File #23255: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 17.pdf"


1843 May
Sunday 28 Mrs. T. Em'y & Chas to Church (Hicky {Hicky - Mrs. T. ret'd {returned} @ 3 @ 4 - Chas & E. stopd at Alexs & went again aft'n Chr'n & W'd to Alex ev'g - Gip litter of 2 fine 48 51
Monday 29 Harrowing Potatoes - W'd to Lot 24 for fence Posts - pottering odd jobs - W'd aft'n set off for Lintons to inquire what was done re McCarthy - met McCarthy on his way to this place - paid $10 on acc't {accounts} & pledg'd himself to pay every shilling rec'd for Court fees on our accs! this Note - in consequence agreed to drop suing at present mom. {moment} to call at Lintons for money 6 {t?} p'd for fees to {sue?}. gave up McCarthys {over?} on Linton to pay me whatever might be due to him for fees to 21 aft.n Mr. & Mrs. Jackson & 2 - Mrs. Linton & 2. - Mrs Hickey & Mrs. Sarqint called on their way to Mr Allans - on their return took tea with us - sowd 2 Beds Parsnips paid Emily the $10 receivd of McCarthy - Emily Thompson reciv'd of Bulfin Lot 37. 2 Con. for some Rohan Pot's. - 1 3 fine a few drops Rain 42 49
Tuesday 30 W'd to Stratford morning for Sundries - putting up fence. East of House. Martha's Bofsy{Bossy} had a Heifer Calf in a field last night or this morning Judge Actan's alias Mr. Tyson of Berlin {now Kitchener} who p'd to see the Garden 2 or 3 hours Rain midday 29 35
Wednesday 31 putting up fence as yesterday. W'd at Donald Stewarts with them for the day, ploughing. Potatoes in - Chas to Stratford - bro't Papers & Letter's - Aunt June & Ann Todhunter to self & Mrs. Jas. to Mrs. T. ~ 2 1/2 to pay {--ering?} of Snow afternoon cold 33 31
Thursday 1 June Charles to Donald Stewarts ploughing in Potatoes - the rest splitting rails So. {South} - Snow g ain {again}
Friday 2 Hauling & putting up Rails round Spring Wheat new Land. put Nell into Stable, expecting her to foal tonight Showers aft.n & night 34 56
Saturday 3 finishd fencing South. Nell had a Colt in the afternoon in field. a Cripple. fine the night being cold brought {an arrow was added pointing up, towards the word: put} them into the Stable Gad Curtis had 3 Bush'ls Peas @ 2/6 -- transplanted Cabbages to Bed next Parsnips 3 1/2 Rows Drum So. 2 1/2 Imp'l No. So. fine 45 42
Sunday 4 Chas & Em'y to English Church Hickey Court House - 2 1/2 {Lmpe?} --- evening with Alex & Annie in their Waggon to Big Thames to hear Hicky {Hickey} again. Bessy & Ja.s {James} came in the evening. Alex & An. {Annie} Chas & Em'y having gone to the Big Thames to hear Mr Hicky. {Hickey} No. {North} showers morning 45 52
Monday 5 Rec'd of And'w {Andrew} Sherk on acc! {account} of his Note / £2.10 ._ due 1 June to hear of Linton {p?} much deposited with him 27 {ult?}: for fees to see McCarthy - (Care not procuded in) -6.- repaid Emily the $2 rec.d of her 25 all! to sen McCarthy - 10 - -15 ~ ~ ~ -- 48
1843 June
Monday 5 cont'd Training Day all the Boys at Stratford had from Linton a little Tea & Soup 1/7 which balance acc! to this time R Receivd from McTavishe, p {paid} W'd for 2 Bush.s Peas - - - Christ bro! from P. Office a Letter from Macpherson Crane & Co. of Montreal advising entry of the Care package of Montefions 25 May which was to forwarded immediately, (Letter posted at Kingston) duty on £24.5 {p C?}! Emily Wharfage {illegible?} £1.16.1 postage 11.d not pd. ~ (pd. 6th) from Daly's Sp. Turpentine - 5 -- Rain all day 42 46
Tuesday 6 raining - Isaac hunting after black Boar from 9 till 1 without success - sowing Grass Seed South East corner opposite - Chas to Mill with B'ls {bushels} Wheat bro! only a part of the flour back @ 5 pm - Mrs. T. accomp'd {accompanied} him Christ & W'd pottering - pd. Mr. Daly port'ge 31 all 2 1/2 - yesterday 11 pd. Monteith for Sugar 1/71/2 - (31/2 lbs) - Washers 3/ - - - - -- 1 4 11/2 71/2 Rain till 6 or 7 pm 41 40
Wednesday 7 all the Boys at Statute Labour - on Bridge n'h {North} John Stewarts with oxen p'd Chas for Part p'd Letter to John 4 ins {respecting?} Trunk for Land & for Tinkers Work old Man travelling Eastward owe him 11/2 ~ sowd Bed Canterberry Beans, & 2 small Rows Dahlia Seed in West Border - - - - --- 7 11 sharp frost m.g aftern. gloomy 33 51
Thursday 8 several little odd jobs - a little Gardening &c . Do front of House - Scotch Fash showers m.g 45 62
Friday 9 Hauling Manure to Garden - Getting Sand & preparing for Bricklayer &c. Chas & Wilfred to Stratford with Waggon evening - Emily with them to Annie bro! from P {Peter} Kostner a Cask Whiskey - pd Daly for Snuff Alex ret'd {returned} with them for a Garden Bee tomorrow - Seigmiller Boy who bro! up 16 Head of Cattle & a Calf sleeps here tonight. George & Adam at Stratford - 71/2 6 fine rain 9 pm 64 56
Saturday 10 A Garden Bee. Alex & all the Boys digging East half of Garden. a good days work notwithstanding the rain. Continued from morning till night. Receivd from a Stranger for 2 Bush.s Oats @ 3/ yk (to be called for) 3 9 Rain all day 43 46
Sunday 11 Roused at 4 am. by the Scotchman who called for his Oats as above Mrs. T & Em'y in Bells Waggon. Chas on foot & W'd on Nance {a horse} to Stratford Scotch Sacrament day. Christ'n to Orrville. A & A. to Tea & for the night Big Bess young Bobs rain 5@ 6am after very fine 52 .

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