File #23308: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 70.pdf"


1846 January
Friday 16 Tom at John Stewarts - thrashing Mill Emily to Stratford - returned @ 12 in Mr Tyes Sleigh Mr Tye dined with us - pd Monteith for 1/2 qu'r Letter paper ruled had from Dalys allspice - & 1/2 lb Epsom Salts 7 1/2 fine 29 22
Saturday 17 Tom at D'd Stewarts 8 1/2 till 2 - thrashing Mill - aft'n chop'g firewood Wilfred ret'd from Hamilton @ 2 @3 - bringing a Load of Ironmongery Groceries &c weight 21 Cwt.3 q'r Debit Daly & Mickle for the trip down & up $12 - 4$ to be paid in Cash paid W.P. McLaren for 2 lb Tea @ 3/9 ------ 7.6 2 lb Gr'd Coffee - @ 1/ ---- 2.---- 9 6 fine 10 8 below Z
paid John Balance of his acco't 3.11.3 2.- } 1 11 3
Waggon Hire Dundas to Hamilton & b'k 2.6 Tolls 2/10 - other expences on the journey 17/6 - 1. .4 1 2 10
receivd at Flamboro West for old Plough Shares 54 lb @ 1 1/2 Cts ~ 4 ~
Sunday 18 Tom at Stratford took to P.O. letters to Mifs Ralph Aunt Jane & H'y light Snow 2 above 12
Monday 19 W'd & Tom chopping Rail Timber till 1 @ 2 oC aft'n filling Sacks Wheat (Sib'n) for Market fine 12 2
Tuesday 20 W'd left @ 7 3/4 for Ferries with 20 Sacks Sib'n Wheat Tom chopping for Rails morn'g & Aft'n fine 4 below Z 16 above
Wednesday 21 Tom examining Potatoes in Cellar & taking out bad - chopping firewood -- W'd returnd from Ferries @ 2 1/4 - sold Wheat to him viz. 41 Bush'l 40 lb @ 7/8 yk -- Cr 9.19.7 lefs expences on Road 5 for Horse shoe fix 7 1/2 - 5.7 1/2 9 13 11 1/2 Snow till 2 pm 18 b. 14
paid Ferrie for 17 lb Pearl Barley @ 3 cts 2 6
Thursday 22 Tom in Bush at rail work till 4 pm - Wilf'd cleaning & pottering Harnefs forenoon - aftern'n to Seigmillers to have breaching repaired bot Whip Mrs T & M with him to Walmsleys & Mrs Sargints beautiful Z 4 ab.
Friday 23 receivd of Reynolds for 200 ft Lumber @ 7/pr {illegible} to him to Nov 44 - 14/yk lefs due to him for altering 1845 ---- 11/yk Tom hauling firewood & chopping ---- 1 10 1/2 Do 44 8 ab.
Saturday 24 Tom at Rail work till 4 pm took his dinner W'd ret'd from Ferries @ 11 3/4 am - sold Crerars Wheat 40 1/2 B'ls @ 7/8 = pd $38.6.6 yk & pd by W'd to Crerar rec'd for teaming $3 - lefs exp's 4/6 the Ladies to Stratford afternoon with John Stewart 10 6 Do 11 ab. 29
1846 January
Saturday 24 Gave Mrs T. to pay WH Hine Bal'n due to him John o'd His order &c - Izard not yet presented 3/3 & Mrs T's acco't 9/9 not yet paid 17 10
Sunday 25 all at home - Mrs T with a bad cold & headache - Charnock & 3 calld fine 32 32
Monday 26 W'd & Tom winnowing Wheat - filld 10 Sacks (Sib'n) over 20 B'ls Henry & Isaac arr'd in Cutter about 7 1/2 -- rain aft snow ev'g 33 25
Tuesday 27 Henry & Isaac in Cutter to D'd Stewarts, Rankins & Reynolds aft'n H. I . W'd M & E in Sleigh to Stratford & made calls W'd & W'd brought into new House & bind the 10 Sacks wheat as above. Tom aft'n at rail Timber ev'g W'd & Tom rep'g Sleigh - fixing a new Tongue till 11 pm pd Names for the Tongue 3/9 & add'l 4d 4 1
Wednesday 28 Henry & Isaac to Stratford - sent p Isaac & pd Sharmans Bill 2 16 9 L. Snow m'g 30 30
rec'd of Isaac for Nance Chauncer --- 15 --
paid Mrs T on acco't of Hine 11d vi.0Z/y ~ 9 9
postage Letter from Mrs Barron ------ W'd & Tom fixing tongue in Sleigh & W'd to McNaughton the Smith aft'n Mrs T. Emily & the Boys to make calls in Brockhorn on Jno Stewart & the Crerars 9
Thursday 29 W'd at Reynolds with Horses - thrashing Mill - Tom morn'g & aft'n Rail work - H'y & Is'c at Papers - aftern'n to Wm McDonalds show'r m'g & ev'g 28 36
Friday 30 Henry & Isaac left @ 8 1/2 - W'd got a Fox N. 4 - soap boiling W'd & Tom brot into House about 43 Bush'ls Wheat - 11 Bush'ls pur Sib'n (5 Sacks) added to Bin rem'r 16 Sacks left on Floor (32 Bush'ls in the 16 Sacks taken to Hobsons 16 Feb which see aft'n after Rails & Sleigh Crook -- Show'rs light m'g heavy ev'g 41 42
Saturday 31 Wilf'd & Tom morn'g & aftern'n chopping Timber for Rails - soap boiling tol. 14 10
Sunday 1 Tom drove Mrs T & Em'y to Stratford Hickey Sn. Sh'r m'g 11 16
Monday 2 W'd to Sutherlands mill with 6 Bush'ls 14 lb Wheat & brot back 154 lb Flour 78 lb Bran 19 lb Shorts- soap boiling paid for Lumber for new Sleigh 2/6 - Exp's at Hobsons 10d ------ Tom to Stratford with Sleigh Crook to be sawn - Mill out of order & could not be done - Mrs Sargint Mrs Kirk Watson &c Alex Orr to tea - Mr Kirk later -- 3 4 fine 20 28
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