File #23251: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 13.pdf"


1843 March1843 March
Thursday 23 Chas to Stratford Mill with Sp. Wheat 1512 bls = 25 Bls 12 lbs on acc't Peter Kostner - @ 3/6 yk J B'l & Millers mem. the rest fanning Sp Wheat & pottering another Blust snow 8 8
Friday 24 Wilfred to Stratford - hauling Brick with Mares from Kiln to Gournlocks @ the rest got in 2 Sleigh Loads Hay from Stack opposite Barn very fine 7 11
Saturday 25 Chas to Stratford - hauling Bricks as above {illegible line crossed out} haul 2 Loads Oat Straw from West to East Barn Jefsy weak & ailing - put into Shed Sn. & blast 10 14
Sunday 26 Ch'n T. Emily & Chas to Church. 2 former ret'd @ 3. the latter @ 9 beautiful day 15 18
Monday 27 Wilf'd to Stratford hauling Bricks as above 1/2 day in all 2 1/2 days @ $2 per day -- 1.5.- lefs expenses 3 dinners 3/. Chas 7 1/2 & treating on & receiveing paym't 1/8 - 5. 3 1/2 the rest got in another load Straw from Wm Barn & pott'g Christ'n got a Fox hauld a Load Bricks from Kiln for Mr Daly 19 8 1/2 Sn. all day 20 23
Tuesday 28 Got in from Wms Barn a small Load of Straw rec'd of JRunkin for Hector 1842 aft'n Is & Chas to Gournlocks for a Load to be taken to Galt tomorrow - Is'c to Lintons re McCarthy cannot be sued in this Court 12 6 Rain Snow & wind 32m. 43 noon 26 n.t
Wednesday 29 {illegible scribble} Charles M.& E starte @ 5 1/2 for Galt with load for Gournlock 3/5 {illegible} winnowing oats fine 16 16
Thursday 30 the Galt party ret'd @ 6 pm. having delivered the Load safe at Gournlocks paid at Galt for a Garden Spade 3/3 - Snuff 1/4 lb - 6 a Knife for Wildred 2/-/1/2 Expenses 4/8 Debit Gournl for Carriage of the Load $5 brought 5 Boxes Soap for Mr Daly {illegible} Is. Chr'n & W'd winnowing oats 10 5 1/2 fine till 6 pm then Snow 14
Friday 31 Charles took to Stratford 5 Boxes Soap 472 lbs Soap carriage to Cr of acc't $1 Curr7 rec'd of Gournlock for Carr'ge Load down 12/6 Cash & Store order on Linton - 12/6 the rest Fox hunting - Cherry weak - Jefsy has a Bull @ 1 pm rec'd from Linton 1/2 lb Teah 3/6 1 lb Tea @ 7/yk - 4.4 1/2 & 3 lbs 2 oz Soap @ 5 1/2 - 1.5 1/2 = 5/10 C7 Snow all day 24 19
Saturday 1 Charles to Stratford on Nell - had sum's from Linton 5/5 1/2 - Snow av'ge 3 feet repairing Stable Doors & pottering - Cherry & Wilf's Heifer bad from eating oats Chas Chr'n M & E. at Alex's eve'g Chas rem'd the night Little Snow.m aft'n fine 12
Sunday 2 Chas ret'd about 4 pm. the rest at home - Cherry still bad - W'ds something better fine 2 bel. Z 19 ab,
Monday 3 Winnowing oats & pottering - Cherry worse & worse & died @ 7 pm W'ds better fine 12 ab 27
Tuesday 4 @ 10 went to West Barn - Door broken, Bob & Befs & all the the Neat Cattle ox Bull & Bas yearling feasting on the Oats - brought into House from W. Barn 39 Sacks of Oats - Skind Cherry & her calf (slink pd Mrs J Stewart & Christ'n Crerar 1 day 3~ morn. gloomy aft'n some Snow 26 32
Wednesday 5 Got into House a Hill 20 Bush'ls Potatoes & pottering W.J Christ'n, Chas, Wilf'd & Em'y to a party at Mr Dalys ret'd @ 3 am T. Daly bro't Letters from Aunt Jane to self - Mr Jos to Mrs T Cockran to self & John to W'd 1/2 exp the rest pd - 2 Albions & Inquirer fine 20 27
Thursday 6 thrashing Peas with both Span - the Smith enquiring for oats & peas fine 21 24
Friday 7 do - - - - - got into East Barn Sacks evening Is Chas & W'd to Stratford in Sleigh with Colts Cherry's & Calfs Skin to {illegible} lbs @ {blank space} first Lamb this season a Ram from Black Sheep fine 16 41
Saturday 8 walkd up to Stratford - got McCullock & Jackson to witnefs my signature & power of Att'y W. T. & John Jos Rawlinson of Inner Temple to Walter Buchanan to sell L18.1.11 in names of W.T J J Mr Buchanan & J J Rawlinson - Execution witnefsed by W F McCullock Gent & Will'm Jackson, Capt'n & attested by I C W Daly J.P on this day Boys bro't a Load Bricks from 24 ~ & pottering - aftern. Is to Stratford sold J J Cherrys Skin to Rob't Kay 44 bls @ 4 cts p lb $ 1.76 cts & her Calf's for 2/5 remained at Alexs for the night paid Mr Daly postage of Johns Letter to Wilf'd 5th ins't 1 2 $2.1. fine 38

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