File #23309: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 71.pdf"


1846 February
Tuesday 3 Wilfred to Stratford for Sleigh Crook left yesterday - paid for sawing & preparing Mat'ls for new Sleigh Tom in Bush after rail Timber morn'g Meeting at Stratford for nomination of a member of Parliament for the County in place of Dr Dunlop resigned - McCullock & Dr Chalk 2 6 gloomy 32 32
pd Washers Kitty Crerar & Christ'a Stewart -- 3 ~
Mrs T for 2 Reels Cotton 2d -- had from Daly & M.a 4 1/2 lb Levitts Axe - p W'd - sold my old Duffle Great Coat to Henry Izard for $2 1/2 2
Wednesday 4 W'd making Ox Sleigh & cut his foot - Tom Chopping for Rails, & even'g to Stratford - brought letter from Aunt Jan'y dated 1/2 Jan'ry & 2 Inquirers - 2 lb Sugar fm Daly & Co -- John arrived @ 8 pm having first taken Mifs Louisa Dowing to Mr Dalys - Mr & Mrs Allan & 2 dined with us fine 20
Thursday 5 W'd & Tom making Sleigh - John {stroked through phrase} Mrs T & M {illegible} in Sleigh to Stratford - dined at Mr Dalys - ret'd to tea with Mifs Downing & Mrs Meany - Alex came @ 8 Oc with Cutter rem'd till 10 -- Do 34
Friday 6 W'd going on with Sleigh - Tom in Bush John & Mifs Downing left us via Guelph about 8 1/2 am beautiful 18 28
Saturday 7 Rankin had 41 lb Flour by our Steelyards. vi, 19 Dec Tom hauling rail Timber out of Bush W'd Tom Mrs T & Em'y to Stratford 12 6 morn'g fine ev'g gloomy a little rain Snow
Sunday 8 W'd Tom Mrs T & Em'y to Stratford - Mr Allan - Mr & Mrs Robinson their friend Mr Glendenning Esquesing & Alex Orr to tea fine 9 13
Monday 9 I walked W'd on Charley to Stratford - pd Roys Acco't to 12 Jan'y 12 6 Do 15 6
pd Watsons acco't to 31 Dec last -- 7 8 1 1/2
Daly & Mickle ---- Do 4 at Jacksons 4d bot of MrGregors a quantity of Oats @ 2/8 yk. Tom rail work 1 4
Tuesday 10 W'd $ 72 with Sleigh to Stratford - brought from McGregor & pd for 21 Bush'ls Black Oats -- 2/8 yk 9 B'l 1 15 ~ fine 8 24
paid WF McCullock Bal'ce of acco't to this date brot from Daly & M 3 lb Butter - 1 lb Sugar Cotton Spools Tom in Bush after Rail 3 5
lent to Wilfred ~ 10 ~
1846 February
Tuesday 3 Wilffred to Stratford for Sleigh Crook left yesterday
Wednesday 11 the Party from Robinsons returned @ 8 am. Mrs Meany having hush her knee stopd here & Tom took her home about 2 pm in Sleigh Tom on his return brot 3 Galls Whisky from McCullocks @ 3/6 & pd brot a Canadian from P. Office W'd in bed greatest part of the day -- pd $ 1 1/2 owing to me 1/l yk rec'd 18th 6 6 1/2 Snow till 3 pm Snow aft'n 3 or 4 in 24
Thursday 12 W'd & Tom after rail Timber morn'g & aft'n Mr Robinson took to P office Letter Mrs T. to Charles - He Mr Glendenning & Erb a young Prespian(fm Posen) calld on their return Martha to Mrs Allans @ 11 1/2 am in Mr A's absence to return tomorrow light Sn. Show'rs 6 18
Friday 13 W'd & Tom hauling rail Timber out of Bush - ev'g Tom to Mrs Meanys with Note from M apology for not going to Tea &c. Em'y walked to Mr Allans after dinner & ret'd with M @ 6 fine 17 15
Saturday 14 Paid Mrs T. for 6 Pillow Cases W'd & Tom in Bush after Rail Timber morn'g fine ev'g Snow cont'd all n't 12
Sunday 15 Snow all night & continues with high drifting Wind - in places 3 ft other 1-2 in Tom took to P. Office Letter Mrs T. to Aunt Jane 14/15th Snow sh'rs m'g 21
Monday 16 Wilf'd left at 7 3/4 for Ferries with 16 Sacks Wheat - W'd ret'd @ 4 pm having sold 7 Sacks 16 Bush'ls to sundries at Hobsons @ 7/6 yk r'd 3 15 ~ Sn. till 1 @ 2 ev'g fine 20 15
9 Sacks left at Hobsons paid expences Tom hauling firewood morn'g after to Reynolds to get one of his Boys for tomorrow to winnow Wheat 1 10 1/2
Tuesday 17 Tom & Reynold's Son winnowing Wheat & preparing for Market W'd with Mrs T M & E to Stratford Sale of dry Goods frm Pomery London paid to Dr. Moore his Bill to this time (p Mrs T.) ------ 6 9 Snow morn'g 19 16
bot at public Sale & paid for 5 lb Tea @ 2/8 1/2 --------0.13.7 20 yds Sacking -- @ 5d ------- .8.4 thread 7 1/2 - 2 Brooms @ 7 1/2 d - 1/3 --- .1.10 1/2 1 3 9 1/2
ret'd paid Mr Dalys Bill for Drugs &c & Pafs Book . & rec'd (p W'd) --- 18 2
Wednesday 18 W'd left @ 7 1/4 with 14 Sacks Wheat for Market - Tom & Robert Reynolds winnowing @ 6 1/4 Tom & R to Sale at Stratford - Tom brought a letter from Ch'r to Emily post paid - Reynolds went home in Sleigh from Stratford fine 8 10
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