logging in the swamp. Black
mare got so lame we had to quit. Geo. went to Samuel Byers to
get his oxen. Same at Mr. Iansons piling lumber. Do not know
whether we get them or not. Robert Phair sows his turnips today
and had to go to John Beares farm for the drill and take it back
again. Ball playing.
25 – Wind SW, fine morning. Mother gone to Mrs. Walkers, she
being sick. Geo. goes to Mr. S. Byers to see about oxen.
Cannot get them till Monday. Wm. sharpens saw. John at Wm.
Loves for broad axe. Self washing apple trees. Dr. I.N. Byers
here to borrow paint and brush to paint his buckboard. Afternoon
Colin Miller here, paid 11 bushels of oats. Wm. & John splitting
rails on Mr. Murtas farm. George spudding thistles. Self
washing trees. Robert and Annie at school. Mr. Luke here in the
evening talking. Geo., Robert and Wesley and Wagner at Byers
playing ball. Repeal of Corn Law 1846. Book man here this
afternoon. Subscribed for Bible History and Bible Dictionary to
be delivered the end of harvest.
26 – Wind SW, some appearance of rain. Geo. and self hoeing.
Wm. and John at rail splitting on Mr. Murtas farm. Mother not
home yet, been at Jas. Walkers all night. Came home this
forenoon. Self and Geo. hoeing potatoes. Wm. & John framing
Thos. Phairs house. Ball playing tonight. Elizabeth Walker
came after Mother this evening for Mrs. Walker. Epsom School
27 – Wind NE, much rain through the night, dull rainy morning.
Mother not home. Therefore Margaret cannot get to Sunday
School. Rain through the day. Mrs. Walker gets a dead child
(daughter) and Mrs. Bodie a living daughter, both at the same
time. Nobody at church today. Wm. makes the coffin for James
Walkers baby after dinner and Geo., self, A. Gordon and Jas.
Walker take corpse to the Presbyterian Church burial ground, dig
the grave and buried it. Mrs. Walker very weak. Mother comes
home with the wagon.
28 – Wind S, much rain through the night. Geo. and self at Mr.
Lukes with the spotted heifer to the bull. Took the 2 yearling
heifers to the swamp. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs house.
Robert and Annie at home. Sow pigged in the forenoon, 5 pigs,
4 of them wrong with the hind legs, 2 dead. Afternoon Geo.
spudding thistles. Self mending umbrella. Wm. & John at Thos.
Phairs house. R. Phair sick today. Ball playing.
29 – Wind SW, fine morning. George at home. Wm. and John at
T. Phairs house. Self at Bodies with wool to the carding machine
and brought Margaret home. Very warm afternoon. Got home
about 6 o’clock. Took black mare to farrier at Brooklin, Mr.
Sweetapple, who says that spavin2
is the cause of the lameness
and that blistering might cure it, but the sure way is by a seton3
on it. I got the blister but at present not settled whether to apply
it or not. The Bishop of Toronto at Greenbank today to
administer the Sacrament of Confirmation and had a large
audience. Crops looking good between here and Brooklin with
the exception of corn. Ball playing tonight, Wm. Byers & Jas.
Belford. Greenwich Hospital founded in London, England 1696.
30 – Rain through the night. Wind NW, raining first part of
forenoon. Nothing doing. Mrs. Martineau here making Barbaras
dress. Adam Bell here asking hands to logging bee. Afternoon
Geo. and John at Mr. Duffs logging bee. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self at Greenbank getting horses shod. Robert at
school, Annie at home. Got 2 shoes set on black mare. Bought
lining for Barbaras dress from A. McGuire. Very draughty
afternoon with the wind from N.
JULY 1 – Wind W, cool day, bright all day. The Dominion
celebration at Prince Albert. Self, Geo. & Margaret at it. Great
crowd at it. Horse racing, velocipede racing and foot racing.
Margaret gets a new pair of boots at night. Dark when we got
home. Wm. and John at T. Phairs house. Robert and Annie at
school. Self very tired of celebration, thinks will not go to any
such thing anymore. Mother at home baking bread for the
2 – Wind W, warm day. Wm., John & Geo. at T. Phairs house.
Self hoeing in the orchard. Afternoon Wm., John and Geo. at T.
Phairs house which was raised this afternoon. Wm., John and
Geo. at Byers playing ball. Barbara at singing in Brick Church
and stopped at Mr. Aslins all night.
3 – Wind SW, rain about 4 o’clock in the morning, warm forenoon.
Wm. & Geo. at T. Phairs house. John at Mr. Geo. Haddens to
hire. Self mending black mare’s halter. Georgina Luke here
wanting Barbara to sew with the machine. Mother not willing.
Barbara comes home about 9 o’clock and goes to Lukes to sew
at half past eleven. Mr. Luke over wanting the horses and
wagon to go to Columbus to the anniversary, but the red mare
has to go to Greenbank at 4 o’clock to the stud horse. John hires
to Mr. Hadden for 3 months. Ball playing. Lizzy Chalmers here
all night to see Barbara. Isabella and George Michie here all
night. Quebec founded 1608. Mare did not take horse.
4 – Wind W, high wind and very smoky. Meeting at Presbyterian
Church at half past ten. Self, Wm. and John at Presbyterian
Church. Mr. McArthur preaches from John 14:23. Barbara,
Margaret and Isabella Michie at Methodist Church. In afternoon
Spavin – a swelling of the hock joint of a horse,
resulting in lameness.
Seton – a thread of gauze or other suture material,
threaded through tissue and used to keep a wound
all at Methodist but self. Meeting in woods. Isabella and George
Michie here all night. Independence Day of the United States
5 – Wind about NW, cold morning, nearly frost if not altogether.
Self, Mother, Barbara, Margaret, Annie and Robert at
anniversary all day. Geo. hoeing potatoes in the forenoon. Wm.
and John at T. Phairs house. Afternoon all at anniversary. Wm.,
John, George, Margaret and Barbara at concert in the evening.
Isabella Michie here all night. Barbara at A. Leasks all night.
Anniversary of the Bethel Church [remainder not legible]
6 – Wind N, hazy morning and forenoon. Self and Geo. hoeing
potatoes. Wm. and John at T. Phair’s house. Isabella Michie
leaves for home. Tinsmith from the other side of the creek here
to dinner and mended eave pipe and soldered some holes in the
teapot and dishes. Sold Mother a tin pail. Altogether 1 dollar &
25 cents. Afternoon self and Geo. hoeing potatoes in the
orchard. Wm. and John at T. Phairs house. Mary Jane Luke
here this afternoon on a visit. Bodie boy here asking for the
scuffler. Barbara comes home at 8 o’clock. John Real here
wanting cattle to buy. Washing day.
7 – Wind S, rather hazy morning. Wm. & John at T. Phairs
house. Self and Geo. hoeing potatoes. George Bodie here in
the morning for the scuffler. Luke gone to Manchester.
Afternoon Wm. and Geo. at T. Phairs house. Self at Greenbank
with wagon to get one shoe set on red mare. Mr. Dockham at
Greenbank with his buggy to take Barbara to Brooklin, she
having hired with him for 2 months at 4 dollars per month. John
leaves at same time for Geo. Haddens for 5 months. Mother at
Mrs. Loves visiting and I bring her to Jas. Walkers as I come
from Greenbank. She visits Mrs. Bodie and Mrs. A. Gordon
coming home. Robert at school, Annie at home. Mr. Duff gains
the suit on Mr. Burton. Division Court sits at Manchester today.
8 – Wind SW, thunder and rain all morning and soft and rainy
looking through the forenoon. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Geo.
gone to Brooklin for the Rolls and Mr. Aislin with him to the
weavers. Self hoeing turnips in the orchard among the carrots.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self hoeing turnips. Robert
at school, Annie at home. Margaret some sick. Geo. gets home
from Brooklin at 6 o’clock. Baking and washing day.
9 – Wind NW, cloudy morning, looking like rain, but clears up and
comes out a fine day. George scuffling turnips. Self hoeing in
the orchard. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Robert and Annie at
school. Margaret sick. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Geo.
scuffling turnips. Mrs. Alex Gordon and baby, Mrs. John Gordon
Jr. and baby, and Mrs. Martineau here on a visit this afternoon.
Old ram killed this evening. Mr. Geo. Bodie here to see Wm.
about his hay cutting. McPhail red heifer taken to Mr. Lukes bull
this morning.
10 – Wind S, signs of rain. Wm. at T. Phairs house and Robert
carrying shingles to him. Self and Geo. hoeing turnips. Margaret
sick. Mother doing the work. Afternoon very high wind from the
south, then calm with a few drops of rain. Then a high wind from
the SE, calm at night. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house. Self
and Geo. hoeing turnips. Geo. takes the red mare to R. Dobsons
at 5 o’clock. Ball playing at night.
11 – Wind NW, storm of rain, wind and thunder about half past 2
this morning. High wind all day drying up the water fast.
Margaret still sick. Self, Mother, Wm., Geo., Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur preaching from Hosea 5:3
on the work of the spirit. Canada invaded by the Americans
12 – Wind NW, draughty day. Forenoon self and Geo. hoeing
turnips. McPhails white heifer at Lukes bull this morning. Wm.
and Robert at T. Phairs house. Margaret rather better. Annie
sick. Mother fixing pants. Afternoon self and Geo. hoeing
turnips. Robert & Wm. at T. Phairs house. L.O. Celebration of
the Battle of the Boyne. Ball playing tonight. Orange Day.
13 – Very calm and cloudy, wind from the E, appearance of rain,
cleared up, a fine day. Forenoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Geo.
banking up the potatoes. Self hoeing turnips. Afternoon Wm. at
house. Geo. hoeing turnips. Self hoeing potatoes. Margaret
better. Robert and Annie at school. Mr. Bodie here on a visit. R.
Cromwell died 1712.
14 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Wm. at Greenbank for a new
scythe. Self, Geo., and Mrs. A. Gordon hoeing turnips. Mr. Wm.
Ferguson here peddling, but principally to tell of meeting to be
held this evening at the Brick Church concerning the name the
Sunday School should take and how the anniversary money
should be expended. Self at this meeting and it was agreed that
the following be the basis of the School of the future. That the
school be known as the Greenbank Union Sunday School and it
is composed of Primitive Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of
England and probably Wesleyan Methodists. Each
denomination when it sees fit to leave this union school shall be
entitled to its share of the then existing library according to the
number of pupils attending school belonging to the said
denomination. This resolution was moved by Colin Miller, sec.
by T.C. Bush. Heaviest rain for this season this evening.
15 – Wind NW, warm soft day. Wm. & Geo. at Mr. Bodies hay.
Self at mill with 7 bush., 35 lb of fall wheat. Saw Mr. Beare, he
talking about the meeting last evening. Saw Mr. W. Luke and
Mr. J. Real talking about the same thing and Mrs. Ferguson and
Mrs. R. Walker about the same. Afternoon Mother at Mrs. Byers
quilting bee. Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Self and Geo. at hay and
quit at 5 o’clock for heat, this afternoon being very hot and
suffocating. We went to hoe turnips in the orchard. Looking like
a storm.
16 – Wind NW, some rain through the night, warm morning
looking like more rain. Forenoon Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Geo.
mowing. Self at mill for grist and got 38 pounds of flour. John
Beare being sick and not able to grind. Saw Mr. J. Luke in a bad
way about the S.S.
17 – Wind NW, some rain through the night, fine day. Wm. at
Bodies hay. Self and Geo. mowing. Afternoon Wm. at Bodies
hay. Self and Geo. raking and cocking hay. Some appearance
of rain in the evening.
18 – Wind NW, some thunder through the night but no rain. Wm.
and Margaret at Sunday School but no school kept as no
arrangements had been made for the new order the school.
Afternoon self home. Mother, Wm., Geo., and Margaret at the
Presbyterian meeting. Self not well today.
19 – Wind SE, fine hay day. Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Self and
Geo. mowing. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at
Bodies hay. Self and Geo. raking and drawing hay. 3 loads
before tea. Mowing after. Mr. McArthur, 14th
Reach, killed by sunstroke between 11 and 12 o’clock.
20 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Self and
Geo. mowing. Annie and Robert at school. Shower of rain
before dinner. Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Self and Geo.
at A. Michies hay. 2 showers this afternoon. Wm’s colt been at
C. Millers 65 days.
21 – Wind NW, cool morning, some drizzly rain in the forenoon.
Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay. Geo. at A. Michies hay. Self at mill for
grist. Afternoon Wm. at Bodies hay. Self and Geo. mowing at A.
Michies. Washing day. Mr. Miller brings Wms. colt home in the
22 – Wind NW, clear morning. Self and Geo. mowing at A.
Michies. Wm. at Mr. Bodies hay and puts his colt in Bodies field.
Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon self and Geo. drawing
hay, six loads. Wm. at Bodies hay. Wms. colt breaks out in the
evening. Self at Greenbank to meet the trustees of the Primitive
Methodist Church about the terms by which the Greenbank
Union S.S. may be admitted into the Brick Church. Our offer
$18.00 of rent, 2 cords of wood and pay half of cleaning the
church. Drew 6 loads of hay into the barn. Began the wheat
harvest 1868.
23 – No wind, looking like rain every minute, very dull. Wm. at
Bodies hay. Self and Geo. turning hay and raking hay. Robert
and Annie not at school. Wm. finishes Mr. Bodies hay. Self and
Geo. drawing hay. Mother visiting at James Walkers in the
afternoon. Some rain late in the evening. No Globe tonight as
there was no children at school. Drew in 4 loads of hay. William
9 days at Mr. Bodies hay. Canada’s Union 1860.
24 – Wind S, very dull rainy looking morning. Wm. and Geo. at
James Walkers hay. Self hoeing in the orchard. Robert at
Greenbank for the Globe. Afternoon Wm. and Geo. at Mr.
Walkers hay. Self hoeing orchard. Mother picking currants.
Picnic in A. Michies woods. Robert and Annie at it. Cassidy
heifer at Mr. Lukes bull this evening. Gibraltar taken 1768.
25 – Wind SE, clear morning in comparison of yesterday.
Presbyterian meeting at half past 10 o’clock. Self, Mother, Wm.,
George and Annie at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur
preaching from Joshua 24:23. Margaret at Wesleyan Sabbath
School in the afternoon and the English Meeting. Pig lame on
hind quarters. St. James Day.
26 – Wind S and very high all the forenoon. Self, George, William
and Robert drew 4 loads of hay. 2 into the barn and 2 into the
stables. Afternoon drew one load of A. Michies hay and then
there came a shower of rain. Red mare broke through the bridge
at A. Michies barn. Self and Wm. went to Mr. Duffs to help him
off the wagon with his reaper.
27 – Wind W, dull foggy morning. Wm. at Mr. Clemens. George
scuffling turnips. Self mending bridge at Alex Michies barn. Mr.
Bodie here for wheat. Shower of rain at noon. Afternoon
George and Robert hoeing turnips. Self cutting thistles in the
swamp. Mother at Mr. Phairs on a visit. Meeting at the Brick
Church, Greenbank of the Sabbath School committee and Rev.
Mr. Bee, Mr. Wm. Lee, and Joseph Lee to settle details of the
agreement between the board of trustees and the school
committee. Washing day. Reign of Terror ended [1794?]
28 – Wind S, hazy morning, some rain at 7 o’clock. Wm. boil
under his arm. Self and George at turnips a little while. Rain
most all afternoon. Margaret and Annie picking berries in the
swamp. Afternoon Wm., George, Robert and self hoeing turnips.
Margaret picking berries at the gully. Wm. Gordon and A.
Gordon here in the evening. Wm. Gordon wanting me to back
his note for a threshing machine. Much rain in the evening.
Margaret picked 4 lbs of rose berries. Backed Wm. Gordons
note. Lord Durham died 1840.
29 – Wind N, cloudy morning. Wm. at Mr. Clemens mowing. Self
and George at turnips. Afternoon self and George at Alex
Michies hay. Margaret picking berries. Robert and Annie at
school. All A. Michies hay shaken out and a beautiful sunset.
James McPhail here for augur. Mr. William Love here for his
broad axe. Margaret picks 4 lbs rose berries. Spanish Armada
destroyed [date illegible]
30 – Wind W, fine morning. Wm. and George cuts out A. Michies
hay in the morning. All hands raking after it got windrowed
before dinner. White heifer at bull the second time. Afternoon
drew 10 loads in to the barn which was all the first cut. Signed
Wm. Gordons note for machine. Received letter from Barbara.
31 – Wind S, fine morning. Wm. at Mr. G. Bodies pitching hay.
George mowing at home. Self and Mother at Greenbank for
sugar and some horseshoeing. Afternoon self, George and
Robert raked and drew in the remainder of A. Michies hay. 3
loads making altogether 14 loads, drew one load in for Mr. Bodie
as we came home. Posted letter to Barbara. Wm. Penn died
AUG. 1 – Wind S, fine morning. No-one at Sabbath School from
here. Self, Mother, Wm., George and Annie at Presbyterian
meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Genesis 14:10. Monthly
collection $1.92. Margaret at English meeting in evening.
2 – Wind SW, some cloudy morning. George drawing James
Walkers hay. Self and Wm. mowed out the hay and raked what
was cut on Saturday. Afternoon drew 3 loads of hay and hoed
some turnips. Rest of the afternoon rainy. Margaret picked 4 ½
lbs berries in the forenoon, Annie 2 lbs. Margaret picks 4 lbs in
the afternoon. Pilgrim Fathers sailed from England 1620.
3 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm. at Mr. Clements hay. Self and
George at turnips. Robert at turnips. Afternoon raking hay, drew
in 2 loads. Meeting in the evening about the Sabbath School,
where it is agreed to make it a Primitive Methodist School
conducted on Union principals. Baking day.
4 – Wind SW, dull rainy morning and all the forenoon. Afternoon
still rainy, nothing doing. Margaret washing. Mother making
shirts. Wm. gone somewhere.
5 – Wind E, fine morning but everything very wet. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. George and Robert at Port Perry for lumber. Self
at turnips. Margaret at the berries. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self at turnips. George brings 500 feet lumber from Port
Perry and draws in one load of hay. Margaret at the berries.
6 – Wind N, some appearance of rain. George at Duffs wheat.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Margaret picking berries. Annie picking berries. Afternoon Wm.
at T. Phairs house. Self at turnips. Sold A. Stone 9 lambs to be
taken to Greenbank on Monday 11th
at 7 o’clock. Charles
McClue here selling apple trees. Ordered 2 crabtrees, 1
Washington plum, 1 Yellow Gage plum, and 1 Dwarf 20 ounce
apple tree. Crabs 60 cents each, plums 60 cents, dwarf 50
cents. A. Michie here in the evening. 23 loads of hay. 21 in
barn, 2 in stable.
7 – Wind W, fine morning. George at Duffs. Wm. at A. Michies
barley. Self hoeing turnips. Mrs. Alex Michie here this afternoon.
Wm. at Alex Michies barley. Self and Robert hoed the turnips
out for the second time. Eclipse of the sun (total) between 5 and
6 o’clock p.m. Margaret gone to A. Michies, Brock.
8 – Wind W, fine day. No meeting at Presbyterian Church. Self
at English Church in the afternoon. Mr. Fornere (?) preaching
from 2nd
Kings 5, 9,10,11,12 on Neman being cured of his
leprosy. Very full meeting as there was no service at the
Primitive Methodist Church. Union School began this day in the
Temperance Hall.
9 – Wind SW, some appearance of rain. George at T. Duffs.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self choring round. Took the heifers
out of Mr. Bodies field this morning having been in since the 17th
of June, being 53 days. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
at home fixing fence between hay field and wheat and potato
field. Robert and Annie picked 5 ½ lbs berries. Washing day.
10 – Wind W, warm day. George at T. Duffs wheat. Wm. and
Robert at T. Phairs house. Self at Whitby for tiles, brought 500
home and Barbaras box. Much dust on the road. Mr. R. Murta
wanting oats for Muggridge. Mother visiting at John Gordons.
11 – Wind W, very dull cloudy morning. Geo. at T. Duffs wheat.
Wm. at Phairs house. Self taking tiles out of the wagon.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self at mill with a grist of 7 ½
bushels fall wheat. Went to sawmill, to John Wells for some
tools to William. Margaret picks 8 ¼ lbs berries. John Bunyan
died 1688.
12 – Wind W, fine morning. Wm. and George gone to T. Phairs
house till 10 o’clock when they are going to A. Michies to see the
new machine start. Geo. going to be a hand at it. Self at mill for
grist. Afternoon George and Wm. at A. Michies threshing.
Mother, Annie, and Robert at A. Gordons. Self hoeing turnips.
A. Michie gets his barley all threshed in the afternoon. Margaret
picks 5 lbs berries.
13 – Wind W, dull cloudy morning, a heavy thunder shower at 5
o’clock a.m. Self, George and horses at Mr. Bodies threshing.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs
house. Self and George hoeing turnips. Mr. Luke 6 bushels
spring wheat by measure. Margaret at Greenbank for paper.
First printed book published 1457.
14 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
and George mowing barley. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at T.
Phairs house. George drawing Burtons barley. Self mowing
barley. Looking like rain. Geese picked this afternoon.
15 – Wind SW, some rain through the night, very soft morning.
Margaret at Sabbath School. Self, Wm, Robert and Margaret at
Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Mark 12:34.
Napoleon born 1769. Sir Walter Scott born 1771.
16 – Wind S, dull morning. Wm. gone to Mr. Phairs to lath.
George mowing barley. Self at Greenbank with 8 lambs for A.
Stone. Afternoon self and George mowing barley and finished it.
Margaret picking 5 lbs berries.
17 – Wind NW, cloudy forenoon. George cradling James
Walkers barley. Self hoeing turnips. Wm. Minto, peddler, here
this forenoon. Afternoon self and George turning barley. Robert
watching yellow turkey. Margaret and Annie picking berries for
Annie Gordon. Meeting in the Temperance Hall to organize a
Union School. Mr. R. Miller, supt., Mr. A. Leask, asst. supt., Mr.
M. [?], Mssrs. Wm. McMillan and Joseph Watson, Secretaries.
J. Miller, Wm. Blake, John Annan, J. Scott, Misses
Basingthwaite, Watson, Real, Mrs. Millar, Teachers. Duchess of
Kent born 1786.
18 – Wind NW, rather dull morning. Upstairs beds took and
cleaned. Self, George and Robert raking barley. Afternoon
raking and cocking barley. Drew in 4 loads not very fit indeed.
Washing day.
19 – Wind SW, rather dull morning. George gone to T. Phairs.
Self turning barley. Margaret and Robert gone to see [?]
Ambrose menagerie at Prince Albert. Heavy thunder to the
north, afternoon some rain. Self fixing chaff house. Barbara
arrives from Brooklin.
20 – Wind NW, threatening rain. Self, George and Robert raking
barley and drew 3 loads. Barbara and Annie picking berries.
Afternoon drew 6 loads of barley being all the barley. Mother
and Annie at George Bodies trading a heifer for a cow. Barbara
visiting at Mr. R. Phairs.
21 – Wind SE, rainy forenoon rather. Self turned A. Michies
barley. George at Mr. Bodies for 2 young pigs. Barbara at Mr.
Lukes because Mrs. Luke is sick. Afternoon very dull but no rain.
Geo. and self hoeing turnips. Isabella Michie here and Elizabeth
Burton. George got no pigs. Wm. comes home from Mr. Phairs
having got his job done.
22 – Wind W, clear bright morning. Wm., Robert, Barbara and
Annie at Union Sabbath School. Afternoon self, William, George
and Barbara at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching
from Job 1:8, last clause. 104 pupils registered at the Union
School this day. Sir William Wallace executed 1305.
23 – Wind SE, bright day. George at Robert Phairs threshing.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs
house. Self hoeing turnips. Mother and Barbara learning to spin
on the new wheel. Isabella Michie here last night and trying to
spin on the new wheel. American War began 1775.
24 – Wind SE, bright fine morning. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs
house. Self and George hoeing turnips. Barbara spinning.
Mother churning. Margaret picking berries. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert at T. Phairs house. Self and George at turnips. Barbara
spinning and Mother spinning. Barbara spins 4 strands of yarn.
Margaret picks 2 lbs of berries.
25 – Wind W, heavy clouds passing, signs of rain. Some rain in
the forenoon. Wm. & Geo. at T. Phairs house. Self hoeing
turnips. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs
house. George gone to T. Duffs threshing but the machine was
not come. Self at turnips. Barbara spinning. Barbara and
Isabelle Michie visits McMillans at night. Washing day. Barbara
spins 4 strands and 1 knot.
26 – Wind NW, clear morning. George gone to T. Duffs
threshing. Wm. at Mr. Bodies pease. Self hoeing turnips.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Bodies pease. Self finished turnip hoeing.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret picking berries in A.
Michies field. Barbara at Mr. McPhails visiting. Isabella Michie
here in the evening after spinning 4 skeins of yarn.
27 – Wind W, fine morning. George gone to Mr. Duffs threshing.
Wm. at pease. Self at Greenbank getting horses shod. Barbara
at Mr. Lees to get her skirt cut. Robert and Annie at school.
Mother spinning. Afternoon slight rain. Wm. at Mr. Bodies
pease. Self at own pease. Isabella Michie here this evening,
spun 17 skeins since Monday. Caesar landed in Britain 55 years
before Christ.
28 – Wind SW, heavy rain in the morning about daybreak, damp
foggy forenoon. Wm. gone to Greenbank to make plaster for Dr.
Olivers house. George at T. Phairs house. Self doing very little.
Mother at the churn, Barbara spinning. Afternoon George at T.
Phairs house. Self making road at end of barn. Isabella Michie
here all day helping Barbara to make her dress. Mrs. A. Gordon
here in the forenoon setting up some stories in which Mrs.
McPhail is concerned. Bought two pigs from Mr. Bodie. Algiers
bombarded 1816.
29 - Wind N, fine clear morning. Barbara, Margaret, Isabella
Michie, Annie and Robert at Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm.,
George, Barbara and Robert at Presbyterian meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Mark 15:32 to the end of chapter on
watching and working and working and watching. Margaret at
English meeting in the evening. Royal George sunk 1782.
30 – Wind NNW, cool cloudy day. Wm. at Mr. Bodies pease.
George at Mr. Duffs. Self pulling pease. Robert at school.
Barbara pickling cucumbers. Mother spinning. Afternoon Wm.
at Mr. Bodies pease. Self at pease. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Self at Greenbank as one of the committee for dividing
the Bethel School property. Mr. Luke, Miller and Michie for the
school. Rev. Mr. Bee, Beare and Ward for P. School. Mother
spins 4 skeins and Barbara 1. Queen Cleopatra died 30 years
before Christ.
31 – Wind N, very cold if not frost. George gone to Mr. Duffs.
Self at pease. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Afternoon Wm. gone to
John Gordons to harvest. Self at pease. Mother spinning.
Robert and Annie at school. Barbara visiting at Duffs. A. Michie
Sr. and A. Michie Jr., I. Michie, M.J.Luke and G. Luke here in the
SEPT. 1 – Wind N, very cold and frost in the morning. George at
Mr. Duffs. Robert and Annie at school. Wm. at John Gordons.
Barbara came home in the morning from C. Aslins where she
had been all night. Mr. Wm. Reale here this morning looking at
heifers. Self rheumatic back and headache, doing nought.
Afternoon Mother and Barbara spinning. Margaret gone to
Greenbank. Washing day.
2 – Wind E, clear day. Self and George pulling pease. Robert ill
with bowel complaint. Annie at home. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Afternoon self and George pulled out the pease. Mrs.
Luke over for steam loom to make block for Mrs. Fergusons quilt.
Barbara gone over to help to make it. Mother spinning. A. Bell,
L. Chalmers, I. Michie, I. Gordon, I. Michie, M.J. Luke, W. Luke
here singing. London burned 1666.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to John Gordons. George
cradling wheat and breaks a finger out of his cradle. Self killed
sheep 45 lbs and raking wheat. Robert and Annie at school.
Mother and Barbara spinning. Afternoon self and George at
wheat. Mother and Barbara spinning. Isabella Michie here all
night. Oliver Cromwell died 1658. Finished harvest 1868.
4 – Wind S, fine morning. George at wheat. Self choring a little in
the morning and raking wheat. Isabella Michie here learning to
spin on the new wheel. Afternoon self went and voted against
the bylaw to give 10,000 dollars to the Port Perry and Port
Whitby R.W. [railway]. Barbara and Isabella Michie goes to Mrs.
Bunkers. Raking wheat after George at wheat. George Leasks
barn burnt.
5 – Wind S, fine morning. Margaret and Robert at Sabbath
School. Self, Mother, Barbara, Wm., Margaret. Annie, and
Isabella Michie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching
from Deuteronomy 34:-5-6. Monthly collection $1.54. Very
droughty day. First American congress held 1774.
6 – Wind SW, rather dull looking morning. Wm. gone to A.
Michies pease. George cradling wheat, self raking wheat.
George Bodie here wanting William to cut his oats and bought a
sheep at 3 dollars. Barbara spinning, Robert and Annie at
school, Margaret raking wheat. Afternoon Wm. at A. Michies
pease. George cradling wheat. Self at Greenbank dividing the
Bethel [Sabbath School] library.
7 – Wind S, very dull cloudy morning. George cradling wheat.
Wm. making cradle finger. Self mending own boots. Mother to
see Mrs. McPhail. Rain came on at 8 o’clock. Barbara spinning,
Margaret washing. Afternoon still raining. Wesley Luke here.
Nothing doing. Still rainy. Barbara spins 3 ½ skeins.
8 – Wind NE, rainy morning. Isabella Michie here all night. Wm.
and George at T. Phairs house. Self mending Margarets boots.
Barbara spinning, Mother churning. Margaret choring. Robert
making a machine. Still raining at noon. Afternoon Wm. gone to
Port Perry with Thomas Phair to see about window sash.
George at T. Phairs house. Self braiding straw. Mother and
Margaret braiding. Barbara preserving crab apples. Rain all
afternoon. Canada under British government 1760. Battle of
Poolesville, Maryland 1862.
9 – Wind NE, cloudy cold morning. Isabella Michie here all night.
Wm. and George at T. Phairs house. Robert and Annie at home.
Self and Barbara at Brooklin and Manchester. Afternoon Wm. at
Mr. Bodies oats. George cradling oats at home. Isabella Michie
and Annie at Mrs. Duffs. Singing and dancing at Duffs in the
evening. Ordered pump for cistern. Battle of Cedar Mountain
10 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. at G. Bodies. George cradling
oats. Self turning pease. Robert and Annie at school. Barbara
making dress. Isabella Michie sewing patches. Afternoon
George cradling oats. Self turning pease and binding wheat.
Mother patching for Isabella Michie.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. George cradling oats, has sore throat
and headache. Self mowing oats. Mother spinning. Isabella
Michie patching. Barbara making Mothers dress. Afternoon self
and George binding wheat. Wm. at Mr. Bodies. Mother
spinning. Isabella Michie turning A. Michies pease. But she
went home without turning any pease. America discovered 1492.
12 – Wind SW, fine morning. Margaret and Robert gone to
Sunday School. Self, Mother, and Wm. at Presbyterian Church.
Mr. McArthur preaching from Psalms 8:3&4.. Very hot day and
some like rain. Barbara at English Meeting in the evening but
Mr. Fornier did not come. Lord Metcalf died 1846.
13 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at A. Michies wheat. Self, George
and Robert drawing pease. Mr. [Shillborn ?] of Brooklin brings
the cistern pump. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. and
Margaret at Alex Michies wheat. Self, George and Robert at
pease. Mary Gordon here all night. Battle on the Plains of
Abraham Quebec 1759.
14 – Wind about SE, fine day. Wm. at A. Michies wheat. Self
and George and Robert drawing pease and wheat. Minty
peddler here this forenoon and Andrew Gordon. Afternoon Wm.
and Margaret at A. Michies wheat till 8 o’clock at night. Self,
George and Robert drawing wheat. Barbara pitching in the mow.
A. Michie, Mrs. Michie, and George Michie here all night. Duke of
Wellington died 1852.
15 – Wind SE, fine day, some appearance of rain. Wm. at A.
Michies oats. Self, George and Robert drawing wheat. Margaret
pitching in the mow. Afternoon Wm. at A. Michies oats. Self and
George drew one load of wheat which is it all. Then George
cradling oats, Self binding oats. Self at Mr. Henry Buels about
the Sabbath School money in the evening. Wm. Gordon will not
thresh for Burton.
16 – Wind SW, rather cloudy morning, some like rain. George
cradling oats. Wm. cradling A. Michies oats. Barbara at Mr.
Lukes since last noon. Afternoon Wm. at T. Duffs. Self, George
and Robert drawing oats. Margaret in the mow, Barbara
spinning, Mother washing.
17 – Wind S, quite a rain in the night and very rainy looking
morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. George at oats. Self doing
very little. Mrs. A. Gordon here paying her debts. Fanning, sieve
peddler, here. Barbara sore breast. Afternoon Wm. at A.
Michies oats. George cuts our oats. Self, Mother and Annie at
Mr. George Michies, Brock, trying to buy a cow but he had not
one to sell. Mrs. Samuel Byers and Mrs. John Byers here on a
visit. Mr. Burton takes Byers horse to C. Millers.
18 – Wind SW, very heavy dew and foggy morning. George at
Duffs working for A. Gordon which is gone with the threshing
machine. Afternoon Wm. at A. Michies oats. Self raking oats.
Mother spinning. Barbara making squares for her quilt. Mrs.
Walker here on a visit. James Walker had a cradling bee this
night and got his wheat cut and bound.
19 – Wind SW, fine morning. Robert and Margaret at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., Geo., Robert and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Romans
15:3-4. Collection for aged and infirm Ministers and Widows and
Orphans fund. Three dollars. Mary Nicol here all afternoon.
Mary Jane Luke here in the afternoon. Lord Syndenham died
20 – Wind N, very hot forenoon. Wm. at A. Michies oats. Self
and George mending peastack in the morning, and binding oats
in the forenoon. Thunder at noon and a heavy shower passes
south. Afternoon very warm and much thunder, but no rain.
Wm. at A. Michies oats. Self, George, Robert and Margaret
drawing oats. 6 loads. Mother and Barbara spinning. H. Buels
binding bee. Battle of Alma 1854.
21 – Wind NW, rather cloudy morning. Wm. and Mrs. A. Gordon
at A. Michies oats. Self and George bound the oats in the
swamp and drew them in. Afternoon Barbara and Mary Jane
Luke gone to Mrs. Fergusons quilting. Wm., George and Mrs. A.
Gordon at A. Michies oats. Self wheeling sand out of the door
yard. At Henry Buels in the evening for school money. Sir Walter
Scott died 1832.
22 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., George and Margaret and Mrs.
Gordon at A. Michies oats. Self wheeling sand and binding oats.
Isabella Michie here all day. Afternoon Wm. at A. Michies oats.
Self, George, Margaret and Robert drawing oats and finished
harvest. Mrs. John Byers, M.D. and Christiana Byers here this
afternoon for plums. Drew 7 loads of oats which finished
harvest. Autumnal equinox.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Self and George and horses at George
Bodies threshing. William making wheel for Roberts machine.
Isabella Michie goes home. Mother at Mrs. John Gordons
quilting. Afternoon Wm. helping A. Michie to draw oats.
Washing day. Belgian Revolution 1836.
24 – Wind S, fine morning. George and horses gone to James
McPhails threshing. Wm. at A. Michies pitching oats. Mother
and Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. at A. Leasks. George
and horses at James Walkers threshing. Mother at Mrs. Belfords
quilting. Self drawing in [trees?] with the wheelbarrow. Barbara
spinning. Self at J. Walkers threshing in the evening. Done at 9.
Viscount Harding died 1856. Battle of Monterey 1846.
25 – Wind S, fine morning. Wm. and George gone to A. Leasks
to harvest. Self sore belly. Afternoon thunder and rain, no
harvest work done. Mother picking geese, Barbara baking and
26 – Wind N, and rain all night, very wet morning. Self & Robert
at Sunday School. Self appointed treasurer for the time. Wm.,
George and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Barbara sick.
Mary J. Luke here and Georgina Luke.
27 – Wind N and cold, the ground white with frost. Mother gone
to Mrs. Belfords. Self and George drawing dung. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Robert at Robt. Millars. Afternoon George at Mr.
Lukes dung bee. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Mother comes home.
Mrs. Belford got a boy. Self threshing oats. Spree at McPhails.
28 – Wind W, frost in the morning and a cold day. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self and George at dung. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Waggon wheel broke down with a load of dung.
Afternoon self and George at dung with Lukes waggon. Wm. at
T. Phairs house. Mother and Barbara spinning. Robert and
Annie at Georgina Lukes picnic. Binding bee at A. Leasks,
afternoon. Township Phair at Prince Albert.
29 – Wind NW, black cloudy morning but turns out a fine day.
Wm. goes to A. Leasks but he does not need him. Self filling
dung, George and Wesley Luke drawing. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George &
Wesley at dung. Mother spinning. James McPhail got the third
prize for his colt. A. Michie and Jas. Walker gone to Whitby it is
said. South Ontario Phair. Michaelmass Day. Battle of [Pears?]
30 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at T. Phairs house. George drawing
dung. Self at Greenbank about waggon wheel. Margaret
washing. Barbara spinning. F. Davis here this forenoon – cough
syrup, ointment, salve and pills bought. Afternoon self and
George at dung. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Barbara and Mary
Jane Luke at Byers visiting and at Wesleyan Meeting in the
evening. Washing day. Steam ship Arctic lost 1854.
OCT. 1 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. and Barbara and
Christina McPhail at excursion from Port Perry to Lindsay. Self
and George at dung with George Bodies waggon. Afternoon self
and George at dung. Got waggon wheel at night. Margaret at
Wesleyan Meeting. Excursionists arrived at 1 o’clock morning.
Left Lindsay at 5 o’clock. First steamer in the United States
sailed 1807.
2 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Self and George finished the
dung. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Mother and Barbara spinning.
Afternoon self and George drawing rails to fence straw stack.
George begins to plow. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house.
Mother spinning. Barbara and Margaret cleaning the house.
Commenced to rain at 5 o’clock.
3 – Wind W, some rain through the night, fine morning. A. Leask
comes after Mother at 4 o’clock. Mrs. Leask sick. Mother and
Robert at Sunday School. Self, Wm, George, Robert and
Barbara at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
John 16:12. Monthly collection $1.70. Treaty of Limerick 1691.
Battle of Greenbrier, Virginia, 1861.
4 – Wind NE, cold but fine morning. George plowing. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self leveling the barn yard. Mother came home
from A. Leasks and spinning. Barbara spinning. Afternoon
George plowing. Self leveling barn yard. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Mother and Barbara spinning. Margaret filling straw
beds. Mr. Gantons house burned. First English bible printed
5 – Wind N, some wind through the night, cold bleak morning.
Geo. plowing, Wm. at T. Phairs house, self threshing oats,
Mother spinning. Barbara sewing. Afternoon George plowing,
self threshing, Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house. Barbara at
Manchester. Mother spinning. New moon. First American
Congress 1774. First day of North Ontario Fair, Uxbridge.
6 – Wind SE, frost in the morning, fine day. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self, George, Robert and Margaret at Uxbridge at North
Ontario Fair. Mrs. Wm. Real here visiting.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house.
George plowing, self fencing straw stack. Mother washing.
Barbara making block for Mrs. Halls quilt. Margaret choring.
Afternoon Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house. George plowing,
self choring, Mother washing, Margaret choring, Barbara making
block for Mrs. Hall. Mother at A. Gordons to see Mrs. John
Ewen. Florida captured 1864. Jenny Lind born 1821.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George,
Robert, John McPhail, James Walker taking up potatoes.
Barbara spinning. Mother baking. Margaret choring. Annie sick
with sore throat. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self,
George, Robert, J. McPhail and James Walker at potatoes.
Barbara spinning. North West Passage discovered 1851, John
Hancock died 1793.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Self, George, Robert and John McPhail at
potatoes. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Barbara spinning and
patching. Mother colouring yarn. Margaret choring. Annie
better. Afternoon Self, George, Robert and John McPhail at
potatoes and taking wheat out of the granary. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Mother at yarn, Barbara patching, Margaret choring.
John comes home from Mr. Kaddens. Columbus discovers Cuba
1492. Battle of Santa Rosa Island, Florida 1861.
10 – Wind SW, dull cloudy morning. Wm., Robert and Margaret
at Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm. and George at
Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur preaching from Hebrews
1:14. Collection $3.40 for the French Mission at Aux Trembles.
Wm., John and Margaret at the English Meeting in the evening.
[?] raid into Pennsylvania 1862.
11 – Wind SW, looking like rain, some showers through the
forenoon. Wind changes to NW. George and team at Mr. Lukes
threshing. Wm. and Robert at T. Phairs house. Self fixing the
granary. Mother and Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. and
John at T. Phairs house. Self at granary. Mother, Barbara and
Margaret preparing for the threshing machine. E. Luke
12 – Wind NW, dull morning. George and team at Mr. Lukes
threshing. Wm. and John at T. Phairs house. Self fixing for
threshing machine which came at noon and threshed all the
wheat and half the barley by night. Mr. Byers, Mr. Phair, Mr.
Walker, Mr. Bodie and team, Wesley Luke and team. Columbus
discovers America 1492.
13 – Wind NW, fine morning. Threshing til 11 o’clock when the
wooden shaft broke. Afternoon threshing til 4 o’clock. Mr. Phair,
Mr. Byers, Mr. McPhail, George Bodie and team, Wesley Luke
and team. John hires with John Kirten for one month at 16
dollars. Barbara visiting at John Gordons. General Brock killed
14 – Wind NW, rather dull morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house.
Self and John at Mr. Byers threshing. George at mill with grist.
Mother and Annie at James McMillans quilting. Barbara visiting
at Mrs. Bunkers, Greenbank. Afternoon rather rainy. George
plowing. Self at home. Wm. at T. Phairs house. John at home.
Battle of Bristoe Station 1863.
15 – Wind W, rough showery day. Self and John at Byers
threshing. Fanning mill broke at noon. Started at 4 o’clock
again. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Christina McPhail here in
evening. Ides of October.
16 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. and George at Byers threshing.
Self and John at Prince Albert for boots. Isabella Michie with the
ministers buggy comes for Barbara to go back and cook for her
quilting bee. Afternoon Byers threshing done at 3 o’clock. Wm.
and George carry in the corn. Self brings a grist from Beares.
John Browns raid into Virginia 1859. Parliament houses burnt
17 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. Wm., Robert, Margaret and
Annie at Sunday School. Afternoon showery. Wm., George and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Now 56 years [birthday].
18 – Wind N, frosty morning. George plowing. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self and Robert cleaning up the barn floor. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house. George plowing. Self and Robert fixing
sheep house. Margaret washing. Dean [Jonathan] Swift died
19 – Wind NW, cold morning, some frost. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. George at Manchester with Mr. McPhails barley. Got 60
cents for it. Margaret at A. Michies quilting bee. Self at log
heaps in the swamp. Mrs. A. Gordon here for salt. Mrs. Carr
here wanting to sell a calf. Afternoon some snow. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self at the log heaps and husking corn. Accident
at Surrey Music Hall 1856.
20 – Wind NW, ground white, cold cloudy morning. George
plowing. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Afternoon George plowing.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self carrying in apples – 24 bushels.
Robert, Annie, Andrew and Hugh McPhail picking. Mother
spinning. Margaret choring. Barbara at A. Michies. Grace
Darling died 1862. Turkish fleet destroyed at Navarino 1827.
21 – Wind SW, fine morning. George plowing up potatoes. Wm.
at T. Phairs house. Self, Robert, John McPhail and Jane Gordon
picking potatoes. Mother spinning. Mr. Williams, Pedlar, here.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house, all the rest at potatoes. Very
cold afternoon. Mother spinning. Battle of Trafalgar 1805.
22 – Wind NW some, dull morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house.
George harrowing potatoes. Self, Robert and John McPhail
picking. Mother spinning. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house.
George plowing potato land. Robert and J. McPhail picking after
him. Mother spinning. Moscow retaken by the Russians 1812.
23 – Wind easterly, rain all the forenoon. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self, George and Robert fanning barley. Afternoon Wm.
at T. Phairs house. Self, George, and Robert at barley. Clears
off with wind north. Irish Massacre 1661. Wm. Penn born 1644.
24 – Wind NW, frosty morning. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie
at Sunday School. Self, Wm., George, Robert, Mother and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Psalms 106:8. Margaret at A. Leasks to see Lizzie Chalmers.
Fall of snow at night. Daniel Webster died 1852. Edict of Nantes
revoked by Louis XIV 1685.
25 – Wind NW, frosty clear morning. George plowing potato
ground. Robert picking. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self spreading
dung. Mother spinning. Afternoon George plowing pea land.
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self at Greenbank to hear the price of
barley. Mother spinning. Macedonia captured 1812. St. Crispin.
26 – Wind SW, frosty morning, looking like snow. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Snowed all forenoon. James McPhail here with 2
dollars for the minister. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
fixing cellar for potatoes. George at T. Phairs house. Barbara
comes home from A. Michies. Mother spinning, Margaret
washing. Snowed all day 6 inches deep. Cholera first appeared
in England 1831.
27 – Wind NW, snow 6 inches deep, clear morning. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. George at Manchester with 52.5 bushels barley.
Mother churning. Barbara at her quilt. Self choring. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self choring, Mother spinning. Barbara
at quilt. Snow still deep. Marshal South died 1851.
28 – Wind SW, cloudy morning. George gone to plowing match
at C. Aslins. Wm. gone to R. Murtas to buy north half of lot 18,
conc. Self to see plowing match. Messrs. Whitefield, Lee,
Henry, Buel and John Leask, Judges. First prize Frank Smith.
Second prize Adam Bell. Third George Real. Fourth George
Bodie. 1st
Prize-$4, 2nd
$3, 3rd
- $2, 4th
- $1. Snow melts some.
Great Fire at Luxembourg Paris 1857.
29 – Wind N, snowy morning. Wm. gone to Port Perry for sash to
T. Phairs house and to learn the price of cordwood. Barbara
comes home from Mrs. Phairs, been there all night. George at
Manchester with barley. Self cleaning turnip cellar. Afternoon
self at Robert Murtas sale and buy a clothesline for 50 cents.
Wm. buys the north half of lot 18, concession 10 for $1799. A.
Gordon had a [?] bee tonight.
30 – Wind N, hard frost and cold bleak morning. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. George at James Walkers chopping wood. Self
choring. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house.
George at T. Phairs house. Self choring, Margaret scrubbing,
Barbara spinning. Wesley Luke and Philip Stone here in the
31 – Wind SW, dull morning and very cold. Wm., Margaret and
Robert at Sabbath School. Self, Wm., George, Mother and Annie
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Mark
NOV. 1 – Wind SW, fine morning, but hard frost. Wm. at Phairs
house. George at Greenbank getting horses shod. Self cutting
wood. Bailey here with his bill which is $7.72. Afternoon Mrs.
McPhail here visiting. Wm. at T. Phairs house. George took
home Tom’s plough and drew 20 bushels of potatoes from
Robert Phairs. Self burning stones. 4
All Saint’s Day. Russians
declare war with Turkey 1853.
2 – Wind S, white frost, rather dull day. Wm. at T. Phairs house.
George, Robert and self taking in potatoes all day. 4 loads
altogether and these not very big. Mrs. John Leask here visiting.
Mother baking. Margaret at play. Barbara spinning. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Mother at McPhails visiting. Barbara
spinning. Mrs. R. Phair here visiting. Mary J. Luke here twisting
yarn. Received wall map.
3 – Wind S, fine morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at turnips. Barbara spinning.
Mother cooking. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self,
George, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the turnips. Mother
cooking. Barbara finishing spinning and went to Greenbank
asking hands for quilting bee. Drew 10 loads turnips into pit.
4 – Wind S, some frost, fine bright morning. Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self, George, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George, Robert and Margaret at
turnips. Barbara washing. Wm. at Mr. Byers pairing apples.
George at A. Gordons and gets Mothers boots. Washing day.
Drew 10 loads turnips. Gunpowder plot 1605.
5 – Wind SW, fine morning with high wind, some rain since last
night. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self, George, Robert, James
Gordon, Douglas McPhail, Margaret and Mary Gordon at turnips.
Rough day. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. The rest at
turnips. Mother cooking. Barbara cleaning the house before the
quilting bee. Showers in the afternoon. Drew 11 loads of
turnips. Rev. Ralph Erskine died 1752, aged 68.
6 – Wind N, ground covered with snow, not very cold. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self and George drawing 3 loads of pease.
Andrew Gordon here. Barbara making ready for the bee.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house. George drawing turnips for
James Walker. Self threshing pease and mending bridge on the
In order to move very large rocks, farmers would light
a fire around the rock and get it quite hot. Throwing
either cold water or snow on the rock would cause it to
split into pieces which they were then able to draw
away with their horses.
road. Andrew Gordon and Barbara gone to Brock for Isabella
Michie. Snowed some all day, colder towards night. Battle of
Port Royal 1861. Russians defeated at Negara 1855.
7 – Wind N, cold and stormy. Self, William, and Margaret at
Methodist Meeting. Mr. Bee preaching from 1 Corinthians 11:28.
Wm. and Margaret at Presbyterian Church. Snowed some all
day. Battle of Tipacanoe 1811.
8 – Wind NW, still snowing, not so cold as yesterday. Wm. at T.
Phairs house. George gone to help James McPhail to [flit] to
Uxbridge. Barbara and Isabella Michie very busy cooking for
tomorrow which is the bee. Self choring. Mr. McPhail not to [flit]
today because of the cold. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George and self threshing pease. Princess
Charlotte died 1817. Mason and Slidell taken from an English
ship by Cap. Wilkes.
9 – Wind NW, not so cold as yesterday. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George gone to move James McPhail. Self
making quilting frames. All astir making ready for the bee.
Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self splitting
wood. Barbaras quilt down and Mothers upstairs. At Barbaras
quilt – Mrs. Luke, M. J. Luke, Mrs. Phair, Mary McPhail, Mrs.
Byers, Maria Real, Annie Real, Perlina Lee, Libby Lee, Lizzie
Bunker, Margaret Miller, Isabella Michie. At Mothers quilt – Mrs.
A. Gordon, Agnes Bodie, Pamela Burton, Christiana Byers,
Annie Gordon, Libby Walker. Pairing bee in the evening. 61 at
it. About 9 bushels paired. Dancing after til 2 o’clock in the
morning. Prince of Wales born 184l.
10 – Wind NW, snowing heavy, not very cold. Wm. and Mr.
Byers at T. Phairs house. George threshing pease. Self at
Greenbank and paid all the money belonging to the Sabbath
School to Mr. Andrew [McGier?] Librarian. Ch. McPhail, Mary
McPhail and John McPhail here all night. Afternoon Wm. and
Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. George threshing pease. Self
hanging up apples. Mother, Barbara, M.J. Luke, and Isabella
Michie working on Barbaras quilt.
11 – Wind SW, still snowing. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs
house. George drawing wood. Isabella Michie and Barbara at
quilt. Self sawing wood. Margaret washing, Mother churning.
Mrs. A. Gordon and Mrs. J. Walker here quilting. Afternoon Wm.
and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. George drawing wood.
Barbara and Isabella Michie at nice quilt. Mrs. A. Gordon, Mrs.
Jas. Walker at course quilt. Self splitting wood. Margaret
washing, Mother baking. Barbara and Isabella Michie goes to A.
Leasks to see Lizzie Chalmers who is sick. Sarah [?] burnt
12 – Wind N, snowing a little, snow is 10 inches deep. Wm. and
Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self and George threshing pease.
Barbara and Isabella Michie at fine quilt. Mrs. Bodie at fine quilt.
George, Margaret, Wm., Isabella Michie at Greenbank in the
evening. Peter Martyr died 1562. Sherman leaves Atlanta 1864.
13 – Wind NE, cold morning. Wm. and George at T. Phairs
house. Self, Mother, Barbara, Robert and Annie at Manchester.
Very bad sleighing. Got home about 6 o’clock in the evening.
Bought $26.73 worth, paid $23.70. Ides of November.
14 – Wind N, cold and frosty, some snow through the night.
Margaret and Wm. at Sunday School. Self, Wm., George and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Ezekiel 36:23,24. All singing. Source of the Nile discovered
15 – Wind N, cold morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self and
George drawing pease. 3 loads. Barbara and Isabella Michie
come home having been at Robert Phairs all night. Afternoon
Wm. at T. Phairs house and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self
and George and Robert at turnips. Got up 2 loads. The snow 6
inches deep, no frost in the ground. Barbara and Isabella Michie
visiting at T. Duffs. Mary Gordon here all night. Corpus Christi
Texas captured 1863.
16 – Wind E, some like a thaw. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs
house. George at A. Michies threshing. Self killing a sheep.
Mother baking. Isabella Michie gone to A. Michies threshing.
Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self choring.
Barbara and Wm. at A. Michies in the evening. Three arms
broke off the horse power5
. Ferguson, astronomer, died 1867.
17 – Wind S, rain and hail all night, the same in the morning..
Wm. and Byers at T. Phairs house. George at A. Michies
threshing. Self threshing pease. Margaret washing. Afternoon
Wm. and Byers at T. Phairs house. Self at pease. George at A.
Michies threshing. Mrs. Michie here a little while. Isabella
Michie gone home. Singing class at Greenbank. Wm., George,
Robert, Barbara and Margaret at it. Washing day. Professor
Forbes died 1854.
18 – Wind W, rather stormy, snow deep and freezing. Wm. and
Mr. Byers and George at T. Phairs house. Self sawing wood.
Afternoon Wm., George and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self
at Wm. Lees sale. Bought nothing. Went and came with George
Bodie. Luther born 1483. Funeral of the Duke of Wellington
19 – Wind SW, snowing some. Wm. and George and Mr. Byers
at T. Phairs house. Self took 9 ewes to Mr. Bodies ram.
Snowing heavy. Wm. Byam here selling painkiller. Afternoon
Wm., George, and Mr. Byers and Robert at Phairs house. Man
here from Port Perry to tell that the apples ordered 6th
of August
is at Sinclairs Hotel in Port Perry. Self at Greenbank for the
papers. Mrs. Luke here making Margarets dress. Battle of
Navarino 1827. Napoleon crowned 1804.
20 – Wind N, and heavy fall of snow through the night and still
snowing. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. George
threshing pease. Self at Port Perry for trees. Robert at Port
Perry. Afternoon Wm., Mr. Byers and George at T. Phairs
house. Self got 5 trees – 1 yellow crab, 1 red crab, 1 Washington
plum, 1 yellow plum, 1 dwarf. Bought 2 plaids from the weavers
Craigs at 80 cents each. Lord Elgin died 1863.
A ‘power’ was a large circular piece of equipment that
had a platform in the middle where the farmer would
stand. Around that there would be up to 4 teams (8
horses) tied to ‘spokes’. The horses would walk in a
circle which would, in turn, power the apparatus.
21 – Wind W, cloudy morning. Wm., Barbara, Margaret, Annie
and Robert at Union School. Self, Wm., George, Mother and
Barbara and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur
preaching from John 3:5. Father died at 9 o’clock night. Fight at
Liberty 1864.
22 – Wind E, hoar frost, fine morning. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George drawing wood. Self threshing pease.
Barbara twisting yarn. Wm., George, Robert, Barbara and
Margaret at singing class, Greenbank. All joined it. One dollar
for men. Half a dollar for girls and boys. 60 of a class. Battle of
Breslau 1757.
23 – Wind NE, heavy fall of snow since last night, cloudy
morning. George chopping wood for A. Gordon. Wm. and Mr.
Byers at T. Phairs house. Self sawing wood. Barbara doubling
yarn. Mother making pants. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George at Manchester with wood. Self sawing
wood, Mother making pants, Margaret baking, Barbara doubling
yarn. Pensacola bombarded 1863. Archbishop Tillotson died
24 – Wind W, fine clear day. Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Wm.
at Manchester to get his deed made. George gone with wood to
Prince Albert. Self making box to pump. Minty, pedlar, here.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Ewens to see John. Mr. Byers at T. Phairs
house. Self at pump. Washing day.
25 – Wind S, clear morning. Wm. at Greenbank giving Murta
some money. George drew 2 elm logs to mill. Self threshing
pease. Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Afternoon dull and cloudy.
Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. George goes for Lizzie
Chalmers and draws 2 elm logs to mill. Self threshing pease.
Singing tonight. Wm., George, Robert, Barbara, Margaret and
Lizzie at it. George trying to buy the half of Mr. Gordons
machine. John Knox died 1572. British evacuate New York
1783. Attempt to burn New York City 1864.
26 – Wind S, rather soft. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house.
George drawing 2 elm logs to mill. Sold A. Stone heifer for $30 to
be taken away on the 28th
of December. Afternoon Wm. and Mr.
Byers at T. Phairs house. George draws 2 elm logs to mill. Self
kills a small lamb. Marshal Soult died 1851.
27 – Wind NW, and snowing. George draws 2 elm logs to the
mill. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Barbara and Lizzie
at Port Perry with Mr. Lukes horse and Mr. Phairs cutter. Self
threshing pease. Mother baking. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers
at T. Phairs house. Robert at T. Phairs house. George draws 1
elm, 1 hemlock logs to mill. Self threshing pease. George
chopping wood for A. Gordon and buys the half of Wm. Gordons
machine for 170 dollars. 70 dollars to be paid the first of January
1870 and 100 the first of January 1871. Florida sunk 1864.
28 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm., Robert, Barbara, Margaret,
Annie and Lizzie Chalmers at Sabbath School. Self, Wm.,
George, Barbara, Margaret, Lizzie Chalmers and Jane Michie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
We rather late. Fort Kelly captured 1864.
29 – Wind SW, rather soft morning. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. George gone to Mr. George Haddons to thresh.
Self threshing pease. Barbara making Margarets dress and it is
too small. Mother churning. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. Self and Robert fanning pease. Andre Gordon
borrows sleigh. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at singing.
30 – Wind W, some rain through the night and still thawing. Wm.
and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house. Self sawing wood. Rev.
McArthur here to dinner. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T.
Phairs house. Self choring. Mother and Annie visiting at Mrs.
Lukes. Mr. Luke taking up turnips. Soft evening.
DEC. 1 – Wind NW, snowing and drifting. Wm. and Mr. Byers at
T. Phairs house. Self fixing stable window. Barbara making
Annies coat with the pockets outside. Mother mending old
clothes. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house.
Barbara at A. Leasks all night. John brought home – sick of sore
throat. Self choring. Battle of Blackwater 1861.
2 – Wind E, dull morning. Wm. and Mr. Byers at T. Phairs house.
Self at Mrs. George Michies sale. Dr. [Knowley?] here at John.
Says he has the scarlet fever. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Isabella Michie comes here to supper and goes to the
singing. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Barbara from A. Leasks at
singing. Boy named Graham killed at Germains Mill, of Brock.
Battle of Austerlitz 1805.
3 – Wind N, cold clear morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
sawing wood. Mother mending the rags. Margaret washing.
Barbara cooking. John about the same. Afternoon Wm. at T.
Phairs house. Self and Robert drawing pease. Mother some
sick. Margaret washing. Received Aberdeen paper.
4 – Wind SW, cold day and cloudy, snow drifting some. Wm.
lathing at T. Phairs house. Self threshing pease. John rather
better. Mother some better. Afternoon self and Robert fanning
pease. Margaret scrubbing.
5 – Wind N, cold bright day. Wm, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Union Sabbath School. Self, Wm., George, Barbara,
Margaret, Annie and Isabella Michie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Rev. McArthur preaching from Philippians 4:6,7. Monthly
collection $1.85. Isabella Michie goes home with the minister.
John gets out of bed today for awhile. Columbus dis. [America]
6 – Wind NE, sharp cold morning. George gone to Whitefield
Lees to thresh. Wm. at T. Phairs house lathing. Self threshing
pease. Afternoon self at Mr. Beares mill with 7 ½ bushels wheat
to grind. Singing tonight. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at
it. St. Nicholas rebellion 1837.
7 – Wind NE, hard frost through the night, cloudy morning. Pump
in stoop frozen. Wm. at T. Phairs house lathing. Self choring.
Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house at carpenter work. Self and
Robert drew 2 loads of pease. Margaret washing. Barbara
choring. Battle of Prairie Grove 1862. Peter Martyr born 1500.
8 – Wind N, not so very cold. Wm. at T. Phairs house. John
getting better. Self and Robert drawing turnips. Afternoon Wm.
at T. Phairs house. Mr. Butson and Mr. Wagner here to buy
cordwood. Bought 2 cords for 2 dollar a cord. Self and Robert
drawing turnips – 7 loads. Benjamin Bryan, Tinsmith, killed at
Utica by his horse running away.
9 – Wind W, rather cloudy morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
drawing wood to Mr. Butson. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs house.
Self drawing wood and getting horses shod and barn pump fixed.
Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara, Margaret at it. Barbara at a mat
bee at Duffs. Brought grist from mill.
10 – Wind S, rather soft morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house at
carpenter work. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Wm. plastering T.
Phairs house. Self at Greenbank with wood to Mr. Butson. Lost
Barbaras netting coming home. Wm. and Margaret at Epsom
Singing School at night. Meeting at Greenbank about township
reeves. Gordon and Graham to run.
11 – Wind SW, dull cloudy morning and thawing. Wm. plastering
at T. Phairs house. Self drawing wood for Mrs. A. Gordon. Drew
½ cord. Mother and Annie at A. Gordons visiting. Afternoon self
fixing for killing pig.
12 – Wind SW, rainy foggy morning. Margaret at Sunday School.
Nobody at church today. Raining at noon and snowing at night.
New Zealand discovered 1642.
13 – Wind NE, cold morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house plastering.
George gone to Wm. Reals to fix the machine. Self, John and
Robert drawing turnips – 2 small loads. Timothy Cragg here
collecting for Isaac. $7.55 our bill. Afternoon self making ready
for killing pigs. Took home the sheep from Mr. Bodies. Singing –
Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at it. Fort McAllister,
Georgia, taken 1864. Ides of December.
14 – Wind NE, fine bright day. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self,
John, Robert and Mr. George Bodie killing pigs. Killed 3 in the
forenoon and 1 in the afternoon. Wm. at T. Phairs house.
Washington died 1799. Prince Consort died 1861.
15 – Wind NE, cloudy morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self at
Manchester with 1 pig which weighed 290 lbs. at $8.75.
Margaret at Manchester to get teeth drawn but did not. Rainy
afternoon. Home about 5 o’clock. Pilgrims landed on Plymouth
16 – Wind SE, sleety morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
cutting pigs. Robert at Greenbank with A. Beecrofts plaines.
Afternoon self salting pork. John splitting wood. Singing at
Greenbank. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at it. Margaret
walks, the rest rides. Robert tells when he comes home that
Margaret was singing coming home which is a great fault.
17 – Wind W, cloudy morning. Wm. at T. Phairs house. Self
choring. Barbara hooking mats. Afternoon Wm. at T. Phairs
house. Self and John and Robert at turnips – got two small loads
in. John goes to Greenbank for the papers. Received a letter
from Wm. Michie that Father died 21st
of November 1869.
Received a letter from Alexr. Michie, Grayshill.
18 – Wind NE, with an appearance of snow. Mother and Barbara
had a quarrel this morning about hand towels. Both crying. Wm.
making axe handle. Self sawing wood. John splitting. Margaret
ironing. Barbara hooking mats. Mr. R. Murta here wanting a
mortgage from William on Lot 18. Afternoon Wm. and John at
Manchester to get Murtas mortgage drawn. Self splitting wood.
Received potatoes from Mr. Luke for potatoes he got in summer.
Miss Agnes Asling here. Wm. and John return without getting
mortgage made as John Christie was with the Council. Barbara,
Agnes Asling, and Mary Jane Luke goes to Greenbank and is
initiated in the Mysteries of Temperance. George arrives with
the machine from Arch. McMillans. Sir Humphry Davy born
1779. Lord Lynedoch died 1843.
19 – Wind W, some snow falling. Wm., Robert, Barbara,
Margaret and Annie at Sabbath School. Self, Wm., John,
George, Mother, Barbara and Annie at Presbyterian Church. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Rom. 1-4. Wm., John, Margaret and
Barbara at English Meeting in the evening. British take Fort
Niagara 1813.
20 – Wind W, frosty morning. Wm., John gone to Manchester to
get the mortgage drawn. Mr. Gordon gets some spring wheat
and one pailful of salt. Barbara hooking mats. Mary Nichol here
for Barbara to go to Mr. Phairs to sew with the machine. A.
Gordon here for 3 bags of wheat to take to mill. Afternoon John
draws one log to mill. William gets his mortgage drawn by A. [?],
Port Perry. Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara and Margaret at it.
21 – Wind SW. Wm. gone to John Wells house. George drew 1
log to mill. Mother brought home from John Gordons, he having
got a daughter. Self sawing wood. Afternoon George took some
wood to Mrs. Bunker. John to A. Stones with cow. Self splitting
wood. Mother and Annie at R. Phairs.
22 – Wind SE, sleety morning. George and John greasing
harness. Self fixing clock. Barbara whitewashing the kitchen
and quarrelling with John. Rain all forenoon. Clears off about 3
o’clock with wind SW. School Exhibition at Greenbank in the
evening. Admission 10 cents for adults, 5 cents for children.
John, George, Robert, Margaret, Barbara and Annie at it.
23 – Wind W, and very high through the night, cold morning.
John and George fixing harness and grinding their axes. A.
Michie here to dinner. Self fixing horse collars. Afternoon
George drawing sand for Mr. John Wells. John chopping
cordwood. Self fixing clock. Singing at night. George, Margaret
and Robert at it. Barbara not home from the Exhibition at
24 – Wind SW, fine morning with hard frost. George drawing
sand for Mr. Wells. John chopping cordwood. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon George drawing sand. John at cordwood, self
splitting wood. Fort Fisher attacked 1864.
25 – Wind SW, fine morning. George and John at cordwood.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at James McPhails, Uxbridge for
a Christmas visit. Meeting at Greenbank to elect councilors or
rather hear them tell what they will do if elected. Christmas Day.
26 – Wind S, fine morning. Margaret at Sunday School. Self,
Wm., John, George at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur
preaching from Psalms 33:1. Mrs. George Michie Senior here all
night. Saint Stephens Day.
27 – Wind S, fresh morning. Wm. gone to John Wells house.
George and John at cordwood. Mrs. Michie pays her note.
Barbara, Isabella Michie and Jane Michie arrive from Brock. A.
Michie Sr. and A. Michie Jr. here to dinner. Mrs. George Michie
and Jane Michie leave with A. Michie. Singing tonight. George,
Barbara, Margaret, Robert and Isabella Michie at it. Raining
evening. Soiree at Uxbridge in behalf of the new Presbyterian
28 – Wind W, rather soft morning. George gone with some
plaster to Mr. John Wells. John at cordwood. Self taking up
drain of turnip cellar. A. Michie Jr., Alex Rennie, Lizzie
Chalmers, and Isabella Michie here to dinner. George draws
one log to mill. John at cordwood, self at drain. A. Rennie, L.
Chalmers, I. Michie and A. Michie leave immediately after dinner
to meet the married folks. Hector McLaughlin and Helen Gordon
married. St. Simon and St. Jude, Buffalo, burnt 1873.
29 – Wind NW, some snow through the night. George and John
at cordwood. Self sawing wood. Margaret washing. T. Phair
gone out with ribbons on his horses supposed to get married.
Afternoon George and John at cordwood. Self at turnip cellar.
Mrs. Aisling here visiting. Wm. comes from Mr. Wells house.
Mary J. Luke and Georgina here evening. Thomas Phair and
Annie Real married. The Carolina destroyed 1839.
30 – Wind NW, some snow through the night. Wm. gone to see
Burton building and go to Prince Albert as a witness for Duff at
the Division Court. George gone to pay Wm. Gordon for
machine. John at cordwood. Self making saw horses.
Afternoon D. Towns here electioneering and paid Wm. for
plastering. John and George at cordwood. Missionary meeting
at the Brick Church, Greenbank. John, George, Wm., Robert,
Barbara and Margaret at it and the singing. Five dollars and 80
cents collection. Duff gains his suit on Burton – 15 dollars
31 – Wind NW, cloudy morning. George and John at cordwood.
Self drawing wood. Afternoon George at Robert Phairs. Wm.
and John training Wms colt. Wm., George, Barbara, Margaret,
gone to A. Michies to a spree. And so closes the year 1869.
JAN. 1 – Wind E, cold morning. James McPhail here all night.
Wm. Gordon, Jas. McPhail, Helen Michie, Isabella Michie,
Isabella Gordon and George Michie here to dinner. Andrew
Gordon, A. Michie, A. Bell here in the afternoon. Helen Michie
here all night.
2 – Wind E, snowing heavily with some rain intermixed in the
morning. Nobody from here at Sunday School. Afternoon
raining. Wm., George, Margaret and Helen Michie at
Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur preaching from the 9th
Psalm. Wolfe born 1727. Battle of Princeton 1777.
3 – Wind SW, stormy morning, snow drifting. No work. Afternoon
still stormy. George at A. Gordons. Self, Wm., and John at
Greenbank voting for councilor. Was come after by Mr.
Ferguson. Singing tonight. Wm., Margaret and Robert at it and
Mr. Wyatt did not come. George goes in the evening to A.
Gordons with money to pay part of machine. [ Reeve – [?] 342,
Gordon 325. Deputy Reeve - St. John 272, Major 344, Ewers
409. Councilors – Town 204, Bates 237, ? 267, Graham 375].
[Note: names and numbers here were very difficult to read,
uncertain as to their accuracy].
4 – Wind W, dull morning. Wm. gone to Mr. Tipps after money.
John at cordwood. George at T. Duffs loading horse power. Self
fixing bars. Mother churning. Barbara finishing mat. Afternoon
John at cordwood. George gone with machine to A. Michies,
Brock. Self splitting wood. Wesley Luke here at night playing
dominoes. Silk brought to Europe 536. Innocents Day.
Earthquake in Canada 1663.
5 – Wind NW, cold day. John at cordwood. Wm. gone for his
cutter. Self putting some plank in stable floor. Mother dying
brown. Barbara making stripes for mat. Margaret netting.
Afternoon John at cordwood. Wm. mending his cutter. Self
splitting wood. Women at the same work. Duke of York dies
1827. Benjamin Franklin born 1706.
6 – Wind W, cold day. Wm. mending cutter. John at cordwood.
Self mending boots. Margaret washing. Afternoon John at
cordwood. Wm. at Greenbank with his cutter. Self mending
boots. John Cook here all night. Vienna Conference 1861.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John & Wm. at cordwood. Afternoon Wm.
at cordwood. John chopping wood for A. Gordon.
8 – Wind W, cold day. John and Wm. at cordwood. Self making
swifts. Afternoon Wm. and John at cordwood. George comes
home from Edward Boes. Snow drifting in the evening. Battle of
New Orleans 1815. Galileo died 1642.
9 – Wind SW, hard frost through the night. Nobody from here at
Sunday School. Mr. William Anderson and Mrs. Anderson and
Isabella Michie here. Self, Wm., John at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
Corinthians XIII:13. The Crimea
ceded to Russia 1784.
10 – Wind SW, snowy day. John at cordwood. Wm. making a
. Self fixing turnip cellar. George gone to Ed Boes.
Afternoon John at cordwood. Wm. painting his cutter. Self
sawing wood. Wm. and Barbara goes to singing in cutter.
Margaret walks. George home all night. Machine at Duffs.
Bishop Laud beheaded 1645. Paul the Hermit died. London
Exchange burnt 1838.
11 – Wind S, bright day. George gone to set machine at Burtons
barn. John and self and Robert draws 3 loads of turnips. Wm.
Minty, Pedlar, here today. Afternoon John takes the horses to
Duffs threshing and then goes to cordwood. Self splitting wood.
Barbara at Port Perry. John at English Meeting. Wm. and
Robert at A. Gordons in the evening. First lottery in England
1569. Penny Post began in Britain 1840.
12 – Wind SE, rain all forenoon. Self and Wm. at school meeting.
Henry Buel elected trustee. Wm. takes 10 cord of wood for
$1.21 per cord. Afternoon wind NE, snowing a little. Singing
practicing at McMillans tonight. Wm. and Barbara at it. St.
Arcadias Day. First steamer up the Clyde 1812.
13 – Wind NE, very snowy morning. Nothing doing. Afternoon
George goes to thresh at Duffs but Duff is going out and can’t
thresh. John at woods. Margaret washing. Self writing. Wm.,
Barbara, Margaret at singing Greenbank. Battle of Chillianwala
1849. St. Hilary Day. Charles James Fox born 1749. Ides of
14 – Wind E, cold frosty morning. George gone to Duffs
threshing. Very cold day. Wm. and John at wood. Self doing
nothing. Great [?] England 1202. Halley died 1742.
15 – Wind S, rainy morning. Self at Brock to the session. Wm.
and self at Presbyterian Meeting in the afternoon. General Wolfe
born 1727.
A beatle is a block of wood with a handle, used in a
similar manner to a sledgehammer.
16 – Wind S, fine morning. Communion at our church. Mr.
Jamison preached from 1 Corinthians V. Collection of 7 dollars.
Margaret Johnston comes home with us from meeting and stays
all night. Battle of Ucles 1809.
17 – Wind S, rainy morning. George goes to R. Phairs to thresh
but doesn’t do much. Nothing doing at home. Mother, Margaret
Johnston and Annie goes to A. Gordons. Wm. Gordon and John
playing dominoes. Afternoon still raining. Wm. takes Margaret
Johnston to Colin Millers and brings home Mother. Missionary
Meeting at Presbyterian Church in the evening. 9 ½ dollars of
collection. Only Mr. McArthur and Mr. Jamieson speakers. Rain
ceases about 5 o’clock. B. Franklin born 1706. St. Antonio Day.
18 – Wind W, cold day. George at R. Phairs threshing. John
chopping wood for A. Gordon. Barbara at Duffs making mats.
Afternoon Wm. and John at cordwood. Self sawing wood.
Robert gone to Greenbank to Wyatts juvenile singing class which
was a failure. Singing in the evening. Wm., Robert, Barbara,
Margaret, Annie at it. Bhurtpore captured 1826. James Watts
born 1736.
19 – Wind SW, hoar frost, looking like a thaw. George to T.
Phairs to thresh. John at cordwood. Wm. at Saintfield at D.
McKays. Self threshing pease. Barbara at Duffs mats.
Afternoon John at wood. Self threshing pease. George gone to
thresh for George Tocher, Brock. Singing at Temperance Hall to
practice for Primitive Methodist soiree. Wm., Margaret and
Barbara at it. Copernicus born 1472.
20 – Wind SW, dull day. John at cordwood. Wm. getting Mr.
George Bodie to draw some wood for Mr. Wagner. Self closing
the mouse holes in buttery. Barbara and Isabella Gordon
quilting. Mother baking. Afternoon John and Wm. at cordwood.
Mrs. A. Gordon here quilting. Temperance lecture at Greenbank
by Rev. Mr. Cantlon, Bible Christian. Self, Wm., John, Barbara,
Margaret and Robert at it. Howard the Philanthropist died 1790.
First English parliament 1264. American independence
acknowledged 1783.
21 – Wind NW, snowing some. Wm. and John at cordwood.
Barbara and Isabella Gordon quilting. Self making strap to bind
Wms. colt. Afternoon John at cordwood. Robert and Annie at
Juvenile Singing class, Greenbank. Singing in the evening.
Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at it. St. Agnes Day. Louis
XVI beheaded 1793.
22 – Wind SE, cold clear morning. John at cordwood. Wm.
making axe handle. Self splitting wood. Barbara and Isabella
Gordon at mats. Afternoon Wm. at Greenbank getting his colt
shoed. John at cordwood. Margaret scrubbing. Barbara and
Isabella Gordon at mats. Singing at Temperance at night.
Barbara at it. Some of the Uxbridge Brothers and Sisters
present. The Grand W. Patriarch present. St. Vincent’s Day.
Council of war at Paris 1856. Wm. Pitt died 1806.
23 – Wind NW, some rain through the night. Wm., Barbara,
Margaret and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., and John at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1 Peter:11-
21. Barbara at Primitive Methodist Church and English Church.
St. Emerentia.
24 – Wind E, cold and frosty. Wm. and John at wood. George
gone with Wm. Gordon to Port Perry. Afternoon John and
William at cordwood. Self drawing wood. Barbara at Mr. Thos.
Phairs visiting. Robert at school. Lecture in the Wesleyan
Church on temperance by Mr. Ross, G.W.P. Self, Wm., John,
George, Robert, Annie, Barbara and Marg. at it. St. Timothy
Day. Frederick the Great born 1712.
25 – Wind NE, snowing some. Robert at school. Grist fanned.
Afternoon Wm. and John gone to A. Michies, Brock. George at
mill and weavers with Barbara. Self sawing wood. Singing
tonight. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Robert at it. James
Rundle died at 2 o’clock morning. Princess Royal married 1858.
26 – Wind SW, moderate with appearance of a thaw. George
and John at James Walkers chopping bee. Wm. and self drew
three loads of turnips. Afternoon Wm. at cordwood. Self turning
potatoes. Spree at James Walkers in the evening. John,
George, Barb. & Marg. at it.
27 – Wind W, fine morning. John and George at cordwood.
William grinding old axe. Self sawing wood. Mrs. A. Gordon
here for yeast. Afternoon Wm. gone with A. Michie, Sr. to John
Tipps to see about the board of him and John when working at A.
Michies house. Barbara at Mrs. Halls quilting bee. Mother and
Annie at Duffs visiting. John and George at cordwood. Robert at
school. Self splitting wood. Wm. returns without seeing Mr.
Tipp. St. Chrysortina died. Independence of Greece claimed
1821. Mozart born 1756.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John and George at cordwood.
Self at Manchester Mills with 9 bushels 13 pounds of oats to get
oatmeal, but got none. At Prince Albert to see Mr. Welsh. He
not at home. Brought home grist from mill. Wm., Robert,
Margaret, Barbara at singing.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John and George at cordwood.
Self threshing pease. Margaret gone to doctors – her tooth sore
to get it out. Afternoon Wm. making axe handle. John and
George at wood. Self sawing wood. Robert at Juvenile singing
class. Wm. and John at Greenbank and Barbara at the
Temperance meeting. Restoration of Charles II 1660.
30 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., John, Robert, Barbara and
Margaret at Primitive Methodist Church. Rev. Mr. Edgar
preaching. Afternoon Wm., Barbara, Margaret, John, George,
Robert at P.M.C. [Primitive Methodist Church]. Mr. Edgar
preaching. Evening Wm., John, George, Barbara, Margaret at
P.M.C. Mr. Edgar preaching. Charles I beheaded 1649.
31 – Wind NE, dull morning. Wm., John and George at
cordwood. Self closing mouse holes in the buttery. Mrs. Walker
here. Afternoon Wm., John, & Margaret at anniversary of the
Primitive Methodist Church, consisting of speeches at 2 o’clock,
tea at 4 o’clock, lecture at 7 o’clock by Mr. Edgar on the Human
Body. Tea and lecture 40 cents, tea alone 25 cents, Lecture 20
cents. Barbara goes from the lecture to a dancing class at
Centre Hotel, Saintfield. Gets home sometime in the morning.
Massacre of Glencoe 1692. Ben Johnson born 1572.
FEB. 1 – Wind N, bright cold day. Mr. Tates sale Lot no. 10, 9th
concession. Manchester Quarterly Fair. John at Greenbank with
letter for Margaret Mitchell [?]. Wm. at cordwood. George and
Wm. Gordon fixing machine. Self sawing wood. Robert at
school. Afternoon Wm. & John at wood til 4 o’clock then went to
tea at Primitive Methodist Church. Tea 10 cents. Lecture on the
new Heavens and the new Earth by Mr. Edgar, price 15 cents.
George goes to Whitefield Lees to thresh. Self sawing wood.
Earthquake in Mexico 1855. York Cathedral burnt 1829.
2 – Wind SE and snowing heavily. Robert at school. George
came home, nothing doing. Isabella Gordon here quilting. Mr.
C. Asling and Mr. Luke here wanting Barbara & Isabella Gordon
to go to Scott to found a new division of Sons of Temperance.
Afternoon Wm. at wood. George getting Mr. Bodies horses to
thresh. Black mare sore leg. Self at Greenbank and at school
hunting money for the ministers salary. John gone to Brock
collecting money. Barbara and I. Gordon gone to Scott.
3 – Wind NE, fine day. George goes to thresh at W. Lees. Wm.
at cordwood. Self sawing wood. John comes home from Brock.
Barbara and I. Gordon quilting. Robert at school. Afternoon
John gone to Manchester with A. Michie. Wm. at wood. Self
splitting wood. Barbara and I. Gordon still quilting and singing
Temperance songs. Wm. takes Andrew Gordon to the Scotch
settlement to Hectors spree. Andrew Miller pays John 77 dollars.
Spanish Inquisition abolished 1815.
4 – Wind NE, fine morning. Robert at school. John & Wm. at
wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. at wood. John at
Greenbank with money to Henry Hall but he was not at home.
Singing class tonight. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Robert at it.
Dancing class at Butsons after singing.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at cordwood. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon Wm. at wood. John at Greenbank with 100
dollars for Henry Hall. Isabella Gordon gone home. George
comes home from Mr. Geo. Wallaces. Victoria Cross founded
6 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Robert and Margaret at Sabbath
School. Unpleasantness between Mother and me about Annie
going to Sunday School. Wm. and John at Presbyterian
Meeting. Barbara gone with Jas. MacPhail to Uxbridge. Late in
getting home at night. Insurrection in Milan 1853.
7 – Wind SW, clear cold day. Wm. and John at wood. Self
making rakes. George gone to Mr. George Wallaces to thresh.
Isabella Michie here. Afternoon Isabella Michie and Barbara
gone to James Walkers. Wm. and John at wood. John goes to
Greenbank to get his note from Henry Hall. George comes
home from having left the machine at Haddons. Mary Queen of
Scots beheaded 1587. Moses born 1457 B.C.
8 – Wind NW. John and George at cordwood. Wm. over the
creek at Tipps and Griffins to see to get money but gets none.
Robert at school. Self making horse rake. Afternoon Wm., John
and George at cordwood. Self at rake. Mr. Rundle from Brock
here to sell reaper but sold none. Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara
and Margaret at it. Battle of Rossbach 1857.
9 – Wind W, threatening snow. Robert at school. Wm., John &
George at wood. Self making horse rake. Isabella Gordon at
mat. Minty, Pedlar, here. A. Michie here with Johns money from
the Haddows. Afternoon Wm. and John at cordwood. George
and self drawing turnips with red mare and Wms. colt. 5 loads.
Mother and Annie visiting at Mr. Bodies. Union of Upper and
Lower Canada 1841.
10 – Wind NW, cold day, snow drifting. Wm, John & George at
wood. Self at horse rake. Mother, Barbara and Isabella Gordon
quilting. Mr. R. Stillwell and some other man here wanting cows
to buy. Afternoon Wm., John & George at wood. Robert at
school. Barbara at A. Gordons in the evening making flags for
Red, White and Blue. Queen Victoria married 1840.
11 – Wind E, cold day, threatening a storm of something. Wm.,
John and George at woods. Self at nothing. Margaret washing.
Robert at school. Afternoon Wm., John and George at wood.
Barbara gone to A. Gordons. Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara,
Margaret at it and Robert at it. Isabella Gordon here all night. A.
Lincoln born 1809. Washington born 1732.
12 – Wind W, snow drifting and cold. Andrew comes after
Isabella Gordon with Wms. team. Wm., John and George at
cordwood. Margaret baking. Afternoon Wm., John and George
at cordwood awhile. Stormy towards night. R. Phair, T. Phair,
Wesley Luke here tonight. Wm. elected Pathmaster, John
Chairman. Lady Jane Grey beheaded 1554.
13 – Wind NW, hard frost, not so stormy as yesterday. Wm.,
Margaret and Robert at Sunday School. Wm. & George at
Presbyterian Meeting. Margaret at English Church in the
evening. Sir William Blackstone died 1780. Ides of February.
14 – Wind SE, and snowing. Barbara sick with sore throat and
sore back. Wm., John and George at wood. Self at Port Perry to
get the black mare doctored. Got a bottle from Thorn and some
flax seed. Went to Manchester mill and got 120 lbs of oatmeal
and have all the cloth from the weavers. Heard first of H. Hall
running away. Robert at home. Captn. Cook murdered in South
Seas 1779.
15 – Wind NW, cold morning. Wm. gone to Port Perry to see
Griffin about money. John at Greenbank. George at T. Duffs.
Self cutting wood. Robert at school. Barbara up and around.
Annie at Juvenile Singing class. Afternoon John and George at
cordwood. Wm. Carter brings home our bobsleighs. Singing
tonight. Wm., Margaret and Robert at it. Shrove Tuesday. John
Martin died 1854.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at wood. George
drawing wood. Mr. McKay here for his money from Wm. and Mr.
John Matthews with him. Mr. James Cochrane here and bought
an acre of wood for 18 dollars from Wm. Afternoon Wm. and
John at wood. George gone to Haddens to thresh. Self drew ½
cord wood to Mrs. Bunkers. Lizzie Bunker here and her and
Barbara goes away to Brock. Margaret washing. Ash
Wednesday. Emperor of Austria assassination attempt 1853.
17 – Wind easterly and cold, looking like a thaw. Wm. and John
at cordwood. Robert at school. Self sawing wood. Margaret
baking. Afternoon Wm. at cordwood. Self and John drawing
pease. 1 load, then a snow storm came on which continued all
afternoon. Wind SW. John and Wm. at Greenbank in the
evening to hear of Henry Hall. No news of any importance.
George Bodie here in the evening talking about building a house.
Earthquake in California 1856.
18 – Wind nearly NW, very stormy morning, nothing doing. Wm.
making out a bill of lumber for Mr. Bodies house. Afternoon still
stormy and very cold, nothing doing. George comes home
having left the threshing machine at Mr. Butsons, Greenbank.
French enter Naples 1806. Martin Luther died 1546.
19 – Wind easterly, cold but clear day. George gone to take the
machine to John McLarens. Wm. fixing cutter. John splitting
wood. Self sawing wood. Mother churning. Robert at singing
class. Afternoon Wm. and John at cordwood. Self threshing
pease. Margaret scrubbing the floor. George comes home from
20 – Wind W, cold and looking like a storm. William, Margaret
and Robert at Sabbath School. Self and Wm. at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Hebrews I:3. Very cold.
Barbara comes home from A. Michies, Brock. Widow Michie in
trouble with her landlord Mr. McClean about taxes and road
work. Joseph Hume died 1855.
21 – Wind NW, bright day, but the coldest that has been this
winter yet. George gone to Mr. McLarens to thresh. Wm. and
John at cordwood. A. Gordon here grinding his axe. George
returns it being too cold for threshing. Afternoon Wm. and John
at wood. George at home. Wm. and Margaret goes to Port
Perry to singing. C. R. Todd, compiler of peerage, died 1855.
Voltaire born 1694. St. Burchard.
22 – Wind NW, bright day, not so cold as yesterday. John at
wood. Wm. at Mr. Bodies. George at A. Gordons. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon John and George at cordwood.
Wm. making axe handle. Self threshing pease. Robert and
Barbara go the length of A. Gordons and turn again. Ann
Gordon here. Singing tonight. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and
Robert at it. Sir J. Reynolds died 1792. Washington born 1732.
23 – Wind W, cloudy morning and cold. George gone to
McLarens to thresh. Wm. and John at cordwood. Self sawing
wood. Mother and Barbara piecing a quilt. Afternoon Wm. and
John at wood. Mr. [ink blot covers name] here wanting to buy
elm trees from William. Mary J. Luke and Hannah Rundle here
in the evening. George comes home late from McLarens having
broke a pinion of the horse power and been at Port Perry and did
not get one.
24 – Wind N, looking like a fall of snow. Wm. and John at
cordwood. George at nothing. Self sawing wood. Margaret
washing. Barbara cooking. Afternoon George making box. Wm.
and John at wood. Self splitting wood. Mr. A. Gordon and Mrs.
Gordon here for some flour. John at Mr. Bodies. Barbara and
Margaret at A. Gordons till 11 o’clock. St. Matthia. Revolution in
Paris 1848.
25 – Wind W, cloudy morning, scarcely so cold. John gone to
draw wood for Mr. Bailey. William at wood. George gone to
McLarens to thresh. Afternoon Wm. at woods, sells T. Duff one
acre for 14 dollars. John drawing wood for Bailey. Robert and
Annie at Juvenile Singing class. Barbara at Greenbank. Mother
at Jas. Walkers visiting. Self writing a letter. Miss Elizabeth
Burton and Mary Jane Luke here this evening. St. Felix. Great
fire in Pembroke dockyard 1853.
26 – Wind W, fine clear morning. Wm. at woods. John and self
drawing pease. Margaret sick. Barbara scrubbing. Afternoon
Wm. at woods. John draws 1 load of pease and half a cord of
wood for Mrs. Bunker. Self threshing pease. Looking like a
storm. Barbara at Sons in the evening. Napoleon left Elba 1815.
27 – Wind SE, snowing some. Wm., Barbara and Robert at
Sunday School. Afternoon very stormy. Wm. gone to
Presbyterian Church. No meeting.
28 – Wind E. snowing some. Mother gone to John Leasks. Mrs.
Leask sick. John at Mr. Bodies helping to load hay. George at
A. Gordons. Wm. and Robert at Greenbank. Self writing letter.
Afternoon Wm. at woods. John and George at A. Gordons. Self
threshing pease. Mother comes home from John Leasks. Mr.
Leask got a daughter. Greenbank Sons of Temperance visiting
the Uxbridge brethren. Greenbank singing class going to Port
Perry to sing. Wm., George, Robert, and Barbara at A. Gordons.
St. Macarius. Broussa destroyed by earthquake 1855.
MAR. 1 – Wind NW, cloudy but not very cold. Wm. and George
at wood. John and Robert and Margaret sick. Barbara doing
chores. Manchester Fair today. Wm. at wood. Self drawing
wood. Afternoon Wm. and George at woods. Singing tonight.
Wm., Barbara and Margaret at it. Annie at Juvenile class
forenoon. St. David. Self sore throat.
2 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. at woods. George gone to thresh
at Duffs. Self, John and Robert sick. Afternoon Wm. gone to
McKays, Saintfield. John at Mr. Bodies. Barbara at Burtons
visiting. Self and Robert sick. Annie at Juvenile singing class,
Greenbank. Wesley founder of Wesleyan died 1791. Self sore
3 – Wind NW, bright morning, very frosty. George gone to take
off the machine. William at woods. John at woods. Self and
Robert sick. Afternoon John and George drawing turnips. Wm.
at Mr. George Bodies for Johns watch which cost 3 dollars for
fixing by Mr. [Hepinstall?] Brooklin. Wm. sick. Robert and self
sick. Luke arrives after a 6 day visit to someplace. Spanish
Inquisition abolished 1813.
4 – Wind NW. Wm. and self sick. George drawing wood. John
threshing pease. Annie at Juvenile singing class. Barbara
washing. Mother fixing Roberts coat. Wm. receives 20 dollars of
his money from Luke and borrows 26 dollars from James
Gordon. Juvenile concert at Greenbank tonight. John, George,
Robert, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at it. Stoppage of the
United States Bank 1840. General Grant President US.
5 – Wind NW, fine day. George and John at wood. Wm. at
Saintfield with McKays money. Self still sick. Afternoon George
and John at woods. Wm. sickly. Mother some sick too. Barbara
6 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert and Margaret at Sabbath School.
John and Barbara at Presbyterian meeting. Wm. and George
some sick and Mother some sick. Self rather better but not
broken yet. Mother sits up all night, still no break. Alamo fight
7 – Wind NW, fine day. George sawing wood. John drawing
wood. Wm. at cordwood. Self rather better. Afternoon John
drawing wood. Wm. and George at cordwood. Mr. George
Boddie here in the evening.
8 – Wind NW, fine bright day. John drawing wood. Wm. at Byers
asking his oxen. George at woods. Self better. Throat broke
this morning. Mr. Wm. Minty, Pedlar, here. Afternoon John
drawing wood. George and William at woods. Barbara at Mrs.
Lukes at a matting bee. Isabella Michie comes here. Her and
Margaret at Mr. Lukes in the evening. Artemas Ward died 1867.
9 – Wind W, fine day. George and John at woods. Wm. running
round. Robert at school. Self getting better. Barbara, Isabella
Michie and Isabella Gordon quilting. Afternoon John, George
and Wm. at woods. Isabella Gordon, Mrs. A. Gordon, Mrs.
Thomas Phair and Isabella Michie quilting. Looking like a thaw.
Annie at A. Gordons. Barbara and Isabella Gordon at Lukes in
the evening. Margaret and Isabella Michie goes home with Mrs.
Thomas Phair.
10 – Wind easterly, snowing most all day. Wm., George, Wm.
Byers and oxen in the woods. John, Barbara and Isabella
Gordon at Manchester. Afternoon Wm., George, A. Gordon,
Wm. Byers and his oxen at woods. Robert sore back. Self
binding Sunday magazines. I. Michie gone to T. Duffs.
Benjamin West, the painter, died 1820.
11 – Wind NW, cloudy day. Wm. and Wm. Gordon and his
horses, Wm. Byers and his oxen all in the woods. John choring.
George gone to Greenbank to get horses shod and took sow to
boar. Barbara gone to Wm. Reals to send word to Mr. Bickell
about hiring. Robert at school. Annie at A. Gordons. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Wm., John, Wm. Gordon and his horses,
George and our horses. Allan Byers and oxen, A. Gordon, all in
the woods. Annie at Juvenile singing class. Wm., John, George,
Barbara, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the last night of singing.
12 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Wm., George and horses, Wm.
Gordon and his horses, Allan Byers and his oxen, John and A.
Gordon in the woods. Isabella Michie here. Afternoon all the
above in the woods except John. Alex Gordon cuts his toe this
afternoon. Treaty between France, Britain and Turkey 1854.
13 – Wind Easterly, snowing and drifting. No one at Sabbath
School. Afternoon still stormy. Not anybody at meeting of any
kind. All at home. Mr. Ross, G.W.P. was to preach at
Presbyterian meeting this day. Mr. Luke goes as far as
Greenbank on the way to hear him. Road blocked up and could
not get further. Gustavus IV dethroned 1809.
14 – Wind NW and not so very cold, snow very deep, nothing
doing. George and John drawing turnips. Self mending boots.
Wm. fixing his harness. Afternoon John gone to Henry Craggs.
George threshing pease. Self sawing wood. Mother, Barbara
and Isabella Michie at A. Gordons quilting. Hector McLaughlin
here for Wms. fiddle.
15 – Wind easterly, fine day. Wm. at wood. George drawing
wood for schoolhouse. Self sawing wood. John gone to Brock.
Barbara gone to Mr. Bickells, Whitby for one month at 4 ½
dollars. Isabella Michie leaves for home. Mrs. Bunker here to
dinner, needing wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. at
woods. George gone with wood for Mrs. Bunker. Robert at
school. Annie at A. Gordons. Self sawing wood. Very high
winds from SE. Salvatore Rosa died 1865. Battle of Guilford
1781. Ides of March.
16 – Wind E, snowing heavy. Nothing doing of any consequence.
Wm. making axe handle. John, George and self fanning pease.
Afternoon still snowing and very deep. George, John and self
fanning wheat. Wm. from home at A. Gordons. Imperial Prince
of France born 1856.
17 – Wind NE, snowing some, snow very deep. George and Wm.
threshing pease. John sick with rheumatism. Self doing nothing.
Afternoon fine and sun shining. George, Wm. and horses
making road. Self doing nothing. John sick. Mother making bed
tick. Margaret netting. Annie at A. Gordons. Jean Gordon here
all night. Caesar assassinated BC 44.
18 – Wind N, fine bright morning. John still bad with rheumatism.
Self doing nothing. Wm. and George at woods. James Walker
here paying George and wanting 24 bu. wheat. Margaret curling
Annies hair and Jeany Gordons hair afternoon.
19 – Wind NE, fine day. George and Wm. at woods. John still
sick of rheumatism. Jeany Gordon still here. Self fixing buttery
to keep out mice. Mother baking cakes. Afternoon Wm. and
George at woods. Self sawing wood. James Cochrane here to
dinner. Annie at A. Gordons. Johns bed moved down stairs.
Robert at Greenbank for the papers. French Army left Versailles
for the east 1854.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Robert and Margaret at Sunday
School. Self, William and George at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching temperance from John II, first paragraph.
Supposes all and proves nothing. Robert at English Church.
John very bad with his knee. Wm. and George at English
Church in evening. Sir Isaac Newton died 1727. Mr. Rundle and
wife comes to Mr. Lukes at 3 o’clock in the morning.
21 – Wind SW, raining some. John still bad with his knees. Wm.
and George at woods. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Wm. and
George drawing out cordwood. Self sawing wood. Mrs. A.
Gordon here. Annie at A. Gordons. Archbishop Cranmer burned
1556. George Michie died 1868.
22 – Wind NW, cold and cloudy. George gone to Manchester
with 16 bags of wheat. Wm. gone to Mr. James McPhails,
Uxbridge. Robert at school. Self doing nothing. John still bad
with rheumatism. Margaret gone to Mr. Dustys to get foot
measured and boot mended. Mr. Belford here to dinner.
Afternoon nothing doing. Self and George fanned some wheat.
John Brand and Fleetwood Knowles here wanting wood but got
none. Hobart Town Australia inundated 1854. Newton born
23 – Wind N, cold morning. Wm. at the woods. George at
Manchester with load of wheat. Robert at school. John still bad
with rheumatism. Alex Gordon flitting today. Afternoon Wm.
making sap troughs for Mr. Boddie. Self sawing wood. Wm. at
Mr. Duffs in the evening. Duke of Parma assassinated 1854.
24 – Wind N, fine bright morning. Robert at school. John still in
bed with rheumatism. Wm. at woods. George drawing school
wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon George drawing school
wood. Wm. at cordwood. Self sawing wood. Adam Bell here in
the evening. John Gordon moving in today. Queen Elizabeth
died 1603.
25 – Wind easterly, fine morning. John still bad with rheumatism.
Robert at school. Self splitting wood. George drawing school
wood. Wm. at cordwood. Afternoon George drawing school
wood. Wm. making sap trough. Self splitting wood. 3500
Chinese rebels beheaded Canton 1855.
26 – Wind easterly, cold morning. John still bad with rheumatism.
Wm. at woods. George drawing school wood. Self splitting
wood. Wm. Byers here for Wms. jumper7
. Afternoon George
drawing school wood. Wm. at cordwood. Self splitting wood.
John Wagner here to borrow an axe having hired with R. Phair.
Mohammerah captured 1857.
A jumper was a long sleigh, generally drawn by one or
two horses. It was bigger than a cutter, so would hold
more people. It usually had at least three seats.
27 – Wind SE, snowing and drifting but not very cold. Nobody
from here at the Sunday School. Very stormy and snowing
heavy. John still bad with rheumatism. No one from here at
Presbyterian Meeting. Wesley over for the Globe in the
28 – Wind NE, snowing some and the snow very deep, not much
frost. John still bad with rheumatism. Nothing doing. Self and
George fanning wheat. Thawing a little. Margaret backing.
Afternoon Wm. breaking the road. Self and George fanning
wheat and barley. Over 70 bushels wheat and about 24 of
barley. Raphael the painter died 1482.
29 – Wind W, fresh morning. John some better of rheumatism.
Wm. fixing the clock. George, Robert and self fanning oats. 72
bushels fanned. Afternoon Wm. at woods. Self, George and
Robert fanning oats and pease. 56 bushels oats and 16 bushels
pease. Swedenborg died 1772.
30 – Wind SW, fresh cloudy morning. John still bad with
rheumatism. Wm. gone to Port Perry to try to get money from
Mr. Griffin. George and self drawing turnips. Robert at Port
Perry. Annie at Mr. Lukes with stuff to Mrs. Luke to bake for Mr.
and Mrs. Fergusons farewell supper. Afternoon George drawing
cordwood. Self making axe handle. Wm., Margaret and Annie
at the farewell supper. $7.35 of collection. Allied sovereigns
enter Paris 1814. General Grant born 1822.
31 – Wind SE, still thawing. John still ill with rheumatism. Self at
Manchester and Prince Albert for boots and took 12 bushels of
barley and sold it for 40 cents per bushel to Brown & Christian.
Examination of school today.
APR. 1 – Wind easterly, looks like a storm. John still bad of
rheumatism. Wm. and George drawing cordwood. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon Wm. and George drawing wood. Self sawing
wood. Robert gone to Greenbank for the Globe. Mr. Thos. Duff
here borrowing money from George to make up his rent payable
today. Expedition to North Pole sailed 1817. Meeting in India
2 – Wind W, fine morning. John still bad with rheumatism. Wm.
and George drawing cordwood. Self sawing wood. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank Juvenile singing class. Afternoon George
and Wm. at cordwood. Self sawing wood. Very warm. Jefferson
born 1743. Battle of Copenhagen 1800.
3 – Wind NE, cold morning. Wm., Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. John still bad with rheumatism. Dr. Knowley
here to see him. Wm. and George at Presbyterian meeting.
Collection today, being the first Sabbath of the month.
Washington Irvine born 1783. Professor Wilson died 1854.
4 – Wind NE, cold morning. Wm. and George at cordwood. Self
splitting wood. John still bad with rheumatism. Mrs. James
Walker and Mrs. Duff here visiting. Afternoon Wm. and George
drawing cordwood. Self splitting wood. Canada discovered
1499. Wm. H. Harrison died 1841.
5 – Wind NE, threatening snow. Wm. and George drawing wood.
Mr. Byers and oxen in the woods. Robert at school. John still
bad with rheumatism. Manchester Fair today. Cochran’s man
and team drawing logs for Wm. Self at Greenbank for medicine
to John. Afternoon Wm., George and horses, Cochran’s man
and horses, Byers and his oxen all at logs. Self doing nothing.
Dribbling rain all through afternoon. Alexander the Great died
BC 323.
6 – Wind NE, no frost last night, fine day. John still bad with
rheumatism. Wm., George and teams and Mr. Boddie and his
team drawing cordwood. Self splitting wood. Afternoon Wm.
and George and team at cordwood. Annie sick. Robert at
school. Mrs. Robert Phair here on a visit. Badajoz stormed
1812. Old Lady Day. Battle of Shiloh 1862.
7 – Wind NW, mild warm day. George and Wm. at the woods.
Self trying to get the water out of turnip cellar. Mr. Duff brings
home the sheep he had on shares8
. Mr. Belford here for wheat.
Wm. McMillan drawing wood for Hector McLaughlan. Robert at
school. John still bad with rheumatism. Afternoon Wm. and
George at wood. Self bailing turnip cellar. Don Pedro abdicated
1831. Prince Leopold born 1850. Wordsworth born 1770.
8 – Wind W, fine morning. 2 of Duffs ewes lambed, one 2 lambs
and the other 3 lambs – 2 ewes and 3 ram lambs. John still bad
of rheumatism. Robert at school. Wm. and George at woods.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon Wm. and George at woods
drawing cordwood. Self sawing wood. Very warm day and snow
melting fast. George Bodies son here for the short log chain.
Mr. Boddie here for a pair of horse hames. Hudson Bay Cor.
Chartered 1694. Earl of Chatham died 1778.
9 – Wind westerly, fine morning. John some better of
rheumatism. Wm. and George at woods. Robert putting in a
saw mill. Self turning potatoes in the cellar. George Bodie takes
3 sheep for 3 years to double. Afternoon Wm. and George
drawing wood. Self splitting wood. Boy named Jacobs here for
plastering trowel. Wm. at Greenbank in the evening. Lord Bacon
died 1626. General Lee surrendered 1865.
10 – Wind SE, fine morning. Margaret and Robert at school.
Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting as the roads is bad. Miss Mary
J. Luke, Mary Nichols, Isabella Gordon and Jane Gordon here on
a short visit. Mr. William Reale, William McMillan and Andrew
Gordon here visiting in the afternoon.
11 – Wind SW, dull morning, looking like a storm. John still bad
with rheumatism. Wm. and George at woods. Self trying to
drain turnip cellar. Afternoon George and Wm. at woods. Self at
turnip cellar. Robert at school. John Wagner here wanting a
gobbler to Mrs. Phair. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phair and Agnes
Aisling here on a visit in the evening. Napoleon signed his first
abdication 1814. Fort Sumter bombarded 1861.
12 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. and George at woods. Self sawing
wood. John still ill with rheumatism. Robert at home with sore
breast. Afternoon Wm. and George at woods. Self splitting
wood. John Wagner here for the cross cut saw. Montgomery,
Alabama, surrendered 1865. Ides of April.
13 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Wm. at woods. George and self
drawing turnips – 6 loads. John still in bed with rheumatism.
Robert at home, some sick. Margaret washing. Mrs. Miller here
on a visit. Afternoon Wm. at woods. George and self at turnips –
Farmers would loan several animals to another farmer
in order that he could start his own flock with the
understanding that the original number would be
returned at a later date.
drew 4 loads. Mr. Thos. Phair gets two sheep to double. Wm.
goes to Allan Hays to get him to come and saw wood but he will
not come. Catholic Emancipation 1829. James Buchanan born
1791. Vaccination introduced 1796.
14 – Wind SW, fine droughty day. Wm. and George at woods.
John still in bed. Self choring round. Ewe lambed ewe lamb.
George Boddie here for the tramp pick. Afternoon George and
Wm. in the woods. Self choring. Boy Jacobs here in the evening
for Wm. to go and plaster. President Lincoln assassinated 1865.
15 – Wind NE, dull morning. Wm. gone to plaster at Jacobs.
John still in bed. George at woods. Self choring. Robert at
home. Good Friday. Self and Robert puts on Bentleys Tick
Exterminator on the sheep. Margaret baking. Planted seed
beets and carrots. Afternoon George at Mr. Boddies raising.
Self at Greenbank. John Lee here collecting H. Halls accounts.
Andrew Johnson inaugurated president 1865.
16 – Wind NE, dull morning. Wm. and George at woods. Self
choring. John still in bed but getting better. Robert at home.
Afternoon Wm. and George at the woods. Self choring.
Margaret scrubbing. Mrs. C. Asling here on a short visit. Battle
of Culloden 1745.
17 – Wind SE, very dull cloudy morning. Wm. and Margaret at
Sabbath School. John rather worse this morning. Rainy
afternoon from the southeast. McPhails red heifer calves a bull.
Franklin died 1790.
18 – Wind E, still raining. John some better. Nothing of any
consequence doing. George making straw carriers. Wm.
making axe handle. Wm. Gordon here. Afternoon Wm. at
woods. George making straw carriers. Ewe lambed ram. Self
herding cattle. Wesley Luke plowing the first in Egypt. 1st
newspaper printed in America 1704.[The Boston News-letter].
Byron born 1824.
19 – Wind E, with drizzling showers. Wm. at woods. George at
Greenbank with red mare to shoe. Self at James Walkers buying
hay. John still in bed. Robert at home. Afternoon Wm. and
George at woods. Self planting apple trees. Isabella Gordon
here a little while. Received a letter from Barbara of April 15.
Lord Byron died 1824. Battle of Lexington 1795.
20 – Wind NE, rainy morning. Wm. and George pumping cistern.
Self writing to Barbara. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. at
woods. George drawing posts. John in bed but rather mending.
21 – Wind NE, some rain in the morning. Wm. and George at
woods. Self fixing gate. Robert at home. John in bed.
Afternoon Wm. at woods. George at woods. Self choring.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at woods. George takes a grist to
the mill and Barbaras chest to Manchester. Self cleaning out the
barn. John still in bed. Annie at Greenbank for boots to herself
and Robert. Afternoon Wm. in woods. Self choring. Robert
takes his boots back to Greenbank and gets another pair. Hume
born 1711.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and George at woods. Self
pruning apple trees. John in bed. John Gordon and his stud
horse Emulator here today. Afternoon Wm. and George at
woods. Self head-ache. Mother sows the cabbage seeds.
Barbara Walker here for blackberry slips. Shakespeare born
1564. Died 1616.
24 – Wind NE, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., Robert, Margaret
and Annie at Sunday School. Afternoon Wm. and George at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. & Mrs. Boddie, Mr. & Mrs. Phair, Mary
Nichol and Georgina Luke here visiting. John in bed. Heard of
Elizabeth Walkers case.
25 – Wind N, fine morning, much rain through the night. John
bad with an arm. Wm. at woods. George plowing. Self choring.
Mother making a smock for George. Robert at home. Afternoon
Wm. at woods. George plowing. Self down at the creek.
Margaret at Robert Phairs with Georgina Luke. Wm. at
Greenbank in the evening for medicine to John.
26 – Wind NE, frost through the night. Wm. at woods. George
gone for grist. Self at fair, Prince Albert. Wm. at fair. Isabella
Michie here today on a short visit. John out of bed awhile.
Cromwell born 1599.
27 – Wind SW. George plowing. Wm. at woods. Self choring.
John in bed. Robert at home. Margaret washing. Afternoon
George plowing. Self digging garden. Wm. at woods. Mr. and
Mrs. Ferguson here on a visit. Ewe lambed ewe lamb. Battle of
Camden 1781. General Grant born 1822.
28 – Wind NW, cold rough day. Wm. at Thomas Phairs. Self and
George and horses at sawmill putting logs on. Robert at home.
John in bed. Afternoon George plowing. Self gardening. Wm.
at Thos. Phairs. Mother at T. Duffs visiting. New Orleans taken
29 – Wind NW, looking like rain. George plowing. Wm. at
woods. Self choring. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at Thos.
Phairs. Self at garden. Margaret and Annie at Greenbank. John
some better but one hand. Peace with Russia 1856.
30 – Wind SW, appearance of rain. George plowing. Self and
Wm. at sawmill piling lumber. Black ewe lambed today – ram.
Afternoon George plowing. Self in garden. Wm. making axe
handle. Mother planting beets. Mrs. James Walker here visiting.
Margaret scrubbing. Duff here for brace and bit. Cassidy heifer
cow calved.
MAY 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie
at Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm., George and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb.
IV..15:16. Collection for Synod Church $2.50. John getting
better. Sabbath School to begin at 9 o’clock after this day.
Prince Arthur born 1850.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. George and self drawing rails. Wm. at
woods. Robert and Annie at school. John getting better.
Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at woods. Self fencing. Mother
at John Gordons. Mr. Asling here for half a bushel of spring
3 – Wind SW. George plowing. Self spreading dung. Wm. at
woods. Robert and Annie at school. John some better.
Afternoon Wm. burning brush. George plowing. Mr. and Mrs.
MacArthur here on a visit. Margaret at T. Phairs with some
4 – Wind NW, droughty day. Wm. at woods. George plowing.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing. Self in garden.
Afternoon Wm. in the woods. George plowing. Self at dam
fixing it for washing sheep. Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. McLaughlin
here for a visit. Pope died 1744.
5 – Wind E, looking like rain. George plowing. Wm. at woods.
Robert and Annie at school. Self spreading dung. John some
better. Margaret coloring with hemlock bark. Wm. at school
committee. Manchester Exhibition opened 1857.
6 – Wind SW, rather dull day. George plowing. Self spreading
dung. Wm. at woods. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret
raking door yard. Mother baking. John some better. Afternoon
Wm. at woods. George plowing. Self leveling turnip pits. Mr.
Robert Phair here for 2 inch auger. Sheep dam burst.
7 – Wind NE, very dull and rainy looking. Wm. sowing pease and
oats. George harrowing. Self making bars. Button, pedlar, here
today. Afternoon Wm. at woods. George harrowing. Self
digging post holes. Margaret scrubbing. John some better.
Annie sick. Port Perry big whistle blew for first time today.
Humboldt died 1859.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sabbath School. Self, Wm., George at Presbyterian meeting.
Mr. McArthur lecturing on the sin unto death from Heb. VI 1.8.
Margaret at Temperance Hall to practice for singing for the
Anniversary. Hamburg burnt 1842. Steamer Pennsylvania lost
9 – Wind NW, fine day. George harrowing. Wm. at woods. Self
digging post holes. Robert at school. Annie sore throat. Mother
baking. Afternoon George harrowing. Wm. sows 4 bushels
barley. Self digging post holes. John getting better. Mr. Wm.
Blake here visiting. Japanese embassy arrives at NY 1860.
Bank suspension 1837.
10 – Wind SE, sprinkling rain. George plowing. Self putting in
posts. Wm. gone to John Gordons well. Rainy forenoon.
Robert at home with sore jaws. Annie sore throat. John
mending a little. Mother making smock out of old coats.
Afternoon George plowing. Self and Robert putting in posts.
11 – Wind SE, some rain through the night, fine day. George
plowing. Wm. and horse at John Gordons. Self sowing plaster9
Robert picking chunks10
. John some better. Afternoon George
plowing. Self filling post holes. Some showers. Singing at
Greenbank practicing for Anniversary. Wm. at it.
12 – Wind NE, rainy morning. George plowing. Wm. at woods.
Margaret washing. John some better. Robert and Annie at
school. Self draining in the old garden. Wm. at woods. Mother
baking. Mr. Ratenburger here selling plows. Afternoon Wm. at
woods. George plowing. Self washing apple trees. Margaret at
Greenbank. Heavy shower of rain at 4 o’clock. Earl of Stafford
beheaded 1641. Battle of Pharsalus BC46.
13 – Wind NW, fine day. George plowing. Self draining. Wm. at
woods. Robert and Annie at school. John some better.
Afternoon George plowing. Self draining. Wm. at woods. Battle
of Glasgow 1568.
‘Plaster’ is a type of lime which was spread on fields in
order to ‘sweeten’ the soil to make it more arable.
‘Chunks’ were pieces of leftover wood.
14 – Wind SW, fine morning. George plowing. Self draining.
Wm. at woods. Wm. Stillwell gets away Duffs rig. Mother
baking. Afternoon Wm. at woods. George harrowing to Belford.
Self draining. Margaret scrubbing. James Walker here for
wheat. Vaccination first tried 1796.
15 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie
at Sabbath School. Self, Wm., George, Mother and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Hebrews VI:
9 to the end. Wm. and Margaret at Greenbank practicing
singing. Magna Carta signed 1215.
16 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Wm. sowing barley and oats.
Self at Port Perry for cockle sieve. George harrowing. Afternoon
George harrowing. Wm. at woods. Robert and Annie at school.
Mother at John Gordons.
17 – Wind SE, rather dull morning. George plowing. Wm. at
woods. Self choring. Robert and Annie at school. Barbara
Walker here for sheep shears. Minty, pedlar, here today.
Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at woods. Self digging round
apple trees. McPhail white heifer calved today cow calf.
Margaret at Mr. Phairs in the evening.
18 – Wind SE, fine morning. George plowing. William at woods.
Self choring. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing.
John getting some better. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at
woods. Self choring. Wm. and Margaret at Greenbank singing.
Mrs. John Gordon here on a visit. Trial by jury instituted 1270.
19 – Wind NW, fine morning. George plowing. Wm. at woods.
Self shearing sheep. Robert and Annie at school. John
mending. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at woods. Self
shearing sheep. Mrs. Luke here visiting. Wm. at Mr. Phairs in
the evening asking him to log. Boswell died 1795. Paley died
20 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm. at Wm. Reals asking his oxen
to log. George plowing. Self, Mother and Margaret washing
wool. John planting corn. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon George harrowing. Self sowing wheat. Wm. at Mr.
Bysons. Mrs. A. Leask here visiting.
21 – Wind NE, looking like rain. George harrowing. Self sowing
grass seeds. Wm., Thomas Phair and John Wagner logging with
Wm. Reals oxen. Mother churning. Afternoon rain til 3 o’clock.
Wm. and his pair logging. George at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Self shoveling water furrows. Margaret scrubbing.
22 – Wind NE, fine morning. Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm. & George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur lecturing from Heb. VII:1-10 on Christ being a priest
after the order of Melchizedek. Margaret at English meeting in
the evening.
23 – Wind NE, raining some in the morning. Wm. George and
self logging. Robert at school. Annie at home. Afternoon Wm.,
George and self logging. Rain at 5 o’clock. Wm. takes Mr.
Reals oxen home.
24 – Wind SW, appearance of rain. Wm. in his fallow. George
harrowing. Self at Presbytery, Prince Albert. Afternoon George
plowing potato land. Wm. at fallow. John at T. Duffs. Mr. Burton
broke his arm.
25 – Wind NW, cloudy and cold. George plowing potato land.
Wm. at his fallow. Robert and Annie at school. Self cutting
potatoes. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. and George
branding with black mare. Self cutting potatoes. Margaret
visiting at John Gordons. Agnes Duff here for eggs. Wm. and
Margaret at Greenbank singing.
26 – Wind E, fine day. George plowing in potatoes. Wm., John,
Robert and self planting potatoes. Afternoon George plowing in
potatoes. John, Robert, Mother and self planting. Wm. in his
fallow. Self at Mr. Burtons in the evening to ask how his arm was
getting along.
27 – Wind E, fine morning. George plowing in Wms. fallow. Wm.
raking leaves. Self draining. Isabella Gordon here for yeast.
Afternoon George plowing and Wm. raking leaves. Self draining.
Robert and Annie at school. Mrs. Luke here making bed tick.
Habeas Corpus Act passed 1679.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. in fallow. Self & George drew ½
ton hay from Jas. Walkers. George at mill for lumber after.
Afternoon George harrowing Wms. fallow. Wm. sowing barley in
it. Self draining. John and Robert at the creek fishing. Isabella
Michie comes at night. Noah Webster died 1843.
29 – Wind NE, fine morning. Wm., Robert and Margaret at
Sunday School. Mother, Wm., John, George and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Isabella Michie leaves with them. Helen
Michie here with Margaret from Sunday School. Wesley and
Jerusha Jane Luke here in evening. Patrick Henry born 1736.
30 – Wind SW, very warm day. George harrowing. Wm. in
fallow. Self filling drains. Robert & Annie at school. Mother
picking wool. James Gordon here for cabbage plants. Afternoon
George at sawmill for lumber. Wm. hunting sawing machine.
Self draining. [Alexander] Pope died 1764.
31 – Wind SE, warm morning. George at board fence. Wm.
gone with horses to Grattenville for sawing machine. Self
digging garden. Robert & Annie at school. Margaret washing.
Mother choring. Afternoon George and John at creek after
dinner and then putting up fence. Self choring. Wm. and James
Cochrane arrive with the machine. Miss Linda Mary Louisa and
Mrs. Michael Martineau here in the evening for cabbage plants.
JUNE 1 – Wind SE, fine morning. Wm., George, self, James
Walker, Robert Phair and horses, Thomas Phair and horses, Mr.
Luke and horses, and James Cochrane at sawing machine.
Afternoon all the same parties at the machine. Robert & Annie at
home. Saw breaks at 4 o’clock. Wm. gone to Greenbank with it.
Sabbath School committee meets at Greenbank. Singing at
Greenbank for the anniversary. Skirmish at Ridgeway 1866.
Inundation in France 1856.
2 – Wind SE, very warm morning. Wm. gone to Port Perry with
the saw. George and self at fence. Robert and Annie at school.
Mother churning. Afternoon Wm., George, self, Jas. Walker,
Jas. Cochrane, John, Robert Phair & horses, Thos. Phair &
horses, George Bodie & horses, Mr. Luke and horses sawing
wood for William. Gordon riots 1780.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm., George, John, self, James Walker,
James Cochrane, Robert Phair & horses, Thos. Phair & horses,
George Boddie & horses and Mr. Luke & horses, all sawing
wood. Afternoon all the above parties sawing wood.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., George, John, self, James Walker,
George Boddie & horses, Mr. Luke & horses, Mr. Robert Phair &
horses, Mr. Thos. Phair & horses, sawing wood for Wm.
Afternoon Mr. Luke leaves with one of his horses and James
Cochrane takes his place. All sawing wood.
5 – Wind S, looking like rain. Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm. and George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from the three last verses of the VII of
Hebrews. Some rain in the afternoon.
6 – Wind W, fine day. George at mill with grist. Wm. mending
sawing machine. Self & John hoeing. Robert & Annie at school.
Afternoon George harrowing. Self and John planting potatoes.
Mr. Phair here in the evening. Margaret at Mr. Phairs for
cauliflower. Patrick Henry died 1799.
7 – Wind SE, fine day. George plowing. Wm. at R. Phairs
logging. Robert and Annie at school. Self choring. Mother
making soap. Afternoon George at mill for grist. Mother at
Greenbank. John fishing. Self cutting thistles. Fire at Port Perry
today. Adam Bell & William Carter here in the evening.
8 – Wind NW, fine day. George plowing. Wm. at Robert Phairs
logging. Robert & Annie at school. Self & John spudding
thistles. Margaret washing. Mother baking. Afternoon George
plowing. Self & John spudding thistles. Wm. and Margaret at
Greenbank singing. Isabella Gordon here for salt. Thos. Paine
died 1809. Andrew Jackson died 1845.
9 – Wind SW, much lightning through the night and looking like
rain. Red mare foaled at 2 o’clock morning. George plowing.
John spudding thistles. Self in shop and watching colt. Robert
and Annie at school. Margaret black leading stove. Mother
sewing. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. at Mr. R. Phairs
logging. John and self spudding thistles. Rain at 6 o’clock. Wm.
at Greenbank in the evening at meeting of anniversary
committee. Battle of Montebello 1859.
10 – Wind NW, rainy morning. Wm. gone to Manchester for road
list. George at R. Phairs logging. Rain all the forenoon. Robert
at school. Annie at home. Margaret scalding bedstead. Mother
baking cakes. Afternoon still raining. John & Wm. sawing logs.
George fixing stable loft.
11 – Wind SE, raining some. Wm., George and self on the road.
Afternoon self, Wm., George on road. Wm. at Jas. Rennies.
John, Robert & George at Greenbank races.
12 – Wind S, looking like rain. Margaret, Robert & Wm. at
Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, George, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
Corinthians III:4 and 1st
John III:21 and insisted on trying
ourselves by our conscience.
13 – Wind SE, some showers in the morning. Self, Wm., John
and George and team on the roads. Afternoon self, Wm., John,
George and team on the roads. Robert at school. Mother and
Annie at John Gordons visiting. John Leask round to hire John.
General Scott born 1786. Battle of Marengo 1800. Russia
defeated at Sevastopoll 1854.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. fencing his fallow. George
plowing. John and self at Manchester monthly fair. Sold
Cassidy cow to Mr. Knox, she being 15 years old, for 37 dollars.
Mr. A. Bell & Isabella Gordon here tonight. Barbara arrives
home from Whitby. Minty, pedlar, here today. Insurrection of
Tyler 1381. Grant crosses the James 1864.
15 – Wind SW, slight showers. Wm. and George at fallow. John
harrowing. Self mending fence. Mother & Barbara sewing.
Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. and George at
fallow. John harrowing. Self hoeing corn. Barbara gone to Mrs.
Bunkers to get her dress cut. Wm. gone to Brock to plaster.
James Polk died 1849.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. George, John and self fencing Wms
fallow. Robert and Annie at school. Mother baking. Barbara
sewing. John McGee here for turnip sewer. Afternoon self and
John fencing. George harrowing. Duke of Marlborough died
1722. Battle of Ligny 1815.
17 – Wind NW, fine cool day. George drilling. Self and John
hoeing in orchard. Barbara washing. Mr. Love here wanting the
turnip drill. Afternoon self, George and Mother at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. H. Currie preaching from Romans V 1:2. John
hoeing tatoes. Mrs. F. Phair and Mary Nicol here this evening.
John McGee brings the turnip drill. Battle of Bunker Hill 1775.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Mr. Love here for turnip drill. George
drilling. Self and John hoeing potatoes. Afternoon George
drilling. Self hoeing potatoes. John gone with Mr. Luke to beg
for the anniversary. John Gordon here with his horse Emulator
and put to red mare. Margaret gone to Greenbank about her
dress. Robert at Alex. Gordons for duck eggs. Battle of
Waterloo 1815.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Communion at Brock. Self, Mother,
George, Barbara, Robert, Wm., and Annie at Brock. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Isaiah III:12. Seventy four
communicants. Near 7 dollars collection. Some rain.
20 – Wind N, looking like rain. George drilling. Self and John
spudding thistles in the wheat. Robert at school. Wm. Reals
man and son here for turnip drill. Afternoon George drilling. Self
and John hoeing potatoes. George Real bring the drill home at 7
o’clock. Accession of Queen Victoria 1837.
21 – Wind N, cold morning, nearly frost. George finishing turnip
sowing. Self and John hoeing potatoes. Margaret washing.
Robert at school. Red Cassidy heifer at Mr. Lukes bull. Barbara
gone with A. Bell. George gone to Greenbank to blacksmiths.
Margaret gone to Greenbank to practice singing for anniversary.
Queen Victoria proclaimed 1837. Summer begins.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. George and John
spudding thistles. Self drilling corn. Mother baking. Phair brings
home the turnip drill and Wm. Carter takes it away. Wm. comes
home from Brock. Afternoon Wm. gone to Port Perry for spring
board. George and John spudding thistles. Self hoeing in
orchard. Trial of Queen Caroline commenced 1820.
23 – Wind NW, fine day. George and John spudding thistles.
Self at Greenbank for slate to Annie. Robert and Annie at
school. Wm. takes Mrs. R. Phair and Mrs. F. Phair to A. Leasks.
Wm. Real gone through the creek with the boat. Mr. Williams,
pedlar, here to dinner. Afternoon George & John spudding
thistles. Wm. burning brush. Self mending harness. Mr. Real
returns at 5 o’clock without completing his journey and very sick.
Wm., George, Robert, Margaret and Barbara at Greenbank.
Barbara goes to A. Leasks all night. Union of England and
Scotland 1706.
24 – Wind W, fine day. George and John spudding thistles. Self
making horse rake. Mother baking. Robert and Annie at school.
William burning brush. Luke gone with Wms. colt to A. Leasks.
Afternoon George and John at thistles. Wm. at brush. Self at
rake. Evening Wm. and John at lecture at Greenbank.
25 – Wind W, warm day. Wm. gone to prepare the grounds for
the anniversary. Self, George and John and Wm. Byers logging
in the swamp. Mother baking. Afternoon self, George, John,
Wm., Wm. Byers and oxen logging. John Gordon here with his
horse Emulator and put to black mare. Margaret scrubbing.
Repeal of Corn Law 1846. Black mare took horse.
26 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm., George, Barbara, Margaret,
Annie and Robert at Greenbank this being the anniversary of the
Union Sabbath School. Alex. Rennie here to dinner. Thunder
and rain storm from noon till 2 o’clock. Wm., George, Robert,
Barbara, and Margaret at evening meeting. Self and John
putting up fences. Mr. Jamison preaching forenoon from
Eph.VI:4. Mr. McArthur afternoon from the same text. Dr. Dodd
executed 1777.
27 – Wind NW, fine morning, very warm day, thunder but no rain.
Union School anniversary. Good gathering made. Speakers Mr.
Brown, Mr. McArthur, Mr. Ried, Mr. Pomeroy, Mr. Douglas. All at
it, nobody at home. Uxbridge W.M. Choir in attendance. A. Bell,
G. Real, Wm. Real Jr. pitches them. Wm. Carter & H. Buel
carries them. Queen Victoria crowned 1838. Cholera in New
York 1832.
28 – Wind NW, warm morning. Wm., George, John & Allan Byers
logging with oxen. Afternoon Wm., George, John, Allan Byers
and oxen logging. Self hoeing potatoes. Mr. George Bodie here
in the evening.
29 – Wind SE, dull morning. Wm. gone to Uxbridge with organ.
Self, John and George hoeing potatoes. Mother and Annie gone
to Alex. Gordons to visit. Barbara washing. Afternoon self, John
and George hoeing potatoes. Robert at home. Tea, supper and
Temperance lecture in the hall, Greenbank. Admission 10 cents.
Self, Wm., John, George, Barbara, Margaret and Robert at it.
Henry Clay died 1852.
30 – Wind SW, warm, looking like rain. Wm. in his fallow. Self
and John hoeing potatoes. Robert at school. Mother and Annie
stopped at A. Gordons all night. Afternoon George banking
potatoes. Wm. at fallow. John & self hoeing potatoes. Thunder
and rain at 4 o’clock. Mother and Annie arrives home at night.
Rome captured by the French 1849. Greenwich Hospital
founded 1696.
JULY 1 – Wind NE, rather dull day. George, John, Wm. &
Barbara at Port Perry. Robert at school. Self making handle for
scuffler. Afternoon self at Greenbank with red mare to horse.
Mrs. John Gordon here making pants. Wm. and Barbara
inspected by Dr. Rose at Greenbank and both pronounced sick
and gets each a bottle of medicine. Price one dollar. Dominion
Day 1867.
2 – Wind E, cool day. Self and John hoeing potatoes. George at
the mill with oats and pease to chop for the sow which pigged
last night – 13 pigs. Wm. in his fallow. Barbara at Greenbank to
see the Doctor as she does not know her medicine from Wms.
Robert at mill. Afternoon George, John and self hoeing potatoes.
Wm. burning brush. Robert at Mr. Phairs for hat straw. Margaret
scrubbing. .
3 – Wind NE, warm day. Self, Wm., John, Barbara, Margaret &
Annie at Primitive Methodist Church. Mr. Tarrant preaching.
Afternoon Wm., John, George, Margaret & Barbara at P.W.
Church. Mr. Bee preaching. Evening Mother, Barbara, Annie,
Robert and John at English Meeting. Quebec founded 1608.
Battle of Gettysburg 1863.
4 – Wind SW. George fixing hay mow. Self and John hoeing
potatoes. Wm. doctoring clock. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon self at P. M. Anniversary. Wm. in his fallow. John &
George cutting thistles. Robert at Doctor Rose. Margaret &
Barbara at concert in the eve. Virginia discovered 1584.
5 – Wind W, warm day. Self at Manchester with oats and at mill
with some 7 bushels. Wm., John, George, George Byers and
oxen logging in Wms. fallow. 11
Mrs. Millar and Mrs. Wildman
here, the latter wanting a girl to hire. General Ransom occupied
Natchez 1863.
6 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. at his fallow. John & George
mowing. Self fixing scythes. Barbara, Margaret, Robert & Annie
picking berries. Afternoon Wm. at fallow. George and John
mowing. Mother and Margaret picking geese. Barbara, Annie
and Robert picking berries. Self scuffling turnips in the orchard.
Miss Jane Gordon here sewing breeks12
. Philadelphia Theatre
burnt 1857.
7 – Wind S, rain through the night and thunder. Rain in the
forenoon. George gone to mill with grist. Wm. doctoring the
clock. Self and John doing nothing. Barbara spinning. Mother
making straw hat. Robert and Annie at home. Afternoon still
raining, nothing doing. Great row upstairs with Barbara, Robert,
Annie and John. Great fire in Auckland New Zealand 1858.
Alexander Hamilton shot 1804.
8 – Wind N, drying day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. George & John
cleaning out the barn. Self cutting thistles in the swamp.
Afternoon George and John mowing. Self at mill for grist and
brought Lizzie Bunker here, she being sick. President Taylor
died 1850. Siege of Gibraltar 1779.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies hay. Self, George,
John & Robert hoeing turnips in the orchard. Barbara at
Greenbank for new dress. Afternoon self, John, George and
Robert cocking13
hay. Lizzie Bunker leaves for home. Prince of
Wales embarked for Canada 1860. Braddocks defeat 1755.
10 – Wind SW, slight showers. No one at Sabbath School.
Afternoon self, Mother, Barbara, Annie, Wm., John, George &
Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Hebrews VIII:6 to the end. Margaret at English meeting. London
Bridge burnt – 3000 lives lost, 1212. Canada invaded 1822.
‘Fallow’ is an area the farmer is converting into arable
land. He would need to remove stones, trees, brush
and stumps so that he could then plant crops.
‘Breeks’ is another work for pants.
‘Cocking’ hay – making a row of piles of hay
11 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. Self, John
and George draws 5 loads of hay. Robert sore ear. Afternoon
rainy, nothing doing. Jack Cade slain 1450. Columbus born
12 – Wind SW, threatening rain. John gone to John Leasks to
hoe turnips. George at John Gordons with black mare to horse.
She took him. Self and Wm. hoeing turnips. Punk at bull this
morning. Mother churning. Afternoon self, George and Wm.
hoeing turnips. Margaret & Barbara picking berries. Mother
baking. Minty, pedlar, here at 6 o’clock. Cassidy heifer at bull
time this evening. Orange celebrations.
13 – Wind SW, dull day, looking like rain. George scuffling
turnips. Self and Wm. hoeing turnips. Annie at Greenbank.
Mrs. Bunker and daughter here to dinner. Afternoon self,
George and Wm. drew 2 loads of hay then Wm. went to Mr.
Boddies and we to turnips. Isabella Michie here. All hands
picking black currants. George took the black mare to John
Gordons horse. She took him. Battle of Gravelines 1558.
14 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. Self and George
hoeing turnips. Mother gone visiting at Mr. Chancey Aislings.
Afternoon self & George hoeing turnips. Mr. Valentine Matthews
here wanting someone to cut his hay. Mr. Bickle here for
Barbara. Isabella Gordon here this evening. The Bastille
stormed 1880. Battle of Vltava 1420.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Boddies. Self &
George mowing. Mrs. Walker here wanting pigs, promised her
two. Afternoon self & George hoeing turnips. Meeting of the
Union Sabbath School to appoint officers.
16 – Wind S, dull day with some rain. George at James Walkers
hay. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. Self mowing. Afternoon self mowing.
Isabella Gordon here for 2 quarts black currants.
17 – Wind NW, cool day. Wm., Robert, Margaret & Annie at
Sabbath School. Afternoon Wm. at Presbyterian Meeting. Alex.
Michie Jr. here this afternoon. Wife Mary Nichol here.
Bombardment of Toulon 1707.
18 – Wind N, fine day. George at James Walkers hay. Wm.
gone to Mr. Matthews. Self turning hay. Afternoon George and
self and Robert drew 7 loads of hay into the barn. Amos Stone
here and offering 2 dollars apiece for all the lambs to be took to
his place next Monday. French invasion of England repelled
1545. Battle of Lundy’s Lane 1813.
19 – Wind W, fine morning. George mowing his grass on Wms.
place. Self mowing fence corners. Margaret picking berries.
Afternoon self, George and Robert drew 3 loads of hay into the
barn. Self went to bathe and George to mow grass. Spanish
Armada off England 1508. Battle of Churubusco 1847.
20 – Wind SW, thunder and rain before 6 o’clock. Wm. at Mr.
Boddies. George mowing. Self and Robert at Manchester.
Margaret washing. Took 9 bushels of spring wheat to
Manchester. Sold for $1.20 per bushel. Battle of Hallidown Hill
1533. French Revolution began 1789.
21 – Wind NW, cool morning. Wm. & George mowing. Self took
A. Michie heifer to bull. Margaret picking berries. Afternoon
Wm., George, Robert & self raking hay to George. Battle of Bull
Run 1861.
22 – Wind SE, appearance of rain. George, Wm., Robert & self
stacking hay. Afternoon George, Wm., Robert, & self at hay.
Insurance agent from Saintfield here after dinner. Agent from
Hamilton here in the evening. Battle of Salamanca 1812.
Garibaldi born 1807.
23 – Wind SW, thunder and rain all night. George cutting hay.
Wm. at Mr. Boddies well. McPhail white cow at bull. Afternoon
George mowing. Self cutting thistles. Margaret scrubbing. John
McPhail here all night. George Boddie here this evening. Upper
and Lower Canada united 1840.
24 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Wm., Robert, Margaret and
John McPhail at Sunday School. Wm., Robert, Margaret and
John at Presbyterian Meeting. Alex. Michie and Mrs. Michie here
to dinner with John and Mary Michie. Bolivar born 1783.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well. George at his
hay. Self at Amos Stones with 7 lambs at 2 dollars each.
Afternoon George, self, and Robert drew 7 loads of hay to
George. Margaret visiting at Alexander Gordons and Mr. T.
26 – Wind SW, rather dull morning. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well.
George gone to McDuffs to get his horses. Self hoeing turnips in
the orchard. Mrs. Michael Martineau here for reel. Shower of
rain at noon. Afternoon self hoeing turnips. George hoeing
turnips. Andrew Gordon here for waggon. Thunder & rain in the
evening. Robert Sutton born 1765. London cab strike 1853.
27 – Wind NW, foggy morning and some rain. Wm. gone to Mr.
Boddies well. George at John Gordons. Self cutting thistles.
Margaret washing. Afternoon self hoeing turnips. Mr. Wm.
Byers, pedlar, here in the evening. Atlantic cable rail 1866.
French reign of terror ended and revolution begins 1830.
28 – Wind SW, rather dull day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well. George
gone to Oshawa. Self hoeing turnips. Mr. James McMillan here
begging for Colin Miller. Afternoon self hoeing turnips. Mother
visiting at Mr. Aislings and Annie with her. Some rain in the
afternoon. Lord Durham died 1840.
29 – Wind NW, cold and slight showers. George at John
Gordons fixing threshing machine. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well.
Self hoeing turnips. Mother washing. Afternoon self & George
mowing barley. John Gordon here for ashes. Mary Queen of
Scots marries Dauphin 1588. Spanish Armada destroyed 1588.
30 – Wind N, cool drying day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies barley. Self
and George mowing barley. Afternoon George gone to Port
Perry & Prince Albert and Manchester for horse collars. Self
mending James Walkers gate. Cooks first voyage 1768.
31 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Margaret & Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., George & Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Rom. VIII:12. Miss Byers
here this afternoon. Columbus discovered Trinidad 1498.
AUG. 1 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies barley.
George scuffling turnips. Self turning barley. Mrs. Gordon here
for 2 pigs. Mrs. Walker here for 2 pigs. Afternoon George and
self mowing barley. Mother, Robert & Annie hoeing turnips at
2 – Wind SW, fine morning. George Boddie here for 2 pigs. Wm.
at George Boddies. George and self mowing barley. Mother,
Robert & Annie hoeing turnips. Afternoon all hands raking and
drawing barley. Threshing machine loaded this evening.
3 – Wind S, drizzly rainy morning. George gone to thresh at T.
Duffs. Wm. gone somewhere. Self doing nothing. Afternoon
still rainy. Self mending at harness. Clears off at 5 o’clock, fine
4 – Wind NW, fine morning. George gone to thresh at T. Duffs.
Wm. gone to somewhere. Self hoeing turnips. Mother hoeing
turnips. Pedlar from Epsom here. Horse power broken. George
and Wm. Gordon gone to Port Perry. Afternoon self hoeing
turnips. Battle of Mackinaw 1814.
5 – Wind W, fine morning. Wm. gone to Mr. Boddies. George,
self, Margaret, and Robert raking barley, looking like rain.
Afternoon self, George, Robert, Wm. and Margaret drawing
barley, 10 loads. Andrew Gordon here this afternoon. White
heifer to bull. Lord Howe died 1799. Atlantic cable landed 1858.
6 – Wind SW, very like rain but clears off fine. Wm. at Mr.
Boddies. George gone for to Burtons barn for threshing
machine. Self, Robert and Annie cleaning up the barn.
Afternoon threshing hands besides the threshers Mr. Luke,
Wesley Luke and horses, Mr. R. Phair, T. Wagner and horses,
Mr. John Belford and William Michie. Threshed all the barley
out. Prince Alfred born 1844. Ben. Johnson died 1637.
7 – Wind SW, warm morning. Margaret and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. IX:14
to end of chapter. Collection $1.50. Cromwell died 1658.
8 – Wind SW, some rain and thunder through the night, very
warm day. George gone to John Leasks to thresh. Wm. at
George Boddies. Self clearing the barn door of straw. Afternoon
self hoeing turnips. Mother hoeing. Margaret at the hoe after
supper. Jean Gordon here all night. George Canning died
9 – Wind about SW, showery and warm. Wm. at Mr. Boddies.
Self hoeing turnips and sometimes in the barn. Margaret
washing. Jean Gordon still here. Afternoon self and Mother
hoeing turnips. Mrs. John Gordon and Hector Gordon here
visiting. Wm. Minty and Andrew Gordon here to tea. Jean
Gordon leaves for home. John Dryden born 1631.
10 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. gone to George Boddies. Self
pulling pease. Charles Gordon here playing. Afternoon self
pulling pease. Mother and Margaret hoeing turnips. George &
John comes home at night. Daguerre died 1851. St. Lawrence
discovered 1535.
11 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. gone to George Boddies.
George gone to T. Duffs. Self & John pulling pease. Mother
churning and baking. Afternoon self and John at pease. Binding
bee at T. Duffs in the evening. Mrs. T. Phair and Mrs. R. Phair
called this evening.
12 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm. at Mr. Boddies. George at T.
Duffs. Self and John cut out the pease. Mother & Robert hoeing
turnips. Margaret cooking. Afternoon John gone to T. Duffs.
Self cradling oats. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Hector
McLaughlan borrows scythe. Wm. receives 2 letters from Port
Perry about buckboard. King George IV born 1762. King Philip
killed 1676. Bunyan died 1688.
13 – Wind SW, dull gloomy day threatening rain. George & John
at T. Duffs. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry for buckboard. Self
hoeing turnips. Afternoon self cradling oats. Red McPhail heifer
at bull the second time. Mother gone to Mrs. Burtons, she being
sick. Bishop Jeremy Taylor died 1667.
14 – Wind NW, fine morning. Wm., Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. George gone to A. Michies, Brock. Self, Wm., Margaret
and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Dr. [Tweedie?] preaching
from 1st
Cor. III:14. Other foundations can no man lay. Some
pray the foundation of their salvation on the mercy of God, some
on repentance, some on their good works, some on their works
and Christ’s sacrifice together – all of which is false foundations.
Wm. at English Meeting. George Combe died 1858. Lord Clyde
died 1863.
15 – Wind SW, fine warm day. John gone to T. Duffs. Wm.,
George, Robert and self drawing pease. 3 loads in barn and 3 in
stack. Afternoon drawing pease. 7 loads in stack and 4 in barn.
J. Williams, pedlar, here.
16 – Wind S, warm day. John at T. Duffs. Wm. at George
Boddies. Self and George cradling oats. Margaret washing.
Robert cutting pigweed among the potatoes. Afternoon George
gone to the Bassingthwaites to thresh. Self cradling oats.
Isabella Gordon here for yeast.
17 – Wind S, and very high. Wm. mowing his barley. Self
cradling oats. Margaret choring. Annie at Mr. Lukes. Afternoon
Wm. at his barley. Self raking oats. Drew 2 loads. Duchess of
Kent born 1786.
18- Wind SW, fine morning, very warm day. Wm. at his barley.
George gone to I. Gordons. Self cradling oats. Afternoon Wm.
at his barley. Self and George binding oats. Walter Scott born
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., George, self and horses at
George Boddies threshing and threshed til noon when James
Gordon got hurt. Afternoon self and George binding oats. Wm.
at his barley. Margaret at Mrs. Martineaus with her dress and
stays all night at John Leasks. Some rain in the evening. Indian
massacre in Minnesota 1864.
20 – Wind N, cold day. Wm., George, self and horses at George
Boddies threshing. Margaret arrives home. Mrs. M. Martineau
here for plums. Afternoon Wm. at George Boddies. Self and
George raking and drawing in oats. Mrs. McGuire, Mrs.
Anderson and Mrs. Ianson and Margaret at the creek for shells.
Battle of Miami 1794.
21 – Wind NW, smoky day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Luke
XVI:15. James Walker worse today. West India docks opened
22 – Wind NW, fine morning. George gone to thresh at T. Duffs.
John gone to T. Duffs. Wm. cradling oats. Self fencing pea
stack. Afternoon self, Wm., Margaret, and Robert at Wms.
barley. Drew 4 loads in the barn. John here all night.
23 – Wind easterly, sprinkling rain. Wm. and self cradling oats.
John gone to T. Duffs. Afternoon still raining. Self bad with
toothache. Nothing doing at harvest. John and George home all
night. Peace congress at Frankfurt 1850. Wm. Wallace
beheaded 1305.
24 – Wind S, foggy wet morning. Wm. at home. George and
John gone to Brock to hire A. Michie to go with the threshing
machine. Self, Margaret and Annie at Port Perry. Ohio Trust
Company suspends payment 1857.
25 – Wind SW, soft morning. John gone to T. Duffs. Wm. at
George Boddies. Self binding wheat. George cradling. Heavy
shower at noon. Margaret washing. Afternoon George cradling
wheat. Self binding. Indian Mutiny commenced 1457.
26 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. at Boddies. George cradling
wheat. Self raking. John at Duffs. Afternoon George threshing
at Lukes. Self and horses there. John at John Gordons working
for A. Gordon who is at machine. Prince Albert born 1819.
27 – Wind SE, heavy frost this morning, fine day. Wm. and
Robert raking barley. Self and horses at Lukes. Threshing done
before noon. Afternoon self, Wm. & Robert drawing Wms.
barley. 4 loads. Mother at Burtons, Mrs. Burton being sick.
Byam, pedlar, here today.
28 – Wind S, dull morning looking like rain. Wm. and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, George, Margaret, Robert & Annie
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching on Heb. X to
the 19th
verse. Rain in the afternoon. Wife Mary Nicol here
visiting. Leigh Hunt died 1859.
29 – Wind SW, rain through the night and looking like more. John
gone to John Gordons. George & Wm. to Byers to thresh.
Margaret rather sick this morning. Self cradling wheat.
Afternoon self cradling wheat. Heavy shower at 4 o’clock. John
the Baptist beheaded.
30 – Wind NW, cool day. George threshing at James Cochranes.
Wm. at Mr. Boddies. Self cradled all the wheat which finished
the cutting for this harvest. Ann Michie died 1846.
31 – Wind SW, looking like rain, not much dew. Wm. gone to Mr.
Boddies. Self and Robert shocking oats. Killed a sheep before
dinner. Self, Wm., and Robert drawing oats – 7 loads. T. Duff
here in the evening wanting hands. Act abolishing slavery
passed 1833. Bayou Sara burned 1862.
SEPT. 1 – Wind SW, some thunder and showers going round.
Self and Wm. at wheat binding. Afternoon self, Wm. and Robert
drawing wheat. Margaret at Mr. Burtons visiting. Mrs. Michael
Martineau here for the reel. General Outram arrived at Lucknow
2 – Wind SW, some rain through the night and looking like more.
Self and Wm. binding wheat. Afternoon self, Wm,., and Robert
drew 1 load of wheat. Thunder and rain. Wm. and Robert gone
to Greenbank for the papers. George arrives from Brock.
London burnt 1666.
3 – Wind NE, dull forenoon, sprinkling rain. Wm. gone to T.
Duffs. George gone to Isaac Craggs to thresh. Self cleaning out
the cow house. Mother & Margaret picking the geese. Pedlar
from Epsom here. Afternoon self at Greenbank with the black
mare to shoe. George comes home from Isaac Craggs. Rain
most all the afternoon. Jas. Gordon here for Wm. to dig a well.
Moscow burned 1812. Oliver Cromwell died 1658.
4 – Wind NW, rain most all night and looking like more rain. Wm.,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm.,
Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur
discoursing from Heb. X 19 to 25. Riots at Manchester England
1830. Fahrenheit died 1736.
5 – Wind NW, cold morning. George gone to Isaac Craggs to
thresh. Wm. gone to John Gordons to dig a well. Self at Mr.
Robert Millers to see when he would go to Toronto for school
books. Afternoon self raking wheat. Breeze on going to bed with
Mother and me.
6 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. at John Gordons well. Self at T.
Phairs threshing. Tooth broke out of gearing wheel. Self comes
home and Margaret, Robert and me draws in the last of the
wheat which finishes harvest 16 days earlier than 1869.
Afternoon Margaret washing. Self at T. Phairs threshing. 2 teeth
broke out of gearing wheel. George leaves for Oshawa at 11
o’clock at night. Austrians enter Bucharest 1856. Dog days end.
7 – Wind E, dull rainy morning. Wm. gone to John Gordons well.
Self scouring ditch in swamp. Minty, pedlar, here today.
Afternoon self drawing in James Walkers wheat. Battle of
Plattsburg 1814.
8 – Wind S, fine day. George at Thomas Phairs threshing. Wm.
at Port Perry for boots. Self at T. Phairs threshing. Afternoon
Wm. at John Gordons well. Robert home with James Scotts
planes. Mother and Annie at John Gordons visiting.
9 – Wind SW, rather dull morning. Wm. gone to John Gordons
well. Self helped George Boddie to top out his stack. Shower at
10 o’clock with thunder. Afternoon much thunder to the south.
Self drawing stones off pease ground. Robert at Greenbank for
Globe. Storming of San Sebastian 1813.
10 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at John Gordons well. George and
self at John Gordons threshing.
11 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert, Annie and self at
the Sunday School. Mother at John Gordons, Mrs. McLaughlin
having got a son. Wm., Mother, George, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Thomson the poet born 1700. Battle of
Brandywine 1777.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at John Gordons well. George at
David Craggs threshing. Self at Toronto with Mr. Robert Millar
for books for Union Sabbath School. Left at 1 o’clock and
returned at half past twelve in the night.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to John Gordons well. Self and
Margaret picking corn. Afternoon self and Margaret husking
corn. Georgina Edmund & Lewis Luke here. Siege of Vienna
1680. Rioting in New York 1863.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Wm. fencing hay stacks.
Margaret washing. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon self
plowing. Wm. burning brush. Mrs. Martineau here. Duke of
Wellington died 1852.
15 – Wind S, warm morning, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Duffs.
Self plowing. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon at George
Boddies for 18 bushels oats.. Shower with thunder. New York
taken 1777.
16 – Wind E, rain all night and all forenoon. Self fixing the
waggon box. Afternoon self plowing. Wm. and Margaret at
Greenbank for the papers. Received a letter from Barbara.
Finnemore Cooper died 1851.
17 – Wind NE, fine day. Self plowing. Wm. at R. Phairs.
Afternoon self plowing. Wm. at R. Phairs. Michael Martineau
here to see Wm. about the site for a house on the north end of
Lot 18. Mother gone with some rolls to Mrs. Martineau to spin.
George arrives from Brock. Threshing at Nicholas Reals. Peace
congress at Brussels 1808.
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, George, Wm., Margaret at English Church.
Self and Wm. at Primitive Methodist Church. Lawrence Sterne
died 1768.
19 – Wind NE, fine day. George gone to Brock. Wm. gone to T.
Duffs. Self plowing. Annie at school. Robert at home with
headache. Afternoon self plowing. Mother visiting at Mr. Lukes.
Battle of Poitiers 1356.
20 – Wind S. Wm. at R. Phairs. Self at Manchester with 44.32
bushels barley, got 60 cents. Margaret washing. Afternoon self,
Mother, Margaret, Robert cleaned another load of barley.
Barbara arrives from Centre Mills. Battle of the Alma 1854.
21 – Wind W, fine morning. William at R. Phairs. Self at
Manchester with 45 bushels of barley. Mr. Wyatt here wanting
22. Wind S, fine day. Wm. at R. Phairs. Self plowing. Barbara
visiting at Mr. Lukes forenoon and at Mr. Burtons afternoon.
Autumn begins.
23 – Wind S, dull hazy morning. Wm. sick. Self at Manchester
with 21 bushels barley at 66 cents. Afternoon steady rain.
24 – Wind SW, dull with some rain. Wm. still sick. Self plowing.
Afternoon raining. Self draining the cellar. Mary Jane Luke here
and Barbara at Mr. Lukes after. George home from Mr. Woods.
25 – Wind NE, rainy morning. Nobody at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Margaret, Robert & Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Heb. X:38. Pacific Ocean discovered
26 – Wind N, fine morning. George gone to Mr. Woods for the
threshing machine to thresh at George Boddies. Wm. some sick.
Self at George Boddies threshing. Annie at school. Mother and
Barbara spinning. George and Alex. Michie here all night.
Marquis Wellesley died 1842.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at James Walkers threshing. Self
plowing. Annie at school. Afternoon Mother & Barbara at John
Gordons quilting. Self plowing. Battle of Buzacott 1810.
28 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. at T. Duffs threshing. Self
harrowing. Margaret washing. Barbara spinning. Annie at
school. Afternoon self harrowing. Mother washing. Barbara
spinning. Margaret at a quilting at Wm. Bassingthwaites. Gen.
Neill killed 1857.
29 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at John Leasks. Self plowing.
Barbara spinning. Annie at school. Afternoon self plowing.
Elizabeth Leask here asking hands to paring bee. Marshal. St.
Arnaud dies 1854.
30 – Wind S, rainy morning. Wm. gone to John Leasks. Self
draining the cellar. Mother & Barbara spinning. Afternoon still
raining. Self at cellar. Mother & Barbara spinning. Very rainy
evening. Singing class at our church. George Whitefield died
OCT. 1 – Wind NE, fine day. Self plowing. Barbara scrubbing
and Margaret helping. Mother baking. Afternoon self plowing.
Wm. gone to John Leasks. Barbara and Annie gone to A.
Michies, Brock. George arrives from Mr. Joseph Lees threshing.
2 – Wind N, foggy morning. Robert at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, George, Wm., and Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XI. Monthly
collection one dollar thirty six cents. London University opened
1848. Major Andre executed 1780.
3 – Wind SE, rainy day. Wm. gone to John Leasks. George at
home. Self at cellar. Margaret sore back. Mother choring.
Afternoon self at cellar. George at John Gordons. Still raining.
Georgina Luke here in the evening. Clears off about 9 o’clock.
First English Bible 1535.
[At this point in the diary, the type of paper changes and there is
a great deal of deterioration. Some areas, particularly along the
outer margins, are illegible. This transcript will be as complete
as the original allows.]
4 – Wind N, showery morning. John Belford here wanting to draw
a load of cedar to his new house. Self at cellar. Mother
churning. Afternoon self at cellar. George drawing wood.
Barbara & Annie comes home from Brock. John angry about his
place. Mrs. Gordon here for ashes. John Wagner here to
supper. Belgian Independence secured 1831
5 – Wind N. Wm. and John gone to Provincial Exhibition,
Toronto. George plowing. Self draining. Margaret sore back.
Afternoon George carrying in apples. Self draining. Barbara
washing. Mother spinning. Cornwallis died 1805.
6 – Wind E, dull cloudy day, looking like rain. George gone to
Joseph Lees to thresh. Self harrowing. Robert and Annie at
school. Barbara painting. Mother scouring yarn. Margaret
choring. Afternoon self taking in apples. George, Barbara,
Margaret at pairing bee at Mr. Byers. Wm. & John arrive at
home. Jenny Lind born 1821. Peace declared with America
7 – Wind NE, fine cool morning. George gone with Mr. Gordon to
inspect the road to Mr. Clemens place. Self digging potatoes.
Barbara blacking boots. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon
Wm. whitewashing the kitchen. Self pain in hip. John resting.
Dug some potatoes. Early [?].
8 – Wind N, fine day. George & John at potatoes. Wm. & self
killed a sheep. Barbara, Margaret and Mother [?] up. Robert
headache. Afternoon self, George, John, Wm. at potatoes.
9 – Wind N. William, Barbara, Margaret, Robert & Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret and Robert
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Matt. [?].
Barbara visiting at Alex Gordons.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and George gone to thresh at [?].
John and Mother at potatoes. Self at mill with grist. Mrs. [?] here
spinning. Afternoon self, John, Mother, Barbara and Robert at
potatoes. Mrs. Luke spinning. Wm. Byam, pedlar, here. Thos.
Crawford the American sculptor died 1857. West, painter, born
11 – Wind S, some rain through the night and a dull day. Self,
Mother, Margaret, John & Robert at potatoes. Mr. Minty, pedlar,
here. Afternoon self, Mother, John, Margaret at potatoes. Annie
at school. George & Wm. comes home.
12 – Wind SW, fine morning. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret,
Robert, George Boddie and Mrs. Walker at potatoes. Barbara
washing. Mother cooking. Afternoon shower at 2 o’clock. Self,
Wm., George, Margaret, Robert, George Boddie and Mrs.
Walker at potatoes.
13 – Wind SW, fine morning. Self, John, Robert and Margaret at
potatoes. Wm. at Greenbank getting his buckboard fixed.
George at the mill for grist. Andrew Gordon here to dinner.
Mother spinning. Afternoon some rain after dinner. Self, John,
and Margaret at potatoes. George & William drawing dung.
Lecture on Temperance at Greenbank but no lecturer came.
Burgoyne surrendered 1777.
14 – Wind W, fine morning. John & Barbara gone to Brooklin with
coverlets to weave. Self, George, Margaret, Robert & Annie at
the Fair, Prince Albert. Self at Port Perry for tin boiler. William
Penn born 1644.
15 – Wind S, some rain in the morning. Mother gone to Jas.
Walkers. Self, John & George at potatoes. Wm. at potatoes.
Afternoon Wm. & John at R. Phairs. Self and George drawing
dung. Margaret scrubbing. James Walker horses plowing to
himself. Lizzie Chalmers comes here in the evening.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Afternoon self, Wm., John, George, Robert,
Barbara and Annie at Primitive Methodist Church. Mr. Bee
preaching from Rev. XXII:17. Mr. Fornier preaching from Psalms
XIII. Mrs. Jane Michie and Helen Michie here to dinner.
17 – Wind SW, commences to rain. George gone to Mr. I .
Bassingthwaites to thresh. Wm. and John gone to Mr. Watsons
to lath. Self mending harness. Barbara & Lizzie washing.
Mother baking. Wm. Stillwell here and hires Lizzie. Afternoon
self harrowing potato land. Barbara & Lizzie at John Gordons for
Lizzies clothes. Wm. and John comes home. Mr. Pearson
having sent another man to lath Mr. Watsons house. My
birthday – aged 57 years.
18 – Wind NW, rainy stormy morning. Wm. and John gone to Mr.
Watsons house again. Robert brings home the buckboard.
George comes home from Mr. Bassingthwaites threshing. Self
doing nothing. Mother, Lizzie and Barbara cooking for the bee
tomorrow. Afternoon George drawing wood for Mr. Butson,
Greenbank. Self draining turnip cellar. Isabella Michie comes
from Brock. Lizzie leaves for Wm. Stillwells.
19 – Wind W, hard frost. Barbara blacking the stove. George
plowing. Self draining. Afternoon George gone to Mr. Belfords
house. Self drawing dung. Quilting this afternoon. Mrs. R.
Phair, Mrs. T. Phair, Mrs. I. Gordon, Mrs. A. Gordon, Isabella
Gordon, Mary J. Luke, Isabella Michie and Mrs. McMillan at it.
20 – Wind N, dull cloudy day. Wm. gone to Mr. Watsons house.
John to John Leasks to try to hire. George plowing. Self
spreading dung. Barbara and Isabella Michie quilting. Afternoon
George, John & self draining turnip cellar. Margaret gone home
with Isabella Michie. Barbara quilting. Mother choring.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. George drawing dung. Self and Robert
digging potatoes in the orchard. Fleetwood Knowles here
wanting wood. Barbara quilting. Mother choring. Afternoon
George gone with wood to Mr. Knowles. Self digging potatoes.
22 – Wind SW, high wind, thunder last evening. George drawing
dung. Self filling dung. Barbara whitewashing the buttery.
Mother making cheese. Margaret choring. Afternoon self and
George at dung. Margaret scrubbing. Payson died 1827.
23 – Wind NW, cold cloudy day. Wm., Robert, Barbara and
Annie at the Sunday School. Mother, Wm., George, Robert,
Margaret, and Annie at Presbyterian Church. Dr. Thornton
preaching. Barbara at Primitive Methodist Church. Mrs. Watts
[funeral?] sermon being preached. First encounter between
Russians and Turks 1853. Wm. Penn born 1644.
24 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. gone to lath at Saintfield.
John gone to Wm. Ledinghams for one [?]. Self and George
taking in potatoes and Annie, Mother, Robert at potatoes.
Afternoon Self, Mother, George, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
Barbara gone to Lizzie Chalmers. George, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at Mr. Lukes pairing14
25 – Wind SW, dull morning. George, Robert and Wm. topping
turnips. Commences to drizzle rain. George goes to the [?].
Self spreading dung. Afternoon heavy rain till 4 o’clock. George
plowing. Self at turnip cellar draining it. Margaret washing.
George, Margaret, Barbara and Robert at paring bee at Gordons.
26 – Wind NW, frosty morning. George plowing. Self spreading
dung. Barbara and Robert gone to Manchester for boots to buy.
Mother churning. Margaret choring. Afternoon self, George,
Wm., and Margaret at turnips and drew 4 loads. Lizzie Chalmers
here on a visit. Cholera first appears in England 1831.
27 – Wind SE, drizzly rainy day. George plowing. Self
spreading. Barbara spinning. Wm. Gordon wanting to sell his
part of threshing machine to Allan Byers. George not willing for
it. Afternoon George plowing, self spreading dung. Barbara
spinning. George at John Gordons in the evening. Marshal
Soult died 1851.
Pairing (or paring…author uses both spellings) – they
would have a bee paring and slicing apples, which were
then hung to dry for winter use.
28 – Wind NW, showery morning. George and Robert topping
turnips. Self digging turnip pit. Mr. Duff here wanting hands,
none for him. Margaret sewing. Barbara spinning. Mother
choring. Afternoon self, George, Mother, Margaret and Robert
drew 19 loads of turnips. Barbara receives a letter from Mr.
Bickle. King Alfred died 900.
29 – Wind W, fine morning. George gone with wood for Sunday
School. Self digging turnip pit. Robert, Annie and Margaret
topping turnips. Barbara spinning. Afternoon self, George,
Mother, Margaret, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 16 loads.
Barbara scrubbing.
30 – Wind easterly, hard frost. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie
at Sunday School. Wm. and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting.
Began to rain at 5 o’clock with high wind from the south. John
Adams born 1735.
31 – Wind NW, showery, threatening snow. Wm. gone to
Saintfield. George at John Gordons. Self unstringing apples.
Richard King here to dinner. Barbara knitting. Mother churning.
Afternoon still showery. Self doing nought. George cutting some
sticks for Mr. King. Mother spinning. Barbara knitting. Margaret
baking cakes.
NOV. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. George at Greenbank with Mr.
Kings timber. Self digging turnip pit. Margaret washing. Mother
baking. Barbara knitting. Afternoon self at Isaac Clemens sale.
George, Robert, and Mother at turnips, drew 13 loads. Barbara
at A. Gordons visiting. Margaret at Mr. T. Phairs and R. Phairs in
the evening.
2- Wind SW, fine morning. Self, George, Mother, Robert at the
turnips. Annie at Greenbank with letter to Mr. Bickle and 2
papers, one to G. Tough and one to A. Mitchell. Afternoon self,
Mother and Robert at turnips. Margaret at Greenbank to get her
foot measured. Drew 15 loads of turnips. All Souls. Rebellion in
L. Canada 1833.
3 – Wind SW, fine morning, looking like thunder, turned out
showery. George, Margaret, and Robert at turnips. Self fencing
turnip pits. Mother spinning. Barbara knitting. Afternoon
George, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew 13 loads.
American Army disbanded 1783.
4 – Wind W, fine morning. George, self, Margaret, Robert at
turnips. Barbara knitting. James Walker here for cradle.
Afternoon George, self, Margaret and Robert at turnips, 17 loads.
Annie gone for papers. Lizzie Chalmers brings her baby here for
a few days. King William landed 1688.
5 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. George drawing dung. Self
covering turnips and potatoes pits. Afternoon George and self at
dung. Margaret scrubbing. Mother ironing. Barbara at
6 – Wind W, cold morning and hard frost. Wm., Barbara,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday School. Afternoon
Margaret at Primitive Methodist Church. Self, Wm., George,
Barbara and Robert at Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur
lecturing from Heb. XI on Abrahams faith. Monthly collection
1.90. Lizzie Chalmers here visiting. Wm. at English evening
meeting. Battle of Port Royal 1861.
7 – Wind N, cold morning. George and self at dung. Wm. and
Robert gone to Saintfield. Afternoon self dunging [?] the shade.
George drawing dung. Barbara gone to singing but gets no
farther than Mr. Belfords. Margaret at Greenbank singing.
Richard Real here asking hands and horses for plowing bee.
First official Gazette issued at Oxford 1665.
8 – Wind SE, sprinkling rain. Rainbow in the north west. George
drawing dung to old garden. Heavy rain and thunder. Self doing
nothing. Afternoon George plowing. Spreading dung. Lizzie
Chalmers and Mary Ann Belford here.
9 - Wind SW, rainy morning. George plowing. Self spreading
dung. Afternoon George gone to John Reals plowing bee. Self
digging in the garden. Heavy showers through the afternoon.
Singing at Greenbank tonight, none from here at it. Prince of
Wales born 1841.
10 – Wind N, hard frost and a cold day. George plowing. Self at
garden. Jas. Walker here paying his wheat. Fleetwood Knowles
and [?] Brand here wanting wood. Afternoon self in garden.
George plowing. Ann Gordon here visiting. John Milton died
11 – Wind S, hard frost, fine day. George gone to Greenbank
with wood for Mr. Knowles. Self in garden. I. Williams here to
dinner. Afternoon George plowing. Self at Greenbank for
papers. 5 o’clock when the Post came. Barbara at Temperance
Lecture in evening. Mr. Cantlon lecturing. Margaret at A.
12 – Wind SW, hard frost in the morning and fine day. George
gone to help George Boddie to stone his well. Self digging
round. Afternoon self plowing in orchard. Wm. Byam, pedlar,
here tonight. Mary Gordon, Margaret Walker and Lizzie
Chalmers here. Lizzie takes her baby away.
13 – Wind NW, frosty morning, fine day. Margaret, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. Wm., Mother and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Georgina Luke here to dinner.
14 – Wind NE, cloudy morning and threatening rain. Wm. gone
to Mr. Druhans to plaster. George gone to John Gordons to
thresh. Robert and Annie at school. Self at Greenbank getting
horses shoed. Snowing heavy. Mozart born 1719.
15 – Wind NW, cold day with some showers of snow. George
and self at Robert Phairs threshing. Lizzie Chalmers comes here
sick. Wm. Minty, pedlar, here today. Robert and Annie at
16 – Wind W, fine day but frosty. Self and George at R. Phairs
threshing. Done at 9 o’clock. Machine set here before dinner.
Wm. Reals son here after tames. Afternoon self and George
drawing 2 loads of hay from Wms. place. Mrs. A. Gordon here
asking Wms. buckboard. Ferguson died 1776.
17 – Wind W, cold bleak morning. Robert and Annie at school.
Self killing sheep. Barbara spinning. Mother and Margaret at the
chores. Lizzie better. James Walker here with his fanning mill
sieves. Afternoon George and self fixing the granary.
18 – Wind N, cold with some snow. Threshing. John Wagner
and horses, George Boddie Sr. and George Boddie Jr. and
horses, John Belford, James Walker Sr. and James Walker Jr.,
Thos. Phair, John Gordon at threshing. Afternoon still threshing
with same hands. Finished at night with Wms. barley. 16 teeth
broke out.
19 – Wind N, hard frost and cold day. George gone to T. Byers to
set threshing machine. Self fixing sheep house. Wm. Byers
here for Wms. buckboard. Mrs. Walker here with a pair of
stockings for Mrs. Bickle. Afternoon self clearing barn door. F.
Smith here wanting hands to thresh pease for A. Leask. Wm.
arrives from Mr. Druhans.
20 – Wind SW, cloudy day. Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. Margaret at
Primitive Methodist Meeting. Mary Jane Luke and Georgina
here this evening.
21 – Wind NW, very cold. George and self and horses at Mr.
Byers threshing. Wm. at Greenbank. Lizzie Chalmers at I.
Gordons and Jas. McMillans for her box. Mother at Mr. Duffs
visiting. Mr. Luke and Wesley here this evening. Fort Niagara
bombarded 1872.
22 – Wind SE, heavy frost. Wm. gone to Mr. Druhans. George at
Greenbank getting horses shoed. Bought off R. Boyd Niagara
Nursery 1 Egg Plum tree at $6.50, 1 Lombard plum at 65 cents, 1
Greengage 65 cents, 1 dwarf apple 40 cents, 1 grape vine 75
cents. Afternoon George gone to John Gordons to thresh. Lizzie
gone to I. Stones. Self covering turnip pits. Self had a quarrel
with Barbara about a window blind. Hailing from south east.
23 – Wind NE, snow 8 inches deep. Self drawing firewood.
Stormy day. Jas. Walker brings 2 yearling heifers to winter.
Afternoon self and Robert fixing bindings for calves. George
comes home from John Gordons threshing having broke a pinion
of horse power.
24 – Wind W, fine day, snow thawing. Self hauling poles for
scaffold to hold pea straw. Robert at school. Wm. Spring here
selling washing compound. Bought the right to make it for one
25 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and George drawing pease.
Margaret mowing them. Robert at school. Mother and Barbara
spinning. Afternoon George at Greenbank with wood for Mr.
Butson. Self threshing pease. Barbara at Greenbank to pay Mr.
McGirrs account which is $10.56. Mrs. Burton here visiting.
Wm. comes home having finished at Mr. Druhans. Havelock
died 1857.
26 – Wind W, dull morning, looking like snow. George gone to
Greenbank with wood for Sunday School. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon George cuts his foot. Self and Robert puts up the
27- Wind W, fine morning. Wm., Barbara, Margaret, Robert &
Annie at S. School. Wm. Gordon here to see George. Self,
Wm., Robert, Margaret & Barbara at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Heb. XII:1&2.
28 – Wind SW, soft day. Wm. at Greenbank. Barbara & Robert
gone to Centre Mills. Self and George making a new stable.
Afternoon self and George at stable. Margaret at singing in the
29 – Wind NE, dull day. Self threshing pease. Wm. gone to T.
Phairs. George fixing stable. Margaret washing. Afternoon
George fixing shade. Self threshing pease. Agnes Asling here
visiting. Robert and Barbara arrives from Whitby. John comes
home from Mr. Ledinghams. Barbara & Margaret at T. Duffs.
30 – Wind NW, dull morning. Wm. and John working on
. Self and George building a cowhouse. Afternoon self,
George & Robert at cowhouse. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Cochrane
here visiting.
DEC. 1 – Wind NW, hard frost. Wm. at sideline. George at
cowhouse. Self threshing pease. John and Margaret at Port
Perry. Afternoon self and George at cowhouse. Mother at Mr.
Lukes all night, Mrs. Luke being sick. Robert at school. Siege of
Quebec 1775.
2 – Wind SW, fine morning. Wm. and John at sideline. Self and
George at cowhouse. A. Michie here wanting threshing [?]. Mr.
Jacobs here wanting Wm. to plaster part of his house. Afternoon
self and George at cowhouse. Robert at school. Wm. and John
finishes the sideline. Looking like a storm.
3 – Wind S, fine morning. George threshing pease. John gone to
Henry Craggs. Self and Wm. at Manchester, Prince Albert and
Port Perry. Afternoon John and George drawing hay.
4 – Wind SW, dull day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., Mother, Barbara and Annie
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb XII:5.
Margaret at English Meeting. King of Sardinia visits London
5 – Wind SE, snowing some. George gone with grist to mill.
John gone to find axe handle timber. Wm. gone to Mr. Jacobs to
plaster. Self making pig pen. Barbara gone to James McMillans.
Robert at school. Afternoon John at woods. George at
Greenbank. Self at pig pen. Heavy rain towards night. Mr. Van
Buren born 1782.
6 – Wind N, snowing some. Robert at school. John at rails.
George banking turnip house. Self mending Margaret Walkers
boots. Afternoon self threshing pease. John at rails. George
putting dung on turnip cellar and hen house.
7 – Wind SE. John at rails. Self at Prince Albert & Port Perry.
George at home. Robert at school.
8 – Wind NE. Self threshing pease. Wm. & John gone to
Harringtons house, Greenbank. Robert at school. George gone
for grist. Mother spinning. Afternoon George threshing pease.
Self sore back. Mother at A. Gordons visiting. Air pump
invented 1650.
9 – Wind N, fine morning. Robert at school. George at
Greenbank with wood. Self at Mr. Boddies for sheep. Afternoon
George at Greenbank with wood. Self mending rocking chair.
Milton born 1608.
10 – Wind N, foggy day. George gone somewhere. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon George at Greenbank with wood.
Self threshing pease. Margaret scrubbing. John and Wm.
comes home from Greenbank.
‘Sideline’ is a roadway.
11 – Wind easterly. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Wm. and John at Presbyterian Meeting. Margaret at
P.M. [Primitive Methodist].
12 – Wind easterly and snowing heavy. Wm. fixing clock.
George gone to A. Michies, Brock to thresh. John gone to T.
Duffs. Self doing nothing. Mother spinning. Afternoon self
threshing pease. Wm. and John working on sideline. Mr. G.
Baird lecturing on education at the schoolhouse. Wm. and
Margaret at Greenbank at singing. Saintfield Fair. Isaac Watton
died 1683. Brunel died 1849.
13 – Wind SW, soft day. Wm. gone to Harringtons to plaster.
John at sideline. Robert at school. Self drawing wood.
Manchester Fair. Afternoon self choring. Mother spinning.
Council Meeting at Greenbank. John and Robert at it.
14 – Wind NW, cold morning. John at sideline. Self threshing
pease. Robert at school. Afternoon self threshing pease. John
at sideline. Mr. James Walker here wanting William.
15 – Wind NW, very cold. John at sideline. Self mending horse
halter. Mother spinning. Margaret baking. Robert at school.
Afternoon self fixing cracks in the byre. Mother spinning. Wm.
Byers and James Belford here in the evening.
16 – Wind NW. Robert at school. Self choring. John at sideline.
Mother spinning. Afternoon self threshing pease. Wm. Byers
here wanting John to measure some land. Wm. comes home
from Greenbank. No papers come. George comes home from
Charles Rennies having broke the horsepower. George
Whitefield born 1714. Great fire in New York 1835.
17 – Wind SW, and snowing. Wm. and John at sideline. Self
threshing pease. George gone to Port Perry for some castings
to horse power. Afternoon self threshing pease. Margaret
18 – Wind NW, fine day. No one from here at Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Margaret, Wm., George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XIII:15-17 inclusive.
19 – Wind SW, mild day. George gone to Charles Rennies to
thresh. Wm. gone to George Wallaces to take the plastering of
his house. John at sideline. Self fixing the door of turnip house.
Mother making pants. Robert at school. Christina McPhail, Mary
McPhail and James McPhail Sen. here tonight. Afternoon Wm.
and John at sideline. Self choring round. Mrs. Joseph Lee died
20 – Wind NW, some storm. Robert at school. Self threshing
pease. Wm. measuring off some wood land for Jas. Walker and
others. John at Greenbank with wood for A. McGirr. George
Wallace here letting his plastering to Wm. Gray born 1716.
21 – Wind W, cold day. Wm. at sideline. John taking half a cord
of wood to John Bailey. Self threshing pease. Afternoon John
and self at Mrs. Lees funeral. George arrives having left the
machine at Thomas Duffs.
22 – Wind W, cold morning. Wm. at sideline. George fixing his
horse collars. John drawing wood to A. McGirr. Robert at
school. Self threshing pease. Afternoon self threshing pease.
John drawing wood to A. McGirr. George threshing at T. Duffs.
23 – Wind W, fine morning. Wm. at sideline. John some
bothered with rheumatism. Robert at school. Self threshing
pease. Afternoon self threshing pease. John rather better.
George at T. Duffs. Andrew Gordon here for Wms. fiddle bow.
24 – Wind N, frosty day. Wm. at sideline. George at Greenbank
with wood. Self drawing wood. John some better. Margaret and
Robert had a fight. Robert wounded on the cheek with a chair.
Afternoon Wm. gone along with Mr. Duff to Port Perry. George
gone to John Leasks to set threshing machine. Self splitting
wood. Fort Fisher attacked 1864.
25 – Wind SW, not so cold as yesterday. Wm., Margaret, Robert
and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., George and Margaret
at Presbyterian Church. Mr. Argo, Episcopal Methodist from
Uxbridge, preaching funeral sermon of Mrs. Greig from Hebrews
XII:14. John Ewen, Miss Ewen, Lizzie Chalmers and Barbara
here in the afternoon. Lizzie stops all night. Christmas Day.
26 – Wind W, some snow through the night. Margaret gone with
Andrew Gordon to Prince Albert. George gone to Prince Albert.
Lizzie gone to T. Duffs. Annie gone to T. Duffs. Wm. and Robert
gone to Port Perry. Wm. McMillan here getting subscription for
Globe. Wm. Ledingham here in the evening to pay John.
Mother at Mr. Lukes in the evening.
27 – Wind SW, cold day. George at home. Wm. breaking the
sideline. Self at Brooklin for coverlets. Afternoon George gone
to Mr. John Leasks to thresh.
28 – Wind NW, snowing some. Margaret and Lizzie washing.
Mother gone to James Walkers. Wm. at Greenbank. John doing
nothing. Self doing nothing. Afternoon self cleaning out the
shop. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with cordwood. George
Boddie and Mr. Luke here in the evening.
29 – Wind N, very hard frost. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
chopping cordwood for Mr. Boddie. Self choring. Afternoon self
threshing pease. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John chopping
wood for Mr. Boddie. Lizzie gone to T. Duffs and A. Gordons for
a short time. Andrew Gordon here with his cutter asking hands
to dinner and New Years day. Mr. Henry Love here wanting
Lizzie for a month but could not get her. Wesley Luke here in the
30 – Wind S and snowing some. Self threshing pease. Wm.
fixing Andrews fiddle bow. John doing nought. Mother baking.
Afternoon self writing a letter. Andrew Gordon takes Lizzie
Chalmers to Walter Aslings. John goes to John Gordons for the
31 – Wind NW, snow drifting a little. Self threshing pease. Wm.
and Robert at Port Perry with wood. John chopping for Mr.
Boddie. Mother churning. Afternoon self splitting wood. Wm. at
Port Perry. John at wood. George comes home with machine,
the threshing being all done. Machine laid up in the shop.
Meeting of candidates for councilor at Greenbank. Mr. Major
having promising to account for the money he expended on the
east sideline, but said nothing about it though reminded of it.
Wm. and George at the meeting.
And so ends the year 1870.
JAN. 1 – Wind S. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret, Barbara, Robert
and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching
from 2nd
Timothy [?]. Collection $1.80. Lizzie Chalmers here in
the afternoon.
2 – Wind SW, rather soft day. Self, Wm., John and Robert at
Greenbank at election. Voted for Gordon for reeve, Holman and
Ewers deputy town councilors. Afternoon very stormy, snow
drifting badly. John and George at John Gordons.
3 – Wind SW, snow drifting. Self writing. George at Mr. Phairs.
Rest doing nothing. Afternoon self in the shop. Breeze with
Mother and [?] about the carpet. Wm. and George threshing
pease. John at F. Duffs. Some word that A. Gordon is elected
reeve by 80 majority.
[From this point onward there are very few margin notes in the
original manuscript.]
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self splitting wood. George at James
Walkers wood bee. Wm. and John clearing the road of snow.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John and George at
James Walkers bee. Self bought a sewing machine from I. C.
Pilkey for 18 dollars payable in 9 months. Hannah S. Rundle,
Helena Kevil and Pascoe Luke here in the evening.
5 – Wind S, looking like a thaw. Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
George gone to Brock collecting money. John chopping wood
for George Boddie. Self threshing pease. Afternoon Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. John chopping wood for George Boddie. Self
choring. Wm. at James McMillans singing. George arrives from
Brock and got no money. Great fight between Newton Asling
and John Matthews. N. Asling used up entirely.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Nothing doing of consequence. Set horse
power into the shop. Afternoon self, Wm., John, George and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Douglas preaching from
John V:16,17 on the grace of assurance. Lizzie takes her
baby to T. Duffs.
7 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and George gone to Port Perry with
wood. John chopping wood for Mr. Boddie. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon self auditing school accounts. Wm. at Port Perry with
wood. George at Greenbank to get [?] but did not. John in
house having bruised his foot with a stick of wood.
8 – Wind E, cold day. Communion at Presbyterian Church. Self,
Mother, Wm., John, George and Robert at it. Mr. McArthur
preaching from John XII:32. Collection five dollars. Church not
very full. Anniversary of the Primitive Methodist, Greenbank.
Wm. at A. Leasks in the afternoon practicing singing for
missionary meeting on Tuesday. Wm. and John at Port Perry in
the evening to hear Mr. Smith of Bowmanville.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Wm., and John taking in turnips.
Robert at school. Afternoon self, George and John at turnips.
Allen Byers here wanting money from George. James Gordon
here for well rope. Wm. Gordon here about the machine paying.
George [?] in the evening. Wm. and John at Greenbank to hear
Rev. Mr. Boyle lecture on the history of the [?]. Admission 15
cents. Lecture in Primitive Methodist Church.
10 – Wind S, snowing some. Self, Wm., George and John [?]
pigs. Robert at school. Afternoon nothing doing. Evening self,
Mother, Wm., John, George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
missionary meeting at Presbyterian Church. Mr. Cameron of
Beaverton and Mr. Currie of Manilla present. Collection seven
dollars and fifty cents. Collectors appointed to go round and take
subscriptions for Home Missions and Knox College. Barbara
Michie and Miss Peat for all north of the 11th
Isabella Gordon and Margaret Leask for the rest.
11 – Wind S, soft day. George at Greenbank. Self at school
meeting. Self appointed auditor for section. George the finding
of 8 cords of wood for $1.40 per cord. Wm. and Robert at Port
Perry with wood. Afternoon self headache. George gone to the
wood. John at Prince Albert at Division Court. Wm. clearing our
road. A. Leask beats I. Lee in court and receives $25 and [?].
12 – Wind SW, fresh day. Wm. gone with wood. George
chopping wood. John sore toe. Self at Greenbank with a pig
and sold it to Edward Phoenix at $6.25 per hundred [?]. Receive
a letter from Auchmull dated Dec. 14, 1870. Afternoon Wm.
gone with wood. George chopping wood. Self splitting wood.
[?]. Self, Wm., Margaret and [?] missionary meeting.
13 – Wind S, fresh day. George gone to Oshawa to pay note on
threshing machine. John sore toe. Self cutting meat. Afternoon
self cutting pork. Wm. at woods. John writing letter.
14 – Wind NE, raining some. George at woods. Wm. and Robert
gone to Port Perry for boots. John in house. Self splitting wood.
Mother some sick. Afternoon George at woods. Wm. mending
Mr. Lukes sleigh. John writing. Self reading newspapers.
Margaret scrubbing the floor. Still raining.
15 – Wind SE with sleet. Wm. and Robert at Sunday School.
Wm., George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian
Church. Still raining some. Barbara here all night. Some
dispute between Wm. and her about behaving at singing.
16 – Wind N, fine day. George gone to woods. Wm. gone to Mr.
McMillans with Barbara. Self splitting wood. John writing. Self
at Greenbank with sleigh to get shoes on. Mother at John
Gordons and Annie with her. Wm. and John at Port Perry at the
Church of England Missionary meeting. Robert at school.
Missionary collectors here today – Margaret Leask and Isabella
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. Self at Mr. Boddies,
Mr. Walkers and Mr. A. Gordons and Mr. John Gordons for the
ministers salary but got nothing. Wm. drawing wood. George
and John in the woods. Afternoon Wm. drawing wood through
the swamp. George & John at woods. Self doing nought.
Mother churning. Byam, pedlar, here tonight.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. George
and John at A. Gordons wood bee. Robert at school. Self some
sick. Annie sick. Margaret washing. Mother baking. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John & George at A. Gordons bee.
Self fencing straw stack. Mary Nicol and Georgina Luke here.
19 – Wind E, dull cloudy day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
at Boddies wood. George chopping school wood. Robert at
school. Annie some better. Mr. McArthur here to dinner.
Afternoon George at school wood. John at Mr. Boddies wood.
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Mrs. Luke and Mrs. John Leask, 3
daughters and one son here visiting.
20 – Wind S, rather soft day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
at Mr. Boddies wood. George at school wood. Robert at school.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John at Boddies.
George at Greenbank for sleigh. Self making axe. Miss Ann
Gordon and Miss Jane Gordon here visiting.
21 – Wind S, snowing some. Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
George at Prince Albert with wood for James [?]. John cutting
cedar. Self in the woods. Afternoon John in cedars. Wm. at
Port Perry. Self splitting wood. Still snowing.
22 – Wind N, cold day. Noone at Sunday School. Wm. and John
at Presbyterian Meeting. Margaret at Primitive Methodist
Meeting. Mr. Tarrant preaching.
23- Wind E, very cold day. Wm. in house. John in the woods.
George at Greenbank with wood. Self doing nothing. Mother
fixing pig heads. Afternoon still cold. George at mill with a grist.
John at rails. Self doing nothing. Henry Love here wanting
wood. Ink frozen all day.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. George drawing school wood. Wm.
drawing wood across the creek. John at cedar. Self making
road for rails. Afternoon George at the sawmill loading up
lumber. John at cedar rails. Wm. at wood drawing. Self at road.
Mrs. A. Gordon and Mrs. J. Walker here visiting. Wesley Luke
here in the evening talking horses.
25 – Wind N, cold clear day. George gone to Oshawa for elm
lumber. Afternoon John and Wm. at cedar. Self at mill for grist.
Margaret at James Walkers and Gordons visiting. George
arrives home at 8 o’clock.
26 – Wind E, very cold day. Wm. mending road. John, George
and self at cedar. Afternoon Wm. drawing cordwood. Self and
George drawing out cedar. John splitting rails. Still cold.
27 – Wind NW with showers of snow. George drawing school
wood. Wm. and John at rails. Self drawing wood. Afternoon
John at rails. George drawing school wood. Self drawing wood.
Wm. gone to Mr. Jacobs hunting money. Mrs. John Gordon and
Mrs. McLauchlan here visiting.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Self drawing rails. George at school
wood drawing. John at rails. Wm. at Mr. [?], Mr. J. Leasks and J.
Gordon Jrs. hunting money. Mr. A. Stone here to buy cattle.
Bought none. Afternoon Wm. drawing wood to Port Perry.
George drawing wood to the school house. John at rails. Self
making road to rails. Barbara here all night.
29 – Wind SW, snowing some. Wm., Robert, Margaret, Barbara
and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, Barbara,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Heb. VIII:3. Wm. and John at Primitive
Meeting in the evening.
30 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. gone to Port Perry with wood.
George, John and self drawing hay. Robert at school. James
Cochrane brings a ram for 7 dollars. Afternoon Wm. at wood.
George, John and self at hay. Self at trustee meeting at
Presbyterian Church. Wm. at J. Cochranes. Heard of
capitulation of Paris.
31 – Wind SW, mild day. Robert and Annie at school. Self
writing letter to A. Mitchell. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
in the woods. George making bunk for sleigh. Afternoon raining
some. George at mill with 2 elm logs. John in the woods awhile
but comes home for rain. Wm. at T. Phairs in the evening. John
and George at Panorama, Greenbank.
FEB. 1 – Wind SW, cloudy day. Wm. at Greenbank to see Mr.
Robert Murta. John in woods. Self and George drawing rails.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing. Afternoon all at
rails. Wm. and Annie at Greenbank at Panorama. Mother
visiting at Robert Phairs.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Greenbank to see Mr. R.
Murta. Self, John, and George at rails. Robert and Annie at
school. Afternoon self, Wm., John, George at rails. Mr. Robt.
Murta here to see Wm. about the land.
3 – Wind NW. Robert at school. Wm., John and George at rails.
Self fencing straw stack. Afternoon self at Greenbank with
horses to shoe. George at rails. John and Wm. chopping wood.
Mother and Annie visiting at Jas. Walkers and George Boddies.
Very high wind and the snow [?].
4 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. drawing wood. John and George
chopping wood. Self making post to barn door. Afternoon still
cold. Wm. drawing wood to Port Perry. John and George
chopping wood. Self doing nought. Mother baking. Margaret
5 – Wind N, very cold morning. No one from here at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Barbara at Presbyterian
Church. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XIII:4 on marriage.
John Wagner and Barbara here to dinner. Mary Jane Luke here
in the afternoon. Still very cold.
6 – Wind W, very cold. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. George
and John in the woods. Self doing nought. Robert at home for
cold. James Gordon here for Garibaldi to Barbara. Afternoon
Wm. and George at Port Perry with wood. John chopping wood.
Self making shaft to jumper. Wm. at singing in the evening. Self
at meeting at Presbyterian Church on financial matters. 20
dollars not paid yet on ministers salary and 6 dollars lacking after
that is paid. John and George at A. Gordons.
7 – Wind W, dull morning. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
chopping wood. George drawing cordwood out of the bush.
Robert at school. Self at cutter shaft. Afternoon Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. John and George chopping wood. Self making
reach to bobsleighs. James Walker here for milk. Chester
Asling and Joseph Real here begging for Wesleyan Missions.
Wm. at Mr. Geo. Boddies in the evening.
8 – Wind S, snowing some. Robert at school. Wm. at Port Perry
with wood. George drawing wood out of the bush. John
chopping wood. Self making jumper shaft. Harry [Gouto ?] and
another man here and bought 2 heifers at 36 dollars each.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. George drawing wood
out of the bush. John at Greenbank to see what H. Hall is to do
with his note of $100. Self doing nothing. Mrs. Walker here with
2 dollars for ministers salary. Self, Mother, George and Margaret
at social at A. Leasks. 31 dollars collected.
9 – Wind SE, snowing some. Robert and Annie at school Wm. at
Port Perry with wood. George and John chopping wood. Self in
the woods. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John and
George chopping wood. Self making whiffletrees. Stormy
evening, wind NW.
10 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Robert at school. John and
George chopping wood. Wm. drawing out wood from his fallow.
Self doing nought. Wesley Luke here wanting seed pease and
barley to buy. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. George
drawing wood out of the bush. John chopping wood. Self doing
nought. Mr. Ledingham here paying John.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with
wood. John and George chopping wood. Self doing nought.
Afternoon Wm. at John Leasks. John and George chopping
wood. Margaret scrubbing. Self doing nought. John Walker
here in the evening.
12 – Wind E, and snowing. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School, nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. Georgina Luke
and Miss Miller here in the afternoon. Still snowing from the
13 – Wind SW, beautiful day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
chopping wood. George at the sawmill with 2 elm logs. Robert
at school. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and George at
Brock. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self at Greenbank with 2
heifers to Henry Gout. John Gordon here in the evening for stud
horse money.
14 – Wind NE, bleak day. George at sawmill with elm logs. John
chopping wood. Wm. hauling wood out of his fallow. Self at
Manchester Fair. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
George drawing wood out of the bush. John chopping wood.
Robert & Annie at school. Wesley Luke here in the evening
playing dominoes.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at school. Wm. at Port Perry with
wood. John and George chopping wood. Self making wood
rack. Wm. Real Jr. here to buy wood. Afternoon Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. John and George chopping wood. Self doing
nought. Pickle [?] the tinker, here in afternoon.
16 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Wm. and Pascoe Luke fanning
barley. George drawing wood out of the bush. Self, Mother and
Annie at Brock. Afternoon John and George chopping wood.
Wm. and Robert at concert at Greenbank. 14 of an audience.
17 – Wind SW, mild day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John and
George chopping wood. Self threshing pease. Mrs. Peter
Martineau here. Afternoon Wm. and John chopping wood.
George drawing out wood. Self at Greenbank for papers. Wm.
gets a letter from R. Murta to pay McKay.
18 – Wind NW, stormy day. Fanning oats. Afternoon Wm., John,
& George fanning oats. Self doing nought. Robert making
picture frames. Mother mending Annies boots. High wind and
snow drifts.
19 – Wind SW, snowing some. Nobody at S. School. Roads
closed by snow. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., John, George and self taking in
turnips. Button pedlar here. Mrs. Hadden and her son here
visiting. Afternoon drawing turnips. George takes home Mr.
Boddies oats that was borrowed in the fall. Self, Wm., John &
Margaret at social in the Presbyterian Church, Port Perry. 26
dollars collection.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & George chopping
cordwood. Robert at school. Self at Byers to pay him for logging
in summer. Henry Love here wanting the boys. Afternoon Wm.,
John and George chopping cordwood. Self threshing pease.
22 – Wind NE, cold clear day. Wm. sore back. John chopping
cordwood. George gone to Uxbridge for lumber. Self threshing
pease. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing. Henry
Love had a bee drawing wood today. Afternoon Wm. sore back.
John chopping cordwood. Self mending sleigh. Barbara and
Isabella Michie here all night.
23 – Wind N, looking like a storm. Wm. gone with Barbara to J.
McMillans. John and George chopping wood. Self putting
lumber in barn. Robert at school. Afternoon George drawing out
cordwood. Wm. and John chopping wood. Self doing nought.
Isabella Michie leaves for home. Henry Buel and D. Till here
begging for Ed Cragg.
24 – Wind SE, soft day. Robert and Annie at school. Wm., John
and George in the woods. Self doing nought. Mrs. Jas. Walker
here. Mother churning. Afternoon Wm., John and George
chopping wood. Self splitting wood. Received a letter from
[Barthle Chaples?] Old Meldrum.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John chopping wood. George
drawing wood. Self threshing pease. Afternoon Wm. and
George at Mr. Orsers sale. John chopping wood. Annie at A.
Gordons. Self taking snow off the turnip pit. Margaret scrubbing.
Mother baking.
26 – Wind NW, dull day, threatening snow. Wm., Margaret,
Robert and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Heb. XIII:9-15. Hector McLauchlans
son baptized, named John.
27 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Wm. and John at the woods.
George a boil on his hand. Robt. and Annie at school. Self
writing letter to I. Arthur. Afternoon Wm. and John at woods.
Self writing. Received a letter from Wm. Michie, Grays Hill,
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. George at
Greenbank. Annie at school. Robert head ache. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon John drawing out wood. Wm. chopping wood.
George gone to Brock with Andrew Gordon. Self threshing
pease. Mrs. Jas. Walker and Mrs. A. Gordon here in the
afternoon. George not home all night.
MAR. 1 – Wind W, rather stormy, not very cold. John chopping
wood. Annie at school. Wm. gone to Port Perry with Barbara.
Self threshing pease. Allan Byers here wanting Wms. cutter but
did not get it. George arrives from Brock. Afternoon John at
woods. Self threshing pease. Margaret washing. Mother
choring. Juvenile singing class at Greenbank tonight. Annie at
it. Robert wanting to go to it. George Boddie here in the evening
with 2 dollars for the minister.
2 – Wind SE, rather cold. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Annie at school. Self at mill with 6 ½ bushels wheat to grind.
Afternoon raining some. Wm., John & George at woods. Self
writing. A. Gordon here for Mr. Duffs sleigh. Mother gone to
John Gordons visiting. Wm. and Margaret at Greenbank to
singing class. Thunder through the afternoon.
3 – Wind N, raining some. Self, George, Wm. fanning wheat. 35
bushels. John doing nought. Weather clearing off. Afternoon
John, Wm., and George at the woods chopping wood. Self at
the mill for grist. Mother and Annie at T. Duffs visiting. Wesley
Luke here in the evening playing dominoes.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. John drawing wood out. Wm. and
George chopping wood. Self splitting wood. Mrs. Martineau
here. Mr. Arksey here too. Afternoon George drawing wood.
John & Wm. chopping wood. Self threshing pease. Mrs.
Martineau buys the old sewing machine for 7 dollars and takes it
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret and Annie at S. School.
A. Michie and Mrs. Michie and [?] here. John, George, Margaret
at Greenbank to Primitive Methodist Church.
6 – Wind SW, dull cloudy day. Wm., John and George in the
woods. Self doing nought. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm.
chopping wood. John & George sawing hemlock logs. Self
drawing wood. Wm., Margaret and George at concert,
7 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. chopping wood. John and George
sawing hemlock. Self drawing wood. Afternoon John and
George chopping wood. Wm. felling trees. Self drawing wood.
Wesley Luke here in the evening playing dominoes.
8 – Wind S, fresh day. Wm., John and George taking out timber
for Edward Phoenix. Self drawing wood. Margaret washing.
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm., John and George taking out
timber. Self drawing wood. Meeting at Greenbank on politics.
9 – Wind S, very fresh, snow going fast. Wm., John and George
taking out timber. Self splitting wood. Annie at school. Old Mr.
Jacobs here to see Wm. Afternoon Wm., John and George at
timber. Self choring round. No papers came tonight.
10 – Wind W, fine day, still thawing. Wm., John & George taking
out timber. Self laying up fence gaps. Afternoon some boy on
horseback here for a goose. Wm., John & George at timber.
Self at Robert Phairs asking for seed wheat but got none.
Robert at Greenbank for the papers. Mother making pants.
Margaret choring.
11 – Wind N. Wm. making axe handle for John. John in the
woods. George at Greenbank. Self doing nought. Afternoon [?]
nothing doing. Pascoe Luke over.
12 – Wind N and snowing. Wm. and Robert at Sunday School.
A. Gordon here doctoring Georges horse. Barbara comes here
from school. Mary Nicols here. Nobody at meeting.
13 – Wind S, warm day. George at Thomas Phairs chopping
wood. Wm. at Jas. McMillans with Barbara. John at Saintfield
Fair. Self at Wm. Reals to get seed wheat. Afternoon Wm.
chopping wood. Self doing nought. Georges horse some better.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. George at Thos. Phairs chopping wood.
Wm. and John in the woods. Self drawing wood. Jas. Gordon
here for his broadaxe. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm. in the
woods. Self doing nought. Mr. R. Phair borrows the saw set.
Wesley Luke brings home the sleigh.
15 – Wind E, cold morning. Wm. at Mr. Lukes well. John in the
woods. George at Thos. Phairs cordwood. Self at Wm. Reals
about seed wheat. Wm. Lee here with a waggon for wood.
Afternoon heavy rain with some snow from the east. Nought
16 – Wind E, threatening rain. Nothing doing. Afternoon Wm. at
Mr. Lukes well. John at woods. George at Thos. Phairs wood.
Self doing nought.
17 – Wind W, rather rainy. Wm. at Mr. Lukes well. John in the
woods. George at Thos. Phairs wood. Self in own wood.
Afternoon Wm. and George in the woods. John gone to
Greenbank to get boots mended and papers. Mr. Perkins brings
a load of hay and sticks in John Gordons [?].
18 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and George at wood. John tapping
trees. Self letting off water. Mrs. Walker here and borrows 2
dollars. Afternoon Wm. and George in the woods. John boiling
sap. Self piling wood. Mary Gordon here in the afternoon
visiting. Pascoe Luke here playing dominoes.
19 – Wind NW, hard frost, cold morning. Wm. and Margaret at
Sunday School. Jane Gordon here to dinner. Wm. and George
at Presbyterian Church. Margaret at A. Gordons.
20 – Wind E and cold. Wm., John and George in the woods. Self
fixing cistern pump. Mother spinning. Annie sick. Afternoon
Wm. and George in the woods. John and Robert boiling sap.
Self putting the waggon together.
21 – Wind W, cold day. Wm., John and George at the woods.
Self at Greenbank and voted for Paxton. Margaret at Greenbank
with eggs. Afternoon Wm. and John at Greenbank. George at
the woods. Self doing nought. George Michie died 1869.
22 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm., John and George at the woods.
Self down at the creek. Margaret washing. Mother baking.
Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John and George drawing out
wood. Self doing nought. Mother and Mrs. Asling visiting at Mr.
Lukes. Miss Nicol and Miss Mary Real here.
23 – Wind N and some snow. Wm., John, George and self
drawing out wood. Mother spinning. Afternoon Wm., John,
George and self drawing out wood. Mary Jane and Georgina
Luke here in the evening.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at Greenbank. George and John
drawing out wood. Self at Greenbank with some wood to Mrs.
Bunker. Mother at Mrs. Lukes quilting. Afternoon Wm. and
George in the woods. Self cutting wood. Mr. Arksay here about
Wms. land. Mrs. John Gordon here for milk. John drawing rails
for Jas. Walker.
25 – Wind N, very clear day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self
and George taking away the line fence. Afternoon Wm. mending
George Boddies harrow. John in the woods. Self and George
drawing rails for line fence. Margaret visiting at Mr. Phairs.
26 – Wind NW, dull day. Wm., Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., George and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XIII:18.19.
Speaking of leaving off preaching for 3 months.
27 – Wind NE, 6 inches of snow. George and John in the woods
drawing out sawlogs. Wm. doing nought. Self writing letter to
James Tough. Afternoon George and John gone to the sawmill
with 2 basswood logs. Wm. in the woods. Self digging snow.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John, George and self drawing turnips.
Wm. fixing buckboard. Afternoon John boiling sap. George in
the woods. Wm. painting buckboard. Self doing nought. Miss
Jean Gordon here visiting. John, George and Margaret at John
Gordons in the evening.
29 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John, George, Robert and self
drawing turnips. Mrs. Walker here. John Gordon flitting.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. and John in the woods.
George at Mr. Boddies raising. Self doing nought. Pickle, the
tinker, here fixing eave troughs. Georgina Luke here all night.
John Gordon moved this day.
30 – Wind S, dull and looking like rain. Wm. and John in the
woods. George gone with a load to Mr. Luke. Self doing nought.
Pickle leaves for Mr. Moons. Afternoon Wm. at woods. John
boiling sap. Self taking dung off the turnip cellar. Margaret
visiting at Mr. Duffs. Mr. E. Luke moves this day.
31 – Wind NE, cold day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self and
Robert dipping sheep with Bentleys Tick Exterminator. James
Gordon, Jun. here for the square to Wm. Gordon. Afternoon
Wm. and George at the woods. John boiling sap. Self at
Greenbank for the papers and to get a shoe put on the black
APR 1 – Wind SE, drizzling snow. John in the woods. Wm. and
George at sawmill piling lumber. Self at Port Perry with Mrs.
Walker to the lawyer. Paxtons sale of horses today. Got home
at 7 o’clock.
2 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. and Margaret at Sunday School.
Wm., George and Margaret at Meeting. Collection for French
3 – Wind NE, dull day, threatening rain. Wm., John and George in
the woods. Self boiling sap. Afternoon Wm. at George Boddies
house. John and George in the woods. Self boiling sap.
4 – Wind SE, fine drying day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies house. John
and George in the woods. Self fencing. Mrs. Belford here to
dinner. Afternoon Wm. at Boddies house. John and George in
the woods. Self at fence. Mrs. R. Phair here visiting. Margaret,
George and Robert at Exhibition, Greenbank.
5 – Wind NW, cold with hard frost. Wm., John and George at the
woods. Self fencing. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. at
George Boddies house. John and George in the woods. Self at
fence. Mother and Annie visiting at James Walkers, George
Boddies and A. Gordons.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at George Boddies house. John and
George in the woods. Self at fence. Mr. Clemens here wanting
the road scraper. Afternoon Wm. at Boddies house. John and
George in the woods. Self boiling sap.
7 – Wind W, very warm day. Wm. at Boddies house. George
and John drawing wood. Self at fence. A. Michie here. Mother
gone to James Walkers. Elizabeth Walkers baby being dead.
Afternoon Wm. at Boddies house. John and George drawing
wood. Self at funeral. Lizzie Chalmers comes here on a visit.
8 – Wind SE, fine warm day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies house. John
and George in the woods. Self boiling sap. Afternoon Wm. at
Mr. Boddies house. George and John in the woods. Self
fencing. Miss Ann Gordon here for tar and Lizzie Chalmers
leaves with her for Mr. Duffs. Wm. at Saintfield to Mr. McKays.
John at Greenbank in the evening.
9 – Wind SW, rather dull. Wm., Margaret and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., George, Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Heb. XII:22. Collection
10 – Wind N, dull day, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Manchester
to meet Mr. Arksey about land. John at Peter Martineaus for a
calf. George drawing logs out of field. Self mending boots.
Afternoon John and George gone to Mr. Clemens barn raising.
Self clearing out the shade to get in the sleighs. Robert at
Greenbank for [?].
11 – Wind SW, rainy morning. Wm. at Mr. Boddies house but
comes home again. George splitting rails. Self and John at
Manchester Fair. Afternoon Wm. at G. Boddies house. George
draws a load of turnips to Alex. Gordon.
12 – Wind W, cold and stormy. Wm. at George Boddies house.
John at woods. George gone with grist to mill and brings home
seed wheat from Wm. Reals. Self spreading dung in the
orchard. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Boddies house. John and George fencing.
Self making sheep pens. Margaret, Wm., and George at
Greenbank singing class.
13 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at Boddies house. John making
butter. George plowing. Self fencing. Annie at school.
Somebody’s dog here. Afternoon Wm. at George Boddies house.
George plowing. John splitting rails. Self at fence. Mother
making smock to John. Wm. at Robert Phairs in the evening.
14 – Wind NW, frosty morning. Wm. at the woods. John at
woods for sap dishes. George plowing. Self at fence. Annie at
school. Ewe lambed since last night, 2 rams and 1 ewe. Black
ewe lambs 2 lambs, 1 alive ewe. Afternoon Wm. at woods. John
at fence. George plowing. Self at mill for grist. Robert at
15 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. at woods. George plowing. John
and self drawing rails. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Wm. at
Greenbank. George plowing. Self and John drawing rails.
Margaret gone to A. Michies, Brock. Miss Jane Gordon here.
Ewe lambed 2 lambs.
16 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. and Annie at Sunday School.
Margaret not home from Brock. Barbara here to dinner. Self,
Wm., John, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from the 3 last verses of Hebrews. Mary
Nichol here in the evening.
17 – Wind NW, rather cold for growth. Wm. in the woods.
George plowing. Self and John drawing rails. Annie at school.
Margaret comes home from Brock and George Michie with her
for Dan horse. Afternoon Wm. and George at Duncan McMillans
raising. John plowing. Self fencing. Ewe lambed 2 lambs, ewe
and ram. Margaret at quilting at McMillans.
18 – Wind E, fine day. Wm. at Harringtons, Greenbank, to
plaster. John gone to the Nipissing Railway. George plowing.
Self picking potatoes. Robert gone to James McMillans for
Barbara and her box. Annie at school. Afternoon George
plowing. Self fencing. Barbara and Mother quilting. Mrs.
Perkins here on a visit.
19 – Wind SE, some rain through the night, fine morning. George
plowing. John gone to the railway. Self fencing. Mother and
Barbara piecing quilt. Margaret washing. Robert gone with
John. Annie at Peter Martineaus. Afternoon raining. George
plowing some. Self fixing upstair beds.
20 – Wind S, dull morning and some rain. George plowing and
breaks the plow clevis. Self fixing fences. 2 of Mr. Perkins
daughters here playing. Button pedlar here today. Barbara
dressmaking. Mother making shirts. Afternoon George plowing.
Self fencing. Ewe lambs ram lamb.
21 – Wind S, very dull day and threatening rain. George plowing.
Self fencing. Barbara sewing. Annie at school. George Boddie
Jun. here wanting the stone boat. Afternoon George gone to
Wm. Loves barn raising. Self fencing. Barbara and Margaret at
Mrs. Alex. Leasks quilting bee. 3 quilts going to be up at once.
Black ewe 2 lambs, ram and ewe.
22 – Wind NW, dull day. Wm. and Barbara gone to Greenbank.
George plowing. Self fencing. Ewe lambed 2 rams. Afternoon
George plowing. Self making bars. Barbara gone to visit at
Thos. Phairs and stays all night. Miss Jane Gordon here visiting.
Very cold afternoon.
23 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Wm. and George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Margaret and Barbara at Primitive Methodist Meeting.
24 – Wind S, fine day. George plowing. Wm. gone to Druchans
after money but gets none. Self hauling rails. Annie at school.
Barbara and Mother and Mrs. Martineau sewing. Mr. Park
sowing wheat. Afternoon George plowing. Self at T. Duffs to
buy seed pease. Wm. in the woods. Jean Gordon here wanting
an order from Wm. on J. Wrights for boots.
25 – Wind SW, dull rainy morning. George, Robert & Barbara
gone to Prince Albert Fair. Wm. gone to Greenbank to plaster.
Self doing nought. Afternoon self fencing some. Punk calves a
bull. Ewe lambed 2 lambs, ram and ewe.
26 –Wind S, fine day. George plowing. Self drawing rails.
Margaret washing. Barbara sewing. Annie at school. Afternoon
George plowing. Self at Mr. Thomas Duffs for 10 bushels of
pease. Barbara cleaning up her room. Mother sewing.
Margaret quilting.
27 – Wind SE, rainy morning, not much doing. George making
arms for horse power. Self doing nought. Mr. Clemens here
with a petition to sign to present to the township council for the
sum of 100 dollars for the 12th
concession between lots 19 & 20.
Afternoon George at his arms. A. Gordon here and alters one
yearling and one calf. Still raining. Thunder in evening. Annie
28 – Wind SE, some rain in the morning. George and self fencing
in the swamp. Barbara washing. Annie some better. Afternoon
George plowing. Self at Greenbank for papers. Margaret at
29 – Wind W, showery day. George plowing. Self splitting wood.
Barbara cooking for quilting bee. Afternoon George plowing.
Self fixing sewing machine. Apple trees arrive. Annie Gordon
here visiting. Margaret scrubbing. John arrives from Brock.
30 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., George, Mother, Barbara and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Luke II:8.15. Annie at Primitive Methodist Church. John gone to
MAY 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at woods. George harrowing.
Self and Robert planting trees. Afternoon Wm. at woods.
George plowing. Self and Robert planting trees. Bickles man
here for Barbara. Quilting bee on Margarets quilt. Mrs. Gordon,
Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Akhurst, Mrs. Perkins, Alma Perkins and Mrs.
Burton and Mary Nichol at it.
2 – Wind SW, rather dull. Wm. gone to Greenbank to plaster for
R. Harrington. George plowing. Self choring. Annie at school.
Mrs. Jas. Walker here quilting. Afternoon George plowing, self
fencing. Mrs. Boddie here quilting. Quilt finished.
3 – Wind E, rather cold day. Wm. gone to Lindsay with money for
R. Murta. George harrowing. Self sowing wheat. Margaret
washing. Annie at school. Afternoon George plowing. Self
planting potatoes. Lizzie Bunker here. Wm. and Robert gone to
4 – Wind E, rainy day. Nought doing of any consequence.
George fixing at threshing machine. Self writing letter to Helen
Tough. The women all sewing. Afternoon still raining. George at
machine. Self fixing sewing machine.
5 – Wind SE, dull day. George and self drawing straw and hay
from George Boddies. Pascoe and Wesley Luke here to dinner.
Afternoon George plowing. Self at drain. Margaret gone with
Mrs. Bunker to Greenbank for the papers. Received the Peoples
Journal from Scotland and mailed a letter to Helen Tough,
6 – Wind N, fine day. George plowing. Self in the garden.
Afternoon George plowing. Self in garden. Margaret scrubbing.
Mother planting onions. R. Eddy, assessor, here. Wm. and
Robert come home from Lindsay. John arrives from the railway.
7 – Wind NW, blustering cold day. Margaret & Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., John and George at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from 2 Corinthians XIII:9. My strength is
made perfect in weakness. John leaves for the Nipissing
8 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. gone to plaster at R. Harringtons,
Greenbank. George harrowing. Self sowing wheat and oats.
Afternoon George plowing. Self draining.
9 – Wind N, fine day, though rather cold. George plowing. Self
and Robert at Manchester Fair with mulley steer. Annie at
school. Afternoon George plowing. Mother at Mr. Akhursts
10 – Wind N, droughty cold day, hard frost in the morning.
George harrowing. Self sowing grass seeds. Annie at school.
Afternoon George harrowing. Self sowing pease. McPhails
white cow calved a bull.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. George harrowing. Self sowing oats.
Margaret washing. Annie at school. Afternoon George plowing
on Wms. farm. Self harrowing.
12 – Wind N, fine warm day. George plowing. Self harrowing.
Annie at school. Mother baking. Afternoon George plowing.
Self sowing barley and harrowing. Wm. comes home.
13 – Wind NE, cold day. George plowing. Wm. gone to repair
the west schoolhouse and Robert with him. Self choring. Mother
churning. Afternoon George plowing. Self digging in the
orchard. Margaret scrubbing. Planted some early rose potatoes
in orchard.
14 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm., Margaret & Annie at Union
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., George and Margaret at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Isaiah
15 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and Robert measuring 40 acres of
land for Mr. Arksey. George plowing. Self sowing grass seeds.
Annie at school. Afternoon self and Wm. drawing rails. George
plowing. Robert burning brush. Mother baking.
16 – Wind SW, rather dull day. Wm. sowing oats. George
harrowing. Self harrowing for potatoes and turnips. Annie at
school. Afternoon George harrowing. Wm. sowing. Self
harrowing. Mother at Akhursts. Rain at 4 o’clock, clear by six.
Wm. and Robert at Greenbank.
17 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. and George in fallow. Got 400 lbs of
hay from George Boddie. Self and Margaret at Manchester for
plaster. Mrs. Akhurst here for 10 bushels of potatoes.
18 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. in his fallow. George harrowing.
Self sowing plaster. Annie at school. Afternoon George
harrowing. Wm. burning off. Self sowing plaster.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. in his fallow. Self and George
drawing rails. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self
and George fencing.
20 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. in his fallow. George plowing for
potatoes. Self making bars to Wms. farm. Afternoon Wm.
cleaning buckboard and he and Robert gone to Brock for John.
Margaret at Mr. Peter Martineaus. Self helping to fix the sheep
21 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Margaret, Annie, Wm., George
and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching
from Acts XXIV:25. James Millers son baptized, named James
Andrew. John leaves for the railway.
22 – Wind N, very droughty day. George plowing. Annie at
school. Self, Mother, Wm. and Robert cutting potatoes.
Afternoon George plowing in potatoes. Self, Wm., Margaret and
Robert planting potatoes.
23 – Wind N, cold droughty day. George plowing in potatoes.
Self, Wm., Margaret and Robert planting. Finished at noon.
Afternoon self at James Walkers. George gone to the railway at
Wick to see to get work and Robert with him. Wm. burning his
brush and burns some cordwood and part of the fence. Pascoe
Luke and Wesley Luke here all night. Received a letter from
24 – Wind S, warm day, frost in the morning. Wm. gone to his
fallow. George gone to Greenbank with the waggon to repair.
Self draining. Afternoon George plowing. Wm. in his fallow.
Self doing nought. Mrs. Elizabeth Akhurst here visiting.
25 – Wind SE, fine warm day. Wm. in fallow. George plowing.
Self and Robert shearing sheep. Annie at school. Mrs.
Martineau here making a dress to Margaret. Afternoon Wm. at
his fallow. George plowing. Self and Robert shearing sheep.
Thunder and rain at six o’clock.
26 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. fencing. George plowing. Self and
Robert planting corn. Annie at school. Mr. Chancy Asling here
for sheep shears. Afternoon Wm. in his fallow. George cutting
thistles in his wheat and oats. Self at Greenbank for the papers.
Mare foaled.
27 – Wind eastward, fine day. Wm., George, Thos. Phair and
Wm. Love logging in Wms. fallow. Self choring. Robert gone to
Centre Mills for Barbara. Afternoon Wm. and party logging. Self
and Mother at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Jamieson preaching
from 2nd
Peter III. Barbara arrives from Brooklin and John from
the railway.
28 – Wind W, warm day. Communion at Brock. Self, Mother,
Wm., John and Barbara at it. Mr. Jamieson preaching from [?].
Margaret and Annie at Brock.
29 – Wind S, very warm. Wm. in his fallow. George and John
gone to the railway. Robert gone to Brock to bring back the
black mare. Self mending old harness. Afternoon Wm. at his
fallow. Self mending old harness. Some rain in the afternoon.
30 – Wind about SW, warm day. Wm. gone with Barbara to
Centre Mills and to Ashburn. Self, Mother and Margaret washing
wool. Annie at school. Mr. Alex. Horne here selling Dominion
churns and potato diggers and insurance agent for the Ontario
Mutual. Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self at Greenbank getting
the black mare shoed. Mrs. Akhurst here making the flounce of
a dress.
31 – Wind E, very warm day. Wm. at his fallow. Self plowing.
Mother gone to see John Gordons child. Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self plowing.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at his fallow. Self plowing.
Annie at school. Margaret washing. Hadley, pedlar, here today.
Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self plowing. Wm. and Robert at
Greenbank practicing singing.
2 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. at his fallow. Self, Mother,
Margaret and Robert picking potatoes. Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. at his fallow. Self and the rest picking potatoes.
3 – Wind S, very warm. Wm. at his fallow. Self at grist mill with
7.10 bushels wheat and 5 bushels potatoes for Henry Cragg.
Mother at John Gordons all night. Afternoon thunder and rain.
Self, Robert and Annie picking potatoes. Margaret scrubbing.
John, George and Wesley Luke arrive from the railway.
4 – Wind S, very warm. Wm. and Margaret at Wesleyan Meeting
as there was not any Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Calder preaching from 1st
Timothy I:15. Monthly collection today. Margaret at Wesleyan
Church in the evening. Shower of hail in the afternoon.
5 – Wind SW, warm day. John, George and Wesley Luke gone
to the Nipissing Railway. Wm. gone to Mr. Wagners for plaster.
Annie at school. Self plowing. A. Michie here with the stud
horse Emulator and put to the red mare. Afternoon self hoeing
potatoes in the orchard. Robert at the Wesleyan tea party,
Greenbank. Margaret at the concert in the evening.
6 – Wind S, warm day. Self at Port Perry with 15 bushels of
potatoes and left 3 bushels with Walter Aslin and 1½ bushels
with Isaac Cragg. Robert hoeing potatoes. Annie at school.
Afternoon Mr. Joseph Bagshaw here for 6 bushels potatoes.
Margaret at Greenbank in the evening practicing singing for the
anniversary. Rain in the evening.
7 – Wind NW, rather warm. Wm. gone to Manchester. Self took
in the cattle off the road and hoeing. Annie at school. Margaret
washing. Mother churning. Afternoon self hoeing. Wm. and
Robert planting some potatoes on Wms. farm.
8 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at road work on Stillwells division.
Self plowing. Annie at school. Robert hoeing. Afternoon self
and Robert hoeing. Very cold. Christopher Scott, pedlar, here.
9 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at road work. Self harrowing.
Afternoon self hoeing. Robert at Greenbank for the papers and
to get Wms. horse shoed. Wm., Robert and Margaret at
Greenbank practicing singing.
10 – Wind S and rather high. Wm. at Lukes well. Self and Robert
gathering stones. Afternoon heavy rain. Wm. at Mr. Lukes well.
John and George arrive from the railway. Margaret scrubbing.
Annie and Perkins girls playing.
11- Wind W, some showers in the forenoon. Wm., Margaret and
Robert at Presbyterian Church. Mr. Currie preaching. Annie at
Sunday School. Miss Miller here to dinner. Wm. and Margaret
at English Meeting.
12 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at Mr. Lukes well. Self and
Robert hoeing potatoes. Pascoe Luke comes to help at well.
Afternoon Wm. and Pascoe at well. Self and Robert at potatoes.
John McGee here asking turnip drill.
13 – Wind NW and cold. Wm. and Pascoe at well. Self at
Manchester and Prince Albert. Miss Edith Bunker here. Annie at
school. Afternoon Wm. and Pascoe at well. Annie at home
playing with Miss E. Bunker.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and Pascoe at Mr. Lukes well. Self
drilling for turnips. Thos. Phair gets the turnip drill. Mr. Burton
here wanting it. Annie at school. Mr. and Mrs. Luke here.
Afternoon Wm. at Thos. Phairs well. Self drilling and sowing
turnips. Mr. Wm. Lee here wanting turnip drill.
15 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Wm. and Robert at Thos. Phairs
well. Self drilling. Mr. Burton gets the turnip drill. John McGee
here after it and Chancy Asling here wanting it. Annie at school.
Afternoon self drilling. Mother washing. Shower after dinner.
Mr. Whitefield Lee and Mr. John Real here wanting turnip drill.
Wm., Margaret and Robert at Greenbank practicing singing for
the S. S. Anniversary.
16 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at Thos. Phairs well. Self drilling and
finished. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at Duffs and Byers.
Self hoeing potatoes. Mr. Burton here wanting turnip drill having
missowed his turnips on Thursday. Mrs. Perkins here sewing.
Robert at Peter Martineaus asking for a girl for Mrs. Phair, Mary
Nichol having left.
17 – Wind S, frosty morning, fine day. Wm. hoeing potatoes.
Self sowing turnips, finished at 9 o’clock and Mr. R. Phair gets
the drill. Mr. Whitefield Lee here after it. Mr. George Gibson
here to dinner. Afternoon Wm. and Mr. Duff begging for
anniversary. Self hoeing potatoes. Alex. Michie here with stud
horse Emulator. John, George and Wesley Luke arrives from the
18 – Wind W, dull cloudy day, looking like rain. Wm., Robert,
Margaret and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm. John, George,
Margaret, and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Douglas
preaching from Ezekiel XXXVII. [?]Phair got a daughter.
19 – Wind SW, looking like rain. John, George & Wesley Luke
gone to the Nipissing Railway. Wm. and Robert gone to the
West Sabbath School Anniversary. Self hoeing corn. Annie at
school. Mother and Margaret baking and churning. Afternoon
self hoeing potatoes. Mother visiting at Thos. Phairs.
20 –Wind N, some rain in the forenoon. Wm., Thos. Phair, Wm.
Byers and self logging at Wms. fallow. Annie at school. Mrs.
Walker here a short time at noon. Afternoon very fine. All
logging. Wm. and Margaret at Greenbank in the evening
practicing singing.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Wm. and Mr. Byers logging in Wms.
fallow. Annie at school. Afternoon self, Wm., Wm. Byers and
Thomas Phair logging.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. goes to Isaac Clemens for the road
scraper in the morning and then in his fallow. Self and horses on
the road. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in the
fallow. Self and horses on the road. Put in 3 ½ days.
23 – Wind N, hazy day, looking like rain. Wm. in his fallow. Self
and horses at road work. All done at noon. Annie at school.
Mother baking for anniversary. Afternoon Wm. at Mr. McGregors
asking Wife McGregor to play the organ at the anniversary. Self
helping to fix the [?].
24 – Wind SE and raining, nothing doing. Mother baking. John,
George and Wesley Luke arrive from the railway. Afternoon
Wm. in his fallow. John at Andrew Gordons getting his hair cut.
George at mill with barley to chop and trades waggon with
Gilbraith. Self hoeing potatoes in the orchard. Wm. and John at
Greenbank in the evening. Cassidy cow, a bull.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret and Robert at [?] in
McC[?] Grove. Annie sick. Pascoe Luke and Louis here to
dinner. Self, George, John, Robert and Margaret at meeting in
the Grove. Mr. Jamieson preaching from Proverbs, training a
child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not
depart from it. Georgina Luke here tonight. Sow littered 7 pigs.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to the railway. Wm.,
Margaret and Robert at Anniversary. George fixing machine.
Annie some better. Afternoon Mother, Annie, and George at
Anniversary. Magic Lantern performance in the evening in the
Wesleyan driving shade [shed?]. 130 dollars took in Sunday and
27 – Wind S, fine morning. George and Wesley gone to railway.
Mary Jane Luke and Georgina here all night. Wm. and Robert
branding in the fallow with the black mare. Self scuffling
potatoes. Mary J. Luke and Georgina lets the horse run away
and breaks buggy and the gate. Margaret goes to Greenbank for
papers. Afternoon rain after dinner. Georginas arm hurt.
Pascoe, Mary J. and Georgina start for home at 4 o’clock.
28 – Wind NW, looking like thunder and rain. Wm. sowing turnips
in his fallow. Self hoeing the garden. Mr. Byers here wanting a 2
inch chisel. Mother churning. Afternoon Wm. harrowing his
turnips. Self hoeing potatoes. Mother at Mr. Perkins visiting.
Mr. Asher, pedlar from Port Perry, here. Mr. Scott, pedlar, here.
29 – Wind N, cold showery day. Wm. harrowing his turnips.
Margaret washing. Self hoeing potatoes. Afternoon Wm.
harrowing his turnips. Self and Robert weeding carrots. Mother
30 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. George Wallaces
house. Self scuffling potatoes. Robert hilling corn. Mr. George
Carruthers from Epsom here peddling fanning mills and selling
Auburn Harvestors. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes. Robert
gone to Greenbank for papers. Miss Akhurst and Mary Gordon
here at night. Margaret visiting at Mr. Akhursts.
JULY 1 – Wind S, fine day, looking like rain. Self hoeing
potatoes. Robert gone to Brock. Robert Phair here for sticks to
make a turnip drill. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes. Mr. Pilkie
here with a stand to sewing machine. A. Michie here with the
stud horse Emulator for the last time.
2 – Wind SW, warm day. Self, Wm. and Margaret at Primitive
Methodist Church. A stranger preaching. John, George and
Annie and Wm. at do in afternoon.
3 – Wind SW, very warm day. Wm. in his fallow. Self hoeing
potatoes. Mother churning. Jas. Walker here for a square to
Wm. Johnston. Afternoon self, Wm., Margaret and Annie at
Primitive Methodist S. School Anniversary. Speakers Messrs.
Pilkey, Tarrant, Flint, Baird and Antliff. Lecture in the evening on
wedlock by Rev. Mr. Antliff. Proceeds 98 dollars.
4 – Wind SE, very dull morning and soon rains. Nothing doing.
Wm. gone home with Thomas Phairs buckboard. Self fixing fork
handle. Mother picking wool. Robert making paper kite.
Afternoon Wm. gone to George Wallaces house. Self and
Robert cutting thistles. Mother and Margaret picking wool.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Self took 2 cows to R. Stillwells bull.
Margaret washing. Mother choring and bad with the rheumatism
in her hip. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes. Mrs. Asling, Mrs. A.
Byers and Mrs. John Byers here visiting. Shower of rain.
6 – Wind S, rather dull. Wm. gone to George Wallaces house.
Self banking up potatoes. Mother in bed all day with
rheumatism. Robert headache. Afternoon self banking
potatoes. Some rain. Mrs. A. Gordon here visiting.
7 – Wind NW, and very high. Wm. gone to S. Byers house. Self
scuffling turnips. Mother still bad with rheumatism. John and
George arrive from the railway, not going to work at it any more
this week. Afternoon self and George cutting thistles. John gone
to Greenbank. Mrs. Boddie and Mrs. Akhurst here. Mrs. Walker
here in the evening.
8 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Wm. gone to S. Byers house.
Self and George hoeing turnips. John gone to Uxbridge. Wesley
Luke brings home Wms buckboard. Afternoon self and George
hoeing turnips. Wesley leaves after supper. George takes Punk
cow to R. Stillwells bull.
9 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Wm., Margaret and Annie at the
S. School. Self, Wm., John, George and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. A stranger preaching from Matthew VI. Blessed are
they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be
filled. Margaret at evening meeting at Greenbank.
10 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. gone to Byers house. John and
George gone to the railway. Annie at school. Self hoeing
turnips. Mother picking wool. Afternoon looking like rain. Self
hoeing turnips. Miss Bunker here for black currants.
11 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to S. Byers house. Self
hoeing turnips. Annie at school. Mother picking wool. Afternoon
self hoeing turnips. Mother receives a letter from Mrs. Flint
wanting some currants.
12 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. at S. Byers house. Self scuffling
turnips. Mrs. Gordon hoeing. Robert and Annie at Port Perry
with Mr. Perkins. Afternoon self and Mrs. Gordon hoeing turnips.
Mr. Perkins cattle in Georges oats. Circus at Port Perry.
13 – Wind S and very warm. Wm. at S. Byers house. Self and
Mrs. Gordon hoeing turnips. Annie at school. Margaret washing.
Mother choring. Skunk eats all the eggs since last night.
Afternoon self and Mrs. Gordon hoeing.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self hoeing
turnips. Annie at school. Wrote a letter to Barbara. Afternoon
self, Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Walker hoeing turnips. Margaret at
Jas. McMillans with currants.
15 – Wind S, fine day, but warm. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
Self, Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Walker hoeing turnips. Afternoon the
same. John and George arrive from the railway. George having
sold his horses.
16 – Wind SW, rather dull day. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie
at Sabbath School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, George, Robert
and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McCulloch preaching
from Proverbs XIV:32. Miss Alma Perkins here. Wm. &
Margaret at English Meeting. Samuel Manning here in the
17 – Wind N, with showers of rain. John gone to the railway.
Wm. at S. Byers house. George hoeing turnips. Self at R.
Stillwells with Cassidy cow to bull. Robert and Annie in the
woods. Afternoon self and George hoeing out the turnips. Annie
at the other side asking children to picnic.
18 – Wind SW, and very high. Much thunder to the north. Wm.
at S. Byers house. George at Robert Phairs mowing. Self
mowing at home. Mother sewing. Robert and Annie fixing Mr.
Boddies woods for picnic. Afternoon self mowing hay.
19 – Wind NW, some like rain. Wm. gone to S. Byers house.
George mowing. Self and Mother at Port Perry with 2 tubs
butter. Got 21 cents for 4 lbs amounting to $20.79.
20 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Wm. hoeing his turnips. George
fixing the rack. Self and Robert turn hay. James Gordon here to
dinner. Afternoon self, Wm. and George drew 4 loads of hay into
the barn. Juvenile Picnic in Mr. Boddies wood. 26 at it. Lecture
on the Bible Societys operations by Rev. Mr. Manley. Self and
Wm. at it.
21 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Wm. and George mowing. Self
and Robert turning hay. Mother churning. Afternoon Wm.
mowing on his own place. Self, George and Robert drawing hay.
Drew 7 loads in the barn. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
Margaret picking berries.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and George mowing. Self and
Robert turning hay. Annie at A. Gordons with black currants.
Afternoon Wm. at Joseph Bagshaws raising. Self, George and
Robert drew 6 loads of hay. John arrives from the railway.
Margaret scrubbing.
23 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
English Church. No service at the Presbyterian Church today.
Mrs. R. Phair and Mrs. G. Phair here.
24 – Wind S, clear day. John gone to the railway. Wm. gone to
George Wallace’s to build chimneys. Self and George mowing.
Margaret picking berries. Afternoon self, George and Robert
cocking hay. Mr. Akhurst, 4 young pigs. Mr. Perkins, 3 young
25 – Wind S, fine day. Self, George and Robert raking hay.
Margaret picking berries. Afternoon self, George and Robert
drawing hay on Wms. farm. 8 loads altogether.
26 – Wind S, very warm day. George gone to Allan Byers to
arrange about the threshing machine. Self picking weeds among
the potatoes. Margaret washing. Mother baking cakes.
Afternoon George gone to Greenbank with the black mare to
shoe. Self weeding potatoes. Mr. Perkins fetches a bundle of
rolls from Port Perry. Wm. arrives from Mr. G. Wallaces.
27 – Wind W, showers of rain. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
Self, George and Robert cleaning out the sheep house. Mother
making pants. Afternoon self fixing upstair beds. George fixing
threshing machine.
28 – Wind N, rather dull. George and Robert gone to Oshawa.
Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self at the cradle makers and Port
29 – Wind SE and very gloomy. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
George cutting barley. Self weeding potatoes. Mother churning.
Afternoon George cradling barley. Wm. Gordon and Allan Byers
here fixing the horse power. Self raking and binding barley.
John arrives from the railway.
30 –Wind W, warm day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Presents of books given to the scholars. Self,
Mother, Wm., George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott preaching from 14:28.
31 – Wind NE, rather dull. John gone to the railway. Wm. gone
to Mr. Byers new house. George cutting barley. Self and Robert
at Mr. Duffs with the Polly heifer to bull. Margaret and Robert
picking berries. Afternoon George scuffling turnips. Self,
Mother, and Annie at Mrs. Williams funeral. Robert picking
AUG 1 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. gone to S. Byers house.
George gone asking threshing. Self hoeing turnips. Margaret,
Robert and Annie picking berries at Robert Phairs. Afternoon
self hoeing turnips. George Anderson here for lambs.
2 – Wind SE, warm day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. George
hoeing turnips. Self and Robert at Greenbank with 12 lambs to
Mr. Anderson. Margaret and Annie picking berries. Afternoon
self and George hoeing turnips. Robert and Annie picking
berries. Mr. Duff here wanting oil.
3 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. gone to Samuel Byers house. Self
and George hoeing turnips. Margaret washing. Afternoon self,
George and Robert picking cockle among the wheat. A good
deal of thunder and some rain. Self headache.
4 – Wind SW, very warm. Wm. gone to Byers house. George
scuffling turnips. Self hoeing turnips. Margaret home with sore
foot. Afternoon thunder and rain and much need for it.
5 – Wind NW, droughty day. Wm. hoeing his turnips. George &
Allen Byers working at machine. Self sore back. Afternoon Wm.
at his turnips. George and self hoeing turnips. John arrives from
the railway. Mother gone to Mrs. Boddies confinement.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Mother arrives from Mrs. Boddies, she having got a
daughter. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret, Robert and Annie
at Presbyterian meeting. Stranger preaching from Ephesians
III:19. Monthly collection $2.41.
7 – Wind S, very warm day and smoky. Wm. hoeing his turnips.
John gone to the railway. Self and George mowing barley.
Margaret and Robert picking berries. Afternoon Wm. at his
turnips. Self and George drawing barley out of orchard. Mother
and Mrs. Perkins visiting at Mr. Boddies.
8 – Wind W, droughty day. Wm. at his turnips. Self and George
hoeing turnips. Robert belly ache. Manchester Fair. Afternoon
Wm. at his turnips and finishes. Self and George finish turnip
hoeing at home. Very smoky afternoon.
9 – Wind N, droughty day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
George and Robert at the blacksmiths, Greenbank. Self
mending boot. Margaret washing. Annie at Mr. Perkins.
Afternoon fire in Wms. woods. Wm. at it. Self, George and
Robert raking barley. Miss Jane Gordon here.
10 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self and
George mowing barley. Robert cutting timothy [?] the fences.
Afternoon self, George, Margaret and Robert drew 8 loads
11 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. George
gone to mow barley at James Walkers. Self cutting thistles.
Afternoon self pulling weeds among the potatoes. Looking like
rain. Robert at Greenbank for the papers.
12 – Wind E, fine day. Self, George and Robert raking barley.
John Leasks boys here wanting George to thresh on Tuesday.
Afternoon self, George, Margaret and Robert drew in 2 loads of
barley. George goes to Isaac Craggs to set threshing machine.
Margaret scrubbing. John arrives from the railway.
13 – Wind E, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
Mother very sick. Wm. and George at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Currie, old Church minister, preaching. Margaret at evening
meeting, Greenbank.
14 – Wind SE, very warm day. Wm. at T. Duffs. George gone to
Isaac Craggs to thresh. Self and Robert at Port Perry with grist.
15 – Wind W, heavy shower after breakfast. Wm. gone to T.
Duffs. George gone to John Leaks to thresh. Self churning.
Afternoon Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self mending rakes.
Miss Jane Gordon here and Miss Lizzie Akhurst here with yarn
from Mrs. Martineau.
16 – Wind W, very warm, with thunder. Wm. and Robert gone to
Port Perry. Self cutting thistles. Margaret washing. Annie at Mr.
Perkins. Afternoon self cutting thistles in the swamp Howes
Circus at Prince Albert.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Mother gone to A. Leasks. Wm. gone
to Mr. Byers house. Self cutting thistles. Margaret washing.
Afternoon self cutting thistles. George brings Mother home in the
18 – Wind NW and very high. Wm. at Mr. Duffs. George at Alex.
Leasks threshing. Self at Mr. Perkins barley. Robert at A.
Leasks with order for George. Afternoon self at Perkins barley.
Annie at Greenbank for the papers. Drew in one load of barley
for ourselves.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. gone to Chancy Aslings. George
cradling oats. Self, George, Robert, and Margaret drew 2 loads
of barley which concludes it. Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Aslings oats.
George gone to Brock. Mother at A. Gordons. Margaret
scrubbing. Self doing nought. Robert Phair here in the evening.
John arrives from the railway.
20 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Wm., Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Rain in the afternoon and no one from here at
church. Mother at Mr. Akhursts all night. Mrs. Akhurst being
21 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. gone to [?]. John gone to the
railway. George gone to Mr. Duffs to thresh. Self cutting pease.
Afternoon self cutting pease and at T. Duffs threshing a while.
Robert at Greenbank with a letter. Mother and Margaret picking
the geese.
22 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and George gone to Thomas Duffs
threshing. Self cutting pease. Margaret washing. Mother
choring. Afternoon self, George and Wm. at Robert Phairs
threshing. Mrs. Thos. Phair here visiting.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., George and self at George
Boddies threshing. Margaret at Mr. Akhursts.
24 – Wind SW, warm day. Self, Wm., George and Margaret at
Mr. Akhursts threshing. Mother washing. Afternoon Wm. at
Chancy Aslings oats. George cradling wheat and oats.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at Chancy Aslings oats. George
cradling wheat. Self cutting pease. Robert gathering timothy.
Mother colouring yarn. Afternoon George binding wheat. Self
cutting pease. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
26 – Wind SE, very dull and looking like rain. Wm. gone to Mr. C.
Aslings. George raking wheat. Self cutting pease. Allen Byers
here consulting with George about threshing. Afternoon raining
a little. Self cut out the pease. George sells the threshing
machine to Allen Byers for 70 dollars and our threshing done. 35
dollars paid 1st
January 1872 and 35 dollars paid 1st
1873. Receiving a steer for $15.
27 – Wind NE, rainy morning. Wm., Margaret and Robert at
Sunday School. Wm., George, and Margaret at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Scott preaching. Samuel Manning here in the
evening and Mr. Perkins.
28 – Wind NE, rather dull day. Wm. gone to R. Phairs. George
gone to T. Duffs harvesting. Self binding oats. Mother churning.
Afternoon Wm. at Chancy Aslings oats. Self binding oats. Allen
Byers wants George to take the machine back.
29 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to James Walkers to
cradle wheat. George gone to T. Duffs. Self cradling round
wheat. Comes on rain. Afternoon self at Port Perry for rolls.
Mother at Chancy Aslings visiting. George cuts some oats.
Some rain in the afternoon.
30 –Wind W, fine day. Wm. and George cradling oats. Self
raking wheat. Afternoon T. Duff and his reaper here reaping
wheat. Mr. Perkins, Mr. Robert Phair, Wm., George and self
binding. Slight shower afternoon.
31 – Wind NW, slight showers. Wm. at George Boddies binding
wheat. George cradling oats. Self binding wheat. Afternoon
George cradling wheat. Self binding wheat. Mother at James
Walkers. Robert and Annie turning pease.
SEPT. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to George Boddies.
George cradling oats. Self choring round. Afternoon self,
George, Margaret and Robert drawing and stacking pease. 14
loads. Annie at Greenbank for papers. Mother cooking.
Received Aberdeen Free Press of August 14, 1871.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. George cradling his oats and Wm. with
him. Self raking oats. Afternoon Wm., George and Robert
drawing oats and wheat in. Self raking oats. Wm. goes to meet
John coming from the railway.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. No service at Presbyterian Church. Wm., John,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at English Church.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to the railway. Wm. at Port
Perry. George at T. Duffs. Self binding oats. Afternoon self,
Wm., Margaret and Robert drawing 7 loads of wheat and 2 loads
of oats. Annie watching the gap. Miss Byers and Miss
something here asking Margaret to a quilting at Wm. Stillwells.
5 –Wind SW. Wm. goes to Greenbank for hammer and then to
Mr. George Wallaces to lath. Self, George, Margaret and Robert
draws 7 loads of wheat. Afternoon self and George drawing in
for James Walker. Margaret at quilting at Wm. Stillwells and
quilts till 10 o’clock.
6 – Wind SW, looking like rain. George raking wheat stubble.
Self binding oats. Margaret and Annie gone to Michael
Martineaus with some rolls to spin. Self, George, Margaret and
Robert drew 4 loads of wheat. Rain at noon. Afternoon self
doing nought. George cradling his wheat. Weather clears off
with little rain.
7 – Wind N, fine cool day. George at his wheat. Self binding
oats. Margaret washing. Mother choring. Afternoon George
binding oats. Self binding oats.
8 – Wind W, frost in the night. George, self, Margaret and Robert
drew in flax seed, 1 load of wheat rakings and 3 loads of oats.
Mrs. Boddie here visiting. Afternoon drew 4 loads of oats, 2 for
self and 2 for George. Mother visiting at R. Phairs. Robert at
Greenbank for papers.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self and George binding oats. James
Walker here in the morning for Globe and wool cards to R. Phair.
Afternoon self, George, Margaret and Robert and Annie drew in
3 loads of oats and one of wheat for George. Robert at
Greenbank for hammer. John arrives from the railway and Wm.
from George Wallaces. Looking like rain.
10 – Wind SE, dull morning. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., George, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McGregor preaching from 1st
Timothy:11 on the glorious gospel of God.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and John gone to George Wallaces
to lath. George gone to cut James Walkers wheat. Self fixing
the gate. Annie at school. Afternoon self, Margaret, Robert and
Mother drew 2 loads of wheat from Georges farm which
concludes the harvest for 1871. George at Mr. Robert Millers
12 – Wind S, fine day. George at James Walkers wheat. Self
and Margaret at Manchester Fair. Annie at school. Afternoon
Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins.
13 – Wind N, cool day. George at Mr. Loves threshing. Self and
Mother at Uxbridge with yarn to George Gibson to weave. Annie
at school. Margaret and Robert at home. Afternoon George at
Mr. Duffs threshing.
14 – Wind S, frost in the morning and cold. George at Mr. Duffs
threshing. Self splitting rails for the hay stack. Annie at school.
Afternoon George began to plow. Self fixing logheaps in the
15 – Wind E, raining some. George gone to thresh at Mr. Bushs.
Self rolling up log heaps. Rain in the afternoon. George gone to
Wick to the railway. John arrives from George Wallaces, the
lathing being all done. Robert gone with George.
16 – Wind W, rather dull morning. John gone to lath at Belfords
house, Greenbank. George gone to Mr. Bushs threshing. Self
fixing the old clock. Afternoon self plowing. Wm. arrives from G.
17 – Wind NW, rain through the night. Margaret and Robert at
Sunday School. Wm., John, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Currie from Manilla preaching.
18 – Wind S, heavy frost. George and self at Thomas Phairs
threshing. Wm. gone to Greenbank to build a chimney for Mr.
Flint. John and Robert gone to the railway, Wick. Afternoon
John lathing at Belfords house. Annie at school.
19 – Wind W, thunder and rain through the night. Wm. gone to
Mr. Geo. Wallaces to plaster. John gone to Belfords house.
George gone to the railway at Wick. Self plowing. Mother
washing. Annie at home. Afternoon self plowing.
20 – Wind NW, cold day. Self at Mr. Byers threshing. John at
Belfords house. George still at the railway. Afternoon George at
Mr. Byers threshing.
21 – Wind NE, great frost, fine day. Self and George and horses
at Mr. Byers threshing. A. beggar woman here to dinner. Annie
at school. Wm. Love hurt badly moving David Craggs house.
22 – Wind W, fine day. George, John and self drawing dung.
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. comes home from Mr. Wallaces
with lime in his eye. John plowing. Self and George at Akhursts
23 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self and George at Mr.
Perkins threshing. John plowing. Afternoon self and George at
Perkins threshing. John plowing. Mrs. Akhurst here visiting.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sabbath
School. Self, Mother, John, George, Annie and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching from Ephesians
II:18. Wm. at Wm. Loves to see him.
25 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm. gone to George Wallaces.
John gone to Saintfield to lath. Self and George drawing out
dung. Annie at school. Afternoon self and George and horses at
James Walkers threshing. Margaret at Greenbank.
26 – Wind NW, much rain through the night. George plowing.
Self ditching. Margaret washing. Annie at home. Afternoon
George plowing. Self in the woods. Miss Isabella Gordon and
Miss Margaret Walker here. Miss Akhurst and Miss Mary
Gordon here in the evening.
27 – Wind SW, dull day. George gone to thresh at Mr. Henry
Craggs. Self and Robert plowing. Annie at school. Mrs.
Martineau here making mothers dress. Afternoon self and
Robert plowing. Showery afternoon.
28 – Wind NW, cold day. George plowing. Self and Robert fixing
granary. McPhail white cow dies from eating too many turnips.
Annie at school. Afternoon George harrowing. Self and Robert
at Prince Albert with cowhide. The springboard breaks at the
bridges near Bowls Hill. Margaret at the Bethesda Sabbath
School anniversary with L. Manning.
29 – Wind NW, cold day. George gone with horses and waggon
to bring the buckboard to Greenbank to be mended. Annie at
school. Self asking hands to thresh. Afternoon self and Robert
fixing the granary.
30 – Wind W, fine day. George gone to T. Druchans to thresh.
Wm. Byers here for George. Self and he drawing dung. Robert
at Michael Martineaus for yarn. Afternoon self and Wm. Byers
drawing dung. John and Wm. come home from work.
OCT. 1 – Wind NW, looking like rain. Margaret, Annie and
Robert gone to Sunday School. Self, Wm., George, Robert and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Luke XV:7 and 10.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to George Wallaces. John gone
to Belfords house. George gone to Druchans to thresh. Annie at
school. Self harrowing. Afternoon expecting the threshing
machine. George arrives and the [?] is broken. Robert gone to
tell Allen Byers that we do not want to thresh till Thursday.
George and self and Robert drawing dung.
3 – Wind SW, threatening rain. George, self and Robert drawing
dung. Annie at school. Margaret washing. Afternoon cleared off
fine. George, self and Robert drawing dung.
4 – Wind W, fine day. George, Margaret, John, Robert and Annie
at county fair, Uxbridge. Self at home. Mother at Mr. Michael
Martineaus, his Mrs. being confined. Afternoon self ditching.
Mother twisting yarn. Mrs. Walker here with wheel. Barbara
arrives from Brooklin. Wesley Luke here all night.
5 – Wind W, fine day. George gone to thresh at David Craggs.
John at Belfords house. Self fixing barn door. Wesley leaves for
home. Mother making ready for the threshers. Afternoon self
and Robert dug some potatoes. Threshing machine comes at 4
6 – Wind W, dull day, looking like rain. Threshing T. Phair, Wm.
Akhurst, Samuel Byers, Wm. Byers, 2 George Boddies and
horses here. Mr. Perkins and horses, John and self. Robert
Phair in the afternoon. Mr. George Johnston Everton of
Auchnagatt here on a short visit.
7 – Wind NW, fine day. The same hands threshing til noon.
Afternoon self, John, George and Robert cleaning up after
machine. Barbara gone to Brock with John Belford.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
school. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Tim. II:3.
Collection for French Mission $3.75.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at Belfords house. Self,
George, Robert, Margaret and Annie at potatoes. Afternoon self,
George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at potatoes. Chicago burnt.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Belfords house.
George gone to Manchester with wheat and barley. Self and
Robert at potatoes. Annie at school. Margaret washing. Mother
spinning. Barbara arrives from Brock. Afternoon self and Robert
at potatoes. George at potatoes after coming home from
Manchester. Got 50 cents for barley and $1.10 for wheat. Rain
in the evening.
11 – Wind SW, very dull day. Wm. and John gone to Belfords
house. George gone to John Leasks to thresh. Robert and self
at potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes. Mrs. Perkins
and Mrs. Walker here quilting. Barbara and Margaret at Mr.
Akhursts in the evening.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at Mr. Belfords house.
George at John Leasks. Self and Robert taking in apples.
Barbara scrubbing the floor. Afternoon self and Robert at
apples. Mrs. Perkins here quilting.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Belfords house. John,
George, Robert and self at potatoes. Annie at school. Margaret
gone with Barbara to Manchester. Margaret at A. Leasks paring
bee in the evening.
14 – Wind SW, very dull day, sprinkling rain. Wm. at Belfords
house. Self at Greenbank to get measured for coat and paid
Jas. Lee blacksmith bill. John, George, Robert and George
Boddie Jun. at potatoes. Afternoon self, John, George, Robert
and George Boddie at potatoes. Rain at night.
15 – Wind W, and very high blowing away everything. Wm. and
Margaret at Sunday School. Wm., John, George, and Margaret
at Presbyterian Meeting.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. William gone to Belfords house. John
gone to Saintfield. Self, George, Robert and George Boddie at
potatoes. Afternoon self, Mother, George, Robert, Annie,
Margaret and George Boddie at potatoes. Margaret at singing in
the evening.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Self, George, Robert and George Boddie
at potatoes. Wm. at Belfords house. Afternoon self, George,
Robert and George Boddie at potatoes awhile, then rain.
18 – Wind N, very cold day. Self and George drawing dung.
Annie at school. Margaret washing. Afternoon self, George and
Robert cleaned a load of barley and drawing dung. Pascoe Luke
here in the evening wanting William to dig well.
19 – Wind W, fine day. George at Manchester with 51 bushels of
barley and got 50 cents per bushel. John at Pascoe Lukes well.
Self killing sheep. Annie at school. Afternoon very high wind.
John and Pascoe at well. Self choring. Andrew Gordon here all
20 – Wind N, very cold. John and Pascoe at well. George and
self drawing dung. Annie at school. Afternoon self and George
finish the dung. John and Pascoe finish the well. Paring bee.
34 at it.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John at home. Pascoe leaves for home.
George plowing. Self spreading dung. Afternoon George
plowing. Mother and Robert at Michael Martineaus. Self digging
stumps. James Walker here wanting old harness. John at Wm.
Stillwells raising.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Isaiah IX,
arise shine.
23 – Wind SW. Wm. and John gone to Saintfield. George gone
to Chancey Aslings to thresh. Self plowing. Annie at school.
Afternoon self plowing. Mother visiting at Mr. Akhursts.
24 – Wind NE, fine day. George plowing. Self spreading dung.
Annie at school. Mother scouring yarn. Afternoon George
plowing. Self and Robert spreading dung. Pamela Burton here
25 – Wind SE, dull morning. George plowing. Self spreading
dung. Margaret washing. Annie at school. Afternoon George
plowing. Self and Robert spreading dung and finished.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. George gone to Mr. Burtons to thresh.
Self plowing. Annie at school. Mother scouring yarn. Afternoon
self plowing. Mr. Perkins brings a grist from the mill which he
borrowed on the 24th
of July. Thunder and rain at 5 o’clock.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. George gone to James Walkers plowing
bee. Annie at school. Self and Robert taking in potatoes.
Afternoon self and Robert at the potatoes.
28 – Wind W, rather cold. George, self, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at potatoes. Took in Harrisons 4 loads, 100 bushels.
Afternoon George, self, Margaret, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
5 loads, 125 bushels. Rain at 4 o’clock.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Wm. at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., John, Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
Thes. V:21. Prove all
30 – Wind S, dull day. Wm. and John gone to Saintfield. Self,
George, Margaret and Mother at potatoes. 5 loads. Afternoon
self, George and Robert topping turnips. Annie gone to Mr. E.
31 – Wind S, dull day and raining some. Self, George, Mother
and Robert at turnips. Drew 8 loads. Margaret washing.
Afternoon self, Mother, George and Robert at turnips. Drew 14
loads into the pit. Rain in the evening.
NOV. 1 – Wind NW, cold rough day. George gone to the Port,
Whitby and Port Perry railway to see Mr. Fisher. Self digging
turnip pit. Margaret gone to Mr. James McMillans. Robert
topping turnips. Wm. arrives from Saintfield. Singing at
Greenbank tonight. Margaret at it.
2 – Wind SW, cloudy day. Wm. and John gone to [?] to plaster.
George, self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew 8 loads into
pit. Afternoon self, George, Margaret and Robert at turnips.
Drew 6 loads into pit and 1 into root house. Ashes pedlar here to
3 – Wind N, frosty morning. Self, George and Robert topping
turnips. George, Mother, Margaret and Robert drew 7 loads into
pit. Afternoon George, Mother, Margaret and Robert drew 7
loads into pit and one into the turnip house. Mr. J.B. Campbell
and Mr. Shier and two others down at the creek.
4 – Wind Easterly, and cold. Self, George, Mother and Robert at
turnips. Drew 11 loads. Afternoon self, George, Mother and
Robert at turnips. Drew 9 loads.
5 – Wind N, cold day. Robert and Margaret at Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur
preaching from Rev. I:6. Isabella Michie here visiting.
6 – Wind N and hard frost. George digging stumps. Self at
Greenbank getting horses shoed. Afternoon self, George,
Mother and Robert at turnips. Drew 4 loads. Margaret at singing
in the evening.
7 – Wind W, frosty morning. George gone to Greenbank to Dr.
Olver with his jaw which is sore. Self choring. Afternoon George
harrowed up all the turnips. Self fencing turnip pit. Small pairing
bee in the evening. Lizzie, Jean, John and Robert Akhurst at it
and George Boddie and John Lynd at it.
8 – Wind NW, cold day. Self, George, Mother and Robert at
turnips. Drew 8 loads into cellar. Afternoon self, George, Mother
and Robert and Mr. Perkins at turnips. Drew 6 loads into cellar.
After that took up carrots.
9 –Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother and George pulling Wms.
turnips. Robert fixing henhouse. Afternoon self, Mother,
Margaret, George and Robert at Wms. turnips. Drew 7 loads.
The first train on the [?] railway reaches Port Perry.
10 – Wind SE, and snowing. George covering Wms. turnip pit.
Self, Robert and George pulling hay into stable and putting the
straw in the barn. Afternoon Mother at Mrs. Boddies quilting.
Self going round for money to pay Mr. McArthurs salary. George
choring. Robert at Greenbank for the papers.
11 – Wind N, cold day. George choring. Self at Port Perry with
15 bushels of potatoes. Robert along. Wm. and John arrive
from Scott.
12 – Wind N, fine day. Margaret and Robert at Sunday School.
Not any service at Presbyterian Church. Mr. McArthur sick.
Margaret at P. Methodist Church.
13 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, George and Robert drawing in
pease. Mrs. McMillan here visiting. Afternoon self, George and
Robert at pease. Drew altogether 8 loads. Robert Burton here
after Mr. Boddies windlass.
14 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Mr. Bray, collector, here.
$13.90 my taxes this year. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
Alex Gordon here for Wms. well rope and altered 2 calves.
15 – Wind N and snowing, having rained all night. Nothing doing.
Afternoon self, George and Robert fixing cattle house. Tied up
all the cattle. Very cold wintry night. Snow drifting.
16 – Wind N, not so cold as yesterday. Nothing doing. George
sawing wood. Self choring. Robert making box. Put ram among
sheep. Afternoon self dunging out the pig house. George fixing
the colts house.
17 – Wind N, cloudy day. Self and George drawing stone.
Afternoon self, George and Robert drawing stone. Mother at Mr.
Perkins. Margaret at Greenbank for the papers.
18 – Wind S, rather soft, not thawing much. George gone to
Prince Albert and Port Perry with Mr. Perkins. Self skinning a
sheep that died last night. Afternoon self dunging the garden.
19- Wind SE, soft day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. No one from here at the Presbyterian Meeting. Agnes
Boddie here to dinner. Margaret gone somewhere.
20 – Wind SW, fine fresh day. George, Robert, Mr. Akhurst,
James Walker, George Boddie at Wms. turnips. Self shingling
turnip house. Afternoon Mother, George, Robert, Mr. Akhurst,
Mr. Perkins, James Walker and George Boddie at Wms. turnips
and drew 10 loads into pit. Self shingling.
21 – Wind W, frosty day. George, Mother, Robert, Mr. Akhurst,
Mr. Perkins, James Walker Sen., and James Walker Jun. at
Wms. turnips. Self fixing my own turnip pit. Afternoon self,
Mother, George, Mr. Akhurst, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Walker and James
Walker finished Wms. turnips. 11 loads. George and Robert at
Greenbank and brought home a new coat for me.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Self, George and Robert fencing Wms.
turnips pits and drawing chunks. Afternoon self, George and
Robert drawing stones. A gentleman from White here to buy
Williams land. Miss Sarah Martineau married to Mr. Farewell
today. Stormy at night, wind north.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, George and Robert drawing
stones. Andrew Gordon here with books. Sold George the
history and origin of the Franco Prussian War. Afternoon self,
George and Robert drawing stones.
24 – Wind SE, snowing all the forenoon but not cold. Self,
George and Robert cleaning up the barn. Miss Lizzie Akhurst
here and brought a rooster. Afternoon self and George threshing
pease. George, Robert and Margaret at Greenbank to singing
but Mr. Wyatt did not come.
25 – Wind S, fine day. George and Robert drawing stones. Self
fixing a pig trough. Mother gone to Mrs. Akhursts. Afternoon
self, George and Robert drawing stones. Wm. and John arrive
from Scott.
26 – Wind SW, soft day with some rain. Robert at Sunday
School. Wm. and Mother at Brock to see Mr. George Michie
Sen. Self, George and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Revelation II:4. Collection for widows
and orphans $3.40.
27 – Wind N, cold frosty day. Wm. gone to Scott. John gone to
J. Lees. Mr. John Belford here. Afternoon self threshing pease.
George at a sale of wood on Mr. Lawrences place. Andrew
Gordon brings Annie home from Mr. Lukes.
28 – Wind NE, cold day. George and self putting dung on the
turnip cellar. Afternoon John, George and Robert at the creek.
Self fixing the sheep pen. Margaret at singing, Greenbank.
29 – Wind N, cold day. John gone to Greenbank to get horses
shoed. George at Mr. Byers’s. Self mending sieve of fanning
mill. Afternoon John at Greenbank taking wood for Mr. Walker.
George threshing pease. Self choring.
30 – Wind N, very cold day. John and George drawing home
wood. Self and Robert threshing pease. Afternoon George and
John drawing home wood. Self and Robert splitting wood. Mary
Nicol here twisting yarn. Annie at Mr. Perkins.
DEC. 1 – Wind NW, rather dull day. George gone to Jack
Gordons to thresh. John gone to Greenbank with wood for Mr.
Walker. Self making fence on line between Mr. Akhurst and
ours. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self at fence. Mother at
Jas. Walkers visiting. Annie at Akhursts.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing wood. Self threshing
pease. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John at Port Perry. Self
and Robert choring. Margaret at Jas. McWilliams for her dress
and did not come home same night.
3 – Wind SW, fine day, snow thawing. Wm., Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., Mother, John, George, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 1st
Kings XVIII:29. Monthly collection.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Scugog Island to plaster
Arch. Millars house. John and George at Robert Phairs
threshing. Self making axe handle. Afternoon very stormy, wind
north. Self and Robert banking henhouse.
5 – Wind N, cold day. John at Greenbank with wood. Self doing
nought but writing letter to Barbara. George making hand
sleigh. Afternoon John drawing wood to Greenbank. George at
sleigh. Self doing nought. Margaret and Robert at singing.
6 – Wind SW, dull day. John drawing wood to Greenbank.
George at sleigh. Self writing letter to G. Tough. Mrs. Martineau
here making Annies dress. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self
and George in the swamp. Very stormy night from SW.
7 – Wind SW, soft day. John, George and horses at George
Boddies threshing. Self making post for barn door. Mrs.
Martineau making Annies dress. Afternoon self choring. Rather
stormy towards night.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Aslings killing pigs. George
drawing wood for Mr. Walker. Self doing nought. Afternoon
George drawing wood. Self choring.
9 – Wind W, fine day. George drawing logs to mill. John at T.
Duffs. Self at James Walkers fixing his pump. Afternoon George
drawing logs. John in woods. Self choring. Margaret scrubbing.
Wm. arrives from Scugog.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother,
Margaret, Annie, Wm., John and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McArthur preaching from Mark II:27. The Sabbath was made
for man and not man for the Sabbath.
11 – Wind SW, soft snowy day. Wm. gone to James Scotts to
plaster. George at mill with logs. John in the woods. Self and
Robert at Uxbridge with yarn to weave. Afternoon George and
John at James Carrs chopping bee.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to R. Holdershaws to lath.
George gone to mill with logs. Self and Robert clearing the shop
to get in the waggon. Afternoon George at saw mill. Self and
Robert at shop. Mrs. Walker here visiting. Margaret at singing
and George too. Annie at school..
13 – Wind SW, fine day. George loading his hay. Self standing
by. Annie at school. Afternoon George at Wm. Loves chopping
bee. Self choring. John arrives from R. Holdershaws.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. George gone to mill with grist. Self
threshing pease. John and Margaret at Port Perry. Annie at
school. Afternoon George gone to mill with logs. Self at school
examination. Wm. arrives from Holdershaws.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. George gone to Sunderland. Annie at
school. Wm. fixing the clock. John fixing [?] and self choring.
Afternoon John at the mill. Wm. in the woods. Self writing.
16 – Wind W, with some snow. Wm. making axe handle. John in
the woods. Self threshing pease. George gone somewhere.
Ann Gordon and James Gordon here visiting. Afternoon still
snowing. Self threshing pease. John at Mr. Akhursts.
17- Wind SW, some snow. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, Margaret and Robert
at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. Argo preaching from Heb. II:16.
He took not upon him the nature of angels, but the seed of
18 – Wind W, snowing some. Wm. and John gone to Scott.
George and self drawing hay. Robert falls down into horse stall.
Annie at school. Afternoon George gone to Brock to chop wood.
Self choring.
19 – Wind W, fine day, some snow. Self fixing [?]. Annie at
school. Afternoon self splitting wood. Nobody at the singing.
20 – Wind E, snowing some. Self threshing pease. Annie at
school. Afternoon very stormy, wind north. Self threshing
pease. Wm., John and George arrive home.
21 – Wind SW, cold day, nothing doing. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon George gone to A. Leasks. Wm. and Robert at the
creek. John threshing pease. Self doing nought. Mr. Adam [?]
and Mr. Holman here electioneering.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Saintfield. George gone to
Thos. Phairs to split rails. Self making axe handle for James
Walker. Afternoon self at Greenbank with wood for Mrs. Bunkee.
John choring. John some rheumatism in his legs.
23 – Wind S, soft day. George and John gone to Thos. Phairs to
split rails. Wm. and Robert gone to break the road through
creek. Self talking to John Real. Afternoon some thunder and
rain. Wm. gone to the creek. Very high wind at night.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Margaret and Robert gone to Sunday
School. Mother, Wm., John, George and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. G. Jamieson preaching.
25 – Wind S, dull day. John and George in the woods. Wm.
gone to Port Perry. Annie gone to Mr. Perkins. Self keeping
Christmas. Afternoon George Boddie, Robert Akhurst and Albert
[?] here. Margaret at Mr. Perkins. John and George at [?]
26 – Wind N, hard frost. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. John &
George at Thos. Phairs rails. Self writing. Afternoon self writing.
Annie at Akhursts. Samuel Belford here for wood.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. in the woods. George & John at
Thos. Phairs rails. Self choring. Afternoon rather stormy. Wm.
in woods. Self doing chores.
28 – Wind SW, rather cold. John & George gone to Thos. Phairs
rails. Wm. at T. Duffs. Self splitting wood. Afternoon Wm. at
Manchester. Self at George Boddies. John and George finish T.
Phairs rails.
[Entries for Dec. 29, 30, and 31st
are not in the diary]
JAN. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Wm. at Greenbank. Self
voted for Gordon, Weir, Bates, Purday, & Mead. John and
George at home. Afternoon Wm. and John at Port Perry.
George at Greenbank voting. Great spree 16
here this night.
Barbara goes to Brock.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and George in the woods. John
gone with Andrew Gordon. Self cutting meat. Afternoon Wm.,
John and George in the woods. Self doing nought. Lizzie
Akhurst here making her dress. Wm. and Margaret at singing,
3 – Wind SE, dull day. Self, John, Wm. & George drawing
turnips. Afternoon snowing, nothing doing. Self and Mother
salting pork. Thawing towards night. George goes to Mr. John
Leasks to thresh. Margaret washing.
4 – Wind N, soft day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self mending
Margarets boots. Afternoon John & Wm. in the woods. Self
choring. Annie gone to Mr. Akhursts.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and George in the woods. Self
mending chair. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry. John & George in
the woods. Self at Greenbank for papers. Barbara arrives from
Brock and Annie from Mr. Akhursts.
6 – Wind N, cold day. John & George in the woods. Wm. making
axe handle. Afternoon Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
doing nought. Very cold.
7 – Wind NE, very cold. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Margaret at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, George & Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Matthew
XVI:19, on this rock will I build my church.
8 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
at Prince Albert for shoe[?].
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
and Robert at Prince Albert at Presbyterian [?]. Wm., George,
Margaret and Robert at singing.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
at school meeting, appointed trustees. Afternoon Wm. and
George at Mr. Byers threshing. Self, Mother, John, Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cameron preaching from Luke
11 – Wind S, rather soft. John & George in the woods. Wm.
gone to Joseph Lees. Self at Prince Albert and Port Perry.
Afternoon John, George & Robert in the woods. Self choring.
12 – Wind N, rather cold. John & George in the woods. Self at A.
Leasks. Afternoon John & George in the woods. Self choring
mending Barbaras boots. Lizzie Akhurst here. Robert at
Greenbank for papers. Wm. arrives from Mr. Lees.
13 – Wind N, cold day. John & Wm. at Mr. Lees. George
drawing school wood. Self choring. Afternoon George drawing
school wood. Self choring. Miss Jane Gordon here for some
A ‘spree’ is a house party – quite often a dance.
14 – Wind N, cold day. Self, Mother, Wm., John, George,
Barbara & Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting, being the
Sacrament. Mr. McArthur officiating. Preaching from Galatians
II. Collection six dollars 95 cents. Robert & Wm. at Port Perry in
the evening.
15 – Wind S, threatening snow. John & George in the woods.
Wm. making axe handle. Self splitting wood. Mr. James Scott
here. Afternoon John in the woods. George gone with Barbara
to Manchester. Self, Mother, Wm. and Annie at Presbyterian
meeting. Mr. Currie preaching from 1st
Corinthians XVI:8.
16 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. and John in the woods. George
drawing wood for school. Annie at school. Self choring.
Afternoon Wm. & John in the woods. George drawing school
wood. Self choring. George, Margaret & Robert at singing in
17 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Annie at school. Self and Robert drawing chips. Mrs. Akhurst
here to dinner. Afternoon Wm., John & George in the woods.
Self and Robert drawing chips.
18 – Wind W, snowing some. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Self at Greenbank to get horses shoed. Annie at school.
Afternoon John & George in the swamp. Wm. drawing out
cordwood. Self choring. Paid Mr. Stillwell for cows at bull. Mr.
John Belford here all night.
19 – Wind NE, dull warm day. John & George in the swamp.
Wm. drawing out cordwood. Mr. Belford leaves with 2 bags of
wheat. Annie at school. Afternoon snowing from the east. John,
George & Robert in the swamp. Wm. drawing out wood. Self
doing nought. Mother at Mr. Boddies. James Walker here
settling with William. John, George and Margaret at Alexander
Gordons at a spree.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. drawing wood. John & George in
the woods. Self in the granary. Afternoon Wm. fixing his cutter.
John & George in the woods. Margaret scrubbing. Self doing
21 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert & Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Psalms XCVI:3. Lizzie
Akhurst here.
22 – Wind SW., snowing some. Nothing doing. Afternoon self,
Wm., John, George and Robert drawing turnips. Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry in the evening.
23 – Wind NW, cold day. George & John in the woods. Wm. in
the woods. Self doing nought. Annie at school. Afternoon John
& George in the woods. Wm. drawing wood. Robert in the
woods. Self in own woods. Robert, Margaret, Wm. and George
at singing.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John, George and Robert in the woods.
Wm. drawing wood. Annie at school. Self doing nought.
Margaret washing. Afternoon John, George and Robert in the
woods. Wm. drawing wood. Self choring. Margaret spinning.
Annie at school meeting. Self, Wm. and Margaret at Missionary
Meeting in the Presbyterian Church. 4 dollars and 26 cents of
25 – Wind W, snowing and drifting some. John and George in
the woods. Wm. drawing out wood. Annie at school. Self doing
nought. Mother churning. Margaret baking. Afternoon John and
George in the woods. Wm. at Prince Albert with wood for Mrs.
Drury. Self doing nought. Wm. at Mr. Pete Martineaus in the
26 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and George in the woods.
Self, Mother, and Robert oiling harness. Annie sick. Margaret
spinning. Afternoon John and George in the woods. Wm. taking
dirt from his turnip pit, turnips rotting. Self at harness. Robert at
Greenbank for papers.
27 – Wind W, fine day. John and George in the woods. Wm.
drawing out wood. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John and
George in the woods. Wm. and Robert gone to Port Perry with
wood. Margaret scrubbing. Self doing nought.
28 – Wind W, cold day. Margaret & Robert at Sunday School.
Self, Wm., George and Margaret at the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. McArthur preaching from John XVII:15.
29 – Wind NW, snow drifting. John and George in the woods.
Wm. at Greenbank. Robert at school. Self sharpening saw.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Wm. gone to Port
Perry with wood. Self doing nought. Margaret spinning. Annie
getting better.
30 – Wind S, snow blowing. John and George in the woods.
Wm. drawing wood. Self splitting wood. Margaret washing.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Self doing nought.
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Robert at school.
31 – Wind W, fine day. John & George in the woods. Self fixing
sleigh box. Robert at school. Wm. drawing wood. Afternoon
John & George gone to the Exhibition at Brock. Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. Self doing nought.
FEB. 1 – Wind SW, fine mild day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
John and George gone to Port Perry races. Self doing nought.
Afternoon self making road. Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John and George in the woods. Wm.
drawing out wood. Self splitting wood. Margaret gone with Jane
Michie to collect for the Home and Foreign Missions. Afternoon
John and George in the woods. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry
with wood. Self making axe handle.
3 – Wind NE, cold day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John doing
nought. Self and George fanning wheat. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry with wood. John and George in the woods.
Self making sleigh box. Margaret scrubbing.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at Sunday
School George and Margaret at the Primitive Methodist meeting.
Mr. Walker preaching. Wm. and John there in the evening.
5 – Wind W. Wm. mending his cutter. John in the woods.
George gone to Manchester with wheat. Self doing nought.
Afternoon Wm. mending his cutter. John, Margaret and Annie at
Primitive Methodist social.
6 – Wind N, fine day, some snow through the night. Wm.
mending his cutter. Self, John, George & Robert fanning wheat.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Wm. at Greenbank
with his cutter to fix. Self fixing sleigh box.
7 – Wind W, cold day. John gone to Joseph Lees to lath. George
gone to Manchester with wheat. Wm. in the woods. Self
threshing pease. Annie at school. Margaret washing. Afternoon
Wm. making axe handle. Self threshing pease. Mother visiting
at Mr. Akhursts. Received the Aberdeen paper of Jan. 13, 1872.
8 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. drawing wood. John and George
grinding axes. Self doing nought. Annie at school. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John and George in the woods.
Self doing nought. John at Joseph Lees for his money. Mother
at Jas. Walkers.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John &
George in the woods. Self making axe handle. Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. & Robert at Port Perry with wood. John &
George in the woods. Self at Greenbank for the papers. John at
John Lees in the evening.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. & Robert at Port Perry with wood.
John & George in the woods. Self threshing pease. Afternoon
Wm. & Robert at Port Perry with wood. John & George in the
woods. Self choring. Margaret scrubbing. Annie at Mr.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert & Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, George, & Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Isaiah II:18.
Monthly collection 1.46.
12 – Wind SW, soft day. John & George at Thos. Phairs
chopping wood. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self fixing straw
stack. Mr. Blair from Whitby here and hires Margaret. Robert &
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Mr.
and Mrs. McPhail here visiting.
13 – Wind SE, and raining. Robert & Annie at school. Nothing
doing. Margaret washing. Afternoon still raining, nought doing.
14 – Wind NW, snowing some. John & George at Thos. Phairs
chopping wood. Robert & Annie at school. Self at Uxbridge for
some cloth. Afternoon Wm. at the mill with a grist. John Watson
buried today.
15 – Wind NW, cold day, snow drifting. John & George at Thos.
Phairs chopping wood. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. going
round with a petition to sign for money to improve the sideline
between Lots 18 & 19 on the 9th
, 10th
, 11th
and 12th
of Reach. Mr. Akhurst here in the evening.
16 – Wind NW, dull day. John & George at Thos. Phairs wood.
Wm. and Margaret gone to Whitby. She to her place for one
month and Wm. to the Register Office. Robert & Annie at school.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon self doing nought. Wm. & Robert
at Greenbank to hear J.B. Campbell lecture.
17 – Wind SE, cold day. John & George at Thos Phairs wood.
Wm. drawing out wood. Self threshing pease. Afternoon Wm.
gone to mill for grist. James Gordon here for horse money. Self
doing nought. Mother scrubbing.
18 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm., Annie and Robert at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and George at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Galatians V:13 on Love
and Liberty.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Wick building chimney. John &
Robert at Woodville. George at [Borclia?] with some basswood
lumber, 210 feet. Annie at school. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon nothing doing. Mr. Perkins here visiting. Robert
Akhurst, Jean Akhurst and 2 of Mr. Perkins girls here sleigh
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John & George in the woods. Wm.
gone to Manchester with petition. Robert and Annie at school.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John & George in the woods. Self
drawing wood home.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods. Self
doing nought. Robert at school. Mother washing. Afternoon
very stormy. John, George & Wm. in the woods. Self drawing
wood home. Exhibition at Greenbank in the evening. Self, John,
George, Robert & Annie at it.
22 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Self drawing wood home. Afternoon self drawing home wood.
John, Wm., George in the woods. Allen Byers and Andrew
Gordon here in the evening.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & Annie in the woods. Self
threshing pease. Robert & Annie at school. Afternoon Wm.,
John & George in the woods. Self drawing home wood. George
at Mr. Duffs in the evening. Andrew Gordon here all night.
Received Aberdeen paper of Feb. 3, 1872.
24 – Wind SW, fine day and thawing. Wm. gone to Port Perry.
John & George in the woods. Self drawing home wood.
Afternoon self, Wm., John, George & Robert drawing in turnips.
25 – Wind NW and cold. Wm., Robert & Annie at [Sunday]
School. Nobody at church this afternoon. Very cold.
26 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm., John, & George in the woods.
Self drawing home wood. Afternoon self threshing pease. Wm.
drawing out cordwood. John & George in the woods. Robert &
Annie in the woods gathering chips.
27 – Wind N, cold day. Wm. drawing out wood. John & George
in the woods. Self making axe handle. Robert & Annie at
school. Afternoon Wm. drawing out wood. John & George in the
woods. Self splitting wood. Mother baking. Wm., John and
George at Greenbank to hear Professor Kent lecture. Received
the Aberdeen Herald of January 27, 1872.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. drawing out wood. John & George
in the woods. Annie at school. Self at Prince Albert and Port
Perry. Afternoon John & George & Robert in the woods. Wm.
drawing out wood. Wm., John, George, Robert & Annie at
Greenbank to hear Professor Kent lecture.
29 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. drawing out wood. John & George
in the woods. Robert & Annie at school. Self choring. Afternoon
self making milking stool. Wm. drawing out wood. John &
George in the woods.
MAR. 1 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. Wm. drawing out
wood. John & George in the woods. Self threshing pease.
Robert & Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. drawing out wood.
John & George in the woods. Self doing nought.
2 – Wind N, fine day, but cold. Wm. drawing out wood. John &
George in the woods. Self mending Annies boots. Afternoon
Wm. drawing out wood. John & George in the woods. Self
splitting wood.
3 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at Union Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm. & George at Presbyterian Meeting. A
stranger preaching from Philippians II:1.
4 – Wind W, stormy day. Nothing much doing. Fanning barley.
Snow drifting. Mother washing. Afternoon Wm. and John at Port
Perry. Self, George & Robert fanning Georges oats.
5 – Wind NW, very cold and the dust flying. John and George in
the woods. William sharpening bucksaw. Self writing letter.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Self writing. Wm.
doing nought.
6 – Wind NW, very high and excessive cold. Nothing doing. Self
writing letters. Afternoon the boys threshing pease. Self writing
7 – Wind NW, not so cold nor near so much wind as yesterday.
John & George in the woods. Wm. drawing out wood. Self
writing. Mrs. Walker here a short time. Afternoon John and
George in the woods. Wm. and Robert gone to Port Perry with
chips. Self writing.
8 – Wind E, rather dull, looking like a storm. John and George in
the woods. Wm. drawing out wood. Self doing nought. Robert
gathering chips. Afternoon John & George in the woods. Wm.
drawing out wood. Self at Greenbank for the papers.
9 – Wind SE, dull day with some snow. John & George in the
woods. Wm. & Robert drawing out wood. Self and Annie at
Prince Albert for my boots. Afternoon John & George in the
woods. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with chips.
10 – Wind W, rather dull. Wm., Robert & Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Wm., John, George & Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Cameron of Beaverton preaching from Luke
XVIII:10 on the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican.
11 – Wind W. Wm. & John in the woods. George at the sawmill
with 2 butternut logs and brought home a roller from waggoner.
Self writing to Barbara. James Walker here wanting man and
team to draw rails from Mr. Clemens. Robert and Annie at
school. Afternoon Wm. drawing out wood. John & George in the
woods. Self choring. Mother baking.
12 – Wind SW, fine day, snow melting fast. John, George & Wm.
in the woods. Self at Wm. Stillwells with sow to boar. Robert &
Annie at school. Sent away a letter to Barbara. Afternoon Wm.
drawing out wood. John & George in the woods. Self fixing
water for the cattle. Mr. John Belford here paying for wheat.
13 – Wind SE, snowing. George at Port Perry. Wm. and John in
the woods. Self at Wm. Stillwells with sow to boar. Robert and
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. and John in the woods. Self at
A. Leasks and at the annual meeting of the Church on the [?]
concession. Present James McMillan, John Leask, Wm.
Ledingham, and myself. Jane McNeil died.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self and
George in the woods drawing out wood. Robert and Annie at
school. Afternoon John at cedar. Wm. in the woods. Self and
George drawing out wood.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and George in the woods. John at
Port Perry. Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing rails for
James Walker. Mrs. Isaac Truax, Mrs. Joseph Lee, Mrs. A.
Michie and Mrs. Perkins here visiting.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Annie at Port Perry. William
sharpening saw. George in the wood. Self churning. Afternoon
Wm. and George in the woods. John at Greenbank. Self
choring. Mrs. Walker and Widow Michie here visiting.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. George at
Greenbank in the afternoon. Rest all at home.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & George in the woods.
Robert & Annie at school. Self threshing flax seed. Afternoon
Wm, John and George in the woods. Self at flax seed. Wm. and
George at Greenbank to some performance in Sons Hall.
19 – Wind NW, snowing and drifting. Nothing doing. Afternoon
Wm. and John making a harrow. Self and Robert fanning flax
seed. Mother washing. Annie ironing. High wind but the sun
20 – Wind NW, very cold bright day. John & Wm. making harrow.
Mother baking. The rest doing nought. Annie at school.
Afternoon still stormy. Wm. and George in the woods. John at
Greenbank with his harrow. Self doing nought. Sally Akhurst
here. Received the Aberdeen paper of Feb. 28, 1872.
21 – Wind W, rather cold. John and George in the woods. Wm.
and self grinding axe. Samuel Belford here for some oats from
George. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm., John &
George in the woods. Self choring. Mother baking cakes.
George Michie died 1869.
22 – Wind W, snowing some. John and George drawing out
wood. Wm. in the woods. Self splitting wood. Robert and Annie
at school. Afternoon Wm., John and George in the woods. Self
at Greenbank for the papers.
23 – Wind W, snowing some. John & George drawing wood.
Wm. in the woods. Self mending Sally Akhursts boots.
Afternoon Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. Self, John & George
drawing in turnips.
24 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm., Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John & George at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Romans XV:4.
25 – Wind S, rather dull. John & George in the woods. Wm.
drawing logs. Self mending boots. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. [?] with elm logs. George at Greenbank.
John in the woods. Self at the school examination. Mr. and Mrs.
Luke and Fred here all night.
26 – Wind N, fine day. George at James Walkers boring caps17
Wm. at Mr. [Laziers?] with elm logs. John doing nought. Self
doing nought. Mr. Robt. Walker Jun. here to sell a horse to Mr.
Luke. Afternoon Wm. at [Laziers?] with elm logs. John in the
woods. Self doing nought. Mr. Luke leaves for home.
27 – Wind S, fine day, snow going fast. John & George drawing
out the last of their wood. Wm. in the woods. Mother washing.
Self splitting wood. James Belford here for turnips from Wm.
Afternoon Mother washing. John & Wm. in the woods. Self
putting up gaps in the fences. George leaves for A. Leasks.
George goes to A. Leasks for 8 months.
28 – No wind scarcely, dull day. Wm. in the woods. John doing
nought. Self putting handle on the spider. Afternoon Wm. in the
woods. John doing nought. Self writing to Margaret Mitchell.
Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. gone with elm logs. John doing
nought. Self writing. Mother baking. Afternoon Wm. and Robert
and horses drawing timber for a bridge on the creek. John at
Greenbank for the papers. Self making bolt for the stable door.
Mr. John Belford here wanting potatoes and pork.
30 – Wind S, fine day, snow melting fast. Wm. & Robert drawing
timber for a bridge on the creek. John doing nought. Self
choring. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the creek. John at
Greenbank with black mare to shoe. Self doing nought. Mother
scrubbing. George arrives from A. Leasks.
31 – Wind E with hail and rain. Wm. and Robert at Sunday
School. Afternoon sleet still falling. Nobody at any meeting.
Self seeing Mr. C. Asling in the forenoon, he being very sick.
APR. 1 – Wind NW, snow drifting and very cold. Wm. over the
creek with elm logs. Self doing nought. John writing letter to
Wm. Foster. Afternoon Wm. draws elm logs. Self at Greenbank
with letters. Mother at Chancy Aslings visiting.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. drawing elm logs. Self doing nought.
John doing nought. Mother washing. Afternoon Wm. making a
table to George Boddie. John going round. Self writing. Mother
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. making table for George Boddie.
John & self fanning grist. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon
Wm. making table. Self at mill with a grist. Mother at James
Walkers visiting. Isaac Clemens here asking hands for chopping
bee. Rec. letter from Barbara.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at table. Self and John doing
nought. Robert and Annie at school. Henry Love here for wood.
George here for his box. Afternoon Wm. at table. Self at the mill
for grist. Mother at George Boddies visiting. John doing nought.
5 – Wind SW, fine warm day. Wm. finishing table. Robert and
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. in his fallow. John doing
nought. Self doing nought.
6 – Wind S, warm day, snow melting fast. Wm. gone to Port
Perry. John doing nought. Self reading the papers. Mrs. Phair
here a little while. John Belford here for potatoes and pork.
Afternoon self and John doing nought.
‘Boring caps’ likely meant drilling holes into large
rocks in order to insert dynamite.
7 – Wind S, rather dull. Robert at Sunday School. No one from
here at any meeting. Rainy afternoon.
8 – Wind S, very dull soft day. Wm. gone to Scott to plaster.
John at Greenbank at the doctor. Self picking potatoes.
Afternoon self fixing the pump. Nothing doing.
9 – Wind S, very dull day. Mother washing. Self splitting wood.
John and Robert putting up fence. Afternoon self splitting wood.
John & Robert around the fences. Mr. John Leask here wanting
10 – Wind SW, rather rough day. John and Robert round the
fences. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John & Robert doing
nought. Self choring. Mr. Robert Phair brings home the turnip
11 – Wind NW, fine day. John and self taking in the sleigh.
Robert at school. Afternoon John doing nought. Self splitting
wood. Mother visiting at Mr. Akhursts and Mr. Boddies. McPhail
cow calves heifer.
12 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at school. Self and John drew 1
load of turnips when it began to rain. Afternoon still rainy.
Nothing doing.
13 – Wind W, blustering day. Self, Robert and John drawing
turnips. 7 loads. Wm. on his fallow. Mr. Eddie, the assessor,
here. Afternoon self, John & Robert drawing turnips. 5 loads.
Wm. in his fallow.
14 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. and Robert at Sunday School.
Black ewe lambed this morning, ewe lamb. Wm. at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching.
15 – Wind W, rather dull day. Wm. at Greenbank getting his
springboard mended. Self splitting wood. John doing nought.
Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon self splitting wood. Mrs.
Perkins here visiting. Ewe lambed ewe lamb.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. in the woods. John at Greenbank to
see the Dr. but did not. Self at Manchester and Port Perry for
Barbara. Robert at school. Ewe lambed ram lamb.
17 –Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Greenbank to see the Dr.
Wm. gone somewhere. Self choring. Barbara washing. Self
fixing a drain. John does not see the doctor. A letter comes from
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Wm. drawing rails. Afternoon
John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self fencing. Robert at
Greenbank with a letter to Mr. Fisher.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John plowing. Wm. fixing his
springboard. Self fencing. Barbara whitewashing. Afternoon
John plowing. Self fencing. Barbara whitewashing. Robert at
Greenbank for the papers. Wm. fixing his buckboard. 2 ewes
lambed 2 ewe and 2 rams.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John some sick. Wm. and Robert piling
wood. Self choring. Barbara cleaning up. Afternoon John
plowing. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. Self piling wood.
Barbara scrubbing. Mother sewing for Miss Ann Gordon who is
here visiting.
21 – Wind S, fine day, looking some like rain. Wm., Barbara,
Robert and Annie at Sunday School. John some bad with
rheumatism. Self, Wm., Mother, Barbara and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from 2
Corinthians XII:9. My grace is sufficient for you and my strength
perfected in weakness.
22 – Wind N, cold day. Self took home 5 bags of oats to Mr.
Perkins which was borrowed in the fall. Wm. and John doing
nought. Afternoon Wm. at Samuel Byers lathing. John plowing.
Self making gate. Alexander Gordon here for a load of turnips.
Mrs. A. Gordon here visiting.
23 – Wind SW, fine day, hard frost through the night. Wm. at Mr.
Byers house. Self, John and Robert drawing turnips. Wm.
McMillan and A. Gordon here for turnips from Wm. Afternoon fall
of snow. Self, John & Robert fanning oats and pease.
24 – Wind SW, warm day, snow melting fast. John plowing. Wm.
at Mr. Byers house. Self making gate. Afternoon John plowing.
Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. Mother at Mr. Burtons visiting.
Self making axe. Ewe lambed ewe and ram.
25 – Wind SW, fine drying day. Wm. gone to Whitefield Lees to
lath. John plowing. Self mending barley fork. Mrs. Martineau
here visiting. Afternoon self and John striking off the lands in the
turnip field.
26 – Wind W, fine drying day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. John
plowing. Self choring. Afternoon John plowing. Self digging the
garden. Margaret Johnstone and Isabella Michie here visiting.
Robert at Greenbank for the papers.
27 – Wind W, rather cold, some frost through the night. John
plowing. Self digging garden. Afternoon John plowing. Self
digging garden. Barbara scrubbing. Robert and Barbara at
Greenbank in the evening.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Annie and Robert at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, Mother, and Barbara at
Presbyterian church. Mr. McArthur preaching from John VI:9.
George here from A. Leasks.
29 – Wind S, some frost through the night. Wm. at Mr. Byers
house. John plowing. Annie at school. Robert at Greenbank
getting Wms. horse shoed. Self sowing some grass seeds.
Afternoon John harrowing. Self writing a letter to Margaret.
John goes to A. Leasks to work for George who is going to the
jury. Mother goes to John Leasks all night.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self rolling
new grass. Annie at school. Barbara washing. Afternoon self
MAY 1 – Wind SW, fine day, some rain. Self plowing. Wm.
whitewashing the kitchen. Afternoon some rain. Self plowing.
Wm. doing nought. Mother comes home from visiting.
2 – Wind W, cold rough day. Wm. and Robert sowing pease and
oats. Self harrowing. Polly heifer calves a bull. Afternoon self
harrowing. Wm. in the woods. Barbara visiting at Chancy
Aslings. Very cold night.
3 – Wind W, hoar frost. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self harrowing
and rolling. Rain at 11 o’clock. Afternoon some snow. Self
plowing. Annie gone to A. Gordons for Mothers spectacles.
4 – Wind N, some snow through the night. Wm. doing nought.
Self plowing. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the creek. Self
plowing. Misses Margaret and Eliza Mathews here visiting and
for potatoes. Barbara scrubbing. John arrives from A. Leasks.
5 – Wind W, some frost, looking like rain. Wm., Annie, Barbara
and Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm. and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Psalms
VII:3,4. Monthly collection today.
6 – Wind Easterly, not much of it, warm day. Wm. gone to
Whitefield Lees to plaster. John harrowing. Self and Robert
sowing wheat, oats and barley. Barbara washing. Mother
churning. Afternoon John harrowing. Self sowing grass seeds.
Wm. arrives from Whitefields. Williams, pedlar, here and some
coverlet pedlar.
7 –Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Barbara gone to Manchester.
John harrowing. Self sowing grass seeds. Annie at school.
Afternoon John rolling. Self and Robert planting Early Rose
potatoes and Garnet [?].
8 – Wind NE, fine day. John plowing. Self trimming currant
bushes. Wm. in his fallow. Robert at Greenbank with potatoes
to Mr. King and Mr. Miller. Annie at school. Mother baking.
Barbara ironing. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert
planting apple trees. Barbara at John Leasks for a quilting bee.
Wm. away asking Wm. Love to come and log for him. Some rain
through the night. Self at Presbyterian Church Meeting about
Mr. McArthurs resignation.
9 – Wind SW, very dull and looking like rain. John plowing. Wm.
fixing round. Self fixing gate. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in
his fallow. Self writing. James Carr for Wms. horse to go to mill.
Very high wind this afternoon from the southwest.
10 – Wind NE, fine day. John plowing. Self writing. Mrs.
Martineau here making Annies dress. Afternoon John plowing.
Wm. in his fallow. Self at Greenbank for the papers. Mr. Akhurst
here for pease.
11 – Wind SW, warm day. Self plowing. John, Wm., James Carr,
Wm. Love and his oxen logging for Wm. Afternoon self plowing.
The same party logging. Barbara scrubbing.
12 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Genesis I:1.
Ewe lambed ewe lamb.
13 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. at his fallow. John harrowing. Self
and Robert sowing wheat. Annie at school. Barbara washing.
Afternoon Wm. in his fallow. John harrowing. Self planting
potatoes. Robert at Greenbank with plow cutter to be sharped.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. in his fallow. John harrowing. Self
pruning apple trees. Mother sowing carrots and beets.
Afternoon Wm. and John branding in their fallow. Self and
Mother at Brock. Annie at school. Sent a letter to Salt Lake City.
15 – Wind E, fine day. Wm. and John drawing rails. Annie at
school. Self and Robert at the Presbretry Prince Albert. Mr.
Thorn here and altered the colt. Afternoon Wm. in his fallow.
John plowing.
16 – Wind E, fine day. Wm. and Robert sowing Johns wheat.
Annie at school. Self filling up potatoes. Mare foaled last night.
John harrowing his wheat. Self filling potatoes.
17 – Wind S, fine day. John harrowing. Wm. and Robert
drowning fire in the fallow. Annie at school. Mother home from
Mr. Akhursts. Self filling potatoes. Mrs. Martineau here sewing.
Afternoon John and Barbara at Port Perry with potatoes. Wm.
and Robert fencing. Self filling potatoes for Mr. Hill and Mr.
18 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Wm. fixing Mrs. Martineaus
clock. Self choring. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert in
fallow. Annie at the creek fishing. Self mending harness.
19 –Wind SE and raining. Robert at Sunday School. Wm. and
John at Presbyterian Meeting. Still raining some. George here
from Mr. Leasks. Mr. Alex. Leask of Brock the preacher for this
20 – Wind W, some showers. John plowing. Wm. and Robert
planting potatoes in new fallow. Self sowing plaster and planting
potatoes in the orchard. Afternoon Wm. and Robert planting
potatoes in fallow. John harrowing. Self sowing Johns oats.
Wm. at the fishing in the night at Sonya and caught 2 mudcats.
Mr. Iansons horse Mosstrooper here in the afternoon.
21 – Wind W, dull cloudy day. Wm. gone to Mr. James Scotts to
plaster. John harrowing his oats. Self mending stone boat.
Afternoon John plowing in the orchard. Wm. planting potatoes
and Robert too. Self at Greenbank for coal oil.
22 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Wm. planting potatoes. Self
plowing in the orchard. John gone to Atherly. Afternoon raining.
Self and Annie at Manchester. George Michie and his wife here
for some potatoes.
23 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and Robert planting potatoes. Self
plowing. Mrs. Belford and a son of Mrs. Mills here for potatoes.
Afternoon self harrowing and plowing.
24 – Wind S, dull day with some rain. Wm. and Robert playing
the harp. Self harrowing. Afternoon self and Wm. at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Currie of Manilla preaching, not many
of attendance.
25 – Wind W, rather cool day. Self, Mother & Robert cutting
potatoes. Wm. at Mr. Matthews. Afternoon self, Robert and
Annie at potatoes. Wm. doing nought. Mother sewing. Barbara
scrubbing. Mr. Acksey here in the evening. John arrives from
Atherlys, got no money.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother,
Wm., Barbara and Annie at Brock, it being the sacrament. Mr.
McArthur preaching from Jeremiah VXIII:6 The Lord our
righteousness. Collection nearly 8 dollars.
27 – Wind W, cloudy, thunder and rain through the night. Wm.
making a dulcimer. John taking down the upstair bedsteads.
Self turning potatoes. Afternoon Wm., Robert, John, Mother and
self planting potatoes. Great thunderstorm at night.
28 – Wind NW, rather cold. Skunk caught in the henhouse. Wm.
at Mr. Matthews to see Herman Bunker. Self, John and Robert
cutting potatoes and finished planting before dinner. Alex.
[Wilters?] here for some potatoes. Afternoon Wm. at Robert
Phairs cistern. John and Robert filling up Georges oats. Self at
Presbyterian Meeting to settle whether an annuity is to be given
to Mr. McArthur on retiring from the ministry. Nothing to be
given. Edward Boe here to supper. Barbara at A. Gordons.
Wm. at meeting of U.S. School to settle about anniversary.
29 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cool. Wm. at Robert Phairs
cistern. John out with Georges oats. Self digging garden.
Barbara washing. Afternoon self mending fences. John sowing
his plaster.
30 – Wind W, showery. John gone to Alex Witters to plant
potatoes. Self harrowing. Wm. & Robert at Greenbank, Robert
Phairs cistern. Mrs. Walker here visiting. Afternoon self plowing.
Mother and Mrs. Walker at Mr. Perkins visiting. Wm. and Robert
at Greenbank at concert.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at Robert Phairs cistern.
Self plowing. Afternoon self, Robert, Wm. and Annie washing the
sheep after dinner. Then plowing. George here in the evening.
John arrives from A. Witters. Robert at Greenbank for the
June 1 – Wind SW, rather dull, looking like rain. John plowing.
Wm. and Robert gone to Port Perry. Mother churning and
making soap. Self fixing fence. Afternoon John plowing. Self
making road in the swamp.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara & Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from Acts II:4.
Collection today.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert in the
swamp. Wm. in his fallow. Barbara washing. Afternoon John
rolling. Wm. on the sideline. Self and Robert splitting rails.
Annie at Barbara Walkers birthday party.
4 – Wind E, rather dull, rain at 9 o’clock. John plowing. Self
fencing. Barbara churning. Afternoon still raining. Self, John &
Robert fanning wheat and oats and filling up potatoes. Wm. and
Barbara at committee meeting of the Union S. School.
5 – Wind N, cold fine day. John plowing. Self fencing. Wm. in
the woods. Robert pulling hemlock bark. Afternoon John in the
woods. Wm. gone to get a choir for the anniversary. Robert at
Greenbank to get measured for a coat. Mother at Mrs. Akhursts.
Self splitting rails.
6 – Wind SW, fine day, looking like rain. John pulling bark. Wm.
in the woods. Annie at school. Barbara cleaning up. Self and
Robert shearing sheep. Afternoon John at bark. Wm. in the
woods. Self and Robert shearing sheep. Barbara still cleaning
7 – Wind SE, very dull, commenced to rain about 9 o’clock. John
pulling bark. Self and Barbara at Manchester with some
potatoes, oats, and one tub of butter. Rain all the afternoon.
8 – Wind SW, rather dull. Wm. painting Mr. Boddies house. John
and Robert pulling bark. Self fixing gates. Afternoon some
showers. John and Robert at bark. Self at gates. Barbara
scrubbing. Annie scrubbing.
9 – Wind S, looking like rain. Self, Wm., Barbara, Robert and
Annie at the Sunday School. Samuel Manning and Maggie
Leask here to dinner. Not any meeting at the Presbyterian
Church. Mr. McArthur at the assembly. John at Primitive
10 – Wind S, showers through the day with thunder. Wm. at
George Boddies painting. John and Robert spudding thistles.
Self at the Iansons with red mare to horse. Annie at school.
Afternoon still raining, nothing doing. Self at mill with grist. John
and Robert filling barley.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert spudding thistles.
Wm. gone to Prince Albert and Port Perry. Self splitting rails.
Annie at school. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting his
likeness took. Self fixing the cellar window. Mother at Mr.
Perkins for salt. Some rain at night.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Boddies house painting. Self
at Manchester with barley. Annie at school. Bought a bureau for
Barbara from Mr. Davis of Port Perry. Wm. and Barbara at
Greenbank practicing for the anniversary.
13 – Wind NW, dull day, looking like rain. John harrowing. Self
at Mr. Iansons with red mare. Annie at school. Mrs. Martineau
here making dress for Barbara. Wm. at Mr. Boddies painting.
Afternoon rainy. John harrowing a little while self and Robert
filling potatoes. Took 34 bushels of Harrisons into the granary.
14 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm., John and self at road work.
Annie at school. Afternoon John and Pete Martineau begging for
anniversary. Self and Wm. at the road. Robert at the road.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Wm. at road work. Mother
and Barbara pulling down the carpet. Afternoon self, John and
Robert at the road. Wm. gone over the creek to let some jobs on
the sideline but did not do it.
16 – Wind S, warm day, looking like rain. Wm., Barbara and
Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McArthur preaching from
Deuteronomy XXXVIII:5.6 on Moses death.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to take some groceries to John
Leasks. Barbara at Greenbank. John cutting thistles. Self at
road work in the swamp. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at his
road work. John harrowing. Self hoeing potatoes. Barbara
papering the upstairs room. Mother baking.
18 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. at his road work. John rolling
turnip land. Self hoeing. Barbara washing. Mother choring.
Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in the swamp
burning brush. John drilling. Self hoeing potatoes. Wm. and
Barbara at Greenbank practicing singing for the anniversary.
19 – Wind SW, very warm day. Wm. in the woods. John drilling.
Self hoeing potatoes. Annie at school. Mother gone to Mr. John
Leasks to bake for the anniversary. Afternoon John drilling.
Wm. burning brush. Self hoeing and sowing turnips.
20 – Wind W, warm day. Wm. singing. John drilling. Self hilling
potatoes. Annie at school. Self took red mare to horse.
Afternoon John drilling. Self hilling potatoes. Wm. and Robert
burning brush. Wm. at Greenbank practicing singing for the
21 – Wind W, fine day. John drilling. Self at the anniversary
grounds. Annie at school. John drilling. Wm. burning brush.
Afternoon very high wind. Wm. at Uxbridge in the evening.
22 – Wind NW, fine cool day. Wm. gone to Port Perry. John
gone to anniversary grounds. Self hilling potatoes. Robert at
Greenbank with Wms. horse to shoe. Afternoon Margaret
arrives from Whitby. Self drilling in the orchard. Mr. Bagshaw
here for 3 bushels of potatoes. Wm., Barbara and Margaret at A.
Leasks practicing singing.
23 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Robert at
anniversary. Afternoon Self, Wm., John, Margaret, Barbara,
Robert and Annie at the anniversary. Mr. Argo preaching from
Zachariah IV:7.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Greenbank Union Sabbath
School anniversary. Speakers Mr. J. Miller, R. Miller, F. Tavis, ,
Mr. Flint Sr., Rev. Mr. Smith from Glasgow and Mr. [Cummer?].
Singers Misses Gordon, A. Gibson, N. Gibson, [???], T. Scott,
and Knowles. Concert in the evening in the Methodist Church.
25 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Whitby with
Margaret, Elizabeth Akhurst, Elizabeth Burton and Barbara.
John doing nought. Self talking to Mr. Stillwell. Afternoon self,
John and Robert fencing Wms. woods. Alex Leask died.
26 – Wind NE, very warm. Self, John and Robert fencing Wms.
woods. Mother churning. Annie at school. Afternoon self, John
and Robert hoeing potatoes. Wm. and Barbara arrives from
Whitby. Self and John at Bible Society meeting in Wesleyan
Church. Revd. Mr. Manley addressing the meeting. Some 15 of
an audience. Nothing done during the year. Mr. Manley not
pleased at the little interest taken in it.
27 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. and Robert burning brush. Self
and John dunging out the sheep house. Annie at school.
Barbara washing. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at brush burning.
Self taking dung off the barn floor. John at the mill for a grist.
Mother sewing.
28 – Wind S, very warm. Wm. in his fallow. John hoeing
potatoes. Self doing nought. Mother gone to Mr. Stillwells.
Barbara baking. Afternoon raining with thunder. Wm. and John
in the fallow. Self and Robert planting cabbage.
29 – Wind W, very warm. Wm., John, Wm. Love and his oxen
logging for Wm. Barbara ironing. Self finishes sowing turnips in
the orchard. Afternoon Wm., John, James Carr and Wm. Love
logging. Self hoeing potatoes. Barbara ironing and scrubbing.
Wm. at Saintfield at night.
30 – Wind SW, very warm. Barbara and Annie at Primitive
Methodist Meeting. Mrs. Scott here in the afternoon.
JULY 1 – Wind W, very warm day. Wm. and Robert in the fallow.
Self and John hoeing potatoes. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in
the fallow. Self and John hoeing potatoes. Mother at Mr. Robert
Phairs visiting. Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Wm. Beare here visiting.
Barbara at Mr. Mathews.
2 – Wind W, warm day. Wm., John, James Carr and Wm. Love
and his oxen logging. Self scuffling potatoes. Afternoon Wm.,
John and Wm. Love logging. Shower at dinner. Self, Barbara
and Annie at Primitive Methodist school anniversary. Wm., John
and Barbara at concert in the evening.
3 – Wind SW, very warm, some thunder and rain through the
night. Wm. and Robert burning off their fallow. John hilling
potatoes. Self hoeing in the garden. A. Cragg here for the turnip
drill. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in Wms. fallow. Self and Robert
cutting thistles. Annie at school. Black sow pigged 10 pigs.
4 – Wind SW, rather cloudy. John cutting thistles. Wm. planting
turnip seed. Annie at school. Self at Manchester, Prince Albert
and Port Perry for Paris Green. Shower of rain at noon.
5 – Wind W, cool day. Self turning potatoes. John & Robert
cutting thistles. Mr. Stillwell here buying Wms. ram. Wm. sowing
his turnips. Mrs. Love Sen. And Mrs. David Cragg here for
potatoes. Afternoon Wm. harrowing his turnips. John and
Robert cutting thistles. Annie gone to Wm. Beares to a party.
Wm. Love here for Georges steer.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his turnips. John cutting thistles.
Self talking to Mr. Stillwell. Afternoon Wm. and Robert in the
fallow. John fixing up potatoes. Self hoeing potatoes and at Mr.
Iansons with red mare in the evening.
7 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., Barbara, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. John at English Meeting. Wm. takes
Mary Jane Luke and Barbara to Greenbank.
8 – Wind S, warm day. Wm., Barbara, and Robert gone to Utica
to a church opening. Annie at school. John hoeing turnips. Self
scuffling turnips. Afternoon self and John hoeing turnips. Mother
picking wool.
9 – Wind S, very warm day. John, Wm. and Robert hoeing
turnips. Annie at school. Self at Prince Albert at the meeting of
the presbetry.
10 – Wind S, some rain in the morning, very warm day. Wm.
splitting rails. Annie at school. Self and John mowing a little.
Barbara washing. Afternoon heavy shower after dinner. Wm.
splitting rails. Self and John choring. Mrs. A. Chalmers and Miss
Lizzie Chalmers here. Lizzie remains.
11 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. in his fallow. Self and John
mowing. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. splitting rails. Self
and John mowing oats. George here in the evening. Heard that
A. Leask was dead.
12 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. splitting rails. John and Robert
hoeing turnips. Self scuffling turnips. Annie at school.
Afternoon self turning hay. John and Robert hoeing turnips.
Wm. on the sideline working. Elizabeth Chalmers and Mother
leaves for Mr. Duffs. Self took red mare to Greenbank to horse.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. on the sideline working. Self, John
and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drew in 4 loads of hay into the barn. Wm. on the sideline.
Barbara goes to Brock with Lizzie Chalmers.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
George here from A. Leasks. Miss Barbara Walker here in the
afternoon. Mr. McArthur said to be preaching A. Leasks funeral
sermon at Presbyterian Meeting.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Port Perry for boots. Self,
John and Robert hoeing turnips. Barbara arrives from Brock.
Afternoon self, John and Robert hoeing turnips.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self and John
mowing. Robert hoeing turnips. Barbara and Annie picking
berries. Afternoon self and John mowing. Robert hoeing.
Some showers through the afternoon with thunder.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Robert
hoeing turnips. Self and John mowing hay. Barbara washing.
Afternoon self and John cuts out the hay and hoes turnips.
Robert hoeing turnips.
18 – Wind N, some rain in the morning. Wm. at Mr. Byers house.
Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie and Barbara picking
berries. Afternoon self, John and Robert drew 12 loads of hay
into the stable loft and hoed some turnips. Mother at Mr. Perkins
visiting. Annies birthday. Miss B. Walker, Agnes Duff, Sally
Akhurst and Hannah and Eva Perkins all swinging in the barn.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self and John
mowing Johns hay. Robert hoeing. Barbara and Annie picking
berries. Afternoon Wm. and John at David Craggs barn raising.
Self and Robert raking hay. Raising lasted til 12 o’clock at night.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John
and Robert drew in 6 loads of hay. Annie at Greenbank for the
papers. Afternoon looking like rain. Self, John and Robert drew
5 loads of hay which finishes the haying at home. Barbara
scrubbing. Mother picking currants.
21 – Wind W, raining all morning with some thunder. No one at
the Sunday School. Self, John, Mother, Barbara, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. Taylor preaching from 1st
Peter I:4,5. Good attendance.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Wm. and John mowing. Barbara,
Robert, Annie, Margaret Leask and Jane Michie picking berries.
Afternoon self, Wm., and John mowing. Robert turning hay. The
rest picking berries.
23 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self,
John and Robert raking hay. Barbara at Manchester for sugar.
Afternoon Wm. at Mr. John Reals barn raising. Self, John and
Robert raking hay. Mrs. Perkins here visiting. Great show at
Port Perry today.
24 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm. gone to John Lees house.
Self, John and Robert stacking Johns hay. Barbara and Annie
picking berries. Afternoon self, John and Robert stacking hay.
10 little loads.
25 – Wind S, and looking like rain. Self, John and Robert
stacking Johns hay. Barbara washing. Afternoon self, John and
Robert finishes Johns hay. John and self mowing barley.
Barbara at Mr. Thos. Phairs visiting.
26 – Wind SW, shower in the forenoon. Self and John mowing
barley. Barbara and Annie picking berries. Afternoon self and
John mowing barley. Mr. C. Scott, pedlar, here all night. Apple
tree agent visiting.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips in
the orchard. Mother baking and churning. Afternoon self, John
and Robert hoeing. Barbara scrubbing. Isabella Michie and
Mary Michie here all night.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Robert, Annie, Isabella
Michie and Mary Michie at the Sunday School. Self, Wm., John
and Barbara at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Galloway preaching
from Heb. I: 1, 2. Collection for the expenses of the assembly
29 – Wind S, much thunder and looking like rain. Wm. at Mr.
Byers house. Self, John and Robert raking barley. Rain at 10
o’clock. Afternoon John taking 8 lambs to A. Stones place. Self
hoeing the garden.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. John
mowing barley. Self killing calf. Afternoon John and Robert
hoeing turnips. Self scuffling turnips. Looking like rain. Mrs.
Thos. Phair here for black currants.
AUG. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at his turnips. Self, John,
Robert and Annie drew 4 loads of barley. Afternoon self, John
and Robert and Annie drew 1 load of barley. Mrs. A. Gordon,
Mrs. Burton, Mrs. McArthur, Miss Isabella Gordon here visiting.
Agnes Boddie here all night.
2 – Wind SE, thunder and rain through the night. Wm. gone to
Mr. Byers house. Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
gone to Brock. Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers. Mother
at Mr. Akhursts. John and Robert hoeing turnips. Some rain in
the afternoon. Wm., John and Robert at Mr. Gibbs meeting at
3 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. at his turnips. Self, John and Robert
hoeing turnips. Mrs. Walker here visiting. Afternoon Wm. at his
turnips. Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips. Drew 3 loads of
barley which finishes.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Barbara and Robert at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Macintosh preaching from Heb.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John and
Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon self, John and Robert finishes
turnip hoeing.
6 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. John gone to Mr.
John Leasks to seek work. Self and Robert at Port Perry for
lumber. Mr. Duff and Mr. Akhurst here in the evening for pigs.
7 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self and
Robert fixing bedsteads and cleaning out the cellar. Afternoon
self fixing pumps. Self, Wm. and Robert at a meeting at A.
Gordons at Greenbank on the political questions of the day.
Mother at James Walkers visiting. John arrives from J. Leasks.
8 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self
pulling pease. John gone to cut James Walkers barley.
Afternoon self cutting pease. Robert at Greenbank with Wms.
horse to be shoed. Election at South Ontario. Mr. T. Gibbs
9 –Wind S, very warm day. Wm. gone to Mr. Markhams to
plaster. Mother gone to Brock. John at Jas. Walkers barley.
Self cutting pease. Afternoon self cutting pease.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert cut out the pease. John
cradling oats. Mother arrives from Brock with Annie sick of sore
throat. Afternoon self, John and Robert binding oats.
11 – Wind SW, very dull day. Wm., Barbara and Robert at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., and Barbara at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Taylor preaching.
12 – Wind SE, very dull day and some rain. Wm. gone to Mr.
Markhams. Barbara at Greenbank. Self, John and Robert
cutting and binding wheat. Afternoon self, John and Robert
cutting and binding oats.
13 – Wind E, dull day. Self, John and Robert cutting and binding
oats. Barbara washing. Afternoon self, John & Robert drawing
pease. Rev. Mr. Taylor and Mrs. John Leask here and Mrs.
Martineau and Mrs. Boddie visiting.
14 – Wind SW, dull day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John and
Robert cutting oats. Afternoon Barbara at Greenbank for the
doctor to Annie. Self, John and Robert at oats. Slight shower in
the evening.
15 – Wind N, rather cloudy. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John
and Robert cutting wheat and oats. Afternoon John going round
trying to get some work. Self fixing water for the cattle. Pamela
Burton here visiting.
16 – Wind easterly, fine day. Wm. gone to John Leasks to
harvest. John at Mr. Akhursts harvesting. Self at Port Perry with
a grist. Margaret Walker here visiting. Annie still sickly with sore
17 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Mr. Duffs. Self fixing
washtub. Robert pulling flax. Barbara scrubbing. Mother gone
to Alex Leasks, the baby being very sick. Meeting of Grits at
Greenbank, none from here at it.
18 –Wind SW, looking like rain. Mother arrives from A. Leasks.
Nobody at Sunday School. Self and John at Presbyterian
Church and there was not any preacher. Wm. and Barbara at
Greenbank in the evening. No meeting there.
19 – Wind SW, very warm day. Wm. at A. Leasks. John at T.
Duffs. Self and Robert pulling flax. Barbara washing. Afternoon
Robert cutting timothy. Self choring.
20 – Wind S, very warm. Self, Wm. and John at Greenbank and
voted for Thompson. Afternoon Wm. gone to A. Leasks. Self,
John and Robert at Johns oats. Slight showers in the afternoon.
Mother visiting at Mr. Akhursts, his baby being sick. John &
Robert at Greenbank in the evening. Mr. W. Gibbs, majority 216.
W. Akhursts child dies.
21 – Wind S, thunder and rain through the night. John cutting his
oats and goes to George Boddies to rake and bind wheat. Self
and Robert binding oats. Afternoon self and Robert cutting a
swath round the wheat field. Mr. Akhurst at Brooklin with the
black mare for his daughter. Mr. R. Phairs binding bee.
22 – Wind N and very high. Wm. gone to A. Leasks. John at R.
Phairs. T. Duff here reaping wheat. Self and George Boddie
binding. Robert gone with Lizzie Akhurst to Prince Albert.
Afternoon T. Duff reaping. John, self and George Boddie
binding. Mother, Robert and Annie at Mr. Akhursts childs
23 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to A. Leasks. Self and John
binding wheat. Robert shocking. Barbara gone to Port Perry
with the Misses Akhurst. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing in wheat and oats.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to A. Leasks. John gone to Mr.
Akhursts. Self and Robert binding oats. Afternoon self and
Robert shocking wheat. Mother at A. Leasks, their baby being
25 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara, Robert and
Annie at funeral of J. Leask son of the late A. Leask. Mr. Cairns
preaching from Matthew XII:40.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to A. Leasks. John gone to T.
Duffs. Annie at school. Self and Robert fencing pease stack and
cutting Johns wheat. Afternoon self, John, and Robert cutting
Johns wheat. Rev. Mr. Cairns here. Mr. James Walker has a
binding bee. Annie at school.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. at A. Leasks. John, self and Robert
at Johns wheat. Afternoon John, self and Robert at Johns
wheat. Mother to Greenbank with the Minister. Annie at school.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at A. Leasks. Self, John and Robert
finishes the cutting and binding of Johns wheat. Annie at school.
Afternoon self, John & Robert drawing wheat.
29 – Wind SW, and very like rain. Self, John and Robert finishes
cutting and binding Johns oats and drew some wheat. Wm. at A.
Leasks. Annie at school. Afternoon finished drawing of Johns
oats. Some showers with thunder.
30 –Wind N and cold. Nothing doing much. Wm. gone over the
creek. John & Barbara at Uxbridge. Self doing nought.
Afternoon high wind and rain. Nought doing. Annie at school.
Ann Michie died 1846.
31 – Wind N and high, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house
but does not work any. John fixing his shocks. Self doing
nought. Afternoon Wm., John and Robert working on the
sideline. Self raking wheat stubble with horse rake.
SEPT. 1 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday school. Self, Wm., Mother, Barbara and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cairns preaching from Hebrews IV:8.
Mother gone to John Gordons to see a sick child. Wesley Luke
here to dinner.
2 – Wind N, looking like rain. Wm. at A. Leasks. Self, John and
Robert drawing Johns wheat. Afternoon drew the last of Johns
wheat and [?] Roberts potatoes. Annie at home.
3 – Wind W, very cold. John working on the sideline. Annie at
school. Self and Robert at Prince Albert and Port Perry.
Presbetry meeting in Prince Albert Church.
4 – Wind S, looking like rain. John and Robert gone to the
sideline to work. Self digging stones. Annie at school.
Afternoon John and Robert at sideline. Self digging stones.
Wm. comes home from A. Leasks.
5 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., John & Robert at
sideline. Self plowing. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm., John
and Robert at sideline. Self plowing. Mr. James Carr [took]
Wms. horse to mill.
6 – Wind W, fine day, though some dull. John and Robert
plowing. Self and Barbara at Brock. Annie at school. Wm. at
Mr. Byers house. John and Robert plowing.
7 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
John and Robert plowing. Self burning stones.18
Afternoon John
and Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank. Mother at James
Walkers visiting.
8 – Wind W, very warm. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, Barbara and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Gillies preaching from Luke XV:4.
9 – Wind easterly, raining some through the forenoon. John
mending horse troughs. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Annie at
school. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert plowing.
Self digging stones.
10 – Wind S, threatening rain. Wm. gone to Byers house. John
and Robert plowing. Self cutting burrs on Wms. farm. Annie at
school. Afternoon John plowing and pulling stumps. Self
burning stumps.
11 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert pulling stumps. Self
burning stumps. Annie at school. Afternoon Robert harrowing.
John at Wm. Reals raising. Self burning stumps. Mrs. S. Byers
and Mrs. John Byers here visiting. Wm. at Byers house.
12 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house.
Self, John and Robert drawing dung. Rain at 10 o’clock.
Barbara spinning. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing
dung. Rain at 5 o’clock. Mrs. R. Phair here visiting.
13 – Wind N, rough with showers. Nothing doing. Self digging
stumps. Afternoon John and Robert drawing dung. Self digging
stumps. Mrs. Walker brings parcel from the old country from
Margaret Mitchell.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self, John
and Robert drawing dung. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing dung. Barbara scrubbing.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Barbara at
‘Burning stones’ – farmers would need to remove very
large rocks from their fields, so they would pile brush
around them and set them on fire. Once the rocks were
sufficiently heated, adding cold water would cause them
to crack, thus making them easier to split into smaller
pieces which they could then move with less difficulty.
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Gillies preaching from Luke XV:4.
Isabella Gordon here all night.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Loves. John gone to
Port Perry. Annie at school. Self digging stones. Afternoon self
at Greenbank getting black mare shoed. Barbara and Isabella
Gordon at Mr. Burtons visiting.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Mathews to dig a well.
John and Robert drawing dung. Self at Thos. Phairs threshing.
Annie at school. Barbara and Isabella Gordon at Port Perry to
Mr. Martins.
18 – Wind S, looking like rain. Self at Thos. Phairs threshing.
John and Robert drawing dung. Annie at school. Barbara
washing. Afternoon some rain. Self, John and Robert drawing
dung. Wm. at Mr. Byers house.
19 – Wind N, showery. Self, John and Robert digging stones.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at dung. Wm. at Mr. Byers
house. Mother visiting at Mr. Burtons.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers house. Self,
John and Robert and horses at Mr. Perkins threshing. Annie at
school. Isabella Gordon leaves for Mr. Akhursts.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert and horses at Mr.
Perkins threshing. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Afternoon self, John
and Robert at dung. Barbara at James Walkers threshing.
22 – Wind SW, thunder in the morning and some rain. Wm.,
Robert and Barbara at U.S. School. Self, Mother, Wm., John
and Barbara at Presbyterian Church. A young man preaching
from Heb. II:3.
23 – Wind SE, dull day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John and
Barbara at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Afternoon Wm. over the
creek to see some jobs of road work. Some thunder through the
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. Self, John and
Barbara and Robert at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert spreading dung. Self at school in the
evening. Annie at school. John gets 4 bags of oats from Mr.
25 – Wind SW, rather showery. Wm. at Mr. Byers house. John
plowing. Self spreading dung. Robert digging his potatoes.
Afternoon John plowing. Self at Greenbank getting Wms. horse
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Self spreading dung. John plowing.
Annie at school. Some gentleman puts lightning rods on the
barn. Afternoon self burning stones. John plowing. Mother
visiting at Mrs. Leasks.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at school. John plowing. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self spreading dung.
Wm. and Robert digging potatoes.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert digging potatoes. John
plowing. Self spreading dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self
spreading dung. Wm. and Robert at potatoes.
29 – Wind SE, rain in the morning. Wm., Barbara, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Currie of Manilla preaching from Luke
III:17. Church declared vacant.
30 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. and John gone to John Gordons
to dig a well. Annie at school. Barbara washing. Self plowing.
Afternoon self ditching in the swamp.
OCT. 1 – Wind N, rough showery day. Annie at school. Self
digging stones. Robert has toothache. Afternoon self digging
stones. Wm. and John gone to Chancy Aslings well. First day of
Fair at Prince Albert.
2 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. and John gone to Mr. Aslings well.
Self, Barbara, Robert and Annie at county fair, Prince Albert.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Mr. Aslings well.
Self and Robert burning stumps in the swamp. Afternoon Mrs.
James Carr here visiting. Self and Robert burning stumps.
4 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Mr. Aslings well.
Annie at school. Self and Robert fixing the stable. Afternoon self
and horses at George Boddies threshing. Barbara at Mr.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and John at Mr. Aslings well. Self
and horses at George Boddies threshing. Barbara at George
6 – Wind W, with thunder and showers. Wm., Barbara, Robert
and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Wm., John and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. No service.
7 – Wind N, rather dull. Wm. at Mr. Boddies well. Annie at
school. Self, John and Robert fixing for the threshing machine.
Barbara washing. Mother churning.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to Thomas Phairs well. Annie
at school. Self, John and Robert digging potatoes. Afternoon
self, John and Robert digging potatoes in the orchard. Threshing
machine came tonight.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Threshing. Mr. Perkins and horses, Mr.
Boddie and horses, R. Phair, Thos. Phair, Thos. Duff, Wm.
Akhurst, Jas. Walker, Wm., John and self at it. Threshed all day.
10 – Wind NW, rough day. Threshing. Mr. Perkins and horses,
Mr. Boddie and horses, Jas. Walker Jun., Thos Phair, James
Walker Sen., Thos. Duff, Wm. Akhurst, Wm., John and self
threshed til noon. All finished. Afternoon self, John and Robert
clearing the barn door. Wm. at Thos. Phairs well.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Mr. Duffs threshing. Wm. at
Thos. Phairs well. Self and Robert doing nought. Annie at
school. Afternoon self doing nought. Barbara and Robert at
12 – Wm. at Thos. Phairs well. Self, John, Robert and Annie
digging potatoes. Mr. James Carr here wanted nought.
Afternoon John at Thos. Phairs well. Self, Robert and Annie at
13 – Wind SW, dull day. Wm., Robert and Barbara at Sunday
School. No Presbyterian meeting.
14 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm. and Robert gone to Mr. Gilroys
to plaster. He not ready, they go to Mr. Belfords. Self, John,
Robert, Annie and Mother at potatoes. Afternoon self, John,
Mother , Annie and Robert at potatoes.
15 – Wind SW, cold day. Self, John, Mother, Annie and Robert at
potatoes. Barbara washing. Afternoon snowing. Self, John and
Robert fanning barley.
16 – Wind NW, rough day. John at Greenbank paying the
blacksmith bill. Barbara spinning. Mother churning. Robert and
Annie pairing apples. Self doing nought. Afternoon self, John &
Robert at potatoes. Barbara at Mr. Wm. Reals quilting. Mother
& Annie at potatoes.
17 – Wind SE, frosty morning. Self, John and Robert at potatoes.
Barbara spinning. Mother draining milk. Annie at potatoes.
Rain at noon. Afternoon self and John and Robert fanning
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John, Robert and Annie and
Mother at potatoes. Afternoon self, Mother, John and Robert
finishes digging potatoes. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
Barbara scrubbing. Wesley and Louis Luke here all night.
19 – Wind N, rather cold. Wesley Luke leaves for home. John
and Robert taking in the apples. Self and Barbara at Port Perry
with 39 bushels of barley. Barbara gone to Brock with the train.
Margaret comes home with me.
20 – Wind W, hard frost. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., Margaret, John and Annie at
Presbyterian Church. Some stranger preaching.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John and Robert gone to Wick
Station. Self takes mare from colt. Annie at school. Afternoon
self and Robert taking in apples.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at school. Self and Robert at
potatoes but they will not work. Self harrowing. Afternoon self
and Robert burning bushes in the orchard.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Margaret and
Robert fanning barley. Afternoon self, Margaret and Robert at
barley. George here in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. Self & Robert at Port
Perry with barley. Mother visiting at Mr. Wm. Reals.
25 – Wind SE and raining some. Mother at Mr. Aslings, his wife
being sick. Self and Robert fixing the cellar for potatoes.
Afternoon self and Robert threshing timothy seed. Margaret at
Greenbank and brings home Mother.
26 – Wind Easterly and raining. Self and Robert threshing
timothy seed. Afternoon still raining. Margaret gone to Brock.
John arrives from Mr. Gilroys.
27 – Wind Easterly, raining some. Wm., Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. A
stranger preaching.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert taking in potatoes with
the wheelbarrow. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes and
cabbage. Margaret and Miss M. Johnston arrives from Brock.
Barbara arrives from Brooklin.
29 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert, Mother and Margaret taking
in potatoes. Annie at school. Afternoon self, Mother, Margaret
and Robert at potatoes. Miss Johnston leaves for A. Gordons.
30 –Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother and Robert
taking in potatoes. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at
potatoes. Miss Emily and Miss Lizzie Akhurst and Miss Margaret
Walker here visiting. Barbara washing. Mrs. Knowley died.
31 – Wind SE, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother and
Robert at turnips. Barbara and Margaret Walker at Port Perry at
the Doctor. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at turnips.
NOV. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother and
Robert at turnips. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at turnips.
Drew 8 loads. Received Aberdeen Journal and Free Press of
Oct. 9, 1872.
2 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at turnips. Annie at R. Phairs.
3 – Wind W, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., Margaret, Robert
and Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm.,, John, Barbara
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. No preacher.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John at Port Perry. Wm. fixing his
potatoes. Self, Mother and Robert and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon Wm. and John gone to Mr. Gilroys. Self, Mother,
Robert & Annie at turnips.
5 – Wind S, threatening rain. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
turnips. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips.
6 – Wind W, dull day. Self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips drawing into
cellar. Mr. Scott, pedlar, here all night. Margaret at Greenbank
for oil.
7 – Wind SW. Self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips. Afternoon
self, Mother, Robert & Annie at turnips. Rain before night.
8 – Wind W and raining some. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
turnips. Afternoon self, Mother, & Robert at turnips. Annie at
Greenbank for papers.
9 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert fencing the turnip pits.
Mother & Annie topping turnips in the orchard. Afternoon self,
Mother, Robert and Annie drawing turnips in the orchard and
finished. Margaret & Barbara cleaning up. Wm. and John
10 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and Robert at
Sunday School. Self, Wm., Barbara, Annie, Margaret and
Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Reed preaching from 1st
John:I:9. Monthly collection $1.52.
11 – Wind W, rather dull day. Wm. gone to Brock. Self sawing
wood. John, Robert and Mother topping Wms. turnips. Annie at
school. Afternoon self, Mother, John and Robert drawings Wms.
turnips. Christina Byers and Miss James Truax here visiting.
James Walker, Barbara Walker, Jane and Sally Akhurst, George
Boddie, [?] Boddie, Lizzie Dimund, Robt. & Albert Akhurst, [?]
12 – Wind N, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother, John &
Robert topping turnips. Afternoon self, John, Mother and Robert
drawing turnips. Barbara & Margaret at Mr. Phairs in the
13 – Wind S, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Mother, John &
Robert topping turnips. Afternoon self, Mother, John & Robert
drawing turnips.
14 – Wind SE, rather cold. General fast day. Self covering turnip
pit. John mending his boots. Women making ready for quilting
tomorrow. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self choring some.
Margaret scrubbing. Barbara baking. Mother carding wool.
15 – Wind N, hard frost. Self, John & Robert fencing Wms. turnip
pits. Afternoon self, John & Robert drawing in pease. Margt.
Matthews, Margt. Leask, Jane Michie, Miss Nicols, Ann Gordon,
Mary Gordon, Pamela Burton, Agnes Asling, Mrs. Akhurst, Lizzie
Akhurst, Margt. Walker, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. R. Phair and Mrs.
Thos. Phair at quilting bee. General fast day by order of the
Governor General.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John & Robert fixing the goose house.
Self dunging out the pig house. Mother, Barbara, Margt. and
Margt. Walker quilting. Afternoon John and Robert fixing the
henhouse. Self fixing the turnip cellar.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert & Annie at
Sunday School. Lizzie Akhurst here. Wm. and John at
Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching.
18 – Wind SW, rather cold. Wm. gone to Mr. David Leasks. John
fixing the roof of stable. Annie at school. Self banking the turnip
cellar. Barbara & Margaret quilting. Afternoon John at
blacksmiths getting black mare shoed. Self threshing pease and
put in the pigs to fat. Mother, Barbara and Margaret quilting.
19 – Wind SW, rather dull. Annie at school. John and Robert in
the woods for axe handles. Self fixing cow house. Mother,
Barbara & Margaret quilting. Afternoon self, John & Robert
drawing out cedar. Barbara & Margaret at Mr. Akhursts quilting.
20 – Wind NW, cold and frosty. Annie at school. Margaret
washing. Self, John & Robert drawing out cedar. Afternoon self,
John & Robert at cedar.
21 – Wind SW, rather dull. Annie at school. John & Robert in the
swamp. Self threshing pease. Mrs. A. Leask here visiting.
Afternoon John making axe handle. Self and Robert threshing
pease. Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Barbara at Mr. Byers.
22 – Wind S, snowing some. Wm. at Thos. Phairs. John in the
swamp. Annie at school. Self and Robert taking in potatoes.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert fixing sheep rack.
23 – Wind SW, some snow. Wm. at Thos. Phairs house. John at
Robt. Phairs threshing. Self and Robert fanning a grist. Barbara
at Mr. Phairs. Afternoon self at Beares Mill with grist.
24 – Wind S, rather dull. Wm., Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., Margaret and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Gage preaching from 1st
John V:9.
25 – Wind W and very high. Annie at school. Wm. at Thos.
Phairs. John at Robert Phairs threshing. Self and Robert
threshing pease. Afternoon John at rails. Self and Robert
threshing pease. Meeting at Presbyterian Church on financial
matters. Self and John at it.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Thos. Phairs. John splitting rails.
Annie at school. Self round for money to Mr. McArthur.
Afternoon John at rails. Self at meeting in Brock Church to talk
of calling a minister. Nothing done.
27 – Wind SW, rather dull looking. Annie at school. Wm. gone to
Port Perry to get his boots mended. John in the swamp. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John in the swamp. Self choring.
28 – Wind W, fine day, rather cold. Wm. at Thos. Phairs well.
John in the swamp. Self at mill for grist. Annie at school.
Barbara at Greenbank. Afternoon John in swamp. Self choring.
Barbara making mat.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs well.
Annie at school. Self and Robert drawing out cedar. Afternoon
self and Robert drawing pease. Barbara and Margaret at Mrs.
Leasks quilting. Isabella Michie here.
30 – Wind N, very stormy. Wm. at Mr. Byers. John threshing
pease. Self at Mr. Akhursts, he being sick with sore throat.
Afternoon self and John threshing pease.
DEC. 1 – Wind S, snowing some. Wm., Margaret and Robert at
the Sunday School. Self and Wm. at Presbyterian Meeting.
Some stranger preaching.
2 – Wind S, rather soft. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs well.
Annie at school. Robert at Port Perry. Barbara at Mr. Akhursts.
Isabella Michie at Jas. Walkers. Self drawing wood. Afternoon
self drawing wood. George arrives from Mrs. Leasks. Wm.,
John, Margaret, Barbara, Isabella Michie and Pascoe Luke at
Miss Akhursts wedding in the evening at 7 o’clock. All the above
here all night with the addition of Jane and Robert Akhurst.
3 – Wind SW, snowing some. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs
well. George at Port Perry. Self and Robert threshing pease.
Barbara & Isabella Michie quilting. Mother and Annie at Mr.
Akhursts. Afternoon self and Robert threshing pease. The
women all quilting.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Thos. Phairs well. John and
George gone to Mara. Self choring. Annie at school. The
women quilting. Afternoon self fixing turnip basket. Mrs. Akhurst
here quilting. Isabella Michie and Barbara leave for Brock.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the creek. Self
choring. Annie at school. Margaret washing. Mr. Markham here
to dinner, he wanting cord wood. Afternoon Wm. at Thos. Phairs
well. Self and Robert choring.
6 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at Mr. Byers taking a well to dig.
Annie at school. Self and Robert threshing pease. Afternoon
Mother making vest. Self and Robert threshing pease. John and
George arrive from Mara.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Burtons well. John and
George at Port Perry. Self and Robert threshing pease.
Afternoon self mending Annies boots. Margaret scrubbing.
Robert and Annie sleigh riding.
8 – Wind NW, find day and warm, snow thawing. Wm., Margaret,
Robert and Annie at Sunday School. Wm., John, George
Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
9 – Wind NW, very stormy. Wm. and John at Port Perry. Self
doing nought. Afternoon still stormy. Doing nought.
10 – Wind N, rather frosty. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John at
Toronto to see about his land. Self choring. Mother and
Margaret sewing. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with
wood. Self choring.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
writing. Self threshing pease. Annie at school. Afternoon Wm.
and Robert at Port Perry with wood. John and self threshing
12 – Wind about S, some like a thaw. Annie at school. Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry with wood. John at Byers well. Margaret at
Greenbank to get boots. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood.
Mr. George Boddie and Mr. R. Phair takes a load for him. Self
choring. Barbara arrives from Brock.
13 – Wind SW. Wm. at Mr. Burtons. John and Robert drawing
out bark. Self doing nought. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing in the pease stack.
14 – Wind SW, rather soft. John at Mr. Burtons well. Wm. at Port
Perry with wood. Self and Robert threshing pease. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self choring.
15 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Barbara, John, Margaret and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Isaiah
16 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Burtons well. Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry with wood. Self doing nought. The women
quilting. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self and
Robert making a floor above the cows house.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry with
wood. John at Burtons well. Self helping George Boddie to kill
pigs. Mr. Andrew Gordon here. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at
Port Perry with wood. Self doing chores.
18 – Wind W, fine day, some snow falling. Wm. making sleigh
tongue. Self, John, Robert and George Boddie killing pigs.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self gutting pigs. John
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Mara. Wm. at Burtons
well. Self doing nought. Margaret & Barbara cleaning up.
Afternoon Margaret and Barbara cleaning up.
20 – Wind W, rather stormy. Wm. drawing wood to Port Perry.
Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self at
Greenbank for the papers. John arrives from Mara.
21 – Wind about S, fine day. Wm. and John at home. Self,
Barbara and Annie at Port Perry with 2 pigs. Afternoon Wm.
training the colt. John choring. Self doing nought.
22 – Wind W, very frosty day. Robert at Sunday School. Very
cold. Nobody at any meeting. Barbara and Margaret at Mr.
23 – Wind W and snow drifting. Wm. out with wood. Self
choring. John fixing the cellar. Margaret washing. Barbara
sewing. Afternoon Wm. out with wood. Self doing nought.
Mother baking.
24 – Wind N, keen frost and bright day. Wm. shoveling the road.
John and Robert at Prince Albert with bark. Barbara baking.
Self doing nought. Afternoon Margaret scrubbing.
25 – Wind Easterly, very cold. Christmas Day. Nothing doing.
The women busy cooking. Afternoon nothing doing. Annie at
Mr. Perkins. Barbara, Margaret and John at A. Michies, Brock, in
the evening. Still very cold.
26 – Wind E, very cold, nothing doing. Afternoon Wm. drawing
wood. John gone to Greenbank but gets only to James Walkers.
27 – Wind S, not so cold. Wm. drawing wood. John threshing
pease. Barbara baking. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert at Port Perry with wood. John threshing pease. Self at
Greenbank for the papers. John Leask comes for Mother in the
evening, his wife being sick.
28 – Wind SW, rather dull. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
threshing pease. Self splitting wood. Margaret churning.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John threshing pease.
Self doing nought. Mr. Stewart and Charles Hogan here all
night. Mother not home yet.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Wm.,
John, Mr. Hogan, Barbara and Annie at the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. A. Leask from Brock preaching from Kings.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Port Perry with wood. Mr.
Stewart leaves for the east road. John and Mr. Hogan gone to
Port Perry to get the writing made out for that land in Mara. Self
doing nought. Barbara Walker here. Afternoon Wm. and Robert
at Port Perry with wood. Barbara making ready for New Years
day. Threatening snow.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Mr.
Hogan leaves for home. John threshing pease. Self doing
nought. Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with Robert along. Self
and John fanning pease.
And thus ends the Year 1872.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
and self doing nought. George Boddie here to dinner. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self and John doing nought.
Spree in the evening. 64 at it.
2 – Wind SE, hailing. Wm. and R. Phair at Port Perry with wood.
John gone to Cannington. Self at Port Perry with Lizzie
Chalmers and Emma [Wackhup?] to the train. Afternoon Wm.
and R. Phair at the Port with wood. Self choring.
3 – Wind SW, snow thawing fast. William at the Port with wood.
Self at Brock to see Mr. Alex Arthur. No papers come tonight.
George comes home with a boil on his leg.
4 – Wind SW, snowing some. Wm., self and Robert drawing
wood. Afternoon Wm., self and Robert draw in 6 loads of
turnips. Margaret scrubbing. John arrives home.
5 – Wind easterly, snowing some. Margaret & Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Barbara and Margaret and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Moodie preaching from 1st
Peter I:8. Collection $2.05.
6 – Wind NW, fine day, snow drifting. Wm. and John gone to Port
Perry. George gone to Mrs. Leasks. Self at Greenbank voting at
municipal election. Voted for Graham, Reeve; Holman & St.
John, Dep.; Leonard Burnett & Wm. Real, councilors. Afternoon
Wm. and John at Port Perry. Self doing nought.
7 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
grinding his axe. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. & Robert at
Port Perry with wood. Self doing nought. John in the woods.
8 – Wind S and snowing, rather soft. Wm. at Port Perry with
wood. Self and John at school meeting. John takes the wood
(10 cords) at $2 per cord. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm
gone to Port Perry with wood. Self doing nought. Barbara at
Jas. Walkers.
9 – Wind W, very cold. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at the Port. John in the
woods. Self choring. Mr. Phair here. Rev. Mr. McArthur died at 2
o’clock morning.
10 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. gone to Robert Phairs barn
timber. John in the woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon John in
the woods. Self at Greenbank for the papers.
11 – Wind SW, rather cold. Wm. at Mr. Phairs timber. John in the
woods. Self, Barbara and Annie at Mr. McArthurs funeral.
12 – Wind southerly. Margaret and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Wm., John, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Moodie preaching from Matthew V:8. Samuel
Manning here in the evening.
13 – Wind S and thawing. Wm. gone to Mr. Phairs timber. John
& Robert gone to Prince Albert with bark. Self doing nought.
Afternoon nothing doing.
14 – Wind SW. Wm. at R. Phairs timber. John at the woods.
Robert at school. Self at Port Perry with a grist. Afternoon John
in the woods. Self drawing wood.
15 – Wind SE, snowing some. John in the woods. Wm. at Mr.
Phairs timber. Self fixing grindstone. Robert at school. Walter
Asling here for Margaret to hire for 2 weeks. Afternoon John in
the woods. Barbara washing. Self took Margaret to Greenbank.
Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins.
16 – Wind SE, rain through the night. Nothing doing. Afternoon
Wm. at Port Perry for grist. John at James Walkers wood bee.
Self doing nought. Mother and Barbara quilting.
17 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm. gone to Mr. Phairs timber. Self
and John drawing turnips. Robert at school. Afternoon self and
John drawing turnips. 4 loads.
18 – Wind NE, very cold. John in the woods. Self splitting wood.
Barbara scrubbing. Afternoon John in the woods. Self doing
nought. Wm. doing nought.
19 – Wind SW, snowing some. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Nobody at Presbyterian Church. Barbara at Greenbank
with Mr. Perkins.
20 –Wind SW, rather stormy. John in the woods. Wm. gone to
Port Perry with wood. Robert and Annie at school. Barbara and
Mother quilting. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm.
at Port Perry with wood. Self choring.
21 – Wind SE, snowing. John in the woods. Wm. at Port Perry
with wood. Robert and Annie at school. Self choring. Afternoon
John in the woods. Wm. at the Port. Self choring.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Robert at
school. Annie at home. Self and John fanning wheat. Afternoon
Wm. at Burtons. John and Barbara at Port Perry with wheat.
Self choring.
23 – Wind NE, very cold. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Robert
and Annie at the school. Self and John fanning wheat.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. Self and John fanning
wheat. Elizabeth Burton here all night.
24 – Wind NE and snowing some. John drawing wood to the
school. Wm. at Mr. Burtons. Self choring. Afternoon John
drawing school wood. Wm. doing nought. Self choring a little.
Elizabeth Burton gone home.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to Thos. Phairs. John drawing
school wood. Self choring. Afternoon John drawing school
wood. Self looking at the road at the 9th
concession and
shoveling some.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Robert, Barbara and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching from John X:9.
27 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Thos. Phairs
timber. Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing school wood.
Afternoon self drawing school wood.
28 – Wind NW, and very cold. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs
timber. Robert and Annie at school. Self choring. Afternoon self
at Port Perry with wheat.
29 – Wind SW and very cold. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs
timber. Robert and Annie at school. Self and Mother filling
wheat. Afternoon self at Port Perry with wheat. Margaret comes
home from W. Aslings.
30 – Wind W, rather cold. John and Wm. at Thos. Phairs timber.
Robert and Annie at school. Self choring. Mr. Minty here selling
cloth. Afternoon self drawing wood to the school. Mother,
Barbara and Margaret quilting.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John at Mr. Thos. Phairs timber.
Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing wood. Mr. C. Asling
here looking at the colt. Afternoon self drawing wood to the
school. John receives letter from Toronto.
FEB. 1 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. at Thos. Phairs timber. John,
Margaret and Robert at Port Perry. Self doing nought.
Afternoon nought doing.
2 – Wind SW, fine bright day, but very cold. Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Nehemiah XI:3.
Collection $1.52.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at Thos. Phairs timber and
finishes at noon. Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing
wood. Afternoon Wm. collecting money. Self and John drawing
4 – Wm. at Port Perry. Robert and Annie at school. Self and
John drawing turnips. Afternoon self and John drawing turnips.
Barbara gone to gather money for the U.C. Bible Society.
5 – Wind S, rather dull day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
in the woods. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm. at
Port Perry with wood. Self making pick handle. Barbara arrives
home having got about 15 dollars for the Bible Society.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John in the
woods. Self doing nought. Robert and Annie at school.
Afternoon Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John in the woods. Self
choring. Mr. Wm. Akhurst buys the colt for 120 dollars and one
year to pay.
7 – Wind S, rather soft day. Wm. at Port Perry with wood. John
at the Port selling his hay. Robert and Annie at school. Self
making axe handle. Christina McPhail here. Afternoon Wm. at
the Port with wood. John making roads to draw his hay. Self
making track to haystack.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Port Perry with hay. Robert
at Port Perry. Wm. at home. Self doing chores. Afternoon Wm.
and John at the Port with hay. Self at Greenbank. Margaret
9 – Wind N, very cold. Only Margaret at the Sunday School.
Nobody at meeting. Very cold and stormy.
10 – Wind S, very cold. Wm. & John at Port Perry with hay.
Robert & Annie at school. Self choring. Women quilting.
Afternoon Wm. and John at the Port with hay. Self choring. Mrs.
Walker here quilting.
11 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Wm. at Port Perry with hay. Self
and John at Manchester with a steer and heifer. Robert and
Annie at school. Mrs. Perkins here visiting.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John at the Port with hay.
Robert and Annie at school. Self at Mr. Akhursts with sow.
Afternoon self doing nought. Barbara washing.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Brock. Self doing
nought. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon nothing doing.
The school exhibition came off in the Sons Hall in the evening.
Self, Wm., John, Robert, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at it.
$22.61 made.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and self drawing home hay
from Johns stacks. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon Wm.
at Port Perry. Self and John drawing wood.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self
making axe handle. Margaret gone with Mr. Akhurst to Whitby.
Afternoon Wm. and John in the woods. Self choring.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, John, Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott
from Cambray preaching from Romans X:14,15. Collection for
the Foreign Mission $7.18. Barbara at Uxbridge.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Robt. and
Annie at school. Self making road in the swamp. Afternoon
John & Wm. in the woods. Self cutting up pork.
18 – Wind S, rather soft day. Wm. and John in the woods. Self
making roads. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon John &
Wm. in the woods. Self drawing rails. Wm. gone to Wick.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. John in the
woods. Self drawing rails. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
drawing rails. Mrs. James Scott died.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert and Annie at
school. Self splitting rails. Margaret arrives from Whitby. Wm.
arrives from Brock. Afternoon John and Wm. in the woods. Self
splitting rails. Mr. Akhurst takes away the colt and gives his note.
21 – Wind SE, snowing. Robert and Annie at school. Wm. and
John at Mrs. Scotts funeral. Self doing nought. Afternoon
stormy, nothing doing.
22 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. in the woods. Self, John and
Robert at Port Perry. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Wm. in the
woods. Rest doing nought.
23 – Wind W, very cold and frosty. John, Margaret and Barbara
at Greenbank. Mrs. Scotts funeral sermon preached at 10
o’clock. Wm., Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Church,
Port Perry. Barbara at James Walkers in the afternoon.
24 – Wind W, very cold. John & Wm. in the woods. Self doing
nought. Mother, Barbara and Margaret quilting. Afternoon John
and Wm. in the woods. Self doing nought.
25 – Wind NW, very cold. John and Wm. in the woods. Self
drawing rails. Robert at school. The women quilting. Afternoon
Wm. and John in the woods. Self drawing rails. Mrs. Perkins
here quilting. Barbara at George Boddies.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Robert and
Annie at school. Self drawing rails. Barbara washing. Afternoon
Wm. and John in the woods. Self splitting rails. Mrs. Michie at
Mr. Burtons visiting. Mr. Harrison and Thos. Ianson here for
horse money.
27 – Wind SE, snowing heavy. Nothing doing. Afternoon Wm.
and John in the woods. Self doing nought.
28 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. and John in the woods. Robert
and Annie at school. Self drawing rails. Afternoon Wm. and
John in the woods. Self drawing rails.
MAR. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Uxbridge. John in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon self at Greenbank. John in the
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Margaret, Annie and
Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Margaret
and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Monteath preaching
from John IXVI:24, 25. Collection $1.98.
3 – Wind NW, very cold. Wm. at Port Perry. John in the woods.
Robert and Annie at school. Self writing. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self writing. Wm. gone with Andrew Gordon to Burtons.
4 – Wind N, very cold. Wm. at John Gordons well. John in the
woods. Self threshing pease. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self threshing pease. Mother at George Boddies visiting.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Burtons well. John at John Gordons
well. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret washing. Barbara
at Mr. Phairs visiting. Self doing nought. Afternoon self doing
6 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. at the Burtons well. John at John
Gordons well. Self some sick. Robert at school. Afternoon
nothing doing. Mrs. Boddie here.
7 – Wind SW, fine day, snow melting. Wm. at Mr. Byers well.
Self drawing turnips. Robert at school. Afternoon drawing
turnips. [?] cow needs lifting. Miss Pamela Burton here.
Barbara and Margaret at protracted meeting.
8 – Wind SW. Wm. at Mr. Byers well. Self and Robert drawing
turnips. Annie some sick. Afternoon stormy. Wm. at Port Perry.
Self doing nought. John arrives from John Gordons.
9 – Wind NW, rather cold. Barbara, Margaret and Robert at
Sunday School. John and Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Wm. and Lizzie Akhurst at Port Perry meeting. John, Barbara
and Margaret at the protracted meeting, Greenbank.
10 - Wind SW, fine day. John at Byers well. Wm. at John
Gordons well. Robert at school. Self chopping wood. Afternoon
Barbara visiting at C. Aslings. Self cobbling. Self at meeting in
the Presbyterian Church about calling a minister.
11 – Wind W, rather rough, heavy fall of snow through the night.
Wm. at John Gordons well. John gone to Whitby to the jury. Self
at Port Perry. Robert at school.
12 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. Robert
at school. Self at Mrs. Leasks sale. Mr. and Mrs. McPhail here.
Barbara leaves for the Centre Mills.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Byers well. Robert and
Annie at school. Self drawing wood. Afternoon self chopping
wood. Self at A. Horns at meeting of school trustees.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at John Gordons well. Self
chopping. Robert and Annie at school. Afternoon self chopping.
15 – Wind S, rainy day. Nothing doing. Self threshing pease.
Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. John arrives from Whitby.
16 – Wind NW, very stormy, snow drifting. No one at Sunday
School. Self, John, Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McCutcheon preaching.
17 – Wind NW, rather cold. John at Mr. Byers well. Wm. and
Margaret at Ann Gordons wedding. Self chopping. Afternoon
self chopping. Robt. and Annie at school.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Robert Phairs stone bee.
John and self chopping. Afternoon self and John chopping.
Robert and Annie at school. Margaret at Mr. Phairs.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. John in
the woods. Self and Margaret at Port Perry. Robert at school.
Afternoon John in the woods.
20 – Wind SE, snowing some all day but soft. Wm. at Port Perry
with turnips. Robert and Annie at school. Self and John in the
woods. Afternoon Wm. at the Port with turnips. Self and John in
the woods.
21 – Wind W, snow deep, having snowed all night. Wm. at the
Port with turnips. John in the woods. Self doing nought. George
Michie died 1868.
22 – Wind W, rather cold, snow drifting. Wm. at Mr. Byers well.
John in the woods. Self drawing wood. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self drawing wood. Margaret scrubbing.
23 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Annie at Sunday School.
Margaret and Annie at English Church. Self, Mother & Wm. at
Presbyterian Meeting and no service.
24 – Wind E, rather cold. Wm. at Mr. Byers well. John in the
woods. Self drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
drawing wood. Mother at Mr. Boddies.
25 – Wind E, snowing. Wm. at Byers well. John at Greenbank.
Annie at school. Self doing nought. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self drawing wood.
26 – Wind NE, snowing. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. Annie at
school. Self and John doing nought. Margaret washing. J.
Leask & Ed Boe here to dinner and taking subscriptions for Mr.
McKutcheon. Afternoon self doing nought. John at the woods.
27 – Wind N, heavy snow storm through the night. Self, Wm. and
John drawing in turnips. Afternoon Wm. at Mr. Byers well. Self
and John in the woods.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
29 – Wind SE, and raining. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. Self and
John in the woods for awhile. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. Margaret at the Sunday School.
31 – Wind NE, snowing through the forenoon, nothing doing.
Afternoon Wm. and Margaret at Port Perry. John in the woods.
Self at Greenbank for the papers.
APR. 1 – Wind S, rainy sort of day. Wm. at Mr. Byers well. John
and self in the woods. Robert at school. Afternoon self and
John in the woods.
2 – Wind SW. Wm. gone to Mr. Byers well. John in the woods.
Self drawing wood. Robert at school. Annie sick. Afternoon
snow falling. John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John in the woods. Robert at
school. Self doing nought. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm.
drawing logs to mill. Self doing nought.
4 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Wm. drawing logs.
Self hunting rack crooks19
. Robert at school. Afternoon Wm.
drawing logs. John in the woods. Self doing nought. Mrs. R.
Phair and Mrs. T. Phair here visiting.
5 – Wind S, much thunder through the night, rain in the morning.
John and Wm. at the mill putting on logs. Self doing nought.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon thunder and rain, nothing doing.
Wm. & John in the woods.
6 – Wind SW, thunder through the night and rainy. Foggy day.
None at School or Church.
7 – Wind Easterly, very foggy. Wm. and John in the woods. Self
doing nought, bad back. Robert at school. George Boddie
brings home Margarets sheep. Afternoon Wm. & John in the
woods. Self doing nought.
8 – Wind N, rainy day. Nought doing. Robert at school.
Margaret washing. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
9 – Wind E, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon still raining,
nothing doing.
10 – Wind W, rather cold. Wm. at the mill piling lumber. John,
Robert & self drawing turnips. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self drawing wood out. Robert picking chips. Margaret at Thos.
11 – Wind S, rather dull. Wm. and John in the woods. Robert
drawing chips. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Wm. in
the woods. Self doing nought.
12 – Wind NE, fine day. John and Wm. in the woods. Self
making rack crook. Robert taps some trees. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert in the woods drawing out shingle bolts. John in the
woods. Self making rack crooks.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. John at Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching.
14 – Wind N, rather cold, but a fine day. John and Wm. in the
woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Wm. in the
woods. Robert and Annie boiling sap. Self choring. Mother &
Margt. quilting. Mrs. John Watson died.
15 – Wind S, fine day. John and Wm. in the woods. Self trying to
plow a little in the orchard. Margaret gone a begging for the
Home Mission of the Presbyterian Church. Robert choring.
16 – Wind SE, looking like a storm. Wm. in the woods. Self,
John and Robert drawing in turnips. Afternoon Mother at Mr.
Byers. Self at Mrs. Watsons funeral. John plowing. Wm. in the
17 – Wind SE, snowing some, nothing doing. Margaret washing.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. at Port Perry. Self doing nought.
McPhail cow calved 2 bulls.
18 – Wind SE, snowing. Wm. and John drawing out cordwood.
Self letting off water. Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John
plowing. Self at Greenbank for the papers. Letter from Barbara.
‘Rack crooks’ – the farmer was hunting through the
bush to find a bow-shaped piece of wood which was
used on their hay racks.
19 – Wind W, rather dull. Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Self
mending harness. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in the woods.
Self mending harness. Margaret scrubbing.
20 – Wind N, hard frost. Margaret, Robert & Annie at Sunday
School. Wm. at Wesleyan Meeting. Self and John at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Matthew VII:13.
Margaret at English Church Meeting.
21 – Wind N, hard frost, but a fine day. Wm. in the woods. John
drawing out wood. Robert at sap boiling. Annie at school. Self
at Greenbank with Coulter. David Byers here for potatoes.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self threshing flax.
Lizzie Akhurst here quilting. Mother and Margaret quilting.
22 – Wind N, frosty morning. John plowing. Wm. in the woods.
Robt. boiling sap. Annie at school. Mother and Margaret
quilting. Self fencing. Cassidy cow, calved a heifer. Self
choring. Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Self
choring. Robert boiling sap. Mrs. Akhurst here quilting.
23 – Wind N, hard frost. John and Wm. drawing out cordwood.
Annie at school. Mother and Margaret quilting. Self doing
nought. Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Robert
boiling sap. Self choring.
24 – Wind N, hard frost. John & Wm. drawing out cordwood.
Annie at school. Self fencing. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in
the woods. Robert and self cutting up old water troughs at the
25 – Wind N, rather dull day. Wm. in the woods. John plowing.
Annie at school. Robert boiling sap. Self fencing. Afternoon
John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self setting poles to John.
26 – Wind N, very cold. Wm. at sawmill. John plowing. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self
fencing. Margaret scrubbing.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Annie and Robert & Wm. at Presbyterian
Meeting. Stranger preaching from Revelation VI:17. Wm. and
Margaret at the Primitive Meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Annie
at school. Margaret at the Akhursts quilting. Self and Robert
fencing. Afternoon Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Self and
Robert in the garden. Mrs. Boddie here sewing.
29 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. in the woods. John plowing. Annie
at school. Self fencing. Mother at Mr. Akhursts quilting.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert at Port Perry. Self
30 – Wind N, fine day. John plowing. Wm. in the woods. Self
and Mother at Brock. Annie at school.
MAY 1 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and Robt. In the woods. John
harrowing. Annie at school. Self sowing pease. Mother &
Margaret quilting. Afternoon John harrowing. Wm. and Robt. in
the woods. Self mending Annies boots. Mother, Margaret, Mrs.
Perkins and Mrs. Burton quilting.
2 – Wind Easterly and raining. Wm. and Robert making shingles.
John harrowing awhile. Self fixing timothy seeds. Perkins bull
altered. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert making
shingles. Self at Greenbank for the papers. Lizzie Akhurst here
3 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Wm. and Robert at shingles. John
plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at shingles.
John rolling. Self ditching. Miss Josephine Asling here in the
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Marbles preaching from II Corinthians
V:1. Monthly collection $1.8l.
5 – Wind Easterly. Wm. sowing wheat. John harrowing. Robert
carrying seed. Self sowing grass seeds. Mrs. Walker and Mrs.
A. Gordon here visiting. Afternoon John rolling. Wm. and Robert
making shingles. Self ditching. Cassidy heifer calved a heifer.
6 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Wm. and Robert at shingles.
Annie at school. Margaret washing. Self fixing potatoes.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert at shingles. Self in
the garden.
7 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Wm. and Robert at shingles.
Annie at school. Self in the garden. Mother at Mr. Akhursts
quilting. Afternoon John plowing. Wm. and Robert at shingles.
Self leveling in the field.
8 – Wind SE and raining. Nothing doing. Wm. gone to the Port
for some apple trees. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing
dung on the orchard. Still raining some.
9- Wind SE, raining some. Wm. gone to the sawmill. John
plowing. Self and Robert planting apple trees. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert spreading dung. Mr. Christopher Scott,
pedlar, here to dinner.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. going round. John plowing the
orchard. Self and Robert planting trees. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon Wm. fencing. John and self drawing rails. Walter
Asling takes away the McPhail cow.
11 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Margaret, John and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. No service.
12 – Wind W, fine day, some rain through the night. Wm. and
Robt. fencing. John plowing on Wms. place. Self leveling.
Afternoon John plowing. Wm. sowing wheat. Robt. carrying
seed. Self leveling.
13 – Wind NW, very cold day. John plowing. Wm. drawing
timber with Wm. Loves oxen. Self and Robert at Manchester
with Pete steer. Margaret at Port Perry.
14 – Wind S, hard frost. John plowing. Wm. and Robert drawing
timber. Self leveling. Margaret washing. Afternoon John
plowing. Wm. and Robert digging cellar. Self leveling.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Wm. and Robert digging
cellar. Self leveling. Mother and Annie at Mr. Akhursts.
Afternoon John harrowing. Self sowing oats. Wm. and Robert
drawing timber. Wm. takes William Loves oxen home at night.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. John harrowing. Wm. and Robt. at
house. Self killing calf. Afternoon John harrowing. Self sowing
wheat for John. Wm. & Robert fencing. Mother at Mr. Phairs
visiting. Annie at Greenbank for the papers.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John harrowing. Wm. at the sawmill. Self
and Robert cutting potatoes. Afternoon John at Mrs. Leasks
raising. Margaret gone to Brock. Self and Robert at the grist
mill. Mother at Mr. James Walkers.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Wm. and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Lowry preaching from Ephesians III:19. Mr. Lowry
here all night.
19 – Wind NE, fine day. Wm. gone to Mr. Johnstons house.
John harrowing. Self sowing oats which ends the seeding.
Annie at school. Robert gone to the Port with Mr. Lowry. Punk
heifer calfs a bull.
20 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Johnsons house. John at
Mr. Johnsons house. Self plowing. Margaret washing. Mrs.
Akhurst here and Mother baking. Annie at school. Afternoon
self plowing. Robert cutting potatoes. Mother and Mrs. Akhurst
baking. Margaret washing.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. A. Johnsons house. Annie at
school. Self and Robert planting corn. Afternoon self and
Robert fixing the potato land. Elizabeth Akhurst here visiting.
22 – Wind S, fine day. Annie at school. Wm. at Mr. Johnsons
house. John, Robert, George Boddie, Robt. Akhurst and self
planting potatoes. Afternoon planted out the potatoes. Margaret
at Greenbank in the evening with Elizabeth Akhurst.
23 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. doing nought. Self and John
fencing. Robert at George Boddies planting potatoes. Annie at
school. Margaret scrubbing. Mother baking. Afternoon John
gone to Uxbridge. Self choring. Mr. Akhurst here in the evening.
24 – Wind W, rather dull. Wm. gone to Port Perry to be married.
John, Margaret, Alex. Michie, Isabella Michie and Pat [?] gone
with him. Afternoon nothing doing. Marriage people comes
home at 6 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Akhurst and family here and
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. R. Phair, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Phair at tea. William married to Elizabeth Akhurst.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Margaret & Barbara at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Wm., Lizzie, Margaret, Barbara and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Monteith preaching from [?]. John
at Uxbridge with Margaret Walker.
26 – Wind W, warm day. Wm. and Lizzie at Uxbridge. John and
Robert fanning oats. Self taking Barbara to the train at Port
27 – Wind W, fine day. John and Wm. at Mr. Johnsons house.
Self, Robert, Margaret and Annie washing the sheep. Afternoon
Margaret washing. Self and Robert drawing rails.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. John at Mr. Johnsons
house. Wm. and Robert burning brush. Self digging garden.
Afternoon self harrowing turnip land. John home all night.
29 – Wind SW, warm day. John gone to Greenbank. Self sowing
plaster. Annie at school. Robert watching fire in Wms. fallow.
Afternoon self plowing. Rain at night.
30- Wind N, some frost in the morning. Annie at school. Self
and Robert in the swamp making fence. Afternoon self at the
mill with a grist. Robert doing nought.
31 – Wind N, frost in the morning. Self sowing plaster. Annie at
Port Perry with Mrs. Ackhurst. Afternoon self plowing. Mr.
Andrew Horne here about the anniversary. George and John
Michie here in the evening.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Robert at the
Presbyterian Church. No preaching.
2 – Wind S, warm day. Annie at school Self, Margaret and
Robert shearing sheep. Afternoon self plowing.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Annie at school. Self and Robert at Port
4 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at home. Self plowing. Mother,
Margaret and Lizzie making Annies dress. Mare foaled in the
night, 349 days. Afternoon self plowing. Wm. and John comes
home from Greenbank.
5 – Wind N, fine day. John plowing. Wm. digging his cellar20
Annie at school. Robert fishing. Afternoon John plowing. Self in
the swamp. Wm. at cellar.
6 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. gone to Uxbridge for lumber. John
cutting thistles. Self and Robert fencing in the swamp. Annie at
school. Afternoon John at thistles. Self and Robert in swamp.
Wm. comes home without lumber having broken a waggon
7 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and Robert gone to Uxbridge. John
cutting thistles. Self painting house. Afternoon John at thistles.
Self painting.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Robert, Margaret & Annie at the
Sunday School. John, Margaret and Robert at the English
9 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert digging cellar. John
plowing. Annie at school. Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Self painting.
Afternoon Wm., John & Robert at cellar. Self plowing.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John & Robert digging cellar.
Annie at school. Self at Greenbank for the waggon. Afternoon
Wm., John & Robert at the cellar. Self harrowing. Some rain at
11 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at cellar. John at Port Perry with
his oats. Self and Robert fencing. Annie at school. Afternoon
Wm. at his cellar. Robert at Greenbank with Punk. Self fencing.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. Annie at school. Self, Wm. and John at
road work. Robert harrowing. Afternoon self, Wm., & John on
the roads. Took the mare to horse.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Wm., John and horses on the road.
Annie at school. Afternoon self, Wm., John, Robert and horses
William was building his house on the north half, Lot #
18, Concession 10, Reach Township. His father John had
his house on Lot # 17, Concession 10.
on the road. John [McGee?] and Dan Whelan here for the turnip
14 – Wind SE, fine day, looking like rain. Wm. and John digging
cellar. Self rolling. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Wm. and
John digging cellar. Self making rack crooks and at the school
pump in the evening. Rain in evening.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Lowry preaching from John XVII. John at Brock.
16 – Wind W, thunder and showers through the day. Wm. gone
to Mr. Burtons to dig a well. John digging cellar. Annie at school.
Self and Robert making rack. Afternoon John at cellar. Margaret
gone to Robert Phairs for some time. Self and Robert at
17 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Phairs. Wm. at his cellar.
Robert drilling corn. Self painting. Afternoon John drilling. Wm.
and Robert at cellar. Self painting.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his cellar. John drilling. Self
painting. Afternoon John drilling. Self painting. Wm. at his cellar.
19 – Wind NW, very rough. Wm. at his cellar. John drilling. Self
painting. Afternoon John drilling. Wm. at his cellar. Self sowing
20 – Wind NW, very rough day. Wm., Mr. Akhurst, Wm. Love
logging. John drilling. Self dunging out the sheep place.
Afternoon John is finished drilling. Wm. burning his log heaps.
Self sowing turnips.
21 – Wind W, fine day, though some rough. Wm. and John at
Thos. Phairs raising. Self and Annie at Greenbank. Afternoon
self at Thos. Phairs raising.
22 – Wind S, dull looking day. Wm. and Annie at the Sunday
School service of the P. Methodists. Self and Mother at the
Presbyterian Church. John at the Primitive Church.
23 – Wind S, rather dull day. Wm. and John at cellar. Self and
Robert making waggon rack. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the
anniversary grounds. John cutting thistles. Mother at Thomas
Phairs quilting. Self at rack. Rain at night.
24 – Wind easterly, rather dull day. Wm. at Mr. Burtons well.
John cutting thistles. Self digging cabbage ground. Margaret at
the Port.
25 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and John sowing Wms. turnips. Self
hoeing potatoes. Lizzie washing. Afternoon John and Wm.
finishes turnips. Self at potatoes. Mrs. Leask died 1872.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert drawing lumber from
Isaac Craggs mill. Self and John mowing June grass. Afternoon
Wm. drawing lumber. Self and John at mowing. Red mare took
to Iansons horse.
27 – Wind S, fine warm day. Wm. at Uxbridge for lumber. John
and Robert picking bugs off the potatoes. Self at Brock.
Meeting, Mr. Thomas preaching. Great shower of rain at night.
28 – Wind S, warm day. Wm. and Robert at Uxbridge for lumber.
John splitting rails. Self choring. Afternoon John splitting rails.
Self doing nought. Margaret scrubbing.
29 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Mother at Brock to the
Sacrament. The rest at the anniversary service in John Beares
30 – Wind S, frequent showers. John and Wm. drawing lumber
to Wms. new house. Afternoon nothing doing.
JULY 1 – Wind W, shower in the morning. All at the Union
Anniversary. Dominion Day.
2 – Wind SW, some showers. Wm. at Uxbridge. Self, John and
Robert hoeing potatoes. Afternoon John somewhere. Self
digging for cabbages. Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins. Wm. Real
here in the evening.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at his house. John drilling up the
potatoes. Self digging cabbage ground. Afternoon Wm., John &
Robert at Wms. house. Self picking bugs off the potatoes.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Wm. and Robert at the house. Self
picking bugs on the potatoes. Afternoon Wm., John and Robert
at house. Self at Greenbank with red mare. Mrs. Burton, Mrs.
Akhurst, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Wm. Michie and Margaret Walker
here picking wool.
5 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. gone to Uxbridge for lumber. Self,
John and Robert at Wms. house. Afternoon self, John and
Robert at Wms. house.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Margaret and Robert at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert, Margaret, and Annie at the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hodnitt preaching from Acts XXVIII:15.
Collection $2.60.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Uxbridge for lumber. Self, John
and Robert at Wms. house. Afternoon self, John and Robert at
Wms. house.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John, Robert and self laying the
foundation of Wms. house. Afternoon self, Wm., John and
Robert at Robt. Phairs barn raising.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Uxbridge for lumber. John and
Robert at Wms. house. Self mowing the fence corners.
Afternoon John, Robert and self at Wms. house.
10 – Wind SW, frequent showers. Nothing doing. Self at Mr.
Iansons bull with the Cassidy cow. Afternoon John, Wm., and
Robert at Wms. house. Self choring.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at his house. John scuffling
turnips. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon self, John
and Robert hoeing turnips. Wm. at his house.
12 – Wind SW. Wm. at his house. John scuffling turnips. Robert
hoeing. Wm. at his house. Self fixing round. Afternoon Wm. at
his house. Self, John & Robert drew 7 loads of hay into barn.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. John at Wesleyan Meeting. Self, Wm., John
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Monteith preaching.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John & Robert at turnips. Wm. at
his house. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Wm. at
his house. Mother at James Walkers, Mrs. Walker being sick.
Wm. Byers cut out the hay.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Uxbridge for lumber. Self, John
and Robert at turnips. Lizzie washing. Mrs. Walkers baby dead.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Sold 7 old sheep and
9 lambs to Mr. Money from Epsom.
16 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at his house. Self, John and
Robert at hay. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self, John and
Robert finishes haying. 2 days and one half at it.
17 – Wind S, some rain in the morning at 5 o’clock. John
scuffling turnips. Self and Robert hoeing. Wm. at his house.
Afternoon self and John and Robert hoeing. Wm. at his house.
Lizzie picking wool. Thunder storm at 4 o’clock.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Wm. and John mowing grass for
John. Robert hoeing. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Self, Wm., and John mowing. Annies birthday.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert hoeing. Wm., self and John
mowing. Afternoon Wm., self and John finishes mowing. Robert
finishes hoeing for the first time.
20 – Wind NW, cool day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Robert and
Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. No service.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. at his house. John and Robert at
hay. Self at John Reals bull with red heifer. Afternoon Wm. at
his house. John, Robert and self raking hay. Some men here for
22 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his house. John, self and Robert
drawing Johns hay into stack. Barbara, Maggie Smith and young
Bickle here visiting. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self, John and
Robert at hay.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his house. Self, John and Robert
finishes Johns hay. Margaret washing. Annie picking berries.
Afternoon Wm. & John at house. Self picking bugs. Robert bad
with headache. Annie at berries.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and John and Robert at house.
Self doing nought. Mr. and Mrs. A. Michie and Mary Michie here
visiting. Afternoon Wm. and John at house. Self and Robert
fanning wheat. Mother at George Boddies visiting.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and Robert raise Wms.
house. Self and Margaret at Port Perry with a grist.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at house. Self at
bugs. Annie picking berries. Afternoon Margaret scrubbing.
Wm., John, Robert and self at Wms. house.
27 – Wind N, very warm day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie
at the Sunday School. Self, Mother and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching from the 23rd
Collection to defray the expenses of the General Assembly
28 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at Wms. house.
Self at Raglan with Mr. Beare and Mr. Bassingthwaite to see the
school inspector. Afternoon Wm., John and Robert at house.
Margaret and Annie picking berries.
29 – Wind W, warm day. Wm., John and Robert at house. Self
cutting thistles. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self cutting thistles.
30 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm., John and Robert at house. Self
cutting thistles. Annie at Port Perry to [Dan Rice?] show.
Afternoon Wm., John and Robert at house. Self scuffling turnips.
Mother visiting at Mr. Akhursts.
31 – Wind S, rather dull day and looking like rain. Wm. and John
at house. Self hoeing turnips. Margaret and Robert gone to Mr.
Lukes. Afternoon Wm. at his house. John at Mr. Iansons
raising. Self scuffling turnips.
AUG. 1 – Wind S, fine day, very warm. Wm., John and Robert at
house. Self cleaning out the cellar. Afternoon John and Robert
at house. Wm. at James Woods raising. Self hoeing turnips.
Annie at Greenbank for the papers.
2 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. Wm., John and Robert at
house. Self at Byers bull with Punk cow. Afternoon Wm. and
John at house. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie at Mrs.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Lizzie and Annie at Brock.
Margaret and Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother & John
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching from 1st
XIV:2,3. Monthly collection $1.83.
4 – Wind N, fine cool day. Wm. and John at house. Self and
Robert hoeing turnips. Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. and
John at house. Self and Robert at turnips. Margaret at Mr.
Stillwells to hire but too late, Pamela Burton there.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at the picnic of the
Presbyterian S. School to Washburn Island. Wm. at Mr. Burtons
well. Self hoeing turnips. Afternoon self picking bugs from the
6 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at Port Perry. John at Mr. Burtons
well. Self in the marsh salting the cattle. Robert sick. Afternoon
Robert still sick. Self fixing the chaff hole. Margaret at
7 – Wind NW, some rain through the night. John at Mr. Burtons
well. Wm. at his house. Self at Uxbridge for lumber.
8 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Burtons well. Wm. at his
house. Robert at house. Self picking bugs. Afternoon Wm. at
his house. Robert and Annie at picnic in George Boddies woods.
Self began harvest by cutting a few oats. Mother making pants.
9 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Burtons well. Wm. at his
house. Self and Robert taking home a heifer from the swamp.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self and
Robert raking oats. Margaret visiting at Thos. Phairs.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Mother at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Manly, Bible Society agent, preaching from the hundred and
nineteenth Psalm, 97 verse. Collection $3.09. John and
Margaret at the Primitive Meeting in the evening.
11 – Wind SE, fine day, but some slight showers. Wm. at his
house. John at Mr. Akhursts cradling oats. Self and Robert
cutting pease. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self and Robert at
12 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Wm. gone to Uxbridge for lumber.
John, Robert and self at pease. Margaret washing. Afternoon
self, John and Robert pulling pease. Some rain.
13 – Wind SE, some rain. Wm., John, Robert and self at Wms.
house. Afternoon John cradling oats in the orchard. Self picking
bugs. Wm. and Robert at the house.
14 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Wm. and Robert gone to Uxbridge
for lime. Self and John binding oats. Annie picking berries.
Afternoon John cradling oats. Self choring.
15 –Wind SE, looking like rain. John, Wm., and Robert at the
house. Self turning pease. Luther Brown hires Margaret for 2
months. Afternoon Wm. and John at house. Robert at Saintfield
with Margaret. Self binding oats in the orchard.
16 – Wind W, some rain through the forenoon. Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. and John at
house. Self and Robert binding oats. Mother scrubbing. High
winds from the NW.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Currie preaching from Habakkuk
18 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Duffs. Self, John and Robert
stacking pease. Afternoons self, John, and Robert at pease.
George Byers here reaping wheat. Some rain at night.
19 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Byers harvesting. Wm. at Mr.
Duffs harvest. Self and Robert pulling pease. Lizzie washing.
Afternoon self and Robert binding wheat.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Rainbow in the morning. Wm. not here.
John gone to Mr. Akhursts to cradle. Self and Robert binding
wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drawing in oats.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John gone to Akhursts to cradle oats. Self
and Robert at Sunderland for lath to William.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Akhursts. Robert cutting timothy
seed. Self mending harness. Afternoon Robert at timothy. Self
and Annie at Greenbank getting horses shoed.
23 – Wind NE, looking like rain, but turned fine day. John at
James Walkers. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in oats.
Afternoon George Byers here reaping. Self, John, Robert and
James Walker binding.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. Margaret
here to dinner. Self, John and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Panton preaching from Galatians VI:7,8.
25 – Wind SE, some rain in the morning. John cradling oats.
Self doing nought. Afternoon self and Robert and Annie drawing
in wheat. John at James Walkers cradling oats.
26 – Wind N, fine day. John cradling oats for himself. Self and
Robert drawing wheat. Lizzie washing. Afternoon John at his
oats. Self and Robert drawing pease.
27 – Wind SE, fine day. John at his oats. Self binding oats.
Robert gone to Chalk Lake to pick berries. Afternoon John and
self binding oats.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. at Thomas Phairs. John cradling
oats. Self, Robert and Annie drawing wheat. Afternoon self,
Robert and Annie drawing wheat. John cradling oats.
29 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at Chalk Lake picking
berries. John binding oats. Self at Port Perry for wool.
30 – Wind W, very warm day. John cradling oats. Self and
Robert binding oats. Afternoon John cutting oats. Self binding
oats. Robert gone with wool to Mrs. Martineaus to spin. Ann
Michie died 1846.21
31 – Wind W, some rain through the night. Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Beattie preaching from John IV:14.
SEPT. 1 – Wind NW and very high. Wm. at his house. John
cradling his oats. Self and Robert binding. Afternoon Wm. at his
house. John and Robert at wheat. Self and Annie at Brock
meeting about minister. Nothing done.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Akhursts. John, Robert and
self at Johns wheat. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing in
3 – Wind S, rather dull. Wm. at his house. Self, John and Robert
binding Johns oats. Afternoon Wm. at his house. John, Robert
and self drawing oats. Rain at 5 o’clock. Alex. Michie, Jun.,
here wanting threshing.
4 – Wind S, very foggy forenoon. Wm., John and Robert at the
house. Self raking wheat. Rain at noon. Afternoon Wm., John
and Robert at the house. Self mending fences. Much thunder at
5 – Wind W, rough showery day. Wm., John and Robert at the
house. Self fixing cattle in the marsh. Afternoon Wm. and John
at house. Self and Robert fixing the pease stack.
6 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at house. Self going
about the fences. Afternoon Wm. at the Port. Self choring. John
and Robert at the house. George here in the evening.
7 – Wind W, dull day. John and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Hodnough
preaching from Luke XIX:9. Monthly collection $1.70.
The Michies lost a daughter named Ann (or Annie) b.
24 Jul, 1844, d. 30 Aug., 1846. The Annie referred to
through this diary is their daughter they named Agnes
ANNIE (b. 18 Jul, 1862).
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at the house. Self
plowing. Lizzie here piecing a quilt. Afternoon Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self plowing. Thos. Ganton died.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., John and Robert at the house. Self
plowing. Mother washing. Afternoon Wm. at his house. John,
Robert and self drawing in Johns wheat, finishing harvest.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Wm., and Robert at house. Self
plowing. Afternoon self plowing. Wm., John and Robert at
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Wm., John & Robert at Mr. Perkins
threshing all day.
12 – Wind SW, very warm day. Self and Wm. at Mr. Perkins
threshing. John & Robert gone to Toronto to see Barnums show.
Afternoon self and Wm. at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Thunder and
some rain at night.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. & Robert at the house. Self and
John at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Afternoon self and John at Mr.
Akhursts threshing till 5 o’clock. Wm. and Robert at house.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the Sunday School.
Margaret and Miss Watson here for dinner. John at the English
15 – Wind W, frost in the morning. Wm. and Robert drawing
sand. Self and John at Mr. Boddies threshing. Afternoon rain
and no threshing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Burtons well. Self and John
at Mr. Boddies threshing. Afternoon John plowing. Self at
James Walkers threshing.
17 – Wind S, fine day. John rather sick. Wm. at Burtons well.
Self and Annie at Uxbridge with some yarn to weave.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at Mr. Burtons well. John some
sick. Self plowing. Lizzie washing. Afternoon self plowing.
19 – Wind NW, showery morning and much thunder through the
night. Self digging Early Rose potatoes. John and Robert
pairing apples. Afternoon self plowing. John at Greenbank for
the papers. Mother and Robert picking the geese.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. John plowing. Self digging out stumps.
Afternoon John plowing. Self digging stumps. George here in
the evening.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Annie, John, Robert and Wm. at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching from Romans
22 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the house. John
plowing. Self digging stumps. Afternoon John plowing. Self
logging in the woods. Wm. and Robert at the house.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and John at the house. Robert at
the Port with Lizzie. Self logging in the woods. Afternoon Wm.
and John at house. Self logging in the woods. Mrs. Thos. Phair
here visiting. Mr. Tipp here selling F. Davis Medicines.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. John plowing.
Self logging in the woods. Afternoon self in the woods. John
harrowing. Wm. and Robert at house.
25 – Wind S and raining through the forenoon. Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self doing nought. Afternoon John, Wm. and
Robert at the house. Self at Greenbank getting subscriptions for
ministers salary. Trustees meeting in the evening to hire the
school teacher.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and John gone to Jas. Millers
house. Robert taking rolls to Mrs. Martineau to spin. Self taking
in the corn. Afternoon self and Robert cutting the corn stalks and
digging some potatoes.
27 – Wind SW, warm day. Wm. and John at Greenbank. Robert
harrowing. Self ditching. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self
ditching. Mrs. and Mr. Luke here.
28 – Wind SW, very warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., John and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Fisher preaching from 2nd
Corinthians VII:2.
Margaret here to dinner.
29 – Wind SW, raining some. John some sick. Wm. and Robert
at house. Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at Jas. Millers house.
Self, John and Robert drawing out dung.
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. Wm. and John at Mr. Jas. Millers
house. Self and Robert drawing out dung. Afternoon self and
Robert drawing dung. Dr. Knowles died.
OCT. 1 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the
County Fair, Uxbridge. Self ditching. Afternoon self ditching.
George Paterson shot himself.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John stoning Burtons well. Self and
Robert drawing out dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing out
dung. Dr. Knowles buried this afternoon.
3 – Wind Easterly, chilly, cloudy day. John, Robert and self at
dung. Afternoon John, self and Robert at dung. Iansons pairing
bee in the evening.
4 – Wind S, rainy day. John in the house. Wm. and Robert at
Wms. house. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm., John and
Robert at house. Self hunting cattle in the beaver meadow.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self and John at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott
6 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. John plowing.
Self spreading dung. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at house. Self
at Brock meeting to call a minister. John gone to A. Beecrofts.
7 – Wind W, hard frost, but fine day. Wm. gone to Saintfield. Self
at the Port Perry with a grist.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert plowing and spreading
dung. Mother at Mr. Akhursts quilting. Afternoon self at Mr.
Burtons sale with old mare and colt.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert plowing and spreading
dung. Afternoon Robert spreading dung. Self at Mr. Burtons
sale with the red mare and colt. Sold them to Mr. Perkins for
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at his house. Self, John, Robert and
Annie at potatoes. Afternoon John, Robert, self and Annie taking
up potatoes. Wm. at his house.
11 – Wind S, looking like rain. Wm. at his house. John, self,
Robert and Annie at potatoes. [?], pedlar, here. Afternoon Wm.
at his house. Self, John, Robert and Annie at potatoes. Some
rain in the afternoon.
12 – Wind NW, showery forenoon. Nobody at the Sunday
School. Nobody at meeting. Self at Mr. Byers to see him.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his house. Self, John, Robert and
Annie at potatoes. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self, John,
Robert and Annie finishes the potatoes.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Mara. Wm. gone to
Saintfield. Self doing nought. Lizzie washing. Afternoon self
burning potato tops. Self and Annie and Robert digs the carrots.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie taking in apples.
Afternoon Mr. Akhurst here visiting. Self, Robert and Annie
taking in apples.
16 – Wind S, looking like rain. Self, Robert and Annie taking in
apples. Afternoon Robert and Annie taking in the last of the
apples. Self at James Walkers bee getting out cedar to build
17 – Wind W, cloudy day. Self and Robert fixing the garden.
Afternoon self and Robert spreading dung. Wm. at Joseph
Stillwells well. John arrives from Mara. My birthday 1813.
18 – Wind SW, cloudy day. John plowing. Robert at house. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon rainy. Wm., John, Robert and self at
the house. Self at Mr. Byers at night.
19 – Wind SW, rather cloudy. Wm., John, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Wm. at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Hodnought preaching from 2nd
20 – Wind NE, rather cold. Wm. at his house. John plowing.
Self spreading dung. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at house. John
plowing. Self out with paper to sign for the Rev. Mr. Panton.
Snow towards night.
21 – Wind S, rather rainy. John plowing. Self spreading dung in
the orchard. Wm. and Robert at house. Afternoon Wm. and
Robert at house. John plowing. Self at meeting of school
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. at his house. John and Robert
plowing in the orchard. Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at his
house. John and Robert drawing stones. Self at Mr. John
Leasks with the call to get names for Mr. Panton.
23 – Wind SW, rather rainy. Wm., John and Robert at house.
Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm., John and Robert at house.
Self threshing pease.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. John at
James Walkers root house. Self at the Port for Barbara and
brick for Wms. house.
25 – Wind NW, dull day. John at Jas. Walkers root house. Wm.
at Wm. Loves house. Robert harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert harrowing in the orchard. Self choring.
Margaret arrives from Saintfield.
26 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm., Barbara, Margaret and
Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Wm., Margaret, Barbara and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Bryant preaching from
John III:9.
27 – Wind W, rather showery. Wm. at Wm. Loves house. John,
Robert and self at Wms. house. Afternoon Wm. at house. Self,
John, Robert and Annie at turnips.
28 – Wind S, some snow on the ground in the morning. John
gone to Whitby to pay his back taxes. Wm. at his house. Robert
at the house. Self mending boots. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at
house. Self at boots. School meeting in the evening. Isabella
Michie here.
29 – Wind N, ground covered with snow and very cold. Wm. and
Robert at house. John at James Walkers root house. Barbara
spinning. Self choring. Isabella Michie patching. Luther Brown
here selling books. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the house.
Self digging turnip pit. Lizzie here in the afternoon.
30 – Wind SE, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. Self choring.
John gone to James Scotts. Mother spinning. Afternoon Wm. at
house. Self, Robert, Mother and Annie drew 8 loads of turnips
into cellar. Margaret visiting at A. Gordons.
31 – Wind SW, dull day. Wm. at house. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie drew 5 loads of turnips in pit and one in cellar. Afternoon
Wm. at house. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew
2 loads into pit.
NOV. 1 – Wind SW, snow through the night. Wm. and Robert at
house. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. and Margaret at Port
Perry and gets the waggon wheel broken by Charles Bates. Self
digging turnip pit. John arrives from Mr. Nicols.
2 – Wind SW, snowing sometimes. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching from the IXXXIV Psalm, 9th
verse. Collection
3 – Wind NW, rough day. John digging turnip pit. Wm. at the
Port for the waggon. Self at the Port to the Presbytry but it did
not meet.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. at his house. John, Robert and Annie
at turnips. Self at the Presbytry and at trustees meeting in the
5 – Wind W, frosty morning. Wm. at his house. John, Robert,
Mother, self and Annie at turnips. Afternoon Wm. at his house.
Self, John, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Took up 13
loads. Mrs. C. Asling here visiting.
6 – Wind SW, fine day, but hard frost. Wm. at his house. Self,
John, Robert, Mother and Annie at turnips. Afternoon Wm. at his
house. Self and John, Robert & Annie at turnips. Drew 9 loads
in pit. Mrs. Isaac Truax here visiting.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. at A. Johnsons cistern. Self, John,
Robert and Mother at turnips. Drew 5 loads in cellar which
finishes the turnips. Afternoon Wm. at his house. John at
Greenbank. Self fencing pit.
8 – Wind NW, rough showery day. Wm. & John at house. Robert
and Annie sickly. Self at Manchester and Port Perry. Margaret
along with me. Barbara gone to A. Michies, Brock.
9 –Wind N, cold day. Wm. and Margaret at the Sunday School.
Wm. and John at Presbyterian Meeting.
10 – Wind NW, cold day. Wm. at his house. John at Mr. Burtons
well. Self choring. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Robert has
toothache. Self taking in cabbage.
11 – Wind S, dull day. Wm. and Robert at house. Self and John
threshing pease. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Wm. at house. Self and Robert at Port Perry at dentists.
Barbara arrives from Brock.
12 – Wind NE, cold day, snow 3 inches deep. Wm. and Robert at
house. Self and John fanning pease. Afternoon Wm., self and
John at school meeting. Site chosen on Mr. Lees grounds.
13 – Wind N, cold day. Wm., John, Robert and Annie at the
house. Self choring. Afternoon Wm., John, Robert and Annie at
house. Self choring.
14 – Wind SW, bright cold day. Wm., Robert & Annie at house.
John at Robert Phairs threshing with horses. Self killing sheep.
Afternoon Wm. and Robert at house. Barbara at Robt. Phairs.
Self fencing straw stack.
15 – Wind S, dull day. John at Thos. Phairs threshing. Wm. and
Robert at house. Self choring. Afternoon Annie at Greenbank
for papers. Wm., Robert and self at house. A. Michie here all
16 – Wind NE, dull day and snowing some. Wm., Robt., and
Margaret at the Sunday School. Self and Wm. at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Richardson preaching from
Colossians III:3.
17 – Wind NE, rather cold. John at Thos. Phairs threshing. Wm.
and Robert at house. Self choring. Threshing machine came.
Afternoon threshing. Pat. and R. Phairs horses, Mr. Perkins and
horses here, and Mr. Bolton, Mr. Akhurst, Mr. Thos. Phair, Mr.
James Walker and Jas. Walker, Jun. here. Threshed all the
18 – Wind N, cold day. Threshing, the same hands and Wm.,
finished by noon. Afternoon Wm. at his house. Self, John and
Robert clearing the barn door. Barbara visiting at Mr. Akhursts.
19 – Wind N, cold day. John gone to Widow Leasks. Wm. at his
house. Robert at house. Barbara spinning. Margaret washing.
Mother baking. Self banking house.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. Self
threshing pease. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm. at house.
Self and Robert drawing in some pease. Wesley Luke here all
21 – Wind NE, snowing some. Wm. drawing sand. Robt. with
him. Self threshing pease. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Wm.
and Robert at house. Self and Margaret at Greenbank.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. gone to Jas. Scotts. Self at
Greenbank getting the black mare shoed. Afternoon self and
Robert plastering henhouse. Mother at Robt. Phairs visiting.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Robert, Barbara, Margaret and
Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, Robert, Margaret,
Mother and Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Anderson
24 – Wind NE, rather cold. Wm. gone to plaster a schoolhouse
on the townline. Robert with him. Self and John threshing
pease. Afternoon, self, John and Robert fanning wheat.
25 – Wind NW, rather cold. Self and Barbara at the Port with
wheat. John gone to Mr. Burtons. Afternoon John at bee on the
sideline. Margaret washing.
26 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Burtons well. Self and Robert
putting dung on the turnip house. Barbara at Mrs. A. Leasks.
Afternoon self and Robert choring. Annie and Margaret at
Greenbank Division, Sons of Temperance.
27 – Wind NE and snowing. Ewe dead in the morning. John, self
and Robert choring. Lizzie here. Afternoon John and Robert
threshing pease. Self making sheep rack. Luther Brown brings
my book, The Hand of God in All Things.
28 - Wind W, fine day, another sheep dead. Wm. at his house.
Self, John and Robert drawing in pease. Afternoon Wm., John
and Robert at house. Self choring.
29 – Wind W, fine day, rather cold. Wm. and Robert at house.
Self and John fanning wheat. Afternoon Wm. and Robt. at
house. John making axe handle. Self choring. Annie at
30 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., John, Robt., Barbara, Margaret and
Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Barbara, Margaret, Robert
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Stewart preaching
from Heb. VI:12.
DEC. 1 – Wind E, and very cold. Wm. and Robert at house. Self
and John doing little but skinning a ewe that died. Afternoon
Wm. at his house. Self, John, Mother, Margaret, Annie and
Robert at the Presbyterian Missionary Meeting. Mr. Smith, Dr.
Thornton and Mr. Balantyne there. $10.19 of collection.
2 – Wind E, hailing through the night. John gone to John Leasks
house to lath. Wm. at house. Self threshing pease. Afternoon
thawing some. Wm. at house. Self choring.
3 – Wind SE and raining. Wm. at house. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon Wm. at house. Still raining and very warm.
Wm. at the creek. Robert painting. Self choring.
4 – Wind SW and a hurricane. All the fences down and straw
stack top blowed off. Wm. at house. Self and Robert looking
round. Barbara whitewashing. Afternoon still blowing hard.
Wm. at house. Self at the measuring of school ground.
5 – Wind NW. Wm. gone to school house on the townline. Self
and Robert fencing. Barbara whitewashing. Afternoon self and
Robert fencing. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert threshing pease.
Afternoon self at mill. Barbara at Greenbank. Margaret
7 – Wind NE, fine day. Robt., Margaret, Annie and Wm. at the
Sunday School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Stewart preaching from John I:29. Monthly collection $2.12.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. and Robert at house. John at
Greenbank. Self threshing pease. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at
home. Self and John threshing pease. Mrs. Walker here
9 – Wind W, soft day. Wm. and John gone to J. Leasks house.
Robert gone with them a piece. Self doing the chores.
Afternoon self chopping. Robert painting.
10 – Wind N, some snow. Robert painting. George comes home.
Self fixing stoves. Barbara & Margaret cleaning up. Afternoon
Robert painting. George at Greenbank. Self chopping wood.
11 – Wind S, rainy day with some snow. Robert painting.
George in the woods. Self writing. Afternoon Robert painting.
Self choring.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. George at Mr. Boddies well. Self
choring. Robert painting. Afternoon self choring.
13 – Wind NE, snowing very heavy, nothing doing. Afternoon
George at Mr. Boddies well. Self choring. Wm. and John
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Anderson preaching.
15 – Wind W, fine day. George at Mr. Boddies well. Self, Wm.,
John & Robert drawing in turnips. Annie at school. Afternoon
John and Robert at turnips. Wm. at Jas. Scotts. Self and
Barbara at Brock. Meeting to call a minister.
16 - Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Boddies well. George gone
to Mrs. Leasks. Wm. and Robert at house. Self splitting wood.
Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Mrs. Akhurst sick. Afternoon Robert
painting. Wm. in the woods. Self preparing for killing pigs.
17 – Wind W, fine day, snow thawing. Self, Wm., John, & Robert
killing pigs. Afternoon Robert painting. Wm. and John in the
woods. Self choring. John and Helen Ewen and Elizabeth
Chalmers and Stewart Graham here begging in the evening.
18 – Wind SW, rather dull. John at Boddies well. Wm. & Robt. at
house. Self choring.
19 – Wind NE, snowing some. Wm. at house. Self and Robert
cutting pork. Afternoon Wm. at house. John at Mr. Boddies well.
Annie at school. Self choring. Margaret leaves with Mr. Foster,
being hired.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. John at Boddies well. Self and Annie
at Port Perry with 2 pigs. Wm. at house.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Wm., Barbara, Annie and Robt. at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Wm., Barbara and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from 1st
VI:12. Collection for Home Mission Fund $6.81.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone to plaster school house. John
at Mr. Boddies well. Self choring. Afternoon self at mill with
grist. Mother at James Walkers visiting. George comes home.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Boddies well. George in the
woods. Barbara washing. Self choring. Afternoon self, Annie
and Sally Akhurst for Georges chest and at mill for grist. A.
Michie here for Barbara.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. George and John in the woods. Self
and Robert drawing wood. Afternoon self mending horse collar.
Robert painting.
25 – Wind W, fine day. (Christmas). George in the woods. John
doing nought. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and George
gone to Brock. Some children here in afternoon.
26 – Wind S, snowing some. George in the woods. John in the
woods. Self at Port Perry with some wheat.
27 – Wind Easterly. John and George in the woods. Wm. gone
to Brougham. Self reading the papers. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self choring.
28 -- Wind NW, cold day. Barbara, Annie & Robert at the
Sunday School. Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith
29 – Wind SW, stormy day. George in the woods. John at Mr.
Boddies. Self writing. Barbara baking. Afternoon self choring.
At Greenbank in the evening.
30 – Wind N, rather cold. George in the woods. John, self, Robt.
and William killing a steer. Barbara washing. Afternoon John at
Mr. Boddies well. Barbara still washing. Self choring.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. George in the woods. John in the
woods. Barbara baking. Self choring. Robt. dunging out the
colts stable. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at Greenbank
about the school. Wm. arrives from Brougham.
And thus ends the year 1873.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the creek. John
and George at home. Self doing nought. Afternoon George
gone to Manchester. Self at Thos. Phairs and at council meeting
at Greenbank. Spree in the evening. 60 at it.
2 – Wind S, and heavy fog. Nothing doing. Afternoon George in
the woods. Self choring. Wm. at Port Perry.
3 – Wind S and thawing. George at woods. John in the woods.
Wm. at his house. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm. at his
house. Self choring. Barbara leaves with Jas. Johnson.
Insurance agent here.
4 – Wind S, very fresh, snow most all gone. Wm., John, George,
Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Nobody at meeting.
5 – Wind N, fine day. George gone to Mr. Ross’s. John in the
woods. Self and Wm. at Greenbank at election. Afternoon John
in the woods. Wm. at his house. Mrs. Akhurst and Mrs. Perkins
here visiting.
6 – Wind easterly and snowing some. Wm., Robert and Annie at
house. John gone to Prince Albert to pay a note. George at A.
Ross’s. Self doing nought. Afternoon Wm. and Robert at the
house. Self doing nought but choring.
7 – Wind NE, hailing some. Wm. at mill with grist. George still at
A. Ross’s. John fixing stable. Annie ironing clothes. Self doing
nought. Miriam Truax and sister here. Afternoon Wm. at house.
Self, John and Robert drawing turnips. Mr. A. Stone here and
bought 2 steers and a heifer at $5 per 100 lbs.
8 – Wind NE, rather soft. Wm. and Robert gone to Port Perry.
John gone to put some logs on at sawmill. Self choring.
Afternoon John in the woods. Wm. moves into his own house.
This picture was taken in the summer of 1958 of the house that
William built on Lot 18, Concession 10 of Reach Township in
Ontario County. At the time this photo was taken the property
was owned by Robert Gordon Michie and his wife Evelyn
(Webster) Michie.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. George in the woods.
Self and Robert drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self and Robert at the sawmill for some lumber.
10 – Wind SW, snowing sometimes. George in the woods. John
in the woods. Robert helping Wm. Self at the sawmill for
lumber. Afternoon John in the woods. Annie gone to Brock.
Self choring. Boy here with some money for George.
11 – Wind NW, rather rough. Robert gone to the Sunday School.
Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching
from Psalms XLVI.
12 – Wind N, fine day. George in the woods. John in the woods.
Robert at Wms. house. Self choring.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. John in the woods. George in the
woods. Self at Port Perry at Presbytry.
14 – Wind NW, snowing some. John and George gone to Amos
Stones with 3 cattle. Self at the annual school meeting.
Afternoon George at Saintfield. John in the woods. Self choring.
Wm. and Robert across the creek.
15 – Wind N, very cold. George and John in the woods. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and George in the woods. Wm.
and his wife gone to Port Perry to get their teeth fixed. Self
16 – Wind N, very cold, nothing doing. John and George grinding
axes. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for the papers. Self, John
and George drawing in the pease.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. George and John in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon George and John in the woods. Wm.
and Robert over the creek. Self choring.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, George and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Caswell preaching from 1st
Corinthians 4:3.
19 – Wind NW and thawing. John and George in the woods. Self
and Robert drawing wood. Annie at Wms. Afternoon snow
falling, nothing doing.
20 –Wind SE, rather cold. John and George fanning wheat. Self
choring. Robert at school. Afternoon John and George at Port
Perry with wheat. Self writing.
21 – Wind S, rather soft. John and George in the woods. Robert
at school. Mother washing. Annie baking. Self drawing wood.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Self drawing wood.
Robert, George & John at political meeting at Greenbank in the
evening. Gordon and Gibbs, candidates.
22 – Wind SW, rainy day, nothing doing. Self at Greenbank
about the school. The new school let to [?] to James Scott. At
the Wesleyan Missionary Meeting in the evening. Very soft
night. Nomination day.
23 – Wind W, rather soft. John and George in the woods. Robert
at the school. Self choring. Afternoon John and George in the
woods. Self choring.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Self, George and John in the woods.
Robert at Greenbank with black mare to shoe. Afternoon very
stormy. Self, George, John and Robert drew in 3 loads of
turnips. Annie scrubbing.
25 – Wind N, rather cold. Nobody at school or church.
26 – Wind SE, snowing some. Robert at school. Wm. and Annie
at the Port. John & George in the woods. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Self choring.
27 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at school. John, George and self
in the woods. Afternoon snowing heavily. Nothing doing.
Mother baking. Wesley Luke here all night.
28 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John and George fanning grist.
Self choring. Robert at school. Mother washing. Afternoon
John gone to the mill with grist. George choring.
29 – Wind W, snowing heavy. Self, John at Greenbank at the
election. Voted for Mr. Gordon. Afternoon George gone to
Greenbank to vote. Voted on the roll for 1874. General election
in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick.
30 – Wind N, rather cold. George in the woods. John gone to the
Port. Self choring. Robert at school. Afternoon George in the
woods. Self choring. John at Greenbank with money to Mr.
Edward Phoenix. Mr. A. Gordon majority – 96.
31 – Wind N, rather cold. Self, John, George and Robert taking
in turnips. Afternoon John & George in the woods. Robert at
Greenbank for papers.
FEB. 1 – Wind N, fine day. George and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, George, Wm. and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Hodnought preaching from Matthew V:9.
Collection $3.51.
2 – Wind SE, very cold day. John gone to the Port with hay.
George ciphering. Robert at school. Afternoon George
ciphering. Nothing doing.
3 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John at the Port with hay. George
in the woods. Robert at school. Self mending Mothers boots.
Afternoon John and George in the woods. Barbara arrives.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at school. John gone to the Port
with hay. Self and George in the woods. Afternoon George in
the woods. John in the woods. Barbara leaves for James
5 – Wind NW, rather cold. John weighing hay for Mr. Ross.
George in the woods. Self splitting wood. Robert at school.
Mother washing. Afternoon John weighing hay. George in the
woods. Self doing nought. Mr. Akhurst pays for the mare $120.
6 – Wind Easterly. Robert at the school. George gone to Mr.
Ross’s to thresh pease. Self and John drawing hay into the
barn. Afternoon Mother visiting at Wms. John and self doing
7 – Wind NE, rather cold. John and Wm. gone to Brock. Self
splitting wood. Annie scrubbing. Mother churning. Afternoon
Annie, Robert and Sally at Wms. house. Self doing nought.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John and George at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Hodnought preaching from John XVII:19.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. drawing wood. John gone to Port
Perry. George gone to Mr. Ross’s. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Mrs. Martineau here to dinner. Afternoon self chopping
some. John goes to John Gordons spree.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. drawing wood. John threshing
pease. Robert at the school. Self splitting wood. George at Mr.
Ross’s for a month. Afternoon self and John threshing pease.
John at Greenbank in the evening.
11 – Wind N, rather cold. Wm. drawing wood. Robert at school.
Self and John threshing pease. Mother and Annie washing.
Afternoon self and John threshing pease. Mother visiting at Mr.
Boddies, Mr. Akhursts, Mr. Walkers and Mr. Burtons.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Wm. drawing wood. Self and John
threshing pease. Robert at the school. Afternoon self and John
at pease. Barbara comes home from Macmillans. Lightning at
13 – Wind S and raining heavy. Nothing doing. Self writing.
Afternoon nothing doing. Margaret comes home from Mr.
Fosters. Snow melting fast.
14 – Wind NW, fine day, not much frost. Wm. and Barbara and
Lizzie at Port Perry. John in the woods. Self splitting wood.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John in the woods. Mother
baking. Self doing nought. Isaac Cragg died.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Hodnought preaching from Zachariah
16 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Wm. drawing wood. John in the
woods. Self fixing the clock. Robert at school. Afternoon John
in the woods. Self choring. Mr. and Mrs. Duff here for apples.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring. Robert
at the school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
18 – Wind NW, fine day, nothing doing. John after Robert Phairs
spree. Robert at school. Afternoon John and Margaret at Port
Perry. Races there. Self choring. Mother at Mr. Perkins visiting.
Annie at Mr. James Walkers.
19 – Wind S, threatening snow. John and Annie gone to
Uxbridge. Self splitting wood. Robert at school. Afternoon self
choring. Mr. and Mrs. Michie here all night.
20 – Wind S, rather soft. John in the woods. Self doing nought.
Robert at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Michie leave for home.
Barbara leaves for Henry Bickles. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self drawing wood. Margaret and Annie at Greenbank at sale.
21 – Wind Easterly, snowing some. Wm. gone to Manchester.
Self writing. John doing nought. Afternoon self and John
threshing pease.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Mother and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Macbrine preaching.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at school and
Annie too. Self drawing stones to Thos. Phair. Afternoon John
in the woods. Self drawing wood.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to the woods to work for Mr.
Ledingham. Self drawing wood. Robert and Annie at the school.
Afternoon self drawing wood. Margaret gone to Alex. Gordons to
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the school. John
working for Mr. Ledingham. Wm. drawing wood and hurt his eye.
Mr. and Mrs. Macphail here visiting. Afternoon self drawing in
some turnips.
26 – Wind W, rather cold. Robert and Annie at school. Self and
John drawing wood. Afternoon John gone to the creek to take a
job. Self and Mother visiting at John Gordons. Margaret gone to
visit at Saintfield.
27 – Wind W and snow drifting. John gone to the swamp culling
logs for bridge. Robert and Annie at school. Self drawing wood.
Afternoon self at John Gordons for 10.4 bushels seed wheat at
$1.12 per bushel.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at the creek. Self
choring. Annie scrubbing. Mother baking. Afternoon self and
Robert drawing in turnips. Margaret arrives from Brock.
MAR. 1 – Wind SE, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie
at the Sunday School. Self, John, Wm., Margaret and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Gilchrist preaching from John
15:19, Collection $3.30.
2 – Wind S and very warm, snow thawing fast. John at bridge.
Robert and Annie at school. Self at the Port with Margaret who
goes with the train. Afternoon John and horses at bridge. Self
sawing wood.
3 – Wind S, very warm. John and horses at the bridge. Self
splitting wood. Mother washing. Robert at school. Annie at
home. Afternoon John at bridge. Self choring. Mrs. Whitford Lee
4 – Wind W, nothing doing, still very soft. Self choring. John
doing nought. Robert at school. Afternoon John at Greenbank
with his boots to mend. Self doing nought.
5 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. Self and
John drawing out wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
drawing out wood.
6 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. Robert and Annie at the school.
John in the woods. Self drawing out wood. Afternoon John in
the woods. Self drawing out wood. Mr. Wm. Minty here today
selling pictures.
7 –Wind SE, rainy kind of day. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and
Robert drawing out timber for Wm. George comes home.
8 – Wind W, snowing some. Robert at the Sunday School.
Nobody at meeting.
9 – Wind N, very stormy and cold. Nothing doing. Robert at the
school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
10 – Wind NW, very stormy and cold. John in the woods. Robert
at school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at Greenbank.
Annie at Wms.
11 – Wind NW, stormy and cold. Robert at school. John in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon self and John in the woods.
Annie at Wms.
12 – Wind NE, rather cold. Robert at school. John in the woods.
Assessor here. Afternoon John in the woods. Wm. and Annie at
Port Perry. Self choring. James Miller here with petitions for the
legislature to stop the manufacture and sale of intoxicating
13 – Wind N, very stormy day. Robert at school. John ciphering.
Self doing nought. John Akhurst here about doing some work in
the swamp. Afternoon Barbara arrives. John in the woods. Self
doing nought. Mr. Wm. Akhurst and John Akhurst here in the
14 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing logs out of the woods. Afternoon self at Greenbank.
Barbara scrubbing. Annie at Mrs. Boddies visiting.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. Barbara, John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. No one at meeting.
16 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. John
at bridge. Self at Manchester with a load to Burton.
17 – Wind S, fine day, thawing. Robert and Annie at school.
John at bridge. Self drawing logs out of the woods. Afternoon
self and John at bridge. Barbara at Thos. Phairs visiting.
18 – Wind SW, very warm. Robert and Annie at school. John at
bridge. Self drawing in turnips. Afternoon self and John at the
19 – Wind W and raining. John and Robert at the bridge. Self
mending harness. Barbara washing. Afternoon John and Robert
at the bridge. Self splitting wood.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the school.
Barbara at Greenbank. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John
chopping wood. Self splitting wood. Mr. Thos. Phair brings
home Barbaras 2 sheep.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Self splitting wood.
Pascoe Luke here to dinner. Afternoon self chopping. George
comes home. George Michie died 1868.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Barbara, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger
preaching from St. John VIII:34.
23 – Wind NW, very rough cold day. Robert at the school. John
and George in the woods. Self at Byers, he being very sick.
Afternoon John in the woods. George ciphering. Self doing
24 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Manchester. Robert at
school. Self choring. Afternoon self splitting wood. Isabella
Michie here from Brock. Mother visiting at Thos. Phairs.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. Annie sick. John in
the woods. Self choring. Afternoon self at the school
examination. John in the woods.
26 – Wind W, rather rainy. John in the woods. Isabella Michie
and Barbara and Mrs. Walker quilting. Robert and Annie sick.
Afternoon self drawing in turnips.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert sick of toothache. Annie sick.
John in the woods. Self choring. Barbara, Isabella Michie and
Mrs. Phair quilting. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara and Isabella at Greenbank.
28 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara, Isabella Michie and Mrs. Perkins quilting.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self at John Leasks. Barbara and
Isabella Michie visiting at Robert Phairs in the evening.
29 – Wind W, fine day. John gone with Isabella Michie to Brock.
George and Barbara at the Sunday School. Nobody at the
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara and Robert at Port Perry. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self splitting wood.
31 – Wind NW, rather cold. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara at A. Gordons.
APR. 1 – Wind S, rather cold. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara washing. Robert tapping trees. Annie and Mary
Michie gone to Mrs. Leasks.
2 – Wind S, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and Robert
taking in turnips. Afternoon John in woods. Self making axe
handle. Robert in the sugar bush. Barbara making mat.
3 – Wind NW, rather cold. John and horses in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self making axe
handle. Barbara, John and Robert at Greenbank at Temperance
4 – Wind NW, cold day. John and horses in the woods. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John at Port Perry. Self and Robert
drawing wood.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John, George, Robert and Barbara at the
Sunday School. Self, Wm., Barbara and George at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Kay preaching from Matthew XI:28.
Collection $2.24.
6 – Wind W, fine day, fall of snow in the night. John drawing
sawlogs to mill. Self choring. Mother at Mr. Akhursts, he being
hurt by sleigh tipping over with logs. Margaret Walker here.
Afternoon self and John fanning oats. Robert at Wms. Wm.
Akhurst hurt with logs rolling on him.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Port Perry with oats.
Barbara washing. Self and Robert fanning oats. Afternoon self
and Robert at Greenbank Fair. John taking Barbara to Brock.
8 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John gone to Manchester with oats.
Robert boiling sap. Self choring. Afternoon self fencing. Robert
at Wms.
9 – Wind NE, cold day. John at the Port with oats. Robt. at Wms.
Annie at Akhursts. Self choring.
10 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self putting a tongue
on Akhursts sleigh. Robert in the woods. Afternoon John
fencing. Self measuring land. Robert boiling sap.
11 – Wind NW, rather rough. Mother at Wms., Lizzie sick. Self,
John and Robert drawing turnips. Afternoon self, John and
Robert threshing. George arrives from Mr. Ross’s.
12 – Wind N, fine day. Mother at Wms., Lizzie having born a
daughter. John and Robert at the Sunday School. Nobody at
the Presbyterian Meeting.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert measuring land.
Afternoon self, John and Robert moving fence. Mother still at
14 – Wind S, some rain, nothing doing. Afternoon John drawing
rails to Wm. Robert boiling sap. Self at Greenbank for papers.
15 – Wind N, cold day, nothing doing. Afternoon self and John
fencing. Robert boiling sap.
16 – Wind NE, rather cold. Self, John and Robert fencing.
Barbara washing. Afternoon self, John and Robert fencing.
17 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. Wm. gone to mill with logs.
Robert at Greenbank. John making waggon. Self at George
Boddies with black sow. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing rails from turnip pit. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing turnips.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing
stones. Annie scrubbing at Wms. George comes home from Mr.
19 – Wind N, fine day. John, George, Robert and Barbara at the
Sunday School. Self, John, George and Robert at the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. McClellan preaching. Miss Christina
Byers here to dinner.
20 –Wind Easterly. George gone to his work. John gone to the
Port with a grist. Raining, nothing doing. Afternoon same.
Thunder and rain. John leaves grist at Mr. Bears mill.
21 – Wind NW, very cold. John plowing. Robert boiling sap. Self
fencing. Afternoon John plowing. Robert in the woods. Self
fencing. Barbara spinning.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self fencing. Barbara
washing. Mother choring. Robert at Wms. Annie at Wms.
Afternoon John plowing with young horse. Self fencing. Barbara
spinning. George Boddie Jun. here in the evening.
23 – Wind NW, rather cold. John plowing. Self choring. Barbara
spinning. Afternoon John plowing. Self mending the reel.
Robert in the woods. Barbara visiting at Thos. Phairs.
24 – Wind N, hard frost in the morning. John goes to the plow at
9 o’clock. Self and Robert in the woods. Barbara spinning.
Mother choring. Afternoon John plowing. Barbara and Robert at
Greenbank. Self fencing. Mother sewing.
25 – Wind SE, dull day. John plowing. Self mending horse
collar. Robert boiling sap. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Mother
at Wms. John plowing. Self setting poles to John. Barbara
choring. George arrives home. Robert boiling.
26 – Wind NW, a fall of snow through the night. No one at the
Sunday School. Mother, John and Annie at the Presbyterian
27 – Wind NW, cold and hard frost. George gone to the
carpenter work. Self, John and Robert oiling the harness.
Barbara spinning. Mother patching.
28 – Wind N and frosty. No plowing til 10 o’clock. John and
Robert at Wms. Self making axe handle. Afternoon John
plowing. Robert boiling sap to Wm. Barbara at John Watsons
visiting. Self choring.
29 – Wind still N and hard frost. John, self and Robert fixing the
pump. Mr. Akhurst here. Barbara spinning. Afternoon John
plowing. Self chopping. Robert at Wms. Mother visiting at Mr.
30 – Wind NW, hard frost through the night and cold day. John
plowing some towards noon. Self making axe handle. Robert at
Wms. Barbara spinning. Mother baking.
MAY 1 – Wind NW, cold day. John at Wms. Robert boiling sap.
Self chopping. Barbara spinning. Afternoon Barbara visiting at
Mr. Aslings. John plowing. Self chopping.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Self chopping. Afternoon
John plowing and goes to mill but gets no grist. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank. Self chopping. Mother at Wms. Isabella
Michie arrives here.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John, George, Robert, Barbara, Annie
and Isabella Michie at the Sunday School. Self, John, George,
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Hugh Thomson
preaching from Matthew VII:11. Collection $2.41.
4 – Wind NE, rather dull day. John sowing wheat. Robert
carrying wheat to him. Annie at school. Self harrowing. Barbara
and Isabella Michie making mat. Afternoon John plowing. Self
fixing the roller. Robert at Wms.
5 – Wind NW, rather cold. John harrowing. Self sowing grass
seeds. Robert at Greenbank. Annie at school. Barbara and
Isabella Michie at mat. Afternoon John rolling. Self and Robert
at fence. Lizzie here visiting. Barbara and Isabella at Mr. T.
Duffs in the evening.
6 – Wind NW, rather cold. John sowing oats. Robert carrying
seed. Self harrowing. Annie at the school. Afternoon John
plowing. Self digging in the garden. Robert gone home with
Isabella Michie. Mother at Jas. Walkers visiting.
7 – Wind W, rather cold. John harrowing. Self sowing grass
seeds. Annie at school. Robert in the woods. Barbara washing.
Mother choring. Afternoon John rolling. Self and Robert planting
potatoes in the orchard.
8 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Self fencing. Robert
putting straw in beds. Annie at school. Afternoon John plowing.
Self and Robert fencing. Barbara and Wm. at the Port.
9 – Wind SW and very high and the dust flying. John plowing.
Self and Robert fencing. Mother baking. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon very warm. John plowing. Self and Robert fencing.
George arrives from Saintfield.
10 – Wind SW. John, Robert, Barbara and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Mother, and Barb. at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. H. Thompson preaching from Matthew XII:28.
Come unto me all you that labour.
11 – Wind NE, rather cool. John plowing. Self at Greenbank
getting the black mare shoed and brings grist from the mill.
Annie at the school. Robert in the garden. Barbara washing.
Afternoon John sowing wheat and pease. Self harrowing.
Robert carrying seed. Barbara goes to Mr. Halls. Lizzie and
babe here.
12 – Wind S. John harrowing. Annie at school. Robert at Wms.
Self choring. Afternoon John rolling. Self turning sods. Mr.
Perkins borrows 5 bags of oats and [?].
13 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing in the orchard. Self and
Robert gathering stones. Annie gone to fishing. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert drawing firewood.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robert planting
apple trees. Annie at school. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and
Robert planting trees. Mrs. John Watson here.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Wms. Self sowing plaster.
Annie at the school. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and Robert
planting trees. Mother at Wms.
16 – Wind S, dull day and raining some. John goes to Wms. but
comes home again for rain. Annie scrubbing. Self and Robert
washing the buckboard. Afternoon John plowing at Wms.
Robert takes Punk cow to Wms. Self cleaning the dooryard.
Mother at Mr. Akhursts all night, their baby sick. George arrives.
John at Greenbank in evening.
17 – Wind W, rather dull day. John, George, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Afternoon some rain. Nobody at any
18 – Wind NE and raining. George gone to McMillans. Robert
gone to Wms. Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon John plowing at
Wms. Self fencing.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. plowing. Self fencing.
Annie at school. Robert choring. Afternoon John plowing at
Wms. Self cutting potatoes.
20 – Wind Easterly, threatening rain. John at Wms. plowing. Self
at the creek. Robert choring. Annie at school. Afternoon John
at Wms. harrowing. Self cutting potatoes. Robert planting corn.
21 – Wind N, rather cold. John harrowing at Wms. and finishes.
Self and Robt. cutting potatoes. Annie at school. Mother
washing. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert cutting
potatoes. Mother washing. Jas. McPhail died.
22 – Wind N, rather cold. John plowing. Self and Mother at
Uxbridge to see James McPhail; he died on Thursday evening.
Got home at 9 o’clock.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John, Robert and Annie planting
potatoes. Afternoon finished planting potatoes.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
John and George gone to Uxbridge to Mr. James McPhails
funeral sermon. Mother at Wms. and brings Lizzie and child
25 – Wind SW, rather rainy forenoon. John writing. Self making
umbrella handle. Mother baking. Afternoon John at Greenbank.
Self mending boots. Robert and Annie playing ball.
26 – Wind NW, rough cold day. John gone collecting for Bible
Society. Self mending harness. Annie at school. Afternoon self
sawing wood. Barbara arrives from Greenbank.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Wm. and Robert at the sawmill. Annie at
the school. Self sawing wood. Barbara washing. John doing
nought. Afternoon self in the swamp. John hanging a gate.
Mother at John Watsons. Barbara and John at Greenbank.
28 – Wind S, fine day and very warm. John plowing. Annie at the
school. Self and Robert patching the roof of the barn. Afternoon
self, John and Robert washing the sheep. Rev. Mr. McClung
here on a visit. Self and John at Mrs. Leasks at a prayer
29 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Self looking at the sideline.
Robert painting at Wms. Afternoon John harrowing. Self at
30 – Wind S, very warm day. John choring. Robert at Wms.
painting. Self mending harness. Afternoon self at Greenbank
with Wms. horse to shoe. Mother at Mr. Akhursts.
31 – Wind W, rather dull. John, George, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from John X:11,14. I am the good shepherd.
JUNE 1 – Wind N, rather cool. John pulling hemlock. Self
making watering place. Annie at school. Robert at Wms.
painting. Afternoon John at bark. Self leveling in the woods.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John at bark. Annie at school. Self and
Robert shearing sheep. Afternoon John at bark. Self and Robert
mowing the old garden.
3 – Wind SW, rather dull day. Wm. and Robert gone to Port
Perry for shingles. John choring. Self cleaning out the
cowhouse. Afternoon John cutting thistles. Self taking the
sheep dung out of the barn. John gone to Greenbank to
committee meeting about the anniversary. Annie and Robert
playing ball.
4 – Wind SW, some rain through the night, fine day. Wm. at the
Port for shingles. John at the raising of the school house. Annie
at the school. Self and Robert fanning wheat and oats in the
barn. Afternoon John cutting thistles. Robert at Wms. Self
picking bugs off the potato tops. Prayer meeting at Mr. Ross’s.
Self and John at it.
5 – Wind S, warm day. John and Robert at thistles. Annie at
school. Self in the garden. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
Self picking bugs. Lecture at Greenbank in behalf of the Bible
Society. John and Robert at it.
6 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at thistles. Self hoeing
potatoes. Annie scrubbing. Mother baking. Afternoon John at
Greenbank getting the young horse shoed. Mother and Robt.
picking geese. Self fixing eave trough.
7 – Wind S, dull and raining some. No one at the Sunday School.
Mother, George, Wm. and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from Luke X:42. Collection $4.13.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. John plowing. Self
choring round. Afternoon John plowing. Self at Brock at a
meeting of the congregation about calling a minister.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Self plowing. Robert at
Port Perry with Lizzie. Annie nursing the baby. Afternoon self
plowing. John at Wms. Robert at Wms. painting.
10 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Wms. Robert at Wms.
Annie at the school. Mother washing. Self plowing. Afternoon
John and Robert at Wms. Self plowing. George [Tocher?] here
in the evening.
11 – Wind SE, raining some. John and Robert at Wms. Annie at
school. Self plowing. Rain at 11 o’clock. Afternoon still raining,
nothing doing. Self turning potatoes.
12 – Wind W, rather cold. John and Robert at Wms. Self
plowing. Annie at the school. Afternoon John and Robert at
Wms. Self mending horse collars. Annie gone to Mrs. Leasks.
Barbara arrives.
13 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self shaking
sods on turnip land. Mother at Mr. Akhursts – his baby dead.
Afternoon John digging grave for Mr. Akhursts child. Self and
Robert drawing sods off the turnip land. George arrives.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John, George, Barbara, Robert and Annie
at the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert, John and Annie at
the funeral of Akhursts child.
15 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John harrowing. Robert cutting
thistles. Self digging cabbage ground. Annie at the school.
Barbara washing. George Gibson here. Afternoon self digging
cabbage ground. John rolling. Robert cutting thistles. Rain
towards night. Barbara at Thos. Phairs.
16 – Wind S and raining, nothing doing. Self turning potatoes.
Barbara washing blankets. Afternoon still raining. John at
Greenbank. Barbara at Mr. Watsons about baking for the
17 – Wind NW, some rain in the forenoon. John at the grist mill.
Self at Greenbank for turnip seed. Afternoon John drilling. Self
collecting money for Ministers. Robert cutting thistles. Barbara
gone to Thos. Phairs.
18 – Wind NW, fine day. John drilling. Self digging. Robert
cutting thistles. Afternoon John gone to Greenbank. Self
19 – [diary has a notation…”Friday lost”].
20 – Wind S, fine day. John and self at Port Perry.
21 – Wind SE, fine day. John, George, Barbara, Robert & Annie
at the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, George and Barbara
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching from John.
22 – Wind S, fine day, very warm. John drilling. Annie at the
school. Self and Robert hoeing potatoes. Afternoon John
finishes turnip sowing. Self at Brock meeting to moderate in a
call for Mr. John McClung. Shower in the afternoon
23 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John & Wm. doing statute labour.
Annie at the school. Afternoon John on the road. Self letting
jobs on the sideline. Robert there too. John & Barbara at
Greenbank in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the school. Self, John & Wm. on
the road all day. Mother at Mrs. Martineaus, Greenbank, she
being confined.
25 – Wind SW, warm day. Self, John & Wm. at road work.
Thunder shower at 10 o’clock. Afternoon self, John & Wm. at the
road and finishes the road work at 3 o’clock. Mother at Wms.
26 – Wind SE, heavy rain about 6 o’clock and some through the
forenoon. Nothing doing. Barbara gone to Mr. Watsons to bake
for the anniversary. Afternoon John goes to the Port on foot.
Robert and Annie at Wms. Self at Greenbank for the papers and
begging for the anniversary at Thos. Loves and Wm. Loves.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Self choring. Mother and
Barbara baking for the anniversary. Afternoon John and Robert
at Wms. Self mending James Walkers door. Margaret arrives
from Whitby. John at Saintfield. Barbara at Greenbank in the
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John, George, Robert, Barbara,
Margaret and Annie at Greenbank. Alex Michie, Jun. and
Isabella Michie here to dinner. John, Barbara, Margaret and
Annie at Greenbank Primitive Meeting.
29 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Self hoeing corn.
Margaret washing. Afternoon John, Robert and Annie at Wms.
Self at Greenbank getting black mare shoed. Margaret gone to
the Primitive S. School Anniversary.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self making
whiffletree. Barbara baking. Afternoon John and Robert at
Wms. Self mending harness. Barbara at Mrs. Watsons. Mother
at Wms. Annie at Mr. Akhursts. Margaret at George Boddies.
JULY 1 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, John, George,
Margaret, Barbara, Robert and Annie at Sabbath School
Anniversary all day.
2 – Wind NW, fine cool day. John at Wms. Self hoeing potatoes.
Barbara at Thos. Phairs. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes. Robert
gone to Port Perry with Margaret to the train. Mrs. Walker and
Mrs. A. Gordon here visiting.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self hoeing
potatoes. Mother washing. Annie choring. Afternoon John and
Robert at Wms. Self setting up potatoes. Mother washing.
4 – Wind Easterly. John and Robert at Wms. Self at Mr. Byers
with cow. Afternoon John at Saintfield. Robert at Wms. Self
setting up potatoes. Annie at Wms.
5 – Wind N, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Roger preaching from Mark IX:23.
Collection $2.78.
6 – Wind S, warm day. John and Robert at Wms. Self mowing
fence corners. Annie at school. Afternoon John and Robert at
Wms. Self mowing.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self at Prince
Albert at Presbytery. Afternoon grand storm. John at Mrs.
Leasks raising. New school frame blown down.
8- Wind NW, fine day. John gone to the raising again. Self
choring. Robert at Wms. Mother washing. Afternoon John and
Robert at Wms. Self scuffling turnips and at meeting of school
trustees in the evening.
9 – Wind S, warm day. John and Robert at Wms. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self hoeing
10 –Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self at turnips.
Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self scuffling turnips.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Self and Robert hoeing
turnips. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and
Robert picking bugs on the potatoes. Jas. Walkers cow calves.
12 – Wind SE, rather cold. John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, George, Wm., Lizzie and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Roger preaching from Hebrews II:3.
13 – Wind easterly, rain till 11 o’clock. John churning. Self and
Robert picking potatoes. Afternoon John, Robert and self hoeing
14 – Wind S, very warm day. Wm. gone to Mr. Ruddys for
lumber. Self, John and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon John,
self and Robert at turnips.
15 – Wind SW, fine day and high wind. John at Wms. Robert
scuffling turnips. Self hoeing turnips. Afternoon self and Robert
at turnips. Annie at Wms.
16 – Wind NW, rather cold. John at Wms. Robert and self
hoeing turnips. Annie at Wms. Afternoon all at Wms. raising his
17- Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Annie at
Greenbank for papers. Self hoeing turnips.
18 - Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self cutting
fence corners. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self
sprinkling the potato tops with Paris Green. Annies birthday.
Some youngsters here in the evening.
19 – Wind S. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Mother at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Sanders preaching.
20 – Wind N, looking like rain. Self, John and Robert at hay.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at hay. Annie at the gap. Drew
in 8 loads.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. barn. Self at
Uxbridge for Paris Green to kill potato bugs.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. barn. Self
mowing fence corners. Wm. Byers here with his mower cutting
grass. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. barn. Self sprinkling
the potato tops. Akhursts calf sick.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert gone to Wms. Self
cutting thistles. Afternoon self, John and Robert at hay. Annie at
Lizzies quilting bee. Drew in 5 loads.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert at hay. Afternoon
self, John and Robert drew in the last of the hay. Drew 4 loads,
making 17 altogether. Picnic in Mr. Watsons woods. Robert and
Annie at it. Self at Greenbank for papers.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. hay. Robert at Mr.
Perkins barn. Self cutting thistles. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon
John and Robert at Wms. hay. Self at the sideline to see how
the jobs get along.
26 – Wind S, cloudy day, looking like rain. Robert at the Sunday
School. Self and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Monteith preaching from Zachariah VIII:7. Rain in the evening.
27 – Wind N, fine cool day. John at Wms. Annie picking berries.
Robert scuffling turnips. Afternoon John at Wms. Annie picking
berries. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing turnips. Barbara
and Agnes Asling here in the evening.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Self and John at turnips. Robert and Wm.
at Ruddys for lumber. Afternoon John and self at turnips.
29 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. hay. Self at
turnips. Afternoon John and Robert drawing in Wms. hay. Self
at turnips. Annie picking berries.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert at Wms. hay.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at Wms. hay and finishes it.
31 – Wind W, thunder and rain through the night, fine day. Self
and John cutting thistles. Robert at turnips. Afternoon all at
turnips. Annie picking berries.
AUG. 1 – Wind Westerly, thunder and rain through the night, fine
day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon Robert and Annie picking berries. Self and John
finishes hoeing turnips for the second time.
2 – Wind NW, cool day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Mother and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Monteith preaching from Hebrews XII:17, 18, 19. Collection
3 – Wind Westerly, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. drawing
in hay. Self choring. Annie picking berries. Afternoon John
gone to Mr. Matthews well. Self and Robert at A. Stones with
lambs and cow. Annie at Wms.
4 – Wind N, fine cool day. John at Mr. Matthews well. Robert
doing nought. Self and Barbara at Brock at the ordination of Mr.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Matthews well. Robert at home.
John and Mary Michie from Brock here. Self at Port Perry with
grist and wool.
6 – Wind S, fine day. John at Perkins. Robert gone to Brock.
Annie picking berries. Afternoon John at Perkins. Self cutting
thistles. Annie at berries.
7 – Wind S, fine day. John at Perkins stable. Annie at berries.
Self cutting thistles. Afternoon John at Wms. Self mending
rakes. Robert arrives from Brock.
8 – Wind N, fine day. John at Wms. well. Robert picking
cherries. Annie scrubbing. Self picking bugs. Afternoon John at
Wms. Robert and Annie picking berries. Self at bugs.
9 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Wm., Lizzie and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from 1st
Corinthians XVII:16.
Funeral of Mr. Somervilles child.
10 – Wind S, shower in the morning. John at Wms. well. Self
and Annie and Robert at Port Perry, a show there. Robert and
Annie at it. Shower in the afternoon.
11 – Wind SW, warm day. John at Wms. well. Self mending
Roberts boots. Afternoon John at Perkins barley. Robert at
Wms. Self fixing cradle.
12 – Wind W, warm day. John and Robert at Wms. well. Mother
washing. Self doing most nothing. Afternoon John and Robert
at Wms. Self hoeing turnips. Annie at berries.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert at Wms. well. Self
at Mr. Byers asking reaper and cutting swath round oats.
Barbara and Annie at berries. Afternoon John and Robert at
Wms. Self choring round. Barbara gone to Mrs. Leasks. Wm.
Byers here reaping oats. Mrs. Boddie and Mrs. Martineau Sen.
here visiting. Wm. gets much water in his well.
14 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. well. Self
choring round. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self at Mr.
Akhursts threshing. Scott, pedlar, and A. Michie here all night.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert binding oats. Self at
Mr. Boddies threshing. Afternoon self, John and Robert at oats.
Annie gone to Brock. Mother at Mr. Watsons on a visit.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Barbara gone to Mr. Lukes. Robert and
Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching Luke VII:18.
Collection for Aged and Infirm Ministers fund $5.73.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Mr. Watsons. Barbara
gone to the Port with Mrs. Boddie. Self and Robert binding oats.
Afternoon self and Robert shocking oats.
18 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert
cradling wheat. Barbara at berries. Afternoon self at Greenbank
with horses to shoe. Mrs. John Byers and Miss C. Byers here
19 – Wind S, dull day. Wm. Byers here reaping wheat. Self,
John, Wm., and Robert binding. Barbara washing. Afternoon all
at wheat. Finishes at 5 o’clock. Lizzie here.
20 – Wind W and raining. Mother gone to Alex. Witters, his wife
being sick. John gone to James Walkers. Self making rake.
Afternoon self and Robert pulling pease. Barbara at the Port
with Mr. Akhurst.
21 – Wind W, rather rainy. Self making rake. John at James
Walkers. Afternoon self and Robert at pease.
22 – Wind NW. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert at pease.
Afternoon self and Robert cutting wheat in the orchard. Annie
arrives from Brock. Mother comes home from Mr. Witters.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert, Barbara and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Mother at Brock to see Mrs. Hadden.
24 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self, Robert and
Barbara drawing in oats. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in
oats, altogether 14 loads.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert
at wheat. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat. Barbara and
Lizzie at Thos. Phairs.
26 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert at
wheat. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
27 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert
drawing in wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Mother drawing in
wheat. Took in 13 loads. Barbara at Alex. Gordons visiting. All
at prayer meeting at Watsons.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self, Robert and
Mother stacking pease. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert
finishes pease, 9 loads, and takes in 1 load wheat and 2 loads
oats out of the orchard. Agnes Asling here visiting.
29 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert at
wheat. Barbara scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
30 – Wind S, fine day. John, Barbara, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Barbara and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Colossians
III:17. Bible class organized.
31 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and Robert
finishes cutting. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drew in 4
loads of wheat.
SEPT. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and
Robert mending waggon wheel. Afternoon self and Robert
drawing in to James Walkers.
2 – Wind NW, dull foggy day. John at Mr. Watsons. Self and
Robert drawing in to James Walker. Afternoon finished at James
Walkers and drew in 4 loads of wheat at home, which finishes
the harvest. Mr. Kitchen comes for Barbara at 9 o’clock at night.
3 – Wind N, some rain. John at Mr. Ross’s. Self mending
harness. Robert at Wms. Annie at Wms. Afternoon Robert at
Mr. Watsons threshing. Self doing nought.
4 – Wind S, frost in the morning but warm fine day. Robert at
Wms. Self at Manchester at court to revise voters list. John
arrives from Mr. Ross’s.
5 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. John and Robert at Wms.
Self raking the wheat stubble. Afternoon not much doing.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from John XIII:17. Monthly collection $2.64.
7 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. drawing in. Self
choring. Took James Walkers cow to Mr. Loves bull the second
time. And at the Port with plow point. Afternoon John and Robert
at Wms. Self at meeting of school trustees.
8 – Wind easterly. John plowing. Robert at Wms. Self at John
Watsons stacking.
9 – Wind S, fine day and very warm. John plowing. Robert and
Annie at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon John plowing. Self
10 – Wind N, very warm day. John plowing. Self in the garden
weeding. Robert at Wms. Afternoon John plowing. Self at T.
Duffs threshing and at the prayer meeting at Mr. Ross’s.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. John plowing. Robert and self at Duffs
threshing. Afternoon John plowing. Robt. at Wms. Self at
James Walkers threshing.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. John, Robert and self at Mr. Perkins
threshing all day from 10 o’clock.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John, Robert and horses at Perkins
threshing till 4 o’clock. Self at school trustee meeting in the
15 – Wind W, dull day. John plowing. Self burning stones.
Afternoon some rain. John plowing. Self at stone. Mother at Mr.
Boddies visiting.
16 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert
moving fence. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert taking
out stones.
17 – Wind Easterly and looking like rain. John plowing. Self and
Robert at stones. Mr. Duff and Mr. Clemens here for 2 pigs
each. Afternoon raining.
18 – Wind S, dull day. John plowing. Self and Robert taking out
stones. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers. John
harrowing. Self digging.
19 – Wind S, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robt. at stones.
Afternoon John harrowing. Self and Robert digging Early Rose
potatoes, about 8 bushels.
20 – Wind W, rather cold. Rain through the night. John, Robert
and Annie at the Sunday School.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing out dung. Self
digging stumps. Afternoon John and Robert at dung. Self at
stumps. Annie at Lizzies.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert gone to the exhibition at
Toronto by Port Perry. Self goes through the swamp to the Port
for the horse. Afternoon self at McMillans raising. Some rain.
23 – Wind W, fine day. James Walker gone with horses to draw
lumber from Mr. Beares but got none. Self mending Annies
boots. Afternoon self at the Port with springboard for John and
Robert and comes home the near way.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to lath at the school house.
Self at Wm. Reals. Afternoon self and Robert take in the corn to
the barn floor. Self at John Leasks in the evening.
25 – Wind W, fine day. John at school house. Robert at Wms.
Self at stones. James Walker at the Port with horses. Afternoon
self digging stumps.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. John at home. Self
choring. Afternoon John to the school house. Self at Mr. John
Beares to go to Uxbridge but he was gone in the forenoon.
George here in the evening.
27 – Wind S, looking like rain. Robert at the Sunday School.
Rain in the afternoon. Self at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Luke IVX:18.
28 – Wind SW, rainy day. John at James Walkers. Self at John
Leasks. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung. Self at Wm.
Loves in the evening.
29 – Wind W, fine day. All at the Fair in Port Perry.
30 – Wind N, very cold. John at Jas. Walkers. Self and Robert
drawing dung. Afternoon self at Uxbridge with Mr. Wm. Real to
order seats for school.
OCT. 1 – Wind W, rather dull day. John, Robert and self drawing
dung. Mother washing. Afternoon John, Robert and self drawing
2 – Wind W, rough cold day. Self, John and Robert at dung.
Mother baking for pairing bee in the evening. Afternoon John,
Robert and self finishes the dung.
3 – Wind NW, rather cold. John plowing. Self at Brock at
Church. Afternoon John plowing. Robert spreading dung. Self
at meeting in the Presbyterian Church on the 12th
conc. Mr.
Thoms preaching at both places.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self and Mother at Brock Sacrament. Mr. McClung preaching
from Exodus XXVIII:12.
5 – Wind W, rather dull day. John plowing. Self and Robert
spreading dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self, Robert and
Annie gathering potatoes. Mother visiting at Mr. Perkins.
6 – Wind S, and raining. Mother washing. Robert pairing apples.
Self, John and Annie coring. Afternoon John plowing. Self and
Robert at potatoes.
7 – Wind Easterly and very like rain. John plowing. Self and
Robert husking corn. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert
at potatoes.
8 – Wind SE, dull day. John, Robert and self at potatoes.
Afternoon self, John, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert and Annie at potatoes.
John at the school house. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes.
10 –Wind W, rather showery. Self, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
John at the school house. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at
potatoes. Thunder and rain before night.
11 – Wind NW, rather showery. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Wm., Lizzie and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Genesis VI:9. Collection
12 – Wind N and very cold. John at the school house. Self at
Greenbank getting horses shoed. Robert at Wms. Afternoon
nothing doing.
13 – Wind N and cold. John at school house. Self plowing.
Robert choring. Lizzie here making dress. Afternoon self
plowing. Still very cold.
14 – Wind S, fine day. John at the school house. Self, Robert
and Annie taking in potatoes. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie
finishes potatoes. 6 loads altogether.
15 – Wind SW, hoar frost. John at the school house. Self
plowing. Robert cutting cornstalks. Afternoon John at the Port
for boots. Self, Robert and Annie harrowing the potatoes.
Mother at L. Byers, he being sick.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. gone with horses for lumber. John
and Robert in the woods. Self to see Mr. Byers (he dead).
Afternoon nothing doing. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
Annie at Wms.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert patching
the barn roof. Afternoon John plowing. Self at John Leasks
about the road. John, Robert and Annie taking in apples. My
birthday 1813.
18 – Wind N, cold day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at Mr. Byers
funeral. Mr. Dennis preaching from Isaiah VI:19.
19 – Wind N, fine day. John gone to Bethesda Church to work.
Self plowing. Robert and Annie taking in apples. Self at John
Watsons in the evening.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert taking in apples. Self plowing.
Afternoon self plowing. Robert at apples.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at Port Perry
getting collars faced.
22 – Wind SW, warm day. Self plowing. Robert at Wms.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at the plow. Mother, self and
Annie at the prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons.
23 – Wind SW, warm day. Self plowing. Robert at Wms.
Afternoon self plowing. Robert at Wms.
24 – Wind SW, warm day. Self plowing. Robert at Greenbank
with Wm. lathing Mr. Mannings house. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon self plowing and at the school in the evening. John
Beare did not come.
25 – Wind W, very warm and looking like rain. John, Robert and
Annie at Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at turnips. John
gone to Bethesda. Afternoon self, Robert, Annie and Lizzie at
turnips. Drew 10 loads in pit.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon self, Lizzie, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 10
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Lizzie, Robert and Annie at
turnips. Drew 13 loads.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert killing sheep. Afternoon
Robert fixing the turnip cellar. Self and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting, this being a day of Thanksgiving. Mr. McClung
preaching. Managers elected after service, J. Leask, Jas. Allan,
Charles Rennie, Jas. McMillan and Jas. Miller.
30 –Wind W, looking like rain. Self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie at
turnips. Afternoon self, Lizzie, Annie and Robert at turnips.
Drew 4 loads in cellar and 1 in pit. Rain before night.
31 – Wind NW, rather cold with some slight showers of snow.
Self, Lizzie, Annie and Robert at turnips. Afternoon at turnips.
Drew 11 loads in cellar.
NOV. 1 – Wind NW, very cold. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. A. Leask preaching
from Psalms CXLVII:11. Mr. McClung being sick.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Lizzie, Robert and Annie at turnips.
Drew 8 loads in cellar. John gone to Bethesda.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie at turnips.
Drew 4 loads in turnip cellar, 1 in house cellar and 3 to Wms. 8
loads altogether. Self at Wm. Reals at school trustee meeting in
the evening.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie finishes the
turnips. Drew 2 loads to Wms. and 6 in pit, making [72?].
5 – Wind SW, gloomy day and some rain. Nothing doing. Mother
and Lizzie washing. Afternoon self looking at jobs on the
sideline. John home all night.
6 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to James Scotts. Self and
Robert fixing the roof of the turnip cellar. Afternoon self and
Robert at cellar.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Wm. at Brock. Robt. at
Greenbank to get clothes. Afternoon Robert burning brush in the
8 – Wind W, smoky day. Robert, John and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching. Collection $1.11.
9 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Whitefield Lees. Robert
harrowing. Self logging in the swamp. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self in swamp. School meeting in the evening.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self at Manchester
plowing match.
11 – Wind N, rough day. Robert harrowing. Self in swamp.
Afternoon self and Robert in the swamp logging. George here in
the evening with 280 dollars to loan to school trustees.
12 – Wind W, fine day, rather frosty. Robert in the swamp. Self
at Mr. Whitefield Lees with 280 dollars to school. Afternoon self
choring. Robert plowing.
13 – Wind N, rather cold. Robert at pines in the swamp. Self
cutting out a log in the sideline. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank
for papers.
14 – Wind SE, very cold. Self and Robert choring. Afternoon
Robert banking up the turnip cellar. Self at Greenbank with
Annie. Very cold.
15 – Wind NW. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Self
and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching
from Proverbs to the young.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert fencing for straw stack.
Afternoon Robert banking the henhouse. Self at the sale of the
old school house. John Lee buys it for $53 and one years credit.
Daniel Till buys the desks and seats for 3 dollars cash.
17 – Wind W, rather cold, nothing doing. Afternoon self choring.
18 – Wind W, rather soft. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self making scaffold for putting straw
in barn.
19 – Wind NW, fine day, but frosty. Self and Robert fixing the
granary. Afternoon threshing machine comes. Threshed all
afternoon. Mr. Perkins and horses, Mr. R. Phair and horses, T.
Phair, G. Boddie, Wm. Akhurst, Jas Walker, P. Harman for T.
20 – Wind NW, fine day, some snowy. Threshed till 4 o’clock with
same hands, with Geo. Boddie Jun.
21 – Wind W, fine day, rather rough. Robert choring. Self and
horses at R. Phairs threshing.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. John and
Mother at the Presbyterian Meeting.
23 – Wind W, cold day. Robert choring. Self at Robert Phairs
threshing till noon and at home in the afternoon. Wm. Real here
in the evening for the taxes $14.43.
24 – Wind W, cold stormy day. Robert choring. Self at Thos.
Phairs threshing all day.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert choring. Self at Thos. Phairs
threshing till noon and at George Boddies threshing in the
afternoon. Robert at the Port for Barbara.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert choring. Self at George Boddies
threshing all day. John at threshing. A. Michie and George
Michie here all night.
27 – Wind NW, rather soft day. Self, Robert, John and horses at
Wms. threshing till noon. Mother and Annie at Wms. Afternoon
John at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Robert at Greenbank getting
mare shoed. Self choring. Barbara cleaning up the buttery.
28 – Wind NE, not cold, but snowing all day. John at Mr.
Akhursts threshing. Self banking the cistern. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Self and Robert put [?] ram among the sheep.
29 – Wind N, snow deep. Self, John, Barbara and Annie goes
the length of Wm. Loves and turns again.
30 – Wind SE, fine day. Self at the Port with grist. Annie at
DEC. 1 – Wind SW, snowing. Annie at school. Self choring.
John at Wms. and Robt. sick. Afternoon self and John drawing
in pease.
2 – Wind S, thawing some. John at Wms. Robert choring. Self
at the school helping to move backhouses.
3 – Wind W and thawing. John at Wms. Self fixing the
backhouses at the school. Afternoon self and Robert fixing
sheep houses.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Self threshing pease.
Annie at school. Robert at Wms. Afternoon self threshing
pease. Robert at Greenbank getting Wms. horse shoed. Mrs.
Hadden hangs herself.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Annie at Wms. to let Lizzie
to the Port. Robert at Wms. Self threshing pease. Afternoon
self and Robert fanning pease and putting in the pigs.
6 – Wind SW. Robert and Annie at Sunday School. John and
Barbara at Brock. Self at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Luke XVIII:9.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Annie at school. Self and
Robert taking out the cistern pump. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank. Self choring.
8 – Wind S, rather soft. John at R. Phairs digging well. Annie at
school. Robert drawing wood. Self fixing sewing machine.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self making stick to draw water.
9 – Wind W, rather rough. John at Wms. Robert at Wms.
drawing cedar. Annie at the school. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self threshing pease.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Robert Phairs well. Annie at
school. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self threshing pease.
11 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at Wms. Annie at school.
Self at Manchester, Prince Albert and Port Perry. Margaret
comes home.
12 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at Robert Phairs well. Self
choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
13 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John, Robert, Barbara
and Margaret and Annie at the Sunday School. Mother, John,
Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
14 – Wind N, stormy day. John at Robert Phairs. George
threshing pease. Self choring. Afternoon still stormy. George
threshing pease.
15 – Wind W, fine day. George chopping wood. Self and
Margaret at Brock.
16 – Wind SW, rather soft day. George chopping wood. Self
choring. Annie at school. Afternoon self and Robert drawing
17 – Wind NW. George and Barbara at the Port. Self mending
Wms. jumper. Afternoon nothing doing. Margaret at Wms.
18 – Wind SW, rather soft day. Nothing doing. Self mending
Wms. jumper. Afternoon self at Greenbank for the papers.
19 – Wind SW, soft day. Self and Robert choring. House
cleaning going on. Afternoon nothing doing. Self at Wm. Reals
in the evening. John at John Leasks well.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Barbara, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the Sunday School. A. Michie Jun. and Isabella Michie
here in the afternoon. Barbara goes with them to Brock.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. R. Phairs well. Self and
Robert drawing wood. Afternoon self and Annie at Greenbank.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Phairs well. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Afternoon Robert and self fixing for pig killing.
Margaret and Annie at school. Exhibition at Brock. Self and
Robert at council meeting at Greenbank. Wright, Baird, Holman
running for reeve.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert, John, Wm., and self killing the
pigs. Afternoon John gone to Wms. Self and Robert choring.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Self at Port Perry with
pigs. Robert choring.
25 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Self putting stove
upstairs. Afternoon John at Greenbank for the papers. John
Walker, Sally and Jane Akhurst, George [Maryam?], Fanny
Boddie and Robert and John Minty here. Margaret gone to
26 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Self cutting pork.
Afternoon John on the roads. Robert and Annie gone to take
Mary Michie home. Barbara scrubbing. Self choring.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Barbara, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Mother at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching. Annie at the English Church. John,
Barbara and Robert and Annie at Brick Church to hear Wm. [?]
28 – Wind S and thawing. Self, John and Robert drawing in
turnips. Afternoon John going round asking money to make a
purse for Jas. Miller. Self and Robert choring. Jas. Johnson
comes for Barbara to bake. Margaret arrives from Whitby.
29 – Wind N, rough day. John gone to John Leasks well. Self
and Robert choring. Afternoon self and Mother at Mr. Thos.
Phairs to supper.
30 – Wind NW, rough day. Robert choring. Self sawing wood.
Margaret washing. Afternoon nothing doing. Barbara arrives
from Jas. Johnsons.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Self threshing oats. Robert choring.
Afternoon nothing doing.
And so ends the year 1874.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, nothing doing. Mr. and Mrs. Boddie, Mr. and
Mrs. Duff, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. {?], and Mrs.
Akhurst here to dinner. Robert and Annie at [?].
2 – Wind W, rather stormy. John at J. Leasks well. Self choring.
Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers. Very stormy.
3 – Wind N, rather cold. Nobody at school nor meeting.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert choring. Self
at Uxbridge. John at Greenbank to vote.
5 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
threshing oats. Afternoon self and John sawing wood. Robert
threshing oats. Robert at Mr. Boddies in the evening.
6 – Wind SW, cold day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
threshing pease. Annie sick. Barbara washing. Afternoon John
in the woods. Mother and Annie at Wms. quilting. Self choring
and at Wm. Reals in the evening. John and Barbara at a spree
at John Watsons.
7 – Wind SE, snowing some. John at Mr. Duffs well. Robert
choring. Self writing school accounts. Afternoon self and Robert
splitting wood.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Nothing doing. John at Wms. Self and
Robert choring. Jane Michie and Wesley Luke here to dinner.
Barbara and them at Jas. Walkers for dinner. Annie quilting.
Self at A. Hornes in the evening.
9 – Wind W, very stormy. Nothing doing.
10 – Wind SW, very frosty. Nobody from here at church.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Duffs well. Barbara washing.
Self and Robert choring. Afternoon nothing doing. Self at
Greenbank in the evening.
12 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and
Robert choring. Afternoon self and John in the woods. Robert
drawing wood. Political meeting at Greenbank in the evening.
Some fighting after.
13 – Wind S, rather soft. John in the woods. Robert choring.
Self and Mother at Mr. Wm. Reals and at the annual school
14 – Wind N, rather cold. Self and John fanning some oats.
Afternoon self and John in the woods. Robert choring.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Duffs. Self and Robert
fanning pease. Afternoon Mother at Mr. Aslings visiting. Self at
the mill with grist. Annie at Greenbank.
16 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. Nothing doing. Barbara
scrubbing. Afternoon John at Brock. Mother at A. Gordons
quilting. Robert sick. Self choring.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Wm., Barbara and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching. John Leask ordained elder.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Wm., John & George at Purdys
schoolhouse voting for Paxton. Afternoon nothing doing. John
at Greenbank. Smith from Whitby here in the evening.
19 – Wind W, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Self at Brock.
Mother visiting at Mr. Markhams and at Bible Society Meeting in
the evening.
20 – Wind SW, frosty day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Self at
Beares mill for grist. It not ground. Afternoon self and Robert at
the Port with grist and got it home with us. Barbara goes to Jas.
Johnsons for one week.
21 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Nothing doing. Robert and
Annie at the school. John painting cutter shafts. Afternoon John
at Greenbank. Self mending bags.
22 – Wind W, rather stormy. Robert and Annie at the school.
John at Jas. Walkers well. Self sharping saw. Afternoon self
splitting wood.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Self and
Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
24 – Wind E and snowing. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Song of Solomon IV.
25 – Wind W, snow drifting. Robert at school. John sawing
wood. Self choring. Annie washing. Afternoon John making
sleigh [?].
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. John at well. Self
choring. Afternoon Annie at Wms. Self making track to sideline.
27 – Wind S, cloudy day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Robert and
Annie at the school. Self choring. Afternoon self choring. A.
Michie Sen. here.
28 – Wind easterly, rather stormy. John at Jas. Walkers well.
Annie at the school. Self choring. Afternoon self to the Port with
29 – Wind W, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers well. Robert and
Annie at the school. Afternoon self drawing wood. Mother at
Wms. visiting.
30 – Wind SW, some snow. John at Jas. Walkers well. Self and
Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon Robert and self to Port Perry
with wheat.
31 – Wind W, rather stormy. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Barbara and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching. Collection for Home Mission $11.00.
FEB. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. Barbara
washing. John at home. Self choring. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Mother at Mr. Thos. Loves visiting. Self at annual
meeting of congregation.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert and Annie at the school. Self,
John and Wm. taking stones out of well. Afternoon Wm., John
and self at well. Mother at Wms.
3 – Wind SE, and raining some. Robert and Annie at the school.
Nothing doing. Afternoon Wm., John and self at well. Isabella
Michie arrives here. Very high wind.
4 – Wind S, and very high and very cold. Nothing doing. Meeting
of the [remainder of this entry is too faded to read].
5 – Wind N, cold day. Self, Wm., and John at well all day.
6 – Wind NW, rather cold. Self, John and Wm. at well all day.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers. No mail. Railway
stopped with snow.
7 – Wind S, middling day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Wm., and wife, Barbara, and Isabella Michie at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
8 – Wind W, snow drifting. John and Wm. at Port Perry for brick.
Robert at home. Annie rather sick. Self choring. Afternoon self
at Greenbank for the papers. Barbara and Isabella Michie at Mr.
Duffs visiting.
9 – Wind N and very cold, snow drifting. Robert at the school.
Nothing doing. Afternoon self, Wm., and John at well. Took
water out.
10 – Wind SE, not so cold. Annie in measles. Robert at school.
Self., Wm., and John at well. Afternoon self., Wm., and John at
well and finishes digging and put 4 feet and a ½ of brick in it.
Made it 8 feet deeper.
11 – Wind W, a heavy fall of snow through the night. Robert at
the school. Nothing doing. John takes Isabella Michie home in
the afternoon. Very stormy.
12 – Wind W, fine day and cold. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Afternoon self digging snow. John arrives from Brock.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Brooklin for brick. Mr. Jas.
Miller here collecting for the ministers salary. Annie sick of
measles. Afternoon self cutting turnips. Mother making pants.
Robert splitting wood.
14 – Wind NW, very cold. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John and Barbara at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from 1st
Cor. XI:28.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. John at Brooklin for
brick. Self choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. John drawing wood.
Self pumping water. Afternoon John at the Port for lumber. Self
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. Self, Wm., and
John putting bricks in the well. Afternoon John and Wm. making
curb. Self choring. Papers arrives.
18 – Wind NW, rough day. Robert at school. Barbara washing.
Wm. and John making curb. Self choring. Afternoon self, Wm.,
and John fixing well.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John
fixing well. Afternoon self, Mother, Barbara, John and Wm. at
the Presbyterian Meeting.
20 – Wind S, not so cold. Margaret scrubbing. Self, John and
Robert drew 4 loads turnips in cellar. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Robert choring. Self and Barbara at the Port.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, Wm., John, Barbara,
Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting, being
22 – Wind S, rather soft. Robert at the school. John drawing
wood. Self choring. Margaret washing. Barbara spinning.
Afternoon John drawing wood. Self fixing round. Mother at
23 – Wind W, rather dull day. John drawing wood. Robert at the
school. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self choring. Row in the
evening about brick lines.
24 – Wind SE, snow thawing. John drawing wood. Self choring.
Robert at the school. Afternoon John at Port Perry to see the
races. Self and Annie at Greenbank getting the horses shoed.
A. Gordon here to dinner.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. John at Greenbank
with tender for school fence. Self in the woods. Barbara gone
begging money for the Bible Society. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon John drawing wood. Self choring. Charlotte Wells
here all night.
26 – Wind NW, rather cold. Robert at the school. John drawing
wood and taking Barbara and Charlotte Wells to [?] to collect
money for the Bible Society. Margaret piecing quilt. Afternoon
John drawing wood. Self cutting frozen turnips. John, Robert,
Margaret and Annie at Open Division, Greenbank.
27 – Wind W, rather cold, nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon John at Greenbank for the papers. Self splitting wood.
Margaret baking cakes. Mother at Mrs. Byers all night, John
Byers child being very bad.
28 – Wind NW, cold day. Barbara, Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Nobody at the Presbyterian Meeting.
MAR. 1 – Wind Easterly, snowing and drifting. Robert at the
school. Nothing doing. Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing.
Port Perry taverns all shut.
2 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John
digging snow. Afternoon John at the Port. Self at Wms. helping
to kill a pig. Annie at Wms.
3 – Wind Easterly. Robert and Annie at the school. Margaret
gone to A. Gordons. Wm. and John fanning grist to Wm. Self
doing nought. Afternoon Wm. at the Port with grist. John at Mr.
Duffs. Mr. Thos. Phair, Mrs. Phair and Mary Real here. Very
stormy and snowing heavily from the East.
4 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at school. Barbara washing. Self
mending boots. John shoveling snow. Afternoon John mending
chair. Self cutting turnips. Barbara blacking stove. John,
Barbara, Robert, Annie and Margaret at Greenbank to hear
Professor Kent lecture.
5 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Robert at the school. Nothing
doing. Afternoon still snowing, nothing doing. John, Barbara,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at Greenbank to see Professor Kent
6 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing in 6 loads
of turnips. Afternoon rather stormy, nothing doing. Some man
Taylor here all night.
7 – Wind Easterly. John, Robert and Barbara at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Mother, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching. The man Taylor
here all night.
8 – Wind NW, fine day. John splitting wood. Robert and Annie at
school. Self doing very little. Barbara gone to the Port with Wm.
9 – Wind E, fine day. John writing. Annie and Robert at the
school. Margaret washing. Self choring. Afternoon self and
John at Greenbank at the fair, nothing doing. Spree at Jas.
Walkers in the evening. John, Barbara and Margaret at it.
10 – Wind S, snowing some. Robert and Annie at the school.
John at Mr. Robt. Phairs. Self choring. Barbara at Jas. Walkers
quilting. Afternoon John gone to the Port with advertisement of
the sale of the timber on the sideline. Self choring. Mother at
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the school. John
drawing out bark. Barbara, Lizzie and Margaret quilting. Self
choring. Afternoon the same parties quilting.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert and Annie at school. John doing
nought. Self choring. Margaret and Barbara quilting. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Jas. Walkers splitting wood. Self
13 – Wind SE, fine day, the snow melting some. Self, John and
Robert drawing in turnips. Afternoon drawing turnips and wood.
14 – Wind SE, rather fresh. John, Barbara, Margaret, Annie and
Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Wm., John, Lizzie, Barbara,
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching
from Luke XIX:41.
15 – Wind SE, and thunder and rain through the night. Robert at
the school. John making butter. Self choring. Afternoon John at
sale of timber on the sideline. Self doing nought.
16 – Wind SW and very high and stormy. Robert at the school.
John in the woods. Self doing nought. Margaret washing.
Afternoon John in the woods. Annie at Wms. Self doing nought.
Margaret gone to Thos. Phairs visiting.
17 – Wind NW, very cold. Robert at the school. John in the
woods. Self at Greenbank with Barbara, she going to A. Michies.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring. Mother at Wms., his
daughter being sick.
18 – Wind NW, very cold, nothing doing. Robert at the school.
John in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods.
Mother at Wms. all night. Nothing doing.
19 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John in
the woods. Mother and Annie at Wms. Afternoon John in the
woods. Wm. and Lizzie at Port Perry with their daughter to the
doctor. Self choring. J. Ianson here at night.
20 – Wind E and snowing. Nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon John in the woods. Margaret at Wms. Self and
Robert choring.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Mother at Wms. all night. Margaret and
Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Numbers XXXII:8. Collection for Foreign Missions. George
Michie died 1868.
22 – Wind N, fine day, but cold. Robert and Annie at school. Self
and John in the woods. Margaret at Wms. all night. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self doing nought. School examinations.
23 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self at Uxbridge at Presbytery. Margaret at Mrs. McPhails.
24 – Wind W, rather stormy. John in the woods. Self doing
nought. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at
Joseph Prins sale. Robert choring. Margaret leaves for Mr. W.
Ledinghams. Mother at Wms. all night.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
choring. Mother at Wms. Afternoon John and Robert drawing
wood. Self choring.
26 – Wind S, rather soft. John drawing wood and Robert too.
Self and Mother at Wms., his daughter died this morning. Wm.
and Lizzie at the Port. Afternoon John digging grave. Barbara
arrives from Brock. Self and Robert choring. George comes
home. Margaret comes from Ledinghams. Wms. daughter died,
born 12th
April 1874, aged 11 months 14 days.
27 – Wind W, fine day. George and Robert gone to Mr. Ross’s
for Georges clothes. Nothing doing. Afternoon Wms. daughter
buried at the Presbyterian grave yard.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John, George, Barbara and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Wm. and wife, Margaret,
and Barbara and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Ecclesiastic XII:1, to the young.
29 – Wind S, fine warm day, snow melting fast. John and Robert
drawing wood. Self hunting seed pease. Afternoon John gone
to Brock. Barbara at Greenbank. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. Annie at Mr. Akhursts.
30 – Wind SE, fine warm day, snow melting. John in the woods.
Robert splitting wood. Self at the Port for seed pease. Afternoon
Annie at Thos. Phairs quilting.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. John in the woods.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting wood. Snow
APR. 1 – Wind S and raining. Nothing doing. Robert at school.
Afternoon self and John fanning some wheat for grist.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at school. John and self in the
woods. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting wood.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robt.
drawing in turnips. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
Self killing sheep.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Afternoon
John at the Primitive Methodist Church.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self putting up fences. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
shoveling snow on the road.
6 –Wind Easterly, looking like rain. Robert at the school. John in
the woods. Self at John Watsons helping to lift a horse.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self on the road shoveling snow.
Mother at Wms.
7 – Wind Easterly. Robert at the school. John at the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self in the woods.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at wood.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self at Wms., killing calf. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Margaret comes home from Ledinghams.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert boiling sap.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Barbara and Lizzie at Greenbank.
11 – Wind S, fine day. John, Barbara, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the
woods. Self fixing potatoes. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
choring. Pascoe Luke and Wesley here to supper and bed.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing turnips. Pascoe and Wesley here to their meals. Annie
at the school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert at
14 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
moving fence. Annie at the school. Pascoe and Margaret leaves
for Brock. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing rails. Wesley here all night.
15 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John choring. Annie at the
school. Self and Robert at the mill for grist. Wesley leaves for
home. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert fencing. Rain
in the evening.
16 – Wind SW, rather hard frost. John, Robert and self dunging
the orchard. Afternoon John plowing. Self setting gate posts.
Robert at Greenbank for papers. Snow in the evening.
17 – Wind NW, cold day and the ground white with snow. John
and Robert drawing out cordwood. Self doing nought. Afternoon
John and Robert drawing wood. Self sawing wood. Barbara
18 – Wind NW, cold day. John, Robert and Barbara at the
Sunday School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Ezekiel XXIII:23.
19 – Wind NW, cold day. John and Robert drawing out wood.
Self doing nought. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert
20 – Wind N, very cold. John and Robert at woods. Self fencing.
Afternoon Barbara at Wms. papering. John plowing. Self and
Robert fixing drains.
21 – Wind N, very cold and frosty, nothing doing. Barbara
washing. Afternoon John plowing. Self sawing wood. Very cold.
22 – Wind N, cold day, nothing doing. Barbara scrubbing. Self
mending harness. Afternoon John plowing. Self sawing wood.
23 – Wind N, rather cold. John and Robert at Wms. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon Robert at Wms. John plowing. Self at wood.
Annie at Greenbank for papers.
24 – Wind NE, some snow. Robert at Wms. John plowing. Self
doing nought. Afternoon Robert boiling sap. John plowing. Self
choring. Barbara scrubbing.
25 – Wind N, rather cold. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching from Philippians
III:12. “Work out your salvation”.
26 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. John plowing. Self
doing chores. Afternoon John plowing. Self choring.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the school. Robert at Wms.
John plowing. Self doing chores. Afternoon John plowing. Self
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Robt. Phairs. Robert
plowing. Self choring. Afternoon Annie at Mr. Stillwells at a bee.
Robert plowing. Self choring. Margaret at Wms. Barbara at Mr.
Akhursts washing.
29 – Wind Easterly. Annie at school. Self plowing. Robert
choring. Rev. Mr. McClung here. Afternoon raining from SE,
nothing doing.
30 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Robt. Phairs. Robert plowing.
Self ditching. Afternoon Barbara and Lizzie at Greenbank.
Robert plowing. Self choring.
MAY 1 – Wind SE, rather cold with hard frost. Robert plowing.
Self ditching. John at Robt. Phairs. Afternoon snowing from the
SE. Self and Robert fanning wheat. John home from Phairs.
Annie at Wms. boiling sap.
2 – Wind W, snowing some. Nobody at the Sunday School. Self
and John at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching
from 1st
Samuel I:26. Collection $2.67.
3 – Wind NW, frosty morning. John gone to Robert Phairs. Wm.
at Manchester. Barbara gone to Brooklin. Robert choring. Self
plowing. Afternoon Robert at sap. Margaret at Wms. Annie at
4 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at school. John at Phairs. Robert at
sap. Self plowing. Margaret at Wms. Afternoon John sowing.
Robert harrowing. Self carrying seed. Mrs. Thos. Phair here
visiting. Jean Leask and Mary Byers here all night.
5 - Wind S, looking like rain. John gone to Robt. Phairs. Annie
at the school. Robert harrowing. Self choring. Mother at Wms.
Afternoon raining some. Robert harrowing. Self at Port Perry for
clover seed. Heavy rain at night.
6 – Wind NW, rather raw. Self plowing. Robert choring. Annie
sick. Afternoon John sowing wheat. Self carrying seed. Robert
harrowing. Some rain and hail through the afternoon.
7 – Wind SE, much rain through the night. John gone to Mr.
Robt. Phairs. Self plowing. Robert at Wms. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self for Dr. Byers to Annie and at Greenbank for
8 – Wind SE. Thunder and rain through the night. John at Robt.
Phairs. Self sowing grass seeds. Robert harrowing. Afternoon
Robert rolling. Self choring. Thunder and rain at night.
9 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Dr. Byers
here at Annie. No service at the Presbyterian Church. John at
the Primitive Methodist Church. Dr. Byers here in the evening.
Great rain through the night. Annie very sick.
10 – Wind NW, fine day, the ground very wet. John plowing. Self
letting off water. Robert grafting trees. Dr. Byers here in the
morning. He going to move to Nobletown. Afternoon John
plowing. Robert grafting. Self at Saintfield for Dr. McClinton to
Annie. Isabella Michie and Jean Atkins here all night.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. John plowing. Robert grafting. Self
draining. Afternoon John plowing. Self draining. Robt. grafting.
Wm. at Saintfield for trees. Jean Atkins leaves with Wm. for
12 – Wind W, cold rough day, nothing doing. Ground too wet to
plow. Self and Robert in the garden. Afternoon John gone to
Brock with Isabella. Self and Robert doing nought. Showery
afternoon. Pamela Burton here all night.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to R. Phairs to split rails. Self
and Robert in the garden. Dr. McClinton here to see Annie.
Pamela leaves on her travels. Afternoon somewhat rainy,
nothing doing.
14 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. John sowing wheat. Robert
harrowing. Self carrying seed. Afternoon John harrowing. Self
in the garden. Robert some sick and at Greenbank for papers.
15 – Wind N, rather cold. John plowing. Self and Robert digging
down a bank. Afternoon John plowing. Robert planting
potatoes. Planted some potatoes in orchard.
16 – Wind N, fine day, but rather cold. John, Margaret and
Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John, Margaret, Wm. and
Lizzie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Hosea XIII:9 – thou hast destroyed thyself.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Self piling wood. Robert
choring. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at Wms. John at
Greenbank at meeting for S. S. Anniversary.
18 – Wind S, fine day. John sowing and Mother carrying seed.
Robert harrowing. Self at Port Perry at Presbetry. Afternoon
John at Mr. Perkins training his colt. Robert harrowing.
19 – Wind W, looking like rain. John at Mr. Perkins. Robert
harrowing. Self choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. planting
apple trees. Self rolling.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John at Perkins. Robert at Wms. Self
plowing potato ground. Afternoon self plowing.
21 – Wind W, warm day. John at Perkins. Robert at Wms. Self
and Mother cutting potatoes. Barbara here from Brooklin but
leaves again.
22 – Wind W, very warm day. Self, Mother and Robert planting
potatoes. John plowing. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert planting potatoes and finishes.
23 – Wind S, warm day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew
XI:28 – come unto me ye that labour and are heavy laden and I
will give you rest.
24 – Wind S, fine day. John at Mr. Perkins. Robert fishing. Self
fixing at well. Afternoon self at well. Queens birthday.
25 – Wind W, fine day. John at Mr. Boddies. Self and Robert
washing sheep. Afternoon self at well. Robert at Greenbank
with Lizzie. John at Greenbank in the evening about the
26 – Wind NW, fine cool day. John at Mr. Boddies. Robert at
Wms. Self at Brock at meeting of session about Mr. Charles
Rennie. No settlement.
27 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Annie gone to Whitby. Self and
Robert hauling stones. Margaret papering. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self ditching.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert ditching.
Afternoon John plowing. Robert ditching. Self at Greenbank
getting harness mended.
29 – Wind W, thunder and rain in the morning. John at Wms.
Self and Robert shearing sheep. Afternoon John plowing. Self
and Margaret at the Port.
30 – Wind N, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching.
31 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert filling
drain. Annie at Greenbank. Margaret washing. Afternoon John
plowing. Self and Robert at drain.
JUNE 1 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert
picking potatoes. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Self and Robert fanning wheat. Margaret goes to Thos.
2 – Wind SE, looking like rain. John and Robert at the Port with
wheat. Self making doubletree. Afternoon self, John and Robert
fanning oats.
3 – Wind W, some rain in the morning, turns fine day. John and
Annie at Port Perry with oats. Self and Robert fixing fences.
4 – Wind S, looking like rain. John harrowing. Self and Robert
fanning wheat. Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Self at
Greenbank with black mare to horse.
5 – Wind Easterly and looking like rain. John gone to the Port
with wheat. Self and Robert fixing bars. Afternoon self and
Robert fixing gate.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Robert and Margaret and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from John
7 – Wind NW, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon self and John drawing sods off turnip ground.
Robert cutting cockles. John at Greenbank about the
anniversary. A. Michie here in the morning wanting John.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to A. Michies. Robert and
Wm. gone to A. Beecrofts. Self harrowing. Afternoon self
harrowing. George here in the evening. Robert comes home.
9 – Wind SE, fine day. Self plowing. Robert spudding thistles
and cockle. Afternoon self plowing. Robert spudding. Annie at
Greenbank singing.
10 – Wind SE, fine day. Self plowing. Robert cutting thistles.
Afternoon self plowing. Robert hoeing and picking bugs.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Self plowing. Robert at bugs. Afternoon
self and Margaret at Presbyterian Church. Mr. McClung
preaching. Black mare to horse.
12 – Wind NW, thunder through the night and cold day. Self
plowing. Robert at bugs. Afternoon self digging cabbage
ground. Robert dunging out the hen house.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Margaret and Annie at Brock at the Sacrament. 101
communicants. $9.91 collection.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self at R. Phairs
hunting for young pigs. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for
witness. Self harrowing. Planted cabbages in the evening.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert picking potato bugs.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self picking bugs.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at bugs. Self at Uxbridge.
Afternoon Robert at bugs.
17 – Wind SW, rain at forenoon, nothing doing. Self mending
harness. Afternoon Mother picking geese. Self mending
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Self drilling for turnips. Robert at bugs.
Afternoon self drilling. Robert at Greenbank with Lizzie.
19 – Wind NW, fine day, high wind. Self and Robert at potatoes
hoeing them. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert, Annie and Margaret at the
Sunday School. Self and Mother at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from Romans VIII:1. Annie and Margaret
at Primitive Methodist Church.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at bugs. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. logging. Self picking bugs. Mother at Mr.
Watsons visiting.
22 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Robert at Wms. Self drilling.
Afternoon Annie and Mary Michie at Brock. Self drilling.
23 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert spudding thistles. Self
cleaning door yard. Afternoon self and Robert at potato bugs.
24 – Wind SW, fine day, shower in the morning. Robert at Wms.
Self at bugs. Afternoon Mr. Boddie, Mr. Akhurst, Mr. Walker, G.
Boddie and R. Akhurst here with Mr. Duffs stove to bake for the
anniversary. Heavy showery afternoon.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert going round for the anniversary.
Self at roadwork. Afternoon self at road. Mrs. Watson and Mrs.
Akhurst here baking.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at road work. Mrs.
Phair, Mrs. Walker and Christina Byers here baking. Afternoon
self at road. Robert at Wms. John comes home from A. Michies.
27 – Wind W, fine warm day. Margaret, Annie and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from John XVI:8.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self and John at road
work. Margaret and Annie at the Port for Barbara. Afternoon
self and John at road. Mrs. Watson here baking for anniversary.
Mrs. Michie here visiting.
29 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert at bugs. Self at
Saintfield to pay doctor and bring Isabella Michie here to bake.
Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Boddie here.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert picking bugs. John at the fixing of
anniversary ground. Self at the Port for tissue paper. Afternoon
John cutting thistles. Robt. at Wms. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Akhurst,
Mrs. T. Phair and Mrs. Watson here baking.
JULY 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, John, Margaret, Annie and
Robert and Barbara at anniversary. Mother at home. Mary
Michie taken sick.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John helping to move Mr. Duffs stove.
Self choring. Robert at bugs. Afternoon John at Geo. O’ Learys
raising. Self at Greenbank with black mare to horse. Robert at
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Greenbank with horses to shoe.
Self and Robert hoeing potatoes. Afternoon John at Turners
raising. Self and Robert at potatoes. Mother, Margaret and
Annie at Greenbank at social for behalf of Sunday School.
4 – Wind W, warm day. John and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Wm. and Annie & Mary Michie at the Presbyterian
5 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. John in the swamp. Self
and Robert dunging out the sheep pen. Afternoon raining. Self,
John, Margaret and Annie at the Primitive Methodist Sabbath
School anniversary.
6 – Wind SW, rain in the forenoon. John hilling up potatoes in the
field. Robert hilling potatoes in orchard. Self at Byers to get
them to mow grass. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
7 – Wind NW, fine day. John hilling up the potatoes. Robert
picking bugs. Self putting on Paris Green. Afternoon John at Mr.
Beares raising. Self at potatoes. Robert hoeing. Punk heifer to
Mr. Loves bull.
8 – Wind NW, rather dull, looking like rain. Self, John and Robert
mowing in the orchard. Afternoon self, John and Robert mowing.
Lizzie and Mary here picking wool. Looking like rain.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert hoeing turnips. John scuffling
turnips. George Byers here mowing. Self mowing fence
corners. Afternoon John and Robert hoeing. Self mowing.
George Byers mowing.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert hoeing. Self helping
Wm. to fan his oats. Afternoon John and Robert hoeing. Self
putting Paris Green on the potatoes.
11 – Wind N, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Robert at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Psalms
12 – Wind SW, fine day. John hoeing. Robert at the Port.
Margaret at the Port to see the Orangemen. Self turning hay.
Afternoon self and John raking & cocking hay.
13 – Wind NW, some thunder and rain in the night. Self, John
and Robert hoeing. Mother gone to Brock with Mary Michie.
Afternoon self, John and Robert hoeing.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert hoeing. George
Byers here mowing. Afternoon self, John and Robert hoeing.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing hay. 6
loads out of orchard, 1 out of field. Afternoon 9 loads out of field.
Mother at Mrs. Boddies visiting.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert hoeing. Afternoon
self, John and Robert raking and cocking hay. George over from
Mr. Ross’s. John goes with him to work on Saturday.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing. Afternoon Annie
leaves for Brock. Self and Robert finishes hoeing the first time.
Margaret comes home from Thos. Phairs.
18 – Wind N, raining some. Robert at the Sunday School. John
and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Cassidy cow to bull.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing hay.
Afternoon self, John and Robert finishes hay, drawing 6 loads,
making 22 loads altogether. John goes to Mr. Ross’s. John
gone to Mr. Ross’s for 4 months.
20 – Wind S, fine day. My cow to Mr. Loves bull. Self and Robert
sprinkling potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes.
21 – Wind NW, high wind. Robert at Wms. Self at James
Walkers hay. Scott, pedlar, here.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self cutting thistles.
Isabella Michie here having brought Annie home last night.
Margaret sick last night. Afternoon Isabella Michie leaves for
home. Self at Wms. hay. Mother churning and at Lizzies quilting
23 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert fanning wheat. Annie
picking berries. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self
cutting thistles. Annie at berries.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Self at Mr. Iansons mill with grist.
Margaret goes to Whitby. Robert picking berries. Annie at
berries. Afternoon Robert at thistles. Annie at berries.
25 – Wind S, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Isaiah IIV:4.
26 – Wind SW, looking like rain. Robert at berries. Self at Mr.
Loves with grey heifer and went after to Mr. Akhursts hay.
Afternoon shower after dinner. Self writing letter to George
27 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert picking cherries. Mother and
Annie washing. Self sprinkling potato tops. Afternoon Robert
and Annie at berries. Self at Mr. Akhursts hay till nearly 8
o’clock. Mother making preserves.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at berries. Self at
Port Perry and at mill for grist.
29 – Wind S, warm day. Robert hoeing turnips. Self scuffling
turnips. Mother churning. Some man here wanting lambs to
buy, sold him 3. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing turnips.
30 – Wind N and very high. Robert hoeing turnips. Self scuffling.
Afternoon self and Robert at turnips.
31 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
Robert at turnips. Self at A. Ross’s with Johns box. Robert
finished the turnips for the second time.
AUG. 1 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. Self, Robert and Annie
at the Sunday School. Nobody at any meeting. No meeting at
Presbyterian Church.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert at Greenbank with three
lambs for Mr. Fay. Annie at the berries. Afternoon self sprinkling
Paris Green on potatoes. Robert and Annie at berries.
3 – Wind E and raining some. Annie and Mother washing.
Robert at Wms. Self mending waggon wheels. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self at wheels. Annie at berries.
4 – Wind SW, fine day, rain through the night. Robert picking
cherries. Self at Mr. Loves with heifer to bull. Afternoon self and
Robt. setting waggon tires. Annie at berries. Margaret arrives
from Whitby.
5 – Wind SW, dull morning, looking like rain. Robert cutting
thistles. Self at Greenbank. Afternoon Robert painting waggon
wheels. Self mending harness.
6 – Wind S, thunder and rain. Robert washing harness. Self
oiling harness. Afternoon showery. Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Self at harness.
7 – Wind W, dull day. Self and Robert taking straw out of the
barn. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at berries. Self
surveying the sideline. Annie at Wms. John here at night.
8 – Wind N, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from John III:7. Mrs. Larkin and Lizzie here.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at berries. Self fixing
harness. Mother at Wms. Afternoon self at harness. Robert and
Annie at berries. Mrs. Larkin and Mrs. Gasgon here visiting.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank for paint. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert painting. Self choring. Margaret
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert pulling pease. Self cradling oats.
Margaret baking. Annie at Wms. Afternoon self cradling oats.
Robt. at pease. Margaret at J. Watsons visiting.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Thos. Phairs well. Self cradling
oats. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank with Wms. horse to shoe.
Margaret at Greenbank with eggs. Self splitting wood. Mother
and Annie picking geese.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Thomas Phairs well. Self
raking oats. Mother at Wms. Annie at berries. Afternoon self at
oats. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert pulling pease. Self cradling oats.
Annie at berries. Afternoon Robert at the Port to see Professor
Pratts show. Self at John Watsons threshing.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Wm., & Margaret at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung sick, not able to come, held
prayer meeting. Margaret at Methodist Church in the evening.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert pulling pease. Self at J.
Watsons threshing in the morning till 9 o’clock and binding oats
after. Mother gone with Margaret to Manchester Station.
Afternoon showery. Pulled some pease.
17 – Wind SW, fine day, some showers through the night. Self
pulling pease. Afternoon self mowing pease and oats. Robert
reaping timothy round the fences. Mother at J. Watsons.
18 – Wind W, some rain through the night, nothing doing.
Afternoon Robert binding oats. Self at T. Duffs threshing.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at oats. Self at T. Duffs
threshing. Afternoon self at Duffs threshing till 3 o’clock. Rain at
5 o’clock.
20 – Wind W, rather sultry. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self
cradling oats. Annie at Wms. Afternoon Robert at pease. Self
at oats. Rain at 5 o’clock. Mother at Wms. all night, Lizzie sick.
Wms. son Jas. Andrew born.
21 – Wind S, rather warm day, everything very wet. Self cradling
oats. Afternoon rain several times. Robert at Greenbank for
witness. Self at oats.
22 – Wind N, rather cool. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching
from John I:13. Mother at Wms.
23 – Wind E, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Mother at
Wms. Afternoon self and Robert at oats. Robert at Greenbank
at show in the evening.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert binding wheat. Robert
Phair reaping. Afternoon Robert Phair reaps all the field behind
the barn. Self and Robert binding.
25 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert and Mr. Akhurst binding
wheat. Afternoon self and Robert shocking wheat.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Robert Phair reaping wheat behind the
orchard. Self, Robert and Jas. Walker binding wheat. Afternoon
self, Mother and Robert binding wheat.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert shocking wheat.
Afternoon self and Robert cradling and binding wheat on the
28 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in pease into
stack. Afternoon stacked all the pease and drew one load of
oats in barn. Took red heifer to bull, second try. John here in the
evening. Ordered 6 apple trees, 3 Duchess, 3 Red {Ast….?]; 2
Munroe Plums, Price for trees 25 cents for plums, and $5.00 for
29 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting.
30 –Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in
oats. Afternoon finishes drawing oats and drew some wheat.
31 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert cutting and
binding wheat. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at wheat.
SEPT. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert cutting and
binding wheat. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert finishes wheat
and drew in some loads.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in wheat.
Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drawing in wheat.
3 – Wind S, looking like rain. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in
wheat. Afternoon self at Greenbank with horses to shoe. Robert
cutting timothy in the woods. Rain at night.
4 – Wind NW, cold day. Self and Robert moving the calfs fence.
Afternoon self and Robert at Wms. fencing.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Ezekiel XXXVI:26. Lizzie here in the afternoon.
6 – Wind NW and very high. Self, Robert and Annie drawing
wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie finishes drawing in.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Self fixing waggon. Robert at Port Perry
with Johns watch. Annie at Wms. Afternoon self choring.
Mother peeling plums.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Mother and
Annie washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self at Port Perry. Robert plowing.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. wheat.
10 – Wind N, cool day. Robert at Wms. wheat. Self plowing.
Afternoon self plowing.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother sick and in bed. Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
George here in the evening.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Mother
better. Self and Robert at Wms. drawing in his grain. Isabella
Michie here all night.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self draining some but
the ground too dry and hard to dig. Annie gone home with
Isabella Michie. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing the
gangway to barn. Mother at Mr. Perkins visiting.
15 – Wind Westerly, some sprinkling of rain through the day.
Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon Robert and self drawing
dung. John here at night.
16 – Wind E, looking like rain. Robert drawing dung. Rain at 10
o’clock. Afternoon still raining. Nothing doing. Whitby Fair day.
17 – Wind N, cold day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for papers.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Afternoon
Robert and self drawing dung. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
19 – Wind S, cold day, looking like rain. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self and Mother at Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching from Romans I:16.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung.
Afternoon self and Robert at dung.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self plowing. Both at
Mr. Perkins threshing at 10 o’clock. Afternoon self and Robert at
threshing till 4 o’clock when the machine broke down.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Perkins
threshing till between 4 and 5 o’clock.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Akhursts
threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Jas. Walkers
threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank. John
here at night.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Ephesians II:14. Collection to pay the debts of the late Canada
Presbyterian Church.
27 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung. Mr. Jas. Ianson
here wanting bark.
28 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Mother washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank
for plow point and spreading dung. Wm. [Botton or Bolton?]
29 – Wind Easterly, frost through the night and looking like rain.
Self plowing. Some rain through the forenoon. Robert and
Annie at the Fair at Uxbridge. Afternoon self plowing. Some
more rain with thunder at night.
30 – Wind W, cloudy day. Robert plowing. Self digging down hill.
Afternoon self digging hill. Robert plowing.
OCT. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self taking in
fallen apples. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self burning stumps.
2 – Wind NW, some snow through the night, fine day. Self
burning stumps. Robert at Port Perry to get boots. Self at mill
with grist.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Annie, Wm., Lizzie and baby at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Haggai 5. Wms. child
baptized; name Jas. Andrew.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon raining. Robert making a sleigh. Self fixing the
5 – Wind NE, raining some. Robert making sleigh. Self digging
out a stump. Afternoon self at mill for grist. Robert choring. Got
horse shoed.
6 – Wind NE and raining. Robert making sleigh. Self churning.
Mother mending bags. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert, Annie and Lizzie at potato
digging. Afternoon all at potatoes. Some showers.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert, Annie and Lizzie at potatoes.
Afternoon big shower at dinner time. All at potatoes after it.
9 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert, Annie and Lizzie at potatoes.
Afternoon all at potatoes. John here in the evening.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Nobody at the Presbyterian Meeting.
11 – Wind W, some snow through the night. Self and Robert
fencing straw stack. Afternoon self, Robert, Lizzie and Annie
finishes taking up potatoes in the field.
12 – Wind N, cold day. Robert digging potatoes in the orchard.
Self at George Boddies threshing. Machine comes here at night.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Robert Watson, G. Belford, A. Byers
threshing here. Mr. Perkins and horses, R. Phairs man, Thos.
Phair, Jas. Walker, J. Watson, Thos. Duff, Wm. Akhurst, Albert
Akhurst, Geo. Boddie and one horse, and Wms. horse, self and
Robert. Threshing done at 4 o’clock. Paid $8.00. Threshing
done by Robt. Watson.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert cleaning up the barn
door. Mother and Annie washing. Afternoon self and Robert
taking in apples.
15 – Wind S, dull day and raining some. Robert harrowing.
Mother churning. Self making ready to go to Port Perry but rain
came on. Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Lizzie here. Pairing
bee in the evening.
16 – Wind N, cold day. Self at Port Perry. Robert harrowing.
Afternoon Robert taking in apples.
17 – Wind S, cloudy day, commenced to snow at 10 and
continued till night. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. My birthday 1813.
18 – Wind NE, snowing some and raining some. Nothing doing.
Annie washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in pease.
Mother at George Boddies, Mrs. Boddie sick. Afternoon self,
Robert, Annie and Mother taking in apples. John here at night.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung in orchard.
Afternoon self and Robert finishes drawing dung. Robert at
political meeting at Greenbank.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Port for Barbara. Self at
Sonya to vote for Mr. Paxton, polling at Purdys school house.
Barbara arrives. Election day. Majority for Paxton.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Mr. Akhursts well. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon self threshing pease. Put in pigs.
Annie at Greenbank for papers.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Mr. Akhursts well. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon self cleaning out the turnip cellar.
McDuff here for apples. John here in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Barbara, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Barbara and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Luke VIII:42.
25 – Wind NE, dull day. Self and Robert at turnips. Mother and
Barbara washing. Afternoon self, Robert, Barbara and Annie at
turnips. Drew 10 loads in pit and 3 in cellar.
26 – Wind Easterly and raining some. Self digging turnips.
Robert at Wms. Afternoon Robert painting sleigh. Self choring.
27 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Self, Robert, Mother and Barbara at
turnips. Afternoon all at turnips. 3 loads in cellar, 9 in pit.
28 – Wind SE and raining. Nothing doing. Afternoon drew 1 load
in cellar. Thanksgiving for good harvest. Self and Barbara at
Presbyterian Meeting.
29 – Wind SE, dull cloudy day. Self, Robert, Mother and Barbara
at turnips. Afternoon all at turnips. 13 loads in pit, 1 in cellar.
30 – Wind S, raining. Nothing doing. Afternoon nothing doing.
Wm. Real round for taxes.
31 – Wind W and snowing, very stormy. Nobody at Sunday
School, neither at any meeting.
NOV. 1 – Wind N and snowing heavy, nothing doing. Afternoon
snowing some. Nothing doing. Robert at Wms.
2 – Wind N, cold day. Self at Robert Phairs threshing. Robt.
choring. Afternoon still cold, snow deep.
3 – Wind rather easterly. Self at Thos. Phairs threshing. Robert
choring at home. Afternoon rather cold.
4 – Wind N, fine day, rather cold. Robert at Wms. Self choring.
Annie at Wms. Afternoon self and Robert at Wms. threshing and
taking home turnips for cattle.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert topping and harrowing turnips. Self
threshing pease. Afternoon Barbara at Jas. Walkers quilting.
Self, Mother and Robert at turnips. Drew 6 loads in the cellar.
Annie at Wms.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Barbara at Port Perry. Self and Robert
topping turnips. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie and Mother at
turnips. Drew 10 loads in pit. John here in the evening.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
John VI:68.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
self, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 9 loads in cellar
and 3 in pit.
9 – Wind Easterly, hard frost. Self and Robert tops all the turnips.
Afternoon nothing doing. Self at Greenbank with horses to shoe.
Spree at Jas. Walkers in the evening.
10 – Wind Easterly. Self fixing spinning wheel. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips, harrows them all up. Robert at Greenbank
in the evening at T. Spences lecture on prohibition.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at turnips. Mrs.
Walker and Margaret Walker here quilting. Afternoon Mr. R.
Phair here. Self, Robert and Annie finishes turnips. Drew 10
loads in cellar and 5 in pit.
12 – Wind W, fine day. John leaves Mr. Ross’s. Robert drawing
turnips to Wm. Self threshing pease. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Self spreading dung. Robert at Wms. Self, Barbara
and Annie at Mr. Ross’s at prayer meeting.
13 – Wind N, fine day. John plowing. Robert choring. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self at dung. Barbara
14 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Nobody at Sunday School and
none at meeting. Barbara at Wms. all night.
15 – Wind SW and looking like snow. Self and John threshing
pease. Barbara and Annie washing. Afternoon Jas. Miller here
collecting ministers salary. John gone to Brock. Snowy
afternoon, nothing doing. John and Isabella Michie arrive at 10
16 – Wind SW, snowing some, but rather soft. John at the
sideline working. Robert at the Port. Barbara and Isabella
Michie quilting. Mother baking. Afternoon nothing doing.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John at sideline. Self and Robert choring.
Barbara and Isabella Michie quilting. Afternoon nothing doing.
Jas. Smith here from Whitby in the evening.
18 – Wind S, rather cold. John at sideline. Self and Robert
cleaning the dooryard. Barbara and Isabella Michie quilting.
Afternoon snowing. Self and Robert draws some wood. Lizzie,
Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Akhurst here quilting.
19 – Wind SW, soft day. Self and Robert choring some. Mother
making soap. Barbara and Isabella quilting. Afternoon Barbara
and Isabella quilting. Mother quilting. Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Self choring. John at sideline.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John at sideline. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon nothing doing. Barbara & Isabella at Wms.
21 – Wind NW, rough day. Robert, John and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Mother, Annie, Barbara and Isabella
Michie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Campbell preaching from
Matthew XXVIII:32.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John at sideline. Robert choring. Self at
Greenbank with horses to shoe. Barbara and Isabella Michie at
Lizzies quilting. Afternoon self and Robert choring. Spree at
Wms. in the evening. George here.
23 – Wind SW, dull day. John at sideline. Self threshing pease.
Robert doing nought. Barbara and Isabella making dress for
24 – Wind NW, rough day with showers of snow. John at
sideline. Self doing nought. Robert the same. A. Michie Sen.
and A. Michie Jun. here for dinner. Afternoon John, Robert, self
and A. Michies at Byers sale. Barbara gone to Brock with A.
25 – Wind S, rather dull day. John at sideline. Self choring.
Robert doing nought. Mother baking. Afternoon self and Robert
threshing timothy seed. Mother at Wms. quilting. Annie at
Robert Phairs quilting.
26 – Wind S, rainy day, nothing doing. Self and Robert fanning
timothy seed. John gone to Port Perry. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank for papers. Self choring.
27 – Wind S, fine day. John at sideline. Robert at Port Perry.
Self fixing for pig killing. Barbara arrives from Brock with John
and Mary Michie. Afternoon self choring. Annie at Jas. Walkers.
28 – Wind Easterly. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. John at the Presbyterian Meeting.
29 – Wind W and snowing and drifting. Nothing doing. Afternoon
still stormy. Nothing doing.
30 – Wind NE, rather cold. Self, John, Robert and Wm. killing
pigs. Afternoon killing pigs.
DEC. 1 – Wind Easterly and cold. John at the sideline. Self and
Barbara at the Port with pigs. Robert choring. Margaret arrives
from Whitby.
2 – Wind S, fine day. John at sideline. Robert at Perkins pig
killing. Self choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon John in the woods.
4 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Barbara and Wm. at Port Perry. Afternoon
Robert and John in the woods. Self choring.
5 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Mother, Margaret, John and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
6 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood.
7 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at Wms. John in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at
Wms. Self sawing wood. John, Robert and Margaret at
Greenbank in the evening at Wesleyan Missionary meeting.
Barbara at Wms.
8 – Wind NE, snowing some. John and Robert in woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret cleaning upstairs. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self choring.
9 – Wind Easterly, snowing some. John and Robert in the
woods. Self piling wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the
woods. Self choring.
10 – Wind N, fine day. John and Robert in woods. Self choring.
Afternoon self, Mother, John, Wm., Lizzie, Margaret and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cockburn preaching from 1st
11 – Wind SW, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods.
Self at the Port for wine to Sacrament. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods.
12 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother,
Wm., Lizzie, John, Barbara, Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew XXVI:26.
Collection $7.72. Communion.
13 – Wind NW, stormy day. Nothing doing. Moving stoves.
Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at Wms. Self choring.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
15 – Wind SE, snowing some. John in the woods. Self and
Robert threshing pease. Barbara spinning. Margaret washing.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self threshing pease.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Afternoon self and Robert drawing wood. John
in the woods. Annie arrives with Mr. McClung. Self, Mother,
Barbara, Margaret and Annie at prayer meeting at Mr. Jas.
Watsons. Robert at Temperance lecture, Greenbank.
17 – Wind NW, stormy day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
fanning pease. Barbara at Wms. Margaret spinning. Afternoon
still stormy. John in the woods. Self and Robert doing nought.
18 – Wind W, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self and Robert drawing wood. Lizzie and Miss Arksay here.
19 – Wind N, very bright, frosty day. Nobody at the Sunday
School, neither at Meeting. George Boddie Jun. here.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert sick. Self
drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Barbara
at Greenbank.
21 – Wind SW and thawing. Robert sick. Self and John drawing
in turnips into cellar. 11 loads. Annie at the school.
22 – Wind SW and thawing. John in the woods and breaks his
axe. Self sharping buck saw. Afternoon John at Greenbank for
new axe. Self sawing wood. Robert sick. Margaret at
Greenbank at Primitive Missionary Meeting.
23 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Wm. at the
Port as jurors in the Division Court.
24 – Wind SE, dull day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert splitting wood. Margaret washing blankets. Afternoon
John in the woods. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self
sawing wood. Stormy at night with sleet.
25 – Wind SW, thunder in the morning, but fine day. Christmas.
Nothing doing. George here from Mr. Ross’s. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. George and Annie at Wms.
26 – Wind SE, snowing and raining. George, Robert, Margaret,
and Annie at the Sunday School. John at the Presbyterian
27 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
making roads. Afternoon John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert making a sleigh. Wm. gone to nomination of councilors.
Jas. Smith here at night.
28 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Robert and Barbara
gone to the Port. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Mr. Gilbraith here.
29 – Wind S and thawing some. John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robert making sleigh. Afternoon John in the woods.
Robert at sleigh. Self sawing wood. Mrs. Thos. Phair here
visiting. Agnes Asling here in the afternoon. Wm. and John at
Greenbank at meeting for councilors.
30 – Wind SW and thawing. John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robert making sleigh box. Margaret spinning. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self sawing wood. Barbara gone to C.
Aslings to visit.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert choring. Barbara and Lizzie gone to Brock. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon John in the woods. Self sawing wood. Robert
at Greenbank for papers.
And so ends the year 1875.
JAN. 1 – Wind W and raining some. Not a speck of snow to be
seen. John in the woods. Margaret spinning. Afternoon Robert
at Greenbank for witness. Spree of young folks in the evening.
2 – Wind SW, cloudy day. John, Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting.
3 – Wind W, fine day and some frost. Election day. John in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Robert choring. Afternoon John in
the woods. Self sawing wood. John at Greenbank. Spree at Mr.
Akhursts. Robert, Margaret and Annie at it.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert choring. Afternoon self sawing wood. John in the woods.
Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
fanning grist. Afternoon self and Mother at Thos. Phairs. John in
the woods. Robert at mill with grist. [Pate?] and Hannah calf.
Mary Gordon, Agnes Asling and Margaret Walker here in the
6 – Wind N, cold day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert piling. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at mill for
grist. Self sawing wood. Barbara and Mary Gordon at Jas.
Walkers. Self, Barbara and Margaret at Mrs. Leasks at prayer
7 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert down at the creek. Barbara baking. Afternoon self
sawing wood. Robert piling. John in the woods. Mother at Mr.
8 – Wind S, rather soft day. Self sawing wood. John in the
woods. Robert piling wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Robert at Greenbank for papers. George comes
9 – Wind S, foggy day. George, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self and Wm. at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Zephaniah III:2. John and Margaret at
the English Church.
10 - Wind W, fine day. Self choring. John in the woods.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self doing nought.
11 – Wind W, snowing some. John in the woods. Self and
Robert choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and George
at Missionary meeting at Presbyterian Church.
12 – Wind N, cold day. All preparing for Barbaras wedding.
George at the school meeting. Afternoon nothing doing.
Barbara married to Jas. Smith at 4 o’clock. 40 present at it. Left
at 4 o’clock Thursday morning.
13 – Wind N, cold day. Nothing doing. George gone to Mrs.
Leaks. Jas. Smith here. Afternoon John gone to Greenbank.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith at Roberts and Thomas’s visiting. Self and
Robert doing nought.
14 – Wind SW, snowing some. John in the woods. Self and
Robert doing nought. Mr. and Mrs. Smith gone to Brock.
Afternoon John and Robert drawing wood. Self fixing stable.
John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at A. Michies at a spree.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert making
picture frames. Self threshing pease. Afternoon John in the
woods. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self threshing. Mr.
and Mrs. Smith arrive from Brock.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
John, Margaret, Annie and Mr. and Mrs. Smith at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
17 – Wind SW, fine day and thawing. John in the woods. Self
threshing pease. Mary Jane Luke here. Afternoon Mr. & Mrs.
Smith leaves for home. John in the woods. Robert at the creek.
Self writing.
18 – Wind S, fine day, rather soft. John in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert making windmill.
19 – Wind SW, still raining. Nothing doing. John in the woods.
Self threshing. Robert at windmill. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self and Robert choring.
20 – Wind W, rather stormy. John in the woods. Self mending
harness. Afternoon Mary Jane Luke and Margaret gone to Jas.
Walkers. John in the woods. Robert at Greenbank getting the
handle of fanning mill mended. Self mending harness.
21 – Wind NW, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and Robert
fanning wheat. Afternoon John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert at Greenbank for papers. Mrs. Akhurst, Mrs. [?], and A.
Michie here visiting.
22 – Wind Easterly, snowing some all day. John in the woods.
Self mending Margarets boots. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self splitting wood.
23 – Wind NW, rather soft. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Wm., and Margaret at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Isaiah XIX:18.
24 – Wind N, some snow. John in the woods. George, Robert
and self drew 8 loads of turnips. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self sawing wood. George and Robert drawing wood.
25 – Wind SW, snowing some. George gone to Mrs. Leasks.
John in the woods. Self and Robert drawing wood. Margaret
washing. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert drawing
wood. Mother at George Boddies visiting.
26 – Wind N, fine day. John in the woods. Self drawing wood.
Margaret spinning. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and
Robert drawing wood. George Boddie here in the evening with
subscription for Witness.
27 – Wind S and thawing. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Margaret spinning. Annie at Wms. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self and Robert draws one load of wood and
quits, the sleighing being done.
28 – Wind S, dull day and raining sometimes. John in the woods.
Self and Robert drawing and piling wood. Margaret at Wms.
Mother spinning. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at
Greenbank for papers. Self drawing wood.
29 – Wind W, rain through the night. John in the woods. Self
doing nought. Mother spinning. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon
John in the woods. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Very
30 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Mother at Wms. Margaret at Greenbank. John
and George at the Presbyterian Meeting.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
FEB. 1 – Wind S and snowing. Nothing doing. Afternoon John
and Robert at Port Perry at races. Self sharping saw.
2 – Wind N, very stormy. Nothing doing. Afternoon still stormy.
3 – Wind SW and snowing some. John in the woods. Self
digging snow on the concession. Margaret making mat.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank getting horses shoed. George
here all night. Self shoveling snow. Robert mending windmill.
4 – Wind W, snow drifting some. John and Annie gone to
Brooklin with Barbaras things. George gone to Kirkfield. Self
sawing wood. Robert at windmill. Margaret making mat.
Afternoon self sawing wood. Robert at windmill.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Port Perry with wheat. Self and
Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon self and Robert filling up
6 – Wind SW and thawing some. Robert and Margaret at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Margaret at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Hebrews
7 – Wind W and thawing. John at Port Perry with wheat. Self
and Robert choring. Afternoon Robert collecting for John. John
gone to mill with grist. Self choring.
8 – Wind W, fine day, rather soft. John at Wms. drawing out
wood. Self sawing wood. Robert splitting wood. Afternoon John
at wood. Self and Robert at Greenbank Fair with cattle.
9 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John at wood. Self at
Manchester with heifer to Barbara. Afternoon John at wood.
Robert at Greenbank to get boots mended.
10 – Wind Easterly. John gone to the Port with wheat. Self and
Robert at Wms. looking at the sawing machine. Margaret
spinning. George doing nought. Margaret gone to Thos. Phairs.
11 – Wind SW and raining. Nothing doing. Afternoon John and
George gone to Greenbank to a combination sale. Self sawing
wood. Robert and Margaret gone to Greenbank in the evening
to a social in the Temperance Hall.
12 – Wind N, fine day. John at Robt. Phairs at sawing machine.
George doing nought. Self sawing wood. Robert reading the
papers. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon George splitting wood.
Self sawing wood. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Mother at
Wms. visiting.
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day and thawing. John, George, Robert
and Margaret at the Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian
Church, not good sleighing.
14 – Wind N, rain through the night, everything covered with ice.
John and George fixing the stable. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. Afternoon John in the woods. George reading.
Self sawing wood. Robert splitting. Mother at Wms. all night.
15 – Wind N and snowing. John in the woods. Self doing
nought. Robert splitting wood. Afternoon George sawing wood
for Mrs. Love. John in the woods. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. George and Robert at Wms. in the evening.
16 – Wind W and snowing. John drawing out wood. Robert
splitting wood. Self doing nought. Margaret washing. Mother
choring. Afternoon Robert splitting wood. Self, John and
George doing nought. Mother spinning. Pascoe Luke here.
Snowing some.
17 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing out wood. George and
Robert at Greenbank with cattle. Self sawing wood. Mother
spinning. Afternoon Margaret gone with Pascoe Luke. Self,
John and Robert drawing turnips. Drew 4 loads. Mother
18 – Wind NW, fine day. John drawing out wood. George gone
to Brooklin. Self sawing wood. Robert splitting wood. Mother
spinning. Afternoon self sawing wood. Robert splitting. Annie
arrives from Brooklin.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at the Port.
Self sawing wood. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John drawing
wood. Self sawing wood. George arrives from Brooklin.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Psalms
CXIII:5, 6, 7, 8. Collection for H. Mission.
21 – Wind SE, fine day. John sawing wood. Robert splitting
wood. Annie washing. Self and George doing nought.
Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. Robert and Annie at Wms. in the evening
organizing a singing class.
22 – Wind W, fine forenoon. John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robert piling and splitting. Annie at Jas. Walkers at a mat
bee. Afternoon snowing, nothing doing. John in the woods.
23 – Wind N, cold day. John, George and Robert at Wms.
drawing cedar. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert at
Greenbank at English Church. [Champetre ?]. Self sawing
24 – Wind N, cold day. John and George at Wms. drawing cedar.
Self sawing wood. Robert splitting wood. Afternoon John
drawing logs for Walter Asling. Self sawing wood. Robert
splitting wood. Self and Annie at prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons
in the evening. Mr. McClung here in the afternoon.
25 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John drawing wood to Harry Hall.
Self sawing wood. Robert splitting wood. Afternoon John
drawing logs to Beares mill. George in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robt. splitting wood. George, Robert and Annie at Wms.
singing. Margaret arrives from Mr. Lukes.
26 - Wind Easterly, rather cold. George in the woods. John
drawing logs. Margaret gone to collect for Home Mission. Self
and Robert doing nought. Afternoon John drawing logs. George
and Robert in the woods. Self fixing sleigh box.
27 – Wind Easterly, very cold. George, Robert and Margaret at
the Sunday School. Self, John, George, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Genesis VIII:1.
28 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John gone to mill with
logs. Nothing doing. Afternoon John drawing logs to the mill.
Nothing doing. Still snowing, but not so cold.
29 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing logs. George in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon George in the woods. John
drawing logs. Margaret washing. Self sawing. Minty here with
books. Margaret, Robert and Annie at Wms. singing.
MAR. 1 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing logs. George gone to
Loves. Barbara, self and Robert doing nought. Margaret
cleaning the upstairs. Afternoon John drawing logs. Self sawing
wood. Robert making box. George goes to Mr. Ross’s.
2 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing logs. Robert making box.
Self doing nought. John Leask here. Afternoon John at logs.
Robert at box. George at Oshawa. Self sawing wood.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. George at Oshawa.
Robert making his box. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
Mother at Mr. Boddies.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self, George and
Robert drawing turnips. Afternoon John in the woods. George
drawing out wood. Robert at his box. Self sawing wood. Mr.
Boddie here visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Smith comes from Whitby.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Robert, George, Annie and Mrs. Smith at
Sunday School. Mr. Smith leaves for home. Self, Mother,
Barbara, John, George and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from Psalms XIX, 7,8,9.
6 – Wind SW, warm day, snow thawing fast. John in the woods.
Robert at his box. Self doing nought. Annie washing. Margaret
sick. Afternoon John in the woods. Self fixing pump. George
making flower box. Lizzie here.
7 – Wind SW, warm day. John in the woods. Robert at the Port.
Self doing nought. Mrs. Love here to dinner. Afternoon George
sawing wood for Mrs. Love. John at Greenbank. Self doing
nought. Raining some.
8 – Wind N and stormy. John tries to go to the Port but turned
again for water. George leaves for Louis Beatons being hired for
8 months. Robert takes him there. Self doing nought. Afternoon
John in the woods. Self sawing wood. Barbara making mat.
9 – Wind Easterly, fine day, thawing some. John at the Port. Self
sawing wood. Robert doing nought. Annie making mat.
Barbara at Mrs. Leasks baking. Self sawing wood. Mrs. Asling
here visiting. Robert and Annie at Wms. at singing in the
10 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self asking men to
shovel the snow in the road. Afternoon self and John at the road.
James Smith and Barbara leaves for home. Robert and Annie at
social at Mrs. Leasks. Put in 6 hours road work.
11 – Wind SE, looking like rain. John and Robert in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Annie scrubbing.
12 – Wind Easterly and raining some. Nobody at the Sunday
School. John at Primitive Methodist Meeting. Nobody at
Presbyterian Meeting.
13 – Wind NW, very stormy, snow drifting. Nothing doing. Annie
making mat. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Nothing doing, still
14 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert at the
Port. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self
sawing wood. Lizzie here visiting.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert piling
wood. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at mill for grist. Self
sawing wood.
16 – Wind Easterly, snowing some. John at Robt. Phairs. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing.
17 – Wind W and snowing some. John and Annie at Port Perry
for plaster. Self and Robert doing nought. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank. Self doing nought.
18 – Wind N and stormy, nothing doing. Self writing. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon John at Greenbank with wood. Self and
Robert doing nought.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Zechariah IV:2.
20 – Wind Easterly, looks like a thaw. John at Greenbank with
wood. Self making axe handles. Afternoon John at sawmill with
logs for Alex. Witters. Self doing nought. Mother at Mr. Duffs.
21 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon John at mill
with logs for A. Witters. Self and Robert doing nought. Mother
22 – Wind NW, snow drifting. John at the Port with wood. Self
doing nought. Robert at the same. Mother quilting. Margaret
washing. Afternoon nothing doing. John mending his boots.
John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at Mrs. A. Leasks practicing
23 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Self and
Robert fanning wheat. Mother and Annie baking. Afternoon
John at the Port with wheat. Robert at Mrs. Loves sawing wood.
Self doing nought. Mother and Annie baking.
24 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Self
making rake. Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers. Mother,
John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at Greenbank at social for
Jas. Miller. Made $13.00.
25 – Wind Easterly and raining some, nothing doing. Margaret
scrubbing. Afternoon raining and snowing, nothing doing. Mr.
Pickle going round.
26 – Wind Easterly, foggy day. John, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Ephesians
I:7. Wms. daughter died 1875.
27 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. John at Prince Albert with
wood. Self viewing the bridge on sideline. Robert sore cheek.
Afternoon nothing doing. Mother twisting yarn. Annie at Wms.
making mat.
28 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Prince Albert with wood.
Self making rake handles. Afternoon John somewhere. Self
making rake handle. George Boddie Jun. here. Snowing very
heavy from the east. Singing at Wms. tonight.
29 – Wind W, snow drifting and very deep. Nothing doing.
Mother quilting. Afternoon Mother and Margaret quilting. John
fixing [?]. Archibald Miller here in the forenoon.
30 – Wind W, dull day. Nothing doing. Robert and John fixing
clock. Mother quilting. Afternoon John and Margaret at
Greenbank. Self writing to Margaret Mitchell.
31 – Wind NW, fine day. Nothing doing. Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Afternoon John in the woods. Self shoveling snow at
the turnip pit.
APR. 1 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
doing nought. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self and Robert drawing in turnips.
2 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, George, Margaret and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Hebrews II:3.
3 – Wind SE, some rain. John in the woods. Self making rake.
Afternoon John drawing out wood. Mother at Wms. Self doing
4 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert gone with
Margaret to the Port to get her teeth fixed. Self doing nought.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self making rake.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the wood. Self at rakes.
Margaret washing. Afternoon John drawing out wood. Self and
Robert doing nought. Snow melting.
6 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self cleaning out turnip
cellar. Robert and Annie at sap. Afternoon John drawing wood.
Robert at sap. Self doing nought.
7 – Wind W and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon John in the
woods. Robert in the woods. Self at Greenbank with horses to
get shoed.
8 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. John at Greenbank. Self and
Robert doing nought. A. Michie here from Brock. Afternoon
John drawing wood. Self doing nought. Robert boiling sap.
9 – Wind NW, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Nobody at any church, bad roads.
10 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at sap.
Mother at Wms. Self sawing wood. Annie washing. Afternoon
John drawing wood. Robert boiling sap. Margaret at Mr.
Perkins. Self sawing wood. Annie at Wms.
11 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at sap. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at sap. Self
doing nought. Robert and Annie at Wms. singing last night.
12 – Wind Easterly and raining some. Self, John and Robert
drawing in turnips. Afternoon raining some, nothing doing.
13 – Wind, if any, Easterly, thick fog. Self, John and Robert
drawing in the last of the turnips. Afternoon raining some. John
making a bickle. Self and Robert doing nought.
14 – Wind Easterly, thick fog, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank for the papers. Nothing doing.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at the creek. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John shoveling snow on the road. Self
doing nothing. Margaret scrubbing.
16 - Wind NW, fine day. Margaret, Annie and Robert at the
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. John at
17 - Wind W, some showers. John at Greenbank for buggy.
Self and Robert doing nought. Mrs. Akhurst here visiting.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self doing nought.
Lizzie here.
18 – Wind NW, fine day, rather cold. John and Robert in the
woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert in the
woods. Margaret at Robt. Phairs. Annie at the Port with Mr.
Akhurst. Self doing nothing. Mother making a smock.
19 – Wind W, looking like rain. John in the woods. Robert boiling
sap. Self splitting wood. Mother making smock. Afternoon John
drawing posts. Robert boiling sap. Self splitting wood. Mother
making smock.
20 – Wind Easterly looking like rain. John in the woods. Robert
at sap boiling. Self picking potatoes. Margaret at Wms.
Afternoon John in the woods. Robert boiling sap. Self at
potatoes. Mr. Akhurst and Thos. Gascon here.
21 – Wind N, rather cold. John in the woods. Robert at sap. Self
at Mr. Akhursts helping to move his cookhouse. Afternoon John
drawing posts. Robert boiling sap. Self picking potatoes.
Margaret at Greenbank for papers. Annie making mat.
22 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Greenbank. Robert at sap.
Self picking potatoes. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John
began plowing. Self and Robert doing nought. Shower at 4
23 – Wind W, fine day. Only Robert at the Sunday School Self,
John, Margaret, George and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. McClung preaching from Luke XII:24.
24 – Wind SW, warm day. John plowing. Robert in the woods.
Self piling wood. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at Port Perry
with Georges watch. Self choring. Mother at Mr. Perkins
25 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Robert at sap. Self letting
off water. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John plowing. Self letting
off water. Robert fixing gate. Margaret at Greenbank with her
26 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Robert fixing clock. Self
pruning apple trees. Afternoon John plowing. Self pruning trees.
Robert at sap boiling.
27 – Wind SW, looking like rain. John plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert setting poles.
Margaret at Wms. in the evening.
28 – Wind W and raining, nothing doing. Afternoon John plowing.
Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self pruning trees.
29 – Wind N, cold day. John plowing. Self pruning apple trees.
Robert at the Port for Georges watch. Afternoon John plowing.
Self clearing door yard. Annie at Greenbank.
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. Margaret, Annie and Robert at the
Sunday School. Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting.
MAY 1 – Wind N, cold day, hard frost through the night. John at
Greenbank with buggy to fix. Self fixing at drain. Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John plowing. Self draining. Robert boiling
sap. Mother at Wms.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert digging
out apple trees. Afternoon John plowing. Self draining. Robert
at sap. Margaret washing. Mother at Mr. Perkins with Mrs.
Boddie. Annie at Mr. Duffs.
3 – Wind W, fine day, looking like rain. John plowing. Self and
Robert setting poles. Afternoon John plowing. Self draining.
Robert at sap. Margaret at Greenbank. Mother making breeks.
4 – Wind S and raining some, nothing doing. Afternoon John
plowing. Robert letting off water. Self draining. Self at prayer
meeting at Mr. Ross’s in the evening.
5 – Wind SE and raining some. John gone to Robt. Phairs.
Robert plowing. Self draining. Mother and Annie gone to A.
Michies. Afternoon Robert plowing, self draining.
6 – Wind W, fine day. John at R. Phairs. Self at Saintfield for
apple trees. Robert plowing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
planting apple trees. Margaret scrubbing.
7 – Wind Easterly, some rain. Only Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Numbers XXI and John
8 – Wind SW, dull day with showers. John at R. Phairs. Robert
plowing. Self planting trees. Mrs. Walker here. Afternoon
Robert harrowing. Self planting trees. Margaret leaves for
9 – Wind N, dull day. John sowing oats. Self carrying seed.
Robert harrowing. Afternoon John at R. Phairs. Self draining.
Robert harrowing.
10 – Wind SW, rather rainy, nothing doing. Self and Robert
fanning wheat. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self digging
garden. Robert harrowing.
11 – Wind Easterly, some rain. John plowing to Wms. Robert
planting potatoes in orchard. Self in the garden. Afternoon
Robert in the orchard. Self in garden.
12 – Wind N, bleak watery day. John plowing to Wms. Self
letting off water. Robert fixing the ground about the kitchen.
Afternoon self at water. Robert in garden.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. John sowing wheat. Self carrying
seed. Robert harrowing. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at R.
Phairs. Robert harrowing. Self doing nothing. John at
Greenbank in the evening.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from John XIV:8,9,10.
15 – Wind Easterly, rainy day, nothing doing. Self cutting
potatoes. John at Wms. Robert in the shop. Afternoon John
plowing for potatoes. Self and Robert cutting potatoes.
16 – Wind SE and thundering. Robert plowing. John at R. Phairs.
Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self cutting
potatoes. Annie at Greenbank.
17 – Wind E and raining, nothing doing. Afternoon John sowing
wheat. Self carrying seed. Robert harrowing. John leaves for
Mr. Turners for a few days.
18 – Wind NW, thunder through the night, fine day. Self sowing
grass seed and letting off water. Robert harrowing. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. with horses. Self in garden. Annie at Wms.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self in garden. Margaret
arrives from Whitby. Afternoon self fencing. Annie at Greenbank
for the papers.
20 – Wind S. Robert at Wms. Some rain through the forenoon.
Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon self planting trees. John arrives
from Mr. Turners.
21 – Wind W, much thunder and rain through the night. Robert,
Margaret and Annie at the Sunday School. Mother, John,
Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
22 – Wind N, fine day, but cold. Self, John, Robert and Annie at
potatoe planting. Margaret washing. Afternoon John at Robert
Phairs. Self fencing. Robert at Wms. plowing. John gone to Mr.
23 – Wind N, fine day. Self at the mill. Margaret whitewashing.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self mending boots. Margaret at
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie fishing on the 12th
Self at mill for grist. Afternoon self mending harness. Marg
Boddie & Mary Bow here a little while.
25 – Wind N, fine day. John at Robert Phairs. Robert rolling.
Self sowing plaster. Margaret leaves for Mr. McTaggarts,
Whitby. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self fencing. Annie at Wms.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Mr. Phairs. John plowing.
Self sowing plaster. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self and John
fixing pump at barn and helping Akhurst and Perkins with colts.
27 – Wind W, very droughty day. John at Mr. Leasks. Robert
gone to Brooklin. Self making pump handle. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon self underbrushing in the swamp. Annie at
28 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Hebrews X:22.
29 – Wind SW, fine day with some rain. Self and John making
buggie house. Afternoon John making door. Self at Greenbank
for door hanging.
30 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon John leaves for
Mrs. Leasks. Self underbrushing in the swamp.
31 – Wind S, fine day. Self at Port Perry for harness black.
Robert arrives from Whitby. James Smith and Barbara here
visiting. Afternoon Robert cleaning the buggie.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert oiling harness.
Lizzie Chalmers and her son James here. Afternoon self and
Robert shearing sheep. Jane Atkin here visiting. Prayer meeting
at John Watsons.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Self fixing harness. Robert at Wms.
Afternoon self and Mother at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Douglas
from Port Perry preaching.
3 – Wind SE, very warm, some rain at 11 o’clock. Robert at
Wms. Mother churning. Self choring. Afternoon self choring.
Some rain.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Mother and Annie at communion.
Mr. McClung preaching from Ezekiel XVIII:38. Robert at
Primitive Methodist Meeting.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self making whipletree. Robert picking
potatoes. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at potatoes.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking potatoes.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at potatoes.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking potatoes.
Annie and Mother washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at
potatoes. Annie at Mrs. Leasks practicing for Sunday School
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking potatoes.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self plowing. Mother and Annie
washing wool. Self at Mr. Ross’s at prayer meeting.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self burning rubbish.
Mary Michie arrives from Brock. Afternoon shower of hail.
Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank.
10 – Wind W, warm day. Robert plowing. Self at Wms. logging.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self logging. Potatoe bugs flying.
11 – Wind S, warm day. Self, Robert, Mary Michie and Annie at
Sunday School. Robert, George and Annie gone with Mary
Michie with the buggy. Mother gone to see Mrs. Wm. Love.
12 – Wind W, warm day. Robert plowing. Self hoeing potatoes.
Annie washing. Mother churning. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self hoeing potatoes. Mr. Duff gets the black mare.
13 – Wind SE, warm day. Self and Robert fanning wheat.
Afternoon thundering to the north. All picking bugs.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert picking bugs.
Afternoon heavy shower after dinner. Robert clearing out the
hen house. Self digging cabbage ground.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Robert picking bugs. Self at Port Perry
with wheat. Annie at Greenbank.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self picking
potatoes. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self and Mother picking
17 – Wind S, dull day. Robert at bugs. Self at Port Perry with
potatoes. Rain at noon and at night.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from 1st
Samuel 14:28.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring. Annie
washing. Mother churning. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self hilling
potatoes. Robert and Annie at Greenbank practicing for concert.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert drilling. Self hilling potatoes.
Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing. Began to sow turnips.
21 – Wind SW, slight showers. Robert drilling. Self hoeing
potatoes. Anne at Wms. Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing
potatoes and sowing turnips.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drilling. Self hoeing. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing. Lizzie here.
23 – Wind S, warm day. Robert finishes drilling. Self hoeing
potatoes. Afternoon self sowing turnips and finishes the turnip
24 – Wind NW, great drought. Self and Robert hoeing potatoes.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank. Self cutting
thistles. Robert gone to the Port to political meeting. John here
at night.
25 – Wind NW, thunder and rain through the night. Robert and
Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Romans
26 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Robert doing road work.
27 – Wind SW. Self and Robert at road work. Afternoon self at
road. Robert at Wms.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self cutting
thistles. Afternoon Robert doing nought. Self cutting thistles.
Lizzie here baking for the Sunday School picnic. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank practicing for the concert.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at thistle cutting.
Afternoon self at thistle cutting. Robert at Beares woods
preparing for picnic. Mrs. Jas. Walker, Mrs. Alex. Michie and
Widow Michie here visiting.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert, Annie, Barbara and
Blanche Bickle at Sunday School picnic. Robert, Annie, Barbara
and Blanche at concert in the evening.
JULY 1 – Wind SE and sprinkling rain. Robert at Port Perry at
excursion. Self choring. Afternoon Barbara and Blanche Bickle
leave for home. Self doing nought.
2 – Wind Easterly and raining. None at Sunday School.
Afternoon still raining. Nobody at Meeting.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing potatoes.
Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes. Mother and Annie at
Wms. Robert at Greenbank in the evening at Mr. Curries
4 – Wind W, dull day. Robert choring. Self banking potatoes.
Mother churning. Afternoon Robert and self dunging out the
sheeps place in barn. Robert at ball in the evening.
5 – Wind S, fine day, looking like rain. Robert choring. Self at
Sonya voting for Mr. Currie. Afternoon raining. Nothing doing.
6 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert putting Paris Green on
potatoes. Afternoon Robert at potatoes. Self mowing in orchard.
Alex. Michie from Brock here for potatoes.
7 – Wind W, much rain through the forenoon. Self at Thomas
Phairs for 2 pigs. Robert doing nought. Afternoon Robert hoeing
some turnips. Self at Greenbank for papers. Mr. Phair here
mowing. Great rain at night.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at turnips. Self at Greenbank with
scuffler. Robert Phair mowing. Afternoon self mowing in
orchard. Robert at turnips. Very warm.
9 – Wind W, very warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Matthew XXVII.
10 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert raking hay. Afternoon
self, Mother, Robert and Annie drawing in hay. 7 loads in barn.
11 – Wind S, dull day. Self, Mother and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon Robert scuffling turnips. Self and Mother hoeing.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and self hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert at turnips.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self and John
hoeing. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips and drew in 4
loads of hay.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon John goes to Mrs. Leasks for 4 months. Self and
Mother hoeing turnips. Robert scuffling turnips.
15 – Wind all round, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon self and Mother hoeing turnips. Robert scuffling.
Annie at Wms.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Luke XIII:3,5.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Self hoeing turnips. Robert scuffling.
Afternoon self and Robert hoeing turnips. Robt. Phair here
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Self mowing. Robert hoeing. Afternoon
some rain after dinner. Self and Robert finishes hoeing turnips
for first time.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert raking hay. Afternoon
self, Robert and Mother and Annie drawing in hay. Drew 8
20 – Wind W, some rain through the night. Robert turning hay.
Self mowing in the orchard. Afternoon very high wind. Robert at
Wms. Self mowing. Drew in one load of hay.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Port Perry at the show. Self
cutting thistles. Afternoon self at Greenbank for the papers and
getting horses shoed.
22 – Wind S, looking like rain. Robert at Wms. taking in hay. Self
and Mother cocking hay in orchard. Drew in 2 loads which
finishes haying. Afternoon Robert at Alex. Witters barn raising.
Self cutting thistles. Rain through the afternoon.
23 – Wind NW, very cold. Annie and Robert at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew XXIII:27.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie picking berries. Self in
the swamp. Afternoon self and Mother goes to Whitby visiting.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Mother visiting at Mr. Smiths.
Afternoon return home.
26 – Wind N, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self cutting
thistles. Afternoon Robert at turnips. Self over to see the
railroad. Robert and Annie at Greenbank at a Temperance
lecture in the evening.
27 – Wind S, dull day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Annie at berries.
Rain at 6 o’clock.
28 – Wind NW, dull day. Robert cutting thistles. Self making
whiffletree. Mrs. Somerville and Miss McLaren here to dinner.
29 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Annie picking
30 – Wind Easterly, warm day. Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching from Matthew XIX:37.
31 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert at mill with grist and at
Uxbridge with wool and yarn.
AUG. 1 – Wind NE, fine day. Self hoeing turnips. Robert
scuffling. Annie at berries. Afternoon self hoeing. Robert
scuffling. Annie picking berries.
2 – Wind N, warm day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
picking berries. Afternoon self and Robert finishes hoeing.
Mother spinning.
3 – Wind W, warm day. Robert picking berries. Self at mill for
grist. Afternoon self doing nought. Robert painting the floor.
Annie picking berries. Scott, pedlar, here all night.
4 – Wind S, warm day. Self making fork handles. Annie at
berries. Robert doing nought. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank
for papers. Self doing nought.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Nothing doing. Annie at berries. Afternoon
Annie cleaning up. Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Self and Robert
mending fences.
6 – Wind S, very warm day. Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Psalms LXXXV:6.
7 – Wind NW, fine day. Self fixing trap. Robert doing nought.
Afternoon self and Robert underbrushing in the swamp. Mother
at Mr. Perkins visiting.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert underbrushing in the
swamp. Afternoon self and Robert brushing. Mother at Mr.
9 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert brushing. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert cutting timothy. Self brushing.
Annie at berry picking.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert binding wheat at Mr.
Akhursts. Afternoon Robert reaping timothy. Self cutting round
11 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Robert at Robert Phairs
drawing in pease. Afternoon self and Robert raking oats. Robert
Phair reaping.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert Phair finishes reaping. Self,
Robert, Wm., Mr. Akhurst and Robert Akhurst binding oats.
Afternoon bound and shocked all the oats.
13 – Wind S, warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Matthew XII:29.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert cutting pease. Afternoon
self and Robert at pease.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Self at Duffs to get him to reap. Robert
choring. Afternoon self and Robert cutting round wheat.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in oats.
Afternoon self and Robert drew all the oats. 14 loads. Annie
17 – Wind S, fine day. Thomas Duff here reaping wheat. Self
and Robert binding. Afternoon Mr. Duff finishes reaping. Self
and Robert binding and shocking.
18 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Mother, Annie and Robert drawing in
pease. Afternoon drew in all the pease. Robert and Annie at
Greenbank to get mare shoed.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Mr. Thos. Duff here reaping. Self,
William and Robert binding. Afternoon Mr. Duff finishes reaping.
Self and Robert and Wm. finishes binding and shocking.
20 – Wind N, cool day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Romans XXVIII:28.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in wheat.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing wheat.
22 – Wind W, fine day, rather dull. Self, Robert and Annie
drawing wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Mother drawing
wheat and finishes for 1876. Hannah Perkins sick. Annie at
Saintfield with Lizzie.
23 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert raking. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert and self drew in raking.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self underbrushing in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self weeding the potatoes in
the orchard. All at Wms. fires.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert at Wms. drawing in his
grain. Afternoon very high wind. Wms. fires active and Thos.
Phairs too. Fires all round.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert mending Mrs. Loves waggon.
Self weeding potatoes. Afternoon Robert at Thos. Phairs fire.
Self mending pump. Hannah Perkins here visiting.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self and Robert at Robert Phairs fighting fire. Mother and Annie
at Wms. fire. John here in the evening.
28 – Wind NW. Robert at Greenbank getting horses shoed. Self
at Robert Phairs putting up fence. Afternoon self at fires. Robert
going round. Mother and Annie washing.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Mother picking [?]. Self
making doubletree. Afternoon self at fires. Robert at Wms.
30 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing cabbages.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self over to see the railroad.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing waggon
wheel. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at waggon wheel.
SEPT. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert choring. Self at Greenbank for papers and
getting the waggon tiers set.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self repairing horse rake.
Afternoon self and Robert at Thomas Phairs fires.
3 – Wind W. Robert and Annie at Sunday School. George here.
Self and Robert at fires in the afternoon.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self killing sheep.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at John Watsons threshing.
5 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at John Watsons
6 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert harrowing. Afternoon Robert at
Wms. Self at John Watsons threshing and finished at 4 o’clock.
7 – Wind SE, rather dull. Self and Robert drawing dung. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
8 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung. Annie at Greenbank for
9 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
10 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from John XI:44.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung.
Afternoon Robert drawing dung. Self at the sideline running the
12 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self spreading dung. Robert
plowing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at T. Duffs threshing.
13 – Wind E, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at T. Duffs threshing.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Mr. Akhursts threshing.
14 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert plowing. Self at Akhursts
threshing. Mother spinning. Afternoon Robert and horses at Mr.
Perkins threshing. Self and Annie digging potatoes.
15 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and horses at Mr. Perkins
threshing. Self making road for cows to beaver meadow.
Afternoon Robert at railway. Self at mill with grist. Annie at
16 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading
dung. Annie washing floor. Mother spinning. Afternoon Robert
plowing. Self at Wm. Reals fires.
17 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Margaret, Annie and Mr. McTaggart at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. A. Dobson preaching. Rain coming
18 – Wind Easterly and raining, nothing doing. Mr. McTaggart
and Margaret leaves for home. Mother spinning. Afternoon self
and Robert helping Wm. to fix his gate.
19 – Wind Northerly. Self spreading dung. Robert plowing.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
20 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Robert, Annie and Mother at
potatoes. Afternoon self at potatoes. 2 loads put in cellar.
21 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
potatoes. John Michie here from Brock. Afternoon self, Mother,
Annie and Robert at potatoes. 3 loads took in.
22 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Self, Mother, Annie and Robert at
potatoes. 2 loads took in. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for
papers. Self at railway.
23 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self cleaning stove
pipes. Afternoon self fixing watering place in swamp.
24 – Wind Easterly. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Isaiah XXVIII:16.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Annie at Mr. Akhursts. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self mending
Wms. harness. Rain at night.
26 – Wind N, rather cool. Self and Robert in the swamp. Mrs.
McPhail and Christina here to dinner. Afternoon self and Robert
burning stumps. Mrs. Akhurst here visiting.
27 – Wind N, cold and rainy, nothing doing. Afternoon raining,
some nothing doing. Mother spinning. Fair at Port Perry.
28 – Wind W, dull day. Self, Robert and Annie at county Fair at
Port Perry. Some rain in the afternoon.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon
self, Mother and Annie at Mr. Aslings funeral.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Annie scrubbing. Self and Robert sawing
in the swamp. Afternoon self and Robert in the swamp.
OCT. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Stranger preaching from Hebrews VI:12.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing cedar out of the
swamp. Afternoon self and Robert at cedars.
3 – Wind W, looking like rain. Robert plowing. Self underbrushing.
Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self underbrushing in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self in the swamp.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self burning brush. Jas.
Smith and Barbara here. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self doing
nought. Mr. Markham and Mr. Isaac Truax here. Mrs. and Mr.
Smith leave for home.
6 – Wind NW, showery day. Robert at Wms. fencing. Self letting
water out of barnyard. Afternoon self took Annie to Saintfield on
the road to A. Michies.
7 – Wind W, rather showery. Robert at Wms. Self making fence
for straw stack. Afternoon self fencing.
8 – Wind W, some showers of snow. Robert at Sunday School.
Self and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Malachi I:2. John here.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self in swamp. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self in swamp. Very high wind.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the scaffold for
taking in straw. Afternoon Robert choring. Self at George
Boddies threshing.
11 – Wind NW, some snow through the night, fine day. Self at
George Boddies threshing. Robert choring. Machine comes here
at night.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert, Mr. Boddie, Mr. Akhurst, Mr.
Watson, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Walker, Mr. Thos. Phair, [?], Wm.
Watson, Wm. Boddie at threshing machine. Afternoon threshes
til 4 o’clock, which finishes it all.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert cleaning up after the
machine. Afternoon Robert at Port Perry. Self at Timothy Craggs
and at Greenbank.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Annie scrubbing. Robert at Greenbank.
Self choring. Afternoon self in the swamp. Annie at Wms.
15 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung
preaching from Jeremiah VIII:20.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Robert Phairs threshing. Self in
the swamp. Afternoon self in the swamp.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at Thos. Phairs threshing. Self
choring. Afternoon self in the swamp.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Wms.
threshing. Afternoon self and Robert fanning wheat.
19 – Wind SE, warm day. Robert at Greenbank lathing. Self and
Annie at Port Perry with wheat.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank. Self piling potatoes.
Afternoon self at potatoes. Scott, pedlar, here.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at Port Perry with 22
½ bushels of potatoes to James Thompson at 50 cents per
22 – Wind S, some rain. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Matthew XVI:20.
23 – Wind SE, rainy day. Self and Robert fanning oats. Afternoon
pairing apples.
24 – Wind W, some rain through the day. Self at Port Perry with
oats. Robert at Mr. Stones with sheep.
25 – Wind W, rather cold. Self at Uxbridge for cloth. Robert
topping turnips.
26 – Wind NW, showery day. Self and Robert digging turnip pits.
Afternoon Robert topping turnips. Self at mill with pease and oats
for chopping.
27 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Robert, Mother and Annie at
turnips. Afternoon self, Robert, Mother and Annie at turnips.
Drew 13 loads in pit.
28 – Wind easterly, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Mother at turnips. Drew 6 loads into
pit and 1 into cellar.
29 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Mark X:13.
30 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self at mill. Robert digging pit.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 12
loads in pit and 1 in cellar.
31 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 9
loads in cellar.
NOV. 1 – Wind Easterly, foggy day. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at turnips. Afternoon self, Robert, Mother and Annie at
turnips. Drew 7 loads in cellar.
2 – Wind SW, dull day. Self, Robert, Mother and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon all at turnips. Drew 2 loads in cellar and 11 in pit. Rain
at 4 o’clock.
3 – Wind W, rather rough. Self, Mother and Robert drew 2 loads
of turnips in pit and 1 in cellar which finishes the turnips.
Afternoon Robert at Port Perry. Self at Samuel Belfords sale.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self plastering the pigs house. Robert
reading the papers. Annie scrubbing. Mother churning. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self fixing the turnip cellar.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McClung preaching from Mark X:13.
6 – Wind SE, rainy day. Self at Greenbank. Robert doing nought.
Annie at Wms. Mother at Wms. all night, Lizzie being sick.
Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
7 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self fixing clock. Mrs.
Love here to dinner. Afternoon self choring. Robert at Wms.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self begging for Mrs. Love.
9 – Wind S. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon Robert at
Wms. Self working at sideline.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at sideline. Afternoon
self at sideline. Robert at Wms.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self making turnip trough.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at trough. George and Margaret
comes home.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Margaret, Robert and Annie at Greenbank at the
English and Primitive Methodist Churches. George leaves for
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. and horses plowing. Self
choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self fixing
door to turnip cellar. Afternoon self choring. John comes home.
15 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self killing
calf. John gone somewhere. Afternoon self mending umbrella.
John at Greenbank.
16 – Wind Easterly. Robert and horses at Wms. Self and
Margaret at Manchester and Port Perry. Afternoon John at Wm.
Lees oats.
17 – Wind Easterly. Robert and horses at Wms. John at Wms.
Self fixing turnips in the cellar. Afternoon self at turnips.
18 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert and horses at Wms. John at
Wms. Self at R. Phairs to pay for reaping. Afternoon self fixing
turnip pit. John at the Port. Robert at Wms. Mr. Clemens here in
the evening.
19 – Wind SE and raining some. Robert at the Sunday School.
John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
20 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John plowing. Self and Robert
cutting logs. Afternoon John plowing. Self digging stumps.
Robert at Wms. Margaret at Mr. Walkers.
21 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. John plowing. Self ditching.
Robert at Wms. Afternoon John plowing. Self choring.
22 – Wind W , rough day. John plowing. Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon John plowing. Self choring.
23 – Wind SW, rather cold. John plowing. Self in garden. Robert
at Wms. Afternoon John plowing. Self in garden. Margaret at
Thos. Phairs.
24 – Wind W, some snow. John plowing. Robert fixing goose
house. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at Port. Margaret at
Greenbank. Self mending boots.
25 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John plowing. Self and
Robert threshing timothy seeds. Afternoon John plowing. Self
and Robert at timothy seeds. Still snowing.
26 – Wind NE, snowing some. Robert at the Sunday School.
Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Self on the sick list with bowels.
27 – Wind NE, snowing some, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
mill with grist. Self rather sickly. Robert choring.
28 – Wind W, snowing some. Wm., John and Robert killing pigs.
Self sick with bowel complaint. Afternoon John at mill for grist.
Robert at John Lees sale.
29 - Wind NW, fine day. John at Greenbank. Robert at Wms.
Self sick of bowel complaint. Afternoon John gone to Mr. Ross’s
to threshing. Robert choring.
30 – Wind N, cold day. John did not come home. Robert choring.
Self still sick. Afternoon Robert choring. Self in house.
DEC. 1 – Wind N, cold day. Robert choring. Self sickly. Afternoon
Robert choring. Margaret at Greenbank. Self in bed.
2 – Wind N, rather cold. John and Robert choring. Self sick.
Afternoon John at Mr. Clemens. Robert at chores. Thos. Phairs
girl here in the evening.
3 – Wind N, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. John at a sale of bricks at Clemens.
Robert choring. Self doing nought. Mother baking. Margaret
washing. Afternoon John at Port. Robert at chores. Margaret at
5 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank to get horses shoed. Lizzie here.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Self doing nought. John and Robert
grinding axe. Afternoon John and Robert cutting wood.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John and Annie gone to Whitby. Robert
and self doing nought. Afternoon self and Robert cutting up pig.
John comes home from Whitby. Annie remains.
8 – Wind W, fine day, some snow through the night. John and
Robert cutting wood. Self doing nought. Afternoon self, John and
Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cockburn preaching.
9 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon still stormy.
10 – Wind Easterly, fine day but frosty. Self, John, & Margaret at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew
XVII:4. This was communion day.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at bridge on sideline. Self and
Robert doing nought. Afternoon John at bridge. Robert at the
Port. Self choring.
12 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John at bridge. Robert gone to creek. Self
fixing sewing machine.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. John at bridge. Self over at railway.
Robert doing nought. Afternoon self, Mother, John and Margaret
at Presbyterian meeting. Mr. Campbell preaching.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John at bridge. Self and Robert drawing
in turnips. George comes home from L. Beatons. Afternoon John
at bridge. George at Mr. R. Phairs. Self and Robert doing nought.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John at bridge. George at the Port. Robert at
Greenbank for papers. Self doing nought. Mrs. Akhurst here
visiting. Very stormy.
16 – Wind NW, stormy day. Nothing doing. Afternoon still stormy,
nothing doing.
17 – Wind N, fine day. John, Margaret and Robert at the Sunday
School. John, George, Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Psalms CXIX:19.
18 – Wind NE, fine day. George gone for his box. Rest doing
nought. Afternoon John at bridge. George chopping some wood
for Mr. Perkins.
19 – Wind Easterly and snowing some, nothing doing. Afternoon
George goes to John Watsons. John at bridge. Self and Robert
doing nought.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John at bridge. Robert drawing wood.
21 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at bridge. Robert drawing
wood. Self doing nought. Mother and Margaret picking geese.
Mrs. Love here. Afternoon John at bridge. Robert drawing wood.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Robert drawing wood. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert drawing brick.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John at bridge. Robert drawing wood. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert drawing brick. Wm.
Leask, Darlington, died.
24 – Wind N, very frosty. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Mother, John, George at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McFadden preaching. Margaret at English Church.
25 – Wind rather easterly, fine day, nothing doing. Christmas.
Wm. and Lizzie here. Afternoon John and Margaret at Brock.
Mary Michie and Elizabeth Michie here. Isabella Michie comes
with John and Margaret.
26 – Wind SW. John in the woods. George at Mr. Watsons. Robt.
making whippletree. M. Michie & L. Michie leaves for home.
Afternoon John and Robert at Port. Mary and I. Michie at Wms.
27 - Wind SW, fine day. John at Port. Self sawing wood.
Afternoon John at Port. Self and Robert in the woods.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John at Port. Robert at bridge. Self
mending road. Afternoon John at Port. Robert at bridge.
Margaret Walker, B. Walker and Mary Duff here visiting.
29 – Wind Easterly, rather rough. John at Port. Robert at bridge.
Margaret at Wms. Afternoon John at mill. Robert making
sawhorse. Margaret at Wms.
30 – Wind NW, stormy day, nothing doing. John and Robert
sawing paving blocks. Afternoon John and Robert sawing blocks.
31 – Wind N, stormy. Nobody at the Sunday School. Mother,
John and Margaret at Primitive Methodist Church.
And thus ends the year 1876.
JAN. 1 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Mr. and Mrs. A. Michie
here to dinner. Wm. had a spree in the evening.
2 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at the Port with wood. Robert
at bridge. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at Port. Robert at
bridge. Self doing nought.
3 – Wind N, rather cold. John gone to Sunderland for shingles.
Robert in the swamp cutting cedar. Afternoon Robert in the
swamp. Self sawing wood.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Sunderland for lumber.
Robert in swamp. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Robert in the
swamp. Self at wood.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing in turnips.
Afternoon self and Robert in swamp. John drawing cedar.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing cedar. Self and Robert in
swamp. Afternoon John drawing cedar. Self and Robert in the
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, John and George at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Proverbs III:1,2,3,4 to the
8 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at Port with wood. Self and
Robert sawing paving blocks. Afternoon John at the Port. Self
and Robert at blocks. Margaret comes from Barbaras.
9 – Wind W, fine day. John at Sunderland for lumber. Self and
Robert sawing blocks. Afternoon self and Robert at blocks.
10 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Port with wood. Self and Robert
at blocks. Afternoon John at Port with wood. Self and Robert
sawing blocks.
11 – Wind W, snowing some. John at the Port with wood. Self
and Robert sawing blocks. Afternoon nothing doing. Mr. and Mrs.
McClung here. George comes home from Leasks.
12 – Wind Easterly and very frosty. John at Mr. Lawrences bee.
Self and Robert sawing blocks. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank
for papers. Self writing a letter. George in the swamp.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John at Sunderland for lumber. Robert
and George in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon George and
Robert in the woods. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Annie come from
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. John,
George, Jas. Smith, Barbara, Margaret and Annie and Maggie
Love at Presbyterian Meeting. Wm. and Lizzie here.
15 – Wind Easterly. George and Robert in the woods. John
drawing stone from Wms. Self splitting wood. Jas. Smith leaves
for home. Barbara remains. Afternoon John drawing stones.
George and Robert in the woods. Margaret washing.
16 – Wind N, much snow through the night. George and Robert in
the woods. John at Robt. Phairs. Margaret spinning. Afternoon
John drawing stones from R. Phairs. Robert and George in the
woods. Barbara at Wms. all night.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and George in the woods. Self
and John drawing stones from Mr. Phairs. Afternoon Margaret
and Barbara at R. Phairs. Self, John and Robert drawing in
turnips. George at Greenbank.
18 – Wind SW, looking like a thaw. George at Perkins chopping
wood. John drawing wood to schoolhouse. Self and Robert
sawing paving blocks. Margaret spinning. Meeting at
Presbyterian Church. Self, John and Margaret at it.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing stones.
George gone with Barbara to Whitby. Afternoon John drawing
wood to school. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
20 –Wind SW, thawing some. John at Port with wood. Robert at
Port with 2 steers. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at Sunday
School. Mother, John George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing stones. Self
choring. George arrives from Whitby. Afternoon George in the
woods. John and Robert drawing stones. Margaret & George at
Mrs. Leasks in the evening.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing stones.
Margaret spinning. Self sawing wood. Annie and Eva Perkins
collecting for Bible Society. Afternoon John and Robert at
stones. Self writing a letter.
24 – Wind N, stormy day. Margaret spinning. John and Robert
cutting paving blocks. Afternoon John and Robert at paving
25 – Wind W, fine day. John & Robert drawing timber. Afternoon
John & Robert at Port Perry races. Annie at Wms.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and John drawing timber. Robert
cuts his foot. Afternoon John and self at timber.
27 – Wind W, fine day. John at Greenbank getting harness
mended. Self and Robert sawing paving blocks. Afternoon John
at Greenbank with wood. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Hebrews
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and John drawing out timber. George
at Mrs. Leasks. Afternoon self, John and Robert taking in turnips.
30 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon John at Port
with wood. Self and Robert sawing blocks. John, George,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at Greenbank to hear the priest
lecture on temperance.
31 – Wind Southerly and some soft. John and George at R.
Phairs digging sand. Self and Robert sawing blocks. Afternoon
John and George drawing sand. Self and Robert at blocks. John,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at Mrs. Gantons social.
FEB. 1 – Wind S and thawing some. John and George drawing
sand. Self and Robert at blocks. Afternoon John and George at
sand. Self and Robert at blocks.
2 – Wind S and some soft. John, George and Robert in the
woods taking out sawlogs. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John,
George and Robert at logs. Self splitting wood. Margaret
3 – Wind NW, fine day. John at mill with grist. Annie at
Greenbank with Bible Society money. George in the swamp.
Afternoon John and George drawing cedar. Self and Robert
sawing blocks.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, George, Robert, Margaret and Annie
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Mark
5 – Wind W, fine day. John and George drawing cedar. Self and
Robert sawing at blocks.; Afternoon John at the Port. George at
mill for grist. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
6 – Wind W, rather dull. John and Robert gone to [Archibald?]
Millers. Self sawing wood. Afternoon self, Mother, George and
Annie at Presbyterian Missionary Meeting. Mr. McClung, Mr.
Currie and Mr. Gibson at it.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. George fixing clock. Self at sideline. John
and Robert not come home. Afternoon self and George sawing
blocks. John and Robert arrives. Mrs. Duff and Mrs. Chalmers
here visiting.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John gone again to A. Millers. George and
Robert sawing blocks. Self asking hands to work on the road.
Afternoon Mother at Wms. Self and George at sideline. Robert
fixing clock.
9 – Wind W, fine day. George at Joseph Williams sale. Self, John
and Robert working on sideline. Afternoon self, John and Robert
at sideline.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John, George, Robert and horses
doing statute labour on sideline. Afternoon self, George, John
and Robert on sideline. George, Margaret and Robert at
Greenbank at Temperance Meeting.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, George, Margaret and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Isaiah II:3 on Foreign Missions.
12 – Wind NW, rough cold day. George and Robert hewing
. Self and John cutting paving blocks. Afternoon
George and Robert at sleepers. John at Greenbank getting
horses shoed.
13 – Wind NW, rather cold, nothing doing. John gone to the other
side of the creek after money. Afternoon nothing doing. Margaret
at Greenbank. Annie at Mr. Akhursts matting.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John, George, Margaret and Annie at
Hannah [Calls?] wedding. Nothing doing here. Self sawing wood.
15 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Mother spinning. Afternoon
George and Robert sawing blocks. John at sawmill with logs.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing logs to mill. Robert and
George sawing blocks. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at
logs. Robert at Greenbank for papers. George and Mother at
Mrs. Leasks.
‘Sleepers’ are floor joists.
17 – Wind NW, cold day, nothing doing. Robert and George at
blocks. Self doing nought. Afternoon John at sawmill. Robert and
George at blocks.
18 – Wind SE, snowing some. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, George, Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Isaiah
19 – Wind NW, rather cold, nothing doing. John at mill with log.
George gone to Mrs. Leasks. Self fixing clock. Afternoon John at
mill with log. Self and Robert sawing blocks.
20 – Wind NW, rather cold. John in the woods. Self and Robert
sawing blocks. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Alex. Leask here all night.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert mending A.
Leasks sleigh. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Robert and John in
the woods. Self sawing wood. Margaret at Mrs. Leasks.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret comes home from Mrs. Leasks.
23 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
24 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
at Greenbank for papers. Afternoon self, John and Robert
drawing in turnips.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. John, Margaret and Annie at Greenbank. Mother
at Wms. Self and Robert at home.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to John Gilbraiths and
brought Jane Atkin here. Self and Robert at wood. Afternoon
John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing wood. Jas. Miller
here for ministers salary. Margaret quilting.
27 –Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret, Annie and Jean Atkins at Wms.
MAR. 1 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret quilting. Afternoon John at Greenbank.
Robert fixing stable. Self sawing wood.
2 – Wind SE and raining. John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
doing nought. Margaret, Jean Atkins at quilt. Annie ironing.
Afternoon John and Robert sawing blocks. Annie and Jean
Atkins at mat.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Annie and Jean Atkins at mat. Afternoon John and Robert
in the woods. Self splitting wood. Annie and Jane Atkins at mat.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Margaret at Primitive Methodist Meeting.
Robert at English Meeting. John, Annie and Jane Atkins at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Pattison preaching on Temperance
from Isaiah LVIII:14.
5 – Wind NW, fine day, some snow falling. John and Robert in the
woods. Self and Wm. at Manchester voting for Dunkin Act23
Dunkin Act carried.
6 – Wind W, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert drawing out wood.
John and Robert at Port in the evening.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
nought up at Mr. John Watsons.
8 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. John at mill with grist. Self
at Brock at meeting about the minister. John at Brock. Robert at
9 – Wind N and stormy. John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
doing nought.
10 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert at Greenbank
for papers.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Margaret , John, Robert and Annie
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Acts
12 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert gone to Scott for
screw jacks. Margaret and Barbara Walker gone to collect for
missions of the Presbyterian Church.
13 – Wind Easterly. John and Robert at the Port. Self splitting
wood. James Smith here. Afternoon Jas. Smith and Robert in the
swamp cutting poles. John at the mill for grist. Annie at
Greenbank. Self splitting wood.
14 – Wind SW, snowing some. Jas. Smith starts for home. John
and Robert drawing wood. Self splitting wood. Annie gone to Jas.
Hornes to matting bee.
Afternoon very stormy. John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
doing nought. A fire at 7 o’clock in the direction of Epsom.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Annie comes home, was at Mr. Akhursts all night.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing wood.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
nought. Afternoon John and Robert drawing wood. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert sawing blocks. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert doing nought. Self
sawing wood. George comes home. Mrs. Akhurst here visiting.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Robert and Margaret at Sunday
School. Self, John, George, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Titus II:14.
The ‘Dunkin Act’ was introduced to the legislature by
Christopher Dunkin (1812-1881) in 1864. The Act
provided a local municipal option to prohibit the sale of
liquor according to majority vote.
19 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. George at the Port. Afternoon John and Robert
drawing logs. Self sawing wood. George gone to L. Beatons.
Annie gone to A. Michies, Brock.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Robert piling wood. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert and self at wood.
Annie and Isabella Michie arrive from Brock.
21 – Wind NE and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing
doing. Isabella Michie making dress for Annie.
22 – Wind SW, fine day, snow very deep, nothing doing.
Afternoon John at Greenbank. Annie at the Port. Self, Mother,
Margaret, Annie, Isabella Michie and John at prayer meeting at
John Watsons in the evening.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Self doing
nought. Afternoon John at Port. Robert at Greenbank for the
papers. Mrs. Somerville and sister here visiting.
24 – Wind N, fine day. John at Port with wood. Robert making
window frame. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self and Robert
reading the papers. Margaret scrubbing.
25 – Wind Easterly and raining some. John, Robert, Margaret,
Annie and Isabella Michie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother,
John, Margaret, Isabella Michie, Annie and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Genesis
26 – Wind Easterly and raining. John gone to John Gilbraiths.
Nothing doing. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
27 – Wind N, stormy day, nothing doing. Afternoon John at the
creek. Self and Robert doing nought.
28 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon very stormy,
nothing doing.
29 – Wind N, cold day. John at Wms. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon self and John at Brock at Presbytry. Mr.
McClungs resignation accepted. Isabella Michie goes home with
30 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert making posts. Self
sleighing firewood. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers.
Self sleighing wood. Annie gone to Mr. Duffs.
31 – Wind S, snow melting. John drawing out wood. Self drawing
wood. Robert making spiles. Afternoon John drawing out wood.
Self and Robert topping trees. Wesley Luke here to dinner.
APR. 1 – Wind S, fine day, snow melting fast. Robert at the
Sunday School. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. Roads not
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John looking for stones. Robert in the
woods. Self drawing wood. Afternoons elf and John drawing
stones off Mr. Perkins place. Robert boiling sap.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert and John drawing stones.
Afternoon Robert boiling sap. John at Greenbank. Self splitting
4 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing in turnips.
Afternoon Robert boiling sap. Self and John drawing in turnips.
John McPhail here all night.
5 – Wind S and snowing. Robert in the woods. John making
ladder. Self doing nought. George comes from Lewis Beatons.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert making ladder. Self
doing nought. Afternoon Robert in the woods. John digging
snow. Self splitting wood.
7 – Wind Easterly. John, George, Robert and self working at the
barn. Afternoon Robert boiling sap. John on the road shoveling
snow. George working at barn. Self mending Annies boots.
8 – Wind E, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, George and Margaret at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Matthew
9 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in the woods. John drawing stones.
Self choring. Afternoon choring.
10 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at sap. George and John making
ready to raise the barn. Self choring. Afternoon self, John and
George raised barn 1 foot.
11 – Wind N, fine day. Robert sick. Self, John and Wm. at barn.
Afternoon self, Wm., John and George at barn.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert sick. Self, John, George and Wm.
raising barn and finishes at noon. Afternoon John, George and
self choring.
13 – Wind SE, fine day. John and George framing barn sleepers.
Self choring. Robert sick. Afternoon John and George at barn
sleeper. Self fixing round.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. drawing rails. Self and
George at barn sleepers. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and
George at barn rafters.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John, George and Annie at the Sunday
School. Mother, John, George and Annie at the Presbyterian
16 – Wind SW, fine day. George and Robert sowing wheat. John
harrowing. Self choring. Afternoon John harrowing. George and
Robert making rafters. Self burning some stones. George leaves
for Lewis Beatons.
17 – Wind SE, fine day. John harrowing. Robert at sap. Afternoon
John plowing. Robert at sap. Self at R. Phairs filling the hole that
the [?] for the barn was took out of.
18 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert
sawing posts. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert taking
dirt from below the barn.
19 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. John plowing. Self and
Robert taking dirt from below the barn. Afternoon raining. All at
the dirt.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. John plowing. Self at the Port for clover
seed. Robert at dirt. Afternoon John at plow. Robert at
Greenbank for papers.
21 – Wind N, cold day. John plowing. Self and Robert fanning
oats. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at Beares sawmill. Self
and Robert at dirt.
22 – Wind NW, fine day and very warm. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from Luke XIV:22.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John sowing. Self carrying seed. Robert
harrowing. Afternoon Robert rolling. John at sap. Self fixing
grass seeds. Annie at Greenbank. Mother at Wms. Margaret
arrives from Whitby.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John at the sawmill piling lumber. Self
sowing grass seeds. Robert harrowing. Margaret washing.
Afternoon Robert rolling. John taking dirt from below the barn.
Self planting potatoes in the orchard.
25 – Wind N, fine day. John sowing. Self carrying seed. Robert
harrowing. Afternoon Robert harrowing. John gathering chips.
Self planting potatoes in the orchard.
26 – Wind NE, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robert taking
dirt from below the barn. Afternoon John rolling. Self and Robert
at dirt. Margaret leaves for Mr. Andersons near Myrtle. Self and
John at prayer meeting at Mrs. Watsons.
27 - Wind SE, fine day. John rolling. Self and Robert at dirt.
Afternoon John at Wms. harrowing. Self and Robert fanning
28 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. John at Wms. harrowing.
Robert in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon raining some. Self,
John and Robert picking potatoes. George comes from Mr. Lewis
29 – Wind SW, rather dull. Robert, George and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, George, Robert and Annie at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McClung preaching from
Revelation XX:11,12,13,14,15. Mr. McClung preached his
farewell sermon.
30 - Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with oats. Self fixing
clock. Robert cutting potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert cutting
potatoes. Mother visiting at Mr. Aslings. Self and Annie at Jas.
McMillans at meeting. Mr. McClung baptizes J. McMillans
daughter and leaves forever.
MAY 1 – Wind W, fine day, rather cold. John at the Port with
potatoes and oats. Self and Robert cutting potatoes. Annie
washing. John loses his money, 18 dollars.
2- Wind NW, very high wind. John gone to Port on foot but
cannot find his money. Robert at Wms. harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self in the garden. Miss Jane
Akhurst and Miss Duff here.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. plowing. Robert taking
siding off stable. Self moving fence from straw stack. Mrs.
Gordon and Mrs. Walker here. Afternoon Robert at stable. Self
wheeling dung. Mother and Mrs. G. and Mrs. W. at Wms. visiting.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. Self cleaning barn yard.
Robert fitting window sashes. Afternoon John plowing potatoe
land. Robert cleaning barn yard. Self at Greenbank.
5 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Sunderland for lime. Self and
Robert making place for lime and washing buggie. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Port. Self choring.
6 – Wind easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Cockburn preaching from 2nd
Peter I:17. Church
declared vacant.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John, Robert and Annie planting
potatoes. Afternoon finishes planting potatoes.
8 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Sunderland for lime. Self and
Robert leveling the barn. Afternoon self and Robert digging
foundation. Robert at Mrs. Leasks in the evening.
9 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Sunderland for lime. Self
sowing plaster. Robert digging foundation. Annie at Wms.
10 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John greasing the harness. Self and
Robert mixing mortar. Afternoon Annie whitewashing. Mother
cleaning the woodwork. Robert at Wms. Self and John at lime.
11 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John gone to Leaskdale with the
screw jacks. Self at Port. Robert at lime. Afternoon Mother
sewing. Annie gone to Greenbank. Self and Robert mixing lime.
12 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing logs. Self mixing
lime. Annie whitewashing. Afternoon John and Robert drawing
stones. Self mixing lime. George comes from L. Beatons.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother, John, George, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Rodgers preaching.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John, George and Robert taking
down the stable. Afternoon all at stable.
15 – Wind W, fine day. George and Robert framing. Self and
John drawing stones. Afternoon John at Port for Mr. Minty and
Mr. Clarke. Annie at the Port. George and Robert framing. Self
cleaning up. Masons come to barn.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John, George, Robert, Mr. Minty and
Mr. Clarke at barn. Afternoon self, John, George, Robert, Mr.
Minty and John Clarke at barn.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Self making mortar for Minty and Clarke.
John drawing stones. George and Robert framing. Afternoon
some rain. Self at mortar. John, George and Robert framing.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Self making mortar for Minty and Clarke.
John drawing stones. Robert and George framing. Afternoon self
at mortar. John and Robert mixing mortar. George framing.
19 – Wind N, fine day. John and Robert drawing stones. Self
making mortar. George framing. Minty and Clarke building.
Afternoon raising the leanto of barn.
20 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, George and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McFadden preaching.
21 – Wind W, showery day. All working at leanto getting up the
rafters. Afternoon very warm and heavy showers. Mr. Minty and
Clarke gets all the shower in the swamp. John at mill. Self at
mortar. George and Robert at leanto.
22 – Wind Easterly, rather rainy in the forenoon, nothing doing
much. Afternoon George and Robert siding up the leanto. John
drawing stones. Self at mortar. Minty and Clarke building. J.
Smith and Barbara here all night.
23 – Wind N, rather cold. George and Robert shingling. John
drawing stones. Self at mortar. Afternoon some showers of hail.
John mixing mortar. Robert and George shingling. Self at mortar.
J. Smith and Barbara leaves for home.
24 – Wind N, cold day. George and Robert shingling. Self and
John at stones. Afternoon John at stones. Robert and George
shingling. Self at mortar. Mr. Minty and Clarke doing building.
25 – Wind N, rather cool. Mr. Minty and Clarke building. John
drawing stones. Robert and George shingling. Self making
mortar. Afternoon at the letting of jobs on the sideline. Self at
mortar. George and Robert shingling. John goes for grist after
26 – Wind NW, fine day. John drawing stones. Self at mortar.
Minty and Clarke building. George and Robert shingling.
Afternoon John mixing mortar. Self at mortar. George and Robert
shingling. Messrs. Minty and Clarke leaves for home at 5 o’clock.
Richard [Moon?] died today.
27 – Wind S, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, George and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. McFadden preaching from John I:47.
28 – Wind S, fine day. George and Robert shingling. John
drawing stones. Self mixing mortar. Minty and Clarke building.
Afternoon self and John at mortar. George and Robert shingling.
George leaves for Duncan McMillans.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing stones. Self at mortar.
Robert fixing round. Minty and Clarke building. Afternoon John
and Robert mixing mortar. Self at mortar.
30 – Wind S, warm day. John drawing stones. Robert at
carpenter work. Self at mortar. Minty and Clarke building.
Afternoon self at mortar. John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Robert choring.
31 – Wind S, fine day. John drawing stones. Self at mortar.
Robert choring. Afternoon John plowing. Self at mortar. Robert
away fishing. Minty and Clarke building. Mother and Annie
picking potatoe bugs. Minty and Clarke finishes building and
goes to pointing.
JUNE 1 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Self at mortar. Robert
at bugs. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at bugs. Self at mortar.
Minty and Clarke pointing. Richard Brock, Insurance agent, here
all night.
2 – Wind SW, very warm. John plowing. Self and Robert fixing
stable. Heavy shower before dinner. Annie scrubbing. Minty and
Clarke finishes and leaves for home with Mr. Perkins. Afternoon
another heavy shower. John plowing. Self and Robert at bugs.
3 – Wind S, looking like rain. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Stevenson preaching.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert boarding up
the stable. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert at potatoe
bugs. Annie washing.
5 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert at the stable.
Afternoon John harrowing. Robert and self paving the stable.
6 – Wind NE, fine day. Self and John drawing blocks from barn.
Robert paving. Afternoon self, John and Robert putting up horse
7 – Wind SW, fine day. John at sawmill. Self and Robert at stable.
Afternoon all at stable and picking bugs.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John hoeing corn. Self and Robert putting
up partition between turnip house and cowhouse. Afternoon
John gone with Mr. David Perkins hunting a strayed horse. Self
and Robert at partition wall.
9 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John and Robert laying barn floor.
Self clearing the chips away. Afternoon John plowing. Self
cleaning up a little. Robert making door.
10 – Wind SW, rather cold. John, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Stevenson preaching from the first General Epistle
of John IV:7.
11 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert hoeing
potatoes. Mrs. Michie and Isabella here from Brock. Afternoon
John at road work. Self and Robert at potatoes. Mrs. Michie
leaves for home. Annie and Isabella Michie at Greenbank in the
evening for some trimmings.
12 – Wind W, fine day. John harrowing. Self and Robert laying
floor on the top of stable. Afternoon John and Robert scraping
dirt behind barn. Self at Port Perry for turnip seed.
13 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert scraping. Self wheeling in
dirt under barn. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John and Robert
scraping. Self shoveling dirt. Mr. Watson here in the evening.
14 – Wind S, warm day. John and Robert scraping. Self
shoveling. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John and Robert scraping.
Self hilling potatoes. Mother at Wms. visiting.
15 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert scraping. Self shoveling.
Afternoon John and Robert scraping and cutting thistles. Self
hilling potatoes. John, Robert and Annie at Greenbank in the
evening about the Sunday School Anniversary.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. John rolling turnip land. Robert cutting
thistles. Self hilling potatoes. Afternoon Robert cutting thistles.
John drilling. Self hilling potatoes.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Niven preaching from 2nd
18 – Wind SW, fine day. John drilling. Self and Robert making
cattle stalls. Afternoon John drilling. Self and Robert at stalls.
Annie washing. John, Robert and Annie at Greenbank in the
evening about anniversary.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. John cutting thistles. Self and Robert at
cow stalls. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John at bugs. Self and
Robert at cow stalls. Robert and John away in the evening.
20 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John drilling. Self and Robert
paving. Afternoon John drilling. Self and Robert paving. Finishes
sowing turnips. Robert and Annie at Greenbank practicing for the
anniversary. Anthony Wells here for turnip drill.
21 – Wind SW, showery warm day. John and horses at Wms.
Self and Robert at paving. Afternoon self and Robert paving.
Mother at Mr. Akhursts visiting. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at
prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons in the evening.
22 – Wind NW, cool day. John and horses at Wms. Self and
Robert paving. Afternoon self and Robert making stairway. Annie
and Lizzie at Greenbank.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John whitewashing the kitchen. Self and
Robert making cattle stalls. Afternoon self and Robert at stalls.
Annie and Mother scrubbing. John gone to Barbaras.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Atchison preaching from Zechariah XIII:1.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert making cattle stalls.
John arrives from Whitby. Afternoon John and horses at Wms.
Self and Robert at stalls. John at Greenbank at committee
meeting in the evening.
26 – Wind Easterly, dull day, some rain in the forenoon. John and
horses at Wms. Self and Robert hoeing potatoes and laying floor
in the barn. Afternoon self and Robert at barn. Some rain through
the afternoon.
27 – Wind S, very warm. John gone to Mr. Turners well. Self and
Robert hoeing potatoes. Annie baking for the anniversary. Calf
died last night. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing potatoes. Annie
and Robert at Greenbank in the evening singing.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Turners. Robert at the Port.
Self cleaning the yard. Afternoon John burning rubbish at the
barn. Self picking bugs.
29 – Wind S, fine day. John hilling the potatoes. Self and Robert
at barn floor. Mother and Annie baking for the anniversary.
Afternoon self, John and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Atchison preaching from 1st
30 – Wind SW, some showery. John and Robert working at barn.
Self choring. Afternoon John fixing anniversary ground. Self and
Robt. at barn.
JULY 1 – Wind W, rough day. Self, Mother and Margaret to Brock
to the Sacrament. Mr. Atchison preaching from 1st
2 – Wind N, fine day. Self at Brock at the session. John, George,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at the anniversary. Afternoon Mother
and self at the anniversary. Robert Minty here all night.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at barn. Self hoeing
corn. Afternoon John gone with Margaret and Robert Minty to the
Port. Self hoeing corn. Robert at barn.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert making the henhouse.
Self hoeing corn. Afternoon John at Jas. McMillans. Self putting
Paris Green on potatoes. Robert at henhouse. John, Robert and
Annie at Greenbank at social of the Union S. School.
5 – Wind S, some showers in the forenoon. John gone to Brock.
Self and Robert putting on doors. Afternoon Annie at the Port
with Lizzie. Self at Greenbank getting horses shoed. Robert at
barn. Mrs. P. Leask Sen. died.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Brock. Robert gone with
him. Self putting Paris Green on potatoes. Afternoon self and
Robert hilling corn.
7 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert gone to Barbaras. Self at
Greenbank getting pump rod fixed. Afternoon self and Wm. fixing
pump. Annie scrubbing. Mother at Wms.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott preaching from
John I:29.
9 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Self at Brock at meeting
about minister. Railway meeting at Greenbank in the evening.
10 –Wind W, fine day. Self mowing in orchard. Robert comes
home from Whitby. Afternoon self at Primitive Anniversary.
Robert & Annie at concert in the evening.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self mowing.
Annie and Lizzie gone to Whitby. Afternoon Robert at turnips.
Self mowing.
12 – Wind NW and very strong. Self mowing in orchard. Robert
raking hay. Afternoon self and Robert drew loads out of orchard.
Mr. Duff and Geo. Boddie mowing in the field.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self mowing fence corners. Robert raking.
Afternoon self and Robert drew one load of hay from orchard and
raked some in the field. Self at Greenbank and voting for bonus
for Toronto and Ottawa railroad. Carried by a majority of 273.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drew 4 loads hay.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. drawing hay. Self mowing fence
corners. Annie scrubbing.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. A stranger preaching
from Psalms LXIX:4.
16 – Wind S, warm day. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in hay.
Afternoon self, Robert, Wm. and Annie finished haying. 16 loads
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Lizzie here picking
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert scuffling turnips. Self plastering some
cracks in the barn. Got Bible from man, payable 4 months after
19 – Wind SW, some rain through the night. Self and Robert
fixing byre door. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing turnips.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Annie at Greenbank for the
papers. Robert at cricket in the evening.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
Robert drawing in hay for Wm. Self hoeing turnips. Annie
scrubbing. Rain at 6 o’clock.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. A.
Dobson preaching from Isaiah XXXVIII:1. “Set thine house in
order for those shalt die and not live”.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert at turnips.
24 – Wind W, very drying day. Self & Robert at turnips and
finishes hoeing the first time. Afternoon self and Robert fixing
barn. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Toronto for books. Self cutting
thistles. Afternoon self fixing latch of the barn. John arrives.
26 – Wind SW, very warm day. Self and Robert working at
granary. John at the Port. Afternoon self and Robert at barn. Self
at meeting in the Presbyterian Church.
27 – Wind S, very warm, rain in the morning. John at Wms.
Robert gone to the Port to get labels printed. Self putting glass in
windows. Annie picking berries. Afternoon self at windows.
Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
28 – Wind SW, very warm. Robert painting. Self pulling weeds
among the potatoes. Afternoon Annie scrubbing. Robert fixing
doors on the horse chutes. Self doing nought. John at
29 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. A. Dobson preaching from Hebrews XII:1,2.
30 – Wind N, fine day. John gone to John Watsons for a month.
Robert at Mr. Duffs binding. Self fixing stable windows. Afternoon
Robert fixing horse chutes. Mr. Duff having broke his reaper. Self
at windows. Mother and Annie at Wms.
31 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at Mr. Duffs but did not work
any. Self weeding potatoes. Afternoon Robert cradling oats. Self
at potatoes. Annie and Lizzie at Port Perry.
AUG. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self binding
oats. Annie picking berries. Afternoon Robert scuffling turnips.
Self binding oats. Annie picking berries.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Mr. Duffs. Self scuffling turnips.
Annie washing. Afternoon rain, nothing doing. Prayer meeting at
John Watsons.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert cutting and binding
wheat. Annie at berries. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Mr. Duffs. Self cutting pease and
oats. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon Annie at berries. Self at pease.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Mother,
John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
6 – Wind W, dull day. Robert at Mr. Duffs. Self cutting oats. Annie
at berries. Afternoon self cutting oats. Mother at Wms. Rain in
the afternoon.
7 – Wind W, very warm. Self and Robert cutting wheat. Annie
washing, looking like rain. Afternoon self and Robert binding
oats. Mr. Duff reaping them.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert cutting and binding wheat.
Annie at berries. Afternoon self and Robert binding oats. Annie at
9 – Wind W, dull day. Self and Robert at wheat. Annie picking
berries. Afternoon Robert at Mr. Akhursts binding. Self binding
oats. Great shower of hail in the afternoon.
10 –Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Mr. Akhursts binding wheat.
Self cutting swath round wheat. Afternoon Wm. cradling. Self and
Robert binding. Annie at Greenbank.
11 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Wm., Robert and Annie at wheat.
Afternoon self, Wm., Robert and Annie at wheat.
12 – Wind S and raining some. None at Sunday School. Still rain.
Nobody at any meeting.
13 – Wind SE, dull day. Wm. here cradling wheat. Self and
Robert binding. Afternoon Wm., self and Robert at wheat. Annie
at berries. Finishes cutting.
14 – Wind Easterly, rain in the morning. Robert at Wms. Self at
Port Perry. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring. Annie at
15 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. Self and Robert at Wms.
binding. Heavy rain at noon. Afternoon self and Robert at Wms.
16 –Wind Easterly if anywhere. Self and Robert fixing shocks, the
wheat growing. Afternoon very dull and threatening rain. Self and
Robert at shocks and hoeing turnips. Mother at Wms. visiting.
Much thunder through the afternoon.
17 – Wind N, dull day. Self and Robert working at barn. Afternoon
Robert at turnips. Self at Greenbank getting horses shoed. Annie
at Greenbank. Some rain at night.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert turning over shocks and
unloosing some sheaves. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in
wheat, 6 loads. Pease and oats 3 loads. Mother and Annie out
binding and gathering pease and oats.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
George here. Self, Mother, John, George and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Marple preaching from Philippians
20 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in wheat.
Mother and Annie loosing out oats. Afternoon self, Robert and
Wm. drawing wheat. Annie at the doctors with Lizzie.
21 – Wind SE, fine day. Self, Robert and Wm. drawing in oats.
Afternoon self, Robert drawing in for Wm. Mother at Wms. and
Mrs. Akhurst there too, visiting.
22 – Wind S, rather dull. Self and Robert at Wms. drawing wheat.
Afternoon self, Robert and Wm. drawing in oats and finishes
harvest for 1877.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Robert raking the wheat stubble. Self and
Annie at Port Perry. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in
rakings. Scott, pedlar, here all night.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
Robert hoeing turnips. Self hunting for the white heifer.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. fencing. Self hunting for
heifer. Afternoon Robert at turnips. Self hunting for heifer and
found her in the beaver meadow.
26 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. A. Dobson preaching from Ecclesiastes XII:1.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert finishes hoeing turnips.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port seeing the
circus. Self choring. Afternoon some rain. Self choring. Barbara
here on a visit. John comes home.
29 – Wind W, warm day. John gone to the Port. Barbara and
Annie gone to James Hornes. Self and Robert clearing up the
barnyard. Afternoon self and Robert at barnyard. Barbara leaves
for home.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. John [?] from
home. Afternoon John at first concession of Brock. Robert
plowing. Self burning brush.
31 – Wind SW, fine day, some rain through the forenoon. John
plowing. Robert bad with sore gums. Self choring. Afternoon
John at Mr. Akhursts threshing. Robert plowing. Self in the
SEPT. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Akhursts threshing.
Robert plowing. Self in the swamp. Afternoon John, Robert and
horses at Mr. Perkins threshing. Self in the swamp.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. A
stranger preaching from 2nd
Corinthians V:14,15.
3 – Wind NW, rough day. John, Robert and horses at Perkins
threshing. Self in swamp. Afternoon John at James Walkers
threshing. Robert harrowing.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and John drawing out dung.
Afternoon John and Annie at Port Perry. Self and Robert in the
5 – Wind N, fine day. Self, John and Robert at dung. Afternoon
self, John and Robert at dung.
6 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, John and Robert at dung. Afternoon
self, John and Robert at dung.
7 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, John and Robert finishes the
dung. Afternoon John at Greenbank getting Mr. Boddies waggon
mended. Self at fires. Robert making box.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John plowing. Self and Robert spreading
dung. Afternoon John plowing. Self and Robert making road into
the shop. Mrs. Burton here and Joseph and Wm.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert & Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert & Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Currie preaching from Acts IV:12.
10 – Wind SE, fine day. John plowing. Robert spreading dung.
Self chopping a tree out of the road. Afternoon John plowing.
Robert at dung. Self taking in fallen apples. Mother at C. Aslings.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert scraping dirt at
barn. Self digging stump. Afternoon John goes to Little Britain.
Self and Robert scraping.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert scraping. Afternoon self
and Robert scraping. Mother at Wms. all night, his child sick.
13 – Wind NE, fine day. Self and Robert scraping. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
14 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Annie at Wms. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Wood of Mr. John [McReat?] being lost.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring.
16 – Wind W, rain in the morning. Nobody at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Fraser preaching from Isaiah IV:7.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self paving. Annie
washing. Afternoon some rain, not much doing. Mr. Asling here
18 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Annie at
Wms. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self taking in apples. Annie at
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self, fencing. Afternoon
self and Mother goes to Mr. Jas. Smiths, Whitby.
20 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Mother, Jas. Smith and Barbara at
Whitby Phair.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Mother comes home from Whitby.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Thos. Phairs
threshing. Afternoon self at threshing. Robert plowing.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott
preaching from Matthew XXVIII:12. Mrs. Craig buried at Presby.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and horses at Robert Phairs
threshing. Annie washing. Self fixing for machine and at Robert
Phairs part of the time.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Robert Phairs
threshing. Afternoon all at threshing.
26 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Robert Phairs
threshing for a little while, then Robert plowing. Self away after
the machine. Mother at Wms.
27 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Threshing machine here. Self,
Robert, Wm., Mr. Perkins and horses, Pat Calt and horses, Mr.
Jas. Walker, Mr. John Watson, Mr. W. Akhurst, George Boddie
Jun., Mr. Thos. Phair and Jas. Walker Jun., Messrs Horne, A
Leary and M. Neil threshers.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert taking in some straw.
Afternoon Robert at G. Boddies threshing. Self and Annie at
Greenbank. Mrs. Akhurst and Mrs. Rice here visiting.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Boddies
threshing. Afternoon self, Robert and horses at Wms. threshing.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother, Annie, George and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
OCT. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie taking up
potatoes. Afternoon Robert and horses drawing stones for Mr.
Somervilles house. Self and Annie at potatoes. Took in 1 load.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
Afternoon self, Robert and Mother at potatoes. Took in 3 loads.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Lindsay Phair. Self fixing pump.
Annie washing. Afternoon self at pump. Mrs. Robert Phair and
Mrs. Thos. Phair here visiting.
4 – Wind N and raining, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self digging potatoes in the orchard. Rev. Achison inducted.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at potatoes.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at potatoes. Took in 3
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sick. Self choring. Afternoons self,
Mother and Annie finishes potatoe digging in the field. 1 load.
7 – Wind Easterly, very thick smoke. Robert sick. Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Annie, Emma Perkins at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from John IV:23.
8 – Wind S, rainy day, nothing doing. John away from home. Self
choring. Robert sick. John arrives.
9 – Wind S, fine day. John at Greenbank. Self fixing round.
Robert sick.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John away from home. Self choring.
Afternoon John goes to J. Smiths. Robert takes him to Port
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Self at Greenbank with harrows.
Afternoon self choring. Robert still sick.
12 – Wind N, cold day. Self fixing the turnip house. Afternoon
fixing round. Robert still sick.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self choring. Robert on sick list.
Afternoons elf, Robert and Mother fanning wheat..
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 2nd
Peter III:12.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Self at Port Perry with wheat.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the cattle
bindings. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Mr. Duffs sale. Annie
at Mr. Duffs.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self fixing. Mr. Akhurst here visiting.
18 – Wind SE, damp day. Robert plowing. Mother gone to James
Hornes. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing the cows house.
19 – Wind SE, rather wet, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank. Self choring.
20 – Wind Easterly. Robert plowing. Self at Wms. logging.
Afternoon Robert plowing. John arrives from Whitby. Margaret
here on a visit.
21 – Wind Easterly. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Matthew I:21.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. John and self at Wms.
logging. Afternoon Robert plowing. Mother visiting at Robt.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Self making door. Robert plowing. John
taking in apples. Afternoon John plowing to Wm. Robert at the
Port to hear the trial between Mr. D. Perkins and Mr. Wm.
Ledingham. Mother at Mr. Perkins. Self fixing door.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing at Wms. Robert sawing
wood. Self making a chute for turnips. Afternoon Annie at the
Port. Self and Robert cleaning out the cowhouse.
25 – Wind Easterly and raining some. John at Wms. plowing. Self
going round paying debts. Robert pairing apples. Afternoon
raining, nothing doing.
[There is no entry recorded in the original diary for Oct. 26.]
27 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips.
Drew 12 loads.
28 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon self, John, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew 16 loads.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Drew 13
loads. Annie asking hands to pairing bee.
31 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. Self, John and Robert at
turnips. Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Drew 14
NOV. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips. Drew 15 loads.
Prayer meeting at John Watsons. Self, Robert and Annie at it.
2 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon John at the
Port. Robert at Greenbank. Self choring. Pairing bee in the
evening and some dancing after. Henry Buel here all night.
3 – Wind W and snowing. Nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Robert doing nought. Self choring. Cattle all in
4 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Cockburn preaching from Jeremiah VIII:20.
5 – Wind N and snowing some, nothing doing. Annie washing.
Robert at Wms. Afternoon still snowing, nothing doing. Mother
and Annie quilting.
6 – Wind N, fine day, but frosty, more snow through the night.
Mother and Annie quilting. Rest doing nought. Afternoon John at
the mill with grist. Robert at Wms. Self choring.
7 –Wind S, fine day, hard frost through the night. Nothing doing.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at turnips drawing 4 loads which
finishes the turnips. 74 loads.
8 – Wind S, dull day, looking like rain. John and Robert at Wms.
turnips. Self choring. Afternoon heavy rain, nothing doing.
9 – Wind N, rather stormy. John and Robert at Wms. turnips. Self
doing nought. Annie making dress. Afternoon self at Greenbank
for the papers. Wm. finishes his turnips.
10 – Wind NE, fine day. John at the mill for grist. Self churning.
Robert choring. Afternoon John choring. Robert at the Port. Self
doing nought. Annie scrubbing.
11 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Hebrews XIII:8.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert fixing pump. Annie
washing. Afternoon John and Robert making a pigs house. Mr.
Walker here visiting.
13 – Wind S, hard frost, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing doing.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert draining. Afternoon
self, John and Robert at drain.
15 – Wind S and looking like rain. John plowing at Wms. Self and
Robert choring. Afternoon self and Robert choring. John plowing.
Robert at prayer meeting.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing at Wms. Self and Robert
digging the garden. Afternoon self at garden. Robert at
Greenbank for papers. George comes home.
17 – Wind S, some slight showers. John plowing at Wms. Self
and George at Port Perry. Robert fixing bars.
18 – Wind N, cold rough day. Robert at the Sunday School. John,
George, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
19 – Wind N, rather cold. Self choring. Robert fixing clock. John
and George at the Port. Afternoon George at Greenbank to get
his boots mended. Robert making sleigh. Self and John doing
nought. John, Robert and Annie at a spree at Mr. Akhursts in the
evening. Self and George at Bible Society meeting at
20 – Wind N, fine day. George gone to Mr. Beatons. John gone to
Mara. Robert gone to take them back apiece. Afternoon Robert
making sleigh. Self doing nought.
21 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Annie gone to Brock.
Afternoon Robert at sleigh. Self choring. Mr. Akhurst, John
Acksay and Thomas Scott here in the evening.
22 – Wind S, rainy sort of day. General fast through the
Dominion. Self, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Psalms LXVIII:19.
23 – Wind S, rather dull, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert making
sleigh. Self choring. John arrives from Mara. Spree at Wms.
24 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing but reading papers.
Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
25 – Wind S, dull day. Robert at Sunday School. John at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Annie at the English Meeting. Robert at
Primitive Meeting.
26 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John plowing to Wm. Self and
Robert ditching. Afternoon very heavy rain, nothing doing. Annie
27 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing to Wm. Self and Robert
choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. ditching. Self choring.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing. Robert plastering chimney.
Self cleaning barnyard. Afternoon John plowing. Self choring.
Robert at the Port. Spree at Mr. Akhursts.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Brock. Self and Robt.
doing nought. Annie gone collecting for Bible Society.
30 – Wind NW, fine day, but cold. John at Jas. Walkers. Self and
Robert doing nought. Rev. Mr. Achison here. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank for the papers. Annie at Messrs. Phair collecting for
Bible Society.
DEC. 1 – Wind NE, fine day, nothing doing. Mr. I. Clemens here.
Afternoon John at Jas. Walkers. Annie scrubbing. James Smith
and Barbara comes from Whitby.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Barbara, Annie and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Jas. Smith, Barbara and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Psalms
3- Wind W, fine day. John At Jas. Walkers. Self and Robert
doing nought. Afternoon Jas. Smith and Barbara leave for home.
Nothing doing.
4 – Wind S and thawing, nothing doing. Robert making sleigh.
John gone to Lateen. Afternoon nothing doing.
5 – Wind SE and raining some. Robert making sleigh, nothing
doing. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Mary Michie comes from
Brock. Mother at Wms.
6 – Wind NW, rough day, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. Annie and Mary Michie
at Wms.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self piling
wood. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Mr. Ledingham here.
8 – Wind NW, fine day, nothing doing. Annie and Mary scrubbing.
Afternoon John at Port Perry. Self and Robert doing nought.
9 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert, Annie and Mary at the Sunday
School. Mother, John, Robert, Annie and Mary at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
10 – Wind SW, snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon John at Brock
with Mary Michie.
11 – Wind S and thawing. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert sawing wood. Self
piling wood.
12 – Wind S, soft day. Self, John and Robert killing pigs.
Afternoon John and Robert sawing wood. Self splitting wood.
13 – Wind W with some showers. Self and John cutting up pigs.
Afternoon John and Robert sawing wood. Self fixing [?].
14 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert sawing wood. Self
choring. Afternoon Annie at Greenbank for papers. Self splitting
wood. John and Robert sawing wood.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert splitting rails. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert at rails. Self splitting
16 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Matthew XI:28.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the swamp splitting
rails. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert at rails. Self
splitting wood. Meeting at Presbyterian Church in the evening.
Nobody from here at it.
18 – Wind SE, cold day. John and Annie gone to the Port.
Afternoon Robert in the swamp. George here for a little while.
Self cleaning the door yard.
19 – Wind S, rainy day. Robert whitewashing. John helping. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John from home. Robert over at the
railroad. Annie cleaning up.
20 – Wind W, dull day. Annie cleaning up. John and Robert
splitting rails. Annie at Wms. in the afternoon. John and Robert at
21 – Wind SE, dull day. John and Robert at rails. Self choring.
Afternoon John at Greenbank. Robert making box for Annie.
22 – Wind S, fine day, but soft and foggy. John gone to the Port
for Margaret. Robert making box. Afternoon Robert at box. Self
choring. Annie at Wms.
23 – Wind SE, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting. John and Robert at English
24 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at Annies box. John doing
nought. Afternoon nothing doing. John, Robert, Annie and
Margaret at Greenbank at exhibition in the evening.
25 – Wind Easterly, nothing doing. Christmas day. Self and
Mother at Wms. to dinner. Afternoon nothing doing. Mr. and Mrs.
Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Akhurst and Mr. Edwards here to supper.
John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at Wms. at a spree. Mr.
Edwards and son here all night.
26 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Nothing doing. Annie at Wms.
Afternoon John at Greenbank. Mother at James Walkers. Self
and Robert doing nothing.
27 – Wind NE, fine day. John helping Mr. Akhurst to take in
turnips. Robert hunting with Edwards. Self doing nought.
Afternoon nothing doing. Margaret at Wms.
28 – Wind E, fine day. John and Margaret at the Port. Self and
Robert choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank for papers. Self
and Robert at Wms. helping him to kill a pig.
29 – Wind NE, rather cold. John at Greenbank. Self and Robert
doing nought. Margaret scrubbing. Annie baking. Mother at
Wms. Afternoon Margaret at Robert Phairs.
30 – Wind N, cold day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Colossians
31 – Wind N, cold day. John gone to Kirkfield. Robert gone to
Port Perry. Self doing nought. Margaret and Annie baking.
Afternoon nothing doing. Isabella Michie comes here at 9
And thus ends the year 1877. Not one particle of snow.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon self and
Mother at Mr. Akhursts to dinner. Barbara, Marg Smith and
Ebenezer arrives from Whitby. Spree in the evening. Some thirty
at it. Broke up at 2 o’clock.
2 – Wind N, snowing some, fine day. Nothing doing. Barbara,
Margaret and Isabella Michie at Wms. Afternoon Ebenezer Smith
and sister leaves for home. Nothing doing.
3 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon Annie at the Port
on foot. Self and Mother at Mr. Perkins at dinner. Barbara,
Margaret, Isabella Michie, John, Robert and Annie there in the
4 – Wind S and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank for papers. Isabella Michie making dress.
5 – Wind W, stormy day. John gone with Barbara and Isabella
Michie to Brock. Self and Robert doing nought. Afternoon Annie
scrubbing. Margaret ironing. Self and Robert doing nought.
Mother pairing apples.
6 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. John,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mother
some sick. Lizzie here in the afternoon.
7 – Wind all round, fine day. John gone to Whitby with Barbara
and Annie. Self at Greenbank voting for councilors. Robert
choring. Afternoon Margaret at Wms. Self and Robert doing
8 – Wind SE, snowing some, nothing doing. Robert gone to
school. Self choring. Afternoon John arrives home.
9 –Wind S, fine day. John at Greenbank with wood. Self at school
meeting. Afternoon John at wood. Nothing doing. Margaret
washing. John gets horses shoed.
10 – Wind SE and raining. Robert at school. Nothing doing.
Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
11 – Wind N and raining, nothing doing. Robert at school. John in
the woods. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
choring. Margaret spinning.
12 – Wind N, soft day. John in the woods. Robert at Greenbank
getting his boot mended. Self choring. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon Robert at the Port. Margaret spinning. George
Wadingham here in the evening.
13 – Wind NE, dull day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John and Margaret at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Philippians II:16.
14 – Wind Easterly fine day. John in the wood. Robert at school.
Self at Mr. Blairs visiting. Margaret washing. Afternoon Margaret
spinning. Self choring.
15 – Wind N, snowing some. John in the woods. Robert at the
school. Self writing to Miss Mitchell. Margaret spinning.
Afternoon nothing doing. Self choring.
16 – Wind N, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Margaret spinning. Self doing some chores and writing to
George Tough. Afternoon Mother at Wms. Margaret spinning.
Self writing.
17 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Margaret spinning. Self choring. Afternoon John at Thos. Phairs
threshing. Margaret spinning. Self choring. Self, Margaret and
Robert at the prayer meeting at Mr. John Watsons in the
18 – Wind Easterly, dull foggy day. Robert at school. John at
Thos. Phairs threshing. Margaret spinning. Self choring. Mother
going round. Afternoon Margaret at Greenbank. John in the
woods. Self choring.
19 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Self mending boots.
Margaret scrubbing. Robert doing nought. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self mending boots. Robert choring. No sleighing this
winter yet.
20 – Wind SW, rather dull day. John, Margaret and Robert at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Acts XXI:17.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Margaret washing. Self sawing wood. Afternoon self sawing
22 – Wind W, and snowing some. John in the woods. Robert at
school. Self sawing wood. Margaret gone to Whitby. Afternoon
self at mill with grist. Investigation into the P.O. affairs at
23 – Wind NW, cold stormy day. John and horses at Greenbank
digging the foundation of Presbyterian Church. Robert at school.
Self doing nought. Afternoon Mother spinning. Self doing nought.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at school. Self and John fanning
wheat. Afternoon self and John at wheat. Margaret and Annie
arrive from Whitby. Self, John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Mrs. Leasks at the prayer meeting.
25 – Wind Easterly, rather dull day, nothing doing. Margaret
spinning. Self, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Cockburn preaching from 1st
26 – Wind Easterly. John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
nought. Annie scrubbing. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Self and Robert doing nought.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Corinthians V:7,8. Communion today and one hundred and
twelve at the table. Collection between 7 and 8 dollars.
28 – Wind N, fine day but cold. Robert at the school. John doing
nought. Self doing nought. Margaret spinning. Annie washing.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self doing nought. Margaret
spinning. Mother baking.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at school. Self and John sawing
wood. Margaret spinning. Wm. and wife gone to Whitby. James
here. Afternoon self choring. Mother spinning. Mary Duff here
and Emma Perkins & Annie Perkins, Margaret, Annie and Robert
at Mr. Duffs in the evening.
30 – Wind Easterly, fine day but frosty. John in the woods. Self
choring. Robert at school. Margaret spinning. Annie at Wms.
doing chores. Afternoon Margaret spinning. Self choring.
31 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at the school. Self and John
in the woods. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John, Margaret,
Annie, Annie Perkins and Emma Perkins at Port Perry. Self
choring. And so ends January without any sleighing.
FEB. 1 – Wind NE, some stormy. John in the woods. Robert at
the school. Self mending the spinning wheel. Afternoon John in
the woods. Self choring. Margaret spinning. Mother sewing.
David Byers and Mary Byers and James Leask here in the
evening. Jean Leask and Susie Real here all night.
2 – Wind NE, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert doing
nought. Margaret spinning. Annie scrubbing. Mother choring.
Jean Leask and Susan Real leaves for Mr. Perkins. Afternoon
John away somewhere. Self choring.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from John XII:26.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Annie washing. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John
drawing wood to the schoolhouse. Mother visiting at Mrs. Byers.
Margaret at Wms. Self doing nought.
5 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Margaret spinning. Afternoon John drawing
wood to school. Margaret spinning. Self choring. John, Margaret,
Robert and Annie at [?] meeting in the evening at Greenbank.
Lizzie and family here in the afternoon.
6- Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Margaret spinning. Annie ironing. Mother baking. Self choring.
Afternoon John drawing wood to school. Self choring. Mr. Wm.
Jacques, cattle dealer, here.
7 – Wind S, fine day. John drawing wood to the school. Robert at
school. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self choring. Margaret
spinning. Annie at Wms. Robert at Mr. Somervilles at the prayer
meeting in the evening. Heard of Pope Pius IX, his death.
8 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at the school.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John drawing wood. Margaret and
Annie visiting at Mr. John Watsons. Self choring.
9 – Wind NE, rather stormy. John and Robert grinding axe. Self
choring. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at Mr. Davidsons wood
bee. Robert at the Port. Annie at Wms. Self fixing turnips.
10 – Wind Easterly and snowing. Nobody at the Sunday School.
John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
11 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at school.
Margaret at Port Perry on foot. Annie washing. Self choring.
Afternoon John drawing wood. Self choring. Annie scrubbing.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at the
school. Self at Greenbank with cattle. Afternoon John at Walter
Aslings wood bee. Annie at Mr. Akers. Mr. Davidson from
Pickering here wanting Margaret.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John
drawing rails. Margaret washing. Afternoon John drawing out
wood. Self choring. Margaret and Annie at Protracted Meeting at
Greenbank. Robert at Mr. Akhursts. John at Wms., all in the
14 – Wind NE, fine day. John gone to the Port with wheat. Robert
at the school. Mother, Margaret and Annie dressmaking. Self
choring. Afternoon self and John fanning wheat. Mother,
Margaret and Annie at dressmaking. Self, Mother, John,
Margaret, Annie and Robert at John Watsons in the evening at
prayer meeting.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the school. John at the Port
with wheat. Margaret at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon self
choring. Margaret dressmaking. Mrs. Walker here visiting.
16 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
splitting wood. Miss Annie Perkins here dressmaking. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon John and Robert at wood. Self doing
nought. Margaret and Annie Perkins dressmaking.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Isaiah IV:67.
18 – Wind N, fine day. John at James Walkers at sawing
machine. Robert at the school. Self choring. Annie at the Port.
Afternoon Margaret and Annie Perkins dressmaking. Self
choring. Georgina Luke here.
19 –Wind S, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert at school.
Self choring. Afternoon self, John and Annie at the Missionary
Meeting at Presbyterian Church. Georgina and Margaret
20 – Wind S, dull day, some snow through night. John drawing
wood. Robert at the school. Annie washing. Self choring.
Afternoon John drawing wood. Margaret at Wms. Annie and
Georgina at Thos. Phairs. Self choring.
21 – Wind NE and raining some. John gone to Port with wood.
Robert at the school. Self choring. Afternoon Annie at Wms. Self
choring. Margaret sewing.
22 – Wind Easterly, rain all night, nothing doing. Robert at the
school. Annie at Wms. Self and John doing nought. Afternoon
still raining, nothing doing.
23 – Wind W and snowing some. John at the Port with wood.
Robert at the Port with Margaret, she going to Whitby. Self
choring. Afternoon self at James Walkers. Annie scrubbing.
24 – Wind NW, rather stormy. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Campbell preaching from Romans VIII:1.
25 – Wind N, rather cold. John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Robert at school. Annie washing. Self choring. Afternoon
John in the woods. Annie at Mrs. Aslings. Self choring. Alex.
Michie and Mrs. Michie here all night. Robert and Annie at Mr.
Duffs at a spree in the evening.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. John tries to go to
Port but turns. Self choring. Mother baking. Afternoon John in the
woods. Mother at Mr. Perkins. Alex. Michie and Mrs. Michie gone
to Wms. Annie ironing. Self choring. George Boddie here in the
evening. Mary Real married.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Robert at the
school. Annie at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon self choring.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at the school.
Self splitting wood. Annie at Wms. Afternoon Alex. Gordon and
Mrs. Gordon here visiting. Self doing nought. Annie at Wms.
MAR. 1 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. John at Port Perry with
wood. Robert at the school. Self making potatoe chopper. Annie
comes home from Wms. Afternoon Robert at John Watsons
wood bee. Annie at Mrs. Watsons quilting bee. John at Mr.
Watsons in the evening, there being a great spree.
2 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Robert doing nought. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon raining,
nothing doing.
3 – Wind Easterly, very dull foggy day. Robert at the Sunday
School. Self, John and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. No
preacher. Robert at the Methodist Meeting. Very muddy road.
4 – Wind N, cold rough day. John in the woods. Robert at school.
Annie washing. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
doing nought. Annie scrubbing. Still very cold. Robert at Mrs.
Leasks in the evening at Missionary meeting.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self at Pat [Calts?] for the pick. Afternoon John at the Port with
wood. Self choring. Annie at Wms.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John at well digging for the new church.
Robert at the school. Annie at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon self
turning turnips. Annie at Wms.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John at church well. Robert at the school.
Self doing chores. Afternoon self choring. Mrs. Robert Phair here
for some yarn.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John at well. Robert at the school. Self
making stand table. Afternoon Mother at Mrs. Byers, she being
sick. Self choring.
9 – Wind SE, fine day. John at well. Robert boiling sap. Self and
Annie at Port Perry. John at the Division meeting.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
John, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
11 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John at well. Robert at the school.
Annie washing. Self choring. Afternoon Annie at Wms. Mother
baking. Self wheeling firewood. John at John Leasks in the
evening at managers meeting.
12 – Wind Easterly, foggy damp day. John at well. Robert at the
school. Annie at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon self choring.
Lizzie, Barbara Walker and Mrs. Newman here visiting. Still very
foggy and dull. Mr. Earchman, the assessor, here.
13 – Wind NE, rainy day. John gone to Greenbank. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
14 – Wind N and snowing. John at well. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Afternoon John at the Port on horseback. Self choring.
15 – Wind N, fine day. John at the well. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Afternoon Mother spinning. Self choring.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the well. Robert boiling sap. Self
at Manchester Station with Margarets box. Bad roads.
17 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from 2nd Peter III and last verse.
18 - Wind N, fine day. John at well. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Annie washing. Afternoon Annie at sap boiling. Mother
19 – Wind N, fine day. John at well. Robert at the school. Self at
the mill for grist. Afternoon Mother at Wms. Annie at Mr. Thos.
Phairs visiting.
20 – Wind N, fine day. John at Mr. Perkins. Robert at the school.
Self splitting wood. Annie at Wms. Mother sewing. Self splitting
wood. Mother at Wms. all night, George being sick.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. John at Mrs. Leasks.
Self at Saintfield at Doctor for Wms. George. Mother at Wms.
Afternoon self drawing wood. John at Mr. Perkins.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John, Annie and Isabella Michie at the
Port. Robert at the school. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John at
Mr. Perkins. Self splitting wood. Annie and Isabella Michie at
Wms. John gathering sap.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at sap. Self drawing
wood. Afternoon self and Annie at Mrs. Markhams funeral. John
gone with Isabella Michie to Saintfield.
24 – Wind N, very stormy day. Robert at the Sunday School.
Afternoon very stormy. Nobody at any church. Annie at Mrs.
25 – Wind N and very stormy. John at Wms. Robert at the school.
Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing. John at Greenbank.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mrs. Leasks. Robert at the
school. Self drawing wood. Annie at Wms. Afternoon self boiling
sap. Wms. daughter died 1875. [That would be Alice Maude
Michie b. 12 Apr. 1874].
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the school. John not come
home. Self at Perkins. Afternoon self, John and Robert at Mr.
Perkins sale. Annie at Mr. Perkins. Mrs. John Leask here visiting.
28 – Wind NE and snowing. Robert at the school. Nothing doing.
Annie washing. Afternoon John at Port Perry. Self mending
boots. Self, Robert and Annie at Mr. Watsons prayer meeting.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at the school. Nothing doing.
Afternoon John gone to Brock. Self mending boots.
30 – Wind NE, fine day. John arrives from Brock. George comes
from Saintfield. Robert boiling sap. Afternoon John and Mother
packing. George gone to Barbaras, nothing doing. Robert at the
Division in the evening.
31 – Wind Easterly. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Titus III:5.
APR. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Robert taking John to the Port, he
going to Iowa. Annie at sap. Self turning turnips. Afternoon
Robert brings George from Port Perry. Mother twisting yarn. Self
splitting wood. Robert at sap.
2 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the school. Self at Greenbank
for clavis to gangplow. Afternoon self mending harness. Robert
and Annie at Greenbank in the evening at Mr. Brandons lecture
on the Crimean War.
3 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at sap. Self mending harness.
Afternoon Robert at sap. Self at the Port for asafetida24
horses. Lizzie and children here.
4 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self mending harness. Self, Robert
and Annie at Mr. Ross’s at prayer meeting. Annie goes to Brock.
Asafetida is used to aid digestion and in cases of
asthma and bronchitis.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. Self mending harness. Robert at the Port
for blacking. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self oiling harness.
6 – Wind N, rather showery. Robert plowing. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self carrying seed to Wms. sowing.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Matthew XVIII:18,19,20. Annie comes home from Brock.
8 - Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self sowing grass
seed. Annie at sap. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self piling
wood. Annie at Greenbank. Mother gets 2 pigs from Mrs. Phair.
9 – Wind E, looking like rain. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing bars.
10 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing apple
trees. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing apple trees. Some
rain at night.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert moving Mr. Perkins. Self and
Annie helping Mr. Perkins. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
choring. Mrs. Horne died after being in bed 25 years.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self mending Wms.
harness. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Wm. sowing wheat. Self
carrying seeds.
13 – Wind N, cold day. Robert choring. Self and Annie at Mrs.
Hornes funeral, the corpse brought from Uxbridge to the
Presbyterian gravery at 12th
concession Reach.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Mark XI:22.
15 – Wind N, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert rolling. Self choring in the garden.
16 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert rolling. Self fixing the
garden. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self carrying seed to Wm.
sowing oats. Annie at Mr. George Buels visiting. Robert at
Greenbank at Mr. Brandons lecture on the Crimean War.
17 – Wind Easterly, fine day, very warm. Robert harrowing. Self
sowing grass seeds. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self choring. Mrs.
Akhurst, Mrs. Davidson and Lizzie here visiting.
18 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Mother in the
garden. Afternoon self repairing fences.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self fencing. Afternoon
Annie at Greenbank for the papers. Self fixing braces in the barn.
James [Rennies?] barn burned.
20 – Wind S and raining some. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Rain
before dinner. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self and Annie at Port
Perry. Robert at the Sons of Temperance Division in the evening.
George here in the evening.
21 – Wind NW, cold bleak day. Robert at the Sunday School.
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
22 – Wind E, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self planting apple trees.
Annie washing. Afternoon raining. Self turning turnips. Robert
doing nought.
23 – Wind E, dull foggy day. Robert at Wms. Self digging in the
orchard. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self fencing. Robert at Mr. J.
Watsons in the evening.
24 – Wind S, dull day. Self and Robert drawing dung into the
orchard. Afternoon heavy shower at 3 o’clock. Self cutting
potatoes. Robert choring.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Port on foot, horses sick.
Self at James Walkers. Afternoon self cutting potatoes. Robert
brings a new suit from the Port. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie
at John Watsons at prayer meeting. Mr. Achison did not come.
Mrs. Real died.
26 – Wind Easterly, looking like rain. Self and Robert working in
the orchard. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Mrs.
Reals funeral.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Horses sick, nothing doing. Self cutting
potatoes. Robert in the shop. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self
and Robert cutting potatoes. Robert at Greenbank in the evening
at Temperance meeting.
28 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Joshua XXIV:15. Showers
in the afternoon.
29 – Wind Easterly and raining some. Robert making watering
trough. Self doing nought. Annie washing. Afternoon still raining,
nothing doing. Some people come to Lukes place.
30 – Wind S, fine day, nothing to do, horse sick. Put out the
young cattle to the swamp. Afternoon Annie at Greenbank.
MAY 1 – Wind SE, fine day. Self at Greenbank with Lizzie. Annie
at Wms. Robert at the Port. Afternoon self at Wms. fixing stoves.
Mrs. Davidson here. James Smith and Barbara come.
2 – Wind SE and raining. Nothing doing. Afternoon Jas. Smith
and Barbara goes to Brock to see A. Michie. Self repairing
fences. Robert fixing Wms. gate. Annie at Wms. Mr. Scott,
pedlar, here. Thunder storm in the evening.
3 – Wind N, frequent showers, nothing doing. Afternoon James
Smith and Barbara leaves for home. Robert at Greenbank for the
papers. Much rain through the afternoon.
4 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing, ground very wet. Afternoon
Robert dunging out the henhouse. Self fencing. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Acts IV:12.
6 – Wind SE, fine day but some rain. Horse still sick, nought
doing. Annie washing. Mother at Mr. George Buels in the
7 – Wind Easterly, sometimes looking like rain. Self and Robert
oiling harness. Afternoon self and Robert planting trees. Annie
visiting at Mr. Phairs.
8 – Wind N, some foggy and very hot. Self and Robert choring.
Mother boiling soap. Afternoon Mother at John Watsons visiting.
Self and Robert filling up potatoes. Annie and Jean Akhurst at
Mr. Williams visiting for the first time.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert bagging potatoes and
taking them to the barn. Mother boiling soap. Afternoon self and
Robert at potatoes.
10 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing out dung for
potatoes. Afternoon Robert plowing in the orchard. Self
spreading dung. Miss Mellison Williams here visiting.
11 – Wind NW, rough cold day. Self, Robert and Annie planting
potatoes. Mr. Dan Rose here to dinner. Afternoon self, Robert
and Annie planting potatoes. Robert at the Temperance Meeting
at Greenbank in the evening.
12 – Wind NW, some snow through the night. Robert at the
Sunday School. Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Annie at the English Meeting.
13 – Wind NW, cold day, nothing doing. Annie washing.
Afternoon Robert painting. Self choring.
14 – Wind W, rather cold. Robert harrowing. Self digging in the
orchard. Afternoon self and Robert planting corn. Annie at Mrs.
Davidsons visiting. Mother at Wms.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert drawing bricks to new church.
Self putting up bills for road work. Afternoon self and Robert
planting corn. Mother at Robert Phairs. Mrs. [Coleraine?] sick.
Annie goes there to stop a few days.
16 – Wind S, frost through the night, fine day. Robert drawing
brick, went twice. Self clearing out the pigpen. Afternoon self
fixing pigpen. Annie over from Robt. Phairs.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Bob at the mill with grist and once at
Uxbridge for brick. Self doing nought. Mother churning.
Afternoon self asking Thos. Phair, C. Asling, D. Byers and Mr.
Akhurst to draw bricks. John arrives at 9 o’clock.
18 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. harrowing.
John at Wms. Self cutting thistles. Mother scrubbing. Afternoon
John at Greenbank. Self at thistles. Robert at division meeting in
the evening.
19 – Wind SE, threatening rain. Robert at the Sunday School.
Nobody at meeting. Annie over from Mr. Phairs.
20 – Wind S, fine day. John and Annie at the Port. Self and
Robert doing nought. Afternoon John at the new Church. Robert
doing nought. Self cutting thistles. Rain through the afternoon.
21 – Wind SW, dull looking day. John at church. Robert fixing
box. Annie washing. Afternoon self at Greenbank getting mare
shoed. Robert at Greenbank about church. Mother at Mr. Phairs
22 – Wind N, fine day. John at church. Robert gone for bricks.
Self at Manchester making declaration. Afternoon nothing doing.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Uxbridge for brick. John at the
new church. Self cutting thistles. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
at James Walkers. Robert at Mrs. Leasks at prayer meeting.
Mother at Robert Phairs all night.
24 – Wind W, dull day, some rain through the night. Nothing
doing. Queen’s birthday. John plowing. Self and Robert doing
nought. Afternoon John plowing. Robert at Mr. Akhursts playing
cricket. Annie at Mr. Akhursts. Self at Greenbank for papers.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self on the 11 concession
finding the line. John doing nought. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self and John at 11th
concession at job letting.
Robert at division meeting in Greenbank.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew V:6.
27 – Wind W, fine day. John working at the 11th
Robert plowing. Self cutting thistles. Annie washing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank. Mother at Mrs. Akhursts
picking bee.
28 – Wind S, fine day. John at the 11th
concession. Robert
plowing. Self cutting thistles. Annie sick. Afternoon Robert at the
Port attending Grand Division Sons of Temperance.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Annie still sick. Self cutting thistles. John going round.
Afternoon John at the job on concession. Robert harrowing. Self
cutting thistles. Annie getting better.
30 –Wind Easterly, fine day. John at the concession. Robert
harrowing. Self turning potatoes. Afternoon Robert gone for
brick. Self at the thistles. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at
the prayer meeting at Mrs. Watsons in the evening.
31 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at the concession. Robert
harrowing. Self cutting thistles. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self
cutting thistles. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
JUNE 1 – Wind S, fine day. John at the concession. Self and
Robert fanning oats. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self at Port
Perry with oats. Robert choring. Robert at the Temperance
Division meeting at Greenbank in the evening.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Acheson preaching from Psalms LXIII:8.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Annie washing. Self and Robert filling up
potatoes. Afternoon self at Port Perry with potatoes. Robert
cutting thistles. John sick.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Annie at Port Perry with
potatoes. John and Robert spudding thistles. Afternoon John at
thistles. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self at the concession looking
at the jobs.
5 – Wind N, very cold day. John plowing for Wm. Robert doing
nought. Self and John Watson at concession passing the jobs.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self cutting thistles. Robert at Mr.
McWilliams at prayer meeting.
6 – Wind NE, rather cold. Robert at Wms. plowing. John cutting
thistles. Self at thistles. Afternoon John at thistles. Self digging
cabbage ground.
7 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self and
John cutting thistles. Afternoon self, Mother, John, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Brown preaching from
Philippians I:21. Tokens given for the sacrament on Sabbath.
8 – Wind SE, dull day. Self planting cabbages. Annie scrubbing.
John cutting thistles. Robert doing nought. Afternoon John and
Robert at the sideline, some jobs being let there. Self hoeing
corn. Mother at Wms. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Brock at
the Communion. Mr. Achison preaching from Revelation I:5,6.
10 – Wind S, fine day. John drilling. Self hoeing corn. Robert
cutting thistles. Afternoon John drilling. Self hoeing. Robert at
thistles. Miss Mellison Williams here visiting. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Manchester. Robert at
Wms. drawing out dung. Self hoeing. Miss Eva Perkins here
visiting. Annie gone to Greenbank with her.
12 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, John and Robert at statute labour.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at road work.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert and horses at the
road work. Afternoon self, John, Robert and horses at the road
work which finishes the statute 25
labour. Man and horses and
waggon reckon 3 ½ days.
14 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Wms. with horses. Self writing.
Robert doing nought. George Michie and his wife here visiting.
Afternoon John at Wms. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self
going round with George Michie.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John and horses at Wms. Annie fixing at
window blinds. Self writing. Robert reading the papers. Afternoon
John at Wms. Self and Robert picking bugs. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Genesis XLIX:18.
17 – Wind NW, rather cold. John drilling. Robert choring. Self at
the Port with turnip boxes. Afternoon John drilling. Self and
Robert picking bugs. John, Robert and Annie at Greenbank in
the evening.
18 – Wind W, fine day. John drilling. Self and Robert hoeing corn.
Annie washing. Afternoon John drilling. Self sowing turnips.
Robert hoeing. Alex. Michie Jun. and his mother here visiting.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Annie at the Port. Self
mending harness. Robert choring. Afternoon John and horses at
Wms. Self and Robert picking bugs. Annie at Mrs. Aslings.
Robert and Annie at Greenbank in the evening practicing for the
Statute labour was done in lieu of paying as much in
[There is no entry in the diary for June 20th
21 – Wind S, fine day. John and horses working on the sideline.
Robert at Wms. Self writing to George Tough. Afternoon Robert
at Wms. Self at Greenbank for the papers.
22 – Wind SE. rather rainy. John and horses at Wms. Self and
Robert reading the papers. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John at
the Port with hay. Self and Robert doing nought. Annie papering
the cupboard.
23 – Wind N, rather dull day. Robert and Annie at Greenbank
practicing singing for the anniversary. Much rain through the
forenoon. Nobody at Presbyterian Church.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert at the road. Self at the
Port to hear the case between Luke and Perkins. Annie washing.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert at the road. Self
mowing in the wood. Afternoon self mowing. Annie at
26 – Wind S, fine day. John at the sideline. Robert gone to
Temperance procession to Saintfield. Self mowing some.
Afternoon John gone with hay to Prince Albert for Wm. Self
picking bugs. Mother, Mrs. Walker and Annie baking for
anniversary. Mrs. Davidson helping. Annie at Mr. Watsons in the
27- Wind W, fine day. John gone to Greenbank with horses to
shoe. Robert, John and Annie gone to the Port to see the boat
races and [?]. Self hoeing potatoes. Mother baking bread for the
anniversary. Afternoon self hoeing potatoes.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at the sideline. Self
hoeing potatoes. Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers.
29 – Wind S, fine day, very warm. Robert away fixing the grounds
for the anniversary. John doing nought. Self at Port Perry for
Margaret and Miss McTaggart. Afternoon John and Robert at the
sideline. Self making hay. Robert at Division in the evening.
30 – Wind SE, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret, Annie and Miss
McTaggart at the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John and Annie
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Isaiah
JULY 1 – Wind SW, fine day. All at the Anniversary all day. Mr.
Joseph Real, Mr. Achison, Mr. Patison and others speakers.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Self at the Port with Margaret and Miss
McTaggart to go home with the train. John going round hunting
work. Robert hoeing potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing
3 – Wind W, fine rainy day, nothing doing. John churning. Annie
washing. Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
4 – Wind Easterly, raining heavy. Nothing doing. Afternoon John
and Annie gone to Whitby. Self hoeing corn. Robert at turnips.
5 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing
corn. Mrs. A. Michie and Mrs. Foster here visiting. Afternoon self
and Robert hoeing turnips.
6 – Wind S, very warm day. Self putting Paris Green on the
potatoes. Robert hoeing turnips. John and Annie arrive from
Whitby. Afternoon John at the Port with hay. Self at potatoes.
Robert at turnips. Robert at Division Meeting in the evening.
7 – Wind S, very warm. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 2nd
Timothy III:15.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon John at Port with hay. Self and Robert at
turnips. Annie at School anniversary at Shaws. Robert at
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
Robert gone with John to Raglan. Annie at the Port. Self at
10 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips. Mother visiting at Mr. Walkers.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips.
12 – Wind S, rather dull day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
Robert at turnips. Self at Greenbank for papers.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie scrubbing. Self hoeing the
potatoes. Robert and George Boddie gone to Toronto for books
to Sunday School. Afternoon self at potatoes and at the Port at
night for Robert and G. Boddie.
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Eva Perkins here to dinner. Self, Mother, Robert, Annie and Eva
at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Jeremiah
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self potatoe
hoeing. Annie washing. Afternoon Robert at turnips. Self cutting
hay in the orchard.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at turnips. Self mowing the fence
corners. Robert Phair mowing. Afternoon Robert hilling up the
potatoes. Self mowing. Mr. Phair finishes at 5 o’clock.
17 – Wind W, very warm day. Self and Robert raking and cocking
hay. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert drew in 5 loads of hay.
18 – Wind W, rather gloomy. Self and Robert, Wm., Mother and
Annie at hay raking and cocking and drew in one load. Afternoon
rain. Robert at the Port.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self, Wm., and Robert drew in 9 loads of hay. Annie at
Greenbank for papers.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drew 2 loads of hay
out of orchard. Afternoon self, Robert and horses drawing in hay
for Wm.
21 – Wind NW and very high. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Brown preaching.
22 – Wind strong from the NW. Robert at mill with grist. Self
mowing. Afternoon self mowing. Robert hoeing.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at mill for grist. Self mowing. Annie
picking berries. Afternoon Robert hoeing. Self mowing.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Annie
picking berries. Mother putting Paris Green on potatoes.
Afternoon self, Robert and horses at Wms. drawing hay.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips and rowing
hay. Afternoon self, Robert, Mother and Annie stacking hay. 5
loads which finishes haying. Commences to rain at 5 o’clock.
26 – Wind SW, rainy day. Self and Robert fixing in the barn.
Afternoon still raining, nothing doing.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at turnips. Self at the Port for a
cradle. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Exodus IV:2.
29 – Wind SE, dull day. Self cradling oats. Robert at turnips.
Annie washing. Afternoon self, Mother and Robert mowing wheat
and binding it. Annie picking berries. Rain at night.
30 – Wind SE, dull day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self, Mother and Robert mowing wheat.
31 – Wind W, rather dull. Self and Robert hoeing turnips and
finishes them. Afternoon Wm., Mother and Robert at wheat. Self
cradling pease.
AUG. 1 – Wind W, looking like rain. Wm., Mother and Robert at
wheat. Self cutting round the other wheat field. Afternoon George
Boddie Jun. here reaping. Self, Wm. and Robert binding. Rain at
2 o’clock. Annie at berries picking. Mr. Markham here paying his
note to John of $18. Self, Robert and Annie at the prayer
meeting at John Watsons. Jas. Moons barn burnt by lightning.
2 – Wind NW, fine day. Wm., Robert and Mother cutting and
binding wheat. Self cutting pease. George Boddie at Port for
repairs to reaper. Afternoon George Boddie reaping. Wm., self
and Robert at wheat. Annie at Greenbank for papers.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at George Boddies. Self binding
oats. Annie scrubbing. Mother churning. Afternoon self cutting
pease. Mother at Wms. Annie washing buggie.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Afternoon thunder showers. Nobody at any meeting.
5 – Wind SW, dull day. Self, Mother and Robert at wheat.
Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at wheat. Annie picking
6 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother and Robert at wheat, and
finishes cutting wheat. Afternoon self and Robert cut some oats
and turn the pease.
7 – Wind N. Self, Mother and Robert at oats. Afternoon drew 3
little loads of loose wheat but had to leave it for wind and go to
cutting oats.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother and Annie at wheat drawing.
Afternoon all drawing in wheat.
9 – Wind W, some rain in the morning and thunder all night. Self
and Robert cutting oats. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and
Annie drawing in wheat.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drawing in wheat.
Mother cutting timothy. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie finishes
wheat drawing. Mother at timothy.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Severe
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert mowing oats. Mother
binding. Annie churning. Afternoon self and Robert finishes
cutting. Mother raking. Annie cutting timothy. Finished cutting.
13 – Wind S. Self, Robert and Mother binding oats. Afternoon
self, Robert and Annie drew in one load of pease, then thunder
and rain.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at Port Perry. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert begins to plow. Self doing nought.
Some showers in the afternoon.
15 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
showery. Robert plowing. Self doing nought. Mother goes to
Wms. at 11 o’clock night.
16 – Wind SW, fine morning. Robert and Albert Akhurst gone to
Greenbank with 3 cattle. Mother at Wms. all night. Lizzie got a
son about 2 o’clock. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drew in all
the pease. Heavy rain at night and much thunder. Wms. son
John born.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Mother at Wms. Self at Saintfield to the
doctor with my sore knee. Robert choring. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing shocks. Robert at
18 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Church. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew VI:12.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing shocks.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self raking oats, drew in 3 loads
before night. Some rain at night. Mother died 1873. [Agnes
Malcolm Michie m. John Michie, b. 29 Apr 1793, d. 19 Aug
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Thos. Phairs threshing. Self
turning shocks. Afternoon Robert at John Watsons threshing.
Self doing nought.
21 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Robert and Wm. drawing in oats.
Afternoon self, Robert and Wm. finishes drawing in.
22 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and horses at Mr. Atkins
threshing. Self fencing oat stack. Mother churning. Afternoon self
choring by pulling foxtail among potatoes.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert and horses at Wms.
drawing in his crops. Annie at Wms. Afternoon finishes Wms.
drawing in.
24 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert plowing. Self at Mr. Boddies
threshing. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Isaiah LVIII:13,14.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Annie at Wms. Self
digging logs. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for
gang plow points.
27 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
28 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert plowing. Self hoeing turnips.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at the Port for
landside to plow. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons
in the evening.
30 – Wind Easterly, very hot day. Robert plowing. Self doing
nought. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Self and Annie
at Greenbank in the evening for papers.
31 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self painting the kitchen.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in oats for
Wm. Rain at 4 o’clock.
SEPT. 1 – Wind Easterly, dull day, rained all night. Robert at the
Sunday School. Rain after dinner. Nobody at any meeting.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self cutting logs in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self cutting some trees. Rain
at 4 o’clock. Mr. Robert Phair here with petition for the Grange
3 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the pump.
Afternoon Robert at John Watsons threshing. Self and Mother at
Greenbank visiting Mr. Perkins.
4 – Wind Easterly, thunder and rain in the morning. Robert
plowing. Self choring. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing at
5 – Wind NE, warm day. Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for
leather to pump. Afternoon Robert at plow. Self fixing the floor of
the stoup. Robert at plow. Self fixing.
6 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at John Watsons threshing.
Self and Annie at the Port. Afternoon self painting.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at John Watsons threshing 2 hours.
Self painting. Afternoon Robert drawing in Wms. oats. Self
painting. Robert at Greenbank in the evening at Sons meeting.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Matthew VI:33.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank getting horses shoed.
Self painting. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self painting. Self and
Robert at congregational meeting at the Presbyterian Church.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self leveling some
knolls. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung. Rain at 4
11 – Wind Easterly, dull day and sprinkling rain. Self and Robert
drawing dung. Annie washing. Mother churning. Afternoon self
and Robert drawing out dung.
12 – Wind Easterly, rain all day. Nothing doing.
13 – Wind Easterly, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon wind to
SW, not much rain. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
14 – Wind W, rough day. Self and Robert threshing timothy seed.
Afternoon self and Robert at political meeting at Greenbank.
Addresses by Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Gibbs. John arrives from
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Brown preaching from Matthew XVI:26.
16 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert gone for a load of gravel.
Self doing nought. Afternoon John gone to George Buels. Self
cutting corn. Robert fixing for threshing machine.
17 – Wind S, fine day, some thunder through the night. Robert
sick. John at George Bowels threshing. Self at Greenbank voting
for Mr. Wheeler. Afternoon Robert sick. Self doing nought.
18 – Wind S, fine day. John at George Buels threshing. Self and
Robert cutting and binding corn. Annie washing. Afternoon John
at Greenbank. Self and Robert at corn.
19 – Wind N, fine day. John and Robert drawing sand. Self
making door frame. Afternoon self, John and Robert at cellar
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Port Perry for lime. Self and
Robert at wall. Afternoon self, John and Robert at wall.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert at cellar wall.
Afternoon John at sideline. Self and Robert at wall and finishes
it. Annie scrubbing.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Galatians XI:15.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the swamp with horses
pulling roots. Self fixing table in the cellar. Afternoon John and
Robert in the swamp. Self fixing shelves in the cellar.
24 – Wind SE and raining. Self and Robert fixing potatoe bins in
the cellar. Afternoon self cleaning up the dooryard. Mr. Achison
here for dinner. Robert at Greenbank for [bolt?] to apple tree.
John plowing to Wm. Annie sick.
25 – Wind S, fine day. John gone with Robert and Wm. to the
Port to meet the train to Toronto, they going to see the
Exhibition. Self making door for cellar. Afternoon John plowing
for Wm. Self fixing cellar.
26 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing for Wm. Self mending
Roberts boots. Afternoon John plowing for Wm. Self taking in
27 – Wind W, fine day. John plowing for Wm. Self cutting corn in
the garden. Afternoon John plowing. Self at Greenbank with
horse collar to fix. Robert arrives from the Exhibition in Toronto.
28 – Wind N, fine day. John plowing to Wm. Self and Robert
fixing dooryard. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John plowing. Self
and Robert taking up potatoes. Robert at Division meeting in the
29 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Church. Mr.
Dobson preaching from Hebrews XI:24,25,26.
30 – Wind S, dull day. John at sideline putting dirt on the
crossway. Self and Robert at potatoes. Afternoon John at the
sideline. Self and Robert at potatoes. Robert at Greenbank in the
OCT. 1 – Wind S, fine day. John at sideline. Self and Robert at
the potatoes. Annie washing. Afternoon self and Robert at
potatoes. Mrs. Akhurst here on a visit.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John sick. Robert at sideline. Self at
potatoes. Afternoon Robert at the sideline. Self at potatoes.
3 – Wind W. Self, John and Robert taking in the potatoes.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at potatoes. Takes them all in, 2
waggon loads.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing out dung.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at dung and finishes. Miss Jane
Akhurst and Marie Akhurst here visiting.
5 – Wind W, dull day. John in the woods. Self spreading dung.
Robert plowing. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert plowing.
Self spreading dung. Annie scrubbing. Some rain at night.
6 – Wind N, some showers. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Hebrews XV:16.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. John in the woods. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self taking in apples.
John in the woods.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. John in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring. Robert
plowing. [?] and Mary Gordon here in the evening.
9 – Wind W, fine day, slight showers and very high wind. Robert
plowing. Self taking in apples. Afternoon wind blowing a
hurricane. Robert plowing. John in the woods. Self taking in
apples. Miss Mary Ross and Miss Jane Atkins here visiting.
10 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert plowing. Self
fixing cellar windows. Afternoon Annie at Mrs. Leasks. John in
the woods. Robert at the mill with grist. Self at cellar.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert plowing. John in the woods. Self
in the garden. Afternoon Robert at the mill for grist. Self in the
garden. John in the woods. Annie scrubbing.
12 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert plowing. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John, Robert and Annie at the county
Phair, Port Perry. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
13 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Acts V:31.
14 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert plowing. Self in
the garden. Annie washing. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert
plowing. Self choring.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert plowing. Self
in the garden. Afternoon Robert plowing. John at Moons raising.
Self at Greenbank for boots. Pairing bee at Mr. Williams.
16 – Wind S, dull day. John in the woods. Robert harrowing in the
garden. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert harrowing. Self
spreading dung. George here at night.
17 – Wind W, dull day. John at the Port. Robert plowing. Self
chopping. Mother spinning. Annie dressmaking. Afternoon John
at bee for taking out timber for shade. Robert plowing. Self taking
in apples. Rain in the afternoon.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. John at timber. Self choring. Robert
plowing. Afternoon Robert and Annie at Greenbank. Self taking
in apples.
19 – Wind N, very cold day and high winds. John gone from
home. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self digging. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Church. Mr. Smith preaching from Galatians V:24.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self digging. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self digging. Annie at Wms.
John gone to John Leasks for 1 month. Robert and Annie at
Greenbank in the evening to David Hills.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self digging. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self fixing turnip house.
23 – Wind N, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon still raining,
nothing doing.
24 – Wind N, fine day. Robert drawing wood. Self at Robert Fairs
threshing. Afternoon Robert choring.
25 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at Mr. R. Fairs threshing. Self
round asking hands to thresh. Afternoon self taking in apples.
Machine comes at night.
26 – Wind N and raining. Threshed all the forenoon. Mr. Boddie
and horses, Pat [Galt?] and horses, Wm. Watson, Robert
Akhurst, James Walker, Thos. Phair, Wm. Michie. Afternoon
raining, nothing doing.
27 – Wind NE, rain all night. Robert at the Sunday School. John
here from Mr. Leasks. Mother, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting.
28 – Wind N, some snow through the night. Threshing all the
forenoon. Afternoon finishes threshing at 4 o’clock. Self, Robert
and horses at Wms. threshing.
29 – Wind S, raw day. Self, Robert and horses at Wms.
threshing, Finishes by 10 o’clock. Robert and horses at Mr.
Akhursts threshing. Self cleaning up about the barn. Afternoon
Robert, Annie and Lizzie at the Port. Self topping turnips.
30 – Wind SW and raining. Self and Robert at Wms. fanning his
wheat. Afternoon Robert harrowing up turnips. Self topping
31 – Wind W and raining. Self and Robert taking in apples.
Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew in 12 loads.
Robert and Annie at the Bible Society meeting at Greenbank in
the evening.
NOV. 1 – Wind W, hard frost through the night. Self and Robert at
turnips. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drew in 9 loads.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie topping turnips.
Afternoon rain. Drew 2 loads of turnips. Robert at Greenbank for
carpet. Robert at Temperance Meeting in the evening.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew XIII:4,5,6,7,8.
4 – Wind N and very cold. Self, Robert and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at turnips. Drew in 16 loads.
5 – Wind N, hard frost. Robert gone to the Port for shingles to
shade at new Church. Self topping turnips. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank at laying the foundation of shade26
. Self choring.
George here in the evening.
6 – Wind N, fall of snow through the night, nothing doing. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon Robert at raising of shade. Self sawing
wood. Mother fixing geese for Church opening.
7 – Wind N, cold day. John at the shade fixing. Robert drawing
wood. Self sawing wood. Afternoon Robert at shade. Self
splitting wood. Very cold and frosty.
8 – Wind N, cold day. John at the shade. Self and Robert doing
nought. Mother and Annie making ready for the Church opening.
Afternoon Robert at shade. Self doing nought.
9 – Wind W, not so cold. John at the shade. Robert at the Port for
Margaret. Self choring. Mother and Annie cooking. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith Sen. and Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jun. arrive from Whitby.
10 – Wind W, soft day. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and
Annie at the new Church and all the Smiths. Service at half past
10. Afternoon John, Robert, Margaret and Annie and Mrs. and
Mrs. Smith Sen. and Mr. Smith Jun. at the Church service at half
past 2. Church opening.
11 – Wind W, dull day and raining some. Self, John, Robert,
Margaret, Mother, Annie, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Sen., Mr. and Mrs.
Smith Jun. at dinner at the new church. Mr. Smith Sen. and Mr.
Smith Jun. leave for home. Lecture in the evening by Mr. Smith
from Toronto. Drew in 3 loads of turnips.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips. Mrs.
Smith Sen. and Mrs. Smith Jun. leaves for home. Afternoon self
and Mother in the turnip cellar. John, Robert, Robert Fair and Pat
Galt drawing in turnips. Drew 29 loads. Annie at Greenbank
washing dishes.
‘Shade’ is in reference to a sort of covered area where
horses could be sheltered.
13 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John at Greenbank getting horses
shoed. Self and Robert choring. Afternoon John at Port Perry.
Self, Robert and Mother and Annie at turnips. Draw in 10 loads.
Mrs. Thos. Phair here visiting.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self, John and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon self, John, Robert and Wm. at turnips. Drew in 6 loads.
Pat Galt taking 3 loads to Robert Fairs, in all 9 loads. Evening
Mother at Wms. Self, John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at social
in the new Church. Received on Sunday, Monday and Thursday
270 dollars for Church.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at shade shingling. John at mill.
Margaret at the Church washing dishes. Annie washing.
Afternoon John plowing in the swamp. Self digging in the
16 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John at mill for chop. Robert doing
nought. Self splitting wood. Annie scrubbing. Margaret churning.
Mother baking. Afternoon John and Robert plowing the swamp.
Self choring. Robert at Division Meeting in the evening.
17 – Wind SW and raining some. Nobody at the Sunday School.
Afternoon John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
18 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John and Robert plowing in the
swamp. Self plastering pigs house. Afternoon John and Robert
plowing in the swamp. Self choring.
19 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John and Robert plowing in the
swamp. Self letting off water. Afternoon John and Robert plowing
in the swamp. Self letting off water. Mother visiting at Mr.
20 – Wind Easterly, foggy day. John and horses working at the
new Church. Robert doing nought. Self letting off water in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert working at new Church. Self choring.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert plowing in the swamp.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert plowing in the
swamp. Self working at new Church. All at John Watsons at
prayer meeting in the evening. John Michie of Tillery died
1869.[John Michie, b 12 Nov. 1791, d. 21 Nov, 1869].
22 – Wind NE and raining, nothing doing. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Still raining, nothing doing.
23 – Wind N and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self choring. Robert at Greenbank in the
evening at Division meeting.
24 – Wind SW and thawing. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Numbers XIV:28. Margaret
goes to Brock with the minister.
25 – Wind Easterly and snowing. John and Robert in the woods.
Self letting off water in the swamp. Annie at Wms. Afternoon
John and Robert at the woods. Self in the swamp.
26 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self in
the swamp. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Annie at John Watsons in the evening.
27 – Wind SE, dull day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
28 – Wind NW, rather cold, everything crusted with ice. John and
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. Annie at Robert Fairs
29- Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
30 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self letting
off water. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Annie
scrubbing. Self letting off water. Robert at Greenbank.
DEC. 1 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Annie and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Romans VIII:13.
2- Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self choring. Robert doing nought. Robert and Annie at
singing class in the schoolhouse in the evening.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self at Mr.
John Watsons to see Mrs. Henery. Afternoon John and Robert in
the woods. Self choring.
4 – Wind NE. General Fast Day. Afternoon self, John, Robert and
Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Psalms XIV:13.
5 – Wind N, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self,
Margaret and Annie going to the Port and got some distance on
the sideline and had to turn back for water. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self choring.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank to get horses shoed and for papers.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self,
Margaret and Annie at Port Perry going by the centre roads.
Robert at the Division meeting in the evening.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. John Leask preaching. Margaret, Robert and Annie at
Primitive Methodist Meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind Easterly, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods.
Self drawing wood. Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Margaret at
Wms. Robert and Annie at the singing.
10 – Wind Easterly. John sick. Robert doing nought. Self choring.
Afternoon John at Mr. Clemens. Robert doing nought. Self
choring, heavy rain at night.
11 – Wind N, stormy day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Mother spinning.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self cutting up the pigs. John and
Robert in the woods. Afternoon John and Robert at Greenbank
working at shade. Self choring.
14 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John at Port Perry for shingles to
shade. Robert in the woods. Afternoon Robert at Thos. Fairs
threshing. John in the woods.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie
at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Matthew VII:21,22,23.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at T. Fairs
threshing. Self at the mill for grist. Afternoon John in the woods.
Self drawing wood.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at T. Fairs threshing. Self sawing
wood. John drawing out wood. Afternoon Robert at George
Boddies threshing. John at Port Perry with wood. A. Michie here
asking us to Isabella’s wedding. Robert and Annie at singing
18 – Wind W, fine day. Self splitting wood. John and Robert at the
Port. Mother spinning. Afternoon Robert in the woods. John at
Greenbank with lumber from Port Perry. Margaret, Robert and
Annie at Saintfield in the evening at singing class.
19 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Robert in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert at
shade at Greenbank. Self sawing wood.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at Port. Mother at Wms. Self
sawing wood.
21 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert in the woods. John at the Port
with wood. Self sawing wood. Afternoon snowing from the east,
nothing doing.
22 – Wind NW, fine day, some stormy. Robert at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 2 Corinthians
V:17. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Primitive Meeting
in the evening. Mr. Joseph Lee preaching.
23 – Wind SW, stormy cold day. John at the Port. Robert in the
woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon Margaret washing. Self
sawing wood. Robert in the woods. John at the Port. Robert and
Annie at singing class in the evening.
24 – Wind SW, very cold. Robert drawing wood for Wm. John
rather sick. Nothing doing. Afternoon stormy. John and Robert
drawing turnips for Wm.
25 – Wind W, some stormy. Christmas day, nothing doing.
Afternoon John, Margaret, Robert, Annie and Wm. and Lizzie
goes to Isabella Michies wedding at Brock.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John, Margaret, Robert, Annie and Wm.
and Lizzie arrive at noon. Afternoon nothing doing. Self sawing
wood. Robert at concert at Greenbank in the evening.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Mr. Clemens. Robert fixing wood
rack. Self doing nought. Afternoon John and Margaret at Port
Perry. Annie at Wms. Self reading the papers.
28 – Wind S, fine day. John, Margaret and Annie at Uxbridge.
Self sawing wood. Robert doing nought. Afternoon nothing
doing. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
29 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians III:11.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Robert
choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert in the woods. Self
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at R. Fairs. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing in hay and
corn. Self, John and Robert at Church meeting in the evening.
JAN. 1 – Wind S, fine day. John drawing out wood. Self sawing
wood. Robert choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self
splitting wood. Robert choring. Annie gone with R. Monroe. A
great spree in the evening. Jas. Smith and Barbara here. All
leave at 4 o’clock.
2 – Wind SW, rather stormy. John at the Port. Robert at school.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self doing nought.
Barbara here and James gone home. Maggie Love here. Snow
3 – Wind NW, very stormy, nothing doing. Mr. [?] buys Wms. cow
and ours. Afternoon cows leave for Port Perry.
4 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert at Greenbank. Self splitting wood.
5 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Robert,
Barbara and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting.
6 – Wind N, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at school. Self
at Greenbank voting for councilors. Afternoon John drawing
wood. Self splitting wood.
7 – Wind W, rather stormy. John gone to Whitby with Barbara and
Annie and to get oatmeal. Robert at school. Self choring.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at the Port. Self at school
meeting. Afternoon John at Port with wood. Robert in the woods.
Self choring.
9 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at school. John at the Port. Self
mending Maggie Loves boots. Afternoon John at Port. Self
choring. Self, John & Robert at prayer meeting.
10 – Wind N, fine day. John at the Port. Self choring. Robert at
the school. Afternoon John at the Port. Self splitting wood.
Robert at singing in the evening.
11 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert in the woods. John at the
Port. Self fixing turnip slicer. Afternoon John at Port. Robert
doing nought. Self splitting wood. Robert at the Temperance
Meeting in the evening.
12 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
reading a pastoral address from the Assembly.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John at Port. Robert at school. Self
choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Self doing nought. Spree at
Mr. Akhursts. Robert and John at it.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at the school.
Self talking to Isaac Truax. Afternoon John at the Port. Mr. and
Mrs. Joyce, Wm. and Lizzie here visiting. Robert at Saintfield at
singing in the evening.
15 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John drawing out wood. Robert at
the school. Self at John Watsons. Margaret at the Port.
Afternoon John at the Port. Self choring.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at the school.
Self at George Boddies. Afternoon John drawing out wood. Self
choring. Self, John, Robert and Margaret at Mrs. Leasks at
prayer meeting.
17 – Wind SE, chilly damp day. John at the Port. Robert at
school. Self making whippletree. Afternoon John and Margaret
gone to the Port. Self choring. Maggie Love arrives. Robert at
Saintfield at singing.
18 – Wind N, fine day. John at the Port. Robert doing nought. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at the Port. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening at the Temperance Meeting.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Romans XIV:17,18.
20 – Wind N, fine day but very frosty. John gone to the Port with
wood. Robert at the school. Afternoon John at the Port. Self
doing nought. Robert at singing in the evening.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John at the Port with wood. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Self choring.
Robert at Saintfield at concert.
22 – Wind S, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at school. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Port. Self in the woods.
23 – Wind N, rather cold. John in the woods. Self in the woods.
Robert at school. Afternoon James Smith brings Annie home.
John drawing out wood. Self choring. All at prayer meeting at
Mrs. Leasks.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Afternoon John and Annie at the Port. Maggie Love
leaves for home. Self choring. Johns wood all drawed.
25 – Wind S and some like a thaw. Annie scrubbing. John doing
nought. Robert at driving shade with Wm. Self reading the
papers. Afternoon very high wind from the NW and very cold.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew XVI:26. What shall it profit a
man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall
a man give in exchange for his soul.
27 – Wind S and thawing. Robert at the school. John drawing
wood home. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John helping Wm. with
the shade. Self sawing wood. Robert & Annie at the singing in
the evening.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. John at shade. Robert at the school. Self
making doubletree. Afternoon self choring.
29 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port. Robert at the school.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at the shade. Self sawing
wood. Miss Jane Akhurst here visiting.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the shade. Robert at the school.
Self at Greenbank with Annie to scrub the Church. Afternoon self
fixing sleigh box. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the
prayer meeting in the evening at the Church.
31 – Wind N, rather stormy. John at the shade. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Afternoon self, Mother, John, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Jonah
FEB. 1 – Wind N, fine day. Self and John at the Port. Robert
choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Self choring. Towards
night very cold.
2 – Wind N, very cold. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting, this being Communion Sabbath. Mr.
Achison preaching from John I:29.
3 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port with his boots. Robt. at the
school. Self mending Wms. harness. Afternoon John drawing
wood. Self at harness. Self, John, Robert and Annie at
Temperance meeting in the evening.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John fanning
wheat. Afternoon John at the Port. Self splitting wood. Annie at
Mr. Purdys in the evening.
5 – Wind NE, snowing some. Robert at the school. Self and John
fanning wheat. Afternoon John at the Port. Mother at Wms. Self
6 – Wind NE, fine day. John in the woods. Self at Akhursts with
some bags. Afternoon snowing some. John in the woods. Self
choring. Miss Eva Perkins here. Self, John, Robt., Annie and Eva
Perkins at prayer meeting in the evening.
7 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self splitting wood.
Robert at the school. Afternoon John in woods. Self drawing
wood. Annie at party at Mr. Ruddys.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Miss Boe and Miss Rennie here visiting. Mrs. Akhurst here
9 – Wind NW, very stormy. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from the first Psalm.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring. Robert
and Annie at singing in the evening.
11 – Wind S and thawing some. John in the woods. Robert at the
school. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Mrs. Walker
here visiting.
12 – Wind N, stormy day, nothing doing. Robert at the school.
Afternoon John drawing wood to Wm. Annie at Wms.
13 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at the school. John doing
nought. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John and Annie at the Port.
Self mending Annies boots.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. John at the mill. A.
Michie and Mrs., Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Walker here. Afternoon
John gone with Annie to Mr. Bois. Mr. A. Gordon and James
Walker here.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self gone to
Saintfield with Annie on the way to Brock..
16 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother,
John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Mark XVI:15.
17 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the school. John at home.
Self and Mother at Alex. Michies, Brock, for seed wheat. Spree
here in the evening.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the school. John at the mill for
grist. Annie washing. Self doing nought. Afternoon John in the
woods. Self choring.
19 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the school. John at Ashburn
with a load of turnips for George Boddie. Annie and Mary Byers
collecting for the Bible Society. Self choring.
20 – Wind N, cold day. John drawing wood. Robert at the school.
Annie collecting. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods.
21 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Afternoon John at the Port with wood.
22 – Wind N, cold day, nothing doing. Afternoon John and Robert
in the woods. Self splitting wood. Robert at Division meeting in
the evening.
23 – Wind NW, stormy day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Isaiah XXIV:15.
24 – Wind N, some stormy. Robert at the school. John in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Mrs.
Boddie here visiting.
25 – Wind E and stormy. Robert at the school. John at Ashburn
with goods for George Boddie. Self choring. Afternoon very
stormy, nothing doing.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods, nothing doing.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Miss Mary Boe here visiting. Afternoon John
in the woods. Self splitting wood. Self, Mother, John, Robert and
Annie at the prayer meeting at the church.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring. Annie
gone to the Port with Mr. Akhurst. Afternoon John at blacksmiths
with sleigh to get shoes on.
MAR. 1 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon John in the woods.
Robert doing nought. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
2 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Titus III:11,12.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the school. Annie washing. Self
doing nought. John at Wms. Afternoon nothing doing.
4 – Wind SW, some snow and thawing. Robert at the school. Self
and John doing nought. Afternoon John in the woods. Self at
Greenbank for sleigh.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. John at Wms. Robert at the school. Self
choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self splitting
wood. Annie at Mr. Lees visiting.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John at the Port with wood. Annie and
Robert at a spree at Mr. Leasks, Bouls Hill.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John in the woods. Robert drawing wood.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Thunder in the
afternoon, nothing doing. Robert at the Division meeting.
9 – Wind S, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. [Down?] preaching from St. John IV:3.
10 – Wind S, fine day, thunder through the night. John in the
woods. Robert at school. Afternoon nothing doing.
11 – Wind NW, fine day but cold, thunder at night. John gone to
Mr. Achisons wood bee. Robert at the school..
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John at John Leasks. Self doing nought.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the school. John drawing
turnips to Wm. Self moving turnips in roothouse. Afternoon self
and John at the annual meeting at the Church.
14 – Wind NW. Robert at school. John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon self splitting wood.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Robert doing nought. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Robert at the Division meeting.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Luke XIII:6,7,8,9.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at the school. John and Annie at
Port Perry. Self doing nought. Afternoon self and John at Pat
Galts raising.
18 – Wind NW, showery day. Self and John at Pats raising.
Robert at the school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Robert and Annie at Mr. Byers in the evening.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the school.
Self sawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self splitting
20 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring. Robert
at the school. Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
21 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the school. John drawing
out wood. Self splitting wood. Afternoon self and John at meeting
in the Church to organize a Presbyterian Sunday School. 15 for it
and 9 against it.
22 – Wind S, fine day. John drawing out wood. Self splitting
wood. Robert at the school. Afternoon John drawing out wood.
Self splitting wood. Quilting bee here in the afternoon and a
small spree in the evening.
23 – Wind E, commenced to snow at 10 o’clock. John drawing
wood for Wm. Self splitting wood. Afternoon nothing doing, still
24 – Wind W, fine day. John, Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Colossians II:4.
25 – Wind S and snowing. John drawing straw to Wm. Robert at
the school. Annie washing. Afternoon John drawing wood. Self
26 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the school. John drawing
wood for Wm. Self splitting wood. Afternoon John drawing
turnips to Wm. Self splitting wood. Annie at Wms. at a rag bee.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the school. Self and John
drawing out wood. Afternoon John at Robert Fairs for seed
barley. Self writing letter to Elizabeth Fowlie. Mother and Annie
28 – Wind S, dull day. Robert at the school. Nothing doing.
Afternoon self, John and Annie at the prayer meeting in the
church. After prayer meeting some wrangling about the Sunday
29 – Wind SW, fine day. John at the Port on foot. Robert at
school. Self sawing wood. Afternoon nothing doing.
30 – Wind NW, rather cold. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Romans VIII:22.
31 – Wind N, cold day. John gone to Whitby. Robert at the
school. Annie washing. Self at Greenbank getting buckle
mended. Afternoon nothing doing.
APR. 1 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at school. Self at Wms.
Afternoon self strolling round.
2 – Wind N, cold day. Robert at the school. Mother at Wms. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John arrives from Whitby. Annie gone to
visit at Mr. John Watsons. Self sawing wood. Self at Robert Fairs
in the evening appointing a P. Master.
3 – Wind N, stormy day. John at Wms. Robert at the school. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon nothing doing. Mrs. Lee and Mrs.
Akhurst here visiting.
4 – Wind N, rather stormy. John at Wms. Self sawing wood.
Robert at the school. Afternoon self sawing wood.
5 – Wind N, rather cold. John at Wms. Self sawing wood. Robert
doing nought. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank. Self sawing
wood. John doing nought.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Hebrews IV:1.
7 – Wind N, fine day, rather cold. John gone to Mr. Matthesons,
Whitby, for the summer. Robert gone with him to the Port. Self
sawing wood. Annie washing. Afternoon self and Robert killing a
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the school. Self sawing wood.
Afternoon self in the sugar bush. Afternoon self sawing wood.
Annie at Mr. Lees visiting. Robert at Lees in the evening.
9 – Wind S. Robert at the school. Self in the sugar bush.
Afternoon self splitting wood.
10 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Self splitting wood. Afternoon self at
wood. Robert leaves the school.
11 – Wind N, rather cold. Robert in the sugar bush. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon Robert in the bush. Self at wood.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Annie scrubbing. Robert at sugar bush.
Self making pump valve. Afternoon Robert in the bush. Self at
pump. Robert at Greenbank in the evening at the Division
13 – Wind S, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from 1st
John III:10.
14 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert in the sugar bush. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon Robert in the sugar bush. Self digging
snow in the road. Mother at Mr. Akhursts. Wm. Boddie here all
15 – Wind E, fine day. Robert in the sugar bush. Self at the mill
with a grist. Afternoon Robert in the sugar bush. Self sawing
wood. Mother at Thomas Fairs visiting.
16 – Wind N. fine day. Robert in the sugar bush. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon Robert in the sugar bush. Self splitting wood.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert in the sugar bush. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon self and Robert at the Church at the prayer
18 – Wind N, rather cold. Robert in the woods. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self at wood piling.
19 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon Robert playing the fiddle. Annie scrubbing.
Mother at Wms., he having cut his leg. Self choring. Robert at
Division meeting at Greenbank in the evening.
20 – Wind NE, rather cold. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians VI:19,20.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung into
orchard. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung. Annie at Wms.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert laying up fences.
Afternoon Robert plowing in furrows. Self choring. Lizzie here.
23 – Wind W. Robert plowing. Self washing buggy. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self spreading dung in the orchard. Annie at
Greenbank sweeping out the Church.
24 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert plowing. Self letting off water.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self down at the creek. Mother visiting
at Mr. Robert Fairs.
25 – Wind W, dull day. Self sowing wheat. Annie carrying seed.
Robert harrowing. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self taking out
the roller. Rain at 5 o’clock.
26 - Wind N, dull damp day. Self and Robert fanning oats. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self gone for the papers.
Robert at the Division meeting in the evening.
27 – Wind S, rather dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Thessalonians V:19.
28 – Wind NW, rain in the morning. Self and Robert pruning apple
trees. Afternoon Robert in the sugar bush. Self pruning apple
trees. Mother visiting at James Walkers. George here in the
29 – Wind W, dull day. Robert planting apple trees. Self choring.
Annie washing. Afternoon Robert at the woods for the sugar
things. Self cleaning the door yard.
30 – Wind N, dull day. Nothing doing. Afternoon Robert harrowing
in the swamp. Self sowing oats in the swamp. Annie carrying
MAY 1 – Wind N, cold day. Robert harrowing in the swamp. Self
some sick, doing nought. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self
letting off water. Mother at Mr. R. Fairs visiting.
2 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert sawing rails in the swamp.
Afternoon self and Robert sawing logs in the swamp.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at Greenbank with eggs.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self in the garden. Annie scrubbing.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Isaiah XXVI:3.
5 – Wind W, showery day, nothing doing. Annie washing.
Afternoon self mending boots. Robert doing nought. Lizzie and
Mrs. Davidson here visiting. Frequent showers through the
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing in the orchard. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert digging in the orchard. Self at the Port with
7 – Wind N, cool day. Robert harrowing. Self and Annie sowing
oats and wheat. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self mixing grass
seeds. Annie at Thomas Fairs in the evening.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self letting off water.
Afternoon Robert sowing barley. Self choring. Mrs. Love here
from the Port. Self, Robert and Annie at the prayer meeting at
Mr. Watsons.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert sowing barley. Self fixing cellar
drain. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self sowing grass seeds.
Finishes sowing.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self making hoe handle.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Townsend from Sunderland preaching from 1st
Corinthians IX:16.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sick. Annie washing. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert sick. Self choring, Put out the cattle for
the first time.
13 – Wind SW, very drying day. Robert sick. Self in the swamp.
Afternoon self cutting potatoes. Mothers cow calfs. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank at Division meeting.
14 – Wind SW, thunder in the morning at 3 o’clock. Robert sick.
Self cutting potatoes. Afternoon self cutting potatoes. Great
shower to the north.
15 – Wind W, dull day and raining some. Robert still sick. Self at
the Port for turnip seed. Afternoon nothing doing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sick. Self pruning apple trees.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for papers. Self pruning trees.
17 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Robert drawing out dung. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at dung. Miss Lena Boe
here visiting. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
18 – Wind S, warm day. Robert, Annie and Miss Boe at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Hosea
VIII:12. Robert and Annie at evening meeting at Methodist
Church. Mr. Young preaching.
19 – Wind W, warm day. Self, Robert and Annie and Albert
Akhurst planting potatoes. Afternoon self, Robert, Annie, & Albert
at potatoes and finished. Robert and Albert fishing. James Smith
and Barbara comes from Whitby.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Self doing nought. Robert gone to
Seagrave with Jas. Smith on his way to Eagle Lake. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self planting corn. Robert at
cricket in the evening.
21 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert rolling. Self planting corn.
Afternoon self and Robert planting trees. Mother and Barbara at
Mr. James Hornes visiting. Annie at Mr. Lees in the evening.
22 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert sore back. Self planting corn.
Afternoon Robert, Annie and Barbara gone to Uxbridge. Self in
the swamp.
23 – Wind SE, fine day. Self choring. Robert playing the fiddle.
Afternoon Robert at Mr. Lees raising. Self at Greenbank for
papers. Mother and Barbara at Mr. Robert Fairs visiting.
24 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Queen’s birthday. Annie
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert gone with Barbara to the Port.
Nothing doing.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Acts V:31.
26 – Wind N, cool day. Annie washing. Self and Robert drawing
dung. Afternoon self and Robert at dung.
27 – Wind S, looking like rain, frost through the night. Self and
Robert at dung. Afternoon raining some. Self and Robert at
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self fencing. Annie gone to Mrs. Davidsons.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Annie arrives from Mrs. Davidsons. Afternoon Robert and Annie
at the Port. Self burning stones. Self, Robert and Annie at prayer
meeting at Greenbank.
30 – Wind W, fine day but very high wind and very dusty. Robert
plowing. Self spreading dung. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert gone to Greenbank to move the hall back.
Annie scrubbing. Self choring.
JUNE 1 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Luke XXII:19.
2 – Wind N, rather cloudy day. Robert plowing. Self spreading
dung. Annie washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
Annie at Greenbank in the evening for dress.
3 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Annie
gone to Dan Boes wedding. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
4 – Wind SW, rather dull. Robert at Wms. dung drawing. Self
making hoe handle. Afternoon Robert at James Moons raising.
Self mending chair. Annie at Mr. Moons in the evening at spree.
5 – Wind N, fine day, nothing doing. Much rain through the night.
Self at Greenbank voting for Paxton. Annie washing. Afternoon
Robert and horses at Wms. drawing dung. Self cutting thistles.
Paxton, majority 198.
6 – Wind W, heavy rain, nothing doing. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Townsend preaching from
Matthew XXII:11,12,13.
7 – Wind N, cold day. Robert at Wms. drawing dung. Self choring.
Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self and Robert at Thos. Phairs
raising. Annie at Thos. Phairs. Robert at Division meeting.
8 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert, Mother and Annie at Brock at
the Sacrament. Robert and Annie at meeting at Greenbank in the
9 – Wind S, dull day and thundering. Robert at Wms. dung. Self
making beetle. Afternoon Robert plowing for Wm. Self cutting
10 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing for Wm. Self cutting
thistles. Annie washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self picking
bugs. Mrs. Walker here visiting.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing at Wms. Self hoeing
corn. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self picking bugs.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Port for some shingles to the
shade at Church. Self picking bugs. Afternoon Robert at
Greenbank getting horses shoed. Self at bugs.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at road work.
Afternoon self, Robert and horses at road. 4 days work.
14 – Wind W, rather dull. Robert and Annie at the Port. Self at
bugs. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Annie scrubbing. Self at
bugs. Rain at night.
15 – Wind Easterly, rain through the forenoon. Self, Mother,
Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Townsend
preaching from Psalms XXIX:15.
16 – Wind N, rather cool. Robert plowing. Self picking bugs.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self picking bugs. Annie at Anniversary
at Salem Church.
17 – Wind N, cool day. Robert drilling. Self splitting rails. Annie
washing. Afternoon Robert drilling. Self at bugs. Began to sow
18 – Wind N, fine day. Robert drilling. Self in swamp. Afternoon
Robert drilling. Self in swamp.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drilling. Self in the swamp.
Afternoon Robert drilling. Self at bugs.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sowing turnips. Self at bull with
cow. Afternoon Robert and horses at Wms. Self at Greenbank
for papers.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert hoeing corn. Self and Mother at
Jas. Smiths, Whitby, and brings home Margaret. George Boddie
Jun. here all night.
22 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert, Annie and George Boddie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Dobson preaching from Psalms I:3.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self hoeing
potatoes. Annie at Greenbank. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self hoeing potatoes.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self hoeing potatoes.
25 – Wind W, warm day. Self hoeing potatoes. Robert at Wms.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self mowing.
26 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert at Wms. Self at Port Perry. Mrs.
White and Emma Perkins here visiting. Afternoon Robert at mill
with grist. Self mowing. Self, Robert and Annie at prayer meeting
at Mr. Watsons.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at a bee at the Church.
28 – Wind N, some showers. Robert at mill. Annie at Greenbank.
Self and Robert at bee at Church.
29 – Wind N, fine day. Self at Primitive Meeting. Mr. Reuben
Stillwell preaching from Matthew XIII:3. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Isaiah LV:6,7.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Mother at Whitby. Robert picking
bugs. Robert at Greenbank in the evening to see the
Presbyterian S. School organized.
JULY 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Port. Self hoeing corn.
Afternoon Robert and Annie at the Anniversary. Self hoeing corn.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Port with hay. Self mowing in
the orchard. Afternoon self mowing. Annie at induction of Rev.
Mr. Crozier at Port Perry in the evening.
3 – Wind W, dull day. Robert scuffling potatoes. Self mowing.
Afternoon Robert at R. Fairs. Self mowing. Self, Mother and
Annie at the prayer meeting at Church.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Self mowing. Robert at Mr. Phairs.
Afternoon self furring27
up potatoes. Robert comes home from R.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert furring potatoes. Self mowing fence
corners. Robert Phair here mowing. Afternoon self and Robert
cocking hay in the orchard. Robert at Greenbank in the evening
at Lodge meeting.
6 – Wind W, shower in the forenoon. Robert and Annie at Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Stewart Achison preaching from Luke XIX:42.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips.
8 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon self,
Mother and Robert and Annie at hay. Robert and Annie at
Greenbank in the evening at annual meeting of the Union
9 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and Mother drawing in hay.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at hay. Drew in 6
loads. Rain at 4 o’clock.
10 – Wind W, fine forenoon. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Robert at Mrs. Leasks at prayer
11 – Wind W. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Rain in the
12 –Wind SW, warm day. Self and Robert at turnips. Annie at
Sunderland with the Orangemen. Afternoon self and Robert at
13 – Wind W, warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Carmen preaching from John III:16.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Mother at
potatoe bugs. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at hay.
Drew 5 loads in barn and 2 in stack.
‘Furring’ is another term for ‘hilling’ up potatoes.
15 – Wind W, warm day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at hay.
Afternoon self, Mother, Robert and Annie at hay. Drew 4 loads in
stack and 2 in barn. Rain in the afternoon. Mother visiting at Mr.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. Self making ladder. Robert painting.
Afternoon self in barn. Robert painting.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Self fixing fences in the swamp. Robert
choring. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at [Grange?] picnic at
Port Perry.
18 – Wind N, fine day. Robert painting. Self fixing in barn.
Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers. Robert gone to Port
Perry with Margaret.
19 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at Wms. drawing in hay. Self
cutting thistles. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon self at thistles.
Margaret arrives from Whitby. Robert at Greenbank in the
20 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Stewart Achison preaching from 2nd
Corinthians IV:10.
21- Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips, second
time. Afternoon self hoeing. Robert scuffling.
22 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert scuffling. Self hoeing. Afternoon
Robert scuffling. Self hoeing. Rain at 5 o’clock.
23 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert at turnips and finishes the second time. Mother
at potatoe bugs.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert choring. Self in the swamp.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. drawing hay. Self at Greenbank.
Mother at bugs.
25 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Port Perry for pickets to fence
the Church ground. Self choring. Afternoon self and Robert
logging in the swamp.
26 – Wind SE, dull day. Robert at Wms. drawing hay. Self fixing
barley fork. Afternoon self and Robert logging. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening.
27 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Stewart Achison preaching from Matthew XIII:18. Robert and
Annie at Greenbank in the evening.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert mowing barley.
Margaret washing. Annie picking berries. Afternoon self and
Robert at barley. Rain at night.
29 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert fixing barn. Afternoon self
and Robert logging in the swamp. George here in the evening.
30 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert cutting barley. Annie at
the Port. Afternoon self and Robert at barley. Drew in 3 loads.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at barley. Afternoon self,
Robert and Wm. at barley. Robert and Annie at the prayer
AUG. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Wm. at barley.
Afternoon self, Robert and Wm. drew in 6 loads.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at barley, finishes cutting.
Afternoon self and Robert choring round. Robert at Greenbank in
the evening.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at Meeting. John Leask preaching.
4 – Wind S, rather dull. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie drawing in
barley. Afternoon all at barley and finishes.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Robert for load of sand to Church. Self
choring. Afternoon self picking bugs. Robert cradling oats.
6 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at Port Perry. Self in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert cutting oats and pease. Self pulling
weeds among the potatoes.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Wm., Robert and self at wheat. Afternoon
Wm., self and Robert at wheat.
8 – Wind N, rather cool. Robert cradling oats. Self mowing.
Afternoon Robert mowing pease and oats. Self at the P.O. for
9 - Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Afternoon
self and Robert at wheat. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Dunn preaching from John XV:14.
11 – Wind W, fine day, some rain through the night. Self & Robert
at wheat. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert at wheat. Afternoon self
and Robert at wheat.
13 – Wind SW, dull day. Self and Robert at wheat. Afternoon self
and Robert at wheat. Rain at 4 o’clock. Robert and Annie goes to
14 – Wind NW, dull day. Self [?] shocks and choring. Robert and
Annie arrives from Whitby. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
15 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert cutting pease and
oats. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie drawing in wheat. Annie
at Greenbank after supper for papers.
16 – Wind E, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert
whitewashing. Self at mill with grist. Robert at Greenbank in the
17 – Wind N, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Hebrews XII:14.
18- Wind NE, fine day. Annie washing. Self and Robert cutting
oats. Afternoon self and Robert at oats.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert cutting oats. Afternoon
self, Robert, Mother and Annie drawing in wheat.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Mother and Annie drawing in pease
and oats. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert raking. Self at wheat. Afternoon
self and Robert at wheat. Annie at G. Buels.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at mill for grist. Self at wheat.
Afternoon self and Robert cutting oats and pease and finishes
cutting for 1879.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Port for boots. Self choring.
Afternoon self and Robert binding oats. Robert at Greenbank at
Division meeting in the evening.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Luke XVIII:9,10,11,12,13.14.
25 – Wind NE, fine day. Self and Robert at oats raking. Afternoon
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie drawing in oats.
26 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Afternoon
self, Mother, Robert and Annie drawing in oats. Robert & Annie
at the camp meeting at Uxbridge.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and horses at Mr. [?] threshing.
Self choring. Afternoon Robert at threshing till 5 o’clock. Drew in
3 loads of wheat. George here in the evening.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie drew in one load
of rakings which finishes harvest. Afternoon self fencing. Robert
plowing. Thunder and rain in the afternoon.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring. Annie at Miss Williamsons quilting
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at blacksmiths.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert at the Division
meeting. Annie at the Port on foot.
31 – Wind S, very warm day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Leviticus XXV:10 on the jubilee.
SEPT. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
2 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the granary.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Mrs. Thos. Phair here.
Annie at Mr. Lees.
3 – Wind SE, looking like rain. Robert plowing. Self fixing cellar.
Rain at noon. Afternoon nothing doing.
4 – Wind high from the NW. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
5 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Mr. Akhursts
threshing all day.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing the cistern
pump. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Nehemiah IX:17.
8 – Wind N, showery day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self at James Walkers threshing.
9 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at Mr. Lees threshing. Self choring.
Afternoon self choring.
10 – Wind N. Robert at Mr. Lees threshing. Self fixing for
threshing. Afternoon threshing. Luther Williams and horses, Mr.
Lee and horses.
11 – Wind S, fine day, threshing finished at noon. Afternoon self
fixing round barn. Robert plowing. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at the prayer meeting at Mr. Watsons.
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at sideline. Self mending boots.
Afternoon self choring. Robert at the sideline.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the sideline. Self choring.
Afternoon self choring. Rain at night.
14 – Wind NE, rainy day. None at Sunday School. None at
15 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self making waggon
. Afternoon self at blacksmiths. Robert plowing. Wm.
working at waggon.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert gone to Port with George and
Annie to the Industrial Exhibition at Toronto. Self fixing waggon.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self burning log heaps in the swamp.
Rain through the night.
17 – Wind NW, showery day. Robert gone to the Exhibition. Self
at fires. Afternoon self drawing sand for cellar. Miss Lizzie Michie
and Miss Agnes Hadden here visiting.
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Self at fires in the swamp. Afternoon self
fixing cellar. Mother at Wms. quilting.
19 – Wind W, fine day. Self at fires. Afternoon self at fires.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Self at fires. Robert gets horses at noon.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at fires. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
21 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Genesis XVII:1. “I am the Almighty God”.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert & horses at the sideline. Self at
fires in the swamp. Afternoon self at fires.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Robert Phairs
threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at threshing.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at R. Phairs
threshing till 10 o’clock. Afternoon self, Robert and horses at
Wms. threshing.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Wms. helping to fix
his straw stack. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self at fires.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self at fires.
‘Hound’ is the end of an axle that the wheel fits onto,
usually made of metal.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Port. Self at Mr. McTaggarts,
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
& Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Scott from Cambray
preaching from Jeremiah XI:16.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert moving fence. Afternoon
self and Robert at fences. George here in the evening.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Greenbank with buggy tongue
to mend. Self choring. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self choring.
OCT. 1 - Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing out dung.
Afternoon self and Robert at dung.
2– Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing door. Margarets son
Stewart born. [out of wedlock].
3 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking potatoes.
Afternoon self at potatoes. Robert plowing. Margaret confined.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Wm. at
potatoes. Afternoon self and Wm. at potatoes. Robert plowing.
Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
5 – Wind W, warm day. Robert at Sunday School. Self and
Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Romans III:21,22,23.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self taking in apples.
Afternoon self and Robert fanning barley.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon self
and Robert at the Port with 30 bushels barley. Got 52 cents per
8 – Wind S, fine day. Self at Greenbank in the morning for Doctor
to Margaret. Robert gone to Whitby for Annie. Afternoon self
taking in apples.
9 – Wind S, dull foggy day. Robert plowing. Self threshing barley.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at barley. Self & Robert at prayer
meeting at Mr. Watsons.
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert fanning barley.
Afternoon self at Mr. Williams threshing. Robert at the Port with
38 bushels barley to Mr. Curie at 52 cents.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at A. Williams threshing. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert comes home at half past four. Self
choring. Robert at Division in the evening.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Malachi III:8.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at potatoes.
Afternoon self, Robert and Wm. at potatoes. Drew in 3 little
14 – Wind S, fine day. Robert drawing in potatoes. Self at the
Port. Afternoon self and Robert at potatoes.
15 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert moving fence in the
swamp. Afternoon self and Robert logging in the swamp.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon
Robert at Port with wheat. Self spreading dung.
17 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert plowing in the swamp.
Afternoon self and Robert in the swamp.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert plowing in the swamp.
Afternoon self and Robert at Mr. Andersons sale of wood. Robert
at Greenbank at Division meeting.
19 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew VIII:12.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Wm. pumping
the well. Afternoon self at Greenbank. Robert plowing.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at well.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at well. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self fixing pump.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing potatoe ground. Self and
Annie picking potatoes. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie topping
24 – Wind N, cold day. Robert harrowing turnips. Self rowing
them. Afternoon Robert, Wm. and Annie drawing in turnips. Drew
18 loads. Self rowing.
25 – Wind W, fine day, hard frost through the night. Self and
Robert taking in apples. Afternoon self, Wm., Robert and Annie
at turnips, drew in 13 loads.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Annie at
the Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Smith preaching from Matthew
27 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon
self, Robert, Annie, and Wm. at turnips, drew in 13 loads.
28 – Wind N, rough day. Self and Robert at turnips. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips. Robert and Annie at Utica at Open
Division in the evening.
29 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert, Annie at turnips. Drew in 23 loads.
30 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips.
Afternoon self rowing turnips. Robert harrowing them up.
31 – Wind NW, snow through the night, nothing doing. Afternoon
nothing doing. Self and Robert at John Watsons sale. Mr.
McTaggart and Robert Burton here in the evening.
NOV. 1 – Wind W, more snow through the night. Nothing doing.
Afternoon nought doing. Got 2 pigs from Mr. Robert Phair.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
2 – Wind SW and snowing some. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Luke XIII:24.
3 – Wind N, snowing and very stormy. Robert paring apples. Self
doing nought. Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing.
4 – Wind W, fine day, snow deep, nothing doing. Margaret
washing. Afternoon nothing doing.
5 – Wind S, fine day. Robert pairing apples. Afternoon nothing
6 – Wind Easterly, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Psalms LXVIII:19. Fast day.
7 – Wind S, fine day, snow melting, nothing doing. Self at Thos.
Phairs. Afternoon nothing doing. Mother at Thos. Phairs all night.
Mrs. Phair sick.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert rowing turnips. Afternoon
self, Robert, Mr. Lee and Alex. Lee at turnips, drew 24 loads.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self at Thos. Phairs and Chancey Aslings,
he being sick. Self, Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Wms. turnips.
Afternoon Robert at the Port. Self, Mother and horses at Wms.
11 – Wind S, much rain through night. Self and Robert rowing
turnips. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
12 – Wind SE, dull day. Self, Robert and Mother at turnips, drew
in 14 loads in pit and 1 in cellar. Afternoon raining, nothing doing.
Robert at Emma Perkins wedding.
13 – Wind SE, dull day. Self and Robert at turnip, drew 6 loads in
pit and one to Mellison Ross, which finishes turnips. In all 112
14 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self visiting the sick – that
is George Byers, Chancey Asling, Mrs. Thos. Fair. Afternoon self
raking mud. Robert plowing. Rain mostly all afternoon and some
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self raking mud.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self working among turnips in the
cellar. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Robert
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Romans X:1.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching in the
swamp. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self ditching. Self at Thos.
Fairs in the evening.
18 – Wind NE, cold day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
self ditching. Robert plowing.
19 – Wind SW, fine day, ground frozen, nothing doing. Self at
Chancey Aslings. Afternoon snowing some, nothing doing, looks
like winter.
20 – Wind NW, very stormy day, nothing doing. Self at Thos.
Phairs. Afternoon still stormy, nothing doing.
21- Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon snowing some.
Nothing doing. Mrs. Thos. Phair died. Mrs. Thos. Phair died,
aged 37 years, 10 mos., 7 days.
22 – Wind SW, snowing some. Robert choring. Self at
Manchester getting Margarets boy registered. Afternoon nothing
doing. John Michie, Burnside, Tillery, died 21st
Nov. 1869.
23 – Wind NW, stormy day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, Robert and Annie at Mrs. Phairs funeral. Mr. Achison
preaching from 2 Corinthians V:1.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
26 – Wind Easterly, dull day, nothing doing. Self and Robert
fanning grist and chop for the mill. Afternoon nothing doing,
looking like a thaw.
27 – Wind S, dull day and thawing. Self and Robert fanning grist
for Wm. Afternoon Robert at mill with grist. Self choring.
28 – Wind S and raining some, nothing doing. Afternoon self
ditching some. Robert doing nought.
29 – Wind NW, stormy day. Self fixing turnip pit. Robert doing
nought. Afternoon stormy, nothing doing. Margaret comes home.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Deuteronomy XXXII:4.
DEC. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the mill for grist. Self
choring. Afternoon nought doing.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Nothing but choring. Afternoon nothing
doing, snowing some.
3 – Wind NE and snowing, nothing doing. Afternoon still snowing,
nothing doing.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Self choring. Robert doing nought.
Afternoon Robert at bee on the 10th
concession. Self and Robert
at prayer meeting in the evening.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert choring. Self and Annie at Port
Perry. Afternoon commences to thaw.
6 – Wind S and raining, nought doing. Afternoon still raining,
nought doing.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Dr. Bingham
at Annie. Self and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 2nd
Corinthians XIII:14, the love of God.
Chancey Asling died.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Mother at Wms. Robert at Thos. Phairs
for Margaret. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Robert at Greenbank in the evening at Lodge meeting
about Mr. Aslings funeral. Wms. son born. [Thomas Victor
9 – Wind SE, rather cold. Robert in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon self and Robert at Chancey Aslings funeral. Mr. Young
preaching from Psalms XXXIX:13.
10 – Wind S, rainy day, nothing doing. Margaret at Wms.
Afternoon nothing doing.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self choring. John comes home.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in the woods. John at the Port for
his box. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Mr.
Achison here.
13 – Wind W, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John going round. Robert in the woods.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
14 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John
and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. John Leask and myself
15 – Wind SW and snowing some. John and Robert in the woods.
Margaret washing. Afternoon nothing doing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self choring.
17 – Wind W, rather cold. John in the woods. Robert at Mr.
Williams clover threshing. Afternoon John in the woods. Self
18 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John and Robert killing pigs. George
Boddie and Mr. Achison here. Self, John and Robert at the
prayer meeting.
19 – Wind N, rather cold. John at James Walkers sawing
machine. Robert in the woods. Self cutting up the pigs. Afternoon
Robert in the woods. Self choring.
20 – Wind N, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
salting meat. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening. Mary Boe here.
21 – Wind NE, very cold. Robert at the Sunday School. John,
Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Isaiah IX:6.
22 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self choring.
23 – Wind SW, looking like a thaw. John and Robert in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the
woods. Self sawing wood. Misses Mary Lee, Mary Byers and
Helen Byers and David Byers here at night.
24 – Wind S, dull day and raining some. John at the Port. Self
and Robert choring. Mother, Margaret and Annie busy baking for
entertainment. Afternoon John and Robert at a bee at the Church
making ready for the entertainment tomorrow.
25 – Wind W, fine day. Christmas, nothing doing. Afternoon self,
Mother, John, Robert, James Smith and Barbara at
entertainment at Church. Professor McLaren lectured in the
evening on man and his dwelling place. Proceeds 130 dollars.
26 – Wind W, rather cold, nothing doing. Self and Annie at
Greenbank. Afternoon James Smith and Barbara goes home.
John and Robert in the woods.
27 – Wind SW and stormy. John at Thos. Phairs threshing.
George Boddie here, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Ecclesiastes III:15.
29 – Wind SW, fine day and thawing some. John at Thos. Phairs
threshing. Robert in the woods. Margaret washing. Self choring.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self choring.
30 – Wind NW, cold day. John at Robert Phairs. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at social in the Presbyterian
Church in the evening.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Robert Phairs. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Robert and
Annie at a spree at Mr. Lees in the evening.
And so ends the year 1879.
JAN. 1 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert at the entertainment of the Methodists of Greenbank.
2 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at sawing machine. Self
choring. Afternoon nothing doing.
3 – Wind SE, dull day. John at sawing machine for Mr. Warren.
Robert in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the
woods. Robert at Division meeting. Rain at night.
4 – Wind W and thawing fast. Robert at the Sunday School. John
at Presbyterian Meeting.
5 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank voting for councilors. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank
voting. John in the woods. Self choring.
6 – Wind S, damp day. John at John Hornes sawing. Robert in
the woods. Self at Greenbank getting horses shoed. Afternoon
Robert in the woods.
7 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John & Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
8 – Wind S, fine day. John & Robert in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon John & Robert in the woods. Self, John, Robert and
Annie at the prayer meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind Easterly, soft day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert and Margaret at
the Port. Self at Greenbank for the papers. Robert and Annie at
Mr. Watsons at spree.
10 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening at Division meeting.
11 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from John XXI:17.
12 – Wind N, cold day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self choring.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Margaret washing. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
fixing cradle. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert and Annie at
the Port at races. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the
prayer meeting in the evening. Mother stops all night at Mr.
16 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank for the papers.
17 – Wind SW and raining some. John and Robert in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
18 – Wind W, dull day. Self, John, Margaret and Robert and
Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Luke
XXII:19, last clause.
19 – Wind NE, dull day. Robert in the woods. John on sick list.
Self choring. Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert in the woods.
20 –Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Annie at Thos.
Phairs visiting.
21 – Wind SW, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods.
Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert and Annie
gone to Whitby.
22 – Wind S and raining some. John in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon John at Wms. Self making axe handles.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon
John at Wms. Robert arrives from Whitby.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert drawing wood. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Robert at Wms. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
25 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother,
John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from John XV:17.
26 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self sawing
wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon self sawing wood.
27 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Margaret at Wms.
28 – Wind NW, rather cold. John and Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Mother at Mr. Lees.
Mssrs. John and Levi Stone here looking for cattle.
29 –Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
30 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self choring.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Cockburn preaching from Psalms CXXXIX.
31 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self and
Margaret at Port Perry. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
FEB. 1 – Wind NW, cold day and very high wind. Self, John,
Robert and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Sacrament
Sunday. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians VI:19,20.
2 – Wind Easterly, rather cold. John & Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John & Robert in the woods. Mrs. Walker &
Miss Mary Gordon here visiting.
3 – Wind E, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
4 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
5 – Wind SW, cold day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
drawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
drawing wood. Mother at Wms.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
drawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
7 – Wind NW, stormy day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
cleaning grist. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Robert
at the Division meeting in the evening.
8 – Wind SW, cold day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother,
John, Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Exodus II:2.
9 –Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self at the
mill with grist. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
10 – Wind N, cold day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
turning turnips. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self at
turnips. Self, John, Robert and Margaret at Greenbank in the
11 – Wind S, fine day. John at Wms. Robert drawing wood. Self
at turnips. Afternoon Robert at the mill for grist. Self at turnips.
Robert at George Buels in the evening.
12 – Wind SW, rain through the night. John at Wms. Robert
drawing wood. Self choring. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert at
Greenbank getting horses shoed.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self choring.
Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self at Greenbank for
14 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self splitting
wood. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert at Wms. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
15 – Wind SW, snowing some. Robert at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Crozier preaching from Luke X:4. Mr. and Mrs. Watson here in
the evening.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. John gone to Mara. Self and Robert
fanning barley. Afternoon self and Robert at barley.
17 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert choring. Afternoon self,
Robert and Margaret at the Missionary meeting at Church. Mr.
Crozier, Mr. Smyth and Mr. Achison present.
18 – Wind W, rainy morning, nothing doing. Afternoon self,
Robert and Margaret at Port Perry. Wind N, very stormy. Horse
races at the Port.
19 – Wind NW, very stormy day, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing
doing. Still stormy.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert at the Port to get his likeness took. Self at
Greenbank for papers. John arrives from Mara.
21 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert at wood. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from John XXI:15. Robert at evening meeting
at Greenbank.
23 – Wind NW, rough day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Greenbank with steers to
Mr. Marquis’s. Self choring.
24 – Wind S, cold damp day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
at John Watsons and James Walkers. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self at Robert Phairs. John and Robert at a
coffee social at Greenbank. Margaret at John Watsons.
25 - Wind S, some rainy. John at Wms. Robert doing nought.
Self choring. Mother at Wm. Ross’s, his wife sick. Margaret at
Mr. Watsons. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Jas. Millers house. Robert at
Port Perry moving John Watson. Self choring. Annie comes
27 – Wind SW, very fine day. John and Robert drawing some old
stuff from John Watsons. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert doing
nought. Self choring.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
29 – Wind W, cold day. Robert at Sunday School. Robert at
English Church. John and Margaret at the Presbyterian Church.
John Leask preaching. Mr. Achison sick.
MAR. 1 – Wind N, cold day. John at the Port. Robert in the
woods. Margaret at Greenbank. Self choring. Afternoon Robert
in the woods.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing in turnips. John
McLaren died.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert drawing in turnips.
Annie collecting for Bible Society. Afternoon John and Robert in
the woods.
4 – Wind S, dull day. John at Wms. Robert doing nought. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Wms. Robert dunging out the
henhouse. John, Robert and Annie at the prayer meeting.
5 – Wind SW, rather soft. John at Wms. Self and Robert at home.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. Robert and self at home.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self splitting
wood. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John,
Margaret and Annie at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Matthew XIII:33. Robert at Greenbank at the
evening meeting of the Methodist Church.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Sandford. Robert at Wms.
Self choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self sawing wood.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert sawing wood. Afternoon
Robert and Annie at the Port. Self choring. Robert and Annie at
spree at Mr. Lees.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Self sawing wood. Robert choring.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert drawing posts for graveyard. Jane Atkins here
visiting. Annie gone to Edward Bois.
12 – Wind N, very cold, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing doing.
Margaret at Mr. Wm. Ross’s. Annie arrives from Mr. Bois. Mrs.
McLaren died.
13 – Wind SE, fine day. John doing nought. Robert drawing straw
to Wm. Self choring. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Robert at
Wms. Self choring. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
14 – Wind W, snowing some. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, John, Robert and Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Matthew
15 – Wind S, fine day. John, Robert, Margaret and Annie gone to
Mrs. McLarens funeral to Uxbridge. Self choring.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert drawing out wood. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert drawing wood.
17 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert drawing dung.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing dung. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon self, John, Robert and Annie at the
annual Church meeting and prayer meeting.
19 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Annie
sweeping the Church. Small spree in the evening.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Mother at
Wms. Afternoon stormy, nothing doing. Robert not at Division.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Church. Mr.
Achison preaching from Galatians III:24.
22 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing in turnips to
Wm. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
23 – Wind S. Robert in the woods. John away from home. Annie
at the Port. Margaret at Greenbank. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood. Robert at Division
24 – Wind N, very stormy, nothing doing. Afternoon John and
Robert gone to young Brandons funeral, nothing doing.
25 – Wind NE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self threshing
timothy seed. Annie on the sick list.
26 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
cleaning timothy seed. Mother spinning. Afternoon John in the
woods. Robert at Greenbank for papers.
27 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John sick. Robert at the Port. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon rather stormy, nothing doing. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind NE, rather cold. Nobody at the Sunday School. Self,
Robert, Margaret & Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Acts IX:10,11.
29 – Wind N, fine day. John in the woods. Robert in the woods.
Self at the Port.
30 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port. Self and Robert drawing
dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. John doing nought. Self and Robert
drawing dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
APR. 1 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to George Buels. Self and
Robert drawing dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing rails. Afternoons
self and Robert drawing in a hay stack. Rain at 4 o’clock.
3 – Wind S, rain through the night. Robert at a bee to fence the
graveyard. Self choring.
4 - Wind W, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Annie at Mr.
Williams. Self at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Philippians II:12,13.
5 – Wind NW, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon self splitting wood. Margaret washing. Annie at Mr.
Lees quilting.
6 – Wind N, cold day. Self splitting wood. Robert doing nought.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood. Mrs. Lee here
7 – Wind N, cold day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon self splitting wood.
8 – Wind NW, rather cold. Robert at Wms. drawing turnips. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon self at wood. Self, Robert and Annie at
prayer meeting in the evening at Mr. Ross’s.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at graveyard boring posts. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon self cleaning the door yard.
10 –Wind E, dull day. Robert and Annie at the Port. Self choring.
Afternoon nothing doing, very stormy and snowing.
11 – Wind N, stormy day. Noone at School. Snow drifting. Robert,
Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
12 – Wind W, fine day, snow melting. Self mending boots. Robert
at Wms. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at Greenbank.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Self turning turnips. Robert choring.
Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at James Walkers raising.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert gathering stones.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing a pail. Jane Williams here
all night. Organ put in Church.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing cistern pump.
Annie gone to Mrs. Davidsons visiting. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self fixing pump. David Urquhart here selling reapers. Bought
No. 3B Kirby.
16 – Wind E, looking like rain. Robert plowing. Self fixing pump.
Afternoon raining, nothing doing. John here in the evening.
17 – Wind N, rough cold day. Robert plowing. Self doing nought.
Annie arrives from Mrs. Davidsons. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self letting off water. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
18 – Wind W, looking like rain. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from John I:42.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self and Annie fanning grist. Margaret washing.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port with grist.
Self choring. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fencing. Margaret at
Greenbank with her dress.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at John Reals after
seed wheat. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fencing. Mother
visiting at Mr. Ackhursts.
23 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self turning
potatoes. Miss Pamela Burton and Miss Agnes Asling here
visiting. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fencing. Margaret gone
to Mr. McTaggarts, Whitby.
24 – Wind E, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing cistern pump.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
25 – Wind SE, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Rain after
dinner. Nobody at Presbyterian Meeting.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing at Wms. Self digging
garden. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at garden. Thunder
shower in the afternoon. Planted some potatoes in garden.
27 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Self digging garden.
Afternoon self and Robert at Manchester for reaper.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self choring. Margaret
and Annie cleaning up. Afternoon Robert drawing turnips for
Wm. Self pruning apple trees. Luther Williams here sowing
wheat. Robert at the prayer meeting at Wm. McWilliams.
29 –Wind S, very dull day. Robert harrowing. Self choring.
Afternoon rain, nought doing. Miss Margaret Matthews here
30 – Wind N, very cold. Robert rolling. Self choring. Afternoon
nothing doing. Wm. Ledingham here insuring property – 1000
dollars insurance for 9 dollars.
MAY 1 – Wind W, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self at Greenbank for
papers. Afternoon Robert sowing oats. Self sowing pease and
oats. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
2 – Wind S, fine day, rain through the night. Robert and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Luke XIII:3.
Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self digging garden.
Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self in garden. Mother at Mr.
Burtons visiting.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert rolling. Self digging garden. Mother
planting onions. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self pruning apple
trees. Mrs. Burton here visiting.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port with barley.
Self fencing. Afternoon self fencing. Robert sowing barley. Self,
Robert and Annie at prayer meeting at the Church.
6 – Wind N, cold day. Robert sowing barley. Self in garden.
Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self pruning apple trees.
7 – Wind S, rain through the night. Self and Robert at the woods
for maple trees. Afternoon more rain. Robert planting maple
trees. Self at Greenbank for papers.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert choring. Self pruning trees.
Afternoon Robert sowing wheat in the swamp. Self pruning trees.
Robert at Division meeting in evening.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew 19:21.
10 – Wind SW, heavy rain at 6 o’clock, nothing doing. Rain
through the forenoon. Afternoon showery, not much doing.
Robert & Annie at Sunday School meeting in the evening.
Posted letter to R. Michie, Utah.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert oiling harness. Afternoon
self and Robert at harness. Mother at Wms.
12 – Wind NW, very high wind. Robert harrowing. Self sowing
oats. Afternoon Robert rolling. Self shoveling dung. Mrs. Daniel
Boe here visiting. Self, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the prayer
meeting. Finished seeding.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self repairing
fences. Afternoon self at fences.
14 – Wind N, cold day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self at fences.
Afternoon self at Greenbank for papers.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert fanning oats. Afternoon
Robert cutting potatoes. Self and Margaret at the Port with oats.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
16 – Wind NW, very droughty day. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Robert and Margaret at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Luke XVI:19
to end.
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Margaret
washing. Afternoon self and Robert cutting potatoes. Robert and
Annie at meeting of Union School in the evening.
18 – Wind W, fine day, some rain in the morning. Self, Robert,
Margaret and Annie planting potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert
planting corn.
19 – Wind S, warm day. Self and Robert planting corn. Margaret
and Annie washing blankets. Afternoon showery. Self, Robert,
Margaret and Annie at Mrs. Rooks funeral.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at Port Perry. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert and Annie gone to Brock. Self fixing
gate. Thunder and rain through the afternoon. Annie gone to
21 – Wind N, dull damp day. Robert and horses at Wms. plowing.
Self fixing water trough in the swamp. Afternoon self at
Greenbank for papers. Margaret at Mr. Lees. Mother at Wms.
Rain in the evening.
22 – Wind SE, rainy morning, nothing doing. Self cleaning stove
pipes. Afternoon wind W, nothing doing. Robert at the Division
meeting in the evening.
23 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Annie
Perkins here to dinner. Self, Mother and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Proverbs
XII:17 for the young.
24 – Wind S, fine day, nothing doing. Queen’s birthday. Afternoon
self and Robert at Presbyterian Sunday School anniversary.
Annie arrives from Kirkfield. Margaret at concert in the evening.
25 – Wind SW, warm day. Anne gone to Mr. [Gullies?].
Greenbank. Self and Robert drawing out dung. Afternoons self
and Robert drawing dung. Margaret washing.
26 – Wind SW, hot day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Afternoon
self and Robert drawing dung. Robert at the social in the
Presbyterian Church in the evening.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Mother at James Smiths,
Whitby. Robert choring. Barbara and her 2 children comes home
with us. Arrives at 9 o’clock pm.
[There is no entry in the diary for May 28].
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing out dung.
Afternoon self and Robert at dung. Robert at Division meeting in
the evening.
30 – Wind SE, rainy morning. Self, Robert and Barbara at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians XVI:22.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert drawing stones.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung. Mother and
Barbara visiting at Mr. Akhursts and Mr. Walkers.
JUNE 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading
dung. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Port with grist. Self
spreading dung. Afternoon self hoeing corn. Self, Robert &
Margaret at prayer meeting in the Church.
3- Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at blacksmiths.
Afternoon Robert at the Port for grist. Self hoeing corn. James
Smith and Barbara leaves for home.
4 – Wind S, rather dull day. Robert plowing. Self hoeing corn.
Afternoon self, Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
McKay preaching from Romans II:28 and James II:14.
5 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self cutting thistles.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon raining some, nothing doing.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at Brock
at Sacrament. Mr. McKay preaching from Romans VIII:38,39.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon self
and Robert fencing.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Mother at the Michies, Scott.
9 – Wind E, fine day. Self and Mother at Mr. Fosters, Scott.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self at Port Perry.
Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self fencing.
11 – Wind W, warm day. Self and Robert fencing. Afternoon self
picking bugs. Robert at Greenbank for papers. Rain at 10
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert killing calf. Afternoon self
and Robert picking bugs.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from 1st
Peter I:15.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at anniversary at Mrs. Shaws. Self
fencing. Afternoon self at sideline to see jobs let.
15 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert scuffling potatoes. Self
hoeing. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing potatoes. Robert at
Greenbank in the evening at school meeting.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing to Wm. Self at Mr. Leasks.
Mr. Wm. McMillans, Mr. Ross and Mr. Geo. Buels asking for the
Church to hold the Union S.S. Anniversary in. Afternoon self
hoeing potatoes.
17 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self
picking bugs. Afternoon self picking bugs. Annie comes home.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at Port Perry.
Self hoeing corn. Afternoon self hoeing corn. Robert gone round
by Manchester, Utica and Epsom to stick up bills of the Union
School anniversary.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert drilling. Self hoeing corn.
Afternoon self hoeing. Robert drilling. Began to sow turnips.
Robert at the Division meeting in the evening.
20 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Stewart Achison preaching from 2nd
Peter I:10.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Self hoeing corn. Robert drilling.
Afternoon self and Robert at Robert Phairs raising.
22 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert drilling. Self at Leonard Burnetts
to get Roberts name on the assessment roll. Margaret and Annie
23 – Wind SW, warm day. Robert at Wms. Self hoeing. Afternoon
self hoeing.
24 – Wind W, warm day. Self, Robert and horses at road work.
Afternoon all at road work. 4 days and one half in.
25 – Wind S, some rain in the morning. Self and Robert at road
work. Afternoon self at road work for self, Robert for Wm.,
altogether 6 days.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self hoeing.
Afternoon self and Mother picking bugs.
27- Wind S, warm day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Galatians V:22,23. Funeral of Wm.
McGee’s daughter.
28 – Wind W, warm showery day. Robert at Wms. Self cutting
thistles. Annie and Margaret baking for anniversary. Afternoon
showery, nothing doing.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Lizzie here,
all baking for anniversary. Afternoon Robert hilling potatoes. Self
choring. Rec’d letter from R. Michie, Utah.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and horses fixing the ground for
the anniversary. Self at the Port for Paris Green. Miss Mary Boe
and Miss Mary Gordon here in the afternoon.
JULY 1 – Wind W, fine day, rather dull. Self, Mother, Robert and
Annie at the Union anniversary. Afternoon Margaret at
anniversary. Made by anniversary $200.13.
2 – Wind N, fine day, everybody dull, nothing doing. Afternoon
nothing doing. Mother and Robert at Greenbank at the Union
social in the evening. Annie gone to Thomas Phairs. Some hail in
the afternoon.
3 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at Greenbank to bring James Walker
lumber from the anniversary ground. Self putting Paris Green on
the potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert at the Port.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self at the
Canada Methodist Church. Mr. Bishop preaching. Self and
Margaret at Primitive Methodist Church in the afternoon. Mr. Lee
preaching for a revival. Robert at Presbyterian Meeting in the
evening. Mr. Kay preaching.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at James Walkers with horses.
Self putting Paris Green on the potatoes. Afternoon self mending
fence in the swamp.
6 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert drawing lumber from the Port to
Wm. Self at bugs. Afternoons self mowing in the orchard. Robert
at Greenbank in the evening at the U.S.S. meeting.
7 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Robert Phairs. Self mowing in
orchard. Afternoon self mowing. Blistered horse leg.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self turning hay.
Afternoon self, Mother and Robert drawing in hay from orchard.
Began to hoe turnips.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self at turnips.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Robert Phairs. Self at the Port
with grist. Afternoon self hoeing turnips. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Matthew I:21.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon Robert at Port Perry to Orange Meeting. Self
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing. Afternoon
self and Robert hoeing. Robert at Greenbank at school meeting.
14 – Wind NE, fine day. Self hoeing. Robert scuffling. Afternoon
self and Robert hoeing.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips and
finishes for the first time at noon. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self
at Greenbank at blacksmiths. Some rain at night.
16 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self choring. Afternoon
showery. Robert at Wms. Self making a spoon. Wms. kitchen
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self writing to
Robert Michie, Utah. Afternoon self and Robert at hay. Drew in 5
loads. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
18 - Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Mother,
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
19 – Wind SE, dull day. Robert hoeing turnips. Self choring. Mr.
Alex. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. McCorquadale here for visit.
Margaret picking berries. Robert Phair here mowing. Afternoon
self and Robert drew in 3 loads of hay. Some rain at night.
20 – Wind W, very high, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self
hoeing. Margaret picking berries. Afternoon self and Robert
cocking hay.
21 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert stacking hay. Afternoon
self and Robert finishes hay. 5 loads in stack and 1 in the barn,
16 loads altogether. Robert and Margaret at the Port after 4
o’clock. Robert at the prayer meeting in the evening at the
22 – Wind W, fine day. Self putting Paris Green on the potatoes.
Robert scuffling turnips. Afternoons self and Robert hoeing
turnips. Margaret picking berries.
23 – Wind SW, rather dull. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Showers through the
24 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoes out the turnips the
second time. David Urquharts man here fixing reaper.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Margaret at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Dobson preaching from 2nd
Corinthians XII:9.
26 – Wind N, fine day. Robert reaping barley. Self mowing
barley. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self mending rake.
Margaret picking berries.
27 – Wind NE, fine day. Self and Robert at barley. Afternoon self
and Robert at barley. Drew in 7 loads.
28 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self turning barley.
Afternoon self and Robert at barley, drew in 6 loads. Margaret at
29 – Wind N, fine day. Robert raking barley. Self choring.
Afternoon self and Robert drew in the barley rakings, 1 load,
which finishes barley harvest.
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and self choring. Afternoon Robert
at Wms. Self choring. Margaret picking berries.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drawing Wms. hay. Self fixing
gates. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self hoeing turnips. Margaret
scrubbing. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
AUG. 1 – Wind SW, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Acts XI:23.
2 – Wind SW, some showers through the day. Robert reaping
oats. Self fixing cradle. Afternoon Robert at Mr. Williams
threshing. Self at cradle. Mrs. Coleran died.
3 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at Mr. Williams threshing and
reaped some oats in the evening. Self cradling oats. Afternoon
self cradling oats. Mother at Robert Phairs in the evening.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Margaret washing. Self and Robert at Mrs.
Colerans funeral to St. James cemetery, 4th
concession of Brock.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Margaret
picking berries. Afternoon self and Robert binding oats.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self cradling oats.
Afternoon self at Greenbank for the papers. John here in the
Drawing of a cradle.
‘Lodged’ meant fallen, perhaps after a storm.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Port Perry with Annie to get her
teeth drawn. Self cradling oats. Afternoon Robert reaping oats.
Self fixing fence. Drew in 4 loads of oats. Robert at the Division
Meeting in the evening.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. McKay preaching
from 1st
Corinthians XV:54.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Marg’t
washing. Afternoon much thunder, no rain. Self, Robert and Wm.
at wheat.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at wheat. Afternoons self
and Robert at wheat.
11 – Wind Easterly, rain in the morning. Robert plowing. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self mowing oats.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self mowing oats. Robert reaping oats.
Afternoon Robert reaping oats. Self binding wheat.
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self binding oats.
Afternoon Robert, Margaret and self drawing in oats, 4 loads.
Self and Robert at Mr. Aslings after 5 o’clock to see the steam
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert binding oats. Afternoon
self and Robert at oats. Robert at the Division meeting in the
15 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Robert
and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from John X:10. Robert at evening meeting at
16 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret drawing in
wheat. Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at wheat.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self binding oats.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret drawing in oats.
18 – Wind S, rain in the morning. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self draining.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Port with grist. Self draining.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self draining. Mrs. Akhurst here.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert cutting oats in swamp.
Afternoon Robert reaping for Wm. Self binding.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert cutting wheat in the
swamp. Afternoon self and Robert at wheat. Robert at political
meeting in the evening at Greenbank.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Margaret at the Presbyterian meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Luke XVIII:35 to the end. Robert at the evening meeting at
Methodist Church.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert binding wheat. Self at Port Perry
for Mr. Bateman to the horse who is bad of scours. Afternoons
self and Robert binding oats and finishes binding for 1880.
24 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret drawing in
oats and finishes oats. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing the
barn door. Robert at the Port in the evening to hear Mr. Blake.
25 – Wind NE, some rain through the night. Robert plowing. Self
fixing barn door. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self draining. Robert
at George Buels to see the steam thresher.
26 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at George Buels threshing. Self at
Thomas Phairs threshing. Afternoon self ditching, the threshing
machine broken. Great ‘Tory’ meeting at the Port. Mr. Tilley and
Tom White to address the meeting on the N.P. and the Pacific
R.R. [railroad] and the Land Policy.
27 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
self, Margaret and Robert drawing in wheat and finishes the
harvest for 1880.
28 – Wind NW, much thunder and rain through the night. Robert
at Thos. Phairs threshing. Self at Greenbank voting for Wheeler.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank voting. Self doing nought.
Election between Gibbs and Wheeler. Wheeler majority 158.
29 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School.
Raining in the afternoon, none at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Annie and Florence here in the afternoon. Robert at evening
30 – Wind S, some rain through the night. Robert plowing. Self
ditching. Afternoon self ditching. Robert plowing.
31 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at Toronto for books to the
Sunday School. Self and Margaret at the Port. Afternoon self
drawing in to Wm.
SEPT. 1 – Wind S, dull day. Self and Robert drawing in to Wm.
Afternoon rain at noon, nothing doing. Robert at Temperance
lecture at Greenbank in the evening. Mr. McMurray lecturing.
2 – Wind SW, dull day. Self and Robert drawing in to Wm.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self ditching. Miss B. Walker and Miss
P. Burton here visiting. George here in the evening.
3 – Wind S, warm day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for papers.
4 – Wind W, very warm. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Margaret
scrubbing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self ditching. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
5 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Acts XVI:30,31.
6 - Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the Port with barley. Self
ditching. Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
ditching. Annie and [Finote?] here in the evening.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at Mr. Akhursts
threshing all day. Margaret at the Port.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fixing granary.
Afternoon Robert gone to Whitby Fair. Self fixing granary.
9 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert at Fair. Self at Mr. Williams
warning him to threshing. Afternoon self fixing round. Margaret at
Mr. Andrew Ross’s.
10 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Mr. Lees
threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
11 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Mr. Lee’s threshing. Self
choring. Afternoon threshing. Mr. Thos. Scott - Boss, Mr. R.
Phair, Egbert Horne, Jas. Walker, Mr. Akhurst and Bob and
horses here. Alex. Lee, Mr. Williams and horses here. Wm. here,
with ourselves making 10 hands, besides the threshers.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Galloway preaching
from Matthew VIII:3,4.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Threshing. Mr. Thos. Scott - boss, Mr.
Robt. Phair, Egbert Horne, Jas. Walker, Mr. Akhurst and Bob
and horses here. Mr. Lee and Alex.Lee, Mr. Williams and horses.
Wm. here with ourselves makes 11 hands. Finished at noon.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing straw.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert away asking subscriptions for
Temperance Hall. Self ditching. Afternoon self ditching. Robert
and Margaret at blind boys concert in the school house in the
15 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self ditching. Robert at husking bee at Mr. Wells
in the evening. Spree after it.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self ditching. Robert at Thos. Phairs in the
17 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self filling drain.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self filling drain.
18 – Wind E, dull day. Robert harrowing. Self ditching. Afternoon
self ditching. Robert harrowing. Robert at Division meeting in the
19 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Ephesians IV:30.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self and Margaret
fanning barley. Afternoon Robert at the Port with barley. Self
21 – Wind W, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self and Margaret
fanning barley. Afternoon Robert at the Port with barley. Self
choring. Margaret at Greenbank.
22 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert fanning barley. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert at the Port with barley. Self choring.
Mr. Thos. Phair married to Agnes Asling.
23 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing to Wm. Self at Robert
Phairs threshing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at threshing.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Robt. Phairs
threshing 2 hours and at Wms. threshing till 3 o’clock which
finishes threshing. Robert plowing after the threshing.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing to Wm. Self at the Port.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
26 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Galatians III:9.
27 – Wind SW, some rain through the night. Robert at Wms.
plowing. Self taking in apples. Afternoon self at apples. Annie
comes from Mr. Thos. Phairs.
28 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port. Self choring.
Afternoon self choring and mending harness. Robert plowing to
29 – Wind NW, fine day, but cold. Robert plowing at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon self, Robert and Annie at James Hornes sale.
Self at prayer meeting in the evening. Robert and Annie at a
spree at Jas. Hornes.
30 - Wind NW, showery and cold. Robert plowing at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self writing letter to James
OCT. 1 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert harrowing at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at Neil McCurchers.
Annie leaves for Port.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank with harrows to fix.
Self choring. Afternoon Robert at the Port for boiler and plow
buckle. Self choring. Robert at the Division meeting in the
3 – Wind SW, thunder and rain. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Zechariah VIII:21. Robert at evening
meeting in Primitive Methodist Church.
4 – Wind NE, rainy day, nothing doing. Margaret at Wms. Self
writing letter to Robert Marshall. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self
5 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self ditching. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self ditching. Rain at night.
6 – Wind NW, rather rough day. Robert plowing. Self shoveling
mud. Afternoon high wind and showers. Robert plowing. Self
choring. Mother spinning.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Margaret picking
potatoes. Mother at Wms. all night. Afternoon self and Margaret
at potatoes. Robert plowing.
8 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Margaret at
potatoes. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self and Margaret at
9 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing in potatoes.
Afternoon self, Margaret and Robert at potatoes. Altogether 3
loads. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Ephesians II:8,9,10.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Margaret at
Wms. washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self taking in apples.
12 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self sore hand.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self at James Walkers. Margaret
13 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at the County
Fair at Port Perry.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self picking apples and
potatoes. Mr. Lee having traded 10 bushels of potatoes for 10
bushels of apples. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self taking in
15 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self and Mother choring.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self doing nought. Mother at Wms.
16 – Wind SW, rather dull and some rain. Robert at Port Perry
with grist. Self doing nought. Afternoon self fixing gates.
Margaret scrubbing. Robert at Division meeting in evening.
17 – Wind W, dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Robert
and Margaret at Presbyterian Meeting. Stranger preaching from
Thessalonians V:17.
18 – Wind SW, rather cold. Robert plowing. Self taking in apples.
Margaret at Wms. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self and Mother at
19 – Wind SW, cold fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert sick. Wm. drawing sand with horses. Self and
Mother and Margaret taking in apples.
20 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sick. Self at Port Perry with chop.
Afternoon self and Mother taking in apples.
21 – Wind W, fine day. Robert sick. Self plowing. Afternoon self at
Port Perry for chop to pigs.
22 – Wind NE, rather dull. Self plowing. Robert sick. Afternoon
self, Mother and Margaret taking in apples.
23 – Wind NE and snowing heavily, nothing doing. Afternoon
wind N, still snowing.
24 – Wind NW, cold day and snow drifting. Nobody at School or
25 – Wind N and stormy. Nothing doing. Self at Wms. helping to
kill a pig. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank for the papers. Self
fixing turnip house.
26 – Wind S, raining all day, nothing doing. Self making door for
cows house. Afternoon nothing doing.
27 – Wind N, frost through the night, nothing doing. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert topping turnips. Self choring.
28 – Wind E, frost through the night, nothing doing. Afternoon
self, Robert and Margaret at turnips, drew 4 loads.
29 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at
turnips. Afternoon at turnips. Drew 18 loads.
30 – Wind E, thick fog all day. Self and Robert rowing turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew 12 loads.
31 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Romans XIII:11.
NOV. 1 – Wind N, dull day. Self and Margaret drew 3 loads
turnips. Afternoon Robert harrowing turnips. Self rowing them.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at turnips.
Afternoon self, Margaret and Robert drew in 21 loads.
3 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Margaret and Robert at turnips, drew
in 8 loads. Afternoon self, Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Bishop preaching from Deuteronomy VIII:10,11.
Annie comes home from Mr. Smiths. Robert and Annie at
Greenbank at meeting in the evening. General Fast Day.
4 – Wind S, dull day. Self, Margaret and Robert at turnips. Annie
washing. Afternoon all at turnips, drew in 15 loads.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Robert at turnips. Afternoon self,
Margaret and Robert at turnips, drew in 8 loads.
6 – Wind NE, raining most all day. Drew 1 load of turnips.
Afternoon raining heavy, nothing doing.
7 – Wind W, snowing some. Nobody at School. Self, Robert,
Annie and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Galatians IV:6.
8 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at turnips.
Annie washing. Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips.
Drew 16 loads in pit and 4 in barn.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Margaret and Robert at turnips.
Drew 4 loads in pit and 2 in barn, which finishes the turnips.
Afternoon Robert plowing, self covering pit.
10 – Wind E, fine day. Robert plowing. Self bad with cold.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Rain at 4 o’clock. Mrs.
Byers and Lena Boe here all night.
11 – Wind W, dull day. Robert plowing. Self on sick list. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert and Annie at revival
12 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Port.
Self choring. Afternoon nothing doing. Port Perry pedlar here all
13 – Wind S, fine day, frost through the night, nothing doing.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from 2nd
Kings II:11.
15 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self digging water furrows. Annie and Margaret washing.
16 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Uxbridge for brick to Wm. Self
choring. Margaret at Greenbank.
17 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Annie gone to Mr. Andrew
Ross’s visiting. Afternoon nothing doing.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert whitewashing. Self drawing
wood. Afternoon Robert gone to Whitby with Alex. Lee. Self
19 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing.
20 – Wind S, fine day. Margaret scrubbing. Self sawing wood.
Afternoon nothing doing. Robert and Annie at Division meeting.
21 – Wind W, cold day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Nobody at the Presbyterian Meeting. Robert, Margaret and
Annie at evening meeting in the P. M. Church.
22 – Wind W, cold day. Robert drawing wood. Self choring.
Margaret washing. Annie at Wms. Afternoon Robert and horses
at Mr. [?] threshing.
23 – Wind NE, cold day. Self, Wm., and Robert killing pigs. Annie
at Wms. Afternoon Robert drawing wood. Self cutting pork.
Robert and Annie at Greenbank in evening.
24 – Wind S and snowing some. Robert at Greenbank getting
horses shoed. Self cutting pork. Afternoon Robert gone to Myrtle
with Ed Buel. Self choring. Margaret and Annie at Wms.
25 – Wind N, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at Wms. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon self sawing wood.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert choring. Afternoon Robert
at Greenbank for papers.
27 – Wind SW, fine day. Self sawing wood. Robert choring.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Robert drawing wood to Wm. Self
sawing wood. Robert and Annie at Division meeting in the
28 – Wind S, looking like a thaw. Robert and Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother, Annie and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Judges I:6,7. Robert, Margaret and
Annie at evening meeting in the P. M. Church.
29 – Wind NW, rather cold. Margaret at Wms. Self sawing wood.
Afternoons self sawing wood. Robert at Wms. Annie at Thos.
Phairs in the evening.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert in the woods. Self sawing wood.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self choring.
John comes home from George Buels.
DEC. 1 – Wind E and snowing, nothing doing, all in the house.
Afternoon John gone from home. Robert bad with cold. Self
choring. Mrs. Ross and Lena Boe here. Self, Mother, John and
Annie at the prayer meeting at the Church.
2 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Mother
spinning. Annie at Wms.
3 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
4 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
reading the papers. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
Self choring. Robert and Annie at the Division meeting in the
5 – Wind SE and raining some. John, Robert and Margaret at the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. Achison preaching from Isaiah XIV:22.
Robert and John at evening meeting in the C. M. Church.
6 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John at Sonya. Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Robert at Greenbank in the evening.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert gone to Oshawa to Grand
Division. John doing nought. Self choring. Afternoon John at
Greenbank. Self choring.
8 - Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring. Afternoon
self and John fanning grist. Very stormy.
9 – Wind NW, cold and stormy day. John at the Port with grist.
Annie at the Port. Afternoon self and John fanning oats. Robert
arrives from Oshawa.
10 – Wind NW, very cold and frosty. John gone to Port with oats.
Robert churning. Self choring. Annie at Wms. Afternoon John
and Robert in the woods. Self choring. Mr. Boe here. Mrs. Boe,
Annie, Margaret, John and Robert at Wms. in the evening at a
11 – Wind SW, rather stormy. John at James Walkers. Robert in
the woods. Self choring. Margaret at Wms. Annie scrubbing.
Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self choring. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
12 – Wind SW, rather soft. Robert and Annie at Sunday School.
Susan Horne here to dinner. Self, Mother, Margaret, John and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Ephesians VI:18,19.
13 – Wind W, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Self at meeting of session at Mr. Gilroys. Mother at John
Leasks. Miss Jean Akhurst and Mr. Martin here.
14 – Wind SE, rather stormy. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Margaret washing. Self choring.
15 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods.
16 – Wind W, fine day. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert and Annie at Greenbank
decorating the Temperance hall. Very cold.
17 – Wind N, cold day. John at Jas. Walkers. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon Robert in the woods. John,
Robert, Annie and Margaret at concert in the Temperance hall.
18 – Wind N, cold day. John at James Walkers. Robert doing
nought. Self choring. Afternoon nothing doing. Robert at Sons
19 – Wind N, cold day. Annie and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Annie and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Ephesians I:7,8.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to Whitby. Robert in the
woods. Annie collecting for the Bible Society. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert at the Port with oats for Wm. Spree at James
Bushes in the evening. Robert at it.
21 – Wind NE, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Port with oats for
Wm. Self choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert
fanning oats.
22 – Wind NW, foggy day. John in the woods. Robert at the Port
with oats. Mother spinning. Self choring. Afternoon John in the
woods. Robert in the woods. Self at Andrew Peets. Self, John,
Robert, Margaret and Annie at prayer meeting at Church.
23 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Women baking for banquet in Presbyterian Church.
Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
24 – Wind S Easterly, dull day. John in the woods. Self and
Robert fixing at the Church. Afternoon self, Mother, Robert,
Margaret and Annie at the entertainment in the Church. John in
woods till 4 o’clock. Self, Mother, John, Robert and Annie at
lecture by Mr. Smith from Toronto on prejudice and progress.
The proceeds amounted to $95.
25 – John in the woods. Robert doing nought. Self and Margaret
at Church cleaning up. Afternoon Robert at Port. John in the
woods. Self choring. George here. Robert, George and Annie at
the Division meeting in the evening.
26 - Wind NE and snowing some. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Robert and Margaret at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Psalms XC:12.
27 – Wind NW, rather stormy. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Annie,
Margaret and Robert at Mr. Lees in the evening.
28 – Wind SW, very cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
29 – Wind SW, very cold, 4 degrees below zero. John and Robert
in the woods. Self at school meeting. Afternoon John and Robert
in the woods.
30 – Wind SW, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
31 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. John, Margaret,
Robert and Annie at Canada Methodist tea party in the evening.
And so ends the year 1880.
JAN. 1 – Wind SW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert doing
nought. Self sawing wood. Lena Boe here all night. Afternoon
Wm., Lizzie and children here to dinner. John in the woods.
Robert, Annie, Lena, Alex and James Lee and Bob Akhurst at
the Port. Annie and Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother, John, Margaret, Robert and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. A. Dobson preaching from John XIII:7.
Robert and Annie at evening meeting C. M. Church.
3 – Wind N, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Self, Robert and Wm. at Greenbank voting for
4 – Wind SE, snowing some. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Margaret washing. Afternoon John and Robert in
the woods. Self splitting wood. Annie at Canada Methodist social
in the evening.
5 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self taking in
apples. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Annie at Burtons.
6 – Wind Easterly, dull day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self
sawing wood. Robert at party at W. Williams, Prince Albert.
7 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
8 – Wind NE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
nought. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods.
9 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Nobody at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison reading an address from the Presbyterian Convention of
Philadelphia. Robert and Annie at P. M. Church in the evening.
10 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at Wms.
drawing in turnips. Margaret washing. Self doing nought.
Afternoon John in the woods. Self choring.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John helping Wm. to kill a pig. Robert
in the woods. Self cleaning cattle. Annie gone to Whitby.
12 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert gone to Manchester
with cattle. Afternoon nothing doing. Mr. Achison here in the
13 – Wind SE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self doing
14 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Port with wood. Robert in the
woods. Self choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert in the
woods. Self choring.
15 – Wind NE, rather cold. John at the Port. Robert in the woods.
Self doing nought. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John at the
Port. Robert in the woods. Robert at Division meeting.
16 – Wind SE, rather dull day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Margaret and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Hosea IV:17.
17 – Wind W, fine day. John at the Port. Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John at the Port. Robert in the woods. Self
doing nought. Margaret washing. Robert at Uxbridge in the
evening at Temperance lecture by Vice Chancellor Blake.
18 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert doing nought. Self and John at
the English Church to hear Chancellor Blake and Mr. Howland
address the school children. Afternoon John and Robert in the
woods. Self choring.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
choring. Afternoon John drawing wood. Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Mrs. Lee here visiting.
20 – Wind W, fine day. John drawing wood. Robert at Wms. Self
choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Mother at Wm.
Ross’s visiting. Self choring.
21 – Wind NE, rather stormy. Robert at Wms. John drawing
wood. Self choring. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms. Self at
Greenbank for papers.
22 – Wind NE, snowing some. Robert at Wms. John drawing
wood. Self choring. Afternoon snowing, nothing doing.
23 – Wind NE, rather cold. Self, Mother, John and Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Corinthians XI:23,24,25,26.
24 – Wind SW, fine day. John and Robert drawing wood. Self
mending Bob Akhursts harness. Margaret washing. Afternoon
John and Robert drawing wood. Alex. Lee here in the evening.
25 – Wind SW, rather cold. John and Robert at Wms. drawing in
turnips. Margaret at Wm. Ross’s quilting. Afternoon John and
Robert in the woods. Self choring.
26 – Wind W, rather cold. John in the woods. Robert at the Port
with a grist. Self at Mr. Akhursts. Afternoon John and Robert in
the woods. Margaret at Wms. Self doing nought. Self, John,
Robert and Margaret at prayer meeting in the evening.
27 – Wind NW, rather cold. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Mr. Alex. Gordon, James Gordon and Mrs. Beecroft
here for dinner. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at the Port
for grist. Engine broke, no grist.
28 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John at Greenbank. Robert in the
woods. Margaret at Wms.
29 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon John and Robert at the Port for grist but did not get it.
James Smith and Barbara comes up. Robert at Division meeting.
30 – Wind E, snowing some. Nobody at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Margaret, Annie, Robert, Barbara and Jas. Smith at the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. Achison preaching from Acts
XXVI:17,18. John, Robert, George, Jas. Smith, Annie and
Margaret at evening meeting, C. M. Church.
31 – Wind NE, fine day. Nothing doing. Wesley Luke here all
night. Robert taking him to Greenbank. Jas. Smith at Wms.
Afternoon Jas. Smith gone home. Margaret washing. Annie and
Barbara at Wms. John and Robert drawing wood.
FEB. 1 – Wind NE, cold day. John at Wms. Self doing nought.
Robert doing nought. Afternoon Robert at the Port for grist. Self
doing nought. Got no grist.
2 – Wind NE, very cold, 10 degrees below zero. Nothing doing.
Afternoon John at Wms. Annie at Mrs. Akhursts quilting. Still very
3 – Wind NW, very cold, nothing doing. Afternoon John at Wms.
Nothing doing. Luther Williams dies suddenly at 5 o’clock. John
at Mr. Williams all night.
4 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Port Perry for coffin to L.
Williams. Robert at Brock. Self choring. Afternoon self, Robert
and Margaret at Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Revelations XXII:14. Mrs. McMillan here visiting. Annie gone to
Mr. Williams at the lake.
5 – Wind N, fine day, nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon self, John and Robert at the Port. Robert and Annie at
Division meeting.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Annie at Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John, Margaret, Annie and Robert at Meeting, being
Sacrament. Mr. Greig preaching from 2nd
Corinthians VIII;9.
7 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon George, Barbara
and Annie leave for Whitby. Robert gone to Kirkfield.
8 – Wind SE and thawing. Self sawing wood. Margaret washing.
Afternoon nothing doing. George arrives from Whitby.
9 – Wind SE, still thawing. Self sawing wood. George gone to
Louis Beatons. Afternoon self sawing wood. John at the mill.
10 – Wind W, fine day, still thawing. Self choring. Afternoon John
at mill. Margaret at Mrs. Byers. Self sawing wood.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Self and John reading the papers.
Afternoon Mother at Wms. Self sawing wood. John doing nought.
12 – Wind SE heavy rain through the night and morning, nothing
doing. Afternoon John gone somewhere. Self doing nought.
Robert arrives from Kirkfield.
13 – Wind NW, stormy day. Nobody at the Sunday School.
Nobody at Meeting, very stormy. Margaret and Robert at evening
meeting in C. Methodist Church.
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Margaret washing. Self, John and
Robert sawing wood. Afternoon Robert at Greenbank to get
horses shoed. John at the Port.
15 – Wind W, fine day. John at Port. Robert drawing turnips for
Wm. Self doing nought. Afternoon Robert in the woods. Self
mending harness.
16 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
mending harness. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Mrs.
Akhurst here visiting. John, Robert and Margaret at the prayer
17 – Wind W, fine day. John gone to help George Buel to move.
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. Afternoon Robert in the
18 – Wind S and snowing some. John at the Port. Robert in the
woods. Self reading the papers. Margaret matting. Afternoon
John in the woods. Robert drawing wood. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert drawing wood for Mr. Perkins. John
in the woods. Self in the woods. Afternoon John in the woods.
Robert drawing wood.
20 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother, John and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 1st
John I:9.
21 – Wind NW, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stone and Dougald Gordon
and James Gordon here to dinner. Afternoon John in the woods.
Robert at the Port with D. Gordon.
22 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood. Afternoon John in the woods. Self and Robert
drawing wood.
23 – Wind NW, cold day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
doing nought. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert drawing
wood. Margaret at Mrs. Burtons visiting.
24 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon John and Margaret at Port for grist.
Robert in the woods. Self doing nought. 10 degrees below zero
this morning.
25 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. drawing
turnips. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert gone to Whitby.
Self at Greenbank.
26 – Wind SE, fine day. John in the woods. Self choring.
Afternoon John in the woods. Mrs. Walker here visiting. Robert
and Annie arrive from Whitby. Robert, John and Annie at
Greenbank in the evening.
27 – Wind SE, fine day and thawing. Robert & Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, John, Margaret, Annie & Robert at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Mark XVI:15.
George Boddie here to tea.
28 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon self, John and Robert drawing in turnips.
Robert at Mr. Akhursts in the evening practicing singing.
MAR. 1 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
making axe handle. Annie at the moving of Wm. Ross. Afternoon
John and Robert in the woods.
2 – Wind W, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self
choring. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert drawing wood. Mr.
Luke and Mrs. Sunley here to dinner and leaves for Mrs. Burtons
in the evening. John and Robert at prayer meeting at Mrs.
Leasks. Annie at Greenbank.
3 – Wind S, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self sawing
wood. Afternoon John and Robert in the woods. Self splitting
wood. Mother at Mr. Lees in the evening, Mrs. Lee sick. Very
4 – Wind NE, snowed all day, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing
doing, still snowing.
5 – Wind NE, fine day. John and Robert in the woods. Self writing
letters. Afternoon John in the woods. Robert at the Port with
Annie to the train. Self writing letter to Utah. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
6 – Wind N, fine day. Nobody at School. Self, Mother, John and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Philippians II:16. Holding forth the word of life.
7 – Wind N, fine day. John in the woods. Robert at the Port with
wood. Self writing letter. Margaret washing. Afternoon John in
the woods. Robert at the Port.
8 – Wind W, fine day. John in the woods. Robert drawing wood.
Self making sleigh bench. Afternoon Robert drawing wood. John
in the woods.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. John at Wms. Robert in the woods. Self
putting bench in sleigh. Margaret at Greenbank. Afternoon John
at Greenbank. Robert at Wms. John at prayer meeting at Wm.
10 – Wind N, rather cold. John, Robert and horses at Wms. Self
writing. Afternoon John, Robert and Margaret at Port Perry. Wm.
Ledingham here assessing.
11 – Wind NW, fine day. John, Robert and horses at Wms. Self
splitting wood. Afternoon Robert drawing wood. Self doing
12 – Wind Easterly, fine day. John and Robert at Wms. Self doing
nought. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon John and Robert at Wms.
Self at Greenbank for papers. Robert at Division meeting in the
13 – Wind E, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, John,
Robert and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Luke VIII:39. Robert at evening meeting in the C.
M. Church.
14 – Wind N, fine day. John at Wms. Robert at the Port getting
bobsleigh shed. Margaret washing. Self choring. Afternoon John
at Wms. Self doing nought.
15 – Wind S, fine day. John at Wms. Self and Robert drawing in
turnips. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in turnips. John at
16 – Wind S, fine day, still thawing. John, Robert and horses at
Wms. Self writing letter to [?] Tough. Afternoon John and Robert
and horses at Wms.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Wm., John and Robert sawing wood.
Mother at Wms., Lizzie sick. [Birth of Albert Ernest Michie]. Philip
Andrew Stone and Georgina Luke here to dinner. Afternoon self,
Wm., John and Robert sawing wood.
18 – Wind S, fine day. Self, John and Robert sawing wood.
Mother still at Wms. Afternoon self and John and Robert sawing
wood. Margaret, John and Robert at a honey social in the hall,
Greenbank, in the evening. Made 18 dollars.
19 – Wind E, raining most all day. John at the Port. Self and
Robert doing nought. Margaret scrubbing. Violet Cragg here.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self digging snow on the road. Still
20 – Wind SW, snowing some. Nobody at Sunday School. John
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Violet Cragg leaves for
21 – Wind NW, fine day, nothing doing. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon John at Wms. Self splitting wood. Mr. Bradley here
from Whitby. Margaret washing.
22 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon John at Wms. Self splitting wood. Mr. Bradley leaves
for Whitby.
23 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Margaret at Wms. Robert
splitting wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Self sawing wood.
Robert splitting.
24 – Wind W, fine day. John at Wms. Robert splitting wood. Self
making axe handle. Afternoon Robert splitting wood. Self at
25 – Wind NW, cold day. John at Wms. Self and Robert splitting
wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and Robert at wood.
26 – Wind NW, cold day. John at Wms. Self and Robert at wood.
Afternoon John at Wms. Self, Margaret and Robert at the Port.
Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
27 – Wind N, cold high wind. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
John, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from 1st
Thessalonians V:21. George here
from Church.
28 – Wind NW, cold windy day. John at Wms. George at Prince
Albert. Self making axe handles. Robert splitting wood. Margaret
at Wms. Afternoon John at Wms. George gone to Mr. Beatons.
Self and Robert splitting wood.
29 – Wind NW, fine day. John at Wms. Self and Robert splitting
wood. Afternoon John at Wms. Self and Robert at wood.
Margaret at Mr. Lees quilting.
30 – Wind NE, fine day. John doing nought. Self and Robert
splitting wood. Afternoon self, John, Robert and Margaret at
Greenbank at the annual meeting of the Church.
31 – Wind NE, some snow through the night. John at the Port.
Robert at Wms. drawing turnips. Self doing nought. Afternoon
John doing nought. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
APR. 1 – Wind N, cold day. Robert gone with John and his box to
Mrs. Leasks and to Mr. Buels for clover seed. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. drawing wood. Self splitting wood.
2 – Wind N, very cold. Nothing doing. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon nothing doing. Robert at the Division meeting in the
3 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Robert and
Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
4 – Wind NW, cold day and the dust flying. Robert at Wms.
drawing wood. Margaret washing to Lizzie. Self doing nought.
Afternoon wind higher and dust thicker.
5 – Wind W, high wind and clouds of dust. Robert at Wms. Self
doing nought. Afternoon very cold and commenced to snow. Mr.
Robert Allens funeral. Nobody from here at it, the day so cold.
6 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at Wms. Self doing nought.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at Robert Phairs. Mother at Mr.
Lees. Robert at the prayer meeting at Mr. Ross’s in the evening.
7 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Mother at Wms. quilting.
Self splitting wood. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at wood.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self splitting wood.
Afternoon Robert and Margaret at the Port getting horses shoed.
Self doing nought. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Michie here from Sandford.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self doing nought. A.
Michie and wife leave for home. Afternoon Robert at Wm. Loves
barn raising. Self turning turnips. Robert at Division meeting in
the evening.
10 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Luke X:25 – 37. Robert and Margaret at the evening
meeting at C. M. Church.
11 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self turning turnips.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self sharping saw.
Mother at Mr. Akhursts, Mr. Akhurst sick.
12 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert threshing timothy seed. Self
piling wood. Annie and Eva Perkins and Susie Real here visiting.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self piling wood. Self, Robert and
Margaret at Temperance lecture in the evening by Mr. Cockburn
and Mr. Weeks. Mr. Munro here taking census and here all night.
Eva Perkins here all night.
13 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert gone to get subscribers to
petition against James Thompson getting a license. Self
choring. Margaret at Wms. washing. Afternoon self and Robert
drawing in hay stack.
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert drawing hay and rails.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing rails. Robert at Greenbank in
the evening.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert fanning grist. Afternoon
Robert at Tom Beares mill with grist and got it home with him.
Self at Thomas Phairs raising wood house. George Boddie here
in the evening.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at the Port. Self choring.
Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring.
Margaret gone to Mr. McTaggarts, Whitby. Robert at the Division
meeting in the evening.
17 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self and
Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from
Matthew XXV:30.
18 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self piling
wood. Margaret at Wms. washing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
Self piling wood. Robert at Mrs. Leasks in the evening to
19 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self piling wood.
20 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert plowing. Self filling furrow.
Margaret at Mr. Lees. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self piling
21 – Wind W, fine day. Wm. sowing wheat for us. Robert
harrowing. Self fencing. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self
22 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self fencing. Afternoon
Robert harrowing. Self sowing wheat and oats. Margaret at Mr.
Lees cleaning up.
23 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert plowing. Self at Greenbank for
papers. Afternoon Robert and Margaret at the Port. Self doing
nought. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from John XIV:6. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
25 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self sowing pease.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self digging
stones. Margaret at Mr. Lees.
26 – Wind W, some thunder and rain through the forenoon.
Robert plowing. Self cleaning door yard. Afternoon self and
Robert at the Manchester Fair.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self digging garden.
Afternoon Margaret and Robert at Mary Lees wedding. Self
28 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self in garden. Afternoon
self in garden. Robert plowing.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing to Wm. Self in garden.
Afternoon self in garden. Robert at Wms. Mrs. Akhurst very sick.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert sowing oats. Self fixing timothy
seed. Afternoon Robert sowing oats. Self choring. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening. Mary Lee and Maggie Masson
MAY 1 – Wind S, dull day. Robert gone to Mr. Edwards, Whitby,
to tell them that Mrs. Akhurst is near dying. Self and Margaret at
the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from Peter
2 – Wind W, fine day. Robert arrives from Whitby. Self pruning
apple trees. Margaret at Mr. Akhursts washing. Afternoon Robert
harrowing. Self pruning trees.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing at Wms. Self pruning trees.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Wm. here sowing barley. Robert
plowing. Self at trees. Mother planting onions.
4 – Wind S, fine day. Robert harrowing. Self sowing grass seed.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self fixing orchard. Robert and
Margaret at the prayer meeting.
5 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at apple trees.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self fencing. Mrs. Aslings house
6 – Wind Easterly, dull and foggy, some rain through the night.
Robert at Wms. Self setting up the [?] and pruning. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self for papers.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert gone with heifer to Thos. Bryants on
concession. Self rolling. Afternoon self rolling. Robert at the
Division meeting in the evening.
8 – Wind S, warm day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching
from Luke XVI:20 to 31.
9 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert rolling. Self fencing the swamp.
Afternoon Robert rolling. Self choring. Thunder and rain in the
10 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self cutting potatoes.
Margaret at Mr. Akhursts washing. Afternoon Robert drawing out
dung. Self cutting potatoes.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert drawing dung. Self cutting
potatoes. Afternoon Robert choring. Self at the Port. Margaret
washing. Self, Robert and Margaret at prayer meeting in the
12 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Margaret and Robert planting
potatoes. Afternoon finished potatoes and plowed orchard.
13 – Wind W, fine day. Robert at Greenbank getting coulter laid30
Self digging in orchard. Afternoon Robert drawing stones to Mrs.
Aslings house. Self digging. George comes home at night.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and George at the Port. Self
planting corn. Afternoon Robert choring. Self planting corn.
Robert and George at Division meeting.
15 – Wind NW, some showery. Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, George, Robert and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Luke XIX:11-27.
16 – Wind NE, showery, nothing doing. Margaret washing.
Afternoon George leaves for Wm. Inness’s to work for Duncan
McMillan. Robert plowing for Wm. Self fixing barley fork. Mother
at Mr. Lees.
17 – Wind NE, cold day. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self choring.
Margaret at Wms. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at James
Walkers. Robert rather sick. Margaret packing up.
18 – Wind E, dull day. Robert sick. Self at Whitby with Margaret
to Mr. McTaggarts and brought home Annie from Empires Mills.
19 – Wind Easterly, fine dull day. Robert at Wms. plowing. Self
fixing bars. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self choring.
20 – Wind W, dull day with some rain. Self and Robert drawing
out dung. Afternoon self and Robert drawing out dung. Some
rain through the afternoon.
21 – Wind W, raining most of the time, nothing doing. Afternoon
self and Robert drawing dung. Robert and Annie at Division
meeting in the evening.
22 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, George and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Matthew X:32.
23 – Wind S, hot day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Annie sick.
Afternoon self and Robert drawing dung.
24 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert drawing dung. Annie
washing. Afternoon self and Robert at the entertainment at
Presbyterian Church. Annie at Shaws anniversary. Self and
Robert at Greenbank.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert at dung. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Self spreading dung. Robert plowing. Mr.
and Mrs. Smith arrives from Whitby. Afternoon Robert at the Port
with Wms. oats. James Smith goes home.
‘Coulter laid’ – a coulter is a sharp bar on the front of
a plow. ‘Laid’ meant he was getting it sharpened.
27 – Wind S, fine day. Robert takes self, Mother and Barbara to
Wick Station. We arrive at A. Gordons, Kirkfield, at 2 o’clock.
28 – Wind E, rainy day. Stopped at A. Gordons. Afternoon at
John Gordons; all night.
29 – Wind SE, fine day. Self and Mother at Mr. Toughs in the
morning and at Kirkfield Church at 11 o’clock. Mr. Cuthbertson
preaching on election. At Mr. McCorkadales to dinner. Afternoon
at James McPhails and at A. Gordons all night.
30 – Wind SW, fine day. All at A. Gordons. Afternoon left the
Portage Road at half past 2, arrived home at 6.
31 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self planting corn.
JUNE 1 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self spreading dung.
Afternoon Robert and Annie gone to Port with Barbara to the
train. Self planting corn.
2 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self planting corn.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self planting corn.
3 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Self, Robert and Annie at
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Bickell preaching from 1st
VI:12. Lay hold on eternal life.
4 – Wind N, fine day. Much rain through the night, ground very
wet. Self and Robert at Greenbank voting for Bigelow. Madill
running on the Tory side. Annie scrubbing. Madill majority 25.
5 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Mother, Robert and Annie and George
at Brock at communion. Mr. Achison preaching from John
XIX:31. Robert, George and Annie at the meeting in the evening
at Greenbank.
6 – Wind NE, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at the road work.
Mrs. James Horne and Mrs. Walker here visiting. Afternoon self,
Robert and horses at road, put in 4 days and ½.
7 – Wind E, dull day. Self, Robert and horses at road work and
finished at noon. 6 days for self and the rest for Wm. Afternoon
Robert and horses at Wms. Self at Greenbank.
8 – Wind E, dull day. Robert harrowing. Self hoeing corn. Mother
making soap. Afternoon Robert harrowing. Self hoeing.
9 – Wind E, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self picking bugs.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self picking bugs.
10 – Wind E, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self at bugs. Afternoon
Robert at Wms. Self at bugs.
11 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert scuffling potatoes. Self hoeing.
Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self hoeing potatoes. Mrs. Akhurst
and Lizzie here visiting. Robert and Annie at the Division
12 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Annie at the Sunday School.
Self, George and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. John
Leask preaching one of Rowland Hills sermons. George Boddie
here. Robert at Salem Church in the evening.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self at bugs.
Annie washing. Afternoon Robert at Wms. Self at bugs. Wind
storm in the evening.
14 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self putting
up fence. Afternoon Robert whitewashing. Annie scrubbing. Self
at sideline to see jobs let. Mother churning.
15 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert harrowing and rolling. Self and
Wm. cutting trees out of the road. Afternoon Robert and Annie at
the Port. Self cutting trees out of barley.
16 – Wind SE, fine day. Robert drilling. Self hoeing corn.
Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing and sowing turnips.
17 – Wind W, some rain through the night, fine day. Robert
painting. Self hoeing. Afternoon Robert at the Port with grist. Self
at Greenbank for papers.
18 – Wind NW, rain through the night. Robert drilling. Self hoeing.
Afternoon Robert drilling. Self hoeing and sowing turnips. Robert
at Division meeting. Mother sick of ague.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self,
George and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Ephesians II:22.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self painting
and churning. Annie washing. Afternoon Robert drilling. Self
choring. Robert and Annie at Greenbank in the evening at school
21 – Wind N, fine day. Robert drilling. Self choring. Mother sick.
Afternoon Robert painting. Self sowing turnips and finished the
turnip seed. Mother shaking with ague.
22 – Wind N, dull day. Robert at Wms. Self ditching. Afternoon
Robert and horses at Wms. Self ditching. Scott, pedlar, here all
23 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self at the Port
for medicine to Mother. Afternoon Robert and horses at Wms.
Self filling ditch.
24 – Wind W. Robert sowing Wms. turnips. Self churning.
Afternoon Robert at Port for brick to Mrs. Asling. Self hoeing
potatoes. Mother shaking with ague. George Leask died.
25 – Wind S, looking like rain. Robert at Port for brick to James
Walker and broke waggon wheel coming home. Self hoeing.
Afternoon Robert at Greenbank with waggon wheel. Self doing
nought. Mr. McTaggart brings home Margaret sick.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Annie and Robert at the Sunday School.
Self, George, Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from II Psalm.
27 – Wind S, dull day. Robert and horses at Wms. Self cutting
thistles. Annie washing. Afternoon raining. Annie baking. Self
picking potatoes. Robert painting.
28 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert furring up the potatoes. Self
churning. Annie and Mrs. Williams baking. Afternoon self and
Robert fanning oats. Neil McDougald killed at Mr. Wm. Innes’s
barn raising.
29 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at the Port with oats and
brought James Walkers brick. Afternoon self mowing some.
Robert choring. Self, Robert and Annie at prayer meeting at Mr.
Lees. Wms. boy baptized.
30 – Wind N, fine day. Robert and horses at the anniversary
grounds all day. Self mowing. Annie and Mrs. Williams baking.
Afternoon self mowing. Annie and Mrs. Williams baking.
JULY 1 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and Annie at the Union
Sunday School anniversary. Amount took in $163.00.
2 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Robert and horses at the anniversary
ground, drawing lumber. Afternoon Robert and Annie at the Port
with Margaret to the Doctor. Self cocking hay in the orchard.
Robert at the Division meeting in the evening. President Garfield
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Nobody at Sunday School. Self, George,
Robert and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Dobson
preaching from Matthew XXVIII:22. Dr. Anderson at Margaret.
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert raking in the orchard. Self at
Greenbank with scuffler. Self cutting thistles. Mrs. Warren and
Eva Perkins here. Afternoon self and Robert drawing in hay out
of the orchard. Dr. Anderson at Margaret.
5 - Wind W, warm day. Self going round hunting for a 1/23 inch
auger and did not find it. Afternoon Robert at the Port for an
auger. Self hoeing corn.
6 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert at Whitby for Margarets box. Self
making rake. Afternoon self at rake. Mr. Achison here. Self,
Robert and Annie at James Walkers at prayer meeting. Dr.
Anderson at Margaret.
7 – Wind S, dull day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing turnips.
Rain at noon. Afternoon nothing doing. Dr. Anderson at
8 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
Robert hoeing turnips. Self at the Port and Annie there too.
9 – Wind S, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self putting Paris
Green on potatoes. Afternoon self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Robert and Annie at Division meeting in the evening.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Mother,
George and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Matthew XIII:45,46. Robert and Annie at evening
11 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips. Afternoon
self and Robert at turnips. Mrs. Walker and Miss Jane Akhurst
here in the evening.
12 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing. Annie at Mrs.
13 – Wind NW, droughty day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips.
Afternoon self and Robert at turnips. Robert at prayer meeting in
the evening at Mr. Ross’s.
14 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert at turnips. Robert Phair
here mowing. Afternoon self and Robert finish hoeing turnips for
first time.
15 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Wms. Self turning hay. Afternoon
self and Robert at hay, drew into barn 4 loads. Annie and Robert
at Greenbank in the evening. Mother has a shaky ague.
16 – Wind NW, shower in the morning. Self and Robert choring.
Robert Phair here mowing. Afternoon very high wind, nothing
doing. Mr. Phair finishes mowing. Self at Greenbank with the red
cow to Mr. Bryant.
17 – Wind N, fine day, very high wind. Robert and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, George and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Bickel preaching from Jonah I:6.
18 – Wind N, and very high. Self, Robert and Wm. drew 4 loads
of hay into stack and 2 loads into Wm. Afternoon Robert raking
hay. Self doing nought. Wind still high.
19 – Wind NW, fine day. Self, Robert and Wm. drew 2 loads of
hay into stack and 5 into barn which finishes. Afternoon drew in
hay to Wm.
20 – Wind W, fine day, thunder and rain all night. Robert at the
road with horses. Self churning. Afternoon self fixing in barn.
Annie picking berries.
21 – Wind N, fine day. Robert putting reaper together. Self and
Annie at the Port. Afternoon self and Robert taking up some hay
rakings. Annie picking berries.
22 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert painting kitchen floor. Self
putting Paris Green on potatoes. Afternoon Robert and horses at
Wms. drawing hay. Self cutting thistles. Mrs. Thos. Phairs son
23 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self mowing
barley. Afternoon Robert reaping barley. Self choring. Robert
and Annie at the Division meeting in the evening.
24 – Wind W, fine day. Robert, Annie and Margaret at the Sunday
School. George, Robert, Margaret and Annie at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching.
25 – Wind S, some rain in the morning. Robert and horses at
road job. Self hoeing turnips. Annie washing. Afternoon self
hoeing turnips. Much thunder to the south in the afternoon.
26 – Wind NW, dull cloudy day. Self and Robert hoeing turnips
and drew in 1 load of barley. Afternoon self and Robert at turnips
and drew in 2 loads of barley after supper.
27 – Wind NW, dull day. Robert scuffling turnips. Self hoeing.
Annie picking berries. Mother at Wms. Afternoon Robert scuffling
turnips. Self hoeing. Annie at the prayer meeting in the evening.
28 – Wind N, rather showery. Self, Robert and Wm. took in 2
loads of barley before dinner. Afternoon self, Robert and William
drew in 1 load of barley. Showery through the afternoon. Annie
picking berries.
29 – Wind E, fine day. Robert and horses at road job. Self at
James Walkers. Afternoon self turning barley.
30 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Self, Wm., and Robert drawing in
barley. Afternoon all at barley, took in 7 loads. Robert and Annie
at Greenbank at Division meeting.
31 – Wind Easterly, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at
Sunday School. Self, Mother, Margaret, George and Robert at
the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Achison preaching from Exodus
AUG. 1 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and horses at road job. Self at
the Port for trace chains and did not get any. Afternoon self
hoeing turnips. Robert at road.
2 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and horses at road job. Self hoeing
turnips. Afternoon Robert raking barley. Self at turnips. Finished
barley, 1 load rakings. Robert takes George’s box to Saintfield
after supper.
3 – Wind W, warm day. Robert at the road job with horses. Self
hoeing turnips. Afternoon Annie picking berries. Margaret at Mrs.
Burtons. Self hoeing. Mr. Williams gets 3 cattle killed.
4 – Wind W, fine day, very warm. Robert and horses at the road
job. Self hoeing turnips. Annie at berries. Afternoon Mother at Mr.
Lees. Self mending harness, hoeing done.
5 – Wind W, fine warm day. Robert and horses at the road job.
Self cutting timothy around the fences. Afternoon self mending
harness. Annie Perkins here all night. Thunder all night and
some rain.
6 – Wind Easterly, dull day. Robert gone with Miss Annie Perkins
and Annie to the train. Self cradling oats. Afternoon rain, nothing
doing. Robert at Division meeting in the evening.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Robert at the Sunday School. Self, Robert
and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Psalms I:3.
8 – Wind W, fine day. Robert reaping oats. Self cutting pease.
Afternoon Robert reaping wheat. Self binding. Robert at Port in
the evening for Annie and Miss Perkins.
9 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert cutting swath round wheat
field. Afternoon Robert reaping wheat. Self binding.
10 – Wind N, fine day. Robert reaping wheat. Self and Wm.
binding. Afternoon Robert reaping for Wm. Self binding at home.
11 – Wind W, fine day. Robert reaping wheat. Self binding.
Afternoon self binding. Robert shocking.
12 – Wind S, shower through the night. Self and Margaret at the
Port for medicine to Robert. Afternoon self binding oats.
13 – Wind NW, fine day. Self cutting pease. Robert in bed sick.
Afternoon self binding oats and at the Port in the evening for Dr.
Anderson to Robert. He came at 10 o’clock. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
and Miss Smith here.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert sick in bed. Annie at the Sunday
School. Self, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Miss Smith and Annie at the
Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Bickle preaching from Galatians I:4.
15 – Wind N, fine day. Robert sick. Self pulling pease. Afternoon
self reaping.
16 – Wind W, fine day. Self reaping. Robert sick. Afternoon self
and Annie drew in 4 loads of wheat, 1 of oats.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Self pulling pease. Robert sick. Afternoon
self, Wm., and Annie drew in 7 loads of wheat.
5 days had not time to keep any diary. Robert sick and harvest
24 – Wind N, fine day. Self, Wm. and Annie drawing in oats into
stack. Afternoon self, Wm. and Annie drawing in oats and
finishes harvest.
25 – Wind S, fine day. Self and horses at Wms. drawing pease.
Afternoon self drawing rails and fencing stacks.
26 – Wind S, fine day. Self at the Port with grist. Afternoon self
choring and oiling harness.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self mending harness and putting in
reaper. Afternoon self fixing stacks.
28 – Wind N, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. George and
John here. Self at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Exodus XX:3.
29 – Wind S, fine day. Robert sick in bed. Self at the Port for
brandy to him. Afternoon self and horses at Mr. Akhursts
30 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in bed. Self and horses at Mr.
Akhursts threshing. Afternoon machine at Mr. Lees and broke
down. Nothing doing.
31 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in bed. Self at Mr. Lees threshing.
SEPT. 1 – Wind N, fine day. Self at Mr. Lees threshing, done at
10 o’clock. Afternoon self and Jas. Walker at Brock to see
George Michie, he being sick and his wife too.
2 – Wind N, fine day. Robert in bed sick. Self plowing. Afternoon
self plowing. Rev. Mr. Achison and Dr. Anderson here in the
3 – Wind W, fine day. Robert in bed sick. Self plowing. Afternoon
self plowing.
4 – Wind SW, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Margaret at
the Presbyterian Meeting.
5 – Wind W, fine day. Self plowing. Annie washing. Afternoon self
plowing. Took Annies cow to bull – 4th
time. Strange looking
6 – Wind SW, very smokey. Self harrowing. Afternoon self and
Annie at the Port at Dr.
7 – Wind N, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon plowing.
8 – Wind E, smokey day. Self plowing. Afternoon plowing. Annie
gone to Mr. Boes. George here all night.
9 – Wind N, fine day. Self plowing. Mother at Mr. Lees and Mr.
Akhursts. Afternoon self plowing. Robert has his clothes on for
the first time since the 13th
of August.
10 – Wind S, fine day. Self plowing. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon
self plowing. Annie at Greenbank in the evening. George Boddie
11 – Wind W, fine day. Annie at the Sunday School. Self, Mother
and Annie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Dobson preaching
from Matthew XI:17.
12 – Wind W, fine day. Annie washing. Self plowing. Afternoon
self plowing. Mother at Robert Phairs.
13 – Wind N, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon plowing.
14 – Wind S, fine day. Self plowing. Robert not able to work.
Afternoon self and Annie at the Port. Self and Margaret at prayer
meeting at James Walkers.
15 – Wind SE, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon still plowing.
16 – Wind SE, very high. Annie papering. Self plowing. Afternoon
self plowing.
17 – Wind S, fine day. Self plowing. Annie scrubbing. Afternoon
some rain. Self choring.
18 – Wind N, raining some. Margaret at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Psalms XXXIV:1,2.
19 – Wind S, fine day. Self making ready for threshing, the
machine at Thomas Phairs. Afternoon choring. Machine broke.
President Garfield died 10:15 p.m.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Self choring. Afternoon choring. Machine
starts again at Toms at 4 o’clock.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Self at Robert Phairs threshing. Afternoon
at threshing.
22 – Wind S, fine day. Shower in the forenoon. Self at threshing.
Afternoon self fixing round. Started to thresh at 4 o’clock. 2
hands from R. Phair; 1 hand and horses from T. Phair; 2 hands
from J. Lee; 2 hands and horses from Mr. Akhurst; and Wm.
23 – Wind NW, heavy shower at 9 o’clock. Threshing with same
hands and James Walker more. Afternoon threshing till night and
24 – Wind W, rain through the night. Self fixing round the barn.
Afternoon self fencing straw stack.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert, Margaret and Annie at the
Sunday School. Self, Mother and Annie at the P. Methodist
Church. Mr. Hodson preaching from Luke XVI:31.
26 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Annie fanning barley. James
Smith and Barbara here. Afternoon self at the Port with barley.
James Smith, Barbara and Robert leave for home.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Annie fanning barley. Afternoon
self at the Port with barley.
28 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Annie fanning barley. Afternoon
self at the Port with barley. Mother at Wms. Margaret at
29 – Wind S, fine day. Self harrowing. Mother at Wms. Afternoon
self at the Port with Annie to go to the Empire Mills.
30 – Wind W and very high. Self harrowing. Afternoon self at
George Allens sale. Bought nothing.
OCT. 1 – Wind N, rain through the night and forenoon. Self
choring. Afternoon self harrowing. Margaret gone to Whitby.
2 – Wind S, dull day. Self at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from James V:20.
3 – Wind W, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon self plowing.
Robert comes from Whitby.
4 – Wind NW, cold day. Self plowing. Afternoon self at Mr. Marks
sale. Bought nothing.
5 – Wind N, fine day. Self takes Robert, Alex. and James Lee to
the Port to go to Lindsay Fair. Afternoon self at Andrew Peats
sale. Bought a waggon $30.79.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Self at Andrew Peats for waggon.
Afternoon self plowing. Margaret comes home from Whitby.
7 – Wind SW, fine day. Self plowing. Afternoon plowing.
8 – Wind SW, rain through the forenoon, nothing doing. Afternoon
self and Robert at the Port at the Reach & Scugog fair. Robert at
Division meeting in the evening.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Margaret at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from James V:7.
10 - Wind W, fine day. Margaret washing. Self plowing. Robert at
the plow 2 hours. Afternoon self plowing.
11 – Wind S, frost through the night. Self, Margaret, Robert and
Wm. taking up potatoes. Afternoon all at potatoes. Took in two
12 – Wind S and raining. Self mending harness. Afternoon self
plowing. County fair at Uxbridge.
13 – Wind N, fine day, rather cold. Self, Margaret and Robert at
potatoes. Afternoon at potatoes. Took in 2 loads.
14 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at potatoes.
Afternoon Robert and Margaret at the Port. Self taking in apples.
15 – Wind SW, rain through the forenoon, nothing doing.
Afternoon self plowing.
16 – Wind NW, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching.
17 – Wind S, rather rainy, nothing doing. Afternoon self, Wm.,
Margaret and Robert taking in apples.
18 – Wind W, cold day. Self and Robert fanning wheat. Afternoon
self at the Port with grist.
19 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert taking up apples.
Afternoon self at the Port with wheat. Walter Fowlie arrives from
Chatham [Utah].
20 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Fast day. Self, Margaret,
Robert and Walter Fowlie at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching. Walter Fowlie hires to G. Buel.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Self, Robert and Walter Fowlie drawing in
the pease stack. Afternoon Robert at the Port with Walter Fowlie,
going to Whitby. Self choring.
22 – Wind W, dull day. Robert fixing cattle stalls. Self draining.
Afternoon self draining. Robert topping turnips.
23 – Wind SE, wet day. Nobody at the Sunday School. Self,
Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr. Achison
preaching from Ephesians II:4.
24 – Wind Easterly, wet day. Self and Robert husking corn.
Margaret washing. Afternoon self at Greenbank. Robert paring
25 – Wind N, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips. Afternoon
self rowing turnips. Robert harrowing turnips. Drew in 2 loads.
26 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert rowing turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew in 13 loads.
27 – Wind W, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips. Afternoon
Robert harrowing turnips. Self rowing turnips.
28 – Wind SW, fine day. Self, Robert and Margaret at turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew in 15 loads.
29 – Wind Easterly and raining, nothing doing. Self and
Robt.rowing back turnips. Margaret scrubbing. Afternoon self
and Robert at turnips. Drew in 4 loads. Robert at Division
meeting in the evening.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Robert and Margaret at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Galatians I:15.
31 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert rowing turnips.
Afternoon self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew in 15 loads.
NOV. 1 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert topping turnips.
Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert harrowing turnips. Self
2 – Wind W, fine day. Self, Margaret and Robert at turnips.
Afternoon all at turnips, drew in 17 loads.
3 – Wind NW, fine day. Self and Robert rowing turnips. Afternoon
self, Robert and Margaret at turnips. Drew in 12 loads which
finishes turnips.
4 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self choring. Some snow in the afternoon.
5 – Wind SE, snowing some. Robert plowing. Margaret
scrubbing. Afternoon raining, nothing doing. Robert at the
Division in the evening.
6 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Luke I:6.
7 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing.
8 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Annie Perkins
here. Afternoon self choring. Robert plowing.
9 – Wind W, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Self, Robert
and Margaret at prayer meeting in Church.
10 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Afternoon
self logging in the swamp. Robert plowing.
11 – Wind S, fine day. Robert plowing. Self logging. Afternoon
Robert plowing. Self logging.
12 – Wind SE, rainy day, nothing doing. Afternoon nothing doing.
Robert at Division meeting in evening.
13 – Wind SW, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian Meeting.
Mr. Achison preaching from Leviticus XXV:9.
14 – Wind N, fine day. Robert plowing. Self choring. Margaret
washing. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self choring. Robert at
singing class in the evening.
15 – Wind W, fine day, rather cold. Robert plowing. Self threshing
pease. Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing pig house.
16 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self in the swamp.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self fixing spout to evetroughs. Self,
Margaret and Robert at the [?] meeting in the Church in the
17 – Wind S, dull day. Robert plowing. Self threshing pease.
Afternoon Robert plowing. Self threshing pease.
18 – Wind W, fine day. Robert doing nought. Self choring.
Afternoon Robert at the Port and Margaret. Self choring.
19 – Wind SW, fine day, nothing doing. Afternoon self and Robert
choring. Robert at the Division meeting in the evening.
20 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday
School. Self, Mother and Robert at Presbyterian Meeting. Mr.
Achison preaching from Acts XVII:25.
21 – Wind S, fine day. Self and Robert choring. Margaret
washing. Afternoon self and Robert threshing pease.
22 – Wind NW, cold day. Robert at Wms. drawing wood. Self
doing nought. Afternoon Robert at the creek. Self choring.
23 – Wind SE, cold day, nothing doing. Afternoon self and Robert
choring. Robert and Margaret at prayer meeting.
24 – Wind NW. Self, Robert and horses at Wms. threshing.
Afternoon self and Robert choring.
25 – Wind SW, fine day. Self and Robert reading the papers.
Afternoon self and Robert threshing pease.
26 – Wind SW, cold day. Self writing to Helen Tough. Robert
doing nought. Afternoon Robert at the Port. Self writing. Robert
at Division meeting in the evening.
27 – Wind NW, some snow through the forenoon. Margaret at the
Sunday School. Self, Margaret and Robert at the Presbyterian
Meeting. Mr. Achison preaching from 1st
Timothy I:8.
28 – Wind S, fine day. Self making sleigh tongue. Robert doing
nought. Margaret washing. Afternoon Robert reading. Self at
29 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at the Port getting horses shoed.
Self choring. Afternoon self in the swamp. Robert doing nought.
30 – Wind S, fine day. Robert at Greenbank with sleigh tongue.
Self in the swamp. Afternoon self in the swamp. Robert doing
nought. Self, Mother and Robert at prayer meeting in the Church.
DEC. 1 – Wind NW, rough day. Nothing doing. Afternoon self and
Robert threshing pease.
2 – Wind SW, fine day. Self choring. Robert reading the papers.
Afternoon nothing doing.
3 – Wind Easterly and snowing some. Robert at Greenbank for
the papers and sleigh tongue. Self choring. Margaret scrubbing.
Afternoon nothing doing. Robert at Division meeting in the
4 – Wind W, fine day. Robert and Margaret at the Sunday School.
Self, Mother and Robert at the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Achison
preaching from Numbers XXIII:10.
5 – Wind W, dull day, nothing doing. Margaret washing. Self
writing. Afternoon self writing. Robert goes to J. Watsons to be
ready to go to Toronto on Tuesday morning to Temperance
6 – Wind W, fine day, nothing doing. Self choring. Afternoon self
at Seagrave with Walter Fowlie.