William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847


William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847


William Thompson


Courtesy of Stratford-Perth Archives




19th Century, Perth County, South Easthope Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Thompson Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript



1842. 18 November

1843 Y/Z

Jan 19 Black Bess - n Litter of 4 - all Boars Boars

20 Bob - Donald Stewart - {illegible}

Mar 13 Big Bess Seignr 4/75 - {illegible}

28 Bob - Runkin

April 24 do Snr Stinson

27 do Alex

June 11 Big Bess young Bobs Nix

13 Nell - Lucifer

July 3 or 4 Black Bess a Litter of 6 - 4 Boars - 2 Sows, 1 a Cripple

Sept 20 Black Bess - Bob &c - Y2/Y YE/7 had 7

Oct 20 Bell Sheep - Ram

Nov. 11 - Ram Set free



Jan 9 - Big Bess - a Litter of 3 all kills before night

" 16 Black - do 7 12th only 1 living - dead

" 21 Bess - Bob Y0/Z on Z/4 OZ.A - a litter of 7 -27 June - 1 killd

" 22 Spotted F. qu do W. - {illegible} - May 15 - had a Litter of 6 5 Boars, 1 Sow

April 15 Cripple sup to be with pig - had a litter of 5 - 1 July 2 died 3 - 1 of them a Cripple

May 7 Bricker -- Nunes to Nell Nell a Colt 22 May

June 24 do -- not in foal Nell - 2 times nix

before 7 Befry


Dec r 23 White young Spotted Sow at - {illegible}


Feb 7 20 - double sm{illegible} spotted Sow Bob { YZ/A found in Bush South of 38 with a litter of 6 sup. 2 or 3 d old

___ Black Bess had a litter of 8 - 9 - 2 kills 2 & 3 day

____ Larger young Spotted Sow in pig 11 April had a litter of 7 at W Barn 1 died 10 July

March 8 White Sow - Bob - Y./P - found in Bhush 2//12 with

April 25 Nanie - Chaunes Brown } Prize at last Show - 2 - 12 May

May 10 Bell - - {illegible} had a Folly} both in arr{illegible 13 May 45 } @$3 -- 3 22-23 June

June 6/8 - Black Bess doubtful - - - )X/X - had 3 Pigs 27/29 Septr

Aug. 1 Single {ink blot} Rankins

Dec 28/29 White Sow - Reynolds 01/I/IA had a litter of 7 in Bush


May 26 - Bell - Zorra $ I warranted Horse nver came a 2 time till too late

July 27 - Black Sow came with 7 Pigs - 4 white 3 black & wh. sup. 10 ds old took sick 28 July kill 1 being very weak

- {illegible} 20 found White Sow behind Hay Stack N, in Bush with 9 Pigs born 28th

21 young White Sow Reynolds young about this time - had 5

Nov 6 Black Sow do found dead at West Barn

{this appears to be records of sire service for the owner's and his neighbours cattle}

Hector 1844 - bro. form next page - 2

May 9 Spots 3 yr old Your 0 OZ -- YO/0
15X Wm Anglin - Black & Wh. Heifer 0O "" P 01/U
20" Common -- Brindle Heifer 0X/"
28X W. Anglin -- Red -- 0/11
" Red --- " "
" X Cairns -- Red Cow -- rec this day ? 2/6 - D/11
29X J Peter Whaughton Red -- X/4 pd &/h
June 2X Beauty Y11/11 --- &11/"
4 D. Stewart -- Red Heifer YZ/"
6 Sandy Curar Red Cow YP/" P 10 Feb 45 P 10 feb 45
" Laird Stewart Black Heifer " "
" Gad Curtis Red Cow - white streak back YP/11
7X Ales brs small black Cow YO/11
"X Peter MNaughton Red Cow " "
8 D Stewart YX/"
"X Duncan Campbell/Sam'l Stewart P?6Z/11 " "
9 John Stewart Bell Cow, Red 07/-"
10 Laird Stewart Brown Black 07/-"
" X W.Anglin Bl & Wh. Heifer " "
12 Jm Stewart Red Heifer, some wh. on face {illegible} 0/P
"X Befsy 011/11 had a Heifer 01/22 011/__
16 Rankins Red Heifer 0P/--
" do Bl. & Wh. spotted Cow " "
17X W. Anglin Black & wh. Heifer sup. 2nd time 00/-
"X Cherry ride & P/P " "
"X W Anglin over Red Cow " "
18 Gad Curtis Red Cow 6X/-
21X P. M.Naughton White br. sides carried up 11 to Y/J
{Second side of sheet} 11E
June 22 Runkin Red Cow, wh. on back 0/&
29 P. MNaughton Red Cow - bro' by M Nichol X/"
July 1X Alex Black Cow Y1/-"
2 Jn Stewart Red Heifer vis Y0/0 Y0 - "
3 Don. Stewart Black Heif? Y" "
4 Runkin young black Cow Y& "
" Don Stewart Red Heifer " "
5 Conmans Brindle Cow YZ "
9 Gad Curtis 2 yr old Red Cow YX "
10X Abner Bullard Dunked Cow P Y11/11 0E- "
19X P. W.Naughton Red Cow wh. spots on forehead 0 /Z
" Gad Curtis Brownish Red & Wh. Cow " "
27X Cherry vis YP/4 - XP/Z p/Z - P -2 7 May - Heifer
John Stewart New Cow 24 or 25 {illegible} Z -"
Aug 25 do Red Z/A
Sep 15 do do 2nd time 0Z/ - '
24X Blacky A/P
1845 - over 2 Pages {Second Page} 1843 -- Hecr
Feb 1 W Tarquists Din. Brin
April 14 Runkins Brown w. bks
22 - 24 do do Oo
May 11 Gad Curtis Red
June 3 Peter MNaughton John Red Vis'd vi 27th ins
Jn Donald Stewart {illegible} all night not {illegible}
12 do same
15 Gad Curtis Red
18 Beauty xxxx xxxx 11E/11 - Had a Heifer 31 March
22 Rev? Mr Allan's Red & white N.1
23 do Red & white No 2 A/P
26 Jefsy xxxx P/& XXXX Blacky sup. {illegible}
27 John McNaughton 2 line Red - res? 2g brag 44
" Lyra XXXX &/& M sold to McCulloch
" Runkin Beauty
29 30 Gad Curtis Red, broken horn
July 1 Alexs Black
" W McNaughton Light Red, 3 yrs old no Calf
2 Coumans dark Brindle {illegible} Jan.44
3 W Anglins W 11th Jun 44
11 Rev'd Mr Allans White & Red W 1 Jan 44
14 Coumans Heifer A/P
" Wm Anglins Bl. & white P. 11 Jan.44
15/16 Will Blacky Blacky 0P/& mifsing for 2 days & came home with a Heifer
16 John Stewart Bl Heifer 00/&
" F Sargent Wh. faced Red " "
19 D'ld Stewart Black Y/2
" F Sargents Red " "
22 John Stinson Heifer 0/"
25 D'd Stewart Bl.Heifer YE/"
" do ( ab large) yearling " "
29 Mr Allans Guelph Cow (2 times) Y&/Z
30 Rankin Black Heifer Y2/"
Aug 13 Jn Stewart New Cow @ 0X/"
19 Rankins Red Heifer 2 tim. sup. not servd I/4
22 Cherry put in field sup not servd
Nov 11 Maccullocks Red Cow pd
March 11 Jefsy & 0X/4 sold to Wood
19 Maccullocks Cow Spotted pd

Dec 1845 000

May 20 Charmocks Red rooted/2
23 " 23 Switzer Red white mid July
" 27 Philan Senr Red P/"
" 31 Coumans Brindle vi &/1
" 28 Taylor on Mccullochs farm Red, on back white &/"
June 2 Mrs Sargint light Brindle Y"/"
" 3 Don'd Stewart Black pd Y&/.
" " do Red & Wh. (young) " "
" " Runkin Red (young) " "
" 4 P. McNaughton light Red YZ YZ "
" 5 W. Jackson (Tavern) Red YZ YZ "
" " Tho. Sargent Red & Whi vi. 24 th inst
" 6 - Forbes pd White, Red spots Yh YZ "
" 9 Wm Massey Brindle pd 0E YP -"
" 10 Jn Stewart Black (Meany's) 0Y YX - "
" " Wm Crirar Black Brindle ag 0/P
" 12 Rankin Beauty 0&/03/ - "
" 14 Anglin P? BL Heifer 0Z -"
" 16 Kirby Red 0P/"
" " T Sargent Red " "
" 17 do Brindle Heifer 0& - "
" " D'd Stewart young Black " "
" 19 Anglin pd Bl & White - wh. face 11E - "
" 20 Maccullock or Taylor Red, White along back 11Y - "
" 21 Anglin pd Red Y - &
" 22 do pd red 0 - "
" 24 Jn Stewart young Red & - "
" 26 Walmstr Red - wh. back A - p
" 24 T Sargint Red & Wh. 2nd time p - "
" 27/28 Hawin Red Heifer in all night "Y
{second column}
<tdW Crerar> <tdP McNaughton>
bn ! up 11Y
June 28 Kirby Red - some wh. &/&
" " Brown Brindle again 2g vi. 19 July
" 2g - Critz Red - wh. spots X - &
" " Mrs Meany Brindle bro't by Mr Charmock X - "
" 30 Duncan Smith pd Black & wh. 2 Teats vi 24 July
" " Mrs Sargint 25 July 46 2 1 red. 1 spotted YE - &
July 1 Hads Brindle Y0 - "
" " Wm Crerer Bl. Brindle 2 times " "
" 2 Rankin old Red wh. back Y0 - "
" " Nick Whelan Red Heifer wh.face " "
" 3 Taylor (McC's) Red Y11 -"
" 4 Befsy Killd
" 5 Forbes Lg Heifer again 6th morn YZ
" 6 Switzer Red & wh. 2? vi 23 May YA - "
" 7 Rankin Black (Poll) vi 1 Aug
" " Red Yp - "
" 9 W. Anglin pd Bl & wh. YX - "
" " W Crerar Black " "
" 11 Cherry had a Bull 27 Ap 287 ds 0Y - "
" 12 Wm Anglin Sen something white 01 - "
" 13 Philan Sen'r Red & wh. 011 - "
" " Reilly Red pd 4 July 46 " "
" 14 Kirby Red. wh.face 0& - "
" " Rankin all red vi 11/&
" 15 Franlin at Mrs Sargints Brindle 0Z.- "
" " Pat Bannon pd Black Heifer (illegible here) " "
" " Wm Emsley Red wh. back 2nd time vi 26 all"
" 17 W Jackson Red - bro't by Riley Up - "
" " Andrew Graham (Wm McDonaldson) Black Wh. face 0/2 "
" 19 W Crerar Brown Brindle 2nd vi 28 aull 0X - "
" 21 Mrs Sargent Red short. {illegible} 2nd Y/Z XX- &
" 24 Dm McNaughton Bl & wh. 2nd vi. 30 June & - Z
" 28 T Sargint Red the old Gent says 2 times {illegible) & Z
" 29 Jn {illegible} (Hard Cheese) Red & wh. Brindle X - Z
" 30 Kirby Red & wh Heifer - vi. p/X
" 31 Bl & wh Heifer put into field at night B Bannan Y/Z
found 27 May in Bush with a Bull {illegible} Calf 2or 3 days old
{second page} 1844 Jan 30 To 28 Bush. Wheat Feb 7 - 27 do 10 5 do 1846 feb, 18 - left to Note - 34 Bush Hec. 1845 brought for? - Ap
Aug 1 Rankin Black 2. vi 7 July Y0 - Z
2 Jnr Taylor (McCs) Red Heifer Y11 - "
T. Sargent Red, wh. face " "
Walmsday Red " "
3 Anglin pd pd Brindle wh.face Y0 - "
Rankin Red 2nd vi Y0/p " "
7 W. Choloney near F Sargints Red wh back Y& - "
8 Coumans Brindle - 2nd vi 0/p YX - "
9 M Phelan Red wh face 2nd vi. 0/p 0E -Z
" Kirby Red wh face 2nd viY&/p " "
16 Jnr Chelaney Red yearling behind Stinsons 0p - Z
" Blackey put into field even &d " "
22 Charnock pd Red 04
24 Wm Anglin pd Brindle. wh. face & - "
27 Campbell (D'd Stewarts) Brindle p - "
30 Thos Stevens (Burks) Red no calf YE - "
Sep 4 P. McNaughton Brindle & White YZ - "
7 Kerby Red & wh Heifer 2 vi 11E/p Y& - "
18 Mrs Meany Black Heifer pd 0/11/&p {illegible} Z "
{second column} bro up
Sept 3 19 Working{illegible} Re - 2. vi 2Y/0
" {illegible} yearling Heifer que if serv'd Y
27 Jnr Stewart Red {illegible} h. 30 - p



<tdSnow all day & high wind> ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Friday 18 Chas. laid up with Boil on throat, the rest pottering 16 16 14
Saturday 19 Threshing Sp Wheat for Mill & pottering Isaac assisting McPherson to drive a Steer as far as Alex's broken a Leg at the Bridge & is to be killed Sno wall day, now 3 p 4 in 14 23
Sunday 20 Christ'n & Chas. to Alex's - the former remains Snow nearly all day 20 20
Monday 21 W'd calld by Rankin 1 for AM to go for the Doctor to Mrs R but the good Lady was confined before W'd passed. He was calld a second time at 4 to go to Dalys for Wine & Whisky Christ'n at Alexs assisting preparing for thrashing Mill tomorrow Is & Chas. thrashing Sp. wheat for Mill W'd hauling Wood &c &c Light snow shower 20 19
Tuesday 22 Isaac Christ'n & Chas. at Alexs - thrashing Mill - run all night Wilf to Mill with 4 Bush. 40 lbs Wheat (too late} Mrs T. with him bro ! 2 Inquirers - T Rob! Pearls note 6 L1.8.6 due 22 Jan ? tolerably fine a little Snow ev'g 17 27
Wednesday 23 Is. Christ'n & Chas. at Alexs as yesterday - W'd to Mill for Grist bro! 6 lbs Soap from Mr Daly - for Washers Is & Chas. ret. at night 3 Snow Showers 26 32
Thursday 24 Christ'n at Alex! Is & Chas thrashing Sp. Wheat W'd Carpenter spottering fine 27 21
Friday 25 do do do Snow {illegible} even 23 21
Saturday 26 Isaac & Chas. to 24 for Load Hay - t to Fryfogels & paid Taxes on 2 Horses -- value 16. -- 2 Oxen 8. -- 5 Cows 15. 1 over 2 years 1. L 40 1st p L Land 100 acres 1st p acrew viz in all 12 7
on Williams Land 100 Acres 8/14 X Christ'n & Wilf winnowing Wheat & pottering --88
Sunday 27 An Indian having lost a Child in Hooping Cough calld to beg a piece of board for a Coffin - Wilfred made him one wrote Letter to El'r Todhunter which on Nell took to P. office heavy snow all night & thro this day now 15 @ 18 in deep 16
1842 November
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Wheat cannot be ground for 2 or 3 days sold Spots Hide to Kay (who pd Mr T 68 bs @3.17 brot from Dalys a Letter Aunt June 31 Oct to self - pd for snuff ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ & Chas at Church ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Monday28Winnowing Oats & peas at Wms Lot - W'd choppd firewood & pottering more Snow 2 feet deep1612
Tuesday29Thrashing Sp. Wheat, cleaning Sheds & pottering very fine113
Wednesday30Thrashing Peas with mares & Colts Hauling Firewood &c &cSnow Shower2022
Decem'r Thursday1Winnowing Peas - Hauling Ha{illegible} from West Barn to Cattle Shed &c &c Emily Christ'n to Alex's & Stratford - bro't ! Gall Whisky from Mr Dalya little snow2023
Friday2Thrashing do - mares & Colts & pottering pd Mr Stewart (Donald) for Sugar 6gloomy2333
Saturday3Thrashing peas - brot from Wms Barn Bush'ls Christ'n & Mr T to Mill with {blank space} Bushls 7 forfine warm3327
Sunday4Mrs F M E Christnfine1832
Monday5Thrashing Peas as on 2nd Had Geo Scotts Ram from RunkinSnow 8 @ 33222
Tuesday6Isaac with Horse Sleigh to Mill for Grist 9 Bl H6 lefs sacking 18} 9 Bushls 22 lbs brot from Dalys Sweet Oil 3 1/2 not pd - Martha with him to Mrs Gournlocks took Gip's brindle Pup to Sharman - Mr T. to Kerby'sfineZero18
Wednesday7Making & fixing new Tongue for to Ox Sleigh & pottering rec'd of Laing for keep of a yoke Steersa 5fine1624
Thursday8pd Mrs Jn. Stewart for Worsted 3 oz @5/ yd for the Oxen & Mares Hauled to Barnyard a Pine Log from South & pottering 7rain all day - freezing2532
Friday9Rec'd of Rev'd D Allan on acco't of Mr McLaren to be remitted to John $12 1/2 + L3.3.6 took to Mill on Ox Sleigh Pine Log brot in yesterday brot 2 Loads Hay from 24 - took 3 drunken Indians home to Wigwam on Ox Sleigh 5 pm3.2.12623
Saturday10Chas with Oxen to Mill - Lumber pm Log taken up yesterday thrashing Peas & pottering - pd Reynolds altering Calves13gloomy1120
Sunday11Mrs T M.E & Chas to Meeting Byers

1842 December

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Monday12Wilf'd trapd a fox south - thrashing Peas Pet M & E to Straford in Snowshoes Alex Sleigh - ret Pd 55 Chris Chas & W'd to Alex to tea2227
Tuesday13Charles to McNicols to look at a Cow from thence to Frasers to enquire about thrashing mill - preparing Barn for thrash'g - & pottering N.2 Sh2623
Wednesday14Chas to Showerhops engaged his thrashing machine to be here tomorrow ev'g no Letters - 3 Albions & a Cultivator took up letter {illegible} preparing for thrashing Mill - McNichol brought a red cow for which Mother agreed to take a $12 1/2 - gave him my rec' for 3.12 b C on acco't of her & JW Grubers joint Note for 4.12 C @ 8 1/2 pm William Ellen & Children arrived - bro't a small Stove for Back Room a present from W.B. have trapd a FoxElisa16son Stewart 316
Thursday15Chas to Peter Kostners & bro't 7 Gall Whiskey to be pd for in Grain {illegible} had Mares wintershod at Sharmans Has took letter to P Office W.S. to Aunt Jane - Housekoper & Son arrived with thrashing mill even'g paid Chas for something or other4
Friday16Had Rankin Shanty & Donald Stewart Kirby & Alex to afsist in thrashing @ 9 3/4 some part of the Iron work broke & was taken to Sharmans for repair - got to work again @ 2 3/4 - thrashed {blank space} Sheaves Sp Wheat Winnowed the whole after DarkSnow Showers
Saturday17Had the parties thrashing as yesterday - Sheaves Spr. Wheat - Fall do Stoushops went home @ 7 PM - to return Monday {illegible} - took Nell & W. Big Cutter & Drove Mrs T. to Valy & Menkitter to get Butter Sugar &c bro't {illegible} office In. L Chas not pddo
Sunday18Wm & Chas in Sleigh Nell & Nancy to Stratford - found Bl & White Steer Calf (Nellys) lying dead by the side of the road this morning Gave13
Monday19Preparing Will'ms Barn for thrashing Oats & pottering
Tuesday20fixing Mill at Wms Barn & thrashing Oats - Party same as 16 {illegible} Alex Had Kirbys Horses - {illegible} & Christ'n to Rankins {illegible} killing Hogsbeautiful622
{second page} 1842 December
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Wednesday21thrashing Oats - party same as yesterday - 100 C 150 Sheaves leftfine32
Thursday22Crs Stouskop for Mill 3 3/4 days @ $3 = $11.1.3 Wm & Em'y to Stratford - Wm 7 Gall's Whisky paid 15th finishd
Friday23Wm & Isaac to Stratford to Kitty & Cutter - took 2 Sacks Fall Wheat to Mill- would not be ground till late at night - not brought from V. Kostner 5 Galls Whisky -bro't Dalys Sugar & Salertus & Sheet Iron for Stove Pipe to Sharmans ~ the rest hauling firewood & pottering fine
Saturday24Christ'n & ell'n to Stratford - took Mr Dalys Crock & Monteiths Tub bro't Grist from Mill - from Dalys {blank space} lbs Butter @ 6 C.{illegible} the rest hauling & chopping firewood & pottering Alex ret'n from Toronto via Hamilton - bro't Note from Henry to Mrs T. & letter from John to Isaac with Traps ~ a party of 6 - Brown of Haysville & 4 Females supposed a Wedding Part Call'd in @ 8 AM. to warm themselves - bound for Woodstock at ^ {illegible} PM Emily & all the Boys in Sleigh to Alexs Sold to a Tin Pedlar the Wethers Skin for 110 pr Bo't of him a Set of Candle Moulds for 5/yk7 1/2fine2 below Z12 above
Sunday25Chas & Emily to meeting Wm & Chr'n to Alexs morn'g - Alex & Annie ret'd with them to {illegible}fine
Monday26Ellen Emily & all the Boys to Stratford @ 11 join'd by Jacksons T & J Daly Goundlocks Lintons &c &c & drove to Hicks Big Thames - were to be house @ 4 with the {illegible} to dinner - did not arrive till 6 3/4 - to a cold dinner - Mr T M{illegible} & I having dined @ 5 1/4 - left us @ 1 1/4 27thfine
Tuesday27Wm Ellen & Chrit'n Mr T & M in Cutter to Mr Allans morning call Boys pottering ~ @ 4 1/2 Mw & Is'c in Cutter to Stratford rec'd from F.Sargint $5 on acco't plus Note for L8.15 leaving a Bal of $8.1 5fine

1842 December

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Wednesday28T & I Daly were about 11 OC & accomp'd. Emily the 4 Boys in our Sleigh to spend the day at Mr Tigh's - Wm in Cutter to Stratford - bro't Mr Gournlock & Annie to dinner Mr G came to tea - left before 11 PM {illegible} {illegible} pd Expacmers 2 1 Wilfred {illegible} 1 3tolerable
Thursday29the Wilmot party set at 3 C 4 - Tom & Jesse din'd & had tea after which Charles drove them home in Cutter

pd. Mrs T our acco't of $10 borro'd in Toronto

Rec'd of Ellen for Durham for which we gave 4 pails Potatoes
1 5 1 3do
Friday30Mr Mitchell & Mr McCulloch call'd inpafsing from Toronto - bro't letters & parcels Ellen & Child'n & Wm left us about 10 for- sent by the latter to {illegible} for Seeds2 6
Saturday31Fanning Wheat - @ 3 1/2 A.M W. Allan roused us & at his request Chas was dispatched for Dr Flynn Mrs A expecting to be confin'd. Mr T accomp'd Mr. Allan & ret'd @ 5 for pm Mrs A. had a fine Boy @ 2~14
{second page} 1843 January
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Sunday1Chas & Emily to Church ( Mr Hicky at Jacksons) ~ A 4 Mr Mitchell drove Emily & Annie drove in McCullochs Cutter & upset them inside the GatefineZ12
Monday2Winnowing Wheat &c - Macculloch Jackson &c to Township meeting but did not stop - M & E to Mr Allans - had Soup & Team PM AlexSnow show'y all day1617
Tuesday3bro't into house & put in upper room 22 Sacks Fall Wheat - preparing for Mill & P Kostner & pottering - Mitchell & McCulloch call'd on their way to Toronto - sent by McCulloch letter Mrs. T to Ellen & Mitchell Rev'd Mr Allan to Alex McDonald - Washers 3 ~Snow show'y76
Wednesday4Chas to Mill - left for P Kostner 11 Bush'ls Spring Wheat in payment for 12 Gall's Whiskey @ 1 1/2 Gall's p Bush'l & 9 per Gall Cask b/9 bro't Flour for remainder of 22 Sacks as above & Soap 6 lb 11 oz 1 lb Tea Ball Candlewick & 5 Sheets Letter Paper Fanning Spring Wheat &c &c - Lamb {illegible} Scottfine17 6 17
Thursday5Fanning Sp Wheat - Hauling Firewood fine20 19
Friday6Got into House 2nd Hill of Potatoes & 2nd Barrel Beef - pottering 2837
Saturday7Stowing away Sp Wheat in East Shed let out fattening Hogs in conveyence of wet from the rapid thawing - Emily walk'd to Stratford morning - neighter Letters nor papers Chris'n & Chas at Alex all n'ta little misty rain & {illegible}4331
Sunday8Chas home to drefs & aft'r to Church - Jackson Hickey - he & Christ'n got home @ 9 PM - the rest at homerain some storm of wind3318
Monday9At making a road to Bark - &c T & J Daly Nichol & Alex came in @ 9 for pm & sat an hourfine1030
Tuesday10@10 1/2 Alex Chr'n. Chas Marthan & Em'y. left in A's Sleigh for Mr Junks aft'n Isaac to Lintons re Shiel{illegible} - pottering Snow showers2928
Wednesday11the Party from Junk's arrived @ 111/2do2426
Thursday12all {illegible} road to Bark & Pines from 10 @ 2 for & potteringdo30
Friday13got out to Barnyard 2 small Loads Bark pd for 1/2 B. app.1 3do2822

1843 January

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Saturday14Had Alex's oxen yesterday afternoon & this forenoon - Boys brought out 2 Loads Bark forenoon afternoon afsisted Alex to raise a Shed - afterwards to Sharmans to get Mares shod Snow show's22
Sunday15all except myself to Jacksons ot hear Mr Hickey - Martha & Emily walked the rest with Mr Allan in our Sleigh - Annie & mifs Junk ret'd with them - took to P. Office Letter to C Relphfine14 @ 10 oc 18
Monday16Wilfred to Sergmiller with Load Bark I Cord 21 foot inches = $ 4.1.9 had Alexs oxen got our 2 Loads Bark ev'g to Lea Geo to Mrs Gournlock Mrs Lawston Mifs Junk Annie Jane Daly Tom Mr Nickle & Boygloomy & cold
Tuesday17Chas to Sergmillers with Bark 1 Cord 5 ft 8 in = #4.5.8 had Alexs oxen - got out only 2 Loads Bark & pottering evening Martha & Emily Christ'n & Wilf'd to Mr Daly's - the Tighs &c beautiful26
Wednesday18W. to Sigmiller with Bark 1 Cord. 6 Ft. 4 in = sold to Bower from Berlin 66 1/2 Bush'ls Oats @ 8 - rec'd J Daly 2 Tighs Annie & Misfs Junk & Alex to Tea - Mr & Mrs Daly & Mr & Mrs Gournlock calld2 4 4fordo
Thursday19Had Alex' Oxen - got out the last of the Bark - loaded Sleigh to Lake down tomorrow - 4 PM : Is Christ'n Chas & Emily on oxsleigh with mares to GournlocksLight rain all day3840
Friday20Chas to Seigmillers Load Bark 1.4.9 = paid for Sugar of Mrs John Stewart Is Christ'n to West Barn morning - fixing fence & making Drain T of Barn aft'n to Pine Swamp - 1beautiful & warm3838
Saturday21brought Bl - Befs & 4 pigs from Wm bot - took G Scotts Ram home - Lambs may arrive Y/Z @ 7P/A Christ'n to Stratford Mr Fishers Funeral - Potteringdo do4632
Sunday22none to Stratford to day - Sleighing very bad - Ground bare round stumps fine - cold3226
1843 January
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Monday23rec'd of T Sargint $2 1/4 on acco't of his Note leaving a Bal of L 1.8.9 = $5 3/4

Paid John Monteiths acco't to 31 Dec Goods 8/43 Rags for Mrs T 1/65 .9 10 - G & J Gournlock on acco't 1 17 6 rec'd of Mr JE Linton for Bush'l Peas 2 3 Boys Killd 2 Hogs today - even'g took one to Sharman 245 lbs @ $2 1/2 100 lbs 1.10.7 pd 2 1/2 Bush'ls Peas @ 3/9 yk -.5.10 L {illegible} Cr 1.16.5 1/2

11 3
Tuesday24Butcherd & Barreld Hog N 2 about 200 lbsmorning - aft'n fanning Oatsblust day snow show'ing2826
Wednesday25Fanning Oats - even'g all to Alexs Tea Party ex Is & self - ret'd @ 2 1/2 Mr Tye calld on his way up - Everett do on his way downbleak & cold272
Thursday26Fanning Oats forenoon - afternoon Isaac on Nance to Stratford - got a Shoe fixd, not to be chargd - the rest loading Bark - chopp'g firewood &c bro't from Daly 1/2 lb Tea 1/4 Tobacco, 2 Reals Cottontoerable2 below Z18 above
Friday27Wilfred to Seigmiller with Load Bark .1.2.3

the rest Killd 4 Hogs about 7 Nance very ill precisely as on 6 feb 42 only not so bad evening Alex rode Is. Chas & Christ'n at Alex's - W'd on Nell went for them - Ales also came Alex rode on Louis for Jackson or Sharman - soon after Chas was dispatched on Nell to say they need not come - he brot a drench from Sharman which was given to her

Nell & Nance
Saturday28Chas to Stratford - sold Hog to Mr Daly 243 bls @ $2 1/2 - 21.16.4

10 lbs Lard 3'd 2.6 to acco't 1.12.10 Mr Daly gives C. an order to bring Vall from Chapmans at Galt on Mondays brot from Mr Daly a Crock Killd 4 more Hogs Mr Tye calld @ 8 PM Nance better - made about 20 lbs Sausages Pd. Mrs Cowmans spinning 4 lbs Wool 4/ knitting 5 pr Stockings for Boys 3/1'pr Knitting Stockings 4 pd 81. 15/1pr

1 1/2 lbs up the wool suppled her @ 2/6 3.9
11 4 1/2snow in n 2 in or snow show'r2624
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Sunday29Mrs T. M & E walkd to Scotch Church - ret'd @ 5 Alex & An to Tea &c brot a Square Bottle of Whiskey. - Big Befsfine417
Monday30Wilf'd to Market @ 6 AM with 4 Hogs & about 30 Bush'ls Otas $9.0.4 Chapman fm Galt papr up with Load Wooden Pails for Daly - met Wilf'd at Schwartz all right - Price of Oats Cash 1/y/{?} - Hogs 2 & 2 1/2 $ --- Boys cutting up Hogs - ev'g Christ'n & Chas to Alexs - Is'c cut up & barreld side pieces of 2 Hogs - Mr Daly had a Load of Strawdo1030
Tuesday31Barreld Pork part 1, all side pieces in to Cellar - 1 other pieces in Barn

Wilderd returned from Galt at 8 1/2 PM: Sold to Elliot Galt 33 Bush'ls Oats @ 7 1/2 L1 - 7 1/2 rec'd Barrel Salt 370 lbs @ $2 1/2 pr 280 lbs - 17 from Duncan Fisher r'd 3.7 for sold Person unknown a Hog 255 lbs @ 2 1/4 -- r'd 1.8.8 " James Durand Preston 3 Hogs 255 - 256 - 228 = 733 lbs @ 2 1/4 -- $16.49 cts By 2 Barrels Salt (left till next trip) $6.62 1/2 {illegible} Bill @ 10 days 42.8.9 9.75 16.37 1/2 short pd 11 1/2 Cr 11 for

expenses pd
incefsant snow high wind nt3023
February Wednesday1brought up 6 Barrels Salt for Mr Daly from Chapmans

Wilfred after dinner took up Mr Dalys 6 Blr Salt viz.

300.300.310.310.320.340 @ 2/6/Bl of 280 lbs - 15__

1.9 to acco't ~~ 16.9 Dt Mr D
cloudy noon same after6-12
Thursday2Chas to Seigmillers with Bark 1 Cord 1 foot the rest at Pinery - paid Mrs T Mrs Ray Stewart 1/6 Mrs John Stewart 2/6

had of Temperhar 1 lb Tea @ 6/.yk not pd to pay in Skins or Tallow next trip

Chas to Duncan Fisher Bl Full 370 lbs @ $23/4.2 19/5 Car'gr 3/1 rec'd 1.2.6
4Snow show'ng9-16
1843 February
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Friday3Wilf'd took to Seigmillers 25 ft 8 in Bark

thrashing a little Barley with oxen morn & aft'n pottering

deliverd to Fisher 27 Bushls 6 lbs Oats @ 8 & red'd on acc't a Half Sovereign

Chas to Stratford in Mr Tye's Cutter - ret'd with {illegible} Tye on Ox sleigh - brot from Daly 4 lbs Butter 1 1/2 lbs sugar & a Lg Bottle Whisky from Alex
Snow Show'rs1819

Chas to Seigmillers with Bark 1.1.4

Jan 7 16 1.1.9

17 - 1.5.8

18 - 1.6.4

20 - 1.4.9

27 - 1.2.3

feb 2 - 1.1._

3 - 00.25.8

8.16 9 @ $34. 9 yk

Cradling 57 Hector 5/ 2

36 ~ 9

Cr By Pair Boots - Wilfred ~ ~ ~ 4.

Bal due {illegible} by Adam Seigmller & Cusmam $ 32 ~ 9 yk

boys thrashing Barley with Colts - John arr'd @ 4 in Mr Dalys Sleigh with Mr D

Jane & Mrs Ebbs ~ Mr Tye calld @ 7 oc - Martha accomp'd him in his Cutter on a visit till Wednesday when we use to go for her

at G Nance again sick - gave her a warm bran Mash

Sunday5Mrs T & Emily walkd to Meeting Mr Byers at Dalys in consequence of the unfavourable state of the weather - Chas to Alex's morn'g Mrs Trel'n @ 2 in Mr Byers Cutter - Emily stopd short @ Annies - after dinner Christ'n & John to {illegible}Snow all day2420
Monday6morning nothing done - aftern'n Isaac Chas & John to Straford &c ^Nell & Bell in Sleigh ret'd @ 10

brot from P Kostner 9 1/2 Galls Whisky - from Mr Daly 1 lb Salt petre 1 lb Pepper 2 lbs Sugar 1 lb Soap - 1 lb Nails - from McPherson 5 lbs Butter @ 6 c not pd Chris & W'd Pottering

for G & J Gournlock on acco 1.16.6

John retn'd the night with Alex
Blust & snow showers126

1843 February

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Tuesday7Is'c & Chas with Mares to 24 for Bricks about 200 - Christ'n & W'd carpentering & relaying Hearth - red'd of Rankin for set Sleigh Bells ( formerly purchase of Ignads for $2/7 6Snow Show'rs very cold8
Wednesday8Isaac & Chas - mares to 24 brot about 100 Bricks Christ'n & Wilf'd Bricklaying - sold to Laing & del'd to Bell 64 Bush's Oats @ 11yk & rec'd 2

Paid G & J Gournlock $10 2 10

John came from Alex's, Drefsed & off West - Em'y do after after Dinner, & all the Boys do after Tea in Sleigh ret'd @ 12 1/4
light snow Show'rs8
Thursday9Collecting Sacks & preparing for Chas & John going East tomorrow gave John to pay Mr Price amo't of McPherson & Cranes Bill for Duty & charges on Care of Providence red'd 20 Aug. paid John for Isaac1 8 5 1 3do morn10
Friday10@ 4 1/2 Chas with John as pafsenger & about 30 Bush'ls Oats left for Preston or a Market - Chinking East Shed & put up Beauty - pottering do even'g rain for some hours {illegible} storm of wind till morn833
Saturday11Martha Mifs Tye & Robert arr'd at 4 1/2 Chas ret'd from Galt @5

sold Davidson Galt. Oats w 40 26/34 Bush'ls @ 1/yk

brot from Durand 2 Bar'ls Salt left 31 ull $ 6.62 1/2

1 Bl do purch'd 10 im 330 lbs @ $2 1/2 3.12 1/2 $9.75

Dr to Hogs 31 all - $16.49

Cr by Salt as above 9.75


pd TollGates 3'd 1/2 doz Cups & Saucers 5/. Salaratus 7 1/2

handling Exp's 5/5

Fanning Oats & pottering
1 13 9tolerable15
Sunday12Beauty had a Bull Calf before Daylight - all ex Wilf'd & self in Sleigh to Church - ret'd with Alex & Annie to Dinner @ 3 ~ Befsy & Is'c to tea R't Tye left @ 1 ~ Christ'n took to P. office Letters W.T. & Mrs T. to Aunt Jane & Christ'n to Jos. Famerfine1012
1843 February
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Monday13Isaac to Stratford with 3 Sacks Fall Wheat brot Flour &c

Chas with a Barrle Salt sold to Rev'd Mr Allan

330 lbs @ $2 3/4 p 280 lbs - 16/10 1/2 Car 2/3 = 19.4 1/2

pd him in Cash 7 1/2

being my Sub'n to him for 1 y to buy last

Mifs Tye & Martha accomp'd Is'c to Stratford to call on Mrs Wossley & Mrs Ebbs ~ brot from Daly 2 lbs Mo & 2 bls Lump Sugar

Christ'n & W'd pottering - Swept Chimney

Mr McCulloch & Alex here to Tea &c
paid 7 1/2fine
Tuesday14Fanning Oats Sold to ~ Brown 18.11th Con . N.E. 20 B'ls Oats @ 8 c 13 4 r'dSnow Show'rs86
Wednesday15Sold to John Fisher Lt 3 'd ins ! & this 43 1/2 Bush'ls Oats

By Cash on Acco't 3 'd inst. 12.2

this day 8 .5 1/2

" 16 3/4 lbs Sugar @ 6'd 8. 4 1/2

" Alex'r Fisher 25 Bushels 27 lbs Oats @ 8'd 17.2

red'd on account 15.2

Balance due 2.~

Fanning Oats & Barley - W'd to Reynolds & borrow'd X Cut Saw took to Mifs Tye

Martha & Emily to Mr Allans & back - Horse Sleigh
13 4 1 ~ 7 1/2tolerably fine51
Thursday16Pd Stouskop $ 11 1/4 - for thrashing mill

Is. Christ'n & Chas in Swamp Sawing Pine Logs

W'd pottering ~ Mifs Tye & M & E. in Stouskops sleigh to Stratford . {illegible} the Boys with Sleigh to Alex's - ret'd @ 1 oc - brot Mr Dalys 5 3/4 lbs Soap
fine6 below Z1 above
Friday17Boys in swamp S. remov'd 12 Logs to dryland. brot 2 to Barnyard had Alex's Oxen from Mr Dalys 4 lbs SoapSn Show'rs6 below 6 below
Saturday18Wilf'd hauling firewood & pottering - the rest Chopping Pines & Sawing into Logs Mifs Tye & M in Cutter Nell to Stratford re. brot Mr Daly 1 lb Tea 5/ Reel Cotton Gro for for 7 1/2 & from McPhersons 1 lb Butter - Frank Tye left @ 3 ocfine12 bel.2 above
Sunday19Isaac got a Fox - Mrs T. Em'y & Chas to Stratford in Sleigh - no Service - Mrs T & Em'y dined at Gournlocks. Chas at W. McDonalds - all home at 4Snow all day12 ab

1842 February

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Monday20Sold ~ Brown a Bar'l Salt 330 lbs @ $3 1/4 P 216 lbs 16/3

50 extra wt @ 1/yk p 16 - 3/ 1/12 ~ r'd

pd for tinkering Sundries

Boys at Pines, got out 3 Logs - even'g to Tea - Mr & Mrs Gournlock

T & J Daly 2 Mr & Mifs Nickles Alex & Annie - left at 12

Frank came for Mifs Tye - they left at 1 PM
19 4 1/2 0 11 1/2fine5 ab.
Tuesday21at Pines - brot in 4 Logs - Whaley enquired for Oats - Carrot do 18th instSnow Show'rs1820
Wednesday22do 2 Land Stewart do Had Rankins oxen for the daydo162
Thursday23do sawing & chopping - Emily to Stratford brot from Dayls 1/2 g'n

Letter paper a pair Supars 1/3 - Hooks & Eyes & pr Tape 3 1/2 T Daly let impafs{illegible}

Letter from Wm to Is p.o. - rec'd from Alex Crerar for Turnip Seed sold 20 {illegible} 42
1 3fine22
Friday24at Pines - brot in 5 Logs - T Daly bor'd our Sleigh to go to Wilmot

D Robertson calld to buy oats - pd Mrs T for Mr R Stewart

for Mrs. Jn Stewart & Mrs Crerar 1 /~ pasteboard 4'd
1 6 1 4very fine419
Saturday25at Pines - brot 2 Logs - Gournlocks Goods & property seiz'd by Ferrie Emily in sleigh accomp'd T Daly & the Nickles to Hamburg. Tom Jne & Mifs Lydia ret'd at 5 oclock tea. left our Sleigh bor'd yesterday - had Alex oxenfine1730
Sunday26Mrs T & Em'y to Church - calld at Gournlocks - dined at Alex's ret'd with all the brrs to tea - Chas took Alex oxen last n't & ret'd this ev'gSnow Show'rs23
Monday27Christ'n Chas & W'd at Pines brot Logs - Is'c with 3 Sacks F Wheat to Mill (not done) - 4 Sacks oats to be crush

sold to Mr Daly 15 lbs Leather (for Seighmiller ) @ 2/3 - 1.13.9

16 Lard 3'd 4

which overpay our acco't to 31 Dec 6/77 1/2 1.17.9

to Cr in new acco't

Is. pd Mrs Sargint Bal'ce of Williams Note to Saml Izar due 25 Dec'r Last of L 25

p L 12.10.- by $45 from Wm & $5 from Mr. T.

Rec'd from I & H Isars Balance of Acc't to this time

pd Mrs T. Bal'ce of $10 borrowed of her in Toronto

sent notice to Rob't. Peard that if his Note of L 1.8.6 was not pd immediately I should sue

6 3 1 5 M Fdo23
Tuesday28at Pines - brot 12 Logs - had Alex oxen @7 PM Is'c to Stratford for Grist, Mrs T accomp'd himSn Showers1414
1843 March
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Wednesday1at Swamp - brot 10 Logs - at West Barn cutting round Straw Stack &c

evening Chas & I in Sleigh to fetch Mrs Gournlock &c to Tea - but in consequence of the excited state of Mr J. G the old gent requested Chas & self to stop there which we did & remained till nearly 11 - McCull'h & Jackson there

Snow Show'rs127
Thursday2Sold Alex'r Fisher 1 Bar'l Salt 320 lbs @ 3 1/4 $280 -.16.d

extra w't 40 lbs @ 1/yk - 2.6

red'd 18.9

Boys at Swamp brot 5 Logs making in all 50 Logs

& one acre of Oats sold 15 ins 1.3

leaving a Bal. due on Oats - 9
Friday3Rec'd of Alex Fisher the above balance - 9

Boys at Swamp - brot a Load of Shingle Blocks - Em'y at P.O. - no letters or Pap'rs

Alex had Oats in paym't of what was borrowd at thrashing time
Saturday4Paid Mrs T for Mrs Coumans knitting 3 pr Socks @ 1/3 - 3/9

Spinning 1 to Wool for do 1/28

Boys brot remainder of Shingle Blocks from Swamp morn'g - aftern'n Charles thrice to Stratford 1.2.1 = 4 Pine Logs markd W.P. the rest pottering

Mrs Meanys Faney died last night
4 98 Bel.Z6 above
Sunday5W'd Heifer had a Heifer @ 7 AM Chas & the Ladies to Meeting (Byers) in Sleigh Alex & Anne ret'd with them to dinnerbeautiful10 below6 above
Monday6Chas with oxen took 2 & Wilf'd with Horses 5 = 7 Logs to Stratford - also 2 Sacks oats to be crushd Johnny took away Sighmillers Heifer return for Taxation to Jn Yackie this daydo6 below5 ab
Tuesday7Chas mares - 5 Logs - W'd oxen 2 Logs - Is & Ch's pottering

Mifses Lucy & Annie Tye arr'd @ 11 1/2 - evening the Mifs Chas the Ladies

Chas & I to Dalys - took up Annie - the party Mr & Mrs Gournlock Mifs Lydia Nickle & their own family - Mr McCullock & Alex took tea &c with the Boys - found them here @ 2

100 acres Land - 45 cultivated 55 uncultivated unitarians

2 Horses

2 do under 3 years

2 oxen

3 Cows

2 over 2 years old
do 12 below17 above


Wednesday 8 Chas Oxen 4 W'd Horse 4 - 8 Logs for Stratford - Is & Christ'n brot a Barrel Pork inot Cellar - the Mifs Tyes left @ 2 - T & J Daly & Annie evening to Tea - Pork now #4 - Oats 1/3 Cr Hay $10 fine 22 ab 25
Thursday 9 Rec'd pm JC Linton amo't of R't Peads Note L1.8.6 1/2

lefs Lintons Com'n Glap Gray - L'n Chas & W'd 7 1/2

Chas Horses 5- W'd Oxen 4 - 9 Logs - Is & Christ'n pottering sopemaking-
1.7.11 fine 10 26
Friday 10 @ 9 Mrs T.M.E. Ch'r. W. & I & Annie in Sleigh to Mr Tyes R Cha's to Stratford 3 Logs - Isaac pottering - McCullock Gon'l & Alex so'g M.f ine ev'g rain hail&c 25
Saturday 11 Party from Tyes got home about 1 1/2 p.m.

paid - Laing for 2 B'ls short measure on Oats sold him Salt

Cha's Oxen to Stratford 2 Logs
Exp's 1.6 Sn. Shower morn'g 9
Sunday 12 Cha's & Em'y to Church - ret'd @ 6 for with Alex & Annie to Tea Sn. Sh.ev. 10 24
Monday 13 Is & Cha's to Seigmillers Befs - Christ & M'd pottering. Exp's7 1/2 Sn Sh. 26 14
Tuesday 14 Cha's Oxen 1 - W'd Horses 4 - 5 Logs to Stratford Winnowing Barley & pottering - pd Mrs T for Washers Mr J Stewart - Cream 3 fine 10 26
Wednesday 15 Thrashing Barley & {illegible} @ 9 pm Jackson & Johnson pafsed down taking Sargint again to Toronto, being very much worse the boys & Emily took a drive Westward evening ret'd @11 1/2 fine sn sh ev'g 17 8
Thursday 16 Wilf'd with Oxen at Alexs for the day - the rest Thrashing {illegible} & Barley & pottering Is & Cha's to Stratford &c ev'g - had a Shoe fixed on Nance - brot from P Kostner 9 1/2 Gall's Whisky @ {blank space} to be pd for in Spr Wheat @ {blank space} morn {illegible} ev'g heavy snow 6 18
Friday 17 Wilfred to Galt with Barley Sacks & a Sack Sp Wheat as a Sample 2 Mifs Tyes call'd on their way to Mr Dalys - Cha's to Stratford for with 8 Bush'ls F Wheat measure - cannot be done for week Fanning 15 18
Saturday 18 Is Ch'r & Cha's pottering - Mifs Tyes dined & left before 3 oC Wilf'd ret'd from Preston & Galt @ 6 pm ride forw'd 16 19
1843 March
Saturday 18 brot forward. Wilf'd sold James Durand Preston 27 Bush's 14 lbs Barley @ 1/3 - 1.14.1/2

Ford (turins) 2 Bush'ls 2.6 bought of Forbes Galt 1 Bar Salt 300 lbs @ $2 1/2 - 14.9 of Treadwell & C. 3 Spools Cotton 10 1/2 & 6 yrads Stay Lace Lime 4 Bush'ls @ 1/yk 2.6 travelling expenses 5. paid Mr Coumans for 2 pr Mitts 2/-2 & spinning the wool 1/5 {in left margin vertically} left at torie Doon Mill 1 Bush'l & 50 lbs Sp. Wheat @ 3/yk - Johnson

Is'c & Cha's with Colts took up to Mr Daly 3 Boxes & 3 Parcels from Forbes Galt - 2/9/1/2
r'd 1.16.6 1/2

pd 1.2.1 1/2

Sn. Show'rs 16 19
Sunday 19 Nelly had a Heifer @ 7 1/2 a.m. - Cha's & Em'y with Sleigh to Stratford no meeting - Geo Gournlock came with Cha's to dinner Sn. Show'r 16 14
Monday 20 @ 9 Is & Cha's with Sleigh started for Tyes to buy Hay

Christ'n & W'd cleaned Stable - clear'd snow to from front of Barn

cut 2 Back Logs ~
do 15 14
Tuesday 21 Christ'n & W'd fanning oats - Is & Cha's ret'd from Tyes @ 3 oC

brot 8 1/2 Cwt @ $5 pr Ton Exp's pd

McCullock calld & stopd 2 or 3 hours - Mrs T. Emily Is Cha's & McCullock in Sleigh to Stratford ev'g
Wednesday 22 Fanning Sp. Wheat aft'n Wilf'd & I in Sleigh to Stratford pd G & J Gournlock account & my note to Colin Ferrie {illegible} Beans > due 2 Sept next

pay'ble at Doon Mills - vis: Bal'ce 7.19.1 Sm 7 1/2 Int to 20 Sept 2.1 1/2 Exal 8 8.1.2 1/2 Jacksons calld at McCarthys Lintons Dalys Gournlocks, had tea at Jackson McCullock L{illegible} summons for next Court to be servd on 29th inst. paid Mrs T. for 36 yds striped Shirting for Boys of Rofs & McLeod

do 16 yds do Self of Price 1/yk
Snow Blust 9

1843 March

Thursday 23 Chas to Stratford Mill with Sp. Wheat 1512 bls = 25 Bls 12 lbs

on acc't Peter Kostner - @ 3/6 yk J B'l & Millers mem.

the rest fanning Sp Wheat & pottering
another Blust snow 8 8
Friday 24 Wilfred to Stratford - hauling Brick with Mares from Kiln to Gournlocks @ the rest got in 2 Sleigh Loads Hay from Stack opposite Barn very fine 7 11
Saturday 25 Chas to Stratford - hauling Bricks as above {illegible line crossed out}

haul 2 Loads Oat Straw from West to East Barn Jefsy weak & ailing - put into Shed

Sn. & blast 10 14
Sunday 26 Ch'n T. Emily & Chas to Church. 2 former ret'd @ 3. the latter @ 9 beautiful day 15 18
Monday 27 Wilf'd to Stratford hauling Bricks as above 1/2 day

in all 2 1/2 days @ $2 per day -- 1.5.- lefs expenses 3 dinners 3/. Chas 7 1/2 & treating on & receiveing paym't 1/8 - 5. 3 1/2 the rest got in another load Straw from Wm Barn & pott'g Christ'n got a Fox

hauld a Load Bricks from Kiln for Mr Daly
19 8 1/2 Sn. all day 20 23
Tuesday 28 Got in from Wms Barn a small Load of Straw

rec'd of JRunkin for Hector 1842

aft'n Is & Chas to Gournlocks for a Load to be taken to Galt tomorrow - Is'c to Lintons re McCarthy cannot be sued in this Court
12 6 Rain Snow & wind 32m. 43 noon 26 n.t
Wednesday 29 {illegible scribble} Charles M.& E starte @ 5 1/2 for Galt with load for Gournlock

3/5 {illegible}

winnowing oats
fine 16 16
Thursday 30 the Galt party ret'd @ 6 pm. having delivered the Load safe at Gournlocks

paid at Galt for a Garden Spade 3/3 - Snuff 1/4 lb - 6 a Knife for Wildred 2/-/1/2 Expenses 4/8 Debit Gournl for Carriage of the Load $5 brought 5 Boxes Soap for Mr Daly

{illegible} Is. Chr'n & W'd winnowing oats
10 5 1/2 fine till 6 pm then Snow 14
1843 March
Friday 31 Charles took to Stratford 5 Boxes Soap 472 lbs Soap

carriage to Cr of acc't $1 Curr7 rec'd of Gournlock for Carr'ge Load down 12/6 Cash & Store order on Linton - 12/6 the rest Fox hunting - Cherry weak - Jefsy has a Bull @ 1 pm

rec'd from Linton 1/2 lb Teah 3/6 1 lb Tea @ 7/yk - 4.4 1/2 & 3 lbs 2 oz Soap @ 5 1/2 - 1.5 1/2 = 5/10 C7
Snow all day 24 19
Saturday 1 Charles to Stratford on Nell - had sum's from Linton 5/5 1/2 - Snow av'ge 3 feet

repairing Stable Doors & pottering - Cherry & Wilf's Heifer bad from eating oats

Chas Chr'n M & E. at Alex's eve'g Chas rem'd the night
Little Snow.m aft'n fine 12
Sunday 2 Chas ret'd about 4 pm. the rest at home - Cherry still bad - W'ds something better fine 2 bel. Z 19 ab,
Monday 3 Winnowing oats & pottering - Cherry worse & worse & died @ 7 pm W'ds better fine 12 ab 27
Tuesday 4 @ 10 went to West Barn - Door broken, Bob & Befs & all the the Neat Cattle ox Bull & Bas yearling feasting on the Oats - brought into House from W. Barn 39 Sacks of Oats - Skind Cherry & her calf (slink pd Mrs J Stewart & Christ'n Crerar 1 day 3~ morn. gloomy aft'n some Snow 26 32
Wednesday 5 Got into House a Hill 20 Bush'ls Potatoes & pottering

W.J Christ'n, Chas, Wilf'd & Em'y to a party at Mr Dalys ret'd @ 3 am

T. Daly bro't Letters from Aunt Jane to self - Mr Jos to Mrs T Cockran to self & John to W'd 1/2 exp the rest pd - 2 Albions & Inquirer
fine 20 27
Thursday 6 thrashing Peas with both Span - the Smith enquiring for oats & peas fine 21 24
Friday 7 do - - - - - got into East Barn Sacks

evening Is Chas & W'd to Stratford in Sleigh with Colts Cherry's & Calfs Skin to {illegible} lbs @ {blank space}

first Lamb this season a Ram from Black Sheep
fine 16 41
Saturday 8 walkd up to Stratford - got McCullock & Jackson to witnefs my signature & power of Att'y W. T. & John Jos Rawlinson of Inner Temple to Walter Buchanan to sell L18.1.11 in names of W.T J J Mr Buchanan & J J Rawlinson - Execution witnefsed by W F McCullock Gent & Will'm Jackson, Capt'n & attested by I C W Daly J.P on this day

Boys bro't a Load Bricks from 24 ~ & pottering - aftern. Is to Stratford sold J J Cherrys Skin to Rob't Kay 44 bls @ 4 cts p lb $ 1.76 cts & her Calf's for 2/5 remained at Alexs for the night

paid Mr Daly postage of Johns Letter to Wilf'd 5th ins't 1 2
$2.1. fine 38

1843 April

Sunday 9 Chas on Nell with Letter Mrs T. to Ellen - Isaac ret'd at 4 from Alex's with A. & Mr Macullock to Tea Snow Show'rs
Monday 10 another Lamb, a Ram both Befses on - Jefsy stuck in Potato field West sold & delivers to Sharman a Load Straw from Barn for $ 2.. to acct bro't from 2H - a Load of Bricks about 300 Is Ch'r & Chas (Mares) had Snow Shoes pruned a few apple Trees - Currant Bushes on West side of Garden still invisible - Snow nearly as high as the fence at upper end sold him also ( but not delivered) 20 Bush'ls grown peas @ 3/yk p Bl fine 26 26
Tuesday 11 Bro't from 24 2 Loads Bricks about 600 - Chas with oxen took 20 Bush'ls Peas (grown) to Sharman @ 3/.yk - $7 1/2 = L 1. 17.6 fine 18 32
Wednesday 12 Bro't from 24 last load of Bricks - door's & other Lumber - Sifting Peas &c evening Christ'n W'd M. & E in Sleigh to Stratford - took up Letters W.T to Mr Cookson 45 Torrington Square inclosing Power of Att'y for sale of L18.01.11 Re'd 3 pC.{illegible} W.T & J J Rawlinson - vide 8 ins't Mrs T to Mrs Jos & Martha Larkin to Ann Todhunter at Cooksons Mr & Mrs Gournlock stop'd a minute in pafsant for Galt fine 20 34
Thursday 13 Sifting Peas - making a new Pole to Waggon aft'n Chas to Stratford to get Customers for Veal Jefsys Calf proposed to be kill'd tomorrow Nelly found dead this morning at Williams barn. blown to great size Sold Sebrin a Bushel Peas & received $1/2 showry 30 40
Friday 14 Chas to Stratford accomp'd by Mrs T - took Nellys & her Calfs skin & sold them to Ray to Cr of my acco't 41 1/2 lbs & 4 cts 8/3 7 lbs @ 10 cts 3/6 11.9 paid Mrs T the above pd (sold 1/4 veal to Mr Kirby - 1/4 to Trome & 2 quarters to Mrs Jackson Delivered to Mr Linton for - Mackelier 2 B'ls Peas @ 2/6 fine 34 43
Saturday 15 Chopping Trees for Firewood & hauling Is & pottering all at home Alex to Tea fine 40 40
Sunday 16 Boys morning at Runkins grinding their axes - aft'n splitting rails north Hemlock fine 28 41
Monday 17 Emily to Stratford - pd for cumbric for Emilys Bonnet snow sh'rs 35 36
1843 April
Tuesday 18 snow & Blust all day - pottering - Christ'n for the day at Kirby's Snow all day high wind 34 34
Wednesday 19 Christ'n continues at Kirbys - Chopping trees & splitting for Rails, South Wm Smiths, n'r Black Creek wants 10 Bush'ls Pease to be left at Lintons p Lintons Note, cloudy 32 37
Thursday 20 Christ'n at Kirbys - Is Chas & W'd chopping for Rails as yesterday fine 35 35
Friday 21 Do ------------- Is & W'd {large blank space} Chas & I with oxen & Cast to Stratford - left at Lintons 10 Bush'ls Peas for Wm Smith @ 2/6 to pay 10 @ 15 May - left @ Mill Bls Wheat to be ground - cannot be Done in lefs than a fortnight - got from MrCarthy his order JJE Linton for my favor for whatever Bal. due to former to this Date may now remain in hands of the latter. our Agricultural Soc'y has now rec'd the L50 from Geo' Man's Company - & the a{illegible} Prem'n on stock &C shows in Oct last will be p'd 1st May Letter from Mr Jones demanding payment of 1st Instalm of 1st Instalm Lot 37. 2'd Con: L 11.5 & hs 10/6 on 2g ins. at Stratford. beautiful 26 48
Saturday 22 Christ'n still at Kirbys - Sifting Peas. cleaning Stables &c -- Rankins gloomy m aft'n rain 42 50
Sunday 23 Christ'n came home at 3 - had slept at Alex's Kirby to be debited for 3 1/2 days 52 54
Monday 24 Chas to Stratford morning / bro't from Dalys a Canister Powder to blast Hemlock Logs &c for Rails - Curtis had 1 Bush'l bals 3/yk & 1 Bush'l grown Peas 3/yk - Sherricks at MCullocks wants said Peas. Jackson Do -- Dr Flyn Do -- tried to split Hemlock by blasting but did not succeed - Chas @ 4 1/2 to Stratford to dine with the St Georges Society at Jacksons fine 42 38
Tuesday 25 Chas ret'd from the St Georges dinner about 11 oc this morning and then fruitless attempt to split logs by blasting - sold to Andrew Sherk 10 Bush'ls Spring Wheat @ 5/york & rec'd his Note payable 1st June p L 2.10 @ y - sent to Lintons P Shirk for --- 2 Bls Sp. Wheat @ 5/ yk not wanted, having been supplied elsewhere one of Mr {illegible} Sheep had 2 Ram Lambs today. had from Daly Rhubarb - Soda & Sugar Candy fine 39 50

1843 April

Wednesday 26 Isaac sowd 5 Bush'ls Peas South next large Hemlock - the rest drag'd Is with oxen & Mares, the yearling Heifer Spot found dead in Ws field fine 50 52
Thursday 27 Heavy rain great part of last night - no ploughing or sowing in consequence Christ'n at Kirbys - Boys turning oats having heated - & pottering B. Befs pd Mrs T for Washers Wm Mr & Mrs Roy Stewart 3/ & for Rhubarb 7 1/2 -- Black Tape for Summer Hats 6 } one of the Lambs born 25th died today - no pakage got out fine 38 40
Friday 28 all blasting a fallen Beech at West w{illegible} of Clearance n'r road. Charles & Wilf'd ploughing next Peas - Is & Christ'n preparing spr Wheat for sowing - McCulloch here for 3 or 4 hours aft'n gave instructions for blasting but did not serve better than the Boys - He has purchased the Mills of Daly - including the land North of the road & from Bridge to Jackson for L 2000 - -L 800 Cash, the remainder in 3 yearly Instalments Daly reserves the Comp'rs House & about 5 Acres Land. fine frost 54
Saturday 29 Chas & W'd ploughing morning - after Sowd 6 Bush'ls Spr Wheat - -dragged with Mares after'n - Christ'n M E & Self to Stratford in Cart - had an interview with Mr Jones respecting the payment of 1st Instalm. on Lot 3T - 2'd Con, due 31 Dec last agreed to wait awhile - Sold & delivered to W Jackson 10 Bushels Peas @ 2/6

= L 1.5 ----------- 1.5.-- veal (Mr T {illegible} 14 ins! ------------- -- 5.-- 1.10.--

lefs St Georges dinner (Chas) -- 3/9 + receiv'd in Cash --- 6/3 " by his Note at 1 days date 1.--.-- 1.16. Pd Mrs T for the veal as above

Linton has sold the 2 Bush's Spr Wheat del'd 25 @ 5/.yk
hail & rain in the night day fine 42 36
Sunday 30 all at home rain all day 37
1843 May
Monday 1 5 6 a.m. snowing - Chas to Stratford - settled Sharmans Bill for 1842 leaving a Balance in my favor L 1.7.3 Cr for which he gave a due Bill on Receiv'd from him as treasurer of the Stratford Agricultural Society additional Prizes on animals shewn last viz. Bull $4 & Boar $4 ---- r'd 2

paid my Subscription to him for 1843 ----- 10 expenses at Stratford ------ 7 ps bro! from Lintons 8 bls Clover Seed @ 8 d - not pd from Daly's 1/2 Bush'l Grafs Seed 2/6 --"-- " 2 Cakes Shaving Soap remov'd about 40 Bush'ls Oats from Upper room to Loft over Stable - fixing Gates &c

Wilf'd part of day preparing Ground for Hops
Snow or Hail all day 32 33
Tuesday 2 Sold 10 Bush'ls Potatoes to James Phelan @ 2/3 & rec'd paym't 12.6

receiv'd of Alex Fisher Bal'n ---------- 8 paid Thiess for altering Jack -------- 5 -- Charles with Mares W'd oxen ploughing - Is & Christopher opened Hill of Potatoes & took out 10 Bush's for Phelan

Sowd Box Imperial Cabbages - planted Gooseberry Cuttings - 3 Currants Is
fine 30 33
Wednesday 3 Is sowd 6 Bush'ls Sp Wheat - Christ'r ploughing with oxen - Chas & W'd dragging fine 24 40
Thursday 4 Chas & Wilf'd ploughing as yesterday - burning Brush & pottering - Christ'r @ 6 for to breakfast at Donald Stewarts & to attend funeral of his infant born yesterday & who only lived an hour or two - rec'd by him from Mr Jackson paym't of his note - made 2 {illegible} ----- 1 --

planted Cuttings of Shrubs bo't from Toronto in the fall McCullock left today for Toronto & new York - sent by him a parcel to Mr Tye - Is to Mifs Barron from Mrs T & a letter to Henry -- 5 --

inclosing $1. for Cultivator 1843 . Nance had a fine Filly at 12 PM.
rain 36
Friday 5 Wilf'd ploughing . Chas splitting Rails Christ'r lighing logheaps . Isaac to Blacksmith East of Jacksons to ask advice about Nance's Filly - Honsbricker calls at 5 & said it would not live 2 hours - it died @ 6 1/2 . pd Honsbricker for {illegible} last year 1.2.6 } cold & windy 34

1843 May

Saturday 6 Ploughing with oxen - Duke very lame - burning Brands in fallow Paid Mrs. J Stewart for 6 oz yarn - 1/11/2 - tip Hops 2 oz {ounce} 31/2 - 10 a shower or 2 38 60
Sunday 7 Cha's & Em'y {Emily} to Church. dined at Alex - He & Annie came with them to tea - - gloomy 48 38
Monday 8 Chas ploughing with Mares - Duke lame. branding. burning Brush mending Harrow &c. {etcetera} Planted Cuttings of Honeysuckle do 42 40
Tuesday 9 Branding - Chas & W'd ploughing - Winnowing wheat &c.

sold And'w Therrik 10 Bush'ls {bushels} Peas @ 2/6 & 4 Bush'ls grown Do {ditto} @ 3/ y/k

fine 28 48
Wednesday 10 a Lamb this morning (Ewe) from Bell Sheep - Sowd 6 Bush'ls Sp. Wheat on new Clearance - harrowd do with Mares - Christ'n {Christian} ploughing with oxen. aft'n {afternoon} rain 42 48
Thursday 11 Christ'n at Kirbys - Is. {Isaac} sowd 8 Bush'ls oats - Chas & W'd dragging {below this word is reads: "& George"} Wheat & oats. sent Wilfreds fox skin to John by George

a sheep had 2 lambs this morning. both weak

sowd a Bed Lettuces - Malta, Bri & Si & Green Cabbage

rain morning

aft.n 9 or 10 fine

45 48
Friday 12 Christ'n at Kirbys - Is. sowd 7 Bush.s Sp {spring} Wheat New Land - dragging Do another Lamb this morning - Planted 2 roots of Peony from Annie fine 42 55
Saturday 13 a Lamb this morning Hornd Sheep - Christ'n at Kirbys, finishd payment of our debt

finishd dragging Wheat - ploughing sowd Bed Sp. Onions

fine 54 62
Sunday 14 Charles to Alex. the rest at home - Al & Annie 2 or 3 hours ev'g. {evening} thunder & lightning a little rain m'g {morning}

after fine thunder 10 pm

58 70
Monday 15 Chas ploughing with Mares - Wilf'd to Mill with Sacks Wheat Is & Christ'n

10 Bush'ls Potatoes @ 1/3 = 12.6 - 1/2 Bush'ls Rohans @ 3/yk = 11d = 13/5{Cy?} {above this calculation it reads: - Sold to A Sherrick}

Daly & Lawson calld @ 3 - signd Bond for D.as P.M. Her former Bond having been destroyd when the office at was burnt

smart shower

Rain & Hail @ 12 - aft'n fine

68 @ 5 1/2 52
Tuesday 16 Chas & W'd ploughing. Isaac & Christ'n repairing Gate & fence front of House

evening Wilf'd with mares & Waggon to Mill for Grist left yesterday

Martha left a little before 12 in company with T Daly for Galt to proceed to Hamilton to Stage on Team in the morning, thence in Steamer to Toronto. sowd another Bed onions - Half Row Sp. the rest red

fine 46 48
Wednesday 17 Isaac sowd 10 Bush'ls oats afternoon. putting new fence between H.o {House} & Barns

Christ'n ploughing - Cha's & W'd ploughing sowd - 3rd Bed of onions seed bad no Letter - in Albion several Inquirers & a Church - Wattesun bettery

fine 33 37
1843 May
Thursday 18 Is. sowd 101/2 Bush'ls Oats - Ch'r ploughing - Cha's & W'd ploughing dragging

sowd annuals in East border. Is. fencing Road to Spring.

fine 26 50
Friday 19 Is. sowd 2 Bush'ls oats. Chr'n ploughing. Ch's & W'd drag'g {dragging} finishd Oats

T. Daly ret'd from Galt this ev'g. @ {7? or M?} having broken down twice on his return

saw M. into the Stage for Hamilton @ 10 Wednesday mo'g {morning} brot {brought} a parcel from Henry lying at Galt - cont'g {containing} Tobacco for Smokers & a sample of E.J. Compa'ys {company} Gunpowder Tea Tomatin No. 1

fine 42 46
Saturday 20 Ploughd dragd sowd & bush harrowd the 1 acre on W'ms Lot with Golden Melon Swedes - a few Scotch. Hybrids next Road.

sowd a Bed Dublin Carrots - sup. Orange next Onions

fine 38 50
Sunday 21 Chas and Em'y to Stratford - heard Mr Hickey, who brot a Letter from Mrs. Tye -

Jimmy Thompson brot from Hamilton parcel from Henry cont'g 3 Cultivators. Jan. Feby & March - &c &c . A & A. dined with us.


5 drops Rain

10 pm 56
Monday 22 Cutting Potato Sets - Fencing about Cattle trough & pottering - Isaacs traps stolen. Mr. & Mrs. Allan took dinner with us - Mr & Mrs. Hickey to Tea.

p.d {paid} Mrs. Stewart & A Crerar for last week. ---------

- 3 -- Rainfall 12. & a little 8 pm 45 40
Tuesday 23 all afsisting in Garden forenoon - Chas aft'n - the rest putting up Stumps in paddock preparatory to ploughing in potatoes - a Lamb this even'g from one of last years Lambs (black leg) sowd Bed Altn Carrot

paid Dr Flynn for drawing a tooth for Charles time last year-----------------
- 1 3 --fine 45 40
Wednesday 24 Ploughing in Potatoes in Paddock - Chas digging in Garden all day. letter from Martha brot by Ann Crerar from Alexs 9d not p'd - sowd Bed Beets fine 31 43
Thursday 25 Ploughing Potatoes as yesterday - walkd to Stratford & calld at Lintons re McCarthy - nothing satisfactory - went to Court House to hear Mr Hickey

p'd Mr Daly for yesterdays letter 9d - Linton for Snuff --

donald Stewart here evening & shears to sheep. rec'd {received} of Emily to pay Court fees } -
- --- 9772

10. -

fine 42 54
Friday 26 Wilfred to Reynolds' for 13 8 Bush'ls Potatoes purchased of him @ 1/3 {Cy?} {J?} B'l {bushel}

Paid for them at his request to Mrs. T. - - - - - - - - -

Chas in Garden all day - Christ'n a part Mifs Daly raked West Border

Don'd Stewart even'g clipd sheep {an arrow has been added before the period, with the remainder of the sentence reading: & also Lambs}. Reynolds alt'd 2 wk. Boars

a weak Lamb 1 years 23d killd by Sows.

-- 10 -- Showers 52 59
Saturday 27 Wilf'd in Garden. the rest ploughing in Potatoes - 8 Bushl's next House Reynolds walked to Stratford after dinner - re Em'y & McCarthy pd fees to Linton in advance } 6 - misty morn'g got out {fir-?} 48 46

1843 May

Sunday 28 Mrs. T. Em'y & Chas to Church (Hicky {Hicky - Mrs. T. ret'd {returned} @ 3 @ 4 - Chas & E. stopd at Alexs & went again aft'n Chr'n & W'd to Alex ev'g - Gip litter of 2 fine 48 51
Monday 29 Harrowing Potatoes - W'd to Lot 24 for fence Posts - pottering odd jobs - W'd aft'n set off for Lintons to inquire what was done re McCarthy - met McCarthy on his way to this place - paid $10 on acc't {accounts} & pledg'd himself to pay every shilling rec'd for Court fees on our accs! this Note - in consequence agreed to drop suing at present mom. {moment} to call at Lintons for money 6 {t?} p'd for fees to {sue?}. gave up McCarthys {over?} on Linton to pay me whatever might be due to him for fees to 21 aft.n

Mr. & Mrs. Jackson & 2 - Mrs. Linton & 2. - Mrs Hickey & Mrs. Sarqint called on their way to Mr Allans - on their return took tea with us - sowd 2 Beds Parsnips

paid Emily the $10 receivd of McCarthy - Emily Thompson reciv'd of Bulfin Lot 37. 2 Con. for some Rohan Pot's. -

1 3 fine

a few drops Rain

42 49
Tuesday 30 W'd to Stratford morning for Sundries - putting up fence. East of House.

Martha's Bofsy{Bossy} had a Heifer Calf in a field last night or this morning

Judge Actan's alias Mr. Tyson of Berlin {now Kitchener} who p'd to see the Garden

2 or 3 hours Rain midday 29 35
Wednesday 31 putting up fence as yesterday. W'd at Donald Stewarts with them for the day, ploughing. Potatoes in - Chas to Stratford - bro't Papers & Letter's - Aunt June & Ann Todhunter to self & Mrs. Jas. to Mrs. T. ~ 2 1/2 to pay {--ering?} of Snow

afternoon cold

33 31
Thursday 1


Charles to Donald Stewarts ploughing in Potatoes - the rest splitting rails So. {South} -
Snow g ain {again}
Friday 2 Hauling & putting up Rails round Spring Wheat new Land.

put Nell into Stable, expecting her to foal tonight


aft.n & night

34 56
Saturday 3 finishd fencing South. Nell had a Colt in the afternoon in field. a Cripple. fine

the night being cold brought {an arrow was added pointing up, towards the word: put} them into the Stable

Gad Curtis had 3 Bush'ls Peas @ 2/6 --

transplanted Cabbages to Bed next Parsnips 3 1/2 Rows Drum So.

2 1/2 Imp'l No.

So. fine 45 42
Sunday 4 Chas & Em'y to English Church Hickey Court House - 2 1/2 {Lmpe?} ---

evening with Alex & Annie in their Waggon to Big Thames to hear Hicky {Hickey} again.

Bessy & Ja.s {James} came in the evening. Alex & An. {Annie} Chas & Em'y having gone to the Big Thames to hear Mr Hicky. {Hickey}

No. {North} showers morning 45 52
Monday 5 Rec'd of And'w {Andrew} Sherk on acc! {account} of his Note / £2.10 ._ due 1 June

to hear of Linton {p?} much deposited with him 27 {ult?}: for fees to see McCarthy - (Care not procuded in) -6.-

repaid Emily the $2 rec.d of her 25 all! to sen McCarthy - 10 -

-15 ~ ~



1843 June
Monday 5 cont'd Training Day all the Boys at Stratford had from Linton a little Tea & Soup 1/7 which balance acc! to this time R

Receivd from McTavishe, p {paid} W'd for 2 Bush.s Peas - - -

Christ bro! from P. Office a Letter from Macpherson Crane & Co. of Montreal advising entry of the Care package of Montefions 25 May

which was to forwarded immediately, (Letter posted at Kingston) duty on £24.5 {p C?}! Emily Wharfage {illegible?} £1.16.1

postage 11.d not pd. ~ (pd. 6th)

from Daly's Sp. Turpentine

- 5 -- Rain all day 42 46
Tuesday 6 raining - Isaac hunting after black Boar from 9 till 1 without success -

sowing Grass Seed South East corner opposite - Chas to Mill with B'ls {bushels} Wheat bro! only a part of the flour back @ 5 pm - Mrs. T. accomp'd {accompanied} him

Christ & W'd pottering - pd. Mr. Daly port'ge 31 all 2 1/2 - yesterday 11

pd. Monteith for Sugar 1/71/2 - (31/2 lbs) - Washers 3/ - - - -

-- 1




Rain till 6 or 7 pm 41 40
Wednesday 7 all the Boys at Statute Labour - on Bridge n'h {North} John Stewarts with oxen

p'd Chas for Part p'd Letter to John 4 ins {respecting?} Trunk for Land & for Tinkers Work old Man travelling Eastward owe him 11/2 ~ sowd Bed Canterberry Beans, & 2 small Rows Dahlia Seed in West Border



- -




sharp frost m.g

aftern. gloomy

33 51
Thursday 8 several little odd jobs - a little Gardening &c . Do front of House - Scotch Fash showers m.g 45 62
Friday 9 Hauling Manure to Garden - Getting Sand & preparing for Bricklayer &c.

Chas & Wilfred to Stratford with Waggon evening - Emily with them to Annie

bro! from P {Peter} Kostner a Cask Whiskey - pd Daly for Snuff

Alex ret'd {returned} with them for a Garden Bee tomorrow - Seigmiller Boy who bro! up 16 Head of Cattle & a Calf sleeps here tonight. George & Adam at Stratford -

71/2 6 fine

rain 9 pm

64 56
Saturday 10 A Garden Bee. Alex & all the Boys digging East half of Garden. a good days work notwithstanding the rain. Continued from morning till night.

Receivd from a Stranger for 2 Bush.s Oats @ 3/ yk (to be called for)

3 9 Rain all day 43 46
Sunday 11 Roused at 4 am. by the Scotchman who called for his Oats as above

Mrs. T & Em'y in Bells Waggon. Chas on foot & W'd on Nance {a horse} to Stratford

Scotch Sacrament day. Christ'n to Orrville. A & A. to Tea & for the night

Big Bess young Bobs

rain 5@ 6am after very fine 52 .

1843 June

{The ink on this page is much lighter than previously.}

Monday 12 Second Garden Bee - finishd digging East half.

Reynolds {illegible?} both oxen -

Barrow took {Manna?} fine 45 54
Tuesday 13 Isaac at Sweitzers - Charles at Gardening - Christ'n at Alexs - Wilf.d rep'g {repairing} Williams Barn floor - ev'g to Stratford for his Shoes &c.

sowd Annuals in West Border transplanted Balsams & Lychnis

planted 14 sets of {spring?} Potato in Garden. from Sweitzer
showers aft.n 50 54
Wednesday 14 Boys Barking - Annie bro! us Letters from P. Office from Martha to Mr. T. not pd 9d - from John to self p'd & from Eleanor Todhunter inclosing Letter of C'r on Com'n of Can'a {Canada} Comp'y {company}

no. 2900 £20 (from Aunt Jane) dated 6 May 1843 pay'le {payable} to me - pp'd & 2 Inquirers

47 48
Thursday 15 Barking ~ sent Mrs Daly to P. Office a Letter Mrs. T to Martha in which I added a Line to William & inclosed Letter of Credit rec'd yesterday, & paid him double post'ge - - - 1/6 9 } & port'ge of Mr. letter rec'd yesterday

sowd Siberia Brighton Malta & de Mean Lettuce, Parsley & Pot Herbs Tomato {written below this word, followed by a right curly bracket, is: up 20th} Capsicum & Stocks, Asters & Calcelaria

-- 2 3 frost mg

aft.n fine

frost 56
Friday 16 All assisting Ballard in building an oven ~ pd Ballard

sowd Bed Sorrel -

~ 7 6 Showers 4am


49 51
Saturday 17 Barking - fine 44 51
Sunday 18 Ch'n Chas W'd & Em'y to Stratford - Hickey - Beauty -

took letter to P. Office Mrs. T. to Mrs. Jas. p'd postage

- - 1 4 fine 53
Monday 19 Barking - Mrs. T. to P Office endeavouring to get back where letter cannot be allowd but may make alterations there

evening Is {Isaac} Chas & W'd with Mrs T & Em'y to Curtis' - bot Crocks value 8/1/1 1/2

aftern'n Emily & all the Boys for Grist left at Mill 9 ins't which Alex finishd to bring bro! to his house this ev'g

sowd Cucumbers {under this word it reads: 10 Hills} & Sweet Corn {under this word it reads: 6 Hills} ~

8/11/2 fine 60
Tuesday 20 Is & Cha.s hoeing out thistles in Sp Wheat morning - aft.n with Christ'n & W'd Barking & piling Do -- tried new oven for second time answers well. fine & warm So. wind 68
1843 June
Wednesday 21 Wilf'd at Izards - Raising a Barn

the rest fencing Round potato field morn'g - aft'n

evening to Sharmans &c. Em'y accomp'd {accompanied} them

Mrs. T. to Stratford to get back letter to Mrs. Jas. posted on Sunday on substitution another in its place. dined at Mr Dalys.

paid {P--b--?} for 6 Bake Tins. @ $1/4 -- -- --

- - 7 6 fine

Bar'm sinking a little

58 68
Thursday 22 finishd fencing round Potato field - hoeing thistles out of Sp Wheat

sowd vegetable Marrow & more Sw. {sweet} Corn round Barn in Sp Wheat

Isaac Deer stalking - did not see any thing

ev.g lightning

54 67
Friday 23 Isaac Chas & W'd at Statute Labor with oxen & Cart Christ'n at McNaughton's raising a Barn fine 60 71
Saturday 24 4 am. a fine rain. Wilf.d dragging Potatoes - the rest at Stat. Labor as yesterday

Boys all to Stratford in Waggon evening
rain night & till 9 a.m 66 60
Sunday 25 showers in the night - no service at Stratford - Chas with Alex Mr. Macculloch {McCulloch} & Dr Hamilton pd a visit to Mrs Caughton - A & A. & Johnston to Tea. 60 61
Monday 26 Chas thrice to the Village for Slabs - the rest Is. & Christ'n hunting at home & pottering

W'd transplanted 116 Drumheads into East side of Garden
fine 59 68


27 Wilf'd bro! 2 Loads of Slabs from Stratford - Christ'n at Alex's for the ev'g

Isaac & Cha.s whitewashing & pottering

pd Mr. T. for Washer 3/- Ann Stewart for Services

Isaac Deer Stalking - Luck as usual

@ 11 1/2 pm Wm & Martha arrived from Toronto & Mail -
{sund --ing?} 1/3


3 fine

thunder & light showers

63 68
Wednesday 28 Isaac to Stratford bro! from P. office a letter from W.m Ellen to Mrs. T inclosing, proceeds of Bill {below this name it reads: to bring into Currency on Canada Comp'y p£20 ({into?} 14 in!) {Below this line is a calculation. For clarity, it will be placed below as Calculation 1.}

the rest pottering about the House - planted yesterday & today {Below this line is a calculation. For clarity, it will be placed below as Calculation 2.}

88 Imp's {Imperials?} into East side {the following is written small and close together:} bro! down {lips?} to Martha to pay Exp's {expenses} & to pay postage

{Calculation 1:}




{Calculation 2:}


1.5 } 1 7 9

pd Daly {after?} postage


10 9 -
Thursday 29 Chas took Mr. T & Em'y in Waggon to Village to call on the McCulloch's bro! Glaſs & sund's {sundries} from Dalys & some Studs from Mill 63 64
Friday 30 underbrushing No. & pottering - Chas on Mares took up to Jacksons 1/2 Sheep

Wether killd this morning lbs @ {illegible}

sowd Bed Canterberry Beans East side

1843 July

Saturday 1 Underbrushing -
Sunday 2 Em'y & Chas to Stratford - (Mr Allan) Wm & Ch'r walkd to Orrville ret'd {returned} at dark
Monday 3 Underbrushing -
Tuesday 4 go {Underbrushing again} --- Mr. & Mrs. McCulloch Mrs Sarqint Mr. & Mrs. Jackson calld
Wednesday 5 Do {Underbrushing again} --- Is. to Stratford - bro! letters from Aunt Jane to W.T. & from Mrs Jas. to Mrs. T. - p.d - Box shipd p the {a word has been scratched out and cannot be made out}

Birkley Capt'n Scath

( to pay W Jun. £2 of the £20 letter of Cr {credit} recd from Aunt Jane through Elr {Eleanor} Todhunter).
Thursday 6 Underbrushing - W'd to Mill with Wheat to Mill - not ground today

killd Emilys Sheep - took 3/4 R to the village - kept 1/4

paid William £2 Stirl.g {stirling} as unders. add 1/9 R = 2.4.5@.y

{Exih?} 71/R {H?}! - .3.5


rec.d from M. overcharge on letter from Toronto rd 28 {all?}





Friday 7 Repairing Shingling of back room - Underbrushing - W'd at Donald Stewarts for the day - making Cover for Well. fine rain 1 hour morn.g 60 51
Saturday 8 Underbrushing - W'd to Mill for Grist left on thursday bro! a paid Letter from Octa to William - fine 51
Sunday 9 no meeting at Stratford - Will'm Christ'n & Chas & Em'y at Alexs morning came home with Annie for tea - fine
Monday 10 Chipping & barking a few Hemlock on our Lot north - William & Isaac on Mares to Stratford m'g ret'd @ 1 - McCulloch declines lifting Shirks Notes a few drops Rain 7 am. after fine 62 52
Tuesday 11 Chipping & Barking - p.d washers -------------------------------------------------- 3 --- fine - 48 53
Wednesday 12 finishd Barking - Martha Em'y & Chas to Mrs. Sargints ev'g fine - 42 55
Thursday 13 Ploughing between & hoeing Potatoes - Mrs Miss Daly Miss Reeves & Tom to Tea Will'm to Stratford on Nell with letter to Octa bro! a Canister Powder & 1 to Shot from Dalys - Rec.d of Lady Stewart for Hec. 42 ------------------ 2 6 fine 44 64
Friday 14 Hoeing Potatoes & Piling Bark - ev.g Christ'n W'd Em'y & Annie to Stratford in Waggon ret'd @ 121/2 fine 54 65
Saturday 15 Chas at Alex's part of the day. the rest hoeing Potatoes. making Hay rakes &c. fine 62 70

thunder & Lightning expecting rain

1843 July
Saturday 15 cont.d afternoon Isaac to Stratford - paid Mr. Daly amo.t {amount} of my Note to Com'rs of Canada Compy for Flour Lumber &c

dated 1 May 1841 ----- 15. 19. 7

Interest to this date ---- 2. 1. 11

paid Geo Wood Saw miller on acc! of Slabs &c ----

71/2 rem.g {remaining} due to him






Sunday 16 Chas & Em'y to Stratford - Mr. Allan, who noticed that some members of 2 families had been represented to him as having behaved improperly in the Church & requested that the Elders, on a recurrance of such conduct would immediately turn the parties out -- In his sermon he was very severe upon Catholics & dissenters

McCarthy calld & paid $5 - on account of his vender Note - rec'd Emily Thompson
{The weather summary is all within a left curly bracket:} fine

2 or 3 drops Rain evening hope for more

Monday 17 Grinding & preparing Sythes & rakes - & puttering

sowd Radish Seed - planted out Tomatos & Capsicums

Killd Marthas Calf - disposed of in fallows -

Mrs. Jackson--

Mr. Macculloch {McCulloch}-

Mr. Team - - Self
2 hours fine Rain 6 @ 8am & again aft.n 2 @ 3 68 67
Tuesday 18 Mowed about 4 1/2 Acres beginning at East end - fine 68 64
Wednesday 19 Mowing & making Hay - pd Martha for 10 1/2 lbs Veal @ 4C.s -- 2 1/n fine 5 00 50
Thursday 20 Do--- -- Do -- {meaning, mowing & making hay again today} Christ'n on sick list the Sake Bridge set on fire in three different places - Hay pathmaster calld for help - Is & Chas went with pails &c & extinguishd it fine 30


Friday 21 Hauld & Stackd Hay - Had Donald Stewart for the day - to come again tomorrow aft'n

Potatoes in many places damagd yesterday & today
fine frost

Ice 1/4 in thick

Saturday 22 Hauld more Hay & finishd Stack - sup. 5 @ 6 Tins - Had D. {Donald} Stewart afternoon

Burning stumps opposite -

fine 50 63
Sunday 23 No meeting - Isaac to P. office after dinner with letters W T {William Thompson, referring to self?} & Mrs. to Aunt Jane - W.T. to Macpherson Crane & Co. p.d {below this it reads: owe Mr Daly 1.d} -- 1 3 fine till 8 pm then a few drops rain, thunder &c noon


in sun


Monday 24 Mowing South - sowd row of Cant'y {Canterberry} Beans & 1/2 Bed Lettuces Malta

transplanted 4 Rows Lettuce various

thunder Lightning & a good deal of rain in the course of last night

Bully got out last night & has not been found today

fine 68 58
Tuesday 25 Mowing forenoon - aft'n raking & hauling 2 Loads into Barn fine 46 59

1843 July

Wednesday 26 Raking Hay to carry but prevented by rain coming on @ 12 1/2 Martha to Alex's @ 6 am. bro! letters from Ellen to Wm & Mrs. Jas. to Mr. T. both P.. {paid} - - thunder showers 5 @ 7 pm 54 63
Thursday 27 Chas before breakfast to Stratford &c.- bro! from P. {Peter} Kostner Gall'n Whiskey & from Dalys sugar Rice & matches - at same time the rest to Duncan the Smith to get the ring put in his his Bulls Nose - on return fastend him with a chain to the ring which he broke, & again got out - fastend him a second time & so far 9 1/2 pm. is quiet. I got 3 Loads of Hay into the Barn & put the rem'r {remainder} into Cock -- fine 53 70
Friday 28 Got in 2 more Loads Hay from So. side. obligd to leave 5 Cocks in consequence of heavy thundershowers ~ Hector again broke his chain & got out of the stable put him into the field ~ forenoon fine aft.n rain &c. 62 70
Saturday 29 Alic with us for the day - Mowd Hemlock Piece & Bank in Williams Lot misty rain morng aftn.n fine 58 50
Sunday 30 Martha Em'y Wm & Is'c dined at Alex's - all here for tea - no one at Church Isaac took to P.O. Letter Mrs. T. Martha & Wm to Ellen - Big Bess - fine 50
Monday 31 Alic here for the day - put Hay in Hemlock field into Wind Rows & afterwards into Cock expecting rain - had a very few drops 8 pm fine 45


Tuesday 1 August

Hauling & Stacking Hay in Hemlock field - Had Don'd Stewart aft'n - wrote to John to inquire at both wharves for the Trunk - to go by Alic tomorrow

fine 48 50
Wednesday 2 Finishd topping & trimming the Stack - took 1 Load from Barn to finish

D. Stewart with us till breakfast - Miss Tye - Mrs. Fenner & Child Miss Daly - Mr. Buncombe & Mr. Rumball dined with us on their way home - Martha & Jane D. accompanied them. - Letter fm {from} Ellen to Mr. T. P. {paid}

fine 42 56
Thursday 3 Hunting for Rail Timber without succefs - Winnowing Wheat to take to some Mill East - Stratford being at a stand-still - Bl. Bess missing fine 45 61
Friday 4 @ 61/2 Chas started Eastward with 9 sacks Wheat to any Mill going - rest pottering

Mrs. T. accompd Chas to Curtis' & bo.t {bought} a quarter Mutton - W'd to Stratford & had a tooth extracted by Mr. Daly ~ Bess still not to be found -

Will'm having felt a little pain put on a Blister this evening
fine 50 65
Saturday 5 preparing Springs & seats for Waggon hunting after Bess - not get found - & pottering

Chas ret'd found Ferries Mill @ 61/2 with flour boots - & Bran - Alex & T Daly at same time - & Martha & Miss Daly from Tie's - Chas expenses---

paid Washers 2 Mrs. Stewarts 3/ Mrs. McWilliam 1/3 day {G?}
- 3




fine 62 64
1843 August
Sunday 6 Is Christ'n Chas W'd & Emily - also Alex & Annie to Helmers (Hickey) in Waggons - after dinner Martha walkd to P. Office to take a Letter

Mrs. & M. to Ellen - W.m added a Line to Octo - No Bess yet

fine till 9 3/4 pm - then a light shower 70
Monday 7 Boys barking - Mrs. T & Martha to Stratford - calld at Dalys McCullochs &c

still no Bess - I fear she must be killd or stolen.

pd Charles for chopping Tamaracs near Lake 1/. Garden work 1_
1 1 a very little rain 66 65
Tuesday 8 Barking - aft.n Chas 2 or 3 hours at D. Stewarts Stacking - no Bess yet fine 63
Wednesday 9 Wilf'd at John Stewarts for the day - making rack to his Waggon. the rest pottering - found Bess in Bush behind the Sp. Wheat with 6 Pigs got them in the evening - a job. --

rec'd of John Stewart on acc Hec. last year 2/6

" {received} of Alex Orr for 41/2 Bush's Oats @ 1/3 -- 5.77

finishd gathering Currants. - preserving &c.
- - 8 11/2 fine ex. {except} a light shower noon. 50 60
Thursday 10

{added below this date is: Dr. Hamilton}

making a few Shingles & repairing Barn - William & Chas on horses - Wm to Stratford - Chas to Wm Smith, Sherk & T. Sargint - no money to be had.

Martha took a Calf of McNichol @ $3 = 15/- to C.r of his note for which I gave him my rec! {-D.?}

set fire to several stumps opposite - barn not so good a turn as last
fine 47
Friday 11 Repairing West Barn - Chas on Nance to Stratford - brot Sugar for Dalys

Ellen & Children & Octa: arrived @ 91/2 {&?} Stage

Saturday 12 Piling Bark & puttering - aft'n Chas with Waggon to Stratford for Mrs. McCulloch & Dr Hamilton to Tea - & took them back ab! {about} 10 fine
Sunday 13 Chas to Stratford - Methodist - took to P. Office Letter Ellen to Mr. Barron fine noon


Monday 14 Is. trying for Pheasants - /none/ - Christ'n & Octa to the River forenoon - bro! home 3 or 4 lbs of Trout - aft'n octa & I. on the Lake for Grunters &c. {Below this it reads: Chas cobbling W'd puttering - Wm Mrs. T Ellen & 2 & Ellen}

Christ'n & Octa Do after dark

had from Rankin hind quarter Mutton w!

to Annies to Tea
Rain 51/2 @ 71/2 am.

1 or 2 light showers through the day

Tuesday 15 Hunting after Cattle - Cows left out last night & Bull & oxen got out - Beauty & Blacky came home 71/2 pm. the rest still missing (9 pm). Chas Wm out Mrs. T & M. to Stratford @ 3 pm. ret'd {returned} 6 pm. - pottering - p.d Mrs. Jackson for Meat to this time - 2 6 fine - 60
Wednesday 16 Is'c & Chas in Waggon to Wilmot after Cradles - 2 to be ready on Monday.

Christ'n & W'd sharping Saws - repairs at West Barn &c. -


ev.g Lightning & Barom. sinking ~

55 66

1843 August

Thursday 17 a glorious rain from 1 1/2 to 4 am. with accompaniments preparing West Barn for Crops - Planted Cuttings Sage & Woodbine Oct's {Octavius} on Nance to P. Office with letter W. Jun. to Mr. Barron rain 1 @ 4 am day fine 63 65
Friday 18 Cutting Peas - 2 Scythes broken - fine 52
Saturday 19 finishd Do {cutting peas} - Is'c to Shirks - is to settle with McCulloch {an arrow was added pointing up to the words: on Monday ev'g} which will probably be by {-th?} on Toronto as M. has no Cash - Is accomp'd Miss Daly down to Tea - Octo to P. Office morn'g no letter's - again ev'g with Jane D. & Emily - fine 42 54
Sunday 20 Mrs. T Mrs B. Martha Em'y Wm Christ'n Chas & Octa to Stratford, Hickey Wm rem'd {remained} at Jackson during Service - Turner Clk {Clark?} - calld here on ret'n - fine - 60
Monday 21 Chas in Waggon accompd by M E & E {referring to his daughters, Martha, Emily, and Ellen (Nell)?} & Children to Wilmot for Cradles

had Tea at Lawmboroughs & got home at 8 - 1 - - Exp.s {Below this word it reads: Tar}

Alex bro! from P. Office a Letter fm {from} I & I Dougal Windsor, advising the Trunk being in Store there & requesting me "to pay charges & take it away" - Post'ge due Mr. Daly {Gd?}

Hauling Peas - pd for 2 Cradles {poider?} in Seigmiller

killd Ram Lamb WT for Home consumption






fine 48 53
Tuesday 22 Grinding Cradle Scythes preparing rakes &c morning - aft'n Cradling Wheat

paid 2 Mrs. Stewarts ---- - - -

Will'm on his way from Orrville tried walkingfast and even running
- ~ 3 -- fine 4 52 42 60
Wednesday 23 Cradling Wheat Sent by Dr Hamilton a Letter Mrs. T. to Mrs. Jas. to be put in P Office at Liverpool - even'g 7 Isaac & Chas to Shirks recivd Bal'ce of his Notes $16 & 11 d Cy - 4. _ . 11 {below this, followed by a right curly bracket, it is written: Interest ----4} 4 1 3 fine 45
Thursday 24 Cradling as yesterday - Turner spent the day with us - sleeps at Jacksons fine 42 56
Friday 25 Do {Cradling again} . . - - - Mr. Barron @ 8 pm P Stage - fine
Saturday 26 Hauld {hauled} rem'r {remainder} of Peas of Peas West end - & part of Wheat to W.rn {Western} Barn

paid Octo for Sage &c 1/3 for Self 3/5 ------------------

4 8 fine
Sunday 27 all at home ex Chas at village - young Methodists - 2-3 drops rain noon fine
Monday 28 Hauld rem'd of Wheat to Wr Barn & 2 Loads Oats - Had Jno Stewarts man M. McWilliams for the day -

Dr. Gad Curtis for Load of Sand 2/6 - C.r {as in Credit?} Peter Kostner for 1 Gall {gallon} old Whisky, & bottle - broken & lost in Waggon on coming home 25 ins! - & for 2 Galls new had on the 26.th

paid Mr. Daly 25.th (by Mr. T for Postage -- -- - --
-- 1 6 {Two lines of text have been scratched out, and it cannot be determined what was once written.}
1843 August
Tuesday 29 Bro! from West to East Barn the 2 Loads Oats hauld yesterday & from field 3 Waggon Loads - in all ab! 100 Stooks Bill missing for 2 days - Chas at John Stewarts Cradling Wheat from 8 till about 2 oC {o'clock} - sold him one of our Cradles for $2 fine 66-
Wednesday 30 Isaac & Chas Cradled about 4 acres Oats. Christ'n & W'd making new Rack to Waggon - Mr B & Wm in Waggon to Stratford - bro! from Dalys 1 {lb?} Rice 1/2 {lb?} Epsom Salts - from Jimmy Thompson 13 1/2 lbs Beef

Mr. & Mrs. Daly calld for 1/2 hour --

Engaged Jackson's Waggon to take Mr. & Mrs. B & William to Hamilton on Saturday for $10.
fine 7.68
Thursday 31 Is & Chas Cradling as yesterday - Christ'n & W'd preparing Waggon morng aft'n with Mr Barron raking & binding Oats. fine 66
Friday 1.st September

Paid Mr. Barron for freight & Charges {an arrow has been added pointing to the words: of Box} at & from Montreal to Toronto ----- CB ------ 1 . 7 . 1

p'd postage Letter to I & I Dougall - Windsor

finishd Cradling Oats - got in 2 Cart Loads before breakfast & 1 after dinner - intermediate time binding & putting into Bundles - @ 2 1/2 a smart {an arrow is pointing up to the word: shower} 7 1/2 hour which prevented farther work for the day - all soakd through & obligd to change






fine & a shower 2 @ 3
Saturday 2 the Barrons Will'm & Emily left us @9 am in Jacksons Waggon (J Thompson Teamster) oats wet from yesterdays rain - got in 1 Load after dinner & again oblig'd to leave by rain, which lasted 1/2 @ 1 hour - a shower 2 @ 3
Sunday 3 Mrs T & Emily in Puddicombs (Hy) Waggon to Stratford (Hickey) & ret'd in Do

Turner calld, his Son {name starting with M?} with him. Annie calld evening having receivd from Mr. Riley - Mrs. Meany was to leave N York {New York} on the 28 {illegible} for the Huron

morning fine ev'g thunder lightning & a shower - 70 therm'r {thermometer} for the last week 78 @ 82 at noon {three words have been scratched out and are illegible}
Monday 4 Cradled & started a little New Land - Raked & bound rem'r of Oats & put into heaps

Had a 16 Gall: Cask of Beer --- Waterloo Village, which Mrs. T paid for on accn't of Mr Barron & William $3 -

fine 63 60
Tuesday 5 finishd hauling Oats morning - aft'n Cradling Wheat - raking & binding & stacking Do

paid the 2 Mrs. Stewarts Washing ----------

{The following three lines are written much smaller than normal, squished in at the bottom of the page}

Jimmy Thompson arr.d {arrived} @ 9 pm. bringing letter from W.m at Hamilton o.k.

W'd to P {Peter} Kostner's ev'g for Whiskey - none to be had

Mrs Meany - 2 young {two words are illegible?} arrived by Jimmy Thompson 9 pm.

- 3 - fine 56 60

1843 September

Wednesday 6 Is. & Chas Cradling Wheat - Mr. Stewart & McWilliams raking Chr'r {short for Christian or Christopher? Ch'n and its variations are the more consistent spelling?} & W'd binding.

Mrs. T. & M. calld on Mrs. Meany by whom she (Mrs. T.) rec.d a parcel f'm Dublin in which was £1 . 1 . - for me from Eliz'h {Elizabeth} Thompson for a {p.n?} Cambric sent to her for sale some years ago - rec'd £1. 1 Stirlg C.y {Below this line reads: Sar'n & Shill'g}
1 5 7 fine 0


Thursday 7 morning threatening rain but got out fine - hauld 3 Waggon & 3 Cart Loads of Wheat - aftern'n Cradling &c. &c. - fine 60 60
Friday 8 Cradling &c morning - @ 11 threatening rain hauld in 1 Waggon & 1 Cart Load Wheat - which had the benefit of a Shower - aftern'n again fair - proceeded evening in Waggon some to Alex's & some to Stratford for our Cask Whiskey from Kostner - again none ready - bro! from P. Office Letter Ellen & Emily to Mrs. T. & M. - paid - Showers 11 @ 1 or 2 59 50
Saturday 9 finishd hauling Spring Wheat Waggon & Cart Loads all in good condition

Mrs. Meany & Annie took tea with us - Mrs Sargint & Mrs. Jackson {illegible}.

wW wind

Sunday 10 Mrs. T. M & Chas to Stratford - Mr. Allan - took tea at Mrs Meanys

Macculloch {McCulloch} Alex Risk & Watson calld - G. Gournlock Do -
fine 45 40
Monday 11 a Sharp frost - Squash - Manures - Cucumbers &c. Potatoe tops in field & Garden & Beans. Tomatoes Capsicums. Balsams. M. Convolvus. Delichor - all destroyd

M at Alex's Cradling &c Oats
fine 31 42
Tuesday 12 Killd a yearling Sheep W T - at 12 Cha.s Rumball came on horseback & remains till tomorrow - @ 3 McCulloch came with his Gun - Isaac & he went out till dusk & bro! in 8 Pheasants each 4 - Chas ploughing South aft.n - ret'd Hind Qu'r {quarter} Mutton to Raukin dull 42 56
Wednesday 13 Charles ploughing - W'd hauling firewood - Is'c & Chr'n rep'g fences &c. C{harles} Rumball left @ 3 with a small pailfull of Cranberries
Thursday 14 Rain from morning till night - Nil. - -- - - - - - rain all day 54 54
Friday 15 {--p.n?} in Stable - &Harness - aft.n Cha.s ploughing - puttering

Mrs. T sold 2 yearling Sheep to Ja.s Thompson @ $2 1/4 & rec'd paym't sold him also 2 y.r old Steer (Mrs. T & {Hy?}) for $10 to be taken & p.d for on Monday next - P.d J Thompson for 13 1/2 lbs Beef @ 5 eC {Beneath this it reads: had 30 ull:}

bro! a Letter pd from Aunt Jane to self & 3 Inquirers
3 4Yn Rain till noon & Show'r aft'n 57
Saturday 16 Wilf'd ploughing - the rest cleaning shed & pottering fine 54
Sunday 17 Chas to P. Office with letter Mrs T - M. T & Marthas to Aunt Jane fine 73
1843 September
Monday 18 Chas & Wilf'd ploughing - Is & Ch'r pottering - Ring for Bull - Gatepost &c. {Below this it reads:} cleaning near shed Put up Big Bess to fatten - fine 68 54
Tuesday 19 Chas ploughing with oxen - Is & Ch.rn thrashing Peas with Mares & Colts Wilf'd repairing his Plough - Ch'n & W'd gatherd Hops - even'g Isaac to Wm Smiths - no money to be had - fine 41 57
Wednesday 20 Chas & Wilf'd ploughing - Is & Christ'n winnowing Peas - cleaning near Shed

& assisting Jas Thompson to butcher the Steer sold to him (-pd for it $10)

Martha walkd to Stratford - no Letters - Annie one from Emily - Sn - 9d

Christian Summers (French) & his companion Dutch requested a Bed 9.th Con. North of Fryfogel

a few drops rain about 11





Thursday 21 Chas & Wilf'd ploughing - add.l {additional} fence to Hay Stack, trench - emptying Shed. gatherd apples from Tree So East corner 11 doz: {dozen} smart show.r 2 @ 3 68 58
Friday 22 Wilf'd ploughing morning - the rest putting up a new fence round Garden

the Bull & oxen having broken in last night & eaten nearly all the Cabbages & made sad destruction among the Currant bushes - Lilacs Tarnaracs Spruce - Beets Parsnips Carrots &c &c &c - W'd assisted afternoon
a few drops rain aft.n 52
Saturday 23 Chas to P. Office before breakfast - bro! letter from William to Mrs. T. dated Staten Island 11 ins't --------- pd Post.ge f'm Queenston 9

putting up Garden fence finishd West & South sides

Gatherd apples from Tree on West side: 3d from entrance - about 31/2 doz:

Mrs. T walkd to Stratford - & bk {back} - dined at Mr. Maccullochs {McCulloch}

Alex took his Colts to Reynolds - having traded them for a yoke of Steers 3 yr old & 15$ in Cash.
9 fine 56 72
Sunday 24 Chas to Stratford Rain ev.g 66
Monday 25 Putting up new fence front of Garden - Removing dung &c from East Shed misty rain all day & {Word is cut off by page}
Tuesday 26 Do ----------------- Do ----------------- Do ------- Do {Meaning, doing the same as yesterday}

McCarthy pd $5. on acco't of his Vendue Note, for which gave him my rec! - pd the above to Mrs. T. -

pd Mrs. Roy Stewart & Ann Crerar -------

p.d Mrs. T. for a Butter Tub bo! {bought} of Trom ----







very cold

43 37
Wednesday 27 Hauling Manure from East Shed & Barn yard to field behind Garden

Annie had a letter from Wm & bro! {illegible?} Ellen to Mrs. T. ~ {A word is scratched out and cannot be deciphered} postage due Mr. Daly {G.d?}

Dr. Mott of N. York has rather an unfavorable opinion of W's Cast

Rankin borrowd Whiskey a large trench Bottle - ret'd 4th Dec'r
fine 30

1843 Septem'r

Thursday 28 all hauling Manure from Barnyard to field opposite

Mr. Maculloch calld & purchased Martha's Hiefer for $101/2

Gatherd Apples from tall Tree East side - a good many, but small.

a Lamb killd this morning by a Wolf - found the remains edge of the Bush behind Seigmiller's field - 2 Legs & a shoulder gone

the Boys & Alex in Waggon ev'g to Singing School Stratford - ret'd @ 101/2 when Chas drove Mrs. Meany (who took tea, & afterw's {afterwards} fried Lambwith us: & Alex home -- Mrs. T & Martha to Stratford forenoon ret'd @ 4 took to P. Office letter W T to F W Barron
fine 41
Friday 29 Wilf Charles ploughing So. Peapiece - the rest hauling Manure as yesterday fine
Saturday 30 Wilfred ploughing -- -- Do ----- Do - {the rest hauling manure again}

Chas to P.O. before breakfast - bro! letters f'm William & Miss Ralph to Mrs. T. - both paid ~ Gatherd Malta & Siberia Lettuce Seed
- fine till 5 pm then rain 36 54
Sunday 1 October - Chas to Stratford (Hickey) - aft'n Mrs. T & M. {Martha} to Orrville returned by Stage - Chas took letter to P Office Martha to Aunt Jane & W. T. to Dr Wilmur p.d - Mr. T. to Ellen &c - fine till ev'g then heavy showers 54
Monday 2 Charles ploughing So - the rest hauling Manure.

McCulloch calld with Watson & pd Martha $10 1/2 for Lyra {the Heifer}, which is to remain a few days - Gatherd 21/2 doz. Apples from Tree N.E. {North East} Corner of West Side -
fine 48 46
Tuesday 3 thrashing Wheat with Mares & Colts ~ heavy Showers of rain & hail thro' {throughout} the day 42 40
Wednesday 4 Winnowing Do - & thrashing Oats - Chas to P. Off: twice 1.st for Letter &c 2.d to inquire if the letter of 24 to Wm was duly forwarded on that day - yest - if any complaints to wish to Postmaster General Quebec.. a little rain high wind - cold 39 37
Thursday 5 Wilfred to Mill with 81/2 Bush's Wheat - not ground - {Beneath this it reads: about 1/2 /-} dressing Stones

the rest hauling Manure - Gatherd Apples ex {A word has been scratched out and cannot be read} doz: from tree top SW {South West}
fine 30 48
Friday 6 Wilf'd at John Stewarts for the day making a Box to his Waggon -

Charles ploughing morning - afternoon to Mill for Grist - wont be ready before Tuesday. Is & Christ'n fixing Stable door - hauld 1 Load Manure

gatherd some Brighton Cos seed, & more Malta
fine till 5pm then light rain 41 58
Saturday 7 Cha.s to P. Office before breakfast - brot letters from Wm & from Ellen

rain from morning till night, but not heavy ~ p.d for me letter

consequently all pottering - paid for Snuff at Dalys

Isaac to Stratford - Enterd for Show day Bull Bill Boar & Sow.

rec'd from the Weaver (at Laird Stewarts) for 1/4 W Hops

rec.d from Mr Daly my note to Canada Comp'y canceld £15.19.7 & ret.d his rec! of 1.5 July for £18.1.6



6 671/2

rain all day 58 48
1843 October
Sunday 8 all at home - no preaching at Stratford - aft'n Chas to Orrville

ret'd with Annie Bessy & Is'c to tea - sent notice of Show to Mr Buncombe, inclosed to Mr Smith P.M. Smiths Creek
a little rain 38 38
Monday 9 Wilfred ploughing morning ~ the rest pottering in Barn yard - W'd do aft'n light rain nearly all day 31 39
Tuesday 10 Making the Causeway in Barnyard - Chas @ 12 to Peter Cresar's Sale - Bot {bought} a LandShank Sow {An arrow was added pointing up to the words: with Pig} 8/C.y - 15 mos Credit

paid Martha for Tape & thread at Watsons----------
31/2 30 42
Wednesday 11 a very little at Causeway - rain nearly all day

Charles at P. Office - brot letter from Aunt Joseph {Josephine?} to Mrs. T. (pd) dated 15 Sep'r {September} London P mark 18 - 23 days
as yesterday 46 44
Thursday 12 Paid Ann Stewart for milking 5 weeks from 2 Sep to 7th ins! @ 6d -

pottering preparing for Show tomorrow - aft'n Isaac to Alex Killing and butchering a Steer - Charles to P. Office self to Wm - pd - 9 to I Kostner's for Whiskey - Peter is to bring some to Stratford tomorrow
2 6


39 37

{In the margin, written horizontally, is: Judges H.n Puddicomb Reid of Zorra & D.d Bell}

13 Show Day. Chas started @ 9 with Bob & Big Bess - Christ'n @ 10 with Hector

Isaac W'd & J. @ 101/2 in Waggon - took up Alex & a load of Beef

Hector took 1.st prize for Bulls over 3 y.r old - 2. --

Bob - 1st ----for Boars ---- 1.051.00 -

Bess ---- 2nd -- for fat Pigs ---- 7.6

p.d for 5 dinners @ 2/6 --------------

rec'd of Wm Smith for Peas ----- ----

of Mr Allen --- Do . -----

put into P. Office a Letter to I & I Dougall Windsor - Canada west paid post'e

upwards of 30 dined at Jacksons @ 2/6 - Daly President

W'd remained all night, being in the sick list - the rest home {Above this word it reads: Christ'n} @ 21/2 aft

rec.d - 3
















Saturday 14 W'd got home ab! 10 - Mr. Puddicomb calld on his way home - John Stewart - who took charge of the Sleigh with Bob & Bess home last ev'g obligd to leave them West side of the Bridge - Sow has not got cast up (9 pm @)

all puttering to day - 7in aft.n Chas to Dalys for a Load down to Hamilton - not ready

brot a Cask Whiskey from P. Kostner which has been left at Jacksons

p.d Mrs. T. for 271/2 yds Shirting for Boys @ 7d ----
~ 16 -1/2 frost 3232
Sunday 15 all at home - had from Alex Orr 143/4th Beef @ 3c.ts = 2/21/2

Alex dined here - Ch' & Chas to Orrville ev'g
--- ---- Showery 35

1843 October

Monday 16 Charles to Dalys @ 10 for a Load 15 Kegs Butter to take to Hamilton tomorrow - Christ'n thrashing Oats / flail / - Isaac & W'd after Bob & Befs - & Pheasants - got 2 of the latter - Befs came home - Bob still missing - Snow Hard rain 35
Tuesday 17 Charles started @ 41/4 with Load Butter for Hamilton - gave him 9$

thrashing Peas with Colts - Daly & Tom passd down @ 101/2 - {Below this it reads: 'pd Washers'}
-- 2 6 rain hail snow 33
Wednesday 18 Wilfred ploughing - Is & Christ'n at Alex's fixing a Shed

Bessy brot a Letter from P. Office - f.m Mr &Mrs. Barron pd.
rain &c. 31
thursday 19 Paid Meany for 143/4 lbs Beef @ 3{cs?} ---------

Mrs. T & Isaac left @12 1/2 for Hamilton @ $11/2 each by a Markham Teamster / a Sadler, & Boot Shoemaker / a teetotaller

Gave Isaac in Silver---- ----- -5-

Eliza Fisher paid for Mrs. T. a $4 note - 1. _ ._

Change out by W T Half {illegible}----- 12.2

Bal.n sem. {illegible?} to Mr T. --- 7.106 {Below it reads: 'amo. of Acco - 8.4'}

Puttering morn'g aft'n Ch'r & W'd to Alex Roofing Shed

am to have his oxen tomorrow & Saturday


rec.d of M. Jun. 21








fine 31


friday 20 Christ'n with Alex; oxen W'd our own ploughing

Hutchinson wishes to have a pr of Pigs in the Spring he took up today a Half Durham Bull, {A word has been scratched out} 16 months old a do yearling Heifer - & a Cow 1/2 Durham 1/2 Ayrshire - {qu?}:

Alex had ' 3 pints Whisky WT J Robert
- - - - fine high wind aft.n 40 58
Saturday 21 very heavy rain from 3 or 4 to 6 am: with high wind - ploughing as yesterday

Martha to P Office - no letters - - ----- Ch'r
-- - 31/2 rain 49 32
Sunday 22 rose at 6 & walkd to Orrville expecting to find letters &c from Mr. Jackson for William with directions how to proceed from NYork to W. Indies &c.

found all in bed & Alex does not go down to day as he canot get a load.

Christ'n walkd to Stratford & got the Letters from Jackson - at 4 Wilf'd on Bill to P. Office with letter to Mama inclosing Jacksons letter of introduction to Dc Forest & Sons 82 South St. NYork - & instructions to W.m - for his passage.
some snow &c. 32 29
1843 October
Monday 23 Christ'n took Alexs yoke home - putting up fences &c. W'd ploughing

gatherd Apples from Tree No. 2 from Gate West. & No. 4 do - about 2 doz
beautiful 20 26
Tuesday 24 Alex started from this @ 9 for Hamilton - had from him 101/4 lbs Beef {Above this it reads 'n.n neck'} @ 3 Cts

Began taking up potatoes - interrupted before 12 by Charles arrival after dinner he proceeded with his Load to Mr Dalys with oxen

viz! {On the right of the following three items is a right curly bracket followed by a 'w!'} 32 Crates Crockery

1 Cask Hardware

1 Box Axes Expenses to & at Hamilton Mrs. T & C {Above it reads: '@ 30. 71/2} {Below it reads: 'on return 11 111/2 ---C.' And below that it reads: '2.2.7'}
} 2 2 7 g.o rain & snow 24 36 31


Wednesday 25 Chas after breakfast to P. Office - no letters - @ 11 Wilfred to Seigmillers rising a Tannery - John Scott calld & paid $2 on acc't of his Note p - 17/1 C.r -- (pd to M. Jack.n) - gave my rec!

McTavishes had their Bouness & paid 6/6 - (m.jn) {Below it reads 'Sn.'}

Rankin calld with an Agreement on part of the Settlers to repair the Bridge at the Lake - agreed to give 4 days - to go to C.r of Statute Labour for year 1844 - begin on Monday next
-- -- 71/2
Thursday 26 taking up Potatoes - 20 Bush's into Hill No. 1 - - - - - dull 26 32
friday 27 afternoon thrashd 6 Bush's Peas with Mares - & pottering

Chas to Mr Dalys & had a tooth extracted
snow show.r 28 30
Saturday 28 Charles to P. Office before breakfast - bro! letter from Mrs. T. {An arrow points up to 'owing to Daly gd'} announcing Williams determination to go to NYork imm'y {immediately} & thence to W Ind.s {West Indies} on So. of the States

all pottering & preparing for Chas to start tomorrow for Hamilton & Toronto taking Martha & Annie - the Latter sleeps here tonight

thrashed with flail 6 Bush.s Oats for the journey. gave Cha.s $7E note
3 Pints Whisky Mr. Meany tolerably fine inch of snow at daybreak 22 30
Sunday 29 Chas Martha & Annie left @ 61/4 - Alex reachd this @ 31/4 pm with his horses having left his Waggon & load at Fryfogels {Below it reads: 'with oxen'}on account of the rain Snow & Rain 32 34
Monday 30 Christ'n & Wilf'd at work on Lake Bridge - McCulloch & Jackson took dinner with us Snow nearly all day 29 26
Tuesday 31 Do -- Do ------ Do with oxen & Cash - Jackson dined here

Mr. McDonald of Goderich left his horse for the night - (a Nephew with him) & went to Mr. Allans.
snow morn'g aft'n fine 26 23

1843 November

Wednesday 1 Wilfred @ 11 to P Office & on returning hunting through the Bush South saw a track of 2. brot letter from Dougalls - pd postage 9d

do of Letter from Wm T.28 all 9d -------------

Christ'n pottering Traps &c Alex here to tea & sleep
1 6 Snow morn till night 2@3 inches 29 32
Thursday 2 Pottering, hauling firewood, cleaning Sheds &c 3 Travellers accommodation Tea Snow morn till night 6 or 7 inches 32 28
Friday 3 Sleighs

$10 Note Bank of Montreal No.3693 A @ Toronto 2 Aug 1842 pay in Toronto ~

aftn Christ'n to P.Office with Letter to I & I Dougall Windsor inclosing Note for $10 as above payment of Charges on Trunk from Montreal to Windsor L2.6.1 postage of the letter be

brot some peas from Wms Barn & pottering

A Traveller to Tea Colin Campbell looking for Land Westward
snow nearly all day 8 or 10 in eveng fine & cold 28 19
Saturday 4 Pottering - 8 or 10 Inches of Snow Lake nearly frozen over

Mucullocks Man & Rowland took Lyra to the Bridge - obliged to let her loose

Mr T. Martha Em'y Annie & Chas arrived @ 9 1/2 PM
tolerable some light snow showers 12 23
Sunday 5 Christ'n Chas Henry with Annie to Tea fine 22 15
Monday 6 Charleys Exp's to & from Toronto

2 Bushel apples for House use 1.3 do --- Salt 3.9 traveling expenses - Boat to & from 3/9 each way 9.6 to Road expences -- -- 7.6 1.12.4 1.19.10

of Em 7.6/3 2.4.10
snow showers
1843 November
Monday 6 cont'd Ann Stewart Bal'ce Tuesday 7 thrashing Peas 3 1 1/2 3
Tuesday 7 Killd the Sow bot of Peter Crerar & Pottering Snow shower 32
Wednesday 8 Christ'n & Chas thrashing Peas - Mares W'd repairing W. Shed for Cattle fine 28 27
Thursday 9 Christ'n & Chas winnowing Peas W'd do & Pottering

aft'n Chas to Strafford with Letters Mr T to hunt Jane & to Chr Basson

& Charles to John - P. Office

& del'd me to Clergmiller for Jasper Gooding Goderich to be delivered brot sundries from Dalys Store

Sheep Mifsing tonight - 3 Calves not seen since Tuesday
gloomy 10 pm small soft snow Barow sinking fast 27 31
Friday 10 Thrashing Peas - Wilf'd hunting after Calves - self after sheep - the former found in swamp behind Burn - the latter at Gad Curtis all safe gloomy & misty 32 34
Saturday 11 Winnowing Peas & pottering Chas to P Office @ 7 for {illegible} no letters Mucullocks men again attemptes to take Lyra - ret'd in an hour Snow Shower 33 28
Sunday 12 Christ'n Chas & Em'y to Mrs Meanys morng ret'd @ 10 do 22 26
Monday 13 Paid Charles for Hooks & Eyes at Watsons

thrashing Oats Mares/- Christ'n at D Stewarts @ 11 raising a Stable

Chas after breakfast to Keppans abt thrashing Mill weather permitting is to be hear on Monday ev'g next
2 more snow 20
Tuesday 14 Chas to F Sargints respecting his Note - promise as usual

thrashing oats &c -- -- paid Washers 3 -- -- -- Mrs T sold Sheep to Mr Stewart for $10

took his Note Pay'bl 1 Jany next P L2.10.--Sleigh'g at an end for the present
4 6 do 7
Wednesday 15 Chas to P Office before breakfast brot letter from Wm & Isaac then to Jim Stewarts for the day - killing Sheep - Christ'n & W'd got the Hill of Potatoes into Cellar & Pottering - C. Post V Wms Letters Sold Ram to Cowmans for $1 1/2 snow & rain 26 37
Thursday 16 Killd 3 lambs the last of that {illegible} Robinson & Seigmiller here for 1 @ 2 hours - x/y gloomy & thawing 37 29
Friday 17 Chas @ 8 3/4 left for Preston on Nance - Christ'n & W'd cutting up firewood South snowing - afternoon pottering rain 28 38
Saturday 18 Ploughd up & got into Cellar 12 @ 13 Bush'ls Potatoes - got in firewood over Showers rain & snow 38

1843 November



Cont. walked to Mrs Meanys to enquiries about letters. none for them roads horrible or us Chas ret'd from Dresden @ 6 1/2-

his expenses



Charles to Stratford morning – Christ'n & W'd to Orrville after Dinner ret'd @ 6.


Light shower

rain & snow





Chas came home fm Alex @ 8 – Ploughd up & got in 22 or 23 Bls Potatoes

Took up & pittedBeets - some already frosted

Paid Mr T for Mr Cowmans

Paid Charles postage William 15 im! 2 ½

exps bot from Preston 3.9






9 1/2


rain evening





Opening boards in Stable & West shed & - cut a Drain & let

 off the water & filth – adding to Gangway to {??}


Rain & Snow

an inch 9 pm





Chas to P. office no letters – Annie had 1 from Wm & favorable

repairing Shed W. end of Barn yard & pottering





Chas aft'n to P. office with letter Mrs T &c to William P. office.

Charleston S Carolina N States Post'ge to Line 9d owing


Rain in the {????}





Got into Cellar 9 Bush Potatoes morn. & pottering

Maccullock Watson Alex & Annie to tea {??} broke up @ 3 a.m.

Took up & pitted Dulbin Carrots  Mirtle Hill








Got up 7 sacks Potatoes – attempted Carrots, but too much frozen

Mrs T & Martha (with Annie) left for Stratford @ 10- have not returned min{illegible}







Mrs T & Martha arr'd from Mrs. Meanys @ 12 – Chas to Stratford Hickey

Emily to Orrville @ 10 &ndash Mr Hickey calld impafs{illegible} down


Snow shower





Chas & Em'y ret'd this morn. – Preparing West Barn for thrash & Mill exp'd Thursday

Mrs Meany Annie to Alex to Tea







thrashing wheat with Mares for Mill & sundries







Christ'n & W'd preparing for thrashing Mill- Charles with waggon to I Kostners

for whisky – brot (he thinks) 6 Galls.- Pruning


Snow showers





W'd before breakfast to Jas Orr with letter Mrs T to Mrs Banon to be put into office

Morning at G. Stewarts grinding axes. Aft'n In Bush do cutting firewood





1843 December



Cutting & hauling firewood all day. ev'g Emily & Chas to Orrville







Chas with waggo Sleigh to Stratford {???} & Sleigh Crook for Jumper to be {???}

 Duncan & Sandy Keppan arr'd @ 11 with thrashing Mill – fixed do

preparing for operations on Monday morning – Pruning – finished {???}

pd. Charles for Towing 7 1/2




Charles & the Ladies to Stratford Hickey

Took letter to P office Mrs T. to Henry inclosing a $ 10 note acc

Wm Irvwin & Befsy dined here.




30 {Halo?}



Had breakfast @ 6 1/2 got Mill to work before sun rose – Duncan & Sandy

Keppan & 3 horses - Alex & 2 - Jno Stewart & his man McWilliams Rankins & DG STewart steady work till dark – ab't sheaves 3000.

Alex ret'd Bottle of whiskey - part of what was lent to them


heavy show of snow {???} & night





Rose @ 4 breakfasted @ 6 1/2 ; & got to work before sun rise – party the

same as yesterday with the add'n of a Boy from D Stewart Sheares 2950

leaving probably 150 – removed Machine to East Barn – finished @ 11 oC

Rankin ret'd Bottle of whisky borr 27 Sept'r


Snow show





Rose @ 5 – breakfasted @ 6 3/4 - got to work @ 8 – as yesterday ex Boy

Finished the oats except a few damagd sheaves at the bottom = about {Sh?}.

Had Coffee &c before 5 & Keppans proceeded with their Mill to Alex's -Chr. & Chas followed soon after on Colts intending to return to night. Chas ret'd

Donald John & Rankin each took home some Straw for their Cattle.







Christ'n & Chas. at Alexs thrashing Machine – Wheat 2800 3150 Sh: oats 350 = 3150

Wilf'd morning fixing & clearing up West Barn –

aft'n to Stratford in Sleigh with M.& E. brot Sleigh Crook from Mill


after snow





again at fixing West Barn – getting the oat Straw into East Barn

debit Mr Daly for a Sleigh Load of Wheat Straw from West by Tom &c


Snow show

{??} heavy





Paid Annie for 10 1/4 ; lbs Beef @ 3 Cts p lb had 24 {???}

Chas to P office brot letters from Aunt Jane pd - Mrs Baron pd.

from Wm {???} Charleston 23 Nov - pd.

{??} for them

taking down fastenings at W Barn to get out tanning mill & acfixing

got in rem'r of oat Straw East



6 ½








Char Mrs T Em'y to Orrville morn & dined – they & all the Orrs came here to tea.





1843 December Sleighing now good as far as Waterloo

Monday 11 Chas in Sleigh @ 10 with Mrs T & Em'y & Mrs. Meany & Annie to Lowerborugh where he left Mrs T & Mrs M & proceeded to Seigmillers to agree their acc't – nothing settled – to meet them at Stratford 13th ins't. Christ'n & Wilfred making Corn Bin in Bay of East Barn the party ret'd @ 8 pm. showers & Sleet & Snow 26
Tuesday 12 at Corn Bin - @ 4 Wilfred in Sleigh with Mrs Meany & Befsy Martha & Emily to Lowerborughs taking sundries ~ ret'd @ 9 ¼ Mr. & Mrs. McCullock called in Cutter very little Snow 12 6 @ 11 oc
Wednesday 13 Chas & I @ 11 to Stratford & agreed Adam Seigmiller of acc't as under

for Beef 4 $ - 2 {?} $ 8/3 ~ 2 Cradles $8/3 - 2 Halters 2 pr $10.7.{written above: 7th 15 lbs Leather 7.4. 4 pr Boots 16. R'd Kays under on them

L4.1.8 H & C{illegible} for which have my Note @ 3.mo.s?} from this date

rec'd in Cash for errors on the above acct 9d W'd sick list - Christ'n pottering morng aftern'n with Chas winnowing oats.

paid From Coopers for repairs to Butter Tub From 9 un T. 1 1/2

{rec?} 1 10 1/2 fine 2 22
Thursday 14 Fanning oats ~ @ 6 pm the Ladies Chas & I in sleigh to Mccullocks calling at Orrvilee, Alex Annie & Befsy followed home @ 12 1/2 Chas took to office letter to I & I Dougall pd post'ge gloomy 25
Friday 15 Fanning oats- Mrs. Sargent & Mrs. Kiske here aft'n Chas took them home on sleigh @ 8 accomp'd by M E & Christ'n Snow aft'n 33 32
Saturday 16 Fanning oats – Chas to P Office - 2 {illegible} no letters Sharman had a land wheat Shaw z/. Morn. Damp Friday ev'g small rain 32 32
Sunday 17 Chas on Nance to Stratford - dined at Alexs home @ 9 pm pm on an all after dinner

Christ'n on Nell after dinner Do ret'd @ 5 pm

Jefsy slips her calf today
Gloomy & {moisy} 33 32
1843 December
Monday 18 Had of Mrs T. $4 Silver

paid James Izard Taxes on Lot 37. 1 Con ~ 12. 4 2 8.7

Rec'd of Tho Sargent in full of his Note p L 5.15.1 & @7

due 15 Nov'er 1842 - L 1.8.9 & Int -- 2/6

repaid Mrs T. so much burr'd as above

paid Do for Mr Anglin for spinning wool

" Do for Washers tomorrow

Grinding Axe - Chopping Firewood - eveng Christ'n & {illegible} to Stratford in sleigh - to Watsons
gloomy 30 28
Tuesday 19 Chopping hauling & piling firewood

Rec'd of Mr. J Stewart for ¼ lb stops

pd him for washing sacks ----.1. --

1/2 days washing --- 9
1 7 for 9 Do 26 27
Wednesday 20 Fanning about 25 B'ls wheat loading Do waggon for Market tomorrow gave Wilf'd 4/17/~

Chas to P office morning bro't letters from Henry 9d & from William dated S. Augustine East Florida 3 Dec'r 9d

Paid for Leather ----

Chas again to Stratford eveng got order frm Watson on And'w Caldwells for Load Goods
1 6


fine 30 26
Thursday 21 @ 5 1/2 Wilf'd left for Ferries with load wheat as above

Christ'n & Chas cutting, weighing & loading hay from front stack {illegible} after dinner took it to - Watsons @ $8 pr ton

to Cr of my acc't - L0.12.~ took Lyra safe to Maccullocks

Mr & Mrs Daly - Worsley calld at noon Em'y ret'd with them

Christ'n & Em'y stopd at Orville to tea Henry arr'd in Cutter @ 10 pm --
Do 28 30
Friday 22 Henry & Chas in Cutter to Stratford &c bro't from P Kostner 9 Galls Whisky @

Wilf'd arr'd from Galt @ 10 pm.

Sold to Ferries & Co 22 Bush @ 6/.y/s = L 4.2.6 Curr't to acc't of my Note (dock 3 lbs)

exchanged 2 Bushs Wheat for lbs flour

bro't a load for Geo Watson Whisky Ironmongery &c

14 ½ Cwt . @ 3/ yk - $5.3.6 = L1.7.2 H & C to acc't

Lyra came back from Maccullocks

Alex had 1 Gall: Whisky
Expenses 5 2 gloomy 24 32

1843 December

Saturday 23 Wilf'd & Christ'n removd Watsons Goods into Sleigh, took them up & got an acknowledgement (vide 22d 1 ~ bro't back a Pig from Wm McDonald w. 122 lbs @ @ 7 from Henry left us - Emily accompanying him in Cutter & Ch'n & Mrs T. Chas& Wilfred in Sleigh intending to go to Everetts tonight. light Snow Shower
Sunday 24 Macullocks man came for Lyra - Christ'n accomp'd him as far as Alex's - dined there & came home to tea with Annie Mary & Christ'n no arrangement yet fixed for the Xmas Sleigh Drive, nor can Annie say whether the family will take tea with us tomorrow or not The Wilmot party arrived @ 9 for having dined at Tyes Do
Monday 25 Reynolds calld - paid him for last years operations 2/6

Alt'd Blacky & 3 other Boars hogs July breed

Mrs Meany Annie Alex & Is'c & Mr Watson arr'd to Tea @ 7 3/4 after their drive to the Big Thames with the Maccullock T & J Daly & Nickle left us at 1 for - Alex Christ'n & W'd getting on went for Sliegh to Jacksons for the Ball

Chas to Stratford for Tea &c morning
gloomy 32
Tuesday 26 Fanning Wheat - fill'd Jacks about Bush's for Ferries tomorrow

Reynolds left 13 Sacks here for Alex to take down

Christ'n & W'd ret'd this morng @9
Snow & rain 35
Wednesday 27 @ 3 1/4 mrn. Chas left for Ferries with Load Wheat as above

@ 2 pm frm T & J Daly brought M & E home on Cutter

Ch'n & W'd stacking the Straw at West Barn ~ gave Duncan Campbell Chaft for 2 or 3 Beds - fr'd Post'n of letter from Dougall

Alex called @ 5 for a load Wheat Reynolds left yesterday
Snow Showr 33 32
Thursday 28 Chas ret'd from Ferries @ 3 - bringing Chas Rumbull
  • sold Adam Ferrie 24 Bush's Wheat @ 6/yk = $18 ~ ~ rec'd
4 10 ~ Do 30 20
paid Chas expenses 4/1 1/2 Store shoe 1/10 1/2 {illegible} for letter to I & I Dougall 14 ins ! 11 1/2d 6 11 1/2
paid Mrs T. for Mrs Stewart 9d Almanac 5d (Pinch's) 1 2
rec'd of a Teamster for 1 Bush'l beets 1 3
pd Christ'n ow'd for Bull scrape 5 ~
*rec'd at Ferries 65 lbs Flour {illegible} & Bran for 1/5/8 Bls Wheat
1843 December
Friday 29 Chas & C Rumbull in Sleigh to P Kostner's &c

Christ'n & W'd to West Barn

went for Alex & Annie - & T & Jane Daly Mickle Watson & Irwin to Tea

& a Hope - left @1
gloomy 23
Saturday 30 Fanning Wheat - fill'd sacks - W'd trapd another Fox making 4 this season 2 W'd 2 Christ'n

C Rumbull on Nance to Stratford

@ 6 sent W'd in quest of him - at Meanys & got home @ 12
fine 24 18
Sunday 31 Chas C.R't & Em'y Sleigh to P.Office with letter Mr T. Martha & Self to William P.O. I Augustine pd on return stops at Orrville - while there the Horses started off & came home safe & in good stile Alex & Anne came to tea - left @ 11 Chas Ch R & Em'y accomp'd them to w{illegible} in the new year & got home @ 1 of 2 9 17 24

1844 January

Monday 1 the Boys M & E & Chas Rumbull - Sleigh Drive to Donkins 3 Sleighs & 2 Cutters - got home @ 11 pm sold 1/4 to Stops to Scott Lot 16 on return Chas stopd at Sharmans - a Ball &c

Nell threw a shoe & left at Stratford - had one of Mr Dalys horses

Expenses for each Gent 5p

rec'd from M Watson to pay for Salt
beautiful 15 22
Tuesday 2 W'd with Mares to Duncans to get Shoes fixed Ch'n & Chas loading Waggon Sacks Wheat for Ferries rain 24 31
Wednesday 3 rose @ 3 1/4 - raining - W'd & I laid down & rose again @ 6 when there was a covering of Snow - got ready in'y & C Rumbull & W'd left @ 6 3/4 snowing fast. gave W. $4

Chas with Alex for the Day winnowing Wheat - Christ'n making Bed for Befs

pottering ~ Had 3 fowls killd eveng by a mink Chas had pd post G. a letter from Henry hinting at a birth for him, to buy Wheat &c at Oakville
Snow 33
Thursday 4 Chas again with Alex fanning Wheat in the 2 days about 83 Bush's

Christ'n pottering ~ W'd arrived from Galt about 10 pm

sold to Ferries 29 Bls 18 lbs Sp. Wheat @ 6/3 yk --
5 14 5 Snow
" 17 Nov 42 - 1 " ---- 50 - " Still Do 3/. ~ " ~ 3 5 1/2
21 Dec .43 -22 22 in Spring - 6/ ~"~ 4 2 6
10. ~ 4 1/2
deduct for my Note to them due 28 Sep 1/2
Int on Do to 3d ins! -----3. 9 1/2 8 5 ~
Bal'ce -- 1.15.4 1/2 rec'd 1 15 4 1/2
paid Wilfreds expences to Galt & back 5 11
do -- to & at Dunkins N.year .16 6
& for Whife Stock .3 1/2 1 2 8 1/2
bro't from Galt 6 Barrels Salt for Mrs Geo Watson Debit him for Carr'r 2/6 p Bark 15p
& for 3d p Bas't advance in price pd to -- 1/6 rec'd 16th
Max Wilf'd at Jacksons an evening party got home @ 3 am 5th
Friday 5 @ 11 Wilf'd removed Salt from Waggon to Sleigh & took to Watsons - Christ'n & Chas fanning Wheat evening all the young folks to Dalys Party - got home @ 4 3/4 am 10 NC
Saturday 6 bro't letters from AW's Joseph & from Mrs Garkin both pd & the latter inclosing inclosing Bill of Provincial Bank of Ireland Dublin Agency Branch on the Bank No 10 dated 25 Nov 1843 Bank of British North America at Toronto p L100 {illegible} - signed at J Mcfarlane Sub Agent payable to WT -- Boys pottering Chas quite knack up
1844 January
Sunday 7 Chas took to P Office Letters Mrs T to Mrs Gaskin 49 U.B.S! & William post'ge 9d

W T to I & I Dougall inclosing 1 1/2 $ - pd . 1/11 2.8

Monday 8 paid Chas {illegible} N Years day 1.10 1/2

John Stewart pd his Note due 1st ins. to Mr T. M Thompson

fanning filling & loading 16 Sacks Wheat for a Market tomorrow

turnd Big Befs into the outer part of the Shed & put Blacky in her place afternoon the former broke open the door & went west. I found her working her way to in the Bush opposite Wms Barn & bro't her home
Tuesday 9 Chas & Alex started @ 6 1/4 (instead of 4) for Galt at day light

Big Befs had a litter of 3 which she killd in the course of the day

Christ'n & W'd chopping splitting & hauling firewood &c
torents snow 7 above 21
Wednesday 10 Rec'd of Mrs T on acc't of Tho Sargent on Cow Aug 1842 (8 ins r'd 3.4 1/2

paid Mrs T - washers pd 3.~

sent 5 @ 7 Black Befs had a litter of 7 -- dead

Chas arriv'd @ 8 1/4 with 4 Barrels Salt {illegible}ch 280 lbs

1 for self - 3 for G Watson & a Chest of Drawers - & 2 Hogs self
a little snow 20
Thursday 11 Charles took up Watsons Salt 3 B'ls & Drawers - D't hime $2 for Carriage Sold Ferries 28 4/6 Bush's Wheat @ 6/3 yk 5 11 4 1/2 fine 6 17
pd Beckel for 2 Stiff Hogs - 150 & 187 lbs 2 11 3
" for 1 Barrel {illegible} Salt 280 lbs 12 6
" Expences on road 5 7 1/2
" Wm McDonald for Hog bo't 23 Dec 122 lbs @ $2.1/yk = @7.12.11 1/2 12 6
pd {illegible} Monteith acc't pd 4 2 4 1/2
Receivd of Wm Anglin for Hector 43 5 ~
Fanning Wheat - filling & loading 16 Sacks for Market tomorrow
Friday 12 calld Wilf'd @ 4 - got off @ 6 - with Wheat to Ferries Zf @ 11 John Stewart came up to afsist in killing & scraping Big Befs - remained 3 hours (1 for dinner) - dark before Christ'n & Chas finishd cleaning & preparing for Market - 1 only of Black Befs' litter living rain all day very heavy 27 37
Sunday 13 Chas took Big Befs to Stratford & sold her to Mrs Daly Weighed at Watsons 470 lbs @ $ 4 1/2 p 100 = L5.4.9

Wilfred ret'd from Ferries @ 4 1/2 pm having slept at Everetts'

sold Ferrie 27 Bush's Wheat @ 6/3 yk - $21._.9 yk
r'd 5 5 7 1/2 a little snow morning 31
exch'd Wheat for Flour Exp'd 2 8 1/2

1844 January

Sunday 14 Christ Chas W'd & Is'c who arrivd with T Daly this morning @ 9 & Em'Y in Sleigh - Chas & Em'y to Method Prayr Meeting Mr McCullocks Butter &c - the rest to Orville - Alex Ia's Annie & Befsy came to dinner with Chas & Em'y for hour after we had finished - McCullock Watson & Irwin @ 6-~. fine
Monday 15 Fanning & Milling 15 Sacks Wheat, but did not load understanding that the price has fallen to 5/9 yk. hauld a firewood log - Is'c M & E in Sleigh to Stratford Sent letter to McCullock inclosing oats for Cultivator 44 ~ 5 ~ fine till ev'g then rain 18 30
Tuesday 16 Wilf at 9 am accomp'd by Henry to Mr Tyes ret'd @ 4 with H.T Annie & Lucy T & C. Rumbull

Chas to Stratford twice with the Orrs Jane Daly & Michell

left @ 11 with C Rumbull
gloomy 34
Wednesday 17 Nil - sold Gad Gurtis 2 Bush's Oats @ 1/3 s'd ---

all the young folks ex Wilf'd to Mr Dalys to tea - ret'd @ 1 1/4 am left John at Alex's

Stranger bot on Gall Whiskey for Hay & {illegible} to his Horses - gave him a small pail of Rhubarb & Marta Lettuce See & d6 Mr John Tyson
2 6 rather heavy snow even'g 20 20 Ber stormy
Thursday 18 Henry & the Mifs Tyes Chas M & E left @ 11 for ~ returned @ 8 pm

Filling 15 Sacks Wheat for market & pottering ~ Mrs T. {illegible} -

McNaughton killd yesterday chopping

John came from Alex's @ 5 1/2 went again at 6 & ret'd @ 8
Snow all day 19
Friday 19 Chas left @ 4 1/4 with Wheat as above - @ 6 Alex calld on his way down & took up John ~ Christ'n to Stratford attending funeral of McNaughton as above - got in a log firewood & pottering very little snow 20 18
Saturday 20 Wilfred to P Office brot letter from Henry to Mrs T. --- pd ----

pottering - Chas ret'd from Galt &c@ 7 pm

sold Ferries (Adum for) 27 Bush's Wheat @ 6/7 yk

$22.1.1 yk = ----------- r'd

Rhubarb 7 1/2 Strap rep'd 3 pr Bees Was 7d to Expences 7/2 -- pd --- 8 2

Brought a Crate Crockery for Mr Daly

Debit him for Carriage $2. ~~
5 11 1 fine 3 10
Sunday 21 Sold to a pafsing Teamster 1 Bush'l Oats & rec'd aft at home 1 2 Snow till noon 13 12
Monday 22 Charles took up Mr Dalys Crate of Crockery - Mrs T. accompt'd him had repairs to Sleigh at Sharmans - Fanning & filling & loading 15 Sacks Wheat for Market tomorrow 15 24
Tuesday 23 Wilfred left @ 6 for Ferries with Wheat as above raining a little Z/p hauling firewood rain early aft'n fine 40 31
1844 January
Wednesday 24 Chas to P Office before breakfast - no letters or paper

Fanning Wheat & pottering - Wilfred arrived @ 12 noon

sold to Beetle 2730 lbs Bush's Wheat @ 6/7 yk = C7 r'd
5 13 2 snow showrs 22 9
Road expence -- p'd 4 1
Thursday 25 Fanning filling Sacks & loading 15 Sacks Wheat

Chas to Stratford aft'n taking Mrs T & Em'u

had 3 Spikes put onto Waggon Wheel - set'd @ 8

pd I C W Dalys brot to 22d p Book
1 7 11 fine 2 bel Z 10 pm 2 bel Z
Robert Kay -- to this time ph{illegible} 1 7 2 1/2
George Watson to 22'd ins't ph{illegible} 1 18 10
I I E Linton -- to this time p'd 2 3
Friday 26 Chas left @ 6 with Load Wheat as above Looking after Bark & pottering - pd Mrs T for Mifs Cofsey 13 9 fine 6 below 5 below
Saturday 27 Christ'n on Bell to P. Office &c - no letters or papers firewood - Stables & pottering fine & clear 18 below Z
Sunday 28 Chas ret'd @ 4 pm with 3 Barrels Whiskey for Watson having left 1 at Fords

yesterday morning - got to Everetts @ 1 pm & remained all night

sold 28 Bush's 20 lbs Wheat @ 6/10 yk = $24. 19 1/2 Cts =
6 1 ~ r'd fine 6 above 2 below
pd Shoeing Horses $5/ Expences 5/8 for ----- pd (rec'd L5.10.3 1/2) 10 8 1/2
Monday 29 Chas took up Mr Watsonss 3 Bls Whiskey - Carriage 15/ - fanning filling & loading 15 Sacks Wheat & pottering morn'f fine ev'g Snow 11 below 8 above
Tuesday 30 Wilfred @ 6.40 to Ferries with Wheat as above $74 hauld in the last of the Hay Stack opposite Barn - pd Washers Snow nearly all day 8 above 4 above
Wednesday 31 Got in 2 Sleigh Loads Straw from West Barn

Wilfred arrrived @ 11 pm having left 28 Bush's Wheat at Ferries to be

exchanged for Flour &c - brot 4 Barrels Salt for G Watson advanced for Do $10. & {illegible} 1 Feb.

and some Goods part of the way for Chalmers for he receivd r'd
3 9 2 10
paid for And. Marvels Almanac 3 1/2 - pipes 2d & Road expences 6/ {illegible} 7 3 1/2

1844 February

1844 February
Thursday 1 Wilf'd morning to Watsons with 4 Barl's Salt. carr.ge 10 p

W Smith 3 young Everetts & Mifs Sommerville ar'd @ 1 ~ Chas & M - accomp'd them to Stratford & ret'd to dinner @3 ~ left us @ 8 ~

Chas pd Wm McDonald in full of Hog head

{line scratched out} pottering
Sno aft'n
Friday 2 Chas & Self left after Breakfast - to Hamburg - Sigmillers & thro the Bush to Everetts where were arrived 5 @ Boys making Sleigh Boat acrofs Swamp & hauld some Bark logs and engld'd fetched from Izards Bar'l Whisky for Watson - Carr'd 5 /. fine 20
Saturday 3 Hauling Bark - W.T. & Chas went to Mr Tyes @ 11 - dined & set'd to Everetts, calling at Wm Puddicumbs about 6 pm W'd took up Bl Whisky to Watsons morn for brot letter frm William Ex 9 fine
Sunday 4 Chr's & I {illegible} calld at H Puddicuombe @ 11 - dined at H Puddicombes & got home about 6 - Exp's 4 morn fine ev. Hail & Snow
Monday 5 Chas took up Cutter to Mr Jacksons - Fanning - filling & loading 15 Sacks Wheat fine 28
Tuesday 6 Chas left @ 3.55 with Wheat as above for Gerrie, $2.-

rec'd of Cowmans for Hector 43

hauld a Load Bark into Barnyard - & pottering

workd the 2 black Calves with Salt & Water to kill lice

W'd ev'd delivered at Duncan's the Smith for Douglas Wearn

6 lbs 2 oz Woolen yarn & 2 lbs Cotton to be worn into flannel

delivered to Geo Seigmiller 4 sides Leather left by him on Sunday

paid Mrs T for Horny ther Calf Befsy M J 15
5 ! a little snow 26 18
Wednesday 7 Chas ret'd @ 12 having left his Load 27 Bush's Wheat at Ferries to be taken out in Flour &c brot 1200 lbs Flour 312 lb Bran & 150 lb Shorts - on acco't in 4 Barrels of 196 lbs 4 Jacks 400 lbs 15 13
{illegible} pd for 4 Barrels @ pad for Straft to Jacksons Cutter 3 9
& road expences .3 9
Jackson had a Sleigh load Wheat Straw gratis

Chris'n & W'd hauling Bark north into Barnyard morning

aft'n all fanning Wheat - even'g Christ'n & W'f to Stratford

took letters Mrs T. to Ellen B Mifs Toohunter W.S. Calhoon's M Jane to Aunt Jane W.T. to Jacob Seigmiller - the last pd

ret'd @ 11 1/2 W. fr.
4 1/2
Thursday 8 Sold to W Jackson a Load Wheat Straw $1. --

Hauld in a Load Do to East Barn - filling & loading 15 Sacks wheat to be taken down tomorrow

7 pm rec'd notice from Jackson that the Trunk had arrived P Stage - Christ'n & W'd went up with waggon & brot it home all in good order - pd Carriage from London to Goderich 7/6 prec't & from Goderich 6/3 ~
13 9 Snow even'g 20
Friday 9 Wilf'd left @ 6.40 with wheat as above taking Christ'n & Chas to Seigmillers re Bark for CAttle

made a List of Contents & put in Trunk

Chr'n & Chas ret'd @ 12 the latter having had a tooth extracted by Flyn pottering
6 10
Saturday 10 Christ'n pottering - Chas lain up with tooth ache

Wilf'd & Alex arrived a little before 8 - the former left at Ferries 5 Bush'ls making 60 Bush'ls now on Due Bill

sold him 2318 lb Bush'ls @ 6/10 yk & rec'd
4 19 6 very little Sn. aft'n 11 14
Road expences paid 6 5 1/2
brot up for Watson 5 Barl's Salt @ 2/6 & a Sofa for G Watson Rec'd of a traveller for 1/2 Bush'l Oats 7 1/2
paid Mrs T. on acco't Dr Flyn for drawing Chas tooth 1 3
pd Wilfred being Bal'ce due to him on purchase of Calf 4 vs
brot fm Ferries on Due Bill 15 lb Shorts & 165 lbs Bran

pd Duncan McNaughton Smiths Acco't Cash 10 /

overch'ge 1/3 & to have 1 Bl Oats 2/4
Sunday 11 Christ. to P. Office after dinner {illegible}ing letters - Mrs T. self & M. to Wm pd

W T. to C Ralph dated 9 & Ch'n to J F Werner

Mrs Meany Annie & Alex & Mr Watson here at ten
9 fine 11 14
Monday 12 Wilf'd del'd 5 Bls Salt & a Sofa at Watsons - 2/6 6 Bl & 2/6 Sofa

afternoon Load of Bark to Seigmillers Stratford - in the Sleighs Nose

Christ & Chas winnowing Wheat &c. Mrs Sargint & Annie here

paid Mrs T in full of mem for 4 Calves
2 5 ~ beautiful Z 29

1844 February

Tuesday 13 Chas twice to Seigmillers Stratford with Bark ab't 2 Cows or Christ'n & W'd Sheds replacing Cover on Oven & helping to load Bark Snow aft'n 32 26
Wednesday 14 Wilf'd morn'g hauling & chopd firewood aft'n Load Bark to Seigmiller

Christ & Chars to Seigmillers Wilmot does not trade Cattle for Bark'

Leather Boots Harnefs &c. ret'd @ 6 pm had Jacksons Cutter

Wilf'd brot Letters from P Office 2 Valentines M & E 1d each Cultivator for & 1 from Wm & Isaac dated S Augustine 21 Jan 7 9
11 1/2 beautiful 20 15
Thursday 15 11the Fox taken Christ'n - ab't 11 - Christ'n Chas M E Mifses Daly & Mickle in Sleigh left for Tyes - W'd pottering Snow all day 20 28
Friday 16 Chris & the rest of the party ex Emily (who remains for 2 or 3 days) arr'd @ 3 1/2 pm after a Snack Chas conveyd Mifses Daly & Mickle on Sleigh to Stratford - W'd pottering brot from Mrs Tyes 1 Bush'l Mercer Potatoes Snow Showr 24 24
Saturday 17 Hauld Load Straw from West Barn ~ Fanning Wheat

hauling firewood & chopping Do

paid Douglas McTavish for weaving 11 yds Flannel @ 6d pr yd lefs d for Cash 6
5 ~ fine 16 7
Sunday 18 Chas to Stratford - Hickey - Mr. Meany

Alex Annie & Alecky here to tea - Horses ran off leaving Sleigh &c &c

on the road - Chas took up Mr M Annie & Child

Ia's & when to {illegible} had 1 B'l oats
gloomy 12 24
Monday 19 Charles took 4 Loads Bark to Seigmillers sup. not quite 4 Cord

Christ'n & W'd thrashing with flail (Wheat)

paid Sub'n to Tho Williams, having had his House burnt
1 3 beautiful 22 34
Tuesday 20 Paid washers 3/. 3 ~ Do 32 37
" to ICW Daly for my note to Comm'n of Canada Comp'y pay'le

31 Dec 1842 --- L 11.5

& Int. on Do for July 1842 to this date 1.3.9
12 8 9
being for first Instalm't on Lot 37 - 2nd Con So Easthopes - Exp's at Shall

Wilf'd took 2 Loads Bark to Seigmillers

Ch'r & Chas removing Bark for Bush So to roadside
Wednesday 21 Charles with Mares 4 Loads W'd oxen 1 L'd Bark to Seigmillers

walkd to Stratford to a drup'd a meeting of Ag'l Society

proved a meeting of Committee only - Bal'ce of Funds on hands of the Treasurer this day L68 {illegible}

returned on Sleigh with Charles - Edmund Scott promises to pay his Note by an order on Mr Maccullocks

Mrs T & Martha visiting in Brockden

Mr Jones is reported to have received $3000. today
gloomyrafsed thaw 32 31
1844 February
Thursday 22 Chas with oxen 1 Load - W'd Mares 3 - 4 L'ds Bark to Seigmillers - making in the whole as measured by his Man 20 Cords 15 feet & ag'e to be charge 20 Cords -

Christ'n afsisting in loading, cleaning sheds & pottering

Jones Longworth & Daly, down the road & M at Bells to Queens Bush &c -

Back {illegible} inundated yesterday & today by the thaw yesterday today & very serious damge to Burks furniture &c &c
fine sleighing bad even to Stratford& not practiceable below Fnpfagets 25 25
Friday 23 Christ'n & Chas thrashing Wheat - Flail - Wilf'd chopping & hauling firewood & pottering gloomy & cold Snow ev'g 28 24
Saturday 24 Chas to Stratford before breakfast - no letters or Papers Z/f

Christ'n & Chas thrashing Wheat - Fanning Do & filling 8 Sacks

W'd pottering & afsisted aft'n -
beautiful 10 17
Sunday 25 Mr T. M. Christ'n & W'd to Stratford in Sleigh - Methodist meeting on return had Sandwiches & tea at mr Meanys - home @ 7 1/2 Do 7 24
Monday 26 @ 4 1/4 Charles to Ferries with 8 Sacks Wheat & 8 Do Oats - z/- Christ'n & W'd chopping North - obliged to quit @ 4 pm in consequence of heavy rain aft'n rain 19 36
Tuesday 27 Christ'n & W'd chopping forenoon - Ch'r Do aft'n W'd poulticing his knee Chas & Emily arrived @ 4 pm Sold to Ferrie 14 1/3 Bush'ls Wheat @ 6/6 yk x --- 2 18 2 fine 26 23
pd for 6 yds Diaper @ 1/10 yk -- 6.10 1/2

2 Sheets Pasteboard -- 7 1/2

Road expences -- 2.9 1/2
10 3 1/2
brot from Ferries 212 lbs Oatmeal for 16 Bls 7 lbs Oats

Do 133 lbs Bran & 15 lbs Shorts in Due Bill

got a frest Due Bill for 6 Barrels Flour on demand
Wednesday 28 Chas W'd & M Jim in Sleigh to Stratford &c $4.

delivered to P Kostner 11 Bush's Tailings of Wheat in full of (prec't) Whiskey Acc't to this morning - Brot from him a Cast of

Do 9 Galls @ 1/10/1/2 --- 16.10 1/2 --

lefs 1 1/4 Galls which he deducts as an @ note on W. for Custom

--- 14.6 1/2 Cash p'd him
14 6 1/2 fine 13 30
& for Gallon Bottle 2.6 2 6
pd for Axe Handle 6d postage Inquirer 7

1844 February

Wednesday 28 cont'd - let Mrs Meany have 1 1/4 G's Whiskey @ 1/10 1/2 = 2/4 Chris'n chopping hauling & splitting firewood. W'd laid up with bad knee
Thursday 29 Christ'n & Chas chopping m'g till calld off to a Chopper @ 3 pm

W'd making Sugar troughs morn - An Iris Chopper agreed to come this even'g@ p week

pd Postage of a letter Martha to William ----

Chas with Waggon to Stratford aft'n bot of Mr Daly a stiff Hog w 281

lbs @ $4 ~ Christ'n & W'd cut it up ev'g
9 gloomy 34 37
Friday 1 Christ'n & W'd making Sugar Troughs - morn'g Do. aft'n No. Chas chopping No Chopper not yet come - guefs a Loafer rain all Day 38 45
Saturday 2 Christ'n & W'd making Sugar troughs - Chas chopping in Swamp No Alex brot from P office a letter W.T. to Mrs. T & Is'c to self date 12 feb tolerable 32 25
Sunday 3 Charles to P office after dinner with Letters W.T. to Mrs G Greenhon & Eleanor Toohunter at Cookerns 45 Tor 1 Sgs - letters T to Mrs Jos & Charles to John - Emily to Mrs Meanys - aft'n Christ'n Do - All rec'd @ 10 Snow nearly all day 26 26
Monday 4 Christ'n & Chas chopping No ~ W.T. Do Hemlock in Swamp Wilfred hauling troughs to Sugary - making troughs &c &c fine 15 10
Tuesday 5 Chr'n & Chas chopping No Wilf'd at Sugar Bush & pottering Engaged a Chopper Mr Anderson /Irish/ to com on thursday for a month $7 fine 6 30
Wednesday 6 Chas & Christ'n chopping No. Wilf'd in Sugar Bush Sm 7 1/2 fine 16 28
All the Boys to Stratford ev'g - took Letters Mr T & Martha to Ellen & to William pd for letters 9
brot 1 Axe frm Linton Daly - & 3 Helves Linton pd 1 3
Thursday 7 Chas & Christ'n chopping No Wilf'd Martha & Em'y Sugar making 2 Letters till 7 pm - W'd till no Chopper fine 32
Friday 8 Christ & Chas chopping & hauling Rail logs from No to Road

Wilf'd M. & E. at Sugary - WT Do 8 @ 11 made 27 1/2 lbs

Saw first Blue Bird
rain all day 34 38
Saturday 9 Christ'n & Chas chopping & hauling Rail Timber - Wilf'd Emily & I at Sugary - no Sap till afternoon - made 18 lb morn a little snow Snow aft'n clear ev'g 29 32
1844 March
Sunday 10 Charles to Stratford moning fine 20 29
Monday 11 Christ'n & Chas chopping No - a good deal for Rail Timber Wilfred Martha Emily & I at Sugary - has run pretty well till 3 pm beautiful 24 38
Tuesday 12 Pigeons & Blackbirds - Chas to Stratford to inquire after a Chopper nothing fixd - Wilf'd Em'y & Christ'n at Sugary - brot home a bottle of Syrup - sugar off 37 lbs 10 oz

W Cofsy calld with afsefsment Rool - returned as {illegible}

200 Acres Land - 50 Cultivated - 150 uncult'd

2 Cows - 2 Oxen 1 Bull - 8 Hornd Cattle under 2 yrs

2 Horses 3 under 3 years - unit'ns
rain all day 40 40
Wednesday 13 all Chopping - pd Mrs T - Snuff - 7 pm Mrs Cumming for Spinning Grey yarn for Cloth 4 lbs 10 oxz @ 10d - 3/10 4 5 1/2 rain early morn'g aft'n beautiful fine 40 26
Thursday 14 Chas to W Cofseys to District School Meeting @ 9 pm got home @ 9 pm

Christ'n hauling & chopping firewood & cleaning Stables

Wilfred at Sugary no Sap morn'g 16 Pails collected aft'n
cold & fine 24 26
Friday 15 all chopping - even'g 7 Chas to Stratford - School businefs - ret'd @ 10 @8 Christ'n & W'd to Sugary to make molafses - ret'd @ 1 or - very little Sap rain and snow nearly all day 27 32
Saturday 16 all chopping - M. & E walkd to Stratford 1 Inquirer no letters pad Mrs Anglin Sen'r for knitting Socks 3 pr @ 1/yk 1 10 1/2 Snow Showrs 32 26
Sunday 17 all at home Do 22 19
Monday 18 Got in from West Barn 3 loads Straw - & from Stack 2 Loads Hay W. T underbrushing Swamp Snow nearly all day 11 10
Tuesday 19 Christ'n & Chas chopping - Jas Carey calld & after going to Monteiths with Chas agreed to come tonight to Chop for a month for $10

- $2 to be paid in Cash @ $8 by on order on Monteith - Wilfred M & E at Sugary ev'g ret'd brot in 2 pails Sap 9 pm no Casey

Sugard off 15 lbs Crushd @ 3 1/2 {illegible} 20 lbs
Snow showrs evg heavy 16 24
Wednesday 20 Casey arrivd @ 7 accomp'd Mrs T. for Mrs Cowmans knitting 3 1/4 lb wool

Mrs Sargint had a Sleigh Load of Hay - no charge

Casey & the Boys chopping all day - Dr Moore calld wanting accommodation for Cattle & Sheep - is to have a Load Straw - 2 or 3 mo's ev'g
2 8 1/2 Snow all day 25 19

1844 March

Thursday 21 Casey & the Boys chopping - M & E at Sugary brushing snow out of troughs fine 12 22
Friday 22 Do --- Do --- Do Dr Moore trad Load of Straw 5/ ---- Mr McDonald of Goderich calld - tool a letter Mrs T for Ellen, Toronto Do 20 25
Saturday 23 all chopping - went to Sugary - Sap not running Crerar brot from P. Office letter from Isaac 4 inst Do 11 20
Sunday 24 Chas to Stratford morn'g Em'y to Orrville after dinner taking letter Mrs T. to Isaac & a line W.T. to WJ Jun'r pd 9 Do 23 37
Monday 25 Christ'n Chas & Casey chopd W'd Em'y & I at Sugary - gathering Sap & boiling - F. Sargint had a Load Straw $1 Do 41 31
Tuesday 26 C'r Ch'n & Casey chopping early m'g @ 9 Chas to Cofseys School businefs &c

ret'd 2 pm - Ch'n & Casey hauld 5 Loads Hay rem'd of Stack in Hemlock field

Wilf'd & Emy Martha at Sugary all day - brought in Sap am I was out 3 or 4 hours morning - Emily 1 evening -

pd Washers 1 3 1
4 1 fine till 7 pm then rain 30 38
Wednesday Thursday 27 finished making the Sugar @ 2 1/2 a.m. Milk Pail small Water Pail & Baking tin - in all 40 lbs ~

Chr'n Chas & Casey chopping - W'd & Emily at Sugary gathering & boiling Sap

evening Casey on Nell to Stratford - brot sund's as orderd from Dalys

rain morn mid day day & wnd, ev'g thunder lightn'g & rain 34 31
Thursday 28 Christ Chas & Ia's chopping before breakfast - after breakfast the 3 grinding axes at Jno Stewarts till 12 - Wilfred at Sugary - after dinner Chas to Smith EArl with Bar Iron to make 2 Coulters to Plough - Wilf'd to J Stewarts grinding Axe - Christ'n & Ia's chopping -

Paid my Note to Adam Seigmiller & Co or Bearer

due 13/6 March inst -----

finished Sugaring off @ 2 3/4 - 21 lb Cakes - 1 lb scrap'g
4 2 11 rain till 2 or 3 pm 33 34
Friday 29 Christ'n Chas & Ia's chop'g W'd & Em'y at Sugary till 5 brot in about 2 Galls Syrup. dry & cold 23 26
Saturday 30 2 or 3 in Snow in the night - snow till noon - after all chopping Chas twice to Stratford - changd at Days Christophers axes chipd in chopping & bot 1 for Ia's Casey to go to acco't Sn 1/4 oz snow morn'g aft moderate 18 18
Sunday 31 Mrs T & Mr to Stratford Mr Allen Beauty had a Heifer @ 9 3/4 pm beautiful 5 19
1844 April
Monday 1 Ia's & all the Boys chopping - swept Snow out of Sugar troughs fine 14 32
Tuesday 2 Ia's Christ'n chop'g Wilf'd & Em'y at Sugary - best Sap day this season - Bot of Wolfe hind Quarter Beef 182 lbs @ 4 1/2 @ lb pay'lb in 2 mos - $8 - 19 cts Do 28 37
Wednesday 3 Ia's C & C chopping - W'd M & E at Sugary - Made Crush Sugar - lost a considerable quantity by boiling over

Ia's to Stratford even'g - to get his axe changed - dhopd -

Jno Stewart brot from P. Office Letter from Wm & Isaac to Mr fr dated St Augustine 17 March - post'ge 9d not pd
Do 36 50
Thursday 4 Chopping as yesterday - W'd & Em'y at Sugary M. do evening

brot in 27 lbs Crushed Sugar - took up Bed Altringham Carrots

yesterday & haul into S.West Corner of Bay under Straw
Showers 47 48
Friday 5 Chopping as 3rd. W'd & Em'y at Sugary - brot in Boiler suppose near 50 lbs of something expected to prove Crushd Sugar is burnt & neighter one thing nor another - to be experimented upon tomorrow lifted Parsnips - put in Bay next Altringhams fine 38 48
Saturday 6 all the Boys & Ia's chopping - melted the Sugar & by adding a portion of water made it into 5 or 6 Galls Molafses - a little burnt smack Laird Stewart brot from P. Office a Letter Aunt Jane to Martha pm pd fine 39 39
Sunday 7 Chas to Method't meeting - Emily afterwards took letter to P. Office Mrs T & Martha to Aunt June - they dined at Orrville - Alex & Annie came down with them @ 8 oC & remaind 1 hour fine a drop of rain ab't 3 o'c 38 48
Monday 8 Chr's W'd & Ia's chopping - Christ'n sick - Gardening heavy shower thunder &c morn'g aft'n fine 51 53
Tuesday 9 Do --- " ---- " Do Chr still sick - Mrs & Em'y indisposed Maples running but troughs nearly all emptied by Cattle beautiful 35
Wednesday 10 Chas W'd & Ia's chopping - Christ'n still unwell - M & I at Sugary

gathered 25 Pails Sap & boiled down to 5 for vinigar

paid Mrs Anglin for knitting 2 Pair Stockings
2 6 Do 32 52
Thursday 11 Chas & Ia's finished the Chopping in the Swamp before Breakfast

after breakfast with Christ'n & Wilf'd got up Potatoes in Orchard about Pails good. the rest frosted & rotten

put Sap Syrup &c into Barrel
Do 40 56

1844 April

Friday 12 Chas & Ia's chopping dry land NW. - Christ'n ploughing So with oxen - W'd do with Mares - drefsing Hop Hills behind fence taking up Rhubarb plant for Mrs Tye. Christ'n still poorly beautiful 44 62 80 noon
Saturday 13 Chas & James chopping - Christ'n & W'd ploughing @ 5 1/4 - W'd sick obliged to give in after breakfast - Christ'n came in @ 11 having broken the ox yoke - rode to Stratford but could not get one - evening Ia's went home for one on Nell. Martha to Stratford - Em & Chas to b{illegible} to meet her - ret'd of Gad Curtis for 3 Bush's Potatoes @ 2/6 yk & 5d for short pd for Oats 17 Jan having given me a {illegible]penny piece for a quarter Dollar 4 8 Do 47 62 82
Sunday 14 Chas on Nance to Junks with Annie & Ia's - got home @ 10 1/2 gloomy 52 66
Monday 15 Christ'n & W'd ploughing - Chas & Ia's fanning oats &c

pd Mrs T for Mrs Anglin Knitting pr Stockings

turnd out young Boar & Sows - finished drefsing Hop in field
1 3 light showrs 56 60
Tuesday 16 Christ'n & W'd ploughing - Chas & Ia's chopping forenoon

the latter bust by a sapling falling on his foot - he & Chas spreading manure afternooon opposite House

T Daly took to Hobsons for Mrs Ty a Sachel Ly{illegible} & Seeds - pd Mrs Stewart & Cath'ne Crerer

manured & dug Strawberry Bed, Wash
3 ~ fine 60 50
Wednesday 17 Christ'n & Wm ploughing Chas & Ia's chopping Wheeling into Garden Manure & Ashes & finished drefsing Hops Do 34 35
Thursday 18 Ploughing as yesterday - Chopping Do {rest of line all stroked out and illegible} Do 22 34
Friday 19 Ploughing as 17th Chopping Do Chas to Stratford had a tooth loosened by Mr Daly & replaced. Preparing 2 Boxes for Cabbage Seed & planted 4 Dublin Carrots & 3 Beets for Seed Saw first Swallow Do 26 45
Saturday 20 Christ'n brot in Load firewood - aftern'n with W'd sowing & dragging 8 Bush's Peas on about 3 3/4 acres South. Chas & Ia's chopping morning - afternoon spreading manure behind Garden Do 40 51
Sunday 21 Chas & Em'y to Stratford - Methodist . Ia's & Ia's Beatty here to dinner Alex & Nance W'f - W'ds Blacky came home this morning with a Heifer Calf which frightened at seeing so many of us ran back into Seigmiller field & has not bee since 9 pm - Thrush singing Do 44 56
1844 April
Monday 22 Wilfreds Calf at home with the Cow this morn'g & is stabled

Chas & Ia's taking Potatoes out of Cellar & put into Barn

sold to Alex bran 4 Bush's @ 2/6 y/k & rec'd

Christ'n rep'd front Gate & pottering - Wilf'd at John Stewarts for the day making Harrows

had 1 1/2 doz plants American Creeper from Mrs Meany

& send here 6 Rhubarb plants & a little Corn {illegible}

Sowd Geere's Drumhead WW's Non{illegible} & Rileys Early Yk

(old Cabbage Seed in Boxes -
6 3 rain great part of the day 48 49
Tuesday 23 Christ'n ploughing South - Wilf'd in Paddock - Christ'n at choping

Sowd Box Poly - Mr Cowmans had Rhubarb & Malta Lettuce Seed

& W top Plant - also some Currant Cuttings ( fall cut)

pd Mr Cowmans for spinning 3 1/4 lb wool @ 10 d 2/8 1/2

carding --- " do -- 4 - 1/1
3 9 1/2 showers 46 60
Wednesday 24 Christ' ploughing So - W'd sowd 1 1/2 Bls Sp Wheat in Paddock & dragging &c - Had In's M. William for the day chopping with Charles & Ia's Casey Christ'n hauld 4 waggon Loads manure to Garden Gate

pd Mrs T. on acc't of D & J Keppan viz

Mrs D Keppan 1/10 - Mrs S. K 5/2 Christ'n Stewart 22/2 1/2
1 9 2 1/2 fine with high wind 57 45
Thursday 25 Christ'n ploughing & sowing over 5 Bush's South - W'd harrowing till he broke whipple tree - took it to Duncan the Smith & had it repaird - Chas & Ia's chopping morning - afternoon Cas dragging Wheat - Ia's ploughing for a short time & even'g chopping fine 33 53
Friday 26 Settled with Duncan Keppan for thrashing Mill $9 = L2.5 viz

pd Mrs T yesterday on his acco 1.9.2 1/2 {illegible} Bull 2.6

pd here this day pmean 13.3 1/2

Christ'n ploughing - Chas & Ia's chopping morning - finished

afternoon splitting rails & repairing fences in Road East

13 3 1/2 Showers 49 38
Wilf'd dragging Wheat forenoon - afternoon to Stratford &c. took a Barrel Flour to Saml Monteith on acco't James Casey $5 --' brot G Gale Cask Whisky from Kostners @ 3/6 yk Cash 1 5 ~

1844 April

Saturday 27 Christ'n & Chas sowing 7 Bush's Wheat - W'd & Ia's dragging - Chas to Stratford even'g for Sarah

pd James Casey for 1 mothn (26ds & 6 days chopping as {illegible} @ $10 pm

rest on his accot to Monteith Store 1 Barrel 3.1.6

Mr Ferries Flour for Monteiths rec'd 1.5.-

purchased for him an Axe at Dalys 8.9

order on Monteith to supply him with Store Goods --- 15.-

pd him Balance this day --- .15.3

3 4 - fine 34 34
Sunday 28 Chas to Flynns &c re District Schools - & to P. Office with letter to Mr Bignall Goderich - Mrs Meany Annie & Alex & Watson even'g fine & cold 28
Monday 29 Christ'n harrowing Wheat & ploughing - Chas digging Garden

Wilf - dragging wheat - first Goldfinch

Sowd in Hot bed S'd Clair Drumh'd & Early yk Cabb'ge Wh Brocoli

Cust'd Borcole - Tomato, Capsinn - Balsam Egg, tricolor M. paris Dahlia Mexican Do
fine 27 47
Tuesday 30 Sowd 2 Beds Red onion seed - in Hot Bed Brighton & Malta Lettuce & Red Cabbage - Chas sowd 5 Bush'ls Oats on Christ'n
Whip poor Will
Do 35 58
Wednesday May 1 Christ'n & W'd ploughing - Chas digging in Garden Sowd 3 Rows of Silver Skin Onions & 1 Row Yellow - & a Bed of Yellow - Chas to Stratford even'g - sowd Christ'n Tobacco in Hotbed. - gloomy ev'g heavy showers 59 63
Thursday 2 Ch'n & Chas ploughing - W'd making a Harrow, Alex brot parcel for John

Emily to P. Office with Letter Mrs T to Wm J. Augustine pf 9

did not get home - Annie here to tea & remain the night
morn'g fine even'g thunder storm 59 57
Friday 3 Christ'n & Chas fixd Bull in Barn - Christ'n ploughing - Chas sowd 4 Bush'ls Wheat on late Pea Piece - Wilf'd draggd Do

Sowd a Beet Bed 3 So Rows soakd 2 days

transplanted from bottom of {illegible} walk a Bed of Malta Lettuce
fine of a shower about 2 or 3 50
1844 May
Saturday 4 Christ'n & W'd ploughing - Chas in Garden - even'g to Stratford

Sowd Bed Canterbury Beans - rec'd of Mrs Cowmans for Seeds - 6

paid Mrs Anglin knitting pr Socks --- 9
showers 47 47
Sunday 5 Chas in comp'y with Watson & Alex to Hobsons - ret'd at 7 1/2 & the party took tea - a Teamster (his Horses knockd up requested accommodation for the night Do 44 53
Monday 6 Christ'n & W'd ploughing before breakfast - after'n prevented by rain

Teamster left @ 6 Chargd him for Horses 1/3 & 2 Bush'ls Oats 2/6 = 3/9 - rec'd 5/ - to take more oats - 5--

on his return . set by him a Note to Mr Mcdonald

requesting the latter to send by forenoon the parcel for Ellen

Chas to P Kostners - deliverd at Mill for him at Mill 3d lines below

received of Christ'n being a Whip purchased by him at Watsons Store & chargd to my acco't

3 Bush'ls 51 lbs Wheat @ 2 Galls p Bush'l

had from him 9 Gall Cask Whisky aft'n
4 4 1/2 rain great part of the day 50 45
Tuesday 7 Christ'n plowing - Chas sowd 4 Bls Oats - & abt 3 Bls yesterday - part of day digging in Garden (C{illegible} Q{illegible} .) - Horse Show - Prize to Christmas - rec'd of John Crerar for Turnip Seed in 1843& 4 1 10 1/2 fine - 53
Sowd 2 Beds Parsnips - Butterfly Bird rec'd of - Fisher for 13 lbs SoapGrease @ 2d 2 2
pd Mr R. Stewart & Jeramiah Cresar 3 ~
Wednesday 8 Christ'n ploughing - Chas sowd 4 Bush'ls Oats - W'd dragging Do

Chas rep'g fence on road S East - & burning Stumps Do - the old fence

caught fire & was in a great measure consumd - Cat Bird
rain morn fine aft'n fine 54 44
Thursday 9 Christ'n ploughing Chas sowd 8 Bush'ls Oats & fencing E of Garden

Wilf'd dragging - sowd 1 Bed Surry - 1 Altringham & 1/2 Dub Carrots

pd Mrs Rankin for {illegible} in W! of Mutton had & ret'd
7 1/2 fine 32 43
Friday 10 Christ'n finished the ploughing - Chas sowd 7 Bush'ls Oats - W'd dragging aft'n 4 Christ'n to the river got 7 - Frank Burk had another Bush'l Oats for his Dollar left in the 6th Humming Bird Crimson Throat showers 34 46

1844 May

Saturday 11 W'd finished dragging Oats Christ'n & Chas hauling rails & fencing East aft'n W'd with Waggon to Stratford for Oats crushed at Mills sowd a Row Parsley to end of West quarters 3m 7 1/2 heavy thunder showrs during the day 60 52
Sunday 12 Mr T. MH to Stratford Mr Allan - Alex Annie & Befsy here even'g fine 45 34
Monday 13 All fencing East of Garden - Reynolds Bob & {illegible} Wilf'd & Call cleard oat & not return - sent some seeds to Mrs Tye by Mifs Latimer Showers afternoon & n't 29 38
Tuesday 14 Hauling manure from Barnyard to Potato field - William fine 41 42
Wednesday 15 Do ----- behind Barn -- Do

pd Wolfe on acco't of Beef Mrs Wolfes rec'd $4

young Sow had a litter of 6 --

Sowd more Balsam Cumbs &c &c on old patches in Hotbed
1 ~ ~ Do - -
Thursday 16 Hauling manure as yesterday & W'd ploughing for Potatoes afternoon Chas to Stratford morning with Alex - sent by him Stewart McCartly Note to be sued at next Court - brot it back to have Int here made out & a Copy - Alex {illegible} also to Linton re And'w Allens - aft'n they & Mr Watson to Rev'd Mr Allans re Do rain aft'n 48
Friday 17 Hauling manure - taking out stumps in Potatoe field - W'd ploughing Chas with Alex to Stratford re And. Allans @ 11 am ret'd @ 8 1/2 cloudy 44 48
Saturday 18 Harrowing Potato field & dibbling in a few Rows of sets

Chas to Lintons morning with McCarthys Note & ins't Bal'ce due

rec'd of Donald Stewart on acco't - 10 -
L2 8 5 Showers 11 @ 12 44 40
Sunday 19 Chas to P. Office with letter to Henry inclosing $9 from Mrs T Alex & Annie here even'g Showers 51 36
Monday 20 Planting Potatoes Dibble - Ice thick as a Dollar in & 32 30
Tuesday 21 finshed planting Potatoes 11 Bush'ls in the 6 South Rows about 3/4 Bush'ls Mercers - Splitting Stakes for East fense several things in Garden damaged by the frost fine
Wednesday 22 fencing East - Sowd annuals in the Flower Borders J Burdon came to Chas to be ex'd for District Schoolmaster fine 43
Thursday 23 Chas to Scotts Mills had about 8 Bush's Oats crushed - & to Seigmillers George at home brot a pair Boots for Christ'n - Sowd Perennial flower Seed fine 34 54
1844 May
Friday 24 Fencing Bull field - T & J Daly arr'd frm Hamilton & brot a parcel from John & Henry &c -- G Scott took home the Bull purchased of Wm Smith for Brockoden fine 51 68
Saturday 25 splitting rails - T Sargint Sale - Chas attended - sold very high Do 66
Sunday 26 Christ Chas M & E in Waggon to Stratford - Hickey sent P Mail Parcel to {illegible} with Seeds & @ 1/4$ Mrs T
Monday 27 Chas @ 6 with Adam to G. Seigmillers - ret'd @ 8 with Adam & a Load which he took to Stratford & remains the night

Christ'n & W'd splitting rails & shakes & pulling Slabs to Barn y'd

MW Daly & Watson to Tea along with us
Showers 58
Tuesday 28 Chas got home @ Debit Adam Seigmiller for teaming $2

putting up fence East & preparing Shed. ~ W'd to D. Moore to have advice about his eye - to bathe it with cold Water

Sowd another Bed Canterbury Beans the first having been entirely destroyed by frost on 21 ins - rec'd of Cairns for Hec. 44
2 6 fine 46 49
Wednesday 29 rec'd of Pet'r McNaughton Hec. 43 2 6 40
pd Mrs In & Roy Stewart finished Shed in Bull field - Chas to Stratford with Horses to be shod & c &c Emily brot from Orrville letters from Aunt Jane, & HJ & Is at Toronto - making preparations for Charles journey to Hamilton to bring up Wm & Is'c -- 3 ~
Thursday 30 Chas to Stratford - attended Court all day but McCarthy Case was not calld - after Court Linton pd him the amount viz.

amount as plus made out 18. inst 2.8.5

& Exp'd to Linton --- 6.9

{illegible} ret'd & pd to Emily 2.15.2 Emily Thompson

had 5 Shoes to Horses at Sharmans -- Sm at Watsons 7 1/2 d

Christ & W'd Whitewashing &c.
heavy showers morn'g
Friday 31 Heavy showers before daylight ~ Wilf'd with Nell to Ri{illegible}

Christ'n Whitewashing &c Chas repairing Harnefs in aft'n to Stratford

brot Mr Jacksons Waggon & Stove borrowed from McCarthy

sowd 4th ridge from South in Potatoe field with Swede Turnips from D Moore -- planted in Garden 9 Dahlias in Garden from hotbed
after part of day fine

1844 June

Saturday 1 Charles left @ 8 1/2 for Hamilton -- @ 10 I walkd to Stratford & attended Andrew Allans funeral - dined at Jacksons - called at Orrville & got home about 4 - Christ'n & W'd preparing Cook House - W'd to P. Office morn'g no letters - & again to McCarthys for part of Stove Showers morn'g aft'n fine
Sunday 2 Sacrament Day at Presbyterian Church - Emily after dinner to Orrville the rest at home - fine 47
Monday 3 repairing fence round Hemlock field - transplanted Brighton Lettuces & Tomatoes 1 Marvel of Peru - M & E to Stratford after tea. Ch'r to meet them at Orrville Do 37 48
Tuesday 4 W'd ploughing 2 or 3 hours morning - afterw'ds with Christ'n to Stratford

training day - C'r Carpentering

pd - Curtis for 14 1/2 lbs (Hind 2'r / Mutton @ 5 Cts
3 7 1/2 Do 46 53
Wednesday 5 W'd ploughing. Christ'n pottering about house & sowing melon seed to South Sowd 53 Hill Sweet Corn South - English Robinson slept here last & left this m'g after breakf't he sold 5 Bls Whiskey to Mr Daly @ 2/3 yk Showers 66
Thursday 6 thunder & heavy rain in the night - Charles arrived at 12 with William & Isaac - Wilfred ploughing morning - Christ'n sowing Cucumbers &c in Wheat field -- fine 62 56
Friday 7 Chas ploughing - the rest hauling Manure to Garden gate Sowd a few more annuals Ellens /. fine 55 42
Saturday 8 Wilf'd ploughing - Chas to Redocks - after with Is & Ch'n digging Garden

Dr Service in papount came in to see William-

Runkin came to Bull acco't 43 by labour thrashing Mill

Second Bed of Canterbury Beans killd by last nights frost - Potatoes dam'd
fine 29 52
Sunday 9 Chas to P. Office with letter Isaac to Ellen fine showers 51 44
Monday 10 bou't of Mrs T af'r Chas expences to Hamilton & bk 18 1 1/2 42
Paid Chas for Rope purchased of John 1 3
John Crerar for Carr'ge of 1 10 1/2
Mr McCarthys treat for Help loading Stove 7 1/2
Isaac & Chas to Wilmot - bo't of Sleutalier Middle of

8 Sheep - 2 Wethers 6 Ewes @ $1 1/2 - L 3.---

paid in Cash $ 2 -- --- $4 of Mrs T.

order on G Seigmiller $4 ---- 1 ----- $4 Mrs Sargint Stove {illegible}

bro't from Seigmiller 2 Pair Ladies Boots ret'd too small
1844 June
Monday 10 cont'd Gave to Mr Daly my Notes due 23 July 1843 1844 - 5 6 & 7 - 5 Notes L 9 '-'- each to Canada C. Commifsioners for Lot 37 2nd Con

Christ'n digging Garden - Wilfred ploughing

30 head of Cattle in Wheat &c entry from Seigs field
Tuesday 11 Chas ploughing - the rest at Garden - Tomatoes in Garden & Hotbed - & most of the tender Annuals destroyed by the very severe frost - Potatoes also fine frost 45
Wednesday 12 Wilf'd ploughing - the rest in Garden . Sowd Malta & Brighton Lettuce in West Currant Border & Con maj. in place of those killd by frost fine 37 52
Thursday 13 Chas ploughing the rest of Garden kill'd Sheep No 1 - smallest Do 44
Friday 14 Wilf'd ploughing the rest burning brush No & So & niggering So -- Do 44 58
Saturday 15 Niggering morning No & South - aft'n Is. Ch'r & Chas to Stratford

Easy Chair from Mr Daly's bro't by them in Waggon

Chas up in the morning for Dr Morse who came with him

the P. Office - no letters /Inquires
Do 34 58
Sunday 16 Isaac to Stratford with letter Mrs T. to Mrs Joseph fine till 6 pm then light rain 61 63
Monday 17 Wilfred with Waggon to Ferries for flour due to us Z/. the rest with Donald Stewart pathmaster at Statute labor on Bridge

Sowd 3rd time Bed of Canterbury Beans - transplanted some Beets

Chas to Stratford evening
light showers 62 67
Tuesday 18 rec'd of T Sargint on account leaving a Bal'ce of 4 1/2 ~ 10 ~ light show'rs {illegible} sun 67 70
Wilf'd ret'd from Ferries @ 12 1/2 bringing 3 Barrels of Flour - Exp's

the rest on Bridge Statute Labour - transp'd more Beets

A sheep found killd & half eaten this M.P Wolf or Dog
3 9
Wednesday 19 Paid Washers Mrs In & Nory Stewart 3 - thunder show'r forenoon 61 60
Mary Cowmans 1 days work

all at Statute labour morning - afterwards Is Christ & Chas cutting Pines for building - W'd reading a Novel

transplanting Cabbages & Lettuces -
1 3
Emily to Stratford after dinner bro't letter for Charles - pd post'ge from Courtenay & Co. 4 1/2

1844 June

Thursday 20 All at the Bridge with oxen Waggon & Plough Dr Moore pd William a visit - dined with us fine 50 50
Friday 21 All logging S.E. Corner outside of Fence - Dr Moore calld on his way to Manleys 13 Con behind Bells but not profefsionally I presume Do 46 58
Saturday 22 Logging South - Putting up fense which was burnt on Wm's lit So Chas to P. Office before breakfast - bro't letter Ellen & H.T. to William (not pd) Do 48 52
Sunday 23 Dr Moore calld & took Tea &c with us - Watson came in on his return from Hamilton & had a Glafs - gayly how goes it - Martin brot a parcel from Hamilton - a Cage containing medicine from Toronto - Dr M took home Shamonium to mix with Hops & Lobelia for William to smoke - Annie & Befsy to Tea &c. Do 61
Monday 24 Wilf'd at John Stewarts for the day Logging - Chas morning to Riddles - bot of Mrs Fry to get 128 Drumhead Cabbage Plants @ 2/.yk pr 100 pd

Is & Ch'n fencing - Cutting Rail timber - &c - Eveing Is & Chas in Waggon ( Bell & Jack) to Stratford

planted 100 Fryfoyles Cabbage - various'
1 7 fine rain 7 @ 9 pm 60 67
Tuesday 25 Isaac & Chas ret'd from Stratford this morning having been detained by Jack turning, restive, lying down &c bot for Daly 2 Bush's Timothy Seed & from Watson 21 lbs Clover - sowd this same in 10 acres South bush now Spring Wheat - & pottering planted rem'r of Fryfoyles next Parsnip Beet Seed & as a reserve showers forenoon aft'n fine 62 67
Wednesday 26 Chas on Nance to Wilmot - bo't of Homeker 1000 feet of Studs @ 6 1/4 $ pay'ble on delivery

brot from Seigmiller 2 pr Boots for Is'c & himself the rest splitting rails - hauling Brands out of Logging So. East &c &c

put up young white Sow - Befs absent yesterday & today

afternoon Is & Ch'r to the river & bro't home a nice dish of Trout transplanted some Parsnips
showers morn'g & ev'g 60 59
Thursday 27 rain after 11 last night & continued till this evening almost without interruption

splitting rails - making Horse & riving Shingles

transplanted some Red Onions into some Beds - Befs still absent paid Em'y to purchase Chimy
1 3 rain nearly all day 57 65
1844 June
Friday 28 Is'c & Christ'n fencing - Chas dragging fallow So. - W'd hauling firewood &c

Dr Moore came today @1 - prepared medicine &c for William

dined & took tea & left @ 7 ~ . ~ Ia's McWilliams accomp'd W'd hme to Bush So E of Wms South Clearance while he had seen Befs & 7 Pigs - - brot 6 home 1 killd by her treading on it Sowd 20 Seeds M.W. -
fine 55 53
Saturday 29 Is & Ch'n fencing. Chas dragging - Wilf'd at Ia's Keppans Logging Bee

Martin brot mefsage from Mr Ewash of Dunia that not any afses for Sale Ann Stewart brot from P. Office a letter from Aunt Jane to M. Jan'n (pd .1. advising L 15 to be remitted by Mr Cookson

killd Sheep no # this morning -
fine 55 59
Sunday 30 Chas to P. Office with letters - Self to JB Ewart Esq. Dundas pd & Chas to - Begrath Esq. Goderich 4 1/2 Cloudy rain ev'g 84 noon 71
Monday 1 Wilfred with Waggon to Wilmot - brot from J Homeker 576 fett Lumber - vide 3 inst

Isaac & Christ'n splitting Rails & fencing So. Chas ploughing So.

Cripple has a litter of 5 this morning @ 5

Emily to Stratford after dinner - brot a letter (which had been sent to Goderich) from W.S.Cookson - inclosing Letter of Credit Canada Comp'y on Com'n at Toronto dated 25 May No 3231 - & pay'ble with Interest @ 3pCt P An. for L20
70 60
Tuesday 2 Dr Moore pd us a visit - dined - Wilf'd ploughing - Chas dragging morn'g aft'n joined Is'c & Christ'n fencing - evening Isaac & Charles to Stratford re House . Mr Phelan to call tomorrow morn'g fine a few drops ev'g 50 63
Wednesday 3 Charles to Wilmot brot 300 bd feet Lumber making with Wilf'd 900 feet from Homeker @ 5/yk Cash

the rest grinding Axes - looking for Lumber Wood & Pottering

Nick Phelan calld even'g - is to commence tomorrow $1 pr day {illegible}
fine - 50
Thursday 4 Emily to P. Office after dinner - took letters Mrs T. to Ellen & Self to Henry inclosing Can'a Comp'ys letter aft'n L20 - us above 1 inst & .+. Plough hoeing Potatoes morn'g @ 11 1/2 Mick Phelan came after dinner all into Bush opposite Wms Barn for Timber - cont'd at work till 7 1/2 Do 38
Friday 5 Wilfred to Homekers for Lumber ret'd @ 8 from bringing 530 fett from G Seigmiller 2 pr Shoes - Martha & Emily & a Pair for himself & also a Bundle of leather which Chas del'd to Wm Smith for the Sadles 47

1844 July

Friday 5 cont'd I C.C. Phelan Alex & Bishop cutting & hewing Timber on Wms Lt & hauling to front of Barn - left off @ 3 pm all soakd rain nearly all day 47 68
Saturday 6 Phelan Alex. Bishop & the Boys chopping hewing & hauling Timber Alex & Bishop left soon after dinner Phelan after supper

Dr Moore pd a visit to William @ 11 - he & I fishing from 11 ocl till 3 dined & had tea. Martha to P. Office (brot letter) from Mr Ewarts sent not pd

Whaley calld about Lot 24 - asked 50$ for Improvements - to call on Monday

Alex Maid{illegible} from Toronto calld in the even'g leaves on Monday
fine 66 57
Sunday 7 all at home fine
Monday 8 Whaleys calld - took their Bond for L25 1 & 4 Curr'ly to log 1 burn & prepare for Crop 5 Acres by 1st Sept'r - & to chop 4 Acres by 1st April next. & gave up our Improvements on Lot 24 North Easthope - to call at Dalys to sign something

All engaged with Mr Phelan carpentering

IC.Phelan has left for another job, for 2 or 3 days
{ink blot}
Tuesday 9 Christ . at Alexs for the day logging - the rest hoeing Potatoes

Jackson Mrs Sargint Watson &c calld on their way to Hamilton

sent by Mrs L letter M Jun: to for inclosing $2

pd Washers

- 3 - fine 56 72
Isaac to Stratford even'g pd Subscription to Agricultural Society 1 to Shars ----- - 10 -
Wednesday 10 Charles to Wilmot - brot 538 Lumber - making in all 1068 feet from Napperger @ 5/yk = L1.13.4 Cr

Christ'n ploughing - Wilf'd repairing Plough

Isaac at Alexs for the day logging -- transplanted Capsiums
a few drops of rain 70 60
Thursday 11 Phelan came this morning before breakfast - Boys working with him Charles to P.Office for morning letter Ellen with proceeds of letter of Creditor Can'a Comp'y {illegible} P L20 {illegible} vides to inst which produced @ Ex 9 3/4 pC' & Int L24.9.2 - rec'd L 24.10 in $98 - President Smith dined with us -- fine 52 53
Friday 12 All carpentering as yesterday - pd Wolfe in full for Beef {illegible} 1 11 fine 48 72
pd Mrs Wolfe for 2 lbs Butter 7 1/2
1844 July
Saturday 13 Phelan & the Boys carpentering - the former home in the evening

Dr Moore paid William a visit - dined with us -

pd Mrs T for Chas expences to Hamilton & back

for Wm & Isaac 1st @ 6th all : 18.1 1/2 0.00.9

pd Do so much borrowed 10 all. (sheep 1 -.-
18 1 1/2 fine 48 76
Sunday 14 Chas to Stratford morning - afterwards to Orrville - where Emily joined him after Dinner - Alex & Watson to Strills' on their way Alexs mare reared & fell backwards upon him - he is a good deal hurt & under Dr Moores care - fine 70 64
Monday 15 Chas to Village to borrow Spikes Afternoon @ 4 had a Bee raising the frame of Addition to house - Ia's McWilliams - D'd Stewart Runkin - Gad Curtis - Jno Fraser Lewis Reynolds Peter Crerar Damian Fisher W Anglin Ia's an Bishop ---- Coffee &c @ 6 Whaley began Logging North - Killd 5th Sheep showers - ev'g set'd rain 60
Tuesday 16 Phelan & the Boys putting up Rafters &c &c

Phelan left @ 8 pm - paid him for 8 days @ $1 pr day

Chas to Stratford morn'g for Nails &c - Isaac in the even'g with unsalted Butter for Wm & ointment

transplanted Malta Lettuces
2 ~ ~ fine 57
Wednesday 17 Dr Moore pd Wm a visit - dined & after a round in Brocksien took tea here

Is Ch'r & Chas making rakes preparing Scythes &c Gathered REd Currants

Wilfred to Wilmot - brot from Nafseger 600 feet rough boards @ 3/yk 11/31/2 d

pd him to this time L2.4.7 up disio! 2/1 ----
2 2 6 fine 51 60
pd Scott ( Hamburg / for 5 Gall's Whiskey @ 3/yk 9 4 1/2
Thursday 18 Began mowing Hemlock field - Sowd Bed Radishes

Martha to P. Office with letters W.T. to Aunt Jane Mrs T to Ellen Toronto

& brot a Bottle Beer from Mrs Daly & a Bottle Ginger Beer for McCarthy
fine 48 71
Friday 19 finished mowing Hemlock field & began South side East end showers forenoon 65 60
Saturday 20 Is Ch'r & W'd mowing - Ch'r obligd to quit by headache - Chas to Wilmot - brot from Homeker 200 fett of Siding G/3 100 feet flooring 5/.

pd for Do -- 11.3

& for 900 feet Frame Timber - vide 3d inst'l 1.8.1 1/2
1 19 4 1/2 50 57

1844 July

Sunday 21 Dr Moore pd Wm a visit @ 5 pm took tea as did Dr Flquerfufsunh & Alex & Annie -- fine 61
Monday 22 Killd Sheep No 6 a Wether - Hauld into Barn Loads Hay fm Hemlock field

interrupted by rain - Mr & Mifs Junk dined with us on their way from Hamilton brought a small box of sundries from John Dr Moore to tea with us returning from Rev'd Mr Allans

Sn at Dalys for Duncan Fisher
showers 61 70
Tuesday 23 Hauld into Barn a Load Hay from Hemlock field & 1 Load from So side again interrupted by heavy rain - putting Logs to at bottom of Bottom of Bay to preserve Grain re from damp - Mr Bignall of Goderich calld on Charles respecting District Schools heavy showers afternoon 64 68
Wednesday 24 Wilfred to Hamilton Wilmot brot 525 feet flooring @ $1.-

165 " Siding 5/yk

the rest Mowing & Haymaking as the weather permitted

transplanted Cucumbers - laying {illegible}fsing Wms

Miss'rs Bimcombe & Tye dined with us on the way to Mr Dalys alos Dr Moore on his way to Mr Allans - Alex ovr brot us letters from Mr Barrett & Barret & Mr Barron 9d thr'n Ewart 4 1/2 - note for @
showery 62 62
Thursday 25 All mowing South Emily to Stratford aft'n took to P. Office Letters

Mrs T to Ellen inclosing $ W.T. to I B Ewart Esq. Dundas paid for latter

brot 1 quart Whisky from Watsons
fine - 56
Friday 26 Mowing till breakfast time - then hoeing Potatoes (Nell) till noon afternoon got into Barn 3 Loads Hay - morn'g gloom aft'n fine 52 55
Saturday 27 Paid Mr Allen Guelp for Whisky Barrel not returned prec! {illegible} Pearsons

Making Hay & hauld 4 Loads into Barn

Martha to P. Office - brot Letters from Mr Jas El'n Todhunk - & Mrs Barron all paid - & one for Christ'n from Mr Farmer also pad .. I Inquirer

Box shipd to the Catherine directed to John at Hamilton

White Hog (Brother of Boar/ found dead in Shed this morning
~ 5 ~ beautiful 46 57
Sunday 28 Is & Chas to Stratford meeting (Methodist/ dined at Orrville - Annie & Befsy came with them to tea - took Letter to P. Office Mrs T to Ellen Do 60
Monday 29 Chas left before 5 am for Dundas on foot to bring 2 donkeys from Mr Ewart Mowing all day - Laid Pi{illegible} Mrs T to Stratford . Dr Moore supplied {illegible} with 4 oz Botle $6. fine noon 83 70
1844 July
Tuesday 30 Mowing morning & even'g - interrupted by rain - (finished) - Emily to Stratford aft'n brot pint Madeira from Watson's rain nearly all day 65 71
Wednesday 31 Making Hay afternoon got in 1/2 Load - Mr & Mrs Daly calld on their way to Tyes - when they reachd D'd Stewarts obligd to return here in consequence of tremendous storm of thunder lightning wind ahil rain which commenced about 5 & continued from 2 to 3 hours - one of the largest Hemlocks between us & Seigmillers blown down acrofs the road & the live Beech at West end blown over lot blown down carrying 7 or 8 Pannels of rails - & letting into the Crops 7 Horses & a number of Cattle which the Boys observed & found out before much damage was done

When the Dalys left @ 8 - their Horse (probably alarmed at the thunder lightning / that Mrs D - borrowd old Nell & drove behind a Waggon going up

Cabbages - Onions &c - Hollyhocks up by the roots prostrate & leaves torn off - Wheat must laid probably not to rise again '

pd Washers - Mrs Roy Stewart 1/6 Kitty Crerar 2/3
3 9 thunder storm even'g 70
Thursday August 1 Dr Moore calld @ 11 3/4 - visit to William - while at dinner was calld away to Jno Stewarts young man suffering very much fm Gravel complaint

making Hay -- so so yesterday & to day prevailing sicknefs & bowel complaint

Charles returnd from Dundas this afternoon about bringing 3 Jenny Afses in prime order pd him expences --- 13.5

& for What he pd Reynolds for altering 1.3
14 8 {illegible}
Friday 2 Making Hay & hauling into Barn 4 Loads in good order fine
Saturday 3 Isaac & Chas at Alex's with Horses & Waggon for day for which he is to bring a Load Lumber from Wilmot with Chas on Monday

Christ'n & Wd at Jno Stewarts a few hours with oxen hauling & stacking Hay - at both places ob'd to leave off by rain

Is & Chas to Sharmans ev'g with Mares - 2 new Shoes - 4 removed

Jno Stewart had a hind quarter Mutton wt. 17 3/4 lbs Killd today N.7

sent old Cradle to Dr Flyn / by a Hamilton Teamster - 2 @
rain aft'n
Sunday 4 Chas & Emily to Stratford - Hickey - Dr Moore called after visiting Curtis at Jno Stewards & dined - after dinner Mrs T walked to P.Office with letters herself to Mrs Barron & to Mrs Jos T Dublin fine 55

1844 August

Monday 5 Is'c mowd Grafs & Strawberry beds in Garden - ev'g to Stratford to get Carpenters help - no succefs - Christ'n & W'd hunting after Cattle & pottering -

Chas to Wilmot - brot from Homekers 1200 feet Siding & 50 feet flooring - (Alex with Ad. Seigmiller also went for Lumber 1- Exps

Chas ret'd $2 gave him 3d inst & $ this morning

signed a Letter to Com'n of Canada Co (red'd from Daly ) stating my has'g desposed of my right & interest in Lot 24 No Easthope to Wm Sam Whaley & requesting them to transfer the same to him & open the Deed in his name on his paying my promifsory notes now in their hands

& then relieving me from all liability to the Can'a Comp'y , as I am on my part hereby also irreversbly return in Comp'y from al claims & liabilities as to the aforesaid Land or anything connected (herewith - Witnefsed by Isaac & Christ'n Sm Wats. 7 1/2
7 1/2 wet aftern'n & night 52
Tuesday 6 unloading & piling Lumber brought up yesterday - hunting after oxen Duke not found - Grinding Scythes - & pottering - Christ'n at Alex's afternoon Isaac brot in 4 pheasants - Mr Hickey dined with us.- fine 61 56
Wednesday 7 Isaac making high hses for Carl - Christ'n hunting after oxen - Charles at Jno Stewarts for the day cradling Fall wheat

Wilfred & Alex to Wilmot after breakfast - both Waggons - gave pd L32 ret'd Bal'ce

ret'd @ 9 pm brot as under

240 feet seasoned flooring

200 --- green Do

4000 Shingles - 3000 @ 12 /. 1000 @ 7 /yk

paid Homeker for 800 feet flooring @ 8/yk -
2 - - fine till 8 pm then light rain
200 ----- 7 y --- 8 9
1300 Siding --- 5/ --- 2 - 7 1/2
3000 Shingles - 12/ --- 1 2 6
1000 Steam Do -- 7/ --- 4 4 1/2
5 16 3
pd Scott for 5 Gall's Whisky -- @ 2/9 yk -- 8 7
Expenses Sowd Half Bed Red Onions 1 10 1/2
1844 August
Thursday 8 Isaac & W'd making Axles tree & rack to Cart - Christ'n pottering

- Chas to Stratford - brot from Dalys 6 Bush's Oats @ 1/3 C7 &

preparing for his journey tomorrow -

Isaac took to Stratford even'g
gloomy but fair 68
Friday 9 Gave to Mr Daly promifsory note to the Canada Company on order of this Date P L37 10 Currency with Interest from 13th May 1833 being for Lot 38 in 1st Con South Easthope - signd Martha Thompson & Emily Thompson.

Isaac & Christ'n clearing Chaff out of West Barn - W'd plough'g till 4 pm

Charles left @ 8 1/2 for Hamilton taking Mrs Meany Annie & Jas $72
heavy show'r aft'n rain in n't or early m'g 64
Saturday 10 Wilfred ploughing - Isaac & Christ'n underbrushing South - Even'g Isaac to Stratford & engaged Terrya Carpenter to come on Monday @ 5/ a day Dr Moore pd William a visit - afterw'ds to Mrs Crerar fine 55 56
Sunday 11 Isaac & Christ'n at Stratford Hickey . -- Do 52 51
Monday 12 W'd to Stratford with oxen & Cart to bring Terry & his Box of tools

- brought the tools but Terry was not to be found - Thus not come this even'g

Is & Christ'n killd last Sheep & pottering -

at 6 pm Chas arr'd from Hamilton with Ellen & the Children all well

Expences pass on the road 19/4 1/2 Gates 2/10
1 2 2 1/2 Do 43 56
paid Dan'l Maenah for 130 lb Cut Nails Assorted @ $ 4 1/2 1 9 3
Tuesday 13 Chas ploughing So. with oxen - the rest putting Boards & Shingling House. -- Cut Sage & Savory for Winter use fine till 8 1/2 pm & then rain 52 60
Wednesday 14 All shingling - Emily to Stratford after dinner - brot letter from Mrs Jos -- Mary Cousins came today - heavy rain 4@ 5 pm 59 59
Thursday 15 Chas ploughing - the rest Shingling - Alex to Galt - gave him Ferries due Note for 3 Bl flour which he is to bring for us -- Harris of Galt left an 18 Gall'ns Cask of Beer - to call for pay borrowed fine 59 66
Friday 16 Harris calld & has the cask which Wm & Is'c brot from Galt on their way up

Ellen pd for the Beer had yesterday 15/. --

Wilfred ploughing - the rest cutting peas --

Alex ret'd @ 9 pm bringing a Barrel of flour from Ferries on their Due note & a Rocking Chair for William from @ $ 6 1/2

Mrs Meany & James came with him

Annie remains at Mrs Gournlock, Toronto
fine 66 74 lightning

1844 August

Saturday 17 Cutting Peas - Mrs T to Stratford Dr Moore visit to Wm aft'n to Land. S. on return took tea - Daly Sn - - 7 1/2 60
Sunday 18 Isaac to Stratford - took letter Mrs T. to John heavy rain n't
Monday 19 Turning Peas - Cradling Wheat South - next Bush West dry
Tuesday 20 Cradling Wheat as yesterday - John & Ann Stewart & McGregor here for the day reaping Wheat in paddock - had from John 10 3/4 lb Lamb on account 17 3/4 lb supplied him 3d inst - Wm on Nell Eastwood Watson brot a Letter from John with phial Oil of Napthi fine
Wednesday 21 Cradling Wehat So East - Had Simon Cowmans for the day, raking & binding Emily to Stratford to inform Dr Moore that the bit of napthi has arrived thought some mutton from Wood fine 48 56 Halo
Thursday 22 Cradling part of the day, interrupted by heavy showers - Simon here till near noon - Dr Moore pd Wm a visit @ 7 am & bkfasts - began to inhale Napthi according to his instructions heavy rain morning & again even'g 54 70
Friday 23 Cradling Wheat - Mrs Meany here to tea. fine 66
Saturday 24 finished Cradling Wheat So - turned Peas - hauld in 1 Load Peas & 2 Loads Wheat

from So. - & Loads Do from Paddock

pd Mrs T. - 14 3/4 lbs Butter of Mrs Whaley - @ 5d C.7
6 1/12 6 pm a shower & ev'g heavy rain
Mrs Roy Stewart washing 20th 1 6
Sunday 25 Chas at Stratford Methodist - dined at McCullocks Showers 51
Monday 26 Is. Chas & W'd to Stratford - divided with Foster (for McCullock) on 50 Logs & hauld our 25 on to the Gangway to be {illegible} Christ'n making Shingles - Showers 51
Tuesday 27 Charles at Alex's for the day Cradling - the rest turning Peas

examining & righting Wheat Stocks & making Shingles

interrupted by heavy showers - Isaac trapd a Racoon in the Oats
Wednesday 28 Chas Showers morn'g till {illegible} 53 54
Thursday 29 Chas Mrs Tom in Waggon to Stratford - taking McCarthys Stove brot from Woods lbs Beef pd him for do & Bill to this time 7 6 showers 51 51
Sn Is Ch'r & W'd making Shingles - Jno Stewart & McGregor reaping till 12 noon - 7 1/2
Friday 30 removing & opening Sheaves Wheat - hauling horses & oxen & pottering showers 49
1844 August
Saturday 31 Hauld into West barn the whole of the Spring Wheat from South & remainder 1 Load from Paddock in all 30 Loads including 2 Loads from Paddock 24th about 400 Stooks of 12 Sheaves

Had Alex, James & his Man Isaac with Horses oxen & Teams for the day & John & Mrs Stewart oxen & Waggon 9@ 12 carried in 2 Loads

borrowd from him 2 Bottles Whisky
rain'g cloudy

aft'n fine

barom rising
60 58
Sunday 1 Chas to Stratford with letters, himself to Bignall & Mrs Barron to Octo Martha Ellen & Christ'n & Emily to Meanys to tea cloudy & mist equal to rain 50
Monday 2 Hauling Peas to North of West Barn 9 Loads Dr Moore pd Wm a visit fine 67
Tuesday 3 Hauld in rem'r of Peas 3 Loads - in all 13 Loads in 2 Stacks - Cradling Oats

borrowed another Bottle Whisky of John Stewart - Emily to Stratford - bought of Mrs Jackson 15 3/4 lb Beef

Whaleys had the oxen for the day Logging
beautiful 53
Wednesday 4 Is & Chas Cradling Christ'n & W'd reaping Oats -- Whaleys had the oxen again today beautiful 46 54
Thursday 5 Paid 3 Washers

Cradling till 10 - afterwards raking & binding - & hauld into East Barn in 1 Load - Chas to Stratford @ 10 re District School ret'd @3

brot from Woods 7 1/2 lb Mutton
Do 46
Friday 6 Hauld into Barn 8 Loads of about 20 Stooks ea

Mrs T M & E to Stratford - the Bishop confirmed between 60 & 70

the Boys brought in a Nest of 4 young Goldfinches 11 @ 12 days old
Do 52 60
Saturday 7 Had Mrs Stewart & Ann & Betsey Crerar for the day - reaping with Christ & W'd Isaac & Chas Cradling Oats till 3 - Hauled 2 Loads 50 Shock to Barn Had to day a fourth Bottle of Whisky from John Stewart - J Chas Do 54 61
Sunday 8 Isaac Chas & W'd in Waggon to Stratford - Hickey fine 60 66
Monday 9 W'd at 9 left for Ferries - for Flour & to look after seed Wheat $5 the rest thatching Peas Stacks - Dr Moore visited Wm Pet'r Crerar &c
Tuesday 10 thatching Peas - Hauling Rails & Logging cradling & binding Oats - Hauld in 2 Loads Shooks

Wilfred arr'd from Ferries @ 6 1/2 pm - bro from him 2 Bls Flour in Sacks being the Balance of his due Bill delivered safe -

cont'd over
showr forenoon aft'n fine 59 58

1844 September

Tuesday 10 cont'd paid Danl Stouffer for 5 1/2 Bush'ls Fall Wheat @ 6/yk 1 ~ 7 1/2
rec'd of John Stewart op'd Do for 10 B's @ 6/ 2.8.9 Expences 5 ~
op'd Stouffer for 10 Bush'ls @ Do 1.17.6

" Ferries for Barley - 2.6

our charge for carriage - 6.3 2.6.3

" ret'd to him 9 Wilf'd 11th
rec'd 6 3
Wednesday 11 Hauld in the last of the Bals 4 Loads bo Shock -

W'd Hauling rail Cuts to Logging & Hauling Branchs from Do

Emily to Stratford - brot letter from Henry to Chas p
9 fine 53 57
pd for Sn 7 1/2 papers 2 1/2 10
Thursday 12 Preparing Land No for Fall Wheat - 4 Acres / measured/

Rec'd from Ellen for fetching her from Hamilton 2 ~ ~

& for sundries had at the Stores hers -- 3.3 ch'd to my acco't
2 3 3 beautiful 48 50
pd her for R{illegible} 1/3 Mace 1/3 sent for Beckets

8 1/2 pm Dr Moore calld on his way fm Hamilton

has sent Lemons & Peaches P Dalys Club
2 6
Friday 13 Mr Barron arrived at 3 pm via Woodstock Sowd Bush'ls Wheat North - Dragging Do Hauling rails &c 2 6 Do 41 57
Saturday 14 Do -- " Do --- ---- Do Goldfinch in trap Do 47
Sunday 15 Chas to P. Office letter Mr Barrin to Henry Do 50
Monday 16 Mr Barron & Chas to Stratford in Waggon -- Pottering & preparing for tomorrow journey - lifted rem'g 3 Beds Onions

Dr Moore pd Wm a visit - dined &c @ 2 1/2

pf Mrs T viz 31 yds Cotton for Boys - - .6.5 1/2

24 ---- M & E - - .5.-

'----Weaving Cloth for trouzers 5 -

Mrs Meany for Beef 10 {illegible} 3.1 1/2
19 7 Do
Tuesday 17 the Barrons Christ'n & Chas left on Waggon @ 9 1/2 pm

Ellen on Nance as afar as Izards - Isaac accomp'd them so far & brot Bell back -- adv'd Ch'r $10 - & paid Chas $3 ---


~ 15 ~ Do smart showr 9 pm 67
received of Mrs Barron for conveying them down $8 2
Wednesday 18 Wilfred harrowing forenoon - Isaac {illegible} to Stratford

aft'n Isaac to Alex fencing Oxen cleard out of field - h'd pottering

evening to Dr Moores for medicine Mr Meany Alex & Watson here
again beaut'l 48
1844 September
Thursday 19 Wilfred dragging - Isaac odd jobs - Mary Cowmans left

pd Mrs T. postage of letter Mr Barron to Ellen rec'd rec'd from Ellen 17

pd Do for Ann Stewart for milking 4d - Mrs Meany 1/2 --- --
4 1/2 aftern ak Sun & Cloudy 45 68
Friday 20 Wilf'd harrowing - Isaac brot from Donald Stewart a hind quarter Mutton 18 1/2 lbs @

aft'n Is to the Herb Doctor - absent & wil be for 3 weeks

afternoon pottering stringing onions &c

Christ' arrivd @ 10 pm having come by way of Guelph to set down

Mifs Emily Downing at Mrs Worsleys --

brought for Mr Watson a Bale Dry Goods - a Cask of Ironmong'y 250 lb. & a small Parcel --

paid at Ferries Mill for 25 lbs Barley Meal 3.5

expences on journey 1.3.6 1/2

advanced to Chs -- 2.10 1.6.11 1/2

rec'd bala'ce 1.3 1/2
1 6 11 1/2 beautiful 58 66
Saturday 21 Isaac took up Watsons Goods as above wt 4.3.20

to our Credit @ 3/9 C'y = 19/3 ~

Ch'r & W'd pottering -
storm of wind & a little rain 66
Sunday 22 Wm suffering more than usual Martha & Emily went to Dr Moores who came about 5 1/2 @6 -- after administering some medicine the Dr beckond me to go with him into the Garden & then stated his suspicions that a vale of the heart has burst & that he was in a very dangerous state -- at this moment Mrs T came running in to say that William was much worse & we only just reachd the room to witnefs his last breath @ 6 1/2 precisely, without a struggle on apparent suffering - Stopd the Post inpafsing & sent a line to Henry Mrs McNaughton Mrs P. Crerar Mrs Don'd Stewart here in even'g {in left hand margin - written vertically} Beans, Tomatoes Capsiums & Cucumbers & all tender Annuals cut off fine a little below 32
Monday 23 W'd to Stratford with Waggon for Mifs Cofsey - at her Brothers

- took the Doctor home

Hende came early this morning to measure for Williams Coffin - Isaac to Stratford - Wilfred to WC Cofseys & Crough Mifs C.

- after dinner Is'c & W'd to Stratford to arrange about the funeral &c . -
Tuesday 24 Isaac to Stratford morn'g arranged for the funeral to take place this afternoon, to be at Stratford @ 4 pm left this at 2 3/4 - the Body in Alex's Waggon with Alex & the undertakers Isaac Christ'n Wilf'd & I in our own - the Doctor & N McNaughton & most of our neighbours on Horseback or on foot. Mr Daly read the Services - got home about 6 1/4 after the Boys had seen the grave filld & coverd with Sods - {in right margin, written vertically} poor William's Bed is removed & all looks blank --

1844 September

Wednesday 25 Isaac to Stratford - no letters or papers - gave directions to put a fence round Williams Grave - fixing Stables - &c &c Chs on sick list - Boil on Arm pd Thos Williams for digging Grave @ - 6/3 & 7 1/2 6 10 1/2 rain fm @.L.+ till 2@3 pm
Thursday 26 Christ'n ploughing - to ploughing part of day & Harvesting - Isaac at Village - took home Mr Dalys easy Chair - brot 2 Plough shares &c from Dalys

Hendes Charges for Coffin $8 - Dr Moore will not make any charge - to pay what I please

paid Washers Mr I {illegible} Mrs Roy & C Crerar - 1 day - {illegible}

2 days
7 6 fine 40
Friday 27 Christ'n & W'd ploughing - Isaac pottering - fencing in Peas &c fine & cold 28 35
Saturday 28 Do -- Do -- Do -- Do Do

Ruidien brot from P.O. an Inq'r & 4 Cultivators - 2 due to Daly

traped a second Goldfinch - young
cloudy & cold till 9 pm then rain 32 40
Sunday 29 all at home Alex took to P Office Letter Mrs T ot Mrs Barron Mr Dalys teamster brot a letter from John - Box arrived at Hamilton but he could not bring it -- 3 15 ~ fine 37
Monday 30 Christ'n & W'd ploughing - Isaac to Stratford - took a Note to Dr Moore inclosing $15 for attendance on William - some Napthi Iron Pills & paid Hende for Coffin $8 -- inter'd Bell & Bull for Show 4 in't fine 35 36
Tuesday 1 Christ'n & Wilf's ploughing - Isaac stringing & stowing away Onions

aft'n to Mrs Meanys & borrowd a 9 Gall Cask - filld Do

with vinegar boild up this morning adding 5 lbs Sugar -
fine 30 44
Wednesday 2 Christ'n & W'd ploughing - Isaac making Whipple trees Double Do & pottering

Mrs Sargint @ 2 pm called out at the Gate on their way home from Toronto had been upset in the dark on the Lake Bridge & came for shelter & to send helpt to Jackson other Teamster - the boys all went with lights &c &c after repair Is'c escorted Mrs S back

Mr Sargint died on Sunday the 29 & was buried on the 30 in the Cemetery Toronto

Seigmillers Cattle (21) taken home
cloudy even'g rain 42
Thursday 3 Christ'n & W'd ploughing - Isaac thrashing oats & pottering

sent to P. Office J Peddie a letter Mrs T. to John inclosing $3 to pay expences on Box from Dublin 13/5

for Soap 1.75 to be sent up--
15 tol. a bout evening 39 48
Friday 4 Show day - the Boys at Stratford - took up Bull *& Bell - rec'd ~ 15 ~ Showers 2 @ 3 pm 43 44
Bull in the background - Bell took 2nd Prize 15/. ~ 15 ~
paid for 4 Bush'ls Bran at Mr L ~ 1 3
Grog 11
1844 October
Saturday 5 Isaac & W'd to Stratford with Colts - took 10 pr 4 in. Scantling to Hindes to enclose Grave . ret'd about 5 bringing Sharman with whom we agreed to trade Jack & Prince for his brown Gelding & $10 pay'ble in January - he rode Jack home - Christ'n pottering gloomy 44
Sunday 6 Wilfred to P. Office with letters to Mrs Jos Dublin & to Henry & Ellen inclosing $ fine 36
Monday 7 Isaac to G. Seigmillers Sale & to settle our account - bot a Bristle & Martingale $1 3/4 Adam is to settle with us incl'd $2 Exps

Sharman brought our new Horse Dick - Alex gives a bad character for mischief in the Stable - plunging & striking with his forefeet biting &c &c

-- Macullock &c to Hamilton -- & Dalys Team
1 3 fine 26 33
Tuesday 8 taking up Potatoes - 1 Hill Mercer's 20 Bushels - a few Bush's towards Hill No 2 Mixd - Isaac at Orrville raising a Log House fine 27 50
Wednesday 9 taking up Potatoes - finished Hill 2 - 30 Bush'ls - abt 17 Bls 23 hill 3 {written vertically in weather column} Indian Summer

trapd a 3rd Goldfinch - pd Mrs T. on acco't of Reynolds

altering small Sow & young Pigs

Cofsey attempted to ride Dick was thrown & kickd at, but not hurt
1 10 1/2 fine 42 46
Thursday 10 Isaac twice at Stratford - took some lumber to Hinde in place of what was taken on the 5th that being unsuitable for the purpose

brot from him a Niagara Suspension Bridge Bank Dollars Note pd him 30 {illegible}

being bad -- a young Man Cox will undertake to break Dick

Christ'n & W'd pottering

Isaac took up Edm Scotts vendor Note but did not see him brot sund's for Dalys
rain thunder

& lightning morning

aft'n fine & cold
54 36
Friday 11 Wilfred at Alex's with the Mares to thrashing Mill

Is & Christ'n taking up Potatoes - W.T. our house morn'g Emily 1 hour aft'n

finished Hill 3 - 30 Bush'ls - 25 Bls towards Hill 4 - trapd 2 more G finches
fine 26 32
Saturday 12 Wilf'd rem'd at Alex's last night & workd this day thrashing Mill with Mares

Is & Christ'n with Kirk &c drawing Line between our Lot & Cresars, by which we lose a small portion of our Clearance - & after'n Cr the Line between Cresar & Donald Stewart - after'n taking up Potatoes finishd Hill 4 Bl's

W'd to Stratford after finishing at Alex's brot Letters from Mrs Jas to Mr T. & from Aunt June to me -
fine 25 35
Sunday 13 Mr John S to Orrville to tea - Alex here Do fine rain 10 pm 27 44
Monday 14 Cox the Colt breaker with us today - the Boys a fishing - Isaac to Stratford to urge Hinde to put up the fences round Williams grave &c Pitted Carrots - Aft'n East end - surry Wash - & 1 Did'n between misly rain nearly all day 45 44

1844 October

Tuesday 15 all taking up Potatoes finished Hill 5 Bush'ls Pitted Beets East Hill - pad Washers ~ 3 ~ tolerably fine 38
Wednesday 16 took up a few Potatoes - prevented going on by rain

Cox with Dick to Sharmans to put on front Shoes which he declined

Brot from Dalys 3 qu'ts Whisky & Bottle - Paper &c
rain nearly all day
Thursday 17 Christ'n & W'd repairing Barn floor &c & Tom Cox mounted Dick for the first time rode him at a walking pace from Stratford East as far as McNichols pretty steady except at a Crofsway East

Is went to Stratford to arrange G Seigmillers h{illegible} - his Books are at Goderich but will be down in a month meantime we can have what we want of Adam - returned to Daly the writing Paper brot by Cox yesterday Whisky

Whisky at Stratford
~ 6 Showers 36 38
Friday 18 taking up Potatoes till noon - brought into Cellar 30 Bushels

afternoon continued to rain to this time 9 pm

@ 8 am Tom on Dick to Hicks Tavern - back @ 3 pm

a restive fit nearl Sebrins Black Creek detained him 3/4 hour
gloomy till noon aft'n rain which continues heavy
Saturday 19 Isaac to Stratford - ret'd Whisky Gall Bottle borrowd 16th

Tom on Dick down the Road - ret'd 1/4 hour with Dalys Team by which we received the Dublin Box from Hamilton - 1 Do from Mrs Barron a parcel for Do & a small one from John - for me which I brot from Stratford

Tom aft'n to Stratford where he put Dick in Sharmans, loafd about the place & got home drunk at dusk
a tremendous storm of wind in the night Severe Showers 32
Sunday 20 Isaac on Bell & W'd on Dick to Stratford - Christ'n on foot - Hicky

gave Tom his discharge & he left 9 @ 10 pd him for 6 days @ $3/9 & grub

viz. by Pair Boots at Seigmillers -- $4. - 1.-

Cash ---- 02.6

Is'c took letters to P. Office Mrs T. to Aunt Jane - BV. Todhunter at J M Cooksons of Lincolns Inn & to W.T. to Jos Bowman

Hackney Terrace - the last pd for
2 6 fine 33 26
Monday 21 Walked to Stratford - calld at McCullock & Linton Store - Mr Linton gave me a parcel which he had brot from Hobsons (from Mrs Tye with Books ret'd a N {illegible} Wm Tye & Bride Cake from Mr & Mrs H Fenner NYk - at Seigmillers who begd me to get Book at Hays - calld & got measured - measured also by Johnsons for a Coat - at Jacksons was introduced to Mr & Mrs Martin Scott - & Mrs Moore - treated the Doctor to a Glafs

went over to the Doctor & got some flax seed - calld at Mrs Sargints


Mrs Meanys & got home - Isaac & W'd up with Bell & Dick & had them shod

calld also at Dalys - Christ'n at home - pottering
7 1/2 fine 31
1844 October
Tuesday 22 Isaac started about 9 for Dundas on Bell driving the Donkeys before him W'd on Dick running him to Izards for exercise to horse - ret'd at 12 1/2 Christ on the Waggon to Curtis' for Crocks bought many months since all sold of course - Afternoon finished taking Potatoes

- brot home about 16 Bush'ls making about 46 Bush'ls in Cellar

Hill No 1 Mercers --- 20

2 Red &c --- 30

3 -- Do ---- 30

4 - Do --- 30 25

5 - Do -- 30 25

186 Bush'ls gave Isaac $2

op'n Wms Box -- 4

Rec'd frm Wms Box $4 -- 1 -- --

pd Isaacs expences
14 5 fine 38
Wednesday 23 Christ'n repairing East Line fence - Wilfred first with {illegible} & aftern with Waggon exercising Dic & all forenoon afternoon with bell & Nell to Careys & brot 10 Bushels Lime - pd for same @ 1/yk --- Whiskey from Dalys 6 3 fine 37 46
Thursday 24 Christ'n with oxen to Stratford 9 @ 10 -- W'd Do on Dick @ 12 brought home Lumber from Mill - Dr Moore dined with us, going East exps - ride 2 V fine ev'g suspicious 40 54
Friday 25 Isaac return'd from Dundas @ 10 1/2

afterwards on Dick to Stratford - Chs & W'd to do with oxen & piled what Lumber was sawn - Wm Reilly & Annie came by mail

young Whaley came this morning - under brushing South
fine 54 42
Saturday 26 Whaley & Son here underbrushing - Christ'n & W'd with oxen to Mill

piling Lumber - Isaac pottering plastering - making {illegible} Oven - even'g Isaac & Christ'n shingling Do - Wilf'd brot letter from Chas to Mrs T. 7d by Christ'n pd

pd Christ'n 7d & 3
fine 33 35
Sunday 27 Wilfred on Dick to Stratford Mr Allan Mr T & I walked to Orrville a call on Mrs Reilly & Annie gloomy & cold even'g snow 28 32
Monday 28 finishd shingling oven - & pottering - snow during last 1 @ 2 snow all day & continues is 3 or 4 in. 25 25
Tuesday 29 thrashing oats & Dick - aft'n 3 3/4 Is. W'd M & E on Sleigh with Dick & Nance to Stratford - brot from Dalys 3 quts Whisky &c &c - calld at Dr Moores - Medicine for M. not prepared - ret'd @ 6 1/2 snow show'rs thro't the day 24 27
Wednesday 30 Fanning oats & pottering - after dinner W'd to Stratford Lintons

- got a Load 3 Barrels Pearl Ash to Hamilton - did not call at Orrville or return

Emily & I walkd @ 10 oC - Mrs Reilly being for only a time cannot go home or {illegible}
fine 28
Thursday 31 $0

W'd & Em'y left @ 8 1/2 .-- rec'd from Wm's Box a half Sov'n

Chris'n hauld in firewood - Isaac exercising Dick & pottering - traps &c

W'd had also 3 5 from Linton Stewarts expences
12 3 fine 15

1844 November

Friday 1 Christ'n at Camerons raising - Isaac to Stratford on Dick had shoe altered Reynolds had 200 ft Lumber from Mill @ 7/yk pL00 - pd 23 Sep 7 46 1 or 2 showers 40
Saturday 2 Is & Ch'n mudding front of House - aft'n on Bell to Stratford - brot from P. Office letter from Henry to Mrs T. 9d pd by 47 - & 2 Inquirers & a Canadian Planted {illegible} Nar & Int 1 or 2 Do ev'g 33
Sunday 3 rain 9 am till night - all at home 9 pm no Wilf'd yet rain all day 42
Monday 4 getting Sand & mudding except from 11 till 3 1/2 when Is was exercising Dick down the road - pd Is. for postage 2d inst -- 9 tolerable 39 38
Tuesday 5 Is & Christ'n earthing up Potatoe Hills - mudding & repairing siding of backroom. Wilfred arrived @ 2 1/2 with Load for Macullock & Linton @ 3 pm with oxen took the Load to Stratford & delivered amount to debit of M. & L. pd for 2 Seives for Fanning Mill $17 10 - fine 32
Wednesday 6 Is & Christ'n mudding House &c Wilfred with Mares & Waggon a Load for Macullock to his new Store at Big Thames

put on Stye to fatten Bob young white Sow 4 - 2 yr old Hogs

& 1 1/2 yr old Hog - pitted 48 Drumhead Cabbages in garden

W'd calld at P. Office & sent by John Stewart a letter from Em'y {illegible} Jr pd by W'd
9 tol. 30
Thursday 7 Paid James Izard - collector the following Taxes viz.

on 2 Horses value L 8 ----- 1.4

2 Oxen ----- 4 .8

2 Cows ----- 3 .6

1 Do under 4 yrs 1 .1

200 Acres Land --- or 1d ------16.8

Asylum 1/8 on afsefsd Property 1.2 ~. 1.--.5

Williams Land & Clearance ~.8.8

1 9 1 38 33
rec'd from Mrs T of Wm property (sent up by Ellen's $2/- Wms 10
paid -- Do -- Mr Jno & Mrs Roy Stewart 3 --
Friday 8 Isaac & Christ'n mudding & repairing House - Wilf'd struck

pd Wilfred's expences to Hamilton & back 31 Octo @ 5th inst

1 14 3 snow showr afternoon 30
Saturday 9 Wilfred at Jno Stewarts raising a Shed for Sheep

Isaac on Dick at Stratford - brot Hines here for Grave fence L3.16.~ Sm

Christ'n hunting after oxen & hauling firewood
Sunday 10 Mrs T & Martha to Mrs Meanys after dinner with letters

Mrs T to Mrs Jos. W. T. to WWT with Seeds - to be conveyed by Mrs Reilly

Do to Elle Emily & to Henry Do by Annie
showers thunder & lightning 43
1844 November
Monday 11 Ch'r Mudding House - W'd & Is'c thrashing oats rain
Tuesday 12 Mr Meany Annie Mrs Reilly Child'n & Mary in Reynolds Waggon started for Hamilton - raining pretty fast Isaac at Curtis' Bee - came home after dinner - Christ'n & W'd winnowing oats & plastering H'e Rain
Wednesday 13 Isaac at Stratford on Nell - brot letter from Chas to Christ'n B Canadian & Cultivator - Chirst'n hauling firewood - repairing Chimney &c - W'd thrashing Peas Nance & Dick snow showers
Thursday 14 Wilfred at Curtis' Bee (2nd) - Is & Christ'n thrashing & winnowing Peas Sold 2 Sheep Skins to a Pedlar (one very bad) - 3/yk - tol. 38 30
Friday 15 Cleaning out Sheds & going over to Pines back lot - Wilfred making a Neck yoke for John Stewart fine 28 29
Saturday 16 Preparing East Shed for Oxen - Mr Meany returned @ 9 pm fm Hamilton

Wilfred to P Office aft'n brot letters from Emily & Henry - pd post'ge

announcing the arrival of William Henry Barron on Sunday last the 10th inst

1 4 fine
Sunday 17 again at East Shed all at home heavy snow showers
Monday 18 again at East Shed - Christ'n at Donald Stewarts
Tuesday 19 Christ'n at Donald Stewarts - Wilf'd at Jno Stewarts 2 hours aft'n Is'c & W'd at Shed morn'g - Is'c to Stratford aft'n 17 31
Wednesday 20 Is & W'd thrashing Wheat with Horses - Christ'n at Don'd Stewarts the day fine 28
Thursday 21 ret'd to Mr Daly trasfer of Lot 37 N Easthope, having inserted the namd of James (the Father) in the place of William Samuel Whaley a Minor - Thrashing Wheat W'd to P. Office - brot letter Chas to Isaac. pd 7d & Inq'r 1d 7 1/2 fine 26 28
Friday 22 at East Shed - making Cutter &c. cloudy 32 38
Saturday 23 at Sheds - Whaley Sen'r brot an Inquirer & Canadian fm Stratford - signed Bond little snow mo. & eve'g 33 morning 27
Sunday 24 all at home snow all day 18 19
Monday 25 Isaac at Mr Meanys butchering a Sheep - Christ'n & W'd again at Sheds hauling firewood &c. tol 18 19

1844 November

Tuesday 26 Cleaning Cellar Spring & pottering - W'd Jno Stewart 6 @ 11 1/2 pm had a Leg of Ven'n from Ind'ns for flour snow all day 20 24
Wednesday 27 Is & Christ'n thrashing Peas Nance & Dick - Wilf'd to Mill with 6 1/2 Bush'ls Sp. Wheat - brot 219 lb Flour - Shorts, 1 Sack & Bran 2 Sacks

1 Gall Whisky - my Boots from Kay - 1 lb Tea fm Linton &c

Mrs T & M accomp'd him

4 1/2 fine {sleighing but roads bad} 17 18
rec'd a hind qu't Lamb from Mrs Meany - pd Washers

the Williams calld for paym't 6/3 for Digging Wm Grave 1

referd him to Linton to whom the acco't was pad on his acco't 25 Sep
Thursday 28 thrashing Oats & Winnowing Peas - Tender Loin Ven'n from Indians for flour Sm Daly 7 1/2 Do 16 22
Friday 29 Winnowing Oats - aft'n Is & Christ'n aft to Stratford for Lumber - our own had a 2nd Leg of Venison from Indians for Flour - Wilfred at Cutter Do soft 21 27
Saturday 30 Is & Ch'r Dick & Nance to Stratford for Lumber - fixing Cattle Shed

in Barnyard - W'd pottering firewood Cutter &c -

Mrs Tom in Sleigh to Mrs Sargints - no Letter or Papers
32 32
Sunday 1 Wilfred on Dick after dinner to Izards fine mild a little snow even'g 27 22
Monday 2 the Hog of youngest litter found dead this morning at West Barn ( q'g Bob /.

Whaley & Son came @ 11 1/2 to begin chopping South

pottering at West Barn - W'd getting Cedar Log for barn Wood & pottering
Do 26 25
Tuesday 3 Wilfred with Nance & Nell to Rankins - Seebacks thrashing Mill - 2000 Sheaves - Hauling firewood - fixing Horse Stable Do 20 26
Wednesday 4 Wilfred again with mares to Rankins - 1600 Sheaves - Isaac to Stratford morn'g

no letters - Christ'n chopping firewood - aftern'n killd Hog No 2-

Mrs Cowmans paid Mrs T for Ram 7/6 - rec'd my half
3 9 misting 33 33
Thursday 5 Is & Christ'n thrashing Peas - Wilf'd at Cutter - &c had Indians tender Loin Venison for Potatoes - Whaleys house this ev'g light shower 31 32
Friday 6 Is & Ch'r thrashing oats Horses - W'd again at Cutter - pottering Whaleys came @ 7 am to breakfast home again at 3 1/4 - raining Do 32 34
Saturday 7 W'd to P. Office brot ap'd letter from Mrs Jos to Mrs T. dated 1 Nov'r all pottering - thraashd Oats for Horses Showers of snow & rain with high wind 43 23
Sunday 8 all at home snow shower 18 18
Monday 9 Thrashing Peas - cleaning Hog Stye - Spotted Hog sick - W'd crofsed the Lake beautiful 12 24
Tuesday 10 thrashing & winnowing Peas - finished Stack No 1 Is'c & Christ'n Wilf'd cleaning Hog Stye - ev'g Is & Wd at Cutter tol. 25 29
1844 December
Wednesday 11 Winnowing Peas - brot home about 24 Bush's - & 2 Loads Pea Straw covering yard Shed with - thrashing oats for Horses - cleaning West Shed - M Jn & I calld at Mrs Meanys - even'g Boys & Martha in Sleigh (Nell & Dick, to Stratford - Donald Stewart brot from P. Office Henry to Isaac -- owing for 9d fine 23 18
Thursday 12 6 am Is & Ch'r to Jno Stewarts but ret'd in 7 thrashing Mill not having arrivd Christ'n trapd Fox No 1 - morn'g pottering - aft'n thrashing Peas &c Sleigh still bad fine 13 32 gof 34 -10
Friday 13 Is & Ch'r thrashing Peas - Wilf'd yesterday & today making Grain Shovel snow show'r 31 32
Saturday 14 Christ'n & W'd at Jno Stewarts thrashing Mill Keppans' - 4150 Sheaves Isaac pottering Cattle Pigs firewood &c Is trapd Fox No 2 Do nearly all day 30 27
Sunday 15 All at home - Alex Orr calld at Noon - after dinner the Boys in Sleigh to Stratford - took Alex up - brot a Canadian no letters Foxes No 3 & 4 trapd by Isaac, {illegible} all dogs. Bob came home this even'g after about a months absence snow show'rs 25 22
Monday 16 Wm Whaley this Cousin James came this morn'g @ 6 -- Christ'n & W'd at John Stewarts (threshing mill) 2 or 3 hours morn'g - Isaac blocking up Window in East Shed - aft'r Is & Ch'r thrashing Oats - W'd to Stratford Bell & Dick fixing Shoe Dick -- Bell a new one -- Do 17
Tuesday 17 thrashing Peas - brot in a load of the Straw - W'd chopping firewood &c &c Whaley Sen'r came @ 6 am - pd Washer 2 Mrs Stewarts 3 -- snow nearly all day 16 18
rec'd for 3 oz Hops -- @ 1 1/2 4 1/2
Wednesday 18 Isaac & W'd with Dick & Bell to Stratford for Lumber forenoon - aft'n brot from West Barn Sacks Peas Dick & Nance - even'g - Boys & 2 young Whaleys in Sleigh Dick & to Izards -- some snow 17
Thursday 19 Christ'n hauling firewood - Is & W'd cleaning West Stable for Grain & to Stratford up with Dick & Nance - brot some Straw from to Barn Snow g'd part of the day 20 14
Friday 20 Brown & another Chopper came @ 8 am - & after supper

Duncan Keppan this man came at 7 pm with thrashing Mill & 4 Horses

Is & Christ'n preparing West Barn for Do -- aftern'n Is & W'd to P Kostners brot 9 Gall's Whisky to be pd for in Grain - Christ'n borrowd of Mrs Meany @ 31 3/4 to Flour
Do 5
Saturday 21 thrashing Mill - Rankin & Man Pat McQuaid - Don'd Stewart & Margaret Wm Cresar Son & Daughter - John Stewart Keppan & Man - Horses Keppans this morning Nell, Nance & Bell - aftern'n Dick in addition - Sheaves thrashed 3634 the 3 Whaleys went home after supper - Keppan man & horses Do 7 Bls Whisky snow show'rs 16 25

1844 December

Sunday 22 all at home cloudy 26 32
Monday 23 borrowed of Mrs W Crerar 20 1/4 lb Flour

Whaley & Son came @ 6 am - Keppan & man @ 5

Rankin & Pat - Donald Marg't - John Stewart & Rutherford - W Cresar & 2 - & Reilly (Mex)

thrashd (with Keppans 4 & our 4 /Sheaves 1200 - in all Sheaves 4834

finishd (-11- & removd Mills to West East Barn - after dinner

thrashed the whole of the oats Sheaves 2700 - Keppan left @ 6 -

W'd with Oxen took Mill Wheels to Peter McNaughtons
snow show'rs 22
Tuesday 24 Is. to Village on Bell - brot Letter from Eb'r Tadhunter pd postage 1 2 1/2 fine 21 27
W'd to Do with Sleigh - took up Bush's Wheat brot back flour & sundries frm Watson & Daly Sm

Is & Ch'r cleaning Stables fanning Wheat for Mill &c -

McDermid & Moadly here @ Dick & Nell for 10 Mar @ 5/. p day

W'd took them with him this ev'g - Whaleys left after supper
7 1/2
Wednesday 25 All ex Self in Sleigh to Stratford - Hickey - ret'd @ 2 1/2 - afterward Christ'n & W'd in Do as far as Lot 24 -- rapid thaw 32 40
Thursday 26 Sleighing at an end - Getting Oat straw into Barn & pottering Wilfred to Stratford had a tooth extracted by Tom Daly light show'rs of rain fore'n 43 25
Friday 27 fixing Straw Stacks & fence west end of Hemlock field fine 22
Saturday 28 Isaac to Stratford - no letters or Papers - brot from Dalys 2 lbs raisins 1/6 & 1 lb Currants 1/- C'y -------pd him 2 6 Do 20 26
W'd aft'n to Fryfogels with a sick or tipsy Dutchman (Waggon) & ret'd chopping Firewood & pottering 3 9
Sunday 29 Mrs T & Christ'n to Mrs Meanys - ret'd to tea Do 25 24
Monday 30 Whaley & Son came at 6 am

Is & W'd to Sharmans with Nell & Nance - in returning brot Watson

Mrs Meany Bessy & Ja's to tea &c - took them all home @ 12 1/2
Snow show'rs 36
Tuesday 31 Winnowing

after dinner Mr Tye calld on his way to Stratford. Wilfred drove Mr. T.

M.L. Mr Stewart to Brocksden - ev'g Martha & the Boys to Mrs Meanys
fine 35
1845 January
Wednesday 1 Grinding Axes at Mr Stewarts - Mr Tye calld on his way to Stratford & took a Glafs Hotstuff - Mrs T & M walkd to Stratford Hicky preaching -

- Sam & Tom Daly came down to tea - after which Tom & the Boys calld at Jno Stewarts & W Cresars

Whaley Sen'r indisposed went home before supper
Raods continue bad for sleighing or Waggon mild
Thursday 2 Began Chopping South - W'd to Mill 6 Bush's 48 lbs Wheat - pruning Apple Trees Tye calld on return - as yesterd- could not trade away his pails Candles &c -- fine tonite 25
Friday 3 Whaley Sen'r returned this morning 7 @ 8 o'C - both left off work @ 9 3/4 home @ 10 hr.5 m

Wilf'd to Mill brot Flour &c from Wheat left yesterday

Mrs T. accomp'd him to Bridges! whose child has been severely burnt & to Mrs Sargints

Killed the little Sow Pig Cripple No. 3
heavy rain last night & great part of the day 34
Saturday 4 morn'g Cutting up Cripple & putting into old Brine

aft'n Is & Ch'r to Jno Stewarts - killing 2 Hogs - W'd pottering

Rankin brot us letters from P. Office from Ann & James & Ann T Greenhous

Ralph (4 1/2 more to pay) & {illegible} - & one from Mrs Jos:

to Mrs T inclosing L100 {illegible} a portion of Legacy to former frm Mr Best

Whaley Son & neph'w came this morning - the last at 9 @ 10 oC' & left in the ev'g
fine 27 32
Sunday 5 Dr Moore dined with us - Is to Mrs Meanys after dinner gloomy little snow 24 22
Monday 6 morning Pottering - aft'n chopping - Whaley Jr & Cousin came @ 5 3/4

wrote letter to go by T Daly & Jam - Mr T. to Henry inclosing the Bill rec'd 4 ins't - Bank of British North America L100 Sterl pay'ble to Mrs Martha Thompson with the Current Prem of Exchange - dated

Provincial Bank of Ireland Dublin Agency 20 Nov 1844

To the Managers of the Branch of Toronto

Indorsed to Henry 6 Jan 7 1845 - cannot make out the Signature at first

also Mrs T to Emily - W.T to Mrs Barron Isaac to H'y

{in left margin, written vertically} Grand Row between Roman & Orangemen Jas Paton stabd & not likely to recover Boyd much injured by Hurdsmith after Town meeting
cloudy & cold 18
Tuesday 7 Whaleys having finished their job 5 1/2 acres left to day about 3 pm Boys chopping to - paid Washers Roy Stewart & Janet Cresar 3 - snow show'rs 21
Wednesday 8 Isaac & Christ'n chopping - W'd hauling & chopping firewood - even'g heavy snow 22 25

1845 January

Thursday 9 Winnowing Wheat - Mr Daly Tom & Jane pafsd down for Hamilton - Tom took letter to John - Herny - vito Mrs B & Emily - viz 6th ins't

Sleighs again but not good said to be better East & even to Toronto
snow show'rs 30
Friday 10 All chopping South - even'g to Stratford cloudy 24
Saturday 11 Preparing Wheat for Market - after'n Isaac in Sleigh to Stratford trying to get a Load from Galt or elsewhere here - nothing sn. show'rs 21 18
Sunday 12 all at home snow even'g 22 19
Monday 13 Wilfred @ 8 1/2 for Ferries & (Nance & Bell) with 13 Sacks Wheat

Z/2 & 6/A

Brownley called to say that Dick had hurt himself or been kickd on the fore leg - is to bring him home tomorrow
3 or 4 in Sn last night & {illegible} snow m'g aft'n fine 20
Tuesday 14 Winnowing Wheat - Wilfred arrived from Galt @ 6 1/4 pm bringing 5 Barrels Salt for Mr Daly - Debit him for Carr'ge @ 2/6= 12/6

1 for Self - pd for same 11/10 1/2 below

sold Wheat at new Mill Galt

21 Bush'ls 45 lbs @ 5/8 yk ... 3.16.10 1/2

lefs road expences ----.4.11
3 11 11 1/2 Snow show'rs afternoon 19
pd for Barrel Salt 19/yk ----- .11.10 1/2

Marvels Almanac ---------~.3 1/2

Tobacco Knife ------- .7 1/2

Dick brought home afternoon by a little Boy
12 9 1/2
Wednesday 15 @9 Isaac to Stratford with Dalys 5 B'ls Sal

has the promise of a Load to Hamilton & another back from Watson beginning next week

Christ'n & W'd winnow'g Wheat & preparing for Market tomorrow

rec'd fm Ann Stewart from Mrs Kirk for 2 1/2 doz. Eggs @ 6d

1 3 day fine, even snow 17 29
Thursday 16 @ 7 3/4 Wilf'd left for a Market with 16 3/4 Sacks Wheat - 4/11 Isaac @ 11 to Sharmans with Dick & got a small Bottle Lotion for his Leg - heavy snow all day 27 23
Friday 17 Christ'n hauling - Isaac chopping firewood

W'd arrivd from Galt about 4 pm bringing a Load fm Mr Daly for which debit his acco't $3 1/2

Isaac & W'd took it up @ 6 - - forward
Showers of sleet morn'g aft'n cloudy 24 17
1845 January
Friday 17 cont'd Wilf'd sold Wheat to Ferrie & Co

25 1/2 Bush'ls @ 5/8 yk . . . 4.10.3 1/2

lefs expenses -- .3.9 r'd
4 6 6 1/2
paid for Rope ~ 1 6 1/2
Saturday 18 Killd 2 Hogs - old Bob & Short Tail

Isaac & W'd took them in the ev'g to Watsons for Sale

Mrs T accomp'd them as far as Mrs Sargints

ret'd @ 10 1/2 - sold the hogs to Mr Daly

short tail 253 lb

Bob --- 259 } 512 lbs @ 4 cts ---- L5.2.5

to my C'r P Mickles mem.

Got from Watson an order on Dan'd McNab for 10 Kegs Logging Chain (3/8 in) {line scratched out and indecipherable}

& on Edw'd Adams for Goods & if not enough to fill up with Salt
beautiful cold day 16 6
Sunday 19 Wilfred & Mrs T to Stratford (Allan) fine Z 18
Monday 20 receved of Jno Sharman Balance of Acco't to 1 Jan 7

viz. due to me on acco't 1843 -- 1.8.1

Bal'ce on trading Horses 2.10.~ } 3.18.1

By Acco't for Smiths Work 1844 3.6.11

rec'd Cash this day ---- ----- 11.2 3.18.1
~ 11 2 fine 20 ab. 26
paid John Monteith to 31 Dec'r last Ph{illegible}

{line scratched out}

Isaac & W'd to Stratford with both Span & our Sleigh

borrowed another of Wm McDonald & brot from Ashery 8 Barrels Ashes on acco't G Watson, who is to pay $6

p Load each way, for {illegible} and Load vis. 18th --

gave Isaac to pay expenses & sundries $13

Christ'n cleaning stable & pottering.
1 9 3 1/2
Tuesday 21 Isaac & Wilf'd started for Hamilton with Ashes as above @ 7 am / Dick & Nell Nance & Bell

Christ'n trapd fox No 5 another dog

snow show'rs 26 29

1845 January

Wednesday 22 Christ'n repairing Stalls in Stable &c & pottering - evening with Martha to Stratford for Money letter from Henry - p'd post'ge Ann Crerar in the morning brot one from Emily not pd 9d & a Canadian 9 beautiful 27 19
Thursday 23 Paid my Note to Peter Crerar or Balance due 13th inst (for Pig bot at vending

Christ'n trapd Fox no 6 (Dog) - cleaning Pig stye & pottering

Martha to P. Office @ 11 1/2, in H Puddicombs Cutter, with letter

Mrs T to Mrs Jas - Mickle says in time for 3@ prox'y - Isay no
morn'g rain 23 33
Friday 24 Christ'n trapd Fox No7 - Dog- (Isaacs trap) Is. & W'd arr'd from Hamilton @ 4 pm with 2 Loads sundries for G. Watson & a Box for Shirks.. misty rain & sleet nearly all day 34 34
Saturday 25 Is & W'd to Stratford with Watsons 2 Loads Goods ( & Shirks Box)

Debit him for teaming down & up $24.~ L6..- C'y

paid expences of journey -----------
1 7 fine 22 17
WP McLaren for 2 lb young Hyoon @ 3/9 - 7.6

2 lb ground Coffee 1/3 - 2.6

7 lb Soap -- 6d/yk - 2.2 1/2
12 2 1/2
pd for Mrs T - 2/10 - 2/6 - 7 1/2 -1/3 - =7/2 1/2 rec'd 29th for thread 1 8 1/2
rec'd of - Whaley for 1/2 Bush Onions Red @ 7/yk - - Chris'n repairing Stalls in Stable & pottering 2 2
Sunday 26 Isaac to Stratford after dinner - took letters Mrs T. to John Henry & Charles . Mifs. M Wilcox Thompson &Co Churchville Township Toronto fine 7 26
Monday 27 Christ'n & W'd at Donald Stewarts - Thrashing Mill Isaac to Stratford to see Arch Shields - not there & pottering fine 25 38
Tuesday 28 rain morn'g aft'n snow 38 29
Wednesday 29 Killd 2 Hogs Black & Chunk - pd for Mrs John T Roy Stewart -- 3 ~ 24 18
pd for Ann Stewart milking 3 mo's ------- 6 ~
" M. & E. so much borrowd 12 June last 1 ~ ~
" for Factory to line Trousers 10
Thursday 30 Butchering & packing Barrels the Hogs killd yesterday

weight of Black 283 lb Chunk 281 lbs = 564 lbs - Lard inclusive

Lard in . 21 to . Lard 22 3/4
morn Snow 15 18
1845 January
Thursday 30 cont'd Wilf'd hauling firewood - Mrs Tom walkd to Stratford on businefsto a travelling Dentist Smith from Chatham

after their return W'd took Martha to Dalys for some Laudanum

when they ret'd the Boys & 5 Crerar & Ann Stewart to Izards & had a Glafs - ret'd @ 10.10 --

rec'd of Mrs Jackson for 2 1/2 doz Eggs @ 6d ---

Monteith brot letter from John to Mrs T.
1 3
Friday 31 Winnowing Wheat for Market & pottering Mr & Mrs Kirk took tea with us - fine a little Snow 8 5 below Z
Saturday 1 I. & C. winnowing & bagging Wheat. W'd Cattle & chop'g firewood fine 7 below 4 above
Sunday 2 Isaac trapd Fox No 8 -'Dog' -- Mrs T after d'r to Mrs McKays -- fine 7 above 14
Monday 3 Got by Poison Fox 9 Dog -- @ 11 Is to Stratford with Sleigh to inquire price of Wheat at Dalys &c ret'd about 3 --

Christ'n & W'd making Bed for White Sow in East Shed & pottering I & W. ret'd @ 11 1/4 having been at Watsons treating for a load to Hamilton & back next week W'd poorly --

ret'd Sold L16 Sacks . 28 Bush'ls 38 lb. to Mr Daly

@ 31/2 = L.4.9.6 Cr to my Credit in acc't pd for sm
7 1/2 snow show'rs & high wind 14 17
Tuesday 4 White Sow had a litter of 4 in night, 2 dead hunting up & setting traps & pottering - W'd on sick list from last nights spree at Watsons - Snow all day 20 10
Wednesday 5 Isaac & Christ'n winnowing Wheat - W'd pottering a young German from near Kingston accom'd for the night on his way down a little snow & high wind Snow 15 or 18 in deep 11 10
Thursday 6 Winnowing Wheat - &c put Befsy into Stable expecting her to farrow Snow show'rs high wind 6 17
Friday 7 Alex pafsed down for Toronto - took letters Martha to Emily & for Mrs Tye

Isaac to Stratford to fix with Watson about trip to Hamilton - brot down a Load 4 Barrels Pearls Ash

cleaning Harnefs & pottering

Watson {illegible} calld at 4 pm stopd till 9
beautiful 14 14
Saturday 8 Isaac again to Stratford - bro. another Load 4 B'ls P. Ash pottering fine 2
Sunday 9 all at home - Mrs Charmack calld with Ia's Ass -- - Sn Show'r 14 19
Monday 10 Is. Ch'r W'd & Martha in Sleigh (Dick & Bell) left @ 10 40 for Mr Tyes rec'd of Alex'r Crerar for Hector 44 ~ 2 6 mild & pleasant 20 26
Tuesday 11 The Wilmot party got home about 2 pm paid Wood Butchers {illegible} 1 9 1/2 Do 18 36

1845 February

Wednesday 12 Is & W'd with Wm Crerar 2nd Con tooking after Sebrons Men cutting Pines - have not taken any from his or his Lot

Isaac afternoon to Daly's re Lot 38 to meet - Scott suspect no go

calld at Kirbys & borrowed his Sleigh - pottering, loading 2 Sleighs & preparing for journey to Hamilton --
fine 26 10
Thursday 13 Is & W'd left @ 7 1.2 for Hamilton with 8 Brls Ashes fm Watson

$ of Notes 1/2 Sov'n 12/3 = $11.2.3 C'y

Christ'n hauling & chopping firewood & pottering - borrowd of Jno Stewart 49 lb Flour - Do - inst 22 1/2 lb -- In's Izard here ev'g 2 or 3 hours

Alex & Annie calld about 4 on their way from Toronto - brought a parcel Sundries for Mrs T & a pr Buckskin Mitts for me - also a Canadian
fine 3 bel. Z 9 ab.
Friday 14 Got by Poison Fox N. 10 (Slu{illegible} ) Spot has a Heifer calf @ 10 am brought it into House for the night - pottering.. show'rs of Sleet 14 28
Saturday 15 one of the sucking Pigs smotherd by its Mother this morn'g at 9 Ch'r pottering - a busy day Do rain 34 31
Sunday 16 Christ'n to Stratford Hickey - brot from P. Off. letter from Aunt Jane to Mrs T

Is & W'd arr'd from Hamilton @ 4 pm

paid expences on road L1.8.6 1/2 Tape (black) for H. use 7 1/2

paid for Mrs T. 2/10 2/ of it for cotton Batting
1 9 2 a little Sn ev'g 28 18
Monday 17 Is & W'd @ 9 to Stratford with Watsons Goods as above - ret'd @ 12 --

Isaac at 4 pm having with D Keppan been chuckd out of the Sleigh west of Mrs Meanys - the Mares (Nell & Bell) running off - he recieved a blow in the mouth, breaking a piece from a tooth - mouth & nose considerably swoln - Christ'n pottering as usual - Alex & Annie to tea

fine 28 31
Tuesday 18 W'd took home Kirbys Sleigh - borrowd sheet post paper of Mrs Meany

Is & Ch'r winnowing Wheat & preparing for market tomorrow

paid Mr R Stewart & Ann Cresar
~ 3 ~ fine 29 30
Wednesday 19 W'd left @ 8 for Ferries with Sacks Wheat 24 Bush'ls Got by P 2 Foxes No 11 & 12 Dog & Slut - - after dinner Isaac took tea with Mrs R. & Mr R. at Galt - Christ'n pottering fine 34
Thursday 20 Is & Ch'r killing Spotted Hog & the young Suckre & pottering

Wilfred ret'd from Ferries about 12 - brot Flour Bran & Shorts for 10 Bls Flour

for 14 " - - " rec'd a rec't @ 578 yk J Bush'ls in Tin Boxs Expences

9 1/2 pm Black Befs has just had a litter of 8 & 1 more during the night
3 2 1/2 show'r Rain 40
1845 February
Friday 21 Is & Ch'r butchering & barreling Spotted Hog & Got into Cellar part of a Hill of Potatoes - Wilfred with Nance & Bell to Hayesville for a Load Lumber for Wm Crerar to his Debit 7/6 fine & warm 37 37
Saturday 22 Got into Cellar remaining part of Hill Potatoes & pottering show'r ev'g 34 35
Sunday 23 all at home - W'd aft'n to Mrs Meanys with Tickets from Mr Robinson gloomy a show'r rain & snow ev'g 37 34
Monday 24 Wilf'd hauling fire Logs &c Is & Ch'r started to look after a Sugar bush - but falling in with a racoon track followed & killd a very fine Male, & returned - skind & got from it nearly a pint of oil - weight 13 lbs fine 32 34
Tuesday 25 Blue Birds Pigeons - Boys all after Racoons - killed 5 young one 6 lbs ea after'n did not fine any - shot 2 Pheasants - D Stewart brot 1/2 g'n Port Paper & Daly fine morn'g 56 36 41
Wednesdy 26 Isaac to Mrs Meanys re Robinsons Ball & to Stratford - ret'd 5 pm

Christ'n & W'd cobling - & pottering

ev'g 7. Is C. & Martha to Mrs Meanys - took 25 lb Flour in fulll of what we borrowd 20th Dec'r being 3 lbs over
flash show'r 32 23
Thursday 27 I.C. & W South hunting after a Pine for Tap trough - Preparing Waggon Annie her to tea snow ev'g 17 24
Friday 28 Is again to Stratford in search of a partner to Huron Hotel @ 3 Ch'r with Waggon for Annie @ 5 - 3 Boys M & Annie started fine snow even'g 21
Saturday 1 the party from Robinsons got home at 12 3/4 pm - the Ball a failure nearly all his Galt friends having disappointed him Mrs T. walk as far as Gad Curtis' to meet them fine 30 32
Sunday 2 all at home rain great part of day 36 34
Monday 3 an inch of Snow during last night & continues Is & Ch'r at Sugary 2 or 3 hours morn'g & Do afternoon - W'd sick list fine 27 20
Tuesday 4 at Sugary morning & again afternoon

Peter Robinson (Queen's Bush) brot 10 Bush's Siberian Wheat Red Chaff to pay in a month - to be left at Izards - @7 / yk= $8 3/4}

Mrs T. sold her Cow & Calf to Duncan McNaughton for $7.~

to be pd for & taken away in 2 or 3 days
fine 18 32

1845 March

Wednesday 5 Snow in the night & till this morn'g 2 or 3 in. I C & W'd at Sugary all day snow till 9 aftern'n fine 27
Thursday 6 All at Sugary till 4 1/2 when W'd came home & went to Stratford

bot 3 wooden pails at Maccullocks @ 2/6 - at Dalys Sn

paid Kays acco't Cash 1 5

p order on Ad'm Seigmiller ---- 1

borrowd of W'd $2 2.5.~

on return at * went to the Bush with provisions - @ all came in @ 8

brot fom P. Off'ce letters Aunt Jane to Martha & H'y to Mrs. T. 9d due Daly
7 1/2 fine 20 33
Friday 7 at Sugary all day - & till 1 am 8th Shower 4 heavy ev'g 25 48
Saturday 8 had of Mrs T & pasd Dun'n McNaughtons acco't 1844 at Sugary till 11 pm . Duncan took away Cow & Calf 17 6 fine 49 37
Sunday 9 all at home fine 30 28
Monday 10 at Sugary till 12 pm - brought home about 60 lb very nice Sugar

Mrs T & M walkd to Stratford & back

fine 26 31
Tuesday 11 Beauty not having come home last night, went this morning in quest of her & found her dead in W Crerars Chopping lying on her back & much swoln - W'd skind her & brouht skin home at Sugary till 11 fine 22 27
Wednesday 12 --- Do ----- 2 am of 13th {word obliterated} snow 2 or 3 hours morn'g after fine 32 28
Thursday 13 Yackie calld & filld Afsefsment Roll

200 Acres Land - 54 acres cult'd 146 un: - Lot 27 1st & 2nd Con

4 Horses - 2 Oxen 1 Milk Cow

3 head 2 @ 4 yrs old

4 Males 2 Females = 6 Unitarians - first Roll in which a Column has been headed for that denom'n

Boys at Sugary till 11 pm

receiv'd of Ab'm Buttar - Hector 44 2/6 -- rec'd
2 6 beautiful 26 34
Friday 14 brought home 80 lb Sugar & 30 1 Pail rather lightly boild - rest till 12 pm Snow good part of the day 30 20
Saturday 15 hauled remains of Beauty fm Crerars chopping to Swamp South hauling & chopping firewood Do Do 14 17
Sunday 16 Alex & Annie here at noon - Martha & Christ'n tead at Orrville & home @ 10 3/4 tol.. 17
1845 March
Monday 17 Is & Ch'r getting Wood for more troughs - W'd hauling firewood

Is to Stratford with Waggon even'g

pd Mrs Jno & Roy Stewart -------
3 ~ snow show'r 24 24
Tuesday 18 Do 18 18
Wednesday 19 Is & Christ'n winnowing Wheat - W'd pottering {illegible} 71 Do 12 15
Thursday 20 Is & C. winnowing Oats - W'd hauld Log firewood - solderd Coffee Pot even'g Is & W'd in Sleigh to Stratf'd brot 3 G's Whisky fm Watson's Do 22
Friday 21 Is & C at Sugary - Sap not running - fixd a few troughs - W'd pottering ev'g Is Ch'r Mrs T & M to Stratford - got 2 pr Boots fm Seigmillers fine 7 18
Saturday 22 Befsy had a Calf @ 7 1/2 am. Heifer

rec'd from Wm Anglin for Hec. 44

Is & Ch'r at Sugary - Sap dropping slowly ret'd @ 11 am

again after Do Do -- Wilf'd cleaning Stables - hauling firewood &c.
~ 10 ~ beautiful 7 24
Sunday 23 Isaac attended the funeral of the Sargints Son aged 8 - who died yesterday trapd a Mink South tol. 32 31
Monday 24 all at Sugary Snow m'g aft'n fine 31 27
Tuesday 25 rec'd of Duncan Campbell Hec 44

all at Sugary - brot home 27 lb very nice Crushed Sugar

Is. trapd another Mink --
2 6 fine 26 28
Wednesday 26 W'd at Jno Crerars raising a Barn Is & Ch'r at Sugary till 1 pm 27th fine 30 46
Thursday 27 W'd again at Crerars raising - Is & Ch'r at Sugary - @ 4 pm Annie & Befsy came & with Mrs T. & M went to them at {illegible} Isaac walkd home with A & B. beautiful 36 54
Friday 28 Christ'n at raising to Mr McNaughtons - home @ 2 am 29th

Is & W'd at Sugary - brot home 42 lbs Crushed Sugar n't of Pails 34 1/2 + 22 1/2+= 56 1/2 - 14 1/2 = 42


Snow disappeard in clearances except except in Bush & a little under fences
fine 41 48
Saturday 29 Is & C at Sugary - W'd stables & pottering took up Parsnips - 28 & 29th Do 36 55
Sunday 30 all at home Do 40 56
Monday 31 W'd at Peddies raising - ad'n to Barn - Is & Christ'n at Sugary - brot in a quantity of something --- Turner - calld 9 @ 10 am rem'd the Day & slept the n't on Sofa 54

1845 April

Tuesday 1 Turner left @ 6 1/2 having during his visit drank upwards of a quart Whisky

Is & Ch'r brot home last of Sugar (spoils) sup. 40 or 50 lbs

also Boilers Pails &c &c - trough turnd up -

a 9 Gall Cask of Sap for vinegar

Wilfred repairing Clock & pottering
heavy rain in the night day tol.. 35
Wednesday 2 Christ'n & W'd ploughing next Crerars - W'd Plough beam broken

Is & W'd replacing Do aft'n - Jno Stewart brought from P. Office Letter from Bowman a few lines added by Aunt Jane (pd)

& tea Coffee Ginger & tallow from Watsons
Hail & Snow showers with high wind 34 34
Thursday 3 Is & VCh'n ploughing - W'd finishd rep'r to Plough & preparing Drags evening Ch'r & W'd to D'd Stewarts - Quilting Bee - got home @ 12 Hail & Snow showers 23 34
Friday 4 Is & Ch'r plowing W'd making Drags ------- Sam Dalys 7 1/2 fine tol. 34 28
Saturday 5 Do -- --- Do --- ---- fine - {illegible} 34 28
Sunday 6 Mrs Tom intended going in Waggon to Stratford - but alarmed at Dicks plunging declined & had started alone taking letter to P Office - but before reaching the West gate Dick again plunged & fell & threw Bill right over him - all went to afsist him & after loosing all the Harnefs got them up without having sustained any injury - Is & he drove on as far as Kirbys & returned without further incident

Mrs T then after dinner walkd to Stratford with the letters Mr T Waters Barron

Mr Clear{illegible} & R'd calld aft'r dinner & sat 2 or 3 hours.
Snow aff'n 20 20
Monday 7 Wilfred after dinner to Stratford Bell & Dick - Sharmans fixd the Spikes in the new Drags

left Oval Boiler to be repaired - took to Mill about 8 Bush'ls Oats to be crushd Bags 34 ls Bag

Is & Chris'n pottering - Crib sick supposd from Beauty, Crerars
fine very cold 20 18
Tuesday 8 Cleaning Wheat & preparing for Market tomorrow -

paid Mrs Roy Stewart & Janet Crerar Watson brot a Box

from Harvey Cross {illegible}nt'g Goods & c from Ellen & Letters from {illegible}
fine 17 16
Wednesday 9 Wilfred left @ 6 10 am for Ferries with load Wheat for Sale & took his due notes for 14 Bls @ 4/8 yk to bring them Bran & Is & Ch'n burning Beauty - & pottering . planted Peony Do 16 31
Thursday 10 Christ'n ploughing all day - Isaac dragging 1 or 2 hours with Dick & Bell but quitted the ground being too much frozen

Wilfred returned from Ferries @ 5 1/2 pm: --

Show Day for Horses - Chaunsy first prize
Do 32 35
1845 April
Thursday 10 cont'd - W'd sold to Evrett 2 Bush'ls Wheat for 6 5
to Ferries 24 B'ls Do @ 5/8 yk 4 5 ~
left at Izards for Peter Robertson being for 10 Bush'ls Sib'n Wheat @ 7/yk 2.3.9

lefs Mrs Thompson Acco't ag'st him 7.3

2.3.9 shorts pd short pd

2.3.2 & deed to him - 7
1 15 11
expences on road - - - - 3 5
repaid Wilfred $2 borr'd of him 6 March --.16.

rec'd frm W. Bal L2.2.1

brot from Ferries in Sacks 560 lbs Flour & 200 lbs Bran

being for his due Note for 14 Bush'ls Wheat left

19 fab'y @ 5/8 yk

rep'd Mrs T. borrowd of her 8th March to pay D'n McNaughton

8th M
~ 17 6
rep'd pd Do - her acco't against P Robertson as above 7 3
Friday 11 Isaac ploughing Nell & Nance - Christ'n Do oxen Wilfred harrowing Dick & Bell fine 32 26
Saturday 12 Ploughing & harrowing as yesterday Do 18 36
Sunday 13 Mrs T. & M. on foot - Wilf'd on Dick to Stratford Mr Allan brot Julia Charwock Do 40
Monday 14 Ploughing & harrowing as on Saturday - transplanting Gooseb's Curr'ts & Shrubs Do 34 36
Tuesday 15 Do Do -- -- Do -- Do 26 50
Wednesday 16 Isaac sowd 4 Bush'ls Siberian Wheat - Wilf'd dragging Do {illegible} , Christ'n ploughing

even'g Is'c to Stratford - brot from Watsons 1 qu't Whisky 1 lb Tea & 1 lb Coffee

Reynolds brot Inquirer 2 B. Canadians
moderate rain great part of day 48 38
Thursday 17 All getting in Potatoes from West Field to East Barn {illegible} planted Dahlias from Ellen - Mrs Meany home & R'd Charnock even'g an awful storm of thunder & lightning - a little after 11 pm @ 12 1/2 gloomy & misty storm thunder & lightn'g 11 @ 12 p 38 42
Friday 18 Christ'n ploughing aftern'n Wilf'd harrowing - Isaac sowd 3 Bush'ls Sib'n Wheat morning all repairing fences - Mrs Stewart says that there was a shock of Earthquake last night slight show'r after'n 43 46
Saturday 19 Isaac sowd Grafs seed on part south sown in the fall which partially faild

Wilfred at John Stewarts making a Drag -

Annie had Black & Red Currant Bushes & Lettuce Seed

Jane & T Daly stopd on their way from Toronto & brot Parcels from thence & Hamilton
showery 45 39

1845 April

Sunday 20 3 of Pharnock Sons dined here & afterw'd took Julia home Isaac on Nance took letter to P Office . T. to Aunt Jane - nothing pd 2 of young Spotted Sows Pigs mifsing - all right 21 M tol. 36 42
Monday 21 Is & Christ'n ploughing - W'd dragging as on 11th preparing Hotbed in Garden - pd Isaac - pd by him to Wm McDonals for Sleigh borrowd to go to Hamilton 3 9 fome 36 42
Tuesday 22 Ploughing & dragging as yesterday - Hotbed Do. Dp 36 49
Wednesday 23 Isaac sowd 3 B'ls Sib'n Wheat Wh'r ploughing morn'g . W'd Dragging

Ch'n aft'r dinner to Dr Moore & had a tooth extracted

Annie & Befsy to tea had Roses d'Amour & sundries - Goldfinches Swallows

Ch'r brot from P.Office letter John to Mrs T - not pd . pd
Do 47 56
Thursday 24 Is & Ch'n ploughing W'd dragging Sib Wheat - preparing Hotbed Martha to Stratford aft'n ret'd on Stage Do 55 54
Friday 25 Farm operations prevented by rain put up a few rails at West Barn Thrush & shot 11 Pigeons in Wheat field - Nance -

the Cabbages pitted in the fall sprouted, trimd & earthd them up

on the chance of getting - 17 in n Mrs Cowmans had Red Currant Bushed & Rhub seed
rain all day 44 46
Saturday 26 Isaac sowd 5 Bush Spring Wheat East of Siberian - Wilfred dragging Do

Christ'n taking up & snaking Stumps East end of West lot - shot 38 27 Pigeons

Whippoor Will - Martin
fine 42 58
Sunday 27 Pigeons very annoying in our Wheat - Wm Crerar Jno Stewart & Rankin have een obliged to re seed a part of their Wheat fields Mrs T to Mrs Meanys afternoon a shower ev'g 48 44
<Monday 28 Sowd Nonparial Cabbage & tender annuals in Hotbed - West Div'n Wilfred to Stratford morn'g took to Dr Moore 2 Wh. Currants, Digitalis Box 4 plants & Picotee Seed -- paid the Dr for drawing Christ'ns tooth -- 1 3 fine 36 52
& Daly (or Mickle for 1/4 lb Snuff & left it

Aftern'n dragging Spring Wheat South - Mr Tye calld, going to Stratford -

I & Ch'n ploughing West Lot - W'd preparing a monster Hotbed - behind Barn -
7 1/2
Tuesday 29 Paid Mrs Jno & Roy Stewart

Is & Ch'n ploughing at West lot - W'd to Stratford with Waggon

brot 1 Gall'n Whisky from Watsons - Mr Tye dined with us
~ 3 ~ fine 38 52
Wednesday 30 Sowd Malta & Brighton Lettuce &c in Hotbed East - also Melon frm Ellen

Is & Ch'n ploughing at West Lot morn'g aft'r winnowing Wheat

Wilf'd dragging Do
smart thunder show'r at 1 pm frequent show'r thunder &c rem'r of day 49 60
1845 May
Thursday 1 Isaac & Ch'r ploughing - W'd dragging West Lot - Ducks & Turkies fine 52
Friday 2 I & C ploughing & sowing 5 1/4 B'ls Spr. Wheat - W'd dragging sold to Jas Keppan 1/2 B'l Onions for Seed @ 6/ yk p B'l Butterfly Bird Do 38 46
Saturday 3 Is & W'd dragging Sp. Wheat West lot. Christ'n ploughing West end of 37 - Bully broke down fence opposite nea West Gate & after dark attackd Peddys oxen opposite West Barn - the Boys hearing him call went to his afsistance - the Bull had knockd down one of the oxen, but no further mischief was done. D'd Bell brot from P. Office Letter Mrs Jos to Mrs T. dated 2 Ap'l Do 39 49
Sunday 4 Mr Charnock & 2 took tea with us - Scarlet Thr'ted Humming Bird Hector put into his Park Do 46 41
Monday 5 Christ'n ploughing South - Is & Wilf'd rep'g Plough - hauling Loam from behind Garden to Hotbed behind Barn & pott'g - Sowd Rock & R Roman & musk Do 29 34
Tuesday 6 Isaac sowd 7 1/2 Bush'ls Peas West end South near Hemlock

Christ'n ploughing W'd dragging - try'd the Colts at the Plough

Is driving them - pretty steady - put Cherry in Hemlock field with Befsy expecting the former to calve, but she broke out into the swamp, through the wheat into the Bush & is mifsing put Oatmeal mixd with Strychnin into Hotbed to destroy mice
Do 47
Wednesday 7 Cherry found in the Bush with a Heifer - Wilf'd dragging - Ch'n plough'g Isaac splitting Rails &c &c - ev'g to Orrville with Annie & Befsy who tead here & brought some flower seeds - Strychnin lot touchd by mice Do a little snow 45 31
Thursday 8 Ploughing as yesterday - repairing Wippletree &c &c

Bo & paid for Mrs T's yearling Black Steir

borrowd of Wilf'd $3. /-- Martha to Stratford afternoon

taking letters Mrs T to Mrs Jos Mrs Barron & Henry
~ 15 ~ fine 22 43
Friday 9 Is sowd 9 Bush'ls Oats - between Peas & Sib'n Chr'n plough'g W'd drag'd Do 40
Saturday 10 Sowd 2 Beds of Red Onions - Ch'r ploughing W'd Is splitting rails n. fencing about yard Home &c 45 61
Sunday 11 Is & Chr'n took tea at Orrville Do 60
Monday 12 Do 52

1845 May

Monday 12 Ch'r ploughing So. Is'c taking trees out of clearance & fencing So.

W'd sowing Ins Corn on Bank N of Swamp - & to Stratford

brot 1 G'n Whisky &c from Watson's - ev'g Is Ch'n & Martha in Waggon with Mrs Sargint & Virk who pd us a visit this morning - Mr & Mrs Daly stopd in pafsand for Guelph Hamilton Toronto & Rochester - Mr D. left for my Signature Note for Canada Co or order p L37.10 C'r with In't pm 26 FEb 1833 for Lot 37. 1 Con South Easthope. Sowd more Seeds in Hotbed a Brood of Chickens found in Swamp today by W'd
fine 52 64
Tuesday 13 Is sowd 6 Bush'ls W'd dragging Do - Chirst'n ploughing walked to Stratford& back - gave to T. Daly my Note as above - who promises to let me have particulars of the sum to L23.5 C'y endor'd on the back as paid 16 May 1836 - on his Fathers return calld at Jacksons Hicks' Mrs Sargints, Meany, Charnock & Watsons - brot from last 1 lb Tea & 1 oz Powderd Ginger. Night Hawk fine 54 64
Wednesday 14 rec'd of Jno Stewart for 3 Cows - (1 mafsd)

Is Dragging Oats - cutting Potatoe sets & pottering -

afternoon Ch'r to Post Off'ce for letter or rather parcel, which Henry had sent to McCullock in Torontoto come by him, but which, by som means had got into P. Office, cont'g 2 British & some Beth Boot {illegible} postage 7/C'y - pd by Mrs T. --
fine Spring Showers 58 60
Thursday 15 Winnowing Wheat morn'g . aftern'n ploughing Paddock & planting Mercer Potatoes - W'd Lumber from Sharmans Farm to Gad Curtis for Cratz

agreed for $1 - to be pd in a week

rec'd from Mrs Tye last years packet of Seeds & Stage man who took back the 3 Rhubarb plants & some flower seeds -
fine & cold 39 36
Friday 16 Ploughing & planting Potatoes - Mercers & Red

sold 5 Bush's Oats to Mr Charnock @ 1/C'y - rec'd

~ 5 ~ fine 28 44
& rec'd from Critz for yesterdays teaming

Smith President pafsd up with a yearling Bull purchased by him for the Society - red-

Sowd Althea fa{illegible} - Mrs Meanys Rose of Sharon
5 ~
1845 May
Saturday 17 finishd ploughing & planting Potatoes - W'd to Sharmans for another load Lumber as as our 15th debit Critz 5p paid Mrs T for Strip for a shirt 2 7 1/2 fine 31 51
Sunday 18 Martha Ch'r & W'd to Stratford to hear Mr Martin of Guelp who farred them with a philippic against Unitarianism fine a few drops rain ev'g 59
Monday 19 Made fencefrom Paddock to Lake - Sowd Lettuce Seed in Onion Bed rec'd of Critz, on acco't of Saturdays teaming 3 9 shower with thunder & lightning aft'n 44 49
paid a pedlar for a double Tin Saucepan 1 3
Tuesday 20 Splitting Rails No for Fall Wheat

walked over Jno Stewarts Crops . fall Wh't miserable - Spring Do

rather dam'd in places - Oats & Peas looking well - rather thin at present

paid Mrs Roy & Chris Cathrine Crerar ---
3 ~ fine but cold 36 42
Wednesday 21 Splitting rails as yesterday - Watson & T. Daly took Tea with us. sent p Tom Hollyhock & Sw William Seed for Jane fine 30 42
Thursday 22 found Nell with a Colt this morn'g in So clearance of West lot

splitting rails &c till driven in by rain - after dinner Isaac to river & to a few nice Trout - Christ'n to Lake No Perch - W'd pottering

fine steady rain for 6 or 7 hours - but not very cold.
rain 10 am @ 4 1/2 pm 41 40
Friday 23 Splitting rails & putting up fence - another Brood of Chickens (7) {illegible} up yesterday fine 31 50
Saturday 24 Splitting rails &c as yesterday - I attended the funeral of Peter McNaughton who died on Thursday morning after a few hous illnefs - dined with T. Daly

Paid Nichell for Sn. 7 1/2 - post'ge of Letter 9d & Paper 2d

{in left margin} Alex Mcdonald calld at 9 1/2 pm on way to Goderich p Mail.
1 6 fine very cold 31 33
Sunday 25 Mrs T. M & W'd to Stratford to hear Dr Liddell Principal of Kingston Coll. the 2 former dined at Mr Dalys & got home @ 7 pm - W'd ret'd 2 @ 3 fine 28 47
Monday 26 Splitting Rails & fencing round fall Wheat - finishd West end finishd digging trenchd part of Garden - Watson & T Daly to tea. fine 48 57
Tuesday 27 finishd fencing round Fall Wheat - Sowd annuals in West Border Martha to Stratford - Emilys Rabbit had a litter of fine 50 58
Wednesday 28 Fanning Wheat & pottering - Planted 3 Blood Beets from Dr Moore rain great part of the day cold in aft'n 62 40
Thursday 29 5 am snowing - T. Daly, Watson, & Alix took Rhubarb Pie with us @ 12 - @ 12 3/4 Tom & Martha started in Dalys Team for Hamilton & Toronto - Fanning oats & ploughing south - Sowd Bed each of Orange & Dub'n Carrot - Beet & Parsnip Show'r snow ev'g 5 aft'n fine & very cold 32 32
Friday 30 Wilf'd plow'g with oxen - Is & Christ'n splitting rails - Sowd annuals in East Border considerable damage in Garden from frost last night fine 24 38
Saturday 31 frosty - Cutting timber for Rails - Sowd Peren'ls in Currant Borders Alix McDonald calld. -- Do 33 48

1845 June

Sunday 1 Is'c took a ride with Alex Orr up the road - Alex'r McDonald & Mrs Allan took tea with us the former left for Niagara & Toronto by Stage @ 6 oC Isaac had letter from Henry proposing that he & Chas should open a Store &c at Point Windsor for B Thorne & Co -- not pd 9d pd 4 June 9 Isaac 9 beautiful 42 58
Monday 2 Is. & Christ'n cutting rail lumber S't - Wilfred nil. fine 59 70
Tuesday 3 Do Do Do Do transplanting Cabbages Cauliflowers & some an's -- fine 62 63
Wednesday 4 Training Day - Boys all at Stratford - Is & Ch'r in Waggon - brot a Load Lumber so far for Critz - 1 Gall. Whisky fm Watson - snuff 1/4 lb. & matches - Wilf'd on Dick -- rec'd of Peter McNaughton for Hec. 44 ~ 7 6 a little thund'r {illegible} morn'g with {illegible} light even'g no rain yet got
Thursday 5 Burning Brush South - Isaac to P Office with letter (Is to Henry

W'd started with Critz Lumber but Dick refused to proceed further than Bulls gate

14 panels of Rails burnt aft'n in absence of Boys --

fine 48 52
Friday 6 repairing the fence burnt yesterday - delightful rain 5 or 6 house without wind rain @ 10 am till 3 pm 48 52
Saturday 7 Heavy showers in the night - Is & Christ'n splitting rails - W'd ploughing

rec'd of McDairmid on acco't of Horse hire for thrashing

Mill $6 1/2 ----------------- r'd
1 12 6 fine 51 68
rec'd from traveller for Bush'l Oats -------------" 1 3
Sunday 8 more rails south burnt to day - about the same as the 7th

looking out for John all day but he has not arrivd 9 pm - all at home

I & C discovered a Comet N N West low down
showers with thunder 65 69
Monday 9 repairing fence South burnt yesterday - & splitting rails - W'd ploughing Grafs So. Mrs T. walkd to Stratford & back fine 62 67
Tuesday 10 Paid pedlar for 1 lb Tea ~ 3 9 morn'g fine 4 pm rain & continues 10 pm 54 66
Is & C. splitting rails - W'd ploughing So. pd Mrs Jno & Roy Stewart 3 ~
Wednesday 11 Is & Ch'n getting lumber & splitting into rails - W'd ploughing m'g. drag'g . Pot's aft'r

McNaughton brot letters fm P. Office from El. Todhunter to self. Aunt Jane Do both pd

& Chas to Is'c 9d not pd & an Inq'r - transplanted Lettuces

fine 56 64
Thursday 12 sent to D'd Stewart letter Mrs T. to M. op'd (also a parcel to Mrs Kirk) hauling rails from Swamp to west Lot - thunder show'r during last night ~ 9 rain till 8 am show'r 1 pm 64 64
Friday 13 rec'd of Rankin for Hec. 44 Hauling rails & fencing at West lot 10 ~ fine 52 61
1845 June
Saturday 14 Hauling & splitting rails & fencing West Lot Sowd Bed French Beans fine 50 49
Sunday 15 found young Bl & Wh. Sow (12 mo's old) with a litter of 6 in Bush behind West Clear'in So -- & a Lot of young Turkeys in raspberry Bushes under the 2 Hens - removed 1 of the Hens with 7 Chicks into Stable - the other left to collect 2 or 3 Straglers & to hatch rem'r of Eggs -- all at home heavy show'r after'n & ev'g 48 58
Monday 16 Boys with Oxen & Cart at Statute labor Eastward D Taylor 4 Do 8 Do} 12 Do viz 6 W.T Boys 6 - 2 Pea} 12

to Credit of our acco't for extra work 43 & 44 ---

transplanted Tomatoes &c into Borders

W. Anglin brot home Steelyards - set off his acco't for Bran

against M J'r acco't ag'st Mr Anglin & pd Mrs T. for M
3 1/2 fine light show'r 46
Tuesday 17 Hauling & splitting rail & fencing West - Isaac to Mactavishs (lat Truxells ) in expectation of selling Nel & Colt - no go - offerd $70 yesterday - says he only askd if we would take 70 -- frost m'g fine & cold 41 50
Wednesday 18 Christ'n hauling Rails &c Is & W'd to Stratford even'g on Horse Speculation - brot oatmeal from . aft'n fencing ev'g on horses fine 41 52
Thursday 19 Splitting rails &c Mr Sheriff McDonald expects that the Railway Toronto to P. Sarnia is finally arranged - Shares to a great amo't sold at Stratf'd fine 47 58
Friday 20 Do -- --- Do fine 52 63
Saturday 21 rec'd of Land Steward for Hec. 44 5 ~ fine 60 55
Paid Duncan Keppan for thrashing Mill last Xmas $8 -- 2 ~ ~
of Leaming 13 - 17 feb last 8 B'ls Ashes down - 2 loads Sun'ds up - 2 16 ~
Paid Wilf'd - (borr'd of him 8 about $ & 3 p & for Butter 1/3 --- W. T.

Isaac to Stratford forenoon brot the above $10 -- Sn. Watson 7 1/2 not pd

Hauling firewood - fencing --
16 3
Sunday 22 Mrs T & Chr'r to Mrs Meanys to Tea - Annie & Befsy ret'd with them @ 10 Is & C saw them home - W'd on sick list fine 60
Monday 23 Is & Ch'r fencing next raod {illegible} W'd ploughing back South morn'g - aft to Stratford for a Plough Share Rob Tye dined with us on his way to Stratford with 2 Cows & Calves for Martin - sleeps here Do 56 64
Tuesday 24 Isaac a volunteer day with our neighbours on road west of Bridge Christ'n plough'd So with oxen - W'd Do with mares. B Tye left @ 7 am. a few drops Rain 2 pm 61 66
Wednesday 25 Walked to Stratford - Isaac to Do on Mare - attended rail road meeting & put down my name for 5 Shares L 5 each - We dined at Dalys - I ret'd in Waggon with Jno Mickell who with 2 trips this e'g Daly took tea at 37 -- paid to Sharman my An'l Subscription to Agricultural Society 10 - fine 56 48
Exp's at Hicks ---- 4

1845 June

Thursday 26 Ch'r & W'd ploughing So. Isaac digging East side of Garden -

1 Duck'g in spring yesterday, another & a young Turkey today, suppose Pigs

rec'd of Critz 2/6 - leaving 3/9 due
2 6 fine ex. a few Drops Rain 1 1/2 pm 40 56
paid Mr John Stewart for 1 lb Butter 4
Friday 27 Christ'n & W'd ploughing Isaac gardening - C. Rumball ass'd about 1 1/2 for 2 or 3 days fine 42 58
Saturday 28 4 1/2 am - pretty heavy rain just commenced with thunder & lightning

Isaac to Stratford - no letters &c morning - aftern'n with Chr'r fishing

W'd ploughing forenoon - aft'n pottering - C. Rumball left us @ 3 pm

transplanted a few Tomatoes to Eastside of Garden
3 or 4 hours rain morning 56 61
Sunday 29 all at home -- light show'rs thro' the day 50 51
Monday 30 Isaac digging Garden - Wilf'd Do morn'g - afternooon ploughing --

Christ'n after oxen all day - have found them in West Clearance even'g

transplanted 1 row Red & 3 Rows Nonp'l Cabbage
showrs aft'n 50 52
Tuesday 1 Is. at Wm Crerars 9 am till 2 pm W'd Do 5 pm till dark at Barn

Chr & W'd ploughing morning - C'r hauling firewood aft'n Isaac fishing

transplanting more Cabbages
frequently showrs thro'the day thunder & light'g ev'g 48 58
Wednesday 2 Is to Stratford morn'g had a letter from Henry - 9d & Papers 2d - pd -- 11 cloudy a little light rain morn'g 50 54
Thursday 3 Christ'n & W'd ploughing fallow opposite - Is'c writing to Henry - taking letter to P. Office&c paid Mrs Roy Stewart & Ann Crerar 3 fine 46 49
Friday 4 Christ'n & W'd ploughing as yesterday - Isaac Gardening & pottering transplanting the last of Nonp'l Cabbages & a Row (29) Capsicums fine 48 53
Saturday 5 Isaac Garden - Christ'n & W'd ploughing - sowd Bed Cant'y Beans Blacky mifsing - supposed to have calvd in the Bush fine 42 68
Sunday 6 Blacky home this ev'g with a Heifer Calf - Isaac & C. to Orrville to Tea Annie & Befsy here 1 or 2 hours ev'g I & C saw them home - oxen in Wheat West Lot fine 57 66
Monday 7 Isaac Gardening & nursing Rickling Pig (for White Sow which was nearly drownd yesterday Ch'r & W'd ploughing fine 64 68
Tuesday 8 Isaac finishd digging East side of Garden - Ch'r ploughing - W'd dragging with Colts Sowd Bed Scarlet Radishes - Martha & Emily Barron arr'd P Stage @ 9 3/4 fine 54 65
Wednesday 9 Sowed Malta Lettuce aming the onions ----

aftern'n Is & W'd to P Kostners with Bush'ls Wheat Tarlings, paying for Whiskey (9 G'ls)

had 20 Dec last & 1 G'n thro day - abso'g in due Bill for 3 Galls. 2 quts more due to me
fine 54 59
1845 July
Thursday 10 Ch'r ploughing - W'd dragging - Is repairing Garden fence & pottering Salsburg came this morning to remake a Coat &c &c for Christ'n fine 3pm 76 66
Friday 11 Isaac to Stratford - sold Nance to Sharman for $63 - $ 23 in Cash rem'r in this Winter

calld at Dalys at Henry request to inquire about a Town Labor conditions {X with four dots in each quadrant}

Christ'n hauling firewood morning - W'd dragging Do - aft'n both pottering

Fryfogel calld with a Subscription list for repairing Pine Roads

put my name down for 5L pay'ble on or before 1 Jan'ry next --
Do 55 4 pm 90 Shade 69
Saturday 12 Paid Cr for an old Gardening Coat &c 1 6 Do 59 5 pm 92 74
Is & W'd to Stratford with Nance Bell & Dick - traded with Sharman (even Dick for a Roan Horse 5 Years old - red'd p Isaac for B'l oats 1 3
& pd him for expenses treating &c ---

brot from P. Office letters from Mrs Jos to Mrs T. - inclosing Paper for Martha & Wmilys signature & return -

& from Aunt Jane inclosing Canada Companys Letter of Credit on Com'n at Toronto No 3575 dated 13 June 1845 p L20 St'g pay with Int to my order. Also a Patriot from D McDonald & 2 Inquirers.

Christ'n pottering & preparing to accompany Isaac tomorrow as far as Hamilton

1/4 lb Snuff Watsons
1 3
Sunday 13 W'd Mrs T. Martha & Ellen B. to Scotch Church Sacrament day with Bell & New Horse O.K. - Isaac & Christ'n left us P Stage @ 6 1/2 - the former for Toronto - the latter for Hamilton in quest for berth -

gave to Isaac the Canada Comp'y Letters of Credit to rec'd & to pay the pounds of L1 Sterl'g to Christ'r L1 to Chas L1 to Emily & L1 to himself the Balance to be remitted form --

Is'c left with me & put into Trust Box Sharmans Note due 1 feb next pL
fine 65 highest 91 79
Monday 14 Wilfred to Stratford - to enquire for help for Building & for Farm work -

Engaged Hinde to come on Monday morning next - no farm Labourers --

aft'n lighting a few stumps south of road - Reilly (Bro'r of Alex's) calld & agreed to come tomorrow morning till Saturday night fortnight 17 days for $7 1/2 - $4 in Cahs $3 Store pay Watsons.

even'g went to Jas McWilliams & engaged him to come on Wednesd for Logging.

Salesbury came this evening -
fine 68 70
Tuesday 15 Riley came this morning at 6 - ploughing & hoeing Potatoes Crop - Salisbury making my Coat - Wilf'd with Waggon to Stratford &c - brot from Kostner 1 Gall Whisky on acco't due Bill for 3 1/2 G's --

& from Watson a Logging Chain 23 lbs @ - 3 Lings 2 Hooks added at Sharmans

Mr Tye calld going to Stratford & on return took tea & a Glafs with us --
fine 62 68

1845 July

Wednesday 16 Jas Williams & Jas Davis for Pat Bannon came this morning they with Riley & Wilf'd Loggin So. Christ'n to Stratford & pottering brot from Watsons lb Candles Coffee &c from P.O. letter Henry to Isaac } pd 9 shower aft'n heavy Do 8 1/2 with thunder & lightning 61 69
Thursday 17 Chr'n & the party as yesterday logging - transplanted sundries into Borders &c fine 68 6
Friday 18 Logging as yesterday - drefsing the Companys melon Bed - everything perishing Do 52 62
Saturday 19 Logging as on 17 - Smoking Pork yesterday & today

Martha to Stratford with Ellen - consulted Mr Daly about his swoln face causd by a tooth decaying - brot from P. Office a pd letter from Isaac even'g a remitt'er p $ 83 = L20.15 --

Letter of Credit ----- 20. ----

add 1/9th to bring into Currency 2.4.5 1/2

Exch. 10 1/2 p C'n on L22.4.5 -----2.6.8 1/2

Int. say (to agree) .1.1 1/2

rec'd by Isaac Cy 24.12.3
24 12 3 Do 58 62
pad by him to Emily Chas & himself

each L1.4.7 ----- 3.13.9

postage of the letter cont'g remitt'ce 2.3
3 6
remitted to me $83 -- -- -- 20.15.~


Bal'ce remaining due to me -- 1.3

Pd L 24.12.3

Davis & McWilliams went home this evening
Sunday 20 Salisbury had Charlie to Huron Hotel - Wilf'd Salisbury to Stratford even'g & brought Hines tools -- fine ex smart shower morn'g for about 2 1/2 @ 3 65 76
Monday 21 Riley Davis, Christ'n & W'd Logging - Salisbury tailoring morn'g - Logging aft'n

Hinde Carpenter came at 5 pm & began preparing a Work Bench

Riley to Stratford on Charley ev'g - gave him an order on Watson for 17 lb worth of Store Goods, bring in front paym't of his Wages 7 1/2 $ per 17 days rem'r to be pd in Cash $4

transplanted Dahlias YX - Riley brot 1 Gall. Whiskey from Watsons
gentle thunder shower at 6@7 pm Th'r 2 1/2 from 90 70 70
Tuesday 22 Logging the same as yesterday - Salisbury tailoring morn'g log'd aft'n Hinde carpent'd

Davis left after supper - paid him for this day

the previous 5 days 12/6 to Credit of Pat Bannon for keep of his Heifer the winter - Hector to be pd for hereafter as by others finished Logging
2 6 fine 55 60
1845 July
Tuesday 22 cont'd - pd Mrs J. Stewart Wash'g 1/9 - Butter 1/1 - Mrs Roy 1/6 ~ 4 4
Wednesday 23 Wilf'd & Hinde to Stratford with Waggon for a quantity of our Lumber

on their return both carpentering - Christ'n & Riley mowing - Salisbury Do aft'n

Wilf'd brot from Watsons 1/4 lb Snuff pd 7 1/2 & a Box Matches

Riley W'd to Watson for a Scythe - one of those bought yesterday @ 1 1/4 being worthlefs

Gatherd some Currants for preserving - Chr'n went after a Bear at Jno Stewarts
7 1/2 fine 55 52
Thursday 24 Ch'r Riley & Salisbury Mowing & making Hay - W'd & Hinde Carpentering pd Mrs Jno Stewart for 4 qut Raspberries fine 52 56
Friday 25 Riley & Salisbury mowing So. of Road - Christ'n John Jefsy & Marg't

Crerar raking - Hinde carp'g - even'g all ex Riley {illegible} Raking & W'd hauld into barn produce of Hemlock field a small half Waggon load

Wilf'd morn'g to P Kostners - brot 9 Gal's Whisky 3/yk - to be pd for in Grain

up 3 1/2 gall's rem'r on his due Notes\

from Maccullocks 20 lb Cut Nails - Watson 1/4 lb Allspice 1/2 q'n Post papers
fine 44 60
Saturday 26 Ch'r W'd Riley & Salisbury making Hay & hauling into Barn produce of Pine So side of Road work of ploughing - Hinde Carp'g - Watson & Stewart calld ev'g Dr M Is Hinde home ev'g - Barometer sinking gradually but slowly yesterday & today fine 47 63
Sunday 27 Hinde & Riley left after breakfast - Hinde ret'd @ 8 pm - Mrs T & Ellen to Mrs Meanys after dinner - Befsy ret'd with them to Tea 2 or 3 minutes shower of rain & hail at noon 55 56
Monday 28 W'd took Waggon to Sharmans for repairs morn'g - aft'n with Hinde carpentering Christ'n Riley & Salisbury mowing far South. David Smith the Surveyor calld @ 9 1/2 pm brot a Canadian from Henry - has been with Mr McDonald exploring the line for projects Rail Road from Port Sarnia to Stratford from Stratford to Guelph & then to Toronto Direct fine 46 59
Tuesday 29 4 am raining & cont'd pretty much through the day - aft'n with thunder & lightning. C'r & Riley finished mowing So. W'd & Hinde carp'g Salisbury to Stratford & brot home Waggons rain 57 59
Wednesday 30 Christ'n to Stratford - brot 2 Plough Shares from &c. aft'n with W'd turning Hay South. W'd with Hinde carpentering morning Riley ploughing & dragging with Bell & Charley - Salisbury tailoring part of day gloomy 52 50
Thursday 31 Bought of Donald Stewart Black Ram for $2 3/4 2 3/4 -10.9 - killd & butchered Do

due to me for Hec to end of 44 -- -- 13.9

now owing to him for Mutton has 20 Sept Last

sent to P. Office P Land Stewarts Daughter Letters W. T. to Aunt Jane acknowl'g L20

& Mrs T to Mrs Jos & Mrs Barrons

Salisbury at J Stewarts - Hinde & W'd at House - Christ'n rep'g fences morn'g

Riley morn'g - aft'n Ch'r & Riley turning Hay
fine 36 52 frost

1845 August

Friday 1 Christ'n & Riley turning Hay morn'g - aft'n with W'd hauld the whold Loads into Barn - W'd afsisting Hine morning & evening

Margaret Crerar came as Help - G 72

rec'd of Stage driver for feet Lumber
~ 7 6 shower morn'g aftern'n fine 47 52
Saturday 2 Christ'n & W'd with Waggon to Stratford for Lumber &c

brot from P.O., a pd letter from Mrs Barron

Riley dragging &c

pd Salisbury tailor for remaking Coat $4 lip viz 6
~ 19 6 fine 43 52
" T Riley in full of Wage to this day $4 -- 1 ~ ~
" Martha power of Aunt Jane 1.4.7 M Thompson{signature}

"Christ'n -- ------- Do 1.4.7 C Thompson{signature}

" Wilfred ------ Do 1.4.7 W'd Thompson{signature}

Riley & Hine home this evening
Sunday 3 All (self excepted) to Stratford to hear Mr Allsworth a Congregationalist fine 59
Monday 4 W'd to Wilmot 9 am $4 & Z/.yk. ret'd @ 8 pm - Hine carpentering

pd Sutts acco't for fulling Cloth ----- .6.2

Jas Merland for 200 lbs Flour @ $4 1/2 this day - 1.1.3

pd Do Hagersville for 3 Oak Stairs 2.6
1 7 5 Do 51 60
Plum for Screw & Linch pin made to Waggon -- 7 1/2

Expences --- 1.2

Christ'n setting fire to Log Heaps - Riley dragging with Nell

Wm Crerar calld at 9 3/4 pm & raised Ch'r out of bed to help him to get our Pigs out of his Wheat
4 1 1/2
Tuesday 5 Christ'n & Riley burning all day - W'd Do morn'g aft'n with Hine Riley to Stratford after supper fine 51 84 3 oC 66
Wednesday 6 Christ'n & Riley burning & raking up ashes - Wilf'd helping Hine Hine to Village after tea - Martha & Ellen to Stratford to hear Mr Allsworth & to sleep at Mrs Daly's -- fine 84 3 oC 52 66
Thursday 7 Hine ret'd @ 6 1/2 am bringing Is Robinson & Terry - C'r W'd & Riley at Ashes fine 58 68
Friday 8 Whaley Sen'r & Boy cmae to rake & bind Fall Wheat - Christ'n Do Wilf & Riley Cradling - Terry left this evening afer tea. a light show'r before day light - after fine 64 67
Saturday 9 W'd at Ashes. Christ'n & Riley Cradling Wheat binding &c

Hine & Joe Robinson left at 7 pm - Jno Stewart brot fm P. Office

a pd letter from Ellen & 2 Inquirers 1d owing In
7 1/2 fine thunder - no rain
paid Washers ~ 3
paid W Hine on acco't ~ 10 ~
1845 August
Sunday 10 Wilfred $72 - left @ 7 for Hamilton Charley & Bell - Riley to Stratford after breakf't shower 1/2 hour 4 @ 5 62 Barometer sunk 1/2 in 66
Monday 11 Riley absent today - Hine preparing flooring - Ch'r pottering - twie after Bears latter time evening saw an old one & 2 cubs -- 2 or 3 heavy showers 65 58
Tuesday 12 Christ'n & a ot of neighbours out this morning @5 after the Bears but did not see any - Rankin heard one - Christ'n & Riley (who ret'd this morn'g Cradling &c - @ 6 W'd arr'd from Hamilton with Mrs Barron Emily B.

Emily T Baby & Louisa Lloyd - Brot from John 2 Half Boxes - 100 feet Glafs 8 by 10

paid at Ferries for 4 Flour Barrels had b feb 44 -- 6.3

at Hamilton for Lock for front Door --- 6.3

Pencil 1d Pen holder 7 1/2
~ 13 2 1/2 fine 49 59

1.17.10 1/2

1.12.1 1/2 Bal ret'd

traveling expences pld's acco't
1 4 8
Wednesday 13 Rain morning - Riley cleaning West Barn &c C & W pottering aftern'n W'd Cradling - Riley & Ch'r binding &c &c show'rs pm 59 62
Thursday 14 Octo pops upon us very unexpectedly this morning @ 11 1/2 .

Christ'n, W'd & Riley cradling &c Siberian - Mrs B in bed with Headache - Hine flooring

evening 6 @ 7 Mifs Lloyd Emily Ch'r & Octo to Stratford
fine 50 58
Friday 15 Octo in Bush with Gun for an hour or two - saw nothing - the rest engaged as yesterday Bull got over fence into Garden @ 8 pm but being heard was got out in with crifting damage fine 54 64
Saturday 16 Had from Donald Stewart a quarter Veal 14 lbs exactly at Market price

Chr'r & Riley finished Cradling n Siberian Wheat - Wilf'd & Octo Do aftern'n

Wilf'd & Ch'r & Riley hauling Fall Wheat into West Barn - Waggon broke down with the last Load which remained exposed --

Hine left after tea &c - Cattle in Wheat So this morn'g - repaired fence & Gate West
Do 50
Sunday 17 Ch'r Octo M. E. Mifs Lloyd - Emily & Ellen in Waggon to Stratford

. Mr Allsworth - ret'd ab't 3

Mr Barron arr'd by Stage from Goderich @ 6 pm & Octo left by the same for Hamilton at the commencement of a storm of thunder rain &c which lasted till 9 - tea had been prepared in new room , but we were obligdto quit in double quick time to escape a soaking - poor Octo must have suffered. - as well as the Wheat &c - Riley to Stratford after breakfast

ordered by Octo . 2 Kegs White Lead - Boild Linseed Oct in proportion & Lethinger of {illegible} - reminded John of the putty previously orderd
gloomy @6 pm thunder storm cont'd till near 9 54
for Monday see below Monday 18
Monday 18 repair Hog fence blown down yesterday - cradling &c Spring Wheat Killd White Pig No 2
Tuesday 19 Paid Wm Hine on acco't ---- $5 - Willy Hine 1 5 ~ 67
Paid Brickers for Stew 1844 -- $5 Levi Garkel 1 5 -
borrowed of Mrs Barron a $5 note Mont'l Bank (Thorne)

C W & Riley at Spring Wheat - Hine came between 10 & 11 -- @ 11 pm Mrs Barron Baby & Emily T.to Stage to Stratford en route to Lake Haron &c

Mr B walkd - no room - Mr & Mrs Daly calld to see the Child
1 5 vide 3 Sep'r

1845 August

Wednesday 20 Cradling &c Sp Wheat - hauld into W Barn the Broken down Load of Fall Wheat evening Hine - Riley Ch'r W'd Martha & Mifs Lloyd to Stratford - brot from P Kostner 9 G's Whisky (Ferries) @ 2/yk - 1 Lumber fm Mill fine Bar. sinking 65
Thursday 21 Hauld into West Barn 5 Loads Siberian Wheat - - 125 Shocks 2100 1500 sheaves on the last load thoroughly drenched {above - aft'n 2 Loads 25 ea.} by a very heavy shower & left on Waggon on Barn floor - obligd to suspend further operations at about 3 1/2 showers till dark - W'd walking home some time before & after hauling heavy rain 3/pm 58 65
Friday 22 Christ'n & Riley forenoon Sp. Wheat Do - aft'n Do East end of West lot

Wilf'd carpentering all day with Hine - even'g the Ladies to Orrville

Christ'n with them after his supper
fine 55 64
Saturday 23 Ch'r W'd & Riley began hauling as soon as dew was off 21 sh - 175

into West Barn 3 Loads Siberian - 69 Shocks 23 -- 68

Do -- -- 3 -- Do Spring 75 243 Shocks Sib'n

into East Barn 3 Do Do 76 151 Spring for Seed

Hine - sick list (from Cucumbers ) left after dinner

rec'd P Watson Teamster a Note from John advising that Henry will be up tomorrow morn'g & that he will brin ghte Paint &c ordered on the 17th
fine 55 67
Sunday 24 Henry arrived in single Waggon about 3 pm W'd to Stratford Scotch Church Joe Robinson drowned in the Milldam yesterday fine 56
Monday 25 no Hine today -- C. W. & Riley Cradling &c Wheat at West Lot Henry Mifs Lloyd Martha & Emily B in H's Waggon to Stratford & ret'd @ 8 pm bringing Befsy Orr H'y & Mifs Lloyd walkd home with her fine 48 65
Tuesday 26 C W & Riley West - got into Barn nearly the whole of the Spr Wheat about 1/2 Load left in Henry set fire to Stumps So of road West end lot 37 Verdict of the Inquest on Monday on Robinson - "accidentally drowned while bathing" fine 57 69
Wednesday 27 Ch'r cutting Peas - W'd & Riley Cradling Oats - stowd away Load wheat housd last wk

Hine making Sashes &c - Daly calld on his way to Toronto - having rec'd last n't that Tom had been {illegible} - he appeards very much alarmed

Henry Louisa & Mrs T. to Stratford - calld at Mr Daly's Mrs Sargint &c
showery 63
Thursday 28 W'd & Riley Cradling Oats & Cutting Peas - Christ'n cutting Peas - Hine at Sashes Henry to Stratford aft'n with letter to John requesting him to forward the White Lead fine 52 67
Friday 29 Henry set off at 5 1/2 for Goderich - 2 or 3 miles on this side of Big Thames met Mr & Mrs Barron &c returning in a Waggon & bringing their child who died on Monday last the 25th in the Lake - Mr barron & H'y stopd at Stratford & this Coffin placed in a strong Box & deposited adjoing Williams Grave with intention of being removed to Toronto in the winter. {illegible"ed the few outstanding Shocks of Wheat at West Lot - Cutting Peas & pulling some Oats into Stook- thunder storm 7 till 9 pm 54 66
1845 August
Saturday 30 Riley thrashing Wheat (Fall) - pd him on acco't

Christ'n - W'd --

W'd to Stratford ev'g - brot Candles from Mickles & British Oils from Dalys - Henry to Stratford forenoon brot a Letter from somebody at Goderich & pd Post'ge 4 1/2

not for us. --

borrowed of Wm Crerar 35 3/4 lb of Flour
~ 5 ~ fine 66 60
Sunday 31 Ch'r to Stratford Allworth - ret'd Letter to Post Office - red'd Post'ge & pd Henry

again evening with M. Em'y & Mifs Lloyd - ret'd at 10 oC

Hine & Riley came @ 8 pm
fine 48 56
Monday 1 Riley ploughing So opposite House - till prevented by heavy rain

Ch'r & W'd winnowing Wheat

Henry Emily & Mifs Lloyd aft'n to the River fishing - got 10 or 12 Trout & a real good soaking - home about 7 3/4

killd 3 roosters & a Hen for dinner
rain more or lefs from 3 pm - ev'g heavy & every appear'ce of continuing 50
Tuesday 2 Riley Henry & Barron ploughing S'h - interupted by showers - Ch'r killd Pig the 4th Short Tail - Henry Mifs Lloyd M & Em'y to Stratford aft'n -- frequent show'rs 63
Wednesday 3 Had from Mrs Barron - Bk of Montreal pay'ble Toronto $5

Corn'l Bank ----- 5

Do --- --- 1 & 1 ----- 2

Gold Do 1 & 1 ---- 2

Silver ----------------------1

Had of her 19 ult'r ----- 5

N28 1 Jan 45 $20

gave her this day Bk of N.C. N2245 ---- 20

Ch'r to Sutherlands Mill Hagersville - took 4 Bush'ls Wheat & brot in exchange 1 60 lb Flour 49 Bran & Shorts --

2 Studs & 2 Boards Cherry - 1 Board 1 1/2 in Pine

pd Ch'r - {illegible}nned by him for 1 lb Tea for Hine

to go to debit of Hines acco't

3 9
expences on the road 4d - Blasting 9 1/2

Wilf'd to Sharmans with Charley & pottering

even'g Henry & the young Ladies to Stratford - Mr Allworth

Riley ploughing till 11 - when he left for Rev'd Allans & then to Stratford - ret'd at night
1 1 1/2
pd him on account $2 10
Thursday 4 turning Peas - binding Oats &c - Hauld in 3 Loads Oats - Riley C.W Mr B & H'y

Henry arrivd about 3 pm - ev'g with Mrs T. to Stratford

pd Mrs T. Washers 3/9 Sundries 1/3 ---
5 ~

1845 September

Friday 5 Paid John on acco't of L3.11.3 C'y ----- 2/5 2.10 out sil. 120

Riley left after breakfast & ret'd @ 4@5 pm

Ch'r & W'd binding Ots & on Rileys return hauld in the whole - Mr B. H'y & I lighting stumps So of West Gates

John left about 9 for Guelph & Henry at 2 for Galt

Jane Daly here to tea - Martha Em'y & Mifs Lloyd & Ch'r walkd with her home

2 ~ ~
paid Mrs T on acco't of Hine L2.3. - & 7/6 2 10 6
Saturday 6 Hine left after dinner - Riley C W & Mr B'n hauld Peas into East Barn

Paid Riley Balance of Wages as under J Rec't to this day

26 Do - 1 month _$8 in Cash $5 Store Goods L3.5.~

pd him 30 Aug --------.5.~

4 Sep --------------------.10.~

6 " Mrs Thompson on his acco 4.1 1/2

" ---- pd him Balance frm 1.5.10 1/2


{line stroked through and illegible} L1.4.9 1/2 WT to pay Mrs T in January

had of Emily ------ 3 1 1/2

Martha ------ 10 ----- } repaid 16th ins
Sunday 7 all at home - Hine & Riley ret'd this ev'g
Monday 8 C & W ploughing opposite - Riley thrashing Wheat Hine
Tuesday 9 Do -- -- -- -- Do -- --- --- --
Wednesday 10 Ch'r & W'd ploughing - pickling Wheat 1 Tom sowd Bush'ls
Thursday 11 Ch'r ploughing W'd dragging - Tom sowd Bushels 31
Friday 12 Do ------ Do ----- Tom pd Hine prec't 2 10
Saturday 13 Tom morning plough'g aft'n thrashing Oats - W'd to Smiths Creek with 4 Bush'ls Wheat - brot back flour &c Ch'r
Sunday 14 Ch'r Mr Barron Mifs Lloyd M. & E. to hear Mr Allworth even'g
Monday 15 Tom ploughing - Ch'r & Mr B to Stratford - Ch'r again even'g W'd setting Saw &c
1845 Septem'r
Tuesday 16 Mr B. Dr. for fetching the fam'y up & taking down $16--

prop'r of expences up (July W'd) 1 1/2

17 1/2

receivd this day on acco't 16 1/2

$1.~ owing

Christ'n with the Barron party left - 9 1/2 am

4 6 2 fine
paid Ch'r post'ge of Newsp'rs 2d . W'd for Hay at Hobsons 2 1/2

Tom ploughing - W'd Crofscutting in Chopping {line stroked out and illegible}

Recievd of McDarmid & Bradly in full of Horse Hire
4 1/2
for thrash machine $6 3/4 1 13 9
Wednesday 17 Killd 2 Pigs - S{illegible} - Tom ploughing fine
Thursday 18 W'd & Tom rep'g entrance to Horse Stable - & front of Garden & Bulls fence - W'd X Cutting - Curtis Brockmen calld to propose a trade for Nell - a yoke 4 yr old Steers which we are to see on Saturday - Frank Tye stops here tonight with Lumber for Stratford - (flooring) fine
Friday 19 Tom & W'd rep'g entrance to Stable - Tom ploughing - W'd hoeing up thistles &c in chopping -- Ia's McWilliams had a Pig today - Litter single sm{illegible}

Ch'r ret'd @ 8 1/4 pm bringing for Mickle Goods 6 cwt 1 qu'r --

paid at Hamilton for 5 lb Putty @ 33 /y ------1.7

Harnefs Varnish ----- 1.16 1/2
3 5 1/2 fine 38 55
at Dundas repair to Waggon ----- 5 3 1/2
travelling expences -------

gave him Cr L2.~~

p'd by him 1.9.1

--- 10.11 rec'd
1 ~ 4
Saturday 20 Walkd with W'd through Brocksden to Curtis & agreed to trade Nell for his yoke Steers - 4 yrs old last Spring - he brot them aft'n & took Nell away

Ia's McWilliams had 3 more Pigs @ 2/6 which pays him for 4 days Logging 16/19 July

-- Switzer had 2 Pigs -- --- " rec'd --

Tom plough'g &c Christ'n aft'n took up Mickles Goods

6 cwt 1 gr @ 3.1 1/2 -- 19/C'y to my Credit on acco't

5 ~ show'r all thro the day 52
Sunday 21 Ch'r M & E. to Stratford Mr Hickey - Tom Do light show'rs noon till n't 39 36

1845 September

Monday 22 Reynolds alterd Boar Pigs v.v.o. & 10 Sows @ 1/yk = 6/3 Ch'n W'd & Tom branding up in Chopping - lost my Snuff Box tol. 29 45
Tuesday 23 W'd & Tom thrashing Peas & Oats - Christ'n setting Bl Ashes for Soap & pottering repaid Mr Crerar flour borrowd ins't rain morn. till night 47 47
Wednesday 24 even'g Tom hauling firewood. W'd at Mrs Stewarts Washboard & pottering

aft'n both ploughing - Chr'n to P. Office morn'g brot a Canadian &c

paid letter from Mr Barron inclosing $23 = L5.15.- to pay as under

Mrs Sargint for Cash Butter 230 lb r'd

Cask 21 lb Bag 3 ls -- 24

@ 206 lb @ 6d - L5.3.__

5 15 _ rain foren'n aft'n gloomy 44 45
Mr Dunkin for 9 lb Cheese 7 1/2 ------ ~.5.7 1/2

Self - Bal'ce left unp'd for teaming & ---------.5.~

5.13.7 1/2

remains due to Mr B ______________.1.4 1/2
5 --
Thursday 25 W'd & Tom ploughing Ch'r churning morn'g

aft'n hoeing thistles &c - Emily to Stratford - posted letter

M Jun{illegible} to Mrs Jos T. Dublin & paid Mrs Sargint

as above Pr{illegible}
5 3 ~ gloomy 36 46
paid Mrs Crerar for 3 lbs Butter @ 5d 1 3
factory Cotton House use ~ ~ 6
Mrs J & Roy Stewart washing ----- ~ 3 ~
red'd from Mr Barron (p Mrs T) for Ribbons purchased at Watsons & chargd to my acco't ~ 2 6
Friday 26 Tom ploughing till interrupted by heavy rain - aft'n thrashing wheat W'd Do - aftn'n setting Saw - Ch'r pottering heavy show'rs 44 40
Saturday 27 W'd & Tom ploughing - Ch'r trapd 5 muskrats - Gathered Hops Emily to Stratford brot letters (pd) - from Aunt Jane to WT Betsy Ralph to Mrs T fine 34 48
Sunday 28 all ( self excepted to Stratford - Hickey -- showers 48
Monday 29 W'd & Tom ploughing - Christ'n taking down & putting up Bed &c old Befsy after been absent 2 or 3 days was found in So Clearance with 3 Pigs fine - 67
Tuesday 30 Killed Sow - single S{illegible} Reynolds. Bob Tom ploughing W'd rep'g Plough heavy showers 60 54
1845 October
Wednesday 1 W'd & tom ploughing - Ch'r to Stratford - brot a Colorist brot 14 lb Salt for Watson C Rumball came about 3 pm showers 48 47
Thursday 2 W'd & Tom ploughing - Ch'r with C Rumball after Pheasants &c got none even'g Chr'n . CR. M & E to Mr Dalys - a party -- fine a show'r ev'g 49 52
Friday 3 Show Day - Sold - McFarlane 4 Pigs @ $1/2 - @ 2.~ ~ r'd on acco't

Ch'r M. & E. ret'd from Mr Dalys about 9 or @ 10 1/2 C'r W'd M E & I to Stratford in Waggon - Mr Tye Wm Puddicombe & Geo Hobson Judges of Live Stock - H'y Puddicombe &c of Grain &c

Tom took Bull up but no offers on him

1 1/4 6 3 tol.
M E &I dined at Mr Dalys - got home about 6. Home to Tom &c 7 1/2
Saturday 4 Tom thrashing Wheat - Ch'r to P. Office - brot letter fm Henry to Pd

W'd pottering - Tom had a Hymn Book at Mickles yesterday

Ch'd to me, which he will pay me soon
1 2
Sunday 5 Tom to Stratford - all at home - Sharnock took tea with us Showers very heavy in early evening 42 32
Monday 6 W'd ploughing - Tom thrashing wheat - Ch'r & tom winnowing & preparing 6 3 Sacks for Mill tomorrow fine 26 33
Tuesday 7 Ch'r Mrs T Martha in Waggon to Robinsons - Ch'r proceeded to Hagersville with 3 Sacks Bush's Wheat & got in exchange Flour Bran Shorts

got home at 7 after a most wearisome drove - rain part of way home

W'd & Tom got up a Hill of Potatoes 25 Bush'ls Red
34 48
Wednesday 8 Ch'n W'd & Tom got in part of a 2nd Hill of Potatoes Red - Rain with came on heavy at noon continued heavily to the present time 10 pm - prevented more being done noon till night heavy rain noon till night 44
Thursday 9 rec'd of McFarlane Balance for 4 Pigs delivered this day Tom thrashing Oats morning - ploughing aft'n Christ'n to P. Office nothing W'd nill 3 9 rain all ev'g & early morn'g aft'n gloomy 54 55
Friday 10 Tom & W'd ploughing - Ch'r washing Bottles for Vinegar & pottering Lifted Onions & Dahlia roots & brot into House slight show'r ev'g 50 56
Saturday 11 Tom & W'd ploughing Ch'r rep'g fence of Paddock next House M & E to Stratford - brot sundries from Mickle & letter p pd Ellen to Em'y fine 46
Sunday 12 Ch'r started for Stratford but returned in consequence of rain Tom took to P.Office Letter self to Henry Showers
Monday 13 T Daly Mifs Mickle & Em'y in Light Waggon left at 12 for Mr Tyes

Chas Rumball was obliged to walk - W'd & Tom ploughing - Christ'n Ch'r preparing a fireplace Stake pole &c for Washers to their purposes

hunting Bull &c over this Swamp from Hemlock field - broke out of his own field into Garden, destroyed Lilac, Black Currants Cabbages &c --
tol. 48

1845 October

Tuesday 14 W'd & Tom ploughing - Ch'r churning - after Cattle &c - 10 pm first snow rain morn'g aft'n fine 40 34
Wednesday 15 light covering of snow & snowing 6 am. W'd & Tom ploughing morn'g Tom aft'n

aft'n W'd pottering - Ch'r to Stratford - Hine &c in quest of Cust'or for Beef

brot 2 Canadian pd & 1 Inquirer pd by C. 1/2d - pd Washers Mrs Jno & Roy
3 ~ snow show'rs 32 30
Thursday 16 borrowd of Wm Crerar 22 1/2 W. Salt including Sack

took up & put into Cellar the last of the Potatoes (Mercers)

sup. Bush'ls - Befsy & Mary Crerar & Ann Stewart here
fine & cold 30 28
Friday 17 Killd Befsy - all butchering - sold to W.H. Hine

Hind quarter 121 lb lefs Sack 2 ls -- 119 lb

Leg of ano'r ---- 65

174 @ 4 cts $7.1.9
1 16 9 beautiful 25 36
sold to Seigmiller Hide @ 4cts ---62 2.2.5 0 12 5
kept 2 fore Quarters & part of Hind 82 + 42+ 39 + 48 + 84 = 295 @ 3 1/2 Cts 10.4.8

rend'r Tallow .24 @ 6d C'y Tallow Hind {illegible} 2.2

value of Cow $ 22.3.10

Wilf to Stratford aft'n with Waggon & del'd the above to Hine & Seigm'r

M Jun'r accomp'd him - both took tea at Mrs Kirkes
Saturday 18 W'd & Tom ploughing - Christ'n cutting up, making hook, & hanging up Beef

& pottering Boiling Pieces into Barrels. --

receivd from Stratford a letter for Henry dated Hamilton 9th

by private Hand - unknowns.
Do 28
Sunday 19 Ch'r W'd & Tom to Stratford Allsworth - took to P. Office letter W.T to Henry fine & pleasant 51 37
Monday 20 W'd & Thom ploughing - Ch'r pottering - at day light a covering of snow borrowd more Salt of W Crerar 12 n. a shower of snow aft disappeard 33 27
Tuesday 21 W'd & Tom ploughing So & at Lot 38 - Ch'r digging up Hops

T & J Daly & Emily arrivd from Tyes @ 6 1/2 pm . T & J remain the night

E. brot a small Cabbage Rose - 3 Citrons &c from Mrs Tye
snow show'rs & very cold 26 20
Wednesday 22 W'd & Tom ploughing West - Christ'n walkd to Dalys & brot Ingredients for Ink

To Jane Daly left us @ 10 am - M & E to Stratford aft'n

fine 24 24
Thursday 23 W'd & Tom ploughing West - Ch'r at Hops - making Ink &c fine 20 37
Friday 24 Do -- Do ---- Do Ch'r at Crerars pointing the House roof to oven destroyed by fire beautiful 36 38
1845 October
Saturday 25 Paid Mrs T for Margaret Tom & W'd ploughing West - Dh'r at Crerars mild, dry 28 38
Sunday 26 W'd to Stratford - Mr Allan fine 30 46
Monday 27 W'd & Tom Logging & Burning South - Christ'n again at Crerars Mrs T & Martha walkd to Allan Bank - Lying in visit Do 35 44
Tuesday 28 W'd & Tom burning - Ch'r Do part of day & at Hops - transplanting Mrs T & M. walkd to & from Stratford - dined at Dalys - tead at Mrs Sargints Do 37 45
Wednesday 29 Tom thrashing W'd Christ'n to P Office brot Letters

Mrs Joe to Mrs T. pd to Isaac to self - pd

brot also 1 Bottle Whisky from Mickle
Do 34 58
Thursday 30 Wilf'd & Tom thrashing - I walked to Mr Dalys re Lot 38

Mrs T Emily & Christ'n came to me in Waggon aft'n - home@5

paid Mr Dalys Acc't to 31 Dec'r last of Dec inp ap Book
1 5 5 1/2 cloudy & warm 54 55
Inclosed in a Note & gave to Mrs Daly to forward to Mr Donkin $1 note & 1/yk on acco't Mr Barron for Cheese ~ 5 7 1/2
Friday 31 Tom ploughing & winnowing W'd winnowing - making Rack for Waggon & preparing for Market - Ch'r sundries
Saturday 1 W'd to Sutherlands Mill with 4 Sacks Wheat & brot back flour from our own Wheat lb Shorts - Bran

Mrs T & Em'y accomp'd him to Robinsons

last Goldfinch seen all other summer birds having previously left
showers 48 56
Sunday 2 Tom to Stratford - brot a Patriot sup frm D'd McDonald - Reading news took to P.O. letter self to Isaac - inclosing one Mrs T to Chas fine 32 34
Monday 3 Tom at his Brother in Law's a raising - Christ'n & W'd sundries - 1 in Snow at Daylight

even'g W'd took Watson to Stratford in Waggon & rec'd $1

Ballard calld at 7 pm & pd Mrs T her acco't his charge for plastering

Back Room would come to about $6 --- 9 cts p sq yd. 1Bo Whisky for Mickle

rec'd letters (Circular) from M Jones urging paym't on acco't Lots 37/8
snow nearly all day 32
Tuesday 4 W'd & Tom thrashing Peas - Christ'n repairing fences &c paid Mrs Roy & Ann Crerar 3 ~ snow in the n't this day gloomy 34

1845 November

Wednesday 5 Tom & W'd grinding axes morn'g aft'n hauling manure from Barnyard So West - aft'n morn'g Christ'n to Stratford - brot Letter Louisa Loyd Mr & Mrs Barron & Wm Baines to Emily. pd gloomy 32 36
Thursday 6 W'd & Tom putting manure in Barn yd into a Heap - Ch'r afsisting aft'n

Christ'n & I grinding Pruning Knives

put up a fence round Potato Hills
light show'rs all day 37 38
Friday 7 Ch'r W'd & Tom heaping up manure in Barnyard - pruning Currant Bushes

Goldfinches still here

put into Vinegar Barrel the Whites of 10 Eggs
gloomy 10pm snowing 35 36
Saturday 8 Ch'r to P. Office no letters brot a Canadian Paper - W'd & Tom - Ch'r finished making Ink light show'r rain & snow 34 36
Sunday 9 all at home fine 28 28
Monday 10 Paid to Henry Izard Taxes for 1845

Land 200 acres --- 16.8

other property ----- 3.10

Asylum ------ 1.4
1 1 10 fine 30 28
rec'd of Ia's Izard p H'y Izard for 1/2 B'l Onions last winter 2 2
of Squaws for flour 1 3

paid Mrs T for tooth Brush &c

all hauling manure fm Barnyard to S West 12 Loads
7 1/2
Tuesday 11 Tom ploughing So. Chr'n & W'd hauling manure 8 Loads

planted Hops behind Garden fence 7 X 3 - 21 plants

Hine came at 11 & left at 3 oC - putting Glafs in middle window & over door & fixing the opening between the buildings
mild gloomy 34 36
Wednesday 12 Tom ploughing So. Ch'r & W'd hauling manure from West Barn to SW

Crerar brot from P. Office - Letter from Henry to Self re farm &c & 1 Canadian an old Ireland Inquirer

paid Pedlar (Octo's friend) for 1 lb young Hyson
3 1 1/2 fine 33 28
paid Ch'r 1 1/2 - W'd last trip to Wilmot 7 1/2 1 9
Thursday 13 Walkd to Stratford - left at Dalys Notice Lot 38 for Sale & at Jackson's Bull for Sale $6Z - dined at Dalys - Ch'r also at Stratford inquiring for Team to Hamilton Wilf'd making a Box for Christ'n & pottering Tom ploughing So. -- 7 1/2 fine 33 42
1845 November
Friday 14 Christ'n preparing for his departure - Wilf'd making his Box

Tom ploughing & finishd for the season - in all lot 37 acres

38 Do

Sowd dev Larkspur Mrs Tye - Clarkin Pub:
fine 38 40
Saturday 15 W'd & Tom hauling manure from West Barn - Christ'n to Stratford - no letter or papers - brot Sundries - pd for Bo Whiskey

planted Red Bl & W Currant Cuttings - Sowd Malta & Brighton Lettuces - replanted Hops, rooted up by Pigs &c

7 1/2 fine 32 40
paid Mrs T. Bal. due to Don'd Stewart for 14 lb Veal & 18 1/2 Mutton be request of himself & wife 6 2
Sunday 16 Christ'n left us for Toronto @ 8 1/2 with a Galt Teamster who brought up a Load for Daly last night & left part of the load here - Jas & Annie Orr pafsd down @ 11 3/4 for Hamilton: Maccullocks Waggon by whom we sent a packet for Christ'n which he had forgotten & a parcel to Mrs Robinson - a Letter fm Henry to me was found put under the dore after we had gone to bed by T Daly fine -- 39
Monday 17 W'd & Tom hauling Manure from West Barn morning aft'n Tom thrashing - W'd looking after the 3 Calves which have been mifsing for some days -- light rain all day 40 50
Tuesday 18 W'd at Wm Crerars for the day laying Barn floor Tom with Oxen & Plough at his Brothers - for which he is to give 2 days work - a Galt Teamster , knocked up, left a part of his Load (24 Lots) for the night - to come for them in the morning (for different Stores in Stratford) fine till {illegible} then heavy showers 48 52
Wednesday 19 W'd & Tom spreading manure So.W't - put up old Sow & her 2 young Pigs to fatten snow Rain & a little Hail 38 34
Thursday 20 Do Do hauling Do from West Barn to So. W't ----- fair till 3 pm then heavy show'rs till n't 40 38
Friday 21 W'd & Emily in Waggon to Reynolds @ 2 oC Wedding H'y Izard & Pamela R. light snow show'rs 32 28
Saturday 22 Emily returned from Reynolds @ 2 am with the Stewarts - W'd @ 4 1/2 with the Crerars &c

W'd & Tom hauling manure as on 20th - Lifted Carrots & brot into Cellar 12 Dublin to be pitted into Cellar

Martha & Em'y to Stratford @ 12 no letters

brot {cut off and illegible}
a little light snow evening 26 31

1845 December

Sunday 23 2 in of Snow in the n't - All at home - Dalys Teamster calld on his way fm Hamilton - let a part of his Load, having previously left a part at Robinsons & at Fryfogels - brot a Parcel (Trufs) from Henry for Mrs T & self heavy snow snowed last n't sup. now 6 in</td> 29 33
Monday 24 A Gent X{with a dot in each quadrant} from Dunday had Charley to the Dunbars in Cutter & left his Horse (knockd up)

Had from John Stewart a Canadian quart Salt -

W'd & Tom both hunting after the Calves forenoon - found 2 at T Sargints & the 3rd at Kirbys & brot them home looking very poor - @ 1 Tom to Stratford & returned @ 5 - W'd pottering & setting fox traps
fine 18 20
Tuesday 25 rec'd of Mr Sutton of Hamilton for Hire of Charley to Monteiths & back & keep of his Horse for the night ------

Wilf'd underbrushing an hour after breakfast - @ 10 to Don'd Stewarts to afsist in plaistering House inside - D'd to return double work W'd ret'd @ 5
~ 5 ~ fair, gloomy 18 27
Wednesday 26 W'd with Bell & Charley to Wm Crerars - thrashing mill - left off at 5 having broken a Cog of small wheel Tom chopping Brands in fallow & hauling 2 Loads firewood & pottering gloomy 29 25
Thursday 27 W'd & Tom hauling Sp Wheat from East & West Barn m'g - aft'n Tom thrashing & pottering - W'd took a traveller (1 Legd in Sleigh to Stratford & rec'd from him brot back Mr Watson, high, who remained the night 3 9 snow show'rs Sleighing {in bold} 19 25
paid at McCullocks distillery for 4 G's Whiskey@ 3/ yk 7 6
Mickle In. 7 1/2
Friday 28 Killing & Scraping Bl Befs' 2 young Pigs 2 months old

Watson a good eal annoyd by sicknefs from yesterdays excefs went home at noon with John Stewart &c in his Sleigh

hauling a Load Wheat West & pottering - cleaning & varnishing Harnefs

pd Mrs John Roy Stewart 3/- Factory & letters for House use 1/5
4 5 snow show'rs nearly all day 11 13
Saturday 29 W'd & Tom - morn'g aftern'n 1 oC W'd to Wm Crerars thrashing Mill - Tom to Chopp'g for fire wood - where he had a fit (Epileptic) but contrivd to get home - very bad for 2 or 3 hours - it seems he has been subject to them at distant intervals. more snow 12 16
Sunday 30 Tom as usual today except complaining of a little headache Alex & Befsy Orr calld & took tea with us tol. 12 12
1845 December
Monday 1 Tom @ 9 1/2 to John Stewarts for the day - thrashing Mill -

Killd the 3 yr old Black Steer - Wm Crerar afsisting W'd till noon did not dine here

Wilf'd ev'g to Seigmillers sold them Hide ev't 77 lb @ 4 cts $3 5d C'y

Mrs T & Em'y accomp'd him Mrs to Orrville Em'y to Stratford
fine 15 16
Tuesday 2 Paid Mrs Jno Stewart (Mrs T) for T Riley 2 pr Socks3/9 Mitts 1/10 1/2

W'd to Jno Stewarts 6 am thrashing mill - home about 2 pm

Tom preparing at West Barn for thrashing Mill

finished cutting up & weighing Beef -- 4 quarters 611 lb

Beef 611 lb @ 3 1/2 cents - $21.38 Hide - 77

Hide 77 --- 4 cts -- 3.08 Head --- 37

Tallow 33 3/4 - 10 cts ------3.37 Tallow -- 33

Offal - Head Heart Liver 17 759


5 7 1/2 snow show'rs 8 10
Wednesday 3 W'd at Donald Stewarts - thrashing Mill - home @ 6 when 2 Stewarts came with the Mill & in part fixd it at West Barn

Tom opened large Hill of Potatoes & took out & boild about B'ls for Pigs - got in a Load firewood & evening on to Stratford for sundries - 2 Inquires not pd for

a little snow 7 16
Thursday 4 Thrashing Mill - D'd Stewart Mary, & his young man - Jno & Ann Stewart, 1 Horse Wm & Jno Crerar - Riley & Sons - 2 Stewarts, 4 Horses, W'd & Tom 2 Horses - 7 Horses = 13

Fall & Spring mixd - Bkfast Dinner & Supper - 5 Bo's Whisky

2 Indians calld @ 9 pm & had parcel left here a fortnight since
tol 12
Friday 5 W'd morning to Stratford - bot ab 15 yds Sacking @ &c


@ 3pm all ex. self to Wm Crerars - marriage James Fraser to his oldest daughter

Jane Daly arrived 1/2 hour after in Hamiltons Sleigh & went to them the Ladies ret'd @ 7 1/2 - had a Note from Mr Daly offering L60 in overdue Store Notes, & to pay the Companys claim Tom home @ 1 W'd @ 3
snow show'rs 16 20 12
Saturday 6 W'd M & E in a Sleigh to Stratford - at Sharmans had 2 new Shoes to Horses the rest fixd - Tom took out of Hill & boild in Cook H ab't 5 B'ls Potatoes Mrs Maccullock Alex Annie & Befsy Orr calld in Cutter snow show'rs 16
Sunday 7 Mr & Mrs Charnook took tea with us - Alex Orr & Watson (Watsons) calld evening -- fine

1845 December

below Z
Monday 8 Wilf'd & tom winnowing Wheat & preparing for Market fine 22 27
Tuesday 9 Fenced round Straw Stack West - preparing -- Do thrashing a few Oats

Wilfred & Mrs T. in sleigh to Stratford - got order from Daly & Mickle to bring 6 Barrels Salt from Galt - Carr'se 3/6 yk 1 B'l.

wrote to Mr Daly declining his offer for Lot 38. kept Copy
show'rs rain & snow 26 26
Wednesday 10 W'd left @ 6 .50 for Ferries & Galt with 16 Sacks Wheat - Tom hauling firewood , opening Hill & boiling Wheat & Potatoes for Pigs

Emily in Reynolds Sleigh to P. Office, nothing

Maccullock & Alex pafsd for Hamilton & Tor'to sent letter to Isaac
snow show'rs 14 12
Thursday 11 Tom cleaning up Tailings & Chaff of Wheat in West BArn &c &c

Wilfred ret'd from Galt &c - sold the Wheat to Bucksh

28 1/2 Bush'ls @ 8/6 yor k ---- 7.11.4

lefs expenses " " .5.7 1/2
7 5 8 1/2 gloomy without snow 10 9
paid Forbes Galt for a Barrel Salt $2 1/2 -- pd brought from Do 6 B'ls Salt for Daly & Mickle 12 6
Friday 12 Paid Mrs T for 12 yds Striped Shirting for 3 Shirts 6 1/2 .6.6

4 yrds Do for Christ'n ---- 2.2

a 2 1/2 Bush'l Wheat Sack, ready made 1.3

2 Pocket Handkfs @ 1/yk -- 1.3

W'd to Stratford with 6 B'ls Salt for Daly & Mickle

Debit them for Carriage @ 3/6 yk == C'y 13/ 1 1/2

Tom thrashing Oats - hauling firewood - boiling pigsmeal &c

Mr & Mrs Kirke & Mr & Mrs Reynolds to tea

11 2 fine 4
rec'd of Reynolds for a Lot of Sundries & pd Mr T. 24 d returned to Wm Crerar & Wilf'd Salt in full of what we borrowd from him at different times. 10 ~
11 above
Saturday 13 repaid Jno Stewart a quart Salt borrowd 24 ult --

Tom hunting after mifsing Calf without succefs - suppose it must have perished in the Snow - chopping firewood &c

Wilfred with Charley to Rankins - thrashing Mill was brought home on horseback after dinner having had part of the third toe cut off by the small wheel of the machine & the Great & second toe much bruised --

Emily walkd to Stratford & back - no letters
fine till 8 1/2 pm then Snow 13 above 28
1845 December
Sunday 14 W'd sufferd a good deal last night from 10 till 1 am but has been much freer from pain today & going on favorably - all at home gentle thaw without rain 34 29
Monday 15 Tom twice to Stewarts - deliverd 18 & 20 Bush'ls Ashes - 38 B'ls

took Pickle out of Beef Barrel & boild Do - added Salt

bro in 6 Beets from Garden

Tom brot from Dalys a Phial British Oil & Piece of Salve for Wilfreds foot

& had a quart Whisky to treat brot also {illegible} our Lumber
fine 29 33
Tuesday 16 Tom twice to Ashery 21 & 20 Bushels --- 41 B'ls boiling Potatoes paid Mrs Roy Stewart & Ann Crerar. M & E to Stratford 3 ~ fine 22 14
Wednesday 17 Tom took 24 Bushels Ashes & brot Mr Stewarts mem'r for the whole viz 103 Bushels @ 4d. L1.14.4 W'd much better to-day & has removed to his usual Dormitory gloomy & a little snow 26 34
Thursday 18 Tom & Horses to Reynolds thrashing Mill W'd evening walkd to Crerars & Stewartss day fine ev'g heavy snow 28 20
Friday 19 T. Daly had a Load Straw yesterday - Tom hauling firewood

boiling Potatoes &c &c W'd making handle to Saw

had from Rankin Flour 34 lbs includng Sack by our Steelyards 37
snow show'r a good deal last night 1 4
Saturday 20 Tom with his nephew Jos. Riley, winnowing Wheat for Market

W'd Chopping firewood - repairing Sleigh &c . Em'y to Stratford

W'ds yearling Hiefer on - & was so a fortnight ago.
Snow show'rs 1 6
Sunday 21 Mrs T Emily & Tom in Sleigh to Stratford - Mr Allan - all dined @ 3 oC T Daly calld on his return from Galt - gave W'd a com'n to bring 6 or 7 B'ls Salt from Batters on Elliot fine 10 6
Monday 22 Wilf'd left @ 7 1/4 for Ferries & Galt with 17 Sacks Wheat

Tom putting up fence round Straw Stack West - boiling Potatoes

Henry & Lucy Tye Mr Easton & Mifs Adelaide Smith took a snack with us on their way to Mr Dalys - Alex Orr & ______Wilson - a glafs Grog even'g
Tuesday 23 Tom hauling & chopping firewood &c Wilf'd ret'd from Galt about 5 pm

sold to Adam Ferrie 26 1/2 Bush'ls Wheat @ 8/8 yks - 7.3.6 1/2

lefs expences -- .5.7 1/2
6 7 11 gloomy 16 12
Paid for Whip & Stock ------ 1.10 1/2

1 lb Currants ------------.10.

4 Bush's Wheat ground at Hagersville & brot home Flour &c

2 8 1/2

1845 December

Tuesday 23 cont'd brot from Galt for Daly & Mickle 7 Bus's Salt & delivered them this even'g by W'd & Tom - Carr'ge 3/6 yk J B'ls brot from Watsons 2 Gall's Ferries Whisky @ & some trifles fm D & M
Wednesday 24 Tom chopping firewood - & Sleigh Crook - W'd making Saw Handle &c &c

Jno Stewart brot from Daly & M 1/2 lb Bl. & 1/2 lb Green Tea

Sandy Fisher brot fm P.O. a Canadian & a ltter frm Ch'r to Mrs T. 9d owing
gloomy 12 21
Thursday 25 Mrs T, Emily Wilf'd & Tom to Stratford Hickey - brot from Jacksons a parcel for me from Henry, (Coat & Waistcoat) & a Spectacle Case from Mrs B for which I am her Dr - also Bruce's Sermons bound & letters from Henry to me & John likewise & Mrs T. Carriage paid snow show'rs 20 16
Friday 26 Had Wm Riley & John Crerar & Killd 4 Pigs - Bl. Befsy's 18 mos old turned out old Befsy being short of food - now remaining Black Befsy

White sow - 7 Pigs 10 months old Bl Befs - 5 Do white Sow 6 months old

W'd Fox No 1 - pm
fine 16 11
Saturday 27 Cut up & filled Barrel Pork No. 1 - about 2 Pigs - rem'r left to be barreld Monday

tapd vinegar B'l & drew off Butter tub full & put into Cellar to settle

W'd & Em'y to Stratford @ 4 1/2 - notice to Kirk that we had no Pork to spare

brot from P.O. letter from Mrs Jos. T to MGar'r via Queenston - pd post'ge
9 1/2 & fine colder 10 24
Do of letter from Ch'r 24 ins't & 2 Canadian 1/2 = 2/3 -- Sn 7 1/2 2 2
Sunday 28 all at home - Mr Barron & Charles arrived 4 @ 5 in a borrowd Cutter having last night got out of the road & been upset near Flambro West, the Horses dashing off at full sprint & breaking his own Sleigh to pieces & scattering parcels here & there, many of which are lost - after walking a mile the Horses were found standing quietly in a Creek. Robinson calld even'g W'd & Tom to Reynolds in Sleigh with Wh Befs - brot home on Monday m'g fine 25
Monday 29 Mr Barron Chas & W'd in Sleigh 10 am to Stratford - ret'd about 2. brot a Whisky Barrel from Watsons - W'd & Tom barreld remainder of Pork & put in Cellar - Watson rather high & Dr Porter calld & took tea fine 31 22
Tuesday 30 Paid Mr Barron so much overpaid in his remitt'ce rec'd 24 Sept'r 1 4 1/2
Tom thrashing Oats - evening to Stratford

W'd pottering morn'g - aftern'n with Mr Barron in Sleigh to Stratford

brot remains of the Child --
1845 December
Wednesday 31 Mr Barron Chas & Wilfred left @ 8 3/4 in his Cutter & our Sleigh - W'd $4

sent Ellen & Chas Zinnia Seed & gave him 0/6 to get Celery Seed thyme & Marj'm 0/6

Tom cutting hauling & chopping firewood - fixing back entrance to West Barn, the Cattle having broke in - got Cask Vinegar into Cellar --
fine 18 18

1846 January

Thursday 1 Tom thrashing Peas - Wilf'd ret'd from Corbetts @ 8 pm Mr Barron & Chas left Corbetts at the same time as W'd expected to reach Toronto tonight - W'ds expences 4 3 1/2 incefsant rain from 8am to 10 pm & continues 22 35
lent to Reynolds $2 Almanac 3 1/2
Friday 2 X W'd & Tom winnowing Peas 7 1/2 B'ls Tom thrashing Oats some person has been in the West Barn today rain cont'd thru night & till 8 this ev'g 38 27
Saturday 3 W'd & Tom thrashing Oats - pd Wilfred for Tom receivd from Reynolds so much lent 1st ins - as above {line stroked through} 7 1/2 light snow show'rs gloomy 28 27
Sunday 4 Tom in Sleigh took to P. Off'ce Letters W.T. to Henry & Mrs T to Christ'n - pd for latter fine 23 30
Monday 5 W'd & Tom thrashing Oats a short time afterwards preparing for thrashing mill at West Barn - putting up Logs to inclose Straw &c - ev'g Tom to Stratford for Whisky - could not get any at Watsons or Dalys - they say none in the village

brot 1 lb Tea fm Watson - 2 lb Soap & 2 lb Butter fm Daly &c

W'd got Fox his 3 slut
fine 26 20
Tuesday 6 W'd & Tom preparing for thrashing mill - 2 Stewarts came with mill 4 @ 5 & with W'd fixd it -- Tom with Sleigh to Maccullocks (Alex declines selling - said the price was 2/6 p Gall & refered Tom to McGregors where he got 3 Gallons & paid for it 7 6 Ev'g heavy Snow 28 30
paid Washers 3/- Mrs T for Check for Sofa Cover 2/9 5 9
Wednesday 7 Thrashing Mill - 2 Stewarts & 4 Horses - Rankin / 2 Horses

Don'd Stewart & Marg't Jno Stewart & Ann - W Crerars Jefsy & Marg't

Wilf'd & Tom - 12 - 6 Bo's Whisky - Siberian reported first rate
light rain nearly all day 30 32
Thursday 8 W'd & Tom making Straw Stack - fixing Back & front of West BArn & winnowing a few Bush'ls Wheat (Sib'n) gloomy 28 28
Friday 9 W'd & Tom this winnowing Siberian Wheat - Williams C.C. & Sharman calld with power of Att'y Mrs Eliz Thornton to W.T & Sharman

to transfer {illegible}

Sold to the Thorntons - Sharman & Izard the same & the Exec'rs are to have a general release from the family tomorrow

Mrs T & M in Jno Stewarts Sleigh to Stratford brot 2 Letters from John the latter announcing the death of Emily Downing on the 1st ins'r pd post'ge
9d Do 25 26
1846 January
Saturday 10 Emily to Stratford morn'g - took to Mickle Note complaining of neglect of not sending letter when I sent up (by Rankin) last Saturday

brot from Daly & Mickle Coffee 1 lb - 1 doz Corks - 1/2 Papers - Pills from Dr. Moore

Tom& W'd winnowing Sib'n Wheat - filling Sacks for Market

in the even'g both to Sharmans to get 2 or 3 nails put into Horses Shoes
gloomy 24 25
Sunday 11 Tom took to P. Off'ce a letter Mrs T.M J'n to John - Snow show'rs 23 24
Monday 12 W'd left @ 6 1/2 am for Ferries with 19 Sacks Wheat (Sib'n)

Tom @ 9 to D'd Stewarts for the day Pig Killing - took rifle Powder & 4 Balls - Tom home from Donalds @ 5 pm

one of the old McTavish's reports that Mr Jones the Cons'r has been thrown from is horse & killd at Toronto - Rankin says that Dr Flynn saw him yesterday morning at Goderich - Cherry's calf very bad
Do aft'n 20 10
Tuesday 13 Paid T. Riley on account $7 Thomas Riley{signature} 1 15 -- tol. 14 17
pd Do --- in silver --- Thomas Riley{signature} 5 ~
Wilfred ret'd from Ferries about 5 pm . sold the Wheat to him

39 Bush'ls @ 7/8 yk -- $37. 3.yk = 9.6.10 1/2

lefs expences -- 6.3 }

Tom chopping Rail Timber So. aft'n - morn'g

chop'g & hauling firewood --

had from John Stewart 6 3/4 lb Oatmeal including Pillow Case

W'd Tom & Emily to Stratford after tea - ret'd@ 10 - with 4 B'ls Ashes from Daly & Mickle to be teamd to Hamilton --
9 ~ 7 1/2
Wednesday 14 Wilfred left at 9 1/2 pm with 4 Bar'ls Ashes to be del'd to W.P.McLaren

Debit WH Hine pt is order dated Octo 11th 45 2/2 G or T Riley --

Tom to Stratford evening - brot from Watsons 1/2 g'n paper

Tom after rail timber
6 snow morn'g 24
Thursday 15 Tom cutting rail timber till 2 pm - aft'n afsisting Jno Stewart to remove thrashing Mill to John Stewarts - Mr & Mrs Daly calld on their way from Buffalo - brot Letter from John to Mrs T. inclosing one from McLaren for Geo Watson paid Mrs Cowmans for knitting 5 Pair Socks @ 1/3 6 3 fine 12 34

1846 January

Friday 16 Tom at John Stewarts - thrashing Mill

Emily to Stratford - returned @ 12 in Mr Tyes Sleigh

Mr Tye dined with us - pd Monteith for 1/2 qu'r Letter paper ruled

had from Dalys allspice - & 1/2 lb Epsom Salts
7 1/2 fine 29 22
Saturday 17 Tom at D'd Stewarts 8 1/2 till 2 - thrashing Mill - aft'n chop'g firewood

Wilfred ret'd from Hamilton @ 2 @3 - bringing a Load of Ironmongery

Groceries &c weight 21 Cwt.3 q'r

Debit Daly & Mickle for the trip down & up $12 - 4$ to be paid in Cash

paid W.P. McLaren for 2 lb Tea @ 3/9 ------ 7.6

2 lb Gr'd Coffee - @ 1/ ---- 2.----
9 6 fine 10 8 below Z
paid John Balance of his acco't 3.11.3 2.- } 1 11 3
Waggon Hire Dundas to Hamilton & b'k 2.6 Tolls 2/10 - other expences on the journey 17/6 - 1. .4 1 2 10
receivd at Flamboro West for old Plough Shares 54 lb @ 1 1/2 Cts ~ 4 ~
Sunday 18 Tom at Stratford took to P.O. letters to Mifs Ralph Aunt Jane & H'y light Snow 2 above 12
Monday 19 W'd & Tom chopping Rail Timber till 1 @ 2 oC aft'n filling Sacks Wheat (Sib'n) for Market fine 12 2
Tuesday 20 W'd left @ 7 3/4 for Ferries with 20 Sacks Sib'n Wheat Tom chopping for Rails morn'g & Aft'n fine 4 below Z 16 above
Wednesday 21 Tom examining Potatoes in Cellar & taking out bad - chopping firewood --

W'd returnd from Ferries @ 2 1/4 - sold Wheat to him viz.

41 Bush'l 40 lb @ 7/8 yk -- Cr 9.19.7

lefs expences on Road 5 for Horse shoe fix 7 1/2 - 5.7 1/2
9 13 11 1/2 Snow till 2 pm 18 b. 14
paid Ferrie for 17 lb Pearl Barley @ 3 cts 2 6
Thursday 22 Tom in Bush at rail work till 4 pm - Wilf'd cleaning & pottering

Harnefs forenoon - aftern'n to Seigmillers to have breaching repaired bot Whip

Mrs T & M with him to Walmsleys & Mrs Sargints
beautiful Z 4 ab.
Friday 23 receivd of Reynolds for 200 ft Lumber @ 7/pr {illegible} to him to Nov 44 - 14/yk

lefs due to him for altering 1845 ---- 11/yk

Tom hauling firewood & chopping ----
1 10 1/2 Do 44 8 ab.
Saturday 24 Tom at Rail work till 4 pm took his dinner

W'd ret'd from Ferries @ 11 3/4 am - sold Crerars Wheat

40 1/2 B'ls @ 7/8 = pd $38.6.6 yk & pd by W'd to Crerar

rec'd for teaming $3 - lefs exp's 4/6

the Ladies to Stratford afternoon with John Stewart
10 6 Do 11 ab. 29
1846 January
Saturday 24 Gave Mrs T. to pay WH Hine Bal'n due to him John o'd

His order &c - Izard not yet presented 3/3

& Mrs T's acco't 9/9 not yet paid
17 10
Sunday 25 all at home - Mrs T with a bad cold & headache - Charnock & 3 calld fine 32 32
Monday 26 W'd & Tom winnowing Wheat - filld 10 Sacks (Sib'n) over 20 B'ls Henry & Isaac arr'd in Cutter about 7 1/2 -- rain aft snow ev'g 33 25
Tuesday 27 Henry & Isaac in Cutter to D'd Stewarts, Rankins & Reynolds

aft'n H. I . W'd M & E in Sleigh to Stratford & made calls

W'd & W'd brought into new House & bind the 10 Sacks wheat as above. Tom aft'n at rail Timber

ev'g W'd & Tom rep'g Sleigh - fixing a new Tongue till 11 pm

pd Names for the Tongue 3/9 & add'l 4d
4 1
Wednesday 28 Henry & Isaac to Stratford - sent p Isaac & pd Sharmans Bill 2 16 9 L. Snow m'g 30 30
rec'd of Isaac for Nance Chauncer --- 15 --
paid Mrs T on acco't of Hine 11d vi.0Z/y ~ 9 9
postage Letter from Mrs Barron ------

W'd & Tom fixing tongue in Sleigh & W'd to McNaughton the Smith

aft'n Mrs T. Emily & the Boys to make calls in Brockhorn on Jno Stewart & the Crerars
Thursday 29 W'd at Reynolds with Horses - thrashing Mill - Tom morn'g & aft'n Rail work - H'y & Is'c at Papers - aftern'n to Wm McDonalds show'r m'g & ev'g 28 36
Friday 30 Henry & Isaac left @ 8 1/2 - W'd got a Fox N. 4 - soap boiling

W'd & Tom brot into House about 43 Bush'ls Wheat - 11 Bush'ls pur Sib'n (5 Sacks)

added to Bin rem'r 16 Sacks left on Floor (32 Bush'ls in the 16 Sacks taken to Hobsons 16 Feb which see

aft'n after Rails & Sleigh Crook --

Show'rs light m'g heavy ev'g 41 42
Saturday 31 Wilf'd & Tom morn'g & aftern'n chopping Timber for Rails - soap boiling tol. 14 10
Sunday 1 Tom drove Mrs T & Em'y to Stratford Hickey Sn. Sh'r m'g 11 16
Monday 2 W'd to Sutherlands mill with 6 Bush'ls 14 lb Wheat & brot back 154 lb Flour 78 lb Bran 19 lb Shorts- soap boiling

paid for Lumber for new Sleigh 2/6 - Exp's at Hobsons 10d ------

Tom to Stratford with Sleigh Crook to be sawn - Mill out of order & could not be done - Mrs Sargint Mrs Kirk Watson &c Alex Orr to tea - Mr Kirk later --
3 4 fine 20 28

1846 February

Tuesday 3 Wilfred to Stratford for Sleigh Crook left yesterday - paid for sawing

& preparing Mat'ls for new Sleigh

Tom in Bush after rail Timber morn'g

Meeting at Stratford for nomination of a member of Parliament

for the County in place of Dr Dunlop resigned - McCullock & Dr Chalk

2 6 gloomy 32 32
pd Washers Kitty Crerar & Christ'a Stewart -- 3 ~
Mrs T for 2 Reels Cotton 2d --

had from Daly & M.a 4 1/2 lb Levitts Axe - p W'd -

sold my old Duffle Great Coat to Henry Izard for $2 1/2
Wednesday 4 W'd making Ox Sleigh & cut his foot - Tom Chopping for Rails, & even'g to Stratford - brought letter from Aunt Jan'y dated 1/2 Jan'ry & 2 Inquirers - 2 lb Sugar fm Daly & Co -- John arrived @ 8 pm having first taken Mifs Louisa Dowing to Mr Dalys - Mr & Mrs Allan & 2 dined with us fine 20
Thursday 5 W'd & Tom making Sleigh - John {stroked through phrase} Mrs T & M {illegible} in Sleigh to Stratford - dined at Mr Dalys - ret'd to tea with Mifs Downing & Mrs Meany - Alex came @ 8 Oc with Cutter rem'd till 10 -- Do 34
Friday 6 W'd going on with Sleigh - Tom in Bush John & Mifs Downing left us via Guelph about 8 1/2 am beautiful 18 28
Saturday 7 Rankin had 41 lb Flour by our Steelyards. vi, 19 Dec Tom hauling rail Timber out of Bush W'd Tom Mrs T & Em'y to Stratford 12 6 morn'g fine

ev'g gloomy

a little rain Snow
Sunday 8 W'd Tom Mrs T & Em'y to Stratford - Mr Allan - Mr & Mrs Robinson their friend Mr Glendenning Esquesing & Alex Orr to tea fine 9 13
Monday 9 I walked W'd on Charley to Stratford

- pd Roys Acco't to 12 Jan'y

12 6 Do 15 6
pd Watsons acco't to 31 Dec last -- 7 8 1 1/2
Daly & Mickle ---- Do 4 at Jacksons 4d bot of MrGregors a quantity of Oats @ 2/8 yk. Tom rail work 1 4
Tuesday 10 W'd $ 72 with Sleigh to Stratford - brought from McGregor & pd for 21 Bush'ls Black Oats -- 2/8 yk 9 B'l 1 15 ~ fine 8 24
paid WF McCullock Bal'ce of acco't to this date

brot from Daly & M 3 lb Butter - 1 lb Sugar Cotton Spools

Tom in Bush after Rail
3 5
lent to Wilfred ~ 10 ~
1846 February
Tuesday 3 Wilffred to Stratford for Sleigh Crook left yesterday
Wednesday 11 the Party from Robinsons returned @ 8 am. Mrs Meany having hush her knee stopd here & Tom took her home about 2 pm in Sleigh

Tom on his return brot 3 Galls Whisky from McCullocks @ 3/6 & pd

brot a Canadian from P. Office

W'd in bed greatest part of the day -- pd $ 1 1/2 owing to me 1/l yk rec'd 18th
6 6 1/2 Snow till 3 pm Snow aft'n 3 or 4 in 24
Thursday 12 W'd & Tom after rail Timber morn'g & aft'n Mr Robinson took to P office Letter Mrs T. to Charles - He Mr Glendenning & Erb a young Prespian(fm Posen) calld on their return Martha to Mrs Allans @ 11 1/2 am in Mr A's absence to return tomorrow light Sn. Show'rs 6 18
Friday 13 W'd & Tom hauling rail Timber out of Bush - ev'g Tom to Mrs Meanys with Note from M apology for not going to Tea &c. Em'y walked to Mr Allans after dinner & ret'd with M @ 6 fine 17 15
Saturday 14 Paid Mrs T. for 6 Pillow Cases W'd & Tom in Bush after Rail Timber morn'g fine ev'g Snow cont'd all n't 12
Sunday 15 Snow all night & continues with high drifting Wind - in places 3 ft other 1-2 in Tom took to P. Office Letter Mrs T. to Aunt Jane 14/15th Snow sh'rs m'g 21
Monday 16 Wilf'd left at 7 3/4 for Ferries with 16 Sacks Wheat - W'd ret'd @ 4 pm having sold 7 Sacks 16 Bush'ls to sundries at Hobsons @ 7/6 yk r'd 3 15 ~ Sn. till 1 @ 2 ev'g fine 20 15
9 Sacks left at Hobsons paid expences Tom hauling firewood morn'g after to Reynolds to get one of his Boys for tomorrow to winnow Wheat 1 10 1/2
Tuesday 17 Tom & Reynold's Son winnowing Wheat & preparing for Market

W'd with Mrs T M & E to Stratford Sale of dry Goods frm Pomery London

paid to Dr. Moore his Bill to this time (p Mrs T.) ------
6 9 Snow morn'g 19 16
bot at public Sale & paid for

5 lb Tea @ 2/8 1/2 --------0.13.7

20 yds Sacking -- @ 5d ------- .8.4

thread 7 1/2 - 2 Brooms @ 7 1/2 d - 1/3 --- .1.10 1/2
1 3 9 1/2
ret'd paid Mr Dalys Bill for Drugs &c & Pafs Book . & rec'd (p W'd) --- 18 2
Wednesday 18 W'd left @ 7 1/4 with 14 Sacks Wheat for Market - Tom & Robert Reynolds winnowing @ 6 1/4 Tom & R to Sale at Stratford - Tom brought a letter from Ch'r to Emily post paid - Reynolds went home in Sleigh from Stratford fine 8 10

1846 February

Thursday 19 W'd ret'd from Ferries @ 2 1/2 19 Sacks - (14 taken yesterday & 5 from Hobsons) 4 3 Sacks & last of a 4.R rem'g at Hobsons - left with him 34 Bush'ls Wheat & Flour his due Note to be paid at any time at the price of the day when calld for --

sold of the quantity 9 Sacks left at Hobsons 16 ins't

2 Bush'ls -- @ 7 /2 yk -- --- --- ~.8.11 1/2

2 Do -------- 7/6 ---------------------9. 4 1/2

--- r'd
18 4 heavy snow from 5 pm with high wind cont'd 10 1/2 pm
expences ----- Mrs T & M to Stratford @ 10 am - Emily Do @ 2 pm & have not ret'd 10 1/2 pm 5 4 1/2
Friday 20 W'd & Tom grinding axes at Jno Stewarts m'g - aft'n to W Crerars helping to get a Load Wheat ready for the Ferries - W'd left with it 3 @ 4 pm Sacks - Mrs T & Emily accompanied to Robinsons intending to remain there till his return tomorrow Mr Kirk brought Mrs T M & E from Stratford at 12 -- Snow storm thro' last night

& the roads heavy

Snow show'rs m'g & ev'g
20 24
Saturday 21 rec'd of Wm Anglin on acco't Hec 45 - $1 . - 1/10 1/2 & 10 cts = 6d on his way up in Horse Sleigh - got fixd at the trough the Horses having jumpd over - went to John Stewarts with whose help they were backd - after remaining 1/2 hour to get thawed & somewhat sobered, he proceeded homeward

Tom in Bush after rail timber

7 4 1/2 heavy snow m'g 22 18
W'd Mrs T & Em'y got home @ 9 3/4 pm ----- 4 10
sold W Crerars Wheat 39 Bush'ls @ 7 /2 pd Mrs T for 3 1/2 yds Moleskin at Sale Tom @ 1/9 4 4
6 yds Flannel --- self 1/1 6 6
3 Hdkfs (Cotton) --- Do --- 4d 1 ~
Tape 6d - Cotton Spools 1/9 -- Gen'l use 2 3
Sunday 22 Tom at Stratford Snow show'r 11 16
Monday 23 lent Mrs T. $2. & 2 1/2d M June 1d ----

ret'd 26th Mrs T & M to Stratford Sale ev'g 4 pm brought them @ 7 1/2 - W'd & Tom winnowing Wheat & preparing

pd for Bottle Mustard 7 1/2 d - Black Tape for House use 5d
1 1/2 Do 10 12
1846 February
Tuesday 24 Wilf'd left Z/ Silver @ 7 1/4 with 16 Sacks Wheat (Fall &c) for Ferries

W's Calf died in the course of last night - ine going

Mr & Mrs Robinson came at 12 & left @ 9 1/2 pm

Tom in Bush after Rails - his Nephew came for him at 8 pm his brother having had a fit - presume Epileptic - 1 of Black Sows Pigs died

Alex & Irwin calld at 6 but did not remain many minutes ( canvafsing)
Snow show'rs 12 2
Wednesday 25 Tom as yesterday - Wilfred ret'd from Ferries 2 @ 3 pm

sold to him the above = 31 Bus'ls @ 7/2 yk ==

7 1 10 1/2 fine 3 2 below Z
~ to Hobson 2 Bush'ls. 2 Bush'ls part of what was left with him 16 ins't @ 7/6 yk 9 4 1/2
brought from Ferries the Produce of 10 Bush'ls Wheat on acco't of his due Bill for 34 Bush'ls left with him 18th ins't & endorsed on back - 400 lbs Flour 100 lb Bran & Shorts 30 lb --

bought at Davidsons Store Hagersvile & paid for

A Peck Clover Seed @ $12 p Bush'l
15 ~
Expences 5 3 1/2
pd Dun'n McNaughton Smit to 31 Dec --- 8.2 ---
lefs for Hector 45 --- 2.6. 5 8
Thursday 26 Paid Mrs J & Mrs R. Stewart Tom as yesterday. W'd Do morning - aft'n putting Flour as above into 2 Barrels in loft next Wheat -- ~ 3 ~ fine 6 below Z 2 above
Friday 27 Wilfred left @ 7 am with Load W Crerars Wheat for Ferries Z/Note Z/. {illegible} Tom at Rail work fine 1 ab. 9 ab.
Saturday 28 W'd ret'd from Ferries @ 2 3/4 pm. sold him Crerars Wheat @ 6/8 sold at Hobsons 7 B'ls Wheat @ 7/6 yk (Sib'n) - ~ = 1 12 9 1/2 light snow show'r 10 10
paid at Ferries for 50 lb Oatmeal ------- 7/6 7 6
Expences ---- 5 10
Tom hauling out Rail Timber - Jno Stewart brot from P. Office Mrs Jos to Mrs T. ppd. received of Wm Crerar for teaming 2 Loads Wheat to Ferries 1 10 ~
Paid Mrs Cowmans for knitting four grey worsted Stocking 20 & 27 ins't 1 3

1846 March

Sunday 1 Tom to Stratford morn'g - brot from Mr Daly a Bottle Cough mixture & Charnock & Son John took tea with us - rec'd of him Hec. 45 took to P. Office Letters Martha to Ellen & Em'y to Christ'n 2 6 fine 10 12
Monday 2 W'd finishd making yoke - yoked Steers for first time & with them & Duke & Diamond hauld out a few rail logs. fine 14 16
Tuesday 3 W'd & E'y - Mrs Sargint, Mrs Wilkins ther Sister Mifs Hewit took tea with us & left in Stage @ 8 - Wilson the driver wants Onion & Carrot seed & has fine Blood Beet. Tom with Oxen & Steers, hauling Rail Timber

paid to Henry Izard Mrs Sargints order for L2.17.6

for Butter supplied Mr Barron L2 12.0 - Tub 5/ --

W'd to Geo. Woods Downie - brot 1/2 Ton 1109 to Hay

Em'y to Stratford - brot a {illegible} Letter Paper fm D & M.

W'd much indisposed with Headache pains in Limbs Leg &c
2 17 6 beautiful & pleasant 7 24
Wednesday 4 M & I went in Sleigh with Tom to Stratford - where I had my likeness Dagueriotyfied - on dit tolerable but frowning - paid for it

Tom brot rem'r of Ton Hay fm Woods 1131 lb. pd for the whole

dined with the Dalys & bort some powders for Wilfred who is still suffering very much - W'd pd P Kostner 3. Bal'ce of his Acco't
3 ~ ~ Do 21 36
pd Mickle for letters & papers to this date -- 1 7 1/2
Wilf'd calld at P Kostners yesterday & settled his acco't of last year delivery of 6 Bush'ls Tailings @ 5 qu'ts & B'l & Cash 17 6
Thursday 5 Tom hauling rail Timber - W'd pottering - on Sick list Robinson - Mrs Gingery & the German calld even'g Do 28 26
Friday 6 W'd Tom Oxen & Steers at Rail work - W'd sufferd much through last night but is quite his usual way today Snow morn'g aft'n fine 27 20
Saturday 7 W'd tom with Cattle as yesterday - Em'y to Stratford aft'n no letters brot fm Daly & M. 1 lb Coffee 4 lb Butter tol. 11 29
Sunday 8 Tom & Mrs T -- M & E in Sleigh to Stratford - Hickey fine & mild 26 30
Monday 9 W'd M.& E & I in Sleigh to Stratford. Had a fresh likenefs taken which Mr Daly insisted upon paying for & giving to Martha - I dined at Jacksons with Mr Junk & Irwin

paid at Watsons for Sn 1/3 Gumblet & Bradd hooks 7 1/2

2 yards Wire not pd for --
1 10 1/2 beautiful 16 26
1846 March
Monday 9 cont'd Wilfred brot from McGregor's 33 1/2 Bush'ls Oats

@ 2/7 yk & paid for same

Had from them 2 plough Shares @ 6/yk - not pd for
2 14 ~ Sleighs finished
paid Wilfred for Calf skin carried to my Credit in Adam Seigmillers acco't 5 ~
Tuesday 10 W'd & Tom at Sugary - tapd 55 trees & placed Troughs beautiful 22 28
Wednesday 11 W'd & Emily at Sugary - tapd 80 trees - Do gatherd 25 Pails Sap Tom at Rail work hauling - paid Mrs Tye for Tin Pails (by Rags) 2 6 Do 25 36
Thursday 12 W'd to Sugary @ 6 am - Emily Do @ 8 - Tom at Rail work till 6 pm & after tea joind them Em'y home @ 7 pm

W'd & T got home 10 3/4 bringing scrapings of a Pan Sugar - Mrs Meany & Alex to tea

receivd on Wm Anglin acco't Hec 45 -- 4 Cows --
7 6 gloomy & a few drops rain 10 1/2 pm heavy rain 36 45
Friday 13 W'd to Sugary before breakfast - brot 3 Cakes 25 lbs made yesterday after breakfast with Tom hauling out Rail timber - aft'n heavy rain W'd made a 10 ft Ladder for Garden & House use moderate rain till 3@ 4 pm
Saturday 14 W'd & Tom hauling rails Timber -- Snow nearly all day 36 26
Sunday 15 all at home - Snow nearly all day Do 26 30
Monday 16 W'd & tom hauling rail logs -- W.T aft'n resetting some 50 Sap troughs washed & cleand Onion Seed 45 N.2 Parcel snow morn'g aft'n fine 24 26
Tuesday 17 W'd making Shoulder yoke - resetting Troughs & collecting Sap - 32 pails Tom hauling rail timber -- fine 24 24
Wednesday 18 W'd to Sugary @ 6 am - Martha @ 8 - M ret'd @ 6 1/2 pm - Tom went @ 7 pm with provisions - both still there 10 pm. 110 Pails Sap collected today - ret'd @ 11

Emily to P. Office - brot a Canadian & a Guelph & Galt Advertiser no letters

first Spring Bird a Robin in Garden
fine 22 38
Thursday 19 Small Birds singing - Tom hauling Rail timber am to Sugary pm

W'd to Sugary after breakfast - Emily Do @ 8 1/2 - Tom & E in to tea & brot 3 Cakes Sugar - gatherd 80 Pails Sap

Tom again to Sugary @ 7 1/2 - intending with W'd to remain the night

sent to P. Office by Gilbert Robinson P. McNaughton Letters M Jun'r to Mrs B & John

Lefs Large Pails 24 1/2 21 21-1 1/4 = 19 3/4 small 13 1/4 - 1 = 12 1/4

Dish 5 1/2 - 1 = 4 1/2 = 36 lb
rain 2 or 3 hours after dinner 35 40

1846 March

Friday 20 Tom came in from Sugary @ 6 1/2 am. W'd remaind

Mrs T. M & E to Do ab't 8 - the first ret'd soon - M & E @ 6 pm bringing a small Cake - w't 5 1/2 lb Nett - 2 other Cakes made & will be brought tomorrow m'g - Tom hauling rail Timber morn'g & aft'n till 4 - went to Stratford & brot 3 lb Butter fm D & M. & a G'n Whisky fm Watson - w.

to Sugary @ 8 with W'd Supper & a Bottle W's Grog.
A little snow & Hail aft'n 28 32
Saturday 21 Calld up @ 4 1/2 by Mail driver Wilson, who borrowd Charley to help him on to Stratford, one of his Horses being knockd up -

@ 8 walkd with Mrs T. to Sugary - Tom brot home 2 Pails Sugar made yesterday 20 lbs & 19 lb nett - Pigeons W'd

Tom hauling firewood &c - ev'g @ 5 to Stratford & brot letter from Mrs Barron pd inclosing $11 - L2.15 on acco't of L2.17.6 pd to Mrs Sargints order - Bal'ce due to me 2.6

@8 Tom to Sugary & returned @ 10 with W'd & Emily bringing 2 Pails Sugar hot & liquid.
2 15 ~ m'g gloomy & cold aft'n fine 28 22
Sunday 22 first Blue Bird all at home - roads impafsable -- morn'g fine pm gloomy 23 34
Monday 23 W'd to Sugary @ 5 1/2 Martha @ 8 - the latter ret'd @6 pm Tom at Rail work &c - to Sugary 7 pm for the night (with W'd) gloomy even'g rain 28 36
Tuesday 24 Emily @ 8 to Sugary carrying W'ds breakfast &c ret'd @ 6 pm Tom splitting rails - @ 6 1/2 pm to Sugary - W'd & Tom home @ 10 1/2 with the {illegible} tidings that the whole batch of Sugar 60 or 70 lb is spoild - may do for Molafses misley rain nearly all day 36 38
Wednesday 25 A great deal of rain thro the night & continues

Set Hen in Cook House with 13 5 Eggs - Tom had a Fit in field @ 10 1/2 am after being relieved for a few hours they returned about half hourly till about 6 oC since then he has been free from fits but appears to be in a very alarming state. His Brother went at 6 to Stratford for a Doctor but cannot get either to come 10 oClock poor Tom has expired. Riley & W'd went with Waggon & brought Mrs Riley who with our neighbour Mrs Stewart washd & did the needful to his corpse.

a Black man fm Hamilton & his Son ( & Horses) for the night on Sofa - S'n & bkfast
light showers 38 37
Thursday 26 the Rileys left @ 6 - Blackys @ 8 - Hickes with a Widow lady calld to inquire about Lot 38

am to call on him tomorrow after the funeral - Alex Orr calld

pd Mrs T for Washers 3/~

Wilfred pottering inviting neighbours to funeral tomorrow - noon &c

Addrefs of Toms Father - Thomas Riley - Great Linford - near Newport Pugnell Buchs
3 ~ snow show'rs frost
1846 March
Friday 27 W'd after breakf't for Hine & Tom's Coffin & ret'd about 11 - the following afsembled here - Peter Crerar - Peddies, Reynolds & Serth Rankin, D'd & Mrs Stewart & W Crerar - Kirby - Mr & Mrs W Rile & 2 Boys T. Daly & Alex Orr - procefsion left this @ 1 1/2 - on arrival at Stratford his relatives exprefsed a wish to have the Body examined by a profefsional Gent'n in consequence of the improved appearance of his complexion since his death. The Coffin was opened in the presence of Drs Moore & Porter, who pronounced decomposition to have taken place & that he was certainly dead.

Mr Hicky preached a funeral Sermon previous to the interment.

Saw M Hicks & asked him L165 for a deed of Lot 38 who said that he would mention it to his friend & of she was satisfied with the price he would call tomorrow. he went over the Lot with Wears the Butcher on Wednesday & thought it was worth about L150 - Got home at dusk after a most wearisome journey poor Bell even more knockd up than I was - pd Watson 2 G's Whisky - 5 {illegible}
Snow show'rs 33
Saturday 28 Wilfred getting in firewood - brot in Hill of Red Potatoes, 5 @ 7 Bush. nearly one quarter of the Hill frosted or rotten - no Hicks - Snow Show'rs 30
Sunday 29 all at home. Jno Banks the Black & Boy calld on their way home to Hamilton, sent by him a line Mrs T to John Snow show'rs aft'n heavy rain 28 26
Monday 30 W'd to Stratford &c inquiring for a Hand - Mrs Riley & Mrs Stewart washing Tom's Clothes &c - first Canary egg - began to set 7/D on 3 eggs all hatched 711/yD young left nest )X/D Mrs R. sent for at 5 pm. her Husband being sick Sn Show'rs 25 30
Tuesday 31 after breakfast Mrs T & I walkd to Charnocks - Mrs C very poorly Dr Moore came while we were there & says she is dropsical. W'd splitting rails - T Daly calld afternoon traded with him our Horse Charley & 5 Bush'l Sib. Wheat for his Horse Pat 5 years old fine 24 26
Wednesday 1 Post pafsd up this morning @ 7 1/4 - Emily to Stratford broth pd letter 28 Feb'y Aunt Jane to Mrs advising the death of my Nephew Isaac W'd at Sandy Fishers raising a Barn - got home at 10 pm. fine 18 30
Thursday 2 Paid Mrs Jno Stewart for 2 days work afsisting with Toms illnefs & washing 3 4 1/2 fine 27 32
Mrs Riley 1 day washing -- 1 10 1/2
W'd at Rankins raising A Barn - home @ 9 3/4

sent by a stranger letter Mrs T. to Isaac at B Thorne & Co

M & E to see Mrs Charnock & take Currant Jelly &c - no better

1/6 of the above 3/ 4 1/2 ch'd in Toms acco't for laying out the Body &c.

1846 April

Friday 3 Wilfred Chopping & hauling firewood & pottering

W & Mrs Riley calld with Ox Team expecting to take Tom's clothes (to bring Stevens & Wife)

Mr Charnock brot Julia to stop 2 or 3 days - took tea with us.
fine 30 34
Saturday 4 Wilfred to Stratford - to enquire for a Man - saw Mich'l McHue who asks $120 & is to call on Thursday next - again in the evening to see Hine respecting the House - not at home - to call here Monday m'g brot letter from Mrs Barron to Mrs T. pd - Sn at Watsons 7 1/2 fine 30 40
Sunday 5 all at home - Wagtail after 4 pm showery 40 48
Monday 6 Paid WH Hine for T. Rileys Coffin

He is to come on Monday the 20th to finish House

Wilfred ploughing with oxen morn'g - Horses afternoon

Fryfogel says the Cabbages intended for seed should be Potted as Potatoes Beet &c. through the winter
1 ~ ~ fine 40 46
Tuesday 7 Pottering - rain from morning till night - bespoke of Sutherland 1000 ft Lathing - & 14 Pieces 2 X 4 in 18ft long - to be ready next Monday

pd Mrs T for 5 yds Calico @ 8d - Tape 2d - from Stock'yd 1/1/5 ------

4 6 rain all day 46 41
Wednesday 8 W'd forenoon taking Pork from Barrel & hanging in Cook house to smoke

filling 2 Barrels with Ashes for Lye - aft'n ploughing with oxen

Marg't Crerar brot from P. Office letters Henry to Martha - 7d owing
fine & cold 26 27
Thursday 9 Pat'k McHugh came this morn'g @ 10 1/2 @ 11

W'd ploughing with Horses - McHugh with oxen

W & E. walkd to Stratford - brot 3 Inquirers, 1 1/2 owing

Paid R't Kay for a pair Boots had by T Riley pd acco't receipted
1 ~ ~ fine 22 36
Good Friday 10 W'd plough'g with Horses & aftern'n McHugh Do with oxen morn'g aftern'n hauling & chopping firewood - Emily with Mrs Jno Stewarts to Charnocks after dinner & again @ 6 pm with Mrs J & Don'd Stewart to remain for the night showers 35 38
Saturday 11 Mac ploughing with Horses - W'd to Sharmans re Hec. hopes Woods may buy

paid Mr Pender acco't T. Riley - Court exp's --- v ~.3.~

Post office - Letter fm Henry to M pd 7d Papers 2d " 9

Twine --------------

Emily & the Stewarts from Charnocks - 6 am I calld at 10 Mrs C gradually sinking
~ 3 11 windy a snow shower 50 32
1846 April
Sunday 12 John Charnock calld @ 9 am to say that his Mother was not expected to live more than an hour or two - Mrs T & M went immediately - Mrs Jno & Donald Stewart followd 1/2 hour afterwards they all arrived abou 4 1/2 Mrs Charnock having expired about 2 oC 6 am a covering of Snow heavy snow till 2 or 3 pm 30 30
Monday 13 Wilf'd & Mic splitting rails forenoon - aftern'n Mic Do - Wilfred at W. Anglins raising - a dwelling House - 2 young Canaries this morning Sn. at night now 2 in snow ev'g aft'n fine 27 26
Tuesday 14 Mrs T went to Charnocks after breakfast to afsist in preparing for furneral & ret'd about 10 - M. & E. to Stratford - @ 12 W'd & I in Waggon to convey the Body & met the party at nearly the entrance of the Bush reached Stratford about 1 & were there joind by 2 or 3 - in all 15 @ 2 oc after burial calld at Sharmans & paid my Subscription to Agricultural Society for the present year 10 ~ heavy snow noon till night & continues 20 33
paid McGregor for 15 1/2 Bush'ls Oats @ 2/7 yk --- 1 5 ~
Sn ------ 3
Sealing wax &c 1 1/2
W'd & I ret'd in the Waggon & M & E on foot both ways reached home about 5 after a fatiguing journey, snowing heavily the whole way & the roads in many places knee deep in mud
Wednesday 15 W'd repairing Drag & pottering - Nick hauling rail Timber with Oxen Em'y 1/2d Dr Moore calld & had Cuttings Red & Black Currants& Copeland on Diseases of the Rect'm - has been visiting Mrs J Stewarts Mother next door fine 24 28
Thursday 16 Mick hauling firewood & rail timber with Oxen - Duke knocked up

W'd to Peter Crerars - bot 1/2 Ton Hay ---- 1.10.~

1 1/2 Bush'ls Peas @ 5/yk ---------4.8 1/2

1 Bush'l Timothy Seed -------- 5.~
1 19 8 1/2 fine foren'n light rain ev'g 23 43
Friday 17 W'd Mick ------- fine 34 70 noon 60
Saturday 18 W'd sowd 4 Bush'ls Peas on 2 Acres South next Fallow - Mick dragging Do. steers

& W'd aft'n with Horses - Sent p Mifs Whalley to P. Office

Letter W.T. to Thos Riley, Great Linford near Newport, Pugnet Bucks & a little Portulaca seed to Mrs Daly - Digging East Border Garden

Gave Mick his discharge & pd him for the time here -----

$2 Gou Bk & Cash 56
15 ~ a shower evening 50 44

1846 April

Sunday 19 all at home Mick left us about 8 a.m. Charnock here at tea fine, cool 37 36
Monday 20 Simm Cowmans came @ 6 a.am - W'd sowd 6 Bush'ls Siberian Wheat West of Fall - Simm drag'd Do with Horses - aftern'n both dragging with Horses & Oxen & finishd.

even'g @ 5 W'd with Waggon to Stratford - took 5 B'ls Siberian to T Daly

- vide 31st ult'a - brot from McGregors Watsons 2 Gs Whisky @ 3/6 yk
4 4 1/2 fine 28 50
Hine came down with him & Emily who walkd up to Mrs Dalys & brot sund's fm D & M & Pafs Book - from Dr Moore a Turkey Cock & hen - a Loan for a fortnight or - pd D & M Sn 7 1/2
Tuesday 21 W'd sowd 4 Bush'ls Peas - Simm dragging Do with Horses Spreading Manure on peice for Wheat - removing chunks & stumps - Hine fixing window Sashes door frame &c - paid Mrs Roy & Ann Stewart ~ 3 ! show'rs aft'n 42 56
Wednesday 22 W'd sowd 4 Bush'ls Siberian Simon dragging till obligd to quit by rain - aft'n W'd helping Hine - Simon to D & MA & brot 8 lb Nails rain all day 50 50
Thursday 23 rec'd of J Rankin for 2 p'rs Onion seed 7 1/2 - Sib'n Lettuce & Beet 5d

of W Crerar onion 3 1/2

sold Mrs West Paper onion 6d yk - Beets 6d yk 7 1/2 not pd

Reynolds here at noon & alterd Hec - had Jon Stewart & W Crerar to afsist - W'd sowd 1 1/2 Peck Timothy (late Peas) near Hemlock

Simon dragging in Wheat sown yesterday.
fine 50 52
Friday 24 Cherry had a Bull Calf this morn'g @ 6 - W'd & Sim putting up rails near West BArn & round Wheat Crops opposite - Hine flooring &c Thrush am Show'r pm tol 50 60
Saturday 25 HIne left after dinner - W'd sowd 6 Bush'ls Siberian Summer fallow Simon dragging Do

sent to Mrs Jno Stewart 2 p'rs Onion - Sold to Mrs Donald 2 p'rs 7 1/2 not pd

Sowd celery, Malta Nonpariel
fine 56 42
Sunday 26 at 7 am rec'd mefsage from Jno Stewart that his Barn was on fire - W'd ran off with 2 Pails & I followed as fast as I could with 2 more - in an hour the Barn & Sheds were level with the ground - his 2 Horses burnt to death & the Colt scorchd but may recover - there cannot be a doubt that the fire was caused by a spark from his mans pipe who had been smoking & left the Barn a few minutes before it broke out - his Fanning Mill - Harnefs - Sleigh &c consumed fine 42 42
1846 April
Monday 27 sold Mrs Peddie 2 Papers Onion Seed 7 1/2 rec'd on acco't

Clover tea - Hay 1 Paper not pd

Sowd 4 Bush'ls Siberian - Summer Fallow - dragged Do with oxen & Horses - ploughs a little

Sowd annuals & per's East border - Hine came in the evening

D & M brot 2 parcels for us from Hamilton & Letters & Seeds from Toronto

White Sow came home this even'g with 7 Pigs - 4 or 5 days old - all right
6 1/2 beautiful 29 50
Tuesday 28 Sowd 3 Bush'ls Siberian - West of West Barn - & Izard in part Mrs P Crerar 2 p'rs Onion seed - began digging West side of Garden - Hine gloomy till dusk ev'g rain 44 50
Wednesday 29 Mrs Jas Keppan 2 Papers Onion & 2 Surry Carrots @ 6 yk - 1/3 not pd - Hine

Sowd 1 Bush'l 1 Peck Siberian East of West Barn - dragging Do

Emily to Stratford after dinner - brot sundries from D & M P Pafs Bk & 1 Canadian

Denny Morgan (11 yrs old) came to us today Swallows
gloomy show'r even'g 48 53
Thursday 30 Sowd 16 B'ls Oats - dragging Do - Mr Tye took a snack with uas @ 12

a Boy called for 2 p'rs Onion Seed for Thomson Shorm'r & 1 pr for Mrs West

gave to Watson Stage driver Onion Carrot Surry, Sib'n Lett'ce & Brighton Lett'ce & Rhubarb

sent a Note p Mrs Tye to Mrs Robinson inclosing Malta Sib'n & Brighton Lettuce & a Note to Ballard requesting him to send it - to come on Wednesday next. Hine - altering doorway into Kitchen &c
fine 51 55
Friday Show day for Horses 1 rec'd from Thomson p Christner for Onion Seed sold yesterday 7 1/2 heavy show'rs 52 50
of Mrs Peddie for a Paper Alt'm Carrot ---

W'd sowd 4 Bush'ls Oats East end behind Fall Wheat

1 1/2 Do Siberian from W. Crerar - East of above Oats obligd to quit by heavy rain

Fryfogels Young Defiance had the Prize - $ for 1 Mare $ 3 1/2 for 2 ---- 6 } W'd

Robinson on who calld here say the Dutchmans was the finest horse shown

Hine left @ 4 @ 5 pm.
3 1/2
Saturday 2 rec'd from Mrs Tye a damask & a Cabbage Rose, & a Tuber of Madeira Vine by Frank & Robt & sent by them 2 Roses D'Amour with 2 Mags Cr. Wms & a few annual & Per'l Flower Seeds - Wilf'd sowd 1 Peck Wheat a

aft'n to Sandy Hamilton Martin who cannot come for 3 weeks 1$ p day

Simon & Denny Dragging

the Tyes brought from P. Office Letters fm Aunt Jane & WM - the latter sith Stock & Pansy Seeds - & 5 Papers - 4 Inquirer & a Manchester Guardian - Whippoor Will {bold}
fine 49 51

1846 May

Sunday 3 Simon to Stratford Denney Do & home - both ret'd even'g Rankin brot Note from Linton re Bull fine 37 52
Monday 4 Had from Wm Crerar B'ls Siberian - pd W'd this day

sent to Mr Daly by Tom's Teamster Veg Marrow & Malta

W'd Sim & Denny in Fallows - cleaning up & burning - Goldfinches, Bl.Wh & R headed Wood pecker
6 3 fine 42 53
Tuesday 5 W'd sowd 6 Bush'ls in Fallow South - Simon & he dragging Do Denny Gardening great part of the day. W'd shot one of Jno Stewarts Pigs being as they suppose mad gu some other disease - 2 or 3 of ours tickd off lately showers ev'g with thunder & lightning
Wednesday 6 Simon & Dennyt dragging Wheat in fallow - W'd splitting rails & fencing round Do fine 52 50
Thursday 7 finished dragging Wheat Do hauling & splitting rails sowd first Bed of Onions Emily to Stratford after dinner brot letter from Henry to me via Hamilton - pd Postage 7d Sn 7 1/2 Berg 3/2 1/2 6 1/2 fine 46 52
Friday 8 {pen scribble in margin} on I

Hauling & splitting rails (W'd Simon & Denny) Duke having again been hurt by Hector, the latter was yoked with Diamond & performd pretty well

Sowd 2d B in Onions
show'r aft'n 48 54
Saturday 9 D & M's Teamster brot a Parcel fm Hamilton (Toronto) for which Mrs T. pd 2/6

inclosed for me with Seeds - & frm Henry advising a Cage & Birds being forwarded the Teamster could not bring the Cage, but the Seeds were in Mrs T's package

Gave to a distrefsd sick Irishman

Wilfred to Stratford aft'n - saw Jackson re Bull which is to be gone on 1st June - when a list of subscribers &c &c with Books will be furnished - Payment for keep to be made half yearly or when wanted

had from D & M a Garden Spade

Simon & Denny cutting Potatoe sets forenoon - aft'n splitting rials
1 3 rain all day 55 56
Sunday 10 all at home - Denny spent the day at Cowmans show'r early ev'g 51 40
Monday 11 W'd & Sim'n cutting Timber splitting into Rails, & putting up Do in fallow

Denny with me in Garden till 4 pm

Sowd cucumber, Celery, Capsicum Tomato in Hotbed, also Annual Flower Seeds
fine 30 34
Tuesday 12 fencing in fallow - dragging at West Lot for Potatoes

Sowd 3 Beds Onions</td>

fine 35 44
1846 May
Wednesday 13 Finished fencing South round Fallow morn'g aft'n planted about 5 Bush'ls Potatoes opposite West Barn - found Bell with a fine Filly in West field this morning - T. Daly Easton a pafsenger this teamster pafsd down for Hamilton @ 2 pm sent by him a line to John - not much chance of bringing the Cage &c

Emily to Stratford after dinner brot from Mr Daly a Bottle Whisky Coffee

rice from D & M. 1/2 lb lump Sugar - 1 Canad'n 2 Inqu'rs pd
1 1/2 fine till dark

very high wind

evening rain
52 63
paid Mrs John & Roy Stewart ---- Planted - Carrot (Dublin) & Parsnips for Seed - 3 ~
Thursday 14 Paid Stewarts for thrashing Mill 2 days Peter Stewart{signature} not being able to find the oxen could not proceed with Potato planting patching fence round West field

- all gardening good part of the day

sowd Bed of Carrot Seed - South Row Dublin rem'g Altringham

Burns a celebrated man preachd at the Presbyterian Church a large gathering of the Scotch - sent p Jno Stewarts to P Office

a letter M Jun'r to Ellen, inclosing one W.T. to Dr Wilsons, asking his advice as to Mrs T's health &c - Cucumbers sown 11th up this morn'g
2 ~ ~ again very highwind

even'g show'r

with thunder & lightning
Friday 15 Wilf'd making a new Tongue to Waggon - Simon ploughing Grafs west end next Road - Denny driving - Caged off the 3 young Can's sowd 2d Bed Carrots, Surry much rain last night fine day 46 48
Saturday 16 all planting Potatoes 8 or 10 Bush'ls - W'd took Waggon to McNaughtons morn'g to have him work fixd to Tongue - Sim & Denny for it even'g sowd 2 Rows Tomato Blood Beets South side of Bed & a Bed Parsnips fine 38 55
Sunday 17 Simon with his friends till even'g Denny on Pal to Mr Dalys with a note for medicine & advice for Mrs T. - aftern'n to his friends - W'd walkd to Stratford to hear Mr Geeky the Congregational Preacher - brot back Pat, a Note & medicine fm Mr D. a fine large Moth escaped from one of the Chrysales over the Table - dark & handsome beautiful 43 61
Monday 18 W'd to P Crerars for 5 Bush'ls Potatoes Pinkeye & Cups mixd @ 3/yk 9/4 1/2 C'y

to be settled with Mrs T money being owing to here

had 13th inst. of John Stewart 5 B'ls Red Potatoes @ 3/yk to be set off against Bull acco't

Boys ploughing in Potatoes at West Lot finishd, in all 15 or 16 Bush'ls - began ploughing in Paddock for Swedes

Sowd Bed Canterbury Beans
fine & cold 52 38

1846 May

Tuesday 19 Wilfred digging in Garden - Simon ploughing in Paddock with oxen

Denny with Emily took back the 2 Turkies to Dr Moores - Mrs in ed

the Doctor not at home - Em'y brot some medicine from Mr Daly for Mrs T

had of Mrs T to pay for Lumber
5 ~ fine 30 41
Wednesday 20 McCutcheon inquiring price of Lot 38 - &he is 2 E for Deed

Wilfred to Sutherlands Hagersville for Lumber - brot a past @ 5 1/2 pm

Simon ploughing with oxen , Grafs west and next Road, & even'g to D & M's for parcels brot by T.D from Hamilton, Toronto, Denny burning stumps

M& E to Stratford after dinner --
Do 36 45
Thursday 21 Hine came this morn'g about 10 - Ploughing with Oxen, & burning Stumps - 2nd Brood Can's today (4) - Emily to Stratford to inquire of T Daly had not brought a letter from Henry - no. - Do 32 50
Friday 22 Wilfred to Sutherlands & brot rem'r, & lumber making

1000 feet Lathing @ 4/yk p 100 1.5.~

200 -- " flooring @ 9/ ------ ~.11.3

15 pieces 2 X 4 18 feet long @ 6/yk -- ~.6.4

1 Cherry Stud 15 feet long ---- .~.11

Exps ------- .7 1/2

P Wilfreds acco't

Simon ploughing Denny burning Stumps
2 4 1 1/2 a few drops rain aft'n 36 54
Saturday 23 W'd repairing Waggon floor - aftern'n to Caseys & brot 20 Bush'ls Lime @ 1/yk

Simon ploughing with oxen - Denny to P Office to inquire for Letter &c none

afternoon driving oxen for Simon - W'd took to Hines {line above illegible} 1 1/2 Bush'ls Potatoes Cult'd

Wm Crerars @ 3/yk - to his acco't - rec'd of Mrs D'd Stewart for Onion Seed alt'a - 7 1/2

Swede Seed at McGregors (Keppans) - 6d . C'y p oz -

Sowd Bed Turnip Radish - transplanted Bed Brighton Lettuce - & a few Malta's for Seed - alson 8 Onions from Crock
much rain in night, fine 50 56
Sunday 24 Wilf'd to Stratford - Mr Allan - Simm out - Denny here - A Orr & Wilson Jr to tea Mr Hicky brot a parcel from Mrs Tye - Seeds afternoon thunder show'r 47 63
Monday 25 Sandy Hamilton came for the day - W'd afsisted him in lathing dining room

Simon & Denny hauling Sand - Sim plough'g aft'n - Denny cutting T{illegible} in Garden

sowd 2 Rows Beets Mrs Tyes - & Flower Seeds Do in Hot bed --

borrowd of Jno Stewart A butter Can full of whisky
Showers 61 66
1846 May
Tuesday 26 Simon with Oxen & plough at Statute labour - Denny in Garden

Wilfred to Stratford with Bell - brot Butter - 5 1/4 frm Mrs D. - Tea & Rice from D & M from Ad'm Seigmiller

paid A Seigmiller Bal'ce of Acco't -

Spot cme up this aft'n in West field 38 - without her Calf

Hamilton left after supper
fine thunder storm 10 @ 12 pm 59 70
Wednesday 27 Hine came this morn'g to breakfast - watched Spot to her Calf (a Bull) in Bush fence at West lot & brot both home - W'd & Simon with oxen manuring East of House for Swedes - Denny dragging Potatoes with Horses -

Charnock came after breakfast & took Julia home.

Denny to Stratford on Pat - brot 3 oz Swede Seed from McGregors, not p'd
fine 65 62
Thursday 28 Hine upstairs - W'd & Simon hauling manure as yesterday - Denny in Garden forenoon - aft'n to Stratford for yeast - none to be had - afsist'g W'd & Sim .. sowd N{illegible} Cabbage in Hotbed - Thyme & Marj'm in West Currant Border fine 52 62
Friday 29 Hine as yesterday - Simon ploughing & an hour even'g spreading manure

Denny to Brewery for yeast - paid for Do ---

aftw'ds stripping Shoots from Potatoes in Cellar & spread'g manure

Wilfred at John Stewarts raising - a Barn where John Hay had the misfortune to have his Leg broken - after finishing at Stewarts the Party went for 1 or 2 hours to Rankins to make some add'ns to his

@ 10 pm 2 Teams of Emigrants stopd & after some consultation were accommodated with the room for females in new building - & the Teamsters & some Boys in Room ad'n Kitchen

4 Horses in Stable had Hay, for which rec'd -
3 ~ fine 54 68
Saturday 30 Emily Denny to P. Off'ce - brot letter Henry to Mrs T - advising Ellen's being safe in Bed with a Girl on Monday 25 ins't & all going on well - afternoon Dalys teamster brot fm Hamilton letter Dr Widmer to W. T. with prescription &c for Mrs T & one Ellen to Martha

@ 11 am Emily started by the return teams the men appear to be steady & civil - Wilfred & Simon at John Stewarts raising, (2nd day.

Hine left incr'y after dinner, sowd Parsley

fine 61 66
Sunday 31 Simon to his friends - ret'd ev'g - the rest at home - T Daly & Mickle Monteith pafsd down in Stage 3 @4 pm - for Hamilton 58

1846 June

Monday 1 Hine came a little after 11 am - Wilf'd to Stratford & with Caustons help brot down the Society Bull - at dusk he smashed the fence & took a walk round the Garden - Simon Downy Hine & I made him retrace his steps, the is put into the Stable for the night - Hector about same time broke wheat fence at West L{illegible} & has bee turnd out - Simon ploughing fallow west Denny dragging Turnip Piece - W'd had a shot at a deer South end of Clearance but mifsed - Transplanted Malta Lettuces, sown 25 Apl thunder show'r 7 @ 8 none aft'wds fine 66
Tuesday 2 W'd ploughing in manure in Paddock - Somon Do - fallow Denny sund's Daly & Ms Team down to Hamilton forenoon. Hine show'rs aft'n 62 52
Wednesday 3 Denny with note to Dr Moore requesting a visit to Mifsus & he promised to come but has not been - W'd ploughing or dragging in the Paddock - Denny dragging Do - part of aft'n Simon ploughing Sum'r fallow

Rec'd from Mr Linton Sec Ag'l Society a List of the Subscribers, & instructions respecting keeping the Societys Bull - Hine

had from John Stewart a g'l Bottle of Whisky J W'd
thunder show'rs 50
Thursday 4 on rising found one of the young brood of Can's at the bottom of the Cage apparently dying & one hopping about the former soon died & on examining the Cage found the rem'g 2 dead in the Nest - guefs mice had got at them - Hamilton came to breakfast - W'd afsisting him in preparing Plaster - & sowed 3 oz Swede Turnip seed - Denny pottering- Simon absent for the day pd Mr J & Roy Stewart 3 ~ heavy show'rs 59 61
had of Mrs T & pd Hine $1 1/2 (Statute Labour Substitute) 7 6
Friday 5 Wilf'd to Stratford to hear Mr Burns the Presbyterian Minister - on his return afsisted Hamilton in Lathing upper rooms - Hine Simon & Denny getting Sand for Plaster - after S. ploughing show'rs morn'g 52 47
Saturday 6 W'd afsisting Hamilton in lathing - Simon ploughing Denny to Stratford with letter to Dr Moore requesting a visit to Mf'r - promising to call - but was in bed no letters.

had from John Stewart a Bottle of Whisky & flour lb 29 with Hines making Closets

Hine & Hamilton left after tea - Statute labour on Monday.

Cattle in wheat West Barn - drove them over bridge & sent Sim & W'd to put up fences 10 pm
fine 43 40
Sunday 7 W'd found Blacky with a Bull Calf East end of our Lot near fence. Calf bolted & would not be got home - Sim'n & Denny to their friends S. ret'd. Denny not. Dr Moore pd a visit to M Jun'r & also prescribed for Wilfreds Knee - dined with us. light show'r evening 40 55
1846 June
Monday 8 Wilfred & Simon at Statute Labour - Denny came @ 11 oC - sore feet

Hine @ 8 to breakfast - at Closets &c &c - no Hamilton - transp'd Stocks

Hine brot Hinges from Mitchels Store - & letter P Daly & Mrs fm Toronto & a parcel for Mrs T. --
fine 44 51
Tuesday 9 W'd & Simon as yesterday - Denny afsisting Hamilton in Mixing Plaster &c

made a beginning in repper East Barn - Hine as yesterday

rec'd of Wm Crerar - Hec 45
~ 5 ~ fine 40 54
Wednesday 10 W'd 7 @ 8 am to Ferries with Due Note for Flour &c &c

Simon at Pigproofing Potato fence - & to W Anglins requesting him to keep up his young lot of 7 {illegible} - Denny at any & everything --

Hine home this ev'g @ 6 after tea - Hamilton sick & obligd to lay down @ 4 or 5 & continues a good deal indisposed 10 pm -

Jno Stewarts Steer a regular fence thrower & smasher

had of Ann Stewart another porter bottle of Whisky
fine 45 56
Thursday 11 Simon afsisting Hamilton plastering Denny pottering - ev'g to Stratford for Nails from D & M - brot a Canadian - & Sn pd for

Hine - windows & Closets - Hamilton left after supper

tomorrow being Preparation day cannot come

Cattle in Grafs @ 4 am & again evening - Stewarts Crerars & ours ev'g

~ 7 1/2 fine 49 54
W'd arrived from Ferries about 5 1/2 - bringing as follows in full

of due Note viz. ---- Exps

Flour 900 lb --

Oatmeal 83 --

Bran 500

Shorts 200

repaid John Stewart 29 lbs Flour borrowed 6th ins'y
3 9
Friday 12 All burning stumps in Summer fallow - W'd to Stratford for inquire for Pork - McGregors have at $ p 200 lb. Hine left after tea & cannot come tomorrow as Hickey wants him. 9h this m'g fine 47 52
Saturday 13 Had of Mrs T $10 2 10 ~ Do 52 58
W'd with Mrs Tom to Stratford in Waggon - bot at McGregors 59 lb Pork @ 7 cts p lb & pd for same 1 ~ 7 1/2
paper Matches brot also from McGregor 3 Galls Whisky @ 2/6 C'y not paid 1 1/2
Sunday 14 W'd to Stratford S{illegible} Sacrament Sunday - Dr Moore pd a visit to M Jun'r & takes a Bed here - W'd took to P. Office W T & Mrs T to Mrs Barron & Martha to Emily. a few drops rain 57 62

1846 June

Monday 15 Hine to breakfast - Dr Moore left after Do - Denny to Daly & M. with a note for Mustard Rice Salts &c - brot mustard only.

Dragging fallow with Horses - Hunting Cattle - mending fence - mowing Grafs in Garden &c.

Hamilton came after Service at Stratford - last of Sacrament days

found Turkey No 2 with 3 Chicks & No. 3 with
fine 57 62
Tuesday 16 W'd to Duncan the Smiths - afsisting Hamilton &c Simon hunting after Oxen & afsisting Hamilton - Dr Moore paid a visit to Martha - reports her to be very much better Had Margaret Crerar for the day - Hines at -- fine 54 57
Wednesday 17 W'd to Caseys & brot Bush'ls Lime - Hime & Hamilton as usual

Simon & Denny afsisting the latter

Wilson Alex'r Orr Annie & Mifs Hearst calld evening
fine 46 65
Thursday 18 Denny to L. Moores for Medicine & a Note requesting hime to call to see Martha who had a bad night - he came & bled her, & gave Calomel powders &c - dined & took tea &c W'd & Simon afsisting Hamilton thund'r show'r even'g 8 or 9 63 70
Friday 19 Martha has had a rather restlefs night with quick pulse - more disposed to sleep this m'g 5 am - thunder - Hine & Hamilton & Mat work as yesterday - Dr Moore a visit morn'g & ev'g & sleeps here thunder show'r aft'n 66
Saturday 20 Dr Moore left @ 4 am after seeing Martha Hine Hamilton W'd & the Boys as yesterday - Simon splitting rails on Road afternoon - Denny to Stratford - no letters brot 1 lb Tea fm D & M fine 50
Sunday 21 Martha having a bad night, Wilf'd @ 5 am for Dr Moore who remained till 4 or 5 - & after visiting Mr Fraser Sen'r &c returned about 10 & remains the night - Denny to P. Office with letter Mrs T. to Ellen & a Not Mrs T. to Mrs Daly - Brot a few lines Mr D. to me Do 47
Monday 22 Dr M. left us about 9 - W'd & Simon splitting rails West - Denny to Stratford for Chloride of Lime &c. brot a quarter Mutton or Lamb from Woods no Bull again got over the fence N.E. corner - Leek & Fennel came today Do 47 56
Tuesday 23 Denny to Cowmans Anglins & Sargints & Fryfogels for Bladder without succefs W'd & Simon splitting rails - Denny dragging - evening Leah to Dr Moore who will come tomorrow m'g - got a small bladder at Woods Butcher Do 46 55
1846 June
Wednesday 24 receivd of Ia's Rankin for Hec. 1845 12 4 1/2 fine 45 56
Pd him on acco't WH Hine - who ret'd this morning to breakfast 1 10 1/2
Wilf'd & Simon at Rail work & making Axe handles Denny pottering & ev'g to P.Office - no letters or papers Sn. 7 1/2
Dr Moore visited M. @ 12 1/2 - report favourable but wants Leaches W'd & S. tried this ev'g but too late to see any - 2 young Can'ys
Thursday 25 W'd at Rankins for the day putting Rafters on to Barn - Hine Simon chopping So East - Denny gardening - he got 4 Leeches m'g

sent by Mrs Norton a pafsing in the Stage & known to John & Octo a Letter (a parcel) Mrs T. to John to send by return 1/2 oz. Iodurel of Lead (each about 5/ p oz) & 1 to Epsom Salts --

paid Mrs Roy & Ann Stewart ------
3 ~ fine 45 66
Friday 26 Simon chopping am & pm W'd Do morn'g aft'n to Jno Stewarts putting rafters on Barn - Denny to Stratford - brot from Mitchells a parcel

2 inch hinges & from Woods a Bullocks Bladder - & pottering

Hine at Dining room door &c - Emily arrived p Stage a little after 12 n't
fine 58 68
Saturday 27 Simon chopping - W'd to Stratford for Emilys trunk - which had been taken by mistake & carried up one left belonging to another pafsenger

Henry sent 2 Long tail young Canaries with a double & single Cage

from Ellen a note containing L16 = 46 on acco't

W'd brot from P. Office a Letter Aunt Jane to Mrs T & 3 Papers

Dr M. came @ 7 pm & remains the night - Hine left after dinner
10 few show'rs Do in the night 62 -
Sunday 28 Dr Moore left us @ 11 1/2 - Sim. & Den. with their friends - ret'd ev'g Mr & Mrs Wilkins & Mifs Hewitt calld & took tea with us A on A Dinner light show'r m'g early ev'g fine 64
Monday 29 W'd at John Stewarts Barn - His man John with Simon & Denny digging

Dr Moore calld morning & on his return fromo Queens Bush to take a Bed

transplanted Tomatoes & Capsicums
fine 62 63
Tuesday 30 W'd with Waggon to Stratford &c brot from P. Kostner 9 Galls Whisky 3/6 pd McGregor for 3 Galls Do had ins't 19.8 1/2 @ 4/ 19 8 1/2 Do 64 68
" for 1/4 lb Brads 3 1/2 - 3 papers 1 /12 ---- 5 7 6
" for this sum. he pd Seigmiller Bal'ce p Acco't 5.7 1/2 5 7 1/2
rec'd of Ia's Keppan for 1/2 Bush'ls Onions sold him 2nd May 45 1 10 1/2
" of Ellen for Emily Balance of money pd Mrs Sargint for Butter 2 6
" of Donald Stewart for Hector 1845 ---------- 7 6
Simon & Denny gardening Hine at Doors &c pd Carriage of C{illegible} fm Hamilton Medicine 1 3

1846 July

Wednesday 1 repaid Mrs T. monies borrowd of her May 19 - 5/ - June 4 - 7/6 - june 13 L2.10. ----

W'd going to Hamilton with Mrs T & Martha -- $26. 2/10s Mont'l Bank

Mrs T. Martha & W'd left @ 3 - intending to sleep at Robinsons

Simon to Stratford with Waggon, borrowd Awning for Waggon

brot from Mr Daly a Barrel Pork $13 - & from D & M. 1 lb Tea &c

up again evening & brot from Do 2 Scythe Shues - Denny Garden'g

Hine stair case
3 2 6 fine

a few drops rain 6 @ 7 pm & thunder

but soon cleard up
61 68
Thursday 2 Simon began mowing Timothy North - Denny turning Do & Bo. @ 10 1/2 am Hine preparing Bannister - Dr Moore calld @ 6 am breakfast & a glafs & ret'd fine 62 64
Friday 3 Simon calld out of bed at midnight by Mrs Neilson with a Cow

Simon Denny & Hine engaged as yesterday - Hine left after his early tea

sent by him to Mitchells Store for Glafs Cloth 4 sheets - & 6 large screws

Sowd Malta Lettuce
fine 50 64
Saturday 4 Denny to Stratford m'g - brot a Paper radish S'd 1/2 qu'r Letter Paper & a Canadian not pd - aftern'n with Simon at Hay - no Hine

Sowd Bed Beans - Had Riley & Wife & Mrs Thorns here & delivered to them all Toms property taking their joint rec't ex. Stable Shovel which is to call for & money{?} which is large to the Father - due to Riley for a days work 2.6

for his Boy a day 1.3

Wilf'd arr'd fm Hamilton @ 10 1/2 pm lefs H{illegible} 7.6 pd him
1 3 thunder storm 7@8 pm 55
Sunday 5 Simon to his friends - the rest at home -- fine 67 66
Monday 6 W'd Simon & Denny at Timothy - Leah Do aft'n transplanted Cabbages y2X Do 57 64
Tuesday 7 W'd Simon Denny Haying - Charnock came a little before noon @ 5/yk p day

W'd to Stratford ev'g with 5 Barrels Salt for McGregors

debit them for teaming $1 p Bl ----L1.5.~

Paid for Reg White Lead (for which debit Hine ~.10.~

Turk{illegible}mber for self ------------- ~.2.~

a Barrel Salt -- Do --------------~.9.4 1/2

Tolls 3/. Expenses L1.4.1/2 ------- 1.7.1/2

borrowd W Crerars Waggon & took up Wheel of our own to be repaird
2 8 5 Do 52 55
1846 July
Wednesday 8 rose @ 4 - raining - Denny to P Office, no letters 1 Canadian

W'd Charnock, S. & D. putting Timothy into Cock - afterw'ds Sim. & Charnock mowing South Denny raking - W'd to Sharmans for Waggon Wheel

Emily & Leah gathering raspberries & Currants - price of former at Stratf'd 2d p quart
fine ex.a few drops morn'g 56 65
Thursday 9 Had Donald Stewart John Crerar Charnock W'd Simon & Denny - Horses & oxen hauld & stackd Timothy North - Watson & Cleghorn stopd for a Glafs 60 4pm 90 77
Friday 10 @ 9 1/2 W'd Charnock Sim & Denny at Hay South till 2 1/2 pm when interrupted by a storm of thunder rain & hail & occasional showers till night - Hine left after tea Lintons Cow put in field for 3 or 4 hours - night fine till 2 pm thunder with hail & rain 72 noon 92 73
Saturday 11 W'd ploughing among Potatos - Denny driving - Charnock & Sim mowing So

transplanting Celery - Bill brot from P Office a Letter from Mrs with a rather more favorable acco't of Martha - not pd

Charnock & Simon finished 2 Bo'e Whisky about in latter
Showers with thund'r & light'g 72 72
Sunday 12 Sim. Denny & Leah to their friends - Denny has not ret'd 10 pm wrote to In's by Mr Cleghorn to forward oils by first chance misty morn'g got out fine 59 61
Monday 13 Charnock came soon after 5 - Denny @ 11. all at Hay South - thunder shower 5@ 6 prevented topping Stack Timothy - finished transplanting Celery rain 5 @ 7 pm 47 58
Tuesday 14 all rose @ l - All out South turning & Stacking Hay -- pd Casey on acco't of Lime 10 - fine 44 48
Emily for Washers 3 ~
Wednesday 15 @ 9 - at Hay South - Mr & Mrs Daly stopd on ret'n from Guelph

Emily to P. Office - 4 Papter no letters - pd for

Matches 1d Sn. 7/2 - Papters vide 18th
~ 8 1/2 a few drops rain 5 @ 6 pm 40
Thursday 16 9 1/2 - at Hay South all day - Mrs Sargint Mifses Hewit Daly Smith & Orr to tea fine 40 50
Friday 17 " -- finishd stacking Hay South - sup 8 @ 10 Ton - moving Hemlock field delivered to Thos Fennels Hines last Box to be taken to him -- fine 40 54
Saturday 18 9 1/2 Mowing Hemlock field & making Hay - Housd 4 Loads in Barn

Emily & Leah to Stratford - sold to Mrs Mitchell 13 quarts Currants - 6d yk - 4 1/2 C'yto be taken in Sugar

took a few Black Currants to Mrs Daly

pd Em'y for Sn - 7 1/2 - matches 1d. Papers 3d

Charnock home after supper - Ia's Izard with 21 Childr'n here to gather Raspberries
10 1/2 Do 44 58
Sunday 19 Sim Den & Leah to their friends - ret'd to tea - Dr Moore calld @ 7 am & again @ 12 fine 47 62

1846 July

Monday 20 W'd . S. & D. finishd hauling Hay from Hemlock field - in all 7 loads Leah to Stratford with Currants fine 62 62
Tuesday 21 Hauld Hay from a small p's West end not ploughd 2 Loads into East Barn (Bay) Leah as yesterday - Cut a Row (W of Garden) of Poll Wheat to try Cradle sold Mrs Cowmans 1/2 Barrel 100 lb Flour @ 5$ p Bl - 1 2 1/2 fine 52 62
Wednesday 22 Denny on Pat to P. Office brot letter from Mrs T - & a Canad'n not pd

afterwards hoeing Potatoes - Charnock his Son Chas & Ia's McWilliams raking & binding Fall Wheat. Wilfred & Simon Cradling Do - Pipings

Leah again to Stratford with Currants
rain 2 @ 3 before & after fine 54 60
Thursday 23 W'd & Simon Cradling - Charnock his Sons Rich'd - Chas & Denny Raking &c old Sow home - traced her thro't So Clearance to Hemlocks So. East of Lake & lost sight of her appears to have 6 Pigs (or 7) - Leah again to St'd no go fine 51 69
Friday 24 rain heavy till 9 @ 10 - no Cradling practicable - pottering repairing rakes

also at Cradle for John Crerar - Simon & Denny @ Potatos, turning out pigs &c

Daleys Teamster brot from John 2 Cans Linseed Oils 3 Galls each for Paint

no charge - br 6 Gall's boild Oil @ 4/ - 1.4.~

Charnock & Sons detained by rain till {stroked through line} after breakfast 2 Tins ---- .6.~

when they left --- B'd {illegible} & 6 - {illegible} 1.11.6

p letter 22 ins 2.1.6
heavy rain all night Showers 62 64
Saturday 25 Denny to Stratford - brot from McGregors 1 Gall Whisky - not pd

W'd & Simon & boys Cradling & Shocking Wheat - Denny hoeing Potatoes

Leah to Stratford aft'n brot 1 lb from Dalys - 1/4 lb Sn pd--
7 1/2 fine 58 61
Sunday 26 Simon Denny & Leah to friends - Emily to Stratford Hicky S & L ret'd ev'g fine 57
Monday 27 Denny home 11@ 12 - finishd Cradling & Shocking Fall Wheat

Simon afterwards ploughing West end So. of road

Crerars Cradling & reaping Fall Wheat & pease - 5 young Pigs in Wheat this m'g

Black Sow came home with 7 Pigs - 4 White 3 Black - 1 of latter very thin & weak
Do Barom'r a shade down 64 64
Tuesday 28 Charnock calld @ 9 3/4 - got him to stay the remainder of the day - with Simon hauld into Barn Loads Fall Wheat - pd him on acco't

Wilfred at Donald Stewarts roofing Hay Stack - Denny dragging So of Road

killd Black Sows sick pig - rec'd of Forbes for Hec 45 - 1 1/2 --- .3.9
1 5 ~ fine 58 72
Wednesday 29 rained before day light by loud peals of thunder - rose @ 4 & capd the Shocks Wheat

a few drops of rain - after breakfast began hauling & finished about 6 pm Mifs Daly & Mifs Smith calld about 12 - & aft'n Mr Tye Mr & 2 Mrs Fenners

Leah to Stratford - brot from P. Office 3 Papers
4 morn'g thunder Do even'g Do lightning & rain 70 74
1846 July
Thursday 30 W'd & Simon ploughing Denny helping - Turn Pegs - &

Tye & the Fenner's calld & Mifs Smith on their ret'n from Dalys

apples stolen from 2 Trees - first on entering & the next Eastward - 2 or 3 men went be traced in the Garden & on the road westward there they had thrown some away
heavy show'rs this night fine 70
Friday 31 W'd & Simon & Denny as yesterday - Henry arrived @ 5 1/2 via London borrowd Bo Whiskey of John Stewart - repaid 3rd of Aug't & {illegible} fine 60 60
Saturday 1 W'd S. & D. as yesterday - Henry lit a few stumps fine 47 58
Sunday 2 Sim Den & Leah with their friends - all ret'd evening Henry left @ 3 1/4 p Stage fine 50 64
Monday 3 Charnock with us for the day, went home after supper, all cutting Peas - Denny to Stratford morn'g brot 1 Gall Whisky from McGregors -- fine 52 64
Tuesday 4 W'd S. & D at Peas - W'd & D aftern'n to inquire for Hands - engagd Charnock & 2 Boys @ 10/yk p day to come tomorrow morning

brough from Kostners 6 Galls Whisky @ 3/6 yk --

Hine came in the evening in Waggon with W'd

pd Emily for Mrs Roy Stewart 0/1/6 Sn Jh'd 7 1/2
2 1 1/2 Do 60 72
pd Emily for Papers 2g ald'r 1 1/2
Wednesday 5 Emily to Stratford - brot letter from Mamina - pd her for Do 9d Matches 1d -10

pd Casey in full for Lime -- - 8.9

Charnock R'd & Chas came to breakfast - all at Sib'n Wheat - capd Sheaves

Denny afsisting Hine in preparing Paint - Hine making back spout & putting up Do &c
fine 64 76
Thursday 6 Charnock & Sons Cradling & binding & stooking (48 Stooks) - W'd S. & D hauling Peas forenoon - A young Irishman Thomas Douglas calld at dinner time hired him @ 5/6 yk p day for a week - Charnock & Richard Charles left after supper - Richar remains - afternoon Simon Cradling Oats W'd D & Douglas hauling Peas -- fine 63 73
Friday 7 W'd Douglas & Denny Do Charnock & Sons Cradling Sib'n next Road

afterw'ds Charnock & Son Cradling manurd Sib'n & Simon cradling Oats

Stage pafsd up at 11 pm - no arrivals for us -
fine 56 66
Saturday 8 Hine left after breakfast - Charnock Sons, Simon & Douglas at Sib'n next Hemlock ro

10 1/2 till 5 - pm obligd to quit & take shelter in West Barn Charnock left aft'r Super

Wilfred making new Tongue to Waggon --
show'r morn'g till 10

then fair till ab't 5

5@6 1/2 or 7 thunder storm
63 72

1846 August

Sunday 9 Sim. Den. & Leah to their friends - Douglas rem'd - Sim & L ret'd ev'g Den. not fine 66
Monday 10 Had of Emily $ 1 1/2 - pd Shantz for Nace & Bell $6 1/2 (1845) Charnock alone came to breakfast - He W'd Sim'n & Douglas at Sib'n So of Hemlock - Denny ret'd at noon {three symbols gr ^ cd 1 12 6 fine 60 54
Tuesday 11 W'd Charnock hauld 11 Loads Siberian into West Barn (126 Shocks)

Simon & Douglas Cradling & binding Sib'n So of Hemlock

Denny keeping Walsh at West Barn - Laid first Carnations

Captain Clare of the Navy living in township if Norwich & his Father in Law calld & went in Canal to fish & aftern'n took a Glafs Whisky & Water - proceeding Westward to see the Country

Pigs in Garden - Lettuces Carrots Onions Tomatoes &c sufferd

the Travellers, Mrs T. Martha & Christ'n Mifs Lloyd & Ellen Barron arr'd @ 11 pm
fine 44 56
Wednesday 12 Simon & Douglas Cradling - W'd & Charnock Hauling Sib'n into West Barn 9 Loads Denny to Stratford for Beef or Mutton - could not get any - afterw'd with R'd & Chas Charnock afsisting at Wheat - Dr Moore & Daughter dined & {illegible } with us fine 70
Thursday 13 Bar'r sinking - W'd & Charnock hauld 2 Loads Oats & 1/2 Load Peas for Peas stack & 4 Loads Sib'n to West Barn - Simon, Cradling Sib'n Douglas binding had lb Lamb from Jno Stewart fine 68 76
Friday 14 all at Lot 38 Cradling & binding Sib'n

even'g Denny took up Waggon to Stratford - Ch'r M. Mifs Lloyd & Ellen B. Hinsley walkd - Ch'r followd - brot from Mr Daly a Bus'l Pork

& a Bottle Whisky (the latter I presume a present)

Nelly m'g Blacky ev'g - Bull in Garden ev'g twice
fine 56 63
Saturday 15 morning - paid Thomas Douglas for seven days work @ 6/yk

Denny to Stratford after breakfast - brot from D & M 1 lb nails

1/4 lb Snuff not pd & a Box Blacking - Bull in Garden again ev'g

from Woods Buliter 7 or 8 lb Beef -
1 6 3 /Do 54 74
Sunday 16 Charnock left us before breakfast - Mr Colemand & Rev'd Mr Gundy calld & 2 or 3 hours during rain - Simon with his friends - Denny to P. Office with letter M Jun'r to Ellen -- heavy rainwith thunder &c during the night 64
Monday 17 W'd & Simon Cradling Sib'n East - Denny to Stratford Note to Mifs Daly &c Rev'd Mr Gundy & Mr Coleman were to tea 10 @ 11 fine 54 32
Tuesday 18 W'd & Simon Cradling & binding Oats - Denny dragging West M.E. & Mifs Lloyd to Dalys to tea - @ 8 Christ'n & Denny with Waggon & brot them home @ 12 ~ John arrivd @ 10 p Stage re Daly to Mickle Do 44 56
1846 August
Wednesday 19 W'd Sim & Denny & Ch'r hauling Sib'n & Oats into East Barn 7 Loads

John & Martha to Stratford re M & D. & made several calls

Sowd Reo Turnip Radish - Laid Onions
fine 50 60
Thursday 20 W'd to Hamilton & bort a Sheep & 2 Lambs $ to be paid to Mrs T in Sleightime- Simon & Denny dragging Jno & Emily walkd to Stratford - Jno rec'd som money & made some satisfactory arrangements with D & M - ret'd in Stage - by which he & Chr'n departed about 5 oC --

sent p Christ'n Letter to Henry with Spectacles & my Bill @ brn's for 8 ins't

& L5.7.2 on Mr Barron being for Groceries &c for B Thorne r 6d pd acco't
rain m'g 59
Friday 21 W'd & Simon binding Oats - Cradling Sib'n Wheat on new land

transplanted 1 Row Celery into trench.

Emily to Stratford - brought a p's Beef from Woods
fine 55 66
Saturday 22 W'd binding & shocking Oats - Simon plough Den. dragged - Bull out again ev'g 63
Sunday 23 M. E. & Mifs Lloyd to Stratford Hickey - Mr & Mrs Wm Robinson & Mr & Mrs Holmes took tea with us -- fine 58
Monday 24 Hauld into Barn 2 Loads Oats rather Straw - Gran'ry Scythe fine 48
Tuesday 25 Cradling Sib on new Land - W'd to McNaughtons & had had Screw repaired - aft'ds fixed it in Bulls Nose - the Barrons arr'd @ 11 p Stage a Pedlar had accomodation for Self & horse fine 57 62
Wednesday 26 W'd & Simon at Sib'n in New Land - Denny draging - Debit Charnock & Cr Mrs T for Goods supplied - Mrs Anglin 1 Canister Powder 2/6 6 lb Butter @ 5d - 2/6 fine 60
Thursday 27 Housed in West Sib'n Wheat Produce of New Land So. 4 Loads Martha to Stratford early - no meat to be had - Wood kills tomorrow m'g fine 54 67
Friday 28 W'd signd to atty to Elizabeth Thornton - Power to transfer Lot 3 to Chas Cawston Lot 4 to John Cawston - signd also by Sharman - witnefsd by Jno Ingram & W'd

kept as my authority for a doing ZMr Hestlets (Mrs Thorntons Att'y ) Letter of 23 Octo 41

Cha Chas Jno or T.G. Cawston
show'r ev'g 65 64
Saturday 29 W'd ploughing aft'n fencing {illegible} Sim plough'g m'g - aft'n thrash'g Wheat - Denny drag'g show'r with thunder & lightning 60 66
Sunday 30 W'd to Stratford - Geeky- S. & D. home - Gave Wh. Holly'k Seed to Daniels this side Hagersville will give anything in return - Has Tiger Lilies - young Mulberry trees &c 62
Monday 31 W'd ploughing - Denny drag'g - aft'n Simon thrashing Wheat Apples Stolen from tree SE Corner of Garden last night fine 63 69

1846 September

Tuesday 1 W'd ploughing - Simon thrashing - Denny dragging. W'ds Red 2 yr old fine 64 S
Wednesday 2 W'd lighting Stumps - Simon plough'g Denny dragging morning afternoon Diamond unable to stand - Sim. plough'g with horses - sent for Sharman at Big Thames - W'd gathering apples Waring had thieves again last night - 9 1/2 pm. Diamond now on his legs& breathes better-- Do 64 71
Thursday 3 W'd Simon fanning Wheat - about 10 Bush'ls - Charman came to see Diamond slit his tail & in evg W'd went up for a drink - Denny accomp'd him to Seigmiller & orderd a pair Boots to be ready in a week, price $ 1 3/4 rain all day & continues 69
Friday 4 Simon ploughing - W'd & Denny hauling rails - transplanted 3rd row Celery & 2 Pansies

Gave Diamond the Drench from Charman in the morn'g & hornd him into Hembark fists}

Bell came to us ----
tol. 66
Saturday 5 Simon absent on leave - W'd & Denny fencing around Haystack South showers m'g aft'n tol. 71 63
Sunday 6 S. & D with their friends. Mickle here at Tea fine 65
Monday 7 Simon ploughing - W'd & Denny weeding East of House am fine showers &c ev'g 69 69
Tuesday 8 W'd sowd 6 1/4 Bush'ls Fall Wheat - W'd & Denny Dragging Do Simon ploughing Bill to Stratford for fresh meal - none to be had - will have tomorrow fine 55 55
Wednesday 9 W'd thrashing - Simon ploughing Denny dragging - W'd sowd 4 Bush'ls Wheat fine 47 56
Thursday 10 Simon ploughing - W'd & Denny dragging - W'd also thrashing - Jno Hamilton (Clairburn) had 2 Bush'ls Fall Wheat for us - Had Beef from Woods 9 Bal. Lifted Onions fine 52
Friday 11 W'd ploughing - S. & D. dragging. Isaac our P Mail @ 11 pm Cherry in all night & 12th Do fine 62
Saturday 12 W'd ploughing Paddock - Simon Denny a show'r a.m. 70 62
Sunday 13 Simon & Denny to their friends - the rest at home fine 62 69
Monday 14 W'd Simon plough'g So - Denny dragging Padd Do 69 48
Tuesday 15 W'd at Reynolds raising a Dwelling Ho. Simon plough'g So

Denny dragging Paddock & after to Hamiltons

Mr Barron arrivd p Stage @ 10 pm
fine 45 48
Wednesday 16 Isaac & Mrs T & Mifs Lloyd to Stratford in Waggon - borrowd Gun from Mr Daly - Alex Orr ret'd fm the States while they were in the Village which prevented Annie Jane coming back with them. Simon at Statute Labor - West of Barn tol 45
Thursday 17 Is & W'd shooting - 1 Pheasant - 2 Pigeons - Denny W Stratford morn'g brot lb Beef from Woods - Isaac left @ 3 3/4 p Stage - Simon hauling Rails So. & thrashing Oats rain great part of the day 45
1846 September
Friday 18 receivd of Mr Barron Note Bank of British North Americsa nol 95 dated 1 Jan 7 1842 p $50 12 10 fine 52
Saturday 19 W'd Simon Denny showers
Sunday 20 Denny drove Mrs T. M.E. & Mifs Lloyd to Stratford fine
Monday 21 W'd at Critzs raising a House Simon & Denny rails M E & Mifs Lloyd to Temperance Meeting - S & D went for them with Waggon & ret'd @ 11 pm fine
Tuesday 22 W'd Simon & Denny

paid Mrs T for sundries advancd by her p mem'm

Denny to Stratford - brot Mutton from Woods
15 9 45 57
Wednesday 23 Mr Barron & W'd thrashing Wheat morn'g & aft'n Sim'n & Den

Mis{illegible} McCullock, Sargint & Wilkins Mes'r Orr & Hewit & Alex here to tea

Alex very unwell --
Thursday 24 W'd & Mr Barron at Rankins m'g - borrowed 32 lb Flour of Jno Stewart

Simon & Denny putting up rails behind Fall Wheat

evening W'd removing Closets in Kitchen from No to So side
rain 54
Friday 25 Simon ploughing Denny

Mr Barron & W'd at Ploughing Match great part of the day - I was also there 1 or 2 hours after dinner - Hyde had 1st Prize of $10

borrowd more flour of J Stewart 11 1/2 lb
rather heavy rain nearly the whole day 55
Saturday 26 Simon ploughing - Denny took Mrs T M & E to Stratford - Watson here very high W'd with Mr B after Pheasants fore'n - aftern'n Jno Stewarts raising a Stable Gundy also called
Sunday 27 S. & D to their friends - the family all at home - Mr B left @ 6 p Stage
Monday 28 paid Mrs Barron

to 1 qu'r ---- .25. June 27 By Cash 1-.~.~

Sept 18 Do 12.10.~ his on accept'ce

due 11 feb 5.7 2

Sept 28 to Cash pd Mrs B -- 2.172

27.17.2 -- 27.17.2

2 17 2
- Paid Mrs T for sundries P account con'd over ~ 9 4

1846 September

Monday 28 Bot of Jno Manley a Fanning Mill for $25 & gave my notes for same dated South Easthope 28 Sept'r

due 31 Jan 48 L3.2.6 at sixteen months after date

__ 31 Dec'r 49 Do 3.2.6 at twenty seven Do Do

Wilf'd to Mill at Hagersville with 7 @ 8 Bush'ls Wheat (Spring)

& brot back Flour &c &c --

Simon & Denny ploughing - the latter after dinner

Em'y to Stratford - brot four quarter mutton from Pindar
fine 32 49
Tuesday 29 Simon & D ploughing - getting in young Pigs for Reynolds tomorrow

W'd after dinner taking John Crerar to purchase a few Sheep

Zarra Wilmor &c - gave him $ 84 .- L 4. _._

pd Mrs Jno & Mrs Roy Stewart

rep'd Jno Stewart flour borrowed of him
~ 3 ~ fine 50
Wednesday 30 W'd returned from Wilmot @ 5 1/2 pm with 2 Wethers & 4 Ewes bot of @ $1 3/4 --- paid -- 2.12.6

Expenses - ~.3.9 1/2

gave W'd L4.~

2.16.3 1/2

1.3.8 1/2
2 16 3 1/2 fine
Thursday 1 W'd to Stratford re Subscription Bull &c - Simon ploughing Reynolds alt'd 5 Sows 7 Boar Pigs - 1 Sow kept

Denny to Stratford & pottering - Hine came this morning 9 @ 10 oC

opening Doorway & putting up Door from Kitchen to yard - all afsisting
heavy rain from 7 pm 50
Friday 2 Show Day - Simon took up Societys Bull - W'd Hine & Denny followd at 11 1/2 - Mrs T. & Em'y in Helmers Waggon - Em'y taking 2 G Finches for Mrs Wilkins - W'd & Mrs T & Em'y ret'd in Waggon @ 5

Simon & Denny at dusk, having mifsed Bull in Stratford

pd Jas Thompson Butcher John't
4 1 1/2 rain m'g aft'n fine 46
Saturday 3 Simon ploughing morn'g - aft'n to Stratford after Bull left yesterday - brot him home W'd Carpentering & Plastering m'g - aft'n ploughing - Denny aft'n to Stratford for Beef from Woods - gatherd more apples fine 30
Sunday 4 Simon to his friends - all the rest at home

Lunar Rainbow ev'g lasted 1 1/2 hours very misty

bright Rocket falling Star
1846 October
Monday 5 had Chas Charnock with W'd S. & Denny taking up Potatoes &c brot into Cellar 3 1/2 Bush'ls 26 fine 43
Tuesday 6 C. Charnock & the rest as yesterday - brot home & hilld 30 Bush'ls

paid Eiza Fisher for 3 bowls

Rankin called evening, & we signed an agreement for purchase of a thrashing Mill - whic see. transfr Pans

Charnock calld 9 1/2 pm on way from Robinsons
3 ~ Do 40 56
Wednesday 7 Paid Mr Charnock on acco't ----- $6 Jno Charnock{probably his signature}

all as yesterday - brot in to Hill 20 Bush'ls

killd a Wether No. 1 this morn p -- W'd & Crerar 70 lbs - Tallow
1 10 ~ Do 54 64
Thursday 8 a Storm of thunder Lightning & Rain 3 @ 5 am W'd left @ 7 am to accompany Rankin in his Waggon - Bill & & his Spang to Hambro West to enquire about a thrashing $Z - Sim. Denny & C Charnock finish hauling Potatoes . 8 Bush - pitted here - making 58 Bush'ls - Hill } 84 Bls a show'r noon 60 64
Friday 9 Simon with Waggon & Oxen set off for Lime - met Casey near P Kostners who told him it would not be sufficiently burnt before Monday morning when he might depend upon it

afternoon ploughing - Denny pottering --

Wilfred arrived from Flambro Galt @ 11 pm. --
showers 61
Saturday 10 Paid W'd expenses to & from Galt 4.4 1/2

& for 1 Bush'l Apples ---- .11

W'd pottering - Simon ploughing - Denny took a note to Hamilton after dinner - not at home --
5 5 1/2 fine 32 34
Sunday 11 Simon & Denny with their friends - former brot from P. Off'ce Letter Mr & Mrs Barron two travellers eastward - dind Bed. T. Daly calld on way to Toronto p Stage 8 pm Do 32 46
Monday 12 Simon with oxen to Caseys & brought 20 Bushels Lime - W'd making Box for Do & pottering fine till 4@5 then rain 49 52
Tuesday 13 Hamilton came this morning about 10 - He & W'd mixing Lime &c for Plaster - Simon fencing rain continued without interuption since yesterday till 8 @9 pm & has light 10 pm rain all day 44
Wednesday 14 Hamilton & W'd plastering Simon ploughing & hauling firewood tol 32 42
Thursday 15 Do Do Do Do Do - Denny ret'd to day at noon absent since 11th & brot from P. Office 3 Papers, 2 Inqu'rs & 1 Canadian & a letter (paid) from Henry to self fine Do 30 37
Friday 16 Hamilton at Staircase & pafsage - W'd afsisting morn'g Simon afternoon -- Simon ploughing morn'g W'd aftern'n - Denny home after breakfast to afsist his Father in taking up potatoes heavy show'r

1846 October

Saturday 17 a slight covering of Snow {in Bold} at daylight & continues

Hamilton & W'd at Pafsage 2nd Coat & began Dining room {illegible}

Simon Firewood - whitewash &c &c - W'd making Plough handles &c

rec'd p of Dalys letter from John at Hamilton
a little Snow m'g aftern'n fine & cold 32 26
Sunday 18 Hamilton left at daylight taking 3 pr old Boots - Denny ret'd @ 2 or 3 pm laid up with bad foot from a fall with a Log Wood this evening. fine 22 33
Monday 19 Hamilton came after breakfast - plastering Din'g Room - W'd pottering - Denny Do & aft'n to Stratford for Whiting - none to be had

Linseed &c --

White Sow about 3 or 4 days - sup'd to have Pigs No or West Barn
fine cold 28 37
Tuesday 20 Hamilton Plastering Din'g Room Sim & Den. plough'g W'd to Duncan the Smiths & pottering W'd found Sow behind Hay Stack in Bush with 9 Pigs 5 White 4 spotted 34 34
Wednesday 21 Hamilton left @ 10 3/4 - after fixing Stone supports (2) to back of House

settled his account to this time us under

his charge for Plastering 19 1/2 days @ $1 -- $19.50

Cr By 2 Bl's Wheat sold him @ $3/4 --- 1.50

By so much done by him to Wilf'd -- 8.~

to Mrs T. -- 5. 46 14.96

pm{illegible} by him } Balance pd him in Cash ------ $4.54
1 2 7 1/2 snow show'r 29 34
Paid Mr Roy & Ann Stewart 3 ~
Thursday 22 W'd ploughing forenoon broke the Plough in two which is ruined unlefs & cannot be repaired - afternoon to Stratford & purchased one of Pindar for $10 1/2 pay'ble in January. Simon ploughing all day - Denny pottering snow show'r 33 23
Friday 23 W'd fixing new plough & afternoon ploughd with it - heavy work for Cattle

Simon Marking Wheat with Horses - Denny Pottering

Hamilton came again this morn'g 8 @ 9 - whitewashed Staircase & room first Coat
Hail show'r 28 39
Saturday 24 Hamilton left after breakfast - Cr Wilfred for 5/ pd him for yesterdays work

W'd Sim & Denny preparing Wheat for Mill - firewood So

Hamilton took away Blacky & Red Heifer sold him by W'd
Hail show'r 32 27
Sunday 25 W'd to Stratford Mr Allan - sent letter to P. Office Mrs T to Jno W. T pottering Charnock to tea Robinson calld -- fine 23 33
Monday 26 Paid Alex McTavish taxes for 1846

Simon ploughed S West of Fall Wheat - W'd whitewashing &c Din'g room

Denny pottering - Had a Bottle Brandy from Whisky from Rankin

Margaret Crerar came to us this morning @ $3 p month

Mrs {illegible} with us today scouring floors
show'r aft'n rain'g 11 pm 40 55
1846 October
Tuesday 27 Borrowd of W. Crerar 32 lb Flour - Simon to Stratford with 10 1/2 Bush'ls 3310 lb Spring Wheat Bran & Shorts Wheat to be ground - brot

W'd ploughing with Horses & new plough - Denny walkd to Stratford with lbs Butter for Mrs Daly - brot to Do from Daly & M

Mrs Lathy had 14 lb Flour up Pillow Case @ 2 1/2 cts p lb
Wednesday 28 W'd & Simon ploughing So Denny scraping Whitewash &cto Blacksmith East White Sow & pigs home this morn'g but off again. seen by Marg only fine 28 30
Thursday 29 Walkd to Stratford dined at Mrs Dalys then an interview with Mr & Mrs Roper re Lot 38 - use to come down tomorrow - calld at Jacksons & Hines & orderd a pair Boots at Kays same as last. - Hine cannot come as promised tomorrow.

brot from P. Office Letter Mr & Mrs Barron Hamilton post mark 7d & 3 Papers

Mrs B & W.T now pd - put in Letter Mrs to Mr B. --

met W'd in the village who had come up for a new plough, Simon having broken his in the same way as Wilfred's 22 ins. got one at McGregors $4

brot also 3 G's Whisky from McGregors --

W'd ploughing morn'g - Simon all day - ( 9 young pigs as right @ W't Barn
a show'r 4 pm
Friday 30 W'd carpentering Kitchen table & form -- Soldering sundries &c

Simon ploughing - Denny pottering

Mr & Mrs Roper took a snack with us - walked to West Lot. & after inspecting the North Clearance ret'd & offerd L150 for Lots & improvements to meet them at Mr Dalys tomorrow --
fine 31
Saturday 31 Walkd to Stratford 9 a.m. calld at Hicks & pd him for Bott Brandy had calld in the Mangs at Sharmans re Bull - expect money in 2 or 3 weeks

met Mr Roper at Dalys by appointment & with him signed agreement for purchase & sale of Lot 38 - for L150 H & C'y for right of Lot & Improvements

Emily followd me - we dined at Dalys - on return borrowd a rubber Coat & Shawl at Jacksons - & called at Wilkins & Mrs Sargints, where Emily remains for the night - rain Snow & Hail with high wind from N.E. got home about 5 thoroughly soakd & tired.

Simon ploughing forenoon aft'n too wet - W'd & Denny pott'g in doors
3 9 rain Hail Snow aft'n & ev'g heavy

1846 November

Sunday 1 all at home, S & D to their friends - S. ret'd ev'g 12 missed - Stage (open Waggon ) open Waggon just pafsed - no Emily rain more or lefs great part of day 47
Monday 2 W'd Carpentering - mending Chains &c - Simon plough'g Denny ret'd @ 11 1/2 pottering Emily got home @ 12 m light show'r 48 52
Tuesday 3 W'd & Denny moving rails from Lot 38 to East of House - Simon ploughing Gave Wm Pindar my Note @ 3 mr'g from 22nd ult'a for Plough - to him or Bearer nearly all day light rain 46 44
Wednesday 4 W'd & Denny hauling rails from 38 to road Hemlock field - Simon ploughing morn'g aft'n to Hicks for Packages brot my Stage from Hamilton - brot 2 Boxes 1 markd AS/S } not for us. fine 44 34
Thursday 5 W'd &c killd Sheep the 3rd a Ewe - aft'n W'd to Stratford re parcels p Stage - one supposed to have been sent on to Goderich - Simon ploughing - Sm fine 25 33
Friday 6 Walkd to Stratford @ 8 1/2 - to Dalys re Lot 38 - to Hicks re Packages p Stage - home @ 1 pm

W'd @ 10 to Wm McNaughtons Wedding - Margaret Do - Simon & Denny {illegible} @ 6 1/2 pm

fine 28 38
Saturday 7 W'd ret'd from McNaughtons about 4 1/2 @ 5 am . Simon & D an hour after

Simon ploughing - W'd brot in contents of a twin Case in Shed

viz - fire irons brooms brushes Candle sticks &c - & pottering - knocked up

Denny aft'n to Stratford - took up 3 1/2 lb Butter to Mrs Daly - brot from Hicks 2 Bottles Brandy by mistake -- & from P. Office a Letter & a paper for Mrs B.--
Do 30 46
Sunday 8 W'd indisposed - Simon home - Denny to P. Office with letter -- Mrs T & M'f to Aunt Jane - Mrs Barron to WB - inclosing one Mrs T. to Charles showers 45 45
Monday 9 W'd to D McNaughton to get Horses shod - & preparing Waggon for journey to Galt

Simon ploughing morn'g - aft'n thrashing oats - Denny pottering

Lifted South Bed of Carrots - Mr Roper calld went with him to Lot 38
gloomy & light mist 47 49
Tuesday 10 W'd $9 - left @ 5 am for Galt calld for Rankin - Simon ploughing - Denny after dinner to Stratford - took to Hicks one of the Bo's Brandy had 7 ins't - brot 1 Bottle Beer Jefsy Crerar came today day fine 8 pm heavy shower thunder & lightning 48 51
Wednesday 11 Simon ploughing So of Hemlock tree -- Denny pottering - chopping firewood &c Mrs T. in bed all day -- Washers damp & misly show'rs 46
Thursday 12 Simon ploughing as yesterday - Denny to Stratford for Sugar & Nails - could not get any at D & M's or at McGregors misly dull day 42 43
Friday 13 Rankin & Wilf'd arrivd from Galt @ 3 pm with thrashing Mill &c

OK from Jas Crombie

gave our joint notes } L16.5. C'y pay'ble 1st Feb next

d{illegible} Octo 46} 16.5 --- 1 Feb 48

provided the two notes are joint on the 1st March next

Five Pounds to be deducted from the whole

brot Cash Beer from Harris Expenses pd ----
Do 42 44
1846 November
Friday 13 cont'd Simon ploughing as yesterday - Denny pottering Lifted North Bed of Carrots
Saturday 14 W'd & Simon ploughing - Denny to Mr Dalys with Note re Mrs T & me to Hine

brot answer from Mr Da - Nails Sugar & Butter from D & M

from P. Office Mr & Mrs B. not paid 1/6 & paper 1 1/2d

Alex Orr calld on way from Hamilton brot letter Oct to Mrs B.
show'rs ev'g 43 40
Sunday 15 Mrs T something better this morn'g S & D to their friends back ev'g Denny took to P. Office letter Mrs to Mr B. fine 36 36
Monday 16 W'd at Donald Stewarts running line between 33 & 4 - Simon at Ropers raising (Wm Scotts) Denny firewood &c - killd first of Black Sows young Pigs Do 40 41
Tuesday 17 W'd at W. Crerars for the day - Simon ploughing - Denny pottering show'r ev'g 37 44
Wednesday 18 W'd & Denny hauling rails from 33 to Road for Hemlock field. Sim. plough'g So

Mr Roper & Son calld - brot letter from Mr Daly re Lot 38 all ready for transfer

Killd 4th Sheep (Ewe) - M & E walkd to Stratford - brought Butter &c from D & M.
tol. 39
Thursday 19 Killd & Butchered Hector W'd S. & D ---- Sn McG a profefsional visit Dr. Moore to Mrs T. - had a Niagara tavern keeper & Teamster & Horses for this night trading my Waggon {illegible} the Bridge 7 1/2 rain or Snow since 7 pm yesterday & continues 36 34
Friday 20 W'd cutting up & barreling Hec. Simon ploughing hauling rails from 38 gloomy shower snow 32 32
Saturday 21 Simon ploughing So - W'd & Denny barreling Hec & putting into Cellar

aft'n W'd to Stratford - took Hectors Hide for Seigmiller on D & Ms Waggon

So'd @ to my Credit - brot 2 Letters Toronto for Mrs B

Brot 2 Toronto Letters for Mrs B. - not pd & sund's from D & M

Brot Carrots mixd into Cellar - & pitted a few of each in Garden for Seed
rain ev'g 32 37
Sunday 22 Simon to his friends - back to tea - Denny morn'g to P. Office Letter Mrs to Mr B Charnock calld snow even'g & continues 33 30
Monday 23 Rankin here for the day - all preparing thrashing Mill for tomorrow Simon to Stratford aft'n brot 1 Gal Whisky from snow show'rs 25 32
Tuesday 24 Thrashing Sib'n Wheat with new Mill - occupied in fixing till 10 - Had Rankin Horses & man Don Stewart Jno Stewart Jno & Wm Crerar - Wm McNaughton & Horses had to alter the Bund often & altogether made a poor days work 32
Wednesday 25 W'd & Denny Fanning Sib'n Wheat Simon hauling firewood Mr Roper & Son calld - agreed to go to Stratford tomorrow if fine snow show'r aft'n 22 16
Thursday 26 Martha Em'y & I started in a heavy Snow at 10 am for Stratford -before reaching the West Gate M got up to her Knees in a Mud hole - & we deemed it advisable to return - W'd &c winnowing more Wheat & brought into House 18 Sacks snow & high wind morn'g till 19 20

1846 November

Friday 27 Preparing East Shed for Horses &c Martha & Emily to Mr Dalys & signd transfer of Lot 38 to fine 15 33
Saturday 28 W'd at Shed as yesterday - Simon to Stratford mill with Sacks Sib'n but could not get it ground to day - brot letters from P. Office to

Isaac to Emily pd - Mr to Mrs B.

rec'd of P. Bauman - Hec 45
2 6 tol 34
Sunday 29 Denny home, sent by him to P. Office letter Mrs B to Mr B inclosing a line W.T. to Henry for Can of Seed Letter W.T. to John -- snow show'r high wind 34 28
Monday 30 W'd & Simon getting in & thrashing Peas with Horses - aft'n W'd to Rankins w thrashing Mill no Denny tol - cold 26 26
Tuesday 1 W'd Simon & Horses at Rankins thrashing Mill - no Denny Doctor Moore visited Mrs T pronounces her complaint Dumb Ague, prescribed accordingly - had from T. Daly 20 Grains Sulphate of Quinine he brot it down fine - cold hail show'r 10 pm 26
Wednesday 2 Constant rain or Sleet through the night & rain till about 4 pm

W'd at East Shed - Simon thrashing Peas - Denny ret'd this afternoon

Gave Hugh McNeill above Stratford - his House having been burnt & every thing that they had is destroyed Ellen also gave 1/3

A cook Canary drownd in Water Glafs this morning - guefs Ellens --
1 3 rain nearly all day 32 46
Thursday 3 Wilf'd & Simon winnowing Peas - Simon & D hauling firewood up @ 11 1/2 W'd & Martha to Stratford rec'd of John Sharman on acco't of keep of Societys Bull L7 = $28 ----- 7 ~ ~ 28
paid Hicks for Carriage Box fm Hamilton 2 6
Mrs T -- Mrs B -- W.T. Box 6/3 2 6
(3/9 s'd ) 2/6 Bal'e 7/9 14
Grog 6. Whip lash 1/6 2
sn 1 3
Friday 4 Walkd to Stratford - pd Willson Collman John --- 17 9 tol. thermometer brot inot house
pd Penders for Mutton 2 6
" Hicks for Brandy & Beer ---- ~ 4 8
calld at Jacksons & Dalys - met Roper at the latter place he gave an order for L150 which will be sent to Mr Jones tomorrow & a Deed ret'd of Mr Jones has arrivd fm Toronto
Saturday 5 W'd Sm & Den. at East Shed - Mifs Daly & Roper calld - even'g

4 1/2 Denny to Stratford to bring sundries from Mr Daly & Daly & M - 10 pm has not got back ret'd 6th to breakfast

Dr Moore came in this evening & left @ 10 1/2 --

Annie Orr calld

Denny Denny to P.Office &c m'g. brot letter from John 7d not pd.

1846 Decemb'r
Sunday 6 all at home - Charnock & Alex Orr calld - Denny brot Jelly &c &c fm Mr Daly tol.
Monday 7 all at West Barn fixing Doors - Cattle having broken in heavy rain eveing
Tuesday 8 all grinding axes - hauling firewood & pottering Mrs Jno Stewart gloomy 29
Wednesday 9 W'd & Simon chopping South S.E. Corner - Den. pottering

Emily & Mifs Loyd walkd to Stratford - brot sundries - pd Em Tow acco't

Mrs Roy Stewart - 20 grs Quinine fm T Daly reg Sulph'r acid fm William M.
1 3 26
Thursday 10 W'd & Simon chopping as yesterday - Denny mudding Stable &c snow all day 26
Friday 11 Do ------ Do & making 2 Barn Shovels - Den. pottering Mr Daly in his Sleigh brot Mrs D. - Mr & Mrs Roper family & serv'ts to lunch snow evening
Saturday 12 pd Wilfred on acco't traveling expenses - W'd -- Thompson {probably his signature} Em'y to Stratford brot from D & M 1 lb Tea - 1/4 lb Allspice, Nails 10 ~ tol.
Sunday 13 Emily & Mifs Lloyd walkd to Stratford after Geeky - W'd & Simon went for them @ 5 with Sleigh - fine 14
Monday 14 Simon chopping - Denny pottering - W'd to Stratford - took 1 Bush'l Wheat to Mill to be ground all together - brot from McGregors 6 lb Map Sugar from McCullocks 9 Galls Whisky @ 3/6 yk to be pd in Grain fine 8
Tuesday 15 W'd Simon & Horses at Rankins thrashing Mill - Denny pottering broke 3 or 4 teeth beautiful 3
Wednesday 16 Pottering - hunting for hands preparing for thrashing tomorrow Do 14 22
Thursday 17 paid Mr Charnock on accot $6 Oxen {illegible} Charnock{signature}

Thrashing - Rankin, Man & Horses - D. Stewarts Marg't & Horse Jno Stewart, Ann Man & Horses - Wm & John Crerar - Charnock & son (7 Bos Whis

Hine's substitute (Smith) came 2.3 oC & putting moulding round windows
1 10
Friday 18 Hauling firewood Mr Barron arr'd @ 9 @ 10 pm having left Chas at Everetts
Saturday 19 Wilf'd & Simon & Horses at W. Crerars - thrashing Mill Denny Denny to Stratford for Dr Porter who came about 11 oC while here Dr Moore calld but declined coming in - Chas with Sleigh arr'd about 11-
Sunday 20 all at home - Mr Barren pd me in Notes of Britishers America 10/10d $100 -- 25 ~ 11 pm Snow
Monday 21 W'd Simon & Horses at Crerars thrashing - till noon at noon removd Mill to Jno Stewarts
Tuesday 22 Do ----- ------- Do at Do for the day

Mr & Mrs B child'n & Chas Sleigh Drive to Sicbacks

Simoin on acco't of Wages prec't
1 ~ ~ Sleighing{in Bold} pretty good

1846 December

Wednesday 23 W'd to Mill Hagersville brot home Grist paid Edward Caisey for 20 Bush'ls Lime prec't ~ 12 6
Thursday 24 W'd brot in a Load Hay from North Stack - Hauling & chopping firewood

Martha to Stratford for sundries - pd for Biscuits &c --

sent a Not to Mr Gordon Galt to send certain Medicine p Stage driver
0 5 1/2
Friday 25 Snowing & uncomfortable - all at home - Mr B's Kitty very lam W'd to Hagersville for Grist left
Saturday 26 W'd Chas to Stratford - no parcel from Galt Mr Gordon having left Galt for months for Texas - brot fm P. Office a letter Aunt Jane to self date 30 Nov'r -
Sunday 27 Sent Denny with Horse for Dr Moore who came & remaind with us till evening - took to P. Office a Letter to Mr Oliver Chemist Galt for Medicine orderd by Dr Moore to come by Mail - & brought 3 lb Beef from Mrs Jackson - Robins calld aft'n
Monday 28 lent Rankin $4 1/2 - Rankin & Jno Stewart here for the day afsisting in killing & scraping 4 Hogs --
Tuesday 29 Cutting up & weighing Hogs - 242, 211, 225, 245 lb ex Lard
Wednesday 30 Packd the whole into 3 Casks - Denny to Hicks, brot parcel Medicine from And'w Oliver Galt 3/3 1/2 - W'd ev'g with Horses for Dr Moore who came & remaind the night
Thursday 31 Mr Barron & Chas on Horses to Stratford morn'g Dr Moore left at same time
1847 January
Friday 1 Paid Wilfred on account $30 - Wilfred Thompson {signature} 7 10 ~
Mrs T p acco't $10.16 9 1/2 & 9 1/2 & 10/6 11 7 3 1/2
rec'd of Mrs Barron Mon on Carr'ge Box fm Toronto --- 1 3
Saturday 2 Hauling & chop'g firewood - pd Rankin for Soap 2/3 1/2 Washers 3/ -- 5 3 1/2
Sunday 3 Dr Moore a visit -- Denny home
Monday 4 W'd & I hauld a small Load Hay from Stack N'{illegible) & pottering
Tuesday 5 Denny ret'd @ 3 pm W'd Dr Moore lookd in for a minute on way to Geo Scotts,
Wednesday 6 Walkd to Dalys - rec'd Balance proceeds of Lot 38. p her rec of this date L150 lefs due to Can'a Comp'y L63.10.4

W'd at Donald Stewarts for the day - thrashing mill -

Denny haul'g & chop'g firewood - Dr Moore a visit
86 9 8
Thursday 7 W'd at D Stewarts till 1 pm. thrash'g Mill - Denny the chop'g Firew'd
Friday 8 W'd back North in quest of Help - Tom Somebody to call tomorrow
Saturday 9 sent p Alex Orr letter to Henry inclosing the monies as rec'd from Canada Comp'y p Mr Daly for Lot 38, to be placed to Mrs T's

Interest Acco't - letter Mrs T to Chas - Do W.T. to John inclosing $10 Mrs T to John - Mrs Barron to Octo - also Letter W.T. to

2 10
A Oliver Galt inclosing for Drugs &c Mr Hicky - Mr Tye & pupil calld Jefsy Crerar left this ev'g 3 3 1/2
Sunday 10 rec'd fm P. Office p - a letter Mr to Mrs B. - with an acco't of their perilous journey to Toronto
Monday 11 Emily to Stratford - brought sundries from Stores - W'd North after Tom ----- who came at 10 @ 11 & remained the day - with Wilf'd & Denny hauling Hay from No Stack - chopping firewood & Eliz'th Minges ret'd this evening
Tuesday 12 W'd left at 7 @ 8 am with 15 Sacks Wheat for Ferries - Horses {illegible} @ 9 Denny to Stratford for Dr Moore, who had set out before De got there

he rem's with us till 4 pm - no meat to be had in Stratford

fence round Pea Stack leveld to the ground & all the Cattle Colts & Pigs in

Denny & I replaced it but no sooner up than down
Wednesday 13 W'd ret'd from Ferries about 3 pm - sold him

25 Bls Siberian @ 5/8 yk --- 4.8.6 1/2

lefs exp's 4.4 1/2

& had 2 Bushels Flour
4 4 2

1847 January

Wednesday 13 cont'd Denny to Stratford - brot from Dr Moore a Bottle Cough mixture & 3 ppales from Sharman a small piece of very nice Beef & from Kay my new Boots -- no longer Sleigh'g
Thursday 14 W'd & D'y winnowing wheat, chop'g firewood &c Denny even'g with Horses to Stratford & brot Dr Moore
Friday 15 W'd & D'y winnow'g wheat Dr M left after breakfast Aft'n W'd & self Do - Denny to Stratford for sundries
Saturday 16 W'd & D'y winnowing as yesterday chop'g firewood &c

Mifs Crerars brot from P. Office a letter from John to self no know{illegible}

rec'd of remitt'ce of 9th p Alex Orr & a Hamilton Newsp'r communicating the death of Mr Downing - Dr Moore a visit this morn'g

pd Peter for 1 lb Tea - 5/6 yk
3 5 snow showers
Sunday 17 Denny home - took to P. Off'ce letter Mrs to Mr B
Monday 18 Paid Emily for Jefsy Crerar 3/ - & for Mrs Crerar for Butter 6/2 & 1/ 10 1/2 5 5
W'd chop'g firewood ev'g - aft'n with Eliz'th getting in Hay from the Stack even'g setting thrash'g Mill at Jno Stewarts pd Hine on acc't prec't 2 ~ ~
Tuesday 19 W'd at John Stewarts with Horses & thrashing Mill

Emily to Stratford - brot sundries from stores

pd Peter Woods Butcher Johns'n
17 2 1/2
Hicks Carr'ge of Parcel Drugs from Galt p Stage 30 M 1 10
Wednesday 20 W'd with Horses to Jno Stewarts thrash'g Mill 3 or 4 hours ev'g pd Emily 7/6 had 10 Aug last ~ 7 6
r'd from her Bal'ce of Current Acco't 2 6
Franin & Jno Stewart & Tom who came at afsisting in fixing Mill at West Barn & cleaning up &c. Dr Moore a visit
Thursday 21 thrashing Mill - Rankin Horses & Man - D Stewart Ann & 1 Horse

Jno Stewart Ann & Man & Horses - Wm & Jno Crerar - S Cowmans & Horse 2 of Charnocks Boys - Selft 2 & Horses - Roper & 2 Indians

9 1/2 W'd & Simon with Horses for Dr Moore who came with Simon

W'd stopping for the night at Caldwells - Emily to Stratford fr postage to Dr Si{illegible} 4 1/2 - Sn 10 1/2
Friday 22 Thrashing Mill till 12 oClock {illegible} & John Stewart left @ 10

Rankin Horses & Man - Ann Stewart & Man Wm & Jno Crerar SCowmans - 2 Charnocks - Horses as yesterday

Dr Moore left before breakfast
1847 January
Saturday 23 W'd hauling & chopping firewood
Sunday 24 all at home
Monday 25 W'd hauling & chopping firewood . Denny ret'd after a weeks absence
Tuesday 26 W'd & Denny hauling Hay from North &c &c.

paid my Notes to Wm Pendar Dec 25th (had of Emily - 5/Jan rep'd 29th

Wednesday 27 W'd at John Stewarts Pig Killing - aft'n with Rankin removing thrashing Mill from Lot 38 to his House - Denny to Stratford

brot a Letter y/a & Mrs Barron fm Toronto not pd

visit from Dr Moore evening W'd D loading Sleigh Sib. Wheat
Thursday 28 Wilf'd left at 7 am with Load Sib'n Wheat Sacks for Ferries & to take Mifs Lloyd to Galt - Denny chop'g firewood & pottering
Friday 29 Denny at firewood &c. Wilfred returnd from Preston & Doon Mills &c

left Bush'ls Wheat at Hagersville Mill to be ground

sold A Ferrie fr 29/ 40/60 Bush'ls Sib'n @ 5/8 yk 5.4.5 C'y

lefs expences --- 5.3
4 19 2
pd Ferries at Preston for 1 Quart Olive Oil for Lamp 1 10
pd Emily for Washers yesterday Dr Moore a visit 3
Saturday 30 W'd at Rankins with horses - thrashing Mill - Denny to Stratford - brot a ltter from Dr Sutt 4 1/2 not pd & one for Mrs Barron calld at Dr Moores with note requesting to mee Dr Sutt - Moore came @ 12 Dr Sutt @ 1 3/4 - rem'd till 5 - agreed upon their pland of operations sent Denny to Dr Moores for medicine tho be expen{illegible} he did not however return {illegible}
Sunday 31 Denny came back this moring @ 10

having slept with his brother in consequence of such {illegible} & frequent absences gave him his discharge

Mrs T too first Pill Box No 1 @ 11 pm - tolerably comfortable through the day but for the last hour weighs very troublesome
Monday 1 W'd North looking after Tom. who cannot come for a week

engaged Jno Hamilton's Son for a week - W'd at Rankins till 11

Wheat advancing in price 1/yk - sent of Mr Roper to John letter enclosing $6 & ordering 1/2 lb Tea &c - vide 15 inst
Tuesday 2 W'd preparing for Market

Mathew came after breakfast - Hauling & Chopping firewood

Dr Moore came at 12 dined & remained 2 hours --
Wednesday 3 W'd to Mill Hagersville with Sacks Sib Wheat to be ground, left it & brot home rem'r of what of a load was left 29th in flour. Hamilton chopping firewood light now with high wind wind increased till 2 am & by day light moderated
Thursday 4 W'd took to Rankins lb Flour for so much borrowed of him at twice. Hamilton firew'd

Eliz took to P. Offce letters Mrs to Mr B inclosing one to Is'c -- & Emily to Christ'n

Emily -- apples 2d
9 1/2 fine - Roads &c a sheet of ice no moving for oxen

1847 February

Friday 5 Wilf'd @ 5 am with Load Sib'n to Ferries Sacks Mat chop'g firewood

Mat'w to Stratford for Dr Moore who came about 11 left @ 1

receivd of a paper by for a Pochle Hay for a knockd up yoke oxen
3 Snow Sleighing bad
Saturday 6 W'd ret'd from Ferries about 3 pm

sold him 33 36/60 B's Sib. Wheat @ 6/8 y = 6.19.6 1/2

Expences road !.4.3

Cy 6.15.3 1/2
6 15 3 1/2
pd Ferrie for 17 lb Pearl Barley @ 3 c'h -- 2.6

r'd 6.12 .9 1/2

Mat. chop'g firewood in Bush & Stovewood - Hauling I'c aft'n - left evening

Crombur Else called with Notes due 1st - Ann - brot from P. Off'ce
2 6
Sunday 7 all at home Letter Mr to Mrs B. -- & 4 Inq'rs & a Church Snow
Monday 8 W'd hunting after help - brot Lathy for a month @ $8 - together brot in Send Hay from W. Stack - chopping Stovewood - had 1/2 Bo Whisky from -- Lathy came to day @ 2 for a month @ $8 - Dr Moore visit snow show'rs good Sleigh'g
Tuesday 9 W'd & Lathy west Barn winnowing Siberian for Market tomorrow brot home from Do Black Befs which was found dead there on Saturday suppose owing to Buckwheat feed - of which many are said to be dying sent Eliz'th for Dr Moore at dusk Mrs T being worse - not a home & not expected Emily also at the village for sundries.
Wednesday 10 Wilf'd left - 6 3/4 with Sacks Siberian for Ferrie - Lthy chopping firewood chop'g up Bl Befs to boil for Soap Grease - Dr Moore morning

Eliz'th to Dr Moores aft'n for Bed pan brot fm P. Off. a Canadian

Lathys Brother came after supper to afsist in winnowing &c &c
Thursday 11 The Lathys winnowing Sib'n filling Bags &c - firewood

W'd ret'd fm Ferries ab't 2 oC -

sold him 40 Bush'ls @ 6/8 yk --- C'y 8.6.8

expences --- " .4. 4 1/2

Emily to Stratford for Be to see Dr Moore.

sent p John Fisher letter to P. Off'ce Mrs to Mr B --
8 2 3 1/2
Friday 12 W'd @ 6 1/2 left for Ferries with 22 Sacks Siberian Dr Moore calld before breakfast & remained 2 or 3 housr - Lathy chop'g & haul'g firew'd
Saturday 13 Mrs T. expired this morning @ 2 1/4 oclock - present Martha Mrs Barron, Emily & self
1847 February
Saturday 13 W'd ret'd from Ferries about 2

sold him 44 Bush'ls Sib'n @ 6/8 yk -- C'y 9.3.4

lefs expences New Whippletree & treat 7.6
8 15 10
paid Mr Robinson for Cask Cyder for Mrs Barron 5 ~
Sunday 14 all at home - Mrs Rober - Mrs Meany - Mrs Sargint & Kirk calld
Monday 15 W'd to Stratford morn'g brot Hine & Mr Colleman with Coffin box Tea from John. pd Hicks Carr'ge p Stage ~ 3 3 day fine
pd Alex Orr for 3 Gall's Whisky @ 3/yk pd Wilf'd 5 7 1/2
William & Colleman for 2 Bars Soap --- @ 1/4 2 8
prosefsion left home @ 1 1/4 pm - Mr Daly on approaching laid hold of my arm to go home with him before the Service was a quarter finishd - I had however the in{illegible} satisfaction of seeing my dear wife quietly deposited by the side of poor William - had a little refreshment at Dalys & got home in good - all conducted with more than usual decorum - Mr Murry came in the morning & rem'd with the Girls till after our return.

rem'd to John 1st inst $6 -- 1.10.~

6 lb young Hyson -- @ 2/10 -- +.14.6 qu

1 -- old -- 4/6 -- .4.6

1 -- Sowberry ----- 3.6

1 -- Ground Rice ------- 7 1/2

4. Biscuits ---- 7 1/2 - 2.6 1.5.7 1/2

S -- .4.4 1/2

rec'd also 8/6 C'y due on former acco't qu. + .8.6

r'd 12/ 10 1/2

1847 February

Tuesday 16 W'd & Lathy removing Peas from Stack into Barn alarmed by the Soot in the Stove Pipe taking fire - Wilf'd soon got on the roof & extinguished it - took the whole down & had them thoroughly cleaned & put up again sleet or snow nearly all day
Wednesday 17 pd Riland for Hand Ladle - 9d - for Letter fm In'y & paper 7 1/2 1 4
Sleigh Tongue 1 3
rec'd of Mrs Barron for Cask Beer fm Galt --- .10. --

& for Postages to 31 Dec'r -- 10.4 1/2

W'd to Stratford aft'n & brought out the above

morning with Lathy getting Peas into Barn
1 ~ 4
Thursday 18 Paid John Cowmans on acco't of Simons Wages $40 prec't 10 ~ ~
W'd & Lathy getting in more Peas - preparing & fixing new Tongue to Sleight -- Sn

one of our Sheep had 2 Lambs this morn'g at Jno Stewarts

sent to P. Off'ce for Mrs Stewart Letter Martha to John

gave W'd for tomorrow - 5 Sov'n @ 24/6 = 24 1/2

3 $10 Notes -- 30

1 " 4 __/_____ 4 } 58 1/2

to pay for Thrashing Mill &c.
7 1/2
Friday 19 Wilfred left @ 6 am to take down a Load Wheat for Rankin & to accompany him to Galt to pay for thrashing Mill

Mr Barron & Henry arrived in Sleigh @ 4 1/2 pm - left Toronto yesterday morning.

Tom & his father winnowing Wheat till Mr B. & H arrived

got in a little Hay from No Stack.
Saturday 20 W'd returnd from Galt &c - paid my 1/2 of Rankin & my joint Notes to Crombie & Co - due 1 ins't 16.5.~

1 Feb 48 -- 16.5.~


deduct for paym't of the 2 Notes

before 1st March payment -- 5.~~


paid my half --
13 15 ~
1847 February
Saturday 20 Con'd - brot forward 13 15 ~
paid for a Barrel Salt $2 3/4 ~ 13 9
Calf skin for Straps 7 1/2 road exp's 5/6 Tom firewood &c &c 6 17
Sunday 21 Mr Barron & Henry to Stratford in Sleigh & with Mrs B & Child'n a short drive East
Monday 22 Mr Barron & H'y in Sleigh to Stratford calld at Dalys &c W'd at Rankins Pig Killing aftern'n with Tom preparing for Market
Tuesday 23 W'd left @ 6 am with Sacks Sib'n for Ferries

Mr Barron & Henry left @ 7 - cold morning & good sleighing

began collecting furniture &c for a Sleigh Load for Toronto
Wednesday 24 W'd returned from Ferries & Galt sold Ferrie 41 Bush'l Siberian @ 6/6 yk -- 8 2 1 1/2
Expences -- 5 ~
Mem Griffith says that Ferrie will pay 2d 4 B'ls add to vide 4 March the reduction having been made on a false report all packing & preparing a Load Goods for Toronto Mrs Stewart brot from P. Office a Letter from Christ'n pd a Canadian & a Church
Thursday 25 W'd left @ 10 1/2 with Sleigh Load as above - gave him $14 report states the roads below Fryfogels gets to be quite sloppy & the hills bare
Friday 26 Paid Wm Riley so much advancd by him to his Brother Thos coming up the Country fm England 19 1 1/2
Mr William Chambers with 2 others calld to inquire about this Lot & begs to have a time as soon as settled - wheater to be let for a year or longer time or to be sold, & the price each place - addrefsed to him case of WP McLaren Hamilton

Brown calld about Lot 25

Wilmot Sheep No. 2 had a Lamb this m'g Tom prepared a place & brot them home hauling firewood - & took a Feather Bed lent to Mr Roper - driving Cattle from No Stack & rep'g fence

Chambers says Sleighing is good to Hamilton & Toronto

1847 February

Saturday 27 Tom firewood & pottering - High wind & Snow last night & continued nearly the whold of this day drifts in many places 2 @ 3 feet deep Wind East
Sunday 28 no stirring out - Wind round to west - blustry & Snow great part of the day wind West
Monday 1 Tom to Rankins after breakfast not being able to get horses to work Mill got in from No. Stack all the Hay worth bringing - T Cawston came afternoon with an order from Mr Linton Sec'y to deliver the Societys Bull to him - Tom helpd him over the Bridge - took Cawstons Rec't back of Lintons order fine "
Tuesday 2 Tom at Rankins for the day - thrashing Mill - T. Cawston & another came again for Bull - having placd him the slip & returnd yesterday even'g fine "
Wednesday 3 Tom Chopping & hauling firewood &c - ev'g Martha Em'y Jn & I at Ropers Tea &c " "
Thursday 4 Tom chopping firewood & pottering - W'd arrivd about brot a Load from Toronto to Guelph for Mr Stone for which Henry receivd paym't $6. -- rec'd of Ferries so much short pd 24 ult'a 2 yk B'l for 41 Bush. 4 3
Expences of journey to Toronto & bk including Paper & Wafers 1 1/2 Canary Seed 2/6 -- &c p W'ds acco't ---- 2.16.7 2 16 7
Receivd of Mrs Barron for B'l Cider pd for to Robinson Ball'e --- 5 ~
P. Crerar brot from P. Office - Letter Aunt Jane to Martha inclosing

one Mrs Joseph {illegible}

gave W'd -- $14 -- 3.10.

rec'd of Ferrie ~.4.3


Exp's 2.16.7

ret'd W.T. - .17.8

Tom firewood &c &c

Paid W. H Hines run to Stevens for Grave ---
~ 5 ~
Friday 5 tom thrashing Oats - all collecting & preparing packing &c another Load for Toronto fine
Saturday 6 Tom outdoor work - got in a few Potatoes from Hill - tolerably good pd WH Hine prec't Coffin $8 -- accot Carpent'g $2 2 10 ~ gloomy
P. Kostner for 9 G's Whisky had 13 1 1/2
T. Daly calld with a Mr Botteston or Rawbinson Ronaldson to inquire about the Lot - defered giving any answer for a week - till W'd determines one way or the other.
Sunday 7 all at home rain
Monday 8 W'd & Tom winnowing Oats &c
Tuesday 9 Do --
Wednesday 10 bringing into Cellar Hill of Potatoes - Pink Eyes Cups & Red

let Mrs Roper have 3 large Pails full - to be repaid.

Robert Forrest near Peter Mcintosh re Lots 37 --
1847 March
Thursday 11 W'd at 8 am to call at Rankins & with him to go to Ferries taking

Sacks of Sib'n

Tom to Stratford with Letters - Wilf'd to Henry - Self Do re Lots 37 1 & 2 Con

Jno Stewart & a young Man re 37 - accommodated Jones an Irishman 6 or 7 Con behind Bells with Sup & Bed - sued by Watsons representation for tomorrow

rec'd of Mrs Jas Keppan on acco't of 11.York for Onion Seed 46

a chap looking in at the windows & lurking round the House @ 9 pm refused to answer when spoken to, but went into the Paddock & over the fence into the road. where he walked - on going towards him he proceeded westward & we saw no more of him - supped him to be the poor British man that calld 2 or 3 weeks back
7 1/2 fine
Friday 12 Rec'd of Campbell Laird Stewarts Hec 45

Tom cleaning ox Stable m'g 11 am got his Brother & to West Barn to Winnow Wheat - Roper wanting the Lumber

2 6 fine Sleighing at an end
W'd ret'd from Ferries about 6 pm sold him 27 Bush'ls Siberian @ 6/8 yk --- r'd 5 12 6
Expences pd ~ 5 8
Saturday 13 W'd & Tom clearing up Ropers Barn wrote to Henry inclosing $35 to get a Bill in London pay'le to Thos. Riley fine {line stroked through}
Sunday 14 Tom took the above letter to P Office 8 15 ~ morn'g fine ev'g Snow
Monday 15 W'd to Stratford forenoon - brot from Willson & Colman 2 Gall's Whisky @ 2/Cy & pd ~ 4 ~ Snow showers
for 2 lb nails @ 9d yk -- ~ ~ 11
sold & delivered to WH Hine

3 Galls Oil & Can for L1.~. C'y

Rankin here aft'n with W'd & Tom fixing thrashing Mill

Fryfogel calld with afsefsment Roll.
Tuesday 16 Thrashing Mill - Rankin - 1 Horse - 2- D Stewart & Horn - Jno Stewart Man & 2 Horses - W & J Crerar - Campbell - Tom Henryke & Flyn - W'd Tom & Brother 3 Mill started @ 8 1/4 finished about 5 very cold
Wednesday 17 Tom absent St Patricks day - W'd pottering - Mifs Daly calld. brot from P. Office a letter from Henry to me & one from Henry & Isaac re Lots inclosed & not pd also a Canadian & a Church not pd fine & mild
Thursday 18 W'd calld at J Stewarts re thrashing Mill &c &c after'n writing to Henry - took the letter to P Office - was late - will go by Sundays mail fine

1847 March

Friday 19 Sold W Cowmans 14 Bush's Sib'n Wheat -- 2.18. 3 1/2

for Seed @ 6/8 yk 9 B'l -- to Dr Simons acco't

Paid Wilfred so much advancd to Tom Daly
2 6 fine & mild
J Charnock Bal'ce P acco't ten't old Whalley killd by a branch falling when chopping ~ 3 7 1/2
Saturday 20 W'd to Stratford - brot a Letter to Mrs B - 9d who pd postage to him chopping firewood &c &c -- heavy rain before day & heavy snow during day
Sunday 21 All at home - H Roper Calld - goes tomorrow m'g in T. Dalys Wag'n to Hamilton to be placed with W.P. McLaren Hail & Snow even'g
Monday 22 took to Mr Ropers a Parcel addrefsed to John, containing Seeds for himself & a similar packet for him to send to Henry when opportunity offers

Rankin & W'd removed Mill from our Barnyard to his R's premises

Laird Stewart calld with a subscription list for the Irish & Scotch

pd him & enterd my name -- --- $2

young Hamilton came today at noon - young Reynolds re Lots
10 ~ Do Do before day tol.
Tuesday 23 Wilfred & Matthew winnowing Fall Wheat Hail & Snow showers
Wednesday 24 rec'd of James Henry Izard for old Great Coat --- 12 6 fine
& paid him Hines order for Taxes -- last years acc't

Wilf'd & Mat winnowing & bagging M & Emily walkd to Stratford

brot fm P Office a Canadian - & letter Octo to Martha not pd.
3 3
Thursday 25 W'd & Mat winnowing morning - aft'n W'd with Waggon to Stratford for repairs - gave him Silver 10 for mat shop pd 7/6 ret'd 2.6} vide 26th

firewood & hauling

sent parcel of Seeds flower & veg'bleto Mr Roper Pigeons Robins Blues {in bold}
tol. ev'g cold
Friday 26 W'd to Stratford - brot home Waggon - pd for Lumber & repairs to Do 7 6 fine very cold wind
Saturday 27 Do Do brot fm P. Office Letter Mr to Mrs B not pd 9d pd by Mrs B. in Papers chopping firewood & pottering Mat Do left after dinner fine milder
Sunday 28 all at home - sent to P. Off. p H Izard letter Mrs to Mr B. Do --
Monday 29 W'd taking down Bed in kitchen & putting up a Bin for Fall Wheat & brought in from Barn 17 Sacks - chopping firewood - no Mat. Hamilton fine mild day
Tuesday 30 Sold 10 1/2 Bush'ls Fall Wheat @ 6/8 yk & rec'd 2 3 9 sharp frost & cold morn'g after 3 @ 4 Hail & Snow thunder & lightning snow some {illegible}
the young Ropers here to tea - about 8 Coldwell borrowd Waggon

his Conveyance having broken down near the bridge - Mifs Daly came after dinner - delayed by the storm & Emily accomp'd her to Stratford - getting seats in an upward team - snowing fast

pd Martha for Mrs Stewarts Butter acco't to this time --
6 3 1/2
1847 March
Wednesday 31 Emily ret'd from Stratford in Cutter with Mrs & Mifs Daly bringing Letters from Aunt Jane to self & Mrs Joseph to Mrs T. - pd & from Isaac to Wilf'd re Lots not pd

pd Thomas Lathy on acco't Wages this day -- $1.5.

& pd Wilf'd so much advancd by him to Tom 18th ins't --- 2.6 } prec't W'd & Pat Drummond who came this morning to breakfast

getting in Load Hay from South Stack - winnowing wheat & getting into Kitchen
1 5 0 fine
Thursday 1 Emily to Stratford - pd Jno J E Linton, Doctor Porters acco't 1 visit prece't 10 ~ aft'n & ev'g Snow show'rs
Do -- Mitchells acco't pd

W'd @ 8 to Scotts Mill Hamburg with 10 B'ls Fall Wheat could not be ground today

Pat at Sugary & evening chopping firewood

took letter to P. Office Self to Henry, inclosing one from Wilf'd to Isaac - aline fm Mrs B to H'y Is or Ch'r - & a Bill Exch of L20 on C.C.C
7 8 1/2
good Friday 2 rec'd of Alex Orr - Hec 45 W'd preparing Sugary 5 ~ fine
Saturday 3 Mr Barron arr'd p Stage @ 12 1/2 am

Wilf'd hauling rails from back of Triangle to road opposite & from W. Side of Road West

Pat at Sugary &c gave Martha to send to Chas by Mr Barron for 2 Lambs wool vests $2 Note

7 1/2 out }
9 4 1/2 fine
Sunday 4 Mr B left p Stage about 7 pm - Pat at home for the day immense flights of Pigeons daylight till 10 - fine
Monday 5 W'd & Pat at Sugary - morn'g & aft'n very few Pigeons gloomy aft'n ev'g & 8 @ 12 thunder lightning & some rain
Tuesday 6
Wednesday 7 Rankin brot from P.Office 6 o 7 Papers 2 Canadian 3 Inqu'rs &c &

none fm Mr B.

a money Letter at the Office
Thursday 8 {in left margin} accommodated a Yorksh man & lot of Cattle rec'd $1 W'd 2/6 Self 2/6 Emily to P. Office brot Letter fm Isaac inclosing Dollar Notes amo't L24 being with 1/6 postage L24 1/6 - amo't of Letter of {illegible } on Com'n Can'a Comp'y pL20 Stg N. 4091 - dated 22 feb 47 to my order rec'd 2 6
Paid Reynolds for alt'g Hector & Pigs rec'd of Do acco't of Mrs T's acco't 10 - & pd Martha 6 3
Friday 9 W'd & Pat at Sugary m'g aft'n N.W. Corner Fence So of Road Sold Mr Roper 1/2 Ton Hay @ 8 -- 1 ~ ~ fine
Saturday 10 Hauling & putting up rails in Paddock next road Reynolds alt'g Boars Sows

1847 April

Sunday 11 Pat home - solo - Cattle & Pigs drank or upset all the Sap in Bush fine
Monday 12 W'd at Sugary brot in 25 lbs Pat at fence North Side of road Do cold
Tuesday 13 W'd 1 or 2 hours at D'd Stewarts - aftern'n at Sugary rest of the day Pat at fences 2 or 3 hours then to Camerons Brocksden Do Do
Wednesday 14 pd Duncan McNaughton Smith p Acco't tree't 1.6.5 lefs ~.1.5 1 5 ~ snow show'rs
pd Jno Cowman in full of Simons Wages 20-

yoke 3/9 - Simon & Horse thrashing Mill 5/~ 8.9 20.8.9

lefs Cows 10/0 - 1/2 B'l Flour 12/6 -- 1.2.6

pd Simon Acc't prec't 1.~~

pd J Cowmans 18 feb -- 10.~

14 B'ls Sib Wheat 19 March ---- 2.18.3 1/2

Goods of Mrs Thompson --- 1.~.9 1/2

Cash this day prec't in full -- 4.7.2 20.8.9
4 7 2
Paid M Jun'r so much for sundries Note to Mr Cowmans & included in above account M Thompson {signature}

W'd & Pat at D'd Stewarts raising a Barn

Mrs Barron, Emily & Child'n & Elizabeth at Sugary
1 ~ 9
Thursday 15 W'd & Pat fencing - Mrs & Mifs Daly Mifs Lee & Mr Wyat brot from P. Office letter Mr to Mrs B - 9d - 3 Churchs & 1 Canadian Stamp quit the Sugar making {line stroked through} snow showers aft'n
Friday 16 W'd to Hamburg for Grist 10 Bush'ls Fall Wheat left at Scotts Mill


Pat at fence East --
Saturday 17 Sold - Walmsly 1/4 Ton Hay @ $8 ---- & rec'd W'd & Pat hauling & chopping firewood &c 10 ~ more snow & very cold
- rec'd of Mrs B. for {illegible} 6
Sunday 18 W'd to P. Office with Letters W T. to Aunt Jane M. to Aunt Jos.

WT to D'd Scott pd Provincial Nov'r & Bs Canadian to Mrs T - pd

Alex Orr took charge of Letter to Isaac for Henry inclosing $10 from Aunt Jane - & to Jno inclosing $10 from Do --- 10

sh'd be L2.8 {illegible} but sent as above
5 ~ ~ fine
Monday 19 morning W'd & Pat at fences Hemlock field - aft'n W'd ploughing Triangle

Pat putting up fence north near Hay Stack - Tim Leahy had 100 lb Flour $2 1/2

Old White Sow has a litter of 10 Norht behind Ropers
1847 April
Tuesday 20 Wilf'd & Pat ploughing on triangle

sold Wm Riley 1/2 Ton Hay @ $8 Cash - rec'd on acco't

rem'r to be paid on Saturday next 24.
~ 5 ~ a little rain m'g & Ev'g aftern'n milder thunder
Wednesday 21 W'd & Pat ploughing as yesterday - W'd began West side of Garden but left off the ground being frozen - Bill. Seigm'r Debit W'd 3/yk Reynolds alt'g -- settled this day Swallow
Thursday 22 Paid WH Hine in full to this date p acco't receipted 4 13 11 quite a summer day thunder ev'g with high & violent thunder storm for 2 or 3 hours
rec'd of W'd for old Grindstone sold to Hine in the fall & pd to him W'd & Pat at front Gate & pottering - G Scott brot from P. Office a letter Isaac to Wilf'd & a Church Newsp'r - neither pd 1 3
Friday 23 W'd again at Gate & pottering -- Pat a Hamilton Teamster or Pedlar beg'd accommodation for Self & Horses for the night
Saturday 24 W'd Sowing 8 or 9 Bush'ls Peas near Hay Stack So - Pat dragging Do

Mr Forbes brot from P. Office Letter Dr Scott pd - Mr to Mrs B not pd 1/6

Emily & Eliz'th at Sugary for Molafses WR
Sunday 25 All ex Self in Waggon to Jacksons Hickey - W'd took to P. Office his letter to Isaac inclosing Agreement signd by him & me for Sale of Lots 37. 1 & 2 Con witnefsed by Mr Barron & Martha fine
Monday 26 W'd & Pat sowing & dragging Siberian in triangle & front of Barn Bush'ls Digging East Border of Garden Do
Tuesday 27 W'd & Pat as yesterday - self Do Do
Wednesday 28 Do Do Do Do first Goldfinches a pair pd Martha for Butter had of Mrs Crerar & Eliza Fisher ~ 3 3 morn'g sharp frost aft'n thunder hail & rain Do in the night
Thursday 29 W'd & Pat Sowing Timothy on Wheat in front & dragging Do

Eliz'th took to P. Office Letters Mrs to Mr B - & W.T. to Dr Scott Berlin

I inclosing Note #4 Notes Gov Bank 10685 - 23 feb 1839

for his visit to Mrs T. 30 Jan'ry 1847 got pd 41

brot 2 Papers 1 Canadian 1 Church

settled Daly & Mickles acco't to 31 Dec {illegible} Note to Prev owner

@ 90 days from this date pay'ble at Upper Canada Bk Toronto

2' due 31 July L14.1.5 1/2 H. Cy

2 ~ ~ misly morn'g aft'n fine
paid Wm Macdonald for 8 1/2 lb Mutton had in the fall ({illegible}) had of Mr Wilkins this day 7 lb Beef @ & 3 1/2 lb Tallow 2 1 1/2
Friday 30 W'd & Pat

1847 May

Saturday 1 Mrs Riley paid further on acco't Hay $2.1.10 1/2 yk Cy owes 3. 1 1/2 W'd & Pat in 6 acre peice South ploughing & 11 10 1/2 cold
Sunday 2 at home Do
Monday 3 W'd & Tom Pat at 6 acre pl'g as above

Mr Daly had 630 lbs Hay @ $6 p Ton

Mr Roper had 1/2 Ton Do Do
frost m'g
Tuesday 4 W'd planted Onion Seed Pat dragging Garden aft'n

Mr Daly had 2 Loads Hay 1 Ton $6

Martha & Em'y to Stratford - pd Wilson & Coleman ----
~ 10 3 Do
pd John Monteith ----- 7 1
Wednesday 5 W'd Gardening sowd 2 Beds Red {illegible} preparing Beds Pat at McWilliams with Horses

Riddel Jun'r brot from P. Office Letters - Aunt Jane & Mrs Jos to self & inclosing one

one from Mrs Cookson to self inclosing to Martha - one for Robert Thompson

6th Con 19th Stratford car of S W Daly Esq - 1 ret'd to P. Office & one from Rev'd J Litchfield on Riley St - 5 Inq'r 1 Canad'n & 1 Church

Postage 1/4 C'y not pd
fine & mild
Thursday 6 Pat did not come home last night & remains with the Horses at McWilliams over today - W'd Gardening - sowd2 Beds Onion Seed fine & warm
Friday 7 W'd & Pat gardening Sowd 2 Beds Carrot 1 Beet Thrush {bold} fine light rain even'g
Saturday 8 Wilfred at Ropers for the day - Pat getting in firewood - W'd Sowd Cabbage Seeds

ret'd to P. Office by Forbes letter for Rob't Thomson (vide 5 ins't

T. Daly & Mr Rawlinson on pafsment left a money letter for Mr to Mrs Barron & not pd

Roper sent word 9 pm that the oxen had thrown down his fence

Note fm Mr Daly to purchase 40 Bush'ls Fall Wheat at Market Price
mild aft'n rain
Sunday 9 Eliz'th Minges left pd her in Goods p Acco. Mrs T. M. J{illegible}
7.7 1/2

Mrs Barron 3. 1/1/2 Bal'ce in Cash

all at home
Monday 10 W. Martha & Mrs Barron in Waggon to Stratford - Mr Daly is to have 40 Bush'ls Fall Wheat on Thursday @

Ag'l Soc'y refuse to pay any thing more for keep of Bull.

they claim being $2 short pd on 1/2 y'r to 1 Dr & for 1 qu'r $17.~.~.

& to keep for 1 Dec'r to 1 March
Tuesday 11 Wilf'd & Pat making new fence East side of Barn Yard light show'r aft'n & ev'g
Wednesday 12 Do Do fixing Gate to Do digging drain &c - Wilf'd took to Mr Dalys Bush'ls Fall Wheat @
1847 May
Thursday 13 W'd took to Mr Dalys Bush'ls Fall Wheat being with yesterdays delivery 40 Bush'ls @ 6 /6 yk -- 8.2.6 1 1/2 Ton Hay ---- $6 Dec 3 & 4th {illegible} 2.5.~ 10 7 6
Paid him Store acco't to 31 Dec'r last 6 15 5
Paid McGregors Store acco't Do ---- pd 2 17 1
Friday 14 Wilf'd left @ 6 am for Ferries with Sacks Fall Wheat

Mr Roper had 6 Bush'ls Fall Wheat @ 6/8 yk Cash z/.

Pat hunting up Oxen - digging in Garden - burning old fence in Hemlock field &c &c
Saturday 15 Walkd to Stratford - calld at Hines - Everetts - Kays & P. Office

brot letter from Mrs Ann Greenston Ralph Do for Mr to Mrs Barron & a Church

Kay to make pr Boots by this day fortnight - Everett to call {line stroked out}

Pat burning old fence &c on Hemlock field

W'd ret'd from Ferries about 5 -

sold Ferrie 11 Bush'ls 1/3 @ 6/8 yk r'd
2 7 2 1/2
road Expences 4/9 1/2 Wippletrees 1/. pd 5 9 1/2
brot up a Load fm McGregors which Pat took up {illegible} rec'd from John Stewart {illegible} fm 5 Bush'ls Wheat @ 6/ 6 r'd 1 ~ 3 1/2
Paid Thos Lahy in full of wages (p Wilf'd) 12 6
Sunday 16 W'd found Nelly & her calf behind Ropers & brot them home
Monday 17 W'd & Pat burning in Hemlock field & Swamp - fine Wind East Rasberry Bushes Brush heaps &c destroyed from Hemlock mound to Ropers - some part of Ropers fence destroyd & a little {illegible} N.
Tuesday 18 W'd & Pat planting Potatoes - between Fall & Spring Wheat

pd Mrs Roy Stewart for 5 lb Sugar @ 5d ---- 2.1

Mrs Whalley for 4 1/2 lb Do --- 1.10 1/2
3 11 1/2 Scarlet Throat Humming Bird
Paid Martha for Goods supplied Eliz'th Minges on acco't Wages 7.7 1/2 7 7 1/2
Mrs Barron Do Do 3.1 1/2 3 1 1/2
Goods from Mrs Ts Stock 3.4.1


Cash W T. 8 ins't --- 2

acco't of Wages --- L 3.15.~

1847 May

Wednesday 19 W'd & Pat planting Potatoes East of House - aft'n Gardening sowing Cucumbers &c &c Reynolds bot the dining Tables for $5 -- & a pair my Garden Trowsers for $1 for which to give his Note pay'le fine & dry weather for a week ev'g & mornings cold rain &c &c now wanted
Thursday 20 Duncan Fisher took 4 Chairs @ 2/6 and Do @ 1/3 & a small Looking Glafs 2/6

W'd at Statute Labour - Pat pd $2-7/yk or 14/4 1/2 to Martha

Fisher to have 2 more Chairs @ 1/3 2/6 in all 15/ {illegible}
Friday 21 Burning in Hemlock field Mr Barron arr'd @ 10 1/2 pm in light Waggon from Preston fine rain ev'g & night
Saturday 22 Ploughing in Hemlock field - aft'n W'd to T. Daly with 2142/60 Bush'ls Fall Wheat

Pat at Ropers putting up fences -

rec'd of Wilfred of Critz on acco't ---
5 ~
Sunday 23 fine
Monday 24 W'd to Stratford exchangd old Waggon for a new one pd Sharmans acco 46 1 19 6 fine
rec'd of Thos Daly for 21 40/60 B'ls F Wheat ret'd 22d 4 10 2 1/2
Tuesday 25 receivd of Mr Barron in full --- 6.13.4 6 13 4
of Thos Sargint p Mrs S for Hec & Bal. 19 1 1/2
of Theoblad Critz in full --- W'd & Pat ploughing Hemlock field 1 3
Wednesday 26 Paid J Wilkins for Beef & Tallow p acco't Duncan brot from P. Office Illustrated Land News - a Canadian & 3 Inquirers - no Letters -- 4 10 1/2
Thursday 27 W'd left taking the Barrons for Preston @ 8 am.

pd Willson & Collman for Sherry 5/. Bees Wax 4d Pills 6d p rec'd '

sent a Load of Goods furniture &c J Timothy Murphy a Hamilton teamster to John p List
5 10 fine
Friday 28 fine
Saturday 29 Paid Martha for Jefsie Crerar - Balance due to her ~ 2 ~
Sunday 30 Pat & W'd at Peter McNaughtons Sale sold Duke & D{illegible} for $45 rain ev'g & n't
Monday 31 sold W'd the Stove & pipes for $12 for his note pay 1 March next L3. C'y

paid Rankin 29th for my portion of repairs to Thrashing Mill

transferred my Share of Mill to Wilfred - Rankin Shanty & Wilf'd are new owners 1/3 each
4 8 showers
1847 May
Monday 31 Reynolds gave his Note pay'ble 1 Jan'ry 48 for 2 Tables & pr Trows'rs L 1.10.~ C'y' pd Adam Seigmiller p acco't (p W'd) ------ 2 13 9
rec'd of Wilfred of John Stinson Hec 2 6
Tuesday 1 receivd of Mr Roper for 6 Bush'ls Fall Wheat sets him 14 ult'a 1 5 Do
of Douglas Mactavish for 1 number Edinburgh Review @ 6/8 1 ~
Wednesday 2 Wilf'd bot a yoke 6 yr old oxen for $55 - near{illegible} - off our short tail wont draw well - Pat ploughing with horses

Kitty Stewart to Stratford took a Note to Kay & brot my Boots pd him Bill acco't

a Letter from Mrs Barron to M - & a Canadian
17 6
Thursday 3 Wilf's new Oxen broke the road gate & {illegible} out in the night received of Martha from Mrs T's Cash Bag in Dollar Notes 5 ~ ~
Martha walkd to Stratford, pd Dr Moore on acco't prec't 10 ~ ~
Friday 4 Ploughing - Packing - cold
Saturday 5 Paid JH Roper for Butter & Sugar -----

Ploughing &c. -

In hand 5th at night

2 Notes $1 ----- -.10.-

8 ------ 2. ----- .4.---

2 ------- 4. ------2. ---

5 ----- 5 ------ 6.5

12.15. ~

Flour --- 18.9

Coffee ---- 11
1 5 1/2 colder ev'g ev'g rather mild
Sunday 6 pd Wilf'd Bal'ce due to him for {illegible} expences on furniture to Hamilton p {illegible} ~ 1 3
1846 F.W. Barron Dr. Cr.
June 27 By Cash rem'd by Mrs B. $46 ---- 10 ~ ~
Sept'r 18 By Do rec'd of Mr B $50 --- 12 10 ~
~ By his accept'ce due 11 feb next to B T &C -- 5 7 2
~ To 1 qu'r due 25 ~ ~
28 To Cash pd Mrs. B. Bal'ce 2 17 2
27 17 2 27 17 2
1846 Wilfred Thompson Wallace Twp
feb'y 10 lent him 10 ~
Janry 1 Paid him acco't of Wages 7 10 ~
March 10 Reynolds Pigs 1 10 1/2
May 31 Seigmillers P. Boots L1 & pr Shoes 11/3 -- 1 11 3
second page
1847 T Leahy
March 16 To Cash 2 6
31 - Do - 1 5 ~
April 19 lb Flour @ $2 1/2 12 6
~ By Wages to 16 Marh ----
May 15 To Cash ---- in full 12 6

1845 Thomas Riley

Octo'r 4 Had of Mickle a Hymn Book - placed to my acco't 0 6 1/2
Decem 2 Paid Mrs Jno Stewart for 2 pr Socks 3/9 pr Mitts 1/10 1/2 5 7 1/2
Jan'y 3 -- " Wilfred for him - Crerars ------- 7 1/2
13 - " him L2 ---- 4th Feb Postage Letter p Dalys Pap Bk 1/4 2 0 0
Feb'ry 20 To so much over rec'd by him on my order on Watson for 17/6 - rec'd 20/ g Watson's acc't to 31 Dec last ~ 2 6
21 Paid Mrs T. for 2 1/2 yds Moleskin purchased at Sale (Pomeroys) at Jackson --- @ 1/9 ~ 4 4
April 6 Paid W Hine for Coffin p acco't Kay for Boots 1 ~ ~
Mrs T. funeral expences p acco't 3 15.11.1/2 ~ 6 ~ pay'ble Jan 7 47 14 18 4 1/2
By Wages 8 Sept'r 45 to 35 March 46 198 days - @ $110 on L27.10. for 365 Do
4 {line stroked through}
9 Paid R Kay for a pair Boots p acco't 28 May 45 1 ~ ~
11 " W Pender cost of suit against Tom 3 ~
June 27 " " Postage letter from Rev'd Francis Litchfield 5.4.11 1/2 0 0
feb'y 26 Wm Riley so much advanced by him to Thomas when coming up the Country - prec't 19 1 1/2
Sundry Postages 1/4 - 1/2 - 2/3 to Toronto 4 9
6 7 6
Bal'ce 8 10 10 1/2
14 18 4 1/2
1846 McGregors
1846 McGregors
July 7 teaming 5 B'ls Salt - from Hamilton --- 1 5 ~

Dr WH Hine 1846 Acco't to 31 Dec'r 47

May 23 1 1/2 Bush'l Potatoe Cuttings @ 3/yk 2 9 1/2 13 10
June 5 pd him (Statute Labour) 7 6 Coffin 2 ~ ~
24 Int Rankin 1 10 1/2
July 7 pd for Reg White Lead 10 ~
Currants 4 6
Dec'r 31 Mrs T's acco't 3 19 5
Jan'y 18 Pd him on acco't 2 ~ ~
March 15 To Can 3 Gall's Boild Oil & Can 1 ~ ~
6 To pd him for Coffin $8 -- & on running $2 10.16.12 2 10 ~
April 22 To Cash pd him the Balance --- Bal. 4.13.11
rec'd from Gr{illegible} 1/3 p {illegible}
second page
John {illegible} .3 pd 17 Jan 46 Critz
Fryfogel ------ .5.~
Hine --
Reynolds 22d/9 ult'a -- .6.3 18/12th Man & Horses thrash Mill
Do 3 o/o Bob - af 1st lent $2 lefs
29.12 B. Befs settled (except for Horses) 23 Jan'y
Do 3d/4 rec of him -- 10.~
Dr {bold} Cr {bold}
Reynolds Horses & Man Fryfogel @ 5.~
Do Do C{illegible} 1.10.
H. Izard - Gt Coat 12/6
Mrs Cowmans 1/2 B'l Flour 100 lb @ $5 12/6 By yokes
Cows 12/6 Wages
pd Simon Cash 1.~.~
pd Jno Cowmans " prec't 10.~.~
14 B'ls Siberian @ 6/8 --- 2.18.3 1/2
Mrs C owes Mrs T about -- 1.~. 9 1/2
15 May 5/o rec'd 16
17 " 5/o sq rec'd 3/9
4 June June 26 r'd 2.6 leaving due 3/9
5 " "
{Gad Curtis}
W McNaughton 2/16
John Stewart
W. Cowmans 5/
T Sargint 9/ 1 1/2
Gad Curtis 1.11.3 lefs qu'r Mutton & Crocks
McPherson 7/6 lefs
Jno Stinson .5.~
---- 4x
y2 47/8 Bal. sup. ab't Z.~.2
1845 Crops 1846 {bold}
Sept'r 10/11 8 Bush'ls Fall Wheat - S. East end of Clearance
April 18 4 Bush'ls Peas. South next Fallow
20 6 - " __ Sib'n Wheat next Fall Wheat
21 4 --" -- Peas -- East of Manured P's
22 4 --" -- Sib'n Wheat
23 1 1/2 Pecks Timothy - nar Hemlock manured
25 6 Bush'ls Siberian - Summer Fallow
27 4 --" -- -- Do --
28 3 =="-- Do -- West of West Barn
29 1 --" 1 Peck Do East of Do
30 16 --" -- Oats - South of Fall & Sib'n Wheat
May 1 4 --"-- Do Do East end
" 1 1/2 -- Siberian East of Do
5 6 --" -- Do in New Land South
13 5 --"-- Potatoes (Merciers) behind West Barn
16/18 8 @ 11 Bush's Do Do Red Pink Eyes ( up mill 15@ 16 Bls
second page Crops 1843
<tdDo -- 6 ------ Do ---- Do ----> v
April 26 Sowed & dragd 5 Bush'ls Peas South next large Hemlock
29 Do Do 6 " Sp. Wheat South of Peas
May 3
10 Do -- 6 ----- Do New Land
11 Do ---- 8 --" --- Oats So of Peas
12 Do ------- 7 ----- Wheat --- New Land
Do ------------- Potatoes -- Paddock
April 20 8 Bush'ls Peas ---------South
24 1 1/2 --- Wheat
25 5 " -------- "
27 7 -- " ----- -----" --
May 3 4 -- " ------- " --
8 4 --- " --- Oats
9 8 ---" --- " --
10 7 --- " ---- " ---
Potatoes -- Red & Mercers or Blue
44 Sept'r 13 5 1/2 Bush'ls Fall Wheat
45 April 16 4 Bush'l Siberian Wheat -- South
18 3 -- " --- " ------ " ---- " --
19 Grafsseed Timothy on Land So sown inthe fall & partially faild
23 3 Bush's Siberian (the last)
26 5 Bush's Spring Wheat - East of Sib'n
May 2 5 1/4 Do ------ Do ------ West Lot
6 7 1/2 --" -- Peas -- South - next Bush & Hemlock
13 6 --- " --- Oats -- Do next Chopping
9 9 -- " -- Oats - Do between Sib'n & Peas
17 Potatoes in Paddock - Mercer & Red
Sept 10/11 sowd 8 Fall
13 for flour 4
Nov 1 Do 8 Sacks
Dec 11 Wheat 28 1/2 Ferrie
23 --" -- 26 1/2 Do
Jan 13 --" --- 39 Do
21 -- " -- 41.40 Do
feb 2 ------- 6.14 flour
Jan 27 Bin'd 20
30 Do 11
feb 16 sold Sund's 16
19 ------ 34 Ferrie for Flour
" Hobsons 4
25 Ferries -- 31
" Hobsons 2
287 28 Do 7
brot up 287 293
Mch 4 ---- 6 Kostner
Apr'l 26 -----6 sowd
21 ----4 --"--
22 -- 4 -- " --
25 -- 6 --- " --

Dr George Watson


Jan 21 teaming 2 Loads to Hamilton

25 ----" -----2 from Do ./--

Feb 13 8 B'ls Ashes Do

Stove guard up


1844 top error in add'n 5.18.4 1/2

Dec 31 By Store Acco't to this date 5.17.3 1/2


June 21 Cash on acco't Road expences 2.10.~


July 9 owing to me pd in Note

P Kostner

G'r quts 1845 G

3.2 July 14 receivd ---- 9 1. --

25 ------ " -------- 9. ------

Aug 20 (Ferries) -- 9.-----

{second page}

Dr. J.C.W Daly


feb 4 To 28 B'ls 38lb. wheat c 3/1 1/2 Cy 4.9.6 En{illegible} Acco't


1845 To Cash p his Acco't Sep 2.11 Nov By Store Acco't send to {illegible} 2.11.2

Sep. 20 To teaming from Hamilton

bew 19 3/1 1/12 ~.19.6

Dec'r 31 transfer to my Do {illegible} Daly & Mickle 1.8.9


Daly & Mickle 1845


Dec 23 teaming from Galt 7 B'ls Salt - 3/6 yk - 15.4 Cy 15.4

Load Shaw 15th

12 team'g fm Galt 6 B'ls Salt 3/6 13.1 1/2

1846 {Illegible}

Jan 14/14 team'g fm Hamilton 3 12 C4 to be pd Cash -3.~.~


Dec 31 By Store Acco't To this date 3.~.7

Bal. Mickle Acco't trasf'r as above 1.8.9

1844 from Contra

March 21 Dr Moore a Load Straw ---- ----- .5.--

25 F Sargint ------- Do ----.5.----

Sept 21 G Watson Load of Goods for Hamilton 4.3.20 c 3/9 19.3 c 3/1 1/2 - 15/5

{second page}

Dr 1843

March 18 Ferries Doon Mills for 1 Bl 56 lbs Spring Wheat @ 3/yk C7 3/5 settled 3 Jan 44
April 11 Sharman 20 Bush'ls grown Peas @ 37 yk L 1.17.6 loans
14 Mr Heir 2 Bls Peas - - @ 2/6 .5. to be pd 15 May pd 13 Octo'r
21 19 Wm Smith 10 Bls Do -- " --- 1.5 to pay 10 @ 15 May pd 13 Octo'r
24 Curtis 1 B'l grown Peas 3/yk & 1 Bl Oats 3/yk = 3/9 not pd
25 And'w Shirk 16 Bls Sp Wheat 5/yk -& rec'd his Note pay 1 June L2.10. {illegible} May 5 pd - .15. --
" " Linton - 2 --- " --- " -- 5/yk pd in Store Goods vide 5 June
May 9 Sherrik 10 B'ls Peas 2/6 4 B'ls Do grown @ 3/yk L 1.12.6
15 Do 10 B'ls Potatoes 2/3 L 12/6 - 1/2 B'ls Rohans @ 1/3 -11d = 13/5 L 2.5.11 pay .1.1 July
June 3 Geo Curtis 3 bbls Peas - 2/6 - = 7/6 not pd {from above}Aug. 23 pd L4.1.3
Aug 28 Do -- Waggon Load Sand -- 2/6 ---
" 23 A Shirk Int: ------- . {illegible}. 4
Octo 17 I C W Duty Load of Butter to Hamilton 15 Kegs 2.16.3 3.15. --
24 Load up 18.9
Nov 17 Cowmans - Ram 7.6
John Stewart for Cradle sold him 20 Aug -.10.--.
Dec 8 I.C.W. Daly a Sleigh Load of Wheat Oat Straw 3.9
16 Sharman --- Do Wheat Straw .5.--
21 -- Watson ----- 6 cwts Hay @$8 pr Ton -- .12. --
22 __ Do Carriage Load of Goods from Galt 1.7.2
Jany 5 -- Do Load Salt 6 Barrels @2/6 15 --
" X Do Cash pd extra prices on -- Do 3d pr B'l --1.6 rec'd 11 Jan --
13 JCW Daly Hog 470 lbs @ $4 1/2 L5.5.9 -- 5.5.11 pd
17 Gad Curtis 2 Bls Oats @ 1/3 2.6 rec'd same time
22 JCW Daly Carriage off rate --.10.--
11 GW Watson - Do 3 Barrels Salt & Chest Draw Drawers --.10.--
29 Do -- Do 3 Bls -- Whisky -- @ $1.25 to Cash 1.18.10
Feb 1 Do -- Do 4 B'ls Salt -- @ 2/6 --.10.--
2 Do ---- Do 1 --- Whisky ----- --.5. --
7 W Jackson -- a Load of Straw gratis -.-.-
8 Do Do @$1 -- .5.--
12 G Watson 5 B'ls Salt @ 2/6 Sofa 2/6 --.15.--
Mar 20 Wm Sargint a Load Straw nil


1 1/4 tb. LogwoodChips

1/4 tb. Copperas

1 oz. Gum Arabic

1 oz. Lump Sugar

3 quarts Rain Water {Illegible} boil down to 1 1/2 {Illegible}


William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  01.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  18.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  19.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  20.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  21.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  22.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  24.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  25.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  26.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  27.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  31.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  32.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  33.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  34.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  35.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  36.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  37.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  39.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  40.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  41.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  42.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  44.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  45.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  46.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  47.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  48.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  49.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  50.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  51.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  52.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  53.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  54.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  55.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  56.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  57.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  60.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  62.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  63.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  64.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  65.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  66.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  67.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  68.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  69.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  70.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  81.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  83.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  88.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  92.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  93.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  94.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  95.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  96.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  97.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  100.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  101.pdf
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William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  103.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  104.pdf
William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47  105.pdf


William Thompson, “William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/315.

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  1. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 01.pdf
  2. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 02.pdf
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  5. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 05.pdf
  6. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 06.pdf
  7. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 07.pdf
  8. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 08.pdf
  9. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 09.pdf
  10. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 10.pdf
  11. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 11.pdf
  12. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 12.pdf
  13. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 13.pdf
  14. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 14.pdf
  15. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 15.pdf
  16. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 16.pdf
  17. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 17.pdf
  18. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 18.pdf
  19. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 19.pdf
  20. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 20.pdf
  21. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 21.pdf
  22. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 22.pdf
  23. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 23.pdf
  24. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 24.pdf
  25. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 25.pdf
  26. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 26.pdf
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  30. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 30.pdf
  31. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 31.pdf
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  33. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 33.pdf
  34. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 34.pdf
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  36. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 36.pdf
  37. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 37.pdf
  38. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 38.pdf
  39. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 39.pdf
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  50. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 50.pdf
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  81. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 81.pdf
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  101. William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 101.pdf
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