1911 Diary – Walter McMackon
Transcribed by descendant, Paul Woodrow.
Addresses listed at the back of the original diary are not included in the transcription but can be
viewed in the original diary at Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph.
Small diary, 3 in. x 5 ¾ in.
Identification on inside front cover:
Walter McMackon
Address: Highgate, Angus, Ont.
Sun. Jan 1 – A.M. Asbury. P. S. Sat 12.00. Dinner at Dundas’s. Took 3.P.M. car to St. Clair.
Mon. Jan. 2 – New Years Day at St. Clair. Margaret Ray & I were visiting Wasey’s. We came
down on 6.08 P.M. car. Spent evening at 321. Mr.Gillis died t-day.
Tues. Jan. 3 – On the still hunt for work. Called at TB Institute & P & Dean where I am to insist
on the office in the morning. Eve. Ray went out for little while and I have followed him to 321
and went to 333Holbrook where J. Mills are living. Cassie & Wilbert were out. Mr. Nulls is
feeling poorly & Mrs. Nulls is completely laid up with a sore knee. Ray & I were a little late
getting home from 321.
Wed. Jan. 4 – Put in my 1st
day at the old office again. Seems like old times. Eve. Brought 2
valises over from Windsor and then stayed in. Viola played some on the piano.
Thurs. Jan. 5 – Colder than blazes and still living. Have added additions to-day until I wish Dec.
a/c’s were all added. Eve. Went out to Ferguson’s 320 Lansing for a while, had my supper there
too. Mabel & Kenneth were both home.
Fri. Jan. 6 – About 4 “ snow fell last night and make the walking wet.
Sat. Jan. 7 – Heading weeklies & any other jobs that came handy.
Sun. Jan. 8 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Eve. 321 for tea & stayed till later.
Mon. Jan. 9 – Just keeping myself busy. Eve. At Bakers 875 Mitchell. Dominoes & birch Patent
Medicines. Will Long & I to Velma house.
Tues. Jan. 10 – Same old routine, trying to keep busy. Eve. Stopped at Clara Smitz 7-9 and we
had quite a nice visit. There is where I like to go and Clara is a good sensible girl too.
Wed. Jan. 11 – Still putting in time. Eve. Was out calling 321 as I sometimes do. I was madder
than a hatter before the evening was over although I didn’t say. We parted good friends at last as
I don’t believe in letting little things break friendship. It would have been different had I been
going to stay for the summer instead of a couple of months. That’s where I should have kept my
mouth shut and I know it now.
Thurs. Jan. 12 – Eve. Went out to Leesville to locate the church & surroundings. Later went to
T.B.I. entertainment, speed trial.
Fri, Jan. 13 – La Child’s Rest for tea. Eve. At Leesville concert which gave “School Days”.
Sat. Jan. 14 – Eve. Called at 316 Collins & had a visit with Mrs. Miggee. Jno, Eddie & Gertrude
were all in. Frank saw that Miss Lovell left Toronto alright for Vancouver.
Sun. Jan. 15 – A.M. Church. S.S. Viola Ray & I were out. Eve. 893 Roosevelt Russell & Wills.
Jno Miggee called this P.M. 2-15-4.00. Big time at Russells. Miss & Grandma Corn not very
well. Mildred with Quinzy & Raymond a heavy cold.
Mon. Jan. 16 – Again on the job. Started to head a few monthlies to-day. Eve. Up to 14 thro to
333 Holbrook to see Mr. & Mrs. J. Mills. She is feeling a lot better. Miss Perkinsis with them
now. Came home thro the commons. Sent Lizzie a roll of “Put on your old Grey Bonnet”.
Tues. Jan. 17 – Went out to L.W. Mills for tea this evening. They are both quite well. Left my
parcels out there for a change. Called up --- at Yost’s Fur to see what evening I might vome out.
The answer was any evening but no particular one. Stung again but it didn’t work until to-
Wed. Jan. 18 – Mrs. Foster (Upcott) (Romney) was at Mrs. Clark’s to-day. The matter reviewed
made me feel like a bear so I went wild.
Thurs. Jan. 19 – Noticed a peculiar blue hobble skirt to-day from 76 Cong E.? One of the boys
wanted to know what I was doing around there. Oh I was just paying-------- bills. Eve. Stopped
in at Dr. Williams on my way up.
Fri. Jan. 20 – Eve. Clara Smitz & I were at Regal Auto Show at Piquette & Hastings. Also were
present: Mag & Alice, Ray & Guy, Russell & Wilb.
Sat. Jan. 21 – Was sorting a few due bills for Hughie this P.M. In morning took the liberty of
jabbing a pen point in a young lady’s back. Unintentional of course. Eve. Stayed in for a
Sun. Jan. 22 – A.M. Church. S.s. Eve. 334 ½ Hart. Miss McRitchie. Called in to see Earl
Gosnell 1329 Field and he was out. Walked down to Crane 445 to McGeofffrey’s for tea. Mr.
Shand present. Later walked out to Hart Ave. Two girls boarding there, Pearl Beatty at Queen
Quality & Blanche at Chalmers. They came in about 10 P.M.
Mon. Jan. 23 – Don’t remember what I did to-night.
Tues. Jan. 24 – Eve. At L.W. Mills 880 Porter. The last time I was out I left a couple of parcels
and this trip was to bring them home. Walked out with Hughie as far as 18th
Wed. Jan. 25 – At Roy Whitmore’s for tea 280 Porter. Chas. Came in early and he & I planned
to go to Highgate on the 4th
Thurs. Jan. 26 – Eve. Came up early and later Nellie Kettlehulm & Elsie Pullieblamk came home
with Viola from Queen Esther at 728 Theo Lichtwardt’s. Then I went home with the other two.
Stopped in at Hughes 632 Canfield E. For a couple of hours.
Fri. Jan. 27 – Eve. Wm. Cromie’s class organ ized there to-night. Pres. Cha Valade, Vice P. Al
Gray, Sec. Currie, Treas. Royal Smit\. Those present: Lee Burnett, All Gray, Horn, Ralph
Pearsol, Howard Travis, Will Smitz, Royal Smitz, Will Kearsley, Chas. Currie, Johnson,
Bennoer. Mary Mossett was in when I came home.
Sat. Jan. 28 – Eve. Stopped in at Queen Quality at 5.45 & 10.00 P.M. Wilkie & I had lunch at
Mich. Balt. I went to Windsor & hunted up Ernie Gordon at drug store on Dougal & Wyandotte.
Also asked him to come over for dinner to-morrow and he said he would. Was Hart &
Kercheval last night having met Miss . Brady down town, also Mr> & Miss Walker later.
Blanche Brady.
Sun. Jan. 29 – A.M. Church. S.S. P.M. Mr. & Mrs. Bennett 184 Harper formerly of Big Rapids
were here for dinner. Also Mr. & Mrs. Nelson. Ray was at 321. Ernie Gordon didn’t come over
for dinner as I expected. Was at the house for my 1st
Sunday since I came. Later called on some
friends on Kercheval near Hart.
Mon. Jan. 30 – Ray & I were at Wilbert Mills for tea to-night. Clara Smitz & Margaret came up
later and we spent a very enjoyable evening.
Tues. Jan. 31 – Eve. At Battishills 46 Lyman, at Dundas’ 321 Tromblay, at Pluddremans’s 1497
Jos E.
Wed. Feb. 1 – Met Chas. Johnson (117 Fort W.) on Woodward also Frank Reycraft who is at
Gesto. Took Frank over to dinner. Rose Strieb was on the Evenue but I wasn’t talking to her.
Eve at Lyceum. At the Mercy of Tiberius. 6.30 Sher & Harper, 7.05 changed & took car, 7-30
H & T & Jeff, 7.45 Jeff to town, 8.15 at Lyceum.
Thurs. Feb. 2 – Went up home early to-night & rolled in at 7.30. I bet the bed was surprised.
Fri. Feb. 3 – Eve. Had tea at Clara Smitz 790 Medbury, afterwards went to League Business
Meeting. There were about 20 out. Chas. Currie elected Secretary for the 2 mos left of the year.
He & I walked home with Mabel Palmer & May Stacey. Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy were visiting at
Stacey’s 891 Piquette
Sat. Feb. 4 – Took 4.00 P.M. train for Highgate. Chas. Whitmore came also over. Was through
the tunnel for the 1st
time. Frank didn’t come home as expected. He may come in the middle of
the week or not until later.
Sun. Feb. 5 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Eve. #37 to Detroit – ½ hr late. Will Gayner, Mrs.
Gayner, Bert Atkinson, Herb Lee, Nelson Stone, Jno Lee, A. Fenton, A. Miller, Dr. McLeod, H.
Mon. Feb. 6 – Noon. Called to find where Belle Gayner worked & found her sick at 29 Col W.
She is waiter at St. Charles Hotel. Went up early in evening. Ray & I were playing checkers.
Tues. Feb. 7 – Eve. Called at 185 Orleans, John Grahjam is boarding there with his grandmother.
I used to think I was quiet but am not in it with Jno. Jimmy Graham his father used to cut staves
in Highgate. Later we went to the Reception for the Minister at Asbury. I made a fool of myself
by not joining in with the crowd.
Wed. Feb. 8 – Called at Chas. Whitmore’s & he & I went to Lou Carnegie 382 Parker for
Thurs. Feb. 9 – Noon. Called on Belle Gaynor again. She is still under the weather. Eve. Keith
& Hart. Lyceum Theatre. Thurston the Magician.
Fri. Feb. 10 – Noon. 145 & T to Dr. Williams for dope. Eve. Party at Percy Kluff 116 Widrinn.
I was with Viola, Hazel, Ruloff, Lulu Benner.
Sat. Feb. 11 – Eve. Called at Brush & Bowl to see Fay Neice but she has left. Next to 321
Trembly & there down town on 14th
. Tilly & Alice were on 14 down. Out Hart Ave. later.
Some ones parents surprised her to-day. I walked up to-night 1 ½ hrs up Hart-Mack, St. Jean
then across up Hance, Schumacher, McClellan, Harper.
Sun. Feb. 12 – A.M. Church. S.S. Eve. Church. Didn’t go to Don’t U No as she & parents were
out on Goodwin Ave. & they were all I knew but Percy & Marian.
Mon. Feb. 13 – This is my last week at the switchboard, 6.30 A.M. -6.00 P.M. Was down town
for a while this evening.
Tues. Feb. 14 – Wet & sloppy all day.
Wed. Feb. 15 – Eve. Called at Smryle’s or Johnsons 58 Nitcalm W. & Fred & I went to Miles.
Anna Eva Fay.
Thurs. Feb. 16 – Eve. Lyceum Theatre. Al G Fields Minstrel’s. Mae Ritchie is in bed with a
cold but is nearly over it. Met also Mrs. Brady who is visiting there.
Fri. Feb. 17 – Stunt Social at Bakes 575 Mitchell. About 40 out.
Sat. Feb. 18 – Frank came in at noon & I got off at 5.00. We went to see Eric Gordon, Dougal &
Wyandotte – Cappels Drug Store.
Sun. Feb. 19 – A.M. Church. S.S. Frank & I were at Irene Crichtonès 1027 Vermont in P.M. &
later at Kerchewal & Hart at McKitchie’s. Mrs. Brady & Blanche were out on Goodwin & came
in late.
Mon. Feb. 20 – Frank went away this P.M. on the plug. 4.00 He was at Fergusons for dinner.
Eve. Went out to see Mrs. J. Mills at Carrie’s 291 Melbourne.
Tues. Feb. 21 – Lilly Baker & I were atLadies Aid Social. Oysters & concert. They had a good
dialogue & songs. They also announced the wedding of “Ray & Margaret as a joke” but it
wasn’t taken that way. Father went north to Barrie from Highgate to-day.
Wed. Feb. 22 – Geo. Washington’s Birthday. Was off to-day from 2.00 P.M. Went skating at
Belle Isle. It was rough & windy. Had supper at 98 Col & met P. Brady at ferry 6.30. Mary,
Irene, Mr. & Mrs. McRitchie came later we went over to hear McWomb Brown in Windsor
Evangelists. 4 of us later at Family I took crosstown up from Jeff on way out.
Thurs. Feb. 23 – Called Mabel Ferguson up this evening and she said she would meet me
downtown at 8.00. We went to................ Yourself & company are cordially invited to attend a
surprise party given in honor of Miss Lillian Baler (Piquette & Elmwod) on her 21st
Thurs. Feb. 23, 1911. Ed Cox, Nellie Cuthruhn, Mabel & I caught 91210 Baker downtown. I
stayed at Fergusons all night.
Fri. Feb. 24 – Came up by 7.00. had a bath & head washed & rolled in by 9.00 Put one down for
me please.
Sat. Feb. 25 – Eve. 9.30 – P, B & I went to Family to see the animals, they were pretty good. We
met Mr. & Mrs. Mac coming out when we did. Stopped in drug store off Jeff car barns for soda
at 11.45.
Sun. Feb. 26 – A.M. Church. S.S. Eve. Asbury. Margaret D told me about a ticket for the West
which I might be able to get for $5.00 or $10.00. It is only good until the 5th
March tho. If I
should take it I will certainly leave in a hurry. Am to go to 321 Trembly Mon. Evening to see
the party. Eve. Walked part-way home with Dave Cromie.
Mon. Feb. 27 – Eve. Up to see Percy Lawson. Not at home. Also at 321 Trembly. Ray came
over later & we came home together.
Tues. Feb. 28 – Eve. Met Chas. Whitmore at Masonic Temple Lef & Cass about ticket. At
Lyceum to hear Mrs. Wiggs of Cabbage & Patch. It was good with P. Brady. Noon. Went to see
Percy Lawson Richmond about ticket, bot same for $5.00. Am just runn ing a chance of being
dumped off the rain though. It’s good only until Mar. 5. – Sunday next. Saw Fred Royal.
Wed. Mar. 1 – I quit my job to-day whether for good, bad or indifferent remains to be seen.
Called up Ernie Gordon & found out that he si going out on Monday next, but too late for me if
my ticket holds good.
Thurs. Mar. 2 – Took #36 home from Windsor nix but took electric to Essex. Uncle Wm. &
Aunt Mary are off to Buffalo to visit to-morrow and will likely stay a month. Aunt Mary & Em
were in Detroit to-day but came back at 4 P.M. and were going out for evening. I took plug for
home at 5.53 & arrove 7.30. Geo. Lee was on train to-night. Mother says Father has been doing
up north but what makes me mad is that I didn’t know anything about it toil I quit my job & had
my ticket bought for Melita in Manbitoba good until Sun. Mar. 5.
Fri. Mar. 3 – Gordon drove me to catch #9 at Ridgetown at 4.45 arrived 6.10 Detroit at 1064
Harper, by 17.30 saw Ray a few minutes called on Mrs. Smitz, Will Cromie, Miss Brady (Queen
Quality), 10 Adams W. Phoned Minnie Walker, Mrs. Ferguson. Sorry I missed the Queen.
Esther Party last night. There were several there who wondered why I didn’t come. Took 2.05
P.M. – CPR express from Windsor to Toronto 9.20 & waited to catch 10.10 P.M. for West. But
waited for Frank and also expected Daddy. Went up to Molsons Bank & waited for Frank.
Sat. Mar. 4 – Got up early (8) and Frank & I had dinner at 1.30 at Simpsons. Was at Goddess of
Liberty at Grand this P.M. Frank & I had lunch at Schillers in evening.
Sun. Mar. 5 – A.M. Elm St. Church Meth, P.M. Elm St. S.S., Eve Bond St. Congreg Bryon M
Stauffer. Franbk went to Miss Morrisons & they to Flo Kerwins. I went out to Soules 52
Hogarth. Mrs. Soules, her mother & Orpheus were there.
Mon. Mar. 6 – Dad’s letter came this A.M. saying there wouldn’t be much money in it till after
harvest & probably I had better wait till he came down likely inside of a month.
Tues. Mar. 7 – Chasing all over for a job but didn’t get one. Met Will Maginn on Queen neat the
Don. Albert Gordon was over for tea and until 8 P.M.
Wed. Mar. 8 – Struck a job this A.M. at 490 Bloor W. – Wm. Unser – Baker as driver & to help
inside. Late hours he said but he didn’t say I couldn’t have a regular hour for dinner & tea. Start
on 7 bucks 50 ct a wk, raise till 8. To get breakfast & tea at 247 Major for 2.25 per. Average for
a room at Major at 1.50 will pay next eve.
Thurs. Mar. 9 – Grouch – hurry all day, lunch in store, dinner at 2.30.
Fri. Mar. 10 – Same. Supper in store, thro by 7.30.
Sat. Mar. 11 – Still on the job but Mr. Unser is to grouchy to suit me. .M. 3.00 – 6.30 one trip
that I should have finished by 5.00 but I got lost in Rosedale & so did Francis Unser. Didn’t get
thro working till 11.30 & was out in rain, hail, etc. Supper in store. So boss & I disagreed over
tending to horse on Sunday and as I was down town I wouldn’t come up so I quit. Eve. Frank
had opened my letter from home and Dad said he might be down in a week or so and then I was
a little sorry I quit.
Sun. Mar. 12 – P.M. S.S. Elm St. Eve. Bloor W., cor. North Baptist to hear Mr. Cameron who
wasn’t there. Didn’t get up until 11.30 then went over to 114 Bay. Frank Fisher Brown & I
were at Lovey’s for dinner. Later, Frank & I at 30 Hepbourne Mr. Whyte’s for tea. Marian
wasn’t feeling very well but Jack was. The baby Helen too. After church we walked down to
114 Bay and I brought up a few things with me. Brought my valise up before S.S.
Mon. Mar. 13 – Nothing doing. Eve. Wrote in answer to ads. Was visiting Morden Watson &
Bill Gayner all day. Stayed so late in bank upstairs that janitor locked me in so I stayed with
Tues. Mar. 14 – Tramp tramp all for nix. Eve. Markle, Frank & I at Princess to hear Raffles.
Martin & Scott in town to-day.
Wed. Mar. 15 – Tired of walking the streets. I have wished several times already that I hadn’t
jumped my job. Father was in Toronto this A.M. but I didn’t see him.
Thurs. Mar. 16 – Down town in time for dinner at Louey’s. Out with Frank to tea at 192 George.
A splendid place, 20cts each or 7 per 1.00. Eve. Came up to 208 early. Frank working to-
Fri. Mar. 17 – Had dinner at Mr. Ben Dean’s 19 St. Andrew. They are quite a pleasant old
couple. She is sister of Jno Wright of Rockwood and knows all the people there. Out to supper
with Frank. Eve sat 208 Major. P.M. at Sheas Matineu. Eve packed up at 208 Major. Frank
had letter from dad at Barrie stating he can’t be down for a day or so. Also that I might use
A.O.U.W. {Ancient Order of United Workmen} Grand Lodge Ry certificate & get a free ride
home & come back in car. I guess I had better although I am mad all over. Mertyn Scott
returned home from Toronto on #37.
Sat. Mar. 18 – Took 1.15 8.10 P.M. home from Toronto to-day. Used A.O.U.W. return slip vis
Hamilton & Waterford.
Sun. Mar. 19 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Eve. Church.
Mon. Mar. 20 – Helped Mother wash in A.M. .M. cleared up the yead some. Eve. 2 marys & I
were at thge Palmyra Social & Entertainment. Rev. Mr. Johnson – Pastor. Speakers – Mr.
Nethercote – Moraviantown, Mr. Uren. Singers: Dr. McLachlan; Mrs. McLaughlan; Mrs. Smith
Baker, Teeswater; Ern Russell; Reader. Will Riddick, Ethel McK, Chas. Murray, Hazel Phoenix,
Myron Miller, Leach, will Phoenix, Hall, Lizzie McM, Geo Eberle, Ada Shipp, Millie Keyes,
Ethel Gosnell, Harry Sifton, LaVerna McPhail.
Tues. Mar. 21 – P.M. Frank Tape was threshing wheat at Mr. Mickle’s barn, 90 bushels. Eve.
Will Riddick & I met the plug MCR & escorted 2 Marys & Ethel home. Was at AOUW meeting
in time to see it close. McKerrachers have bought a house in Ridgetown to-day.
Wed. Mar. 22 – Raining some to-day. Mother is having a quilting bee this P.M. Eve. League.
Had been postponed till to-night on account of Palmyra tea meeting.
Thurs. Mar. 23 – I have done nothing but read to-day. 2 Marys & Will Riddick called to-day so
Mary Teould say good-bye.
Fri. Mar. 24 – Mary Taylor who has been visiting at Mary Riddick is leave for Perth on the #36
via Toronto where she stopped for a few hours to se Frank McM & also to wait for next train.
Eve. Went up & called on Aunt Maggie for a little while.
Sat. Mar. 25 – Eve. Called to see Bert Atkinson & did not leave til 11.45. Played checkers.
Sun. Mar. 26 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Eve. Church. Lizzie, Ethel McK & I at Mary Riddick’s
for tea. WE later went to Church. It rained quite heavy afterwards.
Mon. Mar. 27 – To-day started with rain & in P.M. it stoped & turned cold & windy, later
1. D. McMackon – Highgate, Ont. Victoria 3-25. John & Martha passengers in Steamer
Sechelt which capsized in Fuca Straight this A.M. Notify saida. R.H. Fyfe.
2. Dad sent telegram to Wm. Burns, Rockwood (same as above).
3. Also to Fyfe in Victoria. Have not address. Telegram to Wm. Burns, Rockwood to
notify saida. D. McMackon.
Tues. Mar. 28 – A.M. Helped Mother while she was washing. P.M. Split up some old chunks
lying around. Then went after cross cut saw. Eve. Found saw at Phoenix & stayed for tea and
until 8.30.
Wed. Mar. 29 – I sawed up some wood with Gordon’s assistance.
Thurs. Mar. 30 – Forgot.
Fri. . Mar. 31 – Forgot.
Sat. Apr. 1 – Forgot.
Sun. Apr. 2 – Church, S.S., Church. Nellie Keyes & Harry Eberle “Dutch” were here for tea.
After Church we went over to Ethel Gosnell’s. Another derth over there.
Mon. Apr. 3 – We were hauling fertilizer from John’s to-day. John Limton & Bob Phillips are
working at Johns.
Tues. Apr. 4 – A.M. Helped Lyde wash. P.M. at wood pile. Rained all day.
Wed. Apr. 5 – Rained nearly all day. Split wood all day. Farewell party at McKerrachers to-
night. They gave him a gold watch, her a chain & Ethel a locket.
Thurs. Apr. 6 – A.M. Split wood. P.M. Cleaning vats, 2 of us.
Fri. Apr. 7 – A.M. split wood. P.M. pruning apple trees. Maggie Fenton came home from New
York last night & Aunt Ellen drove her home this A.M. She reported an elegant time.
Sat. Apr. 8 – J.A. Fenton Hauling fertilizer.
Sun. Apr. 9 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Miss Craw, teacher to-day, Mrs. Uran’s sister. Eve.
Church. Took a drive after S.S. Took Maggie Fenton home, Miss Brigham was with us. WE
called at John’s to see the baby Helen. WE had tea at Aunt Ellen’s. Mrs. Waggle of Kingsville
here for dinner to-day.
Mon. Apr. 10 – Lovely spring day. I cleaned garden some. Helped with washing a little. Eve.
League. Later at Geo. Reycraft. Grace & Alin a home. Will Riddick left for the West this 4.30
A.M. via Detroit.
Tues. Apr. 11 – Mary & Nancy O’Neil were out to-day.
Wed. Apr. 12 - Dad, Gordon & I were at McKerracher’s sale. It rained till about 2 P.M. A
farming mill, pair of scales & side delivery rake were bought.
Thurs. Apr. 13 – doing some packing.
Fri. Apr. 14 – Norman Whitmore came A.M. Aunt Nellie, Helen & Nelson on #37. Mathew &
Mrs. Dickson called this P.M. We were all are church for tea. Phyllis & Clara Reycraft, Lizzie,
Ethel, Belle, Eva Smale, Norma & I were for a walk later. Later still Norman & I called on Mary
Riddick & her friend Miss Gunn of Sx. Miss Brigham went to Toronto on #36. I carried valise.
Sat. Apr. 15 – We were moving furniture, piano & safe into PM car. Parker & Uncle Nelson
assisted us. Norman returned on #36. Eve at Mr. Miller’s.
Sun. Apr. 16 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. B. At Mr. Millers; D at J.E. Guilds, Aunt Ellen &
Nelson W; S at Uncle Mac – Laura, Helen & Nelson, Gordon.
Mon Apr; 17 – Loading cars.
Tues. Apr. 18 – 12 A.M. Gordon & Dick left. 3 P.M. I left on PM Ry in London at midnight.
Gordon waited 17 hrs in St. Thomas.
Wed. Apr. 19 – 12 mid – 12 mid, 24 hours, waited in East London.
Thurs. Apr. 20 – 12 mid. – 12 noon with Merry Widow, London to Allendale thro St. Marys,
Stratford, Guelph, Georgetown, Beeton. 12-4 P.M. laid in Allendale. Then Gordon & I came
out together on nixed train, arrived 4.30 P.M. I travelled 28, waited 22 hrs. Gordon travelled 29,
waited 24 hrs.
Fri. Apr. 21 – 7 load furniture out. 20 load put in warehouse. Both cars empty.
Sat. Apr. 22 – Lizzie & Grace came to Angus P.M. Bert Willoughby brought out load in A.M.
Tore down verandah. Put up stove - swept some. Dad at McKinnon’s to-night.
Sun. Apr. 23 – Dick & I drove into Angus before & back after tea. I was at Rev. Peacock’s &
met Cassie Campbell & Ida McMulken. Dad & Gordon at McKinnon’s to-night.
Mon. Apr. 24 - Dad drove in for Mother &b Lizzie in A.M. They are at McKinnon’s to-night.
Brought chickens home to-night.
Tues. Apr. 25 – This week have been white-washing, alabasting, cleaning up yard, etc. Jim
Smith & Bert Willoughby are here this week. Jim ploughing with 2 grays. Bert ploughing with
2 bays & hunch.
Wed. Apr. 26 – Jim & Bert.
Thurs. Apr. 27 – Jim & Bert.
Fri. Apr. 28 - Jim & Bert. Tom McKinnon brought some seed from town.
Sat. Apr. 29 – Gordon alabasting. I cleaning yard, etc., put up clothesline. Eve. Lizzie & I drove
out to Angus, called at peacock’s & McMulkin’s. Bert & Jno Davidson’s & vice Verra Jack
seeding oats by school house.
Sun. Apr. 30 – Gordon, Dick & Grace drove to Church this A.M. Eve. Lizzie & I started to
church but it rained so we came back & I had the horse in by time the rain was over.
Mon. May 1 – tearing down old hen pen, quite cold too.
Tues. May 2 – Finished removing the old hen pen.
Wed. May 3 – put board at back of new pen& wire up to-day.
Thurs. May 4 – repaired 3 stable doors, straightened west wall of end of root cellar.
Fri. May 5 – Took manure away from sills & nailed up so hens couldn’t get under born (sic).
Sat. May 6 – A.M. clearing stumps in west corner of big field. P.M. planted potatoes in west
side of garden. Frank came up for over Sunday.
Sun. May 7 – A.M. Lizzie, Grace & I at S.S. Lizzie drove out with Mr. McM & I went back.
Ida was coming out but hr cousin came so she didn’t. Eve. Frank& Lizzie out at church.
Randolph West, Ida & we 3 were at Peacock’s for awhile. In P.M. Gordon, Frank & Dad were
down as far as the Forks.
Mon. May 8 –Frank off on the early train. Putting in garden next to the road. Taters, tomatoes,
cucumbers & Gordon put in Strawberry plants. Later we cleared out the well.
Tues. May 9 – Dad put top on well. I split up some boards in barnyard. The new team came
after dinner, Dolly & Minney. Gordon & Dad drove to Angus after rest of seed.
Wed. May 10 – Working the team harrowing in big field & also by house.
Thurs. May 11 – Harrowing & discing in b8ig field. Bert Willoughby is thro to-night.
Fri. May 12 – discing & harrowing big field alone to-day, working Min & Frank.Eve. Lizzie & I
drove out to town to choir practice. Misses Blair, McEva, McMulkin, Miscampbell, Rev.
Peacock & Archie Duxworthy.
Sat. May 13 – harrowing mostly, discing leastly, worked Frank & Doll in A.M. & changed with
Min in P.M. Dolly sprained her right hind ankle.
Sun. May 14 – A.M. Took a walk over by Mad River. First time I have seen it. Eve. Lizzie & I
drove to church & brought Mother back. Ida, Lizzie & I were over at Mr. West’s for awhile ,
also were Mr. & Mrs. Clarke.
Mon. May 15 – no entry.
Tues. May 16 – most of big field planted in barley, wheat, oats & peas.
Wed. May 17 – Jim Mullen thro to-day, he was plowing the gore.
Thurs. May 18 – no entry.
Fri. May 19 – Out to Choir practice as usual. Sorry we cannot get home earlier.
Sat. May 20 – 3 colts brot over from Thos. Harrison, Barrie. This week I have rolled, disked &
kept at it. 1 calf arrived to-day, Co Reddy.
Sun. May 21 – Dick, Gr & I out in A.M.. Gor & I in Eve. Lizzie went out Sat. P.M.. Was with
Everard West after church.
Mon. May 22 – A.M. Was helping fix Davidson’s line fence thro bush. There were Jno & Dave
also Alec McK. Gordon farrowed flax. The rest of week we were putting up wire fence & barb
wire also clearing the brush around same.
Tues. May 23 – no entry.
Wed. May 24 – P.M. Grace, Lizzie & I were at Heameebury, also Jno, Dick & Mother. I played
with Utopia vs Angus, 2 to 14? on account of a played being hit. Was out for a drive later. 3
colts brot to parture. 2 De Jeardine, 1 McDonald.
Thurs. May 25 – no entry.
Fri. May 26 – Lizzie & I out at choir practise. I disked, harrowed & planting corn, finished by 9
A.M. Sat.
Sat. May 27 – A.M. clearing corner of big field. P.M. continued & I was ploughing a little for
roots. Eve. Out & had Lorne Davidson cut my hair, also had a little visit.
Sun. May 28 – Richard, Grace & I out to S.S. Lizzie, Gordon & I out to church. Mother stayed
in all day. She don’t care very much about going out Sun. Evening so it seems. Mr. Percy &
Miss Gauley & Mrs. Jeannette (Detroit) of Brentwood stopped in at Mr. Peacock’s and I did
later. Lizzie found Archie interesting & Gordon Ida.
Mon. May 29 – Gordon & I drawing out some fertilizer for turnips & potatoes, 16 loads.
Tues. May 30 – no entry.
Wed. May 31 – no entry.
Thurs. June 1 – no entry.
Fri. June 2 – no entry.
Sat. June 3 – Have getting ground ready for turnips & potatoes. Put potatoes in Thurs & Fri.
Sun. June 4 – A.M. Lizzie & I drove to Brentwood to church. Rand had service & Arch went
with him. We were at Dora & Percy Gauley’s for dinner & tea & were at Angus in Eve. Lizzie
& I were at Lorna Davidsons for a while after church & had quite a sing. Mr. Peacock’s Brother
had the service to-night.
Mon. June 5 – no entry.
Tues. June 6 – no entry.
Wed. June 7 – no entry.
Thurs. June 8 – no entry.
Fri. June 9 – Out to C.P. [Choir Practise] as usual.
Sat. June 10 – Dad, Mother & Lizzie were in Barrie to-day. They were caught in a storm coming
out from Angus. Lizzie stayed out till Sunday eve.
Sun. June 11 – A.M. S.S. Walked out, none of the others came out. Lizzie was in Angus over
Sat. Night. P.M. At Tom Duckworth’s with Arch for dinner & tea. Eve. Song Service, which
was quite nice. Randolph gave a short talk.
Mon. June 12 – no entry.
Tues. June 13 – This P.M. was a raising at Jas Davidson’s. I guess we were all over.
Wed. June 14 – This week we have put a fence around for the 2 calves & some pigs. Also have
cultivated potatoes in garden, harrowed those in field, finished rolling oat field & cult mangles.
One morning I had a trip to Angus & returned with a new wagon rack & single cultivator & my
bike. Eve. Gordon & I at Chas McKinnons. Lizzie walked out to Angus & back to-day.
Thurs. June 15 – Gordon & I hoed 24 rows mangles. Have started to fix one end of shed so I can
make it handy to run in the buggy & out. This is work at odd times. Eve. Mrs. Jas. Davidson &
children also Miss Campbell were over.
Fri. June 16 – Harrowed & drilled in corn, then 3 of us ploughing far corner of big field. Eve.
Lizzie & I drove to C.P. in Angus and we couldn’t go very fast on account of the pony. It is
quite chilly these evenings. Mr. Peacock has been transferred to Toronto & a Mr. Irwin is
coming here.
Sat. June 17 – We 3 ploughing in ditch in big field.
Sun. June 18 – Did .... .... special events to-day S.B. driving with Mr. McDiarmid in evening & I
was not. Miss Mitchell & I went for a drive.
Mon. June 19 – Ground finished for buckwheat & it was put in.
Tues. June 20 - Ground finished for buckwheat & it was put in.
Wed. June 21 – rolled big corner of big field. I guess we had beets rest of day.
Thurs. June 22 – 2 jags lumber from Redferns will also 52 chop 100 mid.
Fri. June 23 – 2 more loads & all. Jimmie Mullen brot load in P.M. also. Eve. Farewell surprise
at Peacocks. Large crowd, had refreshments with ice cream. Young people stayed & cleaned up
& then had a general good sing. SB in Barrie.
Sat. June 24 – Started hoeing sugar beets again. Jno & I did 12 rows.
Sun. June 25 – S.S. Review. I had Lesson 6 & 7 was Lizzie’s. We were at Wests for the day.
Archie Rau & I were out walking in P.M. with Jessie & Lizzie McAteer & Ida Mac. Eve.
Church. Mr. Peacock’s farewell.
Mon. June 26 – replanted buckwheat instead of corn, also put in some beans & radishes. Gordon
finished again the sugar beets.
Tues. June 27 – A.M. 3 big poles were secured from bush. Potatoes were bugged. Eve. Mr. &
Mrs. Jas. McDermott out for tea. Carpenters repairing hay track. Dollie out to Angus.
Wed. June 28 – Started to plough across the river. Eve. Drove out to A.O.U.W. Meeting & there
was none. Eve. Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Peacock & Evan out for tea.
Thurs. June 29 – 2nd
day ploughing.
Fri. June 30 – 3rd
day ploughing across the creek, used the 3 horses. Father & Mother drove to
Barrie to-day. We weren’t out at Choir P. in Eve.
Sat. July 1 – Plowing across river yet.
Sun. July 2 – S.S. in A.M. Grace & Dick Walked out in afternoon, went up on the other side of
river, & I called at West’s for tea. The minister was there batching since last Wednes. Went out
for a drive.
Mon. July 3 – Gordon & I doing road work to-day with team.
Tues. July 4 – ditto. Only had 7 days but we put in 8.
Wed. July 5 – Cutting hay next roots & raked & drew in 1 load.
Thurs. July 6 – Two loads hay in P.M.
Fri. July 7 – Cut hay field opposite Butternut tree. P.M. Raising at John Dunn’s. Al over but
Dick. Lizzie & I out driving later. Hay next roots – 3 loads.
Sat. July 8 – raked last field & drew in 3 loads. Hay opp. B.T., 3 loads.
Sun. July 9 – Didn’t go out till evening. Lizzie was out last night. Rev. Mr. Irwin preached his
sermon here this Eve. Jno & I were late as usual. S.B. Rau & us 3 were at Mr. Clarks for a
while in Eve.
Mon. July 10 – Cut field opp. House to-day. Drew in 1 load with Chas. McK hay loader & then
it rained so I took it home. Eve. Lizzie, Gordon & I at Jas. Davidsons.
Tues. July 11 – Raking, 2 loads this P.M. , hay was very short. Thuis makes 3 off field opp.
House site. 2 men came out to put hay loader together & found a piece missing so they are to
come out again. A.M. Trip to Angus & brought hay loader out, also rock salt & nails & brl salt.
Hay opp house, 3 ½ loads.
Wed. July 12 – Cutting in same field. 6 loads in P.M. I use the slings but dad would rather use
the fork.
Thurs. July 13 – cut in F. this A.M. Rained for an hour or so about noon. Used Tedder a while
the tried the new Hay Loader which works alright. 2 men were here to-day & put it up, drew in
2 Loads to-night. Dad brought us wagon (from Highgate) to hay rack from Angus this A.M.
Fri. July 14 – Still in same field. Hay loader works OK.
Sat. July 15 – Cut all A.M. Mr. & Mrs. Humphrey here yesterday & left this A.M. I drove out
for Mrs. Clark this evening.
Sun. July 16 – In evening 2 rigs out. R.W. stayed all night but I drove home. It rained quite
heavy nearly all night. Mr. & Mrs. Clark here to-day.
Mon. July 17 – Finished cutting behind barn. 18 loads off the field. Dad brought hay rake out
this A.M. I took team & bough balance of binder out in P.M. Saw Ida & Le, also Strat.
Tues. July 18 – At field beside house.
Wed. July 19 – continued. Cut 7 rounds in front of house. Drove out to Angus in Eve. to see
about next Sun. but found nothing out. Had Jessie Campbell & Lena Lockart for company.
Were driving south of Angus too. Two men from Barrie set binder up to-day. Massey Harris.
Thurs. July 20 – Cut 7 rounds in front of house. 4 loads.
Fri. July 21 – cut balance of field in front of house, raked it after dinner, drew in 7 loads. 15 off
field in front of house, 9 off field beside house.
Sat. July 22 – I cut 4 loads in lower field – moved some away & drew in 6 loads. 1 rakings 1 off
small piece. Had Everard cut my hair this eve.
Sun. July 23 – Lizzie, Jno & Dick at S.S. I went out in evening. The boys were at Archie’s &
Lizzie at Le’s. Rained quite heavy late in evening. Jim Davidsons wife also 3 youngsters called
in P.M.
Mon. July 24 – Weather unsettled to-day & no hay cut. Was raking in field by house most of the
day. Lizzie, Jno & Dick were berry picking south of Angus. There was a load of folks from
Angus and I would like to have gone. Mother & I were in the village for a while to-day. P.S.
Fleming put in 2 colts. Stayner.
Tues. July 25 – We 3 were plowing across the river & finished the ½ moon. There is still a days
work next the slashing. The weather was too unsettled to cut hay.
Wed. July 26 – no entry.
Thurs. July 27 – no entry.
Fri. July 28 – no entry.
Sat. July 29 – no entry.
Sun. July 30 – no entry.
Mon. July 31 – no entry.
Tues. Aug. 1 – no entry.
Wed. Aug. 2 – no entry.
Thurs. Aug. 3 – no entry.
Fri. Aug. 4 – no entry.
Sat. Aug. 5 – Started to cut oats by school. Eve. Laura & I drove out to A. WE stopped in
Lornes a little while.
Sun. Aug. 6 – A.M. Load to Utopia. Everard, Rau, Archie & I. Ida, Sadie, Cliff, Luella as
choir. Stayed till 4 P.M. Arch & I had tea at West’s. Cassie, Jno Love & Mrs. Everard & I at
Joe McMaster’s. Rau & Cliff – Rick Bell’s. 3 girls at Tom McCann. Archie at Mr. Bell’s.
Mon. Aug. 7 – Finished 1st
field & started back of barn. Eve. Meeting at School house re
building road. Later Jim Davidson agreed to do it for $160. Lizzie, Laura & I, Rau & Sadie, Dr.
& Mrs. Everard & Archie. Piercy & Dora Gauley at New Lowell ice cream social. We also
went thro the City Dairy barns there. Mets Mrs. Dau & Maggie McKinnon.
Tues. Aug. 8 – Finished last piece. P.M. 5 loads barley, e loads oats. Jim & Frank helped this
Wed. Aug. 9 – no entry.
Thurs. Aug. 10 – no entry.
Fri. Aug. 11 – A.M. raked oat stubble by school. Eve. CP. Met Mrs. Watson to-night.
Sat. Aug. 12 – A.m. I raked oat stubble by barb. 1 load oats & B. 1 load 1 sling Oat raking. Jim
Miller cut the last of O & B this A.M. so they could use our binder. Eve. Was in Angus for a
Sun. Aug. 13 – P.M. Church. Mr. & Mrs. Watson (nee Ada Clark) were at Lorne’s to-night.
They & Sadie drove to Stayner later on in the evening. Rand & Everard out to-day. We went
back thro bush & out by C McK’s house.
Mon. Aug. 14 – no entry.
Tues. Aug. 15- no entry.
Wed. Aug. 16 – no entry.
Thurs. Aug. 17 – Eve. At Brentwood Social. Had Lucy McK for company. None of our crowd
were out at all. We all went but dad.
Fri. Aug. 18 – no entry.
Sat. Aug. 19 – no entry.
Sun. Aug. 20 – Eve. Church. Dad, Dick, Tom McK & I went back to Cranberry Marsh &
Beaver Meadows.
Mon. Aug. 21 – no entry.
Tues. Aug. 22 – Eve. In Angus as thought Rand might be going away on Wed. SB & Lillie
Clark arrived in village to-day.
Wed. Aug. 23 – no entry.
Thurs. Aug. 24 – no entry.
Fri. Aug. 25 – no entry.
Sat. Aug. 26 – no entry.
Sun. Aug. 27 – Eve. Church. Lillie Clark visiting at Lorne Davidsons. She goes to Stayner on
Mon. Next. Mr. & Mrs. Clark (agent) were out to-day. She came out last night & he walked out
this A.M. Lizzie & I walked out to Mac’s for tea.
Mon. Aug. 28 – Eve. Had a drive to Barrie - Jno Cochrane, Wilson, Strat, Rand, Dan Shaw & I.
Everard came back with us. Stayed at Wests over night. Trip to Angus with pig 935th
@ 7.60.
71.05. brought out cultivator.
Tues. Aug. 29 – no entry.
Wed. Aug. 30 – heavy frost to-night & to-morrow.
Thurs. Aug. 31 – Eve. Dad, Jim D. & Will D. drove to Brentwood to hear Major Davidson on
Reciprocity. I was out at Angus using the team.
Fri. Sept. 1 – This week have plowed flax ground & what other corners were in the big field no
fun around the stumps either. Plowed between 2 & 3 acres in 5 different ways. Also lately have
disked & harrowed wheat ground. Plowed shallow peas, plowed shallow sod east of barn &
been rolling some. Eve. Lizzie & I at Choir P. Dance etc. at Felix DaJardine’s. Gordon went.
Sat. Sept. 2 – plowing triangles & disking by roots. Eve. Took mower over to school & cut some
grass. Dad drove out to Angus expecting some folks up bit they came not.
Sun. Sept. 3 – S.S. Gordon & Dick. Pres. Church, eve, Mother, Grace & I, Lizzie & Laura.
Jno Bull preached. Mother & G at Mrs. Clark’s all day & I was there for tea. Went up with
Archie for dinner. Me, Miss Dollie & Kate McKever at Tom Duckworth’s. Frost again to-night.
Mon. Sept. 4 – Cultivated (3 horses) ground for wheat & disked some by roots. Finished cutting
grass with mower. Eve. Cutting some weeds at school & went over to see Jim Davidson about
the work on it. [See Sept. 7]
Tues. Sept. 5 – Fall wheat dowed on barley ground & partly harrowed 7 ¾ hrs. Early Windsor.
Rained from about 4.30 P.M. Eve. Writing up diary for last month. Been noticing the horses to-
night and all 4 will soon be on the bone heap if they keep on getting fat. So slow.
Wed. Sept. 6 – 3 getting some wood out across river.
Thurs. Sept. 7 – (Sept. 4 – Mr. Dempster came out – the house was levelled. Eve. Raked a little
school.) 9/7/11 Same continued.
Fri. Sept. 8 – (Sept. 15 – 2 mowing buckwheat all day. Eve. Angus C.P. Liz & I. Laura stay at
Clarks till Sunday Eve.)
Sat. Sept. 9 – (Sept. 16 – A.M. Mowed bal of verchwh. P.M. S.S. picnic at Clark’s. Lizzie,
Laura & Dick, Gr & I. Grace stayed over night. Young people stayed for evening. Everard &
Rau, Ida & Sadie, Cassie & Cliff later.) 9/9/11 –disking over river.
Sun. Sept. 10 – (Sept. 17 - Eve. Church. Liz, La & I. Had walk down townline which is only
used as winter road in P.M. & at Clark’s for tea.) 9/10/11 – Eve. Church. Mother, Lizzie & I.
Mon. Sept. 11 – (Sept. 18 – 3 put top on stack. 2 forked buckwheat. Dad at Bob Elliott’s where
discussion of townline drain was held. Eve. Laura, Lizzie & I at Jno Bishop’s. Misses Mary &
Jimmie Buchanan visiting there.) 9/11 – A.M. 2 threshing Bishops. P.M. threshing Tom McK.
Tues. Sept. 12 – (Sept. 19 – cultivated pea & flax ground, also in 1 load buckwheat. Tom McK
has his 4 loads already in barn. Dad into Barrie & Mother to Angus.) 9/12/11 – A.M. 2 thresh
Chas. McK. P.M. 1 cutting feed McK.
Wed. Sept. 13 – Threshed here to-day 1000 bu. 9 ½ hrs – 1175. White, Mr. Broom, Mrs. To
McK & Henrietta, Geo Arnum, Alex Roys & Tom McK, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. White, Jim & Frank
Mullen, Jim Mason, Jim Davidson, Fred McBride, Jno Dunn, Bill Willoughby, & 4 of us.
Thurs. Sept. 14 – see also 9/7 [Sept. 7]. Gordon took cap to New Lowell.
Fri. Sept. 15 – no entry. [see also Sept. 8].
Sat. Sept. 16 – no entry. [see also Sept. 9].
Sun. Sept. 17 – I walked down townline & Mrs. Jim Brennan’s saw Geo. Arnum. Was at Clark’s
for tea. [see also Sept. 10].
Mon. Sept. 18 – no entry. [see also Sept. 11].
Tues. Sept. 19 – cultivated pea & flax ground. 3 h – 1 load bwheat. [see also Sept. 12].
Wed. Sept. 20 – Dad & I drew in 4 loads buckwheat & brought out a load of poles for wood.
Thurs. Sept. 21 – A.M. Dad went to Toronto on noon train. I went out after flooring. P.M. G &
I moved some hay & sawed wood. Eve. Lizzie, Mother & I were at Gauley’s this day, also were
Florence & Mrs. Maxwell. We were quite well entertained.
Fri. Sept. 22 – A.M. Press at C. McKinnon. I plowed a little in ditch. P.M. Press here. Ed
Patterson. Hay. Eve. Lizzie & I celebration in Angus over the election.
Sat. Sept. 23 – A.M. – 10.30, press. Straw drew press to McBride’s. P.M. Finished plowed west
end G & I of ditch and took out some snags. Eve. Jim Mullen drove 7 lambs M 7 I out to Angus.
Spoke for Will D’s horse to go to Grenfel Serv. Eve. Mary McKinney’s sister Rachel died Fri.
Funeral Mon. In Detroit & Flushing. Driving. Mr. McKinnon & Sadie slow to deliver telegram.
Sun. Sept. 24 – Cloudy all day. 6 out to S.S. & Pres. C I stayed. Eve. Drove to Grenfel. Was
Anniversary there. Mr. Bowen of Barrie. We had a wet dark drive to Angus as I had no lantern.
Will Davidson backed out & I had to drive Net. Reached Angus a little late & went alone. Rau
& Mrs. West went also. Percy & Dora, Gauley were here this P.M. Should not have went out at
all this eve. Drove this – Jno & Jessie Campbell, Lorne & Mrs. Davidson.
Mon. Sept. 25 – Heavy rain all night. Plowing east end of ditch.
Tues. Sept. 26 – Rain last night. Plowing in same corner. Am also taking out some stumps.
Wed. Sept. 27 – Finished plowing back corner. Eve. Lizzie & I were at extra CP. I didn’t as I
had a cold – at Lorne’s a little.
Thurs. Sept. 28 – Cult part of sod by barn. Eve. Mrs. Bishop, Misses Mary & Jennie Buchanan
were here for tea. I went back with them.
Fri. Sept. 29 – Rained till 2 P.M. & then cleared up, chilly. I drove in after flour & lath so didn’t
go out later. Might have plowed this P.M. as well as not. Frank is to report in Merlin Monday.
Sat. Sept. 30 – A.M. Plowed piece of bwheat by lane deep with kangaroo. P.M> Cult bal of sod
by barn. Brought Mr. Tuck’s colt up from bush. Has sore in right brisket. Mr. Martin, Jos
Lochart & Wm. McDonald were down looking at jams on the Mad. Went down to town line. I
went along as dad was away. Eve. In. Misses Buchanan’s went home to-day. I believed it
rained every night this week except Wed.
Sun. Oct. 1 – Rained till 3 P.M. No one was out yet. Eve. Li, La & I out to church, practice
afterwards till 9.45. Told Everard something was in the wind re ----
Mon. Oct. 2 – Mr. Tuck took 2 colts home & the 1 died next Wed. This week sod by roots cult
& disked & sod by barn disked. Have also plowing across river a couple of days & finished the
Tues. Oct. 3 – See 10/2 [Oct. 2].
Wed. Oct. 4 – See 10/2.
Thurs. Oct. 5 – See 10/2.
Fri. Oct. 6 – Gordon was disking. Rained from 9 A.M. till 6 P.M. Just pulled a few roots. Eve.
At C.P. Lizzie stays at Mac’s till Sunday. It seems she has her share of outings.
Sat. Oct. 7 – 4 at the roots & finished the same. There were 7 good big loads. Also a little with
team. Finished disking by barn.
Sun. Oct. 8 – Angus Meth. Anniversary. A.M. Mother (West), Gr (Mac’s) & I (Archie’s) stayed
for P.M. service. La & I stayed for Eve. (Mac’s). Laura, Archie & I at Lorne’s, also Mrs.
Dobson & Leslie & Mr. McCrimmon of Creemore. Eve. Conyouy till 9.30 Dobson’s, H.L.
Tarbush later & ______. U no what. Met Archie & Rau on townline on way home. Before I had
smelt a rat but I found the same this eve.
Mon. Oct. 9 – A.M. Striking out field by barn. P.M. plowing same. Gordon at New Lowell with
800# chop & 40.21 ham. Eve. Drove to Utopia English Social alone. Concert also. Domiciled
at McIntosh’s a few hours. Didn’t get home via Angus till 10 A.M. Gordon
Tues. Oct. 10 – 2 h plowing. Mother & Li at Ladies Aid – stayed at Lorne’s over night. Gordon
at McDiarmid’s till Fri. eve picking potatoes.
Wed. Oct. 11 – 2 plowing
Thurs. Oct. 12 – 2 plowing. Eve. Laura & I at Prayer Meeting. Tried to get some reasons but
was unsuccessful.
Fri. Oct. 13 – Eve. Choir. Saw Everard awhile re several mysteries. Tom ½ day – Jim Mullen, I
& Jno. D. – Frank Mullen all day. 3 teams on the Boulevard.
Sat. Oct. 14 – Jno, Dick, Gr & I scratched, plowed & pitted 15 rows potatoes, about 2/3.
Sun. Oct. 15 – Presbyterian Anniversary. A.M. Mother (McKever’s), Gr, Dick (Den’s) out.
Eve. Li, La & I out. Cliff was over for a few minutes & then Li & La butted in but they couldn’t
help it. It put me out quite a bit. This is likely my best night for some time. Walked along Mad
R to McBride’s before dinner & after Alex & I were down at the Forks. Gordon visited uncle
Tom to-day because he couldn’t find his good vest.
Mon. Oct. 16 – (2) or double plowing. Plowed 7 rows of potatoes & drew in them. 25 bus. Eve.
Archie D., Ida McMulkin & Gertrude Moore (of Everett) were out and a pleasant time was spent.
Mrs. Lorne Davidson was here for afternoon tea & Lizzie drove home with her.
Tues. Oct. 17 – 2 plowed a little this A.M. & then the ram held sway the balance of day. Was
going to Angus in eve but changed my plans on account of rain.
Wed. Oct. 18 – A.M. Jno drove to Angus after Lizzie. Was 3 h plowing all day, have finished
this piece but for about 3 hours. Eve. The whole Shebang were at Uncle Tom’s for the evening.
Thurs. Oct. 19 – Gordon & I, also Jim Mullen were after 2 loads Fat Pine near Duckworth’s. We
got home by 8.30. Ida – Miss Moore & Mr. McMulkin were out to-day. Dad returned from his
visit to Highgate & adjacent points.
Fri. Oct. 20 – A.M. 2 plowing gore in sod by barn. Dollie thought she needed a holiday so
proposed a lame ankle this A.M. Eve. C.P. Lizzie didn’t go out, intending to go to Barrie Sat. 4
of us were for a nice little drive in the meantime. P.M. M., Jno & I brought out the piano from
Station & found it in good shape.
Sat. Oct. 21 – Finished gore in sod & plowed headland. Also drew in potatoes, Jno & Dick,
besides raked harrowed ground. Mother, Lizzie & Dad in Barrie to-day. Dad stayed over-night
with Humphrey’s. Eve. Had Uncle Tom barber me.
Sun. Oct. 22 – Rain off & on, 12 A.M. to 12 P.M. A.M. Jno, Dick & Gr at S.S. P.M. Lizzie & I
drove to Utopia Anniversary Services. We had tea at Richard Bell’s also, Randolph & cousin.
Leslie Dobson, Wm. Miller. Eve. Drove to Angus with Mr. West. Lizzie, Cliff, Sadie, Ida, Miss
Moore, Archie & Rau were at church Utopia. Because I drove to Angus early, Li thought that I
had made a big mistake. Everard & I had a good talk on several topics. Mr. Humphrey drove
dad out this A.M. & stayed till Mon. A.M.
Mon. Oct. 23 – Gordon & I put baled straw in barn. Also drew up cultivator, disk & hay loader.
Dad went to New Lowell to see about heater & didn’t get it. Eve. Mr. Tom Wilkinson up for a
Tues. Oct. 24 – A.M. Finished 3 h plowing sod by barn. P.M. started on sod by roots. Eve.
Writing diary for last week. Dad Shipped Barney to Wm. James Dutton. ¼ veal from Jno
Bishop. 2.70. De Jeardin 1 colt out.
Wed. Oct. 25 – 3 h plowing sod by roots. Mr. Dean from Angus out laying new floor in house.
Eve. Drove Mr. Dean out & was in at Mac’s a few ..
Thurs. Oct. 26 – till 3 P.M. 3 h plowing sod by roots, 3 h plowing oats stubble by roots. Eve.
Walked out & back 1”5” & 1’8”. Not very many at P meeting.
Fri. Oct. 27 – Finished 3 h plowing on oats stubble by roots. Also harrowed & drew in 2 loads
turnips. Eve. Stay in & didn’t go to C.P. as there was none.
Sat. Oct. 28 – A.M. I was finishing some plowing & all were at turnips. 6 loads. La & Li drove
out after Frank who is going to stay till Mon. Eve.
Sun. Oct. 29 – A.M. Li, Dick, Gr at S.S. 10.30, Frank, La & I drove to Archie’s for day. Cliff,
Dolly, & Mrs. McKever were also there. Eve. Gordon & Li drove out. I stayed for later meeting
& a C.P. & was at Dr’s a few ..
Mon. Oct. 30 – Thanksgiving Day. We finished pulling turnips this A.M. & drew in the 2 loads.
Brought pulper from Uncle Tom’s. P.M. skidding out wood in poles. Frank was on the crosscut.
Eve. Li & La walked out to Angus & I drove Frank out. Was in at Mac’s & West’s, rained as we
were coming home. 10.30 A.M. A Thanksgiving Service was held in Meth. Church with
assistance of Mr. Sterling. 2.30 P.M. a funeral – a young lad ______ Coddington, Latter Day
Saints. Turnips 10 loads.
Tues. Oct. 31 – rained in showers all day. Was to have helped cut some wood for Mr. Beers if
fine weather had prevailed. Hallowe’en this night but we were all in the house. A.m. 3 put baled
hay from cow stable to hay mow. P.M. I was draining in barnyard and Dad & Jno were laying
new floor in kitchen. They also did some in evening.
Wed., Nov. 1 – raining.
Thurs. Nov. 2 – A.M. rain. P.M. Tom McK & Jim helped us putting sand at break.
Fri. Nov. 3 – we at drawing sand yet.
Sat. Nov. 4 – A.M. Drawing sand. P.M. 1 load wood. Sand again. Chas. & Tony McK helped.
Sun. Nov. 5 – Brentwood Meth. Anniversary. A.M. All went but Dad. Jno home at noon. P.M.
Mother, R & Gr home. Eve. Mr. Starr of Allendale had services. Angus Choir assisted. Ida,
Sadie, Cliff, Mrs. K, Lizzie, Strat & I, Wm. McMillen, Miss Gauley. (Leslie & Geo Dobson in
Mon. Nov. 6 – A.M. Put load bedding in double stall. Put load feed straw in hay mow. P.M.
Rained. Mr. Tuck 2 cattle home.
Tues. Nov. 7 – Rained A.M. P.M. Jno & I sawing poles in swamp near town line.
Wed. Nov. 8 – Dad in Barrie. A.M. Jno & I sawed wood. P.M. Jno threshing at Jno Dunn’s.
Thurs. Nov. 9 - - 10. Threshing Jno Davidson. 10-2, threshing D. McMackon & Tom
McKinnon. We had 40 bus buckwheat. Jim Mullen & I drew separator to White’s & ___ White
Jno D. drew engine. Eve. I helped Jno D. Move our furniture upstairs. Jim D. & family, Jessie,
Frank & Jack Campbell were down.
Fri. Nov. 10 – A.M. Drew some sand for road to barn from house. A.M. Nailed up end of barn.
Eve. Li & I at C.P. 2 oif the girls did not hitch very well.
Sat. Nov. 11 – 3 were making road in slashing so to get at cedar in winter. McMackons at Jno
Davidson. Jim & Henrietta, Tom & Mary McK, Mrs. Will McK, Jno Dunn & Mother, Chas
McCarthy & wife, Dave Davidson & wife, Walter Hill, Jno Bishop & wife.
Sun. Nov. 12 – 9-10, I walked to S.S. as I was to be Supt & teacher, in a drizzle, & home in
evening, 9.15-10.30 with snow on ground & quite chilly. Stayed at West’s to-day & the boys
and I had quite a visit. There was Song Service in evening & Randolph gave a short talk on
Romans 12. Called at Clarks a few minutes after church. Believe I might have gone to 321 had I
wish as was near the last to leave. The West’s are improving.
Mon. Nov. 13 – Wm. Adams came after pony. Fixing pig & hen pen. Barrell – Missionary –
was brot out from Angus to-day (from Uncle Nelson, nuts, beans & apples.
Tues. Nov. 14 – Jno & I digging cellar under store room. Eve. Laura & I drove to New Lowell
to cash 2 orders 3.15 & 100.00. Snowed quite heavy foe awhile.
Wed. Nov. 15 – This week we have been putting cellar under kitchen. We excavated a place 8’ x
8’ x 5’ deep. Then made board walls, steps, bin & shelves. This occupied nearly all week. Dad
was boss carpenter. Eve. Li & La at Angus for music.
Thurs. Nov. 16 – Quite a bit of snow fell last night & continued most of day.
Fri. Nov. 17 – Lots more snow to-day. It is now 8” or 9” on the level out here but less on roads.
3 Gordons & Fleming were after 20 horses to-day, $54.00 pasture. Eve. Started to rain & fool
that I was I started for Angus & left cutter in bush, but brought it home with me. Next time I
won’t be so reckless.
Sat. Nov. 18 – Mother, Laura & Dick in Barrie to-day. La invested in a set of furs for herself.
Sun. Nov. 19 – A.M. Young folks didn’t seem anxious to go to S.S. Eve. Li, La & I out. I
walked home. We were at Mac’s a while after also was Shat. Was at Drisbe for E church.
Mon. Nov. 20 – 3 after cedars. Eve. Drove to Angus for Xmas entertainment meeting. Decided
that each class be trained by their teacher. Also envelopes be distributed to secure Xmas cheer
for poor. The choir outside intend to have a dialogue. Everard at school again this week.
Tues. Nov. 21 – 3 after cedar. Took team & bob sleighs & McMackons to Thos McKinnon’s in
evening for an outing.
Wed. Nov. 22 – 3 after cedar. La & Li out to Angus for music lesson.
Thurs. Nov. 23 – 3 after seeder. Uncle Tom, Aunt Martha, Jim & Henrietta were up for
partridge supper & evening.
Fri. Nov. 24 – Dad in Angus to-day. Gordon & I were sawing wood most of time. Eve. Li & I at
C.P. I was late starting & ending but we practised at West’s.
Sat. Nov. 25 – I took 10.00 chop to New Lowell with team, change 55 cts. Then drew load of
wood by lumber & bal of water. Jno & Dad were cutting poles. Eve. La & I skating on Oxbow,
also Frank Mullen & Jessie Campbell. We were on about 2 hours. Gordon drove out after Mr.
& Mrs. Clark.
Sun. Nov. 26 – A.M. no one out. P.M. Mr. Clark & I walked out 1 ¼. Eve. Li & La & Mrs.
Clark drove out. The walking was not very good but I had to walk home as I was talking to
Rand too long and the girls went on thro. Felt rather tough all eve.
Mon. Nov. 27 – 3 hunting Cedar.
Tues. Nov. 28 – 3 at cedar.
Wed. Nov. 29 – 3 at cedar.
Thurs. Nov. 30 – 3 at cedar.
Fri. Dec. 1 – 3 at cedar. Started to snow quite heavy about 4 P.M. so quit. Believe we have
enough out.
Sat. Dec. 2 – no entry.
Sun. Dec. 3 – no entry.
Mon. Dec. 4 – no entry.
Tues. Dec. 5 – no entry.
Wed. Dec. 6 – no entry.
Thurs. Dec. 7 – no entry.
Fri. Dec. 8 – no entry.
Sat. Dec. 9 – no entry.
Sun. Dec. 10 – no entry.
Mon. Dec. 11 – no entry.
Tues. Dec. 12 – no entry.
Wed. Dec. 13 – no entry.
Thurs. Dec. 14 – no entry.
Fri. Dec. 15 – no entry.
Sat. Dec. 16 – Dick – Mac’s & Clarks. La & Li walked drove out in P.M. & stayed.
Sun. Dec. 17 – A.M. Dick drove home after S.S., doctoring cow all day. Eve. Angus Meth. Was
late at church & stayed out of choir. Li & La drove home in the cutter alone.
Mon. Dec. 18 – A.M. Took 3 pigs 680 # @ 6.00 to Angus, 40.80. The cow Lillie quite sick &
died next A.M. Had an overdose of oat chop & she was paralyzed.
Tues. Dec. 19 – Eve. Drove in cutter out to Prayer meeting with Mother at Mrs. Redfern’s. Gave
Lizzie 1.00 Xmas 1910 to get Ladies H J [Home Journal] during year. Wasn’t used.
Wed. Dec. 20 – La & Li drove out in cutter, G 7 I drove out in buggy. Eve. Party at Dr. West’s.
McMulkin, Ida; McAteer, Jessie; McMackon, 4; McKinnon, Mr., teacher; McKever, Cliff;
Miscampbell, Cassie; Blair, Sadie; Bush, Frank - Gordon & wife; Sprague, Miss, teacher; West,
4; Walker, James; Duckworth, Strat; Pugh, Melville & Luella; Clark, Mr. & Mrs. (14).
Thurs. Dec. 21 – 2 drawing poles, dad chopping, brought last up to-night. Have been drawing all
week as sleighing is quite good. Lately we logged up the clearing & piled the debris.
Fri. Dec. 22 – A.M. Logging by bridge. P.M. 2 loads straw put in mow. 4.00 Strat Duckworth
arrived with his engine & we sawed about an hour.
Sat. Dec. 23 – Buzz saw was beating us at the cross-cut to-day. Jno Davidson & Jimie helped.
3.30 P.M. – 7.00. took saw to Frank Coulsons bush near townline & Ry. Eve. Lizzie La drove
out & I walked later. We waited for mail & were later getting home. Dad went out with Mr.
Tom McKinnon & brought Frank & Malcolm back.
Sun. Dec. 24 – A.M. no one went out. The boys & dad were for a walk to the bridge etc.
Mon. Dec. 25 – no entry.
Tues. Dec. 26 – no entry.
Wed. Dec. 27 – no entry.
Thurs. Dec. 28 – no entry.
Fri. Dec. 29 – no entry.
Sat. Dec. 30 – no entry.
Sun. Dec. 31 – no entry.
Transcribed by descendant, Paul Woodrow.
Addresses listed at the back of the original diary are not included in the transcription but can be
viewed in the original diary at Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph.
Small diary, 3 in. x 5 ¾ in.
Identification on inside front cover:
Walter McMackon
Address: Highgate, Angus, Ont.
Sun. Jan 1 – A.M. Asbury. P. S. Sat 12.00. Dinner at Dundas’s. Took 3.P.M. car to St. Clair.
Mon. Jan. 2 – New Years Day at St. Clair. Margaret Ray & I were visiting Wasey’s. We came
down on 6.08 P.M. car. Spent evening at 321. Mr.Gillis died t-day.
Tues. Jan. 3 – On the still hunt for work. Called at TB Institute & P & Dean where I am to insist
on the office in the morning. Eve. Ray went out for little while and I have followed him to 321
and went to 333Holbrook where J. Mills are living. Cassie & Wilbert were out. Mr. Nulls is
feeling poorly & Mrs. Nulls is completely laid up with a sore knee. Ray & I were a little late
getting home from 321.
Wed. Jan. 4 – Put in my 1st
day at the old office again. Seems like old times. Eve. Brought 2
valises over from Windsor and then stayed in. Viola played some on the piano.
Thurs. Jan. 5 – Colder than blazes and still living. Have added additions to-day until I wish Dec.
a/c’s were all added. Eve. Went out to Ferguson’s 320 Lansing for a while, had my supper there
too. Mabel & Kenneth were both home.
Fri. Jan. 6 – About 4 “ snow fell last night and make the walking wet.
Sat. Jan. 7 – Heading weeklies & any other jobs that came handy.
Sun. Jan. 8 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Eve. 321 for tea & stayed till later.
Mon. Jan. 9 – Just keeping myself busy. Eve. At Bakers 875 Mitchell. Dominoes & birch Patent
Medicines. Will Long & I to Velma house.
Tues. Jan. 10 – Same old routine, trying to keep busy. Eve. Stopped at Clara Smitz 7-9 and we
had quite a nice visit. There is where I like to go and Clara is a good sensible girl too.
Wed. Jan. 11 – Still putting in time. Eve. Was out calling 321 as I sometimes do. I was madder
than a hatter before the evening was over although I didn’t say. We parted good friends at last as
I don’t believe in letting little things break friendship. It would have been different had I been
going to stay for the summer instead of a couple of months. That’s where I should have kept my
mouth shut and I know it now.
Thurs. Jan. 12 – Eve. Went out to Leesville to locate the church & surroundings. Later went to
T.B.I. entertainment, speed trial.
Fri, Jan. 13 – La Child’s Rest for tea. Eve. At Leesville concert which gave “School Days”.
Sat. Jan. 14 – Eve. Called at 316 Collins & had a visit with Mrs. Miggee. Jno, Eddie & Gertrude
were all in. Frank saw that Miss Lovell left Toronto alright for Vancouver.
Sun. Jan. 15 – A.M. Church. S.S. Viola Ray & I were out. Eve. 893 Roosevelt Russell & Wills.
Jno Miggee called this P.M. 2-15-4.00. Big time at Russells. Miss & Grandma Corn not very
well. Mildred with Quinzy & Raymond a heavy cold.
Mon. Jan. 16 – Again on the job. Started to head a few monthlies to-day. Eve. Up to 14 thro to
333 Holbrook to see Mr. & Mrs. J. Mills. She is feeling a lot better. Miss Perkinsis with them
now. Came home thro the commons. Sent Lizzie a roll of “Put on your old Grey Bonnet”.
Tues. Jan. 17 – Went out to L.W. Mills for tea this evening. They are both quite well. Left my
parcels out there for a change. Called up --- at Yost’s Fur to see what evening I might vome out.
The answer was any evening but no particular one. Stung again but it didn’t work until to-
Wed. Jan. 18 – Mrs. Foster (Upcott) (Romney) was at Mrs. Clark’s to-day. The matter reviewed
made me feel like a bear so I went wild.
Thurs. Jan. 19 – Noticed a peculiar blue hobble skirt to-day from 76 Cong E.? One of the boys
wanted to know what I was doing around there. Oh I was just paying-------- bills. Eve. Stopped
in at Dr. Williams on my way up.
Fri. Jan. 20 – Eve. Clara Smitz & I were at Regal Auto Show at Piquette & Hastings. Also were
present: Mag & Alice, Ray & Guy, Russell & Wilb.
Sat. Jan. 21 – Was sorting a few due bills for Hughie this P.M. In morning took the liberty of
jabbing a pen point in a young lady’s back. Unintentional of course. Eve. Stayed in for a
Sun. Jan. 22 – A.M. Church. S.s. Eve. 334 ½ Hart. Miss McRitchie. Called in to see Earl
Gosnell 1329 Field and he was out. Walked down to Crane 445 to McGeofffrey’s for tea. Mr.
Shand present. Later walked out to Hart Ave. Two girls boarding there, Pearl Beatty at Queen
Quality & Blanche at Chalmers. They came in about 10 P.M.
Mon. Jan. 23 – Don’t remember what I did to-night.
Tues. Jan. 24 – Eve. At L.W. Mills 880 Porter. The last time I was out I left a couple of parcels
and this trip was to bring them home. Walked out with Hughie as far as 18th
Wed. Jan. 25 – At Roy Whitmore’s for tea 280 Porter. Chas. Came in early and he & I planned
to go to Highgate on the 4th
Thurs. Jan. 26 – Eve. Came up early and later Nellie Kettlehulm & Elsie Pullieblamk came home
with Viola from Queen Esther at 728 Theo Lichtwardt’s. Then I went home with the other two.
Stopped in at Hughes 632 Canfield E. For a couple of hours.
Fri. Jan. 27 – Eve. Wm. Cromie’s class organ ized there to-night. Pres. Cha Valade, Vice P. Al
Gray, Sec. Currie, Treas. Royal Smit\. Those present: Lee Burnett, All Gray, Horn, Ralph
Pearsol, Howard Travis, Will Smitz, Royal Smitz, Will Kearsley, Chas. Currie, Johnson,
Bennoer. Mary Mossett was in when I came home.
Sat. Jan. 28 – Eve. Stopped in at Queen Quality at 5.45 & 10.00 P.M. Wilkie & I had lunch at
Mich. Balt. I went to Windsor & hunted up Ernie Gordon at drug store on Dougal & Wyandotte.
Also asked him to come over for dinner to-morrow and he said he would. Was Hart &
Kercheval last night having met Miss . Brady down town, also Mr> & Miss Walker later.
Blanche Brady.
Sun. Jan. 29 – A.M. Church. S.S. P.M. Mr. & Mrs. Bennett 184 Harper formerly of Big Rapids
were here for dinner. Also Mr. & Mrs. Nelson. Ray was at 321. Ernie Gordon didn’t come over
for dinner as I expected. Was at the house for my 1st
Sunday since I came. Later called on some
friends on Kercheval near Hart.
Mon. Jan. 30 – Ray & I were at Wilbert Mills for tea to-night. Clara Smitz & Margaret came up
later and we spent a very enjoyable evening.
Tues. Jan. 31 – Eve. At Battishills 46 Lyman, at Dundas’ 321 Tromblay, at Pluddremans’s 1497
Jos E.
Wed. Feb. 1 – Met Chas. Johnson (117 Fort W.) on Woodward also Frank Reycraft who is at
Gesto. Took Frank over to dinner. Rose Strieb was on the Evenue but I wasn’t talking to her.
Eve at Lyceum. At the Mercy of Tiberius. 6.30 Sher & Harper, 7.05 changed & took car, 7-30
H & T & Jeff, 7.45 Jeff to town, 8.15 at Lyceum.
Thurs. Feb. 2 – Went up home early to-night & rolled in at 7.30. I bet the bed was surprised.
Fri. Feb. 3 – Eve. Had tea at Clara Smitz 790 Medbury, afterwards went to League Business
Meeting. There were about 20 out. Chas. Currie elected Secretary for the 2 mos left of the year.
He & I walked home with Mabel Palmer & May Stacey. Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy were visiting at
Stacey’s 891 Piquette
Sat. Feb. 4 – Took 4.00 P.M. train for Highgate. Chas. Whitmore came also over. Was through
the tunnel for the 1st
time. Frank didn’t come home as expected. He may come in the middle of
the week or not until later.
Sun. Feb. 5 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Eve. #37 to Detroit – ½ hr late. Will Gayner, Mrs.
Gayner, Bert Atkinson, Herb Lee, Nelson Stone, Jno Lee, A. Fenton, A. Miller, Dr. McLeod, H.
Mon. Feb. 6 – Noon. Called to find where Belle Gayner worked & found her sick at 29 Col W.
She is waiter at St. Charles Hotel. Went up early in evening. Ray & I were playing checkers.
Tues. Feb. 7 – Eve. Called at 185 Orleans, John Grahjam is boarding there with his grandmother.
I used to think I was quiet but am not in it with Jno. Jimmy Graham his father used to cut staves
in Highgate. Later we went to the Reception for the Minister at Asbury. I made a fool of myself
by not joining in with the crowd.
Wed. Feb. 8 – Called at Chas. Whitmore’s & he & I went to Lou Carnegie 382 Parker for
Thurs. Feb. 9 – Noon. Called on Belle Gaynor again. She is still under the weather. Eve. Keith
& Hart. Lyceum Theatre. Thurston the Magician.
Fri. Feb. 10 – Noon. 145 & T to Dr. Williams for dope. Eve. Party at Percy Kluff 116 Widrinn.
I was with Viola, Hazel, Ruloff, Lulu Benner.
Sat. Feb. 11 – Eve. Called at Brush & Bowl to see Fay Neice but she has left. Next to 321
Trembly & there down town on 14th
. Tilly & Alice were on 14 down. Out Hart Ave. later.
Some ones parents surprised her to-day. I walked up to-night 1 ½ hrs up Hart-Mack, St. Jean
then across up Hance, Schumacher, McClellan, Harper.
Sun. Feb. 12 – A.M. Church. S.S. Eve. Church. Didn’t go to Don’t U No as she & parents were
out on Goodwin Ave. & they were all I knew but Percy & Marian.
Mon. Feb. 13 – This is my last week at the switchboard, 6.30 A.M. -6.00 P.M. Was down town
for a while this evening.
Tues. Feb. 14 – Wet & sloppy all day.
Wed. Feb. 15 – Eve. Called at Smryle’s or Johnsons 58 Nitcalm W. & Fred & I went to Miles.
Anna Eva Fay.
Thurs. Feb. 16 – Eve. Lyceum Theatre. Al G Fields Minstrel’s. Mae Ritchie is in bed with a
cold but is nearly over it. Met also Mrs. Brady who is visiting there.
Fri. Feb. 17 – Stunt Social at Bakes 575 Mitchell. About 40 out.
Sat. Feb. 18 – Frank came in at noon & I got off at 5.00. We went to see Eric Gordon, Dougal &
Wyandotte – Cappels Drug Store.
Sun. Feb. 19 – A.M. Church. S.S. Frank & I were at Irene Crichtonès 1027 Vermont in P.M. &
later at Kerchewal & Hart at McKitchie’s. Mrs. Brady & Blanche were out on Goodwin & came
in late.
Mon. Feb. 20 – Frank went away this P.M. on the plug. 4.00 He was at Fergusons for dinner.
Eve. Went out to see Mrs. J. Mills at Carrie’s 291 Melbourne.
Tues. Feb. 21 – Lilly Baker & I were atLadies Aid Social. Oysters & concert. They had a good
dialogue & songs. They also announced the wedding of “Ray & Margaret as a joke” but it
wasn’t taken that way. Father went north to Barrie from Highgate to-day.
Wed. Feb. 22 – Geo. Washington’s Birthday. Was off to-day from 2.00 P.M. Went skating at
Belle Isle. It was rough & windy. Had supper at 98 Col & met P. Brady at ferry 6.30. Mary,
Irene, Mr. & Mrs. McRitchie came later we went over to hear McWomb Brown in Windsor
Evangelists. 4 of us later at Family I took crosstown up from Jeff on way out.
Thurs. Feb. 23 – Called Mabel Ferguson up this evening and she said she would meet me
downtown at 8.00. We went to................ Yourself & company are cordially invited to attend a
surprise party given in honor of Miss Lillian Baler (Piquette & Elmwod) on her 21st
Thurs. Feb. 23, 1911. Ed Cox, Nellie Cuthruhn, Mabel & I caught 91210 Baker downtown. I
stayed at Fergusons all night.
Fri. Feb. 24 – Came up by 7.00. had a bath & head washed & rolled in by 9.00 Put one down for
me please.
Sat. Feb. 25 – Eve. 9.30 – P, B & I went to Family to see the animals, they were pretty good. We
met Mr. & Mrs. Mac coming out when we did. Stopped in drug store off Jeff car barns for soda
at 11.45.
Sun. Feb. 26 – A.M. Church. S.S. Eve. Asbury. Margaret D told me about a ticket for the West
which I might be able to get for $5.00 or $10.00. It is only good until the 5th
March tho. If I
should take it I will certainly leave in a hurry. Am to go to 321 Trembly Mon. Evening to see
the party. Eve. Walked part-way home with Dave Cromie.
Mon. Feb. 27 – Eve. Up to see Percy Lawson. Not at home. Also at 321 Trembly. Ray came
over later & we came home together.
Tues. Feb. 28 – Eve. Met Chas. Whitmore at Masonic Temple Lef & Cass about ticket. At
Lyceum to hear Mrs. Wiggs of Cabbage & Patch. It was good with P. Brady. Noon. Went to see
Percy Lawson Richmond about ticket, bot same for $5.00. Am just runn ing a chance of being
dumped off the rain though. It’s good only until Mar. 5. – Sunday next. Saw Fred Royal.
Wed. Mar. 1 – I quit my job to-day whether for good, bad or indifferent remains to be seen.
Called up Ernie Gordon & found out that he si going out on Monday next, but too late for me if
my ticket holds good.
Thurs. Mar. 2 – Took #36 home from Windsor nix but took electric to Essex. Uncle Wm. &
Aunt Mary are off to Buffalo to visit to-morrow and will likely stay a month. Aunt Mary & Em
were in Detroit to-day but came back at 4 P.M. and were going out for evening. I took plug for
home at 5.53 & arrove 7.30. Geo. Lee was on train to-night. Mother says Father has been doing
up north but what makes me mad is that I didn’t know anything about it toil I quit my job & had
my ticket bought for Melita in Manbitoba good until Sun. Mar. 5.
Fri. Mar. 3 – Gordon drove me to catch #9 at Ridgetown at 4.45 arrived 6.10 Detroit at 1064
Harper, by 17.30 saw Ray a few minutes called on Mrs. Smitz, Will Cromie, Miss Brady (Queen
Quality), 10 Adams W. Phoned Minnie Walker, Mrs. Ferguson. Sorry I missed the Queen.
Esther Party last night. There were several there who wondered why I didn’t come. Took 2.05
P.M. – CPR express from Windsor to Toronto 9.20 & waited to catch 10.10 P.M. for West. But
waited for Frank and also expected Daddy. Went up to Molsons Bank & waited for Frank.
Sat. Mar. 4 – Got up early (8) and Frank & I had dinner at 1.30 at Simpsons. Was at Goddess of
Liberty at Grand this P.M. Frank & I had lunch at Schillers in evening.
Sun. Mar. 5 – A.M. Elm St. Church Meth, P.M. Elm St. S.S., Eve Bond St. Congreg Bryon M
Stauffer. Franbk went to Miss Morrisons & they to Flo Kerwins. I went out to Soules 52
Hogarth. Mrs. Soules, her mother & Orpheus were there.
Mon. Mar. 6 – Dad’s letter came this A.M. saying there wouldn’t be much money in it till after
harvest & probably I had better wait till he came down likely inside of a month.
Tues. Mar. 7 – Chasing all over for a job but didn’t get one. Met Will Maginn on Queen neat the
Don. Albert Gordon was over for tea and until 8 P.M.
Wed. Mar. 8 – Struck a job this A.M. at 490 Bloor W. – Wm. Unser – Baker as driver & to help
inside. Late hours he said but he didn’t say I couldn’t have a regular hour for dinner & tea. Start
on 7 bucks 50 ct a wk, raise till 8. To get breakfast & tea at 247 Major for 2.25 per. Average for
a room at Major at 1.50 will pay next eve.
Thurs. Mar. 9 – Grouch – hurry all day, lunch in store, dinner at 2.30.
Fri. Mar. 10 – Same. Supper in store, thro by 7.30.
Sat. Mar. 11 – Still on the job but Mr. Unser is to grouchy to suit me. .M. 3.00 – 6.30 one trip
that I should have finished by 5.00 but I got lost in Rosedale & so did Francis Unser. Didn’t get
thro working till 11.30 & was out in rain, hail, etc. Supper in store. So boss & I disagreed over
tending to horse on Sunday and as I was down town I wouldn’t come up so I quit. Eve. Frank
had opened my letter from home and Dad said he might be down in a week or so and then I was
a little sorry I quit.
Sun. Mar. 12 – P.M. S.S. Elm St. Eve. Bloor W., cor. North Baptist to hear Mr. Cameron who
wasn’t there. Didn’t get up until 11.30 then went over to 114 Bay. Frank Fisher Brown & I
were at Lovey’s for dinner. Later, Frank & I at 30 Hepbourne Mr. Whyte’s for tea. Marian
wasn’t feeling very well but Jack was. The baby Helen too. After church we walked down to
114 Bay and I brought up a few things with me. Brought my valise up before S.S.
Mon. Mar. 13 – Nothing doing. Eve. Wrote in answer to ads. Was visiting Morden Watson &
Bill Gayner all day. Stayed so late in bank upstairs that janitor locked me in so I stayed with
Tues. Mar. 14 – Tramp tramp all for nix. Eve. Markle, Frank & I at Princess to hear Raffles.
Martin & Scott in town to-day.
Wed. Mar. 15 – Tired of walking the streets. I have wished several times already that I hadn’t
jumped my job. Father was in Toronto this A.M. but I didn’t see him.
Thurs. Mar. 16 – Down town in time for dinner at Louey’s. Out with Frank to tea at 192 George.
A splendid place, 20cts each or 7 per 1.00. Eve. Came up to 208 early. Frank working to-
Fri. Mar. 17 – Had dinner at Mr. Ben Dean’s 19 St. Andrew. They are quite a pleasant old
couple. She is sister of Jno Wright of Rockwood and knows all the people there. Out to supper
with Frank. Eve sat 208 Major. P.M. at Sheas Matineu. Eve packed up at 208 Major. Frank
had letter from dad at Barrie stating he can’t be down for a day or so. Also that I might use
A.O.U.W. {Ancient Order of United Workmen} Grand Lodge Ry certificate & get a free ride
home & come back in car. I guess I had better although I am mad all over. Mertyn Scott
returned home from Toronto on #37.
Sat. Mar. 18 – Took 1.15 8.10 P.M. home from Toronto to-day. Used A.O.U.W. return slip vis
Hamilton & Waterford.
Sun. Mar. 19 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Eve. Church.
Mon. Mar. 20 – Helped Mother wash in A.M. .M. cleared up the yead some. Eve. 2 marys & I
were at thge Palmyra Social & Entertainment. Rev. Mr. Johnson – Pastor. Speakers – Mr.
Nethercote – Moraviantown, Mr. Uren. Singers: Dr. McLachlan; Mrs. McLaughlan; Mrs. Smith
Baker, Teeswater; Ern Russell; Reader. Will Riddick, Ethel McK, Chas. Murray, Hazel Phoenix,
Myron Miller, Leach, will Phoenix, Hall, Lizzie McM, Geo Eberle, Ada Shipp, Millie Keyes,
Ethel Gosnell, Harry Sifton, LaVerna McPhail.
Tues. Mar. 21 – P.M. Frank Tape was threshing wheat at Mr. Mickle’s barn, 90 bushels. Eve.
Will Riddick & I met the plug MCR & escorted 2 Marys & Ethel home. Was at AOUW meeting
in time to see it close. McKerrachers have bought a house in Ridgetown to-day.
Wed. Mar. 22 – Raining some to-day. Mother is having a quilting bee this P.M. Eve. League.
Had been postponed till to-night on account of Palmyra tea meeting.
Thurs. Mar. 23 – I have done nothing but read to-day. 2 Marys & Will Riddick called to-day so
Mary Teould say good-bye.
Fri. Mar. 24 – Mary Taylor who has been visiting at Mary Riddick is leave for Perth on the #36
via Toronto where she stopped for a few hours to se Frank McM & also to wait for next train.
Eve. Went up & called on Aunt Maggie for a little while.
Sat. Mar. 25 – Eve. Called to see Bert Atkinson & did not leave til 11.45. Played checkers.
Sun. Mar. 26 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Eve. Church. Lizzie, Ethel McK & I at Mary Riddick’s
for tea. WE later went to Church. It rained quite heavy afterwards.
Mon. Mar. 27 – To-day started with rain & in P.M. it stoped & turned cold & windy, later
1. D. McMackon – Highgate, Ont. Victoria 3-25. John & Martha passengers in Steamer
Sechelt which capsized in Fuca Straight this A.M. Notify saida. R.H. Fyfe.
2. Dad sent telegram to Wm. Burns, Rockwood (same as above).
3. Also to Fyfe in Victoria. Have not address. Telegram to Wm. Burns, Rockwood to
notify saida. D. McMackon.
Tues. Mar. 28 – A.M. Helped Mother while she was washing. P.M. Split up some old chunks
lying around. Then went after cross cut saw. Eve. Found saw at Phoenix & stayed for tea and
until 8.30.
Wed. Mar. 29 – I sawed up some wood with Gordon’s assistance.
Thurs. Mar. 30 – Forgot.
Fri. . Mar. 31 – Forgot.
Sat. Apr. 1 – Forgot.
Sun. Apr. 2 – Church, S.S., Church. Nellie Keyes & Harry Eberle “Dutch” were here for tea.
After Church we went over to Ethel Gosnell’s. Another derth over there.
Mon. Apr. 3 – We were hauling fertilizer from John’s to-day. John Limton & Bob Phillips are
working at Johns.
Tues. Apr. 4 – A.M. Helped Lyde wash. P.M. at wood pile. Rained all day.
Wed. Apr. 5 – Rained nearly all day. Split wood all day. Farewell party at McKerrachers to-
night. They gave him a gold watch, her a chain & Ethel a locket.
Thurs. Apr. 6 – A.M. Split wood. P.M. Cleaning vats, 2 of us.
Fri. Apr. 7 – A.M. split wood. P.M. pruning apple trees. Maggie Fenton came home from New
York last night & Aunt Ellen drove her home this A.M. She reported an elegant time.
Sat. Apr. 8 – J.A. Fenton Hauling fertilizer.
Sun. Apr. 9 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. Miss Craw, teacher to-day, Mrs. Uran’s sister. Eve.
Church. Took a drive after S.S. Took Maggie Fenton home, Miss Brigham was with us. WE
called at John’s to see the baby Helen. WE had tea at Aunt Ellen’s. Mrs. Waggle of Kingsville
here for dinner to-day.
Mon. Apr. 10 – Lovely spring day. I cleaned garden some. Helped with washing a little. Eve.
League. Later at Geo. Reycraft. Grace & Alin a home. Will Riddick left for the West this 4.30
A.M. via Detroit.
Tues. Apr. 11 – Mary & Nancy O’Neil were out to-day.
Wed. Apr. 12 - Dad, Gordon & I were at McKerracher’s sale. It rained till about 2 P.M. A
farming mill, pair of scales & side delivery rake were bought.
Thurs. Apr. 13 – doing some packing.
Fri. Apr. 14 – Norman Whitmore came A.M. Aunt Nellie, Helen & Nelson on #37. Mathew &
Mrs. Dickson called this P.M. We were all are church for tea. Phyllis & Clara Reycraft, Lizzie,
Ethel, Belle, Eva Smale, Norma & I were for a walk later. Later still Norman & I called on Mary
Riddick & her friend Miss Gunn of Sx. Miss Brigham went to Toronto on #36. I carried valise.
Sat. Apr. 15 – We were moving furniture, piano & safe into PM car. Parker & Uncle Nelson
assisted us. Norman returned on #36. Eve at Mr. Miller’s.
Sun. Apr. 16 – A.M. Church. P.M. S.S. B. At Mr. Millers; D at J.E. Guilds, Aunt Ellen &
Nelson W; S at Uncle Mac – Laura, Helen & Nelson, Gordon.
Mon Apr; 17 – Loading cars.
Tues. Apr. 18 – 12 A.M. Gordon & Dick left. 3 P.M. I left on PM Ry in London at midnight.
Gordon waited 17 hrs in St. Thomas.
Wed. Apr. 19 – 12 mid – 12 mid, 24 hours, waited in East London.
Thurs. Apr. 20 – 12 mid. – 12 noon with Merry Widow, London to Allendale thro St. Marys,
Stratford, Guelph, Georgetown, Beeton. 12-4 P.M. laid in Allendale. Then Gordon & I came
out together on nixed train, arrived 4.30 P.M. I travelled 28, waited 22 hrs. Gordon travelled 29,
waited 24 hrs.
Fri. Apr. 21 – 7 load furniture out. 20 load put in warehouse. Both cars empty.
Sat. Apr. 22 – Lizzie & Grace came to Angus P.M. Bert Willoughby brought out load in A.M.
Tore down verandah. Put up stove - swept some. Dad at McKinnon’s to-night.
Sun. Apr. 23 – Dick & I drove into Angus before & back after tea. I was at Rev. Peacock’s &
met Cassie Campbell & Ida McMulken. Dad & Gordon at McKinnon’s to-night.
Mon. Apr. 24 - Dad drove in for Mother &b Lizzie in A.M. They are at McKinnon’s to-night.
Brought chickens home to-night.
Tues. Apr. 25 – This week have been white-washing, alabasting, cleaning up yard, etc. Jim
Smith & Bert Willoughby are here this week. Jim ploughing with 2 grays. Bert ploughing with
2 bays & hunch.
Wed. Apr. 26 – Jim & Bert.
Thurs. Apr. 27 – Jim & Bert.
Fri. Apr. 28 - Jim & Bert. Tom McKinnon brought some seed from town.
Sat. Apr. 29 – Gordon alabasting. I cleaning yard, etc., put up clothesline. Eve. Lizzie & I drove
out to Angus, called at peacock’s & McMulkin’s. Bert & Jno Davidson’s & vice Verra Jack
seeding oats by school house.
Sun. Apr. 30 – Gordon, Dick & Grace drove to Church this A.M. Eve. Lizzie & I started to
church but it rained so we came back & I had the horse in by time the rain was over.
Mon. May 1 – tearing down old hen pen, quite cold too.
Tues. May 2 – Finished removing the old hen pen.
Wed. May 3 – put board at back of new pen& wire up to-day.
Thurs. May 4 – repaired 3 stable doors, straightened west wall of end of root cellar.
Fri. May 5 – Took manure away from sills & nailed up so hens couldn’t get under born (sic).
Sat. May 6 – A.M. clearing stumps in west corner of big field. P.M. planted potatoes in west
side of garden. Frank came up for over Sunday.
Sun. May 7 – A.M. Lizzie, Grace & I at S.S. Lizzie drove out with Mr. McM & I went back.
Ida was coming out but hr cousin came so she didn’t. Eve. Frank& Lizzie out at church.
Randolph West, Ida & we 3 were at Peacock’s for awhile. In P.M. Gordon, Frank & Dad were
down as far as the Forks.
Mon. May 8 –Frank off on the early train. Putting in garden next to the road. Taters, tomatoes,
cucumbers & Gordon put in Strawberry plants. Later we cleared out the well.
Tues. May 9 – Dad put top on well. I split up some boards in barnyard. The new team came
after dinner, Dolly & Minney. Gordon & Dad drove to Angus after rest of seed.
Wed. May 10 – Working the team harrowing in big field & also by house.
Thurs. May 11 – Harrowing & discing in b8ig field. Bert Willoughby is thro to-night.
Fri. May 12 – discing & harrowing big field alone to-day, working Min & Frank.Eve. Lizzie & I
drove out to town to choir practice. Misses Blair, McEva, McMulkin, Miscampbell, Rev.
Peacock & Archie Duxworthy.
Sat. May 13 – harrowing mostly, discing leastly, worked Frank & Doll in A.M. & changed with
Min in P.M. Dolly sprained her right hind ankle.
Sun. May 14 – A.M. Took a walk over by Mad River. First time I have seen it. Eve. Lizzie & I
drove to church & brought Mother back. Ida, Lizzie & I were over at Mr. West’s for awhile ,
also were Mr. & Mrs. Clarke.
Mon. May 15 – no entry.
Tues. May 16 – most of big field planted in barley, wheat, oats & peas.
Wed. May 17 – Jim Mullen thro to-day, he was plowing the gore.
Thurs. May 18 – no entry.
Fri. May 19 – Out to Choir practice as usual. Sorry we cannot get home earlier.
Sat. May 20 – 3 colts brot over from Thos. Harrison, Barrie. This week I have rolled, disked &
kept at it. 1 calf arrived to-day, Co Reddy.
Sun. May 21 – Dick, Gr & I out in A.M.. Gor & I in Eve. Lizzie went out Sat. P.M.. Was with
Everard West after church.
Mon. May 22 – A.M. Was helping fix Davidson’s line fence thro bush. There were Jno & Dave
also Alec McK. Gordon farrowed flax. The rest of week we were putting up wire fence & barb
wire also clearing the brush around same.
Tues. May 23 – no entry.
Wed. May 24 – P.M. Grace, Lizzie & I were at Heameebury, also Jno, Dick & Mother. I played
with Utopia vs Angus, 2 to 14? on account of a played being hit. Was out for a drive later. 3
colts brot to parture. 2 De Jeardine, 1 McDonald.
Thurs. May 25 – no entry.
Fri. May 26 – Lizzie & I out at choir practise. I disked, harrowed & planting corn, finished by 9
A.M. Sat.
Sat. May 27 – A.M. clearing corner of big field. P.M. continued & I was ploughing a little for
roots. Eve. Out & had Lorne Davidson cut my hair, also had a little visit.
Sun. May 28 – Richard, Grace & I out to S.S. Lizzie, Gordon & I out to church. Mother stayed
in all day. She don’t care very much about going out Sun. Evening so it seems. Mr. Percy &
Miss Gauley & Mrs. Jeannette (Detroit) of Brentwood stopped in at Mr. Peacock’s and I did
later. Lizzie found Archie interesting & Gordon Ida.
Mon. May 29 – Gordon & I drawing out some fertilizer for turnips & potatoes, 16 loads.
Tues. May 30 – no entry.
Wed. May 31 – no entry.
Thurs. June 1 – no entry.
Fri. June 2 – no entry.
Sat. June 3 – Have getting ground ready for turnips & potatoes. Put potatoes in Thurs & Fri.
Sun. June 4 – A.M. Lizzie & I drove to Brentwood to church. Rand had service & Arch went
with him. We were at Dora & Percy Gauley’s for dinner & tea & were at Angus in Eve. Lizzie
& I were at Lorna Davidsons for a while after church & had quite a sing. Mr. Peacock’s Brother
had the service to-night.
Mon. June 5 – no entry.
Tues. June 6 – no entry.
Wed. June 7 – no entry.
Thurs. June 8 – no entry.
Fri. June 9 – Out to C.P. [Choir Practise] as usual.
Sat. June 10 – Dad, Mother & Lizzie were in Barrie to-day. They were caught in a storm coming
out from Angus. Lizzie stayed out till Sunday eve.
Sun. June 11 – A.M. S.S. Walked out, none of the others came out. Lizzie was in Angus over
Sat. Night. P.M. At Tom Duckworth’s with Arch for dinner & tea. Eve. Song Service, which
was quite nice. Randolph gave a short talk.
Mon. June 12 – no entry.
Tues. June 13 – This P.M. was a raising at Jas Davidson’s. I guess we were all over.
Wed. June 14 – This week we have put a fence around for the 2 calves & some pigs. Also have
cultivated potatoes in garden, harrowed those in field, finished rolling oat field & cult mangles.
One morning I had a trip to Angus & returned with a new wagon rack & single cultivator & my
bike. Eve. Gordon & I at Chas McKinnons. Lizzie walked out to Angus & back to-day.
Thurs. June 15 – Gordon & I hoed 24 rows mangles. Have started to fix one end of shed so I can
make it handy to run in the buggy & out. This is work at odd times. Eve. Mrs. Jas. Davidson &
children also Miss Campbell were over.
Fri. June 16 – Harrowed & drilled in corn, then 3 of us ploughing far corner of big field. Eve.
Lizzie & I drove to C.P. in Angus and we couldn’t go very fast on account of the pony. It is
quite chilly these evenings. Mr. Peacock has been transferred to Toronto & a Mr. Irwin is
coming here.
Sat. June 17 – We 3 ploughing in ditch in big field.
Sun. June 18 – Did .... .... special events to-day S.B. driving with Mr. McDiarmid in evening & I
was not. Miss Mitchell & I went for a drive.
Mon. June 19 – Ground finished for buckwheat & it was put in.
Tues. June 20 - Ground finished for buckwheat & it was put in.
Wed. June 21 – rolled big corner of big field. I guess we had beets rest of day.
Thurs. June 22 – 2 jags lumber from Redferns will also 52 chop 100 mid.
Fri. June 23 – 2 more loads & all. Jimmie Mullen brot load in P.M. also. Eve. Farewell surprise
at Peacocks. Large crowd, had refreshments with ice cream. Young people stayed & cleaned up
& then had a general good sing. SB in Barrie.
Sat. June 24 – Started hoeing sugar beets again. Jno & I did 12 rows.
Sun. June 25 – S.S. Review. I had Lesson 6 & 7 was Lizzie’s. We were at Wests for the day.
Archie Rau & I were out walking in P.M. with Jessie & Lizzie McAteer & Ida Mac. Eve.
Church. Mr. Peacock’s farewell.
Mon. June 26 – replanted buckwheat instead of corn, also put in some beans & radishes. Gordon
finished again the sugar beets.
Tues. June 27 – A.M. 3 big poles were secured from bush. Potatoes were bugged. Eve. Mr. &
Mrs. Jas. McDermott out for tea. Carpenters repairing hay track. Dollie out to Angus.
Wed. June 28 – Started to plough across the river. Eve. Drove out to A.O.U.W. Meeting & there
was none. Eve. Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Peacock & Evan out for tea.
Thurs. June 29 – 2nd
day ploughing.
Fri. June 30 – 3rd
day ploughing across the creek, used the 3 horses. Father & Mother drove to
Barrie to-day. We weren’t out at Choir P. in Eve.
Sat. July 1 – Plowing across river yet.
Sun. July 2 – S.S. in A.M. Grace & Dick Walked out in afternoon, went up on the other side of
river, & I called at West’s for tea. The minister was there batching since last Wednes. Went out
for a drive.
Mon. July 3 – Gordon & I doing road work to-day with team.
Tues. July 4 – ditto. Only had 7 days but we put in 8.
Wed. July 5 – Cutting hay next roots & raked & drew in 1 load.
Thurs. July 6 – Two loads hay in P.M.
Fri. July 7 – Cut hay field opposite Butternut tree. P.M. Raising at John Dunn’s. Al over but
Dick. Lizzie & I out driving later. Hay next roots – 3 loads.
Sat. July 8 – raked last field & drew in 3 loads. Hay opp. B.T., 3 loads.
Sun. July 9 – Didn’t go out till evening. Lizzie was out last night. Rev. Mr. Irwin preached his
sermon here this Eve. Jno & I were late as usual. S.B. Rau & us 3 were at Mr. Clarks for a
while in Eve.
Mon. July 10 – Cut field opp. House to-day. Drew in 1 load with Chas. McK hay loader & then
it rained so I took it home. Eve. Lizzie, Gordon & I at Jas. Davidsons.
Tues. July 11 – Raking, 2 loads this P.M. , hay was very short. Thuis makes 3 off field opp.
House site. 2 men came out to put hay loader together & found a piece missing so they are to
come out again. A.M. Trip to Angus & brought hay loader out, also rock salt & nails & brl salt.
Hay opp house, 3 ½ loads.
Wed. July 12 – Cutting in same field. 6 loads in P.M. I use the slings but dad would rather use
the fork.
Thurs. July 13 – cut in F. this A.M. Rained for an hour or so about noon. Used Tedder a while
the tried the new Hay Loader which works alright. 2 men were here to-day & put it up, drew in
2 Loads to-night. Dad brought us wagon (from Highgate) to hay rack from Angus this A.M.
Fri. July 14 – Still in same field. Hay loader works OK.
Sat. July 15 – Cut all A.M. Mr. & Mrs. Humphrey here yesterday & left this A.M. I drove out
for Mrs. Clark this evening.
Sun. July 16 – In evening 2 rigs out. R.W. stayed all night but I drove home. It rained quite
heavy nearly all night. Mr. & Mrs. Clark here to-day.
Mon. July 17 – Finished cutting behind barn. 18 loads off the field. Dad brought hay rake out
this A.M. I took team & bough balance of binder out in P.M. Saw Ida & Le, also Strat.
Tues. July 18 – At field beside house.
Wed. July 19 – continued. Cut 7 rounds in front of house. Drove out to Angus in Eve. to see
about next Sun. but found nothing out. Had Jessie Campbell & Lena Lockart for company.
Were driving south of Angus too. Two men from Barrie set binder up to-day. Massey Harris.
Thurs. July 20 – Cut 7 rounds in front of house. 4 loads.
Fri. July 21 – cut balance of field in front of house, raked it after dinner, drew in 7 loads. 15 off
field in front of house, 9 off field beside house.
Sat. July 22 – I cut 4 loads in lower field – moved some away & drew in 6 loads. 1 rakings 1 off
small piece. Had Everard cut my hair this eve.
Sun. July 23 – Lizzie, Jno & Dick at S.S. I went out in evening. The boys were at Archie’s &
Lizzie at Le’s. Rained quite heavy late in evening. Jim Davidsons wife also 3 youngsters called
in P.M.
Mon. July 24 – Weather unsettled to-day & no hay cut. Was raking in field by house most of the
day. Lizzie, Jno & Dick were berry picking south of Angus. There was a load of folks from
Angus and I would like to have gone. Mother & I were in the village for a while to-day. P.S.
Fleming put in 2 colts. Stayner.
Tues. July 25 – We 3 were plowing across the river & finished the ½ moon. There is still a days
work next the slashing. The weather was too unsettled to cut hay.
Wed. July 26 – no entry.
Thurs. July 27 – no entry.
Fri. July 28 – no entry.
Sat. July 29 – no entry.
Sun. July 30 – no entry.
Mon. July 31 – no entry.
Tues. Aug. 1 – no entry.
Wed. Aug. 2 – no entry.
Thurs. Aug. 3 – no entry.
Fri. Aug. 4 – no entry.
Sat. Aug. 5 – Started to cut oats by school. Eve. Laura & I drove out to A. WE stopped in
Lornes a little while.
Sun. Aug. 6 – A.M. Load to Utopia. Everard, Rau, Archie & I. Ida, Sadie, Cliff, Luella as
choir. Stayed till 4 P.M. Arch & I had tea at West’s. Cassie, Jno Love & Mrs. Everard & I at
Joe McMaster’s. Rau & Cliff – Rick Bell’s. 3 girls at Tom McCann. Archie at Mr. Bell’s.
Mon. Aug. 7 – Finished 1st
field & started back of barn. Eve. Meeting at School house re
building road. Later Jim Davidson agreed to do it for $160. Lizzie, Laura & I, Rau & Sadie, Dr.
& Mrs. Everard & Archie. Piercy & Dora Gauley at New Lowell ice cream social. We also
went thro the City Dairy barns there. Mets Mrs. Dau & Maggie McKinnon.
Tues. Aug. 8 – Finished last piece. P.M. 5 loads barley, e loads oats. Jim & Frank helped this
Wed. Aug. 9 – no entry.
Thurs. Aug. 10 – no entry.
Fri. Aug. 11 – A.M. raked oat stubble by school. Eve. CP. Met Mrs. Watson to-night.
Sat. Aug. 12 – A.m. I raked oat stubble by barb. 1 load oats & B. 1 load 1 sling Oat raking. Jim
Miller cut the last of O & B this A.M. so they could use our binder. Eve. Was in Angus for a
Sun. Aug. 13 – P.M. Church. Mr. & Mrs. Watson (nee Ada Clark) were at Lorne’s to-night.
They & Sadie drove to Stayner later on in the evening. Rand & Everard out to-day. We went
back thro bush & out by C McK’s house.
Mon. Aug. 14 – no entry.
Tues. Aug. 15- no entry.
Wed. Aug. 16 – no entry.
Thurs. Aug. 17 – Eve. At Brentwood Social. Had Lucy McK for company. None of our crowd
were out at all. We all went but dad.
Fri. Aug. 18 – no entry.
Sat. Aug. 19 – no entry.
Sun. Aug. 20 – Eve. Church. Dad, Dick, Tom McK & I went back to Cranberry Marsh &
Beaver Meadows.
Mon. Aug. 21 – no entry.
Tues. Aug. 22 – Eve. In Angus as thought Rand might be going away on Wed. SB & Lillie
Clark arrived in village to-day.
Wed. Aug. 23 – no entry.
Thurs. Aug. 24 – no entry.
Fri. Aug. 25 – no entry.
Sat. Aug. 26 – no entry.
Sun. Aug. 27 – Eve. Church. Lillie Clark visiting at Lorne Davidsons. She goes to Stayner on
Mon. Next. Mr. & Mrs. Clark (agent) were out to-day. She came out last night & he walked out
this A.M. Lizzie & I walked out to Mac’s for tea.
Mon. Aug. 28 – Eve. Had a drive to Barrie - Jno Cochrane, Wilson, Strat, Rand, Dan Shaw & I.
Everard came back with us. Stayed at Wests over night. Trip to Angus with pig 935th
@ 7.60.
71.05. brought out cultivator.
Tues. Aug. 29 – no entry.
Wed. Aug. 30 – heavy frost to-night & to-morrow.
Thurs. Aug. 31 – Eve. Dad, Jim D. & Will D. drove to Brentwood to hear Major Davidson on
Reciprocity. I was out at Angus using the team.
Fri. Sept. 1 – This week have plowed flax ground & what other corners were in the big field no
fun around the stumps either. Plowed between 2 & 3 acres in 5 different ways. Also lately have
disked & harrowed wheat ground. Plowed shallow peas, plowed shallow sod east of barn &
been rolling some. Eve. Lizzie & I at Choir P. Dance etc. at Felix DaJardine’s. Gordon went.
Sat. Sept. 2 – plowing triangles & disking by roots. Eve. Took mower over to school & cut some
grass. Dad drove out to Angus expecting some folks up bit they came not.
Sun. Sept. 3 – S.S. Gordon & Dick. Pres. Church, eve, Mother, Grace & I, Lizzie & Laura.
Jno Bull preached. Mother & G at Mrs. Clark’s all day & I was there for tea. Went up with
Archie for dinner. Me, Miss Dollie & Kate McKever at Tom Duckworth’s. Frost again to-night.
Mon. Sept. 4 – Cultivated (3 horses) ground for wheat & disked some by roots. Finished cutting
grass with mower. Eve. Cutting some weeds at school & went over to see Jim Davidson about
the work on it. [See Sept. 7]
Tues. Sept. 5 – Fall wheat dowed on barley ground & partly harrowed 7 ¾ hrs. Early Windsor.
Rained from about 4.30 P.M. Eve. Writing up diary for last month. Been noticing the horses to-
night and all 4 will soon be on the bone heap if they keep on getting fat. So slow.
Wed. Sept. 6 – 3 getting some wood out across river.
Thurs. Sept. 7 – (Sept. 4 – Mr. Dempster came out – the house was levelled. Eve. Raked a little
school.) 9/7/11 Same continued.
Fri. Sept. 8 – (Sept. 15 – 2 mowing buckwheat all day. Eve. Angus C.P. Liz & I. Laura stay at
Clarks till Sunday Eve.)
Sat. Sept. 9 – (Sept. 16 – A.M. Mowed bal of verchwh. P.M. S.S. picnic at Clark’s. Lizzie,
Laura & Dick, Gr & I. Grace stayed over night. Young people stayed for evening. Everard &
Rau, Ida & Sadie, Cassie & Cliff later.) 9/9/11 –disking over river.
Sun. Sept. 10 – (Sept. 17 - Eve. Church. Liz, La & I. Had walk down townline which is only
used as winter road in P.M. & at Clark’s for tea.) 9/10/11 – Eve. Church. Mother, Lizzie & I.
Mon. Sept. 11 – (Sept. 18 – 3 put top on stack. 2 forked buckwheat. Dad at Bob Elliott’s where
discussion of townline drain was held. Eve. Laura, Lizzie & I at Jno Bishop’s. Misses Mary &
Jimmie Buchanan visiting there.) 9/11 – A.M. 2 threshing Bishops. P.M. threshing Tom McK.
Tues. Sept. 12 – (Sept. 19 – cultivated pea & flax ground, also in 1 load buckwheat. Tom McK
has his 4 loads already in barn. Dad into Barrie & Mother to Angus.) 9/12/11 – A.M. 2 thresh
Chas. McK. P.M. 1 cutting feed McK.
Wed. Sept. 13 – Threshed here to-day 1000 bu. 9 ½ hrs – 1175. White, Mr. Broom, Mrs. To
McK & Henrietta, Geo Arnum, Alex Roys & Tom McK, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. White, Jim & Frank
Mullen, Jim Mason, Jim Davidson, Fred McBride, Jno Dunn, Bill Willoughby, & 4 of us.
Thurs. Sept. 14 – see also 9/7 [Sept. 7]. Gordon took cap to New Lowell.
Fri. Sept. 15 – no entry. [see also Sept. 8].
Sat. Sept. 16 – no entry. [see also Sept. 9].
Sun. Sept. 17 – I walked down townline & Mrs. Jim Brennan’s saw Geo. Arnum. Was at Clark’s
for tea. [see also Sept. 10].
Mon. Sept. 18 – no entry. [see also Sept. 11].
Tues. Sept. 19 – cultivated pea & flax ground. 3 h – 1 load bwheat. [see also Sept. 12].
Wed. Sept. 20 – Dad & I drew in 4 loads buckwheat & brought out a load of poles for wood.
Thurs. Sept. 21 – A.M. Dad went to Toronto on noon train. I went out after flooring. P.M. G &
I moved some hay & sawed wood. Eve. Lizzie, Mother & I were at Gauley’s this day, also were
Florence & Mrs. Maxwell. We were quite well entertained.
Fri. Sept. 22 – A.M. Press at C. McKinnon. I plowed a little in ditch. P.M. Press here. Ed
Patterson. Hay. Eve. Lizzie & I celebration in Angus over the election.
Sat. Sept. 23 – A.M. – 10.30, press. Straw drew press to McBride’s. P.M. Finished plowed west
end G & I of ditch and took out some snags. Eve. Jim Mullen drove 7 lambs M 7 I out to Angus.
Spoke for Will D’s horse to go to Grenfel Serv. Eve. Mary McKinney’s sister Rachel died Fri.
Funeral Mon. In Detroit & Flushing. Driving. Mr. McKinnon & Sadie slow to deliver telegram.
Sun. Sept. 24 – Cloudy all day. 6 out to S.S. & Pres. C I stayed. Eve. Drove to Grenfel. Was
Anniversary there. Mr. Bowen of Barrie. We had a wet dark drive to Angus as I had no lantern.
Will Davidson backed out & I had to drive Net. Reached Angus a little late & went alone. Rau
& Mrs. West went also. Percy & Dora, Gauley were here this P.M. Should not have went out at
all this eve. Drove this – Jno & Jessie Campbell, Lorne & Mrs. Davidson.
Mon. Sept. 25 – Heavy rain all night. Plowing east end of ditch.
Tues. Sept. 26 – Rain last night. Plowing in same corner. Am also taking out some stumps.
Wed. Sept. 27 – Finished plowing back corner. Eve. Lizzie & I were at extra CP. I didn’t as I
had a cold – at Lorne’s a little.
Thurs. Sept. 28 – Cult part of sod by barn. Eve. Mrs. Bishop, Misses Mary & Jennie Buchanan
were here for tea. I went back with them.
Fri. Sept. 29 – Rained till 2 P.M. & then cleared up, chilly. I drove in after flour & lath so didn’t
go out later. Might have plowed this P.M. as well as not. Frank is to report in Merlin Monday.
Sat. Sept. 30 – A.M. Plowed piece of bwheat by lane deep with kangaroo. P.M> Cult bal of sod
by barn. Brought Mr. Tuck’s colt up from bush. Has sore in right brisket. Mr. Martin, Jos
Lochart & Wm. McDonald were down looking at jams on the Mad. Went down to town line. I
went along as dad was away. Eve. In. Misses Buchanan’s went home to-day. I believed it
rained every night this week except Wed.
Sun. Oct. 1 – Rained till 3 P.M. No one was out yet. Eve. Li, La & I out to church, practice
afterwards till 9.45. Told Everard something was in the wind re ----
Mon. Oct. 2 – Mr. Tuck took 2 colts home & the 1 died next Wed. This week sod by roots cult
& disked & sod by barn disked. Have also plowing across river a couple of days & finished the
Tues. Oct. 3 – See 10/2 [Oct. 2].
Wed. Oct. 4 – See 10/2.
Thurs. Oct. 5 – See 10/2.
Fri. Oct. 6 – Gordon was disking. Rained from 9 A.M. till 6 P.M. Just pulled a few roots. Eve.
At C.P. Lizzie stays at Mac’s till Sunday. It seems she has her share of outings.
Sat. Oct. 7 – 4 at the roots & finished the same. There were 7 good big loads. Also a little with
team. Finished disking by barn.
Sun. Oct. 8 – Angus Meth. Anniversary. A.M. Mother (West), Gr (Mac’s) & I (Archie’s) stayed
for P.M. service. La & I stayed for Eve. (Mac’s). Laura, Archie & I at Lorne’s, also Mrs.
Dobson & Leslie & Mr. McCrimmon of Creemore. Eve. Conyouy till 9.30 Dobson’s, H.L.
Tarbush later & ______. U no what. Met Archie & Rau on townline on way home. Before I had
smelt a rat but I found the same this eve.
Mon. Oct. 9 – A.M. Striking out field by barn. P.M. plowing same. Gordon at New Lowell with
800# chop & 40.21 ham. Eve. Drove to Utopia English Social alone. Concert also. Domiciled
at McIntosh’s a few hours. Didn’t get home via Angus till 10 A.M. Gordon
Tues. Oct. 10 – 2 h plowing. Mother & Li at Ladies Aid – stayed at Lorne’s over night. Gordon
at McDiarmid’s till Fri. eve picking potatoes.
Wed. Oct. 11 – 2 plowing
Thurs. Oct. 12 – 2 plowing. Eve. Laura & I at Prayer Meeting. Tried to get some reasons but
was unsuccessful.
Fri. Oct. 13 – Eve. Choir. Saw Everard awhile re several mysteries. Tom ½ day – Jim Mullen, I
& Jno. D. – Frank Mullen all day. 3 teams on the Boulevard.
Sat. Oct. 14 – Jno, Dick, Gr & I scratched, plowed & pitted 15 rows potatoes, about 2/3.
Sun. Oct. 15 – Presbyterian Anniversary. A.M. Mother (McKever’s), Gr, Dick (Den’s) out.
Eve. Li, La & I out. Cliff was over for a few minutes & then Li & La butted in but they couldn’t
help it. It put me out quite a bit. This is likely my best night for some time. Walked along Mad
R to McBride’s before dinner & after Alex & I were down at the Forks. Gordon visited uncle
Tom to-day because he couldn’t find his good vest.
Mon. Oct. 16 – (2) or double plowing. Plowed 7 rows of potatoes & drew in them. 25 bus. Eve.
Archie D., Ida McMulkin & Gertrude Moore (of Everett) were out and a pleasant time was spent.
Mrs. Lorne Davidson was here for afternoon tea & Lizzie drove home with her.
Tues. Oct. 17 – 2 plowed a little this A.M. & then the ram held sway the balance of day. Was
going to Angus in eve but changed my plans on account of rain.
Wed. Oct. 18 – A.M. Jno drove to Angus after Lizzie. Was 3 h plowing all day, have finished
this piece but for about 3 hours. Eve. The whole Shebang were at Uncle Tom’s for the evening.
Thurs. Oct. 19 – Gordon & I, also Jim Mullen were after 2 loads Fat Pine near Duckworth’s. We
got home by 8.30. Ida – Miss Moore & Mr. McMulkin were out to-day. Dad returned from his
visit to Highgate & adjacent points.
Fri. Oct. 20 – A.M. 2 plowing gore in sod by barn. Dollie thought she needed a holiday so
proposed a lame ankle this A.M. Eve. C.P. Lizzie didn’t go out, intending to go to Barrie Sat. 4
of us were for a nice little drive in the meantime. P.M. M., Jno & I brought out the piano from
Station & found it in good shape.
Sat. Oct. 21 – Finished gore in sod & plowed headland. Also drew in potatoes, Jno & Dick,
besides raked harrowed ground. Mother, Lizzie & Dad in Barrie to-day. Dad stayed over-night
with Humphrey’s. Eve. Had Uncle Tom barber me.
Sun. Oct. 22 – Rain off & on, 12 A.M. to 12 P.M. A.M. Jno, Dick & Gr at S.S. P.M. Lizzie & I
drove to Utopia Anniversary Services. We had tea at Richard Bell’s also, Randolph & cousin.
Leslie Dobson, Wm. Miller. Eve. Drove to Angus with Mr. West. Lizzie, Cliff, Sadie, Ida, Miss
Moore, Archie & Rau were at church Utopia. Because I drove to Angus early, Li thought that I
had made a big mistake. Everard & I had a good talk on several topics. Mr. Humphrey drove
dad out this A.M. & stayed till Mon. A.M.
Mon. Oct. 23 – Gordon & I put baled straw in barn. Also drew up cultivator, disk & hay loader.
Dad went to New Lowell to see about heater & didn’t get it. Eve. Mr. Tom Wilkinson up for a
Tues. Oct. 24 – A.M. Finished 3 h plowing sod by barn. P.M. started on sod by roots. Eve.
Writing diary for last week. Dad Shipped Barney to Wm. James Dutton. ¼ veal from Jno
Bishop. 2.70. De Jeardin 1 colt out.
Wed. Oct. 25 – 3 h plowing sod by roots. Mr. Dean from Angus out laying new floor in house.
Eve. Drove Mr. Dean out & was in at Mac’s a few ..
Thurs. Oct. 26 – till 3 P.M. 3 h plowing sod by roots, 3 h plowing oats stubble by roots. Eve.
Walked out & back 1”5” & 1’8”. Not very many at P meeting.
Fri. Oct. 27 – Finished 3 h plowing on oats stubble by roots. Also harrowed & drew in 2 loads
turnips. Eve. Stay in & didn’t go to C.P. as there was none.
Sat. Oct. 28 – A.M. I was finishing some plowing & all were at turnips. 6 loads. La & Li drove
out after Frank who is going to stay till Mon. Eve.
Sun. Oct. 29 – A.M. Li, Dick, Gr at S.S. 10.30, Frank, La & I drove to Archie’s for day. Cliff,
Dolly, & Mrs. McKever were also there. Eve. Gordon & Li drove out. I stayed for later meeting
& a C.P. & was at Dr’s a few ..
Mon. Oct. 30 – Thanksgiving Day. We finished pulling turnips this A.M. & drew in the 2 loads.
Brought pulper from Uncle Tom’s. P.M. skidding out wood in poles. Frank was on the crosscut.
Eve. Li & La walked out to Angus & I drove Frank out. Was in at Mac’s & West’s, rained as we
were coming home. 10.30 A.M. A Thanksgiving Service was held in Meth. Church with
assistance of Mr. Sterling. 2.30 P.M. a funeral – a young lad ______ Coddington, Latter Day
Saints. Turnips 10 loads.
Tues. Oct. 31 – rained in showers all day. Was to have helped cut some wood for Mr. Beers if
fine weather had prevailed. Hallowe’en this night but we were all in the house. A.m. 3 put baled
hay from cow stable to hay mow. P.M. I was draining in barnyard and Dad & Jno were laying
new floor in kitchen. They also did some in evening.
Wed., Nov. 1 – raining.
Thurs. Nov. 2 – A.M. rain. P.M. Tom McK & Jim helped us putting sand at break.
Fri. Nov. 3 – we at drawing sand yet.
Sat. Nov. 4 – A.M. Drawing sand. P.M. 1 load wood. Sand again. Chas. & Tony McK helped.
Sun. Nov. 5 – Brentwood Meth. Anniversary. A.M. All went but Dad. Jno home at noon. P.M.
Mother, R & Gr home. Eve. Mr. Starr of Allendale had services. Angus Choir assisted. Ida,
Sadie, Cliff, Mrs. K, Lizzie, Strat & I, Wm. McMillen, Miss Gauley. (Leslie & Geo Dobson in
Mon. Nov. 6 – A.M. Put load bedding in double stall. Put load feed straw in hay mow. P.M.
Rained. Mr. Tuck 2 cattle home.
Tues. Nov. 7 – Rained A.M. P.M. Jno & I sawing poles in swamp near town line.
Wed. Nov. 8 – Dad in Barrie. A.M. Jno & I sawed wood. P.M. Jno threshing at Jno Dunn’s.
Thurs. Nov. 9 - - 10. Threshing Jno Davidson. 10-2, threshing D. McMackon & Tom
McKinnon. We had 40 bus buckwheat. Jim Mullen & I drew separator to White’s & ___ White
Jno D. drew engine. Eve. I helped Jno D. Move our furniture upstairs. Jim D. & family, Jessie,
Frank & Jack Campbell were down.
Fri. Nov. 10 – A.M. Drew some sand for road to barn from house. A.M. Nailed up end of barn.
Eve. Li & I at C.P. 2 oif the girls did not hitch very well.
Sat. Nov. 11 – 3 were making road in slashing so to get at cedar in winter. McMackons at Jno
Davidson. Jim & Henrietta, Tom & Mary McK, Mrs. Will McK, Jno Dunn & Mother, Chas
McCarthy & wife, Dave Davidson & wife, Walter Hill, Jno Bishop & wife.
Sun. Nov. 12 – 9-10, I walked to S.S. as I was to be Supt & teacher, in a drizzle, & home in
evening, 9.15-10.30 with snow on ground & quite chilly. Stayed at West’s to-day & the boys
and I had quite a visit. There was Song Service in evening & Randolph gave a short talk on
Romans 12. Called at Clarks a few minutes after church. Believe I might have gone to 321 had I
wish as was near the last to leave. The West’s are improving.
Mon. Nov. 13 – Wm. Adams came after pony. Fixing pig & hen pen. Barrell – Missionary –
was brot out from Angus to-day (from Uncle Nelson, nuts, beans & apples.
Tues. Nov. 14 – Jno & I digging cellar under store room. Eve. Laura & I drove to New Lowell
to cash 2 orders 3.15 & 100.00. Snowed quite heavy foe awhile.
Wed. Nov. 15 – This week we have been putting cellar under kitchen. We excavated a place 8’ x
8’ x 5’ deep. Then made board walls, steps, bin & shelves. This occupied nearly all week. Dad
was boss carpenter. Eve. Li & La at Angus for music.
Thurs. Nov. 16 – Quite a bit of snow fell last night & continued most of day.
Fri. Nov. 17 – Lots more snow to-day. It is now 8” or 9” on the level out here but less on roads.
3 Gordons & Fleming were after 20 horses to-day, $54.00 pasture. Eve. Started to rain & fool
that I was I started for Angus & left cutter in bush, but brought it home with me. Next time I
won’t be so reckless.
Sat. Nov. 18 – Mother, Laura & Dick in Barrie to-day. La invested in a set of furs for herself.
Sun. Nov. 19 – A.M. Young folks didn’t seem anxious to go to S.S. Eve. Li, La & I out. I
walked home. We were at Mac’s a while after also was Shat. Was at Drisbe for E church.
Mon. Nov. 20 – 3 after cedars. Eve. Drove to Angus for Xmas entertainment meeting. Decided
that each class be trained by their teacher. Also envelopes be distributed to secure Xmas cheer
for poor. The choir outside intend to have a dialogue. Everard at school again this week.
Tues. Nov. 21 – 3 after cedar. Took team & bob sleighs & McMackons to Thos McKinnon’s in
evening for an outing.
Wed. Nov. 22 – 3 after cedar. La & Li out to Angus for music lesson.
Thurs. Nov. 23 – 3 after seeder. Uncle Tom, Aunt Martha, Jim & Henrietta were up for
partridge supper & evening.
Fri. Nov. 24 – Dad in Angus to-day. Gordon & I were sawing wood most of time. Eve. Li & I at
C.P. I was late starting & ending but we practised at West’s.
Sat. Nov. 25 – I took 10.00 chop to New Lowell with team, change 55 cts. Then drew load of
wood by lumber & bal of water. Jno & Dad were cutting poles. Eve. La & I skating on Oxbow,
also Frank Mullen & Jessie Campbell. We were on about 2 hours. Gordon drove out after Mr.
& Mrs. Clark.
Sun. Nov. 26 – A.M. no one out. P.M. Mr. Clark & I walked out 1 ¼. Eve. Li & La & Mrs.
Clark drove out. The walking was not very good but I had to walk home as I was talking to
Rand too long and the girls went on thro. Felt rather tough all eve.
Mon. Nov. 27 – 3 hunting Cedar.
Tues. Nov. 28 – 3 at cedar.
Wed. Nov. 29 – 3 at cedar.
Thurs. Nov. 30 – 3 at cedar.
Fri. Dec. 1 – 3 at cedar. Started to snow quite heavy about 4 P.M. so quit. Believe we have
enough out.
Sat. Dec. 2 – no entry.
Sun. Dec. 3 – no entry.
Mon. Dec. 4 – no entry.
Tues. Dec. 5 – no entry.
Wed. Dec. 6 – no entry.
Thurs. Dec. 7 – no entry.
Fri. Dec. 8 – no entry.
Sat. Dec. 9 – no entry.
Sun. Dec. 10 – no entry.
Mon. Dec. 11 – no entry.
Tues. Dec. 12 – no entry.
Wed. Dec. 13 – no entry.
Thurs. Dec. 14 – no entry.
Fri. Dec. 15 – no entry.
Sat. Dec. 16 – Dick – Mac’s & Clarks. La & Li walked drove out in P.M. & stayed.
Sun. Dec. 17 – A.M. Dick drove home after S.S., doctoring cow all day. Eve. Angus Meth. Was
late at church & stayed out of choir. Li & La drove home in the cutter alone.
Mon. Dec. 18 – A.M. Took 3 pigs 680 # @ 6.00 to Angus, 40.80. The cow Lillie quite sick &
died next A.M. Had an overdose of oat chop & she was paralyzed.
Tues. Dec. 19 – Eve. Drove in cutter out to Prayer meeting with Mother at Mrs. Redfern’s. Gave
Lizzie 1.00 Xmas 1910 to get Ladies H J [Home Journal] during year. Wasn’t used.
Wed. Dec. 20 – La & Li drove out in cutter, G 7 I drove out in buggy. Eve. Party at Dr. West’s.
McMulkin, Ida; McAteer, Jessie; McMackon, 4; McKinnon, Mr., teacher; McKever, Cliff;
Miscampbell, Cassie; Blair, Sadie; Bush, Frank - Gordon & wife; Sprague, Miss, teacher; West,
4; Walker, James; Duckworth, Strat; Pugh, Melville & Luella; Clark, Mr. & Mrs. (14).
Thurs. Dec. 21 – 2 drawing poles, dad chopping, brought last up to-night. Have been drawing all
week as sleighing is quite good. Lately we logged up the clearing & piled the debris.
Fri. Dec. 22 – A.M. Logging by bridge. P.M. 2 loads straw put in mow. 4.00 Strat Duckworth
arrived with his engine & we sawed about an hour.
Sat. Dec. 23 – Buzz saw was beating us at the cross-cut to-day. Jno Davidson & Jimie helped.
3.30 P.M. – 7.00. took saw to Frank Coulsons bush near townline & Ry. Eve. Lizzie La drove
out & I walked later. We waited for mail & were later getting home. Dad went out with Mr.
Tom McKinnon & brought Frank & Malcolm back.
Sun. Dec. 24 – A.M. no one went out. The boys & dad were for a walk to the bridge etc.
Mon. Dec. 25 – no entry.
Tues. Dec. 26 – no entry.
Wed. Dec. 27 – no entry.
Thurs. Dec. 28 – no entry.
Fri. Dec. 29 – no entry.
Sat. Dec. 30 – no entry.
Sun. Dec. 31 – no entry.