File #23257: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 19.pdf"


1843 July
Saturday 1 Underbrushing -
Sunday 2 Em'y & Chas to Stratford - (Mr Allan) Wm & Ch'r walkd to Orrville ret'd {returned} at dark
Monday 3 Underbrushing -
Tuesday 4 go {Underbrushing again} --- Mr. & Mrs. McCulloch Mrs Sarqint Mr. & Mrs. Jackson calld
Wednesday 5 Do {Underbrushing again} --- Is. to Stratford - bro! letters from Aunt Jane to W.T. & from Mrs Jas. to Mrs. T. - p.d - Box shipd p the {a word has been scratched out and cannot be made out} Birkley Capt'n Scath ( to pay W Jun. £2 of the £20 letter of Cr {credit} recd from Aunt Jane through Elr {Eleanor} Todhunter).
Thursday 6 Underbrushing - W'd to Mill with Wheat to Mill - not ground today killd Emilys Sheep - took 3/4 R to the village - kept 1/4 paid William £2 Stirl.g {stirling} as unders. add 1/9 R = 2.4.5@.y {Exih?} 71/R {H?}! - .3.5 ---pd rec.d from M. overcharge on letter from Toronto rd 28 {all?} 2 ----- 7 1 10 3
Friday 7 Repairing Shingling of back room - Underbrushing - W'd at Donald Stewarts for the day - making Cover for Well. fine rain 1 hour morn.g 60 51
Saturday 8 Underbrushing - W'd to Mill for Grist left on thursday bro! a paid Letter from Octa to William - fine 51
Sunday 9 no meeting at Stratford - Will'm Christ'n & Chas & Em'y at Alexs morning came home with Annie for tea - fine
Monday 10 Chipping & barking a few Hemlock on our Lot north - William & Isaac on Mares to Stratford m'g ret'd @ 1 - McCulloch declines lifting Shirks Notes a few drops Rain 7 am. after fine 62 52
Tuesday 11 Chipping & Barking - p.d washers -------------------------------------------------- 3 --- fine - 48 53
Wednesday 12 finishd Barking - Martha Em'y & Chas to Mrs. Sargints ev'g fine - 42 55
Thursday 13 Ploughing between & hoeing Potatoes - Mrs Miss Daly Miss Reeves & Tom to Tea Will'm to Stratford on Nell with letter to Octa bro! a Canister Powder & 1 to Shot from Dalys - Rec.d of Lady Stewart for Hec. 42 ------------------ 2 6 fine 44 64
Friday 14 Hoeing Potatoes & Piling Bark - ev.g Christ'n W'd Em'y & Annie to Stratford in Waggon ret'd @ 121/2 fine 54 65
Saturday 15 Chas at Alex's part of the day. the rest hoeing Potatoes. making Hay rakes &c. fine 62 70 thunder & Lightning expecting rain
1843 July
Saturday 15 cont.d afternoon Isaac to Stratford - paid Mr. Daly amo.t {amount} of my Note to Com'rs of Canada Compy for Flour Lumber &c dated 1 May 1841 ----- 15. 19. 7 Interest to this date ---- 2. 1. 11 paid Geo Wood Saw miller on acc! of Slabs &c ---- 71/2 rem.g {remaining} due to him 18 --- 1 2 6 6
Sunday 16 Chas & Em'y to Stratford - Mr. Allan, who noticed that some members of 2 families had been represented to him as having behaved improperly in the Church & requested that the Elders, on a recurrance of such conduct would immediately turn the parties out -- In his sermon he was very severe upon Catholics & dissenters McCarthy calld & paid $5 - on account of his vender Note - rec'd Emily Thompson {The weather summary is all within a left curly bracket:} fine 2 or 3 drops Rain evening hope for more 72
Monday 17 Grinding & preparing Sythes & rakes - & puttering sowd Radish Seed - planted out Tomatos & Capsicums Killd Marthas Calf - disposed of in fallows - Mrs. Jackson-- Mr. Macculloch {McCulloch}- Mr. Team - - Self 2 hours fine Rain 6 @ 8am & again aft.n 2 @ 3 68 67
Tuesday 18 Mowed about 4 1/2 Acres beginning at East end - fine 68 64
Wednesday 19 Mowing & making Hay - pd Martha for 10 1/2 lbs Veal @ 4C.s -- 2 1/n fine 5 00 50
Thursday 20 Do--- -- Do -- {meaning, mowing & making hay again today} Christ'n on sick list the Sake Bridge set on fire in three different places - Hay pathmaster calld for help - Is & Chas went with pails &c & extinguishd it fine 30 frosty 54
Friday 21 Hauld & Stackd Hay - Had Donald Stewart for the day - to come again tomorrow aft'n Potatoes in many places damagd yesterday & today fine frost Ice 1/4 in thick 56
Saturday 22 Hauld more Hay & finishd Stack - sup. 5 @ 6 Tins - Had D. {Donald} Stewart afternoon Burning stumps opposite - fine 50 63
Sunday 23 No meeting - Isaac to P. office after dinner with letters W T {William Thompson, referring to self?} & Mrs. to Aunt Jane - W.T. to Macpherson Crane & Co. p.d {below this it reads: owe Mr Daly 1.d} -- 1 3 fine till 8 pm then a few drops rain, thunder &c noon 88 in sun 108 68
Monday 24 Mowing South - sowd row of Cant'y {Canterberry} Beans & 1/2 Bed Lettuces Malta transplanted 4 Rows Lettuce various thunder Lightning & a good deal of rain in the course of last night Bully got out last night & has not been found today fine 68 58
Tuesday 25 Mowing forenoon - aft'n raking & hauling 2 Loads into Barn fine 46 59

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