File #18952: "John Ferguson Diary Transcription, 1871.pdf"


John Ferguson (1851 - 1931)
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive Volunteers
January, Sunday, 1. 1871.
A pleasant day and good sleighing about 12 inches of snow on level. Went to S. School this
morning Supt pres lesson--Luke II 1 to 20. Mr & Mrs. Tribble drove up and spent the day at J.
C. Snell's. Went to Brampton this evening to the W. M. Church and heard Rev. A. L. Russel
preach text--Numbers XIV-14th verse.
Monday, 2.
Drove up to J. C. Snell's in the sleigh this forenoon and took took New Year's dinner there. Mr.
and Mrs. Joness were there also and we had a pleasant time. Drove up to Edmonton to the
election of township council - Reeve Thos. Bowles D. Reeves - J. P. Hutton and Henderson
Councilor Quin and Lipsett. Rev. James Pearen and his sister Mrs. Beatie took tea at our
place and spent the evening
January, Tuesday, 3 1871
A cold blustering day, the roads and lanes are fast filling up. Was engaged in picking over
potatoes of which one half were rotten Bought a new pair of scales (Fairbank's) $18.00, they
are the smallest size and will weigh 600 lbs.
Wednesday, 4
Was drawing on the sleigh from the lower bush cordwood for next summers use hauled about
4 cords. Spent the evening pleasantly and profitably at the Annual Meeting of the B.B. Bible
Society Rev John Gemley from Toronto gave a very interesting address. Collected one the
branch $145.
January, Thursday, 5 1871
Was at the same occupation as yesterday. Spent the evening pleasantly at Hope Chapel
Social (No 10) realized about $40, there was a large attendance, suitable readings and short
speeches were the order of the evening. M. M. Elliot occupied the chair. Subscribed for the
Peel Banner $1.00 per annum
Friday, 6
Yesterday and to day was held the Annual meeting of C. P. S. S. Association at Cheltenham.
Drove up there this afternoon the convention was largely attended by delegates and visitors
from different parts of the county. The public speaking was good. Raised by collections nearly
$50. Took tea at Mr. Crawford's. Arrived home at 1.30-oclock to morrow morning.
January, Saturday, 7. 1871
The eclipse of the moon last evening was very plain the night being clear and frosty. Was
hauling wood again today drew 7 loads (almost 5 cords) Father drove up to John Snell's and
sold them a hind quarter of beef weighing 163 Ibs @ - 7 cts per Ib. Spenig the even'g reading
election stories in the "Banner"
Sunday, 8
Went to S.S. this morning Supt abs. lesson - John III I to 13th Heard Rev A. S. Russel
preach at Zion text - I Timothy 7th {illegible} 8th also heard him at Brampton this evening text
- Isaiah XXXII Quite a lot of snow from the East and drifing Aunt Catherine is here to night
January, Monday, 9. 1871
Finished drawing the cordwood from the lower bush have about 17 cords of it. Was hauling
black ash and basswood wood rails for the line fence next John Woodhalls farm. Father and
mother are spending the evening in Brampton at Mr W. Newhouse's, with John Newhouse and
family who are going to move to the Niagara country.
Tuesday, 10.
A very stormy day snowing fast from the south. Spent forenoon in driving scholars to day
school and in Brampton. Aunt Catherine and mother are going to Toronto tomorrow. Drove up
to J. C. Snells this evening and stayed there the evening
January, Wednesday, 11 1871.
A mild smoky day, snow thawing fast. Received last night a commisson from Capt. J. C. Snell
of $16 to enroll all the militiamen from No10 to 22 across the township. Was enrolling names
all day one first and 2nd line and Centre Road. got about 100 names Arrived home after six
oclock this evening.
Thursday, 12
Still thawing very fast. Was at the same occupation as yesterday, travelled the 4th, 5th and
6th lines, west, fed my horse and bought dinner at Norval got home after dark. Aunt Catherine
and mother came from Toronto to day they were visiting Dr Fulton J. Learment spent the
evening here
January Friday, 13 1871.
Finished canvassing the west side of township today on which I have about 230 names, the
weather is still warm & pleasant. Mr Black from Port Perry spent the evening and staid all
night J.C.S and family also were here. Drove to Brampton to night to the weekly singing
practice of W. M. choir and enjoyed it well
Saturday, 14
Commenced operations on the east side of township, canvased the 5th and 6th got home
about 4 oclock from thence, It is quite a tedious job, but for the big wages would give it up. It
was a very disagreeable day, a fine drizzling rain from the N.E. which froze as it fell. spent the
evening reading the weekly news.
January, Sunday, 15. 1871.
Drove to Brampton this morning with cutter and Rev E. Clement of Streetsville preach
anniversary Missionary Sermon - text - Romans 1 - 16th he is an eloquent preacher spent the
afternoon at J. C. Snell's in pleasant intercourse with friends Went to Brampton this evening
heard Rev John Shaw of Weston text John IV 35 to 38th Rain and sleet all day
Monday, 16.
Canvassed the 5th and 4th lines enrolled about 70 names. Very stormy and blustering. Drove
to Brampton this evening to W.M. Missionary Meeting, a large attendance Rev J. Shaw, Rev
E. Clement and Rev Dr. Evans of Toronto formerly Missionary to the province of British
Columbia 9 1/2 years The speaking was very good
January, Thursday, 17. 1871.
Finished enrolling the Militia for this company Division about 425 men, it was rather a tedious
job. J. C. S. and J. R. Craig drove to Markham this afternoon to George Miller's sale of Short-
horns. Spent the evening at home writing off militia names. It was a sharp freezing day. Took
dinner yesterday at Mr Thornton lot 22 3rd line East and today at J.C.S.
Wednesday, 18.
Was engaged all day in threshing peas with the flail A great number of rats and mice around
the barn and outbuildings. trap a rat nearly every night. Spent the evening at home waiting
over in driving twice up to Zion for to hold a missionary meeting but could not find the church
key had no meeting
January, Thursday, 19 1871.
Drove over with a grist and 30 bush of oats and peas to Norval Mills. waited for the grinding
over 3 hours got home at 3.30 o'clock. Drove up to J.C. Snell's with the cutter and spent the
evening pleasantly in reading and chat J.C.S is still in Markam at Geo Millers Stock Sale
Friday, 20
Drove over to Norval this morning for a load of fence lumber only bought 400 feet it not being
properly sized sells it at $7.50 per thousand feet. Went to Brampton this evening to the
Wesleyan choir practice which is lead by Jesse Perry enjoyed the evening well.
January, Saturday, 21 1871.
John Learment and I drove our teams to Caledon this morning to buy and haul fence posts
bought 100 off Archibald McCannel at $10.50 per houndred they are good large posts but are
a high price, had to drive into the swamp on No 1, pt line west and make our owns roads.
Snowing from the east all day and very damp.
Sunday, 22
Went to S.S. this morning our Supt pres. lesson John III 12 to 21, a very instructive
description on the blackboard. Heard Rev A. L. Russel preach in Zion text - Numbers XIV 3rd.
Drove to Brampton to night heard Mr James Gooderham preach text Jeremiah XII. latter part
5th The sermon dwelt particularly on death A very cold day
January, Monday, 23 1871
The coldest day of the season the thermometer 12° below zero a strong N.E. wind. J.
Learment and I drove to Caledon for fence posts. Brought home 50 making 100 new cedar
posts paid A McConnel $10.50. Got both my ears frozen and was tired and sleepy when I got
home at 4 o clock.
Tuesday, 24.
Father drove to Brampton this morning and brought Mrs. J.W. Main and family and Mrs.
Trueman to spend the day, Mr. Main came this afternoon. J.C. Snell and family were here this
evening had a pleasant evening. Drove the Brampton visitors home about 9 o clock.
Considerably milder than yesterday.
January, Wednesday, 25 1871
The weather is still very cold the mercury 2° or 3° below zero, all day. The extreme cold is
prevalent all over the country, 40° below zero at Quebec, the best coal oil freezes. Was
threshing peas with the flail. Drove Mrs. J.C.S. home this evening, was helping J.C.S copy the
militia names, there are 436 names on the roll. Got home at 11.30 o clock.
Thursday, 26.
Was at the same occupation as yesterday this cold weather suiting the job very well, have
about 3/4 of them threshed. Drove sister Lavina down to Brampton Grammar School where
she has been going since the first of January 1871. Spent the evening reading The Weekly
January, Friday, 27 1871.
Drove the team over to Ashgrove this morning for a load of shingles for Ambrose Woodhall
brought 12 1/2 squares. Took dinner at Ashgrove hotel it was provided by Mr. W, Mr J, Heath
and W. Wiggins were also at the bee Spent the evening at the W.M Choir Practice. It was
quite mild.
Saturday, 28
Was engaged in fanning peas and storing them away in the driving house, put-away about 40
bush. Was threshing peas with the flail this afternoon. Snowing lightly from the East all day.
Spent the evening at home reading the New York Weekly .
January, Sunday, 29 1871
Went to S. School this morning Supt pres lesson 1 Kings XVII 8 to 16th verses, Elijah and
the widow of Zarephath was described on the blackboard. Went to Brampton this evening and
heard Rev Mr Carson from Streetsville preach. text - Zechariah-III 1st 5 verses is a good
preacher, imitates Rev Morley Punshon in style of delivery.
Monday, 30
Was engaged this forenoon in putting the remains of the straw stack into the barn, for to keep
dry bedding the stock. Was threshing peas this afternoon with the flail. Had a severe tooth
ache this evening. J.C Snell called here this evening, they have sold a Short-horn heifer at
January, TUESDAY, 31. 1871.
Raining very fast nearly all day, snow fast disappearing. Drove to Brampton this morning with
21 bush of barley, received 55 cents per bush. Spent the evening very pleasantly with the
W.M. Choir at a teameeting at Norval, had a good sleigh ride, 12 being in one sleigh, had two
upsets but no one seriously hurt, got home at 1.30 oclock
February, WEDNESDAY, 1. 1871
Finished the pea threshing yesterday Was hauling firewood from the "other place" bush. Had
a visit from J. Tribble of Amaranth stayed last night here started home today. Have had a
pretty severe winter thus far but good steady sleighing, was mild and cloudy today. Spent the
evening in making up farm accounts.
February, THURSDAY, 2. 1871
Drove to Brampton this morning and had a double tooth pulled by W.K. Graham - Dentist - It
was a very painful operation, being but slightly diseased it required considerable strength to
extract it. Father and mother drove to Toronto Township this afternoon to visit Alick Campbell.
It was a blustering day.
Quite a cold day. Was engaged in hauling cord wood and white oak stakes from the other
place bush. Our folks came home from Alicks, they are all well he has a large school at
Matton, he received from the scholars he has left a very nice mahogany writing desk worth
$11.50. Spent the evening at Practice in Brampton pleasantly.
February, SATURDAY, 4 1871.
Finished cleaning up the peas have about 75 bush stored away. Spent the remainder of the
day in picking over the potatoe they are fully one fourth rotten. Father went to Official
Quarterly Meeting at 2 P.M. and paid $3.50 quarterage. A pretty cold day the thermometer
sank nearly to zero. Sarah Peacock is spending a day or two here.
A very cold morning, thermometer 15 (degrees) below zero but very clear and fine. Went to
Brampton to the Quarterly Meeting. Rev Mr Mcfadden preached text - Psalm LXXXVII 3rd
Old Mr. Holtby was present who has been preaching 48 years, & Took dinner at Mrs.
Truemans {illegible figure} heard the same minister this evening text - Galatians - VI, 14th
February, MONDAY, 6 1871.
The weather has moderated some but is still below zero. Went to Brampton to Dentist's and
got 6 teeth filled which were slightly decayed 2 front ones with gold costing $1.50 each the
rest with silver " {costing} $0.75 " {each} total $6.00 paid $5 on the bill . Edwin Dixon is here
from Amaranth overnight J Learment was in and spent the evening in chat.
Spent the day in preparing for clover threshing. Renewed the insurance on the house and
farm buildings in the Mutual Association of Middlesex, to the amount of $2000 , fees $15.25 to
be paid next winter. Aunt Mary and I spent the evening at J.C. Snells in reading and chat.
February, WEDNESDAY, 8. 1871.
Commenced threshing clover this morning with Smith and Hunter's machine. The seed comes
very slowly from the mill, only getting about 5 1/2 bush. Today have nearly 2 bush of Alsike.
Weather very mild thawing fast.
Was at the same work as yesterday, about 5 bush to day. Did not thresh all the clover, it turns
out so poorly, it would not pay. Paid the threshers $12 & Anderson Campbell $1.00 for 2 dys
work also, R. Crawford same for 2 dys. Mrs. Guy Bell spent the day here and Mr. Bell was
here this evening.
February, FRIDAY, 10. 1871
Drove Aunt Mary and Sarah Peacock to Brampton Station this morning. they are going to
Toronto Sarah is hired at Dr. Fulton's. Was paring and applying a preparation of bluestone
and verdigris to sheep's feet for to cure the disease "Hoofrot" which is very troublesome.
Was helping with team J.Learment to thresh clover seed which yielded about the same as
ours. The Communion Baptists of Edmonton had a successful teaparty last night realized
nearly $40. J.C. Snell and wife were hear this evening on their way home from Brampton.
February, SUNDAY, 12 1871.
Drove the sleigh to S. School this morning, Supt present lesson - I Kings XVII 17 to 24 was
well described on blackboard Viney and I drove over to Guy Bell's this afternoon, had a
pleasant time chatting about old times. they are comfortably situated. Heard Rev. W. L.
McFadden preach in Brampton tonight
Drove sister Viney to Brampton G. School this morning. Got the Country Gentleman for last
week, it is an excellent paper. Was fanning and sifting the Alsike clover seed, have about 1
bush 3 pecks There fell about six inches of snow yesterday.
February, TUESDAY, 14 1871.
Drove to Stewarts sawmill. Esquesing and brought for A. Woodhall 950 ft of green lumber.
Sold 1 1/2 bush Alsike @ $6.00 per bush. Went to Mt. Pleasant this evening with the B.W.
Choir had a pleasant time. Able addresses were given by Revs. Pringle, Fletcher,
Breckinridge and J. R. Burnett jun. Realized $63. Got home at 11.30 oclock.
Was engaged today in hauling manure from J. W. Mains horse stable Brampton, drew 4 large
loads, it is splendid manure being well rotted, mixed with shavings instead of straw. Spent
evening making out lumber bill for board fencing and addition to sheep pen, nearly 4000 feet
lumber. Thawing today
February, THURSDAY, 16. 1871
Was hauling rails from the other place bush and repairing fences, have the bush cleared of
cord wood and rails once more. Mr and Mrs Joseph Pearen Mrs. Trueman and Feathstone
and old Mrs. T Modeland were here visiting today. Received a note of invitation to a party from
Dawson Modeland.
Received from Mr. Robert Smith $7.00 for service of "Clifton" and our ram. Was helping John
Campbell to saw wood with the circular belongs to Guy Bell. Our folks spent the day at J.C.S
brought home as present a barrel of good apples. Spent the evening very pleasantly at D.
Modeland's birthday party of, paid $1 to the young folks McKenzie {illegible}
February, SATURDAY, 18. 1871
Very stormy day, had quite a quantity of wet snow last night from the east. Got home last night
about 11.30 o'clock. there were over 12 girls present but only 4 boys. Took tea with A. Joness
and wife and spent evening at their place, Mr. A is very sick with the cold. Aunt Mary came
from Toronto to night.
Went to S.School this morning Supt pres - lesson - John IV - 16 to 30 Heard Rev Mr.
Montgomery from Yonge street South Circuit text Zechariah - - He is a clever young
preacher, Heard him again in Brampton tonight text - Timothy I - IV - 8th verse. J.C. Snell
and family were here all afternoon and evening.
February, MONDAY, 20 1871
Drove over to Esquesing this morning to buy shingles visited 4 shingle factories but could not
get any. There is such a demand for them that they keep no stock on hand. Brought home
from Stuarts Mill 200 feet of culled lumber costing .60 cts. Left a lumber bill at R. Nobles
Norval consisting of - at $8 per thousand.
45 boards 10 inch wide 14 ft long
45 " 8 " " 14
90 " 6 " " 14
30 " 5 " " 16
3 " 3x5 " " 16
18 " 3x5 " " 11
250 ft 2 inch plank 14 ft long. A bright stormy day. Father and mother went to the christening
of J.C.S. two children by Rev McFadden.
Our folks and Mrs G. Woodhall spent the day visiting at Mr Matthew Pearen's on 6 line east.
Was at home all day alone making the day very long. Made a wood box for the kitchen. Spent
the evening at Baptist Social for the sabbath school held in Siloan chapael Brampton, able
speeches by Messrs Beynon, Smith, Herridge and Brooks - Realized $20.
Drove to Caledon this morning for a load of cedar fence stakes brought 164 home. Bought
them from A. McColl of sligo 7 ft long to be used with wire, at the rate of $17 per thousand.
February, FRIDAY, 24. 1871.
Warm day with a strong S.W. wind and thawing very fast. Went to Brampton this afternoon
and settled W.R. Grahams acc. paid him $1.00. Sister Viney and I drove over to Mt Olivet to
night to a social given for benefit of the choir. Speeches by Russel, Oakley and Lent.
Realized $27.
Saturday, 25
Was sawing wood with Guy Bell's circular saw, cut about 22 cords of wood, and got through
shortly after 3 o'c it is pretty hard work handling the wood. Drew the horse power over to Mr
Bells this evening. Paid him $3.50 for the day's sawing.
February, SUNDAY, 26. 1871.
Drove Aunty Peacock over to the 3rd line East to Isaac Modeland's this morning. to see her
daughter Matilda who is living over there. Took dinner there and spent part of afternoon. Took
tea at J. C. Snell's, he is just home from a trip in the west of Ontario. Heard Rev A L. Russel
preach in Brampton tonight text - Numbers XIV - 5th.
Had another snowfall yesterday of 2 or 3 inches which has resusitated the sleighing. Drove to
Brampton this morning with 5 bush of red clover seeds sold to K. Chisholm @ $5 per bush.
Bought of that firm one ton of white plaster for manuring at $4 per ton. Spent the evening at
home playing the melodeon.
February, TUESDAY, 28. 1871.
Was picking over our store of winter apples have nearly 2 1/2 barrels. J. C. Snell and wife
were here for dinner. Drove to Brampton this afternoon to the mass meeting of the Reformers
of Peel to select a candidate for the coming election for Ontario Parliament stirring speeches
were made by the leading men of the party and
The greatest enthusiasm prevailed throughout the large audience. Mr Thomas Bowles was
selected candidate to oppose J. Coyne. M.P.P. Drove to Brampton this morning and mailed a
letter to Uncle John in Missouri. The weather mild strong westerly winds, very little snow, the
fields are nearly bare. The stock are in good condition and thriving well.
March THURSDAY, 2 1871
Drove to Norval Mills this morning with 10 bush wheat and 10 of peas and oats for chopping.
Waited for the grinding and got home aft 3 PM. Father and mother drove to Isaac Modeland's,
visiting and brought home Aunt Mary. Warm showers prevailed, cutting away the snow very
fast. Spent evening at J. C. Snells chatting.
Was engaged in splitting wood storing it away in wood shed. for next season's use. Very
stormy morning, raining and snowing from the East. R. Crawford and I drove up to J. C.
Snell's to a small party of young folks, composed entirely of John Snell's family, evening
passed pleasantly with quintettes and steeple chase. Got home at 12 oclock midnight.
March, SATURDAY, 4. 1871.
Drove to Caledon for stakes. the sleighing being so nearly done could only bring 88 stakes
only half a load. The cedar swamps are full of water and nearly impassable. Arrived home
about 2.30 PM. Parents drove upt to J.C.S for tea. Mr & Mrs H Joness and Miss Rose her
sister were here today for dinner. Beautiful moonlight night.
Drove in the cutter to S.S. this morning. Supt pres. lesson. Luke IV 16 to 30th Drove the
buggy to Zion this afternoon as the snow is nearly gone, heard Rev W.L. McFadden preach
text Job XXXI 14th. Walked to Brampton this evening, heard the same sermon from same
preach. It was quite a warm day.
March, MONDAY, 6 1871
Was engaged nearly all day in splitting and piling firewood. Father drove to Matthew Cations
1st line west for a beehive containing a swarm of bees (was paid for a year ago). Drove up to
Mr John Snell's this evening for mother where she was visiting. It is a very clear night almost
as light as day. Freezing pretty keen.
Was cutting and hauling from the other place bush {plates} 2 and 2 beams for a new shed
outside the sheeppen. Also making some basswood spiles for tapping and directing the maple
sap into troughs. Father was sworn in today at Edmonton as fence viewer J.C. Snell was here
this evening all the talk is about coming Election and Berkshires.
March, WEDNESDAY, 8 1871
Commenced operations in the lower bush for sugar making, tapped 40 trees. the sap runs
pretty freely. Hauled the furnace kettles and all necessary articles down to creek with team,
carried the things across walking on the old ice which is heaved up and will not bear a team.
Spent evening at E. Buntings.
Was at the same business as yesterday, tapped 10 more trees making 50 all together, boiled
down 15 pails of sap to 1/2 pail. The weather is very warm, thawing very fast. the roads are
fearful muddy. The Etobicoke has over flowed its banks, completely inundating the flats. John
Thistle merchant Brampton shot himself yesterday.
March, FRIDAY, 10 1871
Was splitting stove wood this forenoon. Went to sugar bush at noon but the sap is not running
because of warm weather and no frost. Spent the evening at the Reunion concert held in
Haggert Bros large new building in the fourth story the machinery was all in motion and a
steam elevator for carrying the
People up the whole brilliantly illuminated. The professional singers 3 ladies 2 gentlemen were
from Hamilton & Toronto. They sung very well. A drizzling rain all day making the roads very
muddy, commenced snowing this evening. Was splitting wood. Gathered some more sap
making in all 25 pails.
March SUNDAY, 12 1871
There fell 5 or 6 inches of snow last night and is storming some yet this morning. Spent the
day at home reading and playing the melodeon. Rode horse back to Brampton tonight, heard
Rev Mr McFadden preach text Hebrews II: 3rd verse "How shall we escape if we neglect so
great salvation".
Could not do anything at the sap business not suitable weather. Drove the waggon down to
Mr J. Neelands tonight to a surprise party. Took 15 in my load there were two other waggon
loads. the roads were fearful muddy. Presented Miss Neelands with silver Tea sett worth $50
for being organist.
March, TUESDAY, 14 1871
Got home this morning at 3:30 AM from party. Collected 25 pails of sap today. Spent
afternoon at Brampton at nomination of the two candidates - Coyne - Bowles - for Local
Legislation. There was a great crowd. Mr. Bowles made decidedly better speech than Coyne
and we are confident of his election.
Was in the sugar bush all day boiled down about 24 pails of sap. Had a lunch at noon in the
bush and drank syrup. Brought home at night 3 pails of thin molasses and boiled on the stove
to 3 or 4 gals of maple molasses. Rained pretty steadily all day from the East making it
diagreeable in bush.
March THURSDAY, 16 1871
Raining and misty, freezing as it falls, all the trees are loaded down with ice 3 inch thick, some
large branches broken off the willows and poplars. Spent the afternoon in Brampton,
discussing politics, etc, bo't to days Globe also the Christian Guardian by mail from Toronto.
Was very sick last night with a cold. Had a severe headache this morning and was not able to
do much. Went to E. Bunting's clover threshing this afternoon where Fred House's "Prairie
Flower" is doing good work seed not turning out well.
March, SATURDAY, 18 1871
Was at the same occupation as yesterday also with our team again, finished about 3 o'clock.
The roads are now almost impassable the mud being nearly knee deep. The Orangeville
stage stuck fast just below our place. the passangers had to get out and foot it through the
mud and water.
Went to S.S this morning on foot. Supt abs lesson - Matt V - 1 to 12. Heard Rev. A.L. Russel
preach - text - Psalms - XCVII - 1st very few out at church because of very bad roads.
Walked to Brampton to night, heard the same preacher and same sermon. Read a library
book - "The OTooles of Glen Imaal."
March MONDAY, 20 1871
Was engaged in boiling sap in the bush boiled about 24 pails which made about 2 gallons of
molasses. Miss Elizabeth Clow and Miss D. Hemphill were here visiting. Samy Bunting was
here in the evening. Had our first lamb last Wedensday are steadily increasing 8 living 2
The contest between Coyne and Bowles for election to a seat in the Ontario Legislature has
taken place today, resulted in the defeat of the latter by a majority of 65 votes. The excitement
has been intense and both sides have exerted themselves to their utmost but the Tory party
won by bribery and corruption.
March WEDNESDAY, 22 1871
Boiled 22 pails of sap again today intend to make sugar of it. The Globe has a long discreption
of the wedding of Princess Louisa daughter of Queen Victoria to the Marquis of Lorne a Scotch
nobleman. Walked up to J.C.S. this evening taking a present of 1/2 gal maple molasses. Was
reading "National Stock Journal."
Came home this morning from J.C.S. There has fallen a few inches of snow and has snowed
nearly all day. Bought at Brampton bushel of Timothy @ $5.50 per bush. Sowed 1/2 of it
together with 95 lbs of red clover 3 1/2 Alsike on 10 acres of fall wheat this afternoon. Had 2
young calves last night the first this year.
March, FRIDAY, 24 1871
Was splitting and piling firewood. It freezes, very hard at night, it is too cold for the sap to run
freely only gathered 10 pails of it today. Drove the buggy down to Brampton tonight to the W.
Choir practice. There was a full attendance. Robert went up to John Snell's this evening on
Was at the same occupation as yesterday have the wood more than half split. Gathered 12
pails of sap. The census taker called here yesterday and left a schedule to be filled out with
full particulars about farm and family. A bright clear day.
March, SUNDAY, 26 1871
Was at S.S. this morning. Supt abs. Mr J. R. Craig addressed the school in the lesson. I
Kings XVIII 41 to 46. Walked to Brampton this evening with sister Lavina and heard Rev A
Russel preach text - Isaiah - XL, 1st 2nd verses. Aunt Lizzie Ferguson's children have been
spending 2 days here. Snowing tonight from East.
Drove sister Viney to school in Brampton in the cutter there being 6 or 8 inches of fresh snow.
Bought of K.C. & Co. 2 bush crown peas @ $1.10 per bush J.C. Snell was here tonight and
filled out a blank form of farm lease between father and I, so that I can have a vote at next
March TUESDAY, 28 1871
Mr. Wm Black from Port Perry was here all last night. Had a litter of Berkshire from the old
sow 9 in number 6 are living and doing well. Spent the day in the bush boiling sap. boiled 30
pails. The sap ran from the trees very fast. Bright days and frosty nights.
Was busy all day boiling. down 30 pails of sap in the "lower bush". Father rode horseback to
J.C. Snell to see little Mary, she has the scarlet fever, not a serious attack. It was a warm day
and windy all the snow of the last storm has disappeared.
March, THURSDAY, 30 1871
It takes a pretty large share of the time to attend to the stock at this season of the year,
especially the sheep, have had 18 young lambs of which 5 are dead. Was splitting firewood
and gathered 17 pails of sap. Received a letter from Uncle J. Ferguson. They are well and
busy at spring seeding.
Was boiling sap again all day in the bush reduced 22 pails to one pail. Walked to Brampton
this evening was barbered at J. E. Woods, also was at Choir practice. Received a letter from
Uncle Adam, they are doing well. Willy Mason is quite low with consumption.
April, SATURDAY, 1 1871
Soft drizzling snow squalls from the S.E. which melted as fast as it fell. The snow is all gone
excepting a few solid snow blanks next the fences the frost is out of the ground Was splitting
and piling firewood all day. Robert Crawford commenced work to day for 7 or 8 months @ $12
per month. Have 14 lambs and 1 young calf.
Walked up to S.S this morning. The roads are exceedingly bad just now - Supt pres. Lesson
Matt V - 13 to 20 nicely illustrated on blackboard. Mr James Crawford spent the day here
Went to Brampton this evening heard Rev Mr McFadden preach text John XVII 33rd verse. A
drizzling rain set in from the south.
April, MONDAY, 3 1871
Was boiling in the bush this forenoon but commenced raining at noon and had showers all
afternoon. Was docking the sheep and year old lambs also docked the tails of twelve young
lambs. Spent the evening at home reading the February number of "Ladies" Repository.
Boiled down 28 pails sap. Father went to Old John Elliots funeral, he died on Saturday in
Brampton aged 76 years. He was one of the oldest settlers being 54 years since he left
England. A strong west wind ground drying up fast. Had a calf from Betty.
{Duplicate copy of PDF 30}
April, WEDNESDAY, 5 1871
Was engaged in pulling down 60 rods of fences and burning up the rotten and broken rails
reserving all the sound ones for rebuilding the fence. The women folks are busy house
cleaning and white washing. Mr. James Crawford spent the evening here. A bright warm day.
Was rebuilding the fence we tore down yesterday. Drew with horses and waggon the ceder
stakes for it. Gathered 12 pails of sap last night and 14 tonight making 26 pails on hand, it ran
from the trees pretty fast this week on account of hard frosts at night.
April, FRIDAY, 7 1871
Commenced plowing sod today it is pretty wet on the lowest ground and some frost here and
there but the greater part plows very well. "Robert" boiled 30 pails of sap being the last boil of
the season. Spent evening at Choir practice, the stores were all closed to day in Brampton. It
was very warm the thermometer nearly 75° in the shade.
Was sowing plaster on the meado{w} this forenoon. Brought up all the sugar kettles and
barrels from the bush the season is over. Went to Brampton this afternoon got measured for
a suit of grey tweed, had a chat with Alick. The weather is very warm the grass and fall wheat
are getting quite green.
{Duplicate copy of pdf 32}.
April, SUNDAY, 9 1871
Walked up to S. School this mornin the roads are quite dry and dusty. Supt abs. Lesson I
Kings XIX 1 to 7 verse. Father and mother are up at J.C. Snells. Their children are quite bad
with scarlet fever. Heard Rev W McFadden preach at Brampton tonight text Matt XXVIII,
descriptive of our Lord's resurrection.
Finished sowing the plaster on the meadows and pastures. Was plowing until 4 o'clock, when
rain set in from the N.E, is raining heavily all night is a very cold rain. Plucked a full blown
wild flower in the woods last Saturday, also killed a mosquito the same evening.
April, TUESDAY, 11 1871
The heavy rains last night and this morning have re-commenced the Mud! reign. Drove to
Brampton this morning and waited until 2 PM, getting my long boots half soled at J. Coyne's.
Bought a cane seated stool for the melodeon. Was reading some interesting letters in the
Globe from Rev. W.M. Punshon who is travelling on the Union Pacific "R.R." to California and
British Columbia.
Was plowing this forenoon but gave up, it being too wet. Was repairing fence and choring
around generally. Lavina had a small party of four young Ladies schoolmates and treated
them with maple taffy.
April, TUESDAY, 13 1871
Was engaged in paring the sheep's feet and putting on Clerestone and verdigris went over the
whole flock nearly every sheep is troubled with the disease more or less. Plowed half an acre
of sod this afternoon. Had some showers from the West mixed with snow. Just one year
since Uncle William was buried.
Plowed over an acre of clover sod. Received a copy of Chicago Weekly Tribune from Uncle
Adam. it contains a great deal of matter being very fine print. Spent the evening at Choir
Practice. Had to pick out new cloth for my suit the first peice being all sold. The weather is
cool and dry pretty hard frosts.
April, SATURDAY, 15 1871
Drove the team to Brampton early this morning and bought home from Haggert Bros a new
roller with a cast iron spring seat fastened on the back part of the frame it is very convenient
price of roller $34. Had dealings with J. Learment trading even a ewe and twin lambs for 2 of
his store pigs 7 months old.
Went to S. School this morning. Supt pres, - lesson - Matt VI, 1-15. Each teacher received a
present of 7 different kinds of flower from Mr. Millard. Rev Mr. Russel took tea here tonight
young, Eli Crawford was with him. Heard him preach in Brampton tonight text Job XXIX and
6th verse.
April, MONDAY, 17 1871
Was picking stones off the meadow throwing them into the waggon and hauling them off with 2
yr old colt "Charley." Was rolling the meadow with the new roller. Finished plowing the little
orchard hawing round the rows of trees with one horse. Spent the evening at home reading.
Was at pretty much the same work as yesterday. Rev W. McFadden was here for dinner to
day. Sold the cow "Bob Tail" to old Mr Williams Butcher @ $30 including her calf 4 weeks old.
Had another calf today from 3 yr old red heifer. The weather has been cool and is raining from
the E. tonight.
April, WEDNESDAY, 19 1871
Yesterday was my twentieth birthday. Commenced our spring seeding by sowing oats on
fresh plowed sod. came on a heavy east rain with thunder and lightening at noon putting a
damper on the sowing for the present. Spent the evening in reading the Fifth School Reader
which contains some interesting matter.
Was shoveling drains letting the water of the plowed fields. Was hauling black muck from the
bush for the flower beds in the front yard, planted 5 young maples and one beech in the front
lane in place of ones that have died. Was reading the "Peel Banner".
April, FRIDAY, 21 1871
Finished sowing oats and harrowing them in. The weather is very dull and cloudy, the ground
drys very slowly, it being in a very soft state. Walked to Brampton this evening to the Choir
Was trying to plow sod at the other place but had to give it up on account of the wet. Went to
Brampt received my new suit of dark tweed coat and lighter pants and vest $20 a new
{illegible}y hat $1.30 and other articles 30 cents Ice frozen at night 1/4 inch thick.
April, SUNDAY, 23 1871
Went to S. School this morning. Supt abs - lesson - 1 kings XIX 11 to 13. J.C. Snell and
family spent the day here. J.C.S, Viney and I, drove down to Harry Joness's and staid an hour
or so. Heard Rev. A Russel preach in Brampton tonight text - I Thessalonians V - Pray
without ceasing". A cold chilly day.
Commenced plowing sod today at the other place it has dried very fast since last Saturday, is
now in good order. Was served with a notice by the constable to attend the Court of Revision
tomorrow week to answer for the Farm Lease got up for voting. Sold 2 cows.
April, TUESDAY, 25 1871
Was at the same work as yesterday. Sowed an acre of early peas yesterday (the little
orchard). The second team was rolling the oat field 1 acres, Planted 3 or 4 apple trees and a
rose bush from Leslie Nursery Toronto also some cherry trees a present from J Learment.
Spent evening at J.C. Snell's in reading and chat.
Was plowing half the forenoon. Then went to Brampton to the Spring show of the C.P.A.
Society. There was quite a crowd of people, it being a very fine day. a large show of good
bulls, took "Clifton" down got no prize. He weighs 1970 lbs, there was also a good show of
Stallions. Paid Haggerts note of $16. Receive from father a deed for the 25 acres.
April, THURSDAY, 27 1871
Rained quite heavily nearly all day from East giving the ground a regular soaking, Was
carrying potatoes over from the house cellar to the driving house, have 16 bags "Garnet Chili"
and 5 bags "Early Whites" a few of which are rotten. Paid A. M Caul Caledon for 250 stakes
we drew last winter $4.25.
Father sold in Brampton 2 bags "Early Whites" and bought 1 bag "Gleasons" @ 90 cts per bag
also bought peck "Early Rose" @ 50 cts per bag. Was puling down old fences to be put in an
improved state. Spent evening at Choir Practice. The weather is cold and windy.
April, SATURDAY, 29 1871
Was building fence on the North side of the lane this forenoon the old fence was pretty well
used up, partly built over 60 rods. Spent the afternoon at Ambrose Woodhall's bee for raising
a new barn 280 x 34. it was hard work and very exciting, Slight westerly showers prevailed.
Went to S. School this morning. Supt pres. although he had to drive 78 miles before school
time lesson - Matt VI -19-34. Heard Rev. W. McFadden preach at Zion this afternoon text -
Prov - VI, 6th verse, received from the minister the Quarterly tickets for May. Walked to
Brampton church to night and heard the same sermon.
May, MONDAY, 1 1871
Was plowing sod all day at the other place. Fixed up the swin gate at noon across the creek
between E. Bunting and us. Commenced sowing barley this afternoon cultivating with the
other team. The weather was pretty warm, the grass is growing very fast, 3 inch high, very
good sheep pasture.
Finished cultivating and harrowing 11 acres of barley in front of house done my first sowing
grain with two hands, The Court of Revision took place today at Edmonton, quite a crowd of
people present, father went up but my lease was not called on, it passed off favourably to the
Reform party. Had a ewe lamb from the largest ewe in the flock.
May, WEDNESDAY, 3 1871
Was plowing the head ridges and water furrowing the field of barley, also sowed clover seed
10 lbs and Timothy 3 lbs to acre on it. Plowed 1/2 an acre of sod this afternoon. Planted some
Early Gooderich and Early White potatoes in the gardens. spent evening reading S. School
Library books.
A heavy East storm prevailed throughout the day with a high wind, putting a block to seeding
operations for a day or two. Was dressing the sheep's feet, it is a troublesome disease, it is
affecting the young lambs. Fanned 60 bush fall wheat it being now ready for market. The
storm has abated this evening.
May, FRIDAY, 5 1871
Was engaged in shovelling drains and letting water off the barley field. Was digging post holes
and setting posts for a board fence on the N.E. side of the barnyard from hogpen around to the
corner of lane to the creek. Spent the evening at Practice, learning on of Handel's chouruses,
it is very difficult.
Rode to Brampton for medicine and a bottle of Cooksville wine for father who is very sick on
kind of billious attack. Was at pretty much the same work as yesterday, finished up some
fencing and sowing clover seed. The weather has cleared up fine once more.
May, SUNDAY, 7 1871
Went to S. School this morning. Supt, abs lesson - 1 Kings XXII - 1 to 37. Took dinner at J.C.
Snell's and spent part of the afternoon there. Heard Rev A. Russel preach in Brampton tonight
- text - Mark VI 14th verse. Had shower of hail today.
E. Bunting was helping me to plow sod with his team and plow all day, turned over rather
more than 2 acres, the ground is very soft. A cold north wind all day, Froze ice on the water
trough last night.
May, TUESDAY, 9 1871
Was at the same work as yesterday plowed 1 1/4 acres. Erastus Bunting is plowing for J.
Learment today, being through seeding, he is helping his neighbours. Robert was digging post
holes for board fence from the road down behind the barn. Spent the evening redading April
Ladies Repository.
Finished plowing the sod for the peas. Sowed 8 acres of peas with 18 bush of our old seed
and 2 bush of crown peas. Gave it 2 strokes with the {illegible because of ink stain}ow. Spent
the evening {ink blot} practice in Brampton. Practising Hallielujah Choruses with the help of
part of P.M Choir.
May, THURSDAY,11 1871
Was rolling the barley field, it has got very hard and solid with last week's heavy rains. The
weather is fine and dry all week getting a little warmer every day. Mr Frank Wolfe died very
suddenly in Chicago this morning of appoplexy.
Finished harrowing and rolling the pea field 8 acres "other place" it looks well after being
finished. Was engaged this afternoon in washing our sheep, 37 in number, in the Etobicoke.
The water was {warm}. The weather clear and warm. Spent the evening at Practice.
May, SATURDAY, 13 1871
Drove to Norval Mills this morning with 10 bush of wheat for a grist, sold 50 lbs to Arche
Bunting @ $1.62 1/2. A new Telegraph Co (Dominion) are putting up their line of posts from
Brampton to Georgetown via No 10 side road. J.C. Snell and family were here for dinner to
day. tomorrow their 3rd wedding anniversary.
Went to the Fourth Quarterly Meeting for the year in Brampton. Rev Dr Wood of Toronto
preached text - I John III - 8th verse, a very instructive discourse. Took dinner at Mrs
Trueman's. Heard Rev. Mr. Healey preach tonight - text - I Corinthians - XIII - 13th verse. A
fine day but very cool.
May, MONDAY, 15 1871
Drove the team to Norval for a load of fence lumber, brought nearly a thousand feet, it is a
pretty fair quality of lumber, is green and heavy being fresh from the saw. Was cross plowing
the plot of ground on the N. side of little orchard for potatoes.
Went to Norval again this morning, brought a larger load than yesterday, had to make two trips
up the Credit hill with it. Commenced shearing sheep this afternoon, sheared 9 which
averaged about 8 1/2 lbs each. Had a slight westerly shower. Turned the cows on grass for
the 1st. also Clifton and the calves.
May, WEDNESDAY, 17 1871
Finished shearing sheep to day, 36 in number is the flock this season. Shearing is rather nice
work, but very tiresome on the back. Spent the evening at the Choir Practice in the W.M.
church, had a full attendance. The weather is quite cool and white frosts at night.
Drove to Norval again today. brought home a load of fence lumber about 900 feet, which the fill
of fence stuff. Bought a new Dung fork price . Spent the evening reading "Charles
Dicken's" Nicholas Nickleby. Turned the cattle out to grass on the 16th inst for the first.
May, FRIDAY, 19 1871
Was drilling up the ground for potatoes and hauling manure for filling up the drills. Was fixing
the line fence across the creek next to Wiggins'. Spent the evening at Robert Lowes's
residence, was led by Miss B Lowes on the pianoforte.
Was planting potatoes finish at noon, planted 5 kinds Early Rose and Gooderich, Garnet Chili,
Gleason and Early White in all 1/2 an acre. Spent the afternoon at Benjamin Metsons Raising
of a cow house, had a pleasant time and a good game of ball. Spent the evening reading
Nicholas Nickleby.
May, SUNDAY, 21 1871
Drove Aunt Mary and Viney up to J.C. Snell's this morning. Dawson Modeland drove up there
to from Brampton. took dinner and tea there. Yesterday and today were very warm 87° in the
shade. Heard Rev A. L. Russel preach at Brampton to night - text - Psalms CXXII "Pray for the
peace of Jerusalem."
Went to Norval and brought home the last of the lumber bill also 4 scantlings 3X4 and 2 do
4X4, which were not included in the bill, it is a very fair quality of lumber all through. Was at
Brampton this evening bought box of paper collars, 20 cts, and got my hair barbered.
May, TUESDAY, 23 1871
Was engaged all day in settin fence posts for a new board fence, the ground is so dry that it is
almost impossible to get the posts solid. Drove to Brampton tonight to the Concert practice in
the Court house, had a full attendance of all the member. Had a strong horse colt from "Old
Was working all forenoon at the board fence. Went to Brampton this afternoon and saw a
lively game of Lacrosse between two Toronto clubs "Ontario" and "Tellago" the former were
victors. Sang in the choir at the Grand Concert in the Court house. very large crowd. Had
several solo singers and a
May, THURSDAY, 25 1871
Mr Boscovits Pianist to King of Portugal. he is a splendid performer. Realized after paying
expenses $75. Was hauling manure on turnip ground 22 loads. J.C Snell left by 9 oclock
train via Toronto and Quebec for Great Britain. Brought home a young Berkshire from J.
Snells of our litter the rest being sold 5 for $10 each. A thunder shower the first rain for 3
Drove the horses and waggon up to J.C. Snells this morning and brought the Jane and the two
children with a load of necessary articles down to our place where she is going to reside until
J.C.S. return. Was cross plowing the turnip ground and finished up the new board fence
beyond the calf pasture.
May, SATURDAY, 27 1871
Mr. William Broddy called and left 2 subpoenas to attend Revision Count before judge Scott,
31st inst. also $1.10 each for expenses. Had the buggy repaired at Edmonton, all the tires
se{?}t and a new shaft charges - to come in Credit Bill. Christopher Fox is here all night.
Drove up to S. School this morning Supt pres - lesson Matt VII 13th to 24th. Mr George
Graham preach at Zion this afternoon. Heard Rev W. McFadden preach to night in Brampton -
text Romans VI - 22nd. A very warm day 88° in the shade. C. Fox left here to night.
May, MONDAY, 29 1871
Was engaged in pulling by hand the cockle and redroot out of the fall wheat, there was not a
great deal of it. The wheat looks very well on the average and is just ready to come out in
head. Finished plowing and cultivating the turnip ground.
Commenced hauling manure on the fallow drew 13 loads. it is a long distance to haul it to the
backside of the farm, so that it will be slow work. Was over at Guy Bell's this evening, they are
getting along nicely. It is swelting hot weather the thermometer over 90° deg.
May, WEDNESDAY, 31 1871
Went to Brampton this morning to the Court of Revision it being an appeal from the decision
Court of Revis. at Edmonton. There are over seventy to be tried nearly all Reformers only 7
cases tried today all successful but one. There were two lawyers from Toronto and with Mr.
Fleming took charge of affairs.
June, THURSDAY, 1 1871
Was hauling manure on the fallow with 2 waggons and one team drew 18 loads. There were
12 cases tried in Brampton to day the reformers loosing about half. Sold a fat ewe to
Crawforth for $40. Took a 2 year old colt into pasture for summer belonging to J.W. Main
June, FRIDAY 2 1871
Received the sad intelligence yesterday through the "Banner" of Willy Mason's death in
Missouri on the 24th of May aged 19 yrs died of consumption. Was at the same work as
yesterday hauling 20 loads. Spent the evening at Mrs Davids Smith's Social for the Vestry
fund. Realized $25. The brass band was present.
Finished drawing manure on the fallow having put 75 loads on 6 1/2 acres, they were very
large loads 12 ft long. The weather has been exceedingly warm all this week averaging 90°.
Drove sister Jennie up to her house for to get some things, spent a few minutes pleasantly at
Wiltons Lodge.
June, SUNDAY, 4 1871
Went to S. School this morning Supt. pres. Lesson II Kings II 1 to 8 verses, an interesting
one. Drove to Brampton this evening and heard Rev James Pearen preach, text Isaiah LVIII -
13 and 14th verses, A very good sermon on the importance and seriousness of keeping the
Sabbath day holy.
Yesterday "Lady Harrington" of a bull calf. Walked to Brampton this morning to the Ajourned
Revision Court, but gave up our case with a dozen more, being entered on the Assessment roll
too late. Hon. J.H. Cameron was there fromt Toronto. Commenced the road work to day put 3
1/2 days having the teams on
June, TUESDAY, 6 1871
Put in 3 more days work on the road today. It is very hard work the clay is so dry and hard.
Have 1 1/2 days yet to put in the work is nearly done excepting some to be done on the gravel
road. Commenced raining about dark excepting two very light showers we have had no rain
since the 4th May.
Clear and cool this morning not a great deal of rain last night, Went to Norval with 38 bush of
Diehl wheat sold at $1.25 per bush paid lumber bill $28.68 had $19 remaining from the load
of wheat. Bought at Cooks Saw mill Esquesing 6 squares shingle at 50 cts each.
June, THURSDAY, 8 1871
Commenced plowing the summer follows for the first time it is very hard and dry but does not
turn up in large lumps but crumbles down. Went to Brampton with 52 bush wheat sold to K.
Chisholm @ $1.23 per bush, bought a barrel Goderich salt $1.10.
Was at the plowing all day plowed 1 1/3 acres. Took sister Elsie down to Cole's Gallery for to
get her photograph. Sold 2 pieces of cured bacon for $3.33. Bought 38 lbs of cut nails @ 3
1/2 cts. paid K. Chisholms Acc $20.00. Spent the evening at Practice, nothing special going
on now attendance rather slim.
June, SATURDAY, 10 1871
Mailed a letter yesterday to Uncle Adam Missouri. Was working at the building of an addition
to the sheep pen. Had two or three heavy thunder showers this afternoon, it was badly
needed. Drove Jennie up to Mr. John Snell's to night on a visit.
Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. lesson - Matt XIII 24 to 30 verses. Went to
Brampton at 2 P.M. to P.M. Church and heard addresses to S. School scholars from their
minister. Mr and Mrs John R. Craig took tea here this evening. he starts for England next
Thursday. Heard Rev Mr Willis preach in Brampton text Psalm XLIII 5th.
June, MONDAY, 12 1871
Was plowing fallow all day with one team. Mr and Mrs H.T. Modeland, Aunt Betsy and Mrs J.
Raine were here this afternoon on a visit, also Old Mr Joness and Mr Mrs Jack Joness, a good
many for one day's visiting. spent evening reading "David Copperfield by "Dickens."
The team and one hand working on the roads this forenoon, which finishes our statute labour
(8 dys) for this year. Father and mother went to Brampton to hear Rev. S. Antliff from England
preach, he is a P. Methodist and a useful and able preacher Very cold weather for the season.
June, WEDNESDAY, 14 1871
Was plowing in the 3 acre field next the woods across the Etobicoke, it is a stiff sod with a
good deal of grass which is hard to cover. Was moving the cedar fence behind the barn,
dividing the 15 acre field into 2 equal parts. Spent evening reading David Copperfield.
Was at the same occupation as yesterday. The weather keeps very cool slight frosts at night.
Wild and tame strawberries are ripe. A reform meeting in Brampton raised $170 for expenses
of the party, gave $3 towards it. Mrs John Snell is here all night.
June, FRIDAY, 18 1871
Went to Brampton with this year's clip of wool 275 lbs sold & K.C & Co @ 34 cts per lb had 15
lbs matted wool price for that reduced one third received for whole lot $91.90. Spent evening
at practice. This is strawberry season. Aunt Lizzie has a great quantity and is realizing
considerable out of the sales 12 1/2 cts per 'qut.
Was plowing all day and finished up the summer fallow the side hill plowing is tiresome work,
the hill being so steep that we have to plow around it throwing the furrow down hilll. Sold a 2
yr old steer to Williamson drover, for $50, was very large for his age and in good trim.
June, SUNDAY, 18 1871
Went to S.S. this morning Supt abs. lesson VI Kings 2: 9 - 18 a small attendance and dull.
Mr. T.B. Grimshaw is very sick with dropsy and heart disease the doctors have given him up
for lost. Heard Rev Mr Stonehouse preach in Brampton, was one of the P.M. ministers, but
has joined W.M. Conference - text - Numbers XIV 24th.
Was engaged in drilling up the turnip ground and sowing with Swede turnip seed about 2 3/4
acres sowed 6 lb of seed on it. Had a fine red and a little white heifer calf from Roan
June, TUESDAY, 20 1871
Was working at the new sheep pen. Put a new plank floor in the horse stable laying
crossways on top of the old floor Jane received a letter from J.C. Snell written from
Londonderry Ireland shortly after he arrived, he was just 10 days crossing the Atlantic had
calm weather all the time. Had a westerly shower. Planted 65 cabbage plants.
Finished shingling the new sheep pen. Jane walked up to Mr John Snell's and Sarah drove
her down this evening. The Peel Battalion (36)th Volunteer returned from Niagara, where
there has been 5000 of them drilling for 2 weeks.
June, THURSDAY, 22 1871
Was doctoring the sheep's feet went over the whole flock dipping each foot into a solution of
bluestone. Spent the afternoon at Robert Carter's barn raising, had a nice lively time. Father
took a grist of 10 bush wheat to Maine's new steam grist mill in Brampton.
Commenced haying this morning by cutting 4 acres of clover it is short and thin will not be
over a load to the acre. Bought of E. Humphrey's Edmonton a new waggon hay rack $5.00 a
new horse rake $4.50 and a new washing machine $4.50. A social to night at W. Broddy,
realized $57.00 in aid of the Vestry.
June, SATURDAY, 24 1871
Rain from the East commenced in the night continued till noon. Rev Jas Pearen was here all
last night, went to Brampton this morning. Was hauling sand and gravel from the creek for to
put a cement floor in the cellar. Drove Jane and her two children up to John Snells this
evening for an hour or so.
Went to S. School this morning. Supt pres. lesson Mark VIII 31 to 58. Rev A L Russel
preached his farewell sermon in Brampton this morning. Rev W. McFadden preach his last
sermon this evening - text - VI Timothy IV 7th and 8th verses, a large audience. Spent the
afternoon and took tea Viney and I at Guy Bell's.
June, MONDAY, 26 1871
Finished cutting with the mower 9 acres of clover. Raked and cocked up 1/3 of it this
afternoon. Went to Benefit Concert this evening for Sandy Taylor a blind man? in the Court
House. The songs were principally Scotch sang by Jeanie Watson and Miss Maggie Barr, the
former having a very powerful voice.
Got home the first grist to the new steam mill Brampton it runs well and does good work.
Deposited in the Merchants Bank $125.00 which will draw interest @ 4 per cent after 3
months. Bought 3 barrels of water lime @ $2.00 each. Was putting it on the cellar floor as a
June, WEDNESDAY, 28 1871
Was drawing in hay all day hauled 8 loads, stripping the 9 acre clover field, except one small
load it is slow work pitching, it being so short but of a very good quality. Mrs W. Joness and
brother Mr Rose called here this evening. Jane got a long interesting letter from J.C.S.
Has safely landed in Old England and is enjoying him self thoroughly. Mowed 6 acres of
mixed clover and Timothy in the old orchard field. The half yearly examination of Brampton
High School took place to day seven of the neighbours and Bramptoni{an}s started for
England today.
June, FRIDAY, 30 1871
Was plastering the cellar floor under the house with water lime. Raked and cocked up 6 acres
of hay this afternoon. The weather is cool and dry. The bailey is fully shot out and oats just
coming. Ant Mary and Viney went to Toronto on the cars.
July, SATURDAY, 1 1871
A warm clear day. Went to Toronto on the 9 o'clock train this morning with 2 or 3 companions.
Visited the Osgoode Hall and other public buildings. Witnessed a lacrosse game between
Montreal Indians and Toronto Club the latter were victors. Had a mile race one of the Indians
was the fastest.
July, SUNDAY, 2 1871
Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. lesson I Samuel XVI 1 to 17. Did not get home
from Toronto untill 1:30 o'clock this morning having missed last nights train. Drove Jennie and
family up to John Snell's this afternoon for an hour or so.
Hauled in 6 loads of hay out of the orchard field. Tried one load to take it off with the horse
fork but it would not work well the hay being too short, so that we must give up the use of it for
this season. It was a fine hay day. Was at John Campbell's this morning.
July, TUESDAY, 4 1871
Commenced raining this morn at 5 A.M. from SE. lasted 3 or 4 hours, also a thunder shower
this evening. finished water liming the cellars. {large ink blot} Received a letter from J.C.S.
England, lengthy and well written, took it up to John Snell's to night for their perusal, enjoyed
the evening well.
Mrs J.C.S and Johnny T went went to Oakville on Monday to Uncle Taylor's. Received
yesterday from J.C. a copy of Irish Daily Times printed in Dublin. Mailed the Globe and C.
Gentleman to him. Finished mowing the orchard field and drew in 3 more loads making 20.
July, THURSDAY, 6 1871.
Had a South Rain this afternoon and in the evening a heavy thunder shower the first heavy
rain for 2 months. Was fanning a load of wheat for mark{ink blot} sold 41 bush at $1.15.
Commenced cutting our last field of hay of 7 1/2 acres {illegible} it more than half. Went to
Brampton this afternoon mailed a Weekly Globe to J.C. Snell. Jane and Viney came home
from Oakville where they have been all week brought 22 qts of strawberries, it is the stapl fruit
July, SATURDAY, 8 1871
Drew in 7 loads of hay to day of excellent quality nearly all Timothy. Mr. Robt Smith spent last
evening here. A meeting of Reform delegates in Brampton decided on K. Chisholm to run
against J.H. Cameron.
Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. lesson Mark IX 30- 47. Heard Rev John Hunt
preach at Zion at 2 1/2 P.M. text Matt XVI 28. He is nearly 90 years of age. Heard Rev W.W.
Carson preach in Brampton text II Kings V 12th. he is stationed on this circuit for a year. A
very warm day.
July, MONDAY, 10 1871.
Finished cutting hay this forenoon. Drew in 4 loads of hay, clearing the orchard field. Father
went to Brampton this morning and mailed two letters for England, one from Jennie and the
other from me to J.C. Snell. The weather dull and cloudy. Have 7 loads of splendid Timothy
hay, fine and sweet.
Finished up the hay harvest drew in 3 loads, making a total of 35 loads from 32 acres.
Commenced cross plowing the summer fallow. Mr. John Hunter brought a letter up from
Brampton from J.C.S. to Jennie, he writes very long and interesting letters, Mr. T.B. Grimshaw
is dying he has suffered very severely. Died at 10:45 P.M.
July, WEDNESDAY, 12 1871.
Spent the forenoon on a fishing and berrying excursion to John Snell's Lake, caught only 8 sun
fish, it being so very hot we had to give apt at noon. raspberries are rather scarce. Spent
evening in Brampton, bought a new S.C. Music Book "The Organ" 50 cts. Jennie and Viney
were down getting some fixings for the funeral.
Went to Mr. T.B. Grimshaw's funeral at 1 P.M. buried at the new cemetry Brampton. Rev.
W.W. Carson preached a powerful summon from Revelations. ... It is a sad loss to his wife
and family and she feels very lonely indeed. Was helping Robert Smith to raise a new shed
and cowstable.
July, FRIDAY, 14 1871.
Finished cross plowing the largest field of fallow. The weather during the past week has been
very warm and dry, the wheat harvest started yesterday. Spent the evening at Mrs. King's
social, Main sheet Brampton, a very pleasant night and brass band in attendance, not a great
many present, realized $23.
Was helping J. Learment cut wheat this afternoon, he has a new self raker. (There has been
an unusual number of deaths and accidents this summer. A son of Mr. Lowe's got both arms
cut off with a mower. Mr. John Hindle was nearly killed by a bull.)
July, SUNDAY, 16 1871.
Miss Jessie Thompson died this morn at 3 o'clock after 10 days illness of liver complaint. Was
at S. School this morning Supt abs. lesson - 1st Sam XVI 48 to 52. Spent afternoon at Mr.
John Snells in social chat with the Misses Snell. Heard Rev W.W. Carson preach to night text
- John III - 16th verse, he is an earnest, eloquent preacher.
Finished one of J. Learment's wheat fields and commenced our ten acre field. There are only
four of us to bind after the reaper making it pretty hard work to keep up to it. The sheaves are
tolerably well delivered, but the straw is stiff and hard, sore work for the hands.
July, TUESDAY, 18 1871.
Finished reaping our fall wheat and shocked part of it up. It is a very good crop, very plump
grain and the straw bright, and free from rust. There is considerable waste in shelling out while
handling it, being real ripe. Strong, cool north wind and no signs of rain. Spent evening
reading, July Repository.
Was setting up the remainder of the wheat and helping John Learment finish his wheat cutting.
Was hauling away the good and bad rails from before the new board fences, picking out a few
of the best of the pieces for fine wood, piling the remainder around old stumps in the fallow.
The weather is very cool.
July, TUESDAY, 20 1871.
Was hauling 10 loads of manure on the 3 acre fallow field, only the high ground needing any
as the ground is quite new. Misses Sarah & K.F. Snell were here on a visit this afternoon.
Jennie received another letter from J.C.S. written from York, he is getting weary of so much
travelling. Father was at Bailey & Co's Show of Wild Animals.
Drew in five loads of wheat in in fine order and will thresh easily. Started cross plowing the
smaller fallow, the old sods through it, makes the plowing disagreeable. Went to Choir practice
this evening. The first meeting for nearly two months.
July, SATURDAY, 22 1871.
Hauled in 5 more loads of wheat today. Had a light shower at noon from N.W. Drove Jennie
up to John Snells on Thursday, where she is spending a few days. The weather keeps very
cool and dry.
Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. lesson Matt XVIII 21 to 35th. Mr. Millard delivered
a short address to the scholars about Miss Jessie Thompson's death "She died trusting in
Jesus as Saviour". Heard Rev. John Shaw preach at Zion - text - II Timothy {illegible} - 13th.
He preached the same sermon in Brampton tonight.
July, MONDAY, 24 1871.
Was up at sunrise this morning raking wheat stubble with the swath rake, drawn by hand
sweeping about six feet. Finished drawing in the wheat, 13 loads of sheaves and 1 load of
rakings. A very warm day.
Was hauling old rails and building a temporary fence beside the pea field on the "other place"
for a lane to pasture the back field. Mr. Fletcher Dyer from Michigan came here at noon after
an absence of 3 years. he looks well his cheerful face reminds us of old times.
July, WEDNESDAY, 26 1871.
Was hoeing turnips this forenoon they are a nice average crop. Commenced cutting barley
this afternoon. Spent the evening very pleasantly at Mr. John Snell's, Mr. J.F. Dyer was there,
with singing and lively conversation, it brought to remembrance old times and associations.
Had a fine shower last night reviving somewhat the face and aspect of Nature. Mr. and Mrs.
A.F. Campbell came here this evening to spend a day on two, it is nearly a year since they
were here before, so that they are very welcome visitors. Mr. Dyer left here this morning for
home again.
July, FRIDAY, 28 1871.
Still engaged at thinning out and hoeing turnips, not doing any harvesting on account of dull
weather. Jennie got another letter from J.C. Snell he was to sail yesterday from England.
Alick and I drove up to Mr. Craigs tonight for Jennie where she has been staying a while.
Spent the day reaping and cocking up barley. Mrs. and Mrs. A.F. Campbell started for home
which is Mt. Charles Toronto township. The weather is dull and cloudy, looking very much like
rain but it does not come. An interesting tale in "Peel Banner" for last two months called "The
Brave boys Peril"
July, SUNDAY, 30 1871.
A dull, warm and oppresive day. Drove Jennie, Aunt Mary and Jennie Peacock over to the 3rd
line east to Mr. Isaac Modeland's and was there untill evening. It is not a good way to spend
the Sabbath in visiting friends and especially those that are not professing Christians.
Finished cutting the barley. Cradled a swath around the oat field. Drew in the early peas out
of the young orchard; 12 loads. Drove Vinie and Jennie and the babies down to A.F.
Campbells this evening sat up late and enjoyed ourselves with social chat and converse.
Ordered 2 pairs of long boots at Coyne's.
August, TUESDAY, 1 1871.
Was up early, took breakfast at 6 o'clock, reached home at 8 o'clock. Paid for weaving a new
rag carpet at Atkinsons" Brampton $2.90. Saw a copy of "London Weekly Advertiser". it is the
neatest and cheapest paper published in Ontario ($1.00 a year). Was hauling in barley,
brought in 5 loads in good condition.
Took the lambs away from the ewes yesterday and put them on the clover and started feeding
trim peas. Finished drawing in barley, it is about half a crop. Jennie received another letter
from J.C.S. written from London, he is getting homesick, is seeing many wonderful sights. A
very hot day, 90°.
August, THURSDAY, 3 1871.
Started reaping the oats yesterday and commenced binding them to day, rather a light crop,
pretty short and none too ripe, cut and bound 4 acres. It was a very sultry day, thermometer
95° in the shade. The harvest apples are ripe, have only a few this year, a great many apples
have worms in the core.
Two of us and the team were at E. Bunting's threshing all day, J. Cation's machine, the fall
wheat turned out well and a splendid sample. Spent evening reading newspapers. Another hot
and dry day.
August SATURDAY, 5 1871.
Finished cutting and binding the oats, and set them up. Uncle Taylor, wife and family came
here from Oakville, with a livery team and spring waggon, are going to stay until Monday. they
come after Jimie. They have five children 3 girls and 2 boys. Was at John Snell's early this
Drove Uncle Taylors fine team of Indian ponies to S. School this morning, Supt prlesent.
lesson - Luke - IX 51 to 62. Mr T. Jordan examined the school on the lesson. Went to Mr. B.
Watson's creek at 5 P.M. to the baptism by immersion of J. Cation and R. Thompon a large
crowd present.
August, MONDAY, 7 1871.
Was cutting peas all day. They are a very good crop considering the dryness of the season,
but have not ripened evenly, so that the highest ground has to be cut first. Uncl Taylor started
for home at 4 P.M. It was so smoky that one could not see plainly across the fields.
Was at the same work as yesterday, about half the field pulled to night. Drove Jennie and
Viney down to Brampton to night to see Howe's English Circus and Menagerie, there was a
great crowded present, but it was not as good as the advertisement and the people were
August, WEDNESDAY, 9 1871.
Had to draw water from the Etobicoke for washing purposes the cistern being dry, Drew in the
oats to day, 7 loads, a splendid quality of straw. Very smoky weather so much so that it affects
one's eyes. Aunt Mrs. Trueman is here all t night. Another letter from J.C.S.
Sent the team and one hand to A. Woodhall's threshing. Was pulling peas all day. Mrs. John
Snell spent the afternoon here - they have received another letter from J.C.S. He sailed from
Liverpool on 4th August on the "Germany".
August, FRIDAY, 11 1871.
Mr Arch. Bunting was here pulling peas all day. Was drawing in peas, hauled 10 loads, will
have over 3 loads to the acre. Sold 3 lambs 1 ewe and 2 bucks to John Snell for $40. Spent
the evenig at Choir Practice, Brampton. A warm close day. A.B. finished the peas at noon.
Finished the pea pulling at noon to day. Hauled in 9 loads of peas, had J. Learments hired boy
helping us in the mow. When J.C.S. wrote his last letter he was visiting in Devonshire, his
father's native place. The weather continues dry and smoky.
August, SUNDAY, 13 1871.
Drove to Brampton this morning. Heard Rev J. Shaw - text - Malachi III, 9 and 10. The
sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered at the close of preaching service. Drove
Jennie and family around to visit her own house on the 1st line. Rev J. Brooks baptized
William Snell by immersion in creek. Heard J. P. Craig preach in Brampton at 6 P.M., text
Luke IX 13th verse.
Commenced marking out the summer fallow into ridges 22 ft wide, using 3 cedar poles 11 ft
long, neatly smoother and rounded, nearly 2 inches in diameter made from a cedar rail. Drew
in 5 more loads of peas this afternoon. Received from Mr. Jordan, Agent the book I
subscribed for in April, "The History of Prussia and the late war."
August, TUESDAY, 15 1871.
Finished harvest for this year this morning by bringing in the two last loads of peas, making 26
loads off the 8 acres. Had a heavy thunder shower at 2 PM which was very acceptable.
Finished marking out the fallow. Jennie received another letter from J.C.S. giving a most
interesting account of his travels in Devonshire his fathers native place. the letter is 12 pages
of closely written note paper.
Started cross plowing the pea land with two teams, it works well on the knolls but At the low
places where it was plowed wet in the spring; it is now very hard and lumpy. Miss Sarah
Peacock came from Toronto she is sick with a kind of dyspepsia.
August, THURSDAY, 17 1871.
Was at the same work as yesterday and with the same force, considerable trouble with bumble
bees having their nests under the old sod. Mailed two letters one to Uncle Adam and Uncle
Thomas, H - Carthage-. Sister Viney had two front teeth filled with gold by W.K. Graham
price. $3.0O.
At the same work as yesterday. Father went to Brampton and received the news by telegraph
of J.C. Snell's & J.R. Craigs arrival yesterday at Quebec by steam ship "Germany". Went to
practice this evening. Received my pair of fine boots from J. Coyne - price - $5.25, not yet
August, SATURDAY, 19 1871.
Finished the crossplowing at noon to day. Was horse hoing the turnips this afternoon, they are
growing slowly. The weather is dry, and cool at nights. Miss Jennie Peacock is here all night.
A telegram from J.C.S. stating that they had reached Cornwall and would be to Brampton on
Went to S.S. this morning. Supt abs (on account of the illness of his daughter who liv in
Toronto) - lesson Luke XIX 25-31. Rev W Shaw preached at Zion at 2 1/2 o'clock. Preached
in Brampton this evening - text - I Kings XX - 21st verse. Had a good heavy rain this
August, MONDAY, 21 1871.
Was rolling and harrowing the pea ground, the lumps are very hard to crush. J.C. Snell arrived
this morning at 2 A.M. very much fatigued but looking well and hearty. The stock arrived safe,
except one sheep which died on the Atlantic. He has 15 sheep, 12 Berkshires and one Short
Horn Yearling Bull all of first quality and in good order.
J.C.S was here all last night. He brought some nice presents for his little family. Was to
Brampton this morning and brought Aunt Lizzie up on a visit. Was hauling manur in the pea
August WEDNESDAY, 23 1871.
Finished drawing manure on the pea land. Commenced ridging up the summer fallow it is in
fine order. Father, mother and sister Rilly started for Scarboro with the buggy to visit Uncle
George Burke and family. J.C. Snell moved away his things and they are starting house
keeping again.
Was at the same work as yesterday but have only one team at work. Sent one man to John
Woodhall's threshing Mr G. Crawford spent the day here, he is good company having travelled
a great deal, is well informed. Very warm yesterday and today.
August, FRIDAY, 25 1871.
Continued the ridging until tea time, then went to Brampton to the Practice. Visited J.E.
Wood's Barber shop and had my hair docked off once more. Bought a pair of coarse boots
price $4.50. Our folks came home from Scarboro, and left the folks down there in good health
and spirits.
Was up at Mr. John Snell's farm House this forenoon inspecting the late importation and
valuable additions to their flocks and herds. Had a nice rain from the East this afternoon. Miss
Jane Dixon came here from Amaranth yesterday, she is starting out in the world to make her
own living at 15.
August, SUNDAY, 27 1871.
Rain continued all (night) (last). Went to S. School this morning. Supt pres. - lesson 1 Samuel
XXIV 16 to 22. J.C. Snell and J.R. Craig were there, for the first time since their arrival home.
Took dinner at J.C.S. and spent the afternoon there. Was engaged this evening in filling up
the S. School Class Books for next two months.
Was using the plow and road scraper in making the old ditch across the pea land wider and
deeper. Marked it out into ridges 22 ft wide. An extensive fire in Brampton last night on North
side of Queen St. burning several sheds and stores.
Was ridging with two teams. Had a shower last night and some more rain to day putting the
ground in a good state of cultivation and freshening the grass. spent evenig reading Hist of
Was at the same work as yesterday and nearly finished the field. Had a sunshower this
evening and a fine double rainbow. Spent the evening reading the same as last night.
August, THURSDAY, 31 1871.
Went to E. Buntings by sunrise this morning for 10 bush of Soules Wheat for seed. Sowed the
8 acre pea field with 15 bush of evenly mixed Soules and Diehl wheat. The ground is in good
order. Very cool all day, bright moonlight tonight.
September, FRIDAY 1871
Finished the harrowing, furrowing, shovelling of the 8 acre field of wheat on the "other place."
Spent the evening at Choir practice. The scholars of the W.M. S. School, Brampton were
practicing in the early part of the evening for their anniversary. Bought 50 lbs of Timothy seed
of K.C. & Co @ $4.00.
September , SATURDAY, 2 1871.
Was sowing the summer fallow with Diehls wheat except 2 bush of Soules, which was sowed
pure altogether sowed 11 1/2 bush on the larger field. Sowed the Timothy with some white
clover mixed on the fallow at the rate of 6 lbs to an acre.
Went to S. School this morning. Rev Jas Brooks present in Supt absence - lesson - Luke X -
38 to 42 Heard. Rev W.W. Carson preach at Zion at 2 1/2 PM - text - John XV - 7. A larger
audience than usual. Heard same preacher in Brampton tonight - text - Matt IV - 3 & 4th. J.C.
Snell and family were here for tea.
September, MONDAY, 4 1871.
Was ridging up the smaller fallow of 3 acres with two teams, did not quite finish it. Went to
Brampton this evening and recieved a letter from Uncle T. J. Harrington, they are well and in
receipt of our letter of August. Bought a pocket pen holder and anti corrosive pens.
Finished up the fall seeding by sowing the 3 acre field, seeded it also with timothy. there is a
great deal of dry grassy sods through the field giving it a rough aspect. Yesterday and today
have been very warm at 85° in the shade.
September, WEDNESDAY, 6 1871.
Was cutting the 9 acre field of second crop of clover, next to Mr. Wiggins farm, with the mower
and platform, raking it off in by hand in bunches at regular intervals, it is only a light crop, but is
filled with good seed. Spent the evening and staid all night at J.C. Snells.
Took away from their dams the only 6 ewe lambs of this year and put them in a field by
themselves and will feed them grain. Was fanning wheat and preparing a grist and some
chopping. Very cool tonight. Receive{blot or tear} from J.C.S. yesterday $16 for my services
in enrolling the Militia last winter.
September, FRIDAY, 8 1871.
Took a grist of 14 1/2 bush wheat and 6 bags of peas and chess, to J.W. Maine's Grist Mill.
Was engaged in burning up and clearing the flats of old logs and rubbish. Bought a new cast
arm and boxing for the waggon axle the old one being broken right around, price $1.25.
Was making and hanging a thrible door on the back side of the new sheep pen. Was drawing
the second crop of clover in to barn, had only one large load. The weather is warm and dry. A
great cloud of smoke came from the N.W. at 5 oclock this evening making quite dark and
severe on the eyes.
September, SUNDAY, 10 1871.
Went to S. School this morning Supt pres, lesson - 1Sam XXX 1st to end of chap. We sang
some peices out of the S. School Organ. Took tea this evening at Mrs. Trueman's. Dawson
Modeland is going to live in New York in the course of a month. Heard Rev W.W. Carson
preach at 6 PM text - Luke XVII, 41 & 42. He is an eloquent preacher.
Was hauling manure on the oat stubble for turnip crop next year drew 78 loads. It was a very
warm day. The Union Camp Meeting commences at Norval, Brampton, Georgetown, and
Steetsville, Circuits.
September, TUESDAY, 12 1871.
Was threshing peas with 2 span of horses treading the peas out on the barn floor. It is a great
deal speedier way than threshing with the flail, and not half as hard work. Spent evening
reading Hist of France-Prussian War.
Was winnowing the peas we threshed yesterday, 38 bush, weighing 65 lbs per bush. Father
and mother started for the Camp Meeting at Norval, but the horse kicked and broke the shafts
and dashboard of the buggy. They came home and took the waggon, the accident happened
2 miles from home.
September, THURSDAY, 14 1871.
Was engaged yesterday afternoon and today in helping Mr. J. Heath to thresh. Our folks were
at Camp Meeting all day came home this evening. It is held in Mr Foster's Pine woods, south
of Norval. Had a sharp frost last night and was very cool today.
Rain from the East for 12 hours, it was very much needed for the success of the fall wheat and
pasturage. Drove to Brampton this afternoon and settled J. Coyne's shoe Bill $11.00.
Received a letter from Uncle Adam. Winnowed 22 bush of peas making 60 bush threshed.
September, SATURDAY, 16 1871.
Sold a load of wheat 47 bush to K. Chisholm & Co @ $1.26 per bush. Received cash $59.60.
Rev T. Jeffers died at the Camp Meeting at Norval on Thursday of appoplexy.
Drove a span of horses and buggy containing five of us to Norval to the Camp Meeting. Heard
3 good practical sermons from Rev's Jones, Carson, and Shaw. There was a large crowd of
people present. It is a nice close pine woods making it comfortable today as there was a cold
North wind.
September, MONDAY, 18 1871.
Drew 72 bush of Diehl wheat of last year's growth to Brampton sold to K. Chisholm & Co @
$1.25 also 15 bush of spring wheat inferior quality @ $1.13 per bush received cash for the
whole $108.10 total amount received for all old wheat on hand $167.80. Had a very severe
white frost last night very cool all day.
Went to the camp meeting again to bring our folks home. The meeting broke up about 2
o'clock all the people dispersing to their homes. The whole morning's exercises were a public
love feast and prayer meeting which were very interesting and profitable, there was a large
number of converts.
September, WEDNESDAY, 20 1871.
Finished hauling the manure from barnyard, it being now entirely clear, drew 7 or 8 loads of the
finest and scattered over the timothy meadow. Sold 2 ewe lambs to Mr Chambers of Caledon
@ $10 each. Bought 50 lbs of timothy seed @ $4.00. Gathered the ripe fall apples.
Cross plowed the little orchard about one acre. Sowed 40 lbs of timothy seed on 9 acre clover
field of last year's seeding. the clover is pretty thin so that there will be room for the timothy.
Father, mother, Viney and I drove down this evening to Brampton W.M. S. School Anniversary,
not a very large attendance.
September, FRIDAY, 22 1871.
Heard Revs A. Sutherland and W.W. Ross of Toronto deliver good addresses at last nights
meeting. Was threshing at J. Learments all day. J.C. Snell and J.G Snell with their men and
stock started for Kingston Exhibition this morning. Bought of John Snell their 5 yr old ram
"Champion" (Cotswold) @ $75.
Commenced threshing at noon at our place with J. Cation's machin{ink blot}. threshed the
barley and part of the oats, have considerably more than 100 bush of barley. Put both straw
and chaff in the mow together. A warm pleasant day.
September, SUNDAY, 24 1871.
Spent the forenoon at S. School. Supt pres. lesson - II Samuel VI 1 to 17th. A very interesting
subject. Received from Mr. Millar the circular of 8th Prov. Convention of S. School Workers to
be held in London 10th 11th 12th of October. Heard Rev John Shaw preach at 6 P.M. text -
Deuteronomy XXIX - 9th verse.
Finished our threshing of grain for this year in less than 1 1/2 dys, the grain has yielded a
pretty fair return of heavy plump bright grain, paid the threshers $8.50.
September, TUESDAY, 26 1871.
Was winnowing a load of barley for market. Drove up to Mr. John Snell's this afternoon and
bought home the $75 ram. Miss Kezia Snell came down here this evening for to go to Mrs. W.
Elliott's social which was quite a success, realized $25. Had a large quantity of rain last night.
Commenced the Fall plowing in the oat stubble ground intended for turnips and barley next
year, it works up fine and damp. Westerly showers prevailed throughout the day, cold dismal
weather for the season.
September, THURSDAY, 28 1871.
Was plowing all day with two teams. A large quantity of grain going to market. K. Chisholm &
Co bought 7000 bushels of wheat and barley today @ $1.20 and 57 cts per bush. John Snell
& Sons were very successful at Kingston this week taking over $800 in prizes.
Was engaged in washing the ram lambs and fixing them up for the Country Show. Our 6 yr old
Cotswold ram "Billy" died today from some disease in the head. Spent the evening at Choir
Practice singing from the S. School Organ. A splendid moonlight night.
September, SATURDAY, 30 1871.
Finished plowing the oat stubble and shovelled the cross drains through it. Sold a ram lamb to
Mr Henderson of 2nd line west Chinguacousey at $9.00. A fine warm day. The weather
during the present month has been immensely cold for the season and severe frosts. The
woods present a very gay appearance of variety of colors.
October, SUNDAY, 1 1871.
Spent the forenoon at S. School. Supt pres. lesson - Luke XXI 13 to 22. J.C. Snell arrived
here this morning at 2 A.M. from Kingston in good health and spirits starts tomorrow for
Hamilton. Heard Rev W.W. Carson preach at Zion - text - Deut. XXX - 24th Heard the same
at Brampton - text - Issiah LII 14th and 15th.
October, MONDAY, 2 1871.
First day of the County's Agric. Society's show in Brampton. the ground is greatly enlarged
and improved, a fine new horse ring enclosed with a picket fence. There is a good show
especially in grain and vegetables. Had a gentleman visitor from McGillvary to see ourl live
stock. A very warm day.
Showery morning but a fine afternoon. Spent the day at the County Fair. There was a large
crowd of people in attendance. The show of live stock especially hogs was very good, there
bring a lively competition in all the classes. We took 2nd prize for ram lamb and 3rd prize for
aged ram. The demand for sheep was very limited, only sold one lamb to Mr Coony @ $10.
October, WEDNESDAY, 4 1871.
Harvested the potato crop today, have about 27 bush of Garnet Chilis' and 8 bush of
Gleason's, Early Rose, Early Goodwich and the White Potatoes, 35 bush in all a slim turn out
indeed for 1/2 acre are all fine. large sound potatoes so far, good. Was to 2 letters to Missouri
one to Carthage and to Streetsville.
Sold 56 bush of Diehls and Soules wheat @ $1.28 per bush to K. C. & Co, received for
sheepskin and calfskin $1.60. Mr. Thomas Graham of Brampton was buried today, died of
typhoid fever. Spent part of the evening at Willow Lodge. A warm close day, thunder and
lightning this evening.
October, FRIDAY, 6 1871.
Sold 54 bush of same kind of wheat as yesterday at same price. Settled K. Chisholm's Store
bill of $50. Mr James Thompson spent the afternoon here, he is going to Missouri next week.
J.G. Snell borrowed 4 bush of peas. Housed in two barrow pigs for to fatten for the knife.
Father went to Toronto this morning to buy the tickets for Missouri, which cost $44 for two
tickets, also bought $100 worth of greenbacks $114.00 also $100 gold, taking $200 of
Canadian money altogether. Bo't in Toronto a trunk @ $2.75. Was engaged in digging post
October, SUNDAY, 8 1871.
J.C. Snell arrived here at 6 A.M. from Guelph much wearied. Dawson Modeland spent the
forenoon and took dinner here. Him and I walked down to W.M. S. School in Brampton at 2
P.M., there is a large attendance, over 150 and an interesting school. Took tea at J.W. Main's
residence. Rev W.W. Carson preached at 6 P.M. text - Romans XIV 21st. A temperance
Sold 2 ram lambs to J.C. Snell at $15 and $10 each. Took the best one down to Brampton at
7 o'clock A.M. for to ship to Guelph to the Central Fair. Was repairing the yard pump putting in
new valves. also building board fence. The weather is very warm.
October, TUESDAY, 10 1871.
Drove father and mother down to the depot at 8 A.M. to start on their journey to Missouri. Was
harvesting the apple crop have only three barrels of hand picked of winter apples and two
barrels of soft apples, total 5 barrels, a small lot indeed. Bought a pump from Brown of Glen
William's at $8.40.
Viney and I went to Guelph this morning via G.T. Railway to the Central Fair held there on the
10th 11th and 12th inst, it was nearly equal in magnitude to the Provincial Fairs, and the
quantity of live stock, implmnt and Arts was surprising, there was 15,000 persons at the show
today. Came home on the evening train.
October, THURSDAY, 12 1871.
Went to blacksmith's to get some harness repaired and and to get the piston rod of the pump
by lengthened. A fearful fire took place in Chicago on Monday last, destroying all the finest
and largest buildings and some hundreds of people perished in the flames. A great many fires
occurring on account of the dry weather.
J. Learment and I measured the size of every field on the 200 acres with a 4 rod tape line,
finding that most of them were contained less acres than we thought for before measuring.
Commenced plowing the fall wheat stubble. Spent the evening at Choir Practice. Cold frosty
October, SATURDAY, 14 1871.
Went to J.W. Main's Grist Mill with 8 bags of barley, peas and oats for chopping. Bought 1/2
pint of spirits of turpentine, to use some of it for my right arm which is sprained. Slight westerly
showers prevailed all day
Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. {Superintendant present} lesson - Luke XVI 35 to
45. Miss K.F. Snell presided at melodeon. Heard Rev John Shaw preach at Zion text - Isaiah
XXXIII 21st, it was the Missionary Anniversary sermon Mr Thomas Holtby preached in
Brampton to night Luke X - 20th verse. A very windy day
October, MONDAY, 16 1871
Was helping Erastus Bunting thresh with team and two hands. There are serious fires in
several places in the township in the woods, every thing is so dry that fire spreads rapidly.
Spent the evening writing a letter to father and mother in Missouri.
Was ridging the little orchard ground into lands 11 ft wide. Mr & Mrs J.C. Snell called here this
morning on their way to Toronto for two days. Went to Choir practice this evening only a slim
attendance the leader being absent.
October, WEDNESDAY, 18 1871.
Was at the same work as yesterday and finished it. Drove Mrs J. C. S. {Snell} and family up to
her home this evening. The weather is dry and cool
Was plowing all day with two teams in the fall wheat stubble ground, Pretty warm weather with
a high wind to night. Spent evenig reading the weekly papers
October, FRIDAY, 20 1871
Finished plowing the fall wheat stubble ground of 9 1/2 ar {acres} Received a letter from
father, Stewartsville Missouri stating that they had arrived safe in two days and nights travel
and are rather disappointed in the appearance of the country. Spent the evening at Choir
Had a call from a gentleman living near Ottawa wanting to buy improved stock, priced some
things to him but made no sales. Received from Mr A. Woodhall $7.50 for value received by -
"Clifton". Had a visit this evening from Misses Campbell and Westervelt A fine warm day.
October, SUNDAY, 22 1871
Spent the morning at S. School Supt. pres. lesson II Samuel XII 1 to 14th. Was at Mr John
Snell's this afternoon practising some familiar tunes for the Missionary Meeting at Zion Took
tea at J.C Snell's. Heard Rev A. Sutherland preach in Brampton, text Ezekiel XXXVII 7 to 10.
A very able sermon
The smoke is so dense that any object more than 100 yards distant is invisible. Spent the
afternoon at A Woodhall's threshing. Went to Brampton to the Annual Missionary Meeting
excellent addresses by Revs. A Sutherland, Joel Briggs and John {Brooks?}. The Choir
received great praise for their services.
October, TUESDAY, 24 1871
Was picking stones off the meadows, have gone over 22 acres getting a considerable quantity
thereof. Paid R. Quin's blacksmith's bill $4.50. Spent the evening and staid all night at J.C.
Snell's, he has gone to Quebec to "Cochrane's" Sale of Stock. Was repairing their melodeon.
Commenced topping the turnips with the hand hoe, beheaded 1/4th of them and drew the
leaves off to feed to the cattle. Rainy looking all day, a cold east wind, had a slight shower this
evening. Had another litter of Berkshires {pigs} 8 in number.
October, THURSDAY, 26 1871.
Drew in 6 loads of turnips and stowed them away in the driving house cellar. They are small,
but solid and heavy. Had a heavy thunder shower at 4 P.M. which was quite a treat to see
after so much dry weather. Sold 2 ewes to J. Learment @ $5.50 ea
Was at the same work as yesterday and have in 10 loads of Turnips. Revs. Shaw, and Philips
of Orangeville took tea here this evening and were the speakers at the Zion Missionary
Meeting to night, there were about 30 people present. raised about $27 at the Meeting
October, SATURDAY, 28 1871.
Drew in 5 or 6 more loads of turnips, also hauling the tops for the cattle which are very fond of
them. Was at Brampton this afternoon and had a chat with A. F. Campbell they have an
addition to their family of a young daughter. Received from Co. Peel Agric Society $3.00
prizes on Cotswold sheep
Was at S. School this morning Supt. pres and his daughter Mrs Will to introduce some new
music for the anniversary. Heard Rev Mr Carson preach at Zion text Zechariah - III 1st 5
verses. The Rev gentleman took tea at our place this evening and heard him preach same
sermon in Brampton.
October, MONDAY, 30 1871.
Finished topping the turnips with the hoes and drew off the leaves for the cattle. Spent the
evening at Ebenezer practising music for the anniversary out of a new book "Pure Gold"
published in New York, it contains all new music prepared expressly for the "book". Fair warm
Drew in 7 loads of turnips making 22 in all, harvested. Cold East wind and raining this evening
steadily, The weather during the past month has been very fine for the season little rain and
frost. Spent the evening at home filling up the S. Scholl Class books.
November, WEDNESDAY, 1 1871.
Spent the day at the Tp Chinguacousy Plowing Match on Lot 19 Centre Road on the farm of
John Giffen in which there were 30 teams plowing, nearly all doing first-class work although
the ground was dry and hard. J. Featherstone took the first prize. Spent evening at S. School
Received last night a letter from father dated Carthage Oct 24th. Finished up the turnip
harvest, have about 850 bush. Killed a ewe lamb and dressed it for meat, repaid E. Bunting
with 24 lb of it for value received 3 mo's ago. Spent evening practising at home the S. School
November, FRIDAY, 3 1871.
Was clearing the door yard of old rails and sticks and converting them into stove wood. Mr. G
Crawford spent the day and evening here. Drove to Brampton expecting to meet the folks
from Missouri but they did not arrive. Spent evening at Ebenezer practice.
Commenced plowing the turnip ground into 33 ft ridges, it is fine and dry. Was at Brampton
again this evening. Quite a cold day.
November, SUNDAY, 5 1871.
Went to S. School this morning - Supt. pres - lesson II Sam. XV, 19 to 30 - Supt read an
address by Ralph Wells of New York on S. School teachers' duties and importance of prayer
and preparing the lesson. Heard Rev W. W. Carson in Brampton to night, text, Haggai II 4 &
5th verses. A very cold night.
The sharp frost of last night nearly stopped the plough, making it work rather flakey. Spent the
evening at practice at Ebenezer. Kept a flock of sheep over night blonging to Ohio men
numbering 150.
November, TUESDAY, 7 1871.
Sold one pair of ewe lambs and 3 ram lambs to the Ohio men @ $10 each and $16 for last 3
making $36, also $1.00 for 2 bush oats. Spent the forenoon in decorating Zion Church with
evergreens for the party this evening, Had a large crowd at the tea meeting and enjoyed the
evening well
Address were delivered by Revs Carson, Thompson and Brooke. Realized {faded text, $43.?}.
Spent the forenoon in cleaning out the churches and putting things in order withe assistance of
some other gents. Messrs R.J. Nichols, S. Bunting and Miss G. Westervelt spent the evening
here in chat and fun
November, THURSDAY, 9 1871.
Father and mother came home this morning at 6'oclock from Missouri, tired and sleepy having
travelled 2 days and 3 nights, have seen a great many wonderful sights, and think it a very fine
country brought home some presents and curiosities sweet potatoes and several kinds of nuts
A drizzling rain and sleet from the East cold and wintry. Sold yesterday 3 ewes 5 yr old to
William Keyworth @ $5.33 1/3 each and took his note for amount due in eleven months. Was
engaged today in making a gate for barn yard.
November, SATURDAY, 11 1871.
Dressed a 4 yr old ewe for mutton and took 1/4 to 22 lbs to W. Campbell of No 10 and settled
the blacksmith's bill of $4.35. Went to Brampton and bought 25 lbs of 3 inch cut nails @ 4 cts,
some window glass and a buggy whip @ 50cts. Mr John Mason arrived here from North
Missouri in good health and spirits
Spent the forenoon at S. School Rev Jas Brooks present - lesson - John X - 1 to 18th -Mrs
Wills of Toronto presided at the melodeon. Heard Rev John Shaw at Zion at 2 1/2 PM. text
Prov XIII 7&8. J.C. Snell and family spent the day here also Misses Sarah and Jennie
Peacock. Heard same sermon in Brampton to night
November, MONDAY, 13 1871.
Completed the close board fence enclosing the sheep yard. Making a sett of 11 ft bars for
convenience in hauling manure. Went to Brampton to night and became a member of
Safeguard Temple of I. O. G. {Independent Order of the Good} Templars. there 70 members.
Commenced feeding and stabling the cattle on the 10 inst. have 16 head
Steady rain all day from the East. Was engaged in making eavestroughs out of 4 X 4 scantling
(pine) with the axe, gouging it out in a triangular shape, put them on the sheep pen eaves
conducting the water in to the well. Commenced feeding Clifton on the 11 inst for beef
November, WEDNESDAY, 15 1871.
About midnight the rain turned to snow and to day the ground is white with 3 or 4 inches of
snow, cold and blustering and freezing hard towards night. Went to Brampton and ordered a
new suit of grey tweed @ $17.00. Spent evening reading the "Soprano" a Yankee Story which
came from Carthage Missouri.
A public holiday set apart by law specially for Thanksgiving and praise to God for the bountiful
harvest. There was service in all the Churches in Brampton. Spent the day at J.C. Snell's in
chat and select reading. Very cold north wind all day and freezing, there is very fair sleighing.
November, FRIDAY, 17 1871.
Our folks drove to Brampton in a sleigh, but it was tough going as it is thawing quite fast. Went
to John R Craig's to repair Mrs Grimshaw{s} melodeon there were several reeds stopped.
Spent evening at Choir practice. Mr Mason and father spent afternoon at James Thompson's
on lot 14 4th line East
Saturday, 18
Dressed a Berkshir hog weighing 254 lbs, very fat. Was engaged in digging post holes. Was at
Mr John Snell's a short time this afternoon. Spent evening making preparations for Sunday.
November, SUNDAY, 19 1871.
Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. lesson, II Sam, XVIII, Took dinner and spent the
afternoon at J.C. Snell's in social chat and music with the Misses Snell. Heard Rev John Shaw
preach in Brampton, text, Proverbs X. 9th.
Drove Aunt Mary Peacock to G. T. R. depot at Brampton on the way to Toronto. Was engaged
in setting fence posts. Spent the evening at teacher's Meeting at Ebenezer. Mr Mason is here
all night.
November, TUESDAY, 21 1871.
Finished constructing a board fence, along the lane back of the lower shed, cleared away the
old rails and banked up the new fence. A slight mizzle all day from the West
Was engaged in turnpiking the lane leading down to the Etobicoke, rounding it nicely and
leaving a ditch on either side to carry off the surplus water. J.C. Snell and family took dinner
and tea here, they gave us a present of a barrel of nice apples. Father took a chopping grist of
9 bags to J. W. Mains Mill, peas oats and barley
November, THURSDAY, 23 1871.
Purchased for market 10 turkeys and 7 ducks, sold to K. C. & Co, @ 7cts per lb. turkeys
weighing 94 lbs - and @ 25 cts each. Rebuilt the "Carter line fence". Drew 3 loads of forest
leaves for bedding the stock from the lower bush. A cold frosty day, the ground frozen so hard
that the plow is stopped
Was chopping cord wood in the lower bush for fuel. Had quite a brisk snow storm this morning
but it turned to rain and melted the most of it. Spent the evening at Choir Practice, one of the
old members was present Robert Morton who has been absent for 5 months, he is a good
November, SATURDAY, 25 1871
Received yesterday a letter from Uncle Adam Ferguson. Drove Aunt Mary over to 3rd line
East to Isaac Modeland. Took dinner there, drove to Brampton this evening and bought a new
suit of grey tweed at $17.00. Paid $1.00 to W.A. Mitchell for cleaning my watch. Spent the
evening at J.C. Snell's.
Walked down from J.C.S. this morning and wrote a letter to Thomas Mason, the first time I
have ever written him. Heard Rev W.W. Carson at Zion at 2 1/2 P.M. text -Romans VIII 29th
and 30th, a right good sermon. Heard the same in Brampton to night.
November, MONDAY, 27 1871
Was engaged in splitting basswood rails, manufactured 77 rails. Spent the evening at the
I.O.G. Templar's Lodge "Safeguard Temple" about 70 members present had a fine lively
meeting. Bro W.W. Carson gave an account of his trip to Grand Lodge at Belleville. Aunt Mrs.
Taylor came here this evening from Oakville.
A very sharp frost, thermometer sank to Zero. Mr. John Mason and Aunt Mrs. Peacock were
married at our place @ 1 o'clock by Rev John Shaw. J.C. Snell and Mrs. J.C.S. stood up with
them during the ceremonies. Drove them to G.T.R. Depot at 5 P.M. going to Toronto for a
trip. Very cold weather.
November, WEDNESDAY, 29 1871
Mrs Taylor left here for Oakville via Railway. Was chopping cord wood all day, spent the
evening at the protracted meeting in Hope Chapael. Rev Mr Thompson P. Methodist
preached, text - Acts, Paul's sermon to Felix. Mr and Mrs Mason are here from Toronto.
Was at the same work as yesterday. The weather continues frosty and very cold, the mercury
keeping down to zero. Took a span of horses to Edmonton and had them sharp shod on fore
feet. Mr and Mrs Robert Nichols spent the evening here.
December, FRIDAY, 1 1871
Was engaged in sawing a dry beach about 2 1/2 ft across the stump with J. Learment's cross
cut saw, spent the evening at Choir Practice. Bought a new suit of grey tweed of K. Chisholm
& Co. @ $17.00 a close fitting sack coat.
Saturday, 2
Was sawing a large hemlock tree over 3 ft into 2 ft lengths. Took a grist of 12 bush of wheat to
J. W. Main Mill. The weather has turned milder again.
December, SUNDAY, 3 1871
Went to S. School this morning Supt. pres. lesson I Chronicles XXVII 1 to 16. Sang from the
New S. School Organ's for the first time in the School. Father and mother & Mr and Mrs
Peacock spent the afternoon at J.C. Snell's. Heard Rev C. Clement from Streetsville preach in
Brampton tonight - text - Luke XVIII 13th.
Dressed for pork an 8 months old Berkshire weighing 156 lbs, making with the one killed 2
weeks ago 410 lbs. Settled R. Crawford's acc on wages $37.00. Mr and Mrs Mason are busy
packing up for the West. Rev W. Millard and J.C. Snell took tea here to night. Spent the
evening at the Teacher's Meeting at No 15.
December, TUESDAY, 5 1871
Father drove the folks starting for Missouri to G.T.R. Depot and their baggage, 3 boxes
weighing 363 lbs, all over 200 lbs they will have to pay for as extra luggage. They took Matilda
Peacock along with them. Bought a barrel of Goderich salt @ $1.70. A very cold day.
Finished chopping cord wood in the lower bush have some 12 cords chopped Had a visit from
Mrs Guy Bell. The evening closed in with a South West snow storm.
December, THURSDAY, 7 1871
Spent the afternoon in Brampton. Had a short chat with Dawson Modeland who has just
returned from New York, has seen a great many fine sights. Ordered the manufacture of an
overcoat at K. Chisholm's to cost $12.50 of brown beaver. Have hardly enough snow to make
Took the first sleigh ride I have had this season, but there has been some sleighing for two
weeks. Was engaged in chopping firewood at the other place bush. spent evening at Choir
Practice. Bought a copy of "Pure Gold" a new note book also a pocket Diary for 1872, price of
both articles 80 cents.
December, SATURDAY, 9 1871.
Was at the same work as yesterday. Sold the cow "Lady Harrington" and calf for $150 to John
Snell. Sister Viney and Susie Campbell were collecting for the Bible Society. The cold weather
continues not enough snow to make good sleighing, but splendid waggoning the roads are
hard and smooth
Spent the morning at S School Rev Jas Brooks present lesson John XVII. Heard Rev John
Shaw preach at Zion - text - II Peter III last verse. Heard same minister in Brampton to night -
text - Psalm XC, 14th verse, it was a funeral sermon on account of the death of several
children with the scarlet fever
December, MONDAY, 11 1871.
Deposited $150.00 in the Merchants' Bank in Brampton which will draw interest at 4 per cent if
not withdrawn before 3 months. Mr H. Joness brought home our straw cutter. Spent the
evening at the meeting of the "Safeguard Lodge" there were two more members initiated
Was engaged in splitting oak stakes at the "other place" out of an old log that has laid in the
bush for many years but proved to be sound and made 100 good stakes. Mrs J. C. Snell and
little Mary and Johnnie are spending 2 or 3 days here. Spent the evening at home in reading.
December, WEDNESDAY, 13 1871.
Have some 4 or 5 inches of snow this morning making the ringing of the many sleigh bells
lively and frequent along the Centre road. Drove sister Emma in the cutter to day school. Was
measuring and winnowing the oats and find we have about 190 bush. Spent evening at the
Sold Clifton the 4 yr old Short Horn bull to Crawforth the butcher @ $80. Drove Mrs J.C. Snell
and children home this afternoon. Spent the evening at the special Meeting in Hope Chapael
December, FRIDAY, 16 1871.
Was engaged in hauling from the lower bush, firewood drew six loads. Spent the evening at
Choir Practice Bought of K. Chisholm & Co a brown beaver overcoat with silk velvet collar @
$12.50 also a fur cap @ $1.50 Sold 12 1/2 lbs of fresh butter @ 18 cts per lb = $2.25
Was at the same work as yesterday, have about {8 - ink blot} cords drawn up. J.C. Snell, wife
and children and Miss K.F. Snell took tea here this evening. Rev W. W. Carson took dinner on
his way to Orangeville on a Missionary Tour
December, SUNDAY, 17 1871.
Went to S. School this morning. Supt pres. lesson Matt, XXV 1 to 13. Was a large attendance
had several visitors. Drove the sleigh to Brampton this evening and heard Rev John Shaw
preach, text John XXI, 20 to 22 A nice mild day.
Spent the day at Edmonton at the nominations for councillmen for this township. Mr T. Bowles
was appointed Reeve by acclamation, there are four candidates for each of the two offices of
deputy Reeves and Councillors. Spent the evening at the I.O.G. Temple, sister Viney joined to
December, TUESDAY, 19 1871
Was drawing firewood from lower bush, drew 7 loads. Received an addition of some more
light snow last night which is by the action of the west winds forming into huge drifts. Spent
evening reading "Timothy Titcombs" Advice to Young Men.
Drew up two loads of cord wood this morning but had to stop work then because of the high
wind which was drifting the snow in clouds. Winnowed 9 bush of peas for to feed the
Berkshires which are consuming over a bushel of peas per day
December, THURSDAY, 21 1871.
Last night and this morning was intensely cold the thermometer going down to 18° below zero,
and in some parts of Canada to 30° and 40° below zero. Mr Westervelt's school examination
in our S. Section took place to day, the scholars presented him with a valuable writing desk,
and a nice work box for his wife.
Have been housed up the last day or two with a very sore throat. Was hauling hemlock two ft
stuff from lower bush for stove wood. Received cash from Crawforth for "Clifton" $79, he
dressed 1420 lbs. The weather has moderated and is snowing from the East.
December, SATURDAY, 24 1871.
A very heavy shower with very sharp lightening and heavy thunder, the snow is fast
disappearing. Went to Brampton this evening and purchased some Christmas presents for the
little folks.
Went to S. School this morning Supt. pres abs lesson - Matt XXV 14 to 30th. Heard Rev W.
W. Carson preach at Zion at 2 1/2 o'clock, text, Zechariah III 1st 5 verses. Heard him preach in
Brampton, text, Revelations III 20th verse. Was at the burning of the Old Steam Mill in
Brampton to night.
December, MONDAY, 25 1871.
Dull and cloudy with a keen frosty air, the fields are bare but there are some large snow drifts
along the fences, the roads are very icy, the gravel road is bare and no sleighing in Brampton.
J.C. Snell and family took Christmas dinner here. Spent the evening at the Temperance lodge.
Spent the entire day at Quin's Blacksmiths Shop at Edmonton getting a span of horses sharp
shod all around, one of them "Charlie" a 2 yr old colt, that was never shod before, he behaved
himself pretty well during the operation.
December, WEDNESDAY, 27 1871.
A cold blustering day, had an additional inch or two of fresh snow last night, which is flying in
clouds before a driving west wind. Spent the day in splitting a few oak stakes and threshing
peas. Spent the evening reading the Daily Globe and examining a book printed in the year
THURSDAY, 82 [sic]
Another very cold day. Was grinding and whetting the straw cutter knifes preparatory to
cutting straw for fodder. Mr Frederick House's Clover Mill came here this evening, we intend
threshing our clover with it to morrow. J. Learment spent the evening. Splendid moonlight
December, FRIDAY, 29 1871.
Threshed all the clover this forenoon, will have about 4 bush of good ripe seed, put some of it
through the Mill 3 times, before it was threshed clean. Dressed a yearling steer for beef for
home use, will weigh fully 500 lbs of beef beside hide and tallow. Spent evening at Choir
Yesterday was very fine and warm, a cold East wind prevails to day. Mrs R. Gardener and
Walter were here all last night on a visit. Went to Brampton this forenoon and sold the hide
weighing 72 lbs @ 7 cts per lb $5.00 bought a New Years Gift for sister Viney a book called
"Children's Hour Annual" $1.12 1/2. Father and mother spent the day at J.C. Snell's
December, SUNDAY, 31 1871.
Drove to S. School this morning in the sleigh. Supt pres from Toronto - lesson - Matt XXV, 31
to 42. Received a long address and charge from our Supt. on the close of the year. Had all
my sisters up to S. School and drove them across to J.C. Snells for a New Year's dinner to day
instead of tomorrow Spent part of the afternoon there and then started for home. The weather
to day was very warm and thawing very fast, a heavy fog hung over the earth for some time
but to night set in a rough rain storm from the N.E. Set up rather late because of its bering
watch night, retire to night at the close of the year 1871
Received. Paid.
Sold and gristed
this year up to
Sept 18th 325
bush of wheat
Sold 110 bush
of wheat, Oct
5th Dec 3rd A
grist of
110 12
{divided by}
447 bush
of wheat
Received Paid.
$ C $ C
4th: Paid for New pair of
Fairbanks scales
7th: Sold to J. Snell hind quarter
of beef 160 lbs @ 7 cts.
8: Subscribe to the College End
Fund $4.00 Paid
20th: Paid R. Noble, Norval for
400 feet lumber
Sub to Peel Banner
23rd: Paid A McCannel for 100
cedar posts
31st: Sold to K Chrisholm 27
bush barley at 55 cents per bush
19th: Grist to Norval 9 bush 34
bush of oats and peas mixed
" : 34 bush of oats and peas
Dr to
cts Paid
2nd Paid W. R.
Dentist for
extracting a
Paid W. R
Graham for
filling 6
$6.00 pd on
5 00
7th Paid
1 50
9th “ threshers 12 00
“ “ to hired
2 00
14th Received
for Alsike
Clover @
$6 per bush
9 00
“ Paid K.C. &
Co fee
4 00
from Robert
Smith for
bull service
7 00
“ Paid to the
1 00
20th Paid for cull
24th “ W. K. 1 00
“ Guy Bell
for 1 dy's
sawing with
3 50
Sold 5 bush
25 00
“ Bought ton
7 00
{Totals} Cr to $2.90 41 00 38 10
cts Paid
1st Paid for
50 50
“ chopping
5th “ to
1 00
23rd Paid to K.C.
& Co for I
bush of
Timothy seed
5 50
Paid for 2
bush crown
2 20
“ Sundries 50
31st Do 2 00
{totals} Dr 12 20
February Acc
Cr $2.90
Received Paid
Received from J.
Hindle for use of
ram last fall
8 00
Received for 11
lbs of butter @ 15
1 65
“ Bought music
stool @ $1.05 and
4 00
Gave Haggard
Bros a promisory
Note for 3 months
$1.50 on price of
land roller had a
due bill valve
17 50 16 50
18 Received from W.
Learment for 10
bush barley
6 00
22 Paid for suit of
clothes and hat
22 00
24 Received from
Williamson for 2
cows & 2 calves
75 00
26 Paid out $30 30 00
“ “ Haggerts note 16 00 16 00
“ “ McCaul stake 4 25 4 25
" Sundries 2 00
{totals} $108 15 $78 25
Received Paid
Received from
E. Bunting for
2 bush barley
1 20
12 Received from
A. Bunting for
5 lbs flour
1 62
10 11 Paid for
4 00
“ “ Do 4 00
27th Received from
W. Broddy
2 20
5 02 8 00
5 02
Dr $2 98
April Acc 108 15 78 25
78 25
Cr $29 80
Received Paid
Received for
fat ewe
Do for 38
bush Wheat
@ $1.25
“ Paid lumber
28 68
“ “ for shingle
6 squares @
50 cts
3 00
8 Received for
52 bush
wheat @
62 73
“ Paid for barl
1 70
9 “ K.C. & Co
20 00
“ Received for
3 33
15 Paid to
Reform fund
3 00
16 Received for
wool and
sheepskins --
94 20
“ Paid for pair
coarse boots
and sundries
5 00
17 Received for
2 yr steer
50 00
23 Paid for hay
“ Horse rakes
14 00
27 For 3 barls
water lime
6 00
“ Sundries 4 00
29 For valise
1 00
[totals] $261 16 86 38
Received Paid
Spent on trip to
2 00
For barrel ferment 2 00
7 “ 41 bush wheat @
$1.15 per bush
47 45
“ “ Sundries 5 00
12 “ Do 2 00
20 “ Do 5 00
31 “ “ “ 8 00
47 45 34 00
34 00
Cr $13 45
June acc. 261 16 86 88
86 88
Cr $174 78
Received Paid
For manufacturing
29 yds of rag carpet
2 90
8 E expenses to
Menagerie and
4 00
12 To A. Bunting for 1
½ dys work
2 00
14 For Hist. of Prussia 2 00
15 From B. Watson for
8 cows, served, by
12 00
“ For sundries 4 00
17 “ do 3 00
23 “ New whip and
4 00
12 00 21 90
12 00
Dr $9 90
Received Paid
For 50 lbs timothy 4 00
“ “ 1 pr of shoes 1 50
“ “ 2 “ “ childrens 4 00
“ fine shoes
“ “ Sundries 2 00
8 “ Axle arm and
door hinges
1 15
“ “ Other Articles 3 00
6 “ Enrolling militia 16 00
15 “ Coynes Bill 11 00
“ “ Buggy Shaft 50
“ “ Groceries 1 30
16 “ 47 bush wheat 59 60
“ “ Boots and Cotton 9 00
18 “ 87 bush wheat 108 10
20 “ timothy seed
“ Groceries
21 “ Admission to 1 00
20 “ Pr Ewe lambs 20 00
26 “ threshing 8 50
“ “ Sundries 1 00
30 “ Ram lambs 9 00
212 70 53 95
53 95
$158 75 Cr
Received Paid
2 For 4 cows served 6 00
3 “ one lamb 10 00
“ “ Co Show 5 00
5 “ 56 bush wheat 72 70
“ “ 54 “ “ 69 19
“ “ K.C. & Co Acc. 50 18
“ “ Mr Norris for a
10 00
“ “ Mr. Keyworth “ “ “ 5 00
“ “ Hardware, Trunk,
5 00
9 “ Linen front, paper
10 “ Wooden pump 8 40
13 “ Spring snaps,
12 “ Guelph Fair 2 00
20 “ Sugar and
2 00
21 “ Mr. A Woodhall
for 5 cows served
7 50
22 “ Quarterage 3 00
24 “ Quin's bill 4 50
“ “ Sundries 1 00
28 “ Do 1 00
“ “ for prizes, Co
3 00
183 39 83 28
83 28
Cr 100 11
Received Paid
Cash for Taxes
school tax
27 49
“ Sundries 1 00
4 “ do 50
7 “ for 5 lambs and
2 bush oats
37 00
“ “ Sundries 1 00
9 “ Groceries 2 00
11 “ Blacksmith's bill 4 35
“ “ Quarter of Mutton 1 35
“ “ Nails and glass,
1 65
13 “ Templers’ fees 70
15 “ Groceries Ec Ec 1 50
17 “ Timothy &
10 00
23 “ Turkeys and
8 43
“ “ Groceries and
“ dress goods and
“ to Mrs. Peacock
25 00
“ Clothing and
18 00
46 78 93 19
46 78
Dr $46 41
Received Paid
For suit of
17 $ cts $ 17 00
“ R. Crawford's
acc/ on wages
37 00
“ barrel of
“ Salt
1 70
“ Pocket Diary
and Pure Gold
- -
For “Lady
Harrington” and
150 00
Deposited in
Do Do
Received for 12
½ lbs butter @
18 cts
“ “ Sundries 5 00
22 “ For Clifton 79 00
“ “ Cash from,
7 00
“ “ Overcoat and
2 Fur caps
15 50
30 “ Hide 5 00
“ “ Book 1 12
241 25 61 12
61 12
$180 13 Cr
Received Paid
Jan $ 14.85 $ 34.75
Feb 41.00 38.10
Mar 12.20
Apr 108.15 78.25
May 5.02 8.00
June 261.16 86.38
July 47.45 34.00
Aug 12.00 21.90
Sept 212.70 53.95
Oct 183.39 83.28
Nov 46.78 93.19
Dec 241.25 61.12
$ 1173.75 605.12
For more information on John Ferguson, check out the “Meet the Diarists” section under “Discover”
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