File #23307: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 69.pdf"


1846 January
Thursday 1 Tom thrashing Peas - Wilf'd ret'd from Corbetts @ 8 pm Mr Barron & Chas left Corbetts at the same time as W'd expected to reach Toronto tonight - W'ds expences 4 3 1/2 incefsant rain from 8am to 10 pm & continues 22 35
lent to Reynolds $2 Almanac 3 1/2
Friday 2 X W'd & Tom winnowing Peas 7 1/2 B'ls Tom thrashing Oats some person has been in the West Barn today rain cont'd thru night & till 8 this ev'g 38 27
Saturday 3 W'd & Tom thrashing Oats - pd Wilfred for Tom receivd from Reynolds so much lent 1st ins - as above {line stroked through} 7 1/2 light snow show'rs gloomy 28 27
Sunday 4 Tom in Sleigh took to P. Off'ce Letters W.T. to Henry & Mrs T to Christ'n - pd for latter fine 23 30
Monday 5 W'd & Tom thrashing Oats a short time afterwards preparing for thrashing mill at West Barn - putting up Logs to inclose Straw &c - ev'g Tom to Stratford for Whisky - could not get any at Watsons or Dalys - they say none in the village brot 1 lb Tea fm Watson - 2 lb Soap & 2 lb Butter fm Daly &c W'd got Fox his 3 slut fine 26 20
Tuesday 6 W'd & Tom preparing for thrashing mill - 2 Stewarts came with mill 4 @ 5 & with W'd fixd it -- Tom with Sleigh to Maccullocks (Alex declines selling - said the price was 2/6 p Gall & refered Tom to McGregors where he got 3 Gallons & paid for it 7 6 Ev'g heavy Snow 28 30
paid Washers 3/- Mrs T for Check for Sofa Cover 2/9 5 9
Wednesday 7 Thrashing Mill - 2 Stewarts & 4 Horses - Rankin / 2 Horses Don'd Stewart & Marg't Jno Stewart & Ann - W Crerars Jefsy & Marg't Wilf'd & Tom - 12 - 6 Bo's Whisky - Siberian reported first rate light rain nearly all day 30 32
Thursday 8 W'd & Tom making Straw Stack - fixing Back & front of West BArn & winnowing a few Bush'ls Wheat (Sib'n) gloomy 28 28
Friday 9 W'd & Tom this winnowing Siberian Wheat - Williams C.C. & Sharman calld with power of Att'y Mrs Eliz Thornton to W.T & Sharman to transfer {illegible} Sold to the Thorntons - Sharman & Izard the same & the Exec'rs are to have a general release from the family tomorrow Mrs T & M in Jno Stewarts Sleigh to Stratford brot 2 Letters from John the latter announcing the death of Emily Downing on the 1st ins'r pd post'ge 9d Do 25 26
1846 January
Saturday 10 Emily to Stratford morn'g - took to Mickle Note complaining of neglect of not sending letter when I sent up (by Rankin) last Saturday brot from Daly & Mickle Coffee 1 lb - 1 doz Corks - 1/2 Papers - Pills from Dr. Moore Tom& W'd winnowing Sib'n Wheat - filling Sacks for Market in the even'g both to Sharmans to get 2 or 3 nails put into Horses Shoes gloomy 24 25
Sunday 11 Tom took to P. Off'ce a letter Mrs T.M J'n to John - Snow show'rs 23 24
Monday 12 W'd left @ 6 1/2 am for Ferries with 19 Sacks Wheat (Sib'n) Tom @ 9 to D'd Stewarts for the day Pig Killing - took rifle Powder & 4 Balls - Tom home from Donalds @ 5 pm one of the old McTavish's reports that Mr Jones the Cons'r has been thrown from is horse & killd at Toronto - Rankin says that Dr Flynn saw him yesterday morning at Goderich - Cherry's calf very bad Do aft'n 20 10
Tuesday 13 Paid T. Riley on account $7 Thomas Riley{signature} 1 15 -- tol. 14 17
pd Do --- in silver --- Thomas Riley{signature} 5 ~
Wilfred ret'd from Ferries about 5 pm . sold the Wheat to him 39 Bush'ls @ 7/8 yk -- $37. 3.yk = 9.6.10 1/2 lefs expences -- 6.3 } Tom chopping Rail Timber So. aft'n - morn'g chop'g & hauling firewood -- had from John Stewart 6 3/4 lb Oatmeal including Pillow Case W'd Tom & Emily to Stratford after tea - ret'd@ 10 - with 4 B'ls Ashes from Daly & Mickle to be teamd to Hamilton -- 9 ~ 7 1/2
Wednesday 14 Wilfred left at 9 1/2 pm with 4 Bar'ls Ashes to be del'd to W.P.McLaren Debit WH Hine pt is order dated Octo 11th 45 2/2 G or T Riley -- Tom to Stratford evening - brot from Watsons 1/2 g'n paper Tom after rail timber 6 snow morn'g 24
Thursday 15 Tom cutting rail timber till 2 pm - aft'n afsisting Jno Stewart to remove thrashing Mill to John Stewarts - Mr & Mrs Daly calld on their way from Buffalo - brot Letter from John to Mrs T. inclosing one from McLaren for Geo Watson paid Mrs Cowmans for knitting 5 Pair Socks @ 1/3 6 3 fine 12 34
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