File #23279: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 41.pdf"


1844 July
Sunday 21 Dr Moore pd Wm a visit @ 5 pm took tea as did Dr Flquerfufsunh & Alex & Annie -- fine 61
Monday 22 Killd Sheep No 6 a Wether - Hauld into Barn Loads Hay fm Hemlock field interrupted by rain - Mr & Mifs Junk dined with us on their way from Hamilton brought a small box of sundries from John Dr Moore to tea with us returning from Rev'd Mr Allans Sn at Dalys for Duncan Fisher showers 61 70
Tuesday 23 Hauld into Barn a Load Hay from Hemlock field & 1 Load from So side again interrupted by heavy rain - putting Logs to at bottom of Bottom of Bay to preserve Grain re from damp - Mr Bignall of Goderich calld on Charles respecting District Schools heavy showers afternoon 64 68
Wednesday 24 Wilfred to Hamilton Wilmot brot 525 feet flooring @ $1.- 165 " Siding 5/yk the rest Mowing & Haymaking as the weather permitted transplanted Cucumbers - laying {illegible}fsing Wms Miss'rs Bimcombe & Tye dined with us on the way to Mr Dalys alos Dr Moore on his way to Mr Allans - Alex ovr brot us letters from Mr Barrett & Barret & Mr Barron 9d thr'n Ewart 4 1/2 - note for @ showery 62 62
Thursday 25 All mowing South Emily to Stratford aft'n took to P. Office Letters Mrs T to Ellen inclosing $ W.T. to I B Ewart Esq. Dundas paid for latter brot 1 quart Whisky from Watsons fine - 56
Friday 26 Mowing till breakfast time - then hoeing Potatoes (Nell) till noon afternoon got into Barn 3 Loads Hay - morn'g gloom aft'n fine 52 55
Saturday 27 Paid Mr Allen Guelp for Whisky Barrel not returned prec! {illegible} Pearsons Making Hay & hauld 4 Loads into Barn Martha to P. Office - brot Letters from Mr Jas El'n Todhunk - & Mrs Barron all paid - & one for Christ'n from Mr Farmer also pad .. I Inquirer Box shipd to the Catherine directed to John at Hamilton White Hog (Brother of Boar/ found dead in Shed this morning ~ 5 ~ beautiful 46 57
Sunday 28 Is & Chas to Stratford meeting (Methodist/ dined at Orrville - Annie & Befsy came with them to tea - took Letter to P. Office Mrs T to Ellen Do 60
Monday 29 Chas left before 5 am for Dundas on foot to bring 2 donkeys from Mr Ewart Mowing all day - Laid Pi{illegible} Mrs T to Stratford . Dr Moore supplied {illegible} with 4 oz Botle $6. fine noon 83 70
1844 July
Tuesday 30 Mowing morning & even'g - interrupted by rain - (finished) - Emily to Stratford aft'n brot pint Madeira from Watson's rain nearly all day 65 71
Wednesday 31 Making Hay afternoon got in 1/2 Load - Mr & Mrs Daly calld on their way to Tyes - when they reachd D'd Stewarts obligd to return here in consequence of tremendous storm of thunder lightning wind ahil rain which commenced about 5 & continued from 2 to 3 hours - one of the largest Hemlocks between us & Seigmillers blown down acrofs the road & the live Beech at West end blown over lot blown down carrying 7 or 8 Pannels of rails - & letting into the Crops 7 Horses & a number of Cattle which the Boys observed & found out before much damage was done When the Dalys left @ 8 - their Horse (probably alarmed at the thunder lightning / that Mrs D - borrowd old Nell & drove behind a Waggon going up Cabbages - Onions &c - Hollyhocks up by the roots prostrate & leaves torn off - Wheat must laid probably not to rise again ' pd Washers - Mrs Roy Stewart 1/6 Kitty Crerar 2/3 3 9 thunder storm even'g 70
Thursday August 1 Dr Moore calld @ 11 3/4 - visit to William - while at dinner was calld away to Jno Stewarts young man suffering very much fm Gravel complaint making Hay -- so so yesterday & to day prevailing sicknefs & bowel complaint Charles returnd from Dundas this afternoon about bringing 3 Jenny Afses in prime order pd him expences --- 13.5 & for What he pd Reynolds for altering 1.3 14 8 {illegible}
Friday 2 Making Hay & hauling into Barn 4 Loads in good order fine
Saturday 3 Isaac & Chas at Alex's with Horses & Waggon for day for which he is to bring a Load Lumber from Wilmot with Chas on Monday Christ'n & Wd at Jno Stewarts a few hours with oxen hauling & stacking Hay - at both places ob'd to leave off by rain Is & Chas to Sharmans ev'g with Mares - 2 new Shoes - 4 removed Jno Stewart had a hind quarter Mutton wt. 17 3/4 lbs Killd today N.7 sent old Cradle to Dr Flyn / by a Hamilton Teamster - 2 @ rain aft'n
Sunday 4 Chas & Emily to Stratford - Hickey - Dr Moore called after visiting Curtis at Jno Stewards & dined - after dinner Mrs T walked to P.Office with letters herself to Mrs Barron & to Mrs Jos T Dublin fine 55
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