File #23319: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 81.pdf"


1846 July
Wednesday 1 repaid Mrs T. monies borrowd of her May 19 - 5/ - June 4 - 7/6 - june 13 L2.10. ---- W'd going to Hamilton with Mrs T & Martha -- $26. 2/10s Mont'l Bank Mrs T. Martha & W'd left @ 3 - intending to sleep at Robinsons Simon to Stratford with Waggon, borrowd Awning for Waggon brot from Mr Daly a Barrel Pork $13 - & from D & M. 1 lb Tea &c up again evening & brot from Do 2 Scythe Shues - Denny Garden'g Hine stair case 3 2 6 fine a few drops rain 6 @ 7 pm & thunder but soon cleard up 61 68
Thursday 2 Simon began mowing Timothy North - Denny turning Do & Bo. @ 10 1/2 am Hine preparing Bannister - Dr Moore calld @ 6 am breakfast & a glafs & ret'd fine 62 64
Friday 3 Simon calld out of bed at midnight by Mrs Neilson with a Cow Simon Denny & Hine engaged as yesterday - Hine left after his early tea sent by him to Mitchells Store for Glafs Cloth 4 sheets - & 6 large screws Sowd Malta Lettuce fine 50 64
Saturday 4 Denny to Stratford m'g - brot a Paper radish S'd 1/2 qu'r Letter Paper & a Canadian not pd - aftern'n with Simon at Hay - no Hine Sowd Bed Beans - Had Riley & Wife & Mrs Thorns here & delivered to them all Toms property taking their joint rec't ex. Stable Shovel which is to call for & money{?} which is large to the Father - due to Riley for a days work 2.6 for his Boy a day 1.3 Wilf'd arr'd fm Hamilton @ 10 1/2 pm lefs H{illegible} 7.6 pd him 1 3 thunder storm 7@8 pm 55
Sunday 5 Simon to his friends - the rest at home -- fine 67 66
Monday 6 W'd Simon & Denny at Timothy - Leah Do aft'n transplanted Cabbages y2X Do 57 64
Tuesday 7 W'd Simon Denny Haying - Charnock came a little before noon @ 5/yk p day W'd to Stratford ev'g with 5 Barrels Salt for McGregors debit them for teaming $1 p Bl ----L1.5.~ Paid for Reg White Lead (for which debit Hine ~.10.~ Turk{illegible}mber for self ------------- ~.2.~ a Barrel Salt -- Do --------------~.9.4 1/2 Tolls 3/. Expenses L1.4.1/2 ------- 1.7.1/2 borrowd W Crerars Waggon & took up Wheel of our own to be repaird 2 8 5 Do 52 55
1846 July
Wednesday 8 rose @ 4 - raining - Denny to P Office, no letters 1 Canadian W'd Charnock, S. & D. putting Timothy into Cock - afterw'ds Sim. & Charnock mowing South Denny raking - W'd to Sharmans for Waggon Wheel Emily & Leah gathering raspberries & Currants - price of former at Stratf'd 2d p quart fine ex.a few drops morn'g 56 65
Thursday 9 Had Donald Stewart John Crerar Charnock W'd Simon & Denny - Horses & oxen hauld & stackd Timothy North - Watson & Cleghorn stopd for a Glafs 60 4pm 90 77
Friday 10 @ 9 1/2 W'd Charnock Sim & Denny at Hay South till 2 1/2 pm when interrupted by a storm of thunder rain & hail & occasional showers till night - Hine left after tea Lintons Cow put in field for 3 or 4 hours - night fine till 2 pm thunder with hail & rain 72 noon 92 73
Saturday 11 W'd ploughing among Potatos - Denny driving - Charnock & Sim mowing So transplanting Celery - Bill brot from P Office a Letter from Mrs with a rather more favorable acco't of Martha - not pd Charnock & Simon finished 2 Bo'e Whisky about in latter Showers with thund'r & light'g 72 72
Sunday 12 Sim. Denny & Leah to their friends - Denny has not ret'd 10 pm wrote to In's by Mr Cleghorn to forward oils by first chance misty morn'g got out fine 59 61
Monday 13 Charnock came soon after 5 - Denny @ 11. all at Hay South - thunder shower 5@ 6 prevented topping Stack Timothy - finished transplanting Celery rain 5 @ 7 pm 47 58
Tuesday 14 all rose @ l - All out South turning & Stacking Hay -- pd Casey on acco't of Lime 10 - fine 44 48
Emily for Washers 3 ~
Wednesday 15 @ 9 - at Hay South - Mr & Mrs Daly stopd on ret'n from Guelph Emily to P. Office - 4 Papter no letters - pd for Matches 1d Sn. 7/2 - Papters vide 18th ~ 8 1/2 a few drops rain 5 @ 6 pm 40
Thursday 16 9 1/2 - at Hay South all day - Mrs Sargint Mifses Hewit Daly Smith & Orr to tea fine 40 50
Friday 17 " -- finishd stacking Hay South - sup 8 @ 10 Ton - moving Hemlock field delivered to Thos Fennels Hines last Box to be taken to him -- fine 40 54
Saturday 18 9 1/2 Mowing Hemlock field & making Hay - Housd 4 Loads in Barn Emily & Leah to Stratford - sold to Mrs Mitchell 13 quarts Currants - 6d yk - 4 1/2 C'yto be taken in Sugar took a few Black Currants to Mrs Daly pd Em'y for Sn - 7 1/2 - matches 1d. Papers 3d Charnock home after supper - Ia's Izard with 21 Childr'n here to gather Raspberries 10 1/2 Do 44 58
Sunday 19 Sim Den & Leah to their friends - ret'd to tea - Dr Moore calld @ 7 am & again @ 12 fine 47 62
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