File #19474: "Clara Philp 1904 Diary Transcripts.pdf"


Clara Philp (1885 - 1971)
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
{Pages 1 to 40 are printed documents, calendars, etc.}
{41 is a newspaper clipping regarding problems with rail traffic. 42 is a duplicate of 41}
This has been a very severe winter. Almost every day stormy and very cold. Thermometer been all
way from zero to 36 degrees below. Saturday February 27 through the night was very heavy
thunder and lightning and some rain. The following Sunday was quite soft. There was has been the
greatest depth of snow this winter that has been known for years.
The roads are as high as the fences and the snow is very deep in the fields. There is a good road
on the river. Monday March 7. was the first mail from the south for about a week. There was
scarcely any traffic on the railroad the week before the seventh.
July 1904.
Harry Lowes passed from first form to second with honors, at Arthur. Etta failed. Freda Gillrie failed.
Harry ranked third.
Mr. Burrows put in 650 grafts for us this spring @ 3¢ a graft. He has had $10.00 and only 15 grafts
are growing.
January NEW YEAR'S DAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 1 1904
Will and Da done up chores. Then Da took Will Walker home and then went up to see Uncle Richd.
Ma and we children at Grandpa's for dinner Uncle Jim home. Da took him down to the 4.44 train.
very stormy forenoon. quite fine afternoon.
trains all very late now on account of storms
Da choring and cleaning pens all day. We three children up to Grandpa Philp's in afternoon. very
cold wind and little stormy this forenoon. Sharp and frosty.
Brock and I at Grandma's in afternoon. very stormy day. sharp cold wind. Snowing hard at night.
January MONDAY, 4 1904
Robt choring forenoon Clara & I washing fore
afternoon Robt took Clara to Drayton very bright day but cold thermometer 28 below zero
Robt choring all day a little milder everything frosted over.
I moping floor fore.
Sarah Burrows here aft.
little stormy at night
Epiphany (Quebec) WEDNESDAY, 6
Robt choring all day and up to Richards evening with white sow I churning, some baking, and
very fine day
January THURSDAY, 7 1904
Robt choring all day I down to Drayton aft. with 26 lbs of butter @17¢
Harry & Roy here for straw aft.
rather fine forenoon, drifting and a little stormy
Robt. choring all day very heavy fall of soft snow
Brock & Olive at school I busy darning
Clara came home with Burrows about six.
Da choring and cleaning out pig pens. very fine bright day.
The snow is very deep on the roads and every where.
Olive and I at Grandpa's at night.
January SUNDAY, 10 1904
Da and Ma went down to Tom Hendersons for dinner. Home again about five. Then went to
Rothsay to see May Gordon. Very fine day. not very cold.
May has blood poisoning in her legs
Da choring in forenoon, then took Clara to Drayton in aft noon
beautiful day.
Choring in forenoon, then cleaned out hen pens. some snow falling.
January WEDNESDAY, 13 1904
Choring in fore noon and then drawing out manure in afternoon.
Soft snow falling all day.
Choring in forenoon then taking snow off sheep-house and barn, snow very deep on roof. terrible
stormy day.
Da to Drayton with Mr. Henry.
Choring in forenoon, then drawing out manure in afternoon and cleaning out pig pens.
snowing all day.
Nellie McKay died
January SATURDAY, 16 1904
Choring in forenoon, then drawing out manure and cleaning pig pens and horse stable. Da went to
Drayton in afternoon for Clara roads terrible bad. terrible stormy. Wm Gillrie died.
We children at grandma's for supper. At home rest of day. bright day, but sharp
Da choring in morning, Clara got ride to Drayton with Chess Walker. Ma and Da at Nellie McKay's
funeral, then at Grandpa's Philp, brought Violet home with them also cutter. beautiful day.
January TUESDAY, 19 1904
Choring in morning, then drew out load of manure in afternoon and came up for we children to
Strong east wind, snowing.
Violet here
Da choring in morning then ploughed road from sideroad to town line. Mr. McEwing helped him and
cleaning out horse-stable. soft snow falling all day.
Violet here.
Da choring in morning. Grandma walked up in morning and ma drove her home. She took worse
through the night and ma went down about three. Da went for the doctor about five. Some better
after that.
January FRIDAY, 22 1904
Da choring in morning then he and Violet to Drayton in aft noon, and brought Clara home. Grandma
some better.
Soft, but rained steady from four to seven.
Da choring in morning then drawing out manure in afternoon. Ma went down to Grandma's in
morning, then again in aft noon Grandma a little worse. Uncle Sam sent word to Uncle Jim. Mild in
morning soft snow in eve.
Ma stayed Sat. night at Grandma's and all day Sunday. Uncle Jim didn't come. Grandma not any
better. Violet here.
terrible stormy day. Da at Grandma's to night for a while.
Mr. Lowry buried.
January MONDAY, 23 1904
Uncle Jim drove up Sunday Da choring in morning then took Uncle Jim to station. Ma stayed at
Grandma's last night and all day to-day. Violet and Clara here. Very sharp but bright.
Da choring all day. Ma at Grandma's Clara and Violet baked bread and made butter.
very stormy all day.
Da choring in {writing changes} the morning. In the afternoon drew out manure and took a jag of
straw to Grandpa's. Ma there all day. Grandma some better. Beef ring supper at Tom Brett's. None
of us there. We are out of the Beef ring now. Beautiful day but sharp.
January THURSDAY, 28 1904
Da choring in the morning. Clara and Violet at Drayton. In the afternoon Da over to Mr. McTavish to
help raise the horse. Grandma much better. Ma there all day.
Beautiful day.
{Clara resumes writing} Da choring in morning, then took load of chop to Drayton in afternoon, Clara
took Violet to Grandpa Philp's. Mable here for tea. Ma at Grandma's some of the time to-day. Then
stayed all night.
Da choring in morning, then took out a load of chop in aft noon. Horses crowded, and up set load of
chop. Brock and I to- Drayton in aft noon. roads rather bad.
Grandma a great deal better ma at home all day but went to Grandma's in evening. Soft snow
falling all afternoon. Da lost blanket and went as far as snow fence but did not get it. Uncle Willie
came on night train.
January SUNDAY, 31 1904
Clara and I at Grandma's for dinner. Uncle Willie here o in afternoon and a while in eve. At home
rest of day. Soft snow falling all day but finer to-wards evening.
February MONDAY, 1
Da choring in morning then took Clara back to Drayton in afternoon.
very bright day but sharp.
Da choring all day and cleaning out pens. Herb Benson here for a while this evening. Uncle Willie
here for an hour or so. Mr. North here for dinner. U. Willie at Drayton in evening to Masonic lodge.
Very stormy in morning milder in aft.noon wo terrible stormy at night.
February WEDNESDAY, 3 1904
Da choring all day. Uncle Willie here in afternoon. Brock and I down at Grandma's for supper.
terrible stormy day
Da choring all day. Ma and Uncle Willie at Drayton in afternoon. Uncle Willie here in evening.
very stormy day.
Friday, 5
Da choring all day. I went to Grandma's to help her get supper. Mr. Maxwell's there. Uncle Willie
here in evening.
Soft snow falling
February SATURDAY, 6 1904
Da choring then went to Drayton in afternoon for Clara. Uncle Willie, Brock, and I at Drayton also.
Trains blocked. Very soft day, raining in morning and very thick fog in afternoon.
Sunday, 7
Uncle Willie here for dinner. Ma and Brock down to Grandma's in afternoon. very mild and soft in
forenoon but turned very stormy to-wards night.
Olive 14 years old. -
Da choring and cleaning out hen pens and pig pens. Clara at home. Ma at Grandma's in evening.
Bright but very sharp.
February TUESDAY, 9 1904
Da choring, then in afternoon took Clara to Drayton and Uncle Willie to station. Brought Jim Lowes
back with him, he stayed all night. Ma and Da and Jim Lowes over to Craigs at night. Bright but
sharp little wind.
Da choring. Jim Lowes here for dinner Da gave him Dick and the cutter. He went up to Gasses.
bright but very sharp.
Mr. Honor's sale.
Da choring and taking seeds out of the barn and burning them. Ma up to Grandpa Philps in aft.
noon. Da at Drayton at night. Ma down to Grandma's.
beautiful day but sharp.
February FRIDAY, 12 1904
Da choring and drawing out manure. Jim Lowes came home with horse. Stayed all night. Brock
and I went to carnival with Mr. McDonalds. got home about 12 o'clock.
rather fine but cold.
Da took Jim Lowes to station. Choring and went for Clara in evening.
Da 41 years of age. Uncle Jim 31.
strong east wind and cold.
Brock, Clara, and I at Grandma's for dinner and supper.
rather fine in morning. but turned very stormy at night.
February MONDAY, 15 1904
Da choring all day.
Clara at home.
terrible stormy and cold.
Da choring in morning, then took Clara to Dayton in afternoon.
very stormy, and cold.
Da choring and cleaning out pig pens.
bright but very sharp
February THURSDAY, 18 1904
Da choring and cleaning up grain, Willie Walker here in afternoon helping. Watt drawing out chop
for us. Ma at Drayton in afternoon.
east wind snow falling at night.
Da choring and cleaning up grain. Watt drawing out chop for us.
lovely day
Da choring and cleaning up grain. Watt drawing chop. Violet walked down to our place. Brock,
Violet and I went down to Drayton in afternoon for Clara.
beautiful day. sun shining lovely
February SUNDAY, 21 1904
Brock, Clara, and I at Grandma's in afternoon.
soft day. raining off and on all day.
Da drove us up to school in morning. came after us at night, choring.
terrible stormy day.
Da took us up to school in morning. Ma took Clara to Drayton in afternoon, Da drawing out manure.
storming in morning but calmed down some in afternoon. Da sold pigs.
February WEDNESDAY, 24
Da choring and drawing out manure Ma at Grandma's in aft.
very stormy day.
Choring and drawing out manure. Da at Drayton at night to lodge.
rather fine day Jim Bready here to Also Stanton
Choring and drawing out manure
rather fine day
February SATURDAY, 27 1904
Choring and drawing out manure. Cleaned hen and pig pens. Ma, Brock and I went to Drayton for
Clara. Mrs. Gordon stopped sewing for a while. fine in forenoon, colder at night. Mr. and Miss
Duncan here.
{different writing} Ma and Miss Duncan stayed at Grandma's for tea. Rest of us at home.
very heavy thunder and lightning with quite a bit of rain in night. very foggy this morning quite soft
all day
Da and Wat took our eight pigs to Drayton this forenoon. Had to change sides with horses, for
crowding. Da done chores this afternoon. Storm from the east all day. very fine hard particles of
snow and blowing in every hole. quite sharp lightning and one heavy clap of thunder to-night.
not a cold day, but very disagreeable day.
March TUESDAY, 1 1904
Da did some of the chores then went to help Mr. Henry load some of his furniture. finished his
chores when he came home. I took Miss Duncan home about four o'clock. Da and Wat took 2 bags
of turnips to Drayton at night.
stormy in forenoon, but turned out quite fine in afternoon.
Da choring and cleaning out pig pens in afternoon. Mr. Corbitt the assessor here in afternoon.
Grandma up here for first time since she was sick. very fine forenoon, but duller and a raw wind this
afternoon. heavy thunder and lightning with some rain through the night.
Da took children up to school and doing the chores. Terrible stormy day. The snow blows into every
crevice High wind. Very hard on our barn roof. getting colder towards night
March FRIDAY, 4 1904
Da done the chores. Then he and Wat. wired the rafters on to the 'plate' of the barn. Then Da drew
out some manure. Lizzie Hilborn here for tea.
very nice fine day. very bright at times.
Da choring and drawing out manure all day. At home all day. now east wind blowing, but neve quite
Olive and I at Grandma's in afternoon. kind of rain and sleet sometimes soft snow east wind.
March, MONDAY, 7 1904
Da choring and cleaning out pens all day. little fall of rain this morning. got very foggy after dinner.
quite soft, but turned colder towards night.
Da and Ma married 22 years to-day.
Da done up chores then helped Wat. take two head of fat cattle to Drayton. Ma went down after
dinner and gave him a ride home.
quite a strong wind, but very bright at times. rather stormy at night.
Da choring in forenoon then took 'Red Polly' over to Isaah Mitchells in afternoon. very blustry at times,
but quite bright. drifting a little to-day.
March THURSDAY, 10 1904
Da choring in forenoon and took black sow up to Uncle Richds in afternoon. Ma up to Grandpa
Philp's in forenoon. lot of snow fell and very stormy all day
Da choring and cleaning out pens and drew out some manure.
cold east wind. stormy this forenoon, but quite fine this afternoon.
no trains moving to-day.
Da choring and drawing out manure. Olive and I took up two bags chop to Grandpa Philp's in
forenoon. We three children at Drayton in afternoon.
Cold wind, but very bright.
March SUNDAY, 13 1904
I drove Grandma up to church. Bob Gass and Maggie here for dinner and all afternoon lovely
sunshiny day. rather cold north wind.
MONDAY, 14 1904
Da done up chores then took team up to Uncle Richds new barn to thresh with horse-power. cold
bleak East wind and after dinner a terrible blinding storm of snow.
TUESDAY, 14 1904
Da got up about four o'clock this morning and done up the chores. then took team and went to
thresh. Wat. done the chores at noon. gentle fall of snow this forenoon. quite fine this afternoon,
but little colder.
March WEDNESDAY, 16 1904
Da choring, cleaning pens and drawing out some manure. Mrs. Drury here in afternoon to see about
hay. quite windy, but very bright.
St. Patrick's Day TUESDAY, 17
Da choring in forenoon. drawing out manure in afternoon. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. very fine
day, till five o'clock, then a thick soft snow fell all night. not very cold.
Daisy calved this morning (heifer)
Da done up chores in forenoon drawing out manure in afternoon drifting a little all day. not very
cold. wind seems to be rising to-night.
March SATURDAY, 19 1904
Da choring, cleaning pens and drawing out some manure.
Ma and I finished Olive's red dress. Had been making it over. very foggy morning. started to snow
and storm in forenoon. stormed nearly all afternoon. rather raw cold wind.
Willie Fair and Norman Binning here in afternoon and for tea. Olive and I at Grandma's for dinner.
lovely bright day. rather sharp wind.
Da choring in forenoon and over to H. Hilborn's in afternoon
very nasty day. very stormy at times. not cold, rather like sleet in afternoon.
Tom Henderson's father buried to-day
March TUESDAY, 22 1904
Da choring in forenoon and cleaning out pens and drawing out manure in afternoon.
very foggy all day, but cleared off toward evening. wind went from east to west and it is getting
colder. little rain in afternoon. very heavy thunder and lightning with rain in night.
Clara 19 years old.
Da choring in forenoon and took out a couple of loads of manure before dinner, then drew out some
after dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lowes here in afternoon and for tea. Will Walker and Herb. Page
here in evening for their money. Willie got $8.00 Herb $4 for a week.
beautiful day very bright and thawing quite a bit. roads getting pretty soft.
Ad. Flath's sale.
Da done up the chores and finished drawing out manure, also cleaned out pens. He left here about
five and walked to town for Brock's boot. Home about half past seven. fine all day, but pretty dull
towards evening roads very soft. punched full of holes and cut off badly. Grandpa's cow calved.
Eli Mitchell finished drawing Grandpa 12 cords wood.
March FRIDAY, 25 1904
{writing changes} Da choring in the morning. Then in afternoon took Clara back to sew with Mrs.
Gordon. Roads bad.
Heavy mist all day and rained quite hard to-wards evening.
Da choring all day. In afternoon took over big board to make ladder to Mrs. Burrows.
Blustry and windy. Charlie Hilborn here in evening. Gave him $10.
I walked up to Grandpa Philp's in the after-noon, and rode back with Uncle Richard. At home rest of
day. Brock at Grandpa's for supper. Squalls off and on all day. Clara did not come home.
March MONDAY, 28 1904
Da choring in forenoon, then took Grandpa a stone-boat load of straw. Brock and I up to Mr.
Hilborn's field to skate at night. very fine day.
Da choring and drawing out manure in after-noon. Emptied manure house. Cleaned out pens
Soft snow falling in forenoon but cleared up some in after-noon.
Da choring in forenoon, and shovelling snow away from the door in after-noon. Ma at Drayton in
forenoon. Clara sick with the cold.
fine day - Roads bad.
March THURSDAY, 31 1904
Da choring in morning, then killed two of our pigs, also two of Mr. Burrows at their place.
Henry Hazeltine here for dinner. Foggy all day. Roads very bad. Miss Green left.
April GOOD FRIDAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 1
Da choring in forenoon, and cutting up pigs. Salted meat and packed it away in afternoon Over to
Frank Page's for sausage machine in evening. Raining in forenoon, foggy and dull all afternoon.
Da choring in the morning and cleaned out pig-pens. Then at Drayton in afternoon. Ma at
Grandma's in evening . Strong west wind and very blustry.
April SUNDAY, 3 1904
Ma, Brock, and I up to Grandpa Philp's in after-noon. Da over to Mr. Burrows.
very bright, but strong north wind.
Eleanor Walker home for Easter Holidays
roads bare in some places.
Da choring, and drew out two loads of manure in forenoon, then drawing out rest of manure in
beautiful day, but rather windy.
Da choring in forenoon, then tapped six trees and shovelling snow at back door in aft-noon
Ma and Brock at Drayton in forenoon, I up at Frank Page's in afternoon.
Beautiful day. roads bad.
April WEDNESDAY, 6 1904
Da choring in morning, and put on Grandpa's clock cords.
Cleaned out pig-pens in afternoon
rather fine but spitting rain in evening
Set out Dahlias, pansys, asters in boxes.
Da choring in morning and shovelling snow in afternoon.
I walked to Drayton in morning, stayed at Mrs. Henderson's for dinner, came home in afternoon with
Very foggy in morning, cleared up in aft-noon
Da choring, and shovelling snow off bank in morning. Then took jersey to Drayton in afternoon.
strong east wind. dull in morning.
Rained very hard about five.
April SATURDAY, 9 1904
Da choring in morning and salted meat. Went to Drayton in afternoon for Clara. Brought calf home
from Grandpa's.
rather fine in morning, thunder shower at noon, dull at times in afternoon.
Da up to Grandpa's in afternoon with cart. Ma and Brock at Grandpa's in afternoon.
soft snow falling all day.
Da choring in morning then took Clara back to Drayton. Got home about one. Went up to Rothsay
in afternoon. Got 50 lbs Milverton flour, in to see Grandpa Philp. Grandma up here all day working
at "Comferter." Miss Smilie teacher. Soft snow fell through night. Dull all day.
Raining at night
April TUESDAY, 12 1904
Da choring and cleaning pens all day. Grandma here working at "Comferter"
Cold wind all day. snowing some.
Da choring in morning. Went to Drayton in afternoon with cart. Grandma here working at
Dull at times, flurries of snow.
Charlie Hilborn here at night
Da choring in morning then took over chop to Mr. Hilborns, Ma and Da at Mr. Duncan's at night.
Grandma here working at "Comferter". Snowing in morning, but cleared up in afternoon bright.
Heavy frost.
April FRIDAY, 15 1904
Da choring in the morning. Mr. Henry here for seed oats. Gone to Hilborns for chop and took more
over. Grandma up in afternoon. Finished "Comferters." Very stormy day. snowing. East wind.
{writing changed} Da choring in morning. Mr. Corbett here for dinner. Da took over chop to Mr.
Hilborns. Ma, Brock and I at Drayton in afternoon. Brought Clara home. Brock walked home.
Brock and Clara at Grandpa's at night. Roads rather bad. Bright but very cold wind.
{writing changed} Clara, Brock, and I at Grandma's this afternoon. Clara, and I stayed for supper.
nice day, but not very warm.
April MONDAY, 18
Da choring in morning. Da and Clara went to Drayton in afternoon with team. Got
horses show shod. Wilmott brought over bags for oats.
fine day.
Da choring in morning. Then at Drayton show in Afternoon, Got "Mark" shod.
terrible cold stormy day.
Da took over Grace, Bute, and heifer over to Moorefield. Watt helped. Harry and Charlie took
Davie over.
Da choring in the afternoon. Annie and Willie over in evening.
very stormy in morning, but cleared up to-wards noon.
April THURSDAY, 21 1904
Da choring all day.
hung up meat.
beautiful day.
Da choring in morning, and chopping ice in front of door.
Ma at Mr. J Riche's in afternoon.
east wind, but fine.
Da choring in morning.
Fanned up Timothy, and seed oats, in afternoon.
Fine day.
April SUNDAY, 24 1904
Ma and Brock at Grandma's for supper. I down in afternoon.
Raining off and on all day.
Heavy fog at night.
Da choring in morning. Went to Drayton in afternoon, got Dick shod and got clover seed from J.
Riches. Paid Mr. Fisher for Dick.
rather cold and raw but dry.
Da choring and filling up drain.
fine day.
April WEDNESDAY, 27 1904
Da done up chores in morning then took over three pigs to Moorefield. Ma went to Grandpa Philp's
for dinner and also down to see Nell Gordon. Da cleaned up oats in aft. noon over to R. Lowes for
goosewheat. Isiah Mitchell here fore white pig. Jas Tucker married. fine day- east wind
Da choring in morning. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. Da down with the waggon. Expressed oats to
Joe McCulley.
Da down at Drayton at night. Nell Gordon married to Andy Anderson.
Little showers of rain off and on all day. dull and rather cold.
Da choring yester in morning. Took up load of shingles from Drayton to Grandpa Philp's in
rather dull. raining off and on
April SATURDAY, 30 1904
Da done up chores, then helped Watt take down two head of cattle in morning. Brock and I down in
afternoon for Clara. Her last day at sewing. Da went to meet Uncle Jim at night. Showers now and
then. Clara got new hat $1.35
Jack Allen walked out for breakfast, had dinner and went up to Rothsay and back with Da Uncle
Jim here for dinner. We at Grandma's for tea. Da up to Uncle Richds in evening very fine
afternoon. a little misty in forenoon.
had strawberries for tea. Grandpa Philps cow very sick.
Da started to work on land. cultivated and sowed wheat above Poplars on turnip ground. Da and
Ma up to Grandpa Philp's after tea. Their cow no better. Dr. Pickel in to see "Carrie" at noon.
very fine day. quite warm in afternoon.
Da and Brock did chores in afternoon.
May TUESDAY, 3 1904
Da harrowed wheat, then cultivating field over from house (for barley).
Da went up to help fan up barley at Uncle Rich's at night.
very hot all day
Dr. Pickel up to see Grandpa's cow.
Da done the chores then went up for barley and sowed it also harrowed it. I at Drayton in forenoon.
Violet here for tea, then Olive and I drove her up home. Grandpa Philp's cow died to-day.
very warm all day. (hot for this time.)
"Elsie" colt 2 years old to-day.
Da went back on other place to cultivate. Ground none too fit. Jim Bready here for dinner on his
first round. Travelling, {large space} this year.
terrible hot day. not much wind to-day.
looking like rain.
May FRIDAY, 6 1904
Da finished cultivating first field on other place and worked up some ground in little patch in front for
potatoes. Ma and Brock over to Graveyard in evening very warm day. ground works hard.
Ma 41 years old.
Da put young cattle out to bush this morning.
Da sowed the barley on other place (14 acres) and planted a few potatoes. Dr. Pickel here in
evening to see "Mollie." Olive and Brock at Drayton in afternoon.
quite warm and looking like rain.
Olive, Brock and I at bush for flowers in afternoon. Mr. Craig here for dinner.
quite fine till about four o'clock then nice little shower. cloudy with little rain in evening.
May MONDAY, 9 1904
Da harrowed what he sowed on Saturday. Then after dinner went to back field to cultivate quite
showery this forenoon, but colder this afternoon, and quite fine. frost at night.
Da cultivating on back field this forenoon. Sowing oats, and barley (mixed) in afternoon.
Mr. T. Henderson and Janet here for a while in afternoon.
Cloudy all day. little spatters of rain at times. quite cool towards evening.
Da cultivating in forenoon, Sowing in afternoon Finished sowing the 14 acres to-night.
rather dull this forenoon. quite bright in afternoon, cool. strong breeze.
fine day for horses.
cows went out to grass.
May ASCENSION DAY (Quebec) THURSDAY, 12 1904
Da went back and harrowed what he sowed yesterday. Came up and went back back behind
Poplars to cultivate. Over to Mr. Shorts in evening. Jim Bready here. Ma, Brock and Grandma at
Drayton in afternoon
fine day. good breeze. looking like rain.
Da cultivating this forenoon and Sowing pease this afternoon. Harrowed it before he came up. Da
has about 47 acres in to-night. Olive, Brock, and I up to Grandpa Philp's in after-noon. quite heavy
shower about five o'clock
little showers on in evening. very warm at times. good breeze in afternoon.
Da ploughed what he didn't get done in fall in field back of Poplars also sowed and harrowed it. Ma
and Olive at Drayton in afternoon.
drizzling rain all forenoon. fine in afternoon. quite cool.
May SUNDAY, 15 1904
Ma and we children at Grandma's this afternoon.
cloudy all day and quite cold.
Da plowing sod behind Poplars, all day. Jim Kitley's oldest boy (8 yrs) got killed with Quinns roller.
T. Craig here in evening for four bags barley.
very fine day for plowing. quite cold. misting at times. Milk waggon started this morning. going
every other day.
very heavy frost.
Da plowing sod all day. Bill Barry came here to build line-fence between McEwing and us. Mr.
Burrows here grafting in afternoon.
We cleaned two bed-rooms to-day.
quite fine all day. very warm at times.
Bill cutting and sharpening stakes.
May WEDNESDAY, 18 1904
Da plowed till about ten o'clock, then came in tagged sheep in afternoon. and cleaned out pens.
raining all day. heavier at night. Da drove Bill home about five o'clock and brought 50 lbs. of
Bill was cutting stakes till rain came on.
Da went back to bush and raised some Maple trees, before dinner. After dinner brought them up
and filled in gaps along road. Jim Bready here. Da brought cow "Fancy" up from bush She calved
misty, foggy, forenoon, clearer in afternoon
Da planted some trees to-night, but very dull.
Da went back to bush and raised Some more little trees and planted them in afternoon. Mr. Burrows
here grafting in afternoon.
very windy. quite fine.
May SATURDAY, 21 1904
Da finished plowing back of Poplars. Gone to Drayton at night. Bill Barry here at fence to-day. Mr.
Burrows grafting in afternoon.
Ma, Brock, and Olive at Drayton in afternoon.
Old Mr. Ridd buried.
very fine day. quite hot.
Da walked over to track in forenoon. Olive and I up to see Mabel in afternoon. threatening rain all
forenoon, quite heavy showers in afternoon. very heavy rain at night, with heavy thunder and
Da picking stones off meadow on other place. Mr. Burrows here grafting. little shower at noon.
good strong wind. quite hot in afternoon.
Da went back and disced the seven acres back of Poplars. Bill Barry came to build fence. Da harrowed,
the sod.
Olive and I drove to Drayton and stayed with Maude Pollock over night. and went to hear 'The Finger of
Scorn. quite bright. all day, nice breeze duller towards evening. We papered kitchen.
Da finished seeding to-day and harrowed it over. Bill Barry driving stakes. hot-day. very sultry at
very strong breeze.
A young Workman drowned at Riverbank.
Da cultivating the corn patch and the little patch on other place. Jim Bready here. Bill Barry here
fencing. very hot about middle of day. threatening rain all day. very bright heavy rain came on
about five o'clock
raining steady all evening.
May, FRIDAY, 27 1904
Da and Bill sharpening stakes in the chip yard this forenoon. Bill working on line in afternoon. Ma at
Drayton in afternoon.
Da drawing brush out of orchard and piling it up in afternoon. fine and bright, but cold. little shower
at tea-time.
Da picking stone off the meadow behind the Poplars. Bill building line fence. Ma and Brock over to
Grave-yard in afternoon Da went to Drayton after tea with team for a barrel of salt and coal-oil.
strong wind, hot day.
Da and Ma up to see Grandpa Philp in evening. Ma & we girls up to church in morning. Mr. E.H.
Webber and 'Mark' here for dinner. looked like rain in morning but Grandpa Philp not well. cleared
off and was a lovely day. Miss Duncan and her father called in this evening
May MONDAY, 30 1904
Da drawing out manure in forenoon on to little patch in front. plowed it and harrowed it this
afternoon and evening. Bill finished line fence and started on fence between two fields below
orchard. fine all day but looked like rain this morning.
Johnny Griffin died. rather cold.
Da took heifer down to Char. Stephenson's in morning. Then working at little patch and other patch
on other place. Sowed mangels here in front. Went up to see Grandpa Philp and Bill went home.
Bill working at fence. very cold strong wind all day. quite heavy rain all evening.
Grandpa Philp not feeling well.
Da cleaned up a grist of chop and took it to Drayton in afternoon.
showery forenoon. brighter in afternoon but very dull and wet.
June THURSDAY, 2 1904
Da choring round all day. Jim Bready here. Ma up to see Grandpa Philp. He is very weak.
dull all day. very heavy rain after dinner. showery in forenoon.
Old Mr. McNab buried to-day. Da drew out some manure out of the barn-yard. getting ready for the
wind-mill pipes to be run. Will Barry came after dinner to fence. Da up to see Grandpa Philp.
very dull all forenoon. cleared at noon and came out very hot.
Da and Bill gettting some more stakes for fence. Bill finished that fence between the two fields. Ma
& Brock up to see Grandpa and took Bill home. Da drawing out manure out root ground up clay to
put under big tank. Olive & I at Drayton in afternoon.
Da at Drayton at night for wire. very dull morning. finer afternoon quite sultry.
June SUNDAY, 5 1904
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Henderson came out for dinner. Da and Tom up to Grandpa Philps in afternoon.
Da and Ma up at night.
Uncle Willie 36 yrs. old.
very sultry but quite a breeze.
Grandpa very weak. Takes scarcely any nourishment shaking of his feet stopped.
Da drawing out manure on to root ground in forenoon. plowing some for potatoes in afternoon.
scuffled the early potatoes in evening. Bill Barry and Herb. McLaughlan here building fence on other
Da gone up to help put Grandpa to bed. Mrs. Burrows and I up to see him this afternoon. sultry
forenoon. cooler and not so bright after dinner.
Gavin Montgomery here in evening.
Da harrowed the potato ground. Then drawing out manure on to root ground. Da & Herb. fencing all
day. stayed all night Da gone up to Grandpa Philp's to-night. rather dull all day. quite cloudy.
Da cleaning up old barn bottom for boys to run the fence. Bill & Herb worked till noon. then went
home after dinner. Da went to town in forenoon for some piping for wind mill. Over to H. Hilborn's in
afternoon helping move old log house. heavy rain just at noon sort of a drizzle-drazzle day.
Up to see Grandpa. He not nearly so well as the night before
cool evening
Henry Heseltine here all day digging for the windmill pipes but Webber never came. Bill & Herb
finished fencing on other place to-night. Built rods with what he done on this place. Mr. Bready
here for dinner. Andrew Matchett here for tea and took a pig to Rothsay for Henry, from here quite
fine at times. misty at times.
Da up to Grandpa Philps at night (Roy Green) Geo Green's son buried. age 14. appendicitis.
Da went over to H. Hilborn's in morning to help move house. May Gordon came for him about ten,
thought Grandpa was sinking but he rallied. Ma & Aunt Emma went up about eleven o'clock. Came
home after dinner. Da went to Drayton for a water trough. Every one of us up to Rothsay at night to
see Aunt Eleanor. She arrived on night train. Da stayed all night. We came home about ten.
very fine day, cool wind. Grandpa very weak but can hear well and speak a little.
June SATURDAY, 11 1904
Da came home from Rothsay before breakfast. Worked the potato ground over again in forenoon.
Ma and he cut the potatoes after dinner and we all helped to plant them. Had 10 rows and a piece.
Da sowed a few turnips after supper then brought "Maud" of other place and went up to Rothsay.
Ma, Olive, & Brock at town after tea. Mr. Webber & his father-in-law here laying pipe in afternoon.
very hot day.
Da came home about eleven this morning. Grandpa just about the same. Wad. Gordon & Mrs. in
for a while this forenoon. Mr. Duncan here in evening Da & Ma went to Rothsay after tea.
very hot day.
Da made trellis for wild cucumbers, then went over to Spring tooth corn ground. Washed sheep in
afternoon then hoed sow-thistle till milking time. I at Drayton in morning for wind mill supplies. Jack
Allen here for dinner. very hot day. very heavy rain just after milking time with quite bit of hail. Da
stayed all night at Rothsay.
June TUESDAY, 14 1904
Da spreading pile of manure in turnip field till noon. Mr. Job Roger came at noon to finish windmill.
got along very well, laying pipes & fitting taps. Da helping. Up to Rothsay till twelve o'clock (night)
very heavy rain at noon. cleared up and was bright, hot afternoon
Da helping Mr. Roger set up the tank and filling in drains. Roger finished at noon. Da up to Rothsay
in afternoon with Doctor. and went up again at night. Grandpa much weaker.
very fine day. good wind. Wind mill filled tank full. Started to pump about eleven o'clock.
Da took me to station. gone to O.A. College on excursion had a nice time. Jim Bready here. Da
drawing out manure after he came home, on to turnip ground. Ma up to see Grandpa Philp in
afternoon. Olive and Brock met me at station at night. Da stayed up at Rothsay all night.
very fine day.
June FRIDAY, 17 1904
Da drawing out manure all day on to turnip ground. Fixed check valve on pipe at noon, where
engine draws water. Olive and I up to Rothsay after supper. Grandpa not out of bed till about
seven to-night and much weaker. Da did not go up tonight. Wilmot Drewery blasting some stone
on other place at night.
very warm day.
Da doing Grandpa Philps roadwork. He and Henry Heseltine sheared the sheep after tea. Ma,
Olive and Brock at Drayton in afternoon. very hot day.
Da did not go to Rothsay at night.
O.B. Henry & Geo. Fisher here to see leaking trough. Ma & Brock up to Rothsay in afternoon.
Da stayed up all night.
S. Burrows here in evening.
very warm day. automobile came from 10th con, and went up the road. first I ever saw.
May MONDAY, 20 1904
Da plowing on root ground till about four o'clock, then went to Drayton to see about trough and got
Dick shod on front feet. Went up to Rothsay at night.
very warm till noon then little shower but came on quite heavily about three o'clock very sultry.
Da finished plowing the root ground tonight.
I up to Rothsay in morning. Grandpa put in bad night, nearly gone a couple of times. Da gone up to
stay up tonight. little shower this morning and very sultry. good breeze and bright afternoon.
heavy rain at milking time. storm must have been very heavy down south.
Da turned furrow on tile at road then plowed and harrowed rape patch. Sowed the rape and
harrowed it then harrowed turnip patch. Gone up to Grandpa's to stay up all night.
very fine day, cool wind looking like frost.
Orton's birthday. would have been 8 yrs. old.
June THURSDAY, 23* 1904
Grandpa Philp died about half past five this morning. Da had stayed up all night and was gone half
an hour when he died. Da went up after breakfast to help lay him out, then he and Uncle Richd
went to Drayton. Da down town for funeral cards at night and went up to stay all night. Ma, Olive,
& I up to Rothsay in afternoon. Violet came home with us. very fine day. strong wind and hot.
Jim Bready here.
Da choring and 'dipped' the little white pigs. Went to Drayton after tea, then Ma, Violet, and he went
up to Rothsay. very warm day. few drops rain at night. Ma and Brock at Drayton in morning.
Grandpa Philp buried today. Went to E. Church then on to Victoria Cemetry. between 70 and
eighty rigs followed corpse. little shower this forenoon but turned out fine. strong wind but hot and
Da up to hear Grandpa's Will read after the funeral.
June SUNDAY, 26 1904
At home all day.
rather misty and foggy. cool. in morning, but cleared off and was bright. strong breeze.
Da and Roy working on turnip ground all day. Da ridged up about thirty drills and sowed them after
tea. Ma, Olive, and I up to Miss Stone's, in evening.
very fine day.
I went to town for turnip seed. Da finished ridging up turnips and sowed the turnips and the rape
below the turnips next to ditch. Aunt Catty and Violet went back to Island F. again.
Da warned out hands to do road-work at noon. very fine day, but looking like rain.
June WEDNESDAY, 29 1904
Da cleaned out pens and loaded up water trough. taking it down to get lined. Went to Drayton after
dinner to get the team shod. Also took the wool with him. Settled up some of Grandpa Philp's
business. Went up to Uncle Richd for gravel box. rather dull forenoon. little shower in afternoon,
and another about milking time.
Started roadwork to-day. Percy McEwing here for dinner. Jim Bready here. Da up to Rothsay at
night. fine afternoon very heavy rain with hail, thunder and lightning after dinner. little cooler.
July DOMINION DAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 1
Da doing road-work all day. Percy McEwing driving our team. He and Bill Barry and Jimmie
Anderson here for dinner. Very heavy rain this afternoon colder and misty
Old Burrows got our horse and buggy to go to Raymonds for bees.
July SATURDAY, 2 1904
Da finished doing road-work. Drawing clay from Hilborn's hill and widening road in hallow. Ma and
Olive at Drayton in afternoon. Miss Duncan came over after tea. Brock and I cleaned out one hen
fine, bright day, but cool wind.
Percy McEwing 21 years old.
Ma, Miss Duncan, Olive, and I up to church in forenoon. At Grandma's in evening.
very bright day, but cool wind.
Da hoeing all day in those turnips in front of house. Ma up to Miss Stone's for Aunt Eleanor. Then
they took Miss Duncan home after tea. little shower at noon. heavy rain at milking time. sultry in
July TUESDAY, 5 1904
Da cleaned up a grist of chop and took it to Drayton before dinner. Then Da scuffled the potatoes
and what turnips are up. Da hoed garden potatoes and beans. Went to mill for grist after tea, then
leveling some sods in front of the place. Ma, Aunt Eleanor and Brock at town in afternoon. got
crate Straw berries $1.75. very fine day and pretty hot.
Da went to Drayton for the water-trough which was being lined. Filling in drains round the barn, in
afternoon. Aunt Eleanor and I up to Miss Stones and round by Rothsay this evening. quite heavy
rain in morning looking like rain at night. very hot and sultry. Da and Ma over to see Hulda Lowes
in evening. Drs. Flath & Morrow of Arthur operated for appendicites. She came through operation
all right.
Da working on summer fallow (on other place) all day. Ma and Aunt Eleanor over at Burrows in
afternoon. Jim Bready here. Olive and I over to see how Hulda is. She died at 20 minutes past
eleven o'clock this morning. They could get no passage through her bowels. She was 9 years 8
months old.
Aunt Emma and Mabel here in evening
very fine day: quite hot.
July, FRIDAY, 8 1904
Da working on summer fallow, in forenoon. Ma and Aunt Eleanor went to Drayton this forenoon to
see Maria Flath and to get horse shod. Da hoeing and scuffling turnips in afternoon. very fine day
strong breeze. Da and Ma over to Dick Lowes in evening.
Da hoed five rows of turnips. At Hulda Lowes funeral in afternoon. Olive, Brock, and I over in
morning. I stayed and minded children while they went to funeral (Brett H) Da came for me after
tea. We called to hear how Elsie Ward came through operation. very heavy rain came on about ten
o'clock. rained very hard in afternoon.
Sarah Burrows here for dinner. Mr. Craig here in afternoon. Olive and I took Aunt Eleanor up to
Uncle Rich'ds after tea fine all day, but rather damp air.
July MONDAY, 11 1904
Da mowing round little trees all day. afternoon Olive and I at Drayton in afternoon. Finished
hoeing turnips in forenoon. very fine day. We washed big washing.
Da finished mowing round little trees and cut, with the old mower, the grass in front. Aunt Eleanor,
Aunt Emma, and Mary here after tea. Will and Annie Craig here in evening
terrible rain this morning till nine o'clock. fair the rest of the day. quite a lot cooler.
Da mowing grass in orchard and put it up in cock this afternoon and evening. Brock at Drayton in
forenoon. Olive and I over to see Miss Duncan and Jean this afternoon. Miss Duncan sent word
away accepting a school at Madoc
very fine day, but cool in evening.
July THURSDAY, 14 1904
Da and Uncle Richard moved Grandma Philp's body from the Old English Cemetry down to Victoria.
E. E. Dales helped them. Got through about three o'clock Da mowing in the orchard all evening
Mr Bready here for dinner.
hot forenoon. little mist of rain in afternoon and spitting in evening.
Heard Old Mr. Wm Allen was dead.
Da finished mowing orchard with scythe then cut little piece below orchard and calf pasture with old
mower. Ma and I went from here about half past nine, over to see Mrs. Charlie Moody and then
round by Dick Lowes for dinner. Home about four o'clock. Da up to Uncle Rich'ds with pig
very fine day with very high wind. looked like rain in morning.
Olive baking for Mrs. Burrows this afternoon.
Da and Bill Barry drawing in the little bits of hay that had been cut. Ma and Brock drove Bill as far as
Miss Stone's in evening. Da went to Drayton for a new Deering Mower, and brought a hundred of
flour also.
Caught a stray swarm of bees in afternoon. Hived them into a box and turned it up side down in a
board. very fine day. good strong wind.
Heard Johnny Craig fell from an elevator at Regina and got hurt!
July SUNDAY, 17 1904
Brock 11 years old. {written slanted on left side of page}
At home all day till evening then Da and Ma down to see Mr. and Mrs. John Walker. At six o'clock
tonight the thermometer stood at 100. It was a very good wind but very hot and sultry. good
breeze sprang up about nine to-night.
Da and Bill putting new mower together. Art Chapman and Wad. Gordon helping. Started to cut in
field next to J. Walker raked and put up what was cut before dinner. Mr. R. T. Kemp called this
evening Da and Will went to Drayton at night New mower went fine. very hot day. Thermometer
stood at 102 at six o'clock to-night
Olive not feeling very well.
Da finished cutting that field and raked it before dinner. He and Bill finished putting it up this
afternoon and evening.
quite warm forenoon, but quite a bit cooler to-night.
Brock at Drayton this forenoon.
Jack Allen went out west.
July WEDNESDAY, 20 1904
Da and Bill drawing hay all day. Brock drove horse to draw off. I went up for Miss Stone this
morning them Ma, Olive, and her at Drayton in afternoon. Olive drove her home Brock went to
Drayton for new hay fork rope. Men had big trouble with new rope twisting.
very fine day. with good breeze cool evening.
Da and Bill filled driving-house loft. then drawing into barn. Jim Bready here on his last round. little
sprinkle of rain this morning, but turned out quite fine.
Had raspberries for first time.
Finished drawing hay out of field next to Walker then started to cut back of Poplars. Bill mowing
fence corners. Raked some after dinner and put up what was raked. Ma took Olive to station this
morning She gone to Guelph. quite fine all day. but looking like rain in evening.
Bobbie Wilson here for straw for C. Stephenson
July SATURDAY, 23 1904
Da cleaned out pens then scuffled a few turnips. He and Brock hoeing. Da banked up the potatoes
after tea. Roy oiled the wind mills to-night. little rain falling almost all day, but not enough to stop
work. dull and cool.
Ma, Brock, and I up to church in morning Uncle Benson here for tea.
quite cool in morning. rather cloudy looking like rain in evening. hot in afternoon.
Da, Bill Barry and Brock hoeing turnips till noon then cutting and putting up hay back of Poplars. I
went up to Miss Stones for Gooseberries. Mr. Craig here in evening for grain. very nice day, rather
cloudy at times. little rain in the night. very still day wind mills barely moved.
July TUESDAY, 26 1904
Bill and Brock worked till noon at turnips Da worked till about nine o'clock, then went out and
finished cutting and raked up what hay was down Then he and Bill put it all up this afternoon.
very fine day with little more breeze than yesterday.
Da & Bill hoeing till nine o'clock, then went over on other place and cut hay till noon. Raking and
putting it up till about five o'clock. Came on a little rain, but a big storm went round. Hoeing after
tea. Brock at Drayton in morning. Got terrible black about half-past seven. Very fierce lightning, but
not much thunder. Quite a big rain. It was a very wild looking night for a while.
Bill went home with Johnny Brooks this morning. Da cleaned out pens then hoeing turnips till
milking time. Finished the turnips. He and Ma paris-greened the field potatoes after tea. Dave
Corbett called in to see hogs.
Dull forenoon, but cleared off in afternoon. Thundered quite heavily all night, raining when we got up
this morning.
July FRIDAY, 29 1904
Da went out and finished cutting on other place, this forenoon. Bill came and they were raking and
putting it up all afternoon, and evening. I drove Mrs. Bill Barry and Hattie Holmes home after tea.
They had been here berry picking. Ma went down to meet Olive. She came home from Guelph.
Had a fine time. very fine day. quite cool, but bright.
Percy and Ross McEwing and their team here drawing hay off other place and staking it, between
house and barn. Bill Barry drove our team. Da and Isaac Hilborn on stack. Left about a couple of
loads in field. Ma and Brock left Bill part way home. Sandy Loan here at noon. Da and Uncle
Rich'd went to Drayton at night about Grandpa Philp's business. very fine all day, but looking like
rain on in afternoon.
Mr. North called in for a few minutes.
Da and Ma up to Miss Stone's after tea Olive and I at Grandma's for dinner. She has a very sore
a couple of little showers this forenoon, but good wind this afternoon dried it off.
August MONDAY, 1 1904
We finished haying to-day. Mr McEwings team and three men helping, also Mr. Jack Walker this
afternoon. Bill Barry here. Mrs. Walker and Alvin here this evening. We built two stacks in yard to
day, and put the last two loads in the barn.
very fine day, good breeze.
Ross came up after his waggon and helped unload the two loads in the barn. Da and Bill raked
down the hay stacks and fixing round them. Then took some straw up to Miss Stone's and over to
Rothsay with Bill in afternoon. I went up for Miss Stone this forenoon and she and Ma at Drayton in
afternoon. Da & Uncle Rich'd at Drayton in after evening. Da round by Mr. Duncans. Dull forenoon
bright afternoon.
Aunt Eleanor and May Gordon gone to Island F.
Da brought hay-rake off other place, then helping Wat. at the hay all day.
Ma, Brock and I out at berry bush in forenoon. quite a warm day. Annie and Willie Craig and Miss
Hamill here to spend the evening. Went home about one o'clock.
August THURSDAY, 4 1904
Da over helping Wat. finish haying this forenoon. Then Bill Barry came over and they filled up some
chop and went to Drayton with it in afternoon. Brock drove Bill part way home after tea.
very fine day. quite a good breeze
quite warm at milking time
Da scuffling turnips and hoeing some all day. Olive and I picking berries this forenoon. Ma paris-
greening field potatoes.
very fine day. good breeze. quite warm.
Da went back for Bid. after noon. She calved on other place
Da and Brock hoeing turnips all day Olive and I at Drayton in afternoon. Da at Drayton in
afternoon. Da at Drayton at night for twine.
very fine day. cool wind.
August SUNDAY, 7 1904
Ma Olive and I up to English Church this morning. At home rest of day.
quite fine forenoon, but cool wind.
heavy rain this afternoon.
Da and Brock took "Jennie" fat cow, over to Moorefield, then got out binder before dinner Started to
cut barley next to sideroad. shocked barley after tea. Olive and I down to see Winnie after tea.
very fine day. good breeze.
at Berry Bush in afternoon.
Da chored round for an hour, then went out and shocked up barley, then finished cutting the barley.
Put it all up this afternoon and evening. Olive and I at Drayton this morning. Mary Philp here this
afternoon. frost last in night. quite fine day, but looking a little rain.
Dick Henderson and Polly Oxby married out at the farm, at three o'clock.
August WEDNESDAY, 10 1904
Da single ploughed the summer fallow on other place to-day. Da rode "Mollie" over to Gavin
Montgomerys after tea. Olive up to see Minnie Walker this afternoon
big thunder storm and rain came on about ten o'clock forenoon little rain in afternoon.
Da hoeing turnips and sow thistle patches all day. Ma, Olive and I at Berry bush in afternoon. Brock
and Grandpa over at Uncle Benson all day. I went to Drayton after tea for Maude and Beckie
dull misty forenoon, but turned out very fine in afternoon.
Da and Brock drawing over rails and trash from fences on other place all day. Olive, Beckie , Maude
and I up to Rothsay in afternoon Then took the girls home after tea.
very fine day, but looking rain at night. quite hot.
August SATURDAY, 13 1904
Da cleaned pens and trimming spruce trees, between the rains. Had quite heavy shower at
breakfast, and a very heavy rain after dinner. terrible heavy thunder and very sharp lightning ,
rumblings of thunder all day
Uncle Jim came to-night.
Uncle Jim here for dinner At home all day.
very foggy morning, but cleared off and was very fine. rather cool wind.
Da over helping Bensons boys build raise their barn. Ma, Olive and Brock at Drayton in afternoon.
Marie Black came here after tea, to stay all night.
looking like rain and thundering. It rained through the night. very hot day.
August TUESDAY, 16 1904
Da gone over to Bensons again to-day. John Walker went with him.
Olive and I took Marie home after tea. Heavy rain about milking time this morning. Quite a shower
this afternoon , with heavy thunder and lightning. quite foggy at night and cooler.
John Walker came up for some oats. then Da cleaned out the pens. Drawing rails up to the house
in afternoon. A.S. Loan called this afternoon. Da went to Drayton to-night.
very fine day.
Percy, Ross and team here till noon drawing barley. Da and Mr. McEwing finished drawing it at
milking time Then down helping McEwing shock barley. John Walker here till noon. Mrs. Bill
Pollock and Mrs. Logie here all day.
very fine day.
Barley in good shape.
August FRIDAY, 19 1904
Da drawing rails to house till milking time, then helping John Walker draw his barley. Ma and
Grandma over to Mr. McLennans for dinner.
quite fine forenoon, but turned very dull with rain east wind. Started to rain after milking.
I picked wild plums to-day.
Da up to Uncle Richds with Old Tam-Sow in forenoon. Threshing at Isaac Hilborn's all afternoon.
Down to Drayton at night.
very dull forenoon. misting at times. very heavy rain through night and this morning about milking
time. Cleared off this afternoon.
Will Walker came down about ten o'clock, stayed for dinner and till three o'clock. Mr. F. Page and
Mr. T. Craig here for tea. Ma, Brock and I up to Uncle Rich'ds for an hour or so.
very fine day, quite hot.
August MONDAY, 22 1904
Da loaded 8 hogs and took them over to Moorefield this forenoon. Took grist of chop to Drayton in
afternoon. George brought Miss Duncan over here to-night.
terrible heavy rain about milking time this morning. very fine rest of day. quite a frost through the
Da drawing rails from other place in forenoon. Cutting Spring wheat in afternoon Has to cut it all
one way. Miss North came here about eleven o'clock stayed for dinner and went up to Dave
Corbett's with Ma and Miss Duncan this afternoon. Mr. North here for tea. Olive and I drove Miss
Duncan home to-night. very fine day. quite hot in middle of day. Will Walker started for Carberry,
Man. On an excursion.
Da and Bill Barry shocked at the wheat till the dew went off, then Da finished cutting it at noon.
Shocked the rest after dinner, then went to cut oats in summer fallow field.
very fine day, but looking a little like rain.
August THURSDAY, 25 1904
Da cutting oats till noon. Quite a shower at dinner time. Went out about three this afternoon and cut
till seven o'clock. Bill shocking it. Da and Bill gone over to a flax bee at Mr. Craig's after tea. Tea.
man, Mr. Fielding called here to night. very dull forenoon. very strong wind all afternoon and
evening. quite cool.
Da cutting oats in back field on other place. Bill shocking. Ma at Drayton in forenoon.
Aunt Eleanor came here to-night.
very fine day. quite strong wind and quite cool.
Da finished cutting on other place at noon then went back and he and Bill shocked up what was
down. Then they went back and started to cut oats back of Poplars. Ma, Aunt Eleanor and Brock at
Drayton this afternoon. Wad. Gordon here for dinner. Mrs.Coulter (Joe Gordon) died this morning.
very fine day rather cool breeze. not looking so fine to-night.
August SUNDAY, 28 1904
Ma and Aunt Eleanor went over to the grave-yard this forenoon. Johnny Wells here for dinner.
Minnie Noecker and her mother here to see Auntie for a while this afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rich
here this afternoon and for tea. Ma and Auntie over to Mr. Craig's this evening with Willie's Kodak
very fine day. strong wind, but looking like rain to-night.
Da and Bill cutting and stooking oats behind Poplars till noon. Then drew Goose wheat and one
load of oats off other place. Da over to Drewry's , but didn't see any men. Ma, Aunt Eleanor and I
down to Mrs. Wm. Coulter's funeral off noon train. Auntie went home with Aunt Emma.
very fine day , but cool breeze. fine harvest day.
Mr. McEwing came up after breakfast and Da and Bill took team and went to help draw his barley.
Aunt Eleanor started for Los Angeles via, London. Uncle Richd took her to Station.
very fine day, but looking like rain. beautiful day for harvesting
August WEDNESDAY, 31 1904
Mr. McEwing and Ross here with their team also Tony Lunz, and drew the first oat field off other
place. Drew four loads out of field next to bush back field after tea Came in with last load about nine
very dull for a while this forenoon, but cleared off and turned out a very fine day. looking like rain to-
September THURSDAY, 1
Da and Bill down to Mr. McEwing's threshing till about three o'clock then Da took team to Drayton to
get them shod. Just got three shoes on Carrie. Mr. Garneau very busy. Bill went with Da to
Drayton and went home from there. very sultry day. foggy all day and very dull. enough rain early
in morning to stop harvesting.
Mr. Webber called in evening.
Da cleaned out pens and straightened up drivinghouse in forenoon. Drawing clay from Hilborn's Hill
and putting it in front of 16' space doors. Young Waters here in evening for Spavin Cure. very sultry
day, thundering at noon, breeze sprang up. Was very hot till milking time, Quite a little shower then
very foggy forenoon.
September SATURDAY, 3 1904
Da and Percy cutting with two binders, back of Polpars. finished at noon. Ross and Bill Barry
stooking. After dinner, Da and Bill and team drawing in at McEwing's. Olive & Ma drove Bill part
way home. Olive and I at Drayton in afternoon.
very fine day, but very windy in afternoon.
Da and Ma up to Bob. Gass's this afternoon.
very fine day. a little dull in morning.
LABOR DAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 5
Da and Bill Barry drawing in all day at Mr. McEwing's . I went to Drayton to meet noon train. Got
word from Mr. Bready for Ma to go to Toronto.
dull in morning, but turned out very fine. Mr. Craig here for bag of oats.
September TUESDAY, 6 1904
Da and Bill drawing in at Mr. McEwing's all day. I took Ma to station this morning. She gone to
Toronto Exhibition, and staying at Jim Bready's. Had company down with Annie Craig.
very fine day. quite cool in morning. very warm for spells this afternoon.
finished harvest
Mr McEwing's three men and two teams here to-day. Also Jack Walker and Wat. Burrows and our
team and Bill Barry. finished drawing oats off other place and finished oats back of Poplars about
five o'clock. Little shower then. Had tea, then Da did choes. Mrs. J Walker stayed with me to-day.
Bill Barry went home. quite sultry in afternoon.
Da drawing clay from Hilborn's Hill, all day, and filling it in round big tank and in 16 ft. space. I at
Drayton in afternoon. very dull all day.
September FRIDAY, 9 1904
Da brought up a load of clay, then at Mr. McEwings till noon. Da and I up to Old Mr. John Corbett's
funeral. Home about three o'clock, then Da at McEwing's till about nine o'clock. McEwing's finished
harvest to-day.
very fine bright day. flies bad on horses.
Da and we children taking up the field potatoes in forenoon. Da picked them over out of waggon
and put them into roothouse. Where the tops of potatoes were dead, there was a terrible lot rotten.
Ma came home at noon. Mr. McEwing drove her out from Drayton. Had a fine time. Da at Drayton
at night. very fine from about eleven o'clock. very foggy for a while in morn.
Olive, Brock and I up to see Miss Stone this afternoon. Strong wind, quite sultry started to rain
about six o'clock. rained quite a shower in night.
September MONDAY, 12 1904
Da gang-plowing all day in first field on other place. Used three horses. Ma at Drayton in afternoon.
very fine day.
Ma called to see Mrs. Burrows. She fell getting off train last Friday night.
Da gang-plowing all day. very fine day, strong east wind.
Old Mr. Tom Mitchell is very sick.
little frost this morning
Da cleaned up barn floor then cleaned up a grist of chop and went to Drayton, got Mollie and Dick
shod. Brought home 3 baskets Tomatoes, 3 of Peaches and 2 of Plums, which came from Guelph.
very dull cold day. rained steadily from six oclock in morning till ten.
Got word Joe Chambers and Rachel Longmire were to be married to-day.
September THURSDAY, 15 1904
Da over to H. Hilborn's this morning then gang-plowing till noon. Charlie came over after dinner and
sawed up all old rails and old timbers. finished about five. Hosheal Hilborn, Wat, and Mr. McEwing
very fine day. cold morning
Da piling wood in wood house at night.
Da gang-plowing all day on other place Piling wood after supper, into wood shed. Dave Corbett
here to see lambs and hogs. Ma preserving peaches.
quite fine day till about five then got quite dull and looking like rain.
very windy day.
Da finished gang-plowing at noon then harrowed it over in afternoon. Brock at Drayton this
forenoon for coal-oil. Ma and Olive at Drayton this afternoon. Mrs. Jack Walker here this evening
asking me to help her get ready to thresh. beautiful day. quite hot this forenoon and flies bad on
horses. good breeze this afternoon.
Mrs. Geo Bell died in Rothsay.
September SUNDAY, 18 1904
We at Grandma's this afternoon. Herb Page here.
very dull. rather misty towards evening.
Da took four hogs and some lambs over to Moorefield in forenoon. He and Ma at Mrs. Geo Bell's
funeral in afternoon. Bill Barry came here to stay all night. I down helping Mrs. J. Walker bake for a
very fine day.
Da started to gang-plow back of Poplars Bill Barry at John Walker's threshing till about four o'clock
then started to work on fence from house up to side road along the sideroad. I helping Mrs. Walker
all day. very misty and foggy but came on a heavy rain in forenoon. cleared off this afternoon and
turned very cool. looking like frost.
September WEDNESDAY, 21 1904
Da gang plowing all day. Bill working at fence till noon then went home. very fine day. bright but
cold wind. very hard frost last night. freezing good to to-night.
Da gang-plowing till about three o'clock. Bill working at fence, then both at Mr. McEwing's
threshing. I at Drayton this afternoon. Sara Burrows rode with me. Mr. Mason came here at noon
and took photos of the old house and barn.
very fine bright day. hard frost last night.
Da finished gang-plowing and harrowed over the field once. Harrowed it again in afternoon. Bill
working at fence all day. Ma and I raised garden potatoes and picked the green potatoes tomatoes
Da gone to Workman Lodge at night.
quite fine but got cloudy in afternoon
September SATURDAY, 24 1904
Da and Bill cleaned out pens in forenoon.
cutting stakes on other place till about four oclock , then came on a heavy rain. heavy rain in
morning and again at night. Ma and Olive at Drayton in afternoon. Da drove Bill home after tea.
not a cold day , but very strong wind and quite dull.
Olive at church with Grandpa's Ma and Brock up to see Miss Stone in afternoon. Da up to Uncle
rather dull at times , quite foggy in morning.
Da started to single plow in second field on other place. He and Bill went to Drayton after dinner to
get plow coulter sharpened and Bill got a tooth pulled. Bill building fence.
very fine nice day.
September TUESDAY, 27 1904
Da plowing all day. Bill at Mr. Morrisons threshing all day. Ma and I at Drayton in afternoon. I
ordered a hat and brought home a couple of coats from Irvine's
very fine day.
Mr. Tom Mitchell died this morning Age 67 years.
Da plowing all day on other place. Bill working at fence till half-past three then gone to Mosser's
very fine day , but looking like rain to-night.
Da plowed till eleven o'clock, then came in wet through. Some very heavy rains this forenoon. Bill
at Mr. Walker's threshing till noon, then went to funeral. Da at the threshing till four o'clock, then
plowing. Ma and I at Mr. Tom Mitchell's funeral. very large funeral. quite fine afternoon. strong
wind. very sultry day.
September FRIDAY, 30 1904
Da plowing all day. I went to Drayton this morning and took back other coat to Irvine's and paid for
one I kept. $10.00. I brought Janet Henderson home with me.
terrible windy day. nice and bright.
Mr. Lawton here for Da to see his horse. Page's here asking hands to thresh to-morrow.
October SATURDAY, 1
Da plowing all day. Bill working at fence all day. Page's not threshing. Olive went down for Mr.
and Mrs. Henderson this morning. Brock went away after breakfast for Bill but met him coming.
terrible wind all day and all night but it has stopped to-night.
Mr. Henderson went from here over to Dick Lowes this forenoon, came back about three.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowes came here from church for dinner. Uncle Willie here for dinner He came up
last night and rode home with Mr. McEwing. Brock bro drove Mr. and Mrs. Tom Henderson home
after tea.
very windy cold day.
October MONDAY, 3 1904
Da plowing all day. Bill Barry at Page's threshing till about three o'clock, then finished side road
fence up to back of Poplars. Uncle Willie and I at Drayton this afternoon. misty in forenoon, quite
fine at times. cold wind rather dreary
Da finished plowing sod field all but headlands. Ma, Olive and Brock down to Show in afternoon. I
couldn't go, my eyes were sore. Olive and Ma had tea with Mrs. Gordon, and went to Concert.
Uncle Willie and I went to concert at night. dull all day. misty in forenoon quite cold afternoon.
Harold Jarvis, Cameron, Mrs. McIvor. Craig & M. Buchlen artists at concert.
Da plowed headlands in forenoon. cleaned up grist of chop and took it to Drayton in afternoon.
Uncle Willie went to Guelph on the 4.44 train. quite heavy shower in forenoon
misty at times and cold wind blowing. very dull and dreary
October THURSDAY, 6 1904
Da discing all day on summer. fallow. Mr. R. R. Hambly and Mr. Hamilton here for tea. Mr.
Hamilton is a Life Assurance Agent. Know Uncle Jim well.
Had our first fall of snow this afternoon very cold and dreary. Bill Barry got "Dick" to drive to Arthur
Show. cows in all night for first time.
Da finished discing and started to harrow the summer fallow. Bill brought horse back this morning.
very hard frost last night. cold day, but quite bright.
Da harrowing sod in forenoon Mr. North came in after dinner and waited till rain was over. Quite a
heavy rain after dinner. Olive and Brock at town in afternoon. Da couldn't harrow, so rode Mollie
over to Hugh Montgomery's.
Roy here and oiled windmill.
very sultry at times and quite foggy.
October SUNDAY, 9 1904
At home all day
very foggy, dull day. started to rain about five o'clock. Had a heavy rain rather raw east wind.
Da drawing rails from round line fence on other place and round cross fences till about four o'clock,
then started to plow behind Grandpa's driving-house sunshine at times. little showers in afternoon.
Very heavy rain at six o'clock very sharp lightning.
very sultry.
Da plowing sod all day. I up to Miss Stone's and Aunty Gass's in forenoon.
dull all day. rather cold wind.
I took Miss Stone up 4 doz. Eggs, but could not get any crab-apples at Aunty Gass's.
October WEDNESDAY, 12 1904
Da choring round in forenoon. He and Ross measuring the pasture field next to Walker. Too wet
to plow. Mr. Craig here also Mr. Loan, called in afternoon. steady rain all night and on into the
forenoon. very dull all day.
Da plowing sod all day. I at Drayton in afternoon. I got proofs of our pictures from Mr. Mason.
(house and barn) very good.
dull forenoon, but turned out very fine day in afternoon. quite warm.
Da finished plowing behind driving house and started to plow in the little field over this way.
Rev. Naftel and his sister called this afternoon
beautiful fine day, lovely and bright.
October SATURDAY, 15 1904
Da plowing sod all day. Brock took plow-coulter to get sharpened, in morning. Olive and I up to
Charlie Walkers for crab-apples in forenoon. Olive and I at Drayton in afternoon. Got Mark shod.
Round by Mr. Duncan's with books.
beautiful sunshiney day. raised our Dahlias.
quite warm frost at night.
Ma and we children up to church in forenoon. Winnie, Ross and I went over to Zion, but there was
no church, so we went up to Rothsay. beautiful day and lovely moonlight night.
Da plowing sod on other place all day. Brock up to Bob Gass's for some wheat after school.
beautiful day. quite hot, but looking like rain. hazy round bush Burrows old mare "Nell" was in our
place this morning, so Da took her over home. Wat gave her to Jack Irvine a year ago, and
October TUESDAY, 18 1904
Da finished plowing in that little field about three o'clock, then went back next to line fence, on home
place to plow pea-ground. Ma at Drayton in forenoon.
Beautiful day. hot in middle of day.
Joe Davidson's sale this afternoon.
Da plowing all day. Ma up to Miss Stones in forenoon.
very hot day. rather cloudy about sunset.
Da plowing all day Ma and I baking.
fine all day but not so bright as day before. few drops rain at noon. turned cooler at night.
October FRIDAY, 21 1904
Da finished plowing back by line fence about half-past ten this morning. Cleaned up some grist and
took it to Drayton this afternoon. I baking for Mrs. Burrows this afternoon. fine forenoon. quite a
heavy shower at milking time. not much rain here in afternoon, but Da got wet going to town.
Da drawing out manure from barn-yard down next to bush. Ma and Brock cleaned out hen houses.
raw and cold with scuds of snow and rain.
Uncle John brought a marble slab which Mr. Kemp left in Rothsay for us.
Old Mrs. Tucker died yesterday.
At home all day.
Da up to see Bill Barry at night. cold all day with flurries of snow.
October MONDAY, 24 1904
Da topped the few mangolds and turnips in front. Then harrowed them out. He and Bill Barry drew
in two loads before dinner. Da and Ma at Mrs. Tuckers funeral in afternoon Very large funeral.
Bill drew in the turnips and took Grandpa down a load.
cold, hard frost in night drizzling and raining about noon. quite fine afternoon. raining again to
Da and Bill topping, harrowing out, and drawing in the turnips all day. Brock at Drayton in morning
for beef. Miss Smillie and Lizzie Hilborn here for tea.
very fine day for taking up roots. very strong wind this forenoon and quite cold.
Tax collector left Tax Receipts $83.64¢.
Da and Bill topping turnips all forenoon. Da harrowed them out and drew in one load this afternoon.
Bill went away about three o-clock with Dick and buggy for a stove at J. Dowlings. Winnie Walker
here this afternoon. Heavy snow storm flury of snow in forenoon also one at milking time. very
sloppy under foot. quite cold. Put little calves in to-night.
October THURSDAY, 27 1904
Da cleaned out pig-pens, then went out and started to get turnips into rows, but soon came in again,
as it was to wet and muddy. Bill went home this morning. Da harvested the sun flowers this
afternoon dull day. rather bright in forenoon but did not dry up any. There was quite a fall of snow
in the night and it didn't melt away much.
Da and Bill Barry working at the turnips all day, drawing in. Mr. T. Henderson left Janet here on his
way to Teviotdale and called for her in the afternoon. very fine bright day. looking rather cloudy in
west to-night.
Annie Craig's Concert.
Da and Bill finished turnips in afternoon then helped Mr. Burrows take in a couple of their loads.
They finished theirs. Brock and Bill brought in cabbages and carrots while we milked. Olive and I
at Drayton in afternoon. fine bright day but cold wind.
(Mrs. Moody Carrie Gordon) died at yesterday Friday.
October SUNDAY, 30 1904
Olive, Brock and I went over to Zion Church, in morning and went to Dick Lowes for dinner and
very beautiful day. quite cold morning.
"Hallowe'en" MONDAY, 31
Da drawing out manure all day. Ma and I went down to grave-yard to Mrs. Moody's funeral, were
also down town.
very fine bright day , but cold wind. Pretty hard frost this morning.
November ALL SAINTS DAY (Quebec) TUESDAY, 1
Da at Isaac Hilborn's threshing all day. Bill Barry drawing out manure until half-past five then went
home to go to Orange Supper.
foggy and misty in moning , but turned out very fine and quite warm.
Old white sow has 8 little pigs in Poplar Bushes.
November WEDNESDAY, 2 1904
Da at Mr. Hilborns threshing till about eleven o'clock. then cleaned out stable. Drawing manure in
afternoon. Bill Barry at Uncle Richds threshing all day. Da and Ma went to a Tory meeting in
Drayton to-night.
beautiful day. quite hazy and warm like Indian Summer.
Election Day THURSDAY, 3
Da drawing out manure in forenoon. At Mr. McTavish's threshing and over to vote in afternoon.
Jim Bready here for dinner. Grandma and I at Mrs. Gordons all day, getting her waist into shape.
rather foggy morning but cleared off and was lovely day. Da gone to Drayton to hear returns of
Election. Bill finished threshing at Uncle Richds about two o'clock.
The Laurier Government was sustained with big majority. McGowen defeated. Martin elected.
Da finished drawing out manure from manure house, and started to draw out of shed. Bill at Charlie
Walkers threshing and Wilmots Drury to-day. stayed over night. I over baking for Mrs. Burrows this
afternoon. very fine day. quite smoky. misting at night and very dark.
Milk drawing stopped for this year.
Will Walker 20 years old to-day.
November SATURDAY, 5 1904
Da drawing out manure all day. Finished taking it out of shed, except about one load. Bill at Henry
Hilborn's threshing all day. Brock took down a couple bags chop and plow coulter in morning.
Went after coulter in afternoon. Annie Craig here for tea.
quite fine day. rather dull at times. little skiff of snow. cold wind.
We children up to English Church to hear Orange Sermon. Went to Miss Stone's for dinner.
lovely day. cold north wind.
Da finished a piece of plowing back of Poplars, in forenoon. Started to plow sod in field next to
road, below over orchard fence. I working at Grandma's waist.
lovely bright day. hard frost this morning.
November TUESDAY, 8 1904
Da took a grist of chop to Drayton in morning. Plowing sod in afternoon.
Annie Craig gave Olive and I a music- lesson this morning. She stayed for dinner. Just a beautiful
day. So bright and clear.
Da and Wat killed little pig this forenoon. Wat here for dinner. Frozen too hard to plow this
forenoon. Da plowing in afternoon.
Cut up the pork after supper and salted what there was.
I finished Grandma's waist.
beautiful bright clear day. hard frosts at night.
Da cleaned out pig-pens and centre cow-stable, also took last load out of sheep-house, in forenoon.
Burned big bush pile and tried to plow, but it was froze too hard.
beautiful clear day. thawing very slowly. rather cold wind.
November FRIDAY, 11 1904
Da done up chores. Brought five heifers from other place and put them in stable. John Walker
came for his black calf. Da fixing check valve at the duck trough, so it cannot freeze. beautiful day.
a little cloudy at times, cold wind. Roads in fine shape. so hard and dry.
Bill Barry at Page's threshing all day.
Da choring in forenoon and cleaned out hen pens in afternoon, then went up to Mr. Walkers for a
box of sand for hens. May Gordon brought Eleanor Walker here this morning, then Olive and I
walked up to Uncle Richds with her after supper. Brock over to see Charlie Wallis in Moorefield all
forenoon and for dinner. very strong wind rather searching, but beautiful bright day. Bill Barry at F.
Page's threshing till noon. They finished.
Henry Heseltine's oldest boy died from appenditices about 4. P.M.
Da and Ma over to Bob Mitchell's this afternoon. Sarah and Mrs. Burrows here in evening. very
windy and got colder towards night. flurries of snow through night and this afternoon.
November MONDAY, 14 1904
Da choring in forenoon and drawing up wood from bush in afternoon. I went to Drayton this
forenoon to get seats for concert. Olive and I up to Miss Stone's to a quilting. Home about eight
o'clock. rather dull forenoon, but turned out fine in afternoon. rather sharp wind. Put in little
calves and tied them up.
Da finished drawing out up wood from bush, in forenoon. Plowing sod in afternoon. Annie Craig
gave us a lesson and had dinner. Ma and I up to Wilfred Heseltine's funeral.
beautiful bright clear day. rather cold wind.
Da did the chores and plowing sod all day. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. very foggy morning, but
cleared off and sun came out bright. very fine. freezing hard at night.
November THURSDAY, 17 1904 Thanksgiving Day
Da choring round, clean and packing sawdust round water-pipes. couldn't plow frozen too hard.
Mr. McEwing here asking hands to thresh.
fine bright day, but cold, raw, east- wind
Da at Mr. McEwing's threshing all day.
Ma, Olive and I down to Drayton at night to hear the Scotch Company. Jessie MacLachlan, Young
and McLinden
queer day; hazy; few drops of rain in morning. lovely night. not so cold as yesterday.
Concert was good.
Da at Mr. McEwing's threshing till about half-past three, then came home and plowed sod. Ma and
Brock at Drayton in forenoon. Finished at McEwings. Did fine threshing. very smoky all day.
warm. thunder and some lightning at night. looking like rain.
Brock got pair of shoes at Hefkey's
November SUNDAY, 20 1904
At home all day. very dull day. smoky, but mild. few drops of rain in morning. got colder towards
and raining after supper.
Da plowing sod all day and done the chores. fine at times and then rather dull. ground is very dry.
Harry Philp and Johnny Benson gone to London this morning. Both starting to work in freight-
sheds. $1.35 per day.
Da doing chores and plowing sod all day. Miss Craig came this morning and gave Olive a lesson. I
too sick to take one. She didn't stay for dinner. rather dull in forenoon, but fine afternoon. Strong
November WEDNESDAY, 23 1904
Da doing chores and plowing all day. Bill Walker and Aunt Emma in this evening to say their mother
was dead. rather dull day. slight bit of rain at night. looking like a storm all day.
Da finished plowing the sod except the head lands. Ma and I over to Mrs. Henry Walker's funeral
and down to Drayton from cemetry.
very disagreeable day. rainy with scuds of snow in forenoon. turning colder after dinner with snow
flurries. quite a fall of snow through the night.
Da cleaned up a grist of chop and did chores in forenoon. plowed the sod headland, brought young
cattle off other place and brought up harrows in afternoon. I over to H. Hilborn's in afternoon.
bright forenoon. dull and dark in afternoon cold wind. warmer at night.
November SATURDAY, 26 1904
Da choring in forenoon, took grist to Drayton in afternoon. very heavy falls of snow at times all day.
very stormy wintry night.
Uncle Jim came up.
Uncle Jim here for dinner. Ma and we children at Grandma's for tea. beautiful & bright all day.
zero at night.
Da choring in forenoon. Da and Ma at Drayton in afternoon. Da at Conservative Convention in
afternoon. J.P. Downey spoke. Jim Tucker received nomination. Da rode home with Jim Mitchell.
quite a fine day. raw east wind blowing at night.
November TUESDAY, 29 1904
Da choring in forenoon, then he, Wat, and Percy killed old black sow in afternoon. Miss Craig gave
us our lesson and stayed for dinner. dull soft day. snow melted quite a lot. misting and rainy about
Da cut up pork and did chores in forenoon. Uncle Richard and he at Drayton in afternoon about
Grandpa Philp's business. Mr. Loan not at home. Grandma and Miss McEchearn here sewing up
lining for fur coat
turned cold through night. snowed a little off and on to-day. Roads slippery.
December THURSDAY, 1
Da cleaning pens and doing chores in forenoon. Cleaned pig's head and tied up young cattle for first
time to-night. Churned over two hours at butter this forenoon. rather stormy at times but not so
very cold.
38 head of cattle to start winter with.
December FRIDAY, 2 1904
Da choring in forenoon and at the bush in afternoon, chopping wood.
Mr. North called this afternoon.
beautiful clear day, but quite sharp.
Da choring in forenoon, at Ezra Duekerings funeral in afternoon and round by Willie Wilson's for
cheese cheques. Mr. Trelevean brought down our cheese this forenoon. a colored, 79lbs. Herb
Page brought our milk tank up from Drayton to-night. Brock took Mark to Drayton to get shod this
morning. beautiful fine day. quite frosty.
Had a churning to-day, we couldn't churn.
Ma and we children up to see Miss Stone in afternoon.
snowed heavily for a while this morning, then was quite bright for a while, snowed again in
afternoon. cold wind.
December, MONDAY, 5 1904
Da choring in forenoon drawing up wood to thresh in afternoon with sleighs. rather mild in forenoon,
turned colder and quite a heavy snow storm about milking time
Colder towards night.
Miss Craig didn't come {written vertically on left side}
Da choring and cutting up some wood to thresh. Norman Binning and a Mr. Moffatt here in
forenoon. Moffatt hunting a farm to buy. We churned all day to-day. Butter must have been too
hot. Ma put in cold water and leaving it stand over night. Isaac Hilborn here this forenoon. fine
bright day, but looking like a storm to-night. stiff wind this forenoon
Will Walker arrived home from West at noon.
Da choring in forenoon, brought a load of rails from sideroad fence for wood for engine. at Drayton
in afternoon. very blustry and stormy in forenoon. nice afternoon. quite mild but turning colder
towards night.
December CONCEPTION DAY (Quebec) THURSDAY, 8 1904
Bill Barry at Mr. Burrows threshing all day. Da choring in forenoon and at threshing in afternoon.
very stormy all day. Fierce wind and snowing quite heavily.
Charlie Hilborn moved machine here about nine o'clock. Threshed all day. Children didn't go to
school. Bill Gass and Herb. Brian came here for tea and stayed till about twelve o'clock. We had
about twenty two men for meals.
Beautiful all day, but quite sharp and cold.
Finished threshing about two o'clock. Charlie left machine here. Bill Barry went home. Will Walker
stayed and help do the chores and for tea. We cleaned floor and straightened up in afternoon.
Beautiful, bright, clear day. But cold and frosty all day.
December SUNDAY, 11 1904
At home all day
snowing all day not so very cold.
Will Walker here all day. Charlie and Hosheal here for dinner. Chopping grain all afternoon. Wat
snowing a little all day. rather cold wind. Mr. Craig here in afternoon. got red pig and hen feed.
Da choring in forenoon, cleaning out pens in afternoon. Up to Uncle Rich'ds for ram lamb and
brought down Uncle Rich'ds churn, but it no better than our own. Can't churn the cream. Miss Craig
here and for dinner. Charlie here for breakfast and moved engine to Jim Cowans.
cold day, snowing a little all day. moderated towards evening.
December WEDNESDAY, 14 1904
Da choring in forenoon. He and Uncle Richd at Drayton in afternoon. Took down 17 chickens alive
to H. Irvine. 6¢ cash 7¢ trade.
mild day light soft, snow falling all day. Paid taxes $83.t
Mrs. Burrows gave me 1/2 dz teaspoons.
Will Walker came down this morning. Da and he choring and drawing out manure on to other place.
beautiful fine day trees covered with hoar frost. quite sharp.
Da and Will choring and drawing out manure all day. Da took home Uncle Richds churn and took
up a crock of our cream to Aunt Emma beautiful bright clear day.
December SATURDAY, 17 1904
Will and Da finished the manure about four o'clock then straightening up round stables and putting
away waggons. Olive and Brock at Drayton with cutter in afternoon beautiful clear day. rather raw
east wind. Will went home to-night.
Our young pullets laying now. Have had about a dozen eggs now.
At Grandma's in afternoon rather raw cold day, but getting windy in afternoon. sleighing scratchy.
Da choring in forenoon, drawing away rail fence between orchard and sod field in afternoon. Olive
and I over to Willie Craig's school entertainment in afternoon. Had tea at Mr. Craigs.
Stormy at times in forenoon, very stormy, snowy afternoon, but not very cold. clear night.
Les Waters and Rose Riddols married, tomorrow.
December TUESDAY, 20 1904
Da choring in forenoon, finished drawing away fence in afternoon.
very snowy till about four o'clock then it stopped snowing but drifting some. not cold.
Da choring in forenoon. Helping John Walker cut wood in afternoon. Uncle Benson and Maggie
here for a while in afternoon and for tea. very fine day. not bright, but scarcely any snow falling.
rather sharp.
Ria Walton marred to Hughie Miller.
Da choring all day. Ma and I at Drayton in afternoon.
quite a fine day. rather raw wind but soft.
School stopped for Christmas Holidays.
December FRIDAY, 23 1904
Da choring in forenoon, cleaned pens and drew in some hay from the stack. Sam, Maggie, and
Jack Benson in this afternoon. Left their cutter and took our cart home. Turned soft in the night and
stayed soft all day. Roads just bare. Snow nearly all gone. Turned cold and freezing to-night.
quite a wind.
Da choring all day. Up to Uncle Richds in afternoon. Olive and Brock at Drayton in afternoon. Mr.
Craig brought over a piece of Beef in afternoon. Da walked to Drayton after supper. very raw east
wind and cold. Da heard Charlie Wallis died this morning in Moorefield from" of "Galloping
Christmas Day. SUNDAY, 25
At home all day. Olive and I at Grandma's in afternoon. terrible stormy forenoon and very cold
east wind all day
December CHRISTMAS DAY (Dominion) Dec. 25 falling this year on a Sunday.)
MONDAY, 26 1904
Da choring all day. Wat. over here at night
very dull day. raw east wind. very foggy all day. sleeting at night very disagreeable day.
Charlie Wallis buried to-day from Geo Bell's
Old Mrs. Digby buried also.
Da choring round all day. Took "Dicks" shoes off. Ice Storm through night. Every thing coated
with ice. Kept up a drizzling rain almost all day. Ice off the trees by noon. Road are glare ice.
very slippery.
Da choring all day.
Terrible stormy, windy day. not so very bad in forenoon but got worse after dinner. very bad night.
Sarah Hilborn married to Geo. Reilly.
December THURSDAY, 29 1904
Da choring all day.
very stormy all day, but calmed down at night. not so very cold.
Da choring and shoveled snow away from pig-pen doors, then cleaned out pens.
Uncle Willie arrived from Windsor on noon train. Here in afternoon for a while. very nice day.
looking rather soft at night. Breeze balmy.
Da choring in forenoon, cleaned hen pens in afternoon. We three down to skate in afternoon.
Uncle Willie up a while in afternoon. Uncle Jim came up to-night. soft day. sleighing about done
on this line. Mr. North came to fix pump. Here for dinner. Didn't fix it on account of wind mill
pump leaking water into the well.
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