File #23300: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 62.pdf"


1845 September
Friday 5 Paid John on acco't of L3.11.3 C'y ----- 2/5 2.10 out sil. 120 Riley left after breakfast & ret'd @ 4@5 pm Ch'r & W'd binding Ots & on Rileys return hauld in the whole - Mr B. H'y & I lighting stumps So of West Gates John left about 9 for Guelph & Henry at 2 for Galt Jane Daly here to tea - Martha Em'y & Mifs Lloyd & Ch'r walkd with her home 2 ~ ~
paid Mrs T on acco't of Hine L2.3. - & 7/6 2 10 6
Saturday 6 Hine left after dinner - Riley C W & Mr B'n hauld Peas into East Barn Paid Riley Balance of Wages as under J Rec't to this day 26 Do - 1 month _$8 in Cash $5 Store Goods L3.5.~ pd him 30 Aug --------.5.~ 4 Sep --------------------.10.~ 6 " Mrs Thompson on his acco 4.1 1/2 " ---- pd him Balance frm 1.5.10 1/2 3.5. {line stroked through and illegible} L1.4.9 1/2 WT to pay Mrs T in January had of Emily ------ 3 1 1/2 Martha ------ 10 ----- } repaid 16th ins 40
Sunday 7 all at home - Hine & Riley ret'd this ev'g
Monday 8 C & W ploughing opposite - Riley thrashing Wheat Hine
Tuesday 9 Do -- -- -- -- Do -- --- --- --
Wednesday 10 Ch'r & W'd ploughing - pickling Wheat 1 Tom sowd Bush'ls
Thursday 11 Ch'r ploughing W'd dragging - Tom sowd Bushels 31
Friday 12 Do ------ Do ----- Tom pd Hine prec't 2 10
Saturday 13 Tom morning plough'g aft'n thrashing Oats - W'd to Smiths Creek with 4 Bush'ls Wheat - brot back flour &c Ch'r
Sunday 14 Ch'r Mr Barron Mifs Lloyd M. & E. to hear Mr Allworth even'g
Monday 15 Tom ploughing - Ch'r & Mr B to Stratford - Ch'r again even'g W'd setting Saw &c
1845 Septem'r
Tuesday 16 Mr B. Dr. for fetching the fam'y up & taking down $16-- prop'r of expences up (July W'd) 1 1/2 17 1/2 receivd this day on acco't 16 1/2 $1.~ owing Christ'n with the Barron party left - 9 1/2 am 4 6 2 fine
paid Ch'r post'ge of Newsp'rs 2d . W'd for Hay at Hobsons 2 1/2 Tom ploughing - W'd Crofscutting in Chopping {line stroked out and illegible} Recievd of McDarmid & Bradly in full of Horse Hire 4 1/2
for thrash machine $6 3/4 1 13 9
Wednesday 17 Killd 2 Pigs - S{illegible} - Tom ploughing fine
Thursday 18 W'd & Tom rep'g entrance to Horse Stable - & front of Garden & Bulls fence - W'd X Cutting - Curtis Brockmen calld to propose a trade for Nell - a yoke 4 yr old Steers which we are to see on Saturday - Frank Tye stops here tonight with Lumber for Stratford - (flooring) fine
Friday 19 Tom & W'd rep'g entrance to Stable - Tom ploughing - W'd hoeing up thistles &c in chopping -- Ia's McWilliams had a Pig today - Litter single sm{illegible} Ch'r ret'd @ 8 1/4 pm bringing for Mickle Goods 6 cwt 1 qu'r -- paid at Hamilton for 5 lb Putty @ 33 /y ------1.7 Harnefs Varnish ----- 1.16 1/2 3 5 1/2 fine 38 55
at Dundas repair to Waggon ----- 5 3 1/2
travelling expences ------- gave him Cr L2.~~ p'd by him 1.9.1 --- 10.11 rec'd 1 ~ 4
Saturday 20 Walkd with W'd through Brocksden to Curtis & agreed to trade Nell for his yoke Steers - 4 yrs old last Spring - he brot them aft'n & took Nell away Ia's McWilliams had 3 more Pigs @ 2/6 which pays him for 4 days Logging 16/19 July -- Switzer had 2 Pigs -- --- " rec'd -- Tom plough'g &c Christ'n aft'n took up Mickles Goods 6 cwt 1 gr @ 3.1 1/2 -- 19/C'y to my Credit on acco't 5 ~ show'r all thro the day 52
Sunday 21 Ch'r M & E. to Stratford Mr Hickey - Tom Do light show'rs noon till n't 39 36
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